Jenny_Bulletin_July 21


Jenny_Bulletin_July 21
Holy Cross Church
July 21, 2013
of Charlotte
Our Eucharistic Community at Holy Cross
Welcomes all to faith in Jesus Christ and nurtures their growth,
Celebrates and demonstrates God’s presence in our communities,
And sends forth all to serve God and each other
as guided by the Holy Spirit.
There is need of
only one thing.
………..……… 3
Texas Hold’Em Tournament
Celebration of the Eucharist
Register for Your Place at the Table TODAY! 2
(Masses of Anticipation)
5 PM and 7 PM
8 AM, 10AM, & 12 Noon
(M-F) 7:30 AM & 5:20 PM
(Saturday) 8:00 AM
Holydays and Lent
Please see inside bulletin
Parish Offices
Parish Council Chair
Dave Conover
Purchase Advance Sale Ride Tickets……… 2
Return Your Festival Tickets!
Congratulations to This Week’s Winners!.. page 2-3
Beauty and the Beast
Register for the Week of July 29…………… page 2
Festival Set-Up Begins NEXT Sunday
Can You Share an Hour or So of Your Time?.. page 3
The First Promoters of Vocations………… 4
Reconciliation by appointment or
Eves of First Fridays & Holydays
3:30 PM—4:30 PM
4:45 PM—5:10 PM
Anointing of the Sick and Communion
4492 Lake Avenue
Rochester, NY 14612
(585) 663-2244
Fax: 865-5379
Rev. Thomas H. Wheeland
Senior Priest
Rev. John T. Reif
In an emergency, call the parish office (663-2244) at any time.
Arrangements for Communion for the sick and infirm can be
made by calling the parish office (663-2244).
Assisting Senior Priest
Rev. Frederick Eisemann
Marriage Arrangements must be made at least six months in
Joe Placious
advance by calling for an appointment with one of the priests.
Sunday afternoon. Every family must be interviewed and have
attended a recent PreBaptism program.
Arrangements should be made at least two months prior.
Parish Ministry
Anne Johnson
Bereavement Ministry
Anne Brett
Interested in registering
as a parishioner? Go on-line and
Parish Visitor
Barbara Bell
Baptism Baptism is usually celebrated at 1:00 PM on
download a registration form or contact the parish office at
663-2244 between 8:30 AM and 3:30 PM, Monday
through Friday.
Registered with and
Religious Ed Offices
4488 Lake Avenue
Rochester, NY 14612
Faith Formation Coor.
Mary Toot
(585) 621-8133
Teen/Tween Ministry
Donna Jacobi
(585) 621-8133
Holy Cross Pre K– Gr 6
4488 Lake Avenue
Rochester, NY 14612
Mary Martell,
(585) 663-6533
Eastern Greece/Charlotte
Catholic Churches
Planning Group
Items of parish interest for the bulletin must be submitted to the
parish office in writing by Monday, noon. Articles on disk or as
an e-mail attachment are preferred. Send to
Holy Cross Church, Rochester, New York
July 21, 2013
Festival Raffle Tickets
Get your Festival Raffle Ticket returns in early and be
eligible for the Early Bird drawings of: July 22 and July 29 prizes of $250 (+ $50 Seller Bonus), $150 & $100
Extra tickets are available in the parish office or at the
entrances to the Church on weekends.
Texas Hold’Em Tournament
In Casino Tent During Holy Cross Festival 2013
Hurry and Register!
7 Tables with 7 Players per Table (49 Players Total)
3 Tables on Thursday, August 1 at 5:30 PM
4 Tables on Friday, August 2 at 5:30 PM
Winners from each table advances to the Championship
Table on Saturday, August 3 at 5:30 PM
Payout: Championship Table
• 7th Place—$75
• 6th Place—$100 • 3rd Place—$200
• 5th Place—$125 • 2nd Place—$250
• 4th Place—150 • 1st Place—$550
One time buy-in: $50. Lose and you’re out. Payment
required in advance. Pick your night and table.
Registration: Contact John DeSanto at 698-3589 or the
parish office at 663-2244.
FINAL DAYS to Purchase
Advance Sale Ride Tickets
A limited number of advanced ride
tickets for our parish festival may be
purchased at the Parish Office
Monday through Friday between
the hours 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM
until Monday, July 29.
