Zeeland Seaports


Zeeland Seaports
Volume 7. Edition 3 August/September 2012
Port News
The magazine covering the ins and outs
of the por ts of Vlissingen and Ter neuzen
Zeeland Refinery
invests in future
Zeeland Port News is
published by:
Zeeland Port Promotion Council
and Zeeland Seaports
Zeeland Refinery is investing substantially in safety, innovation and the environment, which demonstrates the company’s confidence in the future. From the
new control room building, the refinery
processes, the tank fleet, the transhipment operations, and other processes
are controlled.
Member Holland Port
10 New train loader
Bio Base Europe
With a push on the button, the Dutch
minister of Economics, Agriculture and
Innovation Maxime Verhagen gave the
go ahead for the Bio Base Europe Training
Center in Terneuzen. A milestone for the
whole border region, which, with these
research and training facilities, is giving
the bio-based economy a head start.
As from next year, Ovet will be transporting bulk by rail as well. To transport
dry goods, the company is investing in
a newly to be constructed train loader.
This was announced by the company at
the official opening of the new deep-sea
terminal at the Kaloothaven in Vlissingen
on 21 June.
Also in this issue
Golden times
Pacorini Metals BV is the newest tenant
of the former port authority offices at the
Engelandweg in Vlissingen. The logistic
service provider is doing well from the
crisis. Managing Director Simon Yntema is
expecting the growth of his company to
continue for a while yet.
Port Promotion Day
Working on the future
Zeeland Seaports expect positive results
Nice job for repairyard Scheldepoort
Perspective in project cargoes
Partial relaunch Zalco Vlissingen
Seaport’s worker: Sara Klarenbeek
Tunnel road doubled
Largest jacket ever built
Continuous rail connection with Rotterdam
Port Personality 2012: Tin Buis
Latvian agent tours Zeeland
Pfauth invests in warehousing
Support for logistic innovation
The early days
Expanding Troost Mechanical Services
Members Zeeland Port Promotion Council
P.O. Box 1057
NL-4388 ZH Oost-Souburg
The Netherlands
T : +31 (0)118-491320
F : +31 (0)118-478833
E : info@zppc.nl
I : www.zppc.nl
P.O. Box 132
NL-4530 AC Terneuzen
The Netherlands
T : +31 (0)115-647400
F : +31 (0)115-647500
E : port@zeelandseaports.com
I : www.zeelandseaports.com
PvH Mediaproducties, Vlissingen
Hanneke Blok, Edwin Hamelink, Peter van Houte,
Marcel Migo, Liz Raadsen, Peter Urbanus, Carolien de Vrieze,
Elian van ’t Westeinde
FINAL EDITOR: Peter van Houte
TRANSLATION: Kalliope, Vlissingen
PHOTOGRAPHY: (unless otherwise indicated)
Anton Dingemanse, Dicam Productions, DuoFoto,
Dirk Jan Gjeltema, Tim Kosten, Lex de Meester,
Mark Nelemans, PvH Media, Rich-Art (cover),
Zeeland Seaports, Zeeland Refinery
PRINTED BY: Pieters Grafisch Bedrijf BV Groede
Port Promotion Day 2012
Every two years, Zeeland Seaports and the ZPPC are organising their Port Promotion Day. Companies are opening
their doors to the public, where people can look behind
the scenes and experience the true meaning of a port. The
2012 edition was a big success once again: over 15,000
people came to Vlissingen on this day. Even before the
gates had been opened, the first visitors were already
prowling around the large tent on the site of the Scheldepoort repair yard. The companies presenting themselves in
the tent enjoyed a lot of attention from the public, as did
the special speed dates where people looking for a job
were able to meet potential employers from the port. Like
previous years, the round trip around the harbour drew a
lot of interested people. To entertain those waiting for their
turn, fire-fighting boats and tugs demonstrated their functions. It was very busy around the participating companies
Scheldepoort, Kloosterboer, Verbrugge Terminals, Zeeland
Refinery and the Sloe Power Plant. The guided tours around
these companies proved very popular with the public.
Youngsters making posters
A special item in the programme was reserved for the project ‘The port of Zeeland’, which was organised especially
for the school children of Zeeland. Earlier this year,
Technocentrum Zeeland and Zeeland companies had
presented guest lessons to over eight hundred senior pupils
from primary schools in this province. And there was more.
One week later, the children visited the port and a company. Here, they could see with their own eyes what is going
on in this exciting area and what entrepreneurship means
in practice. It was very inspiring. The pupils were asked to
make a promotional poster for the company and submit it.
Their response was enthusiastic. At the Port Promotion Day,
their posters were exhibited.
and lots of
hard work
his is my first column in Port News after my introduction in
the previous edition of this magazine. The first four months of
my chairmanship were dominated by the international promotion of the ports of Zeeland. Together with Zeeland Seaports
and the surrounding trade & industry, the Port Promotion
Council presented itself at a number of exhibitions, including
SITL Mumbai, Intermodal São Paulo, and Transrussia Moscow.
flexibility, a complete package of high-quality services, dedica-
At these trade fairs, we joined forces with the other Dutch
ted and specialised terminals, and – last but not least – a pro-
seaports: Rotterdam, Amsterdam and Groningen. The Dutch se-
fessional and motivated workforce. And these extras offered
aports presented themselves together on the one stand called
by the ports of Zeeland are explicitly highlighted by us – also
Ports of the Netherlands. Ports of the Netherlands was initiated
during joint promotional activities.
by the respective port promotion councils and is based on the
important lesson learned by each of them that in some parts of
Naturally, the international economic developments affect
the world it is better to present the Dutch ports as one.
the performance of our port as well. After the record year of
2011, it proved impossible to avoid a drop in transhipment
The Dutch seaports provide an ideal access to a large and
volume. Especially since this drop had already set in at the
densely populated part of Europe – a hinterland with over 500
end of last year. From the figures of the first six months of this
million consumers. Our ports have important communal be-
year, it shows that transhipment is 8 percent below that of the
nefits compared to the other ports in the Hamburg – Le Havre
first half year of 2011. However, despite the uncertain times,
range. For example, all Dutch seaports are well accessible by
established and new companies continue to invest in our ports.
road, rail, waterway and pipeline. In addition, each individu-
This will lead to a growth in transhipment, which will be felt in
al port has its own, specific advantages. As a result, all types
the next few months already. Many people – not just these en-
of cargo can be handled efficiently in each of these seaports.
trepreneurs – are demonstrating their confidence in our ports.
