Delhi - The Pioneer
Delhi - The Pioneer
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Maneka is also furious over the recent declaration of common Rhesus monkey a vermin in Himachal Pradesh and wild boar in Uttarakhand paving the way for their culling. She accused the green Ministry of showing a “lust for killing animals”. Last week professional U 20?BD;4 B0=90H170=30A8´B ?0BB?>AC8<?>D=343 =Tf3T[WX)CWT_Pbb_^ac^U STUT]RTR^]bd[cP]cBP]YPh 1WP]SPaXfW^fPbaTRT]c[hX] ]TfbU^aP[[TVTS[hW^[SX]VP °QT]P\X±_a^_TachX];^]S^]U^a A^QTacEPSaPWPbQTT] X\_^d]STSQh8]R^\TCPg ST_Pac\T]cX]R^]]TRcX^]fXcW Xcb_a^QTX]PcPgTePbX^]RPbT PVPX]bcWX\ 78BC>A8230H=867CC4BC 8=434=60A34=B :^[ZPcP)CWTXR^]XR4ST] 6PaST]bWPbT\TaVTSPbcWT Ua^]cad]]Tac^W^bccWTUXabcTeTa 3Ph=XVWcCTbc\PcRWX]cWT R^d]cahPVPX]bccWTeXbXcX]V=Tf ITP[P]SbXST ?>F4A>DC064B102: C>70D=C34;78 =Tf3T[WX)?^fTaRdcb bcaTcRWX]Vd_c^cWaTTW^dab aTcda]TSc^WPd]caTbXST]cb^U \P]hPaTPb^Ub^dcWP]SRT]caP[ 3T[WX^]CWdabSPh^fX]Vc^P \PY^acTRW]XRP[b]PV shooters were brought from Hyderabad to cleanse the Tal area in Mokama in Bihar from the menace of nilgai. Local MLC from JD(U) Neeraj Kumar, at whose behest the culling operation was launched, defended his actions saying lakhs of hectares of standing crops are flattened every year, for which there is no compensation from the Government. Kumar’s explanation, however, made little impact on Maneka, who termed the operation as the “biggest-ever massacre”. The Environment Ministry, on the other hand, ;>2:8=67>A=B O <P]TZPcTa\TScWTRd[[X]V^_TaPcX^]^U"]X[VPX X]1XWPaPbcWT°QXVVTbcTeTa\PbbPRaT± O BWTR[PX\TScWPccWT2T]caTWPbP[[^fTSZX[[X]V^U ]X[VPXQ[dTQd[[X]1XWPaT[T_WP]cbX]FTbc1T]VP[ \^]ZThbX]7X\PRWP[?aPSTbW_TPR^RZbX]6^PP]S fX[SQ^PabX]2WP]SaP_daTeT]fWT]cWTFX[S[XUT 3T_Pac\T]cb^UcWTBcPcTbbPhcWPccWThS^]^cfXbW c^ZX[[P]X\P[b O ;^RP[<;2Ua^\93D=TTaPY:d\PaSTUT]STScWT ^_TaPcX^]bPhX]V[PZWb^UWTRcPaTb^UbcP]SX]VRa^_b PaTU[PccT]TSTeTahhTPaU^afWXRWcWTaTXb]^ R^\_T]bPcX^]Ua^\cWT6^eTa]\T]c O ATb_^]SX]Vc^<P]TZP³bRWPaVTb9PePSTZPabPXS °BRXT]cXUXR\P]PVT\T]c^UP]X\P[_^_d[PcX^]P]S cWT_Ta\XbbX^]bU^aZX[[X]VP]X\P[bSTbXV]PcTSPb clarified that the steps have been taken under the provision of the Wildlife Protection Act. Accordingly, any animal listed in Schedule I-IV can be put in Schedule V for a specific peri- eTa\X]fTaTaTbcaXRcTSc^_PacXRd[PaPaTPbP]ScX\T _TaX^S8cXbQTX]VS^]TPb_TacWT_a^eXbX^]b^U[Pf P]SXb]^cP2T]caP[6^eTa]\T]c_a^VaP\\T± od, declared as vermin and killed. Schedule V includes animals like the common crow, fruit bats, mice and rats. Responding to Maneka’s charges, Javadekar said, 8U6^6^P6^]T^ZPhfWh]^cDScP?d]YPQ) 72 4V_d`c3`RcURd\VU e`Via]RZ_cV^`gR]`W UcfX^V_RTVdTV_Vd C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 he Central Board of Film T Certification (CBFC) found itself on the back foot on Thursday, as the Bombay High Court cited earlier film Go Goa Gone and demanded to know from it if the drug menace had never been portrayed on Indian celluloid in the past and why it was insisting on deletion of the word Punjab from the title of the film Udta Punjab. CBFC revamp panel chief Shyam Benegal heaped praise on Udta Punjab for projecting the drug problem in Punjab and said the film had not portrayed the northern State in a bad light as was being made out in certain quarters, the CBFC’s 2WVhTYR_XVdac`a`dVUSjeYV 4374¶dCVgZdZ_X4`^^ZeeVV Q 3T[TcTbXV]^U 1^PaS^U?d]YPQ X]cWTQTVX]]X]V Q 3T[TcT?d]YPQ 9P[P]SWPa 2WP]SXVPaW 0\aXcbPaCPaP]cPaP]9PbWP]_daP 0\QTbPa;dSWXP]PP]S<^[VPc^QT ST[cTSUa^\QPRZQPRZVa^d]SP]S SXP[^VdTfWTaTeTaXc^RRdab Q 5a^\b^]V]^ ST[TcTcWTf^aS 2WXXcPeTP]S7a\XTeTahfWTaT Q 3T[TcTQRSRSccc Revising Committee insisted that the changes proposed by it in the controversial film were “justified” and “proper”. Hearing a petition filed by Phantom Films, producer of Udta Punjab, challenging the changes proposed in the film, a HC Bench headed by Justice Dharmadhikari observed it was not satisfied with the first two of the 13 changes proposed ZdccXRWdbPWdPPP\VPbWcXTcR Q 3T[TcTcWTf^aS°T[TRcX^]±°<?± °_Pach±°<;0±°?d]YPQ± °?Pa[XP\T]c± Q 5a^\b^]V]^"ST[TcTcWT eXbdP[b^UbRaPcRWX]VXcRWX]VbXST _^acX^]^UBPaSPa Q 3T[TcTcWTR[^bTd_bW^cb^U X]YTRcX]VcWTSadVbfWTaTeTaXc P__TPab Q 3T[TcTcWTbW^c^UdaX]PcX]VQh C^\\hX]Ua^]c^UcWTRa^fS Q 3T[TcTcWT[X]T°9P\X]1P]iPacT 0d[PS:P]YPa± Q 3T[TcTcWT]P\T^UcWTS^VPb °9PRZXT2WP]± 8c´bP]TgcaT\T[h fT[[\PSTUX[\ QdcXcP[b^_^X]cb c^PaPcWTa d]U^acd]PcTUPRc cWPcSadVba^dcTS Ua^\2T]caP[0bXPc^ 0UVWP]XbcP]R^\TX]c^8]SXPeXP ?d]YPQP]ScWTBcPcTXb ed[]TaPQ[Tc^cWXbZX]S^U X]UX[caPcX^]fWXRWWPbRPdbTS _a^Q[T\b^eTaP_TaX^S^UcX\T by the Revising Committee about deleting the word Punjab from the title of the film and all references to Jalandhar, Punjab, Chandigarh, Amritsar, Tarantaran, Jashanpura, Ambesar, Ludhiana and Molga in the movie. Tearing into the justification offered by the CBFC about the changes proposed by it, Justice Dharmadhikari demanded to know from the Censor Board, “Has drug menace never been portrayed on celluloid? Some of it may be crude, while some may be artistic. How does this signboard insult anyone?” Drawing comparison between Udta Punjab with the film Go Goa Gone, Justice Dharmadhikari said that in the latter film, Continued on Page 4 64h`_¶eUVWVcdef_XCDa`]]dZ_<¶eR\R 2UGHUV),5 DJDLQVW-'60/$ IRUVHHNLQJEULEHIRUKLVYRWH ?=BQ =4F34;78 he Election Commission on Thursday night gave its go-ahead for June 11 election to the Rajya Sabha seats in Karnataka but ordered an FIR against JD(S) MLA Mallikarjun Khuba for seeking bribe for backing a Congress nominee and a CBI probe into entire cash-for-vote allegations. “The Commission is not satisfied that the whole electoral process, now in progress, for the biennial election to the Rajya Sabha is so vitiated by the allegations that it should not be permitted to continue. Therefore, the Commission has decided not to defer the poll scheduled to be held on June 11, nor to make any recommendation to the President T “Scientific management of animal population and the permissions for killing animals designated as vermin were restricted to particular areas and time period. It is being done as per the provisions of law and is not a Central Government programme.” “When State Governments write to us about farmers and the common man suffering due to crop damage by such animals, only then such permissions are given, on the basis of recommendation of the State Governments,” said Javadekar. Maneka retorted saying that the Environment Ministry “is writing to every State Government, allowing them to provide a list of animals that can be killed so that the Centre can give permission. This is happening for the first time…” According to her, the Centre has allowed killing of nilgai (blue bull) in Bihar, elephants in West Bengal, monkeys in Himachal Pradesh, Continued on Page 4 for rescinding the electoral process for the biennial election under reference,” the seven-page EC order said. But at the same time it agreed that it “cannot ignore to take cognisance of certain illegal activities” as appeared in the media, including the TV channels. It said JD(S) MLA Mallikarjun Khuba, being a public servant “may also be deemed to have committed an offence” under the Prevention of Corruption Act for seeking bribe for electing a member of the Rajya Sabha. In the sting, Khuba is shown seeking C5 crore as bribe for garnering votes in favour of a particular candidate. “On perusal of the transcripts of the footage in the CD, it is observed that only one of the members of the CWT 2^\\XbbX^] Xb]^c bPcXbUXTScWPc cWTfW^[T T[TRc^aP[ _a^RTbb]^f X]_a^VaTbbU^acWTQXT]]XP[T[TRcX^] c^cWTAPYhPBPQWPXbb^eXcXPcTSQh cWTP[[TVPcX^]bcWPcXcbW^d[S]^cQT _Ta\XccTSc^R^]cX]dT Karnataka Legislative Assembly, namely, Mallikarjun Khuba has openly demanded a certain amount of money for casting his vote in favour of the candidate of the party which gives him such money by stating that ‘If you want my vote, it will not be one or two crore. Give election money, it is settled. My offer is above C5 crore. For team it is same rate,” the EC order points out. The EC also said that in the CD, Khuba stated that he can manage to procure the votes of certain other MLAs if they are also paid the price mentioned by him for them. “There is no sufficient evidence on record to show whether any money really changed hands and whether any MLA, in fact, received any such illegal monetary inducement from any candidate or political party,” the EC said. Continued on Page 4 °24=B>A11>0A3AA4E0<? 2><<8CC442 27845BB7H0<114=460; 0UcTa1B=; <C=; aTeXeP[ _[P]^]RPaSb <037DBD30=B07>>Q =4F34;78 fter successfully bringing A State-run Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) into the profit zone, revival of public sector telecom firm Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) is on Government agenda. The Government has prepared a clear roadmap for the revival of the loss-making State-owned MTNL in the competitive telecom sector in the countr y. As per the roadmap, Department of Telecommunications (DoT) under the Telecom Ministry will set a tripartite committee consisting of members from both MTNL and BSNL. The proposed panel will look into all details regarding financial and network businesses of the two State-run telecom firms. Continued on Page 4 HZ]]dTcVV_ f_TV_d`cVU WZ]^+2^RcZ_UVc ?=BQ 270=3860A7 he imbroglio over the film T Udta Punjab is gaining ground in Punjab too with State Congress president Captain Amarinder Singh threatening to release the “uncensored” copies of the movie in Majitha and the SADBJP-led State Government coming out in the open to clear the air on the issue on Thursday. Commenting for the first time on the flaming row between the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) and the makers of Udta Punjab, Chief Minister Parkash Singh Continued on Page 4 0H[LFRWRREDFNV ,QGLD¶V16*ELG ZDU\3DNOREELHV 4YZ_Re`fXYV_d deR_URXRZ_de ?Vh5V]YZ 064=284BQ <4G82>28CH8B;0<0103 attled by the growing supR port for India’s bid for Nuclear Supplier Group (NSG) membership, Pakistan reached out to the international community. However, as a setback for Pakistan, Mexico backed India’s entry into the 48-member block whose members are allowed to trade in and export nuclear technology. While few countries have extended support to Pakistan, its ally China toughened stand on Thursday on allowing India to join the elite group even. Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto announced his country’s support to India’s bid for membership of the elite NSG after holding wideranging talks with Prime Minister Narendra Modi here on a range of bilateral and global issues. “Mexico supports positively and constructively India’s membership of the NSG,” the Mexican President said at a joint media interaction with Modi. On his part, the Prime Minister thanked Mexico for its support and called the country an important partner for India’s energy security. “We are looking to move beyond buyer-seller relationship and into a long-term partnership... We have agreed to develop a roadmap of concrete outcomes to upgrade our ties to a Strategic Partnership,” said the Prime Minister who arrived here earlier in the day from oro, the white and brown Z Siberian Husky who was dognapped by five car-borne men from the posh Vasant Kunj Enclave area of South Delhi last week was found in the wee hours of Thursday. Zoro was reunited with his elated owner Aftab Khan after some neighbours spotted the dog tied to an electricity pole at the same place from where he was picked up at the ridge, and informed Aftab, police said. When Aftab reached the spot he was in for a shock as Zoro’s abductors had shaved his beautiful thick fur to mask the dog’s identity. However, there was no doubt that the dog was Zoro as the Husky immediately leaped up and gave his relieved master a heartwarming welcome. “We are happy and relieved =^f 0RR^aSX]Vc^I^a^´b ^f]Ta0UcPQ:WP] cWT\PX]bcaTP\P]S b^RXP[\TSXP_[PhTSP \PY^aa^[TX]cWT S^V´baTcda]PbXc WXVW[XVWcTScWTRPbT \PZX]VXcX\_^bbXQ[T U^acWTS^V]P__Tabc^ ZTT_cWT7dbZhU^a [^]VP]ScWThUaTTS cWTS^VX]cWTT]S that Zoro is back with us. This past week was emotionally draining for the family. Now our focus is on his well-being”, said a beaming Aftab. Now, even though Zoro is back home where he belongs, he is a little subdued after the shock- CWT7dbZhfXcWWXbR^PcbWPeTS^UU ing incident and has not been eating properly. Also, he has sustained injuries. According to Aftab, the mainstream and social media played a major role in Zoro’s return as it highlighted the case making it impossible for the dognappers to keep the Husky for long and they freed the dog in the end. Aftab said, “I am grateful to the efforts of the media and society without which Zoro would not have been found”. CWT] O 8]cWTXacP[Zb<^SXP]S=XTc^ Tg_[^aTSfPhbc^STT_T] QX[PcTaP[R^^_TaPcX^]X]P ]d\QTa^UZThPaTPbX]R[dSX]V X]caPSTP]SX]eTbc\T]c X]U^a\PcX^]cTRW]^[^VhR[X\PcT RWP]VTP]ST]TaVh O <TgXRP]?aTbXST]c4]aX`dT ?T]P=XTc^P]]^d]RTSWXb R^d]cah³bbd__^acc^8]SXP±bQXS U^a\T\QTabWX_^UcWTT[XcT =B6 O ?aX\T<X]XbcTa<^SXcWP]ZTS <TgXR^U^aXcbbd__^acP]S RP[[TScWTR^d]cahP]X\_^acP]c _Pac]TaU^a8]SXP³bT]TaVh bTRdaXch Washington on the last leg of his five-nation tour. In their talks, Modi and Nieto explored ways to deepen bilateral cooperation in a number of key areas, including in trade and investment, information technology, climate change and energy. Mexico is a key member of the NSG and its support to India’s bid for entry into NSG is seen as important. Modi had visited Switzerland, another key member of the NSG, before travelling to the US, and the European country — known to have strong proliferation concerns — had announced its support to India’s candidature for the atomic trading club. Continued on Page 4 'HVLJQORRVJHWC DZDUG CNPVWLSHQG <V[cZhR]8`gea]R_d e`SfZ]U"!!!! e`Z]VedZ_d]f^ A094B7:D<0AQ =4F34;78 fter transportation, it is A sanitation on the top priority for the Delhi Government. The Arvind Kejriwal dispensation is now planning to involve public participation for designing public toilets through a contest. The winner will be awarded a cash prize of C50,000 and will be attached with the Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board (DUSIB) for a six-month period to work for the project on monthly remuneration of C25,000. The Aam Aadmi Party Government has initiated the process to set up 10,000 toilets in the slum clusters of the national Capital. “The DUSIB has sought designs from firms and individuals for innovative toilets and decided to pay a reward of C50,000 to the first winner and C25,000 to the second one. The intended firms and individuals have been asked to submit their proposals along with detailed architectural drawings, including specifications and financial parameters to the DUSIB by 3 pm till June 15,” said officials of the Delhi Government on the condition 'RJQDSSHG+XVN\=RURUHWXUQVKRPHDOEHLWVDQVKLVIXU BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 Bd__^acb^Pab However, no headway has been made in the case by police as they have not been able to find the getaway vehicle or identity the five car-borne men who dognapped the Husky when Aftab was giving him a morning walk last Friday. A shocked Aftab watched haplessly as Zoro, who was not on the leash at that time and was walking a few feet ahead of his master, was picked up, and taken away in a golden coloured Innova. A Delhi Police officer told The Pioneer that an FIR was registered under Section 379 (for theft) of the Indian Penal Code. “We scanned the CCTV footage of the adjoining areas to locate the missing pet and those behind the disappearance of Zoro, but the culprits have not been identified as yet. However, despite the fact that the dog has been restored to its owner, the effort to trace the five men is going on.” of anonymity. As per public notice issued by DUSIB, design must focus on robustness against vandalism and rough use, including identification of low cost solutions for finishes and fitting and fixtures. The designs should demonstrate innovations include efficient use of water, ventilation and daylight utilisation, ease of maintaining hygiene and cleanliness, adequate prevention against storm water and effective surface drainage. “Architectural concepts on modular design for construction of 30/40-seater toilet complexes in two categories of permanent and semi-permanent/prefabricated structures are hereby called from individuals, organisations, agencies for providing toilet facilities in slum & JJ Bastis in Delhi,” it said. Continued on Page 4 AcRSYf¶dEhZeeVc cVda`_dVdRgVd XZc]Wc`^Sfc_d ?=BQ =4F34;78 three-year-old girl travelling with her A mother and other family members on Jaipur-Bandra Express to Mumbai was attended promptly by doctors after her cousin sought help through a tweet to Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu. It is understood that during the journey at Vadodra Junction, victim Nishtha received burn injuries from a tea that fell on her hand. The incident happened in the morning when Nishtha insisted her mother Lalita to get her tea. Unable to see his sister in pain, Kunal sought help from the Railway Minister by tweeting him the details. As the train reached the next station Surat, several doctors arrived to treat Nishtha. The family said they were thankful to the Railway Minister for providing them help immediately. RP_XcP[! =4F34;78k5A830H k9D=4 ! % GVcUZTeRXRZ_deWZgVZ_ /DPED6KDUPDIDLO WRVHWWOHURZLQ+& 5R_ZdYXR_XcRaVe`URj A BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 4U\XY@_\YSUTU]Q^TcZQY\dY\\TUQdX BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 Delhi court on Thursday reserved the order on A quantum of sentence in the Danish woman gangrape case for Friday. While the arguments continued, the Delhi Police sought maximum punishment for the five convicts. The prosecutor argued that the offence was committed with the foreigner in a “barbaric and inhuman manner” and “these convicts have caused a dent to the reputation of the country”. The five men had rape a 52-yearold Danish tourist at knife point near New Delhi Railway Station. “The way the crime has been committed, it demands maximum punishment of imprisonment till remainder of life prescribed under the new law for the offence of gangrape. The crime was committed with a foreigner and a message should be sent to the society that rule of law prevails in India and wrongdoers would be dealt with an iron hand,” said Special Public Prosecutor Atul Shrivastava. Legal aid counsel Dinesh Sharma, who represented the convicts, sought leniency for them on the ground that they were aged in 20s and belonged to poor background, adding ?^[XRT_a^SdRTcWaTT^UcWTPRRdbTSX] cWT3P]XbWf^\P]VP]VaP_TRPbTPccWT CXb7PiPaXR^dacb^]CWdabSPh ?C8 EYVac`dVTfe`cRcXfVUeYReeYV`WWV_TVhRd T`^^ZeeVUhZeYeYVW`cVZX_VcZ_RµSRcSRcZTR_U Z_Yf^R_^R__Vc¶R_UµeYVdVT`_gZTedYRgVTRfdVU RUV_ee`eYVcVafeReZ`_`WeYVT`f_ecj¶ minimum sentence of 20 years would be enough for them. Additional Sessions Judge Ramesh Kumar II, after hearing arguments on the quantum of sentence, reserved the order for Friday. During the hearing, the five convicts were also present in the court. The court, on June 6, had convicted Mahender alias Ganja (25), Mohd Raja (25), Raju (23), Arjun (21) and Raju Chakka (30) for the offences under Sections 376 (D) (gang rape), 395 (dacoity), 366(kidnapping), 342 (wrongful confinement), 506 (criminal intimidation) and 34 (common intention) of IPC. The sixth accused, 56-yearold Shyam Lal, died in February this year and proceedings against him were abated. Three other accused in the case are juveniles and probe against them is in progress before the Juvenile Justice Board. AP MLA Alka Lamba and BJP MLA OP Sharma could not reach to any amicable resolution regarding a dispute between the two at Delhi High Court on Friday. After around two hours of in-chamber proceedings before Justice Manmohan Singh, the two could not arrive to any settlement, senior advocate Aman Lekhi, representing Sharma told the media. OP Sharma was suspended from the Delhi Legislative Assembly for next two sessions for allegedly making derogatory remarks against Lamba. The matter will now be taken up for hearing on Friday by the court. The court had on Wednesday asked both Lamba and Sharma to appear before it on Thursday “with an open mind” to resolve the issue. The direction had come when the court was hearing a petition filed by Sharma against his suspension from the House on March 31 for next two sessions. Speaking to the media outside the court, advocate Lekhi said it was originally agreed by both sides to withdraw the statements made against each other in a verbal exchange, but later Lamba did not agree to it. He also said that a draft of a unilateral apology to be tendered by Sharma was brought by the other side, but the BJP legislator 9=4`bUTYSdcbQY^igUU[U^T BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 s per Indian Metrological Department (IMD), some A parts of Delhi are likely to witness light rainfall on Friday morning. There were reports of slight rainfall in Palam area on Thursday morning. Weatherman has predicted that rainfall is likely to intensify over the weekend. Although, these rain will be light till Friday, but by Saturday and Sunday these showers are likely to grow stronger, said Met officials. “Light to moderate rain and thundershower activity along with dust storm can be expected over the weekend. Weather activity is likely to make some room for the temperatures to drop,” said MeT official. Speaking about the current weather situation in Delhi, the :44?D D<1A4;;0B> >= BC0=31H MET official said, “The reason for this weather activity is the presence of a cyclonic circulation over Punjab and Haryana and a trough from this system extending up to West Bengal, hovering over Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. The similar weather activ- 5X[T_W^c^ ity was witnessed by Delhi by the end of May. There were squally winds layered with some thunderstorms and rains that made temperatures drop by 8 degrees Celsius. Meanwhile, the maximum temperature was recorded at at 41.1 degrees Celsius. The Safdarjung observatory, the reading of which is considered as the official figure for the city, recorded the maximum temperature of 41.1 degrees Celsius, two notches above the the season’s average; while the minimum temperature settled at 30.4 degrees, three notches above the normal, said a MeT department official. The Palam observatory registered a maximum temperature of 43.2 degrees Celsius, the official said. Humidity level in air oscillated between 68 and 42 per cent. “The maximum and minimum temperatures are likely to hover at 40 and 28 degrees Celsius respectively,” the weatherman said. On Thursday, the minimum temperature and maximum temperature recorded were 28.6 degrees Celsius and 41.2 degrees Celsius, respectively. refused to accept that. Lekhi further said that the decision of the Delhi Legislative Assembly to suspend Sharma was “illegal, arbitrary and malafide”. Sharma had moved the court now as a two-day special session of the Delhi Legislative Assembly has commenced on Thursday. The Delhi Government had on Wednesday told the court that Sharma has not “regretted” on what he had said about Lamba. Referring to a report of an Ethics Committee of the Delhi Assembly on the issue, the Government had said that Sharma was given chances to express regret on his remarks but he had refused. The Ethics Committee had earlier “unanimously” recommended stripping Sharma of his membership for his remarks against Lamba and being “unrepentant” about it. Sharma had earlier said “my intention was not to hurt Lamba as she is like my sister, but if she felt offended I express regret over it”. ?>4hZeYUcRhd YZ\VZ_ac`aVcej eRicReVd BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 orth Delhi Municipal Corporation (NMC) on N Thursday passed a resolution withdrawing the hike in property tax rates as per the Municipal Valuation Committee (MVC) report. The resolution for withdrawing the property tax rates, that were earlier approved by a standing committee and the civic body, was brought by BJP councillors Rajesh Bhatia and Shobha Vijender. The Bharatiya Janata Partydominated civic body passed the resolution which also provides for adjusting the excess tax amount paid by property holders in the municipal corporation areas. 3fjZ_XY`fdVZ_?`ZURXVedT`de]ZVc 0178B74:1H07DCQ =>830K6A40C4A=>830 he Noida authority, in its board meeting, hiked the T property rates of house and land by 14.9 per cent across all categories except commercial properties. The increased rates will be applicable on group housing, residential, institutional, industrials properties from 1 June, 2016. Now, buying a house or land in Noida has become costlier. Also, traveling on Yamuna Expressway will be costlier now as the Yamuna Epressway Industrial Development Authority (YEIDA) has increased toll rates. YEIDA official said the toll rates for the 165-km expressway were increased due to change in wholesale price index and construction of loop in Agra region. For two and threewheelers ?`ZURRfeY`cZejYZ\Vd ac`aVcejcReVd`WY`fdVR_U ]R_USj"%*aVcTV_e and registered tractors, toll rates have been increased from C1.10 to C1.25/km. For cars, jeeps, van and light private vehicles, rates have been increased from C2.20 to C2.50/km. For light commercial, goods and mini bus, it has been increased from C3.45 to C3.85. Bus and truck will now have to pay C7.85/km instead of C7/km. Large vehicles will pay C11. 90/km, which was earlier C10.75/km. Rate of extra large vehicles have been increased from C10.70/km to C17.40. Meanwhile, the Greater Noida authority has approved 20 per cent admission quota and 20-50 per cent fee discount for farmer’s children in private schools under farmer rehabilitation scheme. CEO Rama Raman said that the quota schemes would benefit children of poor farmers. “We have also proposed 50 per cent fee discount for two students of EWS category in each school open at intuitional lands in Greater Noida region,” said the CEO. The authority has also approved new building bylaws to curtail mushrooming of unauthorised construction in the urban villages of Noida. Now, the villagers will not be able to construct houses without an approval for their building layout plan from the authority. The new by-laws will curb on illegal construction in 81 villages. 03C2QdbaP\bX]c^P]T[TRcaXR_^[T]TPaA::WP]]PCT]]XbBcPSXd\X]=Tf3T[WX^]CWdabSPh ?C8 @_gUbSedcbUdeb^d_XQe^d C_edX3U^dbQ\4U\XYQbUQc BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 ower cuts, stretching up to P three hours, returned to haunt residents of many areas of South and Central Delhi on Thursday owing to a major snag that led to a shortfall of up to 1,300 MW in the afternoon when electricity demand usually touches its daily peak. Delhi Power Minister Satyender Jain said that supply was affected as power generation units at the Badarpur Thermal Power Station (BTPS) and the Pragati Power Plant tripped after a current transformer of the 220kV Samaypur -Palwal line blasted. A Delhi Transco Limited official said that there was major supply failure at 220KV stations namely Sarita Vihar, Park Street, Okhla, Vasant Kunj and Mehrauli. Supply got crippled around 2.30 pm when the city’s peak power load was around 5,800 MW, authorities said. The system was “fully normalized” by 5.30 pm, State-run Delhi Transco said. “As per preliminary information, the fault initiated at 220KV Samaypur Station of Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB) where 220KV Current Transformer (CT) of 220KV line (namely Samaypur-Palwal) blasted. This followed in tripping of two units of Badarpur Thermal Power Station (210 MW each) and one unit of Pragati along with Steam Turbine Generator (200 MW approximately),” the official added. This resulted in loss of generation and imports of power around 804 MW. Prior to the incident of fault, Delhi was having a load of 5,809 MW. “By 4.30 pm, barring 200 MW load, all other load were restored. The system was fully normalised by 5.30 pm,” the official added. Meanwhile, the Delhi 0_^[[^bWdcb=T_Wa^[^Vh ST_cS^^aX]\TSXP´bUPRT ?A8H0=:0B70A<0Q =4F34;78 mid the controversy over some of its staff members being allegedly involved in illegal kidney racket, the management of Indraprastha Apollo Hospital has kept the nephrology department out of bounds for the media. The Pioneer visited the hospital on Thursday to see the current scenario. Doctors at the hospital claimed that all OPD’s are running smoothly without any panic and fear in the patient. They claimed that renal patients are getting the consultations done by the nephrologists. Visits of people other than the specialists have been curtailed in the nephrology department. According to a senior official of the Apollo Hospital, strict vigilance has been mounted to monitor the HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen) matching test necessary for renal transplant. All the legal formalities and important documents of the patients and donors are crossed checked for the transplant procedure, said the official. Meanwhile, sources told The Pioneer that the doctor whose staffer is being interrogated by the Delhi Police already knew that this incident was about to :83=4HA02:4C Government said the NTPCrun Badarpur plant was operating below capacity since May 1. “Badarpur power plant was closed for two hours on May 1, for 21 hours on May 10. One of its units remained completely dysfunctional between May 11 and May 21. It was again closed between June 3 and June 6. It affected power supply in south and east Delhi,” Jain said. The thermal power plant, which is coal-based, was identified as a major polluter by the Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) last year and was served an immediate closure notice, although later a 210 MW unit was given permission to operate, while four others were shut down. 552e`hRZgV Z_eVcVde`_W]Red W`c<^ZXcR_ed B0?=0B8=67Q =4F34;78 elhi Development D Authority (DDA) is likely to waive off the interest on A happen and so he proceeded on leave to save his skin. His name has figured prominently during the investigations and he will soon be questioned by the investigating officer. Sources in the hospital also said that the doctor (nephrologist) whose staffer was involved in running organ trafficking, was on leave for the few days before the incident came into light. “The doctor in question is soon going to join the hospital and Delhi Police will question him,” they added. While the hospital authorities claimed that only one staffer attached with a doctor has been found to be involved guilty, the Delhi Police has claimed that two staffers of senior nephrologist’s were involved in the organ trafficking. According to the Delhi Police, they have zeroed on the list of 10 doctors from nephrology department who are most likely to be summoned soon to join investigations. Higher Purchase Bases (HPB) flats of Kashmiri migrants in Delhi. According to senior DDA officials, Lieutenant Governor Najeeb Jung is likely to give his nod in the authority meeting to be held on Friday. The official also said that there will be some relief in penalty too. There is another good news that awaits the Kashmiri migrants, who are living in DDA flats since 2000. Land owning agency is planning to do away with the interest that was levied on the purchase of flats. “There are around 245 (HPB) flats in Dwarka, Narela and Rohini where Kashmiri migrants are living,” said a DDA official. This will be implemented on those who bought flats in period of 2000 to 2013,” the official further said. The agency will also accord 18 per cent penalty relief to the migrants who were late in making payments. Apart from dealing with the Kshmiri migrants issues in the authority meeting, various other decisions for change in land use and a shift in the responsibilities of chief engineers is most likely to be take up in the DDA meeting. DB^aVP]XbTbbTR^]S P]]dP[BcdST]cEXbP3Ph BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 o boost higher education ties between India and the T United States, the US Embassy organised the second annual Student Visa Day in the national Capital on Thursday. The US Embassy also organised these events across major cities in the country, where 4,000 youths applied for visas. “When students from different countries and cultural backgrounds study together, they exchange new ideas, break down stereotypes and gain knowledge of different cul- tures,” Chargé D’Affaires Michael Pelletier said. The event in the various cities was attended by more than 4,000 Indian students who applied for visas to pursue higher education in the US. At present, 1,32,000 Indian students are enrolled in institutions of higher education in the United States, making them the second largest group of foreign students in the country only behind China. According to statistics, US student visa applications are up by 29 per cent across India over the previous year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·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cP[" =4F34;78k5A830H k9D=4 ! % 9`fdVUVSReVdZddfVd`_=822AT`f_TZ]]`c ?PbbTbaTb^[dcX^]c^R^]bcXcdcT]X]T\T\QTa_P]T[c^_a^QTP[[TVPcX^]bPVPX]bc9d]V 0=:8C0B70A<0Q =4F34;78 he first day of the two-day special session called by the T Delhi Assembly had little to do with the working of three BJPled Municipal Corporations as the session discussed issues related to Lieutenant-Governor Najeeb Jung for his alleged role in supporting the ration mafia in Delhi and “attack” on an AAP councillors by BJP leaders at the MCD session held on Thursday. The House also passed a resolution to constitute a ninemember committee to probe the allegations against the L-G. In the first half of the session, AAP MLA from Burari, Sanjeev Jha raised the matter alleging that the L-G allegedly bypassed rules to restore the suspended licence of a ration shop holder. The L-G had earlier asked the Delhi Police Commissioner to investigate the issue after the shopkeeper made a complaint against the AAP MLA and alleged that the ration material of his shop was forcefully sold. “The shop owner concerned Amanatullah Khan, Rajesh Gupta, Rajendra Pal Gautam, Madan Lal, Nitin Tyagi, Narayan Dutt Sharma and Bhawna Gaur. BJP MLA Jagdish Pradhan was replaced with Bhawna Gaur following his disapproval to be a part of the committee. It also added that the Committee is free to decide its own procedure to fulfill the mandate given to it by the House. The Committee is free to enlarge the scope of the investigation, if needed, subject to 2<0aeX]S:TYaXfP[SdaX]VcWTb_TRXP[3T[WX0bbT\Q[hBTbbX^]^]CWdabSPh ?C8 approval of Speaker. Moreover, the committee shall exercise all used to sell poor quality ration. Opposition Vijender Gupta powers and immunities available to the existing Committees of the After the locals complained, the was also rejected. After discussion and debate Legislative Assembly and that the shop’s licence was cancelled after I intervened. But the shop the LG’s role in the ration shop, committee shall submit its report owner approached the L-G, the final resolution passed by to Speaker before the comand his licence was restored. It the Delhi Vidhan Sabha on mencement of the fifth Session is a clear case of corruption on Thursday was moved by MLA of the sixth Legislative Assembly. Saurabh Bhardwaj to set-up a part of the L-G,” Jha said. “The shop owner now special enquiry committee to openly claims he spent Rs 12 look into the allegations of lakh to get back his licence. irregularities in the allotment of Surprisingly, in his letter, the L- a ration shop at Burari. The Committee has nine G recommended action against me,” Jha said. The adjournment members, including Vishesh session moved by Leader of Ravi, Somnath Bharti, &RQJUHVVVHHNV$$3 0/$V¶GLVTXDOLILFDWLRQ BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 Congress delegation on Thursday met the Chief Election Commissioner and asked him to recommend to the President “immediate disqualification” of 21 AAP MLAs holding “office of profit” by working as Parliamentary secretaries to the State Government Ministers. In the petition filed by Congress State president, AAP MLAs should be immediately disqualified for holding office of profit, as they have been given cars and office rooms as Parliamentary Secretaries to Ministers. Makan has given the argument in petition that according to the Government of NCT Delhi Act, 1991(Act of 1991), a Member of Legislative Assembly shall be disqualified, if holds any office of profits under the Govt. of NCT of Delhi except the holding of the office by a Minister. “According to Section 15(1)(a) of the Act of 1991, pro- A 02^]VaTbbST[TVPcX^][TSQh3?22RWXTU0YPh<PZT]PccWT4[TRcX^]2^\\XbbX^] ^UUXRTc^ST\P]SPRcX^]PVPX]bc! 00?