Raipur - The Pioneer
Raipur - The Pioneer
7`]]`hfd`_+ 0DXU4QY\i@Y_^UUb H@C=5& 10=6;034B7?A4?0A4BC> 4G42DC4C>?90<00C;4034A RNI Regn. No. CHHENG/2012/42718, Postal Reg. No. - RYP DN/34/2013-2015 VQSUR__[S_]TQY\i`Y_^UUb @A:?:@?' 6B?2A4374AA8=6C74 2>=6A4BB70B5>D=3 4bcPQ[XbWTS '%# ?dQ[XbWTS5a^\ 34;78;D2:=>F 17>?0; 17D10=4BF0AA0=278A08?DA 270=3860A7347A03D= >@?6J"! 38E834=3C0G>=;H>=38E834=3 8=2><401>E4C ;0:7 A08?DAB0CDA30H<0H& ! k %*?064B !C" 2Xch E^[$ 8bbdT !$ 0XaBdaRWPaVT4gcaPXU0__[XRPQ[T m 44E@1719>CD <1771B4C;H9@ 9>9@<D?41I !!C@?BD fffSPX[h_X^]TTaR^\ >@5:E2<6Dµ:E2=J=:?<¶DH:A6 2E4@?8 30 VD\VWKRVHIRXQGJXLOW\LQ$JXVWDVFDPZRQ¶WEHVSDUHG :D<0A274;;0?0=Q 274==08 I n his first reaction to AgustaWestland deal, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday asserted that those found guilty in the helicopter scam would not be spared. “My Government’s only objective is to help the poor and downtrodden in the country to lead a good life. It is their money which has been looted by a cartel of people and they have to be punished. Don’t you want them to be punished?” asked the Prime Minister to the audience at an election rally in Hossur. The answer was an overwhelming “Yes”. “I don’t have any relations and friends in Italy. I do not know anybody in Italy. But a court in Italy rules that some people in the previous Government has taken money as bribe in the helicopter deal,” Modi said. “What have I got to do with the verdict? Some people who are shocked with the court verdict have mounted an attack on me. What have I to do with this court ruling?” asked the Prime Minister again. He asserted that his fight against corruption and nepotism would continue in spite of the attacks launched by certain parties on him,” Modi added. Modi, who launched his campaign in the Tamil Nadu Assembly elections from Hossur on Friday, pleaded with the people of the State to elect the BJP candidates to usher in ?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXXbVPa[P]STSPc P]T[TRcX^]aP[[hPc?P[PZZPSX]:TaP[P ?C8 20?BD;4 FWPcWPeT8V^cc^S^fXcW cWTeTaSXRc.B^\T_T^_[T fW^PaTbW^RZTSfXcWcWT R^daceTaSXRcWPeT\^d]cTS P]PccPRZ^]\TFWPcWPeT8 c^S^fXcWcWXbR^dacad[X]V. =0A4=3A0<>38 101D;BD?A8H>7DAC8= 022834=CC0:4=C>088<B =Tf3T[WX)D]X^]<X]XbcTa1PQd[ Bd_aXh^fPbPS\XccTSX]088<B PUcTaPa^PSPRRXST]c]TPaB^dcW fTbc3T[WX³bBdQa^c^?PaZPaTP^] 5aXSPhTeT]X]VBd_aXh^fPb aXSX]VPQXZT^]WXbfPhc^cWT PXa_^acc^aTRTXeTWXbSPdVWcTa7T bdSST][h[^bcR^]ca^[^eTacWT cf^fWTT[TaP]SWXccWTaTPabXST ^UP]BDE7TXb^dc^USP]VTa 3428B8>=>=F><4=0B 5867C4A?8;>CB8=0H40A =Tf3T[WX)3TUT]RT<X]XbcTa <P]^WPa?PaaXZPaX]U^a\TScWT ;^ZBPQWPcWPccWTSTRXbX^]^] VaP]cX]V_Ta\P]T]cR^\\XbbX^] c^f^\T]_X[^cbfX[[QTcPZT] fXcWX]PhTPa?PaaXZPabPXScWaTT f^\T]RP]SXSPcTbWPeTQTT] bT[TRcTSU^a°bcPVT88±caPX]X]VPb UXVWcTa_X[^cbfW^f^d[SQT aTPShQh9d]T9d[h 1D;;4CA4<>E435A>< <8=´B=42:05C4A &HAB =Tf3T[WX)0Qd[[TcbcdRZX]cWT QPRZ^U3T[WXCaP]b_^ac<X]XbcTa 6^_P[APX³b]TRZU^acWT_Pbc & hTPabfPbbdRRTbbUd[[haT\^eTS PcW^b_XcP[^]5aXSPh 8B8B4G42DC4B&HA>;3 1>H5>ABF40A8=6 1TXadc)CWT8B8B\X[XcP]cVa^d_ WPbTgTRdcTSPbTeT]hTPa^[S Q^hX]]^acWTa]BhaXPPUcTaWT P[[TVTS[hbf^aTSdaX]VPVP\T^U U^^cQP[[PRR^aSX]Vc^PaT_^ac <dPi7PbbP]fPb_dcc^STPcW ^]CWdabSPhQTU^aTPRa^fS^U bTeTaP[Wd]SaTS_T^_[TX]AP``P 8]5TQ! !0]c^]hZTWPPcW QPP]SWaPZWTcWT¨0]c^]h bT]cT]cXaTUX[TbX]_P]XRWT fP]cTSc^_a^cTRcWXbX\PVT¨ QTRWPaPBPX]c0]c^]hf^d[S WPeTQTT]SXba^QTS <0=>70A?0AA8:0A a golden era for the State. He listed before the electorate the steps initiated by the NDA Government at the Centre for addressing the problems and issues faced by the poor, downtrodden, farmers and Dalits in the country. “For the first time in the history of independent India, we have a Government exclusively for the poor and the oppressed classes. We are sorting out the issues faced by the poor classes one by one. Some of the major achievements of this Government are in helping the poor farmers to surmount the urea shortage which has been haunting them for years,” said Modi. Modi said immediately after his swearing in as Prime Minister, he daily received letters s from Chief Ministers of States and farmers about the severe shortage of urea. “Urea was being sold in the black market and farmers had to bribe officials to get their quota of urea. My Government put an end to the practice of corruption in the sale of urea. We have started distributing neem coated urea which helped farmers to bring down their cost of production as well as quantity of chemicals used in farm operations,” said the Prime Minister. He told the audience how his Government gave up the practice of holding personal interviews to select applicants for class three and four categories in the Government service. 0VdbcP_a^QTf^]´cSXT[XZT1^U^ab´)?PaaXZPa ?=BQ =4F34;78 sserting that the Congress A side was the beneficiary of kickbacks in the AgustaWestland, Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar on Friday maintained that the VVIP chopper contract was kicked off in 1994 during the Congress regime and his Government would do everything to trace out the final recipients of the bribery in the case. He asserted the case would not meet the fate of 7:CRXRZ_deeY`dV _R^VUSj:eR]ZR_ T`fce0D4 Rd\d 8`ge¶dcVda`_dV New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Friday has sought the response of the Centre and CBI on a PIL that sought FIR in the AgustaWestland helicopter scam against all named by an Italian court. The PIL pleaded the court to appoint a special investigation team to conduct a court-monitored probe. The PIL, filed by advocate Manohar Lal Sharma, sought FIR against political leaders, including UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi and former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, whose names figure in the Italian court’s judgment of April 7. PNS 8UPRPbT^UR^aad_cX^]XbQTX]V_a^QTSW^]Tbc[h cWT]W^fS^TbXcQTR^\TP]cX]PcX^]P[.CWTUXVWcXb ]^cfXcWh^da6P]SWXUP\X[hQdcR^aad_cX^]CWT 2^]VaTbbbW^d[SP]bfTafWhS^TbcaPX[^UP[[ R^aad_cX^]RPbTb[TPSc^h^d.0bTaXTb^UbRP\b WPbQTR^\TPQT]RW\PaZ^UcWT2^]V6^ec A0E8B70=:0A?A0B03 Bofors scam which could not be reached to its logical conclusion. In a heated debate in the Lok Sabha where Congress leader Jyotiraditya Scindia said the Italian court judge has said that there was no evidence against Congress president Sonia Gandhi but spoken about “the family of Tyagi and not Gandhi Parivar”. The Congress members, including Sonia and Rahul, staged a walkout, demanding a Supreme Courtmonitored probe into the C3,600-crore cancelled deal for 12 VVIP helicopters. Leading the Congress attack, Scindia said the BJP was telling “baseless lies” “Mayajal bunne ki koshih ke hain, ham us Mayajal ko dwasth karenge “ (It is the habit of BJP to level wrong and base- less allegations and create an illusion through that but we will break through it), he said. Scindia said the deal was started during the NDA regime. Strongly contradicting Scindia’s claim that the deal was initiated in 1999 during the NDA rule, Parrikar quoted from files to say that the AgustaWestland contract negotiations were started in 1994 and maintained that it was the Congress government that raised the clause relating to the cabin height of chopper at 1.8 metre apparently to fit-in the AgustaWestland choppers. 2^]VaTbb_aTbXST]cB^]XP6P]SWXP]SU^a\Ta ?<<P]\^WP]BX]VWR^dacPaaTbcSdaX]VcWTXa ;^ZcP]caP1PRWP^<PaRWX]=Tf3T[WX^]5aXSPh A4?>AC> >=??$ 0[fX]BX]VWk?X^]TTa FWT]TeTacWT]P\T^UB^]XP 6P]SWXR^\TbcWThbcPac UTT[X]VXaaXcPcTSP]ScWThPaT PUaPXS^UWTaQTRPdbTbWTXbP ²[X^]Tbb³CWPcXbfWhcWTh 19?PaTPUaPXS^UWTa 9H>C8A038CH0B28=380 8fP]cc^RPdcX^]cWT6^eccWPccWThbW^d[S]^c \PZTcWT\XbcPZT^UR^]bXSTaX]VcWT2^]VaTbb fTPZCWT2^]VaTbbfX[[]TeTaQT]Sc^ X]YdbcXRT¨0]h]d\QTa^UPccT\_cb\PhQT\PST c^bRPaTdbc^STUP\TdbFTPaT]^cV^X]Vc^ QT]S;XUTWPbcPdVWc\Tc^bcadVV[T B>=8060=378 BX]RTcWT19?WPbR^\Tc^_^fTa cWThWPeT^][h^]T\XbbX^] ²2^]VaTbb\dZc1WPaPc³¨CWT 2^]VaTbbXb[XZTPU[^fX]V6P]VP H^dSTUP\TXc^aS^fWPcTeTaXcfX[[ ]^cRWP]VTXcbR^dabT <0=<>70=B8=67 5DZDWWRVKRZVWUHQJWKRQ0D\ BcPcTad]\TSXRP[R^[[TVTb \PhVTc=44C TgT\_cX^] D4XZgVd_`Z_eVcZ^cV]ZVWe`*cVSV] 4`_X>=2dSfeeYVZcaRceZTZaReZ`_Z_ W]``ceVdeUVaV_Ud`_>Rj*94`cUVc 01A070<C7><0BQ =4F34;78 T he Supreme Court on Friday ordered ousted Uttarakhand Chief Minister Harish Rawat to take a floor test at a speciallyconvened session of the Assembly on Tuesday in which the nine disqualified rebel Congress MLAs would not be allowed to take part. The interim ruling by the apex court came after the Centre agreed to a floor test even as the State is under President’s Rule. Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi informed the court that the Centre was open to having a floor test by Rawat, provided that the nine rebel MLAs also participate in the voting that may be supervised by an independent observer. The suggestion met with stiff opposition from the Congress’ legal stalwarts Abhishek Manu Singhvi and Kapil Sibal. They pointed out that allowing disqualified MLAs to vote will amount to “short-circuiting” the Constitutional process under the Tenth Schedule by which they stand disqualified. The court noted in its order, “As long as disqualification remains, this court cannot allow the nine members to vote.” However, it added that the remark will not “prejudice” the challenge to their disqualification pending before the Uttarakhand High Court. This possibly could pave way for the rebel MLAs to secure an order to vote before Tuesday. On the question of an independent observer, both Sibal and Singhvi were opposed to the AG’s suggestion of having a former Election Commissioner or ?=BQ =4F34;78 tate Government colleges SNational could get exemption from Eligibility and Entrance even a Constitutional expert such as Subhash Kashyap to independently oversee the voting process. This will amount to interference of an outsider in the legislative business of the House, they argued. Working a way out, the Bench of Justices Dipak Misra and Shiva Kirti Singh directed the Principal Secretary of the Legislative Assembly to be present during the special session to be convened on Tuesday from 11 am to 1 pm just to conduct the voting and no other business. Test (NEET) this year after the Medical Council of India (MCI) on Friday proposed that States may be allowed, as an exception this year, to fill MBBS/BDS seats in Government colleges through their Common Entrance Test (CET). The Supreme Court will take a final call on granting this exemption on Monday as the Centre informed the court that the Health Ministry is meeting State representatives on the issue over the weekend. Appearing for the Centre, Solicitor General Ranjit Kumar said that a meeting is scheduled to be held in the next two days between Health Ministry officials and representatives from States as several States have conveyed their reservations on implementing NEET this year. States had argued that most of them had already made preparations for the CET this year while some had even conducted it. Moreover, the switch from CET to NEET will cause tremendous hardship to students who are trained in the State syllabus and face language barrier since NEET is to be conducted only in English and Hindi this year. The MCI through senior advocate Vikas Singh informed the Bench that a decision has been taken to exempt State CETs this year considering the problems faced by States. However, NEET will apply to private medical colleges without exception. The Bench of Justices AR Dave, Shiva Kirti Singh and Adarsh K Goel gave time to the Centre to come up with its decision on allowing State CETs. As far as private medical colleges are concerned, the Bench reiterated, “prima facie it is also our view that private colleges will not be allowed to have their exam. There shall be NEET for private colleges, association of private colleges and deemed colleges. As far as States CET are concerned, S-G will take instructions.” Meanwhile, the court hinted that those students who failed to appear in the first phase of NEET on May 1 could be held eligible for the next phase on July 24. But this concession may not be available for those students who have already taken NEET, the Bench added. <P^XbcbaTcda]c^X]U[XRc\^aT C^_88C88<QaPX]bc^STeT[^_2´VPaWRXcXTb SP\PVTc^=<32_a^_TacXTb BC055A4?>AC4AQ A08?DA op brains currently being T nurtured in the country's premier business and technol- BC055A4?>AC4AQ 30=C4F030 T here seems to be no end to the woes of NMDC Ltdthe country largest iron ore producer and exporter which continues to be saddled with havoc played by the Maoists at its facilities in Bastar region of Chhattisgarh for the past several years. While, just two days back, Maoists stormed the company's Bacheli iron ore mines facility in Dantewada district and set afire a conveyor belt after triggering a blast on Wednesday, the insurgents were back again late on Thursday night -this time at a mine located in Kirandul region of Dantewada district and set afire drill and shovel machines stationed there, police said here on Friday. The CISF troopers and Maoists also had a light exchange of fire, after which, the insurgents ran away from the mine area, a police officer said. "The incident was reported around Post Number 11 in mine area where CISF jawans had exchange of fire with Naxals late on Thursday night," Superintendent of Police (SP) Dantewada, Kamlochan Kashyap said. Meanwhile, sources informed that armed Naxals had set afire machiner y involved in mining work and the cost of damaged machines could be running into crores of rupees. ogy schools will soon get assignments to prepare urban development plans for civic bodies in Chhattisgarh, officials stated. The Chhattisgarh Urban Administration and Development Department has decided to invite interns comprising mainly students and researchers from renowned institutions like IITs and IIMs who would help in preparing better plans for management of water supply, low cost housing, sewerage management, solid waste management, poverty eradication, study of various State and Central schemes related to vehicular traffic management in urban areas. As per official information released on Friday, under the AMRUT Mission the nine municipal corporations- Raipur, Bilaspur, Durg, Bhilai, Korba, Rajnandgaon, Raigarh, Jagdalpur and Ambikapurhave been selected wherein 'Shahar Sandhan Yojna' (City Research Scheme) will be launched. The scheme is aimed at utilizing the educational knowledge of students and researchers in better development of cities, officials said. The State Urban Administration and Development Authority has already issued directives to all nine Municipal Corporations in this regard. The students in final year of graduation or post graduation studying Engineering, Management, Town Planning, Environment, Technology or Social Studies will be eligible for carrying out the studies. The research scholars can also take part in the studies in various municipal corporations of the State. ]PcX^]! A08?DAkB0CDA30H k<0H &! % µH`_¶e]VeUVdecfTeZ`_`W UV^`TcReZTZ_deZefeZ`_d¶ ?=BQ =4F34;78 ombating a direct attack on C the top leadership of her party, including herself on the AgustaWestland issue, Congress president Sonia Gandhi on Friday hit back at the Modi Government, saying it should “not try to frighten” her party. “Do not make the mistake of thinking that the Congress party is weak. We will not allow democratic institutions to be weakened or destroyed,” Sonia said at a ‘Save Democracy’ rally held by the party at Jantar Mantar, before they tried to march to Parliament. Former PM Manmohan Singh, Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi and other top party leaders also courted arrest after they were stopped from marching to Parliament. They were released after a short while. “Today those who do not agree with them are harassed,” she said, addressing the rally, and warned “Inke din ab poore ho gaye hai” (Their days are over now). People can teach them a lesson if they continue to indulge in it.” Targeting RSS, Sonia said, “We have to send a message so strong that people sitting in Raisina Hill and Nagpur sit up and listen.” Referring to the political crisis in Arunachal and Uttarakhand, Sonia accused the Modi Government of dislodging democratically-elected Congress Governments “with the use of money power”. Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh accused the Modi Government of trying to dislodge Congress Governments in the States. “Since BJP has come to power they have only one mission ‘Congress-mukt Bharat’. They say this wherever they go. I want to tell the Modi Government that Congress is India’s soul,” Singh said. Rahul Gandhi said only two people’s writ runs in the country and those who stand against them are targeted with “false allegations”. “Only two people’s writ runs in the coun- try. That is Mohan Bhagwat ji and Narendra Modi ji. And those who stand against them, speak against them face false allegations,” he said. CW^bTfW^S^]^c PVaTTfXcW<^SX 6^ecQTX]VWPaPbbTS P[[TVTbB^]XP ?=BQ =4F34;78 °3>=>C<0:4C74 <8BC0:4>5C78=:8=6 C70CC742>=6A4BB ?0ACH8BF40:F4 F8;;=>C0;;>F 34<>2A0C82 8=BC8CDC8>=BC>14 F40:4=43>A 34BCA>H4C>30H C7>B4F7>3>=>C 06A44F8C7C74< 0A470A0BB43± %-3VWDJHVSURWHVWRXWVLGH 3DUOLDPHQWDJDLQVW&RQJ ?=BQ =4F34;78<D<108 s the Congress took to the streets, the BJP staged its A own protest against the Opposition party on the Parliament premises on the AgustaWestland issue. Describing the ‘Save Democracy’ rally held by the Congress as “ridiculous”, Union Minister Venkaiah Naidu on Friday said the Opposition party is resorting to such tactics only to divert public attention from the AugustaWestland chopper case. “Today Congress is demonstrating outside the Parliament and levelling allegations against us. This is ridiculous and they have no moral right to say this (allegation against the NDA Government),” Naidu told reporters on the sidelines of an event in Mumbai. The BJP protested at the Gandhi statue in Parliament over the Congress’ involvement in the VVIP chopper scam besides the march. Central BJP ministers, veteran party leaders and MPs were seen holding placards criticizing alleged diversionary tactics of the opposition party. Addressing a Press conference later, Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said it has been a practice with the Congress that whenever an “earnest investigation” is done, it treats it as antinational and an attack on democracy. “If a case of corruption is being probed honestly, then how does it become anti-national? The fight is not with your &3,UDLVHV-18VWXGHQWV¶ KXQJHUVWULNHLQ56 (Gandhi) family but corruption. Congress should answer why does trail of all corruption cases lead to you? A series of scams has become a benchmark of Congress government, “ he said. “Every attempt was made to put obstacles in the AgustaWestland probe. Regardless of what Congress says, this government is going to prosecute (accused) in a fair manner. Probe will be done in a fairest manner and promptly,” he told the media. Friday’s march was a “save family” campaign of Sonia and Rahul Gandhi, he said. I ssues including death of a Dalit allegedly due to hunger in Bundelkhand, reservation for SC and ST in judicial service and early resolution of JNU issue in the backdrop of its students’ union office bearers on hunger strike figured in the Rajya Sabha on Friday. Members sought the Government’s intervention in resolving the protests by JNU students by advising the university authorities to reconsider its decision to severely penalise some of them. The issue was raised by CPI member D Raja during Zero Hour and several members including Sharad Yadav (JD-U) backed his plea. Deputy Chairman PJ Kurien also said he thought the Government should try to solve the issue and asked Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi to convey the feeling of the house to the concerned Ministers. Human Resource Development Minister Smriti Irani, however, turned down the demand for waiving off rustication and other punishments meted out to students in universities, terming it a “Pandora’s Box.” She also said these institutions were granted autonomy to handle administrative matters. Her reaction came during a debate on the functioning of her ministry when Congress member Ananda Bhaskar Rapolu said the students were looking at Irani’s “magnanimity” to waive off punishments and rustication of students in various universities. Prabhat Jha(BJP) drew the attention of the House to the death of 40-year-old Kanhaiaya, a Dalit man in Bundelkhand earlier this week and alleged inaction by the state government in providing relief to him in time. BSP supremo Mayawati said Kanhaiya’s case was not an isolated incident. Food Minister Ramvilas Paswan said a team from his ministry will visit Bundekhand to gather all facts about the case. Members of parties including Congress, CPI and BSP made a strong plea for reservation in judiciary by amend- ing Constitution and sought an all-party meeting to discuss the issue, even as the Government insisted that there was currently no such proposal in this regard. This issue came up during Question Hour and Law Minister Sadananda V Gowda said the appointment of judges of Supreme Court and High he CBI on Friday grilled lawyer Guatam Khaitan for T the third consecutive day in connection with the C3,600 crore AugustaWestland helicopter deal. The agency also questioned the cousins of former IAF chief SP Tyagi in the case. During questioning, Tyagi cousins admitted their financial links with former IAF chief SP Tyagi. Former IAF chief ’s cousin Sanjeev Tyagi admitted financial links with European middlemen Guido Hashke and Carlo Gerosa, agency sources said. “Khaitan seems to be concealing information regarding financial transactions between his company and Augusta,” an official said. Khiatan was a director in the accused company Aeromatrix and was also associated with Chandigarhbased IDS Infotech alleged to be involved in money laundering in the deal. All the three Tyagi cousins and Khaitan will be grilled again on Saturday. Meanwhile, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) questioned former IAF chief SP Tyagi for the second consecu- ?=BQ =4F34;78 he Lok Sabha on Friday debated over issues like T granting permanent commission to women pilots and health scenario and diseases in the country among others. Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar informed the Lok Sabha that the decision on granting permanent commission to women pilots will be taken within a year. Detailing the health scenario, Minister JP Nadda said about 10-12 million people in the country suffer from severe mental disorder and another 50 million from common disorders like depression and anxiety. He said this data is per 2005 survey. Responding to a series of supplementaries on induction of women as fighter pilots, Parrikar said three women candidates have been selected for ‘stage-II’ training as fighter pilots who would be ready by June-July. He said as of now they have been inducted in short service on an experimental basis to ascertain the difficulties that could be faced and taken care of before they are inducted on a permanent basis. Parrikar said the decision on granting them permanent commission will be taken “soon” and went on to add that it will be taken in “one year”. BJP chief whip Arjun Ram Meghwaly faced the ire of the Speaker for saying that women are afraid of flying MiG-21 fighters due to its high accident rate. While asking a supplementary to Parrikar on induction of women in IAF’s combat stream, Meghwal said women are afraid of flying MiG 21s due to their high accident rate. “Don’t say tive day on Friday in the money laundering case registered by the agency. Tyagi was subjected to a marathon 10-hour questioning on Thursday by ED sleuths. Tyagi was grilled at the zonal office of the agency as he was required to be put through more questions and evidences collected in the case. The agency had on Thursday questioned him on his role in the deal and his statement was recorded under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA). Tyagi was questioned for three days earlier this week in 4`_XcRZdVd bfVdeZ`_d`gVc SfjZ_X`WCRWR]V )RUGLVUHVSHFW [VeSj>`UZ8`ge WRRUGHUV New Delhi: Amid the storm over the AgustaWestland chop- LVVXHGE\1*7 a separate case. ED had registered a PMLA case in this regard in 2014 and named 21 people including Tyagi in its money laundering FIR. It had also arrested Delhibased businessman Gautam Khaitan and had also filed a charge sheet last year. ED had earlier submitted that Khaitan was on the board of Chandigarh-based company Aeromatrix which was allegedly a front firm for the financial dealings in the chopper deal. The central agency has also issued Letters Rogatory (judicial requests) to ten countries in this case. BaXBaXb[P__TSfXcWR^]cT\_cbdXc ;^ZBPQWPB_TPZTaBd\XcaP<PWPYP]19?eTcTaP];:0SeP]XP]S^cWTa[TPSTab_PhcaXQdcTbc^<^cX[P[=TWad^]WXbQXacW P]]XeTabPahX]cWT2T]caP[7P[[^U?Pa[XP\T]cX]=Tf3T[WX^]5aXSPh ?C8 6&LPSRVHVCFUILQHRQ 2GLVKDPHGLFDOFROOHJH 3dQbbcPcT^U \TSXRP[R^[[TVTbX] R^d]cahPb°a^ccT] erming the state of medical colleges in the country as T “rotten”, the Supreme Court 2>BCB>5C$2A>A40A48<?>B43>= :0;8=608=BC8CDC4>5<43820;B284=24B :8<B5>A?;0H8=6F8C7C745DCDA4>5 8CBBCD34=CB0=3C74<4BBC70C8C70B 2A40C435>AC74<C740<>D=CF8;;14 34?>B8C431H:8<B8=C74A468BCAH>5 C78B2>DACF8C78=B8GF44:B5A><C>30H on Friday imposed a penalty of C5 crore on an Odisha-based private medical college for raising the number of seats from 100 to 150 in an academic year and “playing with the future of students”. “Costs of C5 crore are imposed on Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) for playing with the future of its students and the mess that it has created for them. The amount will be deposited by KIMS in the Registry of this Court within six weeks from today. The amount of C5 crores so deposited towards costs shall not be recovered in any manner from any student or adjusted against the fees or provision of facilities for students of any present or subsequent batches,” a bench comprising Justices M B Lokur and N V Ramana said. The bench, however, protected the students who were admitted in the year 2015-16 in the courses run by the medical college administration. “The admission granted to the 50 students pursuant to the order of the High Court dated September 25, 2015 and the provisional permission granted by the central government only on September 28, 2015 shall not be disturbed. “How the students will complete their course of studies without putting undue pressure on them is entirely for MCI ?C8Q =4F34;78 ° B21 1T]RW and KIMS and other concerned authorities to decide,” it said. The top court also restrained KIMS from increasing the intake of students from 100 to 150 for the MBBS course for the academic year 2016-17 and 2017-2018. The order came on an appeal filed by MCI challenging the Orissa High Court’s verdict which had permitted KIMS to admit additional 50 students in academic year 2015-16. The private medical college had moved the High Court, challenging MCI’s order disallowing admission in MBBS and BDS streams citing lack of adequate infrastructure. per deal, Congress on Friday raised questions over buying of Rafale fighter aircraft by the Narendra Modi dispensation. “Which Defence Procurement Procedure permits a Prime Minister to go and buy fighter aircraft from a private company without tendering process on Off-the-Shelf Basis leading to expenditure of Billion Dollars?”, party’s chief spokesman Randeep Surjewala asked while talking to reporters. Raising a number of questions over the deal, he wondered whether is it sovereign right of the Prime Minister over exchequer’s money? “If there is no sovereign right that a Prime Minister has, can a Prime Minister tomorrow decide that he will spend ‘X’ amount of Billion Dollars of exchequer’s money on Off-theShelf purchase of the Fighter Aircraft, the answer is clearly ‘No’.”, he said. So, the Defence Procurement Procedure post independence, if ever has been negated, “thrown in the dust-bin and violated with impunity,” it is in case of purchase of Off-the-Shelf Rafele Aircraft by the Prime Minister, he claimed. Besides, he recalled that a global tender was held by Government and two companies had qualified – Dassault Aviation of France which manufactures Rafele and the other Company which makes Euro Fighter. PTI ?=BQ =4F34;78 ith the Art of Living Foundation (AoL) yet to W pay a major part of environment compensation for its cultural fest on Yamuna floodplains in March last, its founder Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has been slapped with a contempt suit for alleged disrespect shown by him to the orders of National Green Tribunal . The green bench will hear the case on May 10. The contempt suit was filed on behalf of environmentalist Manoj Mishra pointing out that AoL has delayed the deposition of C4.75 crore. of Courts was made under Articles 124 and 217 of the Constitution which do not provide for any quota for any caste or class of persons. Responding to demands to call an all-party meeting consider the matter, the minister said the suggestion has been “welltaken” and the government will look into it. Congress accused the Government of “abusing and insulting” the Constitution, on a day its top leadership took to streets to protest the “assaults on democracy.” Raising the issue, Deputy Leader of Congress Anand Sharma said the top leadership of his party is protesting against the “assaults on democracy” by this government. His party colleagues then stormed into the well raising slogans forcing a brief adjournment during Zero Hour. 4R]]`_aVc^R_V_eT`^^ZddZ`_e` h`^V_WZXYeVcaZ]`ed]Z\V]jd``_ ChPVXR^dbX]bPS\Xcc^UX]P]RXP[[X]ZbfXcW0VdbcP\XSS[T\T] ?=BQ =4F34;78 8aP]XaTYTRcb ST\P]SU^a fPXeX]V^UU adbcXRPcX^] “remaining environment compensation imposed by NGT despite the fact that the founder of AoL heads over C234 crore worth of assets, with over C81 crore in latest revenues from the United States, United Kingdom and Netherlands alone”. The application mentioned that it is being filed to draw the attention of the Tribunal to the disrespect shown in public domain by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar - Chairman of AoL, by casting aspersions on the Tribunal and the dispensation of justice done by it under the Rule of Law. The counsel for AoL on the other hand said that the foundation will respond to the suit in court if at all it gets accepted. She added that when AoL had returned the land to Delhi Development Authority, it was cleaner and greener in comparison to what the foundation had received when it held the event. Earlier, the NGT had imposed an environment compensation of Rs 5 crore on the AoL for the destruction its event, World Culture Festival (WCF), had caused to the ecology at the fragile Yamuna floodplains. The AoL had then cited its inability to pay the huge amount being a charitable organisation and deposited only Rs 25 Lakh on March 11, when the World Cultural Festival kicked off. like that,” Speaker Sumitra Mahajan told Meghwal. “Do you agree,” she asked the Defence Minister, who immediately replied in the negative. Meghwal then sought to explain that what he actually meant was that awareness should be orgainsed at NCC and school level against the fear of flying. Citing the National Commission of Macroeconomics and Health reported in 2005 that 10-20 million (1-2 per cent of population) suffered from severe mental disorders like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Another nearly 50 million (5 per cent of population) suffered from common mental disorders such as depression and anxiety, yielding an overall estimate of 6.5 per cent of the population, Nadda said in Lok Sabha. 8=B7>AC B2B44:B24=CA4´BA4?;H >E4AC745C8=6DF070C8 =Tf3T[WX)CWTBd_aT\T2^dac ^]5aXSPhb^dVWcaTb_^]bTUa^\ cWT2T]caT^]P_TcXcX^]bTTZX]V P218_a^QTX]c^cWTP[[TVTS SXbP__TPaP]RT^Ud]PRR^d]cPQ[T RPbWc^cWTcd]T^UC"Ra^aT "ZVbV^[SP]Sb^\T^cWTa PacXR[TbUa^\PcT\_[TX] 6dfPWPcXX]! #01T]RW WTPSTSQh2WXTU9dbcXRTCB CWPZdaXbbdTS]^cXRTbc^cWT 2T]caTP]S0bbP\6^eTa]\T]c fWX[TbTTZX]VcWTXaaT_[hfXcWX] bXgfTTZb ;6A>F)<70C>;3C> 38B2;>B458;4=>C8=6B =Tf3T[WX)2T]caP[8]U^a\PcX^] 2^\\XbbX^]WPbSXaTRcTScWT 7^\T<X]Xbcahc^SXbR[^bTP[[UX[T ]^cX]VbaT[PcTSc^cWT R^]ca^eTabXP[]^cXUXRPcX^]^UcWT 2T]caTXbbdTS^]<Ph! ! $ STUX]X]VcWTa^[T^U;c6^eTa]^a X]cWT3T[WX6^eTa]\T]cCWT X]U^a\PcX^]fPbST]XTSQhcWT 7^\T<X]XbcahbPhX]V3T[WX 6^eTa]\T]cWPSRWP[[T]VTSXcX] cWT7XVW2^dacP]SSXbR[^bdaT^U cWTaTR^aSb\XVWcPSeTabT[h PUUTRcXcbRPbT ?A>6A4BB>58=310=6;0 1DBB4AE824A4E84F43 =Tf3T[WX) 6^eTa]\T]c PdcW^aXcXTbUa^\8]SXPP]S 1P]V[PSTbWaTeXTfTScWT _a^VaTbb^UcWT_PbbT]VTaQdb bTaeXRTQTcfTT]cWTcf^ R^d]caXTbCWT7^\TP]S 5^aTXV]0UUPXab<X]XbcaXTbUa^\ Q^cWbXSTb\TcX]BWX[[^]V^] cWTFTS]TbSPhCWT^QYTRcXeT^U cWT\TTcX]VfPbc^cPZTbc^RZ^U cWTQdbbTaeXRTb_[hX]V^]U^da a^dcTbQTcfTT]cWTcf^ R^d]caXTbP]SQaX]VX] X\_a^eT\T]cfWTaTeTa_^bbXQ[T c^UPRX[XcPcTb\^^cWP]S R^\U^acPQ[T\^eT\T]c^U _PbbT]VTab D´:70=32A8B8B)2>=6 34<0=3B?<´B0?>;>6H D]X^]7^\T<X]XbcTaP]S19?[TPSTaAPY]PcWBX]VWPcP]T[TRcX^]RP\_PXV]aP[[hX]:d]]PcW^^a^]5aXSPh ?C8 =Tf3T[WX)2^]VaTbb^]5aXSPh ST\P]STScWPc?aX\T<X]XbcTa =PaT]SaP<^SXc^P_^[^VXbTU^a °caP\_[X]V±ST\^RaPRhX] DccPaPZWP]SX]cWTfPZT^UcWT [P]S\PaZYdSV\T]c^UcWT Bd_aT\T2^dac°C^SPhfPbP [P]S\PaZeXRc^ahU^a R^]bcXcdcX^]P[ST\^RaPRhQhcWT Bd_aT\T2^dac^] DccPaPZWP]SXbbdT?aX\T <X]XbcTa\dbcP_^[^VXbTc^cWT _T^_[T^UDccPaPZWP]SP]S 8]SXP7T\dbce^f]TeTac^cah c^c^__[TP]T[TRcTSbcPcT V^eTa]\T]c±_Pach³bRWXTU b_^ZTb\P]AP]STT_ BdaYTfP[PbPXS RWWPccXbVPaW" A08?DAkB0CDA30H k<0H &! % >RUhREAARTT`cUVUµScZUXV]Z_\RXV¶W`cT`R]dfaa]j BC055A4?>AC4AQ A08?DA T he 2x500 MW Madwa Thermal Power Plant (TPP) in Janjgir Champa district of Chhattisgarh had been accorded ‘bridge linkage’ by Union Coal Ministry for coal supply with 19 other thermal power plants in the country, officials informed. Notably, Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh on March 31 this year had informed in the State Assembly that the power generation from one unit of 1000 MW under construction Madwa Thermal Power plant commenced commercial production on March 31, 2016 in Janjgir-Champa district after necessary technical checks. On the other hand, NTPC Ltd’s upcoming 2x800 MW Lara thermal power plant in Raigarh district of the State had also been accorded ‘bridge linkage’ for coal. Notably, the Union Coal Ministry had circulated Policy guidelines February 8 this year for grant of 'Bridge Linkage' to specified end-use plants of Central and State Public Sector Undertakings (Both in Power as well as Non-Power sector) which have been allotted Schedule-III coal mines under the Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Act, 2015 (CM(SP) Act) and coal blocks allotted under the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation Act), 1957 (MMDR Act)for a period of 3 years from the date of allotment of coal mine/block. A Standing Linkage Committee (Long Term) [SLC(LT)], with representatives of Ministries of Coal, Power, Railways, Steel, Shipping, Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, NITI Aayog, Coal India Limited(CIL), Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL), Central Mine Planning and Design Institute Limited, Ranchi (CMPDIL), Central Electricity Authority (CEA), and National Thermal Power Corporation(NTPC) as its members and Additional Secretary(Coal) as its Chair. The Committee recommends the proposals for grant of the long term linkage and bridge linkage of coal and other related matters to com- petent authority for approval. Significantly, the Gare Palma mining blocks in Raigarh district of Chhattisgarh will soon witness a significant amount of activity with power companies of three states now looking for mine developers to start work on their allotted coal blocks in the district. The latest among them being Chhattisgarh State Power Generation Company Ltd (CGPGCL) which is now looking to select a Mine Developer and Operator (MDO) for development and operation for Gare Palma Sector-III Coal Block in Raigarh District of Chhattisgarh. It may be recalled that power generation companies of Maharashtra and Gujarat governments have already com- menced the process of selecting mine developers for the Gare Palma sector II and I coal blocks respectively in Raigarh district of Chhattisgarh. Notably, the Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Ltd has commenced the process for selecting an Operator for development and operation of Gare Gare Palma Coal Block II at Tamnar in Raigarh district of Chhattisgarh, officials informed. It has also commenced the process for obtaining forest clearance for Gare Gare Palma Coal Block II at Tamnar in Raigarh district of Chhattisgarh. Notably, the South East Central Sector which includes Chhattisgarh is also set to play a key role in Central govern- ment’s ambitious coal loading and transportation plans. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed recently between Ministry of Railways and Coal India Limited (CIL) which will lead to procurement of 2000 wagons (33 rakes) in the first outgo, officials stated. The agreement which will result into speedy supply of wagons for coal loading in dedicated circuits. Initially, the rakes will be inducted and run in the 2 main coal loading Zones of Indian Railways i.e South East Central coal sector and East Coast circuit. These rakes will be inducted in circuits for transporting coal from MCL Talcher & IB area and SECL to Paradip/Dharma ports, Vishakhapatnam area and the power houses of Nagpur/Raipur region. Under this strategic partnership, the wagons will be procured by Indian Railways on behalf of CIL, the maintenance of these wagons will be done by Railways at its own cost. Also, the brake vans will be provided by Railways itself. Notably, Coal India Ltd on the other hand is targetting production of 1 billion Tonnes of coal by 2020. Wagon availability will be a key factor for achieving this target by Coal India Ltd. By signing of the MoU , the Railways and Coal India Ltd will be entering into a strategic partnership which would ensure adequate wagon availability for meeting the transportation needs of coal produced by Coal India Ltd. The Central Government has also signed a Memorandum of Understanding each with the states of Odisha, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh for critical coal connectivity projects to improve transportation of coal, officials informed. Agreement for World Bank loan of US $ 1100 million for Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC) (Phase-2) have also been signed, they stated. Moreover, the development of two key Rail corridors in mineral-rich Chhattisgarh is now set to expand the Railway line network by 45 per cent in the State, officials stated. C FUSRZHUVXEVWDWLRQWRFRPHXSDW-DUNHODLQ5DLJDUKGLVW5DPDQ BC055A4?>AC4AQ A0860A790=968A270<?0 trict said that personnel of security forces are valiantly discharging their duties to free Chhattisgarh, especially Bastar region from Naxal violence and terror. Many soldiers have even sacrificed their lives while discharging their duties, he said. Singh said that martyrdom hief Minister Raman Singh on Friday announced that C forest Barmuda village of Tamnar development block in Raigarh district will be accorded the status of 'Revenue village' soon. The Chief Minister had made a surprise visit to the village as a part of the ongoing almost month-long 'Lok Suraj' Mission. Singh, after his arrival, sat with the school children and ate Mid-Day Meal to test the quality of food for himself. Singh later conducted a Lok Suraj 'Choupal' at a village near Devgarh Gram Panchayat main road and had an interaction with the local villagers. The Chief Minister visited the Primary School in the vicinity and had a friendly chat with the school children there. He listened patiently to the children's poetry and 9 mathematical tables. Singh also appraised himself with the development works and problems in the region. The Chief Minister agreed in principle to construct 'Stop Dam' which will help to irrigate the agriculture land in the 2WXTU<X]XbcTaAP\P]BX]VWWPeX]V\XSSPh\TP[fXcWbRW^^[RWX[SaT]Pc1Pa\dSP eX[[PVT^UCP\]PaSTeT[^_\T]cQ[^RZAPXVPaWSXbcaXRc ?X^]TTa_W^c^ nearby villages. He urged the concerned department officials to conduct a survey as early as possible. Singh also sanctioned a C 3 crore worth power sub-station at village Jarkela to improve the supply of power in the villages around. He sanctioned a community hall worth C five lakh at village Barmuda. He sanctioned a boundary wall on the school premises, Sub-Health Centre and a bridge from village Thutaripali to Barmuda. Two solar pumps were sanctioned to augment the drinking water facility in the village. Singh explained the aim of the Lok Suraj Mission to the villagers. He said various welfare schemes and policies are formulated keeping in mind the masses and the Lok Suraj Mission had been launched to observe whether the commoners are being benefitted. The Chief Minister also felicitated 70 meritorious girls by presenting them with commendation certificates and shields at village Mahant (Development Block of brave soldiers like Ramkumar Kashyap will not go in vain. Soon Chhattisgarh will get rid of Naxal terror and violence. The Chief Minister was addressing the Lok Suraj programme, after unveiling the statue of Martyr personnel Ramkumar Kashyap of Chhattisgarh Armed Force in Mahant village. Singh announced that the High School in village Mahant will be named after Shaheed Ramkumar Kashyap. He said that in the next academic session, this high school will be upgraded to higher secondary school. CWT2<UT[XRXcPcTS&\TaXc^aX^dbVXa[bQh_aTbT]cX]VcWT\fXcWR^\\T]SPcX^] RTacXUXRPcTbP]SbWXT[SbPc<PWP]ceX[[PVTX]9P]YVXa2WP\_PSXbcaXRc ?X^]TTa_W^c^ Nawagarh) in Janjgir-Champa district. The girls scored more than 90 per cent in the 10th and 12th Standard Board Examinations conducted by the Chhattisgarh Madhyamik Shiksha Mandal. Urban Administration and Development Minister and District In-charge Amar Agrawal, Parliamentar y Secretary Ambesh Jangde, MP Kamladevi Patle, Sakti MLA Dr Khilawan Sahu and Zilla Panchayat Chairperson Nandkishore Harvansh, several people's representatives and senior State Government offi- cials were also present. Singh also presented certificates to 150 youth for passing out Skills' up-gradation training course at village Mahant (Development Block Nawagarh) in Janjgir-Champa district. He congratulated the youth and wished them a bright future. Several senior officers, Department officials and a large number of common citizens were present at the function. The Chief Minister later on, after reaching village Mahant village of Navagarh block of Janjgir-Champa dis- #<P^Xbcb WT[SX] :P]ZTaSXbc BC055A4?>AC4AQ :0=:4A our Maoists allegedly involved in torching of conF struction vehicles at Charagaon-Metabodli mines in insurgency-hit Kanker district were arrested during a search operation carried out by security forces, police said here on Friday. “A team of Border Security Force (BSF) and district police which had started on a search operation from Antagarh had received intelligence inputs that the Naxals involved in an arson incident at CharagaonMetabodli mines were present in the jungle of Bulavand near Masbaras village under Siksod police station limits,” Superintendent of Police (SP) Kanker JN Meena said. Acting on intelligence inputs, the police team reached the spot and nabbed four persons who were identified as Rajendra Netam (30), Shobharam Nareti (42), Rajuram Nareti (32) and Maniram Usendi (26) all residents of various villages under Siksod police station limits, the SP added. “During cross-examination, they told the police that along with members of Naxal Rowghat Area Committee they had torched vehicles at mines in the month of October last year,” the SP said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´7KH3LRQHHU%XLOGLQJµ&LYLO/LQHV1HDU5DM%KDYDQ2SS6DQVNULWL%KDYDQ5DLSXU7HOHSKRQHDQG3ULQWHGDW.DY\D3UDNDVKDQ([SUHVV7RZHU $GDUVKQDJDU0RZD5DLSXU(GLWRU&KDQGDQ0LWUD5HVLGHQW(GLWRU6XMHHW.XPDU ]PcX^]# A08?DAkB0CDA30H k<0H &! % "!!>HD`]RcARc\e` T`^VfaZ_CR[_R_UXR`_ 1B?C^f]bWX_\PX]a^PSb c^QTR[TP]TSaTVd[Pa[h BC055A4?>AC4AQ 178;08 T BC055A4?>AC4AQ A09=0=360>= T he Chhattisgarh State Renewable Energy Development Agency (CREDA) will be setting up a 100 MW Solar Energy Park in Rajnandgaon district of the State. A Detailed Project Report (DPR) will soon be prepared for taking up Phase I development work for the project, officials stated. Tentatively Dhaba, Kohka, Rengakathera, Amlidih villages and Dundera Block of Dongargarh have been shortlisted to establish Phase I of the Solar Park project, officials informed. Notably, the Union Ministr y of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has drawn up a scheme to set up Solar Park across various states in the country each with a capacity of Solar projects of 500 MW and above. C74B274<4?A>?>B4BC>?A>E834 58=0=280;BD??>AC1H24=CA0; 6>E4A=<4=CC>4BC01;8B7B>;0A ?0A:8=0BC0C40;B>F8C70=08<C> 5028;8C0C42A40C8>=>5 8=5A0BCAD2CDA4=424BB0AH5>A B4CC8=6D?=4FB>;0A?>F4A ?A>942CB8=C4A<B>50;;>20C8>=>5 ;0=3CA0=B<8BB8>=0=34E02D0C8>= ;8=4B0224BBA>03B0E08;018;8CH>5 F0C4A0=3>C74AB8=05>2DBB43 <0==4A The Scheme proposes to provide financial support by Central Government to establish Solar Park in a State also with an aim to facilitate creation of infrastructure neces- sary for setting up new solar power projects in terms of allocation of land, transmission and evacuation lines, access roads, availability of water and others in a focussed manner. he Town Administration Department of the Bhilai Steel Plant (BSP) will have regular sweeping of all the main roads of the township done in the township, officials informed. The Town Administration Department of the BSP will also be opting for door-to-door garbage collection in Sector- 1, 2 and 3 of Bhilai Township, officials stated. Moreover, within the steel plant, the Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) is already in the process of setting up a Plant De-dusting System under Modernisation project of Sinter Plant No.2 of Bhilai Steel Plant (BSP). The modernisation and expansion of the Bhilai Steel Plant underway will involve cost of C17,266 crore, official sources informed. The process of modernization and expansion of the plant is expected to be complete by December 2016. Notably, all pollution control systems in the project expansion underway at the Bhilai Steel Plant is designed to achieve chimney emission within 50mg/Nm3 as per CWTC^f] 0S\X]XbcaPcX^] 3T_Pac\T]c^UcWT 1B?fX[[P[b^QT ^_cX]VU^aS^^ac^ S^^aVPaQPVT R^[[TRcX^]X]BTRc^a !P]S"^U1WX[PX C^f]bWX_CWT \^STa]XbPcX^]P]S Tg_P]bX^]^UcWT 1WX[PXBcTT[?[P]c d]STafPhfX[[ X]e^[eTR^bc^UO &!%%Ra^aT^UUXRXP[ b^daRTbX]U^a\TS Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board (CECB) directives, officials stated. Dust suppression system is being installed in new units to control dust from coal and iron ore storage area, they stated. Dust extraction system is being installed at coal crushing and screening area to control fugitive emission. Notably, the expansion and modernisation of Bhilai Steel Plant is underway to take steel manufacturing capacity from 4 MTPA to 7 MTPA. DbYRQ\D_ebYc]3YbSeYd]QiRU bUQTie`d_dXbUUiUQbc*3U^dbU BC055A4?