This confidence will help reinforce the position of the ports of
The specific advantages offered by the ports of Zeeland
Zeeland. Confidence and lots of hard work. And promotion,
include: a strategic location in-between and close to the ports
of course!
of Rotterdam and Antwerp, direct access to the sea, ample
draught, the availability of deep-sea terminals, uncongested
Henk de Haas
access to the hinterland, attractive fees, personal service,
Chairman Zeeland Port Promotion Council
Perspective in project cargoes
Nice job
In the Scaldiahaven in Vlissingen, Supermaritime Nederland is building a new break-bulk terminal.
In Europe, this is the first terminal owned by the Supermaritime Group themselves. With this terminal,
the company will primarily focus on project cargoes for sectors including mining and offshore and on the
smaller break-bulk services. Where the ports of Zeeland are concerned, this new terminal represents
Recently, the jackup drilling rig
expansion of the transhipment capacity of mixed and project cargoes. The new terminal will become
Transocean Shelf Explorer arrived in the
operational this fall.
Scheldepoort shipyard in Vlissingen.
What does a cash-in-transit car, deep down in the reefer hold,
The colossus weighed over 7000 tons
securely lashed in between two combined harvesters, have in
and was brought into the harbour on
common with dozens of second-hand cars? And hundreds of
a heavy-load vessel pulled by six tug
pallets of onions and potatoes, vast quantities of lemonade,
boats. At Scheldepoort, the rig will be
and thousands of empty bottles to be filled with rum? Toge-
converted from a drilling rig into an
ther, these comprise the mixed cargo of the Hansa Stockholm,
accommodation rig, where the crew
which is moored at the quay in the Bijleveldhaven in Vlissin-
working on North-Sea drilling rigs can
be accommodated.
Every fortnight, this reefer moors in the Zeeland harbour. The
vessel has a capacity of around 5000 pallets. Coming in, it
The accommodation rig will be located
is usually filled with bananas, which are unloaded in different
next to a drilling rig. For safety reasons,
European ports. After that, it sails back to Vlissingen to be loa-
crew are no longer allowed to remain
ded. Twenty-four hours later, the Hansa Stockholm will leave
on the drilling rig itself outside of their
for Surinam and Guyana with goods needed there. With this
own working hours.
forteen-day ‘life line’ for Surinam, shipping company Vertraco
prevents the reefer from returning to South America empty.
The conversion work entails the removal
of the drilling installation and equipment
Conventional break-bulk service
the installation of an accommodation
The handling of this conventional break-bulk service is in the
unit on deck. The work is expected to
hands of Supermaritime Nederland, a part of the Super-
take several months.
maritime Group with its head office in Rotterdam. Compa-
Zeeland Seaports expects positive results
nies within this group operate especially in Africa and South
America and are active in a wide variety of vessel-bound and
Supermaritime will be able to receive ships with a draught
cargo-bound activities, including forwarding, agency servi-
of 14 metres. For the loading and unloading, Supermaritime
Zeeland Seaports is expecting
the expansion of Verbrugge around the
of goods (from 13,464 million tons of
ces, storage, goods handling and transport.
operates two mobile cranes with a lifting capacity of 100 tons
the investments in the ports of
Zevenaarhaven, the quay extension in
import in 2011 down to 11,968 million
‘A major part of all the goods needed by the population of
owned by goods handler Verbrugge.
Vlissingen and Terneuzen to pay
the Kaloothaven, and the substantial
tons this year) and partly by reduced
Surinam is transhipped here in Vlissingen’, general manager
off, especially where tranship-
expansion of Oiltanking in Terneuzen.
export (from 4,768 million tons in 2011
Martien Burger explains. ‘We collect all these goods and
On the site itself, an own warehouse measuring 12,500
ment is concerned. As a result,
During the first six months of this year,
to 4,697 million tons today).
store them in a warehouse we rent from Kloosterboer. To-
square metres will be built. To the ports of Zeeland, this new
the drop in transhipment figures
transhipment of sea-borne cargo drop-
night, this warehouse will be empty. Subsequently, the ship
terminal represents an expansion of the transhipment capacity
during the first six months of the
ped by 8 percent compared to the same
Despite this drop, Zeeland Seaports has
is leaving for Surinam, where it will be unloaded. After that,
of mixed and project cargoes. ‘With this marshalling yard,
year, will probably be compen-
period in record year 2011.
high expectations for the second half
it will sail to Ecuador to collect bananas for Western Europe.
we particularly focus on project cargoes for the offshore and
sated during the second half of
This drop concerned nearly all types of
of 2012 and beyond. The progressing
Exactly two weeks later, it will be mooring again in Vlissin-
mining industries’, Martien Burger says. ‘The emphasis lies
cargo; only metals and fertilisers grew.
annual figures are currently showing a
on projects in Western and Southern Africa. In those coun-
For the first time in years, transhipment
total transhipment volume of 33,953
The recent investments almost imme-
in Terneuzen increased while Vlissingen
million tons. As a result, the ports of
This fall, Supermaritime Nederland is moving its activities
Vlissingen is an important logistic hub. That is why we are
diately resulted in new transhipment
was handling less cargo than the year
Zeeland are right on track to reach 50
to the Scaldiahaven. Here, the company will occupy a total
collecting everything needed for a project here, in this single
activities. These concerned the establish-
before. The drop in transhipment was
million tons of transhipment of sea-borne
quay length of 360 metres: 160 metres at the head of the qay
location. The goods are transported to the required destina-
ment of companies in the Scaldiahaven,
partly caused by the reduced import
cargo in 2020.
and 200 metres along its length. In this harbour,
tion as a whole. On demand by the customer.’
tries, good storage and harbour facilities are rare. Moreover,
Zeeland Refinery invests in future
Zeeland Refinery is investing substantially in
safety, innovation and the environment, which
demonstrates the company’s confidence in the future. From the new control room building, the refinery processes, the tank fleet, the transhipment
operations, and other processes are controlled. In
addition, a new switching station and expansion
of the production capacity are planned.