<;0b^]CWdabSPh ?C8 vides that “a person shall be disqualified for being chosen as, and for being, a member of the legislative assembly if he holds any office of profit under the government of India or the government of any state or the government of any union territory other than an office declared by law made by Parliament or by the legislature of any state or by the legislative assembly of Delhi or any other union territory, not to disqualify its holder.” Further, the office of ‘Parliamentar y Secretary to Ministers’ is an office not included in the list of offices removed from disqualification, under the ‘Act of 1997,” as per the petition filed by Congress delegations. 4>W`c^daR_V] e`]``\Z_e` ^ReeVcdcV]ReVU e`hReVcS`UZVd APY=XfPbR[TPabbcP]S ^]aPcX^]bW^_aT_^ac BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 aking a note of the news circulating about the comT plaint of the MLA from Burari hief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday conC stituted a high-level committee under the chairmanship of Public Welfare Department Minister Satyendar Jain to look into the matters related to water bodies in the national Capital. “The Committee will look into the matters of water bodies in NCT of Delhi with issues related to taking necessary steps like site inspections (if required), proper identification/confirmation of water bodies for updated inventory, suggesting suitable recommendations to restore them, rainwater harvesting for the benefit of water bodies along with their development and beautification plan on targeted basis for all Water Bodies owning Agencies,” Press release said. BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 deals with an order passed by Raj Niwas in case number 27/2016, which was a case of Appeal under Clause 6 (8) of Delhi Specified Articles (Regulation of Distribution) Order 1981 in the Court of the Lieutenant-Governor, the L-G Office has said a ration shop no M/s Janta Provision Store, 8689 Circle 02, Sant Nagar at Burari has been allotted to a widow Rajni and during arguments in Court, it was said on April 24, 2015, the MLA from Burari with 200 supporters/people disrupted the functioning of the Fair Price Shop and forcibly distributed food grains taken from the shop. As part of the Court proceedings, the L-G also ordered the Commissioner of Police to have the complaint investigated in case there is any act of criminality by any person. The Lt Governor has also commented on the poor functioning of the Department of Food Supplies & Consumer Affairs, GNCTD and directed the Chief Secretary to enquire into the matter. “The Commissioner and the officers at the cutting edge handling the matter have miserably failed to protect the rights of a licencee particularly a widow and therefore, Chief Secretary, CVO, the Delhi Government is directed to take appropriate disciplinary action against the concerned officials. Action taken by the Chief Secretary be intimidated to this (Raj Niwas) office within two weeks of this order,” the Lt Governor said in the order, dated April 13. 0=:8C0B70A<0Q =4F34;78 he “joint session” of three BJP-ruled municipal corpoT rations held at Ramleela ground on Thursday turned into a battleground with a scuffle breaking out between AAP-backed Dalit councillor and BJP members after the session passed a resolution slamming the Kejriwal Government for “not giving” funds to the civic bodies. AAP councillor Rakesh Kumar had come to attend the joint session of MCD sporting a party cap. Some BJP councillors raised objections and asked 019?R^d]RX[[^aQTPcbd_P]00?R^d]cTa_PacAPZTbWPc<239^X]cBTbbX^]Pc AP\[X[P<PXSP]^]CWdabSPh ?C8 him to remove the cap. Reports said that initially Kumar removed his cap but later wore it again which triggered a verbal duel between some BJP councillors and him. Later the BJP councillors allegedly slapped Kumar several times before oth- ers intervened in the matter. Kumar then filed a complaint with North MCD Mayor Sanjeev Nayyar who assured him of taking appropriate action. Shortly after the incident, AAP leader Ashutosh demanded a police enquiry under the SC/ST Dalits for a long time and everyone knows that. We condemn this attack on AAP councilor.” Others MLAs, including Madan Lal and Sandeep Kumar, also condemned the attacked. AAP councillor Rakesh Kumar, a Dalit, had come to attend the joint session of MCD sporting a party cap. Some BJP councillors raised objections and asked him to remove the cap. Reports said initially Kumar removed his cap but later wore it again which triggered a verbal duel between some BJP councillors and him. Later the BJP councillors allegedly slapped Kumar several times before others intervened in the matter. Kumar then filed a complaint with North MCD Mayor Sanjeev Nayyar who assured him of taking appropriate action. 0bbT\Q[hc^SXbRdbbbcPcdb^U T]`dXah_P]T[^]3320_a^QT BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 he Ar vind Kejriwal Government will discuss T the status of the functioning of the Enquiry Commission on alleged corruption in Delhi & District Cricket Association (DDCA) in the Delhi Assembly on Friday. The motion would be moved by AAP MLAs Alka Lamba, Nitin Tyagi and Bhavna Gaur under short duration in the House. According to sources, the Government will debate in the House about the status of the functioning of the DDCA enquiry commission. The former Solicitor General Gopal Subramaniam was appointed as the head of the commission of enquiry. The issue was debated at the House of Delhi Assembly last year. The conference room of the Delhi Assembly was turned DbTBC?fPcTaX] bcPSXd\b fPbWX]V^U<Tca^ caPX]b391c^[S BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 he National Green Tribunal has directed the Delhi Jal T Board (DJB) to prepare a scheme in consultation with IIT-Delhi and Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) on using the water released from sewage treatment plants (STPs) in stadiums and for washing Delhi Metro trains and DTC buses. The green panel asked the DJB to conduct a study in this regard and find out the best possible way to re-use the water generated from the STPs. “DJB shall prepare a scheme for recycling of water that would be generated for purposes for agriculture, horticulture, construction and industrial particularly cooling the power projects... “The possibility should be examined if the discharge of water can be used for Feroz Shah Kotla stadium and Ambedkar stadium and washing of Metro and DTC buses,” a Bench headed by NGT Chairperson Justice Swatanter Kumar said. It also directed the DDA Vice Chairman to hold a meeting within two weeks with the DJB, MCD, the CPCB, the CPWD and DMRC to find ways for possible end-use of treated sewage. 4`ca`cReZ`_d^VVeefc_dZ_e`SRee]VXc`f_U 2T]bdaT\^cX^] PVPX]bc00? 6^ec_PbbTS The second half of the session was dominated by AAP MLAs calling the attack on AAP councillor at MCD session a “cheap political tactic” to suppress a Dalit. Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal termed the act “shameful”. “Utterly shameful. BJP is a party of gundas (goons). Rakesh is Dalit. BJP is assaulting Dalits all over India in a systematic way,” Kejriwal tweeted. A resolution was passed by Delhi Assembly which was moved by AAP MLA Ajay Dutt condemning the attack on AAP councillor “without any provocation” and directed Delhi Police Commissioner Alok Verma to take strictest action against the accused BJP councillors. Condemning the attack, AAP MLA Rakhi Birla said, “The party has been against the Act. “BJP had again shown its anti-Dalit attitude by beating up AAP’s Dalit Councillor Rakesh Kumar. Police should register case under SC/ST act against BJP councillors who beat up Dalit leader of AAP, Rakesh Kumar,” he tweeted. A resolution was passed by Delhi Assembly which was moved by AAP MLA Ajay Dutt condemning the attack on AAP councillor “without any provocation” and directed Delhi Police Commissioner Alok Verma to take strictest action against the accused BJP councillors. “The councillors of BJP and Congress were being allowed to raise issues while my attempts to say something went unnoticed,” he alleged, saying he immediately called police control room number and lodged his complaint. 7`c^VcD`]ZTZe`c 8V_VcR]8`aR] DfScR^R_ZR^hRd Raa`Z_eVURdeYVYVRU `WeYVT`^^ZddZ`_ `WV_bfZcj into a full-fledged court at Delhi Secretariat for this Commission. But the Commission remained on paper and non functional after the Centre had declared the enquiry commission as invalid and illegal as it was set up without approval of LieutenantGovernor Najeeb Jung. Following a CBI raid in Delhi Secretariat in connection with charges against Kejriwal’s Principal Secretary Rajendra Kumar, the AAP Government has claimed that the Central agency carried out the search- es to target the AAP chief and was looking for a file relating to alleged graft in DDCA. The decision to appoint the committee came a month after an AAP Government-appointed probe committee recommended immediate suspension of DDCA by the BCCI for alleged irregularities including financial bungling. The Delhi Government panel had suggested that an interim committee of professional cricketers should manage affairs of the game in the Capital. The committee had also recommended to the Government to appoint a Commission of Enquiry under the Commission of Enquiries Act while mentioning about findings on DDCA’s alleged wrongdoings by various probe panels in the recent past including the Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO). DXYUVUcSQ`UcTebY^W RQdXb__]RbUQ[ New Delhi: A man arrested in a theft case on Thursday escaped from police custody at a hospital where he was taken for medical examination in Uttam Nagar area of west Delhi. Amit Kumar was arrested in connection with a case of theft registered at Vikaspuri police station. He was taken to a hospital for medical examination from where he escaped around 2.30 am while going to bathroom, said a police officer. Constable Bhoop Singh accompanied him to the bathroom and waited outside. Kumar escape while the constable and his colleague were waiting outside, he said. A case has been registered in this connection and efforts are being made to catch the escaped accused. Staff Reporter ]Tfb# =4F34;78k5A830H k9D=4 ! % EZ^VW`c:_UZRFDe`h`c\ e`XVeYVcW`ch`c]U+>`UZ ?PZPRRdbTb8]SXP^UdbX]V µ=fdeW`c ?PcWP]Z^cc^STaPX[SXP[^VdT \Z]]Z_X ?C8Q 8B;0<0103 ?C8Q F0B78=6C>= P ndia-US ties have transitioned into a “new” era, moving Ibeyond working for only mutual benefit, and it is time that the two countries start working together for the betterment of the world, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said. “I would always want that India and the United States come together, come closer, become stronger and through their shared values do something for the benefit of the world,” he said at a Congressional reception yesterday hosted in his honour by the Senate and House Foreign Affairs Committees in association with the India Caucus in the two Chambers. Modi said now India-US relationship has entered a new phase in which the two countries have moved beyond the era of working only for mutual benefit. “We have transitioned into a new era where we do not think about what we can get from America or what America can get for us. We have gone way beyond that now. Right now what we are thinking about is that how can the United States and India can ?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SX_^bTbfXcWDB2^]VaTbb\T]PUcTaWPeX]V[d]RWfXcWcWT\X]FPbWX]Vc^]^]FTS]TbSPh work together to benefit the world,” he said. Be it the issue of climate change, terrorism, poverty or health sector, India and the US can work together for the benefit of the world, he added. “We are marching ahead with this commitment. This has been further strengthened in my two day’s visit to the US,” Modi said at the reception, attended by top American lawmakers and HZ]]dTcVV_ f_TV_d`cVU WZ]^+ 2^RcZ_UVc ◆ &+$1*(2)1$0( ◆ I, Susanta Goswami S/o Kartic Chandra Goswami R/o Village Gobinda Nagar, PS-Daspur, Distt. Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal have changed my minor son name from Susan Goswami to Soham Goswami for all future purposes. PD(7233)A akistan today accused India of using the Pathankot terror attack as an “excuse” to derail the bilateral dialogue process and said that talks are the best way forward to resolve outstanding issues, including “mutual concerns” related to terrorism. Pakistan Prime Minister’s Advisor on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz said that peaceful neighbourhood was part of the government’s policy. He said Pakistan and India had agreed to start the dialogue in December 2015 when Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj visited Pakistan. “But before the Foreign Secretaries could meet and finalise a schedule for resuming the Comprehensive Dialogue, the Pathankot incident of 2 January 2016 gave India an excuse to postpone the resumption of the dialogue,” he said. “Pakistan believes that dialogue is the best way forward to resolve outstanding issues, From Page 1 Badal and his deputy Sukhbir Badal categorically maintained that their Government had ‘nothing to do’ with the clipping of the wings of the multi-starrer flick depicting the drug menace in Punjab. On the other hand, taking the controversy to another level, Capt. Amarinder Singh declared he would release the uncut copies of the movie in Revenue Minister Bikram Singh Majithia’s Assembly segment, Majitha, on June 17, the scheduled release date of the controversial movie. “Since Majitha, like Mexico, is the epicentre of the drug trade in Punjab, it is decided to release the movie there,” he said. The former Chief Minister Amarinder Singh has written to the producers of the movie, Anurag Kashyap and Ekta Kapoor, urging them to provide him the uncensored CDs of the film so that he can release it on the scheduled date to coincide with the worldwide premier of the movie. select members of the IndianAmerican community. “It’s time to take our relationship beyond diplomacy. It is going far beyond that. As I understand that we can join together wherein the United States and India, two big democracies can do a lot together for the world. This is the commitment that I have been feeling,” he said. Modi said earlier in the day, he had the opportunity to ?C8 address the Congress, which he thinks was a big honour. “It is not just a personal honour for me, not just for the prime minister of a country. It is an honour extended to 1.25 billion people representing a country with an age-old culture, with a profound respect for humanity and that believes in the philosophy of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutubmkam’, which means the world is one village,” the Prime Minister said. 8U6^6^P6^]T From Page 1 Goa had been shown as a place where people go to party and also take banned drugs. “If Goa can be shown as a place of drug abuse in that film, what is wrong if Punjab is shown in Udta Punjab?” he asked. Alluding to the CBFC’s argument that it projected the State in a bad light, the judge asked the CBFC’s lawyer, “Are you saying that Punjab is known only for drugs?” “There was a film on Moga (a district in Punjab) being a town full of cancer patients. It was not to degrade the town, but to talk about the seriousness of the issue,” he added. Earlier, the CBFC lawyer contended that the Revising Committee’s order suggesting 13 changes in the film was not arbitrary, as was being made out by the filmmakers, and had been proposed after due application of mind. “We are objecting to the reference to Punjab and its people and the base language used in the film”, the lawyer told the court. On its part, the HC Bench made it clear to the CBFC that it was not satisfied with the first two changes proposed by it, namely, deletion of the word Punjab from the title and removal of references to Punjab and various cities in the State from the film. The CBFC’s lawyer told the court that he would make submissions about other proposed changes in the film on Friday, following which the court deferred the matter. In his arguments opposing the changes proposed by the CBFC, counsel for Phantom Films, Anurag Kashyap’s production company Ravi Kadam said: “Punjab is an integral part of the concept and cannot be deleted from the film”. Kadam went on to argue that references to Punjab in the film were in the context of the theme and did not form a substantial part of the dialogues and the script. Kadam wondered how the sovereignty and integrity of the country in general and the State in particular has been questioned, through references to Punjab. Phantom Films’ lawyer also took exception to the proposal that cuss words be removed from a song of the film. “These (cuss) words relate to drug abuse,” Kadam said. Making a strong case against the changes, the petitioner’s lawyer said the order was issued without reasonable application of mind and that the producer of the film was not given a hearing by the Revising Committee before passing the order and hence the principles of natural justice had been violated. 0H[LFRWRR EDFNV From Page 1 Support of Mexico and Switzerland is seen as important in the wake of China opposing India’s NSG membership arguing that it was not a signatory to the Nuclear NonProliferation Treaty (NPT). The issue had figured prominently during talks between Modi and US President Barack Obama in Washington on Tuesday. The US and many other NSG member countries have supported India’s inclusion based on its non-proliferation track record. The NSG works under the principle of unanimity and even one country’s vote against India will scuttle its bid. India has been pushing for membership of the bloc for last few years and had formally moved its application on May 12. The NSG looks after critical issues relating to the nuclear sector and its members are allowed to trade in and export nuclear technology. Its membership will help India significantly expand its atomic energy sector. The NSG had granted an exclusive waiver for India in 2008 to access civil nuclear technology after China reluctantly backed India’s case based on the Indo-US nuclear deal. Meanwhile, Pakistan on Thursday expressed concern over the growing strategic ties between India and the US and accused that Washington approaches Islamabad whenever it needs it and abandons it when it does not. “Pakistan will convey its concerns to the US over the latest issues in the including mutual concerns related to terrorism,” he said. He said Pakistan sent a Joint Investigation Team to India and has already initiated the required investigation against those alleged to be involved. The India-Pakistan talks were was stalled after the January 2 attack on Pathankot airbase in which seven Indian security personnel were killed. India has accused Pakistanbased terror group Jaish-eMohammed for the attack and has linked the resumption of the dialogue process to the action taken by Pakistan against the group. Aziz addressed the media here to highlight achievements of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif ’s government. To a question, Aziz said that Pakistan would continue to support Kashmiris’ struggle for the right of self- determination at bilateral level in talks with India as well as at multilateral forums like the UN. Aziz reiterated that US drone attack on May 21 which killed Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Mansour damaged the efforts for peace and reconciliation in Afghanistan. “The recent drone attack in Balochistan in which the Taliban leader Mullah Akhtar Mansour was killed, has breached our sovereignty, caused a serious setback to the peace efforts and intensified hostilities in Afghanistan. The drone strike must, therefore, be condemned by all stakeholders,” he said. He said Pakistan’s relations with the US have improved since Sharif took over but the main issue affecting the ties is American indifference towards security needs of Pakistan. “In our interactions, we firmly conveyed to the US that maintaining effective nuclear deterrence is critical for Pakistan’s security and only Pakistan itself can determine how it should respond to the growing strategic and conventional imbalances in South Asia,” he said. 0UcTa1B=;<C=; aTeXeP[ From Page 1 The mega plan of revival mechanism is scheduled to kick off from April 1, 2017. The proposal comes at a time when both the financially-struggling public sector telecom companies need deeper synergies in revenue sharing and financial management, especially to help MTNL. Under the guidance of DoT, the MTNL Board on May 30 has cleared two revival proposals (network and financial management) and submitted them to the Government for its approval. The agenda note of the two proposals, a copy of which is in possession with The Pioneer, said that there would be an engagement of BSNL as a managed service partner for MTNL mobile services on network and financial management issues, including spectrum valuations, staff salary, 2G/3G businesses etc. When contacted about the development, a senior DoT official said on the condition of anonymity, “Earlier the Government had a merger plan between these two public sector units but it did not work due to various reasons. As far as revival of MTNL is concerned, for last one year or so, we have seen huge success in BSNL, now revival of MTNL is the Government’s next agenda. We have already received the proposals from MTNL Board and it is the process of approval from both DoT and Telecom Ministry as well.” The two proposals on revenue-sharing pattern have been cleared by the MTNL board, in bilateral ties,” Pakistan Prime Minister’s Adviser on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz said, adding a high-level meeting is planned here between the two nations on Friday. “The US approaches Pakistan whenever it needs it, and abandons it when it doesn’t need Pakistan,” Dawn newspaper quoted Aziz as saying. Pakistan is upset that President Barack Obama has backed India’s bid for membership in the Nuclear Suppliers Group. “We firmly conveyed it to the US that maintaining effective nuclear deterrence is critical for Pakistan’s security and only Pakistan itself can determine how it should respond to growing strategic imbalance in South Asia,” Aziz said. Meanwhile, a report from Vinenna said China was leading opposition to a push by the United States and other major powers for India to join the NSG. Other countries opposing Indian membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) include New Zealand, Ireland, Turkey, South Africa and Austria, diplomats said. Opponents argue that granting it membership would further undermine efforts to prevent proliferation. It would also infuriate Pakistan, which responded to India’s membership bid with one of its own and has the backing of its close ally China. A decision on Indian membership is not expected before an NSG plenary meeting in Seoul on June 20, but diplomats said Washington had been pressuring hold-outs, and Thursday’s closed-door meeting was a chance to see how strong opposition is. US Secretary of State John Kerry wrote to members asking them “not to block consensus on Indian admission to the NSG” in a letter seen by Reuters and dated Friday. which network and financial management issues have been discussed. For network issues, the MTNL has proposed to facilitate the network business in a smoother and healthy way and division of work between the two PSU telecom firms. “BSNL shall supply 40 Node-B, Radio Network Controller or RNC, Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN) for Lutyen’s Delhi Zone and MTNL will commission them immediately in the next three months and additional 60 Node-B for NCR area to be commissioned in next four months,” the agenda note said. As far as wireless wing is concerned, BSNL will take over operation of MTNL wireless network from April 1 2017. “However, necessary orders for upgradation of the equipment shall be placed by MTNL immediately. Technical team of both the organisations will work together for improvement of mobile services here onwards,” it said, adding that BSNL will make investment in network upgradations and expansion as per its business decision after April 2017. However, it said, MTNL shall continue to provide infrastructure support in building space, transmission bandwidth, and power infra etc for core network and BTS site as on whereon basis and the power supply and other consumable charges will be borne by BSNL after April 1, 2017 as well. On staff issues, the note stated that total present staff cost plus building space charges including present transmis- 'HVLJQ From Page 1 The Government’s decision for setting up toilets comes in the wake of reports that more than 675 slum clusters in the city had been facing a serious problem of open defecation. It has now sought architectural concepts on modular designs for construction of 35 to 40 seat toilet complexes in two categories of permanent and semi-permanent pre-fabricated structures. A senior DUSIB officer said that those interested in the design competition should send a detailed proposal on method for waste disposal by use of septic tanks or other innovations, including prevention of back-flow due to external flooding. He said that the design should also focus on robustness against vandalism and rough use, including identification of low cost solutions for finishes, fittings and fixtures. Among other conditions, the proposed user-friendly toilets should have a separate provision for men and women. According to an estimate, there are 17,000 community toilets across the 700-odd slums in the city, where 3.14 lakh jhuggis are home to almost 15 lakh residents. Another 21,000 community toilets are required to make Delhi open defecation free. DUSIB estimates show there are about 79,000 individual toilets attached to jhuggis. That means only 25 per cent. sion network used in core network shall remain fixed at C 275 crore per year (cost for FY 2015-2016) and shall be borne by BSNL. On financial management, the agenda note pointed out that as MTNL has already paid C6,564 crore for procurement of 3G spectrum, the proposed committee will decide the price of 3G spectrum to be paid by BSNL to MTNL. For the fiscal ended March 31, 2016, MTNL posted a net loss of C2012.24 crore which includes a loss of nearly C 1,800 crore on account of mobile services alone. 64h`_¶eUVWVc def_XCDa`]]d Z_<¶eR\R From Page 1 “Accordingly, the Commission hereby directs the Returning Officer for the biennial election to Rajya Sabha by members of the Karnataka Legislative Assembly to file an FIR against Shri Mallikarjuna Khuba, and others involved, under the provisions of section 171B of the Indian Penal Code and the relevant provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988. The Commission would also separately address the Ministry of Personnel, Pensions, Public Grievance & Administrative Reforms to instruct the Central Bureau of Investigation to take up the matter for proper investigation,” the order said. R_Z^R]d¶ Zc\d From Page 1 peacocks in Goa and wild boars in Chandrapur even when the Wildlife Departments of the States say that they do not wish to kill animals. She pointed out that 53 wild boars have been killed in Chandrapur in Maharashtra and the Environment Ministry has allowed killing of 50 more. The latest notification of Environment Ministry in this regard came on May 31 to Himachal Pradesh. It read, “ The State of Himachal Pradesh has reported damage to life and property including large scale destruction of agriculture by Rhesus Macaque monkeys in areas outside forests. The C entral Government has considered it necessary to mitigate the damage to human life, crops and other properties of the State for ensuring conservation of wildlife in forests.” Monkeys are a protected species under Schedule II of the Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972. The experts in the Ministry, however, explained that if any wild animal poses danger to human life or property (including standing crops), or is disabled or diseased beyond recovery, the law allows for its killing. Accordingly, monkey has been declared a vermin in 10 out of 12 districts including Chamba, Kangra, Una, Bilaspur, Shimla, Sirmour, Kullu, Hamirpur, Solan and Mandi. Earlier in March 2016, the Ministry had used similar notification just for the capital city of Shimla. “The notification by the Ministry came after repeated requests from the Himachal Pradesh authorities, which cited rising cases of monkeys destroying property, including crops, and biting people,” pointed out the sources. The animal welfare organisations have, however, come in support of Maneka. According to Poor va Joshipura, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India, forests are being bulldozed down and humans encroaching into the habitat of animals, leaving them nowhere to go. The Government must think twice before approving projects that damage forests, and they must work with farmers and scientists in developing humane and effective solutions as fencing, noisemakers, planting chili plants, etc., to repel them. Killing is certainly not the solution, she stressed. ]PcX^]$ =4F34;78k5A830H k9D=4 ! % C`RURTTZUV_edT]RZ^%!!]ZgVdURZ]j+8RU\RcZ ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 nion Road Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari on U Thursday regretted the fact that 400 people on an average die every day in road accidents in India due to “faulty engineering” in construction of roads and highways. Releasing a report on road accidents in India in 2015, Gadkari said he is “deeply pained” at the findings that show 17 deaths in 57 crashes per hour and over 54 per cent of those getting killed being in the age group of 15-34 years. “Let people criticise us but I want to make the report public. Our two years of dedicated work and sincere efforts has resulted in not much change but we are committed to changing the scenario as I cannot allow this. My heart fills with immense pain. This magnitude was not killed in wars, epidemic and militancy,” Gadkari said on the occasion. The road transport minister also said that with overspeeding accounting for over 62 per cent road accident deaths, cameras will be installed on National Highways to check errant drivers who would face stricter penalties. CWTD]X^]<X]XbcTaU^aA^PSCaP]b_^ac7XVWfPhbP]S BWX__X]V=XcX]6PSZPaX[Pd]RWX]VcWT0]]dP[AT_^ac^UcWT CaP]b_^acATbTPaRWFX]V^]A^PS0RRXST]cbX]8]SXP! $ X]=Tf3T[WX^]CWdabSPhCWTBTRaTcPah<X]Xbcah^UA^PS CaP]b_^acP]S7XVWfPhbBWaXBP]YPh<XcaPXbP[b^bTT] ?81 He said though the reports lists driver’s fault for 77.1 per cent of the road accidents in 2015, “faulty road engineering” is one of the major causes. “Human sacrifices cannot be allowed. We have taken a slew of steps in the last two years to minimise this including launch of Pradahan Mantri Sadak Suraksha Yojana and earmark- ing 1 per cent of the project cost for road safety that translates to C 5,000 crore on it,” he added. Gadkari also sought to blame the previous government, saying that the steps taken by the “UPA regime to economise construction cost has done away with several overbridges and underpasses on many crucial roads leading 2064G?