Ranchi - The Pioneer
Ranchi - The Pioneer
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Two of the injured jawans are critical and have been admitted in the Intensive Care Unit of Medica Hospital in Ranchi. The incident took place on Saturday morning when a team of CRPF was on LRP on motorcycles at Bodra village, barely 10 km from Topchanchi police station in Dhanbad. The CRPF personnel were riding motorcycles, when the extrem- 8]YdaTSYPfP]QTX]VQa^dVWcc^PW^b_XcP[U^acaTPc\T]cX]AP]RWX^]BPcdaSPh ists set off the blast through an Improvised Explosive Device (IED), police said. State Police Spokesperson SN Pradhan said that the status of injured jawans was stable as they were airlifted to Ranchi from the site for better treat- had laid several landmines. As soon as one of the IEDs was triggered the gelatin rods in a series started blowing one by one and a total of 52 landmines were exploded,” he said. “Dhanbad SP and DIG of the range were camping at the site as the security forces began intensive search operation in the area on motorcycles,” he said. “Topchanchi Police Station incharge Dharmdeo Ram and Inspector S Mishra were leading the LRP, while a CRPF team made up the tail of the convoy. After triggering the blast, ultras fired indiscriminately at the convoy, prompting the LRP personnel to return fire .The exchange lasted a little over half an hour,” said a senior police official. SSP Dhanbad SK Jha said APcP];P[k?X^]TTa that on information that Naxal ment at a private hospital. cadres are assembled near the “Incident took place in the bor- Topchanchi-Jitpur area, CRPF dering area of Dhanbad and cops set out on a Long Range Giridih district where the rebels Patrolling (LRP), on motorcy- <^SX_[TSVTb!#G&<0303 U^aTg_Pcb CDD`feWZedecZgVde` ?<c^\TTcBPdSX :X]Vc^SPhcP[Zbc^ U^Rdb^]P]cXcTaa^a R^^_c^_dc _aTbbdaT^]?PZ ?C8Q A8H037 rime Minister Narendra P Modi arrived in the Saudi Arabia Capital on Saturday afternoon on a two-day visit to energy-powerhouse Saudi Arabia during which both countries are set to sign a raft of pacts to bolster their strategic partnership besides exploring ways to deepen security and counter-terror cooperation. Reaching out to expatriates, Modi announced a 24X7 multilingual helpline for them and said a move to regularise migration was in the offing through an online programme. Immediately after his arrival, Modi visited the Masmak fortress, a clay and mud-brick complex built around 1865, that is a major symbol of recapture of power by the Al Saud royal dynasty which has been running the country for over a century. Following which, he addressed Indian expatriates. Saying that they could count on the Indian Government in the times of crisis, Modi said expatriates could use the avenues like the MADAD portal to reach the Government for help. Specifically for Indians in Saudi Arabia, he announced the setting up of worker resource centres in Riyadh and Jeddah to provide them with all necessary help. Addressing a gathering of L&T workers who are constructing metro rail here, he said the country was proud of their contribution which has enhanced India’s image abroad and opened doors for overseas employment opportunities for their compatriots. “Whenever any good news regarding you people comes, I feel as happy as your family. When there is news of some concern regarding you, I feel the pain like your family would because you are my family,” Modi said, adding that he shared their happiness and sorrow. The Prime Minister will hold extensive talks with King Salman on a range of bilateral issues on Sunday following which both sides will sign a number of MoUs. Separately, he will also meet Crown Prince and Deputy Prime Minister Mohammed bin Naif and Deputy Crown Prince and Defence Minister Mohammed bin Salman. Saudi Arabia has close ties with Islamabad and India may raise the issue of Pakistan-based terror groups carrying out attacks on it. Combating threat of terrorism and radicalisation are expected to figure high on the agenda of talks between Modi and the leadership of Saudi Arabia, a country known as the spiritual home of Islam, which recently formed a major coalition of 34 Muslim nations to fight terror, particularly the ISIS. The visit is expected to put bilateral ties on a new trajectory. India’s ties with Saudi Arabia, one of the world’s leading oil producers, have been on an upswing over the last two decades based on burgeoning energy ties and both countries may look to move beyond the buyer-seller relationship in the sector and go for joint ventures and investment in refineries and oil fields. Turn to Page 4 deV^d`TZR]dTYZd^ a`de;Rebf`eRdeZc 6DPDMLN6DPUDVWD 0DQFKWRKROG KXJHFRQJUHJDWLRQ LQ5RKWDNWRGD\ 344?0::D?A4C8Q =4F34;78 gainst the backdrop of the A distrust generated among the communities during the violent Jat reservation agitation, RSS outfit ‘Samajik Samrasta Manch’ (SSM) is organising a major meeting in Haryana on Sunday to bring the “estranged communities” together in the State. The public meeting at Rohtak will be “a culminating point” of similar inter-community interactions at smaller level, organised all over Haryana by the RSS outfit in the aftermath of violence by Jat agitators demanding OBC status for their community. Rohtak was one of the worst-hit districts during the Jat agitation. Sources said the SSM is expecting a gathering of over 75,000 on the day with eminent personalities from the State like filmstar Randeep Hooda, Olympic medallist Yogeshwar Dutt, former national chess champion Anuradha Beniwal, singer Himani Kapoor besides Governor KS Solanki and even Baba Ramdev is likely to par- ?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP <^SXPS\XaTbP]^[S RP]^]SdaX]VWXbeXbXcc^ cWTWXbc^aXRP[U^ac^U <Pb\PZX]AXhPSW^] 5aXSPh ?C8 :_UZRcVSf\Vd4YZ_R %DOLND 9DGKX¶VER\IULHQGXQGHUOHQV ?^[XRTR^]bXSTa?aPchdbWP³bSTPcW W`cgVe`Z_XF? SR_ A PbbdXRXSTQdc[^^ZX]VPcP[[P]V[Tb `_AReYR_\`eScRZ_d C=A067D=0C70 Q <D<108 =Tf3T[WXSdQb1TXYX]V´b PccT\_cc^bWXT[S<Pb^^S 0iWPaPb³X]R^\_aTWT]bXQ[T bT[TRcXeTP__a^PRW´X] cPRZ[X]VcTaa^aXb\ BA0906>?0;0=Q F0B78=6C>= s China blocked India’s A bid for a UN blacklisting of Masood Azhar, chief of the Pakistan-based Jaish-eMohammad (JeM) and mastermind of the Pathankot terror attack, New Delhi has promptly slammed the move as “incomprehensible” that smacks of a “selective approach to com- cle in search of the rebels. “As soon as the cops rushed to the Topchanchi-Jitpur Road the naxals blasted the gelatin rods which were planted earlier on the dirt road. The blasts occurred in a series,” he added. Notably, this is for the first time ultras ripped apart a patrol party on motorcycles. The blast was so severe that the explosion was heard at the police station, said a police personnel present at Topchanchi. The way the blast was carried out, it appeared they knew about the movement of the LRP. Moreover, prima facie evidence suggests the ultras took their time to lay the IED and were confident that the route of the LRP would not be altered, sources said. Bodara forest area is located close to the borders of the two districts Giridih and Dhanbad. It is not the first time that Maoists have carried out an attack in the area. bating terrorism”. Without naming China as such, India put out a stronglyworded statement, expressing its disappointment that a “technical hold” has been put on India’s application at the UN Security Council Committee to sanction Azhar while the JeM that he heads was blacklisted as far back as 2001. Curiously enough, the Chinese action came just a day after Prime Minister Narendra Modi had lamented this very state of affairs in the presence of world leaders, including Chinese President Xi Jinping, as to how terrorists are globally networked, but nations are still not giving up the belief that “his terrorist is not my terrorist”. Turn to Page 4 day after television actress Pratyusha Banerjee, of Balika Vadhu fame, allegedly committed suicide at her Goregaon residence in north Mumbai, her boyfriend Rahul Raj Singh was questioned by the police. According to a preliminary autopsy on Saturday, strangulation marks were detected on Pratyusha’s neck, indicating death due to asphyxiation and hanging. Rahul was the one who discovered Pratyusha hanging from the ceiling fan in her apartment, at around 5 pm on Friday and rushed her to Kokilaben Ambani Hospital, where she was declared dead. Meanwhile, Pratyusha’s parents arrived in the city from Jamshedpur in the afternoon and claimed her body. Her last rites were performed at the Oshiwara Crematorium on Saturday night, in the presence of family members, friends, actors and co-stars from the television industry. Police sources said the autopsy, conducted at the Siddharth Municipal Hospital at Goregaon, revealed that she had died due to asphyxia, a consequence of either hanging or strangulation. The police also denied that there were injury marks on Pratyusha’s body as was being alleged by some celebrities in the television and film industry. However, police are not completely ruling out foul play and have sent Pratyusha’s viscera for chemical analysis. “Provisional cause of death is ligature marks on neck and asphyxia. Final cause of death is pending and would be known after chemical analysis. Statements of parents and relatives are being recorded,” said Zonal Deputy Commissioner of Police Vikram Deshmane. “As Rahul was very close to Pratyusha and was the one to rush her to hospital, we consider him a logical suspect till we establish the exact cause leading to her death. We have called Rahul for questioning and are recording his statement,” a senior police officer said. Earlier in the day, television actress Rakhi Sawant gave a new twist to the ongoing speculation surrounding the reason for Pratyusha’s death by claiming that the latter had made Rahul the nominee of an LIC insurance policy worth Rs 1 crore. However, investigators suspect that Pratyusha committed suicide because of her rocky relationship with Rahul. The investigators are examining Rahul and Pratyusha’s call details, the SMSes and WhatsApp messages exchanged by them. Significantly her last status message on WhatsApp read, “Mar ke bhi muh na tujh se modana” (won’t desert you even after I die).” Meanwhile, talking to mediapersons Rahul said, “I am innocent.” Turn to Page 4 Related report on P3 ticipate. “No political leader will participate,” they said, adding the meet is to bring all communities closer and strengthen their bonding. The Rohtak congregation is besides the 1,600 to 1,700 smaller meetings of Jats and non-Jats already organised by the RSS in Haryana “within 10 days” of the RSS top body ‘Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha’ (ABPS) meeting at Naguar, Rajasthan, that concluded on March 13, according to sources. Incidentally, the Jat leaders had earlier set April 3 as the deadline to resume their protest if their demands were not met. But, thereafter, they set March 31, the last day of the Vidhan Sabha’s Budget Session, as the deadline and threatened to resume their agitation if their demands were not met by then. The Haryana Assembly unanimously passed the Jat Reservation Bill on March 29. At the small meetings, leaders from all the communities at all levels interacted with each other uninterruptedly and decided to lay down ‘Standard Operating Procedures’ (SOPs) to prevent such recurrences in future, the sources said. The interactions would continue and the number of meetings may go up to 2,000 to 2,200 by the time the process of reconciliation reaches its logical end, they said. Turn to Page 4 DYR_ZeV^a]VdeZ]] `fe`WS`f_UdW`c h`^V_URjRWeVc 94¶daVc^ZddZ`_ C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 n a high voltage drama witIBombay nessed a day after the High Court held that it was duty of the Maharashtra Government to protect the fundamental right of the women to enter temples, women activists were on Saturday prevented by aggressive villagers and temple management from entering the Shani Shingnapur temple in State’s Ahmednagar district. Upset with the manner in which the police “assisted” the villagers and security personnel from the temple in preventing her and her colleagues from entering the Shani temple, Bhumata Ranragini Brigade chief Trupti Desai threatened to lodge an FIR against State CM Devendra Fadnavis and the police for their failure to implement the high court’s directive to enforce the Maharashtra Hindu Place of Worship (Entr y Authorisation) Act 1956. UX[\bce! A0=278kBD=30H k0?A8; "! % D9@HE:>6 1cgUUdS_^SU`d <: <2 Z_X+<RcVV_R<Ra``c2c[f_ <Ra``cDhRc``aDR^aRe CR[Ze<Ra``c CReVU+&& "! i & Ka is not meant to be your average Bollywood film, considering that it has been directed by R Balki who has given movies like Cheeni Kum, Paa and Shamitabh. It was a foregone conclusion that his latest would be interesting Bollywood stuff about an upside down romance. There is definitely love here even though it may not fit the mould that the audience may have preferred. No typical love story this one, wherein boy meets girl, K fall in love and live happily ever after. Here, the happily ever after comes with its fair share of twists and a concept that is almost unheard of in the West, let alone practiced in India — that of role reversal. What works here is the sweet and fun element that one gets to see between Kareena Kapoor and Arjun Kapoor, who by the way needs to lose weight and fast. Either that or he is looking fat because Lady Kapoor, who plays Kia, is so thin. Of course she looks beautiful and charming and her dialogues are perfect, making her the ideal choice to climb the corporate ladder. Arjun Kapoor as Kabir gives a reasonable performance. But it is Swaroop Sampat who does a great job as Kia’s mother. She is the perfect mother and mother-in-law. Another person whose performance needs a special mention is Rajit Kapoor who play’s Kabir’s father. Over all, the movie deals with an idea that is modern and is full of fun moments which make it a watchable film. °BWP[X]XBPZbT]P 1RWDSDWFKRQWKHRULJLQDO <F?87FA2?52$ Z_X+g`ZTV`gVc+;RT\ 3]RT\2_XV]Z_R;`]ZV 5fdeZ_9`WW^R_;< DZ^^`_d;R^Vd9`_X ;RT\ZV4YR_=fTj=Zf CReVU+' "! his third edition in the Kung Fu Panda series comes after a gap of nearly six years but is a tad too long. People lose interest when the wait is too long. Those who have watched all the parts would be disappointed because it may have plenty of kung fu but it is unable to hold your interest as the first one did wherein a panda via various stumblings manages to become the Dragon Warrior. The original film was cute and sweet as the viewers were treated to a fat panda going through the motion and various routines. In Kung Fu Panda 3, there is no surprise element T including the meeting with the panda’s (Po) father; the second one ended on the note that the father will search for his son. Though the fights are snazzier and larger on the 70 mm screen it is low on the entertainment. Also, the entire backdrop has two colours — green and pink and it is an assault on your senses; more so since the movie is in 3D. Of course, there is bound to be plenty of white and brownblack — the panda colours. But then animation movies are basically for children and they are bound to love this one too. The fact that exams are over and so is the tension of the results, parents can treat their wards to this American-Chinese computer-animated actioncomedy martial arts film which is the last in the trilogy. °BWP[X]XBPZb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c^f]WP[[" A0=278kBD=30H k0?A8; "! % &6KROGVPHHWLQJ 9V]UT`^^R_UVcXZgVd]VRUd`_<f_UR_ARYR_ ZLWK(QHUJ\'HSW R ?=BQ A0=278 ?=BQ A0=278 hief Secretary Rajbala Verma chaired a meeting with officers C of the Energy Department on Saturday about electricity supply, revenue collection, condition of transformers and current status of power grid and power sub-stations. Verma directed the officials to prepare district-wise profile of HT connection and observe it through a special drive. She directed to make a list of number of power machines, its power and production of electricity being used in a particular industry and then only prepare the profile so that the financial deficit can be minimised. She said that electrified villages should be ensured with supply of electricity. Mapping of transformers to be installed for water pumping should be done and some transformers should be kept reserved for this purpose, she added. The CS said to detect the feeders undergoing power loss. She said that more important than purchase of the transformers is supplying electricity to the houses of poor villagers. She directed to keep an account of revenue collection, payment and deficit. She said to update SOR for transmission and development of basic infrastructure. She said to evaluate the company filling the tender sincerely because many companies are unable to complete the work after they get it, as a result of which the product cost increases. She also directed that resources should be mapped for unrestricted electricity supply so that no scheme remains uncompleted. She said that transparent and timely work is necessary for unrestricted electric supply round the clock by 2019. Stressing equally at profile and assessment, she said that routine billing should be done and electricity theft should be stopped completely through area-wise mapping and intensive electric checking campaign. She said that the department should run campaign and give advertisement in the newspapers. anchi police are carrying out search operations in hinterlands of the State capital to arrest extremists whose locations were disclosed by Ram Mohan Singh Munda, the Maoist Zonal Commander of Bundu-Chandil sub zone. “This arrest is a major success for the police and a severe blow to CPI (Maoist) in the Saranda corridor. During interrogation, Munda has divulged some crucial information about infamous Kundan Pahan and other wanted extremists. Operations are being conducted in the forests to nab extremists on the basis of information we have,” stated Senior Superintendent of Police Kuldeep Dwivedi. Munda also revealed the strategies decided upon during the third plenum, a congregation of Maoist leaders held from July 27 to August 04 last year. According to Munda, Maoists had planned to include students in the outfit and form Kisan Krantikari Committees and women committees in 50 villages of Chandil and 15 villages in Chalkad. Extending help, legal or other- AP]RWXBB?:d[STT_3fXeTSXP[^]VfXcW^cWTa?^[XRT^UUXRXP[bSXb_[PhX]VfTP_^]baTR^eTaTSUa^\2?8<P^Xbci^]P[R^\\P]STaAP\<^WP] wise, to incarcerated Maoists, tar- <d]SP>]T^U9WPaZWP]Sbc^_aTQT[bfW^RPaaXTbAb [PZWRPbWaTfPaSfPbPaaTbcTSfXcWcf^PXSTbPUcTaPQaXTUT]R^d]cTafXcWcWTbTRdaXch EX]Ph<da\dk?X^]TTa geting PLFI cadres and denouncing U^aRTb^]cWT^dcbZXacb^UAP]RWX^]CWdabSPh" <PaRW! %SdaX]VP_aTbbR^]UTaT]RTX]AP]RWX^]BPcdaSPh community policing among the rural populace also featured in fronts,” assured Ranchi SSP. position in the outfit, was arrested after an encounter with Ranchi their strategies. “Extremists have Munda, with Rs 10 lakh boun- on Friday, along with Maoist cadres police and CRPF forces in Bundiaru not made much progress on these ty on his head by the virtue of his Sakra Lohra and Panchu Lohra, village of Rahe block. ´BQQXWYbYµbUcSXUTe\UTV_b99D:55UhQ]Q^YQdY_^ ?=BQ A0=278 fter receiving huge response from the denizens of State A capital, the much awaited funfilled ‘Raahgiri’ Day programme has been rescheduled for this Sunday and will kick off from 6 am till 8:30 am. The temporary arrangement has been made for the convenience of IIT-JEE aspirants. “As many as 5000 students will gather in the State capital to take the examination, which is scheduled from 10 AM. Looking at the urgency, ‘Raahgiri’ programme has rescheduled only for this Sunday,” informed, RMC Additional Municipal Commissioner, Bidyanand Sharma Pankaj. Notably, the traffic plans will remain unhindered and will be the same as it was for the other two ‘Raahgiri’ programme. A 2 km stretch of the State capital’s main thoroughfare, from Kutchery till Mission Chowk via 3T]XiT]b^URXchVPcWTa]TPa0[QTac4ZZP2W^fZc^cPZT_PacX]PRcXeXcXTb^]APWVXaX3Ph Albert Ekka Chowk, will be cleared and traffic personnel will be deputed at all the major zones. The grand opening of ‘Raahgiri’ Day which witnessed ample crowd on the busiest streets of the state capital on its first day was conducted successfully from 6 AM to 10 AM where people indulged themselves in different physical activities. Similarly, after the protest 5X[T?W^c^ from Christian community on the occasion of Easter Sunday, the timing was rescheduled again and was slated from 6 AM to 9 AM. However, due to unavoidable circumstances and obvious reasons, the timing has been rescheduled for this Sunday. Nevertheless, according to RMC official, the timing from 6 AM to 9 AM will be retained from the upcoming Sundays adding more fun and frolic to the activities. In an attempt to inculcate healthy lifestyle among all, the much appreciated ‘Raahgiri’ Day organised by the joint endeavor of Ranchi Municipal Corporation (RMC) and Ranchi Traffic Police including few other private partners have planned to expand the concept in the other parts of the city too in the near future. Mayor, Asha Lakra had mentioned earlier about the expansion of the event to other areas and streets. Only for few days the plan is limited to Mahatma Gandhi Marg (Main Road) and if all goes well, concerned authorities will expand it to other major arteries of the city. Based on the feedback from the denizens of the city through the ward councillors, other venues will be selected for ‘Raahgiri’ Day. To make the event a success in the days to come, authorities are on toe to add more fervour to the entire affair in more planned way to attract and involve more people in this ambitious project. “We are starting e-rickshaw services to guide and assist people to different gaming zones. We have also appointed ‘Raahgiri’ martial’s to keep a check on different activity zones, segregated for diverse purpose. Those found flouting the set norms will be penalized and have to pay hefty amount Rs. 5000. Numbers of bicycles have been increased and now 20 additional cycles are there. Under the Swacch Bharat project few street walls initiating from Sadar hospital boundary wall will be painted, demonstrating different aesthetic styles,” added Pankaj. 88CUPRd[ch\T]c^ab³Bd_Ta 3UDW\XVKD VEHUHDYHGSDUHQWV #´RP]SXSPcTbcTPRWTab UXVKWR0XPEDL ?=BQ A0=278 methodology to solve numerical. “While imparting the concept of team of few selected candidates physics, it is mandatory for teachers striving hard to succeed in the to teach the subject with experimenprestigious all India level engineering tal demonstrations and using other and medical entrance exams was methods to make the concepts clear mentored by HC Verma, a noted to the candidates,” said Verma. With the idea to promote techniwriter and physics professor, presently serving as faculty member at IIT- cal and science education among the Kanpur during one-day workshop masses, a day-long workshop was conducted with the collaborative efforts organized at SKIPA on Saturday. As many as, 70 government school of Department of higher and techniteachers catering their services at cal education and Information, higher secondary level, including 100 Planning and Monitoring Unit (IPMU) – SKIPA. While inaugurating the session, Director General (DG), SKIPA, Sudhir Prasad, pointed out, “Apart regular class room study, to understand the fundamentals of physics, proper well equipped laboratory is also mandatory. Special demo classes by guest faculties or noted professors also help in conceptualization the themes. It is also necessary for both teachers and students to understand the latest development in the ?a^U72ETa\P88C:P]_daSdaX]VP^]TSPh[TRcdaT^]?WhbXRbPc0C8X] subject and keep AP]RWX^]BPcdaSPh EX]Ph<da\dk?X^]TTa themselves updated.” Verma conducted a technical sesselected students, both from the gov- sion for the teachers in the first half ernment schools and the newly of the programme whereas during the formed ‘Super 40’ coaching institute interactive sessions of the workshop, – an initiative of the state government he explained various techniques to stuto guide the economically weaker sec- dents to conceptualise physics and tion aspiring students for competitive master the subject. All the students, teachers and proexaminations participated in the workshop. Candidates of government poly fessors, who participated in the worktechnique colleges and all the five uni- shop, were satisfied with the teaching versities were also engaged in the methodology of Verma. Verma is one of the founding fathers of workshop. Verma while conducting techni- Experimental Nuclear Physics and is cal sessions for teachers explained currently working on a book dealing diverse ways to make the subject inter- with electrostatics, magneto statics esting for the candidates while laying and electrodynamics at the understress on the concepts and easy graduate level. A CTPRWTabaT\T\QTa ²Ud][^eX]VRWX[S 0[\P<PcTa^QbTaeTb \T\^aXP[RTaT\^]h ?0AE8=34A170C80Q 90<B743?DA pall of gloom descended on Panwatinagar house in Sonari A where 80-year-old woman Jharna 2010-2013. She was later seen in the reality dance show "Jhalak Dikhla Ja5", "Bigg Boss-7" and hosted some episodes of "Savdhan India", and recently appeared in "Sasural Simar Ka". She did her class 10 at Kerala Public School, Kadma and went to Kolkata and then to Mumbai to pursue her dream of making big in tinsel town. Meanwhile, the school management organised a memorial ceremony and observed a two minute silence in her memory. Her teachers remembered Pratyusha as fun loving and a girl with full of zeal. "She was a sweet child and was very much keen in participating in events. She used to actively participate ?aPchdbWP1P]TaYTTbVaP]S\^cWTa9WPa]P in fashion shows and other talent 1P]]TaYTT\^da]bWTaSTPcWPcWTa9P\bWTS_da events. We had full confidence in her. W^dbT^]BPcdaSP ?X^]TTa_W^c^ Though she brought laurels to her alma mater but sadly fate had some- Banerjee is unable to console herself. Her grand-daughter, Jamshedpur-born TV actress Pratyusha Banerjee, known for her role of grown-up Anandi in the serial 'Balika Vadhu', allegedly committed suicide Friday afternoon. Pratyusha allegely hanged herself from a fan at her Kandivali residence but was taken to the Kokilaben Ambani Hospital where she succumbed. The news spread like a fire in the city with relatives and well-wishers swarming to her residence. Her aggrieved parents, father Shanker Banerjee and Soma Banerjee left for Mumbai last night. Grandmother Jharna said that her daughter can never commit suicide. She was fun loving and loved her life. "We are all in state of shock and can never believe she has committed suicide. My 'Teetan' ( nickname of ?aPchdbWP1P]TaYTTb\^cWTaP]SaT[PcXeTbPcCPcP]PVPaAPX[fPhBcPcX^]c^[TPeTU^a<d\QPXX]9P\bWTS_da^]5aXSPhTeT]X]V ?X^]TTa_W^c^ Pratyusha) can never do this. I think the police must probe the inci- sonal life and her boyfriend, Rahul Raj thing else in store for her," said a dent. We will consult our lawyer and Singh. The two were in a serious rela- teacher of Kerala Public School. She demand action," said Shanker, while tionship and planning to marry soon. said that though she was not very regHailing from Jamshedpur, the 24-year- ular to school because of her particileaving for Mumbai. Her relatives however said that the old Pratyusha catapulted to fame pation in different auditions but she actress was depressed with her per- with her role in Balika Vadhu between loved her school very much. On Thursday, two police teams, one led by ASP (Operations) Harshpal Singh and another by Bundu SDPO Pawan Kumar were dispatched to Bundiaru after receiving tip-off that several wanted Maoists will be congregating in the village at Sakra’s house to plan a major incident. After exchanging fire, police surrounded the village and successfully arrested him on Friday morning. He also pointed out the location of 25 can bombs which were planted in series and were to be used against police forces. The bombs were diffused without delay. A huge cache of arms and ammunition was also seized from the possession of the arrested extremist. One self-loading rife, one .303 rifle, one pistol, 157 rounds 7.62 mm cartridges, 13 rounds .303 bullets, 75 bullets used in AK47, along with an electronic detonator, magazines and magazine pouch. The source of these weapons is being verified, stated Dwivedi. Munda is wanted in 49 cases of murder, Arms Act violations and bank robbery registered against him in police stations within and outside Ranchi. He was involved in murders of MLA Ramesh Singh Munda, DSP Pramod Kumar, SPO Praveen, bank robbery of Rs 5 crores and one kilogram of gold from branch of ICICI Bank in Tamar and several police encounters. 