On 26 April, Royal Commissioner in Zeeland Karla Peijs
opened the new control room building. A total investment
of 27 million Euros was involved in the building itself and
rigging it up. The building comprises the control room for
the control of the refinery processes, the tank fleet and the
transhipment operations, as well as the laboratory and a
number of offices. The company is very happy with the new
control building. With these investments, the parent companies of Zeeland Refinery, Total and Lukoil, demonstrate their
confidence in the future of their Zeeland refinery.
optimised. The company believes that the short communication lines among disciplines will prove highly beneficial.
Construction company Cordeel was the head contractor
during the building’s construction. The regular maintenance
contractors for process instrumentation and electrical systems of the refinery, Cegelec and Imtech, took care of the
process operation systems, the electrical main distribution,
and the communication system.
New high-voltage facility
Also on 26 June, the first pile went into the ground for the
building of a new high-voltage facility for the refinery.
This new switching station, which will involve an investment
of 20 million Euros, will supply power to the two existing
switching stations on the refinery site.
The expansion of the capacity of the high-voltage facility with a 150 kVolt cable is of great importance to the
infrastructure of the refinery, as well as to enable future
Explosion proof
The old control room building dates back to 1974 and is
close to the plant installations, while the new complex is on
the edge of the site, next to the main entrance. The building
was constructed in an explosion-proof way and is provided
with overpressure to protect against any clouds of gas. The
operating systems that are operated from the control room
have been completely modernised over the past years.
According to Zeeland Refinery, they are among the most
advanced ones in the refinery sector. In the new building,
eighty people are employed.
They occupy operational functions and engineering positions. This way, collaboration and communication are
Also, this expansion of the power supply contributes to the
reliability of the plant installations. DELTA Infra, a part of
the Zeeland energy company DELTA, is the main contractor
and will install the high-voltage facilities. Building contractor Fraanje will build the switching station and electrical
contractor Imtech will install the low-voltage devices. The
switching station will be commissioned early 2014.
More investments and modernisations
In addition to the new switching station, Zeeland Refinery
will also invest some 60 million Euros in energy-saving
facilities and expansion of the production capacity over the
coming years. These investments are separate from the annual investments amounting to 30 million Euros in the areas
of safety, modernisation and the environment. Thanks to its
continuous modernisation and innovation, Zeeland Refinery
is among the best performing refineries in Western Europe;
a position it intends to retain and reinforce by means of
these investments.
Until 1 October 2011, Zeeland Refinery in Vlissingen was called Total Raffinaderij Nederland, or
‘Total’ for short. That was the name the company
had been operating under in Zeeland since 1973.
Today, the refinery is a joint venture between the
French oil company Total and the Russian Lukoil.
The ports of Zeeland occupy a very central position
in one of the world’s largest trade hubs for oil and
oil products, i.e. the Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp
area. Moreover, Zeeland Refinery has access to an
extended infrastructure including the Maasvlakte
Oil Terminal. The company owns 22 percent of the
shares in this terminal. Its maximum capacity is 180
thousand barrels of crude oil per day. The hydrocracking unit – one of the largest in Europe – has
a capacity of approximately 68 thousand barrels
per day. Technically speaking, it is one of the most
refined and best performing refineries in Western
Europe. And where energy-efficiency is concerned,
it is among the world top in the refinery sector. The
refinery produces 9.5 million tons of fuels (petrol,
diesel, LPG, kerosene en bunker fuel) and a number of raw materials for the chemical industry. 95
percent of its products are transhipped by inland
tankers to the Benelux and Germany. The remaining
five percent are distributed within the region by tank
lorry. The raw materials (crude oil and heavy grade
oils) are fed in by pipeline from the Maasvlakte and
by way of tankers via the sea jetty in the Westerschelde. In Zeeland, the refinery is one of the major
New train loader for Ovet
As from next year, Ovet will be transporting bulk by rail as well. To transport dry goods, the company is investing in a newly to be constructed train loader. This was announced by the company at the
official opening of the new deep-sea terminal at the Kaloothaven in Vlissingen on 21 June.
Mr. F. Schulz, VP Chief Procurement
Presently, Ovet is still transporting
‘When we are permitted to receive
Officer of majority shareholder Arcelor
coal by inland waterways. Next year,
ships with one extra metre of draught,
Mittal performed the official opening
transport by rail is added as a modality.
a capesize ship will be able to carry
act. He did this from the party cruiser
In order to serve prospective customers
10,000 tons of extra cargo. As soon
Jules Verne, which, on this occasion, tra-
in future, the company is investing in
as deep-sea vessels are able to reach
versed the Westerschelde carrying over
a new installation. This train loader
the Kaloothaven, it will be dredged out
two hundred guests. With the commis-
will be able to load 2500 tons of coal
further. And then, it will be high time
sioning of the extended quay, Ovet has
in less than two hours. The investment
to purchase a second 36-ton floating
increased its storage and transhipment
involved amounts to 3.5 million Euros.
capacity in Vlissingen and has reinfor-
‘Four parties are already interested’,
ced its position on the bulk market. ‘This
Johan Martin said. ‘They have indicated
More capacity
is necessary to anticipate the growing
their intention to make use of this pos-
The capacity of the terminal in the
demand for coal’, Ovet’s general
sibility.’ In the long term, Johan Martin
Kaloothaven has been expanded sub-
manager Johan Martin said. ‘Especi-
envisages more growth opportunities
stantially. The former inland-navigation
ally in Germany, where nuclear power
for the company. Technically speaking,
quay has been converted into a fully
plants and coal mines are closing
the terminal is suitable for ships with a
fledged deep-sea terminal. Ovet now
down. Steel companies are also conti-
draught of 17.5 metres.
has mooring berths for two capesize
‘It proved impossible in the end to save Zalco completely.
help the factory survive, Zeeland Seaports injected capital
nuing to purchase coal as fuel.’
Today, the maximum allowed draught is
ships, each with a loading capacity of
However, the current solution is the best compromise for all
by purchasing back the land, which was returned to Zalco in
16.5 metres.