>B4>=C#%:2AC4;2>B5A0D3 @13ce]]_^cDU\US_] BUfU^eUCUSicV_b´Y^QSdY_^µ ?=BQ =4F34;78 over the Finance and Itherked Telecom Ministries’ slow pace, Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has summoned the Telecom and Revenue Secretaries, and the TRAI Chairman on June 13 over the ‘inaction’ on the CAG report exposing the C 46,000-crore under-invoicing by private telecom operators. The decision was taken by PAC in its meeting on Monday after several MPs cutting across party lines expressed unhappiness over the inaction by the Government to recover the huge amount belonging to the public exchequer. The CAG had submitted the report in Parliament in March and the DoT instead of acting directly, ordered for a Special Audit. According to the CAG report, in between 2006 and 2010, the six telecom companies had under-invoiced more than C 46,000 crore in their revenue figures, resulting a tax loss of around C 12,500 crore. The six companies indicted by CAG for under invoicing and tax evasion are Airtel, Vodafone, Idea, Reliance Communications, Tata and Aircel. The Parliament panel took action after hearing the presentation of the CAG officials. CAG’s tax loss figure C12,500 crore was based on the past dates and did not include the penalty for not paying and hushing up the tax. According to the presentation given by auditors, the current tax liability of the six telecom operators would reach around C 30,000 crore, considering the penalty and fine for delay in paying tax and concealing it. Several MP’s of the PAC opined that the DoT’s move to appoint a Special Audit is “just a farce” and the government would straightway impose fine notice on the tele- com operators. According to PAC members, the process of Special Audit would take another one or two years and this move would provide the telecom operators to approach courts again. The MPs also criticised the lethargy of Finance Ministry over such an expose of CAG on “huge tax evasion.” The MPs urged the PAC Chairman KV Thomas to summon Telecom Secretary JS Deepak and Hasmukh Adihia on June 13 to explain the “inaction.” For the past five years all the telecom operators were challenging CAG’s move to audit the revenue of telecom companies. The CAG sensed under-invoicing during their audit in 2G scam and then CAG Vinod Rai ordered audit in 2010. At last in April 2014, Supreme Court rejected the objections of telecom operators, ratifying the Delhi High Court verdict. to high number of accidents at several places including on Delhi-Gurgaon stretch”. Gadkari said apart from correcting engineering flaws, one major decision the government had taken two years ago was to more than double the length of National Highways from 96,000 kms to 2 lakh km. It was a historical n a significant development, the CBI on Thursday formed a Special Investigation Team (SIT) headed by Additional Director Rakesh Asthana to exclusively investigate important cases like VVIP chopper scam and loan fraud by beleaguered businessman Vijay Mallaya. It is learned that the PMO was totally unhappy with the snail pace of investigation by CBI in several key cases and working style of CBI Director Anil Sinha. Asthana, a 1984-batch IPS officer belonging to the Gujarat cadre, was recently posted in CBI as Additional Director. He was the head of the state SIT that went probed the burning of Sabarmati Express Train at Godhra in I B_TRXP[8]eTbcXVPcX^]CTP\B8C WTPSTSQh0SSXcX^]P[3XaTRc^a APZTbW0bcWP]PfX[[TgR[dbXeT[h X]eTbcXVPcTX\_^acP]cRPbTb[XZT EE8?RW^__TabRP\ P]S[^P]UaPdSQh QT[TPVdTaTS QdbX]Tbb\P]EXYPh <P[[PhPX]_Xg February 2002. He was also associated with the Fodder Scam probe. According to sources, the SIT will initially look into the cases like the VVIP chopper scam and bank loan fraud by Mallya. The probe into the chopper scam after conviction of former heads of Finmeccanica and AgustaWestland by an Italian ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 he Urban Development Ministr y has set up T ‘SmartNet’, a platform to support the development of smart cities across India aiming to share and disseminate information among stake holders including city managers, academia, researchers and technologists for better urban development. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to launch the SmartNet on the first anniversary of the Smart City Mission on June 24, said a senior official from the UD Ministry. SmartNet will be a userfriendly and immersive platform. Users will record their preferences at the time of registration and the content that is seen by each user will be driven by their preferences and needs. The demand-driven content will be enabled through an intelligent query based system for retrieval of information, he added. “The practitioners would also be able to form smaller communities of practice on specific subjects or common inter- ests, such that SmartNet eventually becomes the primary and preferred mechanism for knowledge sharing between the smart cities,the AMRUT cities, the HRIDAY cities and the cities implementing Swacch Bharat Abhiyan and the Housing for All mission,” the official said. AMRUT( Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation) and HRIDAY (Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana are the Governments flagship scheme aiming to ensure better urban facilities in the cities selected under the schemes. The platform is intended to become the primary portal for government to government (G-to-G) and government to business (G-to-B) and business to government (B-to-G) linkages for the urban sector in the country. It will encourage more transparent and structured interactions between cities, businesses and institutions by providing smart city analytics, geo-tagging of projects and sharing city level information about key indicators and spatial data. 43:XcZ]]dGZcSYRUcRW`c(Y`fcdZ_52TRdV ?=BQ =4F34;78 imachal Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh H was questioned by CBI on Thursday for over seven hours in connection with a case of disproportionate assets allegedly amassed during his stint as Union Minister. CBI sources claimed that he failed to offer any explanation when confronted with evidence against him. However, when asked what kind of evidence was being referred to, they declined to elaborate. “CBI has a fool proof case against him, his associates and partners in criminal conspiracy regarding the assets acquired in the name of his children and wife,” an official said. They claimed during questioning Singh put the onus of explaining the assets of wife and children on them. The sources said that his son Vikramaditya had claimed during CBI preliminary enquiry that some of his assets were from money provided by his father. CBI sources said the 81year old Chief Minister arrived &%,IRUPV6,7WRSUREHNH\FDVHV ?=BQ =4F34;78 decision, he said, adding that it has succeeded in taking the number to 1.55 lakh km. He added that a letter is also being issued to state governments form committees at districts, headed by MPs and comprising local DM, SSP and others to recommend actionable points to curb accidents locally. A three-member committee has been asked to come out with a report on crash barriers to prevent accidents on hilly terrains like Himachal Pradesh. “We are hopeful that the new Motor Vehicle Act is passed in the upcoming session of Parliament as a Group of Ministers, headed by Transport Minister of Rajasthan is likely to submit its report on stricter penalties and after the Cabinet nod the same would be introduced in Parliament,” Gadkari said addressing the media here. The Road Transport and Highways Minister, who has been vocal that 30 per cent of licences in India were “bogus”, said a study of 2015 accidents showed that “owners of regular licences were involved in 79 per cent of about 5 lakh road accidents in which 1.46 lakh people died.” Drivers’ fault accounted for 77 per cent of total road accidents, Gadkari said. ³B\Pac=Tc´bTcd_c^bd__^ac STeT[^_\T]c^Ub\PacRXcXTb court changed “the understanding” of the investigating agency regarding the C 3,600 crore deal which was allegedly clinched after bribing some Indians, the sources said. The sources said the judgement by the Milan Court of Appeals has “made it clear” that bribes were paid by UKbased AgustaWestland, a sister concern of Italy’s Finmeccanica. The SIT will now probe who were the beneficiaries of the kickbacks and ascertain the chain of fund flow. Responses to Letters Rogatory sent in this regard are awaited. Another case the SIT would probe relates to diversion of loans of thousands of crores of rupees taken by Kingfisher Airlines to their foreign accounts. 7X\P]RWP[?aPSTbW2WXTU<X]XbcTaEXaQWPSaPBX]VW[TPeTbPUcTaP__TPaX]VQTU^aTcWT218X]R^]]TRcX^]fXcWPSXb_a^_^acX^]PcT PbbTcbRPbTX]=Tf3T[W^]CWdabSPh ?C8 at the agency headquarters in his black Skoda with tinted glasses to avoid media glare at around 10 am and was questioned till 5.30 pm. The agency had initiated an inquiry which had allegedly showed that Singh, while serving as Union Minister during 2009-2012 (UPA rule), had allegedly accumulated assets worth C 6.03 crore (approx) in his name and in the name of his family members which were found to be disproportionate to his known sources of income, CBI has said. The FIR filed with a designated court in Delhi under the Prevention of Corruption Act, named Singh, his wife Pratibha Singh, LIC agent Anand Chauhan and owner of Universal Apple Associates Limited Chunni Lal Chauhan. In a statement, CBI spokesperson had alleged that Singh had invested his unaccounted income in LIC policies in his name and in the name of his wife and other family members through a private person by showing the same as agricultural income. 8CbTXiTbPa\STP[Ta³b_Pbb_^ac ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 he Income Tax department on Thursday impounded T the passport of the controversial arms dealer Sanjay Bhandari, allegedly holding a ‘benami’ property in London for Robert Vadra. Official sources said the travel document of Bhandari has been impounded by the investigating officer of the case under relevant sections of the Passport Act. They said the action was taken by tax sleuths as they “apprehended” he may leave the country to impede investigation in the case. The department has also summoned Bhandari for a fresh round of questioning in the wake of further leads in the case, they said. The department is also mulling booking him under the CWTPRcX^]fPb cPZT]QhcPgb[TdcWb PbcWTh ±P__aTWT]STS²WT \Ph[TPeTcWT R^d]cahc^X\_TST X]eTbcXVPcX^]X]cWT RPbT stringent anti-blackmoney law. The Enforcement Directorate also initiated action against Bhandari under prevention of money laundering and foreign exchange violations. The IT department, which conducted searches on his premises in April, is also awaiting replies to some of its queries in this case from overseas locations and a case under the new law could only be made post success in this endeavour, they said. The IT department has already approached British Virgin Islands (BVI), the UK, UAE, Switzerland and a few other countries in order to take its probe forward and obtain further details about the transactions and investments made by Bhandari and some companies he purportedly owned and operated. The tax sleuths claimed to have recovered certain emails that talk about renovation of a costly apartment in London in 2010 which was allegedly owned by Vadra, son-in-law of Congress President Sonia Gandhi. In a related development, Income Tax department has approached the Defence Ministry for certain documents pertaining to the Rs 2,800 crore deal for Pilatus trainer jets and some other deals in which Bhandari’s companies were allegedly involved. EPad]6P]SWXST]XTbaT_^acPQ^dc ,QGLD86-DSDQEHJLQGD\1DYDOH[HUFLVH 19?³R[X__X]VWXbfX]V´X]D? I ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 ?=BQ =4F34;78 s the BJP gears up for politically crucial poll batA tle in Uttar Pradesh and seeks to expand and charge-up its campaign in all six zones using its influential leaders in the State from the coming month, BJP MP Varun Gandhi on Thursday categorically denied a report that claimed that he had been asked by the party “to restrict his activities to his Sultanpur constituency”. A report in a section of Press claimed that MP’s visit to Allahabad where the party is to hold its National Executive meet on June 12 and June 13, “did not go down well with the top party leadership” which allegedly asked the former “ to inform before leaving his con- stituency”. In a tweet, Varun denounced the report saying “What a laughably fictitious story. Please don’t invent your own narrative,” the MP added. While Central leadership did not make any comment on the issue, the State BJP president reportedly maintained that “ there is nothing like that”. However, some in the BJP do foresee that there could be a possible move” to clip MP’s wings” when the poll campaign in the State goes full steam. It is known that the Sultanpur MP has been systematically touring different constituencies for some time as also pro-actively interacting with farmers and the youth, particularly students , and evoking positive response from the pollsters. His presence in the party’s officials rallies and functions has come down to a minimum in last one year. Interestingly, the surveys carried out by different agencies in recent months seem to be backing up the young MP. An ETV poll had Varun ahead vis-à-vis other candidates for CM face with 51 per cent and another survey for India Today reportedly showed him with 45 per cent against others. Varun who is not known to be in the best of terms with BJP president Amit Shah, has been increasingly touring the State on his own independent of party’s programmes “and connecting with people”. Appointed general secretary during Rajnath Singh’s tenure, he was moved out of the post after the ascendency of Shah. ndia, US and Japan on Thursday began a nine-day long Malabar series of annual joint naval exercises off Japan. The exercise will enable the navies of three countries to familiarise themselves with the operating ethos of respective forces and enhance interoperatbility. They will practice surface and anti-submarine warfare, maritime patrol, helicopter operations and visit, board, search and seizure operations. Termed as one of the biggest naval exercises from India’s point view in recent years, the harbour phase of the drill started on Thursday at Sasebo in Japan. The off shore exercises will begin off Okinawa Island in western Pacific from June 14 to 17. Incidentally, the off-shore exercise setting is close to a group of uninhabited islands in East China Sea called Senkakau by 8]SXPWPbST_[^hTScWaTTfPabWX_bP]S^]TcP]ZTa U^acWT!cWTSXcX^]^U<P[PQPabTaXTb^U TgTaRXbTbCWT8]SXP]U[TTc[TSQh4PbcTa]5[TTc R^\\P]STaATPa0S\XaP[BE1^ZPaTX]R[dSTb cf^]Tf\d[cXa^[TbcTP[cWUaXVPcTb8=BBPWhPSaX P]S8=BBPc_daP\XbbX[TR^aeTccT8=B:XaRWP]S cP]ZTa8=BBWPZcX Japan. However, China also aircraft carrier USS John C. lays claim on these islands and Stennis, guided-missile cruiser USS Mobile Bay, guided-missile call them Diaoyu Islands. India has deployed three destroyers USS Stockdal, USS warships and one tanker for the William P. Lawrence and USS 20th edition of Malabar series Chung-Hoon, a P-8A Poseidon of exercises. The Indian fleet aircraft and a Los Angelesled by Eastern Fleet comman- class fast-attack submarine. The Japanese contingent der Rear Admiral S V Bokare includes two new multi-role comprises destroyer -cum-helistealth frigates INS Sahyadri copter carrier JS Hyuga besides and INS Satpura, missile P-3C Orion anti-submarine aircorvette INS Kirch and tanker craft and the US-21 ShinMaywa INS Shakti. These ships are amphibious aircraft. Japan and also euipped with Sea King- India have held talks for the 42B and Chetak helicopters as amphibious aircraft for the well as marine commandos Indian Navy. However, no and explosives disposal teams, decision has been taken so far officials said here on Thursday. to ink the deal. Officais also said Participants from the U.S. nine more Japanese warships Navy include the Nimitz-class will join the exercise towards the fag end of the exercise for practising tactical move. The off-shore exercises will see the three navies engaging in submarine familiarization, high-value unit defense, air defense exercises, medical evacuation drills, surface warfare exercises, communications exercises, search and rescue exercises, helicopter cross-deck evolutions, underway replenishments, gunnery exercises and anti-submarine warfare. Malabar series of exercises are held annually and to begin with it was a bilateral event involving the navies of US and India. These exercises are held off India followed by exercises in US the next year. Australia and Japan used to take part in these exercises as guests and Japan was part of these exercises last year in the Bay of Bengal. The NDA government gave the go-ahead to include Japan as the third country in the Malabar series and that country for the first time is involved as a permanent partner. 8=B7>AC =6CB;0<B70AH0=0 >E4A8;;460;<8=8=6 =Tf3T[WX)CWT=PcX^]P[6aTT] CaXQd]P[WPbb[P\\TScWT 7PahP]P6^eTa]\T]c^eTa X[[TVP[bP]S\X]X]VP]S TgcaPRcX^]^U\X]TaP[b^]cWT U[^^S_[PX]b^UHP\d]PX]cWT bcPcTP]SSXaTRcTSXcc^bdQ\XcP aT_^ac^]cWTeX^[PcX^]bP]S PRcX^]XcWPbcPZT]c^RWTRZ cWT\0QT]RWWTPSTSQh=6C 2WPXa_Tab^]9dbcXRTBfPcP]cTa :d\PaSXaTRcTScWT<P]^WPa ;P[:WPccPa6^eTa]\T]cc^ X]U^a\XcPQ^dccWTc^cP[]d\QTa ^UX[[TVP[\X]X]VRPbTbUX[TScX[[ SPcTP]ScWTPRcX^]cPZT] PVPX]bceX^[Pc^ab 303A8:8;;8=6)2?< B44:B10;H0=´BB20;? =Tf3T[WX)CPaVTcX]V?aX\T <X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SX^eTa cWT3PSaX[h]RWX]VcWT2?8< ^]CWdabSPhP[[TVTScWT X]RXST]cf^d[S]^cWPeT WP__T]TSfXcW^dcWXb °Q[TbbX]Vb±P]SST\P]STS D]X^]<X]XbcTaBP]YTTe1P[hP]³b bPRZX]VU^a\PZX]V °_a^e^RPcXeT±bcPcT\T]cb°8] fWXRWRPbTWT<^SXWPb]³c Q[TbbTS_Pach\T].1TbXSTb R^\\^]\P]WTWPbQ[TbbTS P[[bdRWR^\\d]P[X]RXST]cb FWPc³bWP__T]X]VX]3PSaX]^ bdRWeX^[T]RTRP]WP__T] fXcW^dcWXbQ[TbbX]Vb±_Pach VT]TaP[bTRaTcPahBXcPaP\ HTRWdahbPXS =0EH2>0BC6D0A3B0E4 B8=:8=6<E8=58=8CH =Tf3T[WX<d\QPX) CWT8]SXP] =PehP]S2^Pbc6dPaS^] CWdabSPhPbbXbcTSP\TaRWP]c eTbbT[<E8]UX]Xch8RPaahX]V PQ^dc &$c^]]Tb^UPb_WP[c Ua^\:P]S[Pc^:PafPa_^ac PUcTaXcaT_^acTSfPcTaX]VaTbb P]SQTVP][XbcX]VfXcWXcb eTbbT[b_d\_X]V^dcfPcTaP]S TbR^acX]VXcc^fPaSbcWT WPaQ^da0cPQ^dc&)"?< hTbcTaSPh<E8]UX]Xch8[^RPcTS PQ^dc!]PdcXRP[\X[Tb^UUcWT 6^PR^PbcaT_^acTSfPcTa X]VaTbbP]SR^]cX]d^db[XbcX]V c^cWTaXVWcCWTeTbbT[WPS aT_^acTScWPccWTcX[cfPb X]RaTPbX]VSTb_XcTbWX_³bST fPcTaX]VTUU^acbPbcPcT\T]c Ua^\cWT=PehbPXS ?<´bU^aTXV]eXbXcb QaX]Vd]_aTRTST]cTS PRWXTeT\T]cbc^ R^d]cahbPhbBWPW ?=BQ =4F34;78 JP president Amit Shah on B Thursday asserted that Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s five-nation tour together with other diplomatic breakthroughs abroad in last two years has earned the country “unprecedented” strategic and diplomatic achievements which had not come to the country in decades of previous regimes. He said it is the outcome of Modi’s diplomacy that nuclear countries like USA, Mexico and Switzerland “are openly supporting” Indian on its entry to the exclusive club of Nuclear Supply Group (NSG). On the US’ support to India’s bid to enter Missile Technology Control Regime and Nuclear Suppliers Group, Shah said it will pave way to for the country to become an important arms exporter. “It is a result of the Modiled BJP Government’s diplomatic success that what could not be done for many decades has been done in two years... Unprecedented strategic and diplomatic successes have been achieved during Modi’s fivenation tour. “It is due to the Prime Minister’s diplomatic skills that countries like the US, Mexico and Switzerland are supporting India’s bid to enter the NSG,” Shah said in a statement. The US support to India underlines a new chapter in the friendship between the two countries, he said. He also referred to the highest civilian honour bestowed on Modi by the Afghanistan Government and said it showed the stronger ties between the two countries. Modi’s call to isolate the countries sponsoring terrorism is also receiving support across the world, Shah said. The investment commitment made by the US companies will help generate jobs and boost projects like ‘Make in India’ once these promises are realised, he said. Lauding Modi’s leadership, he said the “despondency” prevalent two years ago, a reference to the UPA Government, has been replaced by “enthusiasm”. “Even in troubled times India has left imprint of its strong leadership and carved an amazing place for itself in the world,” he said. ]PcX^]% =4F34;78k5A830H k9D=4 ! % <6C2=2¶D>2CI:DEDA@CED>:?µ:?DF=ED¶2?;F EA90H0A09Q :>278 lympian and Arjuna awardee Anju Bobby O George on Thursday accused Kerala’s Marxist Sports Minister EP Jayarajan, who had last week described boxing legend Muhammad Ali as a sportsman from the State during his obituary reference, of allegedly insulting her and others in the Kerala State Sports Council by calling them corrupt. Anju, president of the Sports Council, lodged a complaint with CPI(M) Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan but he opted to defend his colleague in the Cabinet and party. Anju was appointed Sports Council president by the previous Congress-led UDF Government and this is thought to be the reason why Jayarajan had allegedly turned against her and others of the council. According to Anju, who had made history when she won a medal in the World Championships in Athletics in 2003, the incident took place on Tuesday when she, along with the council vice-president, went to meet Minister Jayarajan, who is also a member of the CPI(M) central committee, after the new LDF Government came to power. F4C7>D67C74F>D;30B:DB 01>DCC74BC0CDB>5B?>ACB 8=C74BC0C48=C7458ABC <44C8=68CB4;574B083 H>DF4A40;; =><8=0C431HC74 ?A4E8>DB6>E4A=<4=C B>H>D0;;0A4>C74A ?0ACH´B<4<14AB740;B>B083C70C 0;;0??>8=C<4=CB0=3CA0=B54AB F4F4A4<0:8=6F4A48;;460; ° 0=9D1>11H64>A64 “We thought he would ask us about the status of sports in the State. Though this was the first meeting between the Minister and the council, he said, “You were all nominated by the previous Government. So you all are other party’s members.” He also said that all appointments and transfers we were making were illegal,” Anju told the media. According to her, Jayarajan objected to her availing airfare from Bangalore, where she was based, to Thiruvananthapuram for attending council meetings and other official purposes. “This is all illegal. This is all 3d\_X]VWdbQP]S P]SSPdVWcTaf^\P] \PaaXTbb^]X][Pf 508I0=07<03Q ?0C=0 middle aged woman married a young man; nothing A unusual. What goes unusual is the fact that the young man is woman’s son-in-law. This bizarre relationship was formalized in Purnia where the two lovebirds got their matrimony registered in a court on Wednesday. Asha Devi had got her daughter Lalita married to Suraj Mahto some two and half years ago. But now they are living like husband and wife with Asha even asking Lalita to come and live with them; though not sure in what capacity – daughter or sautan (husband’s other wife). While people in Dhamdaha are surprised over this relationship and stormed the court premises to see the couple dressed in red attire and a thick lair of sindoor in her hair partings, Asha’s husband, whose name could not be ascertained, was in a state of shock. When his daughter send an SOS to him after coming to know about the affairs between her mother and husband, the man who works in some factory in Delhi rushed back and tried to reason with his wife but to no avail Everything was going smooth between newly wed Suraj and Lalita, who gave birth to a son, living in Puraini village in Madhepura district. Suddenly Suraj fell ill and this made the entry of his motherin-law in his life. Asha came to see her indisposed son-in-law and possibly that was the time when they started loving each other. After sometime though she went back to her home in Dhamdaha but love between them continued blossoming. They continued in touch on phone and chatted for hours. One day, Suraj left his wife Lalita and son in his home in Purani village and went to his sasural to live there permanently with his mother-in-law-turnedlover. Lalita cried and tried hard to bring him back but met no success. Then she informed her father in Delhi who came but too failed to separate them. Last week on June 1, Suraj and Asha went to some temple in Madhepura and formalized their marriage. Then the couple went to Tarauni village in Dhamdaha and stayed there at the home of one of his relatives. His relatives also tried to reason with them but failed. On Wednesday both went to Dhamdaha civil court and legally married each other. corruption. I can stop this,” she quoted the Minister as saying, adding that he had accused all the council members of corruption. The long-jumper clarified that she had given a representation to the previous Government for permitting her to avail air fare for her travels between Bangalore and Thiruvananthapuram for the purposes of the Sports Council and that this had been accepted. This had been sanctioned by an order of the Ministry of Finance, she added. Stating that Preeja Sreedharan, PR Sreejesh and C740C7;4C4F0B E4AH70??HF74= B74;45CC74 <44C8=60=38703 =>8340F7HB74703 <034BD270270A64 0608=BC<4 =>=4E4A 870E4=´C 1470E43 AD34;H F8C774A 0B50A0B8:=>F C74<8=8BC4A703 0B:4374A01>DC 74A08ACA0E4;B0=3 C>;374AC70CC78B F0B=>C?A>?4A ?A02C8247>F20= C70C140=8=BD;C. 0=9D703<4C<4 0=38C>;374AC70C8 70E4=´CB44=74A0B 0?>;8C8280= ° 4?90H0A090= ° 2<?8=0A0H8 Kerala Cricket Association president TC Mathew were the other members of the council, Anju said, “We don’t belong to any party. Sports is our party. We are just doing our duty. If the Government can’t accept that, it can ask us to leave. But calling us corrupt is unacceptable.” Asked if she was planning to quit from the council, she told the media that no decision had yet been taken. “We are just sportspersons. It was my duty to inform the Chief Minister about the Sports Minister’s behavior. Just because we were nominated by the previous Government, they can’t call us corrupt and remove us on that excuse,” Anju said. Jayarajan had reportedly ordered dismissal of all transfers in the council. When she described to him the practical difficulties of such a move and how it could affect the lives and careers of many persons, the Minister threatened her, Anju said. “When someone heads a department as Minister, he should have some understanding of how it works,” she said. However, Jayarajan denied the allegation and said that the athlete was very happy when she left the meeting and he had 72 A4942CB?DA>78C´B 108;?;400B:B78< C><>E4CA80;2>DAC C=A067D=0C70Q <d\QPX WT1^\QPh7XVW2^dac^] CCWdabSPhSXb\XbbTSP]P__TP[ UX[TSQh;c2^[?aPbPSBWaXZP]c ?da^WXc^]T^UcWT\PX]PRRdbTS X]cWT!'<P[TVP^]Q[PbcRPbT RWP[[T]VX]VcWTcaXP[R^dac³b^aSTa aTUdbX]VWX\QPX[P]SPbZTSWX\c^ UX[TPUaTbW_[TPU^aQPX[QTU^aTcWT bP\TcaXP[R^dac 7TPaX]VcWTQPX[P__[XRPcX^]UX[TSQh ?da^WXc^]cWTQPbXb^UP bd__[T\T]cPahRWPaVTbWTTcQh cWT=80X]cWT!'<P[TVP^] Q[PbcRPbTP72SXeXbX^]1T]RW WTPSTSQh9dbcXRT=PaTbW?PcX[ PbZTScWTcaXP[R^dacc^WTPacWT UaTbWQPX[_[TPTg_TSXcX^db[hXU _^bbXQ[TfXcWX]bXgfTTZb !'<0;460>= 1;0BCB20B4 CWT721T]RWP[b^PbZTScWTcaXP[ R^dacc^R^]bXSTacWT bd__[T\T]cPahRWPaVTbWTTcUX[TS QhcWT=80fWXRWWPbSa^__TScWT RWPaVTbd]STabcaX]VT]c <PWPaPbWcaP2^]ca^[^U>aVP]XbTS 2aX\T0RcPVPX]bc?da^WXcP]S ^cWTaPRRdbTSX]cWTRPbT°CWT ]Tf\PcTaXP[X]cWTbd__[T\T]cPah RWPaVTbWTTcbW^d[SQTcPZT]X]c^ PRR^d]cQhcWTcaXP[R^dacfWX[T WTPaX]VcWTQPX[_[TP±cWT72 1T]RW^QbTaeTS 8]WXb_[TP?da^WXcWPSR^]cT]STS cWPcWTWPSQTT]QTWX]ScWTQPab U^a\^aTcWP]bTeT]hTPabP]ScWPc bX]RTcWT=80WPSR^]R[dSTScWT X]eTbcXVPcX^]WTQTbTcUaTT^] QPX[ 8]SXP<hP]\PaCWPX[P]S5aXT]SbWX_2PaAP[[h! %PaaXeTbX]6dfPWPcX^]CWdabSPh <>78C:0=370A8Q 90<<D irst-time BJP MLA from Chhamb Assembly conF stituency in Akhnoor, Krishan Lal Bhagat’s name has surfaced in the list of BPL beneficiaries in J&K. The list was prepared by the officials of the Revenue Department on behalf of the Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution Department. After the discrepancy was brought to light by the MLA himself, the State Government went ahead and ordered suspension of Tehsildar Khour and other employees for wrongly incorporating the name of the BJP MLA. Minister for Revenue and Rehabilitation Basharat Bukhari on Thursday said Deputy Commissioner Jammu has been directed to enquire into the negligence and prepare a report within 7 days in this regard. On the instructions of Minister for Revenue, Relief and Rehabilitation Basharat Hussain Bukhari, and Minister for Consumer Affairs, Public Distribution Department Zulfkar Ali Divisional Commissioner Jammu Pawan Kotwal issued orders suspending Tehsildar Khour, Block Development Officer Khour and Tehsil Supply Officer of CAPD Department Khour in response to complaints of lapses in framing lists of beneficiaries under NFSA. The Divisional Commissioner also ordered an inquir y with Deputy Commissioner, Jammu as Chairman into the incident of wrong inclusion of the name of sitting MLA Chamb ?C8 :4BCDAE0BD:8Q 14=60;DAD ontroversial Deputy Superintendent of Police C (DSP), Kudligi Sub-Division in Ballari district, Anupama Shenoy who had taken head on Karnataka Labour Minister PT Parameshwar Naik, also the district in-charge, had resurfaced several days after being incommunicado and said her decision to quit was final. Her alleged Facebook posts had sent jitters to the ruling Government and the Government was working hard to put an end to this episode. However in a great relief to the Government she had denied her Facebook posts and said it must have been hacked. The saga of Anupama Shenoy an upright officer who has been allegedly tortured by the close aid of Chief Minister Siddaramaiah’s Labour Minister PT Parameshwar Naik has dented the image of ruling Congress in Karnataka. Anupama Shenoy had tendered her resignation on 4 June and since then her whereabouts were not known. She resurfaced on Thursday at Kudligi and said she was firm in her decision to quit. Addressing a Press conference in Kudligi she said, “I stand by my decision to resign.” Asked about her Facebook posts, she said “I don’t know about Facebook; someone might be doing it in my name, it might have been hacked also.” Karnataka police had formed a special team to trace her as her alleged posts on Facebook levelling accusations against Labour Minister PT Parameshwar Naik, also the district in-charge, had created a flutter in political circles. In January, Shenoy was transferred allegedly at the behest of Naik for putting his call on hold, with the incident triggering a storm. A video footage purportedly showing Naik making a boastful claim about shunting out Shenoy had also gone viral later. Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has said the Government would not take any hasty decision and would want her to continue in the force, but also pointed out that she was bound by rules. Her Facebook posts, eventually she has denied, have sent the Congress leaders in a tizzy while the police still are trying to verify whether the account is being actually handled by her or someone else. Meanwhile, Minister Naik, who is at the receiving end, trying to put up a brave front on the issue and said, “How can I comment on what she is posting on Facebook? We are not even sure if the Facebook account belongs to her.” Following protests by a group of people against her for taking three persons into preventive detention, Shenoy left the office on 4 June after handing over her resignation letter to subordinate officers, instructing them to hand it over to t he Superintendent of Police. Officials said Shenoy was acting on a complaint by Dalit activists against the extension of a liquor shop that was blocking the way to Ambedkar Bhavan nearby. 