8=1A845 0178170F0:<0=27508;BC><44C3B4 AP]RWX) C^aPXbTcWT_aXePcTbRW^^[PaQXcaPaX]Tbb0QWXQWPfPZ<P]RW P_PaT]cPbb^RXPcX^]^]BPcdaSPhcaXTSR^]bd[cX]V3B4AP]RWX9PhP]c <XbWaP7^fTeTa\T\QTabUPX[TSc^P__a^PRW<XbWaP>]cWT^cWTa WP]S3C>=PVT]SaP?PbfP]\TccWT\T\QTabP]SWPbPbbdaTScWT\ c^cPZT\P]SPc^ahbcT_bX]e^[eX]VcWTQdbbPUTchaTVd[PcX^]bCWT \T\QTabfX[[P[b^R^]bd[ccWTAP]RWX32X]cWTSPhbc^R^\T <42>=5>D=30C8>=30H24;41A0C43 <42>=RT[TQaPcTSXcb $'cW5^d]SPcX^]3Ph ^]5aXSPh>]cWXb ^RRPbX^]Pf^aZbW^_ ^]²0A^PS<P_U^a QTccTac^\^aa^f³fPb P[b^^aVP]XbTSQh <42>=!'<42>= T\_[^hTTbfW^WPeTR^\_[TcTS"hTPab^UbTaeXRTfTaTUT[XRXcPcTS^] cWXb^RRPbX^]<42>=2<30:ChPVXP]S^cWTabT]X^a^UUXRXP[bfTaT _aTbT]c^]cWXb^RRPbX^] 10;B0=B03C>>E4AB44B0=8C0C8>= 3aX]ZX]VfPcTaP]SbP]XcPcX^]d]Xc^U EXZPb1WPacX^aVP]XbTSPRP_PRXch QdX[SX]V_a^VaP\\TU^a1P[BP]bPSPc D_VaPSTS7XVWBRW^^[BPcPZU^aP[[ bRW^^[bd]STa3d[\X1[^RZ^]BPcdaSPh 8]cWTTeT]cXcfPbSTRXSTScWPc\PccTa aT[PcTSc^bP]XcPcX^]fX[[QT[^^ZTSPUcTa Qh1P[BP]bPSBTeT]cTPRWTab' bcdST]cb<dZWXhPbP]SbTeTaP[^UUXRXP[bfTaT_aTbT]c CA08=8=674;35>A58=0=280;43D24=CA4BD?4AE8B>AB B;12^aVP]XbTSPf^aZbW^_^] BPcdaSPhc^caPX]cWTbd_TaeXb^ab^U #&5X]P]RXP[;XcTaPRh2T]caTb^U 9WPaZWP]S=PVT]SaP=PcWBX]WP <XbbX^]3XaTRc^a?<9P]3WP] H^YP]PbcPcTScWPcV^eTa]\T]cXb [PhX]VbcaTbb^]UX]P]RXP[[XcTaPRh FXcW^dcX]Rd[RPcX]VUX]P]RXP[[XcTaPRh P]SSXbRX_[X]TP\^]VcWT\PbbTb ]^_a^YTRcRP]QTbdRRTbbUd[WTPSSTS 06A82D;CDA0;508A0C:E:6D<;0 :aXbWXEXVhP]:T]SaP6d\[Pd]STaEXZPb1WPacX1XbWd]_dafX[[ ^aVP]XbTP]PVaXRd[cdaP[UPXaPcXcbRP\_db^]Bd]SPhd]STacWT PfPaT]TbbSaXeTU^a?aPSWP]<P]caX1TT\PH^YP]P^]^aSTabUa^\ D]X^]6^eTa]\T]c<X]XbcTa^UBcPcTU^aAdaP[3TeT[^_\T]cBdSPabWP] 1WPVPcfX[[PccT]ScWTUPXa0VaXRd[cdaXbcbfX[[QTX]U^a\TSPQ^dc PVaXRd[cdaP[X]XcXPcXeTbb^X[WTP[cWRPaSXaaXVPcX^]cTRW]X`dTbP]S\^aT ?A>6A0<<4>=2>=BD<4A0F0A4=4BB 2^]bd\TaPfPaT]Tbb_a^VaP\\TfPbR^]SdRcTSU^aRP]SXSPcTb^UcWT X]bcXcdcTd]STacWT=PeQWPaPc9PVaXcX:T]SaPQhCA084g_[PX]X]VPQ^dc cWTePaX^dbUPRTcb^UR^]bd\TabPUUPXabBd\XcBX]VW^UcaPXTg_[PX]TS RPbTb^UU^aVTahRP]QTR^\QPc^][hfXcWfXSTbRP[TPfPaT]Tbb RP\_PXV]_a^VaP\\Tb AD22C0<4<14AB2>=3D2C<44C8=6 AD22C0 \T\QTab R^]SdRcTS \TTcX]V^] BPcdaSPh^]AD D]XeTabXch RP\_db _aT\XbTb 8bbdTbaP]VX]V Ua^\cTPRWTab³_a^\^cX^]X]RaT\T]c_Ph\T]c^UPaaTPab?W3 X]RaT\T]cfTaTSXbRdbbTSAP\8`QP[CXfPaXAD22C0\T\QTa _aTbXSTS^eTacWT\TTcX]V =BD8<4<14AB?A>C4BC0608=BC8B<?D=306 8]cWT]P\T^UaTVd[PaR^dabTbUTfbcdST]cbPc8B<?d]SPVfTaT RWTPcTS0[[cWTRP]SXSPcTbfW^T]a^[[TScWT\bT[eTbX]cWTaTVd[Pa R^dabTfTaTVXeT]cWTRTacXUXRPcTb^USXbcP]RTTSdRPcX^]fWXRWfPb ST]XTSQhcWTbcdST]cb=BD8\T\QTabd]STacWT[TPSTabWX_^U:d\Pa A^bWP]_a^cTbcTSPVPX]bccWTR^[[TVTP]SWPeTPbZTScWT\c^Tg_[PX] cWT\PccTaX]faXcX]VPbTPa[XTbc ]PcX^]# A0=278kBD=30H k0?A8; "! % >Ug43X_\Tc ;/5,RUJDQLVHVWK 5Zda]RTVUaV`a]V CWaTTZX[[TS X]=7&$ bUfYUg]UUdY^W $QQXDO&RQYRFDWLRQ PRRXST]cX] eYcVReV_e` ;PcTWPa Bd]X[:P]c<d]YP[ \^cXePcTSbcdST]cb D UZdcfaea`hVc I c^QTR^\T E8=>3?A0B03Q ;>70A3060 ?=B Q 30;C>=60=9 ?=BQ 1>:0A> ising up arms against Bokaro Steel Plant (BSL) management for its ‘indifferent attitude’ in providing jobs and compensation to the displaced people VSM (Visthapit Sangharsh Morcha) a displaced group threatened to disrupt the power supply of the plant. Three days earlier the displaced group had disrupted the water supply of the plant and township area. The agitating group had also created several breaches in the Tenu-Canal near Tupkadih. If the plant management did not pay any heed to our demands, we will disrupt the power supply this time, said R <^bc^UcWT SXb_[PRTSVa^d_b PaTST\P]SX]V1B; c^_a^eXST! Y^QbX]Qd[Z Gulab Chandra the founder the group. Most of the displaced groups are demanding BSL to provide 20,000 jobs in bulk while the BSL management has declared that it has already provided jobs to about 16,000 displaced people. Meanwhile, the VSM claimed that the company at the time of acquiring their lands to set up the plant had promised to provide jobs to 24,000 identified displaced people. n a head-on collision between a truck coming from Latehar and a fourwheeler going to Latehar three people died on NH-75 at Hotwar at 3 Saturday afternoon. SP L atehar Anoop Birtharey confirming the three deaths in NH-75 accident said that the five others injured were rushed to RIMS Ranchi after first aid in Latehar hospital by two ambulances one of which was of the police. The three dead are from one Khan family identified as Iliyas (45) his wife Zeenat Fatima (40) and their son Arhan (6). The truck driver fled the scene after the accident. C Bhuvanesh P Singh called a review meet of several departments here and sought the details of several plans rolled out in the district. During the meeting the DC directed the officials, “You must do your duty honestly and with transparency. All the Government employees work for the welfare of the public. No lethargic attitude in work would be tolerated.” DC also apprised of the progress of schemes under district welfare department, district social welfare department and CDPO. DC also organised a review meet of District Supply Wing and apprised of the minute details of the beneficiaries of Food Supply Department. He directed the officials to give them benefit along with transparent service. s many as 54 Central Reser ve Police Force A (CRPF) personnel donated blood at a camp on the Silver Jubilee celebration of the establishment of Garhwa district. Principal District and Sessions Judge and DC Neha Arora jointly inaugurated the camp by cutting a ribbon. Garhwa SP Priyadarshi Alok was also present there. Commandant Kailash Ar ya , Probationer IAS Shushant Gaurav, Senior Medical Officer Dr. Shanker L al Chahar, Deputy Commandant Binod Kumar 2A?5R^\\P]SP]c:PX[PbW0ahPP]S?a^QPcX^]Ta80BBdbWP]c6PdaPeS^]PcTQ[^^S Pathak and other senior officers and constables donated blood in the camp organised at the headquarters of the bat- talion 172 near police line here on Saturday. Arya said the camp was organised as a part of the commitment to collect blood for the Garhwa blood bank to help it cope with the shortage of blood. He said when it came to his knowledge that only four units ?=B of blood were stored in blood bank then he took a decision himself that a blood donation ?=B Q 90<B743?DA he 60th Annual T Convocation of XLRIXavier School of Management The officials were also directed to implement all the plans at ground-level with devotion. In the meeting all the senior officials of many departments were present. 2A?5YPfP]bS^]PcTQ[^^S^]6PaWfP4bcPQ[XbW\T]c3Ph =8CH0=0=33D14HQ 60A7F0 [TPSTabUXabc camp has to be organised in the camp. “Later, as a part of the celebration of 25th year of establishment of Garhwa district we organised the camp here today,” Arya added. “The CRPF is committed to its social responsibility and more blood donation camps will be organised in the future,” S enior Medical Officer of CRPF battalion 172 Dr. Shanker Lal Chahar said. There was sheer enthusiasm among donors as many jawans volunteered the camp. Blood bank in-charge Dr. Ram Binod was the mastermind behind the idea of the camp. was organised amidst sheer enthusiasm on Saturday evening. Students donned their graduation hats and gowns and received their medals and certificates in the presence of T. V. Narendran, chairman, Board of Governors at XLRI and managing director Tata Steel India and South East Asia, Fr. E Abraham S.J., director of XLRI, and Pranabesh Ray, dean, academics at XLRI and other dignitaries. In continuation of 47 years’ tradition, XLRI conferred the prestigious ‘Sir Jehangir Ghandy Medal for Social and Industrial Peace’ on Sunil Kant Munjal, Jt. managing director of Hero MotoCorp and chairman, Hero Corporate Services Pvt. Ltd. In his convocation speech Munjal said: “You are all set for new innings of your life. But I would suggest that the students must aim to become leaders and not just managers. We are in new era where India is marching ahead on path of the progress. The students with their leadership quality can pave way for better tomorrow”. A total of 587 XLRI students received their graduating certificates and medals including - 361 students of post-graduate programmes in Management - BM and HRM G;A82>=54AA43C74 ?A4BC868>DB³B8A 9470=68A670=3H <430;5>AB>280; 0=38=3DBCA80; ?4024´>=BD=8;:0=C <D=90;9C<0=068=6 38A42C>A>574A> <>C>2>A?0=3 2708A<0=74A> 2>A?>A0C4B4AE824B ?EC;C3 of batch 2014-16; 119 students of 2015 batch of 15months PGDM (General Management) programme; 20 students of Fellow Program in Management (FPM) from Jamshedpur Campus and 70 students of 2013-16 batch of PGDM-BM Programme (Part Time). The first five rank holders in the Two-year post-graduate programmes in Management - BM 2014-16 batch are Aniket Upadhyaya, Shashank Sahu, Madhur Maheshwari, Divya Aggarwal and Gagandeep Singh respectively. The first five rank holders in the Two-year post-graduate programmes in Management - HRM 2014-16 batch are Gyanesh Mishra, Nikita Khanna, Abhinav Agrawal, Apurv Arora and Ramanjeet Singh Sahai respectively. The first five rank holders in the 15-months PGDM (General Management) Programme 2015 batch are Utsab Chakraborty, Naveen Kumar Pathak, Pradip Kumar Bhojania, Vijit Kapoor and Tanmoy Gayen respectively. The first five rank holders in the Three-Year [PartTime] PGDM-BM Programme 2013 - 16 batch are Mriganshu Guha, Rabindranath Panda, Umesh Kumar Agrawal, Ankan Mitra, Aparna Singh and V Satish respectively. This year, the second batch of the 2014-16 batch of the Global MBA Programme launched by XLRI in partnership with Weatherhead School of Management, USA and School of Economics & Management of Tongji University Shanghai, China also received their graduating certificates. 17 Indian students will be awarded the certificates and medals from their home school - XLRI and a joint certification from the 3schools’ consortium at the Convocation. Congratulating the students on their graduation day, T. V. Narendran said, “People who manage their failures only go on to become successful. Every successful person has a taste of failure and the one who learn from later becomes leaders. I encourage you to develop a habit of lifelong learning so that you continue to be an asset to your organisation and the society. Always remember to serve the society around you with compassion, honesty and integrity.” Addressing the students E Abraham said: “I would like to take this opportunity to express my most sincere congratulations to our 587 students who are graduating today. This is the largest batch that XLRI has ever had. “As you move on to the next phase of your work-life journey, strive to live the kind of life that XLRI envisions us to live - to be leaders who contribute their might to their respective organisations and also have a sensitive social conscience.” 5PaTfT[[PRR^aSTSc^ ! # %QPcRWPcG8BB ?=BQ A0=278 avier Institute of Social X Sciences (XISS) organised a farewell bash for the students 5^a\Ta2WXTU<X]XbcTaP]S9E<RWXTU1PQd[P[<PaP]SXPSSaTbbTbPSWPa]PPVPX]bcBcPcT6^eTa]\T]c^]cWTXbbdT^U0PSXfPbX BPa]P2^STX]AP]RWX^]BPcdaSPh EX]Ph<da\dk?X^]TTa of 2014-16 batch on its campus premises. With the theme ‘bittersweet symphony’, a colourful cultural programme enlightened the ambience. The event kicked off with lighting-of-the-lamp and welcome speech by the Dr. Father Alexius Ekka S.J. followed by a mesmerising performance of the musical band, MAXISS. Juniors from the group PULSE made the evening a splendid affair for the seniors by dancing to the tunes of latest bollywood chartbusters. The musi- cal act made everyone groove to the beats of songs from the latest movies. The magical show left the audience spell bounded. A flashback of memories in the form of videos was played by each department for the out-going batch. The event also witnessed some brilliant performances from senior’s side including dance acts, flash mob. 6^eTa]^a3a^d_PSX<da\dP[^]VfXcW3?B_aX]RX_P[AP\BX]VWP]S^cWTaSXV]XcPaXTbSdaX]VCWX]Z8]SXP2^]eT]cX^]! %Pc 7^cfPaX]AP]RWX^]BPcdaSPh EX]Ph<da\dk?X^]TTa %DOLND 9DGKX¶VER\IULHQG <^SX_[TSVTb!#G&<0303 U^aTg_Pcb ;^RP[XbbdTbW^[S From Page 1 Earlier in the day, he was seen crying at the mortuary while the post-mortem was being conducted. Dismissing rumours that Pratyusha had piled up huge debts, Kamya Punjabi, one of her closest friends said, “Pratyusha had no financial problems. She was doing very well in her career”. “It is very clear…it is not suicide…it is murder…where was he (Rahul), where did he disappear (after she was admitted to hospital), this is very clear... It’s a planned murder,” actor Ajaz Khan claimed. Some of her close friends claimed that the couple used to fight frequently. “Suicide or not, there is a responsibility. Pratyusha’s relationship wasn’t good, she was going through a very rough time,” TV producer Vikas Gupta commented. Veteran actor Raza Murad said, “She was not the kind of person who would end her life as she had made comebacks and hence there needs to be a thorough probe to clear the air.” Alleging that Rahul was behind Pratyusha’s death, her family friend Surabhi Chatterjee said, “He is a blackmailer, cheater and criminal…he was also involved with another girl…we are shocked. I have known her for so long. She is not the kind of person who would commit suicide”. “I met her last at Holi and everything thing seemed normal. Cannot say why she committed suicide,” television actor Gurmeet Chaudhary said. Hailing from Jharkhand, Pratyusha shot to fame because of her role as the adult Anandi in Balika Vadhu between 2010 and 2013. After quitting Balika Vadhu, Pratyusha participated in the reality show Bigg Boss 7. She was also seen in the reality dance show Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 5. She had also hosted some episodes of Savdhaan India. Her last appearance was in the television serial Sasural Simar Ka. Earlier in January, Pratyusha had alleged that four policemen had entered her Kandivli house, where she used to stay earlier, and molested her. From Page 1 Saudi Arabia plans to invest USD one trillion in infrastructure development over the next five years and Modi is likely to pitch for participation of Indian companies in the projects. Describing the expatriates as the pride of India, Modi asked them to use forums like MyGov website and ‘Narendra Modi Mobile App’ “through which you can reach me and I can communicate with you.” “By using this I will be in your pocket all the time. When you can have your Prime Minister in your pocket, what more do you want,” Modi said, evoking peals of laughter. “Govt has started a programme called e-migrate. In the coming days, we are working to regularise migration,” he said. “In the coming days, we plan to establish worker resource centres in Riyadh and Jeddah to meet your needs and there will also be a 24X7 helpline. A call centre will be established whose facilities can be availed in different languages and through this helpline you can share your problems,” Modi said. “I am free 24 hours. I have no work. I have the work of over 125 crore people. I have no work of my own,” he said. He said the Government has been trying to address the problems of the Indians abroad and cited the example of evacuation undertaken in Yemen. In this context, he praised External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj saying she and her team are giving priority to these issues. “The MEA, the entire team of officials, Sushmaji...They are always helping Indians who face any problems overseas,” he added. Praising the Indians working abroad, he said they have earned respect for the country and as a result, Indians are preferred for services abroad. In this context, he said what he was told by the Saudi rulers about the Indian workers had made him feel proud. “In this way, you have opened doors for employment opportunities for your fellow Indians,” he said. “India has regained its respect,” he said. Modi said earlier Indians looked at lightly but now they are taken seriously. “Now Indians are seen with respect,” he said. The PM said in the future, the world will require workforce which only India can provide. Modi said India has a lot to give to the world, particularly in terms of talented workforce with modern skills, and his government is working in this direction with the mantra of ‘sabka sath, sabka vikas’ (with all, development for all). “Despite adverse conditions globally, India has strengthened its economy.... Today, India is progressing economically and the world is looking at us...The country of over a hundred crore people can do a lot,” he said. ,QGLDUHEXNHV ABB^dcUXcbcaXeTbc^bcT\ From Page 1 The issue of Chinese action came up a news briefing by External Affairs Ministry spokesman Vikas Swarup on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington on Friday. The statement that was subsequently put out by the MEA sought to highlight the point that the Pathankot terror attack on January 2 “has shown that India con- tinues to bear the dangerous consequences of not listing Masood Azhar”. “Given the global networking of terrorist groups, this has implications for the entire international community,” the Indian statement said, stressing: “This does not reflect well on the determination that the international community needs to display to decisively defeat the menace of terrorism.” From Page 1 ABPS dealt at length on the subject ‘Reservation’ with the “main focus on social cohesion and harmony”, sources said. The Jat agitation as also the ways to maintain ‘Samrasta” (Harmony) among the communities were also discussed, they pointed out. RSS is of view that “effective implementation of reservation” should be the priority so that it reaches “its needy groups”. The RSS maintains that the weak and needy among all other groups may require reservation but “they are class and not caste”. The BJP has accused the Congress of fomenting “caste tensions” in Haryana during the Jat agitation, leading to arson, damage to Government properties, schools, non-Jat houses and disruption of trains. Allegations of incidents of rapes during the Jat agitation are under investigation in the State and FIR has been registered. ZThc^0bbT\Q[h From Page 1 And, how will erstwhile BJP voters, disappointed by the party’s lack of progress after the municipal polls last year, behave? The high point of localism is, of course, the strange Congress-CPI(M) cohabitation in West Bengal. Neither party seems particularly disoriented over trying to explain why in Kerala this alliance isn’t applicable. If the voters seem reasonably disinterested, it would suggest that the conduct of parties is judged in regional, not national terms. The BJP in particular appears to have learnt this well after its total failure in Bihar to make an Assembly election the test of Prime Minister Modi’s popularity. In Assam, the only State where it is a serious contender for power, the party has abandoned the recent practice of not naming a chief ministerial candidate ahead of the polls. In anointing Sarbananda Sonowal, who began his political career in the anti-foreigner movement led by the All Assam Students’ Union, as its face in Assam, the BJP has been able to ward off the Congress charge that it is driven by non-Assamese impulses. Or even that it is controlled from Delhi, if not Nagpur. This localism does not, however, imply that the Assembly elections will have no impact. The BJP desperately needs to win Assam if it is to demonstrate its viability as a national party. In terms of perception, a win in Assam is important for the party’s morale. Likewise, it will be calamitous for the Congress to lose in both Assam and Kerala. A bad set of Assembly results, read with other setbacks in Arunachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, may well make it difficult to project itself as the natural opposition to the BJP. And, finally, Left is fighting to retain its national relevance and it desperately needs to recover ground in West Bengal and somehow win Kerala. A big failure may well reduce it to being a force on the campus of JNU alone. [P]S\PaZ$ A0=278kBD=30H k0?A8; "! % <TWQ^^QPc^QT bcf^\P]2<^U9: 4V_ecVRUR^R_eUVdaZeV 5c?Zc^R]DZ_XY`W3;AZddVee`eR\V `ReYRd5j4>W`ceYVdVT`_UeZ^V eYcVRee`YR]eac`UfTeZ`_ ?82C>A80;F0A=8=6B>=C>1022>?A>3D2CB <>78C:0=370A8Q 90<<D <PY^aRXVPaTccT\P]dUPRcdaTab X]R[dSX]V6^SUaTh?WX[[X_bP]S EBCSTRXSTc^bWdccWTXaUPRc^aXTb ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 he Centre on Saturday remained firm on its decision to implement larger pictorial warnings on tobacco products, refusing to budge after a threat was issued by the tobacco industry to halt production. Stating that the Government will go all out to curb tobacco use in the country, the Ministry of Health came down hard on the tobacco manufacturers and said there was “no ambiguity” in its policy requiring tobacco products packaged after April 1 to carry larger pictorial warnings covering 85 per cent of the display area. “We want to clarify that there is no ambiguity. This is a bogey raised by the tobacco industry. The case is crystal clear. We had issued the notification in September last year. If they had found an ambiguity, why did they send their letter in March 2016,” said a senior Ministry official. He T added that the Government’s stand will not undergo any change. “Our stand is very clear. Whatever needs to be done to curb tobacco consumption, will be done.” The statement has come a day after major cigarette manufacturers, including ITC, Godfrey Phillips and VST, decided to shut their factories and stop production citing “ambiguity” in implementing the policy issued by the Health Ministry. The Ministry’s September 24, 2015 notification to implement the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Packaging and Labeling) Amendment Rules, 2014, was issued after the Rajasthan High Court directed it to do so. Ministry sources disclosed that the Government is implementing Court order and tobacco manufacturers are free to approach Court for seeking clarification. The tobacco lobby has been crying foul as the decision has come despite a Parliamentary panel’s recom- DP chief Mehbooba Mufti has finally cleared all hurP dles in her way before becom- mendation for drastic reduction in the pictorial warning size. The manufacturers who have stopped production are members of the Tobacco Institute of India (TII) and account for over 98 per cent of duty-paid cigarettes sold in the country. The estimated production revenue loss would be to the tune of over C350 crore per day for tobacco product manufacturers. Dismissing the talk of revenue loss by the tobacco manufacturers, Health Ministry sources said, “If one undertakes an overall social cost analysis keeping in mind the money which the Government spends on anti-tobacco campaigns and the health benefits which people get, there is only benefit they earn.” TII Director Syed Mahmood Ahmad said the Indian tobacco industry had written to the Ministry on March 15 seeking clarification on the matter. ing the first ever woman Chief Minister of a Muslim majority State of Jammu & Kashmir. The swearing-in ceremony of 56 year old mercurial leader is scheduled to take place in the sprawling lawns of State Raj Bhawan here in the winter capital on Monday. From the BJP side Dr Nirmal Singh is set to take oath of office as deputy Chief Minister for the second time. Formation of BJP-PDP alliance Government would bring curtains down on the three month long Governor’s Rule in the State which witnessed many historic developments especially for the welfare of the masses and flood victims. The State was reeling under Governors Rule since January 8 after the sudden demise of Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed in AIIMS on January 7. In their second innings both the leaders will have to do a tight rope walking to strike a balance between the two distinct regions of the State in order to fulfil the aspirations of the people of all three regions. Prime Minister Narendra 2^]VWPb]^aXVWcc^RaXcXRXbT?<)D\P ?=BQ =4F34;78 nion Minister Uma Bharti on Saturday lashed out at U Congress leadership for criticising Prime Minister Narendra Modi in connection with Uttarakhand and Arunachal Pradesh political crisis, saying the Congress high command has no right to talk on the issue as his party had dismissed BJP-led State Governments after demolition of Babri mosque. The Water Resources Minister also sought to underscore that the collapse of Congress-led Governments in Arunachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand were triggered by its own rebelling party MLAs and “not by the BJP” and asked the Opposition party to “manage its own home first”. Targeting Modi over the developments in Arunachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi during his West Bengal Assembly election rally accused Modi of trying to kill democ- C742>;;0?B4>5 2>=6A4BB;43 6>E4A=<4=CB8= 0AD=0270;?A034B7 0=3D³:70=3F4A4 CA8664A431H8CB>F= A414;;8=6?0ACH<;0B 0=3=>C1HC7419? racy in the country. “As far as Arunachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand are concerned, I will remind Rahul and Sonia Gandhi that when the December 6 episode had occurred, neither the Chief Ministers nor Ministers of (BJP-ruled) Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan were present in Ayodhya. Nor any MLA had rebelled. All BJP MLAs were with their Governments, yet these Governments were dismissed by Congress and then elections were held there. Sonia and Rahul should not forget, their memory may be weak, but not that of people of the country,” Bharati said on the sidelines of briefing about “India Water Week”, scheduled next week. Bharti maintained that BJP came to the fore in Arunachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand to “ensure peace and development” only after Congress legislators defected from their parent party. Further hitting out at the top Congress leaders, the Minister referred to days of Emergency to State that the Congress chief and her party vice president-son have “no right” to talk about democracy or autonomy States. While briefing about India Water Week, Uma Bharti also urged the Congress president to ask her party men to co-operate with the Government over Damanganga — Pinjal riv-er linking project as it is in the interest of people and not the BJP. Making the announcement of the fourth edition of India Water Week from April 4-8, the Minister for Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation said the theme for this year’s India Water week is “Water for all: Striving together”. The Minister informed that Israel will be associated as the partner country for this mega event. Partner country Israel will organise various sessions at the event to be held at Pragati Maidan. She also said that a central fact-finding committee will visit Maharashtra’s Latur district to study the severe water crisis there and find ways to tackle the problem. Modi who had previously attended swearing-in ceremony of Mufti Mohd Sayeed along with top brass of the BJP is expected to skip the event due to prior commitments in the poll bound States of Assam and West Bengal. In their absence Union Ministers Venkaiah Naidu and MoS PMO Dr Jitendra Singh are expected to attend the low key affair. Mehbooba Mufti would be accepting the most challenging assignment of her long political career in the presence of her arch rival Omar Abdullah. She herself extended an invitation to the working President of National Conference and former Chief Minister Omar Abdullah to become witness to the historic occasion. Responding to the invite Omar on saturday tweeted, “very gracious of Mehbooba Mufti Sahiba to phone & invite me to her oath taking ceremony. I look forward to being there on the 4th”. PDP leader has also invited top brass of the congress party to remain present. Leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha and former Chief Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad and other senior congress leaders are expected to attend the ceremony to greet Mehbooba 8]SXPc^U^a\P[[hbXV] ?PaXbR[X\PcTRWP]VT PRR^aS^]0_aX[!! Mumbai: India will formally sign the Paris agreement, adopted by more than 190 countries at last year’s climate change summit in the French capital, at the UN Headquarters in New York later this month. Noting that the summit, held in Nov-Dec last year in the French capital, helped change India’s image of being “negative and naysayer” after PM Narendra Modi introduced the concept of climate justice, Union Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar blamed the “uncontrolled” carbon emission by developed nations for the present State of the climate. “India, along with 100 other nations would ratify the Conference of Parties (COP) 21 global climate agreement on April 22. COP 21 would be ratified at a high-level signing ceremony to be convened at the UN Headquarters in New York,” Javadekar said while addressing a symposium ‘COP 21 — Building Synergies, Shaping Actions’ organised at the University of Mumbai. PTI !1XWPa<;0bS^]PcT 54YcceUcdXYbT Q[^^SU^a_^^a_PcXT]cb ce]]_^cd_=Q\\iQ 1XWPa3T_dch2WXTU<X]XbcTaCTYPbWfX HPSPefXcWB_TPZTaEXYPh2WPdSWPah S^]PcTWXbQ[^^SU^a2P]RTaPfPaT]Tbb _a^VaP\P]SAPbWcaP\P]SP[3XfPb Ud]RcX^]X]?Pc]P^]BPcdaSPhA93[TPSTa APQaX3TeXXbP[b^bTT] ?C8 ?