150,000 tons and a panamax with a
parties involved’, commercial manager Marcel Pater said. On
leasehold. A few years later, payment problems arose and
deadweight of 80,000 tons – simulta-
behalf of Zeeland Seaports, he had been closely involved in
the company suffered loss. In December 2011, Zalco was
neously. In the Vlissingen harbour, Ovet
the negotiations. ‘With this agreement, some of the jobs have
pronounced bankrupt by the court and 600 employees were
now has a deep-sea quay with a length
been secured. In addition, we have created opportunities
of 650 metres and a sea quay measu-
for new developments in the part of the site that will now be
ring 310 metres. Ovet exploits almost
Intensive negotiations
50 hectares of land. This land is used
Legally speaking, the bankruptcy was very complex. For a
Trustees in bankruptcy tried to realise a relaunch for Zalco.
for the open storage of 2 million tons
moment, it threatened to escalate into a “lawyer’s paradise”,
Six months of intensive negotiations followed. The eventual re-
of bulk. These mainly concern minerals,
the commercial manager said. ‘However, the parties involved
sult includes the takeover of the foundry and the anode plant.
ores, solid fuels and biomass. In Ter-
managed to find each other, despite the strained situation.
As a consequence of the high energy prices in the Nether-
neuzen, the company has 16 hectares
We can look back upon an interesting period. The teamwork
lands, it proved impossible to continue the aluminium smelter.
of land in operation and in Vlissingen
within Zeeland Seaports was great. And the result is quite
It will be stripped.
32 hectares. In order to accommodate
Marcel Pater: ‘Zeeland Seaports was looking for candidates
future growth in the latter location,
Partial relaunch Zalco
After intensive collaborations, it became clear what the results of the negotiations about the bankrupt
company Zeeland Aluminium Company (Zalco) in the Vlissingen port and industrial area would be.
The aluminium smelter is no longer viable and is closing down definitively. The anode plant is taken over
by Century Aluminium and UTB Industry was contracted for the take-over of the foundry. After decommissioning of the smelter, Zeeland Seaports (the owner of the land) will have half of the original Zalco
site available for new activities.
with a business plan demonstrating a good positioning in the
Ovet has an option to expand by five
Aluminium plant
long term. Century Aluminium was contracted for the anode
hectares in future. Zeeland Seaports has
The port area of Zeeland has had an aluminium plant since
plant. This American company already operates two alumi-
invested 35 million Euros in the new
1969. First, Pechiney established their company in Vlissingen.
nium smelters in Iceland, where energy is cheap. The com-
quay. CEO of Zeeland Seaports, Hans
The site and the buildings were owned by the French alumi-
pany requires anodes for the production of aluminium and, to
van der Hart, is expecting to earn back
nium concern. In 2004, Pechiney was taken over by Alcan.
date, Century has been purchasing these in the global market
this money in 25 years by means of
When, in 2007, this aluminium producer had to contend with
place. (continued on page 12)
ground lease and harbour dues.
steeply rising energy prices in combination with dropping aluminium prices, they sold their shares to Klesch. The factory’s
name changed to Zalco: Zeeland Aluminium Company. To
Photo: The Zalco site as seen from the water. The green quay next
to the blue building will be turned into a quay where ocean-going
vessels can moor. Photograph Lex de Meester.
Seaport’s worker...
panies. UTB sees a future in the foundry and will exploit the
plant themselves, with the help of the expertise of the former
staff. Zeeland Seaports is very pleased with the continuation
of the foundry, not only because of the jobs that have been secured, but also because it will reinforce the port’s positioning
as a London-Metal Exchange port in the area of aluminium.
In all, the relaunched companies represent around 120 jobs.
Because of the necessary expertise, they are primarily interested in former Zalco workers.
It is beyond dispute that people
are the most valuable capital
resource a port can have. And
the ports of Zeeland are very
fortunate in this respect. After
all, we find it important to add
Issuable land
value to the products that pass
The takeovers of the foundry and the anode plant involve
through our port. And who are
new leasehold agreements for half of the original Zalco site.
the ones adding this value?
The aluminium smelter on the other half will be dismantled.
That’s right, our workers.
‘We have studied the relaunch of both the anode plant and
the foundry, and whether it stands in the way of our future
plans’, Marcel Pater said. ‘We have come to the conclusion
that it doesn’t. The site is split up in such a way that Zeeland
Seaports has ample development opportunities for the long
Marcel Pater
After the stripping of the smelter, Zeeland Seaports will be
able to prepare the northern part of the site, bordering the
As from next year, they will be producing their own in Vlis-
Quarleshaven, for the mooring and handling of deep-sea ves-
singen. This is interesting for Century, because of the excellent
sels. This way, the construction of a quay measuring up to 2
quality control and guaranteed delivery. Logistically speaking,
kilometres becomes an option. This will increase the possible
Century Aluminium is increasing its efficiency as well, becau-
uses of the adjoining site.
se the route Iceland-Vlissingen is a relatively short one.’
In addition, Zeeland Seaports has created the possibility to
In order to modernise the plant and meet the most stringent
expand the outer bend of the course of navigation from and
environmental standards, Century will be investing approxi-
to the Van Citterskanaal. This is interesting because of the
mately 45 million Euros in the plant.
desire to accommodate large bulk carriers. Zeeland Seaports
UTB Industry, the company from Utrecht taking over the
will shortly be actively looking for parties desiring to establish
foundry, is specialised in takeovers and restructuring of com-
on the soon to become vacant electrolysis site.
Sara Klarenbeek (29)
Forwarder with
van Reems
hen Remko van Reems set up
his own company, nine years ago, he
was soon joined by Sara Klarenbeek
and Johnny Schouwenaar. ‘Remko and
Johnny look after the commercial side
of things, while I am busy with all the
backoffice work regarding invoices,
shipping and customs documents, and
transport planning,’ Sara tells.