>AC4AQ A08?DA T he Central Government has estimated gestation period of around 18 to 36 months for complete development of Tribal Tourism Circuit in Chhattisgarh. The Government had approved the project in financial year 2015-16, officials informed. The Tribal Tourism Circuit comprises JashpurKunkuri-MainpatAmbikapur-Maheshpur Ratanpur-Kurdar-Sarodadadar GangrelKondagaon –Nathyanawagaon -Jagdalpur Chitrakoot -Tirthgarh in Chhattisgarh under Swadesh Darshan Scheme. For development of For development of tourism infrastructure in the country, the Union Ministry of Tourism has introduced two new schemes in 2014-15 i.e. Swadesh Darshan Integrated Development of Theme-Based Tourist Circuits and PRASADPilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spiritual Augmentation Drive tourism infrastructure in the country, the Union Ministry of Tourism has introduced two new schemes in 2014-15 i.e. Swadesh Darshan - Integrated Development of Theme-Based Tourist Circuits and PRASADPilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spiritual Augmentation Drive. Under Swadesh Darshan scheme thirteen thematic circuits have been identified for development, namely: NorthEast India Circuit, Buddhist Circuit, Himalayan Circuit, Coastal Circuit, Krishna Circuit, Desert Circuit, Tribal Circuit, Eco Circuit, Wildlife Circuit, Rural Circuit, Spiritual Circuit, Ramayana Circuit and Heritage Circuit. Under PRASAD scheme thirteen cities have been identified for development, namely: Amritsar, Ajmer, Mathura, Varanasi, Gaya, Puri, Amravati, Kanchipuram, Vellankanni, Kedarnath, Dwarka, Patna and Kamakhya. BPWPaPRWXTU 0QSdRcTSQ^h aTbRdTS*cWaTTWT[S VTcb#fTTZ BC055A4?>AC4AQ A08?DA ithin 24 hours of abduction of a six-year-old W boy, police nabbed three persons and claimed of solving the case on Friday. According to the police, Nikhil (6) son of Pak Das Manikpuri who is Sarpanch of Dindni village under Baloda Bazar police station was abducted from near his home late on Thursday evening. The abductors had demanded ransom amount of Rs 5 lakh. After being informed by SP Baloda Bazaar, Abhishek Shandilya, SP Raipur, BN Meena formed a special unit of Central Crime Branch (CCB) sleuths and began investigation. “A team of Raipur CCB personnel was sent to the victim’s house and was asked to provide information about the family members and relatives of the abducted boy,” he said. A separate team that was deployed in technical analysis found out that the last location of abductors was Pacheda village under Vidhan Sabha police station limits in Raipur. The number used in making ransom call was activated from Pandri area,” the SP said. Based on the evidences gathered, it seemed that someone who was familiar with family would be involved in the incident, Meena said while adding that the team at the victim’s home informed that Premshankar who is familiar to the Pak Das Manikpuri lives in Premnagar at Mowa and runs a mobile shop at Gunj Mandi. The team in Raipur then found out that Premshankar’s shop was closed and he was seen with one of his friends Uday Sarkar for the last time. “Uday Sarkar was nabbed and during cross examination he confessed of being accomplice in the crime and informed police that the boy was kept in house of Shekh Rehman located in Saddu,” the SP mentioned. Police then rescued the boy and arrested Shekh Rehman and Premshankar. The boy has been handed over to the family, Meena said. _Pa^[TU^a \^cWTabUd]TaP[ ?=BQ =4F34;78 he Supreme Court granted a four-week parole to T Subrata Roy and his brother-inlaw Ashok Roy Chaudhary to attend the funeral and conduct the last rites of the Sahara chief ’s mother Chhabi Roy, who passed away early on Friday morning. This is the first time Roy will come out of jail since March 4, 2014 when the apex court sent him and two other directors of his companies to jail, after he faulted on the court’s order to repay consumers of a debenture scheme flagged down by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). On an application moved by Roy and Chaudhary, the Bench of Chief Justice TS Thakur, Justices AR Dave and AK Sikri on Friday ordered the Tihar Jail authorities to release them on parole for a four-week period. During this period, both Roy and Chaudhary will be under the constant vigil of the Delhi Police as the court directed the Commissioner of Delhi Police to depute an escort team to accompany the duo in mufti. It will be the duty of these policemen to ensure that the two men are lodged back in jail on the expiry of their parole. Appearing for Roy, senior advocate Kapil Sibal informed the Bench that Roy’s 95-yearold mother Chhabi Roy was ill for the past two years and breathed her last in the wee hours of Friday at Lucknow. CaPSXcX^]P[S^[[bSaTbbTSPbQaXSTbP]SVa^^\bWPeTU[^^STSAPX_da´b\PaZTcbPWTPS^UcWTPdb_XRX^db^RRPbX^]^U³0ZbWhPCaXcXhP´^]<Ph( AP\bWTT[PbTaeTb]dcaXcX^db \TP[c^_aTV]P]cf^\T] BC055A4?>AC4AQ 14<4C0A0 omen and Child Development Minister W Ramsheela Sahu and Cultural and Tourism Minister Dayaldas Baghel on Thursday launched 'Mahatari Jatan Yojana' by feeding pregnant women at Nandghat village in Bemetara district. Pregnant women will be fed hot nutritious diet at all the Anganwadi centres in the entire State. The Agriculture Department officers as a part of 'Lok Suraj Mission' distributed seeds free of cost, farm instruments, sprayers and 'maize seeds to the drought-affected farmers on the occasion. BP]c^bWBPWdk?X^]]Ta f^a[S$ A08?DAkB0CDA30H k<0H &! % 3R_X]RUVdYacVaRcVde` B_TPZTaAhP]³]^caTPSh´c^QPRZCad\_ ViVTfeVe`a;R^RRe]VRUVc Q 1dbWTb <R2PX]A^\]Th c^bZX_R^]eT]cX^] ?C8Q 370:0 Q AT_dQ[XRP]b aT\PX]SXeXSTS ^]_aTbd\_cXeT ]^\X]TT P reparations were underway in Bangladesh on Friday for the execution of chief of fundamentalist Jamaat-e-Islami Motiur Rahman Nizami, a day after the Supreme Court rejected his plea to review the death penalty for war crimes, with family members meeting him in prison for the last time. “Seven members of his family including his wife, two sons, daughter visited him,” jailor Nasir Uddin of suburban high-security Kashimpur Central Jail told PTI over phone. He said the close relatives were allowed to stay for 40 minutes with the top leader of Bangladesh’s biggest Islamist party which was opposed to the country’s 1971 independence from Pakistan. Another senior official of the prisons department said the 73-year-old war crimes convict was expected to be executed at Dhaka Central Jail but simultaneous preparations were underway at Kashimpur jail as well. “The execution is likely to BA0906>?0;0=Q F0B78=6C>= <^cXdaAPW\P]=XiP\XfPb_PacXRd[Pa[hU^d]SVdX[ch^UbhbcT\PcXRZX[[X]Vb^U\^aT cWP]#$_T^_[TP[^]TX]WXb^f]eX[[PVTW^\TX]]^acWfTbcTa]?PQ]PbXSX]VfXcW cWT?PZXbcP]Xca^^_b 05? take place in Dhaka Central Jail, but we asked officials at Kashimpur prison to make alternative preparations to carry out the process in two hours’ notice, if required,” said the official, requesting anonymity. The Jamaat chief could be executed any time after he on Thursday exhausted his last legal opportunity to overturn the death penalty, with the Supreme Court rejecting his petition to review the death sentence it earlier upheld for committing crimes against humanity during 1971 Liberation War, siding with the Pakistani troops. He was particularly found guilty of systematic killings of more than 450 people alone in his own village home in northwestern Pabna, siding with the Pakistani troops. Nizami, a former lawmaker and Minister in ex-Prime Minister Khaleda Zia’s cabinet, has been in jail since 2010, when he was arrested to be tried for 1971 war crimes in a special tribunal which handed him down death penalty on October 29, 2014 on charges of mass murder, arson, loot and rape. 1´STbW_a^UTbb^a F?+DecZ\Vd`_DjcZR d]STa!#W^daPa\TS UZda]RTVUTR^a VdPaSPUcTacWaTPcb µ]Z\V]jRhRcTcZ^V¶ 0? Q =4F34;78 A fter a Dhaka University professor asked a woman to remove her veil during his class, Muslim extremists called for his death, posting his personal details online along with tips on how to kill. Today, he remains under constant guard by armed police, stays mostly at home and bars his front door. Azizur Rahman is among a growing number of political moderates and intellectuals seeking protection in Bangladesh, where at least 15 writers, activists, religious minorities and foreign aid workers have been killed in targeted attacks since the start of 2015. Islamic extremists have claimed responsibility for the killings, which have prompted some Bangladeshis to go into hiding, and others to seek asylum in the United States and Europe. Some of the violence has taken place at Rahman’s university in Dhaka, the Bangladeshi capital. Last year, secular writer and blogger Avijit Roy was hacked to death and his wife was critically injured in a savage attack on campus. 0? Q 64=4E0 ir strikes on a camp for displaced people in Syria’s Idlib province were A almost certainly not accidental and likely amounted to a war crime, the UN rights chief said on Friday. Syria’s military has denied any involvement in the raids on Thursday that killed at least 28 civilians. Rights chief Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein said, responsibility for the strikes remained unverified but cited “initial reports” indicating that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s forces were to blame. “Given these tent settlements have been in these locations for several weeks, and can be clearly viewed from the air, it is extremely unlikely that these murderous attacks were an accident. It is far more likely they were deliberate and amount to a war crime,” the UN rights chief said in a statement. Zeid has in recent months grown increasingly vocal about the plight of those displaced by Syria’s brutal conflict and again today issued a plea on behalf of those in the country who seemingly have nowhere left to seek refuge. ar from beginning to coalesce after a bitter presidential priF mary season, the Republican establishment remains sharply divided over Donald Trump with no less a person than House Speaker Paul Ryan declaring on Thursday that he is “not ready” as yet to support the presumptive nominee. A surprised Trump fired back, asserting he too was “not ready” to support the Speaker’s agenda, prompting Reince Priebus, the much-harried Republican National Committee chairman, to mount a hasty fire-fighting operation, persuading the two big guns to meet early next week. Speaker Ryan, the highestranking elected Republican, has been critical of Trump’s positions and utterances over a period, but 6;>14 CA>CC8=6 F8;358A45>A24B4E02D0C8>= >520=0380=>8;C>F= EP]R^deTa)0fX[SUXaTWPbT\_cXTS2P]PSP³b^X[ _a^SdRX]VRXch^U5^ac<R<daaPhX]0[QTacP _a^eX]RTPbcWT6^eTa]\T]cWPbX]bcadRcTS]^^]T \dbcaTcda]d]cX[XcXbbPUTCWTUXaTWPbTg_P]STSc^ '$WTRcPaTbP]SWPbb^UPaaPiTSa^dVW[h % QdX[SX]VbX]R[dSX]VW^\TbP]SQdbX]TbbTbSTT_ X]bXSTcWTRXch[X\XcbGX]WdP]TfbPVT]RhaT_^acTS ³F>=´C102:3>F=5A><B2B2;08<B F70C4E4AD=CA81D=0;E4A382C´ 1TXYX]V) 2WX]P^]5aXSPhPbbTacTScWPcXcfX[[]^c QPRZS^f]^eTaXcb\PaXcX\TaXVWcb^]cWTB^dcW 2WX]PBTPaTVPaS[Tbb^UX]cTa]PcX^]P[_aTbbdaTbP]S cWT^dcR^\T^UPRPbTfXcWcWT?WX[X__X]TbX]PD= caXQd]P[cWPcXb[XZT[hc^ST[XeTaXcbeTaSXRcb^^] °B^\TR^d]cahcaXTSc^_aTbbdaT2WX]Pc^ QPRZS^f]QhdbX]VcWXbPfPaSP]SdbX]VXcPbPUPXc PRR^\_[X^]2WX]P8cXbX\_aPRcXRP[X[[dbX^] FWPcTeTacWTPfPaSXcXbX[[TVP[2WX]PfX[[]^c PRRT_c^aPRZ]^f[TSVTXc±2WX]TbT5^aTXV] <X]Xbcahb_^ZTb\P]bPXS <DB70AA05´BC7A40C20;;C> 14=0I8A2>D;3=>C14CA0243)98C 8b[P\PQPS)5^a\Ta?PZXbcP]X\X[XcPahSXRcPc^a ?TaeTi<dbWPaaPU³bP[[TVTScWaTPcT]X]VRP[[c^Tg _aT\XTa1T]PiXa1Wdcc^X]!&R^d[S]^cQTcaPRTS PRR^aSX]Vc^cWTY^X]cX]eTbcXVPcX^]cTP\_a^QX]VWTa PbbPbbX]PcX^]3daX]VRa^bbTgP\X]PcX^]Qh 1PaaXbcTa5Pa^VW=PbX\<dbWPaaPU³bR^d]bT[X]cWT 0]cXCTaa^aXb\2^dac0C2APfP[_X]SXY^X]c X]eTbcXVPcX^]cTP\98CRWXTU<^WP\\PS:WP[XS @daTbWXPS\XccTScWPcWXbcTP\R^d[S]^ccaPRTcWT RP[[TXcWTaUa^\cWTcf^\^QX[T_W^]Tb^U1Wdcc^^a cWTTg\X[XcPahRWXTU³bRT[[_W^]T 8BA04;78CB60I005C4A<>AC0A 58A402A>BB1>A34A 6PiP2Xch)8baPT[XPXaRaPUcbcadRZP7P\PbUPRX[XchX] cWTb^dcWTa]6PiPBcaX_^]5aXSPhPUcTaRa^bbQ^aSTa \^acPaUXaTcWT8baPT[XPa\hbPXSPbeX^[T]RT R^]cX]dTSU^aPcWXaSSPh°8]aTb_^]bTc^cWT ^]V^X]VPccPRZbPVPX]bc8baPT[XU^aRTb8baPT[0Xa 5^aRTPXaRaPUccPaVTcTSP7P\PbcTaa^aX]UaPbcadRcdaT± P]Pa\hbcPcT\T]cbPXS?P[TbcX]XP]fXc]TbbTbbPXS cWTaTfTaTcf^bTcb^UPXaaPXSb^]TcPaVTcX]V1TXc ;PWXPX]]^acWTa]6PiPP]ScWTbTR^]SX]:WdiPP b^dcWTPbc^U:WP]Hd]XbX]cWTb^dcW^UcWTcTaaXc^ah 8A8B7?A8<4<8=8BC4A:4==HA44;42C43 05C4A&30H3403;>2: 3dQ[X])8aT[P]S³b[Pf\PZTabWPeT]Paa^f[haT T[TRcTS4]SP:T]]hPb?aX\T<X]XbcTaT]SX]V& SPhb^USTPS[^RZU^[[^fX]VP]X]R^]R[dbXeTT[TRcX^] :T]]haTRTXeTS$(e^cTbfXcW#(PVPX]bcX] 8aT[P]S³b $'\T\QTa_Pa[XP\T]c7Xb\X]^aXch V^eTa]\T]caPaTX]8aXbW_^[XcXRbfX[[bdaeXeT^][h fXcWbd__^acUa^\cWT\PX]^__^bXcX^]5XP]]P5PX[ _PachfWXRWPQbcPX]TS^]5aXSPh he, like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, was expected to come round after the billionaire businessman emerged as the presumptive Republican nominee this week. Instead, Ryan came out with a public prescription for Trump through an interview to CNN, telling him to first unify “all wings of the Republican Party and the conservative movement” and then run a campaign that will allow Americans to “have something that they’re proud to support and proud to be a party of”. “I’m just not ready to do that at this point. I’m not there right now,” Ryan said when asked about endorsing Trump. Saying he hoped to be eventually backing Trump, the Speaker said: “I think what is required is that we unify this party.” Quizzed on Trump’s broad agenda, including his proposed temporary ban on Muslims entering the US and deportation of over 11 million illegal immigrants, Ryan simply commented: “We got work to do.” In his counter to Ryan, Trump said in a statement: “I am not ready to support Speaker Ryan’s agenda. Perhaps in the future we can work together and come to an agreement about what is best for the American people. They have been treated so badly for so long that it is about time for politicians to put them first!” The Ryan-Trump face-off surfaced even as word came that former Presidents George H.W. Bush and his son George W. Bush as well as Republican nominees in the last two presidential races, Senator John McCain and Mitt Romney, would all be skipping the party convention in Cleveland in July that is expected to formally nominate Trump. Bush Jr, McCain and Romney have all been at the receiving end of Trump’s verbal attacks that also targeted Jeb Bush, once a front-runner for the Republican nomination but who left the race after finding little traction in a Trump-dominated primary season. “At age 91, President Bush is retired from politics. He naturally did a few things to help Jeb, but those were the ‘exceptions that proved the rule’,” a spokesman for Bush Sr was quoted as telling Politico. George W Bush’s aide also said he has no plans either to attend the convention or comment on the presidential campaign. McCain, who faces a tough re-election campaign in Arizona, has said he will skip the convention in order to concentrate on his Senate primary in August. Romney, who mounted a belated but unsuccessful effort to contain the Trump surge by backing his rivals including Ted Cruz, John Kasich and Marco Rubio, will stay away from the convention, one of his aides said on Thursday. Trump, however, has been begun to get support from some other senior Republican leaders. Former Texas Governor Rick Perry, one of the first to have bowed out of the presidential race, came out in Trump’s support on Thursday. CdaZTh´b4aS^VP] cPZTbc^dVW4D [X]TPUcTa?<`dXcb Europe: Turkey’s President has told the EU it will not change its anti-terror laws in return for visa-free travel. “We’ll go our way, you go yours,” Recep Tayyip Erdogan said. The EU says Turkey needs to narrow its definition of terrorism to qualify for visa-free travel — which is part of a larger deal between the sides aimed at easing Europe’s migration crisis. Erdogan was speaking a day after PM Ahmet Davutoglu, who largely negotiated the EU deal, said he was stepping down. Agencies =^acW:^aTP][TPSTa:X\9^]VD]PSSaTbbTbcWT2^]VaTbbX]?h^]VhP]V^] 5aXSPh=^acW:^aTP^]5aXSPh^_T]TScWTUXabcUd[[2^]VaTbb^UXcbad[X]V_Pach bX]RT ('P\PY^a_^[XcXRP[TeT]cX]cT]STSc^bW^fRPbTcWTR^d]cah´bbcPQX[Xch P]Sd]Xchd]STah^d]V[TPSTa:X\9^]VD]STb_XcTX]cTa]PcX^]P[RaXcXRXb\P]S c^dVW]TfbP]RcX^]b^eTacWT=^acW´baTRT]c]dR[TPacTbcP]SPb[Tf^U\XbbX[T [Pd]RWTb :ACeXP0? A`aV7cR_TZdRd\d6fc`aV e`eVRcU`h_hR]]d 05?Q E0C820=28CH P ope Francis on Friday asked Europe to “tear down” the walls being built to keep out migrants and to create a radical new “social economy” serving the many not the few. Invoking the memory of the EU’s founding fathers’ pursuit of integration in the aftermath of World War II, the pontiff said they inspired because they had “dared to change radically the models” =TPa[h \]?PZXbcP]X \XVaPcTSX]! $ 8b[P\PQPS) ?PZXbcP]WPbQTT] UPRX]VR^]cX]d^dbTg^SdbPb ]TPa[hP\X[[X^]_T^_[T[TUccWT R^d]cahU^aQTccTaf^aZ^__ ^acd]XcXTbX]! $P[^]TBT]PcT 2^\\XccTT^]>eTabTPb?PZXbcP]Xb P]S7d\P]ATb^daRT3TeT[ ^_\T]cfPbc^[ScWPcbX]RT (& ^eTa(\X[[X^]?PZXbcP]XbWPeT T\XVaPcTScWa^dVWcWT1daTPd^U 4\XVaPcX^]P]S>eTabTPb 4\_[^h\T]cPRR^aSX]Vc^PaT_^ac X]4g_aTbbCaXQd]T ?C8 that had led to war. Saying he dreamed of a Europe in which “being a migrant is not a crime,” Francis said: “Today, more than ever, their vision inspires us to build bridges and tear down walls.” The comments came in a speech at the Vatican following the 79-year-old pontiff ’s presentation with the EU’s Charlemagne Prize for his contribution to European unification. 4Vh_c^UUXRXP[Q[P\Tb ³C^\P]S9Taah´U^a b_aTPSX]VeX^[T]RT Cairo: An Egyptian government official has blamed the animated “Tom and Jerry” series for allegedly spreading a culture of violence. The accusations by Salah Abdel-Sadek, head of State Information Service, which is affiliated with the presidency, came at a forum held in Cairo this week. Abdel-Sadek told academics, media specialists, and public figures who had gathered to discuss violence that video games and cartoons are to blame. D:\^b`dTbPbZf^\T] c^bWd]5PRTQ^^Zca^dbTab ?C8Q ;>=3>= any mosques in the UK propagate extremely strict M rules of conduct for women, asking them to delete their Facebook accounts, not to leave their houses without their husbands’ permission, and to avoid wearing trousers, a research report released today said. The research conducted by ‘The Times’ showed rulings published by mosques and Islamic associations around Britain. Under a section titled ‘Islamic articles’, the Croydon Mosque and Islamic Centre in London published a document - ‘Advice for the husband and wife’. ^_X]X^]% A08?DAkB0CDA30H k<0H &! % gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] aRaVchZeYaRddZ`_ DYR^VWf]R_UecRXZT .HUDODLQFLGHQWH[SRVHVZRPHQ¶VVDIHW\FODLPV WT\daSTaP]SVP]VaP_T^UP!'hTPa^[S[PfbcdST]cX]:TaP[PbW^fbW^f f^\T]bbPUTchX]cWXbR^d]cahXb]^cT]bdaTSTeT]X]P]TSdRPcTSaT[PcXeT [hfT[[STeT[^_TSP]S_a^b_Ta^dbBcPcT[XZT:TaP[PF^abTbcX[[XUcWTeXR cX\XbX\_^eTaXbWTSP]STgXbcX]V^][h^]cWTUaX]VTb^Ub^RXTch¯[XZT9XbWPP 3P[XcfW^[XeTSX]PbWP]chfXcWWTa\^cWTa¯PcW^a^dVW_^[XRTX]eTbcXVPcX^] fWXRWXbcWTUXabcbcT_c^bTRdaX]VYdbcXRTQTR^\Tbc^^\dRWc^PbZU^a8]STTS XcfPb^][hPUcTacWTW^aaXUXRSTcPX[b^UcWTPbbPd[c^]9XbWPfTaTaTeTP[TSb_PaZ X]VPWdVT_dQ[XR^dcRahX]cWTBcPcTcWPccWTPdcW^aXcXTb[^^ZTSX]c^cWTRPbT fXcWb^\TbTaX^db]Tbb0b_TRXP[X]eTbcXVPcX^]cTP\WPbQTT]bTcd_\^aTcWP] _T^_[TWPeTQTT]`dTbcX^]TSP]ScWaTTbdb_TRcbPaaTbcTS:TaP[Pb_^[XRT RWXTUP[b^X]bXbcbcWPccWTaTWPeTQTT]]^\PY^a_a^RTSdaP[[P_bTbP]ScWPccWT X]eTbcXVPcX^]Xb_a^RTTSX]Vb\^^cW[h7XbR[PX\bPaTSXUUXRd[cc^SXVTbcVXeT]cWT dccTaRP[[^db]TbbfXcWfWXRWcWTRPbTfPbWP]S[TSX]cWTX]XcXP[SPhbCWTUXabc X]U^a\PcX^]aT_^acfPbUX[TSUXeTSPhbPUcTacWTRaX\TcWTPdc^_bhfPb]cS^]T _a^_Ta[hP]STeT]cWTRaX\TbRT]TfPb]cbTP[TS6XeT]cWXbbXcdPcX^]PV^^S STUT]RT[PfhTaRP]TPbX[hSTbca^hcWT_dQ[XR_a^bTRdc^abRPbTTeT]QTU^aTcWT caXP[QTVX]b0]SXUcWPcPRcdP[[hWP__T]bX]R^daccWTbcPcTf^d[SWPeTUPX[TS 9XbWPcfXRT¯X][XUTP]SX]STPcW CWXbQaX]Vbdbc^cWT[PaVTaXbbdT ^Uf^\T]bbPUTchfWXRWXbX]caX]bX RP[[h[X]ZTSc^[PfP]S^aSTaT]U^aRT \T]c;XZTX]\P]h^cWTa_Pacb^UcWT R^d]cahcWT_^[XRTU^aRTX]:TaP[Pc^^ Ud]RcX^]bUPaQT[^f_^cT]cXP[0]SPb P[fPhbXcXbcWT_^^aP]ScWT\PaVX] P[XbTSfW^S^]^cWPeTcWT\^]Th^a cWT\dbR[T_^fTac^U^aRTcWTbhbcT\ X]c^PRcX^]fW^bdUUTacWT\^bc9XbWP U^aTgP\_[TWPS\PSTaT_TPcTSR^\ _[PX]cb PQ^dc QTX]V bcP[ZTS P]S WPaPbbTS1dcWTaf^aSbWPSUP[[T]^] STPUTPabTeT]PbWTac^a\T]c^abfTaT X]RaTPbX]V[hT\Q^[ST]TS 0SSXcX^]P[[h cWTaT Xb cWT [PaVTa b^RXTcP[XbbdT^UaP\_P]c\Xb^Vh]hX] :TaP[P ¯ fWX[T 9XbWP \Tc fXcW P] Tb_TRXP[[hQadcP[T]S\P]h^cWTabbdU UTa[TbbTaSTVaTTb^UWPaPbb\T]cP]S^__aTbbX^]^]PSPX[hQPbXb5^af^\T] _dQ[XRb_PRTbTb_TRXP[[hPaTPZX]c^\X]TUXT[SbcWPccWTh\dbcRPaTUd[[h]PeXVPcT bfTaeX]VPfPhUa^\Va^_TabQ[^RZX]V^dc[TfSaT\PaZbP]SPe^XSX]VcWT\T] PRX]V\P[TVPiTPcP[[cX\TbCWTPccPRZ^]9XbWP[XZTcWTPccPRZ^]9h^cXBX]VW ?P]SThQTU^aTWTaX]cWT]PcX^]P[RP_XcP[fPbTgRT_cX^]P[X]XcbeX^[T]RTP]SQad cP[Xch*QdcS^]^c\XbcPZTXcU^aPaPaT^a^dc^UcWT^aSX]PahWP__T]X]V8]bcTPS R^]bXSTaXcc^QTcWTRd\d[PcXeTaTbd[c^UXV]^aX]VU^a[^]VcWTbhbcT\XR^__aTb bX^]^Uf^\T]CWXb\PhbcaXZTPSXbR^aSP]c]^cTU^acW^bTfW^bcX[[W^[SSPcTS X\PVTb^U:TaP[PPbP\PcaXPaRWP[b^RXTchfWXRWXcfPbX]b^\TbTRcX^]bQdc VT]TaPcX^]bPV^^acW^bTfW^_aTbd\TcWPc[XcTaPRhP]SfTP[cWR^aaT[PcTfXcW _a^VaTbbXeTb^RXP[eP[dTb1dccWTUPRcXbcWPccWTaPcT^URaX\TbPVPX]bcf^\T] X]:TaP[PXbWXVWTacWP]cWT]PcX^]P[PeTaPVT*cWPcX]cWT_PbcSTRPSTcWT]d\ QTa^UaP_TbX]cWTBcPcTWPbVa^f]Qh#"%_TaRT]cbTgdP[WPaPbb\T]cQh(' _TaRT]cP]SRadT[chQhWdbQP]SRPbTbQh'!_TaRT]cCWT`dTbcX^]]^fXb) FX[[9XbWPbRPbTaX]VP[Pa\QT[[bP]S_dcf^\T]bbPUTch^]cWT_aX^aXch[Xbc [XZT9h^cXbSXSU^dahTPabPV^. C ?VaR]¶da`]ZeZTR]efc^`Z] 2OLUHJLPHRQZHDNZLFNHWLQVWDELOLW\ORRPV cXb]^f^][hP\PccTa^UcX\TQTU^aTcWT:?BWPa\P>[X6^eTa]\T]cX]=T_P[ XbbW^f]cWTS^^aQhcWTD]XUXTS2^\\d]Xbc?Pach^U=T_P[<P^XbcfWXRW _aTbT]c[hQPRZbcWTaTVX\TCWTD2?=<WPbU^acWT\^\T]cSTRXSTS]^c c^_d[[cWTadVUa^\d]STa>[XbUTTcQdc^][hQTRPdbTXcXbd]bdaTPQ^dccWT[TVP[ XcXTb^U\^eX]VP]^R^]UXST]RT\^cX^]0bb^^]PbcWTXbbdTXbb^acTS^dccWT X]Rd\QT]c6^eTa]\T]cfX[[UP[[CWXbXb\^aTb^QTRPdbTcWT=T_P[X2^]VaTbb ]^fX]^__^bXcX^]XbP[b^STcTa\X]TSc^bTTcWTT]S^UcWT>[XSXb_T]bPcX^] CWT ?dbW_P :P\P[ 3PWP[ ²?aPRWP]SP[TS R^\\d]Xbc _Pach WPb PRRdbTS cWT 6^eTa]\T]c^UUPX[X]Vc^X\_[T\T]ccWT]Tf2^]bcXcdcX^]P]SP[b^^U]^cPSSaTbb X]VcWTVaXTeP]RTb^UcWTPVXcPcX]V<PSWTbX_^_d[PcX^]CWXbXbX]cTaTbcX]VQTRPdbT cWT<PSWTbX[TPSTabWX_WPbP_a^Q[T\_aTRXbT[hfXcWRTacPX]_a^eXbX^]b^UcWT 2^]bcXcdcX^]cWPcXcQT[XTeTbQTcaPhcWTPb_XaPcX^]b^UcWT<PSWTbXR^\\d]Xch 8]^cWTaf^aSbfXcWcWT2^]bcXcdcX^]P]ScWT<PSWTbXVaXTeP]RTbPc[^VVTaWTPSb XcaT`dXaTbSTUcQP[P]RX]Vc^aTb^[eTcWTcf^bX\d[cP]T^db[h8cbPbcPcTRaPUc>[X S^Tb]^c_^bbTbb7TWPbbX]Vd[Pa[hUPX[TSc^aTPRW^dcc^cWT_a^cTbcX]V<PSWTbX [TPSTab STb_XcT R[PX\X]V cX\T P]S PVPX]cWPcWXb6^eTa]\T]cXbT]VPVTS fXcWcWT\?TaWP_bTeT]cWT<PSWTbX [TPSTabWX_WPbZ]^f]P[[P[^]VcWPc>[X Xb ^][h P bW^accTa\ PaaP]VT\T]c CWTaTWPeTQTT]^cWTaUPX[X]Vb_Ta RTXeTS P]S aTP[ Pb fT[[ CWT >[X aTVX\TXbbTT]PbQTT]X]TUUXRXT]cX] cWT _^bcTPacW`dPZT aT[XTU f^aZ STb_XcT\PbbXeTPbbXbcP]RTcWPcWPS _^daTSX]Ua^\PQa^PS_aX\PaX[h8]SXP >eTaP]SPQ^eTP[[^UcWTbTXbcWT _^[XcXRb ^U :PcW\P]Sd fWXRW WPb cPZT] P cda] c^fPaSb X]bcPQX[Xch X] aTRT]c\^]cWb²?aPRWP]SPXbTPVTa c^WPeTP]^cWTabW^cPc_aX\T\X]Xb cTabWX_¯WXb[PbcP]S^][hcT]daTWPS [PbcTS[TbbcWP]PhTPaP]ST]STSX] cWTPUcTa\PcW^UPbTaXTb^U\TPbdaTb WTc^^Zc^aX[T8]SXPP]SSXbcP]RTcW^bT fW^WPSQPRZTSWX\c^cWT_^bc7TQT[XTeTb]^fXbcWTQTbc^__^acd]XchcWPc WPbR^\TWXbfPhX]hTPabVXeT]cWPccWT=T_P[X2^]VaTbbWPbQTT]aT[TVPcTS c^cWT^__^bXcX^]QT]RWP]SUPRTbPb^ac^U[TPSTabWX_ePRdd\1dcXUWTS^Tb aT^RRd_hcWTRWPXaWTfX[[UPRT\dRWcWTbP\T_a^Q[T\bcWPcWPeTca^dQ[TS cWT^cWTab8]UPRccWTD2?