2WeVca`]]dE?acVaRcVdW`c`h_AcV^ZVc=VRXfV :D<0A274;;0??0=Q 274==08 s the heat and dust of the Assembly election has setA tled, Tamil Nadu is getting ready to witness another exciting and entertaining festival, a festival of cricket. Come August, the State will see eight professional teams vying for a prize money of C1 crore in the Tamil Nadu Premier Cricket League, which has been titled TN Premier League. N Srinivasan, former chairman of International Cricket Conference who is also a leading industrialist in the country is the master brain behind the 2:@=<1697EB5C9>2@<<9CD State Govt orders suspension of Tehsildar for wrongly incorporating MLA’s name no idea why she had made such a charge against him. “No, never… I haven’t behaved rudely with her,” the Minister said, adding that he did not know that Anju had lodged a complaint with the Chief Minister. Defending Jayarajan, Chief Minister Pinarayi said he had not insulted the athlete. “As far as I know, the Minister had asked her about her air travels and told her that this was not proper practice. How can that be an insult? Anju had met me and I told her that I haven’t seen her as a politician,” Pinarayi said. Meanwhile, the Opposition attacked Jayarajan for the insult he allegedly meted out to the athlete. State Congress president VM Sudheeran wanted the Chief Minister to control Jayarajan while Congress’s former Sports minister Thiruvanchoor Radhakrishnan said, “One shouldn’t say that all sportspersons of the State should be loyal to a single party.” Jayarajan had made himself a laughing stock last week when he described boxing legend Muhammad Ali as a Kerala sportsman who had won many medals for the State during his obituary reference. :Pa]PcPZP3B?BWT]^h bdaUPRTbP]SbPhbWTa STRXbX^]c^`dXcXbUX]P[ Constituency in the beneficiary list under Priority Category. The DC has been ordered to furnish his report within a period of three days. CAPD Minister said that Government will not tolerate any lapses in the list of beneficiaries as transparency is the top priority of the Government. He said that the Government would ensure that only deserving people are in the lists. Meanwhile, the State Government has decided to start the process of issuance of new Ration Cards to consumers from 19 of this month. D]X^]7^\T<X]XbcTaAPY]PcWBX]VWSdaX]V19?´b9P]bP\fPSUd]RcX^]^]R^\_[TcX^]^Ucf^hTPab^UcWT=306^eTa]\T]cPccWT2T]caTX];dRZ]^f^]CWdabSPh new venture. Addressing reporters at Chennai on Thursday, Srinivasan said the TN Premier League has been conceived in such a way that it would bring out the best talents from all over the State to national mainstream. “Cricket and Tamil Nadu are synonymous with each other. But the sport has been hitherto confined to cities like Chennai. We are taking the game to the nook and corner of the State,” said Srinivasan. For the first time in the history of Tamil Nadu cricket, eight cities/towns in the State would have their own teams locking horns in the League. J6E2?@E96C D92<6FA:? H3:AD425C6 Kolkata: In aother major reshuffle in the IPS cadre, ten senior police officers were on Thursday transferred to different positions in West Bengal. Four officers, who were on Compulsory Waiting, have been given postings, officials in the State Secretariat Nabanna said. Rajeev Mishra, Additional Commissioner of Police-III in the Kolkata Police, has been transferred as Inspector General of Police (IGP), Western Zone. Sujoy Kumar Chanda, DC Wireless, Kolkata, has been asked to take over as Joint CP (Establishment) in the Kolkata Police. Kalyan Mukhopadhyay, Special Superintendent IB, has been transferred as DC Traffic (South), Kolkata replacing Niladri Chakraborty, who has been asked to take over as Commandant, State Armed Police, 3rd Battalion. Debabrata Das, DC North Howrah Police Commissionerate, has been asked to take over as DC Headquarters, Howrah Police Commissionerate replacing Ramendra Nath Banerjee, who has been transferred as DC Zone-II Howrah Police Commissionerate. Among the four officers, who were on Compulsory Waiting, Dhrubajyoti De has been asked to take over as DC Zone-II, Barrackpore Police ?C8 Commissionerate. PTI Srinivasan, an expert in integrating cricket and business is out to make TNPL a part of the day-today life of an average Tamilian and hence the teams have been classified based on cities/towns. Names like Karaikudy and Dindigul are being featured in the cricketing map of the country for the first time. He said the TNPL matches (T20) featuring eight teams would be played at Chennai, Tirunelveli and Natham in Dindigul district. “This is an opportunity for players from the districts of Tamil Nadu to showcase their talents. By staging the TNPL matches we hope to develop cricket in the districts and also to take the game to all nook and corner of the State,” said Srinivasan. The TNPL will get going by the end of August and run into September, said the TNPL boss. The winner will take home a prize money of C1 crore while the runner-up will get C60 lakh. The losing finalists will get C40 lakh each, according to Srinivasan. Players participating in the three-week long TNPL stand to get a take home pay of C60 lakh. The TNPL teams are owned by eight business groups based in Tamil Nadu. Thoothukudi Sports Club, Metro Nation, South Chennai, Leika Sports Club, Coimbatore, Kothari Madras, Madurai, Ruby Builders, Kancheepuram, VV Cricket, Thiruvallur, Tec Solutions, Dindigul, and Chettinadu Apparels, Karaikudy are the challengers in the TNPL. Srinivasan disclosed that Star TV is the media partner and all matches would be telecast live. According to R Mohan, veteran cricket writer, the TNPL could be the game changer which the cricket lovers in the State was waiting for. “Cricket is the State game of Tamil Nadu. TNPL will further revolutionise the game,” said Mohan. 6D;14A6E4A382C 4XDQWXPRISXQLVKPHQW GHIHUUHGRQHPRUHWLPH ?=BQ 60=378=060A he pronouncement of the quantum of punishment T to 24 convicts in the sensational Gulberg society massacre was once again deferred by a special trial court in Ahmedabad on Thursday. It is expected that the court would pronounce the much awaited verdict on Friday. In the 2002 Gulberg Society massacre 69 people including former Congress MP Ehsan Jafri dead a day after the infamous Godhara train burning incident in February 2002. Out of 66 accused in the case, the trial court had found 24 persons guilty on June 2. It had also dropped the conspiracy charge under section 120 (B) of IPC against the accused in the case on the same day. The court acquitted 36 and during the legal procedure six accused died. Of 24 convicts, 11 persons were found guilty of murder while remaining 13 were convicted for different charges including arson, rioting and unlawful assembly. The court had kept final verdict on quantum of punishment to 24 convicts on Monday but due to arguments from both the sides, it was kept on Thursday but Judge PB Desai differed judgement one more time. Arguing in favour of capital punishment to all convicts, 5P\X[h\T\QTabP]SaT[PcXeTbcahc^VTcPV[X\_bT^U6d[QdaVB^RXTchRPbTR^]eXRcb fW^fTaTQTX]V_a^SdRTSPcPB8CR^dacX]0W\TSPQPS^]CWdabSPhU^aPWTPaX]V ^]cWT`dP]cd\^U_d]XbW\T]cb ?C8 the special public prosecutor of SIT, RC Kodekar said that the incident was the rarest of rare as the victims belonged to minority community were charred. Earlier the victims’ lawyer SM Vora argued in favour of maximum punishment to all the convicts as according to him it was a case of cold blooded mass murder. He also said that immediate family members of the victims should be given compensation. Advocate of the convicts Abhay Bhardwaj argued that the punishment should be according to the various sections of the Indian Penal Code invoked on the accused. Countering the blame of cold blooded mass murder, Bhardwaj said that it couldn’t be considered as cold blooded as the crowd provoked only after Ehsan Jafri opened fire. According to him the situation was tense outside Gulbarg society due to the tragic incident of Sabarmati Express near Godhra Railway Station. ]PcX^]& =4F34;78k5A830H k9D=4 ! % >RjR^f^`gVcCD AB_^[[bX]:´cPZPRadRXP[U^aQ^cW2^]VaTbb19? dfca]fdg`eVecR_dWVc S :4BCDAE0BD:8Q 14=60;DAD ?=BQ ;D2:=>F ahujan Samaj Party chief Mayawati maintained susB pense over transferring her party’s surplus votes in the Rajya Sabha biennial polls scheduled on Saturday. “Two more days are left for the election. You should wait for the outcome to know who got my party’s support in the election for the RS,” asserted Mayawati when askd whether the BSP would support the Congress candidate in UP as it had done in Madhya Pradesh. Mayawati was speaking to media persons at her Mall Avenue residence in Lucknow on Thursday afternoon. The stand taken by the BSP has kept the political circles on ternterhooks. Congress candidate for Rajya Sabha Kapil Sibal is heavily banking on the additional votes of the BSP even as the SP has announced to support his candidature. The BSP has 80 MLAs in the 403-member Assembly and with 34 first preference votes <0C7DA0E8>;4=24 AD3HC0A64CB D?6>EC AP\_daD?) CPaVTcX]VcWT BP\PYfPSX?Pach6^eTa]\T]c ^eTa<PcWdaPeX^[T]RTD]X^] <X]XbcTaAPYXe?aPcP_AdSh^] CWdabSPh`dTbcX^]TSfWhXcWPS ]^Z]^f[TSVTPQ^dccWT °VXVP]cXR±P]S°W^aaXUXR±PRcXeXch ^UP[Xcc[TZ]^f]^aVP]XbPcX^]P]S fWhcWT218_a^QTfPbQTX]V Pe^XSTS °8UcWTSXb_T]bPcX^]WPS]^ Z]^f[TSVTPQ^dcbdRWPVXVP]cXR W^aaXUXRPRcXeXchcWT]fT\PhPbZ fWTcWTacWTaTXbP]h6^eTa]\T]c f^acWcWT]P\TX]D?±AdShbPXS fWX[TaTUTaaX]Vc^cWT°X[[TVP[ PRcXeXcXTb±^UAP\EaXZWHPSPe d]STacWT]P\T^U²EXSWXZ EPXRWPaXZ:aP]cXBPchPVaPW³ 0RcXeXbcb^UcWT^aVP]XbPcX^][Pbc fTTZX]Sd[VTSX]fXSTb_aTPS eX^[T]RTX]R[dSX]VUXaX]VX] <PcWdaPfWT]_^[XRTcaXTSc^TeXRc cWT\Ua^\[PaVTcaPRcb^U 6^eTa]\T]c[P]SfWXRWcWThWPS QTT]^RRd_hX]VU^a^eTacf^ hTPab0SSaTbbX]V\TSXP_Tab^]b WTaTAdShcWT<X]XbcTaU^aBZX[[ 3TeT[^_\T]cPbZTS°fWhPaTcWT 6^eTa]\T]c³b_Xe^cbPe^XSX]V WP]SX]V^eTa^UcWTT]cXaTW^aaXUXR PRcc^218.± 7Td]STa[X]TScWPcPcW^a^dVW X\_PacXP[_a^QTXbX]TeXcPQ[TX] eXTf^UcWTbTaX^db]Tbb^UcWT XbbdT ?C8 aturday’s Rajya Sabha polls from Karnataka is crucial for both the Congress and BJP to maintain its tally in the Upper House to add fire power to counter one another. In the number game it is sure for the Congress to win two seats and BJP one but the third seat is crucial for the Congress which has bet everything on it. Undeterred by sting operations by channels and subsequent herding of independent MLAs to resort, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah is confidant of the victory of its third candidate former top cop KC 1B?bd_aT\^P]SU^a\TaDccPa?aPSTbW2WXTU<X]XbcTa<PhPfPcXPSSaTbbX]VP Ramamurthy. IT capital ?aTbbR^]UTaT]RTPcWTaaTbXST]RTX];dRZ]^f^]CWdabSPh ?C8 Bengaluru is witnessing hectic parleys ahead of polls. needed for victory of a candi- ed three candidates and is Even though Election date, the party can ensure the short of seven votes for the suc- Commission has not taken any success of its two nominees cess of its third nominee. decision so far on counterUncertainty prevails over manding the elections to Rajya with 12 votes to spare. For Rajya Sabha, the BSP the outcome of the polling as has fielded Satish Chandra apprehension of cross-voting Mishra and Ashok Sidharth, by almost all parties are rife. while for the Legislative Since the Council polling witCouncil its candidates are Atar nesses secret voting, it would Singh Rao, Dinesh Chandra be hard to assess who voted for whom. But for the Rajya and Suresh Kashyap. In the Council, where 29 Sabha, the voting is open and votes are needed for victory of the members have to show a candidate, the BSP has field- their preference to the agents. <P[SPUXVdaTbPVPX]X] $c^]]T^_Xd\WPd[ B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q :>;:0C0 could further reinclaims of large-scale Idrugnforcewhat cultivation in Malda a border district of Bengal the anti-narcotic bureau on Thursday apprehended a truck and seized 5,000 kgs of opium and dried poppy plants from Dankuni toll plaza off Howrah. The officials said the three persons along with the driver of the vehicle who were arrested had named a Trinamool Congress politician on whose orders the truck-load of opium was being transported. Malda is one of the three Bengal districts reporting large-scale illegal poppy cultivation. The other two districts are Bibrhum and Murshidabad. Malda in particular has of late earned the reputation of opium and fake currency capital of eastern India. The district had hit national headlines last year after thousands of people from Kaliachak had torched BSF vehicles and a local police station, attacked members of other communities and blockaded the NH-34. Subsequent investigations revealed that the incident had taken place in retaliation to massive crackdown on the local poppy cultivators many of who conceded that they were fast switching to poppy trade mango and paddy cultivation as it fetched bigger dividend. It was also revealed that the trans-border agents were involved in the clandestine poppy cultivation along with the multi-crore fake-currency and cattle-smuggling racket. It was also found that a good amount of the money was used by the terror moles. The NCB sleuths acted on a tip-off and apprehended the truck loaded with opium and dried poppy flowers and plants, sources said adding the drugs were to be ferried to Kharagpur from where it would be taken to Odisha and South India. 8AA=Y`aVde`SVT`^Va`ce`W TY`ZTVW`cSf]\C`C`TRcX` =0H0=30E4Q ?8?0E0E?>AC ndia’s first private sector port Gujarat Pipavav Port Ltd I(GPPL) is eying at becoming the ‘Port of choice’ for container, bulk, liquid and RoRo cargo in Western India following plethora of opportunities as a result of Modi Government’s initiatives like “Make in India” and “Sagarmala”. Managing Director of APL Terminal’s Keld Pedersen said that with Government of India’s initiatives such as “Make in India”, “Sagarmala” coupled with expanded coastal shipping, the see many new opportunities to accomplish its vision of being the ‘Port of choice’ for container, bulk, liquid and RoRo cargo in Western India. According to Pedersen the larger capacity of Pipavav Port would contribute in expand the company’s services and flexibility towards the customers and help India to meet its tremendous economic potential through seamless logistic solution. He said that modal shift incentives currently under evaluation by the Government of India would further encourage shifting of domestic cargo from road to sea. Coastal shipping is an environmentally-friendly alternative to land transportation, reducing diesel fuel consumption and emissions, as well as Indian roadway congestion, he said, adding that the expansion project would help the company to be future ready. APM Terminals Pipavav (Gujarat Pipavav Port Ltd) has recently successfully completed its capacity expansion project which would increase its annual container throughput handling capacity from 850,000 TEUs (Total Equivalent Units) to 1.35 million TEUs. As part of the expansion plan, APM Terminals invested around C400 crore. The investment included buying new STS cranes, strengthening the existing berth, dredging, and the improvement of the container yard and internal roads at the port. This investment will increase efficiency and productivity in the port operations. For the bulk cargo handling business segment, the company has a current capacity of 4-5 million MTs of dry bulk cargo, 2 million MTs of liquid bulk cargo and approximately 250,000 passenger cars per year. Additional marine side and land side areas available at port for future development It is worth mentioning that PM Terminals Pipavav [Gujarat Pipavav Port Ltd.] is a part of the $4.24 APM Terminals Global Terminal Network of 72 operating ports, terminal facilities and 135 Inland services, employing 20,600 professionals across 69 countries around the world. 6??;5>A;8>=B´B054CH ]^aSTac^RdaQX]RaTPbX]V 8X]RXST]cb^U0bXPcXR[X^]bVTccX]V ZX[[TS^]aPX[fPhcaPRZbR^]]TRcX]V c^6??;cWTR^\_P]hWPbcXTSd_ fXcWcWTBcPcTU^aTbcST_Pac\T]cc^ TaTRcUT]RX]VP[^]VcWTaPX[fPh caPRZb_PbbX]V]TPacWT_a^gX\Xch ^U6Xa5^aTbc0!%(Z\[^]VaPX[ [X]T[X]Zb?X_PePefXcWcWTUXabc \PY^aaPX[fPh[X]TPcBdaT]SaP] PVPaX]cWTBPdaPbWcaPaTVX^]^U 6dYPaPc8]cWT_PbcUTfhTPab \^aTcWP] $[X^]bWPeTQTT]SXTS ^]cWTaPX[fPhcaPRZR^]]TRcX]VcWT _^acCWTR^\_P]hWPbP[b^ STRXSTSc^R^]bcadRcb_TTS QaTPZTab^]cWTa^PSb[TPSX]Vc^ cWT_^acYdbcc^T]bdaTcWPccWT WTPeheTWXR[TbWPeTc^b[^fS^f] Sabha based on sting operations where independent MLAs from Karnataka allegedly seen talking about money in exchange of votes, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah expressed confidence that with the help of associate members and some independents party’s third candidate could easily win. He said “Our party’s third candidate KC Rama Murthy would get elected with the help of 33 excess votes of the Congress and five associate members of the party along with some independents who had identified with the congress”. In another development former Prime Minister and JDs chief HD Deve Gowda directly accused of Congress of horse-trading and poaching JDs MLAs. Five of JDs MLAs have defied the party and openly declared that they would support the third candidate 3UDEKXIRU5DLOZD\ LQIUDGHYHORSPHQW LQ:HVW%HQJDO put up by the Congress. He said “Congress is insisting that the elections go ahead as scheduled. The third Rajya Sabha candidate will be able to get only 33 votes, but still they are insisting that the elections be held on June 11. Is this horse trading or donkey trading?”. As per the numbers Congress candidates senior party leaders Jairam Ramesh and Oscar Fernandes and BJP’s Union Minister Nirmala Sitharaman are sure to get elected. But the third candidate of the Congress KC Ramamurthy and JDs candidate industrialist BA Farooq are fighting it out for the fourth seat. Five JD(S) MLAs Zameer Ahmed Khan, Cheluvarayaswamy, Akhanda Srinivas, Iqbal Ansari and Balakrishna have said they will be voting for the Congress in the Rajya Sabha and Legislative Council elections. Meanwhile, for the first time in Rajya Sabha election NOTA as an option has been introduced along with the photographs of the candidates. The returning officer and Assembly Secretary S Murthy said he has not received any direction from the Election Commission about the postponing or countermanding of the polls due to the recent sting operations carried out by some private news channels. He said was going ahead with the preparation for holding election as per schedule. According to Assembly secretariat the number of votes required to win is 45 in the 225 member Karnataka Assembly (with no vote to the nominated Anglo-Indian member). The ruling party has the strength of 123 MLAs (excluding Speaker Kagodu Thimmappa), while the Bharatiya Janata Party has 44 and the Janata Dal (Secular) has the strength of 40 MLAs. The ruling party can easily ensure victory of two candidates, and will be left with surplus 33 votes. It will be short of 12 votes to get the third seat. The Congress is banking on cross voting from disgruntled JDs MLAs to snatch the third seat. As JDs is facing internal rebellion, feuds, the Congress will certainty try to lure the disgruntled JDs MLAs to get 12 as part of its strategy. It is crucial for the Congress to win third seat and the party might also look at Independents (9) and members of the Badavara Shramikara Raithara Congress Party (3 MLAs), Karnataka Janata Paskha (2), and Sarvodaya Karnataka Paksha and Karnataka Makkala Paksha (one MLA each) to lend their support. A:=WZ]VUZ_ 2]]RYRSRU94W`c 43:ac`SVZ_e` >ReYfcRT]RdYVd Lucknow: A PIL was on Thursday filed in the Lucknow Bench of the Allahabad High Court, seeking a CBI enquiry into the Mathura violence. It is likely to come up for hearing on June 13. The Public Interest Litigation, filed by IP Singh of Azamgarh district, seeks a direction to dismiss the judicial commission constituted by the Uttar Pradesh government D]X^]APX[fPh<X]XbcTaBdaTbW?aPQWdfXcWFTbc1T]VP[2WXTU<X]XbcTa<P\PcP to probe the incident where 1P]TaYTTPcP\TTcX]VPc=PQP]]PX]:^[ZPcP^]CWdabSPh ?C8 clashes between the police and encroachers left 29 people B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q :>;:0C0 Nabanna the State secretariat dead last week. said. The East-West metro proPetitioner’s counsel Ashok eeping with Prime Minister ject linking Rajarhat in the Pandey said his client has alsoNarendra Modi’s slogan of north-eastern fringes of prayed for a probe by CBI or according priority to develop- Kolkata to Howrah would a Special Investigation Team ment over politics the Indian entail digging of tunnel beneath (SIT). On June 7, the Supreme Railways is planning to go full the Hooghly River. Banerjee had cleared these Court had refused to order a throttle insofar as increasing Railway infrastructure in projects during her tenure as CBI probe into the incident. the Railway Minister in the secA vacation bench of Bengal is concerned. This was made clear by ond UPA Government. The Justices PC Ghose and Railway Minister Suresh State was also likely to get a Amitava Roy had said it was Prabhu in Kolkata. The wagon manufacturing unit, it not inclined to pass any order in the matter and asked the Minister who met Chief was said. Keeping aside political dif- petitioner to approach the Minister Mamata Banerjee for PTI the first time after her massive ferences and praising the Chief High Court. electoral victory in the State Minister, Prabhu said “she elections said he had a detailed (Banerjee) herself was a very and comprehensive discussion successful Railway Minister with Banerjee regarding the and I had detailed discussion improvement of infrastructure with her” on various issues. “The State Government projects and the Railways had already started taking mea- has extended all cooperation. The idea is how to redevelop sures towards that. In the discussions the the existing infrastructure and Railways particularly showed increase it in the State” he interest in early completion of maintained and added “we mass transport projects like the have already increased the East-West and Joka-BBD Bag share of investment in the metro lines. The Railways had State.” The idea behind the also agreed to work alongside the State Government to reha- Railway’s increased attention in bilitate the residents displaced Bengal is to “create an inteon account of the East-West grated transport system in metro project, sources at Kolkata,” he said. K 6dYPaPc2<0]P]SXQT]?PcT[WdVbPRWX[SPUcTaWTa_^XV]P]cP__TP[PVPX]bcUT\P[T U^TcXRXSTSdaX]VBWP[P?aPeTbW^cbPeX]:WTSP^]CWdabSPh ?C8 ^_X]X^]' =4F34;78k5A830H k9D=4 ! % gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] aRaVchZeYaRddZ`_ 7`ceZWjZ_Xa`ddZSZ]ZeZVd 0RGLVWUHQJWKHQV,QGLD¶VWLHVZLWKWKH86 caTbbX]VP]P[[XP]RT^UU^acXUhX]V_^bbXQX[XcXTb?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SX WPb bXV]P[[TS P ]Tf SX\T]bX^] X] cWT 8]SXPD]XcTS BcPcTb QX[PcTaP[ fWX[T PSSaTbbX]VcWTY^X]cbTbbX^]^UcWTDB 2^]VaTbb<^SXcWTUXUcW8]SXP]?aX\T <X]XbcTac^PSSaTbbbdRWPbTbbX^]aTRP[[TScWTPSSaTbb^UU^a\Ta?aX\T<X]XbcTa 0cP[1XWPaXEPY_PhTTfW^WPST\_WPbXbTS^eTaR^\X]VcWT²WTbXcPcX^]b^UWXbc^ ahX]cWT8]SXPDBaT[PcX^]bWX_1dcc^SPhPb<^SXWPbR[PX\TS8]SXPP]ScWT DBWPeT^eTaR^\TcWT²WTbXcPcX^]b^UWXbc^ahP]SbXV]XUXRP]c[h²R^\U^acRP] S^daP]SR^]eTaVT]RTSTUX]TcWTaT]TfTSaT[PcX^]bWX_QTcfTT]cWTcf^CW^dVW WXbb_TTRWc^cWTDB[Pf\PZTabR^\QX]TS_^TcahWd\^daP]SaWTc^aXRc^^dc [X]T8]SXPbeXbX^]U^aPbcaPcTVXR_Pac]TabWX_fXcWcWTDBX]cWT! bcRT]cdahhTc WTR^]eThTScWT_^X]ccWPcSTb_XcTWPeX]VSXUUTaT]RTbX]\P]hRadRXP[PaTPbPdc^] 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huge — and not just for the reasons you think. For the first time in history, America could have a male First Lady. Just picture it: While the leader of the free world is navigating international politics, her husband could be throwing banquets, choosing crockery and measuring curtains for the White House. He could be the best flotus the US has ever seen. Forget Michelle Obama’s flawless rapping, vegetable growing and passion about women’s education — as America’s first ever ‘husband of the President’, Bill Clinton would be next level. Can’t you just imagine him standing by Hill’s side with an impeccable manicure, blowing kisses to the people of the US and never wearing the same suit twice? After all, as a former President himself, he knows exactly what is expected of the First Lady — from unconditional support (even at times when most spouses would be filing for divorce) to putting their own career on hold, and overseeing the domestic side of the presidential home. No wonder people on Twitter are already getting ready to have a new favourite flotus — they can’t wait for his inaugural gown (‘it’s gonna be fire’), his baking recipes H and the inevitable trademark fashion item (can he be the one to finally trump Jackie O’s sunglasses?) The only problem is that Clinton hasn’t fully thrown himself into his prospective new role yet. Unlike previous potential First Ladies, he hasn’t started upping his fashion game or putting his life on hold to become a permanent unpaid plus one. He’s still running his foundation out of New York — as in, a city that is not Washington, DC where he should be — and raising billions. It’s all very worthy, but is he really First Lady material? Hillary was slammed for her work — as one of the 100 most influential lawyers in America and the first female member on WalMart’s board — when Bill was running for President in 1992. When she pointed out that her career success was due to her working and not ‘staying home and baking cookies’, she faced such a backlash that immediate action had to be taken. Cue the 1992 Family Circle First Lady bake-off where Hillary’s chocolate chip cookies beat Barbara Bush’s and arguably propelled the Clintons to victory. As much as we’d like to image Bill doing the same, later this year, no one can seriously expect him to participate in this traditional bakeoff (which, depressingly, was still going in 2012 when Michelle Obama’s white and dark chocolate 9dc1Yb9^TYQR__[c QbUc_RQT9T_^d dXY^[dXQdUfU^YVYd Yc_VVUbUTQ^iR_Ti g_e\TS_]UV_bYd E^Y_^3 3YfY\ 1fYQdY_^= =Y^YcdUb ±1cX_[7QZQ`QdXY =><0CC4A7>F <D27743A0C74A 1420;;43²58ABC 3D34>A²58ABC 64=C;4<0=85 78;;0AH142><4B ?A4B834=CC><4 74;;14C7458ABCC> 1A40:C74>DC30C43 <>D;3?>;8C820; F8E4B70E4144= 5>A243C>58C5>A 50AC>>;>=6 chip cookies beat Ann Romney’s M&M cookies). And that’s exactly the point. While all previous First Ladies have had to go through the 1950s rigmarole of being perfect suburban wives, Bill will not face those same pressures. Not even because he is a former President, but because he is a man. This mere fact of biology means he is not expected to have cookie recipes up his sleeve, understand what décor would work best in the Oval Office, or wear the latest fashions, albeit demurely. He will not be trolled for his looks, or told to ‘drop a few pounds’ like Michelle Obama. Even Hillary, who has gone through all of this herself, doesn’t expect any of it from her husband. Last year she said it had ‘crossed her mind’ to appoint him as Vice President. When told it wouldn’t work constitutionally, she said later that he would be one of her key advisers. “I’m going to ask for his ideas, I’m going ask for his advice, and I’m going to use him as a goodwill emissary to go around the country to find the best ideas we’ve got, because I do believe, as he said, everything that’s wrong with America has been solved somewhere in America,” she said during a debate in January. Hillary Clinton declares victory in Democratic race, hails a milestone Play! 01:02 Bill could carry on working in B>D=318C4 his own right, and even join Hillary’s team. It’s a similar pattern across the world: Angela Merkel’s husband Joachim Sauer has been left alone to carry on his work as a chemistry professor, while Stephen Kinnock worked as a managing director while his wife Helle Thorning-Schmidt was Prime Minister of Denmark, before eventually becoming a British MP. Their careers flourished while their wives led their countries. It would be churlish to say that they should have given that up so they could see the reality of life as a 21st century wife, but it just goes to show how much First Ladies have sacrificed over the years — and that it doesn’t have to be this way. If men can lead full lives whilst being married to a world leader, then so can women. So hopefully Bill will have his moment in the shadows as First Lady, and carry on his life in exactly the same way he always has. And with no cookie bake-offs in sight, perhaps he’ll set a precedent for all future First Ladies. Because no matter how much he’d rather be called ‘First Dude’, ‘First Mate’ or ‘First Gentleman’, if Hillary does become President? To me he'll be Bill Clinton, First Lady of the United States — and first to break the outdated mould political wives have been forced to fit for far too long. (Courtesy: The Daily Telegraph) >_9Q]^_dQ]U]RUb _V11@_b3_^WbUcc9 XQfU]QTU]_bU VY\]cgYdX_edVUUc dXQ^Q^i_^UU\cU <_gS_cdWU^UbYS ]UTYSY^Uc`b_TeSUT Ri9^TYQ^`XQb]Q SUedYSQ\cXQfURUU^ Y^cdbe]U^dQ\Y^ cSQ\Y^We`QSSUcc d_89FdbUQd]U^d 6Y\]]Q[Ub ±1^ebQW;QcXiQ` E^Y_^8 8UQ\dX= =Y^YcdUb ±:@>QTTQ ;4CC4ABC>C74438C>A C_\fY^W`b_R\U]c Sir — This refers to the article, “Tough questions for Mehbooba” (June 9) by KN Pandit. Problems that have piled up in Jammu & Kashmir during the past seven decades cannot be solved in one year. It should be done in a phased manner. To begin, our leaders must focus on the problems faced by the people in the valley. Anil Gupta Via web @bUcUbfY^WfQ\eUc Sir — This refers to the article, “Modi and Indian exceptionalism” (June 8) by Anirban Ganguly. Values have to be transmitted by immersion — generation after generation. Only when the harmonious worldview of sarve bhavantu sukhinah is embedded in a continuous culturally spontaneous behaviour, it sustains as it is expected to. Seshadri Via web <UddY^WT_g^ Sir — This refers to the editorial, “Looking beyond Delhi” (June 8). Delhi Chief Minister Arvind FaR_ZdYRUdY`]U\Vje` `fcTZgZ]ZdReZ`_R]WfefcV C WXbaTUTabc^cWTPacXR[T°<^SXP]S8]SXP]TgRT_cX^]P[Xb\±9d]T' Qh0]XaQP]6P]Vd[hCWTD_P]XbWPSbPaTPbc^aTW^dbT^U\P]\PZ X]VfXbS^\CWThWPeT]dacdaTS]^cYdbccWT]PcXeTb^UcWXbR^d]cah QdcP[b^cW^bTX]U^aTXV][P]SbfW^RPaTSc^bcdShcWTbTX]ST_cW8cXb cWXbfXbS^\cWPcb_TPZbX]cWT[P]VdPVT^UaT[XVX^]b]dacdaTSX]cWTb^X[ ^UcWXb[P]SX]cWT_^Tcah^UcWTbPX]cbUa^\cWT]^acWc^cWTb^dcWP]S Ua^\TPbcc^cWTfTbc8cXbcWTb^daRT^UcWPcT]TaVhcWPc[TSc^cWTQXacW ^UPbRXT]cXUXR[P]VdPVT[XZTBP]bZaXcP]SP\P]\PZX]VSXbRX_[X]T[XZTh^VP CWXbfXbS^\WPbbdbcPX]TScWT_T^_[T^UcWXb[P]SSTb_XcTcWT\Ph WT\Qa^dVWcQhQPaQPaXP]bUa^\^dcbXSTP]SbT[UXbWad[TabP]S_T^ _[TcWa^dVWRT]cdaXTbCWXbXb]^cYdbcWPaZX]VQPRZc^PV^[ST]_Pbc 8cXbcWTU^d]SPcX^]^]fWXRWcWXbR^d]cahbWP[[aXbTPVPX]U^aXcaT\^eTb _TccX]TbbP]SbT[UXbW]TbbP]SUX[[b^]TfXcWT]TaVhc^S^V^^SX]fWPc TeTaf^aZ^]Td]STacPZTb 0bW^Z2WPcdaeTSX EXPfTQ Kejriwal has been a disappointment for the people who voted him to power with a huge mandate. He came on the political horizon on the pretext of his anticorruption crusade at a time when the country was reeling under corruption. However, in his bid for power, he forgot about fighting corruption, and started blazing all his guns at Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He is now seen siding with those who have plans to form a third front. His second agenda is to have continuous confrontation with the Centre on one pretext or the other, unmindful of the effect it may have on the development of the State. BP Srivastava Noida Cd_`TbUQ]Y^W Sir — This refers to the editorial, “Looking beyond Delhi” (June 8). Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, the former Indian Revenue Service officer is daydreaming of occupying the office of the Prime Minister. He presumably feels that the Chief Minister’s chair is too small for his great abilities. The way he mocks Prime Minister Narendra Modi so often, it seems that he wants to convey to his supporters that he can become a better Prime Minister than Modi. The editorial has rightly diagnosed Kejriwal’s disease of making “tall” and “false” claims and promises with no or little delivery. M Ratan Via email 4_eR\Uc`UQ[ Sir — This refers to the article, “Sen Corker and his glass house” (June 7) by Deepak Sinha. The US is known for its double-speak. Its policies have always been guided by its own national and economic interests and not by moral scruples or ethical values. It is the same US Congress which had earlier denied a visa to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, when he was the Chief Minister of Gujarat, that is now applauding him. Therefore, we must not expect any drastic change in its policy towards Pakistan or China. Russia (or the erstwhile Soviet Union) has been more reliable in its support to India. Arun Via web BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^) [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ "aSThT( =4F34;78k5A830H k9D=4 ! % 0LVVLQJVWDWH LQ0DWKXUD ',6(48,/,%5,80 D`Wef_UVcSV]]j`WdVijSfdZ_Vdd ;^RP[PS\X]XbcaPcX^]\dbcTg_[PX]fWh XcWPSP[[^fTSP]X[[TVP[bTcc[T\T]cc^ U[^daXbWd]STaXcb]^bTX]9PfPWPa?PaZ 0HUJHUVDQGDFTXLVLWLRQVRQHRIWKHVH[LHVWWKLQJVLQEXVLQHVVDUHDOVRIUDXJKWZLWKULVN$IWHU\HDUVRIIXULRXVH[SDQVLRQ WT9PfPWPa?PaZX]RXST]cX]<PcWdaPWPbbWPZ T]cWT]PcX^]P[R^]bRXT]RTCWT\P]aTb_^] bXQ[TU^acWXb\TbbAP\1aXZbWHPSPefW^ b`dPccTS^]6^eTa]\T]c[P]SP]SbTcd_P[PaVT X[[TVP[bTcc[T\T]caT\X]Sbdb^UBdQTVBX]VWP U^a\Ta<PY^a6T]TaP[^UcWT8]SXP]0a\hfW^WPS ^RRd_XTSP]SU^acXUXTScWT 0ZP[ CPZcW fXcW 9Pa]PX[ BX]VW1WX]SaP]fP[TFWX[T BX]VW fPb fPVX]V fPa PVPX]bc cWT 8]SXP] bcPcT HPSPefPbRWP[[T]VX]VcWT \XVWc^UcWTbcPcTQhbTc cX]V d_ P] X[[TVP[ bTcc[T \T]c FWX[T cWT ?d]YPQ X]RXST]c aT[PcTS c^ R^d] cahb d]Xch P]S X]cTVaXch P]STeT]cdP[[h[TSc^0a\h E:107D6D=0 X]cTaeT]cX^] X] <PcWdaP cWTX]RXST]cRaTPcTSRWP^b X]RXeX[b^RXTchSXbad_cX]VV^eTa]P]RTP]SSP\ PVX]V[XUTP]S_a^_Tach^UcWTRXcXiT]bBdRW^_T] RXeX[cTaa^aXb\^UcT]cda]b^dcc^QT\^aT[TcWP[ cWP] cWT ^cWTa U^a\b ^U cTaa^aXb\ QTRPdbT cWT _^[XRTXb]^cfT[[caPX]TSc^WP]S[TXc >cWTaAP\1aXZbWHPSPebfX[[T\TaVTd][Tbb cWT[PfT]U^aRX]VPVT]RXTbaTP[XbTcWTT]^a\Xch ^UcWT_a^Q[T\PcWP]S8cXbd]WTPaS^UX]P]h RXeX[XbTS]PcX^]cWPcPUTfWd]SaTS[d]PcXRUaX]VT T[T\T]cbRP]cPZT^eTacWTPS\X]XbcaPcX^]^UP] PaTPc^acdaTRXcXiT]bP\Pbb[TcWP[fTP_^]bP]S \PZTP\^RZTah^UcWT_^[XRTP]SRXeX[PS\X]Xb caPcX^]Qh^RRd_hX]V_aX\T6^eTa]\T]c_a^_Ta chX]cWT\XSS[T^UcWTRXchU^aP[\^bccf^hTPab CWT[^RP[PS\X]XbcaPcX^]\PhcaTPccWXbPbP] Xb^[PcTSX]RXST]cQdccWTR^d]cahf^d[S[XZTc^WTPa Ua^\DccPa?aPSTbW³b3XaTRc^a6T]TaP[^U?