‘If everything went according to plan, I
would possibly be out of a job, because
First Tour of Zeeland Seaports
most of my work involves the solving of
problems that arise during the forwarding process. So many things can go
wrong; there may, for example, be a
On 9 June, the first Tour of Zeeland Seaports was run.
typing error in a document, a delay on
178 cyclists appeared at the start and covered a track of
the road, or a warehouse that is closing
over 200 kilometres. The route took them right through
down early. And when such a problem
Zeeland and along the harbours. The strong winds troubled
occurs, it is not important whose fault it
them across the open polders, on bridges and dams. The
is – all that matters is that the problem
one-day Zeeland tour, which was on the UCI calendar for
gets solved. And that’s what makes my
the first time this year, presented a real struggle to the cy-
job so interesting. Never a dull mo-
clists. It was great fun, however, to the public watching the
spectacle. After four and a half hours, Reinardt Janse from
Rensburg, South Africa, won the tour in Goes. It was his
With Supermaritime van Reems, busi-
12th stage victory this season. Dutchman Lars Boom came
ness is going well, although the effects
second and Gijs Van Hoecke from Belgium was the third
of the crisis are felt by this company like
cyclist to cross the finish line.
any other. Although the company
operates in a notoriously crisis-sensitive
deliver it to the address specified. And
market – the one of ferro alloys – it has
we look after the customs declarations
managed to keep afloat. ‘On a global
(Americans have their own ideas about
scale, large quantities of ferro alloys
were still in stock and production came
Sara enjoys the great diversity of her
to a standstill. Luckily, we still had a firm
job. ‘I am on the phone to many dif-
customer base. In addition, because we
ferent people across the world – from
had anticipated this quiet period, we
South America to China – and deal with
had been exploring other markets as
many international e-mails. Most com-
well. Anything that fits in a container,
munication is done in English.’
can be transported by Supermaritime
van Reems.’
When asked about her future plans, a
beaming smile lights up Sara’s face. Ap-
‘For example, one of our new customers
parently, the future looks bright for the
is importing old rusty tractors from the
company as well as for herself: ‘Next
US, which he refurbishes and sells. We
year will be a festive year all round.
organise the transport from door to
Supermaritime van Reems will celebrate
door. We put the goods into the contai-
its tenth anniversary and I will be get-
ner, transport it to its destination, and
ting married!’
Golden times for
Pacorini Metals
The managing director calls it an anti-
the income for transhipment will rise in
certified warehouses. In addition, the
cyclic movement. ‘For the major part,
turn.’ In Vlissingen, Pacorini has more
LME looks at the surrounding port. For
metals are traded on the London Metal
than 350,000 m2 of warehousing and
example, the hinterland connections, as
Exchange; they are a favourite subject
in Terneuzen just over 25,000 m2.
well as the supply and removal routes,
must be of excellent quality. ‘Zeeland
to play the market. Despite the de-
Pacorini Metals BV is the newest tenant of the former port authority offices at the Engelandweg in
Vlissingen. The logistic service provider is doing well from the crisis. In twelve years’ time, the number
of permanent employees grew from two to almost thirty. Managing Director Simon Yntema is expecting
the growth of his company to continue for a while yet.
‘On a global scale, we are one of the
installation of a security system, the
major players in storage and tranship-
move was made in June of this year. In
ment of non-ferro’, says Simon Yntema
addition to the company’s own perso-
in his new office in Vlissingen. He is
nell, the new head office of Pacorini
Managing Director for the subsidiaries
Metals BV also accommodates six
of Pacorini Metals in Vlissingen and Rot-
employees of Pacorini Metals Terminals,
terdam. ‘Where Zeeland is concerned,
the former Arrow Terminals.
creasing demand for non-ferro, its pro-
A gem of a port
has a gem of a port, really. Its infrastruc-
duction continues. This will continue as
The non-ferro products stored and
ture is fine. The harbours are bordering
long as the prices remain interesting for
traded by Pacorini BV originate from all
deep water. No locks, immediately
the producers. However, these metals
corners of the world: Russia, Canada,
linked to the open sea. There is plenty
produced have to be stored somewhere.
South-America, China, the Middle East.
of space, and land is cheap. The only
As a logical result, stocks increase.
From their storage location, they are
thing lacking is a container terminal.
And these stocks find their way to our
distributed across Europe. These are
Which, actually, is one of the require-
warehouses. Increasing our turnover.’
expensive goods. Only certain compa-
ments of the LME. We are now solving
Simon Yntema is not expecting this
nies are allowed to store these valuable
this problem with a feeder service
situation to change in the near future.
metals. The London Metal Exchange
collecting containers from Rotterdam
‘However, should the economy pick up
(LME) is coordinating the global storage
or Antwerp. However, it does result in
and the demand for metals increase, we
and makes high demands of the ware-
the transport taking longer. In short, a
will happily tranship these stocks. We
housing facilities – especially the secu-
container terminal would give this port
will make sure these stocks are trans-
rity involved. Pacorini Metals Vlissingen
a definite boost.’
ported to the factories. And while the
and Pacorini Metals Rotterdam have
income from warehousing decreases,
both been accredited by LME and are
we have become an important customer, these past few years.’ The growth
Anticyclic movement
of the logistic service provider automati-
Pacorini Metals BV is a part of the
cally involved the hiring of more person-
Pacorini Metals Group in Switzerland.
nel: from two permanent employees in
In 2010, the organisation merged with
2000 to twenty-seven today. The move
Simon Yntema
to a more spacious office building was
therefore inevitable.
the Glencore Group, one of the largest
traders in non-ferro in the world. Since
However, we had outgrown the old one
the beginning of the crisis, the number
and I was able to make a nice deal with
of subsidiaries of Pacorini is only in-
Simon Yntema had always liked the old
Cobelfret, the current owner. It is rather
creasing, says Simon Yntema. ‘Today
port authority building at the head of
roomy at the moment; given time, we
our company numbers over forty
the Engelandweg. ‘When it first became
will grow into it.’
subsidiaries around the world. We are
vacant, I had no idea what to do with
After a thorough renovation, including
growing fast. These times of crisis are
such a large office building.
the laying of fibre optic cable and the
golden times for us.’
Bio Base Europe
open to sustainability
Early June, the Flemish prime minister Kris Peeters opened the Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant in Ghent.
With a push on the button, the Dutch minister of Economics, Agriculture and Innovation Maxime Verhagen gave the go ahead for the Bio Base Europe Training Center in Terneuzen. A milestone for the whole
border region, which, with these research and training facilities, is giving the bio-based economy a
head start. ’Transition is a necessity’, is the message.
The developments throughout the canal
Zeeland Seaports is also working on
That is why, in 2008, Biopark Terneu-
zone, from Terneuzen in Zeeland up
a pipeline network that will enable
zen and Ghent Bio-Energy Valley, toge-
to Ghent in Flanders, are focussed on
companies to make use of each others’
ther with Europe and the Flemish and
sustainability and bio-based economy.
residual streams on a large scale.