=<[TPSTab_^bXcX^]^]cWT<PSWTbXPVXcPcX^]WPb QTT]P\QXeP[T]c*WXb_Pachbd__^acbcWT<PSWTbXb³ST\P]SbQdcWPSP[b^T]S^abTS cWT2^]bcXcdcX^]fWXRW[TUccWT<PSWTbX[TPSTabWXb_Pac]TabX]_^[XcXRb^eTacWT [PbcUTfhTPabUd\X]VCWXbP\QXeP[T]RTWPSP[b^[TSc^cWTST_PacdaTUa^\cWT _Pach^U^]T^UXcbcP[[Tbc[TPSTabP]SU^a\Ta?aX\T<X]XbcTa1PQdaP\1WPccPaPX ¯cW^dVWXc\dbcQTPSSTScWPc1WPccPaPXWPSWPSWXb^f]_^[XcXRP[P\QXcX^]b PbfT[[X]STRXSX]Vc^b_[XcCWTbcPcT^UU[dgX]:PcW\P]SdXbd]U^acd]PcTQTRPdbT =T_P[ UPRTb \P]h SPd]cX]V RWP[[T]VTb P]S ]TTSb P bca^]V P]S bcPQ[T 6^eTa]\T]cPccWTWT[\CWTTPa[XTacWTd]RTacPX]chT]SbcWTQTccTaXcfX[[QTU^a =T_P[P]SXcb]TXVWQ^daW^^S 8 *63&UHGKHUULQJWKH &RQJUHVVKDVIRXQG 0B7>:<0;8: 5PaUa^\PbRP]SP[6B?2P_dQ[XRbTRc^aR^\_P]h_a^\^cTSP]S^f]TSQhcWT6dYPaPc6^eTa]\T]cXb c^QTR^]VaPcd[PcTSU^abcaXeX]Vc^bcaT]VcWT]8]SXPbT]TaVhbTRdaXchCWT2^]VaTbbWPbV^cXcP[[fa^]V T wo years ago, Narendra Modi left Gujarat and made Delhi his home. While he has moved on and outgrown his former job as Chief Minister in Gandhinagar, his opponents in the Congress are clearly still obsessing with Gujarat and Modi’s record there. Evidence of this has come in the past few days from the manner in which the Congress has sought to play up the so-called Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation ‘scandal’. The issue has been raised in Parliament. Jairam Ramesh, Congress MP and former Union Minister, has written a series of articles on the subject. On closer examination, it appears that the accusations made, and the assumptions and creative interpretations Ramesh and his colleagues have resorted to, are completely incorrect. Far from a scandal, GSPC, a public sector company promoted and owned by the Gujarat Government, needs to be congratulated for striving to strengthen India’s energy security. GSPC has a 40-year history. Over the decades, it has helped develop a 2,500 km gas transmission pipeline, covering 19 of the State’s 33 districts. Piped natural gas for domestic users (GSPC has one million customers) and gas for industrial use and for power plants are part of its mandate. It is thanks to GSPC that Gujarat has 241 CNG stations, making up a quarter of all such stations in India. This is a rich legacy and about 15 years ago, GSPC sought to leverage its experience and understanding as a gas marketing and distribution company, take to backward integration and go into exploration in the Krishna Godavari Basin. In 2005, it got lucky. Modi, the then Chief Minister of Gujarat, announced GSPC had discovered what it was felt could turn out to be India’s biggest gas reserves off the eastern coast, touching probably “20 trillion cubic feet”. This is where the story starts. In the intervening decade, after the discovery, effort and investment has gone into studying financial and technical viability of commercially exploiting that discovery and recovering and producing the gas. The Congress has now alleged that the announcement of 2005 was a hoax, no gas was actually found, and C 20,000 crore has been borrowed and spent to camouflage this operation. It was swindled, the Congress has claimed, and Ramesh has gone to town crying “scam”. What are the facts? First, Ramesh says there is no gas at all. This is absolute bunk. The ‘gas in place’ (GIP) in the block GSPC worked in is certified to be 14.4 TCF at ‘best estimates’ (established) and 23 TCF at ‘high estimates’ (possible). These numbers have been certified by Gaffney, Cline and Associates, a Houston-based consultancy with 50 years of experience in the energy business. For reasons of technical viability, not all the GIP can be recovered. This is true for any gas discovery anywhere, and not unique to the KG Basin. GSPC believes that at a conservative assessment, 34 per cent of the minimum 14.4 TCF is recoverable. The value, at today’s prices, would be four billion dollars. Developing a gas block can take decades. In the first phase, GSPC is working in a 17 sq km area of its block, called DeenDayal West. Four wells in the DDW zone have been drilled so far. In August 2014, production began in the first three wells and gas from there is being supplied to fertiliser plants in Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat. So far, 8.5 BCF (billion cubic feet) of gas has been produced. The fourth well, said to be the most promising yet, will go into production in a few weeks, “certainly this 9gQ^dd_dU\\>QW`eb BCCd_dX_cUgX_ be^dXU=_TYbUWY]U* GUdXU3_^WbUcc gY\\^UfUb\Udi_eVe\ VY\\dXUTQ^WUb_ec `\Q^ci_eXQfU 3_^WbUcc` `bUcYTU^d ±C_^YQ7Q^TXY 6B?270B74;?43 34E4;>?0!$ :<60B CA0=B<8BB8>= ?8?4;8=42>E4A8=6 (>5C74BC0C4B ""38BCA82CB 6D90A0C70B!# 2=6BC0C8>=B <0:8=6D?0 @D0AC4A>50;; BD27BC0C8>=B 8=8=380 summer”, according to a GSPC official. To give an idea of the potential of GSPC’s work, that fourth well in DDW alone is expected to produce over 30-35 MMSCFD (million standard cubic feet of gas per day). One MMSCF is the equivalent of 172 barrels of crude oil. So much for the Congress’s ‘zero gas’ theory. Second, the Congress has picked on some of the partner companies and contractors GSPC has worked with and alleged cronyism. Does it have a point here? For instance, GeoGlobal Resources, a two-man company incorporated in the Caribbean Islands, was GSPC’s exploration partner. Frankly, this is hardly a mystery. Initial exploration requires little expertise other than a high-quality geologist and geophysicist (G&G, to use the shorthand). These are usually very skilled, very well-paid individual professionals who team up to run small partnership firms. GeoGlobal is one such. Ramesh may not have realised GeoGlobal Resources also partners Oil India Limited, owned by the Government of India. Further, the Congress has smelled a plot in the awarding of the platform rig contract to Tuff Drilling, saying the latter had B>D=318C4 insufficient experience. This is a half-truth. Tuff Drilling led a consortium that also comprised two American partners — BHL International, a construction and engineering firm that has enormous experience in design, fabrication and upkeep of gas and oil field infrastructure; and Spartan Offshore Drilling, a well-regarded offshore rig provider. This consortium conformed to all technical and financial criteria. Its bid was the lowest, meeting the L1 standard that became impossible for GSPC to ignore (unless Ramesh is suggesting the L1 principle should have been junked). Later, when the consortium failed to deliver on time, its contact was cancelled and awarded to the L2 bidder at the L1 price. The work is now complete. There was no loss of money to GSPC. The bank guarantee of C15.50 crore of Tuff Drilling was encashed by GSPC. Incidentally, that point about forfeiture of bank guarantee by a company that did not meet its obligations is being made by the Congress in its defence in the AgustaWestland helicopter case. There, encashing a bank guarantee by the UPA Government is presented as a punitive action; when GSPC does it, it’s conveniently ignored by the Congress. Finally, the Congress has made much of the fact that GSPC surrendered 45 blocks, including 11 in foreign countries such as Egypt and Yemen, and wrote off a loss of C2,992 crore between 2011 and 2015. In seeing a conspiracy here, the Congress is not being mindful of either geology or geopolitics. Oil and gas exploration is a decidedly risky endeavour. Chances of success are low, though returns from success can be high. In Egypt and Yemen, GSPC gave up prized blocks due to local turbulence, triggered by the Arab Spring and its aftermath. Yet, GSPC is not alone. True, it had exploration write offs of close to C3,000 crore in four years (201115). As it happens, Oil India similarly wrote off C2,500 crore between 2004-05 and 2014-15, and ONGC C53,000 crore in the same period. The Congress-led UPA Government was in power in that decade. To take Ramesh’s argument to its logical absurdity, are we to conclude that the leadership of the Congress and UPA was responsible for those losses? (The writer is distinguished fellow, Observer Research Foundation. He can be reached at malikashok@gmail.com) DXURUcdgQid_`bUfU^d Y]]YWbQ^dTU`_bdQdY_^ Ycd_]Q[UcebUDbe]` ^UfUbWUdc^UQbdXU GXYdU8_ecU CYTTQbQ]QYQXgY\\ S_^dY^eUd_RU ;Qb^QdQ[Q3XYUV =Y^YcdUbV_b^Uhddg_ iUQbc8UgY\\S_] `\UdUXYcdUb]DXUbU Yc^_T_eRdQR_edYd EC` `bUcYTU^dYQ\X X_`UVe\ ±8Y\\Qbi3\Y^d_^ ;Qb^QdQ[Q= =Y^YcdUb ±1^ZQ^QYQX ;4CC4ABC>C74438C>A 4UVY^Y^WbU\YWY_^ Sir — This refers to the article, “Evolution of the ERP test” (May 6) by Namit Saxena. Rightly, the shift of interpretation from whether a practice is “essentially religious” to whether it is “essential to the religion”, has led to confusion. While the latter requires a text that defines religion and its god, the Sanatan Dharma does not require god, dharmis are free to decide their creator, and an atheist can be a dharmi too. Judges have arrogated papal rights to themselves, and want to convert dharma to Abrahamism. They have re-written the Constitution even more blatantly in their interpretation of ‘secularism’. Bharati Via web @e^YcXWeY\di Sir — This refers to the editorial, “The Agusta challenge” (May 6). It is obvious that the Congress will claim political vedanta, but there is no smoke without fire. If the then UPA Government changed several technical parameters to accommodate a certain company’s bid, despite the Indian Air Force’s reservation, then surely, there’s more to it than meets the eye. AR\ZdeR_dU`fS]VdaVR\ `_eVcc`cZd^Via`dVU C WXbaTUTabc^cWTTSXc^aXP[°?PZXbcP]³bW^_TVa^d]STS±<Ph$=Tf3T[WX WPS_TabXbcT]c[hfPa]TSFPbWX]Vc^]PVPX]bccWT\XbdbT^UDB\X[XcPah PXSc^?PZXbcP]X]cWT]P\T^UUXVWcX]VcTaa^aQdcFPbWX]Vc^]aTUdbTS c^bTTaTPb^]4eT]bcPcTPVT]RXTbX]cWTDBWPSU^d]ScWPccWT\X[XcPahPXS fPbQTX]VdbTSQh?PZXbcP]PVPX]bc8]SXP8]SXPWPSP[b^_a^cTbcTSPVPX]bc cWTbP[T^U5 %UXVWcTaYTcbP[^]VfXcWaPSPaP]S^cWTaT`dX_\T]cX]PSTP[ eP[dTSPc%((\X[[X^]cWPcfPbP__a^eTSQhcWTDBX]5TQadPah 7^fTeTaQ^cW3T\^RaPcbP]SAT_dQ[XRP]bX]cWTDB2^]VaTbbfW^ fTaTd]WP__hfXcW8b[P\PQPS³b_^[XRh^Ubd__^acX]V\X[XcP]cVa^d_bP]S QT[XTeTScWPccWTPXaRaPUcf^d[S]^cQTdbTSU^aUXVWcX]VcTaa^aXbcbQdc 8]SXPU^aRTScWT>QP\P0S\X]XbcaPcX^]c^Sa^_Xcb_[P]c^UX]P]RTcWT bd__[h ^U PXaRaPUc c^ ?PZXbcP] Ua^\ cWT 0\TaXRP]b cPg_PhTab³ \^]Th ?PZXbcP]³bWh_^RaXbh^]cTaa^aP]S_Pca^]PVT^UcTaa^aXbcVa^d_bXb]^f QTX]VaTP[XbTSQhcW^bTfW^fTaTXcbR[^bTbcP[[XTb <29^bWX ;dRZ]^f Moreover, then Defence Minister AK Antony’s suggestion of a probe in India was overlooked by the Government. These facts raise some serious questions for Congress president Sonia Gandhi in particular and the Congress in general. It is heartening that the Enforcement Directorate has expanded its probe. The Central Bureau of Investigation and the ED should leave no stone unturned to nail the guilty. Bal Govind Noida 8_`UccXQddUbUT Sir — This refers to the editorial, “Pakistan’s hope grounded” (May 5). Perhaps the US got the message: The largesse it has been giving to Pakistan were being used not to combat terrorism, but against India. The US must not capitulate to the monkey bluff of Pakistan: That the latter can purchase arms from those like Russia and China. However, Pakistan is unlikely to do so as it will have to spend gargantuan amounts to grab the deal. Right now, it owes huge debts to various international agencies, including the International Monetary Fund. Sagar Singh New Delhi <QdUbUQ\YcQdY_^ Sir — This refers to the editorial, “Pakistan’s hope grounded” (May 5). The United States’ refusal to fund Pakistan’s proposed acquisition of F-16 fighter aircraft marks a welcome departure from its policy of supporting its ally in the global fight against terrorism. That the consequences of terrorism, perpetrated from Pakistani soil, have spread beyond the immediate neighbourhood, has become an obvious realisation. It was, therefore, imperative for the US to refrain from strategic handouts to its ‘friend’ in the name of counterterrorism cooperation. US presidential front-runners, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, have rightly identified Pakistan as a very, very vital problem. These fears are well founded, as a country that exploits terrorism as a legitimate instrument of statecraft cannot be trusted to lead the fight against extremist forces. The Indian leadership must be lauded for showing strategic restraint and at the same time expressing its concerns through diplomatic channels. Shreyans Jain Delhi BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^) [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ "aSThTjbPcdaSPhb_TRXP[l & A08?DAkB0CDA30H k<0H &! % 5[ZS`feZefc_Z_XZ_e`VaZTV_ecV`WX]`SR]a`]ZeZTd oday, the Republic of Djibouti, T the tiny East African nation with a population of just 8,75,000, is FWhcWTAT_dQ[XR^U3YXQ^dcX WPbQTR^\TcWTW^ccTbc PSSaTbbU^abd_Ta_^fTab. 1TbXSTbcWTDBcWTU^a\Ta 5aT]RW2^[^]hWPb\X[XcPah QPbTb^U6Ta\P]h8cP[h B_PX]P]S5aP]RTPb0]cX ?XaPRh5^aRTc^R^d]cTa B^\P[X_XaPcTb1h! 9P_P]PaaXeTSX]3YXQ^dcXc^ [Pd]RWXcbUXabcTeTa\X[XcPah QPbTPQa^PSbX]RTF^a[SFPa 88FXcW2WX]PT]cTaX]VcWT UXT[ScWTX]cT]bXUXRPcX^]^U _^fTa_[Ph^eTa3YXQ^dcXWPb aTP[[hQTVd] <0:70=B B08:80 fast becoming the hub of global powers. Being in the Horn of Africa, Djibouti holds the key to major international maritime transactions passing through the Gulf of Eden and the Red Sea in the east of the country. Djibouti, being an integral part of the erstwhile French African Empire — l’Afrique Noire — even today, the French Government has an agreement to defend its former colony. As the legend goes, many centuries ago, Yemen and Djibouti were only one country and only after a violent earthquake, both got separated (Africa from Arabia) creating the channel known today as Bab-elMandeb. Thus, Bab-el-Mandeb means “Gate of Tears” in Arabic after the cries of those who died in the earthquake. Why Djibouti has become the hottest address for superpowers like the US? Djibouti declared independence from France in 1977 when it was too impoverished to be swallowed by her big neighbours like Ethiopia or Somalia. A country about the size of New Jersey then had absolutely no resources of global importance “except for sand, salt and 20,000 camels” as the Associated Press reported. Over the years, when its neighbours were too preoccupied with famine, civil wars and AIDS, Djibouti had remained a nation untouched by the traditional woes of the continent. As the 21st century came with an unprecedented wave of globalisation mostly advanced by neoliberal economic agenda and massive network of information and communication technology (ICT), its sleepiness has attracted the global powers for refashioning the identity of the country. After the September 11 terrorist attacks on the American soil, the US military rushed to open its first ever military base dedicated to counterterrorism, named Camp Lemonnier. It is home to more than 4,000 soldiers who are mainly the part of the Combined Joint Task Force — Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA). The most significant part of the Camp Lemonnier is that it hosts an exceptional base for launching “drone operations” into Somalia and Yemen. When American military first took the base from Djibouti’s former colonial master France in 2002, it called the camp as temporary or expeditionary which consisted of only 97 acres. Today the camp covers a sprawling 600 acres with the state-of-the-art military facilities for launching any offensive against terror attacks. With $1.4 billion upgra- dation in 2013, the camp currently maintains a rapid response team of 150 members to specially handle future threats to diplomatic personnel abroad after the 2012 attack on the US mission in Benghazi, Libya. For most of the Djiboutians, the presence of the US military could prevent an attack or an attempt to take over their country by Islamic radical forces like the Islamic State (ISIS) or al-Qaeda. However, the way the US military is fortifying the Camp Lemonnier, it is fast spreading a strong sense of distrust among the ordinar y Djiboutians about America’s attitude towards them. Next comes the continued legacy of Djibouti’s former colonial power France, which maintains its largest ever military base abroad here. In conducting their “civilising mission” in Africa, the French had been highly successful in cultivating a small black elite class to whom they accorded full rights as citizens on condition that they accepted assimilation into French society and rejected their African heritage, family law and customs (Meredith 2005). This took a full circle in Djibouti unlike many of its former establishments. Then came the brigades from Germany, Italy and Spain to join France to form the European Union’s Anti-Piracy Force to counter Somali pirates. By 2011, Japan arrived in Djibouti to launch its first-ever military base abroad since World War II. And lately, China has joined the list by opening its first military point in Africa driven not only by economic considerations but also for security reasons. It came as a result of a Security and Defense Agreement between Beijing and Djibouti signed in early 2014 followed by a huge “cheque book diplomacy” by China. While finalising the deal, China Merchant Holdings, a state-owned enterprise, purchased a large stake in the country’s vital port of Djibouti, worth $185 million and offered to develop the infrastructure facilities at the port under the supervision of the China State Construction Engineering Corporation for $420 million contract. Despite US protests, President Ismail Omar Guelleh had gone ahead with the deal and allowed China to enter the Sub-Saharan region. However, Washington has the advantage of its collective bargaining power through which it could stall any further expansion of Chinese influ- ence in Djibouti. It seems, with China entering the field, the intensification of power play over Djibouti has really begun. Thomas Kelly, the US Ambassador to Djibouti, compares it with Casablanca of 1940 for its growing clientele of superpowers who all just want to have their presence in the country for promoting strategic security and trade interests. The story of contemporary Africa is not just one of horrible pain and disaster (mostly man-made), but also of plenty of hope for its future generations and for the rest of us. Here Djibouti correctly fits into the power game of the Western and other emerging States which are constantly vying for space either to showcase their military might or to expand the sphere of influence so that their say in global balance of power play remains intact (or mostly enhances). To many, Africa can well be regarded as an object in the Western gaze. But there is a growing clamour coming from the young and the educated who outrightly scorns this colonial construct and ready fighting for their rightful place in the comity of nations. Against all the odds, the Government of Guelleh strongly believes that in the next 20 years or so Djibouti will become next Dubai. Having a port in one of the most geopolitically crucial straits in the globe, Djibouti could easily become a magnet for capital and free trade forging ahead with the continued engagement of the high profile powers in the coming days. Hoping to reap on the growing clout of the external powers in the countr y, Foreign Minister Mahamoud Ali Youssouf confidently says, “We have some assets that Dubai never had.” His Government has an ambitious project to make Djibouti the first country in Africa to be powered solely by renewable energy possibly generating from the “Khamsin Winds” which blows through the month of June to August. For attracting foreign direct investments (FDI) and to meet out the domestic energy crunch, the Government is planning to harness solar energy sources so that power supply problem could be sorted out to a considerable extent. Its long journey from the clutches of the French colonial administration to the current status of being the “Small Big Power”, it has grown more than its size because of the changing dynamics of global political calculations. Ali Yacoub Mahamoud, the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, proudly underlines the increasing importance of his country, saying, “In the colonial period, everything in Djibouti was viewed negatively. They all said we only had a hot sun, dry winds, and a lot of rocks. Nothing valuable. Even the nomads felt that way. But now the negatives are positives.” Probably, his claims can well be buttressed when two emerging “Ds” — Dubai and Djibouti — are compared: Unlike Dubai, Djibouti rightly sits on the busiest shipping lane in the world. Secondly, Djibouti is the gateway to many other landlocked African countries. This makes the country especially important unlike Dubai, and it can hinge on the strategic aspect further. Finally, the most spectacular aspect of Djibouti is that it provides one of the best “digital infrastructure”, rarely available even in Dubai. Therefore, Djibouti has gone beyond the network of gigabytes and quietly passed onto the stage of unimaginable “terabytes”. It is possible because seven submarine fibreoptic cables, the kind that carry the vast majority of the world’s digital information, come ashore in Djibouti, making it the most important hub of connectivity in East Africa. On the other hand, from the eastern coast of Djibouti, Asia is only 30 km away. Bab-el-Mandeb, the narrow sea channel roughly separates Djibouti from Yemen. In fact, at the moment the country is situated at the confluence of three emerging geopolitical regimes redefining the contours of global politics of the century: A fast rising Ethiopia with a stable political regime, renewed engagement of China, and Rouhani’s brand new nuclear Iran (hopefully tamed) in the Indian Ocean Rim and the ever greater tug of war of global hegemons spearheaded by the US and its allies. On its backyard, Djibouti is at an advanced stage of building communication network with all its African neighbours. Last year, a rail line had been opened between Djibouti to Addis Ababa and another linking the latter with the cities of Jimma, Bedele and Ambo. Besides, a grand transcontinental rail line is planned to connect Djibouti to Ethiopia all the way across the continent to the Gulf of Guinea in West Africa. Within a decade or so, plans are afoot to come up with the second international airport near Addis Ababa which will be ready to host more than 120 million passengers much larger in size than London’s Heathrow airport currently receives. Finally, Bab-el-Mandeb holds the key as it is one of the world’s prominent shipping chokepoints through which passes around 3.2 million barrels of oil a day, accounting for an estimated 4 per cent of the global oil business. As there has been a regular threat from the Somali pirates to block the Bab-el-Mandeb strait, so it has forced all the five permanent members of the Security Council to come together to fight their common enemy, a rare unity in ideological diversity displayed among them since the days of the Second World War. This definitely adds to the glamour of little Djibouti after all. However, crutching on the lap of the competing powers, Guelleh is indirectly resisting the full-blown development of the Djiboutian State and society and gradually weakening the country’s opposition for launching an attack on his Government. Djibouti, if it treads as it moves today would soon be a “theatre of war” for