=BQ ?0C=0 ahle hum, pahle hum was heard in the Bihar Assembly P complex on Saturday when the MLAs vied each other in taking lead to donate their blood. The lawmakers of different parties lined up to occupy the beds, especially brought for them to lay and donate blood. They even cracked jokes. One ruling party MLA was heard telling BJP legislator, “I will donate one unit and you should donate two units because we have to work more and you are relaxing in Opposition.” In all 112 legislators of different parties, including about a dozen women, donated their blood on Saturday to mark the annual meeting of the Bihar branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. Each MLAs donated 350 ml of blood and they belonged to different age groups below 65 years. Speaker Vijay Kumar Choudhary, who had mooted this idea in order to serve humanity and involve the legislators in yeomen service and also for the makeover of the MLAs public image, also donated blood. Next to his bed lay Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Prasad Yadav. Yadav was escorted to the room where blood was given by his mother and former Chief Minister Rabri Devi. However, her elder son and Health Minister Tej Pratap Yadav was conspicuous by absence. A number of officials of his department including Principal Secretary Health, apart from doctors and para medical staff were present. Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, who had scheduled meeting in Rajgir, was also not present. “I am quite excited to see the enthusiasm of the legislators. Their move will certainly send a positive message to the society,” said Speaker Choudhary who also hosted lunch for the participant at the meeting. The blood totaling about 3360 ML has been donated to the blood bank at Patna Medical College Hospital for transfusion to the poor, needy patients. After the Commonwealth meeting, a session was held in which the legislators were informed about the cancer. Famous surgeon Dr AA Hai, who is also very active in cancer awareness campaign and anti-tobacco movement told them about the growing menace of the disease and how to check it. Dr Hai also answered to the queries of the MLAs about the disease. 0B:B78<C>0??40A>=0?A8;( ?=BQ =4F34;78 he Enforcement Directorate (ED) on T Saturday issued the third and possibly the last summons to liquor baron Vijay Mallya to present himself before its investigators on April 9 in Mumbai in connection with a money laundering case against him for C900 crore IDBI loan fraud case. Mallya had on Friday sought time till May to depose before the agency, expressing his inability to keep the scheduled date for April 2 at the ED’s zonal office in Mumbai. The investigating officer (IO) at ED’s Mumbai office on Saturday issued fresh summons to the United Breweries (UB) group Chairman to personally appear before him on April 9. ED officials hinted that this could possibly be the last summons to Mallya as the IO had allowed his plea to postpone his appearance till now, both on technical and legal grounds. Under Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), usually a maximum of three summons are sent and that would be completed by the fresh date on Saturday next. The IO had turned down Mallya’s request for giving him time till May as his joining the probe was important and hence he only gave him a week’s time, till Saturday next, officials said. Mallya had on Friday informed the IO that cases related to bank loans were currently subjudice in the Supreme Court and he was trying to settle these loans with the help of his legal and corporate team and, hence, would require some more time. If he again fails to appear on April 9, sources said, the ED could initiate legal action for revoking his passport and also get a non-bailable warrant against him issued by a court. Mallya was first summoned by the agency to “appear in person” at its office in Mumbai on March 18 but he sought more time citing his prior engagements, following which the agency asked him to depose on April 2. He was asked to furnish documents related to his personal investments and finances, Income Tax Returns for the last five years and his passport. He is currently reported to be in the UK after he left India on March 2. =^f_^[XcXRP[PSb X]_^[[Q^d]S BcPcTbaT`dXaT 42R[TPaP]RT ?=BQ =4F34;78 olitical advertisements in poll-bound States on the P eve and the day of elections Mufti. Meanwhile, there was no clarity on the distribution of portfolios between the two alliance partners till late evening. BJP has made it clear to the PDP leadership during several rounds of closed door deliberations that they were eyeing equal and fair distribution of key portfolios between the alliance partners as they both have equal number of legislators in their kitty. Though PDP is expected to retain most of the faces in the new council of Ministers BJP was still holding discussions within the party and expected to drop few old faces to give opportunity to young turks in the party. A section of State BJP leaders who were sidelined in the previous dispensation have also asserted their position within the party and trying to extract their pound of flesh. Dr Nirmal Singh on saturday told reporters, “discussions were still going on to finalise and assess the performance of the former Ministers before finalising the list ahead of oath ceremony on Monday”. He said implementation of the Agenda of Alliance would remain focus of the new Government in office. E4AH6A028>DB>5 <471>>10<D5C8 B07810C>?7>=4 8=E8C4<4C>74A >0C7C0:8=6 24A4<>=H8;>>: 5>AF0A3C>148=6 C74A4>=C74#C7 ¯ CF44CB><0A 4`fceR]]`hdGR_kRcR e`cVefc_SRT\e`YZd Y`^VDeReV8f[RcRe ?=BQ 60=378=060A a yet another relief for forGujarat cadre IPS offiIcernmerDahyaji Gobarji Vanzara known as DG Vanzara, a CBI court on Saturday allowed him to return back to his home-State Gujarat. Vanzara retired as Deputy Inspector-General (DIG) will return to his home almost after nine years. He was in judicial custody from the year 2007 to 2015. Vanzara is one of the accused in encounter cases of Ishrat Jahan and Sohrubuddin Sheikh. For the past one year the court granted him bail on the condition that he would stay out of Gujarat. He made Mumbai his second home following this order. In his bail modification application, Vanzara said that he was not safe in Mumbai. According to him Mumbai is a native place of international criminals like Dawood Ibrahim and Chhota Shakeel and hence his life is under threat. Vanzara is confined to Mumbai as per the bail condition imposed first by Bombay High Court while granting him bail in the S ohrabuddin Shaikh encounter case. Later, the special CBI court also barred him Retired Gujarat cop DG Vanzara had got bail after about seven years of imprisonment in encounter cases, but with rider that he will need to stay outside Gujarat. On Saturday the CBI court pronounced the order allowing former cop’s bail modification plea. “The condition of not entering Gujarat and staying within the limit of Mumbai has been removed,” said the court. Reacting after the order, Vanzara’s son Prithvi said that his father would come to home almost after nine years and the family is all set to celebrate his return. According to him, his father couldn’t attend important family functions due to the cases (and imprisonment). Vanzara, an IPS officer of the 1987 batch, has constructed his house in the Gujarat’s capital Gandhinagar. He is also having ancestral house in Nor th Gujarat town Himmatnagar. will require prior clearance from the Election Commission. In a communication issued on Saturday ahead of the first phase of elections falling on April 4 in Assam and West Bengal, the poll panel directed that no newspaper advertisement be published on April 3 and 4 without its prior clearance. The direction was issued by the EC Central office in New Delhi to the Chief Electoral Officers (CEO) of Assam and West Bengal, noting that in the past there have been instances of “advertisements of offending and misleading nature” published in newspapers. The reference was to certain advertisements published by the Bhartiya Janata Party ahead of the Bihar Assembly elections last year. “Such advertisements in the last stage of elections vitiate election. The affected candidates and parties will not have any opportunity of providing clarification or rebuttal in such cases,” the Commission said. The poll watchdog, having learnt from the past experience told the State CEOs to ensure no untoward incident takes place because of any “inflammatory, misleading or hate advertisements” brought out by any political party, candidate, organisation or person. The instruction was issued under the Commission’s power under Article 324 of the Constitution which relates to superintendence over conduct of elections. It stated that any advertisement before being published on the eve and on date of elections will require pre-certification by the Media Certification and Monitoring Committees working with the EC at district and State level. The newspapers, the Commission directed, should also be informed against bringing out advertisements which have not been cleared by the committee. During Bihar polls, the Commission had clamped a ban on publication of two controversial advertisements printed by BJP in the State. One of the advertisements alleged that RJD chief Lalu Prasad and JD(U) leader Nitish Kumar are “snatching the plate of Dalits” by planning to transfer the quota meant for Dalits and EBCs to minorities. Another advertisement dealt with ‘vote ki kheti’ or vote-bank politics. It claimed that RJD, JDU and Congress leaders are “giving sanctuary” to terrorists to appease a particular community for votes. \^]ThfXbT% A0=278kBD=30H k0?A8; "! % 7>;RZe]VjZ_gZeVd2fdecR]ZR_ SfdZ_VddVde`Z_gVdeZ_:_UZR ?C8Q <4;1>DA=4 howcasing significant investment opportunities in manufacturing and infrastructure sector, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has invited Australian businesses to come and invest in India as he wraps up his four-day visit to the Asia Pacific country. During his visit, Jaitley met Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg, Treasurer Scott Morrison, Finance Minister Mathias Cormann and several other top dignitaries and business leaders of Australia. On his first day in Sydney, Jaitley inaugurated 'Make in India’ conference where he strongly pitched for foreign investments in India, specially in the area of manufacturing and infrastructure. In Canberra, he met Turnbull and discussed trade and bilateral issues of the two nations. He also S µ,GRKRSHHDUO\FRQFOXVLRQRI ,QGLD$XVWUDOLD)7$WDONV¶ MELBOURNE: Expecting a ‘substantial headway’ in negotiations for the proposed free trade agreement (FTA) with Australia, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has expressed hope for an early conclusion of the talks. “I do hope substantial headway is made and the grey areas are sorted out,” Jaitley said. During his visit, he had met Australian Minister for Trade and Investment Andrew Robb, who is coming to India next week. Quoting Jaitley, AFR Weekend, said that the Minister wants to see the negotiations to conclude in an expeditious manner but it was not up to him as the subject was led by Commerce and Industry Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. PTI invited Turnbull to visit India. Here, the finance minister also attended a special reception organised by the Indian High Commission where he met a large group of Indian diaspora from across the country. In Melbourne, the finance minister met a high-powered delegation of Australia's Superannuation funds and other investors along with FICCI delegation where he urged them to invest in India's infrastructure projects and other manufacturing sectors. He assured them that India’s economic story was all set to stay on path of growth and that the Government was strongly focusing on ‘Ease of doing business’ by rationalising the tax system and other processes and policies. Jaitley, while attending a special dinner last night organised by Victorian politician Tim Pallas, called the Indo-Australian relations ‘evolving and growing’ strongly. “It’s not only sports where the relations are evolving but also in business, culture, politics, and strategic relationships, which all determine our future destinies,” Jaitley said adding that the two sides were natural allies. He also raised the topic of Free Trade agreement which he said had passed the set deadline of last December while stating that “the more we cooperate, the more we coordinate, the better it is for both the countries as a win win situation.” ²8]SXPYd\_bc^%cW _[PRTX]c^_cT] \P]dUPRcdaTab[Xbc³ 2bYdYcX@=TUVU^TcE;R\_S[Y^W XYWXUb5EdQbYVVc_^3XY^UcUcdUU\ ?=BQ =4F34;78 ?C8Q ;>=3>= ²CPcPBcTT[\PhbWdcD:_[P]cbX]%fTTZb³ ith its ranking going up by three places, India has now been ranked sixth among the world’s 10 largest manufacturing countries, a UNIDO report has said. The country previously held the 9th rank. The Yearbook, published by the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), finds that in India, the Manufacturing Value Added (MVA) grew by 7.6 per cent in 2015 compared to the previous year. It also said that the quarterly index of industrial production (IIP) shows 1 per cent growth of manufacturing output in the fourth quarter of 2015 compared to the same period of previous year. “India is now the sixth largest manufacturer in the world,” the report said. The report also said that the global growth rate of manufacturing production has slowed to 2.8 per cent in 2015. rime Minister David Cameron has defended UK’s decision to reject higher EU tariffs on Chinese steel even as the Business Secretary faced angry Tata Steel workers whose livelihoods have been undermined by cut-price imports at Britain's biggest steel plant in Port Talbot. According to the Guardian, Cameron, on a visit to Washington, said the UK was right to block plans that he argued would “rewrite not simply the tariff rules on steel, but the entire tariff infrastructure of the EU,” while Labour accused the Government of failing to protect British workers from China’s ‘highly aggressive approach in this economic battle.’ On Friday, China raised tensions by imposing a 46 per cent import duty on a type of steel made by Tata in Wales. China ‘dumping’ cheap steel on overseas markets is being partly blamed for the problems fac- LONDON:The beleaguered Tata Steel may shut its British plants in six weeks if it does not find a buyer soon even as it is in talks to buy steel assets of one of German’s largest producers. The Indian steel giant is only ‘going through the motions’ of a sale and has privately given up hope of finding a white knight to rescue the loss-making unit and save 15,000 jobs, the Financial Timesreported on Saturday, citing people familiar with the company’s internal plans. “Tata Steel could mothball plants in as little as six weeks. They have to go through the motions. But if they have not found a buyer by the next board meeting at the end of April, they will close it and they are not expecting anyone to come forward now,” it said, citing a person. The company is likely to appoint bankers to run through the sale process in the next few days. The Daily Telegraphsaid Tata is in talks to buy the steel assets of one of Germany's largest producers after quitting its operations in the UK. PTI ing the UK steel industry, which has put 40,000 jobs at risk as Tata Steel plans to sell its entire UK business. Downing Street sources said Cameron had confronted Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the nuclear security summit in Washington DC to express his concerns on Thursday night, the report said. Business Secretary Sajid Javid returned from an official trip to Australia to face a tense scene in Port Talbot, south Wales, where thousands of steelworkers face losing their jobs. Arriving three days after the crisis first broke, Javid said it was the Government's interventions that had stopped Tata from closing down the Port Talbot site overnight, and urged the Indian giant to get on with selling the business. W P Sb_cc BdaP]PXb]Tf 1HHGWRHQGµXQQHFHVVDU\ ,7&QRWUHDG\WRSULQWODUJHUSLFWRULDO 1QTXQQbccUddd_S Sb_bU] ]Qb[Q QY]c 2<3^U7?2; UXOHVSURFHGXUHV¶IRU ZDUQLQJVXQGHU*RYWQHZJXLGHOLQH ! S GRXEOHGLJLWJURZWK.DQW d_R R__cd7 7_fd` `\Q^c ?=B Q =4F34;78 MCG major ITC on Saturday said it is not ready F to print larger pictorial warnings on its cigarette packs, as required under a new Government norm, and its factories will be shut till clarity emerges on the matter. Since Friday, under a new government notification, tobacco products are required to carry larger pictorial warnings covering 85 per cent of the display area on packets. Insisting that “the question of the legality of the new warnings has been and continues to be pending before the Court”, the company said it “did not commit to wasting substantial resources in creating the large number of cylinders and other tools necessary for a changeover of the warnings.” “As a result, the company is at present not in readiness to print the health warnings,” the company said in a BSE filing. “ITC has been compelled to shut its cigarette factories with effect from April 1, 2016, until clarity emerges in the current uncertain state of the rules on health warning,” it added. The company further said the implementation of any change in the health warnings on the cigarette packages is an elaborate process for the manufacturers, entailing months of preparation involving substantial cost and effort. “Since the matter of new health warning was under the Parliamentary Committee’s consideration, and the Government had itself held out that it would await the committee's report, the industry was led to believe that the government would re-notify new health warnings after considering the committee’s recommendations,” it added. The Kolkata-headquartered firm manufactures a range of cigarettes, including India Kings, Classic, Gold Flake, Navy Cut, Capstan, Bristol, Flake, Silk Cut, which are manufactured at plants in Bengaluru, Munger, Saharanpur, Kolkata and Pune. In 2014-15, ITC had a consolidated sales of C17,765.99 crore from cigarettes, which accounted for 46.22 per cent of its net sales of C38,433.31 crore. The notification by the health ministry on September 24, 2015, for implementation of the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Packaging and Labeling) Amendment Rules, 2014, came into force from Friday. The ministry had made a commitment to the Rajasthan High Court on March 28 that it will implement the said rules from April 1, 2016. e-PROCUREMENT NOTICE MILITARY ENGINEER SERVICES The e-Tender for the following works is invited on behalf of President of India by Garrison Engineer (AF) Udhampur C/o 39 Wing, AF, Phone No 01992-244664, Fax No 01992-244664 as per on-line e-tendering procedure. The detailed notice of which could be seen and down loaded on website/ portal www.eprocurement.gov.in. Srl No 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name of work 2 Special repair to certain roads at domestic area and technical area at AF Stn Udhampur. Special to building of GE Office area, fencing and gate, drains & culverts at AF Stn Udhampur. Special repair to toilets at various places, footpath, hardstanding and connected misc items at AF Stn Udhampur. Special repair to joint filling of Maneouvering Area and other allied works at AF Stn Udhampur. Outsourcing of O & M services of various E/M installation & certain works at AF Stn Nathatop. Repair and cleaning of sewage line, manholes, septic tank, SWT and other misc works at AF Stn Udhampur. Estimated Cost Completion Amount of Cost of Tender of work at Period Earnest Money (in Rs) in per market (months) for Contractors favour of / (Rs in lakhs) not enlisted payable at with MES (Rs.) 3 4 5 6 30.00 06 (Six) 60,000.00 Rs 500/Months payable to GE (AF)Udhampur at Udhampur 45.00 09 (Nine) 90,000.00 -doMonths 35.00 09 (Nine) Months 70,000.00 -do- 30.00 06 (Six) Months 60,000.00 -do- 30.00 11 (Eleven) Months 60,000.00 -do- 45.00 09 (Nine) Months 90,000.00 -do- CRITICALS DATES (TENTATIVE) Srl Description No. (a) Critical dates for Work No 1,2 & 3 above Date Time (i) (ii) (iii) (b) 25 Mar 2016 14 Apr 2016 15 Apr 2016 1000 hrs 1800 hrs 1000 hrs 28 Mar 2016 18 Apr 2016 19 Apr 2016 1000 hrs 1800 hrs 1000 hrs Publishing of Date Last Date of Bid Submission Opening of Technical Bid (Cover 1) Critical dates for Work No 4, 5 & 6 above (i) Publishing of Date (ii) Last Date of Bid Submission (iii) Opening of Technical Bid (Cover 1) Remarks Note:1. Further details can be seen from the e-procurement portal www.eprocuremes.gov.in 2. The brief advertisement is also available on MES web site www.mes.gov.in and in Indian Trade Journal. 3. Tenders will be uploaded only on portal www.eprocuremes.gov.in and contractors registered on this web site will be able submit their Bid online. All other terms and conditions, instructions to bidders regarding e-tendering process etc. may kindly see Notice Inviting Tenders (NIT) available on the above noted web site. The department reserve the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons (s). The tenderer should read terms & conditions instructions (NIT) carefully before filling the price bids (BOQ). e-Tendering without DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) will not be accepted by electronics tendering system. 4. Under no circumstances, subletting in any form, will be, allowed even the power of attorney will not be accepted or allowed. davp10102/11/4998/1516 ?=B Q =4F34;78 adhaar enrolments are set to cross the 100 crore mark A in a couple of days, a development which will boost the government’s plan to provide subsidies and benefits under various social sector schemes directly. As per the website of Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), which is implementing the Aadhaar project, “99.91 crore is the total number of Aadhaars issued as on date. Portal counts/reports are not updated due to maintenance activities. Portal will be updated shortly.” Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad will hold a press conference on Monday to announce the 100crore mark of Aadhaar enrolments. The Government has already passed the Aadhaar Bill, providing statutory backing to the scheme. The Government wants to complete the enrolment process under the unique identification project at the earliest to use Aadhaar as a tool to provide subsidies and benefits under various social sector schemes directly. Under the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) scheme, benefits like scholarships, pension and cooking gas subsidy are directly transferred to beneficiaries’ bank accounts. <PWX]SaP7^[XSPhb³5X]]XbWPa\ bT[[bbcPZTX]"bdQbXSXPahUXa\b NEW DELHI: Mahindra Holidays & Resorts India on Saturday said its Finland-based arm Holiday Club Resorts Oy has sold its entire stake in three subsidiaries for a total consideration of Euro 12,00,000 to Skanska Talonrakennus Oy. “Holiday Club Resorts Oy, a step-down subsidiary of the company, has disinvested its entire stake in three subsidiaries namely, Kiinteisto Oy Jalomella, Kiinteisto Oy similar line of business,” it said, adding the transaction is likely to be completed in the next five days. Elaborating on the financial details of the transaction, the company said C27.82 crore will be for the 100 per cent equity, while it will take over a loan of C6.72 crore. Besides, Minda Corporation will also infuse C11 crore additional fund in the acquired entity. PAEL has a manufacturing facility at Bawal in Haryana. The firm had posted a turnover of C71 crore in 2014-15. It's main customers include International Tractors, Escorts, New Holland Tractors, Tafe and Eicher, Minda added. PTI DVcgZTVeRiUVaee`RfTeZ`_ >R]]jR¶dRZcTcRWegVcjd``_ NEW DELHI: The service tax department will ‘very shortly’ auction liquor baron Vijay Mallya's aircraft to recover dues estimated at nearly C535 crore, a senior Finance Ministry official on Saturday said. “Vijay Mallya’s some of the properties have been attached. His aircraft are with us. So, that is what we are going to auction very shortly,” Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) Chairman Najib Shah said at a press meet. Last month, the service tax department had claimed in a peti- NEW DELHI: India needs to do away with ‘unnecessary rules and procedures’ to grow in double digits in the long term, Niti Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant has said. “To achieve sustainable double digit growth in the long run, it is crucial to dismantle unnecessary rules and procedures” a joint release by CUTS International and India Policy Foundation quoted Kant as saying on Saturday. Kant was speaking at the National Seminar on Governance Reforms for Make in India, Rural Infrastructure and Sustainable Agriculture Initiatives in Delhi on Friday. Kant said there is a need to make our cities competitive. He also said focus must also be on more systemic reforms in sectors such as education and health, added the release. Kant delivered the inaugural address and set the ball rolling for the discussion chaired by Arun Maira, former member Planning Commission and Gopal Agarwal, Member, National Executive of BJP, it said. The discussion was focussed on identifying recommendations on improving governance for better implementation. The seminar also brought out nuances in sectors like defence with respect to 'Make in India' initiative and agriculture, etc. PNS jca^l Outapalas and Kiinteisto Oy Ulkuvuoma, Finland with effect from March 31, 2016,” Mahindra Holidays & Resorts India said in a filing to BSE. Consequently, all the three companies ceased to be subsidiaries of Holiday Club Resorts Oy, and in turn of the company, it added. The consideration received is Euro 4,00,000 each from the sale of hese firms, Mahindra Holidays & Resorts India said. PTI <X]SP2^a_c^Qdh?P]P[UP0dc^T[TZcaXZ NEW DELHI: Auto component manufacturer Minda Corporation on Saturday said it will fully acquire Panalfa Autoelektrik Ltd from its existing Indian promoters entailing a total outgo of over C45 crore. Minda Corporation has signed a definitive agreement for acquiring 100 per cent equity of Panalfa Autoelektrik Ltd from its existing Indian promoters, the company said in a BSE filing. Panalfa Autoelektrik Ltd (PAEL) is into manufacturing of starter motors and alternators having different applications for automotive and component industries. “This acquisition is a part of a long-term strategy of the company for the growth in NEW DELHI: MK Surana has taken over as the new Chairman and Managing Director (CMD) of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd, the nation’s second largest state oil refining and marketing company. Government appointed him as the head of HPCL on retirement of Nishi Vasudeva on March 31, a company press statement said here. Prior to this appointment, Surana was Chief Executive Officer of Prize Petroleum Company Limited, a whollyowned subsidiary and upstream arm of HPCL, since September 2012. Surana is a mechanical engineer, with a Master's degree in Financial Management. “He has a wide exposure in the Oil and Gas Industry spanning over 33 years, handling various responsibilities including business leadership positions.” PNS 8]SXP]>X[aTUX]TaXTbWPeTPRWXTeTSP]TfaTR^aS^URadSTcWa^dVW_dc^U$% <<CfXcWPRP_PRXchdcX[XbPcX^]^U "$_Ta RT]cSdaX]VcWThTPa! $ %8]SXP]>X[b(aTUX]TaXTbP[b^\PaZTScWTQTbcTeTaR^\QX]TSSXbcX[[PcThXT[S^U'$fc_Ta RT]cbda_PbbX]VcWT_aTeX^dbQTbc^U&''_TaRT]cSdaX]V! # $CWXbfPbSXbR[^bTSQh3XaTRc^aJATUX]TaXTbLBP]YXe BX]VWfWX[TPSSaTbbX]VcWTT\_[^hTTb^UcWTR^\_P]h^]BPcdaSPh2^]VaPcd[PcX]VcWTT\_[^hTTb^UcWT[PaVTbcaTUX]Ta^U cWTR^d]cahU^acWT_aPXbTf^acWh_TaU^a\P]RTWTbPXScWPcfXcWU^RdbTSTUU^acbc^fPaSbT]TaVhR^]bTaePcX^]cWTaTUX]TaXTb PRWXTeTS[^fTbc5dT[;^bb5;B_TRXUXR4]TaVh2^]bd\_cX^]<1=P]S4]TaVh8]cT]bXch8]STg488Pc'$"_TaRT]c $"'P]S !aTb_TRcXeT[hPbR^\_PaTSc^cWT_aTeX^dbQTbc^U'&&_TaRT]c$##P]S #$U^acWThTPa! # $ D]X^]<X]XbcTa^UBcPcTU^a2XeX[0eXPcX^]3a<PWTbWBWPa\PP__[PdSb0Xa_^acb0dcW^aXch^U8]SXPU^aaP]ZX]V^UU^da^UXcb PXa_^acbP\^]Vbcc^_UXeTPXa_^acbX]cWTf^a[SX]cWT2PcTV^ah^U!c^$\X[[X^]_PbbT]VTab_TaP]]d\008cPbZTSU^a _a^eXSX]VbcPcT^UcWTPac_PbbT]VTaUPRX[XcXTbP]SPXa]PeXVPcX^]bTaeXRTbPcP[[cWTPXa_^acbX]cWTR^d]cahRT[TQaPcTSXcb! bc 0]]dP[3Ph^]cWT[Pbc5aXSPhPcBXaX5^ac0dSXc^aXd\=Tf3T[WX<PWTbWBWPa\PfPbcWT2WXTU6dTbcP]SBTRaTcPah2XeX[ 0eXPcX^]A=2W^dQThfPbcWT6dTbc^U7^]^daX]cWTUd]RcX^] tion to the Bombay High Court that Mallya’s total disputed liability in respect of service tax was to the tune of C535 crore. It was also claimed that Mallya had collected a large sum of money as service tax from flyers of the now-grounded Kingfisher Airlineson behalf of the Government, but the same was not deposited in the Government treasury. Mallya, whose group company owes over C9,000 crore to 17 banks, had left the country on March 2 and is believed to be in the UK. PTI ?628;R^\\XbbX^]bC""ZRa_a^YTRcb NEW DELHI: Central utility Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL) on Saturday said it has commissioned transmission projects worth C30,300 crore in the last fiscal. “It has commissioned transmission projects worth C30,300 crore in financial year 2015-16,” the co said in a filing to BSE. PGCIL is engaged in power transmission business with the responsibility for planning, coordination, supervision and control over inter-state transmission system and operation of national and regional power grids. PTI C^X]Rd[RPcTcWTX\_^acP]RT^U1^^ZaTPSX]VWPQXcX]bRW^^[RWX[SaT]=;24SdRPcX^]3T_Pac\T]cRT[TQaPcTS8]cTa]PcX^]P[ 2WX[SaT]b1^^Z3Ph! %Pc=;24[T\T]cPahBRW^^[1[^RZ!'P]S=;2<XSS[TBRW^^[1[^RZ!