10 Rides for $12
Price per ride increases substantially
on evenings of festival
No advance tickets will be sold
after Friday, July 26. If you have any
questions please call Steve Morgan at 663-3494.
Holy Cross 2013 Lucky
Monday Number Calendar
The following numbers were pulled on
Monday, July 15, 2013. Congratulations!
743 for the 1st Drawing; 354 for the 2nd Drawing; 073 for
the 3rd Drawing—Joanne Owens-Peck WINNER!
July 15 Early Bird Festival Raffle Ticket Winners
$250 1st Place: Celine Redmond
$50 Seller Bonus: Celine Redmond
$150 2nd Place: Nancy Spoto
$100 3rd Place: Jim Bauch
Let Your Light Shine
~Summer Adventure 2013~
Holy Cross Summer Program for Kids, 3 - 11
Open to All!
6 Weeks, July 8 through August 16
Pick up a registration packet in the parish center foyer or
parish office TODAY! Check out our weekly themes and
register your child(ren) for one week or all six! You can
register your child(ren) for 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, or 5 days
a week, as well as for half day, 7 AM—Noon, or full day, 7
AM—5:30 PM.
Register with payment by Friday, July 26 to attend
Beauty & The Beast
Week of July 29 - August 2
This enchanted week will include our favorite trip to the
beach to build the beast’s castle and a trip to the library for
some fairytale fun! We’ll have a splendid feast at Mr
Dominic’s and we’ll travel to Mendon Ponds Park to
explore the trails and wildlife. We don’t have a tower to
climb so we’ll head to Rock Ventures to learn about
climbing and cooperation. We’ll also learn about candlemaking and have our faces painted as a beauty or a beast,
and there may be some animal visitors for us to explore.
To end our week, we’ll make a fancy lunch and you will “Be
Our Guest” at the Royal Ball.
July 21, 2013
Holy Cross Church, Rochester, New York
Volunteer Opportunities
Set-Up NEXT Sunday, July 28 at 2 PM
Please save the date and plan on lending a hand along
with a hammer, screw driver, etc. See you there!
Needed: 2013 Casino Festival Workers
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
August 1 through August 3
Festival Ads
It’s that time again...That’s right, it’s festival time! Show
your support for Holy Cross Parish with a sign of your
choosing. Advertise your business, your loved ones in the
military, your love for Holy Cross, anything you like. Main
Signs in the parking lot are still just $100 and they will be
displayed in the church parking lot from Sunday, July 28
through Sunday, September 1...5 weeks– Woooweee!
Tent signs are still $25 or 2 for $45. Call me right away so
we can get started or stop by the parish office for a
form. John DeSanto at 698-3589.
Annual Festival Raffle Tickets
Creating Excitement for Festival ‘13
Participate by turning in your $30-worth of raffle tickets and
please try to sell additional tickets.*
We NEED this support.
$6,350 in Prizes! Over 30 Chances to Win!
Get your Festival Raffle Ticket returns in early and be
eligible for the Early Bird prize drawings of:
$250 (+ $50 Seller Bonus), $150, and $100 on Monday,
July 15; Monday, July 22; and Monday, July 29.
*Extra tickets are available at the Church Office or
entrances of the Church on weekends.
Mark Your Calendars - August 1, 2, and 3
The Casino Tent is in need of booth captains, dealers and
workers. The Money Wheel, Over and Under, and Chucka-Luck each need a captain to manage the booth all three
nights. They are easy booths and games to manage.
Each captain is responsible for staffing their booth and
making sure the nights are covered with a sufficient
number of workers. The casino staff provides each
captain with operational support during all three nights of
the festival. Without captains these
games will not be opened, so we need
YOU! We also are looking for Black Jack
and Let it Ride dealers. Training will be
The Casino tent provides over 1/3 of the profit for the
entire festival so it is a vital part of the overall success.
Please contact Rich @ 545-6672 (w) or 749-6885 (cell)
for more information. You can also call the parish office
@ 663-2244. Thank you in advance for your help.
Needed: 2013 Festival Workers
Many volunteers make for a successful festival. Do you
have an hour or two to share? Consider donating your time
and talents for Festival 2013. Potential volunteer jobs
include: Poster distribution; Set-up; Tent Ad Sales; Game
Booths; Food Booths and Ticket Sales; Beer Tent; Baked
Good Donation; Theme Basket Donation; Large Raffle Item
Donation; and Raffle Ticket Sales. Please call Sue Rogers
at 313-6728 and get connected with the right
coordinator for your area of interest. All are Welcome!