Dutch authorities, combined their am-
Fossil fuels are becoming scarce and
And, just across the border, Ghent
bitions to form the project of Bio Base
the CO2 emission has to be reduced.
Bio-Energy Valley is also supporting sus-
Europe. Today, just over three years
Companies are looking for alternative
tainable bio energy activities. Clustering
later, the results of the cross-border
sources for their production processes
of companies, supporting technological
collaboration between the two centres
and power supplies. And these alter-
developments, and a continuously incre-
have become tangible. The opening of
natives are available. For example,
asing awareness are their spearheads.
the Bio Base Pilot Plant and the Training
bioplastics can be made from vegetable
Centre are important milestones and
material and biofuel can be extracted
Open innovation
do not represent the end of the project.
from vegetable oil. When residual heat
Both initiatives are successful and both
On the contrary, they mark the start of
and residual products are exchanged,
initiators intend to transform the canal
a more intensive collaboration between
waste suddenly becomes a valuable
zone into a bio-based economy hub. To
the two countries.
raw material.
enable this, more research is needed.
The transition from the use of fossil raw
materials to sustainable ones, and the
creation of a bio-based economy, is still
to clear away legal barriers in the area
and knowledge broker, and stimulates
Like a one-stop shop, the pilot plant clo-
in its pioneering phase. Laboratories
of laws and regulations, education and
the formation of networks, technological
ses the gap between scientific research
are experimenting with new techno-
the recognition of diplomas.
innovations and entrepreneurship. To
and successful industrial application.
acquaint future employees with the mul-
The plant has a substantial diversity
logies, companies are embarking on
small-scale operations using new materi-
Education and training
tifacetedness of this industrial sector and
of equipment such as bioreactors for
als, and the first tentative steps towards
New production methods and working
introduce them to the developments, a
fermentation and biocatalysis as well as
the exchange of residual streams are
with vegetable raw materials demand
special experience centre was set up.
chemical reactors for green chemistry.
new knowledge and employees who
Serious games, touch screens and 3D
Next to that, the centre offers the neces-
are educated and well-trained. These
animations demonstrate all facets of the
sary facilities for process and quality
Zeeland Seaports is creating room for
are, as yet, scarce. The training centre
bio-based economy to the people.
these initiatives in their Biopark Terneu-
in Terneuzen is to change this.
zen. Here, companies are connected up
In the green and sustainable building,
From knowledge to profit
The region alongside the Canal from
in order to exchange residual streams.
companies and schools are able to use
In practice, it is not only time-consuming
Ghent to Terneuzen is the ultimate Euro-
A well-known example is the collabora-
process facilities for tailor-made training
to successfully develop new products,
pean hub for bio-based economy. And
programs targeted mainly to process
it is also quite a challenge to scale up
it is noticed. Regularly, foreign dele-
industries and sustainable energy.
trialproductions to profitable processes.
gations are given a guided tour around
The Pilot Plant in Ghent offers entre-
the area. Zeeland and Flanders have
tion between artificial fertiliser producer
Yara in Sluiskil and the glasshouse
The Dutch minister Verhagen and the Flemish prime minister Peeters are admiring the glitter hair
gel made by pupils in the Bio Base Experience.
horticulture on the Axelse Vlakte. At the
end of the production process, Yara is
Not just for the development of bio-
A new, bilateral work group of experts
Students can make use of state-of-the-art
preneurs the possibility to use common
laid a firm basis. Here, entrepreneurs
left with heat and CO2, while the toma-
based products, but also to transpose
is supervising the developments and
training facilities. The centre operates
research and pilot infrastructure to
are given the opportunity to turn their
toes, aubergines and green peppers in
the laboratory successes into large-sca-
clearing the road to the future. In their
according to an ‘open education’ mo-
develop bio-based products, scale up
ideas into successes.
nearby greenhouses are yearning for
le, profitable production processes.
speeches, Peeters and Verhagen empha-
del, matching market demand. In addi-
and optimise bio processes, shortening
heat and CO2 in order to grow.
Such research is costly.
sised the need for the collaboration
tion, the bio-based centre acts as a hub
development time and minimising costs.
Tunnel road doubled
The sight was impressive, that Saturday
morning in May, when the support structure for a gas platform with a height of
The Westerscheldetunnel is an important link between the
the formation of traffic jams. To avoid this, it was decided in
ports of Vlissingen and Terneuzen. Since its opening in 2003,
2006 to quickly increase the capacity of the roads to 2 x 2
both areas have been connected to each other. It was a big
lanes. Last year, the new road on the north side of the tunnel
step, resulting in great dynamism. No longer were compa-
was completed. On 13 June 2012, the doubled road on the
nies, employees and logistic service providers limited to one
south side of the tunnel was officially opened.
cation Group. It is the largest jacket
with two lanes each. However, the capacity of the feeding
In the future, the roads from the Westerscheldetunnel will
roads soon proved too limited.
be connected up to the new two-lane roads from and to the
side of the port area. The Westerscheldetunnel has two tubes
Sluiskiltunnel. This tunnel is an alternative to the existing swing
Upon the opening in 2003, single-lane roads had been suffi-
bridge across the Canal from Ghent to Terneuzen, which
cient to allow a smooth flow of traffic. But times are changing.
causes long waiting times every day. If all goes according to
Car and lorry drivers have already experienced the many
plan, the Sluiskiltunnel will be opened in the summer of 2015.
advantages of the tunnel. The number of passages is increa-
By then, traffic will be able to flow smoothly across four-lane
sing every year. In 2004, every day 13,500 vehicles passed
roads through the region alongside the Canal from Ghent to
the tollgates and it soon became clear that this number would
Terneuzen and futher to and from Belgium.
160 metres left the port of Vlissingen.
The colossus weighed nine thousand
tons and was built by Heerema Fabriever built by the Vlissingen construction
The jacket will be installed by sister
company Heerema Marine Contractors
on the Valemon gas field, 160 kilometres from the Norwegian coastal town
of Bergen. The towering colossus will
For the coming two years, drilling will
By that time, a permanent deck will
be anchored to the North-Sea bed by
take place exclusively.
have been placed on the support struc-
means of sixteen poles with a height of
After that, the actual gas and conden-
ture. This deck will be manufactured in
increase to around 17,000 by 2015. Quite sufficient for
sixty metres.
sate production will commence.