competing global powers. And it would turn out to serve as a gripping digest of the endemic woes (which most Africans are so well-acquainted) confronting the cradle of humanity in this part of the globe. Hope it does never become the “Gate of Tears” once again! (The writer is an independent political analyst based in Delhi) ?4AB?42C8E4 2QO\6XILVPFDQGHIHDW,VODPLFWHUURULVP A t a time when the world is trying to grapple with the unprecedented scale of terror activities, the growing trend of various terror outfits seeking affiliation to the brute Islamic State (ISIS) is baffling as it is not the deadliest jehadi organisation in the word. As per the 2015 Global Terrorism Index, ISIS killed 6,073 people in 2014, while Nigerian group Boko Haram has 6,644 deaths to its credit. Even al-Qaeda, which ruled the terror world for over two decades, has faded in front of the growing craze among the radical Islamists for ISIS. What has caused this sustained interest in ISIS? All Islamic terrorist groups’ claimed goal is to wage jehad to reestablish puritanical Islamic society. Till the birth of ISIS, al-Qaeda hogged all the terror limelight, especially for the 9/11 misadventure. Despite massive American backlash, al-Qaeda maintained its position as number one Islamic terrorist organisation, but it lost the crown to ISIS after the brute force captured part of Iraq and Syria and grabbed the headlines. Moreover, ISIS’ unique techniques like declaring Caliphate and maintaining uninterrupted supply of enemy girls and women as sex slaves to keep it mercenaries entertained worked wonders. Moreover, when fundamentalists are fighting to establish an utopian Wahabi Islamic state which is purged of heretics like Shias, Yazidi, Jews, Christians and all other kafirs, alQaeda’s loss of popularity among the Islamists was also due to the dilution of its principles. For example, after the seizure of the Yemeni port city of Mukalla in April 2015, al-Qaeda commanders didn’t hesitate to ink a pact with local tribal leaders to allow music at parties or men wearing shorts — both considered unIslamic by the radicals. The growth of ISIS in West Asia, Boko Haram in Nigeria, and alShabab in Kenya continues to testify resilience, sustenance and appeal of extremist Islamist ideology, notwithstanding the powerful, relentless international and Islamic condemnations against the same. A part of the explanation to this trend lies in the covert and overt support of State actors to such non-state actors in order to protect, advance and defend one’s own narrowly defined “national interest”. The “internationalisation of Islamic terrorism” in Afghanistan was partly due to the support extended by the US, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to alQaeda and Taliban in Afghanistan. If the US facilitated the grouping of international mujaheedin in Afghanistan primarily to check the erstwhile Soviet influence in the Persian Gulf, the Saudis’ support to Sunni-Pastun Taliban was meant to check the influence of Shia Iran through Shia-Hazara Afghani militants in Afghanistan. Whereas Pakistan saw in Afghanistan crisis a golden opportunity to mobilise resources — money and arms (primarily through US-Saudi nexus) — to advance its nuclear programme, to settle the border with Afghanistan, and finally to use Taliban terrorists as foot soldiers to fight in Kashmir and conduct other terrorist operations within India. ISIS is the product of inter-State West Asian politics as it stems from the failure of Arab Spring to institute a democratic transformation in the region. However, ISIS thrived on account of support extended by the nexus of the US, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. The US indirectly supported ISIS by ignoring its activities in order to grind its own axe — to check the growing Iranian influence in the region following the US invasion of Iraq. Saudi Arabia and Qatar connived with ISIS for “Sunni mobilisation” against Shia Iraq and its protégé Syria. Turkey trusted ISIS as “resistance forces” to the Bathist regime in Syria, as well as to nip in the bud the bid to establish Kurdish state on Syrian-Turkish border. As long as ISIS confined its activ- 6Xa[bQTX]VPdRcX^]TSPbbTgb[PeTb ities to political capture of Iraq and Syria, it was tolerated and supported by the West and Sunni Gulf monarchies as it suited their national and regional agenda. However, with its malignant growth, claiming caliphate, ISIS posed the existential threat to conservative Islamic Gulf monarchies and to the interest of the West in the region. Therefore, ISIS became a pariah. Similar was the case with Muslim Brotherhood. Saudis and other Gulf countries nurtured the organisation and provided safe haven in their countries to the persecuted members of Muslim Brotherhood to undermine the Nasserite regime in Egypt and to destablise post-Nasserite regimes. However, when Muslim Brothers democratically occupied the Egyptian State they turned a threat to be eliminated. The West, Saudis and other Gulf monarchies provided all supports to the Al-Sisi regime to dismantle the Muslim Brotherhood from Egypt. The same happened to FIS (Islamic Salvation Front) in Algeria during 1990-1991. Such political use of non-State actors by the State and regimes has not been without consequences. It often proved counterproductive to their interests, and even posed the existential threat to the regimes. AlQaeda nurtured by the US in Afghanistan extracted the superpower’s blood in the form of 9/11 and put the lives of Americans at risk globally. Similarly Pakistani’s support to Taliban boomeranged as it has recorded a spurt in terror activities in that country. Turkey too has begun to feel the heat of ISIS backlash following blasts in Ankara, and Istanbul. However, beyond the political use of Islamic terrorist groups by States, the historical roots of this menace lies in development of Wahhabism. The modern colonial context unleashed the process of redefining Islam as an ideology at least since 18th century. Almost all post-Wahhabi Islamic movements in the Muslim world have operated within the discursive field of Wahhabi Salafism and shared in varying degree the Wahhabi vision of Salafism and its political imagination of sharing the State power. The process gradually gave birth to the idea of an “Islamic state”, an idea that was intensified more against the backdrop of the abolition of caliphate by Kemal Ataturk in Turkey. Though the idea remained incoherent, it continues to express aspirations of a section of Muslim community domes- tically and internationally — both peacefully and violently. One consequence of this process is the emergence of Islamic terrorist organisations, which are not only influenced by the resistance discourse of pan-Islamism. The terrorist outfits try to fit themselves into Wahhabi orientation that is distinctively sectarian, supremacist, thoroughly opportunistic in nature and places no consideration of universal moral values to their “Islamic” mission. The political Islam of any variety, whether Wahhabi or AKP type, cannot be an effective counter discourse to Islamic militant or terrorist organisations such as ISIS or alQaeda. Founded on the notion of “other” and being inherently “immoral” both on account of its ideological construction and non-acceptance of “modernist politics”, the creed of political Islam lacks sufficient moral and ethical resources to wipe out the influence of Islamic terrorism. The only recourse to such political contingency lies in the resurrection of universal moral and ethical vision of Islam in the public life of the nation and community. In this regard the support extended by the Modi Government to four day-long World Sufi Forum, which was organised by the All-India Ulama and Mashaikh Board (AIUMB), the apex body of dargahs, tombs of Sufi saints, in March 2017, is an important step. Though some fundamentalist Muslim scholars and leaders see in Modi’s policy an attempt to divide the Muslim community and to weaken it further, others find this Sufi initiative as an expression of internal power struggle within Islamic religious groups. It cannot be denied that Sufi’s culture and ideology represents Islamic syncretic tradition that alone would resist the forces of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism. (The writer a visiting faculty member, Amity University, Noida) 5^d]STS^]cWT]^cX^]^U ³^cWTa´P]SQTX]VX]WTaT]c[h ³X\\^aP[´Q^cW^]PRR^d]c^U XcbXST^[^VXRP[R^]bcadRcX^] P]S]^]PRRT_cP]RT^U ³\^STa]Xbc_^[XcXRb´cWTRaTTS ^U³_^[XcXRP[8b[P\´[PRZb bdUUXRXT]c\^aP[P]STcWXRP[ aTb^daRTbc^fX_T^dccWT X]U[dT]RT^U8b[P\XRcTaa^aXb\ 1dcBdUX´bRd[cdaTP]S XST^[^VhaT_aTbT]cb8b[P\XR bh]RaTcXRcaPSXcX^]cWPcP[^]T f^d[SaTbXbccWTU^aRTb^U 8b[P\XRUd]SP\T]cP[Xb\P]S cTaa^aXb\ 9H>C8:0CC42:270=30=8 ]PcX^]' A08?DAkB0CDA30H k<0H &! % >@5:3=2DED<6C2=28@GE=67E 7KUHHVXSHUVWDUV 3TeT[^_\T]c 274==08´BBD?4A5A830H 19?³b^][h <P]caP)?< EA90H0A09Q :>278 rime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday gave a P high-voltage push to the BJPNDA’s campaign for the May 16 Kerala Assembly election by unleashing a blistering attack against the Congress-led ruling UDF and the Opposition Left. He slammed the UDF Government of Chief Minister Oommen Chandy especially for its alleged insensitivity towards last week’s rape-murder of a Dalit law student and for the infamous solar scam. “The BJP has only one Mantra: Development. I assure you that we will bring in the development required to change the fortunes of Kerala and to change the future of its youth… You have experimented with others so far. I am requesting you to experiment with the BJP-NDA this time,” Modi said at a BJP-NDA rally at Palakkad. At his first election programme in Kerala, the Prime ?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXPSSaTbbX]VP]T[TRcX^]aP[[hPc?P[PZZPSX]:TaP[P^]5aXSPhPWTPS^U0bbT\Q[h_^[[b Minister blasted the Congressled front and the Left, which had been ruling the State all these years. “We feel proud when we hear people referring to Kerala as God’s Own Country. But the fact is that those who have been ruling here have brought nothing but regression,” he said. “For five years, it will be Congress rule. For the next five, it will be the Left. Then again the Congress comes to power. It is part of an understanding between the two sides to loot the State. This happens because there has been no third force. Give BJP electoral victory. If that happens, we will not allow this to take place,” Modi said. Addressing the tens of thousands of BJP workers and sympathisers who had gathered at the Fort Grounds in Palakkad in the scorching afternoon sun, the Prime Minister said, “I give my word to you that I won’t let this love and sacrifice of yours to go unrewarded. I will return this affection to you… by bringing in development” as the crowd cheered him by chanting, “Modi, Modi”. Enumerating the difficult situations in which the Centre had worked hard to help Keralites, the Prime Minister said, “When some daughters of Kerala had fallen into the hands of terrorists in the Gulf, the Centre had lost its sleep. Our sister (External Affairs Minister) Sushma Swaraj had 7_W_Yc\Q]c>417_fd V_b´R\_gY^We`µ1GTUQ\ 0=D?B70A<0Q 6DF070C8 S lamming the BJP led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) Government at the Centre, Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi on friday said that the Central Government is blowing up the AgustaWestland chopper deal out of proportion to divert peoples’ attention from its many failures since. “In order to hide its failure and to divert public attention from the basic issues, the NDA Government is trying to make the AgustaWestland a huge issue. The erstwhile Congress led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) Government had blacklisted the company and initiated an exhaustive probe to unearth the truth behind the issue,” Gogoi said in a statement on friday. “However, the Modi Government instead of zeroing in on the issue is making a bizarre attempt to divert public attention from its failures like checking price rise, unemployment, drought and other agrarian crisis to name a few that grappled the country. A trial court in Goa on Friday remanded former Goa Education Minister and sitting legislator Atanasio Monserrate to three days in police custody, a day after he was arrested for allegedly raping a minor girl after purchasing her for a sum of C50 lakh. The trial court judge Vaishali Lotlikar also remanded the mother of the victim, arrested on charges of human trafficking, to three days in police custody, even as police continued to conduct several raids to track down the third accused, a pimp, who allegedly brokered the deal between Monserrate and the mother in March this year. worked tirelessly. In the end, we succeeded in bringing them back.” He also referred to how effectively the Centre had dealt with the Yemen crisis and brought back hundreds of Keralites from the middle of explosions and bullets in that country. But such sensitivity was not being shown by the Government here, he alleged. “A poor Dalit girl was brutally raped and murdered last week. But the Government here failed to open its eyes,” he said. Taunting the Kerala Government over the infamous solar scam, Modi said, “In Kashi, solar energy is helping boatmen to earn a good living. But if the word solar used ?^[XRT\T][PcWXRWPaVT_a^cTbcTabfW^Q[^RZTS =PcX^]P[7XVWfPh"&X]P_a^cTbcST\P]SX]V YdbcXRTU^aPVP]VaP_TeXRcX\Pc:WdcXZPcXPX] =PVP^]SXbcaXRc^U0bbP\^]5aXSPh ?C8 The NDA Government instead of finding the real culprit seemed to be leading the people to a quagmire in the chopper deal and misleading the Nation,” Gogoi said. Offering his piece of advice to the Centre over the issue, the Assam Chief Minister urged the NDA Government to order a Supreme Court monitored inquiry into the AgustaWestland chopper deal and let the country know the truth associated with the issue. Gogoi said that the NDA Government is distracting public attention from real issues by making AgustaWestland a political vendetta and said that the Modi Government instead of materialising its much publicised rhetoric ‘acche-din’ is up for crushing democracy by imposing President’s Rule and toppling democratically elected government in Uttarakhand and Arunachal Pradesh. Gogoi also termed this as an attack on the democratic and federal structure of the country and said that the Congress will keep fighting for its legitimate cause of saving the democracy. CWaTTSPh_^[XRTaT\P]S U^a6^P<;0X]aP_TRPbT <0H017DB70=Q ?0=098 ?C8 in Kerala, a bomb will explode. See the difference! In Varanasi, solar energy powers boats and people’s lives. In Kerala, the Government is run by solar.” The Prime Minister pointed out that the educated youth of Kerala would not have to go out of the State in search of jobs if there were agriculture-based industries here but the State missed that bus due to its failure to bring modernisation in farming. “How would that happen when there are people who oppose even tractors?” he asked. Modi also launched an attack against the CPI(M) while referring to the political violence taking place in Kerala. “Politics of murder is integral to the communists (CPI(M)). So many of our activists were killed by them just because they could not counter us ideologically,” the Prime Minister said. Announcing his adage for BJP-NDA’s election campaign in Malayalam, “Nammal Onnaavanam, Naadu Nannaavanam” (We should unite for the land to progress), Modi said the NDA would become a strong third force in the State with this election. The Prime Minister will return to Kerala on Sunday to address more campaign rallies. Speaking to The Pioneer after the hearing, counsel for Monserrate Rajeev Gomes said, “My client has been remanded to three days in police custody. He has no intention of not co-operating with the police investigation”. Gomes however told the court that the victim had been coerced to file a complaint against Monserrate, which the lawyer argued, was being used by vested political interests to tarnish the politician’s image. “We have informed the court about how minute sensitive details of the case have been released to the media. This case is a political conspiracy, where the victim has been coerced to file this complaint,” Gomes said. Monserrate surrendered to the police on Thursday, less than 24 hours after an FIR filed by the minor girl claimed that the unattached MLA had purchased her for C50 lakh and had raped her after allegedly spiking her drink in March. Monserrate has denied charges, claiming he is a victim of a political conspiracy and that the victim was only working for a lifestyle store operated by him in Panaji. Monserrate has been booked under sections 342 (wrongful confinement), 328 (causing hurt), 370 (detaining against will), 376 (rape) and relevant sections of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act and the Goa Children’s Act. KLWFDPSDLJQWUDLO :D<0A274;;0??0=Q 274==08 ay 6 turned out to be Chennai’s Super Friday M with the metro witnessing three star campaigners of the 2016 Tamil Nadu Assembly election hitting the campaign trail in the city and that tool simultaneously. The super star of Friday’s campaign was none other than Prime Minister Narendra Modi who crisscrossed Kerala and Tamil Nadu campaigning for the BJP candidates for the May 16 Assembly elections. Prime Minister Modi addressed a mammoth rally at Hossur in south west Tamil Nadu where he was in his usual form, inspiring and enthusing the audience with his characteristic charm and élan. What added to the spectacle was Munawari Beegum, a Muslim woman, translating the Prime Minister’s speech in Hindi to chase Tamil. She is the Tamil Nadu chief of BJP’s minority wing. In a surprise move, Chief Minister Jayalalithaa too undertook a roadshow in RK Nagar constituency, a city suburb from where she is seeking election to the Assembly. Her cavalcade left Veda Nilayam, her Poes Garden residence at 5 pm and she was greeted by thousands of cadre belonging to the AIADMK cadre lining both sides of the road. Jayalalithaa preferred her custom built tempo traveller for her Friday’s Aswamedha leaving her favourite Toyota Parado for the day. She addressed the people from the van itself. Jayalalithaa was elected from the constituency in June 2015 with a landslide majority of more than 1.5 lakh votes. In her brief speech, the Chief Minister listed the development works carried out in the constituency and elsewhere in the State. She also explained the important points in the AIADMK manifesto which she released at Perundhurai on Thursday. If the reception accorded to Jayalalithaa at RK Nagar is any indication, chances are that her rivals in the constituency stand no chance of posing any threat to her. The DMK-Congress alliance in the State has been rejuvenated following Thursday’s election rally addressed by Sonia Gandhi, the prima donna of the Congress. This made DMK chief Muthuvel Karunanidhi (93) too to lead a motorcade through various places in Chennai on Friday. His sound has started wavering and dithering but the nonagenarian DMK patriarch was in high spirits during the rally. Accompanied by Dayanidhi Maran, his grand nephew who is an accused in the Aircel-Maxis deal, the Grand Old Man of Tamil Nadu politics pleaded with the people of the city to vote DMK back to power so that he could give them a transparent and corruption-free Government for the next five years. Karunanidhi’s old friends and well wishers, were in attendance to hear the words of their one-time glamour boy. More is on anvil for Tamil Nadu. Rahul Gandhi is addressing an election rally in the city suburb on Saturday. “This will be a turning point in the Tamil Nadu Assembly election. Thousands of youth are expected in the rally to be addressed by Rahul Gandhi,” said CD Meyyappan, AICC member who is overseeing the organisation of the rally. He said the visit by Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi has changed the course of the Assembly election in the State. Political observers are of the view that the DMKCongress front has reached steps away from the AIADMK which was far ahead of others when the campaign was launched. As election campaign enters the final phase on Saturday, the next nine days has become crucial as well as critical for all the main characters in the fray. CT[P]VP]P\P_bTc c^RWP]VTQhPSSX]V $]TfSXbcaXRcbU^a QTccTaPS\X]XbcaPcX^] ><4A50A>>@Q 7H34A0103 goes according the plans, Telangana will Isoonftoeverything have 15 new districts taking the total number to 25 by the State formation day on June 2. The decision was taken by the Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao after a high level meeting attended by the Deputy Chief Minister and Revenue Minister Mohammed Mahmood Ali and senior officials of the department. Chief Minister will formally announce the decision on the 3rd State formation day next month. In addition to more than doubling the number of districts, the State Government has also decided to create 40 new mandals or blocks for the administrative convenience and accelerate the development process, sources said. The decision was expected to come in to effect from next Dussehra festival. At present the State with more than 35 milion population has 42 revenue division and 464 revenue mandals or blocks. “Every revenue division will comprise of 8 to 10 mandals”, KCR said stressing that smaller districts can be administered better. Each of the existing districts will be bifurcated or trifurcated. Part of Hyderabad district will b ecome Secunderabad district while parts of Ranga Reddy district will become new district of Viqarabad, sources said. Addressing the meeting the Chief Minister said that as the Center was taking steps to increase the number of Assembly constituencies in the State form 119 to 153, the State should also initiate steps to carve out new districts. Of f icials exp ect that increase in the number of districts will help the State in getting more funds and grants as Center had taken district as a unit for allocations. Though the move of increasing the number of districts was on the cards since the formation of Telangana State in June 2014, Chief Minister KCR took time in carefully chalking out the plans and discussing the contours of each of the new distrits. 4Q\YdWYb\µcbQ`U]ebTUb*3_`ccdY\\S_^VecUT ?