Ensure that Our Actions
are Based on His Commands
All Holy Cross Bakers: We Need You!
Since the time of Augustine the story of Martha and Mary
has often been interpreted as a commentary on the
difference between the active and contemplative life-with
the contemplative winning out. It’s hard to imagine that a
Gospel such as Luke’s, so filled with stories of
compassion and assistance, would profess that view. It is
Luke’s Gospel that includes the story of the good
Samaritan, the classic example of active love of neighbor.
Maybe a better way for us to understand the story of
Martha and Mary is this: Mary’s example is a reminder
that we must clearly hear what Jesus is teaching. We cannot just run about acting as we always have. Rather, we
need to take his teaching to heart, and in that way ensure
that our actions are based on his commands.
Theme Baskets for the Festival
©2013 Liturgical Publications Inc
Do you have a special cake recipe or baked
treat? Please plan on sharing it during our
Parish Festival. Every year our cake
booth does a booming business...we
don’t want to run out of baked goods!
Your contribution will make this year’s festival successful
and delicious!
Theme baskets are a fun, successful way to raise money.
There are so many theme possibilities...start thinking today
and gather items for your basket creation. The baskets will
be on display for all the nights of the festival and the
drawing for each basket will take place on Saturday
Holy Cross Church, Rochester, New York
Parents: The First Promoters of Vocations
July 21, 2013
By Carlos Sanchez
There are two important
elements you can consider: first of all you have to
pray for an increase in
vocations to the priesthood and consecrated
life. Jesus says in Matthew 9:38 “to beg the
master of the harvest to send laborers into the vineyard.”
If we want more priests, sisters and brothers, we all need
to ask, and secondly, you have to teach young people how
to pray. Pope Benedict XVI said that unless we teach our
youth how to pray, they will never hear God calling them
into a deeper relationship with Him and into the
discipleship of the Church.
As a parent, you have the responsibility to cultivate an
attitude of service in your children by responding as a
family to the needs of others, and to find opportunities to
affirm the gifts and talents of your children, and help them
relate their gifts to various career and life choices
(including priesthood and religious life).
“St. John Vianney was the fourth of eight brothers. Like many other saints, St. John came from
very Christian parents. His father owned a farm and his mother was a native of the village of
Ecully, located close to the city of Lyons, France. Since childhood his parents would take him
to the farm where he learned to be a shepherd. In these long hours of work, he received the
conviction to be a Priest. He said to himself: “If I’m a Priest I can win many souls for God.”
He shared this thought with his mother, who offered her support, but his father gave him great
struggles. Two years passed before his father accepted his son’s inspiration to be a Priest.”
It is a challenge today to create a
culture of vocation that will encourage
and assist our youngest members to
respond to God’s call. As a parent, you
can perform no higher undertaking than
to be an example of the Catholic faith
and to establish a culture of vocation in
your home.
As a father and mother, you want what is best for your
children, but you may not be sure of what to do if your son
or daughter mentions the possibility of the priesthood or
religious life.
June 2013 . . . . . . .
Blood Drive
In August we are hoping to have our
second Blood Drive. Each blood
drive saves many, many lives and
the need is huge. We are looking for a senior in high
school to (with help) organize this. The American Red
Cross offers a college scholarship for any senior who
coordinates and has a successful drive for this very
worthy cause. The scholarship comes in handy for books
or the many other expenses that occur.
End of July . An Overnight Service Experience
A great way to earn service hours out in the community.
We will be staying in the Bethany House of the Srs of St
Joseph's and be directed by them. (Limited number can
attend, so let me know now if you'd like more information
about this new opportunity.)
Week of Sun, July 28 thru Sun, Aug 4 . Festival
Especially need strong, hard working people to set up and
take down. Don't forget anyone can make a gift basket to
be raffled off. Try putting together a family game night
basket or a hair care basket...the ideas are endless.
Saturday, August 11
Ronald McDonald House
Make dinner. Deliver it and have a tour of this wonderful
haven for children and their families experiencing
sickness. Meet in parish center at 1:00 PM. We will
deliver dinner and be back by 3:30 PM.
Calling All Bombers!