^]BPcdaSPhPc=TheT[X 26<?A4Sd2BA=;2BBaXSWPafPbcWT2WXTU6dTbcX]WXbPSSaTbbWTX]U^a\TScWPcQ^^ZaTPSX]VXb^]T^UcWT X\_^acP]cPb_TRcU^aP]X]SXeXSdP[_Tab^]P[XchSTeT[^_\T]cXcX\_a^eTbZ]^f[TSVTVXeTbX]bXVWcP]SWT[_bX]TeTah Pb_TRc^U[XUT7TX]bXbcTScWTRWX[SaT]c^STeT[^_aTPSX]VWPQXcUa^\RWX[SW^^SXcbT[UBTRaTcPah=;2BRW^^[b8 =TSd\PaP]VaPRTScWT^RRPbX^]P]SUT[XRXcPcTS f^a[S& A0=278kBD=30H k0?A8; "! % =0A4=3A0<>388=DB ?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXX]cTaPRcbfXcWP[TPSTaPccWT>_T]X]V?[T]Pah^UcWT=dR[TPaBTRdaXchBd\\Xc! %X]FPbWX]Vc^]32^]5aXSPh !?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SX\TTcX]VfXcW?aX\T<X]XbcTa^U9P_P]BWX]i^0QT "?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXPbWTST_PacbUa^\FPbWX]Vc^]32 ?7>C>B)??C8 :_UZRAR\_VVUe`cVUfTVeYVZc?RcdV_R]+@SR^R $GPLWV865XVVLDQHHGWROHDG WKHZD\IRUJOREDOUHGXFWLRQ B834;867CB F^a[S[TPSTabRP[[U^aTUU^acb c^bc^_]^]bcPcTPRc^ab Ua^\^QcPX]X]V]dZTb =D2;40A B TRdaXch d\\Xc BA0906>?0;0=Q F0B78=6C>= resident Barack Obama has called upon India and Pakistan to make progress in reducing their nuclear arsenal and ensuring that they are not “continually moving in the wrong direction” while developing military doctrines. Bringing up the issue at his news conference on conclusion of the two-day Nuclear Security Summit on Friday, Obama at the same time admitted that the United States and Russia have to lead the way in achieving huge reductions in nukes globally. “One of the challenges that we’re going to have here is that it is very difficult to see huge reductions in our nuclear arse- P nal unless the US and Russia, as the two largest possessors of nuclear weapons, are prepared to lead the way,” he said. Then turning to the Indian subcontinent, he commented, “The other area where I think we need to see progress is Pakistan and India, that subcontinent, making sure that as they develop military doctrines, that they are not continually moving in the wrong direction.” Focusing on the North Korean nuclear challenge, Obama said Pyongyang “is in a whole different category and poses the most immediate set of concerns for all of us, one that we are working internationally to focus on”. This issue had figured prominently at the trilateral meeting that Obama held with the leaders of Japan and Korea, as also during his meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinpeng. A communique adopted by the summit that was attended by leaders from more than 50 countries, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, reaffirmed the “commitment to our shared goals of nuclear disarmament, nuclear non-proliferation and peaceful use of nuclear energy”. It noted that measures to FPbWX]Vc^])<^aT]TTSbc^ QTS^]Tc^_aTeT]c]^]bcPcT PRc^abUa^\^QcPX]X]V]dR[TPa \PcTaXP[bf^a[S[TPSTabbPXS X]PR^\\d]X`dTPUcTaP Bd\\XcW^bcTSQhDB ?aTbXST]c1PaPRZ>QP\PfW^ P[b^RP[[TS8]SXPP]S?PZXbcP] c^aTSdRTcWTXa]dR[TPa PabT]P[bCWT=dR[TPaBTRdaXch Bd\\XccTa\TScWaTPc^U ]dR[TPaP]SaPSX^[^VXRP[ cTaa^aXb\Pb°^]T^UcWT VaTPcTbcRWP[[T]VTbc^ X]cTa]PcX^]P[bTRdaXch±X]cWT R^\\d]X`dTfWXRWbPXScWT cWaTPcXb°R^]bcP]c[hTe^[eX]V± >_T]X]V?[T]Pah^UcWT=dR[TPaBTRdaXchBd\\Xc! %X]FPbWX]Vc^]32 ^]5aXSPh ?C8 strengthen nuclear security will not hamper the rights of States to develop and use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. At the same time, it highlighted the fundamental responsibility of States to fulfil their obligations by maintaining effective security at all times of all nuclear and other radioactive material, including that used in nuclear weapons, and nuclear facilities under their control. On the question of preventing non-State actors from obtaining nuclear and other radioactive materials that could be used for malicious purposes, the communique noted that more work remains to be done, adding: “We commit to fostering a peaceful and stable international environment by reducing the threat of nuclear terrorism and strengthening nuclear security.” Reaffirming the essential responsibility and central role of the International Atomic Energy Agency in strengthening the global nuclear security architecture and in developing international guidance, the document welcomed the IAEA move to convene an international conference on nuclear security in December to maintain political momentum on this issue. DUbb_bYcdcgY\\ecU>gUQ`_^ YVdXUiWUdYdcQic?RQ]Q Washington: Terrorist organisations like al-Qaeda and ISIS will use nuclear weapons if they ever get hold of it, US President Barack Obama warned a day after he hosted leaders from over 50 countries, including India for the Nuclear Security Summit. “Fortunately, because of our efforts so far, no terrorist group has yet succeeded in obtaining a nuclear device or producing a dirty bomb using radioactive materials,” Obama said in his weekly web and radio address to the nation. “We know that Qaeda has tried. ISIS has already used chemical weapons in Syria and Iraq. And, if they ever got hold of a nuclear weapon or nuclear material, we have no doubt they’d use it,” he added. “That’s why we’ve been leading a global effort to secure the world’s nuclear materials. With summits like this, we’ve made important progress. Working with other nations, we have removed or secured enough nuclear material for more than 150 nuclear weapons — material that will now never fall into the hands of terrorists,” he said. PTI 2EDPDZDUQV(UGRJDQ¶V7XUNH\ 7UXPSGRHVQ¶WNQRZPXFK :ehZ]]µeR\VeZ^V¶W`c:cR_e` DERXWIRUHLJQSROLF\2EDPD cV[`Z_X]`SR]VT`_`^j+FDAcVk KHDGHGGRZQWURXEOLQJSDWK Washington: US President Barack Obama has questioned Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s foreign policy credentials, saying he doesn’t “know much” about the world. “They tell us the person who made the statements doesn’t know much about foreign policy or nuclear policy or the Korean Peninsula or the world generally,” Obama said. He said Trump’s recent statements on US foreign policy, that has unnerved the national security establishment, came up during his interaction with world leaders. “I’ve said before that people pay attention to American elections. What we do is really important to the rest of the world. “Even in those countries that are used to a carnival atmosphere in their own politics, want sobriety and clarity when it comes to US elections,” Obama said. “They understand President of the United States needs to know what’s going on around the world and has to put in place the kinds of policies that lead not only to our security and prosperity, but will have an impact on everybody else’s security and prosperity,” he added. PTI 2IILFLDO*UHHFHZDQWV ,0)H[SODQDWLRQV RYHU:LNLOHDNVUHSRUW 05?Q 0C74=B reece on Saturday demanded “explanations” G from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) after Wikileaks said the lender sought a crisis “event” to push the indebted nation into concluding talks over its reforms. IMF officials, in an internal discussion, allegedly voiced exasperation with Greece on its slow pace of reform, complaining Athens only moved decisively when faced with the peril of default, the website said. An “event” was thus needed to drive the threat of default and get the Greeks to act, one official purportedly says. The “event” is not described in the transcript placed on the Wikileaks website on Saturday. The official, assessing the state of the talks and the political calendar, predicts the European Union will stop discussions “for a month” before Britain’s EU referendum on June 23. Washington: US President Barack Obama warned on Saturday it will take time for Iran to rejoin the global economy, as the country’s leadership and citizens express unease that a sanctions windfall has been slow to materialise. “It will take time for Iran to reintegrate into the global economy, but Iran is already beginning to see the benefit of this deal,” Obama said at a meeting of allied countries that brokered a nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic. The international community lifted a raft of sanctions on Iran early this year in exchange for the country curbing its controversial nuclear programme. But months on, much of Tehran’s holdings abroad remain frozen, and US and European businesses are reluctant to do business with Iran for fear of getting tangled in a thicket of US regulations. A host of non-nuclear sanctions related to terrorism sponsorship, ballistic missile programs and political crackdowns remain in place and are unlikely to be removed any time soon. PTI CdaZThaTPSXTbRT]caTb U^a\XVaP]cbcda]TS QPRZd]STa4DSTP[ 8bcP]Qd[)CdaZXbWPdcW^aXcXTb^] BPcdaSPhaPRTSc^bTcd_aTRT_cX^] RT]caTbc^_a^RTbbBhaXP]P]S ^cWTa\XVaP]cbcf^SPhbPWTPS^U cWTX\_[T\T]cPcX^]^UPWdVT[h R^]ca^eTabXP[STP[fXcWcWT4DU^a cWT\c^QTbT]cQPRZUa^\6aTTRT c^CdaZXbWb^X[CdaZThXbSdTc^ bcPacaTRTXeX]V\XVaP]cbfW^ Ra^bbTScWT0TVTP]BTPU^a4D \T\QTa6aTTRTUa^\<^]SPhQdc b^UPaSTcPX[bWPeTQTT]ePVdT ^eTaW^fcWTcaP]bUTafX[[QT X\_[T\T]cTSF^aZWPb]^f bcPacTS^]PRT]caTX]cWT\PY^a 0TVTP]c^daXbcaTb^ac^U2Tb\TX] 8i\Xa_a^eX]RTfWXRWUPRTbcWT 6aTTZXb[P]S^U2WX^bcWPcWPb QTT]P\PY^acPaVTcU^a\XVaP]cb cWTc^f]³b<Ph^abPXS 05? FPbWX]Vc^])?PZXbcP]bPXSXcWPb °bca^]VRaTST]cXP[b±c^QTR^\TP \T\QTa^UcWTT[XcT=dR[TPa Bd__[XTab6a^d_PaVdX]VXcWPb bcaTP\[X]TSP]SbcaT]VcWT]TSXcb Tg_^acR^]ca^[aTVX\T°?PZXbcP] WPbbca^]VRaTST]cXP[bc^QTR^\T P\T\QTa^UcWT=dR[TPa Bd__[XTab6a^d_P]S^cWTa \d[cX[PcTaP[Tg_^acR^]ca^[ aTVX\Tb^]]^]SXbRaX\X]Pc^ah QPbXb±?PZXbcP]³b<X]XbcTa^U BcPcTU^a5^aTXV]0UUPXabBhTS CPaX`5PcT\Xc^[ScWT=dR[TPa BTRdaXchBd\\Xc=BB >eTacWThTPab?PZXbcP] WPbbcaTP\[X]TSP]S bcaT]VcWT]TSXcbTg_^acR^]ca^[ aTVX\TP]ST]WP]RTSXcb T]VPVT\T]cfXcW\d[cX[PcTaP[ Tg_^acR^]ca^[aTVX\Tb5PcT\X bPXSX]PbcPcT\T]c?PZXbcP] [PXSXcbR[PX\c^QTPaTb_^]bXQ[T \T\QTa^UcWTV[^QP[]dR[TPa R^\\d]Xchd]\X]SUd[^UcWT UPRccWPccWTX]cTa]PcX^]P[ R^\\d]XchXbhTcc^aTR^eTa Ua^\cWTSaTPSTS0@:WP] ]Tcf^aZ^U]dR[TPa_a^[XUTaPcX^] ?0:;>20;4;34ABB4CC;4 60=6A0?420B45>A "<0D=3B>5F740C 8b[P\PQPS)0VP]VaP_TRPbTX] ?PZXbcP]WPbQTT]P[[TVTS[h bTcc[TSU^a"\Pd]Sb^UfWTPc Qh[^RP[T[STabWXVW[XVWcX]VcWT VaPeTcaPeTbch^UYdbcXRTX]cWT R^d]cah0_^[XRTRPbTfPb aTVXbcTaTSUTfSPhbPV^^] R^\_[PX]c^UcWT #hTPa^[S eXRcX\³bQa^cWTaX]6Wd[P\=PQX BWPWPaTP^UD\TaZ^cSXbcaXRcX] BX]SW_a^eX]RT =>A4E84F8=C>³C>? B42A4C´2;8=C>=4<08;B FPbWX]Vc^])CWTBcPcT 3T_Pac\T]cWPbbdb_T]STSXcb X]cTa]P[aTeXTfX]c^fWTcWTa U^a\TaBTRaTcPah^UBcPcT 7X[[Pah2[X]c^]^aWTac^_PXSTb \XbWP]S[TST\PX[bR^]cPX]X]V X]U^a\PcX^]]^fSTT\TS°c^_ bTRaTc± DB?4A<8CBB8:7B>;384A C>B?>AC140A3CDA10= FPbWX]Vc^])8]P[P]S\PaZ STRXbX^]cWTDB\X[XcPahWPb VaP]cTSPSTR^aPcTSBXZW 0\TaXRP]^UUXRTaP[^]VcTa\ aT[XVX^dbPRR^\\^SPcX^] P[[^fX]VWX\c^R^]cX]dTbTaeX]V fWX[T\PX]cPX]X]VWXbPacXR[Tb^U UPXcW^UZTT_X]VPQTPaSP]S fTPaX]VPcdaQP] B4E4=5>A486=4AB :8;;438=B?08= <PSaXS)5XeTh^d]V5aT]RW\T] P]Scf^U^aTXV]aTbcPdaP]c f^aZTabfTaTZX[[TS^]BPcdaSPh fWT]cf^RPabR^[[XSTS^]P WXVWfPh]TPa5XVdTaPbX]cWT ]^acWTPbcTa]B_P]XbWaTVX^]^U 2PcP[^]XP^UUXRXP[bbPXS :4=H0<0A:B4GCA4<8BC 0CC02:>=D=8E4AB8CH =PXa^QX):T]hPWPb\PaZTScWT UXabcP]]XeTabPah^UcWT6PaXbbP D]XeTabXchPccPRZX]fWXRW\^aT cWP] #'_T^_[T\^bc^UcWT\ bcdST]cbSXTSPccWTWP]Sb^U TgcaT\XbcVd]\T]7d]SaTSb VPcWTaTSPccWT6PaXbbPD]XeTabXch X]TPbcTa]:T]hP^]BPcdaSPhc^ aT\T\QTacWTX]RXST]c Washington: US President Barack Obama has admitted he was “troubled” by the path President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is taking Turkey down, amid rows over Press freedom and the war in Syria. “It’s no secret that there are some trends within Turkey that I have been troubled with,” Obama said yesterday, when asked whether he considers the Turkish leader an authoritarian. “I think the approach they have been taking toward the press is one that could lead Turkey down a path that would be very troubling.” Obama said he had expressed these sentiments to Erdogan “directly.” The pair met at the White House on Thursday for talks away from the cameras. Erdogan was on a rare trip to Washington to take part in a major nuclear security summit with other world leaders. Ahead of the trip, the White House had suggested Obama would not formally meet him, prompting suggestions of a snub. The possibility of no meeting had been glaring — the two countries are meant to be close NATO allies in the thick of a fight against the Islamic State group in Syria. PTI 3XWLQFDOOVIRUHQGWR 1DJRUQR.DUDEDNKFODVKHV Moscow: Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for an end to fighting after clashes broke out in the disputed Caucasus region of NagornoKarabakh. Azerbaijan said 12 of its soldiers had been killed and a helicopter shot down. TV pictures showed a burned out vehicle and craters after gunfire and shelling. Azerbaijan and Armenia accused each other of starting the fighting. Nagorno-Karabakh has been in the hands of ethnic Armenian separatists since a war that ended in 1994. Azerbaijan said its armed forces had come under fire first from large-calibre artillery and 7PeTbca^]VRaTST]cXP[b c^QTR^\T=B6 \T\QTa)?PZc^=BB 6;>14 CA>CC8=6 grenade-launchers, and that it had taken over two strategic hills and a village. The Armenian government said Azerbaijan had launched a “massive attack” with tanks, artillery and helicopters. Similar violence was reported last month. Russia, which sells arms to both Armenia and Azerbaijan, has called for an immediate ceasefire and to exercise restraint. Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu has spoken with his Armenian and Azeri counterparts — Seyran Ohanyan and Zakir Hasanov — by phone, Interfax reported. Agencies DZ]\C`RUVieV_UVU e`?VaR]+?Vh eVieZ]VWZ_UZ_Xd ;^]S^])CWTUXabcaTbd[cb^UcTgcX[T P]SShTP]P[hbTb^UR[^cWSPcTS QTcfTT]#%$03WPeTQTT] aTR^eTaTSX]=T_P[bdVVTbcX]VcWPc cWTBX[ZA^PSTgcT]STSUdacWTa b^dcWcWP]_aTeX^db[hcW^dVWc aTbTPaRWTabbPh8ST]cXUXRPcX^]^U STVd\\TSbX[ZUXQaTbP]S\d]YTTc P]S8]SXP][PRShTbX]cWTcTgcX[T UX]SbbdVVTbcbcWPcX\_^acTS \PcTaXP[bUa^\2WX]PP]S8]SXPfTaT dbTSX]R^\QX]PcX^]fXcWcW^bT [^RP[[h_a^SdRTSaTbTPaRWTabbPXS °CWTaTXb]^TeXST]RTU^a[^RP[ bX[Z_a^SdRcX^]bdVVTbcX]VcWPc BP\Si^]VfPbX]bTacTSX]c^cWT [^]VSXbcP]RTcaPST]Tcf^aZ^UcWT BX[ZA^PS±bPXS<PaVPaXcP6[TQP Ua^\D]XeTabXch^U2P\QaXSVTX] cWTD: ?C8 F.No 42/1/2012 GS GOVERNMENT OF INDIA PRESS INFORMATION BUREAU 'A' Wing Shastri Bhawan New Delhi, NOTICE INVITING TENDER FOR SALE OF ENFIELD SOLO MOTORCYCLE Press information Bureau invites tenders for sale of following Motorcycle on "As is where is basis":S. Vehicle Engine No. Chassis No. Kilometers No. 1. Enfield Solo OB4110520 OB4110520 335914 2. The interested parties may submit their sealed tenders by 25.4.2016 (by 3.00 PM) accompanied by EMD of Rs.2000/- by way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of SO(Cash), PIB New Delhi. Bids unaccompanied by EMD will be summarily rejected.The tenders will be opended on the same day i.e on 25.4.2016 at 3.30 PM in Room No. 713, A Wing Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi in the presence of interested tenders. 3. Interested parties can inspect the above vehicle at Gate No. 2, 'A' Wing Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi between 1500 hrs. to 1700 hrs. on any working day with prior appointment with Section officer (GS) on phone No.23382302. Sd/davp 22205/11/0001/1617 (V.Kalyani) J =^bXSTWPbQTPcT]4]V[P]S \^aT^UcT]cWP]FTbc8]SXTb X]C!WXbc^ah¯]X]TcX\Tb F8]XSTbWPeTP[b^f^]P[[ cWaTTT]R^d]cTabX]cWTF^a[S CfT]ch!PVPX]bccWT?^\b ' J A0=278kBD=30H k0?A8; "! % C74502C8B54F>5DB0A4>;3=>F B>F40A40F0A4C78B2>D;314C74 ;0BC5>A054F>5>DA:4H?;0H4AB C70C1A>D67CDBC>64C74A0=3F4 5>A<43>DA>F=28A2;4 ¯30AA4=B0<<H F4BC8=384B20?C08= 5 8 = 0 ; B 7 > F 3 > F = 5^W\Q^TfcGUcd9^TYUcl:>;:0C0 <YfUCdQbC`_bdc '* ` `] 656?C625J7@C?@?:?5:2D9@H 0UcTaZ]^RZX]V^dcW^bcbP]SUPe^daXcTb8]SXPF8]SXTbUPRTb_XaXcTS4]V[P]SX]5X]P[c^SPh 41D5<9>5:>;:0C0 @D9 hey dampened the local spirits by knocking out India but a resurrected West Indies cricket team will bring its own brand of joie-de-vivre to the ICC World Twenty20 summit clash when they take on a transformed England in what promises to be a battle of power-hitting here on Sunday. The exuberant Caribbeans, who almost did not come to the tournament owing to a pay dispute with their Cricket Board, have been nothing short of phenomenal so far. A shock loss to Afghanistan in the group stage is the only setback they faced in the course of what is turning out to be a fairytale run. "We think it is us against the world," captain Darren Sammy has declared twice so far, in a veiled reference to the bitter standoff with the Cricket Board during which the players were accused of putting money over country. On the other side is England, a team which, like the Windies, got no mention in the pre-tournament favourites list, barring the one given by Indian icon Sachin Tendulkar. There will be little to choose between both the sides who will be bidding to become the first nation to clinch the WT20 silverware for a second time, with England having won the tournament in 2010, followed by the West Indies two years later. Eden Gardens will host its first World Cup final since 1987 when the Mike Gatting-led Englishmen had lost to the Aussies by an agonising seven runs in the ODI version of the tournament. Now, 29 years later, the Englishmen will play another World Cup final at the same venue and will look to exorcise the ghosts of that infamous Gatting reverse sweep. With a 4-9 win loss record against the explosive West Indies, England may start as dark horses but Eoin Morgan's ice-cool leadership has made them a potent force. The West Indies journey, however, has been quite exemplary given that 12 of the 15 members of the squad agreed just on time and were terribly short on match practice coming into the tournament. A hurriedly arranged week-long camp in Dubai was all that they could manage in the name of build-up coming into the big event. T ?;0HC8<4) 4]V[P]S_[PhTabSdaX]VPcaPX]X]VbTbbX^]Pc4ST]6PaST]X]:^[ZPcP^]BPcdaSPh*1^cc^\)FTbc8]SXTb2P_cPX]3PaaT]BP\\h[TUcP]S4]V[P]SRP_cPX]4^X]<^aVP]W^[S822C!F^a[S2d_Ca^_Wh Add to this, they were missing three of their key players Sunil Narine, Kieron Pollard and Darren Bravo. But whenever the West Indies needed, the team found a hero, the latest being Lendl Simmons, who single-handedly demolished India in the semifinals despite being jet-lagged after a late call-up to be Andre Fletcher's replacement. Their inspired run comes at a time when the Caribbean under-19 has won the World Cup and their senior women's team has also made the World Twenty20 final. England too followed a similar pattern though theirs have been a story of consistency since they put their campaign on track after overwhelming South Africa by two wickets chasing out an astounding 230. Not so long ago, touring South Africa in the build-up to the WT20, England had A>03C>58=0; 4=6;0=3 ;^bcc^FTbc8]SXTbQh%fXRZTcb 1TPcB^dcW0UaXRPQhcf^fXRZTcb 1TPc0UVWP]XbcP]Qh $ad]b 1TPcBaX;P]ZPQh ad]b 1TPc=TfITP[P]SQh&fXRZTcb F4BC88=384B 1TPc4]V[P]SQhbXgfXRZTcb 1TPcBaX;P]ZPQhbTeT]fXRZTcb 1TPcB^dcW0UaXRPQhcWaTTfXRZTcb ;^bcc^0UVWP]XbcP]Qh%ad]b 1TPc8]SXPQhbTeT]fXRZTcb 2 0 ? C 0 8 = 2 > A = 4 A ³F8]SXTbXb]^cYdbcPQ^dc6Ph[T´ 41D5<9>5:>;:0C0 :^[ZPcPaT\PX]bPV^^SRWPbX]VVa^d]SfXcW STf[XZT[hc^_[Phb^\T_PacX]cWTTeT]X]V CWTaTXbPRWP]RT^UPcWd]STabc^a\^]Bd]SPh Qdc]^cbTaX^dbT]^dVWc^SXbad_ccWTRaXRZTc lost the Twenty20 series 0-2 and ODI series 2-3 and with their struggles against the turning ball it was unimaginable to think of them making it all the way. But they have quietly made rapid progress in the tournament especially after their epic chase against South Africa in the Super 10 where Joe Root anchored their innings with his 44-ball 83. With 195 runs at a strike rate of 145, England's No 3 Root is second only to Virat Kohli in this tournament and he will look to build the innings combined with the explosive opening duo of Jason Roy and Alex Hales. Roy will be the one to watch out for in the batting with the hard-hitting Jos Buttler who has floated up and down the order. Batting at 4, Butler's unbeaten 66 from = 4 C ; > 6 5^W\Q^TV_Sec _^R_g\Y^W 41D5<9>5:>;:0C0 @D9 @D9 ary of the collective batting prowess of the West Indies, England skipW per Eoin Morgan says their focus would be on the entire Caribbean side and not just Chris Gayle in the World T20 final, here on Sunday. The final would provide England an opportunity to avenge their loss against the West Indies in Super 10 stage, a game in which the Caribbeans rode on Gayle's 11 sixes in an unbeaten century to come out victorious. However, since then the big-hitting left-hander has been quiet, scoring just nine runs in two innings and is due for big knock on Sunday but Morgan said Lendl Simmons' innings against India in the semi-final proves that "West Indies team is not just about Gayle". "Even before we played them in the group stages I was quite firm that the West Indies team is not just about Chris Gayle," Morgan said on the eve of the summit clash. "It is important when you are playing good sides you don't focus on one or two players, it's everybody, because anybody can hurt you, and I think India witnessed that in the semifinal. Everyone watching the game (semi-final) witnessed that with Lendl Simmons' innings." Chasing India's 192 for two, the West Indies rode on Simmons, Johnson Charles and Russell's power-hitting to overwhelm the target with two balls to spare after Gayle got out cheaply. The West Indies have a 9-4 win-loss record against England going into tomorrow's big match but Morgan said past results would have no bearing on the final. "I think it's two completely different teams. Given that we've grown as a side, game after game. It's difficult to compare sides from the first game of the tournament to the final of the World Cup." ?8C27A4?>AC ary of the marauding West Indies batting, England team on Saturday focused on their bowling during the team's training session ahead of Sunday's highoctane finale of the World T20 here. The West Indies batsmen's tendency to clear the ropes led the English cricketers to go for a ribbon approach to their bowling strategy. The Englishmen marked the stumps with two ribbons across the 22 yards and their pacers and spinners bowled in tandem, perfecting their line and length during the two-hour long rigorous training session. Few yards away from their training strip, the pitch was covered with thick carpets. The buzz is that there will be some green patches to encourage some lateral movements for England's seam quartet of David Willey, Chris Jordan, Liam Plunkett and Ben Stokes. "I have had a look at the 4]V[P]S´b wicket yesterday not today. ;XP\ There is a nice covering of ?[d]ZTcc grass and it looks a really good ?C8 wicket, which is really a good news. I suppose coming to Kolkata you would expect it to have no grass but nice to see a covering of grass holding it together," said England captain Eoin Morgan. He, however, made it clear that the team management was flexible enough to pick a side should the grass be shaved off in the morning, and indicated that uncapped Hampshire leftarm spinner Liam Dawson may be drafted in. Stating that "everybody is fit for selection", Morgan said: "A couple of guys have been sick over the last few days but they've pulled up well today." W 4=6;0=30A40E4AH6>>3B834 B8=24F4140C4=C74<C74H 70E4?;0H43A40;;H6>>3 2A82:4CC70CBF7HC74HA48= C7458=0;B8F0=C2A82:4CC> 14C74F8==4A05C4A2A82:4C 70BC0:4=0;;C742A0I48 F0=CC74F4BC8=384BC>2><4 >DCE82C>A8>DB ¯F4BC8=384B³30AA4=B0<<H ³D=8CH8BC74:4H5>ADB´ Bitter but not unnerved by the "lack of respect" for his team even back home, West Indies captain Darren Sammy on Saturday said the side's stupendous WT20 run has been possible because of the players' unity in the face of acute adversity. The West Indians almost did not make it to the World T20 owing to a bitter pay dispute with their Cricket Board. But once here, they showed sublime form to storm into Sunday's final where they will take on England. "People just paint us as money grabbing cricketers because of our success in Twenty20 cricket. But yes still they don't respect us in that format. We get that sometimes from our own board," Sammy said. Blasting their critics, Sammy said the more they are castigated, the more they are united. He was reacting to a jibe by former English cricketer Mark Nicholas, who described the Windies players as "short of brains" in an article. "How could you describe people with F8==8=6C74C8C;4F>D;3<40= 07D640<>D=C8C78=:68E4= C74BCA834BC70CF4E4<0348= C74;0BC !<>=C7B8=C74 F78C410;;2A82:4CC78B F>D;31406A40CA4F0A35>A C74<8=3B4CF4E4B7>F=C74 343820C8>=0=3C7470A3F>A: ¯4=6;0=3³B4>8=<>A60= 'no brains'? Animals got brains. We're not an object. To me that particular comment really set it off for us. You could see me talking about it. It's kind of emotional, as for somebody whom I respect and had good rapport with that particular gentleman. To describe our team who were defending champions four years ago as we guys with no brains is really out of order," Sammy said. "Gods don't love the ugly and we're very wonderful and very beautiful men that's why we play exciting cricket," he added. Sammy said the contract row with their Board, WICB, in the lead up to the big event, has actually brought the players together. "It's been a tough journey. A lot happened before the tournament started but I always believed everything happens for a reason. I think the pre-tournament shenanigans brought us really closer together as a team. I don't know whether you have heard it. It feels like it's us against everybody else," he said. ?C8 37 ball had powered England to a winning 171/4 against Sri Lanka, while he finished their tricky 154 chase with an unbeaten 32 in 17 balls to send New Zealand packing in the semis. England will hope that Morgan, who has had two golden ducks, returns to form and the Windies will have similar expectations from Marlon Samuels who had hit a match-winning 78 in the 2012 final against Sri Lanka. As for big-hitting standards, the Windies will be second to none with the big-hitting and most-sought T20 cricketer Chris Gayle leading the charge. Against the same team, he had smacked an unbeaten 100 in their tournament opener, the ominous Gayle is sitting quiet for sometime and he would look for one final hurrah in what could be his final International appearance. In Charles, who set up their win against India with a 36-ball 52, and Simmons, who arrived just in time for his unbeaten 82 from 51 balls, West Indies have a dangerous top- order. An equally devastating bottom half with Andre Russell, Dwayne Bravo and skipper Darren Sammy also holds promise of a run feast. The surface may have some grass to aid the lateral movement and the English bowlers — with their seam quartet of David Willey, Chris Jordan, Liam Plunkett and Ben Stokes — will fancy their chances. Their relatively expensive Windies counterparts — Andre Russell, Carlos Brathwaite, Dwayne Bravo and Sammy — will also hope for an improved show. As far as the spin battle is concerned, the West Indian duo of Samuel Badree and Sulieman Benn are expected to stay ahead of Moeen Ali and Adil Rashid, who did well to turn it around for England in the semifinal against New Zealand. Squad England: Eoin Morgan (captain), Jason Roy, Alex Hales, Joe Root, Jos Buttler (wicketkeeper), Ben Stokes, Moeen Ali, Chris Jordan, David Willey, Adil Rashid, Liam Plunkett, Sam Billings, Liam Dawson, Reece Topley and James Vince. West Indies: Darren Sammy (captain), Johnson Charles, Chris Gayle, Marlon Samuels, Lendl Simmons, Andre Russell, Denesh Ramdin (wicketkeeper), Dwayne Bravo, Carlos Brathwaite, Samuel Badree, Sulieman Benn, Jason Holder, Jerome Taylor, Ashley Nurse and Evin Lewis. 