^[XRT Xcb?aX]RX_P[BTRaTcPah7^\TP]S2WXTUBTRaTcPah Pbc^fWhcWThSXS]³ccPZTP]hPRcX^]^]cWT % aT_^acbcWThaTRTXeTSUa^\X]cT[[XVT]RTd]Xcb^U cWT3XbcaXRcPS\X]XbcaPcX^]P]S3XbcaXRc_^[XRTCWT 6^eTa]\T]c\dbcTg_[PX]XcbX]PRcX^]¯fWhSXS XcP[[^fbc^RZ_X[X]V^UfTP_^]bbd__[h^UfPcTa P]ST[TRcaXRXchSdaX]VcWT[Pbccf^hTPab.FWhfPb cWTBcPcT6^eTa]\T]c^Q[XeX^dbc^cWXb\PbbXeT X[[TVP[bTcc[T\T]c. CWT _^[XRT P]S cWT SXbcaXRc PS\X]XbcaPcX^] TXcWTaWPS]^bcaPcTVhc^WP]S[TcWT\T]PRT^a fTaT _PbbX]V cWT QdRZ c^ WXVWTa d_b CWT PS\X]XbcaPcX^] P[[^fTS cWT T]Ra^PRWTab P UaTT WP]S0b`dXRZSTcTRcX^]P]SbfXUcPRcX^]fPb]^c cPZT]cWTT]Ra^PRWTabWPScX\Tc^U^acXUhP]SX]UX[ caPcTcWTbhbcT\P]SRWP[[T]VTcWT[PfP]S^aSTa \PRWX]Tah8]bdRWRPbTb^UX[[TVP[^RRd_PcX^] cWT[^RP[PS\X]XbcaPcX^]S^Tb]^caT`dXaTP]h_Ta \XbbX^]c^PRc FWPcXbTeT]\^aTbda_aXbX]VXbcWPcSTb_XcT RdccX]V ^UU T[TRcaXRXch P]S fPcTa [X]Tb cWT T]Ra^PRWTabfTaTT]Y^hX]VQ^cWP\T]XcXTb8cXb ^][h PUcTa cWT 0[[PWPQPS 7XVW 2^dac _PbbTS P] ^aSTaU^aTeXRcX^]cWPccWTPS\X]XbcaPcX^]f^ZTd_ CWT_^[XRTU^aRTbX]cWTR^d]cahWPeTbTT\ X]V[hQTR^\TT]Va^bbTSX]a^dcX]TSdcXTbP]S[PRZ _a^UTbbX^]P[bZX[[bU^acPRZ[X]VRXcXiT]aTe^[cbCWT W^]Tbc_^[XRT\P]XbP[fPhbPbdb_TRcX]cWTThTb ^U_^[XcXRXP]bP]SRXeX[bTaeP]cbWPeT]^]T^UcWT TcW^bU^afWXRWcWThfTaTZ]^f]TPa[XTa=^fTPRW ^]T Xb T]VPVTS X] VaPQQX]V _^fTa P]S UPe^dab Ua^\_^fTabcWPcQT 8]SXPPb_XaTbc^QTPST\^RaPcXRfT[UPaTbcPcT 1dcS^fTWPeTcWT_a^eXbX^]bc^PRcX]cWTX]cTa Tbcb^UST\^RaPRhP]SSXb\XbbP[[cW^bTfW^U^a bPZTcWT^PcW^UV^eTa]P]RTP]SQTSTQPaaTSUa^\ R^]cTbcX]VT[TRcX^]bU^aPc[TPbcUXeThTPab3Ph X]P]SSPh^dcRXcXiT]bbdRRd\Qc^cW^bTfW^RP_ cdaT_^fTabP]SQTR^\TcWT[Pfd]c^cWT\bT[eTb CWT RaX\T bh]SXRPcT Z]^fb fT[[ cWPc Xc RP] cfXbccWTYdSXRXP[_a^RTbb0[aTPShcWT8]SXP]YdSX RXP[bhbcT\XbQTh^]ScWTaTPRW^U\^bc8]SXP] RXcXiT]bQTRPdbT^UcWTWXVWUTTbRWPaVTSQhPSe^ RPcTbP]SST[PhbX]YdbcXRT>][hcW^bTfW^WPeT R^a_^aPcTbd__^ac^aQXV\^]Th^aPaTcWT\bT[eTb aXRWP]SR^aad_cRP]PUU^aSV^^S[PfhTab ?aTeX^db[hcWT_^[XcXRP[[TPSTabdbTSc^cPZT WT[_^URaX\X]P[bU^aQ^^cWRP_cdaX]VSdaX]VT[TR cX^]bQdcfWT]cWTbTT[T\T]cbaTP[XbTScWPcXcfX[[ QTQTccTac^UXVWcT[TRcX^]baPcWTacWP]WT[_cWT [TPSTabcWT_^[XcXRP[bRT]PaX^RWP]VTSCWXbcaT]S R^X]RXSTSfXcW_^[XcXRXbPcX^]^UcWTQdaTPdRaPRh P]S cWT _^[XRT U^aRTb P]S cWXb STPS[h ca^XZP Xb aTb_^]bXQ[TU^aQaTPZS^f]^UcWTV^eTa]P]RT CWT8]SXP]YdSXRXPahWPbQTT]P_X[[Pa^UbcaT]VcW P]SX]cTa_aTcbcWT[PfX]f^aSbQdc]^fcWTaTXb ]TTSc^X]cTa_aTcX]b_XaXcc^]X__^[XcXRP[^]Td_\P] bWX_P]SWT[_cWT6^eTa]\T]cbcT\cWTa^c CWTX]bcXcdcX^]b^UV^eTa]P]RT]TTSaTU^a\ PbcWTbcaXUTX]b^RXTchXbX]RaTPbX]VSdTc^VT] dX]T^a_TaRTXeTSX]YdbcXRTQdc[PaVT[hSdTc^STcT aX^aPcX]V\^aP[eP[dTb8cXbWXVWcX\TU^aP\T]S \T]cbX]cWT2^]bcXcdcX^]c^RWP]VTcWTPS\X] XbcaPcXeT_a^UX[T^UcWTR^d]cahc^\PZTXcPRR^d]c PQ[TUdcdaXbcXRP]SaTU[TRcXeT^UcWTPb_XaPcX^]^U cWT_T^_[T CWTbX[eTa[X]X]VXbcWTaTbX[XT]RTX]8]SXP]Rd[ cdaTP]STcW^bc^^eTaR^\TRaXbXbbXcdPcX^]bQdc cWTcX\TXb]^faX_TU^aPRcX^]c^aT\^eTcWTP]^\ P[XTbX]V^eTa]P]RTSXbc^acX^]bX]cWTbhbcT\CWT _aTbT]c6^eTa]\T]cWPbcWT\PY^aXch\P]SPcTc^ [TPSUa^\cWTUa^]c¯ Xc\dbc]³cSXbP__^X]c CWT faXcTa Xb U^a\Ta ?aX]RX_P[ BTRaTcPah 6^eTa]\T]c^UCaX_daP C LQFOXGLQJOHYHUDJHGEX\RXWVRIFKHDSIRUHLJQDVVHWV,QGLD,QFLVQRZVORZLQJGRZQDQGVKDNLQJRIILWVODUJHEDQNGHEWV ause, pause and effect holds good for contemporary India Inc. After years of furious expansion, including mergers and acquisitions of cheaper global assets, it was time to pause as corporates slowed down to examine their over leveraged balance sheets. The 2008 worldwide meltdown took a heavy toll on companies small and big. This was a tipping point between order and chaos. In parallel, it became for one and all the difference between what one wanted and what one feared. The width of an eyelash becoming the determinant. I remember Hindustan Lever chairman Susim Datta telling me years ago that M&A is one of the sexiest things in business, but it has a soft underbelly which is always fraught with risk — with cultural and human resource issues dominant. Tata Steel is the latest instance of failing in its endeavour to absorb a bigger company. I also remembered now discredited industrialist Vijay Mallya’s words reverberating — “I am not a corporate museum, I will get out of businesses which don’t have a strategic fit with my core competence of liquor and beverages”. This was almost 20 years ago when Mallya began consolidating his liquor business and jettisoning all that did not fit. A whole catalogue of reasons has played havoc with corporate blueprints: Business and commodity cycle downturn, prolonged up cycle in interest rates, export markets drying up, expansion plans derailed due to environmental and forest clearances, consumption slowdown, judicial activism, witch hunt by the 5Cs — CVC, CAG, CBI, CIC and courts, policy paralysis et al. Corporates themselves began to look into their mirrors finding mountains of debt impinging on their business performance. ‘Sexy’ leveraged buyouts of cheap international assets contributed in some cases, while other factors debilitated others. Take Tata Steel — rising costs, weak demand, over supply, cheap imports and currency volatility brought the company to its knees. Tata Steel India, the parent company, was keeling C B0=344?10<I08 CPcPBcTT[´b PRR`dXbXcX^]^U 2^adbfPbc^dcTS PbcWTPaaXeP[^UcWT 8]SXP]caP]b]PcX^]P[ R^a_^aPcX^]bTTZX]V PV[^QP[U^^c_aX]c C^SPhTeT]PUcTa TgXcX]VXcbPbbTcbX] D:P]S4da^_T CPcPBcTT[\PhQT bPSS[TSfXcWP Wd\d]V^db "\T\QTa _T]bX^]bRWT\T° P[XPQX[Xch]^^]TXb fX[[X]Vc^cPZT^eTa over with C71,798 crore consolidated debt while its standalone debt was C25,332 crore. When it acquired Anglo Dutch steelmaker Corus in 2007, the $12.1 billion buyout was touted as the arrival of the Indian transnational corporation seeking a global footprint, reminding me of Datta’s ‘sexy’ nomenclature. Even after exiting its assets in UK and Europe, Tata Steel may continue to be saddled with a humungous 1,30,000 member pension scheme, a liability no one is willing to take over. In a late April report by IIFL, this imponderable has been shown for what it actually is — this could leave Tata Steel in UK with no assets but pension funds. Gains from the asset sale depend critically on how the pension funds are dealt with. Pension fund deficit has increased to 485 million pounds sterling at the end of FY 2015. Exit from the pension fund might not be easy since: One, Tatas might have to contribute about GBP 3.5 billion to sell the fund to professional managers; two, The fund might not meet the criteria for takeover by the Pension Protection Fund; and three, since July 2014, Tata Steel has refinanced debt worth $8.5 billion, of which $1.5 billion was refinanced in December 2015. This included debt (borrowing of six billion dollars) originally incurred in relation with the $12.1 billion acquisition of Corus Group Plc in 2007. As bank debt became hot button, it was imperative for corporate India also to introspect on the way forward. Self realisation is the best whetstone, and as more and more industrialists felt that there was a quantum surge in threat analysis to their own books and businesses, they decided to shake the tree and become debt free. Deals Concluded: Jindal Steel & Power: Sajjan Jindal’s JSW Energy will buy 100 per cent of brother Naveen Jindal’s Jindal Steel and Power 1,000 MW 3_^WbUccVQSY^WQ^ UhYcdU^dYQ\SbYcYc FWT]cWT_PachfPbV^X]VS^f]WX[[X]cWT ((bB^]XP6P]SWX bcT__TSX]P]SbcT\\TScWTa^cFW^fX[[cPZTWTa_[PRT]^f. hould the Congress be worried about the continuing erosion of its workers and leaders? Are the rats leaving a sinking ship? There is no doubt that the party is losing its organisational depth, moreso since Prime Minister Narendra Modi came to power. There is rebellion brewing in various States. This week saw the exit of two senior Congress leaders — Ajit Jogi in Chhattisgarh and Gurudas Kamat in Maharashtra. While Jogi, a former Chhattisgarh Chief Minister, has launched his own outfit, Kamat wants to quit politics altogether. To add to the confusion, seven Congress MLAs have also left the party in Tripura. The erosion began before the 2014 Lok Sabha poll when leaders like Birender Singh, GK Vasan, Jayanthi Natarajan, KS Rao, R Sambasiva Rao, Kiran Reddy, Jagan Reddy, Jagadambika Pal and Satpal Maharaj quit the Congress. NT Rama Rao’s daughter ditched the Congress for the BJP. Others like Krishna Tirath, Avtar Singh Bhadana and Mangat ram Sharma also quit. The leadership refused to recognise the brewing storm, fooling itself into believing that everything was alright. Jogi’s rebellion follows revolts in Assam and Uttarakhand where rebels left the Congress, blaming the leadership for not addressing their grievances. While rebel Congress leader Himanta Biswa Sarma played a crucial role for the BJP’s win in Assam, former Chief Minister Vijay Bahuguna almost brought down the Rawat Government in Uttarakhand. Though Kamat’s decision to retire from active politics came as a bolt from the blue, he represents the wounded sentiment of many loyalists. His exit will be a big blow for the party ahead of the civic poll next year. What should be worrying for the S Congress is that most of the leaders have been Pradesh Congress Committee presidents or general secretaries at one time or the other. It is baffling that even now the leadership has failed to grasp the seriousness of the situation despite rebels flexing their muscles in different parts of the country. First, the grand old party must address the leadership crisis. The party is confused about the role of Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi. Will Rahul Gandhi ever take over as the heir of the party, and if so, when? What will happen of Congress president Sonia Gandhi then? A organisational reshuffle is expected, but there are apprehensions that Rahul Gandhi might ease out the old guard. In short, Rahul Gandhi can’t inspire confidence. Second, the Congress leadership failed to see the brewing storm in most Congress-ruled States like Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya and Uttarakhand. Even Karnataka is not quite stable. The leadership had not detected the undercurrent even as the rebels were directly pointing fingers at them. Third, the party is nearing a situation like it had faced in the 1990s. thermal power plant in Chhattisgarh at an enterprise value of C4,000 crore. Jaypee Group: Jaiprakash Power Ventures sold two of its hydro plants of 1391 MW capacities for C9,200 crore to JSW Energy in September 2015. Jaiprakash Power Ventures is now left with three thermal power plants and one hydro power plant, which are also reeling under pressure led by fuel supply constraints and weak demand. Jaiprakash Associates has agreed to sell its cement business, except its Karnataka cement assets, to UltraTech Cement, for C15,900 crore. In FY16, the group managed to pare down debt by C25,100 crore. Jaiprakash Associates sold the Jaypee Group headquarters, commercial space and 250 acres of land in its Noida township project for C2,700 crore to Axis Bank. GMR: The group has sold 30 per cent stake in its energy arm to Malaysian energy firm Tenaga Nasional Berhad for C2,000 crore. In March, the company sold 51 per cent stake in its 99km highway project in Karnataka to its joint venture partners in C1,078 crore deal. Prior to this, GMR sold 74 per cent stake in Jadcherla Expressway to SBI Macquarie in February 2013 and 74 per cent in GMR Ulundurpet Expressways to India Infrastructure Fund in September 13. Both these stake sales together fetched GMR C428 crore. The GMR group also offloaded its stake in its foreign ventures. It sold its 70 per cent stake in Singapore-based Island Power for C2,600 crore and two coal blocks in its Canadian subsidiary for C201 crore in March 2013. The group also gave up its 40 per cent stake in Istanbul international airport to Malaysian Airports Holding Berhard for C1,740 crore in April 2014. Lanco Infratech: In August 2014, Lanco sold its Udupi power plant to Adani Power for C6,000 crore. As part of the deal, Adani took over the plant’s C4,000 crore worth of debt and Lanco got C2,000 crore in cash, which it used for lowering its debt. Suzlon Energy: In January 2015, Suzlon sold its German subsidiary Senvion to private equity company Centerbridge Partners for C7,200 crore. Bharti Airtel: In a deal worth C1,925 crore, Airtel sold 2.91per cent equity in Infratel through a secondary market deal in February 2015. Then in October 2015, Bharti sold about 8,300 mobile towers in Africa for approximately C11,000 crore. SREI Infrastructure Finance: The company sold its entire 18 per cent stake in telecom tower company, Viom Networks to American Tower Corporation for C2,931 crore. Essar Group: In March 16, Equinox Realty, the real estate arm of Essar Group, sold its under-construction residential project, Water’s Edge, in Bangalore to developer SNN Builders for C300 crore. In February 2016, Essar entered into a pact to sell its 1.25million-sq-ft commercial project, Equinox Business Park, in Mumbai to RMZ Corp for around C2,400 crore. 6ORJDQVPXVWQ¶WFORXG GHYHORSPHQWKRUL]RQ :0;H0=8B70=:0A Just before Sonia Gandhi decided to take charge in 1998, several leaders like KC Pant, Aslam Sher khan, Dileep Singh Bhuria left the Congress. Around the same time, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee floated the Trinamool Congress. Sonia Gandhi’s entry arrested the erosion, and she not only unified the party but also brought the Congress-led UPA to power — not once but twice, from 2004 to 2014. However, after Modi’s entry, neither she nor her son have been able to provide confidence to the party. Fourth, the high command has not done much to nurture second-rung leaders. For months, Congress leaders from Punjab, Rajashtan, Madhya Pradesh, Kerala, Haryana and Chhattisgarh have been complaining against the Pradesh Congress Committee chiefs. In Punjab, the leadership was forced to choose Capt Amarinder Singh as the chief ministerial face for the 2017 poll. Even the induction of leaders like Kapil Sibal, P Chidambaram and Ambika Soni into the current Rajya Sabha nomination list shows that the old guard is not out. Many senior Congressmen are worried that the party may sink further if corrective measures are not taken. As a corrective measure, the Congress must first put the right man in the right place and restructure the organisation. Second, it must change its style of functioning. Third, it must enthuse the party workers with prgorammes and schemes at the ground level. Fourth, it should end confusion by making Rahul Gandhi the president. It must not allow this existential crisis to continue. Living in the past is not the answer, and working for the future is the way to go forward. <TaTb[^VT]TTaX]VfX[[]^cS^C^b^[eTcWTR^d]cah³b STbX _a^Q[T\bcWTaT^dVWcc^QTPSTbXb^[dcX^] loudy vision can take place due to a number of reasons. It can take place through faulty/dusty lenses, it can happen through cataract, through fog, bad windows. And the list is long. But perhaps the worst type of clouding takes place through empty/incomplete slogans. They cloud the horizon. However, there are some all-time favorites. Popular ones include ‘removal of poverty’ or ‘protect secularism’. Mercifully, ever since the NDA Government came to power, these slogans have been somewhat muted as popular psyche is registering new messages. Not that poverty or secularism is no more an issue, but its just that people are realising about new elements, while others remain to be recognised. There is a realisation about climate change, but there is not sufficient realisation that climate change impacts wheat production and the quality of wheat. As it were, with a rise in temperature, food prices too go high. As some people rise above poverty level, the availability/price balance shifts. Worse, there is an increase in the population level, below the poverty level, (if not more) than the numbers that rise above poverty. It is strange but true that there is a thundering silence among the political class — across various segments — on population control. Be that as it may, it is important to realise that slogans too have their life. A good second line in the hierarchy of the over-used slogan includes the word ‘inclusion’. C This confounds even more than it confuses. The truth is that the process of financial inclusion began in 1955 when the Imperial Bank of India became the State Bank of India. The next landmark was in 1969. This was followed in 1980. There was talk of priority sector lending; kisan credit cards and it still continues. Many Governments claim originality in repeating the past. However, the truth is that in real world, some numbers do change, but percentages do not. New phraseology is not necessarily a revolution. Take the case of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) which talks of universal banking services. There is nothing wrong with it. Claims have been made about containing leakages through this instrumentality. There is truth in the claim, but one has to stretch a definition to see how it is ‘inclusion’, the way it should be, if those covered by it have not entered the main economic stream. The life of a common man remains in a tizzy. Opening accounts is helpful, but it does not cause economic progress. Perhaps the process is being confused for objective. The answer lies in encouraging demand-oriented savings. The number of accounts opened under PMJDY is large. Several of them have no significant deposits. Credit and remittances need to be customised to lifestyle patterns. Income streams of an average Indian cannot be just a matter of E8=0HB78;60DC0< finding employment. There is merit in the talk of servicing, through the business correspondent model. As of now, there is much heat over how to deepen the penetration of financial services into the rural areas. No prizes for guessing — the post office system remains the favourite. It is a well-known fact that India accounts for 16 per cent of the world’s population and only four per cent of the global water resources. Whether it be the venerable wise ones of the Planning Commission or the NitiAyog, both miss a point. Water shortage effects production of rice and higher food prices absorb the rise of purchasing power. Little is left for pushing industrial growth. The Reserve Bank of India continues to talk of interest rates. Obviously, multinationals are also looking for their own kill, big four consultancy organisations remain the favourite of the institutions of the present Government, as they were of the preceding one. Financial multinationals including banks have their own take. They will come nowhere near the PMJDY. It falls in the lot of the public sector banks to keep pushing for financial inclusion while the cream of their assets stand hugely monopolised by the socially savvy and politically influential. Some names of the leading luminaries are too wellknown to be repeated. Putting it simply, a desi model is needed to solve the desi problem. The present Government cannot afford to lose the opportunity. \^]Th =4F34;78 k5A830H k9D=4 ! % 8cb0Xa8]SXPQ^^ZbPaTb^QPS8 S^]ccWX]ZcWPcTeT]XUXcXb ^UUTaTSP]hQ^Shf^d[SR^\TU^a Xc8cXbP]XRTPXa[X]T8[XZT0Xa 8]SXPQdc8RP]cR^\\Xc cPg_PhTab\^]ThU^aTcTa]Xch CWPcXb]^cS^]T 2PabP[TbfTaTb[XVWc[h]TVPcXeT [Pbc\^]cWPbb^\T^UcWTbTSP] bP[TbPaTVTccX]VcaP]bUTaTSc^ cWTdcX[XcheTWXR[TbTV\T]cfWXRW bPf[Pd]RWTb^UePaX^db]Tf R^\_PRcBDEb 2EJJ 6B?= 7?FD 3 3?B@ 28E8;0E80C8>=<8=8BC4A 0B7>:6090?0C78A09D B80<38A42C>A64=4A0; E8B7=D<0C7DA $,FDQ WJHWSXEOLFPRQH\IRUHWHUQLW\5DMX =4F34;78)Air India's “books are so bad” that nobody will buy it even if the Government wanted to sell off the national carrier, Civil Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju said on Thursday. Ruling out disinvestment in the carrier that has a debt of some C50,000 crore, Raju at the same time made it plain that the taxpayers' money cannot be committed “for eternity”. “Its (Air India) books are so bad. I don't think that even if it is offered, anybody would come for it,” he said. Grappling with mounting debts and tough business conditions, Air India has been in the red since the merger of then Air India and Indian Airlines in 2007 and is staying afloat on a C30,000-crore bailout package extended by the erstwhile UPA regime. Asserting that unlike others, he would not like to get into “Air India bashing”, the Minister also said that the carrier needs to function in a more cohesive manner to deliver on its turnaround goals. “It is a nice airline. I like Air India but I can't commit taxpayers' money for eternity. That is not done,” Raju told the news agency in an interview. Buoyed by improving financial situation and high growth potential of the domestic aviation market, Air India is putting in plans to expand its fleet by another 100 aircraft in the next four years. “My feeling is that the cohesiveness of the team has to increase and where they have worked as a team, they have delivered, and where they have not worked as a team, they have pulled in different sides. Nobody can put the clock back. The quicker they realise it the better,” he noted. While there has been no official announcement so far, the airline has managed to eke out an operational profit of around C6-8 crore in the previous financial year. “The fact that they have not made an operating loss speaks volumes,” Raju said. 8`gecf]Vd`feTRaaZ_X`WRZcWRcVd =4F34;78)Capping of airfares in the back- drop of passenger complaints of arbitrary tariff hikes was today ruled out by the government which said that competition among the airlines will take care of the problem. Civil Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju said restricting the airfares will not make good business sense as it could also jeopardise the Government's regional connectivity plan as such a move may discourage airlines to fly on non-profitable routes. He, however, said a slew of passengercentric measures including “time-bound” grievance redressal mechanism would be unveiled very soon, emphasising that India's civil aviation market was the fastest growing in domestic passenger travel demand. It is expected that the Government was going to announce steps to rationalise the ticket cancellation charges and they are likely to be capped around the base fare, as against current exorbitant fees, as part of passenger-friendly initiatives. The Minister said at least 32 airports built by Airport Authority of India at a cost of at least C3,000 crore over the years were lying “unconnected” and putting any restriction on market-driven fares may jeopardize government's plan to start flight services to those airports. Holding that putting a cap on airfares may have an adverse impact on growth of aviation sector, Raju said his Ministry keeps a “continuous tab” on price movements to ensure that the rates are under check. His comments come at a time when the government is discussing ways to address issues related to steep fluctuations in airfares, especially during peak seasons and natural calamities. Minister of State for Civil Aviation Mahesh Sharma last month had announced that capping of fares will be announced soon. “These (capping airfares) are complicated problems. They don't have simplistic solutions.... Competition has by and large taken care of the (ticket) rates,” Raju HVViaVTee`dVVd`^V bfRceVc]jSf^ad+:_W`djd4@@ =4F34;78)Challenges in retail, energy and insurance sectors could results in “quarterly bumps” for India's secondlargest software services firm Infosys, its chief operating officer has said. Speaking at the Citi India Investor Conference, Infosys COO UB Pravin Rao said the company would face volatility over the next few quarters, due to weaker spending from these sectors. However, the Bengalurubased company was still on track to meet its full-year constant currency revenue guidance of 11.5-13.5 per cent. “We still remain confident of (our guidance of) 11.5-13.5 per cent. But at the same time, given the volatile nature of our business, given the propensity of our clients to react immediately to some of the volatility, we will expect some short-term or quarterly bumps and ups and downs, but for the year, we FTbcX[[aT\PX]R^]UXST]c^U^da VdXSP]RT^U $ "$_TaRT]c1dc PccWTbP\TcX\TVXeT]cWTe^[PcX[T ]PcdaT^U^daQdbX]TbbVXeT]cWT _a^_T]bXch^U^daR[XT]cbc^aTPRc X\\TSXPcT[hc^b^\T^UcWTe^[PcX[Xch fTfX[[Tg_TRcb^\TbW^accTa\^a `dPacTa[hQd\_bP]Sd_bP]SS^f]b QdcU^acWThTPafTaT\PX]R^]UXST]c bPXS8]U^bhb2>>D1?aPeX]AP^ remain confident,” he said. He added the guidance was based on factors like large deal wins, growth in top 10 accounts and good momentum in the fourth quarter that has usually been challenging for Infosys in the previous years. “In the last couple of weeks, we have seen results from retail &DLUQQRQH[HFXWLYHGLUHFWRUV VHWIRUDFRPPLVVLRQZLQGIDOO =4F34;78)Vedanta Group's Cairn India will pay one per cent of net profit as commission to its nonexecutive directors, including mining baron Anil Agarwal's daughter Priya and brother Navin, over and above their sitting fees. The Board of Cairn India, which operates the nation's biggest onland oilfield in Rajasthan, comprises eight directors, seven of whom are non-executive. Of these, four are independent directors. The company has moved a special resolution for approval by its shareholders at its annual general meeting on July 21 for payment of “a sum not exceeding 1 per cent (or such other percentage, as may be permissible under law) of the net profits of the company per annum” as commission to non-executive directors. The Companies Act of 2013 provides for a company paying remuneration to its non-executive directors by way of commission if it is approved by the company at the general meeting. Cairn's shareholders at the AGM held on August 18, 2011, had approved the remuneration payable to non-executive directors by way of commission not exceeding 1 per cent of net profits for 5 years commencing from April 1, 2011. ?C8 in both the US and Europe have not been good — it's been probably the poorest that we've seen in recent times. At this stage we don't know how retailers will react. At the beginning of the year... We were optimistic — now we're a little bit watchful on the retail space,” Rao said. He added the company continues to see challenges in the short-term in the insurance space. “We have a good pipeline in financial services. Last year, barring insurance, financial services grew about 15 per cent and we expect that momentum to continue... Manufacturing we continue to see good traction... Energy continues to be a challenge, we don't expect recovery to have much impact on the spends,” he said.Rao said a surprise has come from the healthcare vertical. “We are slowly starting seeing some headwinds because there is suddenly a great deal of pressure on cutting costs primarily because of patent expir y and deal pipeline and in addition, we are seeing some M&A action which is leading to deferment. (This is) probably something we didn't anticipate in the starting,” he said. ?C8 told the news agency in an interview. “Floors and caps go together. If you just say I will only cap (air ticket prices) then you won't have any airline. Anyone doing business doesn't want to make loss,” he said. India's domestic aviation market has clocked a growth rate of 22 per cent in the last one year, the highest for any country. Raju said his Ministry has taken up the issue of high tax levied on jet fuel by most of the state governments with the chief ministers concerned. “Prices of ATF is higher than in most countries due to high tax,” he said making a case that lower levy on ATF can help in harnessing the passenger growth potential. “We need to bring down taxation. It is no longer a sector that is serving the rich. There was a psychology that it is for rich and so it should be taxed high. From that psychology activities have moved. Now you are in line with the world and would like to serve the common man,” he said.?C8 AfchRcSRT\Rd >E?=4>5hZeY RUUZeZ`_R]TYRcXV =4F 34;78) PK Purwar has been given back the additional charge of Chairman and Managing Director of MTNL after Narendra Kumar Yadav reliquished the top post on completion of his tenure. Purwar, the Director (Finance) of MTNL, had earlier held the additional charge between June 2014 and June 2015. “Narendra Kumar Yadav has relinquished the charge of CMD of the company w.E.F. June 8, 2016. P K Purwar, Director (Finance), MTNL, has been entrusted with the additional charge of the post of CMD,” MTNL said in a filing to the BSE. Yadav, a Member (Services) Department of Telecom, had been given the additional charge of CMD on June 8, 2015. The telecom PSU has been without a full-time CMD since May 30, 2014 when A K Garg retired from the post. Purwar was given additional charge after Garg's retirement. ?C8 Confident that the national airline has the capability of flying high, the Minister said it is working in that direction and in a veiled reference to criticisms, emphasised that he does not like the idea of Air India “bashing”. As per latest DGCA data, Air India ferried a total of 11.98 lakh passengers on its domestic network in April, cornering a market share of 15.1 per cent during this period. “Let's wish and hope that it (Air India) flies high. I am not against the public sector and I am not for only public sector at all costs. Public sector has a role and private sector has a role. Let them work in competition,” Raju said. Civil Aviation Secretary RN Choubey said, “Air India plans to expand its fleet from 130 aircraft to 230 aircraft in the next four years.... The airline now expects to see net profit in 2018-19 financial year, two years ahead of the timeline fixed in the turnaround plan.” The carrier is surviving on a C30,000-crore bailout package, spread across ten years, announced by the UPA Government in 2012 and the funds are being provided subject to the airline achieving certain operational parameters. So far, more than C22,000 crore has been provided under the turnaround plan. This equity infusion includes the financial support towards repayment of principal as well as interest on government-guaranteed loans taken for aircraft acquisition and the annual interest outgo against these loans itself stands at a whopping C4,000 crore. Government has allocated C1,713 crore to the airline as part of this bailout package for the current fiscal against the carrier's request for C3,901.49 crore. Apart from an estimated operational profit of C6-8 crore, the Government-run carrier's total loss is projected to have gone down by almost 60 per cent to C2,636 crore in the fiscal ended March 2016. In 2014-15, it had a loss of C5,859.91 crore. ?C8 2PabP[TbSTR[X]T\PaVX]P[[hX]<Ph ?