=BQ :>278 A fter eight days of investigations, the Special Team of the Kerala Police probing the brutal rape and murder of a 29year-old Dalit law student inside her house in Perumbavoor near Kochi on April 28 on Friday seemed to be in confusion about the number of culprits behind the crime even as Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh said the Centre was prepared to launch a CBI investigation into the incident. “As the country’s Home Minister, I assure you that the Centre is prepared to conduct a CBI probe into this incident as soon as we get a recommendation from the State Government,” Singh said at a BJP election rally at Chathannur in Kollam dis- trict. “The guilty shall be punished,” he said, adding “our sisters and mothers are not safe in Kerala.” At the same time, the Kerala High Court on Friday refused to intervene in the investigation into the Dalit student’s rape-murder at this juncture. While taking up a PIL praying for orders for a CBI probe, the court adopted this position after the Director General of Prosecutions submitted before it that the current investigation was progressing on the right path and that the Government was ready to give the court a report on the probe. The Special Police Team investigating the rape-murder seemed to be confused about whether the crime was committed by a single person or whether there were more than BcdST]cbW^[SX]VP_a^cTbcX]=Tf3T[WX^]5aXSPh^eTacWTQadcP[aP_TP]S\daSTa ^UP[PfbcdST]cX]:TaP[P ?C8 one accused behind it. While Additional Director General of Police K Padmakumar, who opined that the crime was preplanned, favoured the theory that there was only one accused, some other official refused to agree with it totally. “As per the information received so far, the possibility is that there was only one accused,” Padmakumar told the media. “But the investigations are progressing and the details cannot be divulged at this stage… The incident seems to have been committed with the clear plan,” the ADGP said. The police now think that the crime could have been committed by someone who was close to the law student and her family. Sources said the statements received by them from people in the locality suggested this possibility. They said that this was only one theory but “we consider all information seriously”. The police had carried out extensive inspections at the camps of migrant workers in Perumbavoor. Reports said the searches were carried out with the cooperation of officials from the police’s narcotic cell. They had carried out searches in migrant workers’ camps in the area on Thursday also. B^[SXTaZX[[TS"_^[XRT\T]WdacX]:PbW\XaeX^[T]RT AWX]^RP[UZX[[TSX]<P]Pb :7DAB7443F0=8Q BA8=060A D]XST]cXUXTS_Tab^]b Wda[TSPVaT]PST X]RT]caP[:PbW\Xa³b 2WPS^^aPc^f] X]YdaX]VcWaTT _^[XRT\T]P]S PRXeX[XP] soldier was killed and three policemen were A injured in two separate incidents of violence in Kashmir Valley on Friday. Defence sources said that troops intercepted a group of militants in Keran sector of north Kashmir’s Kupwara district early on Friday. The infiltrators opened fire injuring a 21 Kumaon Regiment soldier Ramesh Chander Yadav. He was immediately shifted to 92 Base Hospital in Srinagar where he succumbed to injuries. Meanwhile, unidentified persons hurled a grenade in central Kashmir’s Chadoora town on Friday injuring three policemen and a civilian. No militant group claimed responsibility for the attack. Police said that the grenade was tossed near the local bus stand when a large <PbZTS:PbW\XaX<db[X\ _a^cTbcTabcWa^fbc^]TbPc 8]SXP]_^[XRT\T]SdaX]VP _a^cTbcX]BaX]PVPa^] 5aXSPh 0? number of policemen and office-goers were around. Three policemen wounded in the attack, have been rushed to a hospital in Srinagar for treatment. She was discharged after receiving first aid at Sub District Hospital Chadoora. A lady pedestrian was also wounded in the incident. Security forces cordoned off the area after the blast but there was no clue of the attackers. A year ago, militants shot dead Station House Officer of local police station in the town. =PcX^]P[_PaZW^a]cPZT] 0=D?B70A<0Q 6DF070C8 he poachers have killed a rhino calf in western T Assam’s Manas National park and managed to decamp with its horn, park officials said on Friday. This is the first rhino to be poached in the Manas national park since January this year, the officials said. “The guards have recovered the carcass of a male rhino calf at Bhuyapara forest range of the park during routine patrolling on Friday morning. It was a male calf, about two and half year old,” a senior park official said adding that an operation had been launched to track the poachers. “This is very unfortunate. There have been no poaching in Manas during last year,” he said. The poachers had killed C74?>0274AB7030;A403H:8;;43 4867C>=47>A=43A78=>BB>50A 8=0BB0<´B:0I8A0=60=0C8>=0; ?0A:C78BH40A about four one-horned rhinos in Manas in 2013. The poachers had already killed eight one-horned rhinos so far in Assam’s Kaziranga national park this year. It may be mentioned here that the Manas national park is an UNESCO Natural World Heritage site, a Project Tiger reserve, an elephant reserve and a biosphere reserve in Assam. Located in the Himalayan foothills, it is contiguous with the Royal Manas National Park in Bhutan. The UNESCO declared Manas as a World Heritage Site in Danger due to heavy poach- ing and terrorist activities in the park during 1990s. In 2008, the UNESCO removed the park from the List of World Heritage in Danger and was commended for its efforts in preservation. Although the park had a substantial number of onehorned rhino population, the species got wiped out completely during the poaching a terrorist activities between 1988 to 2001. However, the Assam Government translocated a few one-horned rhinos to the park in 2010-11 and now there are about 31 one-horned rhinos in the park. ]PcX^]( A08?DAkB0CDA30H k<0H &! % µHVUZU_`eRd\W`cR_jhReVcecRZ_¶ ?=BQ ;D2:=>F ouring water over Centre’s claim of extending help P through a 'water train', Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav said that UP does not need train, if the Government is serious in extending help, it should provide us tankers. “We did not ask for any water train. The Centre sent a so-called water train, that too without water. This shows how serious the BJP is in providing water to the drought-hit people of Bundelkhand,” the CM said while addressing a rally in Ferozabad after inaugurating development schemes. Yadav said that the State Government has made it clear that UP does not need water. “We have enough water in reservoirs of Bundelkhand. We need tankers to carry this water to far flung areas. Already a fleet of 600 tankers is working overnight supplying water to the needy. If the Centre really wants to help the State, it should provid us tankers,” Yadav said. On Thursday, Yadav had written to Union Water Resources minister Uma Bharati to immediately provide 10,000 water tankers for the water-starved villages. “Despite lack of rain in two monsoons, reservoirs still have water. If the Centre can provide tankers, water from these reserviors could be carted to parched villages," Yadav wrote. “Water politics is a twinedged sword. The BJP wanted to kill us with this sword yesterday but today it itself stands destroyed,” he said. “We are providing water to the Bundelkhand while the BJP is only doing politics,” he charged. The CM had come to Ferozabad to honour Gram Panchayats which had played an important role in banning open defecation in villages. In the rally, Yadav spoke at length about the work done by the SP Government in the last four years. “If you compare our achievements with previous Governments, you will find the BSP, the BJP and the Congress are nowhere. Ours is a Government that has benefited people to the hilt. We ensured development in all villages and process is on to link tehsils with district headquarters,” the CM said. Yadav spoke at length about his Government's efforts to improve power generation and how health facilities have been extended to all sections of the society. “Ours is a Government of farmers and poor. We Samajwadis understand the pain and anguish of poor and therefore are ready to go the extra mile to solve their problems,” the CM said. “The SP Government has opened the job market by generating employment in police and education sectors. Employment generation has been sped up in all departments. There is all-round development across the state. You name a sector and will find development there,” Yadav said. The CM however warned party workers to stay cautious about the BJP’s plan. “This party thrives on spreading hatred. Stay alert and spread the message of good work among the masses,” Yadav said in his parting words. 1^\QPh72d_W^[SbR^fb[PdVWcTaQP]X]<PWPaPbWcaP C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 I n a significant ruling, the Bombay High Court on Friday upheld the Constitutional validity of the Maharashtra Government’s recently amended legislation prohibiting the slaughter of bulls and bullocks in addition to existing ban on cow slaughter, even while striking down two provisions that criminalised possession of beef of animals slaughtered outside the State and put the onus of proving innocence on the accused. Delivering its verdict on a bunch of petitions challenging the Maharashtra Animal Preservation (Amendment) Act a HC division bench of Justices AS Oka and SC Gupte upheld the sections 5, 5A (5B) among other things prohibiting the slaughter of bulls and bullocks — in addition to a ban on cow slaughter imposed through the original law in 1976, the transport of animals for slaughter and sale or purchase of animals in the question. However, the HC division Bench struck down sections 5 D and 9B of the Act which criminalised possession of beef of animals slaughtered outside the state and laid the onus of proving the onus of innocence for crimes committed under the Act respectively. The Bench also struck down a reference to section 5D in section 9A Act which prescribes imprisonment up to one year and a fine extending up to C2,000 for offenders. Upholding the Constitutional amendment made to section 5 where words “bull or bullock” have be added to the word cow in the original law, the HC Bench observed “We uphold the constitutional validity of the amendment to Section 5 of the Animal Preservation Act made by the impugned Amendment Act.. We uphold the constitutional validity of Sections 5A and 5B” The Bench however, tweaked section 5 which 5 C which bans persons from possessing flesh of cow, bull or bullock slaughtered in contravention of the Act, by saying, “We hold the possession in terms of the section 5C of the <PWP6^ecc^\^eTB2PVPX]bc bcadRZS^f]_a^eXbX^]b)5PS]PeXb eacting to the significant ruling, Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis expressed R happiness over the upholding of most of the provisions in the legislation as “Constitutional” but indicated that his Government would move the Supreme Court against the striking down of two provisions in the legislation. Talking to media persons, Fadnavis said, "The HC has affirmed that our law is constitutional and it has not targeted any religion, caste or creed. I am happy that our stand is vindicated by the court". "However, there are two provisions of the law that have been struck down by the High Court. We will consult our lawyers and, if necessary, will approach the Supreme Court against this. Other than these two provisions, the court has found no fault with the law," the chief minister said. The Maharashtra Animal Preservation (Amendment) Act, for which President Pranab Mukherjee granted sanction in February last year, held the sale of bulls and bullocks in the state for slaughter an offence punishable with five—year jail term and C10,000 fine. Besides, possession of flesh of cow or of bull or bullock was also an offence for which the punishment prescribed was one year jail and C2,000 fine. Maharashtra Animal Preservation Act, 1976 shall be “conscious procession”. In its ruling, the HC Bench said, a) We hereby hold and declare that Section 5, Section, 5A, Section 5B, Section 5C, Subsections (3) and (4)of Section 8, Section 9 and Section 9A of the Maharashtra Animal Preservation Act,1976 as amended/inserted by the Maharashtra Act No.V of 2015 are constitutional, valid and legal”. In what came as setback to the Maharashtra Government, the HC bench struck down 5D and 5B and deleted all references to section 5D in other sections of the Maharashtra Animal Preservation Act, 1976. “Section 5D of the Maharashtra Animal Preservation Act,1976 is struck down on the ground that the same infringes the fundamental right guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution 1XWPa7^dbT_P]T[c^ZTT_ caPRZ^Ub_TRXP[_PRZPVT EX^[T]cS^f]_^da [TPeTbcaPX[^U STPcWSTbcadRcX^] PcDYYPX]:d\QW 0bbT\Q[h B_TPZTaaTYTRcb 19?³b^QYTRcX^]b 508I0=07<03Q ?0C=0 he Bihar Government has vowed to keep a close track T of the special package to the State announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi just before the Assembly election in 2015 winters and to meet the purpose the State Assembly has constituted an all party committee to keep vigil on the flow of the fund and its utilisation. The PM had announced a package of C1.25 lakh crore and later the Union Government earmarked funds for different ongoing and green field projects. Bihar Assembly Speaker Vijay Kumar Chaudhary constituted an 11-member committee which has sent a questionnaire to the principal secretaries of the departments of planning and development and finance seeking details of the projects to be covered under the special package and also the two years accounts of the central funds to the centrally sponsored schemes. The BJP has strongly protested the formation of the House committee to keep track on the special package saying the monitoring of the central package was beyond the jurisdiction of the state Assembly. Raising the question over the justification of the committee, former Deputy CM and BJP legislature party leader Sushil Kumar Modi said the panel has been formed with political motive. He said the House committee has not right to monitor the central funds or works on centrally sponsored projects. “How come a Assembly panel can monitor projects under the ministries of railways, civil aviation, national highway and petroleum? The State government is not supposed to give share in the special package so how it could monitor its functioning,” asked Modi. He further asked if the committee has power to summon secretary of any central ministry. “This committee is contrary to the powers and authority of the State Assembly,” he added. BJP’s two members Prem Kumar and Ram Narayan Mandal who stayed off the meeting of the committee are likely to resign. Leader of opposition in the Assembly Prem Kumar said only the central agencies have the authority to monitor the working of the centrally sponsored projects. He said he and Mandal would quit the panel. Assembly Speaker Chaudhary however, explained that the committee was for monitoring the spending of the central funds and not the package. Denying that he violated any rule, he said the committee was supposed to track the expenses made by the State government on the centrally sponsored projects. On most of the projects the state agencies will work as nodal agency and release the funds received from the Centre. Projects like Indira Awas Yojana and MGNERGA are being implemented by the state agencies. “The committee will monitor how the work is going on different projects and how the central fund is being spent. No rule has been violated in forming this committee,” Chaudhary said. Chief Minister Nitish Kumar during his reply to the debate on the motion of thanks on the address by the governor to the joint session of the Bihar legislature in March had urged the Speaker to form a committee for the monitoring of the works on the projects covered under the special package. Reacting to the charges of BJP leader Modi, JD(U) spokesman Sanjay Singh said the special package had been announced over ten months back but the Centre did little so far and no new project could be started under this package. “If the Centre’s intention is clear, why Modi is feeling uneasy over the monitoring of the projects by the committee. After the people rejected BJP, the Centre seems not inclined to fulfill promises made by the PM,” he alleged. E^cTabfPXcc^RPbccWTXae^cTbPcP_^[[X]VQ^^cWSdaX]V_P]RWPhPc_^[[bX]1XWPabWPaXU^]5aXSPh Ujjain: It took only a few minutes for a severe weather outbreak to turn parts of this boisterous Madhya Pradesh city into a heap of death and destruction with a vast crowd of devotees and tourists at Simhasta Kumbh Mela watching helplessly. As it poured heavily and winds blew at a high speed on Thursday evening, hundreds of temporary structures at the Kumbh site caved in with dozens of devotees buried within and hundreds more running for lives. At least seven people were found dead and more than 100 injured near the banks of Kshipra river where authorities had claimed to have made "safe" arrangements to hold a mass of up to five crore people. Thousands of tents were installed by government and private agencies to house visiting mystics, seers, devotees and tourists for the month-long Simhasta Kumbh, a Hindu religious festival, which occurs once every 12 years. Till Thursday, before the tragedy hit the Undasa area, it looked like a new city has come up on the banks of the river in which a dip during the Kumbh is believed to cleanse one of all sins. But on Friday, the scene was sombre and fear was palpable. The collapsed structures were being installed afresh but debris still lay strewn around. Roads were inundated with clogged water and muddy water. This, many believe, is a greater cause of concern because the clogged water and mud may pollute the holy river that finds a mention in Hindu scriptures. Thousands only visit the festival to bathe in the river and get blessings. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan visited the damaged areas on Friday and ordered releif and rehabilation measures on a war-footing. "We should not lose courage but rise to the challenge," Chouhan told officers who accompanied him. He also ordered installation of booster pumps to clear the blocked roads and drains of water and mud. The authorities said that at least 700 temporary structures have fallen or have been ?C8 blown away. IANS F0C4AB20A28CH8=D? B?Q[P\Tb?aPQWd^eTacaPX]fPcTa ST\P]SbP_^[^VhUa^\2T]caT ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 ajya Sabha on Friday saw R sharp exchanges between the treasury and Samajwadi Party(SP) members when they charged the Central Government with trying to score political points over the issue of scarcity of water in UP and demanded an apology from Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu. Not satisfied with his clarification, SP members staged a walkout. Raising the issue as soon as the House met for the day, SP leader Naresh Agrawal alleged that the Railway Minister gave a wrong statement on Thursday that the UP Government did not accept water train sent to parched Bundelkhand. Agrawal said the State Government had not requested for water train and was not informed that the Railways were dispatching a water train. Alleging that the Central Government was politicising the issue, the SP leader said the State Government had instead urged the Government to provide funds for borewells, hand pumps, digging fresh ponds and building dams in Bundelkhand. His party colleagues then stormed into the well raising slogans and demanding an apology from the Railways Minister while Agrawal claimed the train was did not carry water. Prabhu refuted the charge of playing water politics and said he had talked to UP Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav on Thursday afternoon about the water train. The Minister also informed the House a steam-cleaned, 10wagon train was on the way to fill water at Jhansi before going to the drought-hit areas. Elaborating upon the need for steam cleaning, he said the process is a must for ferrying potable water and this facility is only available at Kota in Rajasthan. The Railways had earlier adopted this procedure to send water to Latur in Maharashtra after steam cleaning at Kota and similar drill was followed for the water train bound for Bundelkhand. Earlier, Sharad Yadav(JDU) and Mayawati(BSP) said there was a serious water crisis and drought in Bundelkhand and no politics should be played on the issue by sending an empty water train. The BSP leader said 50 districts of UP were facing drought and both Central and State Governments should rise above party politics to resolve the crisis. Rajeev Shukla (Congress) said it was not appropriate for the Centre to send the water train without consulting the State Government. 2T]caP[cTP\ c^D?c^_a^QT 3P[XcbSTPcW SdTc^Wd]VTa New Delhi: In Lok Sabha, Food Minister Ram Vilas Paswan on Friday said a te am wi l l b e s ent to Bundelkhand to look into the alleged death of a Dalit due to hunger in Banda district in Uttar Pradesh. Responding to the issue of the alleged death raised by Prabhat Jha (BJP) during Zero Hour in Rajya Sabha, Paswan said Food Security Act has been implemented in the country, except two poll-bound states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala. He expressed surprise that when 100 per cent foodgrains are lifted for distribution at subsidised rates, how can a person die of hunger. "We will s end a te am (Bundelkhand)," he said, adding that earlier a team was also sent to Bihar. of India,” the court ruled. “Accordingly, wherever there is a reference to Section 5D in other Sections of the Maharashtra Animal Preservation Act, 1976, the same stands deleted.. Section 9B of the Maharashtra Animal Preservation Act, 1976 is struck down as it infringes the fundamental right guaranteed by Article 21 of the Constitution of India,” the HC bench noted. 1ADBB4;BC4AA>AE82C8< 08A7>BC4BB=8378 270?74:0AA4CDA=B <d\QPX)=XSWX2WP_WTZPacWT 9Tc0XafPhbU[XVWcX]RWPaVT X]YdaTSX]cWT<PaRW!!1adbbT[b cTaa^aPccPRZbaTcda]TSc^8]SXP ^]5aXSPh\^a]X]VU^aUdacWTa caTPc\T]cP]SaTR^eTahBWT\Tc WTacf^RWX[SaT]U^acWTUXabccX\T X]bXgfTTZbP]^UUXRXP[bPXS 80=B 0eXTf^UPU[^^STS[^RP[XchU^[[^fX]VWTPehaPX]bX]7hSTaPQPS^]5aXSPh ?C8 \^]Th A08?DAkB0CDA30H k<0H &! % FTPX\c^VPX]\PaZTc [TPSTabWX_cWa^dVWcWT X]ca^SdRcX^]^Ucf^]Tf PSeP]RTS_a^SdRcbTeTahhTPa FTfX[[WPeTPR^\_[TcT[X]Td_ ^U_a^SdRcbP]SWPeTP]^UUTaX]V X]TeTahbTV\T]c 7<8;<0=068=638A42C>A H>D=6:4H:>> '*&$VHHNVGHWDLOVRI ULVHLQIDUHVIURPDLUOLQHV =4F 34;78) As concerns 2EJJ 6B?= 3?B@?B1D5C FTPaT^]R^dabTfXcWCP_dZPaP Tg_P]bX^]CWTf^aZf^d[SQT R^\_[TcTSX]cWTbd\\Ta^UcWXb hTPa 7>=3020AB8=380?A4B834=C 0=3278454G42DC8E4H>8278A> D4=> 4`X_ZkR_eB"_Vefa"&dVVd d]`hVdecVgV_fVXc`heYZ_"%jcd $XGLORRNLQJDWVROXWLRQV IRUGLHVHOLVVXHVLQ1&5 :DB70=<8CA0Q=4F34;78 mount over rise in airfares during peak seasons and crisis situations, aviation regulator DGCA has asked airlines to provide details on the number of tickets sold in the highest fare bracket and share of revenue earned from this on 20 identified routes. “We have identified 20 routes across Tier-I, Tier-II and Tier-III cities for the purpose of making the perspective clear on how many seats are being sold,” a DGCA official said today. The regulator has sought details of the tickets sold in the highest fare bucket and the revenue share from such sale, the official said, adding this will be made a monthly exercise. The DGCA has identified routes like MumbaiSrinagar, Kolkata-Guwahati, Kolkata-Port Blair, DelhiSrinagar, Delhi-Leh, DelhiD ehradun, D elhi-Pat na, Delhi-Mumbai, BangaloreDelhi, Delhi-Hyderabad and Mumbai-Hyderabad for this purpose. DGCA plans to publish these numbers in its monthly traffic data from next month, the official said. As it seeks to clamp down on airlines charging exorbitant ticket prices, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has also asked them to submit specific information about the number of seats and relevant fares on 20 identified routes, the official said. On Wednesday, Civil Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju told the Lok Sabha that the Ministr y would hold consultations with the airlines to explore the possibility of curbing the menace of charging exorbitant airfares during emergency situations. “The Ministry will commence the process of consultations with stakeholders, including airlines, to explore possibilities ... Of containing fares,” he had said. His assurance came after Lok Sabha members voiced concerns over exorbitant airfares during emergency situations like unprecedented f l o o ds in C he nnai and Srinagar and the recent Jat agitation. Domestic airlines had jacked up their fares multifold for flights landing and departing from the airports closer to Chennai in the wake of heavy floods last December. Air fares on the Chandigarh-Delhi sector also hit the sky during the Jat agitation. ?C8 $$,VHHNVDUUHVW ZDUUDQWDJDLQVW0DOO\D IURP0XPEDLFRXUW 5ZgZUV_UeRi`_]j`_UZgZUV_UZ_T`^VRS`gVC"!]R\Y <D<108) A metropolitan magistrate’s court in suburban Andheri today reserved its order on applications filed by Airport Authority of India seeking a arrest warrant against industrialist Vijay Mallya. AAI has filed two cheque b ouncing cas es against Mallya’s Kingfisher Airlines in the court. “The Court of 6 3 rd Me t rop ol it an Magistrate...Has reserved the orders on the two applications in two cases of cheque bouncing of over Rs 100 crore against M/s Kingfisher Airlines and others,” a release from AAI said. Through these two applications, AAI has sought canc e l l at i on of p e r mane nt e xe mpt i on f rom c ou r t app e ar anc e g r ante d to Mallya, who has since left the country amid an outcry over his airline defaulting on repayment of over C9,000 crore to the banks, and sought an arrest warrant against him. AAI’s lawyer argued that in view of cancellation of Mallya’s passport, his lawyer may not be able to produce him in the court if the court orders so. The court is likely to pass its order on Saturday . ?C8 ?