5 0 8 A B 7 0 A 4 `] 1ecdbQ\YQfcGUcd9^TYUcl:>;:0C0 <YfUCdQbC`_bdc "*# ` $XVY\LQJWK:&WLWOH 41D5<9>5:>;:0C0 @D9 spirited West Indies women's team, in their bid to make it a 'Dream A Double' for the assortment of islands, will come out all guns blazing to stop the juggernaut of the three-time defending champions Australia in the final of the ICC World Twenty20, here on Sunday. The Southern Stars as the Aussie women team are known in the cricketing circuit, have been on a roll since winning the second edition of the Women's World Twenty20 in 2010. The Meg Lanning led Australian women's side choked arch-rivals England's 133-run chase with a five-run victory in the semifinal. Lanning has been their leading run-getter with 149 runs and against England her 50-ball 55 on a slow Kotla deck was the cornerstone to their winning total of 132/6. More than Lanning's effort it was inspiring with the way Australia prevailed in small contributions from the toporder to inflict their killer instinct on England. They were provided a strong start from the openers Alyssa Healy and Elyse Villani with a 41-run stand, their highest of the tournament. Under criticism for over dependence on Lanning, Alyssa took the attack to the English pace spearhead Katherine Brunt, that really set the tone as they could muster a fine Powerplay performance. In the spin-friendly and slow conditions of Eden Gardens their leg-break bowler Kristen Beams will look to make a potent force with left-arm spinner Jess Jonassen. Megan Schutt and Rene Farrell with their change of pace and the accuracy will be key to their pace bowling as they aim to win an unprecedented fourth successive title. The Southern Stars will hope that Blackwell return to form and display her array of strokes which may prove to be the difference. The West Indies women on the other F8]SXTbRP_cPX]BcPUP]XTCPh[^a[TUcP]S0dbbXTb <TV;P]]X]VW^[SC!F^a[S2d_Ca^_Wh ?C8 20?C08=B?40: 8CB=>C9DBC01>DC3454=38=68C F4A474A4C>F8=8C9DBC;8:4 4E4AH>C74AB834C><>AA>F8B0 =4F30H0=3F470E4C>BC0AC 5A><C74B2A0C27=>C78=6C70C 70??4=43145>A4A40;;H <0CC4ABF0=CC>BC0AC>55F4;; ¯<46;0==8=6 0DBCA0;80=20?C08= F40A4=>C8=C8<830C430C 0;;C74H70E4F>=C7A44 C8<4BF470E4=>C78=6C> ;>B4F46>C74A40=314 ?>B8C8E4F43458=8C4;HF0=C C>6A0B?C78B0=3F8=C74 2D?5>AC7458ABCC8<4 ¯BC050=84C0H;>A F4BC8=384BB:8??4A hand living a dream after Britney Cooper's maiden T20I half-century enabled them progress to their first ever final as they would look to win the silverware to inspire Darren Sammy and Co later in the day as they will be eyeing for a double in the World T20. The Southern Stars may just be the heavyweights but on form the WIndies Women team stays ahead with their swagger and substance. ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U 1`bY\#" !& 5 A > < HcZeZ_XW`cTYZ]UcV_ 0]X]cTaeXTffXcW=P]SP]PBT] fWTaTbWTcP[ZbPQ^dcWTa X]e^[eT\T]cfXcWRWX[SaT]´bXbbdTb P]SWTa[^eTU^aQ^^Zb C 7 4 8 = B 8 3 4 >`_Vj^ReeVcd EXeTZ;Pf^]T^U8]SXPb\^bc Tg_TaXT]RTS_Tab^]P[UX]P]RT Y^da]P[XbcbbX\_[XUXTbcWT_a^RTbb X]eTbcX]V^]T´bWPaSTPa]TS\^]Th 9:A^f[X]V b^\TcX\Tbc^[S\T X][TccTabW^f X]bTRdaTbWTUT[cPb Ph^d]VVXa[P]S cWPcbWTX]YTRcbcWPc X]c^P[[WTa RWPaPRcTab °4eP]]P;h]RW EVRTYVcd+8]`SR]]VRUVcd CTPRWX]VXb^]T^UcWT\^bc X\_^acP]c_a^UTbbX^]bP]SfT ]TTS\^aTh^dcWb´ X]e^[eT\T]cX]cWXbUXT[S 4647 0DNLQJPXVLF <P]b^^a:WP]bSTQdcUTPcdaT]^c^][h[Pd]RWTS0P\Xa:WP]P]S9dWX2WPf[PQdcaTeXeTS\dbXRX]\PX]bcaTP\7X]SXRX]T\P very era of Hindi cinema has seen itself being identified by a definitive sound and perhaps this could also be the reason for a clear transition, a transfer of power kind of act when one stalwart passed the baton to the upcoming one. While there was a clear transition between a Khemchand Prakash and a Naushad Ali, and then a ShankarJaikishan and an SD Burman, followed by an RD Burman and a Laxmikant-Pyarelal (L-P),who along with Kalyanji-Anandji dominated the popular Hindi film music scene until the end of the 1970s. But unlike the past there was no pure evolution from 60DC0< this era to the next. 278=C0<0=8 While one could say that Kalyanji-Anandji and Biddu’s score for Qurbani and L-P’s Karz (1980) set the tone for the 1980s, and this followed by Bappi Lahiri’s scintillating Disco Dancer (1982), arguably one of best disco-funk albums ever, only strengthened the case. Yet in just the first half of the decade there was a resurgence of the RD sound with Sanam Teri Kasam (1982), Masoom (1983), the return of classical influence with Khayyam with Umrao Jaan(1981) and Ravi’s Nikaah (1982) but surprisingly enough, these couldn’t save Hindi film music from falling into an abyss whereby the mid-1980s synthesised cacophony in the name of melody and double entendres in the name of lyrics had become commonplace. For a cinema where music had been such an integral part where many times it was only the songs that audiences could recall long after the films were forgotten, the loss of melody was almost a death knell. Even with films that featured someone like an RD, songs weren’t attached the importance they once enjoyed. It was in this scenario that a film like Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak (1988) came along and changed everything. In many ways director Mansoor Khan’s debut feature, which also launched the careers of Aamir Khan and Juhi Chawla, was a throwback to the Hindi cinema of the 1960s and taking all classic elements such as romance, family drama, most importantly music where melody was the mainstay, the film simply pressed a refresh button that revived music in mainstream Hindi cinema. Featuring the music of then relatively unknown composers Anand and Milind Shrivastav, the songs of the film set a new standard and created a platform that allowed not just young musicians and singers but also entrepreneurs such as Gulshan Kumar, whose music label T-Series became synonymous with film music by E producing Lal Dupatta Malmal Ka (1989) and later Aashiqui (1990) that ushered in a new phase in Hindi film music. The following is an exclusive excerpt from the author’s forthcoming book that explores the cultural significance and the impact of Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak on popular Hindi cinema (Reproduced with permission from HarperCollins Publishers India): For Mansoor Khan, the music of Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak was a far greater motivation to make the film than anything else. Having seen his father, Nasir Hussain, in numerous sitting sessions with RD Burman and Majrooh Sulantanpuri over the years fascinated him about the process of creating music. Moreover, as someone who could play an instrument, drums, Mansoor was musically attuned and in that sense more conversant with this aspect of filmmaking than most others. Being a Nasir Hussain production it was a foregone conclusion that RD would provide the score and both Nasir Hussain as well as RD were raring to go. But Mansoor had other ideas. He believed that he’d simply be overawed by the presence of a giant such as RD and might not be able to put his point across. Irrespective of the bad patch that RD had hit in the mid-1980s Nasir Hussain was confident of RD delivering a fresh, young sound that the film demanded. “Even though I had seen him (RD) work with my father and knew how brilliant and intuitive he was, I didn’t know how I’d be able to relate to him,” says Mansoor of RD. Mansoor conveyed to his father that he’d need his space and perhaps out of sheer reverence to ‘Pancham Uncle’ he might not be able to express himself. Nasir Hussain understood Mansoor’s predicament and RD ended up making way for yet another second generation of musicians, who unlike him were still to come out of the shadow of their more illustrious father. Anand and Milind Shrivastav were the sons of music composer Chitragupt and although they had a release in Pankaj Parasher’s Ab Ayega Mazaa (1984) they were still relatively unknown. They had also composed the theme of the popular TV detective series Karamchand as well as the video magazine Lehren. Being assistants to their father, who in spite of being a popular music composer in the 1960s never made it to the A-list, both were well trained to understand the nuances of Hindi film music. With Chitragupt transitioning into composing music for Bhojpuri films, Anand and Milind were also exposed to a typical Indian flavour which along with background in playing the piano and guitars respectively gave their sound a unique blend of two worlds. Milind recalls how the three of them would end up going on long drives in Mansoor’s red 14B834B<0=B>>AB 2;0A8CH0=378B F8;;8=6=4BBC>14 >?4=4=>D67C> 8340B8CF0B0;B> C74<0==4A8= F78270=0=3<8;8=3 0??A>02743C74 <DB8280=BC70C <03407D64 38554A4=24C>C74 B>=6B>5C7458;< C743D>703C748A 50E>DA8C4B4C>5 <DB8280=B 2>=CA81DC8=6C>C74 B2>A40=3C78B;8BC 8=2;D343B><4>5 C7414BC8=C74 CA034 Maruti Omni discussing tunes. The brothers remember how Mansoor wouldn’t like a break in the mood and would simply make an unscheduled turn if a traffic signal ever threatened to stop them. The brothers respected Mansoor’s opinion when it came to music and loved being challenged by someone who knew what he was talking about but they weren’t still sure about being the final choice as they still somewhere believed that being a Nasir Hussain production, RD Burman would be an automatic choice. But the die was cast the day a call from Nasir Hussain himself brought Anand-Milind on-board. Rather than changing the manner in which music was traditionally composed in Hindi cinema, Anand-Milind decided to approach not just the score but also the musicians differently. Starting from Papa kehte hai, the song that would go on to become the anthem of the nation in a few years, Mansoor visually described the orchestra along with its sections that would appear on screen and the brothers wrote the score based on that. With the tune finalised and much of the arrangement done, it was time for the lyricist to join in and once again being a Nasir Hussain production Majrooh Sultanpuri was a spontaneous choice. This once Nasir Hussain ended up acting as a buffer of sorts between the legendary poet-lyricist and his son. Unlike his father Mansoor wasn’t too conversant with Urdu poetry and believed that he lacked the mechanism needed by a Hindi film director to convert what he wanted in the lyrics. Both Majrooh Sultanpuri and Nasir Hussain had immense respect for each other and Mansoor never doubted that the only reason the veteran wordsmith was working with him was because of his long association with his father. Majrooh, who had seen Mansoor grow up in front of his eyes, was quite accommodating when engaging with the young director. Mansoor would explain the situation in a broken manner, a mix of sentences and key words and Majrooh would patiently hear and come up with some verses. Although Papa kehte hai was finalised first it was the duet Gazab ka hai din that was recorded first. Traditionally in Hindi cinema the tune more often than not got precedence over the words and both Mansoor as well as the music directors were throwbacks on this old school method. Anand-Milind had grown up with this belief while Mansoor didn’t know any other way of working as he had seen his father and RD Burman work this way. //a# 2_\\ig__TQ^T `eR\YcXY^W hardback biography in Rajesh Khanna (Dark Star: The Loneliness of Being Rajesh Khanna, HarperCollins Publishers India) sells out its 5000-copy print run in three months. A book of interviews with film-makers, by first-time author Rakesh Anand Bakshi, talking of their journey to their first film reprints within three months of publishing (Directors Diaries, HarperCollins Publishers India). A book on 50 classic Hindi film songs (Gaata Rahe Mera Dil, HarperCollins Publishers India) does the same. Books as varied as Satyajit Ray’s The Pather Panchali Sketchbook, a biography of Nasir Hussain by Akshay Manwani, film monographs on DDLJ, QSQT and Mr India, plus a box set of Gulzar’s films (Aandhi, Angoor and Ijaazat), books on popular Hindi cinema are coming out thick and fast inundated. Cinema, and Bollywood popular cinema, in particular, seems to have emerged as the flavour of the season among authors and academics. And almost all top-notch publishers are falling over themselves in churning out the next big Bollywood book. For a nation obsessed with films and film stars, there has been very little writing on cinema in India, till very recently. For years it has been limited to either low-brow film magazines with their salacious gossip and self-serving interviews of stars, or esoteric studies of popular culture characterised by a scholarly outlook and full of academic jargon. We had our Stardusts and Filmfares and we had such scholarly trea- A tises like Gayatri Chatterjee’s Awara and Mother India. There was no middle ground, no informed, insightful look, in a nonacademic vein, at what is undoubtedly India’s most visible cultural phenomenon. Hindi cinema, in particular, was looked upon as frivolous, mere ‘time-pass’. It wasn’t meant to be studied or analysed in any great depth. Not only that, the so-called ‘respectable’ classes looked upon any interest in cinema as a symptom of delinquency. Many of us in our teens in the early 1980s, for example, will remember how elders in the family equated Hindi cinema with a fall in grades and sundry other vices. Trips to the cinema were surreptitious affairs, hidden from parental knowledge. And there were few misdemeanours greater than being caught reading a film magazine. This tendency to look down on cinema was not limited to the lay person. Even a megastar like Amitabh Bachchan repeatedly dismissed attempts to study and analyse his stardom and its influence by commenting, to give just one example, on one of his films which was criticised for its violence and vulgarity, ‘It is a film, not to be taken seriously’ (Filmfare, August 1-15, 1986). Thus, it does not come as a surprise that writers in India, except of course those who did academic research on the subject, thought that writing on popular cinema would put them in the category of non-serious or dilettante writers. //a# ce^TQi 8=! DB4>5<0A89D0=01H C44=064AB78C0"H40A ?40:0=35>AC7458ABC C8<4DBC44=B A4?>AC43B<>:8=6 <>A4?>CC70=2860A4CC4B ]QWQjY^U PNAJ@O 1`bY\#" !& ?>1<571<8978 BTeTaP[BcPcTbX]cWTDBPaT[TVP[XbX]V_^bTbbX^]P]S_dQ[XRR^]bd\_cX^]^U\PaXYdP]PCWXbWPb [TSc^PQdaVT^]X]V²\PaXYdP]P³X]SdbcahFWPcRP]8]SXP[TPa].:DB70=<8CA0P]bfTab he Pacific Northwest is possibly one of the nicest parts of America. One of the final parts of this gigantic country to be colonised, it is still dominated by massive forests. Even the largest city in this part of the United States, Seattle — famous for its coffee and computer code — is an oddly laidback sort of place. It lacks the hurried nature of cities on the east coast, the latent racism of the American South and the glamour (and sunshine) of California. But drive 15 minutes from the heart of the city, which would be Pike Place market, famous for its stalls selling gigantic King Salmon and where Starbucks originated, you get to the corner of 23rd and Union Street. And there, you really can’t miss the giant neon sign for ‘Uncle Ike’s’, there is quite a crowd too. Which is odd, because 15 minutes from the heart of the Central Business District, you are in suburbia, with low-rise wooden buildings and organic supermarkets. But Uncle Ike’s is not your regular store, you see. It is a fully legitimate marijuana shop. Because in the State of Washington, where Seattle is the biggest city, buying and consuming marijuana is completely legitimate. And it is not just Washington, Alaska and Colorado have also allowed marijuana consumption for recreational use (with Oregon about to follow suit). A majority of US States now allow marijuana use for medical purposes and as one noticed in California, it is fairly easy to get properly grown, sealed marijuana because getting a medical certificate is really not that difficult. Public opinion towards marijuana, once the key villain on the ‘war on Drugs’ started by Roland Reagan has shifted dramatically and most US states are moving towards legitimising marijuana growing and consumption. Yet, marijuana consumption and transportation remains a federal crime, so one cannot use Credit Cards to buy weed at Uncle Ike’s as that is under the purview of the US Treasury Department. But cash can buy you everything from marijuana infused mints and chocolates to prerolled joints and hundreds of different varieties of what we call ganja. There is a massive amount of research and innovation taking place in this sector, particularly in the Pacific Northwest. However, this is an ‘industry’ now, and much like ‘Big Tobacco’, America is bound to give birth to ‘Big Weed’ and as we find out more about the medical and beneficial impacts of ganja and its active ingredient T =^cPRWX[S´b_[Ph Ad]]X]VPSPhRPaTRT]caT^aP_aTbRW^^[Xb RWP[[T]VX]V?DAE4B7B70A<0T[PQ^aPcTb here are numerous points that a parents look into while choosing an ideal daycare or preschool for their child. Similar is the situation of preschool and daycare centre owners who try to meet each and every expectation of a worried parent. Here are a few tips to ease the worry of a parent’s mind and might help future entrepreneurs in taking up the initiative of starting a daycare or a preschool: T Security & Safety: Security of a child holds utmost importance for both parents and faculty. A good daycare or preschool needs to make sure that a child is secure in the premises at all times. Watching your child Live on a CCTV footage and getting constant updates about his/her activities is an edge over traditional setups. Very often schools lack proper security and such facility, making it a setback while parents consider the school and its services for their child. Infrastructure: It is very essential where a school or daycare is situated as parents prefer having a place close by. Even if it is not in the vicinity, it is ideal to make a school that has ample civilisation around and is easily accessible. Transportation that does not take much time is safe and preferred. Long distances can hamper the decision of a parent to admit their child in a particular school or daycare. Skilled staff: The functioning of a daycare or preschool is incomplete without well skilled and educated staff. A child will be in the care of teachers and staff almost eight to 10 hours in the day and need to be in safe hands. Selecting the right staff and making sure they will add to the personality and learning of a child’s formative years is imperative. Tetrahydrocannibinol (THC) one question should arise. What should India do? Because, make no mistakes, this is where the plant came from, ganja consumption is intertwined with Hinduism, it is written of in our texts. This past week, millions of Indians must have consumed thandai laced with bhaang, well, same plant, same effects albeit slightly moderated. It were the indentured labourers that the British snatched from their houses in North India taking them halfway across the world to work in sugar plantations in the Caribbean that took the seeds of the plant with them. It was in the slave labour camps that the Indians shared their plant with their fellow slaves from Africa. And the marijuana plant became subsumed in Caribbean culture, eventually making it into global popular consciousness through Bob Marley and the Rastafarian movement. In India, the irony is that the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act of 1985 in effect =>C>=;HB7>D;3 8=38070E40 <>A4 ?A>6A4BB8E4 0CC8CD34 C>F0A3B60=90 1DCF420=0=3 B7>D;31D8;3 8=3DBCAH0=3 C>DA8B<0A>D=3 8C made the possession and consumption of most drugs, including marijuana illegal. The NDPS Act is an incredibly powerful act that gives a lot of suo moto powers to police officials. Yet, it is an open secret that India is not only one of the world’s largest producers and consumers of ganja in various forms (either the leaf or the resin, more popularly called charas). Malana Cream, grown in a village in the Manali-Kasaul valley in Himachal Pradesh is one of the most coveted forms of the drug globally. Given that bhaang thandai and pakodas has immense social acceptability in India as does smoking ganja to a large extent. Nobody is arguing that the NDPS Act should be scrapped, drugs such as cocaine, heroin and LSD despite their relatively easy availability in India are social ills, yet as the West moves to a progressive and permissive culture with substances like ganja, so should India. If for nothing else, simply because culturally we are a people at ease with it. And as American cities and States where marijuana has been legalised have discovered, there are immense taxation benefits, better utilisation of police because low-level drug usage is ignored and clear tourism benefits. Most of the people at Uncle Ike’s were from outside Washington. Just like the United States has upended the global beer industry in the past few years by being extremely innovative, seeing the choice of products at Uncle Ike’s, it is quite clear that the US will dominate any future marijuana industry. The details and analysis on every packet of cookie or chocolate one bought was extremely detailed, down to the type of high one would experience. In india, one of the constant complaints is how the West has appropriated our traditional plants and cure. This country has clearly lost control of this traditional plant. Not only should India have a more progressive attitude towards cannabis/marijuana/ganja whatever one chooses to call it, but we can and should build industry and tourism around it. Curriculum: 90 per cent of human brain development happens in first five years of life. It makes early childhood education and care most important part of child’s growth and development. It’s essential that you choose a curriculum that’s scientific, research based and endorsed by reputed institutions, universities and authorities. Business Model: Before jumping to any other issue, it is essential that school owners decide what kind of business model do they intend to take up. A school or a daycare can be taken up either by having your own setup where an individual can invest his/her own money or even get into a partnership. The other model is taking up a franchise where the core model of a school and its functioning are backed by another source with greater experience or probably an established brand name. This can be a huge deciding factor for an entrepreneur and needs a lot of thought and research before taking the plunge. Homely Environment: A major part of a school or daycares are having a homely and hygienic environment for a child. A lot depends on a daycare’s appearance and the hygiene it maintains, as a child spends maximum hours there. The last problem a daycare would want is children falling ill due to the centre. The centre should always have a doctor on call and keep a readily available First Aid kit. To survive in this education and daycare industry these are just few factors mentioned that a potential entrepreneur should look out for. Daycares and preschools need a lot of research and need to make sure they do offer such services that will not only attract parents but also be the best for a child’s overall development. CWTfaXcTaXb2>>5^^c_aX]cb2WX[SRPaTP]S_aTbRW^^[RWPX] 5 A > < ?0 6 4 he basic tune for Gazab ka hai din was a mix of country and rock ballad and portions of it are almost evocative of Neil Diamond’s Play Me but the mood was new for Hindi music and so was the arrangement. One rarely heard trombones in a love duet and Majrooh’s words that were almost conversational in nature merged beautifully with the arrangement and even infused enthusiasm. It was their father’s Bhojpuri innings that also gave Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak its playback singers in the form of Udit Narayan and Alka Yagnik. Udit Narayan had come to Bombay in the late 1970s and was on the verge of giving up on his dream of becoming a playback singer when the faint possibility of Mansoor’s future project inspired him to hang on. Mansoor was also clear about using a new set of voices for both Aamir and Juhi as opposed to the established ones and even though Abhijeet was discussed as an option in the end Mansoor opted for Udit Narayan. At the time when the music of Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak was being created the format of recording was also undergoing a transition from mono to stereo and this was one of the first few films with stereophonic sound. While recording on multi-tracks gave the music director the freedom to record the song and music separately, the singer still had to sing the full song as option of plugging in a part or cutting and pasting portions or even effects such as pitch-correction were a few years away. Most of the songs were recorded over a couple of days with the rhythm and strings on one and the vocals on the second day. In some cases such as Gazab ka hai din the entire song was recorded in a T 46470DNLQJPXVLF single day. While Anand-Milind, Mansoor and Nasir Hussain were on the same page for most of the recording the only time the three differed was during the recording of the lullaby Kahe sataye. Milind often wonders that the tune wasn’t done justice to keeping the short duration of the song in mind. “It was such a sweet melody and I wanted to record a full song,” recalls the younger brother but Anand is quick to add that Nasir sahab wanted to keep it as is. Mansoor, on the other hand, remembers his father toying with the idea of a song but he wanted to go a step ahead and keep a threadbare version with just Alka Yagnik humming the song without any music. Interestingly this is one of his favourite things about the film, which ironically enough is also one of the few things he regrets not doing right and given half a chance this would perhaps be the only thing he’d like to change about the film. Which brings one to Aye mere humsafar. The brothers vaguely knew the situation of the song but Mansoor had given them an idea of the images that would make the montage such as ticking clock, Rashmi (Juhi Chawla) striking the days on the calendar, the picnic, etc. In an inspired spurt the two worked out a basic melody of Aye mere humsafar and recorded it right away on their cassette player to present it to Nasir Hussain, who approved it as soon as he heard it. Mansoor had taken off in his sailboat on an impromptu break to Alibaugh and bad weather had delayed his return but like his father, he immediately approved the tune once he was back. Anand-Milind had wanted one song to have some Indian element and in that sense Aye mere humsafar ended up being the archetypal Hindi film song of the soundtrack. They worked out a rhythm pattern that would feature Indian percussion such as the dholak and the tabla but at the same time be a departure from the standard recognisable pattern. With a little help from Dubey, a much sort after dholak virtuoso who also happened to be a regular with RD Burman, the duo came up with a pattern where the bol or the mnemonic system of strokes is different for the intro and the verses. Besides Mansoor’s clarity and his willingness to be open enough to ideas, it was also the manner in which Anand-Milind approached the musicians that made a huge difference to the songs of the film. The duo had their favourite set of musicians contributing to the score and this list included some of the best in the trade such as Kawas Lord, Homi Mullan (Percussion), Viju Shah (Keyboards), Shayam Raj (Sporano sax), Raju Singh and Sunil Kaushik (Electric Guitar) (Electric Guitar), Tony Vaz and Ramesh Iyer (Bass) and Dubey (Dholak). With the advent of synthesised sounds in the mid 1980s and the general decay in the quality of music most of these musicians rarely got a score that would push the envelope but here they knew that they were on to something. But the enduring impact that Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak’s music would have on Hindi cinema was still some distance away. The signs might have been there but most in the industry weren’t able to fathom the manner in which the music of Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak would ultimately end up signaling a return to melody. As the film underwent a long period of endless trial shows with distributors expressing their doubts about the film’s potential at the box-office, the lukewarm response to the film’s music ended up being a common factor of doubt across the array of prospective buyers. They questioned the ending, debated over the title but simply couldn’t get over the music which most felt was poor when compared to typical Nasir Hussain productions. This was still a time when a distributor’s word could seal the fate of films and although Nasir Hussain was still a revered figure, a film from his banner with what they called thanda or lukewarm music was an anomaly too conspicuous to ignore. In spite of some air time on radio and an official launch by Rishi Kapoor, the music was still to hit the bull’s eye but it was one of the trials that a close friend of Nasir Hussain finally saw what the world was yet to witness. Shammi Kapoor and Nasir Husain were close friends and the star whose career was practically resurrected by the filmmaker told him that no one could stop the film or its music. But the biggest compliment that the music got was from the man who could have been the one composing it. “Pancham da loved the music and complimented us on the sound we managed to get”, says Anand and recalls how RD kept asking them about the entire process. Milind says, “I was stunned and said, ‘What are you saying, Pancham da!’ and told him how we not only used most of his musicians but also the same recording studio at Film Center.” Yet the veteran trailblazer kept asking them about the placement of mics, etc. and assured them that it was a matter of time before the their music worked it’s magic. CWTfaXcTaXbXbcWTPdcW^a^UcWTQTbc bT[[X]V3PaZBcPa)CWT;^]T[X]Tbb^U1TX]V APYTbW:WP]]PCfTTcWX\/VRWX]cP\P]X 1^[[hf^^SP]S_dQ[XbWX]V Bollywood in the national consciousness This perception has changed with the commercial success of Hindi cinema in the NRI markets and the rising currency of its stars around the world. Hindi films have become respectable. They have emerged, as Amitav Ghosh so cogently puts it in his essay ‘The March of the Novel through History’, as the ‘most widely circulated cultural artefacts the world has ever known’. Hindi cinema is being feted around the world. It is finding acceptance in the bastions of high culture. It is no longer a ‘guilty hidden passion’, as Jerry Pinto puts it, regarded with contempt. The new Indian middle class which cannot seem to have enough of Bollywood, as visible in the surfeit of Bollywood-driven programmes on prime-time TV, is driving the interest in film-related publishing, thanks to the opening up of the retail sector in India. Now, publishers have much more opportunity to reach out to the potential customer, through book clubs, web stores, books in shopping centres, even multiplexes. All of which makes Bollywood-oriented publishing more viable than before. This cannot but have an effect on a new breed of writers who have caught on to this interest and have wrested film writing from the domain of the academic. Bollywood has recently become mainstream hot property. Consequently, it has become a viable business proposition for book publishers, with an eager audience waiting to read more about their favourite star or movie. Though biographies, and tell-all biographies of stars at that, are what majorly drives the market so far, there have been a lot of interest in writing on cinema in general: From film analysis to writings on music and lyricists to niche subjects like women film-makers (a forthcoming title from HarperCollins) to the collector’s edi- tion on Pather Panchali mentioned above. And though we continue to be a nation that watches its films more than reads them (big numbers are still a problem unless it’s a big star biography), a lot of HarperCollins books on cinema have reprinted on a regular basis: The biographies of RD Burman, Rajesh Khanna, Sahir Ludhianvi, Satyajit Ray’s book of essays Deep Focus, Nemai Ghosh’s book on Satyajit Ray titled, Manik-da. There is no denying that the current crop of books is more accessible, the narrative style far removed from the grim theorising of academic tomes,without degenerating into flippant newspaper/magazine reportage.The conscious ‘film studies’ style of writing which only the scholar could read has given way to a chatty, anecdotal style which engages the reader in a one-to-one. Future perfect? So, is this interest in film books a passing fancy, the flavour of the season so to speak, or do the publishers feel the trend will continue to pay in the long term? As far as I can see, the season is here to stay as most of these books have done extremely well in terms of sales and critical appreciation. There is no denying that India is still some way from being a fully evolved film book market. But as the readership grows and as we have more writers and publishers investing time and money into books, one can expect to see some fascinating books. I think we aren’t there yet, both in terms of content and style, but we will get there, sooner rather than later. The huge market cinema commands and its merchandising potential are bound to affect the book world as well. Film in India is too valuable a chunk of cultural history not to cover. °BWP]cP]dAPh2WPdSWdaX<P]PVX]V4SXc^a 7Pa_Ta2^[[X]b8]SXP ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U >KKGO 8CC>>:=>07 F41BC4A"%H40ABC> FA8C478B58ABC 382C8>=0AH 1`bY\#" !& 3bUQdY^WQSXY\Tµcg_b\TfYUg 3XY\TbU^µc\YdUbQdebUYcQRYWbUc`_^cYRY\Ydi;YTcQbUc_Y]`bUccY_^QR\U±_^UR__[SQ^SXQ^WUdXU gQiQSXY\T\__[cQddXUg_b\TQ^TgXQdcXUfQ\eUc>Q^TQ^QCU^dU\\c1>1>I12?B7?819> eing the daughter of Nobel laureate Amartya Sen and renowned Bengali writer, Padma Shri Nabanita Deb Sen, Nandana Sen grew up in a world where books were sacred and reading was cultural. She formally pursued literature in Harvard university, topping her first year and winning various academic awards in the next few. She also starred in a few movies and is expected to been seen on the big screen again. Amidst this mix of roles, she's also a child rights activist and a writer (married to John Mackinson, Chairman, Penguin Random House). In an interview, she speaks about books, authors and genres close to her heart; her book, Mambi and the Forest Fire; and children’s literature. who never wants to go to sleep! While Mambi and the Forest Fire focusses on self-confidence, courage, and empathy, the next books in the Mambi series will explore, in inventive and colourful ways, topics such as learning to share, respecting diversity, and helping others in need. I’m also excited about two “grown-up” books I’ve been asked to write; one is a father-daughter story about celebrity and corruption, about power and its abuse, and above all, about the difficult love that makes or breaks a family; the other would trace the evolution of a woman-powered literary and political identity, seen through the eyes of three generations of rule-breaking Bengali women. B >2>3:2?5E96 7@C6DE7:C6 ?R_UR_R5VgDV_ AfWWZ_C#** What is the most imaginative thing that you did as a child? I don’t know about most imaginative, but the most precocious thing I did as a child was to spend my holidays one summer writing a novel about a girl detective — when I was all of 10! My mother still has that manuscript. What kind of books and which authors’ works are you drawn to? I’ve always been addicted to books, so I have many favourites in every genre. Toni Morrison, Rabindranath Tagore, TS Eliot, Margaret Atwood, Amitav Ghosh, Chimamanda Adichie, Salman Rushdie, Jorge Luis Borges, Ashapurna Debi, Roald Dahl, and Isabel Allende are a few abiding favourites but there are many more. It’s no coincidence that many of them (eg Tagore, Ashapurna, Atwood, Eliot, Rushdie, Dahl) have written wonderful books for children as well as adults. I am especially drawn to magical realism, nonsense rhymes, narrative non-fiction, and love poems. What drew you towards children’s literature? What’s especially fun about writing for children is that you can use fantasy to make reality more vivid for kids — the larger reality they live in, a reality from which privileged children are at times quite disconnected. So, many of the stories I’d like to tell grew, in some way or the other, out of my work in child protection — they germinated and came togeth- er over the years, as I worked with kids. I absolutely love writing for children. In the last few weeks I’ve held 15 odd raucous sessions in multiple cities with hundreds of excited kids, whether in schools, bookstores, lit fests, national parks, or community centres. For me, this kind of interactive storytelling is the most fun part about being a children’s author. Is Mambi a product of this association with childrens’ issues? Very much so. Mambi, the shy little monkey who doubts herself but proves to be the kindest and bravest of all, got invented when I spent a day in a children’s home in Kolkata, with kids who were T =4F 0AA8E0;B 0B1>HB142><4 <4= <dZd[:d\Pa Ad_PC! 5aTTS^\UaXT]SbP]SUd]CWPc³bW^f \^bc^UdbaT\T\QTa^daR^[[TVThTPab 1dcU^acW^bTbcdShX]Vc^VTcX]c^cWT R^eTcTS8]SXP]2XeX[BTaeXRTbR^[[TVT[XUT PR`dXaTbP]PSSXcX^]P[[PhTa0b1^hb 1TR^\T<T] aTe^[eTbPa^d]ScWaTTbdRW Q^hb<XWXaDSPhP]SBP]STT_fW^bTc ^dcc^VTcWTac^RaPRZcWT2XeX[BTaeXRTb TgP\CWXbQ^^ZTg_[^aTbR^[[TVT[XUT UaXT]SbWX_a^\P]RT[TPeX]VW^\TP]S PSYdbcX]Vc^P]TfT]eXa^]\T]cP]S STbRaXQTbW^f]TV^cXPcX]VP\^]VSWPa\P P]SSTbXaT[^eTP]S[dbcRP]QTcaXRZh 0A01BD=B44= <^WP\\TS<PWU^^SW 0[PaSWX 1[^^\bQdahC%(( 0aPQbD]bTT] Tg_[^aTbcWT T][XVWcT]X]VY^da]Thb^U TgT\_[PahUXVdaTbUa^\cWT\^STa]0aPQ f^a[S8cT\QaPRTbcWTcWT\T^USaPfX]V X]b_XaPcX^]Ua^\cWTbTX]SXeXSdP[bfW^ ^eTaRP\TePaX^dbRWP[[T]VTbc^QdX[SP Q^Sh^Uf^aZX]cWTXaaTb_TRcXeTUXT[Sb CWTXaTg_TaXT]RTbPaTbXV]XUXRP]cU^aP[[ VT]TaPcX^]bfXcWX]cWT0aPQf^a[SP]S QTh^]S 50;B4248;8=6B 0\XcBWPa\P ;XUXC!($ BWPZd]cP[PXbP_P\_TaTS RWX[S^UPfTP[cWhQdX[STa>] WTafTSSX]V]XVWcX] (#% bWTXbVXUcTSPbTRaTcc^dbTfXbT[hfWT]cWT cX\TR^\Tb5a^\cWTVaTT]eP[[Thb^U 3P[W^dbXTc^PeX[[PVTX]?d]YPQaTT[X]Vd]STa cWTR^\\d]P[eX^[T]RT^U (#&*Ua^\cWT3T[WX ^U ($bfXcWXcbX]c^gXRPcX]Vb\T[[^UUaTTS^\ c^cWT3T[WX^U (&bb^PZTSX]cWTWX__XT Rd[cdaTcWTRP]RTa^dbbTRaTcQaTPcWTbfXcW WTaX]UTRcbWTa8cXbPRRXST]cP[[h_PbbTSS^f] WXSST]d]STaX]bTRdaXcXTbP]SYTP[^dbXTb [^RZTSX]Xcb\TP]X]V[Tbb]TbbP]S[TPeX]VP caPX[^UadX]D]cX[WTaVaTPcVaP]Sb^] PRRXST]cP[[hSXbR^eTabXcP]SXb_Ta_[TgTSQh cWT\P[XRTcWPcU[^fTSX]WXbUP\X[hbQ[^^S he novel starts with a clichéd setting — two strangers, a wedding party in progress, a mellow moon soaked night, hushed conversations, the magnificent Taj Mahal somewhere in the backdrop. The story of Dushyant’s life is also the story of his novel, Kinda Clichéd. His novel might be clichéd but Sreemoyee Piu Kundu’s novel is a quest for the ‘unclichéd’ in every way. It’s strikingly different, refreshing, an atypical romance at its very core. Even though the narrator is Dushyant, it sometimes feels as if Kundu is directly communicating with her readers. Especially when she writes, “You worry too much about how the story will end, when it’s actually just started. Just like an impatient reader.” She reverses typical traits of a clichéd romance by making the woman propose (generally a male prerogative); the women characters are also bold, assertive and authoritative whereas men are meek and helpless. Here, the hero needs to ‘be saved’ instead of the ‘damsel in distress’ being rescued by her Prince Charming/Knight in shining armour. She flips the narrative of Kalidasa’s magnum opus, casting her hero in a modern avatar as a new age confused metrosexual man in search of his identity and one true love. This characterisation is in sharp contrast to the typical swashbuckling hero of most love sagas. She goes beyond the well established Chicklit genre by getting inside the mind of a male protagonist. This technically makes it a Lad-Lit, but through a female perspective. The language is lyrical, sensuously metaphoric, poetic and powerful. It is never crude or crass even when describing the love scenes which are not euphemistic. The humour is classy, never low brow or resorting to the scatological. The narrative is set at a heady pace and never gets boring. The sensuality of language is evident in lines like — “Emptiness wrapped itself around the place like a shroud” and “Her bare back was like a river brimming with secret tides.” She also showcases the irony amazingly resilient yet lacking in selfconfidence, in part because of their difficult pasts. The kids immediately connected with Mambi’s character, and pretty soon I was playing with the liveliest, most creative and fearless bunch of kids. That’s how Mambi and her forest friends came into being, on that day. While writing a children’s book, to what extent would you desist from employing literary theory and cultural criticism in it? I would desist from it from start to finish, as writing for children is all about instinct and imagination. At the same time, it’s a big responsibility because children are so impressionable — one book can change the way a child looks at the world, and what she values. That’s what makes it such an exciting genre as well. I believe in the transformative power of children’s books as much as I believe in the huge influence of cinema. Is the children’s literature produced by a country reflective of its consciousness? They say Britain produces the best of Children’s literature. Do you agree? The UK does have outstanding children’s writers and publishers, but India has a great tradition of children’s literature too, from the Jatakasand Panchatantra to Abol Tabol and Ha-Ja-Ba-Ra-La of Sukumar Ray, from Ruskin Bond’s Rusty to Satyajit Ray’s Feluda, from the Bengali fairy-tales of Thakhurmar Jhuli to the ever-popular Amar Chitra Katha, from children’s editions of our epics to Sudha Murthy’s hilarious, imaginative books. And there are some amazing children’s authors now whose books are inspired by contemporary realities, books which have the power to heal, and to unite. For example, in Like Smoke Paro Anand takes on urgent topics like conflict zones and communal violence, and shows us how teenagers are able to heal each other across perceived boundaries, despite histories of trauma. In Nayanika Mahatani’s Ambushed, a young city girl teams up with a boy from a marginalised community to conserve and “heal” the endangered forest, its tigers, and its people. So, this is an exciting moment in the evolution of children’s writing in India. I have a great deal of hope for its future. What are your next books based on? My next one is a bedtime book in rhyme called Kangaroo Kisses, to be launched this summer at the Hay Festival in the UK. In fact, it’s the first book I wrote, inspired by my indomitable niece Hiya, You were the topper of the batch throughout your years in Harvard and are an author now. Do you intend to complete your PhD? I resolved this dilemma many years ago, when I decided to go to USC film school rather than start a PhD. And I’ve never regretted that decision. What are your opinions about contemporary literature produced in India? Our literature is extraordinary, whether in English or in regional languages, but because we are lagging so far behind in translations, important voices often go unheard. We also have an equally authentic and now longstanding tradition of Indian literature in English, with some phenomenally powerful writers such as Anuradha Roy, Raj Kamal Jha, Amit Chaudhuri, and Neel Mukherjee, to name a few. What kind of literary advice do you get from your parents? None at all, but they are very supportive and love to read all my writing, from kids’ books to Op Eds to screenplays, just as much as they love coming to all my film and theatre premieres. As a daughter, it was wonderful to see how delighted my mother was when I translated a book of her poems, which was published as a bilingual edition, Make Up Your Mind. Will we see you again in a Hindi feature film? I’m absolutely sure you will. %HFDXVHHYHU\RQH GHVHUYHVDORYHVWRU\ BaTT\^hTT?Xd:d]Sd³b_Tab_TRcXeTXbd]R^]eT]cX^]P[WTa[P]VdPVTXb_^TcXRP]S bT]bd^dbCWTWd\^daXbWXVWQa^fP]ScWT]PaaPcXeTXbaT_[TcTfXcW^aXVX]P[XchP]S _WX[^b^_WXRP[_^]STaX]Vb^][XUT[^eTP]ScWTXa\hbcTaXTbbPhbB0=H030=6 J@F¶G68@EE96 HC@?88:C= DcVV^`jVVAZf<f_Uf 9RTYVeeVC$&! of Dushyant being a writer of romances, yet not being able to express his true inner feelings to the girl he loves; which may apply universally to the men. His quest for his lost beloved takes him on a wild goose chase finally culminating in Sonagachi, the in(famous) red light district of Kolkata, a bold move by the author who brings in such seriousness in a romance. It isn’t a superficial frothy tale of love and makes us think about people born with different destinies (like the children of the sex workers in Sonagachi). The way Kundu outlines the existential crisis a modern man goes through, being as emotional and impulsive as a woman, is portrayed beautifully, as is the dilemma of choosing to be a certain kind of man. The ‘femi- P]P]hP_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ nine emotions’ of this New Age hero being hitherto concealed or not allowed by his social fabric. In the following lines, Dushyant reflects on ‘being a man’ in this complex love game: “What if men and women weren’t that different? Would the game have been simpler? The results different? The end happier? Is it possible to win in love?...Why must finding love have to be so complicated?” It raises significant questions in the minds of the readers — like, can we still chase an illusionary ideal of happiness and romance or do we become skeptics as well? Some dialogues are so hard hitting that you read them and smile at the unexpected dose of reality. Hearing the harsh truth from an illiterate cab driver enroute to Taj Mahal shakes up Dushyant: “All men are gadhas (donkeys), sahib. Some build a mahal, while others…others come in search of one...This love business, sahib, it makes fools out of the best of men.” The most heartfelt advice comes from the protagonist’s mother — “A woman’s heart is complex, so don’t think it is going to be easy. Bestsellers are easily forgotten...But not love stories. The real ones. The ones that go on and continue to inspire.” The narrative is interesting, full of unexpected twists, getting the message across to the reader without getting preachy. It also teaches us some important lessons on marriage, commitment and love while re-writing the world’s oldest love story. High expectations raised by the brilliant narrative are not fully met by the dull climax. I felt the book ended too soon and the climax was not baffling enough. This is probably the only shortcoming. I would like to conclude with a line from the novel, a belief which is universally desired yet so striking in the context — “Everyone deserves a love story.” Sreemoyee Piu Kundu is the rising new star of Indian Chicklit (or should we say Lad-Lit) of which Anuja Chauhan is the bestselling undisputed queen. CWTaTeXTfTacTPRWTb4]V[XbW[XcTaPcdaTPcP bRW^^[X]3T[WX ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U 06A03D0;?0A0386<B785C8=C74C78=:8=60=3 =0AA0C8E4>5?0:8BC0=³B<867CH<8;8C0AH 4BC01;8B7<4=C0=3C74C44C4A8=628E8;80= ?>;8CH70B;45CC74A4;868>DB?0AC84B544;8=6 =4AE>DBD=24AC08=0=3<0H144E4=8B>;0C43 2QHPRUHIDWZDIURPWKHPXOODKV WKLVWLPHDJDLQVWµ%KDUDW0DWD KLEJEKJ 1`bY\ #" !& 2>55441A40: :0=270=6D?C0 1WPaPc<PcPXbPaTUTaT]RTc^cWT\^cWTa[P]S]^c\^cWTaV^SSTbb8UcWPc^UUT]SbcWT\d[[PWbcWTaTXb]^cWX]Vc^QTbPXS^cWTacWP]_^X]cX]V^dc cWThPaTQTX]VbX[[hP]S]TTS[Tbb[h_a^e^RPcXeTCWThWPeTQTT]V^^SPcQ^cWU^aP[^]VcX\T]^f=^_da_^bTXbbTaeTSQhaPVX]VPVPX]bccWT\ ndia’s “largest Islamic seminary, Darul Uloom Deoband”, the media informs us, has issued a fatwa prohibiting Muslims from “chanting the slogan ‘Bharat Mata ki jai’ as it is against the basic tenets of their religion”. As a full English language translation of the fatwa is yet to be made available by the seminary (the fatwa is in Arabic), we must rely on media reports for the time being. The Indian Express reports that according to this fatwa, “chanting the slogan is against ‘tauheed’, or the ‘oneness of Allah’, which forms the core of Islam. The seminary has also argued that the Constitution provides the right to all citizens to practice their own faiths in their daily life. In the fatwa, the seminary has said ‘We cannot worship the country. Muslims cannot worship anyone other than (god). In that slogan, Bharat has been called equivalent to a goddess’.” Darul Uloom Deoband had earlier issued a similar fatwa (later it was denied) against the singing of Vande Mataram. Bharat Mata is a reference to the motherland, not mother goddess. It is raising the land we are born in to the stature of the mother we are born to. If that offends the mullahs, there is really nothing that can be said more than pointing out they are being silly and needlessly provocative. They have been good at both for a long time now — longer than one cares to remember. No purpose is served by raging against either the seminary or its maulanas. There are many Muslims who have no issues with chanting “Bharat Mata ki jai”. There are some who do. That would hold equally true for Hindus, Christians and other people who belong to other faiths. The reasons for not chanting, or joining the chant, of “Bharat Mata ki jai” vary, but few nonMuslims would argue that they do not wish to be seen indulging in adoration of their motherland as it goes against their religious faith. Then there are many Muslims who think Darul UloomDeoband is not to be taken seriously, that its fatwas do not automatically find favour and acceptance with the awam. They have good reason for saying so. Reproduced below is a random selection of fatwas issued by this seminary as they appeared on Darul Ifta’s website; only spellings have been corrected: Question 9400: In a non-Muslim country who can give the punishment of rajm (stoning to death)? Is a private individual allowed to administer this punishment? In a non-Muslim country if a Muslim wants to purify himself of his sin of zinah should he go to a country where the punishment of rajm is administered? Fatwa 1249/1249=M/1429: In non-Islamic countries, the penalty of rajm (stoning to death) is not implemented. No individual is allowed to administer the punishment. Such a person should only repent to Allah and seek His forgiveness. Question 2019: If someone does blasphemy against Hazrat Mohammed or uses derogatory language for his character, then what should be his punishment in India? What should be the punishment under Islamic law? Fatwa 1386/1226=B: Punishing a criminal or a guilty is the duty of a Government not individuals like we and you. In India, though we do not have an Islamic Government we should try our I level best to get such a perpetrator punished according to the Indian Constitution. In an Islamic country, the culprit of blasphemy is to be killed. Question 27497: Goa is a tourist place where olden time churches are there, though mass not taking place now in these churches but people visit these churches for sight-seeing for the art of the churches. Can a Muslim visit such places even though mass not taking place? Fatwa 2695/H=1083/th=1431: Please explain if it is for any good purpose, otherwise it is better to leave it. It is mentioned in Hadith that the good effect of one’s Islam is that he gives up nonsense things. Question 14869: What is the ruling on a person who believes in the validity of other religions beside Islam? He believes that one can reach god even by following other religions beside Islam. He believes that there can be saints (awliya) in other religions beside Islam. And that not all present day People of Book will go to hell. Fatwa 1386/1386=M=1430: His belief is not based on any solid proof. Question 5192: Who are ‘Bohras’? Are they Muslims? Can a Muslim marry Shia and Bohra woman? Fatwa 989/844=B-1429: Bohras are Shia. The beliefs and faiths of Shia found in their books are against the Quran and Hadith. Therefore, they are not Muslims. It is not correct for a Sunni Muslim to get married with a Shia or Bohra. Question 36219: Is riding a bike or a car unlawful for females according to Shari’ah? Fatwa 207/207/M=1433: It is 5a^\cWT _Tab_TRcXeT^U cW^bTfW^QT[XTeT X]cWT T\_^fTa\T]c^U X]SXeXSdP[bP]ScWT [XQTachc^[XeT[XUT fXcW^dc T]Rd\QaP]RTb X\_^bTSQh ZTT_Tab^UUPXcW cWTbTUPcfPb bh\Q^[XbTP] P]cTSX[deXP] \X]SbTcP]SbW^d[S QTXV]^aTS absolutely undesirable for women to drive a car or bike … (text in Arabic). Question 23879: To what extent purdah is necessary for women? Is wearing burqa covering the entire body including hands, toes, and face must for women? Fatwa 1385/B=280/tb=1431: The holy Quran says: ‘O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of believers that they should draw down their shawls (jilbab) over them (when they go out of home). Jilbab is that lengthy chaddar by which a woman covers herself from head to toes. Hence, it is necessary for a woman to cover her complete body, hands, feet, face, etc, when she goes out of home at the time of any need or compulsion. Question 21253: Can women use perfume or ittar because they get more sweating (pasina). Can they use or Islam doesn’t give permission to use? Fatwa: 604/L=212/tl=1431: Women can use perfume provided they are not passing by non-mahram in this state. While going out of house using aromatic perfume is not lawful … (text in Arabic). Question 32651: I have three wives and my third wife has one daughter of age 10 years from her first husband and she took khula eight years before from her first husband. Since that time her daughter is staying with my third wife, her husband did not see her daughter till date and he did not pay any money for her daughter. I married with my third wife in 2008 and by the grace of Allah I am paying all expenses for my third wife and her daughter. My questions are: 1. First husband is liable to ask possession of his daughter at any time in life? 2. If he demands possession of his daughter then what to do in this regard? 