Summer CYO Co-Ed
Basketball Camp
at Holy Cross
Monday, August 26—Thursday, August 29
Holy Cross is proud to be hosting the annual CYO Summer
Basketball Camp. The 4-day basketball skills camp for
children, grades 2 through 9, is staffed by many of our own
Holy Cross coaches. This is a great opportunity for our
Bombers out there to get some practice in before the
season while meeting players from other CYO teams.
Camp Details:
Grades 2-4 meet 4:00 - 5:30 PM
Grades 5-6 meet 5:30 - 7:00 PM
Grades 7-9 meet 7:00 - 8:30 PM
The cost of the camp is $15 for 1 day or $50 for all 4 days.
If you register for the full week your child will receive a
CYO backpack. Each camper should bring his or her own
water bottle/ drink to camp each day.
• Register on-line at and click on the
CYO link and then the red registration link.
• Email the Health History Form to
• Bring the original signed health form to camp the first
If you have any questions please contact Coach Ed
DiPonzio by email, or by
phone, 370-3940.
July 21, 2013
Holy Cross Church, Rochester, New York
Masses for the Week, July 21—28
This Week at a Glance:
SUNDAY, July 21
8:00 Robert MacPherson 37th Anniversary
by Ed, Brenda, and Kelly
10:00 Mary Gallagher by The Family
12:00 Tom Rabideau by Shirley Cottone
MONDAY, July 22 St Mary Magdalene
7:30 Intentions of Holy Cross Parishioners
& those attending Holy Cross
And Albert Marciano
by Donna, Tom, and Linda Marcello
5:20 Patricia Kavanaugh
by The Family if Dan Jerzak Sr & Dan Jerzak Jr
TUESDAY, July 23 St Bridget
7:30 Joseph, Mary, Margaret, and Josephine
by The Family
5:20 George Hancock
by Bobby & Anita Hancock and Family
WEDNESDAY, July 24 St Sharbel Makhluf
7:30 Anthony Reilich by The Family
5:20 Elaine Heberger by Scott & Janine Nasca
THURSDAY, July 25 St James, Apostle
7:30 In Thanksgiving by Mary Linn
5:20 Matilda & Thomas Callea, Dominic Garofano,
and Frank Morreale by The Family
FRIDAY, July 26 Sts Joachim & Anne, Parents of Mary
7:30 Fran Pataky by Terri & Shirley
5:20 William Knapp 4th Anniversary
by The Knapp Family
8:00 David Angelone by His Wife and Family
5:00 Christopher Salva by Jack & Carol Volkmar
7:00 Herbert Potter by Frank Wood
SUNDAY, July 28
8:00 Charles Ambrose by Peg Roach
10:00 Chad Printy by Christina Pratt
12:00 Lucille Rabideau by Shirley Cottone
SUNDAY, July 21
6:30 PM Divine Mercy – Church
MONDAY, July 22
7:00 AM – 5:30 PM Summer Adventure – Campus
7:00 PM Festival Meeting – Parish Center
7:00 PM Renewal Planning Meeting – Parish Center
TUESDAY, July 23
7:00 AM – 5:30 PM Summer Adventure – Campus
7:00 AM – 5:30 PM Summer Adventure – Campus
1:00 – 5:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration – Church
7:00 AM – 5:30 PM Summer Adventure – Campus
9:15 AM Rosary Group – Parish Center
FRIDAY, July 26
7:00 AM – 5:30 PM Summer Adventure – Campus
SUNDAY, July 28
2:00 PM Begin Festival Set-Up – Church Parking Lot
6:30 PM Divine Mercy – Church
Pray for the deceased,
deceased especially:
David Bender and Phyllis Nagel
Sanctuary Gifts:
Week of July 21—
The Altar Bread will be Offered in Honor of
Sister Dolores Anne
for 70 Years as a Dedicated Sister of St Joseph
The Altar Wine will be Offered in Memory of
Please Remember Holy Cross Parish
and Holy Cross School
The 50th Wedding Anniversary of James & Mary Jane Muscato
by Karen & Eddie Wicks
Please welcome
Jocelyn Rose Betz
who was recently baptized into our Catholic faith.
Save the Date!
Summer Night
with the Rochester Red Wings
Saturday, August 24 at 7:05 PM
Holy Cross Choir to sing “God Bless America.”
More details to come!
Banns of Marriage:
II. Cindy Marie Giardino & Joseph Speranza
I. Crystal Gerken & Timothy D Sampsell
Holy Cross Church, Rochester, New York
July 21, 2013
Please help us keep our prayer list of those serving
in our Armed Forces up to date. Let us know if any
have safely returned home or have been deployed.