=B Q =4F34;78 A s per an amendment to the Finance Bill 2016 approved by Lok Sabha, new 10 per cent Dividend Tax will be payable only on dividend income over and above `10 lakh threshold in a year Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had brought 21 amendments when he replied to the debate on Finance Bill 2016 in the Lok Sabha yesterday. The Bill and the amendments were approved, making the culmination of the three-stage budgetary process in Lok Sabha. The Bill will now go to Rajya Sabha. One of them seeks to “clarify that tax shall be chargeable on dividend income only to the extent it is in excess of C10 lakh in aggregate as received from a domestic company or companies,” the narration of the amendments released by the Finance Ministry here today said. This essentially means, tax payers whose dividend income crosses C10 lakh would now have to pay an additional dividend tax on the excess income besides the dividend distribution tax being paid by the company/companies declaring such dividends. This amendment will be effective for the assessment 6HQVH[GRZQIRUQGZHHNDV JOREDOJURZWKZRUULHVUHWXUQ <D<108) The BSE Sensex slipped by a marginal 34 points on Friday to log its fourth fall in five sessions as fresh global growth worries following lacklustre factory data and tepid domestic earnings pulled down local indices for a second straight week. Foreign portfolio investors (FPIs) remained cautious in view of pessimism over the US Jobs data coming today. On a weekly basis, both the indices recorded their second weekly fall with Sensex plunging 378.12 points or 1.47 per cent and Nifty dropping 116.45 points or 1.48 per cent. Asia and Europe were also lower ahead of the US data. “The market continued to be lacklustre as recent gloomy manufacturing data from global market dampened the interest of equity investors,” said Vinod Nair, Head of Research at Geojit BNP Paribas Financial Services. The BSE index settled 33.71 points or 0.13 per cent lower at 25,228.50 after shuttling between 25,057.93 and 25,260.48. The index had risen by 160.48 points to log a relief rally yesterday. The 50-issue NSE ended at 7,733.45, down 2.05 points or 0.03 per cent after cracking below the 7,700-mark to hit a low of 7,678.35 earlier. Broader markets ended mixed as the BSE mid-cap index jumped 0.37 per cent while the small-cap shed 0.20 per cent. In stock specific action, ITC Ltd slipped 0.11 per cent to C317.20 after the company said its cigarette factories have been shut since May 4 and will remain so till the time it is able to comply with “interim requirement” of 85 per cent pictorial warnings. Shares of MCX dropped 3.25 per cent to C886.60 after it reported a 45 per cent fall in standalone net profit at C27.10 crore for the fourth quarter.?C8 ?C8Q =4FH>A: U S-based IT services major Cognizant on Friday posted a 15.2 per cent jump in net profit for March quarter at $441.2 million from $382.9 million a year ago, driven by growth in verticals like manufacturing. However, with a 10 per cent rise in topline, this is the slowest quarterly revenue growth for Cognizant in 14 years as its clients in financial and healthcare services held back on spending. Company’s revenues stood at $3.2 billion in the said quarter from $2.91 billion in the year-ago period. While this was within Cognizant’s own revenue guidance of $3.18-3.24 billion, but the performance pales in comparison to its Indian rivals TCS and Infosys. On sequential basis, revenues dipped 0.9 per cent for Cognizant, which follows January-December as fiscal year. Revenues from financial services, which accounted for over 40 per cent of Cognizant’s topline, declined 1.7 per cent, while that from healthcare was lower by 4 per cent com- year 2017-18 and subsequent assessment years. One of the amendments was to put into effect the post Budget announcement of rollback of proposal to tax employee provident fund (EPF) withdrawals. But the proposal of 40 per cent exemption given to National Pension Scheme (NPS) subscribers at the time of withdrawal will remain, it said. Another amendment cut the duration for holding of shares in an unlisted company for being classified as long term capital asset. The duration of holding has been reduced from 36 months to 24 months. Yet another amendment extended the benefit of weighted deduction of 150 per cent of expenditure incurred on notified agricultural extension projects till March 31, 2020 (FY2019-20 or Assessment Year 2020-21) instead of Budget proposal to restrict the deduction to 100 per cent from 201718 fiscal (Assessment Year 2018-19). Another amendment included Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) in the definition of ‘start-up’ firms. Jaitley had in his Budget provided exemption from payment of Securities Transaction Tax (STT) on transactions pared to the previous quarter. Cognizant has also lowered the upper limit of its revenue forecast for the fiscal 2016 to be in the range of $13.65-14.0 billion from its earlier estimate of $13.6514.2 billion. “Based on first quarter results and our visibility on deals ramping up throughout the year, we have tightened our 2016 revenue guidance range to $13.65-14 billion, representing approximately 10-13 per cent growth yearover- year,” Cognizant CFO Karen McLoughlin said. For the April-June 2016 undertaken in foreign currency on a recognised stock exchange in International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) and extended the benefit of exemption for long term capital gains. However, by implication, benefit of 15 per cent of tax on short term capital gain under section 111A may have been denied in case of such transactions owing to non-fulfilment of condition of payment of STT. So, an amendment was brought “to provide that the concessional rate of 15 per cent on short term capital gain will be available in respect of the transactions which take place in foreign currency on a recognised stock exchange even if STT is not paid.” Another amendment was to effect the rollback of monetary limit of C1.5 lakh per annum provided for contribution by the employer in recognised Provident Fund for the purpose of tax benefit to the employee. To provide relief to newly setup domestic manufacturing companies, the Budget for 2016-17 provided for an option at the hands of companies to pay tax at 25 per cent if it does not claim any exemption. An amendment brought by Jaitley to this clarified that to avail of the benefit “the com- quarter, it expects its revenue to be between $3.34 billion to $3.40 billion, representing incremental revenue in the range of $140-200 million or 4.4-6.3 per cent sequentially. “We expect broad-based momentum across service lines, geographies and industries as we move into Q2 and the rest of the year and expect the ramp up of several deals,” she added. McLoughlin added that fundamentals of the business remain strong and the company is seeing positive returns on strategic investment in pany should not be engaged in any business other than that of manufacture or production of any article or thing and the associated activities in the nature of research in relation to, or distribution of, any article or thing manufactured or produced by it.” Also, the option is to be exercised by the company on or before the due date of filing of first return of income. “The option once exercised cannot be changed in any subsequent year,” the amendment said. Another amendment provided for a person availing of 10 per cent flat tax on gross basis on income derived from royalty on patent developed and registered in India, will remain in the regime for five years. “If the assessee opts out of the scheme before the expiry of the period of five years, he shall not be eligible to take the benefit of the provisions for a period of five subsequent years,” it said. It also provided that 75 per cent of the total expenses incurred for developing patent shall be incurred by the resident himself in India. While the Finance Bill 2016 provided concessional 9 per cent MAT in case of units located in IFSC and incorporated on or after April 1, 2016, an amendment deleted the disruptive technology and new digital business models. C ognizant Chief Executive Officer Francisco D’Souza said the first quarter results were, overall, in line with its expectations and guidance. “We anticipate a return to positive sequential growth in our financial services practice for the balance of this year. Going forward this year, we expect a return to positive sequential growth in our healthcare segment as the pressure from industry consolidation is expected to be partially offset by anticipated project ramp-ups and a strong pipeline,” he added.Cognizant President Gordon Coburn said Cognizant sawsoftness in its healthcare segment due to M&A activity as well as softness in banking segment due to financial market volatility. To support this expected growth, Cognizant significantly accelerated hiring during the first quarter and increased its global headcount by 11,300 employees, he said. The company ended the quarter with about 2.33 lakh employees globally. A majority of its employees are based in India. condition of being set up on or after April 1, 2016. Another amendment provided that the processing of return shall not be necessary before expiry of the period provided for processing of return where a notice has been issued to the assessee. However, such return shall be processed before the issuance of the assessment order. While the Budget provided for deduction of 10 per cent tax by Category - I & II Alternate Investment Fund (AIFs) on payments made to a resident investor and at the “rates in force” where the payee is a non-resident, an amendment provided for no deduction in case of a non-resident. In order to bring high value transactions within the tax net, the Finance Bill, 2016 made it mandatory for seller to collect one per cent tax from the purchaser on sale of motor vehicle of the value exceeding Rs ten lakh. One of the amendments clarified that retail sale of motor vehicle of over C10 lakh is also liable to tax collected at source or TCS. Yet another amendment extended the immunity in case assessee pays tax on under-reported income and does not file any appeal against 6RDULQJSULFHVPD\KLW JROGVDOHVRQ$NVKD\D7ULWL\D <D<108)Akshaya Tritiya, considered an auspicious day to buy gold, is likely to be lacklustre this time as jewellers are expecting negative to marginal growth compared to last year, on the back of rising gold prices, which is ruling at over C30,000 per 10 grams. “During Akshaya Tritiya (which falls on May 9) we are expecting marginal growth in sales compared to last year as the prices are ruling very high and due to the present dry weather conditions in the country,” All India Gems and Jewellery Trade Federation (GJF) Chairman Sreedhar G V told the news agency here. He said even as the overall market sentiment is positive, the surge in gold prices is likely to put a halt on consumer demand for heavy jew- ellery and people might go for small ticket size items, chains and bangles. Gold is currently ruling at C30,050 per 10 grams in domestic market. In February first week it was at C26,930. Echoing a similar view, former GJF Chairman Bachhraj Bamalwa said in terms of volume, the consumer demand might witness a negative growth of about 10 per cent, but in value terms it is likely to be at par with last year’s sales. “There will be buying as people will purchase a token small ticket size jewellery or coin for the festival and they will hesitate to go for heavy pieces due to high prices,” he said. As for wedding jewellery, he said, usually consumers book for bridal jewelleries before one month for which most of the bookings were already done just after the strike ended. “Bridal and wedding jewellery takes time so we usually get most of the bookings before one month. We got most of the wedding jewellery bookings just as the strike ended,” he said. However, World Gold Council (WGC) MD Somasundaram PR felt that there will be sharp hike in demand during Akshaya Tritiya, where wedding jewellery as well as investmentrelated items like coins, bars will also move fast. The industry has been facing a challenging time as peoplewere waiting for the Budget expecting a cut in import duty, Somasundaram said. “However, the jewellers went on strike after the announcement of excise levy. The industry is gearing up to meet the pent-up demand which will be witnessed during this Akshaya Tritiya,” he said. However, he cautioned that there are restrictions in Tamil Nadu and Kerala, the two big markets, due to elections. Also the artisans, who had ventured into other professions during the strike, are coming back slowly and cannot meet the demand in such a short time. “We don’t expect the price to deter demand. However, we feel that it will be difficult for the industry to increase supply in such a short time,” he added. ?C8 A udi India, which is part of the Volkswagen Group, has also been impacted by the recent Supreme Court ban on dieselpowered vehicle sales in the National Capital Region. Although the ban has affected Audi less than its rival Mercedes-Benz as the twolitre diesel engine they equip their A3, A4, A6, Q3 and Q5 with, is under 2000cc in capacity, the ban has meant that Audi has been unable to sell its newly-launched Q7 premium SUV in the NCR. However, Audi in 2014 showcased a new technology called the ‘g-tron’ which was a 1.4 litre engine designed from the ground up to work on Compressed Natural Gas. The Pioneer asked Joe King, Managing Director, Audi India whether there was any possibility that such a technology which is available on the A3 and A4 models in Europe could come to India, particularly in light of the Supreme Court ban on diesel taxis which have hit luxury taxi services badly. “Audi’s global portfolio offers a range of solutions, besides g-tron, e-tron is also an interesting product and could be relevant for a market were usage geography is limited and pre-defined like luxury-taxis. But the important discussion before any product introduction is policy clarity. We feel that short-term decisions lead to increased uncertainty and ambiguity for the future not just for manufacturers but also for dealers and customers”, King said. He alluded to the fact that constantly shifting goalposts has carmakers worried. One particular problem for carmakers has been the fact that despite promises, the Government is yet to provide substantial tax breaks for hybrid and electric cars. However, King did believe that sooner rather than later new technologies would make it onto Indian roads and luxury carmakers would lead the way. 0dSX´b]TfTca^]@dPccca^R^]RT_cPb[XRT^UcWTUdcdaT the assessment order, to include exemption from initiation of proceedings. Earlier immunity was granted from levy of penalty for under reported income and prosecution. PTI JD ANZ Another amendment was to effect the rollback of monetary limit of C1.5 lakh per annum provided for contribution by the employer in recognised Provident Fund for the purpose of tax benefit to the employee. To provide relief to newly setup domestic manufacturing companies, the Budget for 2016-17 provided for an option at the hands of companies to pay tax at 25 per cent if it does not claim any exemption. An amendment brought by Jaitley to this clarified that to avail of the benefit “the company should not be engaged in any business other than that of manufacture or production of any article or thing and the associated activities in the nature of research in relation to, or distribution of, any article or thing manufactured or produced by it.” Also, the option is to be exercised by the company on or before the due date of filing of first return of income. “The option once exercised cannot be changed in any subsequent year,” the amendment said. +')&/WGWRUDLVH CFUYLDSULYDWH SODFHPHQWRI1&'V =4F 34;78) Country’s largest mortgage lender HDFC Ltd on Friday said it will raise C1,360 crore by issuing debentures on a private placement basis. The issue will open on Monday and close the same day. “The object of the issue is to augment the long-term resources of the Corporation. The proceeds of the present issue would be utilised for financing/refinancing the housing finance business requirements of the Corporation”, HDFC said in a regulatory filing. The money will be raised by issuing secured redeemable non-convertible debentures (NCDs) only to the persons specifically addressed through a communication, HDFC said. No other person can apply for the issue, it added. The coupon rate of the issue is 8.38 per cent. HDFC scrips closed 0.32 per cent up at C1,167.60 apiece on BSE on Friday. ?C8 $LPLQJIRUPNWOHDGHUVKLSLQ,QGLD LQQH[WGHFDGHVVD\V+\XQGDL 274==08) Having set a firm foothold in the Indian automobile market in the last two decades, Korean auto major Hyundai is challenging Maruti Suzuki for “market leadership” for which it will launch ‘two new advanced products every year’ in the country. The company’s arm, Hyundai Motor India Ltd (HMIL), which celebrated its 20th foundation day today, said it will have a complete line up of products and have an offering in every segment as part of its vision for the next two decades. The vision will be dedicated towards market leadership, becoming the most loved, trusted modern premium brand and great place to work, HMIL Managing Director Young Key Koo said here. “We aim to gain market leadership through the introduction of two new advanced products every year. We will have a complete line up of products and have an offering in every segment,” he added. In 2015-16, HMIL was the second largest passenger vehicle manufacturer in India selling a total of 4.83 lakh units as compared with market leader Maruti Suzuki’s 13.05 lakh units. Koo said the company’s R&D in India is playing a big role in developing products with innovative features which are high on safety and reliability, of high quality. “Our R&D centre in Hyderabad is supporting our global R&D centre to develop these exclusive features for Indian conditions,” Koo said. Stressing on the need for network expansion in order to meet its goals for the next two decades, he said: “We will also have a wide network of sales and service, dealerships in urban and rural centers, to be close to customers.” HMIL has 449 dealers and more than 1,150 service points across India. ?C8 A08?DAkB0CDA30H k<0H &! % Q^d]SPahmeter %d 'd )'" $&! DVR^Vcd\VVa=Z`_dU`h_ 20=C74:8=6B 30A4C7434E8;B. APW\P]³b! &:d\Pa³b!!'WT[_Bd]aXbTabaTbcaXRc6dYPaPcc^\^STbc !%% _^X]cbtable ?C8Q 7H34A0103 S unrisers Hyderabad produced a clinical bowling show as they restricted Gujarat Lions to a meagre 126 for 6 in their IPL match here on Friday. Put into bat, all the Lions batsmen, except for Aaron Finch (51 not out) struggled as the visitors posted a small total at the Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium at Uppal. Finch was the only Lions batsman who gave a fight against a disciplined Gujarat bowlers and the Australian, who was dropped on 30 by home side captain David Warner, remained not out on 51 off 42 balls with the help of three fours and a six. Captain Suresh Raina contributed 20 off 10 balls while Dwayne Bravo and Ravindra scored 18 each. For Hyderabad, Bhuvneshwar Kumar and Mustafizur Rahman grabbed two wickets apiece while Barinder Sran and Moises Henriques took a wicket each. The Lions began with one of the slowest starts ever in the IPL and then slumped to 25 for 3 inside powerplay overs. Openers Dwayne Smith (1) and Brendon McCullum (7) struggled to get off the blocks as the first Lions' run came after 13 dot balls with Bhuvneshwar and Nehra bowling a maiden over each. ::A 6; 33 <8 BA7 A?B A21 :G8? ormer South Africa and F Australia coach Mickey Arthur was on Friday named head coach of the Pakistan cricket team, succeeding Waqar Younis who had resigned owing to the side's disastrous WT20 campaign. "Following detailed consultations on this matter at the last Board Of Governors' meeting and further telephone consultations by the PCB Chairman with Board Of Governers, discussions with Mickey Arthur were initiated and he has confirmed his acceptance of the post of Head Coach of the Pakistan National Cricket G % % $ $ # " ! ! < D>B " " " # " % $ $ @ ! ! ' % # # >BB "$( !"