3. What will be my status with regards to my wife’s daughter in terms of mahram? Fatwa 1055/1055/M=1432: (1)Her previous husband, ie, the father of the girl, can claim the custody of his daughter. He shall be sinful for not taking any care of his daughter until now. (2)When the girl attains puberty, she shall be free to choose whether to live with her mother or father. Father cannot compel her after she attains puberty to keep her with him. Yes, he may claim before it. If he claims and there is no fear of any harm, she should be given to the father. (3)If you have had intercourse with your third wife, her daughter became haram for you and you became her mahram forever. Question 24487: As per the Islamic law, can a person study the course of chartered accountant? Fatwa 1237/964/D=1431: Yes, it is lawful to study the course of chartered accountant. However, it will not be lawful to record interest-based accounts. Question 19472: Can you please tell me (whether the) reading of books, newspapers (English) is allowed in washroom or not? Fatwa 193/193/M=1431: Bathroom is not a place to read books and newspapers whether they are in English (or any other language), they should not be studied therein. Question 18576: Hazrat Mufti Sahab, kindly advice maximum time for breast feeding for a girl child? Is breast feeding more than two years haram? Fatwa 20/18/B=1431: According to preferred opinion, the period of breast- 5 4 4 3 1 0 2 : >_`\QSUV_bTU^YQ\ _bT_eR\UcdQ^TQbTc Reader response to Swapan Dasgupta’s column, Usual Suspects, published on March 8: Petty politics: While the Dadri incident was given a communal colour by Hindu fanatics, in the case of the death of a dentist from Delhi, who was lynched by a mob, the media refrains from poitning to the accused’s religion. The Congress and the Aam Aadmi Party used the people for vote-banks. They have failed to understand what the people want and this alienated and angered the Hindu population which got backing from the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Shiv Sena. Politics has for long played the divide-and-rule policy in this country. Mahan Murphy Truth rules: Unlike other democracies, India is not used to a ‘balanced’ point of view. We are religious people and what we want is the truth. Let other countries live in darkness. Abhi Media’s role: It is true that the media is biased and it deliberately drags ‘religion’ into every incident, whenthe victim is of a minority community and the perpetrator is not. The Press completely ignores religion when it’s not favourable for sensation around minority atrocities. It is time that the media understands its role in strengthening society. Media coverage shapes how people perceive the world. Therefore, the media must not be biased while reporting on issues. Shubham 9W^_bUdXU\YRUbQ\cVYWXd 9c\Q]YSCdQdUd_dXUVY^YcX Reader response to Kanchan Gupta’s column, Coffee Break, published on March 8: Fighting terror: This article fails to address one basic question: Why is it that most of the terrorist attacks are carried out by Islamists? Terror attacks do not happen spontaneously, but are well-planned. It is said that the Muslims are not happy in Islamic countries and want to move away from there only to destroy the other country (where they seek refuge) and make it an Islamic hub. This radicalisation is unprecedented and must be dealt with strongly. While many European countries have harden their stance, the entire world must unite to fight terror. Raj Shun violence: With all the killings in the name of Islam, either in the streets of Baghdad or elsewhere in the world, those who follow Islam, at least a section of them, are unlikely to shun violence. Sooner the world realises this and fights Islamic terrorism, the better it will be. DV Bhat Harsh reality: Some say the Quran preaches that nonMuslims are infidels who should be punished. Sure, some Muslims, like people of other religions, do notaccept this point of view. But many, unfortunately, do, and act accordingly There is no point pretending that there is no call for arms in the religion, when that is clearly not the case with Islam. Rajesh feeding to an infant is two years; breastfeeding after two years is unlawful… (text in Arabic). Question 14505: Suppose I am owner of a educational institution. My caste is ‘A’. Suppose I do not charge any fee from the students of my caste. Is this correct action? Fatwa 1068/870=L/1430: When you are the owner of the institution, you have right to exempt the students of your caste to pay fees. However, if you grant the exemption to the students on the ground of poverty and neediness, it will be better. Question 11156: Is it permissible for a woman who keeps her niqab on in class to go to women’s only classes where the teacher is a male? Fatwa 394/320=D/1430: It is allowed if needed, provided she observes purdah in going to college, purdah is observed in college also without intermingling with men, she only hears the voice of teachers and there is no fear of any other similar fitnah. But, it is better to avoid in the view of present environment of colleges and evils. Question 36590: Can a woman show her nude body on webcam to her husband who stays abroad? Fatwa 427/427/M=1433: It is not right to show it through webcam because it includes the sin of taking photograph without severe need. However, it is not unlawful for the husband and wife to see each one’s nude body. Question 24427: In the Hanafi mazhab can women be appointed as judges or qazi’s? Fatwa 1526/1189/B=1431: Yes, she can be appointed as judge, but it is makrooh tahrimi, ie, doing so is near haram. It is mentioned in Hadith… (text in Arabic) … It means that a nation that makes a woman their ruler will never succeed, hence woman should not be appointed as judge. Question 23165: What is the concept of full hijab in our religion? Is just putting chunri on head considered hijab. What are the punishments for not following full hijab? Fatwa 1034/761/L=1431: If a woman goes out of home she should cover her body with burqa or chaddar in a way that no part of her body is exposed. This is the complete hijab. And if she puts only dupatta (scarf) on head while the face is open, it is not complete hijab. In such case the woman shall be sinful. Question 21031: Can Muslim women in India do Government or private jobs? Shall their salary be halal or haram or prohibited? Fatwa 577/381/L=1431: It is unlawful for Muslim women to do job in Government or private institutions where men and women work together and women have to talk with men frankly and without veil. From the perspective of those who believe in the empowerment of individuals and the liberty to live life without encumbrances imposed by keepers of faith, these fatwas symbolise an antediluvian mindset and should be ignored. That is not to suggest, even remotely, a progressive, open and plural society should tolerate the intervention of theologians in determining what we should wear, read, eat, say, do, etc in our daily lives. Our intolerance of such obnoxious views should find full reflection in rejecting them, lock, stock and barrel. (The writer is a current affairs analyst based in NCR) ce^TQi 0B42>=35434A0;9D36470B AD;43C70C02>=B4AE0C8E4 6A>D?B7>D;3140;;>F43C> 386344?4A8=8CB@D4BC5>A 4<08;BB4=C1H78;;0AH 2;8=C>= ]QWQjY^U >=?G>KJA 1`bY\#" !& -D\DODOLWKDDDQG0DPDWDLQ WKH%-3¶VOLQHRIILUH bd]SPh Vd_bWd_ 70A8B70=:0AEH0B o ensure smooth functioning of Parliament, the BJP and Government managers were maintaining a working relationship with DMK and TMC. But now the party’s priority is to unite its vote bank in Tamil Nadu and West Bengal and is hence attacking Jayalalithaa and Mamata Banerjee. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has also put Mamata in the firing line. After forming the Government at the Centre, when Modi went to West Bengal, he had said that the Left regime had created many potholes and it would take the TMC Government several years to fill them all. However, at a recent campaign rally, Modi criticised Mamata and sought to know the changes she had made in the State. He also raised the corruption issue after citing the example of the Narada channel sting operation. The BJP has also launched all-round attacks on Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa. Recently, Piyush Goyal said Tamil Nadu is a State where even Central Ministers are not allowed to meet the CM. BJP in-charge General Secretary Muralidhar Rao and election in-charge Prakash Javadekar also raised questions over the governance in Tamil Nadu. Sources in the BJP say when the PM will go to Tamil Nadu for campaigning, he will go all out against Jayalalithaa. T CONG GOVTS IN CRISIS fter Arunachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, problems of Congressruled States are mounting. Himachal Pradesh CM Virbhadra Singh recently met Sonia Gandhi in Delhi. After the meeting, he alleged that the Centre and BJP were trying to topple his Government. In fact, internal crisis in Himachal Congress has intensified in the past two weeks. There was a sympathy wave for Virbhadra after the raids of CBI, IT and ED, but now leaders are seeking his removal. This controversy escalated after Anand Sharma was elected to Rajya Sabha. Similarly, in two North-Eastern States, Congress Governments are having a tough time. Recently, many disgruntled MLAs had been camping in Delhi. But this time, taking a lesson from Arunachal Pradesh, the Congress didn’t ignore the rebels and chose to talk to them. After that, Sonia summoned the CM of Manipur, Okram Ibobi Singh, to Delhi and had a word with him. People say Sonia instructed him to talk to the rebel MLAs and solve their problems. Another headache for the Congress is Mizoram. Many MLAs are in a rebel- A C<2Xb]^cR^]UXST]c PQ^dc\X]^aXche^cTb CW^dVWXcWPbVXeT] cXRZTcbc^Pa^d]S% <db[X\RP]SXSPcTbXcXb PfPaTcWPccWT19?WPbP V^^SW^[SP\^]V \PY^aXchP]SdaQP] e^cTabC<2[TPSTabUTT[ cWPcXU\X]^aXche^cTbVTc _^[PaXbTSc^fPaSbcWT 2^]VaTbbP]S;TUccWT] cWThfX[[_^bbXQ[hVTccWT \PY^aXche^cTb promised a lot right in Kerala, West Bengal and Tamil Nadu, and has even surrendered before the regional kshatrapas. In Tamil Nadu, the Congress is ready to fight on only 45 seats. In 2011, it had fought on 63 seats but had managed to win only five. On that basis, DMK offered it only 30-35 seats this time. The Congress wants to be the party which has greater probability of winning and that is why it has stuck to only 45 seats. In the same way, the Congress has gone into a partnership with CPM in West Bengal. After this decision, the party has become weak in Kerala and is facing difficulty in targeting CPM. Sources in the Congress say the leaders never wanted to allow the division of secular votes by going into elections alone as this would have given an edge to the BJP in the light of the fact that there would certainly be a multiangular fight. That is the reason why the Congress went with CPM. In Kerala, the Congress is worried that the BJP might open its account. So, the party is trying its best to maintain the fight of UDF vs LDF. The Congress had an idea of rebellion in the party, so all sitting MLAs have been given tickets. Many Congress MLAs were said to be in touch with the BJP. lious mood against CM Lal Thanhawla. But since they are not getting support from any other party — the BJP seems least interested — they are not coming out openly. Sources say that leaders of Manipur and Mizoram are keeping an eye on Uttarakhand; if the Congress doesn’t manage to regain power in these States, problems of two North-Eastern States will only increase. MAMATA’S MAIN WORRY amata Banerjee has gone defensive during this election campaign. Neither is she replying to the allegations leveled by PM Modi, nor is her party responding to questions raised by the BJP leaders. Sources say Mamata thinks that if she counters the BJP or gives a reply, it would only help the party take votes out of TMC’s bank. That is why Mamata is keeping mum. Recently, when Modi targeted Mamata and raised the issue of corruption among TMC leaders, she didn’t say anything. She has adopted a defensive strategy and didn’t give any clarification for the PM’s claims. On the other hand, she is regularly attacking the alliance of the Congress and Left. M TMC leaders are worried about the majority vote bank. After the Congress and Left came together, TMC is not confident about minority votes. Though TMC has given tickets to around 60 Muslim candidates, it is still apprehensive. So the party is focusing on majority voters. TMC is well aware that the BJP has a good hold among majority and urban voters. TMC leaders feel that if minority votes get polarised towards the Congress and Left, then they will possibly get the majority votes. Leaders of TMC feel that if they target Modi and the BJP, it will send a negative message to majority and urban voters. So, they are sticking to routine issues and not diverting from the set path. RESTLESSNESS IN SP or the Assembly Elections in Uttar Pradesh, Samajwadi Party has applied the strategy of last Lok Sabha Elections. The elections are almost a year away, but the party has already released the list of 143 candidates for constituencies where it had been defeated in the last Assembly polls. In the 2014 Lok Sabha Elections, SP had done the same thing, but it proved to be a failed strategy. After the announcement, SP had to change its can- F didates many times and this gave a bad impression. This time also it is perceived that though names have been announced, they are not final. There will be a lot of changes in the list. Opponents of candidates whose names are on the list have become active and are trying to highlight issues which can force the party to rethink their candidature. Many leaders are saying that declaring names will only cause controversies. Sources say that more controversies will arise when names for sitting seats will be announced. They say that 50 of 225 MLAs might not get tickets again. That is the reason why sitting seats have not been announced yet. It has also not been said that all of the MLAs will fight the elections; hence they are knocking on the doors of BSP and BJP. Top leadership of the party is also not trying to stop them. Recently, a survey showed that there will be a direct fight between BSP and BJP, and this has made SP MLAs restless. ANYTHING TO STOP BJP n the run-up to Assembly Elections in five States, the Congress will do anything to stop the BJP. The party has com- I PROPAGATING ACHIEVEMENTS he BJP is building a new team to advertise the schemes and works of the Modi Government when it completes two years. Opponents always alleged that the BJP is way ahead in advertising; Rahul Gandhi has said so many times. According to Rahul, the BJP is a master in public relations while the Congress is not able to publicise its work. On the contrary, Modi believes that his party and ministers have not been able to advertise the works done by the Government. In recent meetings, the PM asked the leaders to go to their constituencies and tell people about the Government’s achievements. This has to be done by all MPs personally, but now the party will give an institutional form to this assignment. Organisation Secretary of the BJP, Ram Lal, will also be in this team. Apart from him, some other officials from the organisation will be included as well. Members of the team will tour the country and advertise the Government’s achievements. They will also brief people about the provisions of the Budget. Moreover, this team will also campaign in States where elections are scheduled, and of course, the emphasis will be on Uttar Pradesh. T 9`he`Z_gVdej`fc^`_VjW`cSVeeVccVefc_d he question often asked is, how many schemes or products should you have in your portfolio? There is no formula for this, but my own sense from listening to numerous financial planners is that you need no more than two to three schemes in each category you choose. Of course, this depends on the amount of money you are putting aside every month. If you are investing C5,000 per month in an equity fund, then you should at best be looking at two schemes and no more. This doesn’t mean that if you are investing C20,000 per month, you should invest in eight. At no point should you be in more than three to four schemes per product category, which is the upper limit. If you are picking a diversified equity fund scheme, then two schemes from different fund houses are fine. But if you are picking a diversified, large-cap, midcap, thematic, liquid, and income fund as your portfolio, the combined number of schemes should at best be seven to eight and no more. If your financial planner is taking you beyond the optimal number of schemes, then something is not right and you should look for another adviser. Dhirendra Kumar, one of India’s leading mutual fund experts, says, “Investing has a large baggage of useless complexity which investors have no need to bother about. One example that I come up against repeatedly is that of investors trying to choose mutual funds on the basis of the arcane measures of portfolio theory. Whether you are T 8cXbh^da[XUTXcXbh^da\^]Th[TPa]c^cPZTRWPaVT^UXcQhQTR^\X]VX]e^[eTS X]Xc7PeTPV^^SaT[PcX^]bWX_fXcWh^da\^]ThfaXcTbE8E4:;0F4gRTa_c) choosing a mobile phone, a car, a TV or even a pair of running shoes, you are likely to be set upon by self-declared experts whose basic goal seems to be to show off their superior knowledge, even if the knowledge is useless and/or self-invented. This can generally be done only by pretending that the more complex inputs mean better decisions. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. It is possible to choose a mutual fund with nothing more than a little common sense. All you need to do is to roughly compare the returns that various funds of a type have generated over somewhat long time periods. You can also look at the ratings given to funds on ValueResearchOnline.com and some other websites, and that’s about it. Nothing more is actually needed to make a reasonable choice. Of course, this won’t make you choose funds that will have the very best returns in the future. What it will do is to allow you to avoid the duds, and if you can do just that much, you will be fine.” Once you have picked your schemes, you need to stop monitoring them on a daily basis. Stop looking at the stock ticker on business news channels, and repeatedly calling your financial planner on the basis of how the stock market moved in a day or week. A good financial planner will probably send you a monthly update on how your money is doing. And if there is a dramatic change in the markets-a massive surge in stock prices or a crashhe/she will call you and tell you if there is a need to shift gears or make changes to your portfolio. Ideally, any changes to your portfolio should be considered on a six-monthly basis, unless of course, there are some dramatic events that necessitate a more urgent look at your portfolio. Too many frequent changes to a port- folio prevent your money from deriving the best benefit from the asset class it is invested in. Markets will always go up and down, and within the wider stock market, there will always be some stocks doing well and some not so well. And sooner rather than later, a cycle will turn. There will be some good runs and some not-so-good runs, but if you allow your money to stay invested, you are likely to benefit from riding the upturn in a cycle more frequently, than if you were to pull out your money periodically. Similarly, there is no merit in buying 10 different insurance policies. If you are buying term insurance, you should stick to one product which can always be topped up since most companies offer that option now. The same holds true for health insurance. Again, adding more and more products across categories only means you will have a tougher time monitoring them, and of course, you will be lining the pockets of the sellers by contributing to their commissions. In fact, the biggest myth is that if you are managing your money well, you must have a dozen or more products in your portfolio. In this case, let me assure you less is better. In fact, having too unwieldy a portfolio is a sign of bad financial management. The aim of any portfolio is to generate good returns while keeping the risk as low as possible. As long as your portfolio fulfils that basic requirement, you are on the right track. While we are on the topic of investing right, a key factor is not to mimic your friend’s portfolio. You are two different individuals, and have different goals, different lives to lead. So even though you may like the same dish at a restaurant, and may enjoy the same drink, remember, your money and your friend’s money is not the same. I am saying this because almost 90 per cent of the investors I have had the good fortune of interacting with over the years, have told me it was advice from friends that drove their investment decisions. Nothing can be more dangerous than this. Investing is is not a shortcut to success either. You need to work towards it. You need to ask yourself the right questions and find your own answers. Then you need to identify a good financial planner, and ask him/her the right questions. Then you need to ensure that you make some effort in trying to understand the product you are investing in. If you simply choose to buy products your friends have bought and recommended to you, then I am afraid, my experience compels me to tell you this: You will fail with your investment. It is your life, it is your money, learn to take charge of it by becoming involved in it. Give it what it needs and you won’t regret it when you see your wallet filling up. From a pure investment perspective, mutual funds are the most cost-effective as well as liquid platform for investing in both equity and debt. There are thousands of schemes in the market being offered by more than two dozen mutual fund houses. I would strongly recommend you to allow your financial planner to choose these schemes for you, but if you would prefer to go it alone, there are a few points you should keep in mind before selecting your mutual fund scheme. There are several credible mutual fund research organisations in the country that offer their research through the internet as well. Once you decide on the categories you want to invest in, you can visit some of these websites and see the rankings they have given to the schemes across various categories. They usually have the top five schemes across various categories, and also give you their returns. 4gRTa_cTSUa^\CWT<^]Th1^^ZAd_P ?dQ[XRPcX^]bC"($ ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U 0;90I44A0 F8;;;0H>55$ BC0554ABF>A;3F834* 0==>D=24B ?4A24=C A43D2C8>=8=F>A:5>A24 B C 8 ; 4 C C > B C40275>A?4024 EJPANJ=PEKJ=H 1`bY\#" !& 2D;CDA4 ;0=4 ARf]>T4Rce_VjZ_?XaPcTb^UcWT2PaXQQTP]& ccording to Deadline, the former Beatle, Paul McCartney, is integral to a new set piece being added to the Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, which has already finished shooting. It would be the franchise’s second cameo from a major musician, after Keith Richards’ role as Captain Jack Sparrow’s father in 2007’s Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End. Johnny Depp will reprise his role as Sparrow in the fifth film, spearheading a cast that includes returning cast-members Geoffrey Rush and Orlando Bloom, with Javier Bardem taking on lead villain duties. The film will be directed by Norwegian duo Joachim Rønning and Espen Sandberg, best known for the Oscar-nominated drama Kon-Tiki. It has already been in the news after Depp’s wife, the actor Amber Heard, allegedly attempted to illegally bring his dogs into Australia for the shoot. Producer Jerry Bruckheimer tweeted the above image as the first tease from the film. It’s been reported A <8=8H0270CC4A98 DXURUcd_V_ebS_e^dbiµcdQ\U^dT_Uc^_dgQ^dd_dUQSXDXUbUQbU Q\Qb]Y^WbQdUc_VdUQSXUbQRcU^dUUYc]Y^9^TYQdXQdW_e^bU`_bdUT that Depp’s role has been made smaller to make more room for Bardem’s character. Depp has previously said it will “probably” be the last Pirates movie. Despite wavering critical reception (the previous film received just a 32 per cent rating on Rotten Tomatoes), the franchise has made over $3.7bn at the worldwide box office. Disney is reportedly spending over $250m on the fifth chapter. 2UV]VWR_Z_[fcVURe8]RdX`hT`_TVce fan at Adele’s Glasgow concert has been injured by a falling chain that possibly came from a lighting rig overhead. The singer was performing her sell-out tour at the SSE Hydro on Friday night when a chain that was part of the production came down. The injured spectator was taken to hospital and Adele, who was apparently unaware of the incident at the time, later tweeted her apologies and promised it would not happen again. Other spectators tweeted that the falling equipment was a piece of a lighting rig. Stuart Duffy, who was at the show, said the lights came up and other spectators were moved. He posted a picture on Twitter of the rigging that appeared to have malfunctioned. A spokeswoman for the venue told the Daily Record: “A chain belonging to the production came down and hit one person who was taken to hospital as a precaution. “We are liaising with the production crew to ascertain what happened. A s a child in the 1970s, HananAl Haroub grew up in a run-down Palestinian refugee camp with her parents, six brothers and three sisters. Her father and brothers were often severely beaten by Israeli forces especially later during the first Intifada era post 1987. They lived in harsh economic conditions yet Hanan managed to complete her high school studies. She was not able to enrol in university at that time. Later her husband and children continued to suffer the same fate, and were targeted by Israeli forces during shootouts. Hanan had experienced extreme fear in her childhood and saw that her children’s well-being and psychology being severely affected from the same omnipresence of terror. There was a sharp drop in their academic achievement and behavioural performance. She tried to seek advice from the school administration and teachers, but got no response. So ultimately she had no other resort but to treat her children at home. Eleven years after her high school degree, Hanan was indeed able to join university. She chose to study primary education to become a teacher. She believed that children in Palestine are exposed to violence by the Israeli forces, and as a teacher she would be able to cure other children just as she had cured her own. Hanan joined as a teacher at the Samiha Khalil High School in the West Bank Palestinian city of Al-Bireh. A few days ago on March 13 at a celebrity studded awards ceremony in Dubai, Hanan was awarded the one million dollar Global Teacher Prize for successfully helping children scarred from violence and fear by making them learn through play. The Global Teacher Prize was set up last year, to shine a spotlight on the teaching profession and create role models such that the A best talent in the world are recruited as teachers. A few dozen prominent leaders globally such as Bill Clinton, Stephen Hawking, the Emir of Dubai, as well as Hollywood and Bollywood actors are actively engaged with the Global Teacher Prize. They contribute by frequently speaking how important teachers are in shaping our world. They’re also available for the awards process and function. Hanan received the award by none other than Pope Francis himself. As a jury member of the prize, I was asked to cast my vote to the top 10 finalists amongst over 8,000 nominations and applications from 148 countries. The profiles were overwhelming. There were stories of great courage of nominees whose work was more humanitarian, whereas there also were teachers who were innovating within regular classrooms. We were therefore asked by the award organisers to be objective about the nominees’ teaching skills and what they have done for education. Hanan has formulated a teaching methodology that involves weeding out undesirable behaviour by giving students a group task where the group itself would correct any student who attempted to sabotage their work. She wrote her highly successful teaching approach in a handbook, We Play and Learn, shared the methodology at Ministry conferences in Palestine and teacher training programmes in areas where children are struck by violence and fear. Ironically, a series of morbid news pervaded the fortnight that followed the announcement of this prize. In less than 10 days after the announcement, on the morning of March 22, there were attacks at an airport and a metro station in Brussels that killed more than 30 people and injured at least 250. The attacks are apparently connected to last year’s terror attacks in Paris and ISIS has claimed responsibility. In A>18= 270DA0B8H0 AD=B0 2;0BBA>><8= 0<D<108 B;D<F74A4 B74C40274B 68A;B5A><C74 A43;867C 0A40B0643 !!H>60 <438C0C8>= 0=3FA8C8=6 6A0C8CD34 =>C4B 5>;;>F431H >=47>DA>5 9>DA=0; FA8C8=6 2A40C8E4 C78=:8=6 270;;4=64B 0=3;>682 ?DII;4B the meanwhile, Boko Haram based in Northern Nigeria has continued to kill more people than ISIS has, by bombing schools, kidnapping women and children, and assassinating politicians and religious leaders. On March 25, there was a horrific attack against children playing football in Iraq that left 29 of them dead. And on March 27, at least 75 people were left dead in Pakistan as the attacker detonated his suicide vest near a carousel and a dodging car area for children. The frequency of acts of terror are historically at its peak, occur everywhere, often targeting children who hold our future. Elsewhere these frequent images of death are telecasted within minutes. Our children are growing up in a world of fear. This makes Hanan’s and every other teacher’s work more important than ever before. In India, the Government considers increasing the number of teachers its greatest challenge in providing universal elementary education. The private sector is asked to help, and this is why we at Jindal Steel & Power despite running two of our private universities, five community colleges, and five of our schools, also provide 332 community teachers to 160 Government children’s schools each year. Meanwhile, there is a steep fall in the standards of teacher education in India — this even found a prominent mention in a comprehensive report published a few years ago by the Supreme Court appointed commission in 2012 on teacher education. The best of our country’s talent does not want to teach. There are alarming rates of teacher absenteeism in India that go simply unreported. Until the time that India’s brightest step up to curate our children with care, wisdom, and sensitivity, we will continue on our rote and exam based education system, and that frankly does not help any- one. Robin Chaurasiya’s work is a brilliant example of ingenuity in educating India. Robin was a former US Air Force officer and a top 10 nominee for the Global Teacher Prize this year. She runs her 1400square-foot classroom in a Mumbai slum, where she teaches girls from the city’s red-light areas to become agents of social change. Her students aged 12-20, are survivors of trafficking, daughters of sex