Restored to its original splendour
Continuous rail connection
In June of this year, DB Schenker
destinations including Italy.
station there is a connection to the
On the former Schelde site in Vlissingen, the characteristic
Rail Nederland started on a con-
DB Schenker Rail Nederland employs
wagon-load network by DB Schenker,
and historic Schelde crane has been restored to its original
tinuous rail connection between
around 700 people and is the largest
with destinations in the Netherlands and
splendour. The restoration activities have taken six months. Be-
Terneuzen and Rotterdam for the
rail transport company in the Nether-
Germany, and even Italy. Each week,
cause of the danger of falling corroded parts, it was decided
transport of wagon loads.
lands. The company has its own loco-
five return journeys are planned.
motives, wagons and engine drivers.
From and to Zeeuws-Vlaanderen, DB
in 2007 to partially dismantle the crane. Both the tower and
the boom have been blasted and painted a light grey. The
The new regular service allows wagons
Historically, DB Schenker has a subsi-
Schenker transports many different com-
crane has been dismantled and stripped for the major part.
to be connected or disconnected in
diary in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen. However,
modities, particularly chemical products,
Subsequently, the worn parts were replaced and the steel con-
Ghent to link them in with the wagon-
there were no continuous railway con-
steel, paper and cellulose. The train has
struction was restored where necessary. The Schelde crane is
load network by B Logistics for destinati-
nections between Zeeuws-Vlaanderen
a maximum capacity of 1,800 tons and
of historic significance to Vlissingen and Zeeland. It reminds
ons in Belgium and France.
and the rest of the Netherlands. With
is pulled by two modern diesel locomo-
us of the tremendous importance shipbuilding has played to
Thanks to the introduction of a direct
the introduction of a regular daily ser-
tives. That is because the railway lines
this area over the years. The former shipyard De Schelde,
rail connection, customers requiring
vice between Terneuzen and Rotterdam
in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen are not provided
later part of the Royal Schelde Group KSG, was taken over
transport from and to Zeeuws-Vlaande-
this situation has finally changed. The
with overhead lines. The locomotives
by Damen a few years ago. It is now called Damen Schelde
ren are provided with speedy connec-
train runs Ghent, Antwerp and Roo-
are provided with both Belgian and
Naval Shipbuilding.
tions to various national and European
sendaal to Kijfhoek. From the sorting
Dutch train security systems.
‘Connecting factor’
Harbour days
The Terneuzen Harbour Days, organised in June for the 32nd time, drew
Late June, he was ‘kidnapped’ by his wife and taken to Terneuzen. And with good reason. Tin Buis was
proclaimed Harbour Man of the year by CEO of Zeeland Seaports Hans van der Hart. Buis was delighted. ‘An honorable title’, he said. ‘I never thought it would happen. Not anymore. In the past, my involvement in the ports was much closer.’
in around 50,000 visitors. Numerous
activities emphasised the town’s relationship with its harbour. Several ships
could be viewed, including the navy
frigate Zeeland, and people were invi-
Buis is director of BV KKS, the organi-
We are doing our utmost to achieve this
This way, a certain distance is crea-
sation that is building the Sluiskiltunnel
within the available budget.’ The exper-
ted from the government as the client.
underneath the Canal from Ghent to
tise Buis gained during the construction
Within reach, but without the day-to-day
Terneuzen. Before that, he was director
of the Westerscheldetunnel he now
concerns to contend with. For example,
of the NV Westerscheldetunnel and as
explicitly applies in the current project.
we don’t have to worry about elections
such responsible for the construction of
‘For the building of the Westerschelde-
or reorganisations. These things are
the fastest connection between the ports
tunnel, we had set up a separate NV. It
kept outside of our range of vision.
of Vlissingen and Terneuzen. According
proved an excellent choice, because the
Moreover, as a BV, we have more res-
to the certificate, these are activities that
tunnel was finished on time and within
ponsibility and power of decision, resul-
are of great importance to the acces-
the budget.
ting in improved decisiveness. A major
sibility of the ports of Zeeland. And Buis
advantage is that we are only working
is not just connected to the ports as a
on a single objective. We do not have
tunnel builder, he has also been one of
the people responsible for the construction of the Scheldt Radar Network.
And while he occupied the position
of Government Harbour Master, the
regulations for Scheldt navigation were
Constructions and
form the
tangible leitmotiv
in Tin Buis’ life
ted to embark on a number of ships to
enjoy a round trip of the harbour.
Upon the opening of the harbour
days, the latest acquisition of towage
and salvage company Multraship, the
Multratug 19, was inaugurated. Sofie
Muller, wife of director Leendert Muller,
managed to turn the inauguration ceremony into a success. The champagne
bottle hit the bow of the Multratug 19
and immediately shattered into a million
sparkling pieces.
to contend with numerous other projects
Tin Buis, currently director of the Sluiskil-
and the corresponding red tape.
tunnel that is being built, was pro-
In fact, it is all relatively simple. On the
claimed Port Personality of 2012.
other hand, it is a project involving 300
million Euros, which we have to realise
Photo: Hans van der Hart (on the left)
on time and within budget. I am honour
congratulates Tin Buis, who was just
bound to achieve this.’
proclaimed Port Personality 2012.
The construction of the Sluiskiltunnel is
well under way. The large pile drivers
Safety and the economy
are continuously heard in the back-
‘Between 1984 and 1999, I had been
number of incidents has been reduced
a huge change. Not only regarding the
We modified these according to modern
ground. The tunnel will be the alter-
closely involved in the construction
by half. It also involves great economic
position; but it also involved a com-
means of communication.’ In short:
native to the bridge at Sluiskil, which
of the Scheldt Radar Chain. First as
importance. After all, one is able to
pletely new way of working.’ Being a
connecting and navigating for safety
results in the road not being available
a financial manager, later as mana-
give a precise indication of when a ship
Government Harbour Master means you
and the economy. ‘It was a fascinating
for traffic some five hours every day.
ging director. This project involved
will arrive at a lock or in a port. This
are building bridges and laying con-
position; navigation is always dynamic.