Mass Attendance.....……………….........................1,146
Loose Monies……………………………….. $ 1,399.05
Using Envelopes…………………………….. $ 9,731.99
Electronic Transfer………………………….. $ 1,644.90
July 14…......................................................... $ 12,565.75
Amt needed per week ……........................... $ 12,700.00
Weekly Average since July 1, 2013 ……..... $ 12,639.38
Thank you for using your envelopes!
Special Collections
THIS Week, July 20/21 School Fund
Let us keep in our prayers those who are
serving our country in the Armed Forces;
Col. Kevin Bradley, LCpl Chelsie Durfee, LCpl
Kyle Durfee, A1C Matthew D. Kommeth, Chief
Christopher Manfredi, AFC Jon McHugh, Major Kevin J.
The above names were submitted when, in June, we
requested the names of men and women who are currently
serving in the military. If you have a family member or
friend that you would like to add to the names of those being
prayed for, please complete the form below and return it to
the parish office.
Please pray for
Service Member Name
Person Submitting Above Name
Address of Person Submitting Above Name
Zip Code
Save the Date!
2013 CYO Soccer Registration
Phone # of Person Submitting Above Name
Tuesday, August 20, 6:30-8:00 PM
Holy Cross School Gym
4 week intramural program for
3/4 Co-ed . 5/6 Girls . 5/6 Boys . and
NEW 2nd Grade “Learn to Play”
Volunteers needed:
Team Moms/Referees (2/3/4)/Grade 2 assistants
Questions? Contact:
Michele Begemann,
Please return the interest form below to Holy Cross
School or the Parish Office and watch for updates in
_____________________________________ _____
Child’s Name
Around the Diocese
Fall Graduate Courses at St. Bernard’s
Register now for fall graduate courses at St. Bernard’s
School of Theology and Ministry! Do you feel called to
deepen your faith and serve the people of God through
ministerial leadership? Theological graduate studies might
be for you! Contact St. Bernard’s School of Theology and
Ministry to help you discern the right educational path for
your ministerial goals. Financial aid is available.
(585) 271-3675 x 289.
Car Wash
Saturday, July 27
from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Benefits Aquinas Cheerleading
Ridgeway Sonoco on Long Pond Road
Please share this with your friends and family.
Parent’s Name
Yes! I’d like to volunteer
Women in Scripture
Sunday, August 11, 7:00 PM
to Friday, August 16 after brunch.
Journey with women of faith found in Sacred Scripture:
especially Mary, Mother of God; Mary Magdalene; Martha
and Mary of Bethany; and the un-named women of the
Gospels. Fee: $390 resident / $325 commuter
July 21, 2013
Holy Cross Church, Rochester, New York
Liturgical Ministers Week of July 27/28 (4th Sunday of the Month)
Eucharistic Ministers
Altar Servers
5 PM
Barbara Bell, Joanne Calvaruso, Donna Marinucci,
Jean St George, Nelson Peck Need 1 More
Joanne Owens
J Dolle, A Dolle,
C Palmer, O Brown
7 PM
Joe Sirianni
Jesse DiMaria, Doug Reed, Amy Mulcahy
M & M Uy, A
Sebring, I Mulcahy
8 AM
Kathy Magee
Ed DiPonzio, Madeline Colline, Andrew
Copenhagen, Carolyn Marrocco, Need 1 More
Cindy Foy
Need Server
10 AM
Kathy Morgan, Dean Swan, Austin Nasca,
Ron & Sue Ellsworth, Annemarie Caricchio
John Owens
S, H, Tachin,
N Swan
12 PM
Joe DiVincenzo, John Powers,
Colleen Moran, Annette VanLeuven
D Hubbel
Ministers Week of July 20/21 (3rd Sunday of the Month)
Streamed Mass
Fred Amato
July 31
Children’s Liturgy
Coffee Hour
Small Altar Linens
Shore Winds
Jenn Atseff
Joan Theodor
R Mantelli, D & S Scantlin
Dorothy Gerstner
Altar Servers July 22—26
7:30 AM
Need Servers
Need Servers
Need Servers
Need Servers
Need Servers
5:20 PM
J & H Tachin
S Nelson, A Putnam
J & A Dolle, C Palmer
K Hughes, T Pfhal
K DeBot, L Worden