workers, or born and raised in Kamathipura, India’s most infamous red-light area. Here the school day starts with yoga, meditation, and writing gratitude notes, followed by one hour of journal writing, creative thinking challenges, and logic puzzles. They then weave geography lessons into the time spent on regional news and global issues. The week is broken into: Music Mondays, TED Talk Tuesdays, Worldly Wednesdays, Thinking Thursdays, and Field Trip Fridays. School time is supplemented by evening classes for English, computers, theatre, health and sex education. Yossi Verdi, Israel’s most influential venture capitalist had once explained to me that teachers are the original social entrepreneurs. We need them buzzing with such new techniques to shape our future. My friend and Minister of Education for Argentina, Esteban Bullrich rightly said at the awards night, “We look at the education system as an old car and we are upgrading it, rather than building a new spaceship”. I believe if we celebrate the work of every teacher in the world, as well as showcase and amplify the right role models amongst them, it is possible to draw talent, true passion, and ingenuity to this important profession. Teachers are leading our children by the hand through an increasingly complex and unfortunately violent world — how can there be any profession more crucial than this? This is all we know at this stage.” Adele is scheduled to perform a second show at the 13,000-capacity arena on Saturday. C`SVce5V?Zc`af]]dWZ]^Wc`^WVdeZgR] controversial film about the discredited link between autism and vaccinations has been pulled from Robert De Niro’s Tribeca film festival, after the actor consulted “the scientific community” and found “concerns with certain things in this film”. The father of an autistic child and co-founder of the festival, De Niro at first defended the decision to premiere Vaxxed: from Cover-Up to Catastrophe, despite outcry from doctors and researchers. Repeated studies involving more than a million children have found there is no evidence to link childhood vaccines to autism. But a small movement of activists persists in the belief that vaccinations might somehow harm children. A week ago De Niro released a statement to explain the new decision. “My intent in screening this film was to provide an opportunity for conversation around an issue that is deeply personal to me and my family,” he said. “But after reviewing it over the past few days with the Tribeca film festival team and others from the scientific community, we do not believe it contributes to or furthers the discussion I had hoped for. “The Festival doesn’t seek to avoid or shy away from controversy. A However, we’ve concerns with certain things in this film that we feel prevent us from presenting it in the Festival programme.” The controversial film was directed by Andrew Wakefield, a disgraced British former doctor who published a study in 1998 that claimed links between a vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) and autism. The paper was quickly found to contain numerous flaws and was deemed by the British Medical Journal “an elaborate fraud”. > 3 3 ;H 4=>D67 =A0033B6D=BC>2;0BB82 278;3A4=´BC0;4B ampaigners have ridiculed the C National Rifle Association after it joined forces with author and conservative blogger Amelia Hamilton to create the gun-friendly takes on the tales. In Hansel and Gretel (Have Guns), the brother and sister head out into the woods armed with hunting rifles in the search for food for their family. Following a successful hunt the pair come across a witch’s cottage made of gingerbread, where they rescue two young boys being fattened up for the hag’s stew. In another recreated classic, a hungry wolf learns not to mess with the gun-toting team of Little Red Riding Hood and grandma. “So, with a kiss from her mother, rifle over her shoulder and a basket for her Grandmother in her hands, Red took a deep breath and entered the woods,” goes the revised tale of Little Red Riding Hood (Has a Gun). (Sky News) 680=CC>AC>8B458=0;;H 64CB010C705C4A '# H40AB onathan the Giant JtheTortoise — reputed to be oldest known living land animal on Earth at an estimated age of 184 years — has finally had a bath. The massive reptile is considered a “national treasure” on the tiny British island territory of St. Helena. He reportedly was a mere 50 years old when he was delivered as a gift to St Helena by the governor of the Seychelles in the late 1800s. Jonathan is held in such high regards on the island that he lives on the grounds at the governor’s home. The average life expectancy of a giant tortoise is approximately 100 years, and Jonathan’s caretaker, veterinarian Joe Hollins, believes he’s lasted longer because of the cool winters on St Helena. =12=Tfb 20CBDAE8E4B8=01>G05C4A >F=4A022834=C0;;H<08;B74A upcake is an incredibly lucky cat. The Siamese survived being stuck C inside a small box for eight days after her owner accidentally put her in the post. Julie Bagott didn’t spot her pet snoozing inside the parcel as she packed it with DVDs at her home in Falmouth, in southwest England. Then she dropped the box in the mail. After traveling for 260 miles, Cupcake arrived in Worthing, West Sussex, on the other side of the country. The package’s recipients were stunned to open the box and find the cute cat curled up alongside the movies they’d bought. Cupcake was “scared, nervous and very dehydrated,” The Evening Standard reported. She was taken to Worthing’s Grove Lodge Veterinary Group for a health check, and identified via her microchip. “Everyone was delighted and even more so when we found that the contact details were up to date and we were able to contact her owners straightaway,” the vets said via a press statement a week ago. “They had been frantically searching for their beloved cat, putting up posters in the local area but not for one second realising that she had been accidentally posted to an address in West Sussex, more than 260 miles away!” “This vervet monkey was drinking from the single serve milk containers on the housekeeping cart at the famous Zimbabwe hotel,” Sparks wrote. The video, filmed last summer, shows the monkey drink multiple small packages of milk before running off down the hallway. <>=:4H1DA6;0AB=40:B8=C> 7>C4;C>BC40;<8;: juana at their convent — and selling it for medical purposes. But their healthcare remedies are under threat thanks to removal from a popular online store. The Sisters of the Valley are a sisterhood based in Merced, Califor- 7dUUX]Vc^]?^bc visitor to a famous Zimbabwe hotel captured footage of a sneaky monA key quenching its thirst by stealing some milk from a housekeeping cart. The video, posted to YouTube by Dave Sparks, shows a monkey in a hallway at the famous Victoria Falls Hotel climbing on a housekeeping cart and helping himself to some milk. D?8 =D=B6A>F8=6 20==018B70E4>=;8=4 <43820;B7>?B7DC 3>F= group of nuns is kickA ing against social norms by growing mari- nia who are not Catholic or traditionally religious, but consider themselves nuns. The licensed medical marijuana growers grow the plants in accordance with lunar cycles and create organic health remedies to treat back pain , migraines and even hangovers. But even though the nuns — Sister Kate, whose real name is Christine Meeusen, and Sister Darcy, aka 24-year-old Darcy Johnson — have made money from the enterprise, they are now under threat after Etsy withdrew their shop from online. Another threat is coming from the California municipalities who are considering a cultivation ban that would make their enterprise illegal. “We had a dream of living a simple life, making our medicines on a quiet farm, in a spiritual environment, and being self-sustaining,” they explain on a GoFundMe site set up to raise money to help save their business. <Xaa^a ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U OLENEPQ=HEPU 0B8=6;430H8B4=>D67C> <0:4DB0;8CC;4;0A64A >A0=>C74AC8<40;8CC;4 B<0;;4A ¯ ?0D;:;44 1`bY\#" !& 78334=B>D;B ?A0<>3?0C70: 7KH.ULVKQD FRQVFLRXVQHVV I?7131> 85<@3EB531>35B RP]RTacaTPc\T]ccWa^dVW 0H^VPcWPcS^TbPfPhfXcW cWT]TTSU^aRWT\^cWTaP_h c^PaaTbcP]SRdaTcWTSXb TPbTXbYdbcPhTPaPfPh d]X^]<X]XbcTa^UBcPcTU^a 0HDB7BWaX_PS=PXZbPXS [PbcfTTZB_TPZX]V^]cWT bXST[X]Tb^UcWT0HDB7Tg_^ ^aVP]XbTSQhcWT2T]caP[ <X]Xbcah]TPa?P]PYXWTbPXS WXb\X]XbcahXbX]cWT _a^RTbb^UeTccX]VS^Rd\T] cPcX^]bdQ\XccTSQhP 1T]VP[dadQPbTSSTT\TS h^VPd]XeTabXchfWXRWXb bPXSc^WPeTRdaTS_PcXT]cb bdUUTaX]VUa^\RP]RTadbX]V h^VP°FT³eTR^[[TRcTSP[[ S^Rd\T]cPcX^]P]ScWT _a^RTbbXbV^X]V^]±=PXZ c^[SaT_^acTab7TbPXScWPc _aX\PUPRXTWTfPbR^]UXST]c PQ^dccWT°RP]RTaRdaT± R[PX\TSQhcWTBfP\X EXeTZP]P]SPH^VP 0]dbP]SWP]PBP\bcWP]PP STT\TSd]XeTabXchWTPSTS Qh7A=PaT]SaPP\TRWP]X RP[T]VX]TTafW^f^aZTSPb P_^bcS^Rc^aP[aTbTPaRW Pbb^RXPcTPccWT=PcX^]P[ 0Ta^]PdcXRbP]SB_PRT 0S\X]XbcaPcX^]=0B0X] (&P]SbdQbT`dT]c[hWPS PbcX]cPc7PaePaSD]XeTabXch 2B51CD65549>7 6?B51B9>653D9?>C9>21295C XVWTaaPcTb^UQaTPbc 7UTTSX]VdbT^UePRRX]P cX^]bP]S[^fTaaPcTb^U b\^ZX]VQh\^cWTab\Ph aTSdRTcWTaXbZ^UTPa X]UTRcX^]bX]QPQXTb ATbTPaRWTabUa^\CWT D]XeTabXch^UCTgPb <TSXRP[1aP]RWPc 6P[eTbc^]DB[TSQh CPb]TT2W^]\PXcaTT_a^ UTbb^aX]cWTST_Pac\T]c^U _TSXPcaXRbU^d]ScWPccWT aPcTb^UTPaX]UTRcX^] Sa^__TSUa^\ 'c^%_Ta RT]cX]cWaTT\^]cW^[Sb Ua^\"(c^!"_TaRT]cX] bXg\^]cW^[SbP]SUa^\ %!c^#%_TaRT]cX]^]T hTPa^[Sb5a^\>Rc^QTa !'c^<PaRW! #"%& QPQXTbfTaT^QbTaeTSPbP _Pac^UcWTbcdShCWTh VPcWTaTSX]U^a\PcX^]^] UP\X[hWXbc^ah^UTPaX]UTR cX^]bRXVPaTccTb\^ZT Tg_^bdaTP]SQaTPbceTa bdbU^a\d[PUTTSX]V 144@B?D59> D?I?EB495DD?C<55@G5<< 2TYZVgZ_X dV]WT`_WZUV_TV I _a^cTX]X]SPX[hSXTcRP] X\_a^eTcWT`dP[Xch^U b[TT_PDBbcdShR[PX\b ATbTPaRWTabUa^\?daSdT D]XeTabXchT][XbcTS##_T^ _[TX]cWTPVTVa^d_^U"$ c^%$hTPabU^aPU^da \^]cWSXTcP]SfTXVWc[^bb _a^VaP\\T0bTaXTb^U `dTbcX^]]PXaTbaTeTP[TS cWPc\P]hSXS]^cb[TT_ fT[[CWTaTbTPaRWTabPbZTS WP[U^UcWT_PacXRX_P]cbc^ U^[[^fSXTcfXcWcWTaTR^\ \T]STSP\^d]c^U_a^cTX] P]ScWT^cWTaWP[Uc^cPZTP SXTcfXcWWXVWTaP\^d]cb^U _a^cTX]?PacXRX_P]cbfW^ WPSPWXVWTa_a^cTX]SXTc aT_^acTSX\_a^eT\T]cX] cWTXab[TT_`dP[XchCWT bcdShfPb_dQ[XbWTSX]cWT 0\TaXRP]9^da]P[^U 2[X]XRP[=dcaXcX^] others, whereas a person with inner fulfillment is respectful to others. He is naturally longing to show respect and to be caring toward others. Many problems with selfesteem are due to how we were treated as a child. If a parent is harsh, always criticising and not giving proper encouragement or care, the child feels worthless. However, if a parent shows love for the child even when they make a mistake and disciplines in such a way that the child is always assured and reassured of their love, care, and concern, the child feels appreciated. To help with selfesteem parents should also teach the child how to make decisions and not depend on others for everything. It is very important to understand that real self-confidence is not simply about what we have achieved and conquered. That kind of selfconfidence doesn’t bring inner accomplishment. Whatever we do, we will always have to have more and more. Real self-confidence is when we find fulfillment and satisfaction with who we are and what we represent within this world. Some fools may think that this type of selfconfidence and inner peace is an impediment to great achievements in this world. However, the opposite is true. The purer our motives, the greater courage and faith we will have to accomplish things way beyond the horizon of even our imagination. When we have such inner self-confidence, anything we pursue is actually easy. It may be difficult mentally or physically, but having the will, the confidence, and the faith makes he word dowry is defined as money and/or property that, in some societies, a father gives to his daughter when she gets married. This word has a very bad name today due to many atrocities being committed on married women by their in-laws. It was not like that in the Vedic age. This is how it worked then. Imagine a father had a son and a daughter. The son stayed with the father permanently and the daughter went to live with her husband’s family. Therefore, the father felt obliged to give her share in his property when she married. The idea behind doing this was not only to be fair to his daughter but also to help her get started well in her completely new surroundings. This the parents did with a lot of love, and there was no compulsion from any quarters to give this or that. I feel this was a very fair arrangement. I have just one daughter. Who do you think would inherit what I own and will leave behind? Suppose I had two daughters, wouldn’t I want to give them half of my properties each beginning with some at the time of their marriages. I see nothing T a^cTX]aXRWSXTcRP] ? X\_a^eTb[TT_`dP[Xch 8]RaTPbX]VcWTP\^d]c^U M ;PRZ^UbT[UTbcTT\RP]]TVPcT_T^_[T³bR^]bRXT]RTP]SPUUTRccWTXa[XeTb77 A0370=0C7BF0<8<070A09Tg_[PX]bW^fUPXcWX]^]TbT[UXbRadRXP[ t is well known that selfconfidence is an essential ingredient for success in any field of life. Without such confidence we are afraid to take risks, and we don’t have the courage to explore higher horizons while performing within this world. Real selfconfidence is not based on our achievements or success in this world. It is based on the fulfillment of knowing who we are, what our purpose is, and what we represent to ourselves, our families, and the world around us. If a person has such self-confidence, he can generate confidence and faith in others. To fail is not much of a loss; to lose one’s character and integrity is a major loss to our inner life. A person with a proper disposition and attitude is willing to accept even major failures in the eyes of the world in order to preserve the high values that he or she believes in. If we’re willing to sell our ideals, ethics, character, integrity, and our very soul for the adoration of this world, then our so-called self-confidence is built on a foundation of sand. It has no real substance and can bring us no real fulfillment. Actual self-confidence doesn’t mean we become absorbed in our egoistic self. The art of real self-confidence is to become selfless. Low self-esteem is one of the biggest problems in the world, not only for apparently downtrodden people but also even for people in very high controlling positions. Low self-esteem means a lack of contentment within one’s inner life. A person with low self-esteem is quick to criticise A40;B4;5 2>=5834=24 20=141>A= 8=0740AC C70C³B B8<?;4 7>=4BC B8=24A40=3 7D<1;48C 20=1A8=6DB C>C74 4C4A=0;;H ;814A0C43 BC0C4>5 38E8=4;>E4 everything eventually easy. The Bhagavad Gita teaches us to be attached to performing our duty but we shouldn’t be attached to the fruits of our actions. Success or failure, honour or dishonour, victory or defeat — if we’re too attached and be depressed, we can’t succeed. There is a famous story of a woman named Wilma Rudolph from Tennessee in America. In her early childhood, she had very serious injuries in her legs which were untreatable by medicine. In fact the specialist doctors told her, “You will never be able to put your foot on the floor for your whole life. You will never be able to take a single step, and you just have to confine yourself to a wheelchair till you die.” She was just a little child, but she told her mother, “I want to run on these legs and be the fastest woman on earth!” The doctors were amused at her imagination because medically her case had no hope. But her mother told her, “One gets one’s abilities from God. Just persevere and have faith and do not be discouraged.” It took a couple of years and she was actually able to take off the cast and everything else that was protecting her foot. She took her first steps and started to walk slowly. Soon she went to school and entered into a race, but she lost. Not only did she lose but she came in last place, way behind everyone else. People were laughing at her and ridiculing, “What are you doing in this race?” She was in another race and again in last place, way behind everyone else. Every race in last place but she had faith, “I can do great things by the ayapur is a small town in the Nadia district of West Bengal known for the famous Krishna Temple and dedicated to spreading the Krishna consciousness. ISKON, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness is the organisation that is spreading Krishna consciousness across the globe. What is interesting is that the acceptability of Krishna consciousness is growing globally and a visit to Mayapur is enough to prove this. People across religions, races, and countries congregate at Mayapur to chant Hare Krishna. And the chant is spontaneous, it comes from within. But what is this Krishna consciousness may be a question that may arise in many an inquisitive minds. The answer is very simple. It is realising the oneness with God represented by Lord Krishna. The path also is not very tedious. All one needs is to surrender before God and merge his self with the Lord. In the Krishna temple this is done through the chants of Hare Krishna. There is one condition though. This chant should come from the chords of the heart and not just the vocal chord. Krishna consciousness is not an artificial imposition on the mind. It is pure consciousness that is the original energy of the human beings. Chanting Hare Krishna is the means to realise this consciousness by shaking the superficial sheaths that have come to surround our original self due to our learnings and experiences of the mundane world. One needs to visit the temple and partake in the chanting along with the multitudes who submerge themselves into the chants. The ecstatic feeling that will be generated gives the real pleasure, the ananda or bliss. This pleasure is different from the worldly pleasures that are sensual in nature and just create a superficial feeling that is as ephemeral as ether. Adi Sankarain his Bhaja Govindam has explained the difference between these two types of pleasures. One gives you the craving for more and more, so even in plenty there is a sense of deprivation. That is the mundane or worldly pleasure. However, it is not the real pleasure as it leads to a transient gratification of the senses only. The real pleasure is that which gives the gratification of the soul and this is the real nature of the human beings which unfortunately gets lost in worldly pursuits. This, however, does not mean that life requires shunning of all pleasures, wealth, family and other good things of life. That is a misunderstanding. All that is required to be shunned is the lust and craving for these things. Famous mystic saint Kabir says that your happiness lies within and not outside. Your consciousness that is your source of bliss is within you. He explains this very vividly in a couplet that is paraphrased — Just as there is oil in the sesame seed, just as there is fire in the fireflies, so also in the same way your consciousness, your God is in you. All your need is to awaken yourself. The Hare Krishna chant is a means to awaken that self and realize consciousness. The crux of the Krishna’s teachings lie in understanding this reality. Enjoy life, enjoy blessings but without attachment. The easiest way to achieve this is through the Bhakti or devotion that is unconditional love. Taking part in one of the mass devotional congregations and chanting Hare Krishna will tell us how to practice this help of God, if I persevere.” Some years later in 1960 she won three Olympic gold medals and set world records for running! Her self-confidence was not based upon her success, but on faith in God and faith in herself-whether I win or lose let it be, but I’m going to try. Faith is so incredible that when we have it in our inner higher self and in a connection with the supreme energy and power of God, we can do incredible things with complete confidence, enthusiasm and perseverance. Even if we fail a million times it doesn’t matter as we know we’re pleasing Lord by our efforts. The Right Association is a vital truth for SelfConfidence. We must keep the company of people who inspire character and high ideals. It’s better to just remain alone for the rest of your life than associate with those with low integrity. We should associate with people who are sincerely striving for higher values in life. We can then apply those values in our occupation, family life and in our whole vision. A person who has selfconfidence and faith always sees a positive opportunity in every circumstance they face and that gives life enthusiasm, and happiness. Self-confidence doesn’t mean being arrogant. Real self-confidence can be born in a heart that’s simple, honest, sincere, and humble. It can bring us to the eternally liberated state of divine love. Self-confidence brings us glorious success in whatever we strive to do with proper ideals. That is the true value of self-confidence. CWTfaXcTaXbP]8B:2>=b_XaXcdP[Vdad CWTfaXcTaXbP_a^UTbb^a^U\P]PVT\T]cP]S_dQ[XR b_TPZTa7TRP]QTaTPRWTSPc__PcWPZXb\/V\PX[R^\ 7KHGRZU\V\VWHP 3^fahbhbcT\bcPacTSPbP]^Q[TVTbcdaTQdcWPbSTVT]TaPcTSX]c^b^\TcWX]V aT_aTWT]bXQ[TfWXRWRP]³cQTT]R^daPVTSbPhb098C:D<0A18B7=>8 wrong in this. Rather, I think it is fair and totally logical. The obvious question then arises: Why is the dowry system considered so abhorrent these days? The following flaws have crept into the system. In majority of cases where this system is misused is when what the bride’s father will give is not decided by him but is demanded by the groom’s side. In a way, the boy’s side puts a price on the boy in a similar way like an auction is done. Obviously, boys, who have either done well for themselves academically or professionally or come from well off families, which in theory ensures a comfortable future for the girl, command a good price. I fail to see the logic in this. If the boy is nicely placed or the family is blessed with sufficient wealth, where is the sense of demanding anything from her side? Anyway, this is what is happening in most cases. The girl’s side is also to blame for this. Why overreach? Why not be satisfied with a prospect which is compatible both academically and financially with the girl? But the girl’s parents aim to give their daughter a better deal than what she would get normally. In short, marriage becomes a market place where supply and demand determine the price. This is not all. Once the wedding has been performed purely or mainly on monetary considerations, greed, which is the cause of it, must raise its ugly head after marriage also. And that is when further demands are raised and friction between the two families begins. This, if not controlled, takes very sinister forms, in which the newly married girl is even tortured in order to force her parents to cough up more money or property. Fortunately, the last part is not very common. But the whole idea of extracting or exploiting in the name of marriage is simply disgusting. How can we tackle this social malady? This is what I did when my daughter was to be married. I sent feelers to my friends and trustworthy relatives to look for a suitable boy. Unfortunately, these days even friends and good relatives are not prepared to stick their necks out by suggesting someone due to the fear of something going wrong later and them being blamed for it. We began to try other avenues and time dragged on, but one thing the three of us, ie my wife, daughter and I were determined about was not to consider anyone who even remotely appeared greedy. We were mentally prepared for no marriage rather than a bad marriage. We had this option because my daughter is well educated and could live an independent life. So the conclusion is: The dowry system, which started as a noble gesture, has now degenerated into something reprehensible, which cannot be encouraged, not at the cost of one’s daughter’s future. One can understand the need of the boy’s side to a certain extent if the girl’s side is in a position to help but the greed is totally unacceptable. Let us remember that, and not send our daughters to the wolves; they are better off with us. And for that we must ensure quality education for them. 1XbW]^XXbPb_XaXcdP[faXcTaP]SRP]QT aTPRWTSPcb_XaXcdP[/PYXcQXbW]^XR^\ ce^TQi E8A6>BC4=3C>BD554A 5A><8=3864BC8>= 2>;820=38=C4BC8=0; 8=542C8>=B>F8=6C> D=3D4BCA4BB0=3 0=G84CH ]QWQjY^U P=NKP 1`bY\#" !& H>DA F44: 07403 <037D:>C8H0 2C:6D <PaRW! =6@ 9d[h!"0dVdbc!" 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Second, you need to learn from an experienced coach, the skills necessary to play the game proficiently. Third, you need to team up well with the co-players, but for which, it will not be possible to make it a success. And finally, you need to be on full mental alert so as to visualise in advance, the challenges likely to be posed by opponents. It is only with such a holistic approach that you can emerge a winner. The usual run of human life too, is something like a game play. The difference being that in a sporting event the number of players is limited, but in course of life-play, you are to contend with umpteen numbers of competing fellow travellers. That makes the lifeplay even more complex and challenging, particularly when each individual is born unique, all reflecting varying mental dispensation, often playing spoilsport with others. What makes the game plan even more complex is that human mind, which drives a being, happens to be a trickster by itself. For, the indwelling sense of duality becomes I /HDUQJDPLQJUXOHVRIOLIHLQWLPH subject to self-invited conflicting thoughts. Mind again, remains susceptible to tempting glare and glitters of the illusionary seeming world. What compounds the problem is that invariably we are all born with a preconditioned mind not allowing it to explore beyond self-defined parameters and so often truth eludes us. But life has to keep marching ahead. So, the question now is: What is the way out of this impasse so as to prove an achiever in the sport of life? The answer lies in learning the ‘Art of Living’ holistically. That calls for identifying and then perfecting the inlaid infirmities, acknowledging and honing inlaid potential, and develop inter-personal relationship skills so as to team up well with the world around. Also, you need to be on full alert to smartly deal with the callings of varying dynamics of emerging times. You like it or not, but you have to learn anyway, whether consciously or when forced by circumstances, the choice is yours. When you learn consciously, life becomes easy. Otherwise, when pulled down by circumstances, there are two ways people usually respond. Some get too much unnerved, begin to sulk, get into guilt syndrome, lose confidence, begin to doubt their capacity, and life becomes cumbersome. Others, draw lesson out of their failing, reinvent themselves, and finally make it to their dream destination. But all said and done, even if you get over your failure, you prove to be a late starter, because you are already left behind in the run of time. Evidently, the better course is to consciously get into the learning process well in time. For that, you need to have a guru, who first shows your mirrorimage, and then leads you overcome your frailties, and optimise your potential. In this respect, astrology too can prove a great help, as it could dispassionately figure out the basic fabric of your making. Here is a case in point of someone who has not been able to settle down in life despite having moved into his forties. He wished to know: Why lady-luck has been eluding him? He was told that the root of his problem lied in his habit tendencies. Let us now look at astrological pointers to his personality framework. The Sun conjunct limiting Saturn speaks of indwelling sense of negativity that makes him begin looking at any- thing with an element of doubt. Also, there exists seed of fear and insecurity that made him a habitual escapist. Mind signifying Moon sandwiched between Neptune and Ketu, occupies the sign Sagittarius. It points out, in the first place, a wavering mind not allowing him to take decision in time, whereby he often misses opportunities. Second, he is tactless and un-diplomatic. He would impulsively make ill-timed and indiscreet statements often offending those around. Third, Mercury placed adverse to Rahu and Ketu does not let him remain focused to his task for long. Consequently, he is not able to pursue any task in hand to its logical end and leave midway through. On top of all is his volatile emotionality, coming as it may with combust Venus, read together with Jupiter placed adverse to Moon. Late though, but circumstances have forced him to come for a learning lesson to me, following which he will be able to come out with his best soon. 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