=BQ =4F34;78 assenger car sales in India declined marginally in May P even as some of the demand shifted from sedans to the newly launched utility vehicles (UVs). As per the data released by the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) today, domestic passenger car sales stood at 1,58,996 units in May as against 1,60,371 units in the same month last year. “Car sales were slightly negative last month as some of the sedan sales are getting transfered to the utility vehicle segment which saw launches of various new compact SUVs,” SIAM Director General Vishnu Mathur told reporters here. Moreover, the continued slowdown in rural market have impacted small car sales. Passenger car segment has also been impacted by shift from diesel to petrol cars, he added. During last month, total passenger vehicle sales rose by 6.26 per cent to 2,31,640 units as against 2,17,984 units in the year ago period. “The utility vehicles led by Hyundai Creta and other models like Maruti Vitara Brezza and Mahindra TUV300 and KUV100 have fuelled the growth in the overall passenger vehicle segment,” Mathur said. Utility vehicles grew by 35.88 per cent to 58,793 units in May as against 43,269 units in the same month of the previous year. During May, Maruti Suzuki's domestic car sales were up 2.59 per cent at 87,402 units as against 85,190 units in the same month last year. Rival Hyundai Motor saw a decline of 8.21 per cent at 34,262 units as against 37,328 units. Honda Cars India's sales also declined 38.89 per cent to 7,415 units as against 12,134 last year. Tata Motors' car sales were at 7,787 units in May this year compared with 9,176 units in the year-ago month, down 15.13 per cent. Renault India's car sales zoomed to 5,849 units during the month as against just 224 units last year. Maruti Suzuki's passenger vehicle sales in May were up 10.55 per cent at 1,13,162 units, while that of rival Hyundai Motor India were up by 10.42 per cent to 41,351 units. Homegrown utility vehicles major Mahindra & Mahindra's passenger vehicles sales were up 8.27 per cent at 19,635 units while Honda Cars India saw a decline of 25.89 per cent decline in passenger vehicles sales during the month at 9,954 units. Tata Motors saw 26.74 per cent dip in sales of passenger vehicles at 9,456 units. Renault India saw a massive 131.69 per cent jump in passenger vehicle sales at 8,343 units. Total two-wheeler sales in May rose 9.75 per cent to15,15,556 units. Motorcycle sales rose 3.34 per cent to 9,85,158 units from 9,53,311 units a year earlier. “Growth continues to be impacted by slowdown in the rural sales. From a growth of 16.24 per cent in April, it has come down to 3.34 per cent in May,” Mathur said. ,QYHVWPHQWQRUPVIRU1,,)PD\EHWZHDNHG'DV <D<108)Government is looking to tweak the investment norms for NIIF (National Investment and Infrastructure Fund) to allow investors to coinvest in this sovereign wealth fund as also in the individual projects. The norms would be tweaked within the broad framework of the investment to take into account suggestions from the domestic and overseas investors, Economic Affairs Secretary Shaktikanta Das said on Thursday. Das also expressed hope that the retail inflation would remain at 5 per cent this fiscal, in line with the RBI's projection, and help India develop into a low-cost economy in terms of lower interest rates, transaction costs and logistics costs. Speaking to reporters at an event here, Das further said India's economy is likely to grow at 8 per cent this year on account of good monsoon, passage of the GST Bill in Parliament and a slew of reforms being undertaken by the government. “With a good monsoon which we expect this year, with the passage of GST, which also the government is very confident that it will happen in the monsoon session of the Parliament and the cumulative result of all reform measures being taken, this year we are looking at 8 per cent growth,” Das said. In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2016, the country's GDP grew at 7.6 per cent. In the fourth quarter of last fiscal, the economy grew at 7.9 per cent. Das said the growth in manufacturing, services and agriculture sectors during the last fiscal suggest that there has been an improvement in all these segments and will con- tribute to the overall growth in 2016-17 fiscal. He said a good monsoon will add to a good agriculture and will also create a lot of rural demand. The Secretary said reform processes and the policy initiatives, that have been taken in the last few months, will continue. “We will see greater action with regards to various policy initiatives and with regard to reform measures going ahead,” he said. On NIIF, Das said: “Earlier we were considering NIIF to be the mother fund under which there would be several subfunds. Now after interaction with investors from within and abroad we realised that there is equal amount of interest, perhaps greater interest to coinvest in individual projects.” A panel headed by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley reviewed the progress of NIIF yesterday. While co-investment in individual projects is important,it is also important that the investors come into the mother fund because there government equity will be only 49 per cent, Das said. “Therefore, we are now in discussion with various investors and they will co invest in individual infrastructure projects and also invest in the mother fund,” the Secretary said. He said the Government is also in talks with many domestic investors as well as multilateral institutions to invest in NIIF. “Some of the multilateral institution have shown interest to invest in NIIF and we are in discussion,” he added. He said a few projects have been received for investment under NIIF and the Government has shared the list with potential investors. ?C8 =]`jUdVjVd)"! R__fR]Xc`heYZ_ :_UZRSfdZ_Vdd <D<108)UK-based reinsurer Lloyd's of London is looking at 8-10 per cent annual growth in its India business, a senior executive said on Thursday. At present, the Lloyd's annual premium income from within the country stands at $200 million (around C1,334 crore). Lloyd's currently underwrites business in the country on an off-shore basis. It has applied for licence before the insurance regulator Irdai and the company is likely to kick off its operations in the country by early next year. ?C8 \^]Th =4F34;78k5A830H k9D=4 ! % CVT`gVcZVdW`cSR_\de`deRce Z_#_UYR]W`W7J¶")+3`W2>= ?C8Q <D<108 enders’ hopes of recovering money from assets qualified L as ‘bad’ recently will come true in the latter half of the next fiscal, once changes in redressal mechanisms are introduced, BofA-ML on Thursday said. The American brokerage said the banks will keep recognising more stress for up to a year more, but once all the necessary changes including the stressed asset fund become a reality, the recovery process should start. “We think October 2017March 2018 could end up surprising us by way of stronger recoveries, especially if get some uptick in the macroeconomy,” it said in a note. Lenders who have posted huge reverses in profitability due to an RBI-mandated increase in stress asset recognition, have been saying that they will work on accounts individu- CWT=?0bPaTPcXcb_TPZP]ScWTU^Rdb XbbWXUcX]Vc^aTR^eTah^UQPSPbbTcb PUcTacWTR[TP]d_TgTaRXbTfWXRW bcPacTSfXcWcWTA18´bPbbTc`dP[Xch aTeXTfX][PcT! $CWTA18WPSVXeT] QP]ZbP[Xbc^U "PRR^d]cbPbZTS cWT\c^R[PbbXUhcW^bTPb]^] _TaU^a\X]VP]ScPZTcWTWXcX] cWT`dPacTabT]STS3TR! $P]S <PaRW! %bPhb1^U0<; ally and try to reverse the provisions made for bad assets. The deeper recognition has led to many banks posting record losses due to the high provisions for bad assets. In the note, BofAML said the NPAs are at its peak and the focus is shifting to recovery of bad assets after the clean-up exercise, which started with the RBI's asset quality review in late 2015. The RBI had given banks a list of 130 accounts, asked them to classify those as non performing and take the hit in the quarters ended December 2015 and March 2016. The RBI is targeting to clean up the bank balance sheets by March 2017. The brokerage said interventions like ensuring that the project gets right capital, a deeper restructuring under the strategic debt restructuring route and also the stressed asset fund which is talked about the most will help in the recovery process. µ1RVHUYLFHWD[RQSXUFKDVHRIXQGHUFRQVWUXFWLRQIODWV¶ ?C8Q =4F34;78 elhi High Court has ruled that no service tax can be levied in respect of the agreeD ments entered into between buyers and builders for flats in an under-construction building in a housing project. A bench of Justices S Muralidhar and Vibhu Bakhru however noted that service tax could be levied on amount charged by the builders for preferential location of the flat, saying it was based on the preferences of customers and amounted to value addition. The order came on petitions filed by several persons who had entered into separate agreements with M/s Sethi Buildwell Pvt Ltd to buy flats in a multistoreyed group housing project developed by the builder in sector 76 in Noida in Uttar Pradesh. The petitioners had moved the court against the levy of service tax on services in relation to construction of the complex as defined under the Finance Act 1994 as well as the levy of service tax on preferential location charges. The bench said the Government shall examine whether the builder in this case has collected any service tax from the petitioners andif such amount has been deposited with it, the money shall be refunded to them with 6 per cent interest. “We accept the petitioners contention that no service tax under section 66 of the Act read with section 65 (105)(zzzh) of the Act could be charged in respect of composite contracts, such as the ones entered into by the petitioners with the builder,” the bench said. “The impugned explanation (inserted by virtue of Finance Act 2010) to the extent that it seeks to include composite contracts for purchaseof units in a complex within the scope of taxable service, is set aside,” it said. jca^l “While these measures are at an early stage, we think they may significantly aid the process of stress resolution currently underway amongst banks,” it said, adding that they will act as an ‘extra fillip’ to recoveries. Once they get done with recognising the stress, the banks will also get more aggressive in stress resolution and will force the borrowers to cooperate, it said. It added that measures like the recently passed Bankruptcy Code will also help in stress resolution. The brokerage said private sector banks and country's largest lender State Bank of India will be the biggest beneficiaries of this exercise, adding that except SBI all the state-run banks do not have comfortable capital levels. Nearly 11 per cent of the overall assets in the system are classified either NPA or restructured, following the AQR exercise. BPWPaP_a^_TacXTb c^QTPdRcX^]TSPc C (ZRaaTbTaeT_aXRT ?C8Q =4F34;78 aking forward its task of T recovering dues from Sahara, markets regulator Sebi will sell a total of 16 land parcels of the beleaguered group, through eauction next month, at a reserve price of about C1,900 crore. The auction would be conducted by SBI Capital Markets and HDFC Realty, which have been tasked to auction a total of 61 land parcels, on July 13 and July 15 respectively. Besides, the two are already scheduled to e-auction five properties each on July 7 and July 4 respectively at a reserve price of nearly C1,200 crore. At the reserve price, these auctions will take the total fund raising to at least C3,100 crore. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) roped in HDFC Realty and SBI Cap after being asked by the Supreme Court to initiate the process of selling Sahara properties whose titles have been deposited with it by the group. 'R7VD\VDOOH[LVWLQJ 2LOSULFHVKLW QHZKLJKV SKRQHVWRKDYHSDQLF RQ86GDWD EXWWRQOLNHµIHDWXUH¶ 1LJHULDFXWEDFNV ?C8Q =4F34;78 obile manufacturers have been asked to install a M software in all existing phones to provide for a panic button like ‘feature’ at the press of one single number to help users in case of emergency. The latest direction from the DoT follows an earlier order requiring handset makers to install panic button in all new phones to be sold January 1, 2017 onwards. For existing phones, the handset makers will also have to arrange for installation of new software patch at retail outlets, DoT said in a recent order without specifying any timeline for the compliance. The software patch will provide facility similar to panic button which at the press of '9' or '5' will generate a call to single emergency telephone number '112', the order said The 112 number facility will be active CPcP?^fTa3T[WX3XbcaXQdcX^]^_T]TSP[TPa]X]VRT]caTc^TgcT]SPWT[_X]VWP]Sc^fPaSbSTeT[^_\T]c^U SXUUTaT]c[hPQ[TSRWX[SaT]CWTRT]cTaXbQTX]Vad]X]Pbb^RXPcX^]fXcW1P]bdaX2WPaXcPQ[TCadbcPc31[^RZ BTRc^a A^WX]X3T[WXCWTRT]caTfPbY^X]c[hX]PdVdaPcTSQhEXRT2WPXa\P]3T_dch<332<BWaXaP\ 8]SdbcaXTb;cS0[^ZBWaXaP\P]S24><3CPcP?^fTa33;?aPeTTaBX]WPCWTRT]caTXb]P\TS³B703 ;TPa]X]V2T]caTP]SfX[[_a^eXSTcWTaP_XTbP]S[XUTbZX[[caPX]X]Vc^cWTSXUUTaT]c[hPQ[TSRWX[SaT] F^a[S4]eXa^]\T]c3PhfPb^QbTaeTSd]STacWTPTVXb^UD]XcTS=PcX^]b4]eXa^]\T]c?a^VaP\\T^]cWTcWT\T³6^FX[SU^a;XUT 4\_[^hTTbP]SUP\X[XTb^U>=62EXSTbW_PacXRX_PcTSfXcWT]cWdbXPb\X]ePaX^dbR^\_TcXcX^]bbda_PbbX]V_aTeX^dbaTR^aS X]SXRPcX]VX]RaTPbX]VPfPaT]TbbP]SR^\\Xc\T]cc^fPaSbT]eXa^]\T]c<3=PaT]SaP:ETa\PcWa^dVWWXb\TbbPVTc^T\_[^hTTb PbZTScWTXaX]SXeXSdP[R^\\Xc\T]c]^c^][hc^RWP]VTcWT\bT[eTbQdcP[b^c^T]R^daPVT^cWTa_T^_[Tc^RWP]VTcWTXaWPQXcbP]S QTWPeX^da>da4?PRcXeXcXTbbW^d[SQTSP\PVT]TdcaP[c^fX[S[XUTP]S_a^\^cTQX^SXeTabXchcWa^dVWbdbcPX]TSTUU^acbWTbPXS CWTUXabcR^aTVa^d_\TTcX]V^U?Tca^cTRW! %QTX]VW^bcTSQh8]SXP]>X[d]STacWTPTVXb^U<^?=6P]S?Tca^cTRW B^RXTchfPbWT[SPc=Tf3T[WX^]cWT[PbcCdTbSPhCWT\TTcX]VfPbPccT]STSQh:3CaX_PcWXBTRaTcPah<^?=6*Bd]YPh BdSWXa9B82<^?=6*10bW^Z2WPXa\P]8]SXP]>X[*3:BPaaPU2<3>=62*3a3APYZd\Pa<31WPaPc?Tca^ ATb^daRTb*<:BdaP]P2<37?2;*BP]YPh6d_cP2<348;*?aPQW3Pb<324>7<4;*3aA:<P[W^caP36 ?Tca^UTS*BdSWXa<PcWda0RcX]V<324>2PXa]4]TaVh*ETaVWTbT2WTaXP]3Xa7A8]SXP]>X[2WPXa\P]>aVP]XbX]V 2^\\XccTT*0YXc<XbWaP7TPS<PaZTcX]V4bbPa>X[*EAP\PRWP]SaP]?aTbXST]c4]TaVh2A64bbPa>X[*0:2W^_aPBa E??;;*=PaT]SaP:d\Pa432?P]SAPYTbW0WdYP2^]eT]^a?Tca^cTRW NEW YORK: Oil prices climbed to fresh peaks for 2016 for the third day in a row on Thursday due to supply disruptions in Nigeria and data showing lower US petroleum inventories. The Niger Delta Avengers, a rebel group that has attacked numerous oil facilities in Nigeria, rejected a truce offer with officials and claimed they hit a new target. The disruptions have slashed output in OPEC member Nigeria from 2.2 million barrels a day to 1.6 million barrels a day. US benchmark West Texas Intermediate for July delivery advanced 87 cents to $ 51.23 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Brent North Sea oil for August delivery gained $1.07 to $52.51 a barrel in London. US inventory data confirmed a tightening market picture, with US commercial stocks dropping by 3.2 million barrels for the week ending June 3, according to the Department of Energy. AFP 1TQ^Y7b639cYW^`QSd APYP]S^X]VP 9^TYQ^Q]_^W´DY]U]QWQjY^Ucµ V_bS_^cdbeSdY_^_V"cY\_c V^^SY^QbPhb ! ]Y\\U^^YQ\cSXQ^WY^Wg_b\T ?=BQ =4F34;78 tate-run Food Corporation of India (FCI) has entered into an agreement with Adani group for construction of two silos to store wheat, at an estimated cost of about C80 crore. The two silos would have a combined storage capacity of 75,000 tonnes. As part of the agreement, Adani Agri Logistics will construct silos at Kotkapura in Punjab and Katihar in Bihar in the next two years, a senior Government official said. The silos will be designed, built, financed and operated by the private partner while it will be owned by the FCI. FCI, the Government’s nodal agency for procurement and distribution of foodgrains, would provide guarantee of rentals for 30 years, the official added. The silo at Kotkapura would S be of 25,000 tonne capacity and will require an investment of about C35 crore, while the other silo at Katihar would have a capacity of 50,000 tonnes to be built at a cost of about C45 crore, a source said. A silo is a steel structure, comprising large size cylindrical shape bins normally each with a capacity of about 12,500 tonnes, where grains can be stored without jute bags for longer duration. FCI will provide the rent assurance for 30 years. For the first year the rate is fixed at C97 per tonne per month. The rates will keep on revising based on the predecided formula, the source added. At present the total storage capacity under silos is about 10 lakh tonnes. Out of which 5.5 lakh tonnes is with FCI and remaining is with state-agencies. APYhPePaSWP] MIRJAPUR (UP): RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan on Thursday came in for praise from Union Minister Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore, who said Rajan is doing a ‘good job’ and has controlled inflation. “Raghuram Rajan is doing a good job. The way in which he had controlled inflation keeping in mind the world economy is appreciable,” Rathore told reporters here. He also hailed Rajan’s decision not to cut repo rate saying ‘it’s a good decision’. Rajan’s remarks come against the backdrop of BJP MP Subramanian Swamy’s two letters to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, urging that Rajan should not be given a second term because of his ‘willful’ moves to ‘wreck the Indian economy’ and because he is ‘mentally not fully Indian’. PTI CEB³9d_XcTa_aXRTS DV_dViWR]]d^`deZ_$hVV\d PcC$""#[Pd]RWTS cVecVRedWc`^(^`_eYYZXY =C?2:dSVXP]SB^dcWFTbcTa]APX[fPhbBFAbXV]TSPPVaTT\T]cU^acWT3^dQ[X]V^U7^cVX:dSVXbTRcX^]^U BFAd]STa2dbc^\Ta5d]SX]V2^]RTbbX^]=C?2WPbPVaTTSc^UX]P]RTcWTR^bc^UR^]bcadRcX^]^UcWTAPX[BhbcT\ d]STacWT2dbc^\TaUd]SX]V\^ST[^U<X]Xbcah^UAPX[fPhb?^[XRh^U_PacXRX_PcXeT\^ST[U^aaPX[R^]]TRcXeXch=C?2 WPbST_^bXcTSC(#%RafXcWBFAc^fPaSbcWTR^bc^US^dQ[X]V^UaPX[fPhbTRcX^]QTcfTT]7^cVX:dSVX "#Z\CWT _PRcfPbbXV]TSQh2C?<2WXTUCaPUUXR?[P]]X]V<P]PVTa0BAP^^]QTWP[U^UBFAP]SQh66<7PaQP]bBX]VW ^]QTWP[U^U=C?2:dSVXX]cWT_aTbT]RT^U6<BFA?:BPgT]PBT]X^a^UUXRXP[b^U=C?2P]SBFAfTaT_aTbT]c from January 1. It will gradually replace all existing emergency numbers like 100 for police, 102 for ambulance, 108 for fire service, railway crime prevention number 1512, police headquarter helpline – 1090 (Uttar Pradesh) etc. “It is requested to install the software patch (es) in existingmobile phone handsets in the country for implementation of feature/facilities of panic button,” the DoT order said. “Further facility for uploading the developed patch may be created at outlets by the manufacturers/ distributors/ retailers of mobile handset,” the order said. The Government in April mandated that all mobile phones in the country from January 1, 2017 will be sold with panic button feature. As per the order, pressing panic button will make a call to single emergency number 112. NEW DELHI: Chennai-based TVS Motor on Thursday launched a special edition of its scooter model Jupiter priced at C53,034 (ex-showroom Delhi) to mark crossing of 1 million units sales milestone. The new product TVS Jupiter MillionR special edition is equipped with 10 additional features, including a front disc brake and a provision for mobile charger installation, the company said in a statement. “Today, there are over one million TVS Jupiters on the Indian roads and this milestone has been achieved in a mere 30 months,” it said. TVS Motor Co Vice President–Marketing Aniruddha Haldar said the Jupiter reached the 1 million milestone in “such a short time” and the Jupiter MillionR edition, with 10 new features, is “a tribute to each of our 10 lakh happy customers.” PTI NEW DELHI: The BSE Sensex came off seven-month highs ton Thursday after logging its biggest single-day fall in three weeks, mirroring global caution ahead of the US Fed meet and hit by an IT sell-off after Infosys flagged volatility issues for the next few quarters. The index plunged 257.20 points or 0.95 per cent to crack below the 27,000-mark. There were also concerns that the recent gains in crude oil prices could adversely impact India's fiscal deficit situation and increase fuel price inflation. “The market tanked as weak European cues and surge in oil price have turned investors risk averse,” said Vinod Nair Head of Research Geojit BNP Paribas Financial Services. India’s secondlargest software services firm Infosys was the worst performer with a plunge of 4.27 per cent at C1,185.45 after the company said challenges in retail, energy and insurance sectors could result in ‘quarterly bumps’. TCS followed suit and slumped 1.27 per cent to C2,577.50. NEW YORK: A 30-year-old Indian entrepreneur has been named by Time magazine to its 2016 list of ‘10 millennials who are changing the world’ for building a phone which can help people to interact and access critical services by communicating in their native languages. Umesh Sachdev has been named by Time to its 2016 list of ‘10 millennials who are changing the world’ for his work on ‘building a phone that can understand almost any language’. Sachdev, along with his college friend Ravi Saraogi, founded Uniphore Software Systems. The Chennai-based startup produces software allows people to interact with their phones and access services such as online banking by communicating in their native languages, Time said in its profile on Sachdev. Uniphore’s products, which include a virtual assistant that is able to process more than 25 global languages and 150 dialects, are being used by over five million people, mostly in India. “Phones can help increase financial inclusion or help a farmer get weather information,” Sachdev said in the Time profile. “But you need a way for people to interact with the technology out there,” he said. Time said through the software, Sachdev is building bridges and helping ‘hundreds of millions of people cross the divide between the digital and the real world by harnessing the power of speech’. It said Sachdev found solution to a problem that phones didn’t carry the language of villagers in rural India. AFP f^a[S ! =4F34;78k5A830H k9D=4 ! % A>>`UZ¶dFDRUUcVddcZgVed4`_XcVdd^V_TcZeZTd ?C8Q F0B78=6C>= +XPDQULJKWVIUHHGRPRIUHOLJLRQ GHWHULRUDWLQJLQ,QGLD$FWLYLVWV rime Minister Narendra Modi during his over fourP hour visit to the US Capitol established personal rapport with top lawmakers and seems to have won over his critics. “With your sense of humour and the way you delivered that speech, I think really identifies why we have such close ties,” Senator Bob Corker, Chairman of the powerful Senate Foreign Relations committee said as he welcomed Modi during a congressional reception hosted in his honour. “The fact is that our political, strategic and economic ties is better than they have ever been. We know that these are going to be even greater. While our ties are with the people of India, we know that with you as their leader the possibilities are an all-time high,” Corker said. Less than a month ago, Corker during a Congressional hearing was highly critical over the pace of economic reforms, human rights situation and religious freedom, and slamming Obama Administration of not being “brutally honest” in its conversation with his Government. Senator Ben Cardin, Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who for the past two weeks have been raising the issue of human rights and slavery in India, said that Modi on Wednesday “gained a lot of friends” in the Congress. (WKLRSLDVD\VDUP\ NLOOHGMLKDGLVWV LQ6RPDOLUDLG 05? Q <>6038B7D thiopia has said that its soldiers deployed in Somalia killed 101 Shabaab fighters who on Thursday attacked an Army base used by the African Union force fighting the al-Qaeda linked group. The Shabaab movement earlier announced a major assault on the base in Halgan in the central Hiran region of the arid Horn of Africa nation, via its Telegram messaging platform. Ethiopian Government spokesman Getachew Reda dismissed a claim by the Shabaab that they had killed dozens of soldiers, while losing just 16 of their own fighters. “There was an attempt by al-Shabaab to attack our forces in central Somalia but... Our forces killed 101 militants and destroyed heavy weaponry,” Getachew said. “We are still assessing how many people got hurt on our E side but their claim that they have killed 43 Ethiopian soldiers is an absolute lie. This is a figment of their imagination,” he added. “The Mujahideen fighters stormed the base and massacred many of the Ethiopians,” the Shabaab claimed on Telegram, putting the death toll among the troops at 60. Casualty figures from this type of attack are impossible to verify independently. The Shabaab generally exaggerates, while the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) usually gives no details of losses among its ranks. On its Twitter account, AMISOM - comprising troops from Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda confirmed “an attempted Shabaab attack” but gave no figures. “The enemy was successfully repulsed,” AMISOM said, claiming also to be “in pursuit” of the attackers. Referring to Modi’s call for India and the US working together for the benefit of the world, Cardin said this was a very powerful message. “His presence, the amount of time he spent and his own personality is very helpful in getting friends here in America,” he told PTI. Modi on Wednesday spent more than four hours at the Hill. The Speaker of the US House of Representative Paul Ryan and several top BcaXZT_PaP[hbTb ]^a\P[[XUTX] =T_P[* $ <P^XbcbWT[S ?C8 Q :0C7<0=3D ver 150 members of a splinter Maoists group O were arrested on Thursday in Nepal after they vandalised vehicles and hurled patrol bombs while trying to enforce a strike to press for the release of their cadres arrested during previous protests, paralysing normal life. The CPN-Maoist faction led by Netra Bikram Chand enforced the strike. The protesters vandalised nine public buses and taxis in different parts of the capital for defying their call for the strike. A truck driver was injured when Maoist cadres hurled a petrol bomb on moving vehicle in Rautahat district. There was very thin movement of public and private transport services. Schools and colleges were closed due to the strike. However, markets remained open in most of the places in the capital despite the strike. The police arrested 62 protesters from Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur, according to the Kathmandu Metropolitan Police Circle. Nearly 90 agitators were arrested from Sarlahi, Kaski, Kalikot, Sunsari, Banke and Chitawan districts as they were trying to enforce the shut down. A large number of security personnel have been deployed on the streets of the capital to prevent any untoward incident. CPN-Maoist, which is a splinter group of the main Maoist party, that is part of the Government. Washington: The two years of Modi Government have resulted in deterioration in human rights and religious freedom in India, according to rights activists, who called for making the issue as part of the US’ regular dialogue with India. “Progress on human rights in India will continue to falter unless the Modi administration takes better steps to ensure justice and accountability for all citizens, protect vulnerable communities, and protect the free exchange of ideas and dissent,” said John Sifton, Asia Advocacy Director, Human Rights Watch. PTI Congressional leaders received him. He received standing ovations as many as nine times according to unofficial count and was applauded by scores of times by the members of the Congress. “He (Modi) spoke eloquently about the importance of a strong US-India relationship to promoting peace and freedom around the globe,” Ryan said in a statement. “We understand that India is in a tough neighbourhood, but we also understand that with your words here today, that you have, with that symphony that you spoke of, set a new note,” said Congressman Ed Royce, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. “The IndianAmerican community has brought such incredible energy to this relationship. It’s the secret weapon for both countries, driving stronger engagement and helping keep things on track during challenging times. Washington: Two top US lawmakers have introduced a legislation in the House of Representatives to designate India as a Special Global Partner of America and take steps to ramp up engagement and deepen bilateral collaboration on a host of issues including Defence. Introduced by Congressman Eliot Engel, Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Vice Chair of the House Democratic Caucus Joe Crowley, the “Special Global Partnership with India Act 2016” aims to enhance ties between India and the US by elevating bilateral relationship. The Special Global Partnership with India Act of 2016 calls for Congress to elevate the US-India relationship by designating India as a Special Global Partner of the US, lead- 9cbQU\cec`U^TcBQ]jQ^`Ub]Ydc V_b@Q\UcdY^YQ^cQVdUbdUbb_bQddQS[ ?C8Q 94ADB0;4< srael on Thursday suspended entry permits for 83,000 IPalestinians granted during Ramzan following a major terror attack at an upscale market in Tel Aviv, the deadliest in the recent spate of violence that killed four Israelis and injured 16 others. The decision to suspend the entry permits, most of them for Palestinians to visit their family in Israel, was taken overnight during a meeting of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman and Israel Defence Forces (IDF) Chief of Staff Lt Gen Gadi Eisenkot soon after the attack. Permits for Gaza residents to pray at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, described by Muslims as al-Haram al-Sharif (the Noble Sanctuary) that houses the al-Aqsa mosque, have also been suspended. Netanyahu, who visited the scene of the terror attack late last night, called the attack “a savage crime of murder and terrorism” and convened a meeting of the security-diplomatic cabinet at the defence headquarters to discuss possible further steps in response to the terror attack. “There was a very difficult event here, of cold-blooded murder by heinous terrorists,” the Israeli Prime Minister said adding, “We held a discussion on a string of offensive and defensive measures that we will take to act against this phenomenon, the grave phenom- 2EDPDKRSHIXO6DQGHUV ZLOOZLQGXSFDPSDLJQ LQFRXSOHRIZHHNV Washington: Barack Obama expressed hope that Bernie Sanders in “the next couple of weeks” will finally concede having lost the Democratic presidential nomination to Hillary Clinton, despite having vowed to fight on through the party’s convention next month. Speaking to late night talk show host Jimmy Fallon, Obama said that on balance, Sanders’s candidacy in the hardfought Democratic campaign was a positive. “It was a healthy thing for the Democratic Party to have a contested primary,” Obama told Fallon during recording of an episode of The Tonight Show. “I thought that Bernie Sanders brought enormous energy and new ideas. And he pushed the party and challenged them. I thought it made Hillary a better candidate.” He added: “My hope is, is that over the next couple of weeks, we’re able to pull things together.” =`_U`_¶d"de_fUVcVdeRfcR_ee`SVTR]]VUµEYV3f_jRUZ¶ London: A new restaurant offering customers the promise of a ‘completely natural’ dining experience is all set to open as ‘The Buniyadi’. Based on the Hindi word meaning fundamental, the restaurant will operate on a clothing-optional basis. “We believe people should get the chance to enjoy and experience a night out without any impurities: no chemicals, DB[Pf\PZTabX]ca^SdRT1X[[U^a b_TRXP[V[^QP[cXTbfXcW8]SXP no artificial colours, no electricity, no gas, no phone and even no clothes if they wish to. The idea is to experience true liberation,” said Seb Lyall, founder of Lollipop, the company behind the restaurant. “We have worked hard to design a space where everything patrons interact with is bare and naked. The use of natural bamboo partitions and candlelight has enabled to us to make restaurant discreet,” he said. The food will be served on clay plates with edible cutlery and diners would have to leave phones and other gadgets at the door and will be given to the option to even take off their gowns provided on arrival. The restaurant, which will open on Saturday, does have a “clothes” section for those who wish to remain dressed while dining. PTI ing to cooperation across sectors ranging from Defense and space to entrepreneurship. It (HR. 5387) would also amend the Arms Export Control Act, allowing the President to include India among our closest allies. This bill would also authorise the US President to give India an exception to allow for strategic trade authority, and codify assistance in all areas that would support key priorities, such as education, growth in the digital sector, and environmental protection. “This bill would give our relationship the status it deserves by naming India a Special Global Partner and ensuring that our close collaboration continues for years to come,” Engel said after he introduced the Act after listening to the PM addressing the joint session of the US Congress. CdaZTh?<ad[Tb ^dccP[ZbfXcW QP]]TS?::PUcTa b_PcT^U²PccPRZb³ 6;>14 CA>CC8=6 "8B8B5867C4AB:8;;43 8=BHA80´B<0=189)6A>D? 1TXadc) <^aTcWP] "8b[P\XR BcPcTVa^d_UXVWcTabWPeTQTT] ZX[[TSX]PDBQPRZTS^UUT]bXeT^] cWTZThYXWPSXbcWT[SRXch^U <P]QXYX]]^acWTa]BhaXPP \^]Xc^aX]VVa^d_bPXS^] CWdabSPh DBBD664BCBADBB80 3A>?5>>3C>BHA80 FPbWX]Vc^]) CWTD]XcTSBcPcTb bdVVTbcTS^]CWdabSPhcWPcXU BhaXPR^]cX]dTbc^Q[^RZTUU^acbc^ Sa^_U^^SPXSc^XcbQTbXTVTS R^\\d]XcXTbcWPcAdbbXP\XVWc fP]cc^dbTXcb^f]_[P]TbU^acWT cPbZ5^aTXV]RP_XcP[bWPeTPbZTS cWTF^a[S5^^S?a^VaP\\Tc^ _[P]P]PXaQaXSVTc^bPeT cW^dbP]Sb^UBhaXP]RXeX[XP]b UPRX]VbcPaePcX^]X]R^\\d]XcXTb QTbXTVTSQh1PbWPa P[0bbPS³bU^aRTb ?>;824384B*CDA:8B7 1><18=6C>;;A8B4BC>% 0]ZPaP) CdaZTh³bBcPcTad]]Tfb PVT]Rh^]CWdabSPhbPXSP f^d]STS_^[XRT^UUXRTaWPbSXTS X]PW^b_XcP[aPXbX]VcWTSTPcWc^[[ X]hTbcTaSPh³bbdXRXSTRPa Q^\QX]VX]Pc^f]]TPaCdaZTh³b Q^aSTafXcWBhaXPc^bXgCdaZXbW PdcW^aXcXTbbPXScWTPccPRZfWXRW cPaVTcTScWT_^[XRTWTPS`dPacTab X]<XShPcX]<PaSX]_a^eX]RT fPbRPaaXTS^dcQh\X[XcP]cb^U cWT^dc[PfTS:daSXbcP]F^aZTab³ ?Pach^a?::Cf^f^\T]_^[XRT ^UUXRTabfTaTP\^]VcWTSTPS enon of shooting. It is definitely challenging us and we will respond to it.” “There will be firm action by other security elements, not only to locate anyone who cooperated with this murder, but also to prevent further actions. We will act firmly and intelligently,” he stressed. Major General Yoav Mordechai, the coordinator of Government activities in the territories ordered overnight to also suspend 204 entry permits given to the families of the perpetrators of Wednesday’s terror attack. According to Palestinian reports, the IDF surrounded the South Hebron Hills town of Yatta, the hometown of the assailants, and has declared the area a closed military zone. urkey’s Prime Minister has ruled out talks with the banned Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) after a spate of attacks blamed on the militants killed at least 17 people this week. Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said the outlawed group had made a bid for dialogue after almost a year of renewed violence that ended a two-and-a-half year truce, adding that the Government had no interest in responding. “These days news comes, directly or indirectly, from the terrorist organisation saying ‘we can negotiate, we can lay down arms, we should talk’,” Yildirim said. 9P_P]_a^cTbcbPb 2WX]TbT]PehbPX[b ]TPaSXb_dcTSXb[Tb 2WX]PPbZbcWT?WX[X__X]Tb c^`dXcD=PaQXcaPcX^]cP[Z Tokyo: A Chinese naval ship sailed into waters surrounding disputed East China Sea islands for the first time early on Thursday, prompting Tokyo to summon the Chinese ambassador to protest, the Japanese Government said. Russian naval ships were also seen in the area around the same time, according to local media. “Around 00:50 am (local time), a Chinese naval vessel entered our nation’s contiguous waters surrounding the Senkaku Islands,” the Japanese foreign ministry said in a statement. Japan administers the uninhabited isles under that name while China also claims them and calls them the Diaoyu islands. AFP 05? Q 0=:0A0 T ?C8Q 14898=6 hina has asked the Philippine President-elect C Rodrigo Duterte to withdraw the arbitration at a UN tribunal and return to bilateral dialogue to settle the territorial disputes over the strategic South China Sea. The Philippines should stop its arbitral proceedings and return to the right track of settling relevant disputes in the South China Sea (SCS) through bilateral negotiation with China, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said yesterday. The Ministry also issued a statement saying the dispute over the SCS should be settled through negotiations. BD828341><18=6B:8;; !&8=8A0@820?8C0; 1PVWSPS) Cf^bdXRXSTPccPRZbX] P]S^dcbXSTcWT8aP`X 2P_XcP[ZX[[TSPc[TPbc!&_T^_[T P]Sf^d]STSS^iT]b^] CWdabSPh^UUXRXP[bbPXSCWT STPS[XTbcPccPRZc^^Z_[PRTX]P R^\\TaRXP[PaTP^UP\PY^aXch BWXXcT]TXVWQ^aW^^SX]1PVWSPS 0c[TPbc $RXeX[XP]bfTaTZX[[TS P]S"$f^d]STS_^[XRTbPXS ³A0<I0=A>F´1478=3 58A40CA45D644B74;C4A 1Ta[X])0`dPaaT[^eTa\TP[cX\Tb SdaX]VcWT<db[X\W^[h\^]cW^U AP\iP][XZT[hb_PaZTSP]Pab^] PccPRZcWPcSTbca^hTSP6Ta\P] aTUdVTTbWT[cTabPXSPaT_^ac^] CWdabSPh`d^cX]V_a^bTRdc^ab The door is always open to bilateral negotiation, the statement said and asked Manila to stop turning its back on its agreement to settle disputes through negotiation and end the arbitral proceedings it had initiated against China. The Chinese comments came as the Philippines has brought a case at an international tribunal constituted under the UN Convention on Law of Seas (UNCLOS) at The Hague contesting China’s claims over almost all of the South China Sea. China boycotted the tribunal, likely to deliver verdict this month, saying it will not recognise the judgement. Beijing expects the verdict to go against it. eXePRXch " =4F34;78k5A830H k9D=4 ! % ³8[PdSTcWT_^fTa ^Ub^RXP[\TSXP´ CWTV[P\^daf^a[SXbP[fPhb QaX\\X]VfXcWad\^dabP]S V^bbX_P]SPRcaTbbAPeTT]P CP]S^]UTT[bb^RXP[\TSXPR^\TbX] WP]ShPcbdRWcX\TbBWTbPhb XcVXeTb_^fTac^cWT RT[TQaXcXTbc^bTccWTaTR^aS bcaPXVWcAPeTT]PaTRT]c[h fa^cTPQ[^VPbPVdTbc PdcW^aU^aP ]Tfb_P_TaCWTfaXcT d_fPb_aX\PaX[hU^a cWTRPdbT^UP _Tab^]b R^]bcXcdcX^]P[aXVWcc^ UXVWcQPRZ8]cWTQ[^V bWTbWPaTS)°8]cWXb SPhP]SPVTXcXb\dRW TPbXTac^aTPRW^dcP]S _aTbT]ch^da^f]RPbT B^RXP[\TSXPWPbXcb _a^bP]SR^]bQdc \PZTbXc\dRW TPbXTac^_dc^dccWT ^cWTabXST^UcWT bc^ah± °4Pa[XTa^]T R^d[SaP]cP]S aPeTRahX]V ^]TbT[UW^PabT PQ^dccWTUP[bTW^^S ^UfWPcTeTacWThWPS _dc^dccWTaT1dc^]RTP bRP]SP[^dbWTPS[X]TfPb^dccWPc fPbXcCWTaTfTaTUTfcPZTabU^a P]hR[PaXUXRPcX^]bWTPSSTS DScP?d]YPQ P fT[[\PSTUX[\ 8cQaX]Vbc^ PccT]cX^]PeTah bTaX^db _a^Q[T\cWPc^U SadVdbTP\^]V h^d]V_T^_[TfWXRW RP]XUfTPaT]^c RPaTUd[QTR^\TP aP\_P]c_a^Q[T\8cbP [PdSPQ[TTUU^ac °B7H0< 14=460; A<0370E0=_^_d[Pa U^aCP]dFTSb<P]d bPhbWTXbbcX[[P bcadVV[X]VPRc^a <PSWPeP]fW^aTRT]c[h RT[TQaPcTS &hTPab^U \PaaXPVTfPb R^]VaPcd[PcTSQhWXbUP]bU^acWXb 0CfXccTadbTaRP[[TScWTPRc^aP [TVT]SC^cWPccWT#%hTPa^[S PRc^aaT_[XTS)°CWP]Zh^dP]SfXbW h^dP[[cWTeTahQTbc=^cP[TVT]S Qa^BcX[[PbcadVV[X]VPRc^a8]P[[ W^]TbchbXR± 1]Q^_^Q]Ycc_^ )RUWKHSDVWWKUHH\HDUV0,/,1'620$1 KDVEHHQSURSDJDWLQJWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIILWQHVVDQGWKHQHHGWREHDZDUHRI EUHDVWFDQFHUWKURXJKWKH3LQNDWKRQ,QDFKDWKHWHOOV6+5$%$67, 0$//,. KRZLWKDVHYROYHGRYHUWKH\HDUVZK\LWLV LPSRUWDQWIRUZRPHQWRGHYRWHWLPHWRWKHLUKHDOWKDQGZK\WKHQHHGIRUVXSHUPRGHOVKDVFRPHWRDQHQG hen Alisha Chinay released the video to her track Made in India, it made news for two reasons — the song and a ‘oh-so-hot’ Milind Soman. From being one of India’s biggest supermodels to a fitness enthusiast and from acting to being the ambassador of the Pinkathon to raise awareness about breast cancer, the man has come a long way. And time has treated him well, too. Like old wine, he just keeps getting better and better. He flagged off the fourth year of the Pinkathon, to be held on September 4 at JLN Stadium, at an event hosted by The Claridges Hotel and over a cup of tea we got talking. Excerpts from the interview: W QTell us about the evolution of Pinkathon over the past four years. It has been great. The evolution has obviously been more of the women who have participated and we monitor the 10-kilometer space and it (the figures) has really jumped a lot. In the first Pinkathon in Mumbai we had 230 participants in the 10 km and about a 1,000 participants in the 30km. So it just shows that mentally woman are becoming more comfortable in believing that they can do it. Because there are many things that are stopping them but society is the one making them believe that they are not cut out for certain things. We just want to say that all those restrictions should not be the end of the line and that you should devote some time to yourself. Because you want to be there for your family and manage your job and you want to give your 100 per cent and in order to be a 100 per cent you have to give time to yourself. And that is more important. It is not about money but devoting some time for yourself. So Pinkathon is more of a celebration because there is nobody judging you or watching you, you are dancing there and cheering there with thousands of other women and then you run and have a jolly good time. And in the midst of all, you celebrate your health and you know that you want to be like this, fit, for the rest of your life. But you need to make the effort. QDo you conduct special training sessions for women who like to participate? Not specifically. Most of them start with the five kilometers run because they feel that that distance can be covered. If you walk for an hour, you cover five kilometres. What is interesting is that when you go to a mall and take a round, you most often end up walking almost five kilometres. Everyone is capable of it physically but they doubt, mentally. So the first step in being fit and healthy is mental discipline and awareness and then to develop the belief that you can do it. But now we have training programmes every Saturday in every city. So here in Gurgaon every Saturday, there is a training where women can meet and it is not a hard workout training ³8cfPbaTP[[hSXUUXRd[cU^a \Tc^`dXcb\^ZX]V QTRPdbT]XR^cX]TXbP SadVP]SbcaP]VT[hXcXb PRRT_cPQ[TX]b^RXTch 7PSb^RXTchbWd]]TSXc [XZTPSadVcWX]Vbf^d[S WPeTQTT]SXUUTaT]c´ or anything but a comfortable space where they come and discuss issues that they have, exchange ideas and engage on light Zumba or pilates. QHow far and wide is the influence of the Pinkathon? We have women from slums who come up and participate in the run and that is truly inspiring. We have women from NGOs who take care of specially abled women and we give a real deal of importance to that. We see them as a community because in society they are treated like that and we also label them as acid attack victims or visually or speech impaired. Its like we do not know anything about them. So we want to include all sections of society. Right from the poorest to the poor and also the affluent. So most of the women who run are corporate and housewives — those are who we look for. As for special communities we go to them because they are not normally made part of such events. We have to make them see that the Pinkathon is for them and that we want them to be there and that we would do workshops for you and train you. We also give them partners because if a girl is blind, she cannot navigate herself. QHave you special provisions for the specially abled? We find them partners. In other marathons, the organisers allow visually challenged participants but do very little to offer help from their part. But here, we find them partners. We reach out to running communities and tell them that there are 50 women who cannot see but want to run the marathon and ask them to become their partners. From registering them to training them — we do everything ourselves. We do not want to leave out anybody and we encourage cancer survivors more. QIs there any reason why you feel so strongly about this cause? No, not exactly. It is the first issue that I picked up. It was not that I have any special affiliation with it. Everything that takes away from you being able to live your life to the fullest is important. You need to be aware of it and how to avoid it and if you can’t avoid it then how to deal with it. So whether it is cancer, heart disease diabetes or issues like dowry or acid attack or whatever it might be, we want to talk about these things — things that are stopping you living your life. 3P]XT[d]bdaT ^U?^ccTa_[Ph 30=84;A032;8554cWX]ZbXc f^d[SQT°fTXaS±U^aWX\c^bTT cWTd_R^\X]V_[Ph7Paah?^ccTa P]ScWT2dabTS2WX[S7TbPhbWXb _aTbT]RTX]cWTPdSXT]RT\XVWcQT PSXbcaPRcX^]CWT=^fH^d BTT<T! PRc^abW^cc^ UP\T_[PhX]VcWTQ^h fXiPaSX]cWT7Paah?^ccTa UX[\UaP]RWXbT°8cf^d[S QTPfTXaS^]T8 R^d[SQTR^\_[TcT[h fa^]VX]cWXbQdc8 UTT[[XZTXU8fT]c c^bTTXccWPc ]XVWccWTaTXb V^X]Vc^QTP[^c^U 7Paah?^ccTaUP]b cWTaTX]cWTPdSXT]RT ^QeX^db[hP]Sf^d[S cWPccWT]QTR^\TP cWX]V±APSR[XUUTbPXS °F^d[SXcQT\^aT PQ^dccWT\fPcRWX]V \TfPcRWcWTbW^f^a f^d[SXccPZTPfPhUa^\ cWTbW^f8f^d[S]TeTa fP]cc^S^P]hcWX]VcWPc f^d[SSXbcaPRc^acPZT PfPhUa^\cWTbW^f± WTbPXS CWTd_R^\X]V_[Ph fWXRWXbbRWTSd[TSc^^_T]^] 9d[h"XbbTc (hTPabPUcTacWT T]S^U7Paah?^ccTaP]ScWT 3TPcW[h7P[[^fbCWT_a^SdRcX^]³b bRaX_cfX[[QTaT[TPbTSX]Q^^Z U^a\^]9d[h" PSPhPUcTa ^_T]X]V]XVWc QTill today, women are apprehensive of speaking up about breast cancer. How do we deal with emember Yogi from TVF Pitchers? One of the four friends who quit their R jobs to develop their own start-up? Yes, that’s him. Yogendra Kumar Pandey, aka Yogi, is none other than Qtiyapa Guy himself – Arunabh Kumar, an alumnus of IIT Kharagpur who went on to start a popular online entertainment network, The Viral Fever. Acting in TVF Pitchers as brilliantly as co-writing the series, Arunabh, founder and creative experiment officer of The Viral Fever Media Labs, has created a new favourite hangout for young Indians on the internet. Kumar was in town for the ‘Signature Masterclass’ series of talks on the theme ‘Passion to Paycheck’ and we got a chance to talk to him about his pre-TVF days, web programming, censorship and much more. If there’s someone who can take a masterclass on this subject, it is him. When asked how he got to be involved with the Masterclass series, Kumar said, “I had seen the Masterclass with Cyrus Sahukar and Anurag Kashyap and I thought I would love to be a part of it. It was honour for me to share the same platform as some of my own personal inspirations.” That Kumar is an engineer by profession and was working with the US Air Force before he gave it all up to follow his passion is known to all us. But what we wanted to know was about his days before he became the successful entrepreneur that he is today. “In 2009, I had won a short film competition and had a feature film contract. It was called Padhoge Likhoge Banoge Nawab and had won a lot of awards and a production company told me they’ll make the film so I started working on it. That’s the time I met Anurag Kashyap and showed him what I had written and told him about the film. He’s a really nice guy and would talk to anyone who showed up at his door. So he that kind of a situation? We have to talk about. If they have people around them talking about they might just muster the courage to talk about it. They have to be made comfortable. We tend to be more conscious of it because of the word breast but it is the same for all diseases. The problem is that even to admit to any kind of sickness women believe that it reflects on the family. It is a notion that if I am sick then it will be difficult to get a prospective match for their children. They feel that they will bring a bad name to the family, they are still stuck in that era. We are still trying to convince them that all this doesn’t matter anymore and that women should talk about it. We don’t want to lose you and you do not need people in your family who feel any different. On the bright side, it acts as a good filter because it segregates people who actually care from the rest. QThere was a time when you smoked almost 30 cigarettes a day. How tough was it for you to quit? It was really difficult because tobacco and nicotine are drugs. It is more difficult because firstly it is addictive, and secondly it is accessible. Every streetside corner has a cigarette shop. The third, and probably the worst, thing is that it is acceptable. Society accepts it, they do not shun it as a drug. If society had not accepted it things might have been different. I did not start smoking till I was 30. I started doing TV and when you are acting you are sitting around most of the time. All my life till then, I hadn’t smoked and I caught on to it from the TV sets. At first, I could not take it but then I started to enjoy it and I could not stop. I smoked for about seven to eight years, 30 cigarettes a day but it took me more than a year. People say that it takes 21 days to break a habit but that is not true for many people. QThe era of the supermodel was over with your batch. Tell us a bit about the fashion industry in the 80s. The whole concept of the supermodel was the demand of the industry. If you see closely, internationally, too, there are no supermodels. The last one was Kate Moss, that, too, 15 years ago. But there was an ear when the industry demanded these kind of personalities and faces. Now they do not need it. in India, the fashion industry started somewhere in 1985 and the first boutique was Ensemble, co-founded by Tarun Tahiliani in Mumbai. Those were the times of Tahiliani and Rohit Khosla — they started the industry. More than the designers, the media aped models. The moment they came to know of an emerging fashion industry they looked to the West and found that there were supermodels there. In fact, there were no male supermodels in America. Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell and Linda Evangelista were all women supermodels. There was Marcus Schenkenberg but even though he was so famous not everyone knows him because he never matched up to that ‘super model’ tag like the women had. But here, we had male supermodels. We just models but we were called supermodels. And not there is no need for that kind of a tag. May be the media still wants it but the industry does not. And it is happening in other industries, too. Take the music industry for example. You will never have another Michael Jackson, another Prince or David Bowie or Madonna in the next generation. There is Rihanna and Justin Bieber and I wonder how many of them people will remember after a few years because they are not classics and there are slim chances that they will last. Same for the film industry. There is no Marlon Brando, Robert Redford, Paul Newman or Al Pacino in this generation. You will remember them even after 10 years in comparison to the new bunch of actors because they will be so superfluous. Even in India, after the four Khans who’s there? The Ranbirs and the Ranveers are the everyday people. Films, too, have changed. There is no hero anymore. Mostly they are about an everyday person with regular problems and how they solve it and that’s it. Because that is the way the industry is today. There will never be another Amitabh Bachchan. >RdeVcdec`\Vd 0AD=017:D<0AcWT\P]QTWX]SCWTEXaP[ 5TeTacP[Zbc^B70A0=6 170B:0A0= PQ^dcUPX[daT RT]b^abWX_P]SWXb_[P]bc^eT]cdaTX]c^UTPcdaT UX[\b explained the business to me and gave me the harsh truth, which was really good and I appreciated it,” he recalled. The film however, did not happen and Kumar eventually moved on to create more short length content. “Once the film did not happen, I said to myself, just chuck it and I went on to make corporate films and branded content,” he added. Like any other successful entrepreneur, Kumar, too, faced his fair share of failures and rejections. Not many people know that Kumar was once turned down by MTV when he took his show Engineer’s Diary to the channel. “At the time when I pitched the show to MTV, I was not quite on the right path. 200910 was pretty tough for me. Like they say, when you look back on the past, you have a good 20-20 vision, and that makes the future clearer,” he revealed. “I had some money with me then and I decided to start my own production company and came up with the name Viral Fever,” he added. Kumar shared an interesting anecdote behind the name of the company and its origin. “I was looking for a name that was suited for web-based content and I thought of Viral Fever. But when I was searching for a domain name for the website, it turned out there was already a I was so disappointed that I even asked the guys who owned the website if I could use the name. But then after a few days, an idea struck me and I added ‘the’ to it and that’s how we became The Viral Fever. TVF has a distinct sound to it. Sirf VF me maza nahi aata fir,” he added. When asked if he still fancies the idea of venturing into feature films, he answered enthusiastically, “Yes, of course. TVF is a media production company and we are working on developing stories for the feature format. We definitely want to explore that area, too.” With their online series like TVF Pitchers, Permanent Roommates and Chai-Sutta Chronicles, The Viral Fever has pushed the envelope in digital content and have gone on to cre- ate a niche for themselves in the domain of web-based programming. These shows are not only some of the most watched shows online in India, but have gained popularity among Indians residing in other parts of the world, too. On the recent controversy over Udta Punjab and the Censor Board’s attempts at heavily censoring the film, we asked him where he stands on the issue. “From a storyteller’s point of view, a certain degree of censorship should be allowed. But I think if you’re trying to challenge and suggest 90 cuts in a film, they don’t realise that the story is instrumental to what they are trying to say. And this kind of stupidity is what makes this country full of retards. Some of these leaders need special care,” Kumar remarked. eXePRXchjU^^Sl # =4F34;78k5A830H k9D=4 ! % CWT]TgccX\Th^dfP]cc^ cahUaTbW[hQPZTSRa^XbbP]c P]SR^[S_aTbbTSYdXRTbU^a QaTPZUPbch^dRP]_PhP eXbXcc^CWT0acUd[1PZTa bPhb27A8BCH E0A674B4 he hot summer sun has a major hand in depleting our energy reserves and we decide to take a much deserved break from work at any one of the eateries here at Khan Market. Though we are spoilt for choice, a cosy little eatery, The Artful Baker catches our fancy. As we step inside and our pupils adjust to the soft, mellow lighting of the eatery, we discover that we are just in time for the breakfast menu — their speciality. Soon after we’ve settled down, Jeneva Talwar, the brand chef, welcomes us and our eyes wander around the peculiar yet somehow familiarly European decor of the place reminding of small Parisian cafes. The quaint restaurant has minimal furniture with people standing around, leaning on the planks attached to the walls which hold their cups of espresso while munching on some paneer focaccio. “Artful Bakers commenced operations in September 2015. And though the one at Khan Market is the flagship outlet, there is another one at the Mall of India which is under maintenance,” Talwar told us, while we sipped on some cold pressed orange juice which offers some much needed respite from the heat. The practice of serving cold pressed juices is catching up in India, though it is fairly new. “We open at 8:30 in the morning and we have loads of people coming in after their customary morning walk at Lodhi Garden for our cold pressed juices. While orange is my favourite, as I find it very refreshing, the melon cold pressed juice is more popular,” she revealed. Talwar, who has a film making degree from NID told us that her penchant for food led her to go Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Patisserie at France to train as a pastry chef. Now after a year long stint as a chef at ITC Maurya, she is now committed to the restaurant. “Apart from the cold pressed juices, our itinerary of beverages also includes personalised shakes and smoothies. We recommend the banana shake with caramel syrup,” she added . We were tempted to try one of the good looking pastries but then we decided that it won’t be wise to move onto dessert without trying the sandwiches and quiches that were awaiting our consideration. On seeing our eyes lingering on the chocolate croissant, she mentioned that the ham and cheese croissant was her personal favourite. The salty crisp layer of bread went really well with the slices of ham and cheese T C_]UTbY^[c ^_WbUQdVQbU 2YVRcej \TP[ $QHZSXE7DOOL6LQJKUHLQYHQWVVRPH SRSXODUFRFNWDLOVDQGSURPLVHVDIDUHRI EDUURRPGHOLFDFLHV%\6+$5$1* %+$6.$5$1 5a^\fPa\WP\ Ra^XbbP]cP]SUaTbW[h _aTbbTSYdXRTbc^ RWXRZT]`dXRWTb[^PSTS fXcW_Pa\TbP]RWTTbT P]S\T[cX]\^dcW Q[dTQTaah\dUUX]bCWT 0acUd[1PZTaXbcWT _TaUTRcQaTPZUPbcbc^_ erving kachi ambi chicken tikka on a seekh in a handi Sdrinks because normal plates are too mainstream and serving in balls decorated with dry ice to give a smoky and attractive touch gave the impression that OMG had put quite some effort on how to attract diners. Along with the tasty and quality food, the most important factor which takes a restaurant forward is the presentation. With a good presentation, even an average tasting dishes seem delectable. And that is what we observed on our visit to the restaurant. Having the same menu as any other CP restaurant, OMG stands out because of its presentation. Going with the chef ’s choice, we were served dishes from every cuisine which they have to offer. Starting with the baked nachos served with cheese, olives and jalapeños with side sauces including salsa, sweet and sour and avocado. The combination was fair enough and the nachos were crunchy enough but nothing out of the box as such. As we progressed to the chicken tikka served on a seekh in the handi. The presentation took us by surprise and as mentioned above, it tasted exceptionally good 3ODWHGDUW B7850 =0B44A SXbR^eTabP]TfRWP_cTaX] U^^S_aTbT]cPcX^] enfolded within the croissant. Though it was a bit on the dry side, we found that a glass of sparkling cold pressed orange juice went really well with the croissant. We discovered that the diminutive, fist sized chicken quiche, which looked appealing was surprisingly filling, as it buttered its way down our gullet. And unlike what we had thought, it was not at all soggy on the inside. Loaded with an overwhelming amount of cheese, it had a creamy texture. Talwar told us that the secret to bake a good quiche is to use an adequate amount of parmesan cheese. The vegetarian quiche was loaded with copious amounts of cream, cooked spinach and eggplant and it was as sumptuous as the chicken quiche, if not more. We confess that we were partial to the blueberry and oat muffin, as it was our all-time favourite. And to be honest, the muffin seemed heavenly until we tasted the monte cristo (on the recommendation of the in-house staff) which made us feel guilty for we then knew that we had conferred the title of ‘heavenly’ on the wrong pudding. It was an overwhelmingly sweet chocolate mousse, garnished with white chocolate. When we took a bite off it, we were pleasantly surprised at the crisp and crunchy hazelnut base which lent the dessert a distinct buttery after taste. It was an apt way to end our break and really was the cherry on the cake. But on our way out Talwar told us that the raspberry mélange was her personal favourite amongst the offerings at the restaurant. Though we were guilty in the beginning we decided not to halt the foodgasm we were experiencing. Turns out that the monte cristo has a much worthy opponent in the raspberry melange. A sweet and sour dessert lent prominently by raspberries, the melange had a great texture to it, too. And there seemed to be no shortage of surprises as we discover that it had a base of chocolate. The unusually good taste however, was a good way to conclude the meal with as it cleansed our palates. and the presentation was definitely a contributing factor. The flavour of the kachi ambi was a delightful fusion with the juicy chicken pieces which made the starter our favourite. This was followed by the oriental style tofu with bell peppers. The deep fried, crispy outer cover of the tofu cubes complimented the inner soft core. The taste was enhanced by the bell peppers which was a treat to our taste buds. The main course did not really rise up to our expectations. The first dish served, stacked bell pepper and cottage cheese with pesto rice, did not have any distinct flavour to it. We could not exactly understand the combination of the dish. The second in line, murg methi malai served with butter naan seemed fine enough. The chicken was cooked to the core with the malai seeped in deep. The naan was crisp and fresh, dipped in butter. However, the lachcha paratha was dry and we can definitely say we have had better. The saving grace of the entire meal was the was pomfret fillet in laksa with sticky rice which had a very tangy flavour due to lemon grass along with the right amount of cooked fillet. The gravy was not too thick either. The dessert was the freshly baked molten chocolava cake served with blueberry sauce and vanilla ice cream. Our spirits were raised by the dessert which sent us home all hale and hearty with smiles on our faces and very satisfied taste buds. Even though the ambience and the service was good and the presentation was impressive, OMG has a long walk ahead to make its mark in the long like of restaurants found in the city. ith a name like Talli Singh, you don’t expect much out of W a pub lounge. Easy music, some drinks and munch-alongs pretty much fit the bill. With a food menu that comprises Indian, Chinese and Italian cuisines, you might wonder what’s new considering how these have already been done plenty of times. We did, too. But to our pleasant surprise, the dishes maintain their originality and authentic flavour without much tampering. The joint's décor is one of those modern ambles with a basement bar that has a 1920s speakeasy feel to it. The two concepts do not gel but so long as space is not a constraint, people do not seem to bother too much. To accompany the food was a Cointreaupolitan, a drink made of Cointreau, a brand of triple sec liqueur, cranberry juice and lemon, made it an excellent variation of the popular Cosmopolitan. The pomegranate and basil martini with a hint of cucumber juice was a great palate cleanser to prepare for the main course and made for a great summer drink. They have other innovative cocktails that are meant for the discerning drinker and may surprise you once in a while. We started our meal with a round of crispy fried prawn tempura and a vegetarian pizza. Prepared in original Mandarin style, the prawns with a special Mandarin sauce made of soya and chilli gave it a tangy and spicy mix of flavours which we definitely loved. The pizza, although made in authentic Italian style with an assortment of perfect vegetable toppings, seemed to be a misfit with the Chinese dish. Next up was the prawn crystal dim sum that provided a subtle taste to our palate before the assortment of flavours that were to follow. The dim sums made in a shiny crystal like dough and filled with juicy minced prawn tasted even better with the chilly soya sauce. After the dim sums, we had the sticky chicken fingers which were a riot of flavours. The baked chicken fingers, covered in a mixture of soya sauce and honey and sprinkled with sesame and chilli, made for the usual accompaniment to your cocktail. For main course, we had the desi Lucy burger, a vegetarian variant which had a patty made of minced spinach and potato with a side of classic French fries. The cheesy burger, a pub favourite, made for an interesting choice after the delectable Chinese fare that was largely a combination of spicy and tangy. The final dishes in the main course included very regular and predictable Indian selections like dahi aloo tikka, a potato patty stuffed with hung curd and cottage cheese and murg malai tikka with naan. For dessert, we had the chocolate lava cake, giving the meal a sweet and chocolaty finish. All in all,too much of mismatch happening here. 7^[XSPh8]]7^cT[bATb^acbWPb_Pac]TaTSfXcW PRR[PX\TSX]cTa]PcX^]P[U^^SPacXbcBP\P]cWP;TTc^ T]R^daPVTUP\X[hUaXT]S[hUd]SX]X]VDbX]VSXbWTb Ua^\cWTQaP]Sb]Tf:XSb<T]dBP\P]cWPWPb caP]bU^a\TSUXeTSXbWTbUa^\cWT]dcaXcX^]P[[h QP[P]RTS]Tf\T]dX]c^ZXSUaXT]S[hf^aZb^UPac t will come as no surprise that the number of patients suffering from kidney disease is Igrowing unprecedently. The cause of this surge is attributed to the the fast paced unhealthy lifestyle adopted by the population consisting of huge amounts of stress , consumption of Junk food, smoking, packed food, pain killer medicines et al. After years of trying to find a solution, Dr Vachaspati Tripathi, the managing director of Surya Pharmaceuticals, in a recently held press release announced the discovery of Ayurvedic Nephromed tablets and syrup. The products were developed as an outcome of firm clinical experiences and experimental done by professor (Lt) SN Tripathi, former dean faculty of ayurveda, head department of Kayachiktsa Institute of medical science, 0]PhdaeTSXRcfXbc Banaras Hindu University. The tablet, however new to India, has been used extensively in abroad and is also recommended by renowned kidney physicians. A whooping number of 25,000 patient have been yet treated by this medicine. This ayurvedic medicine has also been used by various apex government institutions such as C entral Government Health Scheme, NDMC, ESI and various ayurvedic colleges and hospital for treating the kidney disease. Tripathi also claimed with confidence that many dignified Ayurvedic Vaidyas use it to treat chronic renal disease including ESRD end stage 3ACA8?0C7H2;08<BC74 0HDAE4382<43828=4 =4?7A><430=3 74?0C><430A4?DA4 ?>;H74A10;?0C4=C 5>A<D;0C8>=?A>3D243 F8C7>DC2>=C0<8=0C8>= kidney disorder. Tripathi has immense faith in the safety, purity and efficacy of the tablets. He wrote a petition and appealed to the Government of India including the President and the healthy ministry to investigate the tablets whilst telling them the limitations of the currently used allopathic treatment as opposed to the ayurvedic tablets In status quo, only dialysis and kidney transplant are effective in treatment of CRD and ESRD. However, not only are these aforementioned treatments costly, painful, stressful and time consuming but also family damaging and beyond the reach of lower classes. Due to rea- sons such as this, The Scientific Advisory Board Of the Central Council for Research In Ayurvedic Science have approved to carry clinical investigation on large basis. Tripathi also added that kidney disorder is always associated with liver disorder hence it is always useful to take safe food supplements for Hepatic system such as hepatomed tab. He claims the ayur vedic medicine Nephromed and Hepatomed are pure, poly herbal patent formulation produced without any contamination. He advised three doses of Nephromed, in a day and for Hepatomed two tablets three times a day. As an end note, Tripathi, having had a personal experience with such diseases, appealed to all patients to use the medicine and hoped for their early recovery. b_^ac $ =4F34;78k5A830H k9D=4 ! % 9^TYQcUdV_bRe]`UbX_]UcUQc_^ 1228P]]^d]RTbAPYZ^cEXiPV?d]T3WPaP\bP[PAP]RWXP]S8]S^aTPbCTbceT]dTbX]8]SXPb! % &RP[T]SPa 1XbfPbTcc^QTR^\T 0bbP\20_aTbXST]c ?C8Q <D<108 ix new Test centres, including Dharamsala and Ranchi, will host five-day matches for the first time during a packed home season for the Indian cricket team beginning with the New Zealand series in September. A busy international schedule awaits the Indian team in the coming home season with 13 Test matches, eight One-Day Internationals and three T20 Internationals pencilled in by the BCCI. Rajkot, Vizag, Pune, Dharamsala, Ranchi and Indore, upgraded as Test centres in November last year, will host five-day matches for the first time, BCCI secretary Ajay Shirke said in a statement. The new centres would also host Tests this season against the visiting New Zealand, England, Australia and Bangladesh, the BCCI announced after the meeting of its Tour Programmes and Fixtures Committee here on Thursday. The home season will start with three Test matches and five ODIs against New Zealand followed by five Test matches, three ODIs and as many T20Is against England. Australia are to visit India in February-March, 2017 to play four Test matches while Bangladesh is slated to play a one-off Test match in India for the first time since the country got Test status. The three Tests against New Zealand would be played at Indore, Kanpur and Kolkata while Dharamsala, Delhi, Mohali, Ranchi and Vizag are to host the five ODIs against the Kiwis. Five Test matches against England would be held at Mohali, Rajkot, Mumbai, Vizag and Chennai, with the ODIs to be held at Pune, Cuttack and Kolkata and the three T20 games scheduled at Bengaluru, Nagpur and Kanpur. Australia are to tour India in February, 2017 to play 4 Test matches to be played at Bengaluru, Dharamsala, Ranchi and Pune while S =4F 34;78) CWT 0bbP\ 2aXRZTc 0bb^RXPcX^] Xb bTc U^a P R^\_[TcT ^eTaWPd[ fXcW \X]XbcTa ^U WTP[cW P]S UX]P]RT7X\P]cP1XbfPBPa\PVTPaX]V d_ c^ aT_[PRT 2^]VaTbb\P] 6PdcP\ A^h Pb Xcb ]Tf ?aTbXST]c SdaX]V cWT 020b d_R^\X]V 06< bRWTSd[TS X] 6dfPWPcX^]9d]T !7^fTeTa1XbfP BPa\PbcT]daTPccWTWT[\\Ph]^cQT ^U Ud[[ SdaPcX^] XU ;^SWP 2^\\XccTTb aTR^\\T]SPcX^]b^UP]h\X]XbcTa^a V^eTa]\T]cT\_[^hTT]^cW^[SX]VP]h STbXV]PcX^]X]1228XbX\_[T\T]cTS FXcW19?U^a\X]VV^eTa]\T]cX] 0bbP\ 1XbfP BPa\P fW^ Xb cWT [^]VTbcbTaeX]VeXRT_aTbXST]c^U020 bX]RT!!WPbbcPZTSWXbR[PX\U^a cWTc^__^bcX]cWTbcPcTRaXRZTcQ^Sh P]SQTX]VcWT=^!X]cWTbcPcTRPQX]Tc fX[[ ]^c UPRT P]h ^__^bXcX^] SdaX]V Bd]SPhb06<X]cWTbcPcTRP_XcP[ 7X\P]cP 1XbfP BPa\P Xb bTc c^ QTR^\T cWT 020 _aTbXST]c Pb cWTaT fX[[ ]^c QT P]h R^]cTbc 0b ^U ]^f ^dcV^X]V_aTbXST]c6PdcP\A^hP[b^ P 1228 eXRT_aTbXST]c fX[[ ]^c QT R^]cTbcX]VcWTbTR^]S\^bc_^fTaUd[ \P] X] cWT bcPcT PUcTa 2WXTU <X]XbcTa BPaQP]P]SP B^]^fP[ 0[b^ 1XbfP BPa\P WPb 1228 _aTbXST]c P]S 19? <? 