% #& ( % ' " ' [TPSTaboard Dwayne Smith's miserable nineball innings ended in the third over with Bhuvneshwar inducing an outside edge to short third man Mustafiz who took a chest-high catch. Raina came out and in complete contrast to his openers, hit a quickfire 20 off just 10 balls before perishing in the fifth over. He struck two exquisite sixes, one each off Nehra and Bhuvneshwar and it briefly looked like team," the Pakistan Cricket Board said in a statement. "The modalities vis-a-vis his contract are being finalised. It is expected that Mickey Arthur will be able to join the PCB toward the end of this month," it added. Arthur had been coaching the Karachi Kings team in the PSL. Following Waqar's resignation, the PCB invited applications from potential candidates for the position. A panel was appointed — comprising Wasim Akram, Ramiz Raja and Faisal Mirza — to make recommendations to the PCB. The post was initially offered to Stuart Law, who turned it down citing his inability to immediately join the team. Englishman Peter Moores had also rejected PCB's offer. Arthur, who played 110 first class games as a batsman in SA, led the Proteas to world number one ranking across all formats during his tenure as coach from 2005-2010. During his stint as coach, South Africa won 13 consecutive ODIs, equalling Australia's world record. the Lions would recover from early jolt and slow scoring rate. After hitting a six and a four off Bhuvneshwar, the Lions captain fell to a return catch to the same bowler, leaving his side at 24 for 2 in five overs. Mustafizur was introduced in the sixth over and he could have have got a wicket in his first ball but Shikhar Dhawan dropped McCullum who was on three then. The Bangladeshi pacer got his man in the same over in the form of Dinesh Karthik (0) with Kane Williamson taking a brilliant catch at backward point. The fielder was, however, not sure whether he took it cleanly or not. But, the TV Umpire ruled it was a catch. McCullum fell in the eighth over off Henriques to add misery to the Lions innings. Warner took the catch at long-off as he played a lofted shot < EXaPc:^W[X & A^hP[2WP[[T]VTab1P]VP[^aT AD=B #"" 6PdcP\6P\QWXa :^[ZPcP:]XVWcAXSTab 3PeXSFPa]Ta Bd]aXbTab7hSTaPQPS ( "(" ' "(" >@DEH:4<6ED < 0]SaTAdbbT[[ ( :^[ZPcP:]XVWcAXSTab <<R2[T]PVWP] ( <d\QPX8]SXP]b 1Wde]TbWfPa:d\Pa ' Bd]aXbTab7hSTaPQPS F:CB " " ! and was out after playing really slow. A21bTTZX]VU^acd]TRWP]VTeb?d]T ?C8Q 14=60;DAD Mitchell Marsh has hampered Dhoni's plans but he will get some relief with the joining of Usman Khawaja, who made 30 in his IPL debut. Khawaja and George Bailey can add the filip that RPS desperately needs. Although Dhoni did not finish the match, his two sixes did go a long way in helping Thisara Perera finish off the match. With the team needing to win each and every match, MSD and his boys know very well that they cannot afford any slip ups at this stage of tournament. I t will be a battle of survival for the two national captains as Virat Kohli's struggling Royal Challengers Bangalore square off against a fledgling Pune Supergiants led by Mahendra Singh Dhoni in an IPL encounter for the bottomrung teams, here on Saturday. With five defeats in seven games, RCB are currently placed at a lowly seventh spot in the table with four points while Pune are just a notch above in sixth spot courtesy their third win against Delhi Daredevils, on Thursday. It has been a tough journey for the two superstars of Indian cricket as their franchises have dished one disappointing performance after another. Skipper Kohli, who is in form of his life, is leading the run-getters list with 433 runs to his credit with a century and four 50 plus scores at a whopping average of 72.16. AB de Villiers with 320 runs is also in the Top-10 list but the problem has been their bowling. It is expected that England seamer Chris Jordan, who put up some exceptionally good performances at the death dur- Live on Sony Max C43vs CAD 14=60;DAD B0CDA30H k ')?< HEAD TO HEAD < A21 ! A?B ing the last ICC World T20 will be coming into the playing XI giving Kohli, the respite he needs at the opening. For Dhoni and his men, they will like to think that the win against Daredevils will boost their morale after four defeats at their home ground in Pune. Spate of injuries leading to return of Faf du Plessis, Kevin Pietersen, Steven Smith and ?C8Q <>70;8 A >@DECF?D 0acWdaXb?PZb]TfR^PRW ?C8Q :0A0278 = ( ( ' ( & ' & & fter a below-par effort against Pune Supergiants, the Delhi Daredevils will be looking to hit the straps rightaway with their prime players set to comeback in the playing XI as they take on wooden spooners KXIP on Saturday. There has been no standout performer as such but contributions from most of the players in their five victories has made it clear that Dravid's men are certainly not dependant on any one individual to carry the team forward. The team has set a new template taking the 'Horses for Courses' theory to an altogether new level with only three Indian players — legspinner Amit Mishra, wicketkeeper-batsman Sanju Samson and top-order player Karun Nair getting a start in all the eight matches. All the other players have been either rested or replaced during the course of the tournament so far. For Delhi though, the biggest question will be where would they fit their C8.5 crore buy Pawan Negi. On paper, Daredevils are over whelming favourites against a Kings XI Punjab side, who have neither shown stomach for a fight nor any kind of proper homework to take on the opposition. More so, the mistakes have been repeated, they have pressed the panic button by replacing Live on Sony Max 55vs <I:A <>70;8 B0CDA30H k ')?< HEAD TO HEAD < & :G8? ) 33( David Miller as the skipper, which has done little to change the fortune of their team. Delhi would hope Zaheer gets back into action quickly as he has managed to get early breakthroughs and has been impressive in the death overs in some of the matches. Another man who was missed is batting mainstay Quinton De Kock has been scoring runs consistently. De Kock was given a much-needed rest so that he could cope up with the gruelling schedule. KXIP which looked to have gained some confidence from their 23-run win against table toppers Gujarat Lions, were quick to fritter away their advantage in their last match when they lost by 7 runs chasing Kolkata Knight Rider's score of 164. Chinks in their batting and inconsistencies in their performance were exposed once again, something which has troubled the Punjab outfit in virtually every edition of the cash-awash league. Punjab outfit recently changed skipper David Miller apparently to take pressure off him, but he too is struggling and it was evident when he made only 13 of 18 balls against KKR. b_^ac ! A08?DAkB0CDA30H k<0H &! % 9^TYQ^gbUcd\UbTYcaeQ\YVYUTV_b_fUbgUYWXdQWQY^ ?C8Q =4F34;78 T he Indian wrestling contingent was left red-faced for a second time in the last 15 days after Gurpreet Singh became the latest to be disqualified from an Olympic qualification event for being overweight. Gurpreet weighed 500gm more than what was stipulated to be eligible for the Greco-Roman 75kg category competition at ongoing 2nd World Qualifying tournament at Istanbul, Turkey, which is the last qualification event for the Rio Olympics. At the previous qualifying event — the 1st World Qualification tournament held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia last month — Vinesh Phogat was disqualified for being overweight. "Gurpreet was found overweight by 500gm, so he was disqualified from the competition," Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) Assistant secretary, Vinod Tomar told PTI. The ongoing tournament in Istanbul is the last chance for wrestlers to secure Olympic quota places for their respective countries and WFI said Gurpreet's disqualification has cost India dearly as he simply wasted a weight category. The WFI official said stern action will be taken against him but insisted that coaches are not to be blamed for the fiasco. "After the team returns to India, a meeting will be held and stern action will be taken against Gurpreet. The coaches, however, cannot not be blamed for this as they tried their best to get Gurpreet into shape but he remained defiant," said Tomar. The Indian Men's Freestyle and GrecoRoman teams have been training at Tbilisi, Georgia for almost a month now and the government has spent a lot on this exposure trip. "Gurpreet has wasted the government's money. He has been training in Georgia for a month now and maintaining weight is a part of training. But he has let the Federation as well the country down. So, he would face suspension in all likelihood," said Tomar. Controversies have engulfed Indian wrestling of late with four grapplers already handed temporary suspension after the previous qualification tournament. Last week, WFI issued show cause notices to four wrestlers — Geeta Phogat (women's 58kg), Babita Kumari (women's 53kg), Sumit (men's 125kg freestyle) and Rahul Aware (men's 57kg freestyle) — before handing them temporary suspension for showing indiscipline. At the 1st World Qualification event, Babita had forfeited her repechage bout in women's 53kg, while Geeta had pulled out of her 58kg repechage round, citing injury. Sumit, who had a chance to book an Olympic berth had he won his repechage round followed by two more bouts, also did not turn up for his repechage bout in 125kg freestyle, stating injury. Rahul Aware, who was shortlisted by WFI to train in Tbilisi along with his colleagues, had earlier refused to board the 0CC74?A4E8>DB @D0;85H8=64E4=C ¯C74 BCF>A;3 @D0;85820C8>= C>DA=0<4=C74;3 8=D;00=100C0A <>=6>;80;0BC <>=C7¯E8=4B7 ?7>60CF0B 38B@D0;858435>A 148=6>E4AF4867C flight to Georgia, returning home from the airport. To add to all this, Vinesh (women's 48kg) was disqualified from the event for being overweight. However, Vinesh was let off with a warning as she assured WFI of ensuring an Olympic berth at the ongoing competition here. With WFI deciding to come down heavily on the offenders and world body also debarring them from this competition, some of the best Indian wrestlers are not taking part in this crucial tournament. And adding insult to injury was Gurpreet joining the list of offenders. 6A42>A><0=FA4BC;4AB38B0??>8=C 8BC0=1D;) It was a disappointing day for India's Greco-Roman wrestlers at the second World Olympic Qualifying tournament on Friday as Gurpreet Singh was disqualified for being overweight while his other team-mates failed to grab a berth for the Rio Games in their respective weight categories here. The ongoing tournament is the last qualifying event for the Olympics and only the top two finishers in each weight category here are assured of quota places at Rio Games. While Gurpreet weighed 500 gms more than what was stipulated to be eligible for the Greco-Roman 75kg category competition and was subsequently disqualified, the others in the fray lost their respective bouts at the early stages of the competition. Ravinder Khatri lost 6-10 to Laimutis Adomaitis of Lithuania in 85kg and Naveen went down to Metodiev Miloslav Yuriev of Bulgaria 0-9 in 1/8 round bout of 130kg. The campaign of both Ravinder Singh (59kg) and Suresh Yadav (66kg) was over in the qualification round itself. Ravinder was thrashed by Revaz Lashkhi of Georgia 0-8 and Suresh suffered a 0-3 defeat at the hands of Artak Margaryan of France. ./2330$*,&$7.23 ATYdeT]PcTS;XeTa_^^[TPbTX]c^4da^_P;TPVdT5X]P[UPRTBTeX[[PX]cXc[TR[PbW 0? Q ;8E4A?>>; L iverpool stands in the way of a third straight Europa League title for Sevilla after the clubs with a rich pedigree in Europe's second-tier competition reached the final on Thursday. Sevilla beat Shakhtar Donetsk 3-1 at home to advance 5-3 on aggregate and maintain its impressive recent history in the competition. The Spanish club is looking to win the UEFA Cup/Europa League for a record-extending fifth time in the past 11 years. Liverpool, a three-time winner, overturned a first-leg deficit against Villarreal by winning 3-0 at Anfield to go through 3-1 on aggregate. Daniel Sturridge and Adam Lallana scored second-half goals to add to a seventh-minute own goal by Bruno Soriano. Liverpool has beaten Manchester United, Borussia Dortmund, and now Spain's fourthbest club in the knockout stages on a grueling path to the final, which is in Basel, Switzerland, on May 18. "Wonderful night, brilliant game from my side. What a performance," said Liverpoolmanager Juergen Klopp, who cupped his ear toward the team's jubilant fans and punched the air wildly as he stood in the center circle after the final whistle. The charismatic Klopp has guided Liverpool into its first European final in nine years, keeping alive the club's chances of playing in the Champions League next season. The winner of the Europa League qualifies for Europe's elite competition. Sevilla is seventh in the Spanish league but continues to show a different side in the Europa League. Kevin Gameiro took his competition tally this season to seven goals by scoring early in each half at Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan Stadium, either side of Eduardo's goal for Shakhtar. Right back Mariano Ferreira smashed in a brilliant third for Sevilla from outside the area, his first goal for the club. Spanish teams have dominated European competition this season - Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid will face off in the Champions League final this month - but there will be no all-Spanish final in the Europa League after Liverpool's comeback against Villarreal. Anfield was hosting its first match since a jury at an inquest absolved the club's fans of blame in the 1989 Hillsborough Stadium disaster, in which 96 Liverpool supporters were killed in a crush. It was an emotional evening, with a choir singing "You'll Never Walk Alone" before kickoff while a mosaic bearing "96 The Greatest Family" was held up. Anfield was in full voice, and both the occasion and Liverpool's ferocious work rate appeared too much for Villarreal, which looked rattled early and lost its aggregate lead when singles CQ^YQ=QbdY^QbUQSX=QTbYT6Y^Q\ MADRID: C^_bTTSbBP]XP<XaiPP]S<PacX]P7X]VXb aTPRWTScWT<PSaXS>_T]S^dQ[TbUX]P[fXcWPRadbWX]V %!%fX]^eTaEP]XP:X]VP]S0[[P:dSahPecbTePX] cWT[^_bXSTSbT\XUX]P[WTaT^]5aXSPh8cfX[[QTbTR^]S R^]bTRdcXeTUX]P[U^acWT8]S^BfXbbcTP\PUcTaT]SX]V ad]]Tabd_X]BcdccVPac0UcTacWTXaX]RaTSXQ[Tad]cWPc X]R[dSTS ]X]T cXc[T eXRc^aXTb ^] cWT ca^c BP]XP P]S <PacX]PWPeT[^bcc^^][hU^dacTP\bP]SEP]XPP]S0[[P PaT ^]T ^U cWT\ BP]XP P]S <PacX]P WPS [^bc c^ cWT 0\TaXRP]AdbbXP] R^\QX]T X] cWT bTR^]S a^d]S ^U 8]SXP] FT[[b Qdc SXS ]^c VXeT cWT\ P]h RWP]RT ^] 5aXSPhcaP\_[X]VcWT\^eTaX]Ydbc$\X]dcTbCWTh fX[[ ]^f RWP[[T]VT UXUcW bTTSb 2Pa^[X]T 6PaRXP P]S :aXbcX]P<[PST]^eXRU^acWTcXc[T2Pa^[X]PP]S:aXbcX]P ^dbcTS TXVWcW bTTSb 4[T]P ETb]X]P P]S 4ZPcTaX]P <PZPa^eP %! %" X] cWT ^cWTa bT\XUX]P[ BP]XP P]S <PacX]P WPeT P[aTPSh f^] cXc[Tb X] BhST]h 1aXbQP]T 0dbcaP[XP]>_T]P]SBc?TcTabQdaVcWXbbTPb^] =ebbQibUQSXUccU]YVY^Q\c MADRID: ?[PhX]V ^] R[Ph P]S d]STa P R[^bTS a^^U 0]Sh<daaPhSXSYdbcUX]TCWTbTR^]SaP]ZTS<daaPh PSeP]RTS c^ cWT bT\XUX]P[b Pc cWT <PSaXS >_T] ^] 5aXSPh QTPcX]V C^\Pb 1TaShRW %" %! c^ aTPRW cWT [Pbc U^da U^a cWT bTR^]S R^]bTRdcXeT <PbcTab c^da]P\T]c^]R[PhCWT\PcRWPccWT<PVXR1^gfPb _[PhTSfXcWcWTa^^UR[^bTSQTRPdbT^UaPX]CWThfTaT SXUUTaT]c R^]SXcX^]b _[PhX]V d]STa cWT a^^U P]S 8eT PSYdbcTSc^cWT\fT[[bPXS<daaPhfW^]TeTaUPRTSP QaTPZ_^X]c<daaPhfW^WPbf^]bXg^UWXb[PbcbTeT] \PcRWTb^]R[Ph]TTSbc^fX]cWXbcXc[Tc^Pe^XSQTX]V ^eTacPZT]QhA^VTa5TSTaTaX]cWTaP]ZX]Vb 9^TYQVY^YcXV_ebdXY^Ze^Y_bcX__dY^WG3 NEW DELHI: 8]SXP]bW^^cTabT]STScWTXaRP\_PXV]Pc cWT 8]cTa]PcX^]P[ BW^^cX]V B_^ac 5TSTaPcX^] 9d]X^a F^a[S 2d_ X] BdW[ 6Ta\P]h Pc P RaTSXcPQ[T U^dacW _^bXcX^]UX]XbWX]VfXcWcWaTTV^[SU^dabX[eTaP]ScWaTT Qa^]iT3daX]VcWT0_aX[!(<Ph$R^\_TcXcX^]Pc^cP[ ^U $'$ Yd]X^a PcW[TcTb Ua^\ #' R^d]caXTb _PacXRX_PcTS Qdc^][h!#]PcX^]b\PSTXcc^cWT\TSP[bcPQ[TfWXRW fPbc^__TSQh8cP[hfXcWbTeT]V^[SU^dabX[eTaP]S^]T Qa^]iTAdbbXPbc^^SbTR^]SfXcWUXeTV^[SbXgbX[eTa P]S]X]TQa^]iTfWX[T6Ta\P]hRP\TcWXaSfXcWUXeT V^[ScWaTTbX[eTaP]ScWaTTQa^]iT\TSP[b5^a8]SXP AXcdaPYBX]VWfPbcWT\^bcbdRRTbbUd[_TaU^a\TafXcW cf^V^[S\TSP[bX]Q^cWcWTX]SXeXSdP[P]ScTP\TeT]cb ^UcWT\T]b!$\BcP]SPaS?Xbc^[BWXeP\BWdZ[PP[b^ cda]TSX]X\_aTbbXeT_TaU^a\P]RTbfX]]X]VPV^[SP]S PbX[eTa7TP[b^\PSTXcc^cWTUX]P[b^UcWTX]SXeXSdP[ !$\AP_XS5XaT?Xbc^[TeT]cQdcUPX[TSc^fX]P\TSP[ 9^c`YbUTRi<UYSUcdUb;XQ^]UUdc1\fQbUj LAS VEGAS: 0\Xa :WP] RWPbTS QXV UXVWcb U^a hTPab QTU^aTUX]P[[hfX]SX]Vd_X]P^]TPVPX]bcPUXVWcTaWT UaTT[h PS\Xcb Xb QXVVTa P]S bca^]VTa cWP] WX\ :WP] fPb]cV^X]Vc^[TcWXbRWP]RTVTcPfPhTeT]XU2P]T[^ 0[ePaTiXbPWTPehUPe^aXcTfWT]cWTh\TTcX]cWTaX]V ^]BPcdaSPh]XVWcU^aP_XTRT^UcWT\XSS[TfTXVWccXc[T 1XV d]STaS^Vb RP] fX] c^^ bPhb :WP] fW^ S^Tb]c fP]c ;TXRTbcTa 2Xchb 4?; cXc[T c^ QT cWT ^][h QXV b_^acX]V d_bTc cWXb fTTZ CWTh fTaT [XZT $ d]STaS^Vb P]S ]^ ^]T Tg_TRcTS cWT\ c^ fX] :WP] bPXS ^U ;TXRTbcTa 8c bW^fb Xc \Ph QT cWT hTPa ^U cWT d]STaS^V 8U cWTh RP] S^ Xc 8 RP] c^^ 8cb P[[ PQ^dc 0VT]RXTb WPeX]VQT[XTUX]h^dabT[U 0SXcXT]bdaTbRdc ;PWXaX_[PRTScWXaS ?C8Q A010C<>A>22> >g[PST2WP\QTa[PX] c^\Xbb4da^! % 0?Q ;>=3>= 526^PR^PRWIXR^X]PUX[T_W^c^ ngland midfielder Alex Oxlade@cXR_ZdZ_XT`^^ZeeVV E Chamberlain is expected to miss the European Championship after being ruled out for up to two months by Arsenal mandefUjZ_X8`R`cUVc+:D= ager Arsene Wenger. Wenger said Friday that OxladeChamberlain has had a setback in his recovery from a knee injury, and faces six-to-eight weeks out. "I had a conversation with Alex and with our medical team, and they told me he will back in July," Wenger said. Euro 2016 starts on June 10. Oxlade-Chamberlain has not played since hurting his knee in a Champions League game against Barcelona on Feb. 23. He was on his way back to fitness and was scheduled to play for Arsenal's under-21 side this week, but hurt his knee again. "It is very sad," Wenger said. "He was physically ready and looking sharp ... You want a guy of 22 years of age to go to the European Championship. It's very bad." England coach Roy Hodgson could also be without Jordan Henderson for Euro 2016, with the Liverpool captain currently sidelined with a knee ligament injury. Hodgson will name his Euro 2016 squad on Thursday. Roberto Firmino sent the ball across the face of the six-yard box, Sturridge swiped at thin air, and the unfortunate Soriano deflected it into his own net. Sturridge put Liverpool 2-0 ahead in the 63rd when a mis-hit shot by Firmino landed in the striker's path inside the area. Sturridge's shot went between goalkeeper Alphonse Areola's legs, struck the post, and crept across and over the line. Villarreal defender Victor Ruiz was sent off for collecting a second yellow card for a foul on Lallana, who ensured there would be no late tension by scoring from close range in the 81st, turning in Sturridge's weak effort. Villarreal coach Marcelino said his team "came up against a top side on top form" on another special European night at Anfield. However, he said he felt Liverpool'sintensity and pressing was "maybe on the margins of the rules." Klopp was delighted to return Liverpool, a five-time European champion, back to a continental final. "There are lots of teams who want to go to finals. It's not too easy," Klopp said. "So now we are there and it's a great opportunity and we will take it." ?C8Q =4F34;78 ndian Super League on Friday said that its organising committee was in the process of Istudying the order pronounced by its regulatory commission which slapped FC Goa a whopping C11 crore fine while banning their two coowners for a few seasons for "bringing disrepute" to the tournament. "The ISL organising committee is in the process of studying the order pronounced by its five member eminent and independent regulatory commission headed by Hon'ble Mr Justice D A Mehta," the ISL said in a statement. "We thank the jury for completing the hearing in less than five months, considering the delays caused due to several extensions sought by FC Goa," it added. The ISL said it was committed to upholding the spirit of the game. "ISL stands committed to upholding the true spirit of the beautiful game and the fans' interest first. ISL will continue to invest in Indian football, until we as a nation realise our true potential in this sport." the statement said. On Thursday, the five-member ISL Regulatory Commission headed by Justice (Retd) D A Mehta banned FC Goa co-owners Srinivas Dempo and Dattaraj Salgaocar from taking part in any ISL activities for two and three seasons respectively while the franchise was slapped a total fine of C11 crore for "bringing disrepute" to the league. I82>38B6DBC431H?D=8B7<4=C ?0=098) Lambasting the Indian Super League (ISL) for the heavy penalties it imposed on FC Goa, the club's Brazillian coach Zico said the order is based on a "clearly cooked" video and has left him disgusted. "I have no words! I feel disgust for the order taken by the committee. How can ISL put such a heavy fine of C11 crore, put bans of 2-3 year on owners and docking of 15 points for FC Goa?" Zico said in a statement issued here. "We were there — Coaches Moraci Santana and Bruno Silva saw Elano assaulting Mr (Dattaraj) Raj Salgaocar in our dugout," he insisted. That video is clearly cooked! Anyone with sense can see there is a cut before the assault on the owner, and surely all the reaction that came from our team members was not without motive," he added. ³>[h\TSP[fX[[QTQXVVTacWP]F2´ ?C8Q <D<108 ndia's Aditi Ashok staged a remarkable W fight back on the back nine of the second Iround to make the cut at the Lalla Meryem Golf Cup, here on Friday. The 18-year-old Indian, who won the Ladies European Tour Qualifying School to earn playing rights on the Ladies European Tour, carded a first round of even par 72 late Thursday. She followed that up with a 74 and is now two-over 146 for two rounds and tied 31st but half the field is yet to finish. The other Indian, Vani Kapoor missed out carding 77 and 76. "I played well on both days but could have saved a few more shots," said Aditi, who has her father, Ashok on the bag. As for the final two rounds, she added, "I hope I can keep the ball in play and create more chances during the weekend." Aditi was eight shots behind leader Florentyna Parker, who opened with a fiveunder par 67 and added a one-under 71 on second to get to six-under for 36 holes. Elsewhere, Having worked on his game with coach Vijay Divecha, India's top golfer Anirban Lahiri shot six-under 66 saw him placed third at the end of the first round of the Wells Fargo Championship. ith two back-to-back bronze medals in World Championships adorning her list of achievements, Rio-bound Indian shuttler P V Sindhu says she will consider it a bigger feat if she could climb the podium on debut during the Olympic Games in August. "It's much more than world championships. The ultimate goal for anyone is to get a medal in the Olympics where the conditions and environment are totally different. (But) first of all I am very excited. It's my first Olympics," said the 20-yearold Hyderabadi at a media interaction here on Friday. World No 10 Sindhu and fellowHyderabadi Saina Nehwal, ranked two rungs above her currently, will be the two big hopes for the country in the August 5-21 sports spectacle which is to be held for the first time ever in South America. Sindhu, who will turn 21 exactly a month before the Games Opening, expressed her happiness that a total of seven shuttlers, two more than in London four years ago, had made the grade for the Rio Games. "It's great that seven players have been selected for the Olympics, including the women's doubles team (Jwala Gutta and Arti Ponnappa) for the second time and the men's doubles team (Manu Attri and B Sumeeth Reddy) for the first time. It's also (K) Srikkanth's first time (at the Olympics). He too will be excited. I wish all of us play well and give our best," said Sindhu, who won singles bronze medals in the 2013 and 2014 world championships held at Guangzhou and Copenhagen. "We have been training hard. We need to push ourselves more. We are doing training off and on court, but the main thing is to keep ourselves fit and healthy. We need to be healthy as well as injury free," said Sindhu who is supported by not-for-profit organisation, Olympic Gold Quest. The lanky shuttler was here to get a special insole fitted in the shoe of her right foot which was fractured one year ago and put her off the badminton scene for a considerable period of time. With the Games fast approaching planning has been done so that Sindhu and the others would be free to concentrate on training intensely for one month just prior to the mega event. "Only a few months are left (for the Games) and there are some tournaments left to play. The next important events are the Thomas and Uber Cups. We will be playing in Indonesia and Australia and then we will be having one month training. We are going to put the full effort for the Rio Olympics," said Sindhu.
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