0]daPV CWPZdab bd__^ac P bT]X^a 1228 Ud]RcX^]Pah bPXS ^] R^]SXcX^]b^UP]^]h\Xch 0RR^aSX]V c^ aT[XPQ[T b^daRTb fWT] CWPZda fPb aTRT]c[h X] =^acW 4Pbc1XbfPBPa\PWPS\TccWT1228 ?aTbXST]c c^ SXbRdbb PQ^dc 0bbP\ RaXRZTc 0RR^aSX]V c^ b^daRTb X] 1228 1XbfP BPa\P Xb cWT ^][h _Tab^] XU WT Xb P _aTbXST]cXP[ RP]SXSPcT cWT] cWTaT f^]c QT P]h R^]cTbcfWXRWRP]QTcWTRPbTU^acWT ^cWTa^UUXRTQTPaTab_^bcb ?C8 Hyderabad would be the venue for the stand-alone Test against Bangladesh. All these venues will get matches subject to the condition that they have numbered the seats in the stadiums and fulfil all the guidelines laid down by the BCCI, said Shirke. The domestic cricket season will singles >QTQ\d_]YccGY]R\UT_^ MADRID: APUPT[ =PSP[ fX[[ \Xbb FX\Q[TS^] PUcTa UPX[X]V c^ aTR^eTa Ua^\ cWT faXbc X]Ydah fWXRWP[b^U^aRTSWXbTPa[hfXcWSaPfP[Ua^\cWT 5aT]RW >_T] cWT B_P]XbW bcPa P]]^d]RTS ^] WXb 5PRTQ^^Z _PVT 7X TeTahQ^Sh 8\ bPS c^ P]]^d]RTcWPcPUcTacP[ZX]Vc^\hS^Rc^abP]S aTRTXeX]V cWT aTbd[cb ^U \h [Pbc \TSXRP[ aTeXbX^]8f^]cQTPQ[Tc^_[PhPcFX\Q[TS^] cWXbhTPafa^cT=PSP[0bh^dRP]P[[X\PVX]T Xcb P eTah c^dVW STRXbX^] Qdc cWT X]Ydah 8 bdUUTaTSPcA^[P]S6Paa^b]TTSbcX\Tc^WTP[ CWT #cX\T 6aP]S B[P\ cXc[T fX]]Ta fPb FX\Q[TS^] RWP\_X^] X] !' P]S ! 7T _d[[TS^dc^U5aT]RW>_T]fWTaTWTWPbQTT] RWP\_X^] ^] ]X]T ^RRPbX^]b PUcTa X]YdaX]V P cT]S^]X]WXb[TUcfaXbcPUcTaYdbccf^a^d]Sb B_XYdµcTYWYdQ\ce`UbXUb_S_]YScUbYUc BENGALURU: A^WXc BWPa\P X] _Pac]TabWX_ fXcW6aP_WXR8]SXPD:QPbTS8B<:^\XgP]S 2^a]Tabc^]T B_^ac c^^Z P bcP]S U^a 8]SXP P]S cWTT]eXa^]\T]cc^SPhfXcWcWT[Pd]RW^UcWTP[[ ]Tfd]X`dT°7H?4ACH64AB±¯cWTf^a[Sb UXabcbd_TaWTa^RaXRZTccTP\fW^_[PhUdcdaXbcXR 7h_Ta 2aXRZTc c^ bPeT cWT T]eXa^]\T]c cWTXa eX[[PVTP]ScWTf^a[S 7X_cXcX_gc`b_WbUcc NEW DELHI: 0]>[h\_XR\TSP[\PhbcX[[QTP [^]VbW^cU^aP]8]SXP]cPQ[TcT]]Xb_[PhTaQdc P[[ cWT cWT U^da AX^ 6P\Tb `dP[XUXTab¯ B^d\hPYXc 6W^bW 0RWP]cP BWPaPcW :P\P[ <^d\P 3Pb P]S <P]XZP 1PcaP¯WPeT bW^f] R^]bXSTaPQ[T X\_a^eT\T]c X] cWTXa f^a[S aP]ZX]Vb 0RR^aSX]V c^ cWT [PcTbc 8CC5 aP]ZX]Vb aT[TPbTS ^] <^]SPh 6W^bW WPb Yd\_TSU^da_[PRTbc^QTPc=^% Ua^\=^%$ fWX[TBWPaPcW:P\P[fW^fPb&"[Pbc\^]cW ]^f^RRd_XTbb[^c=^%( 3XXUdbYY^[c^UgTUQ\gYdX263 BENGALURU : 1T]VP[dad 52 WPb aTcPX]TS Bd]X[2WWTcaX^]P^]ThTPaSTP[cWPcZTT_bcWT R[dQb c^_ bR^aTa fXcW cWT 8;TPVdT U^^cQP[[ RWP\_X^]bcX[[cWTT]S^UcWT! % &bTPb^] cWTR[dQP]]^d]RTS^]CWdabSPhCWT8]SXPP]S 1T]VP[dad52bZX__Tab_T]ccf^bTPb^]bfXcW cWT 8;TPVdT RWP\_X^]b QTU^aT bXV]X]V fXcW 8B;cTP\<d\QPX2Xch52P]SaTcda]X]Vc^152 ^][^P][PbcbTPb^]P]S[TPSX]VcWTR[dQc^P bTR^]S8;TPVdTRa^f]X]cWaTTbTPb^]bFT PaT_[TPbTSc^P]]^d]RTBd]X[PbP152_[PhTa X]fWPcfX[[QTWXbU^dacWbTPb^]PccWTR[dQ8 S^]ccWX]ZfT]TTSc^QTe^RP[PQ^dcfWPcWT QaX]Vbc^cWTR[dQP]ScWTZX]S^UX\_PRcWTWPb X]cWTSaTbbX]Va^^\P]S^dcbXST^UXcbPXScWT R[dQb2>><dbcPUP6W^dbT 0QdbhX]cTa]PcX^]P[bRWTSd[TPfPXcbcWT 8]SXP]cTP\X]cWTR^\X]VW^\TbTPb^] fXcW "CTbc\PcRWTbTXVWc>]T3Ph 8]cTa]PcX^]P[bP]ScWaTTC!8]cTa]PcX^]P[b _T]RX[[TSX]QhcWT1228 ?C8Q 70A0A4 16-member Indian cricket team, led by captain A Mahendra Singh Dhoni, has arrived here for a short limitedovers series beginning on Saturday. The team arrived here after a long flight after leaving Mumbai on Tuesday. The BCCI tweeted to inform the arrival of the players at the Harare International Airport with pictures of Dhoni and some of his teammates completing the formalities at the airport. The team will be playing three ODIs and as many T20 Internationals against Zimbabwe between June 11 and 22. All the matches are scheduled to be played at the Harare Sports Club here. The ODIs will be played on June 11, 13 and 15 while the T20 Internationals are scheduled for June 18, 20 and 22. The new look Indian team has come here without senior players like Virat Kohli, Rohit Sharma, Shikhar Dhawan and Ravichandran Ashwin. e`Y`deYZde`cZT5 ?EVde 0?Q <4;1>DA=4 ricket Australia chief executive James Sutherland wants players to C remain open-minded about day-night 6UTUbUbRUQdc6bYdjQd=UbSUTUc3e` test matches during the 2017-18 Ashes series in Australia. Sutherland said he respected the concern of Australia captain Steve Smith and others, but reiterated that a pink-ball Ashes test would be a "natural progression." Australia hosted the first daynight test at the Adelaide Oval last year, beating New Zealand in a lowscoring match. The venue will host another day-night test in November, after South African players ended weeks of debate by agreeing Wednesday to be involved. On Thursday, Sutherland said day-night tests will allow for bigger audiences at the matches and on television and predicted there'd be "somewhere between zero and two" day-night tests during the next Ashes series. He spoke after Smith, playing in the West Indies in a limited-overs triseries, said the Ashes "works pretty well with the red (regular) ball ... Playing against England, we always get the viewers and the crowds out, so I don't think there is any issue there." England captain Alastair Cook has also indicated he'd like the 201718 Ashes series to be all traditional day STUTTGART: 8] WXb UXabc \PcRW X] P \^]cW A^VTa5TSTaTa^eTaRP\TPbcXUURWP[[T]VTUa^\ 0\TaXRP] cTT]PVTa CPh[^a 5aXci c^ aTPRW cWT <TaRTSTb2d_`dPacTaUX]P[bfXcWP%#$&% #fX]^]CWdabSPhCWT\PcRWQTVP]cWTSPh QTU^aT Qdc fPb WP[cTS Qh aPX] fXcW cWT c^_ bTTSTS 5TSTaTa [TPSX]V #" fXcW P QaTPZ ^U bTaeT0aTcda]X]c^cWT]TcQh5aXciVPeT5TSTaTa cWT UXabc bTc 5TSTaTa bPeTS cf^ bTc _^X]cb QTU^aT P U^aTWP]S fX]]Ta Qh 5aXci P]S P U^aTWP]STaa^aQh5TSTaTaVPeTcWT\XSS[TbTc c^cWT 'hTPa^[S0\TaXRP]5TSTaTabcadVV[TS c^W^[SbTaeTTPa[hX]cWTcWXaSQdcQa^ZTU^a$ # P]S R[X]RWTS cWT \PcRW fXcW P QPRZWP]S fX]]Ta 8c fPb eTah SXUUXRd[c Ydbc Pb 8 Z]Tf QTU^aT cWT \PcRW 5TSTaTa bPXS 8 fPb \^aT U^acd]PcTPccWTT]S0QPRZX]YdahU^aRTScWT "#hTPa^[S 5TSTaTa c^ bZX_ cWT 5aT]RW >_T] cWTUXabccX\TWT\XbbTSP6aP]SB[P\PUcTa%$ bcaPXVWcP__TPaP]RTb 0VT]RXTb 8]SXP]cTP\ PaaXeTX]IX\ 3=0bWTbCTbcb^]PVT]SP)BdcWTa[P]S 6UV_8RcUV_dWc`_ecf__Vc @U\UcS_bUcRYWgYdXcQ\U_Vdb_`Xi LONDON: 0b_TRXP[aT_[XRPF^a[S2d_ca^_Wh _aTbT]cTS c^ f^a[S U^^cQP[[ XR^] ?T[T UTcRWTS "($ $ Tda^b $& Pc P] PdRcX^]^UWXb_Tab^]P[\T\^aPQX[XPX];^]S^] Cf^ ^U cWT &$hTPa^[S 1aPiX[ [TVT]Sb cWaTT F^a[S2d_fX]]Tab\TSP[bP[b^fT]cd]STacWT WP\\Ta bT[[X]V U^a fT[[ ^eTa cWTXa TbcX\PcTS _aXRTV^X]VU^aPR^[[TRcXeT_aXRT^U"#^] cWT bTR^]S SPh ^U cWT cWaTT SPh bP[T WT[S X] ;^]S^] Qdc d]STa cWT QP]]Ta ^U ;^b 0]VT[Tb PdRcX^]W^dbT9d[XT]b0dRcX^]b7^fTeTacWT 9d[Tb AX\Tc ca^_Wh fPb cWT \^bc Tg_T]bXeT X]SXeXSdP[ [^c fXcW BfXbb fPcRW\PZX]V VXP]c 7dQ[^c cX\X]V cWTXa UX]P[ QXS _TaUTRc[h U^a P] XcT\fWXRWWPSQTT]UXVdaTSc^UTcRWQTcfTT] !' c^ #$ 8c WPS QTT] \PST U^a WX\ PUcTa 1aPiX[b cWXaS F^a[S 2d_ eXRc^ah X] (&X]<TgXR^FTPaTeTah_[TPbTSfXcWcWT aTbd[c ^U cWT 2d_ 3PaaT] 9d[XT] 2WXTU 4gTRdcXeT^U9d[XT]bPdRcX^]bc^[S05? kick off in September with the Duleep Trophy, which was not held in 2015-16 season. The tournament is set to be played under lights with pink ball for the first time. This is being done to help Indian cricketers, all of whom are expected to take part, become familiar with playing under lights with the pink coloured ball, ahead of playing Test cricket in these conditions at home during the packed season. During the season, 918 matches are to be organised by the Board, including Ranji Trophy, Duleep Trophy, Vijay Hazare Trophy, Mushtaq Ali Trophy, Deodhar Trophy, Irani Trophy, women's cricket and all other age group cricket. Chhattisgarh has been added to the Ranji Trophy schedule for the first time. "This translates into 1,882 playing days between September 2016 to March 2017," Shirke said. "I welcome the new Test venues hosting this prestigious format of cricket and their arrival will take Test match cricket, to every corner of the country," said BCCI President Thakur. "We are equally excited about the domestic season as we will be playing the Duleep trophy with the pink ball under lights and take this opportunity to welcome Chhattisgarh, who will play Ranji trophy for the first time." "A combined team of Affiliate and Associate states will participate in the junior age group tournaments, which will provide the much needed opportunity to the emerging players from these areas. This further reaffirms our commitment to spread the game by providing the appropriate platforms to our next generation cricketer," he added. BCCI secretary Shirke noted that the advance announcement of international match staging centres for the coming season will give them enough time to buckle up for the task ahead. "Some of the best teams of world cricket are coming to play in India this season and we are excited to announce the schedule well ahead of time. This gives the staging associations and the BCCI sufficient time to prepare and present one of the most memorable cricketing seasons for our fans. I have full faith in our team at BCCI to deliver international and domestic cricket simultaneously and engage the ardent fans on all fronts," said Shirke. ?C8Q :>;:0C0 he iconic Eden Gardens has emerged as the frontrunner to T host the first ever Day/Night Test matches. Dates haven't been announced for that series. The Adelaide day-night test last year was completed in three days, but drew 124,000 spectators and television ratings were also favorable. "I think there's a natural progression for us to get to a stage where Ashes test matches are played as daynight games," Sutherland said. "The players are clearly an important stakeholder and I respect the views of Steven and Alastair in saying that. The Ashes is a great contest, and (it) will no doubt attract huge audiences both at the ground and on television. "But I think the facts of the matter are that by playing a day-night test match you're actually going to get bigger audiences at the game and on television. It even time-shifts games into a more appealing time of day in the UK That's another factor we need to consider." Australia will host three tests against South Africa in November, with the series concluding in Adelaide from Nov. 24, and will kick off a three-test series against Pakistan with a Day/Night match in Brisbane starting Dec. 15. SA players had been reluctant to play the Adelaide test after informal feedback from Australian players who had issues with pink ball's visibility and durability in Adelaide test. match in the country against the visiting New Zealand side even though CAB president Sourav Ganguly said it will depend on their upcoming "pink ball experiment" from June 18. "Nothing is confirmed yet. Nothing has been confirmed yet. Hosting a day night Test will depend on the success of the Duleep Trophy. We are also organising the country's first day night four-day CAB Super League final with pink Kookaburra balls from June 18-21 on an experimental basis. We will see how it goes," Ganguly said. An influential BCCI official, though, said that if the Day/Night Test match is held against New Zealand, it will come to Eden Gardens in all likelihood. "The decision will be taken during the BCCI working committee meeting on June 24th. We are hopeful that Eden will be allotted the match. Also we will get a feedback from CAB on their D/N experiment," the source said. Eden's chances are bright since the other two Test venues for the New Zealand leg are Indore and Kanpur. Kanpur's floodlights have been a problem while Indore, for a match of this magnitude, may not be the best venue. The Cricket Association of Bengal has procured a dozen pink kookaburra balls for the super league final next week which will be telecast live. CAB secretary Avishek Dalmiya said: "We will keep more grass for visibility. Kookabura world and subcontinent head are expected for the match. We don't want to make a fool of ourselves. It depends on how the BCCI takes it, how successful it is. That's the way forward. We are trying something for first time. The legacy will be with us. We will give two balls each to the finalists who will practice two days ahead of the final," Dalmiya said. 1PXabc^f´b P]RW^ab4]VaTQdX[S ,QGLDQKRFNH\VHHNV 05?Q ;>=3>= onny Bairstow rode his luck to again rescue England from a top-order colJlapse with a century on the first day of the third Test against Sri Lanka at Lord's on Thursday. At stumps, England were 279 for six, having been 84 for four when Bairstow (107 not out) came to the crease. It had been a similar story when Bairstow revived England from the depths of 83 for five in the first Test with a superb 140 on his Headingley home ground in a match England eventually won by an innings and 88 runs. Rather than scoring a maiden Test century at Lord's, Bairstow should have been out for 11 on Thursday when he clipped Nuwan Pradeep firmly off his pads straight to mid-wicket only for Shaminda Eranga to drop the catch. The Yorkshireman had another break when Eranga, selected despite having his action reported in England's series-clinching nine-wicket win in the second Test at the Riverside, reviewed a rejected lbw appeal when the batsman had made 56. Replays showed the ball hitting leg stump, but not enough, according to the Decision Review System, to overturn Indian umpire S Ravi's original not out decision. Apart from Bairstow, only England captain Alastair Cook (85), who won the toss in sunny conditions ideal for batting, passed fifty on Thursday, with Chris Woakes 23 not out at stumps. Sri Lanka performed admirably with the ball, albeit they were again sloppy in the field, on a good pitch where there was a touch of seam movement. Suranga Lakmal and Nuwan Pradeep shared four wickets while impressive left-arm spinner Rangana Herath rook an economical two for 45 in 21 overs. Cook insisted in the build-up to this match that England were determined to correct their habit of losing 'dead' Tests in series they'd already won following heavy defeats at the end of victorious campaigns at home to Australia in 2015 and away to South Africa earlier this year. Cook, presented with a commemorative bat before play to mark his achievement in becoming the first England batsman to score 10,000 Test runs, a landmark he reached at the Riverside, and fellow opener Alex Hales compiled a 50-run stand in 74 balls. But Herath struck with just his fourth ball he had Hales(18), slogging across the line of a ball that turned, caught by Sri Lanka captain Angelo Mathews at slip. By his own admission, Nick Compton was playing for his Test place. But England's number three, on his Middlesex home ground, fell for one when he was caught behind off a gentle Lakmal away-swinger. Lakmal struck again when he had Joe Root (three) lbw, hitting across the line. Pradeep got in on the act by bowling James Vince for 10 and England were now 84 for four — the fifth time in their last seven Test innings they had lost four wickets before reaching 100. Cook was closing in on his 29th Test century when, shortly before tea, he was plumb lbw, bowling from around the wicket. Cook faced 173 balls. Bairstow, strong off his pads and on the drive, cut Pradeep for four to go to 94. He then equalled his previous Testbest at Lord's of 95, made against South Africa in 2012 before a single off Herath saw him to a 160-ball century. &7ERRVWDKHDGRI2O\ ?C8Q ;>=3>= iming to gain in confidence before the Olympic A Games, the Indian hockey team will be eyeing a podium finish in the Champions Trophy, beginning with a clash against Olympic gold-medallists Germany here on Friday. On seven occasions thereafter, India have been edged away from the podium as they lost crucial bronze-medal encounters. The last two Champions Trophy events in 2012 (Melbourne)and 2014 (Bhubaneswar) feature among the seven fourth-place finishes that left Indian fans dejected. "A podium finish is a realistic target we're chasing here at this Champions Trophy," said coach Roelant Oltmans as the Indian team went through its training regimen ahead of the German encounter. Returning to the Olympic Park in London also provides India a chance to erase the unhappy memories of the lastplace finish in the 2012 Olympics. Before that Indian hockey used to romance the 1948 Olympic gold medal they had won in London. "We like a challenge, but we have to execute our tactics in match situations and keep evolving," said Oltmans, who has continued his rotational policy to provide exposure to all players ahead of picking the squad for Rio de Janeiro. Custodian PR Sreejesh, who will captain the squad at the Champions Trophy, and penalty corner shooter VR Raghunath are back in the squad after missing the Sultan Azlan Shah Cup, while Sardar Singh and Rupinder Pal Singh have been rested. Young penalty corner shooter Harmanpreet Singh's fine show in Sultan Azlan Shah Cup secured his selection for CT, where he will share the duties with Raghunath. For goalkeeper Vikas Dahiya and colleague Pradeep Mor this is the biggest stage of their short playing career. b_^ac % =4F34;78k5A830H k9D=4 ! % 9V]]`7cR_TV 5aP]RTbPe^da 4da^^_T]Ta 7^bcb_[PhA^\P]XPX]4da^! %6a^d_0^_T]Tac^SPh 05?Q ?0A8B tortuous build-up dominated by off-field A controversy and untimely injuries comes to an end for hosts France when they finally 0?Q ;>=3>= he European Championship enters a new era with Spain seeking to reassert its old supremacy. Invincible between 2008 and 2012 while claiming back-to-back European titles and finally tasting World Cup glory , the Spanish halo slipped two years ago with a humiliating blowout in Brazil. How better to show that the firstround elimination in 2014 was just a blip than by completing a hat trick of European titles in Paris on July 10. It will be a tougher challenge than before, with the Euros growing by eight teams to 24 in France. Although Spain’s national team has not collected a trophy since Euro 2012, domestic clubs have swept up continental trophies for the three seasons. The Champions League has been won by Real Madrid (twice) and Barcelona while Sevilla completed a hat trick of Europa T League titles in May. The sternest challenges in France for Vicente del Bosque’s team are likely to come from World Cup holder Germany and the host nation, boasting a talented young squad but whose plans have been derailed — as so often — by off-field controversy. Then there is the next rung of contenders yet to conquer the continent, just the type of teams Del Bosque fears. A golden generation of Belgium players, embodied by Kevin De Bruyne and Eden Hazard, has to live up to their promise and start delivering on the international stage for the world’s secondranked team. England is defensively susceptible but has a plethora of fresh attacking options, including Harry Kane and Marcus Rashford, capable of challenging if not emerging with winners’ medals. Unlike at the World Cup, Spain’s title defense can surely not end at the first hurdle in France this month. Croatia, the Czech Republic and Turkey await in <PcRWTbfX[[QT bRadcX]XiTSU^aaPRXbc X]RXST]cbX]bcPSXd\bX] \^bcaXV^a^dbbhbcT\ CWTD450PUUX[XPcTS50A4 =Tcf^aZbPhbXcfX[[ ST_[^hcf^^QbTaeTab Pc\PcRWTb Group D and even a third-place finish could be sufficient to advance in the reconfigured tournament’s new round of 16. Germany is more anxious than Spain about the group stage following setbacks in qualifying and friendlies since lifting the World Cup and veterans like former captain Philipp Lahm retiring. After games against Poland and Ukraine, Germany faces Northern Ireland, a first-time finalist which qualified as group winners. And underdogs can thrive at the Euros. Just look at Denmark winning in 1992 and Greece lifting the trophy 12 year later. Neither nation made it to France. What chance another surprise champion 12 years on? Albania, Iceland, Slovakia and Wales joined Northern Ireland in qualifying for the first time. Only Wales boasts a true world-beater in its ranks. It’s more than Gareth Bale’s goals that have powered the Welsh to their first tournament since the 1958 World Cup. It’s the dedication of the I830=40AA8E4B8=8=380 64CBF0A<A424?C8>= ?C8Q <D<108 aT]RW U^^cQP[[ [TVT]S IX]TSX]T IXSP]T ^] CWdabSPh c^dRWTS S^f] X] 8]SXP c^ P fPa\ aTRT_cX^]Ua^\PbfPa\^UT]cWdbXPbcXRUP]bfW^ R^]eTaVTS Pc cWT RXch ²b X]cTa]PcX^]P[ PXa_^ac c^ VaTTc^]T^UcWTVP\T³bP[[cX\TVaTPcb CWT U^a\Ta ATP[ <PSaXS bcPa P]S RdaaT]c \P]PVTaXbWTaTc^Ud[UX[PR^]caPRcdP[^Q[XVPcX^] PUcTa QTX]V ]P\TS Pb QaP]S P\QPbbPS^a U^a P RXchQPbTSaTP[TbcPcTSTeT[^_\T]cR^\_P]h 0_a^\X]T]c_Pac^UcWTUP\^db6P[PRcXR^b IXSP]T fW^ VdXSTS ATP[ <PSaXS c^ cWT D2; caXd\_WX]WXbUXabcbTPb^]Pb\P]PVTaaTRT]c[h fX[[QTT]S^abX]VPaTP[TbcPcTVa^d_³bd_R^\X]V _a^YTRcX]1P]SaP:da[P2^\_[TgcXc[TS²:P]PZXP ?PaXb³IXSP]TfX[[QTd]eTX[X]VcWT_a^YTRcc^SPh 5aT]RWU^^cQP[[TaIX]TSX]TIXSP]TfXcW fWXRWfX[[QTU^[[^fTSQhP\TSXPR^]UTaT]RT WXbfXUTE|a^]X`dTIXSP]TPaaXeTbPccWT IXSP]TfPba^_TSX]PbcWTQaP]SP\QPbbPS^a 8]cTa]PcX^]P[PXa_^acX]<d\QPX^] ^U:P]PZXP6a^d_X]<Ph CWdabSPh ?C8 7T WPS cWT] bPXS °8c³b P _[TPbdaT c^ QT Pbb^RXPcTSfXcWcWT:P]PZXP6a^d_?ec;cSP]ScWP]Z?<6U^aQaX]VX]Vdbc^VTcWTa± 5 CTP\RP_cPX]2aXbcXP]^A^]P[S^RT]cTaaXVWcbcP]Sb]Tgcc^?^acdVdTbT?aTbXST]c <PaRT[^ATQT[^STB^dbPRT]cTa[TUcPbcWTh_^bTfXcWcWT]PcX^]P[b^RRTacTP\Pc cWT1T[T\_aTbXST]cXP[_P[PRTX];XbQ^] 0? A^]P[S^P]S2^[Pd]RW 4da^! %X]YXccTah5aP]RT 05?Q ?0A8B fter a gruelling qualifying campaign, Euro 2016 gets A underway today with Cristiano Ronaldo and the rest of the continent’s biggest stars descending on France having to fend off minnows aiming to make their presence felt. This will be the first 24-team European Championship, a month-long marathon a far cry from the eight-nation event when France with Michel Platini were last hosts in 1984. France launch the tournament with a Group A game against Romania on Friday. Les Bleus remain the last host country to lift the trophy — named after a Frenchman, Henri Delaunay — and also won the World Cup as hosts in 1998, when Didier Deschamps was the captain. Now he is the coach of a side looking to lift the spirits of a nation beset by social unrest and fears of a repeat of the Paris attacks last November. The tension has made some players nervous however. “I would like to concentrate fully on football during the Euro, and I would feel much better if my family is not sitting in the stadium,” said Germany’s Jerome Boateng, who has told his wife and children to stay away from the country in case of an attack. He was in Germany team that was playing France when suicide bombers blew themselves up outside the Stade de France on the night of the November 13 attacks that killed 130 people. world’s most expensive player to commit to the national cause when Real Madrid provides the status, silverware and salary. Just as Madrid teammate Cristiano Ronaldo does for Portugal. For the 31-yearold Ballon D’Or holder who has won every significant club and individual honor, a title with Portugal is all that is missing. The French are seeking the support of a nation still reeling from a 2015 scarred by attacks on Paris where the Stade de France was targeted by suicide bombers as France played Germany in November. France’s World Cup hopes were only ended by eventual champion Germany in the quarterfinals two years ago. Like Spain, Italy and England couldn’t even make it out of their groups in Brazil. Italy has a challenging first round, with Belgium and Zlatan Ibrahimovic’s Sweden in Group E alongside Ireland. Few of the 552 players and 24 head coaches won’t be feeling the pressure in the 51 games across 31 days in France. GU\S_]Ud_6bQ^SU* CdbY[UcQ^Tb_ddY^WdbQcX ?0A8B)Uncollected trash rotting on the streets of Paris. Strikes on trains that go to the national stadium, and on planes that should be carrying fans. With the eyes of Europe and the world turning to France for the European Championship, the host nation isn’t putting on its best face. A tug of war between the Socialist government and labor leaders over changes to French workplace practices is ensnaring fans hoping for a month of fine football and a great time. Already Thursday, strikes threw train services to the national stadium into disarray before the opening game it hosts on Friday night. Strikes are also planned from Saturday on the national air carrier, Air France. In 05aT]RWPa\hb^[SXTa_Pca^[bWXVW PQ^eT;PZT6T]TePP]S2P\X[[T 5^da]XTabcPSXd\fWTaTcWT6Ta\P] ]PcX^]P[b^RRTacTP\caPX]bX]4eXP] 0? swanky Paris neighborhoods, overflowing garbage containers spewed stinking bags of trash onto the streets, uncollected by strikers. With kick-off just a day away, both the government and labor leaders warned fans to brace for hardship. AP 6FC@D?2AD9@ED ;TUc) F^aZTab_aT_PaTQP]]TabPc BcPST?XTaaT<Pda^hbcPSXd\ AXVWc)5aT]RWbd__^acTabaTPRc PbcWThfPcRWP[XeTQa^PSRPbc^U cWTVa^d_4F2\PcRWQTcfTT] BfXciTa[P]SP]S5aP]RT^dcbXST ^UcWT<Tca^ #cW3XbcaXRcQPaX] ?PaXb1PaP]SaTbcPdaP]cb ^f]Tabf^]´cQTP[[^fTSc^bTc d_CEbRaTT]b^dcbXSTcWTXa QdbX]TbbTbSdaX]V4da^ 0? get Euro 2016 underway against Romania in Group A at the Stade de France today. Les Bleus’ preparations on the field have been distracted by claims from Real Madrid striker Karim Benzema that his exclusion from the squad was racially motivated. Benzema hasn’t played for Les Bleus since October last year after becoming embroiled in a sex-tape blackmail scandal that targeted then international teammate Mathieu Valbuena. France’s highest active goalscorer, Benzema — who is of Algerian descent — claimed coach Didier Deschamps had “bowed to pressure from a racist part of France.” In addition, Benzema’s Madrid team-mate Raphael Varane will miss the tournament due to a hamstring injury. Coach Didier Deschamps’ defensive options are severely depleted as Barcelona’s Jeremy Mathieu also had to withdraw from the squad, while Liverpool’s Mamadou Sakho wasn’t included as he was serving a provisional ban from UEFA for doping. Lassana Diarra, Kurt Zouma and Mathieu Debuchy are also sidelined, and Deschamps has acknowledged he never imagined being hit with such headaches even just a few weeks ago. “Everything that has happened to us since the squad was announced on May 12, honestly, even in my worst nightmares I don’t think I could have imagined it,” Deschamps told 7C2?46GD C@>2?:2 9625E@9625 8=C4A=0C8>=0;<0C274B ?[PhTS) $ 5aP]RTf^]) & A^\P]XPf^]) " 3aPf]) $ 6^P[bU^a5aP]RT) ( 6^P[bU^aA^\P]XP) $ 4DA>?40=2D?<0C274B ?[PhTS) ! 5aP]RTf^]) A^\P]XPf^]) 3aPf]) 6^P[bU^a5aP]RT) 6^P[bU^aA^\P]XP) 5PXbT[5TPcdaTb sports daily L’Equipe on Wednesday. Yet, expectations are still high that a team boasting the precocious young talents of the likes of Paul Pogba, Anthony Martial and Antoine Griezmann can repeat the feats of the French sides of 1998 and 1984 in winning the World Cup and Euros respectively on home soil. “We have the chance to play at home, there will be pressure, but it will be positive,” said goalkeeper Steve Mandanda. “We have the obligation to have a good tournament and the objective is to win it.” Deschamps’ men have been in fine form, winning nine of their last 10 matches over the past year with their only defeat coming to England when minds were focused elsewhere just days after the November Paris terror attacks. While France’s forward line will be blessed with pace and youth, there will be plenty of experience at the back with all of the expected back four of Sagna, Laurent Koscielny, Adil Rami and Patrick Evra in their thirties. Romania’s hopes of springing a huge surprise will be based around a solid defence as they reached a first major tournament in eight years with the best defensive record in qualifying. Anghel Iordanescu’s men conceded just twice in 10 matches in qualifying behind Northern Ireland in Group F and also held European champions Spain to a 0-0 draw in March. However, without the star quality of a Gheorge Hagi or Adrian Mutu as in years gone by, Romania also struggled mightily for goals in qualifying, scoring just 11 times. 2^dcX]W^[TPSb1aPiX[a^dcPb4RdPS^acWfPac?Tad 0[Xc^QT\^da]TSfXcW<db[X\_aPhTabTaeXRT 05?Q ;>B0=64;4B hilippe Coutinho completed a hat-trick as Brazil routed Haiti P 7-1 at Copa America Centenario while Ecuador produced a gutsy fightback to thwart Peru’s push for a quarter-final berth. Coutinho conjured up the sort of form which made him one of Liverpool’s most potent attackers in the Premier League last season as the Brazilians outclassed Haiti in the first ever competitive meeting of the two nations. The 23-year-old attacking midfielder grabbed his first two goals inside the first half hour of a onesided Group B game at Orlando’s Citrus Bowl in Florida. Coutinho then grabbed his third in the dying seconds of injury time, curling in a spectacular shot to complete a fine night’s work. Brazil, who had drawn 0-0 with Ecuador in a lackustre opening game last weekend, now lead Group 7PXcX´b9TUU;^dXbRT]cTa\^eTbcWTQP[[QTcfTT]1aPiX[´bAT]Pc^0dVdbc^P]S6X[SdaX]V cWTXa2^_P0\TaXRPVa^d_1b^RRTa\PcRW^]FTS]TbSPh 0? B on goal difference, level on four points with Peru, who were held 22 by the Ecuadorans elsewhere on Wednesday. Brazil manager Dunga was left purring with pleasure at the per- formance of Coutinho, who scored 12 goals in all competitions for Liverpool this season. Brazil’s other goals came from Renato Augusto (2), teenage star Gabriel Barbosa and Lucas Lima. Defender Filipe Luis however cautioned that Brazil would face a sterner challenge against Peru in their final Group B game at Foxborough’s Gillette Stadium on Sunday. Elsewhere, Ecuador frustrated Peru’s hopes of sealing their quarter-final berth, fighting back from two goals down to snatch a 2-2 draw in Glendale, Arizona. A superb individual strike from West Ham’s Enner Valencia and a second half effort from Brazilbased midfielder Miller Bolanos completed Ecuador’s comeback. The Ecuadorans had earlier been left reeling after falling 2-0 down inside the first 13 minutes. Peru, who had beaten Haiti in their opening game on Saturday, appeared to be cruising into the last eight after the early efforts from Christian Cueva and Edison Flores. 0?Q ;>D8BE8;;4 uslims have traveled from all over the world to stand shoulderM to-shoulder in a Kentucky arena for a final tribute to Muhammad Ali. A fellow Muslim who shares the boxing great’s name traveled from Bangladesh. Mohammad Ali arrived with no hotel reservation, just a belief that this pilgrimage was important to honor the global icon in a traditional Islamic service. The Ali from Bangladesh said he met the boxer in the early 1970s and they struck up a friendship based on their shared name. The Champ visited his home in 1978 and always joked he was his twin brother, he said. He will join more than 14,000 people who have tickets to the service Thursday in Louisville, which will be broadcast worldwide and streamed online, offering a window into a religion many outsiders know little about, but <db[X\f^\T]_aPhQTU^aT<dWP\\PS0[X´b 9T]PiPWPcaPSXcX^]P[8b[P\XR<db[X\bTaeXRTX] 5aTTS^\7P[[^]CWdabSPhX];^dXbeX[[T 0? have come to scorn. Organizers say the service, or Jenazah prayer, is open to all, but meant especially as a chance for Muslims to say goodbye to a man considered a hero of the faith. U.S. Muslims hope the service for the Kentucky native will help underscore that Islam, so much under attack in recent months, is fully part of American life. “Muhammad planned all of this,” said Imam Zaid Shakir, a prominent U.S. Muslim scholar who will lead Thursday’s prayers. “And he planned for it to be a teaching moment.” “One reason Muhammad Ali touched so many hearts, he was willing to sacrifice the fame, the lights, the money, the glamour, all of that, for his beliefs and his principles,” Shakir said. “That’s moving and that touches people.” Timothy Gianotti, an Islamic scholar at the University of Waterloo, Canada, who has worked for years with the Ali family to plan the remembrances said the service will consist of short, standing prayers said over the body, which in this case will be in a coffin facing Mecca. The Jenazah service lasts only a few minutes, with people customarily standing in lines, divided by gender, as they recite the prayers. At Ali’s service, Muslims lining up to join the recitation will be separated by gender, but the wider audience will not, Gianotti said. Tickets are still available for Friday service. But all 15,500 tickets for Friday’s memorial at KFC Yum! Center in Louisville were claimed within an hour.
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