According to Buis, the new tunnel is
the building of radar towers along the
allows improved organisation of the
nections. ‘I discussed and sometimes ne-
High bow waves, a ship that is adrift,
important to both trade & industry and
Scheldt, from Ostend right up to the
logistic processes. Towards the end of
gotiated with inland navigation bodies
a collision. These are situations that
to the inhabitants of the area. ‘Including
port of Antwerp. Eighteen in all, five
the project, I was particularly involved
to discuss their rights and duties. Each
require immediate action.’
myself’, he says. ‘There is a fifty/fifty
of which are manned. These radar
in the connecting up of the radar chain
fortnight, I discussed with our Flemish
Constructions and connections form
chance I can drive across the bridge
stations are used to monitor navigation
to the port information systems in order
neighbours about the Scheldt Regulati-
the tangible leitmotiv in the life of the
when I go home at the end of the day.’
on the Westerschelde. A ship will report
to exchange cargo information.’
ons. The interests diverged a great deal
harbour man of 2012. ‘When I am any-
and we had to contend with sometimes
where along the Westerschelde, I can
in when it navigates in from sea or
Optimum accessibility
into one of the ports along the Wes-
Connecting and navigating
ancient agreements. As a Permanent
always see a radar tower. The Scheldt
By the summer of 2015, the Region
terschelde. On shore, we will always
When the radar network was com-
Commissioner for supervision of Scheldt
Coordination Centre, it’s there, you can
alongside the Canal from Ghent to
know exactly which ship is where, at
pleted, Buis was appointed Govern-
navigation, I had to deal with pilots and
see it. The Westerscheldetunnel is there.
Terneuzen will have become well acces-
Based on these experiences, it was deci-
any moment. This way, we can regulate
ment Harbour Master. One of the most
pilotage, beacons and beaconing. I
And, pretty soon, the Sluiskiltunnel will
sible thanks to the tunnel and the new
ded to establish a separate organisation
movements in an optimum way. This
important things to do was to implement
had to do this according to regulations
be there as well.’
four-lane access roads. ‘That’s when the
for the Sluiskiltunnel as well, a BV in this
is important for safety. Since the radar
the use of the radar chain in the daily
dating back to 1841! Including the
tunnel should be ready.
case, with the Province as shareholder.
network has been commissioned, the
business of the Harbour Master. ‘It was
signalling with flags.
Investment in warehousing
Pfauth is an established logistics
service provider in the Vlissingen
industrial area, where it was
founded in 1975. The company
has two news facts: their recent
AEO classification and the new
racking warehouse. Hans Pfauth
explains: ‘By continuously
expanding and improving our
services, we want to remain a
sharp and attractive player in
the market.’
Robert (left) and Hans Pfauth
Thanks to their certification as Authorised
Latvian agent tours Zeeland
Picturesque little towns with cobblestone squares, monumental buildings and lively shopping streets –
Zeeland has it all! Zeeland Cruise Port (ZCP) agent Ilze Puzule believes that Zeeland has plenty to offer
cruise passengers. In May, the recently appointed representative from the Latvian town of Riga paid a
first visit to this province, to see with her own eyes what she will be promoting globally in the world of
Ilze is one of the three agents recently contracted by ZCP
to help promote the cruise company. Already, the first bookings for 2014/2015 have been made. Ilze’s first impression after her two-day tour of Middelburg, Veere, Vlissingen and the surrounding area: ‘I see lots of opportunities
here. Your old cities are charming. And everything is really
close together, which is a big advantage. People don’t like
to spend hours on a bus getting somewhere when they only
have one day in port.’ This agent knows what she is talking
about. She has been working in the cruise business for
fifteen years. The new agent is currently employed by the
Riga Passenger Terminal and she also has her own shipping agency.
‘People go on a cruise more than once’
Riga is an important player in the cruise market and it is a
growing one. Admittedly, the old city is not as popular yet
as its Estonian neighbour Talin, with around 300 calls this
year, but with 95 calls in 2012 it is well under way. As a
comparison: Amsterdam has around 120 calls a year.
‘We can take four ships at the same time, with a maximum
of 290 metres each and a draught of 8.3 metres. There is
also a daily ferry liner. And very importantly: we are only
about a five minutes’ walk from the old town’, Ilze stated.
She has valuable connections in nearly all shipping companies. In Riga, she works with many cruise operators,
including Royal Caribbean, Tui, Phoenix Reisen, MSC
Cruises, and Crystal Cruises. Why would these companies
be interested in new destinations? Ilze: ‘People who go on
a cruise, usually do so more than once. Therefore, it is very
important to be able to offer a variety of different cruises in
this part of Europe.’
Economic Operator (AEO), granted by
Racking system
We provide our customers with a com-
the custom’s office, Pfauth is able to take
To facilitate the storage and transfer of
plete service including customs admi-
a load of their customers’ minds. ‘The
products that cannot be stacked, Pfauth
nistration, storage, and transhipment to
branch in which we operate, typically
invested in a racking system and a
the final destination.’ The new storage
requires great speed and an efficient
reachtruck. Pfauth: ‘With these in-
facilities have a capacity of 8000 square
supply-chain management,’ Pfauth
vestments, we want to anticipate new
metres, divided into different units with
explains. ‘Thanks to our AEO classifica-
demands in a rapidly developing market.
racking systems in which to store a vari-
tion, our customers will experience fewer
Next to our specialised storage facili-
ety of products.
physical checks and a speedy handling
ties for chemicals – including specially
If desired, the company provides various
of official documents. We will be able to
equipped units for the storage of clas-
additional value added logistics servi-
take a load off their hands, so they can
sified chemicals according to the PGS-15
ces, such as labelling, re-labelling and
concentrate on their core business.’
guideline – we are broadening our focus
repacking. An advanced warehouse
The AEO certificate is recognised by all
to include the import and export of many
management system ensures a reliable
EU member states.
different types of goods.
To symbolise the company’s continuous
adaptation to changing market conditions, Pfauth has hired a number of
young people in the past six months.
‘My son Robbert is one of these rising
Close to the centre
Director of ZCP Alex Nelis adds that Zeeland can be an
excellent port of call where destinations at a short distance
from other seaports are concerned. ‘Vlissingen has already
reduced its harbour fees’, he explained. ‘Port authority
Zeeland Seaports has adjusted the harbour fees for oceangoing cruise ships for the next three years, in order to make
Zeeland an interesting port of call for shipping companies.’
Although the temporary Finsa terminal is not quite finished
yet, it is suitable for the mooring of ships with a length of
around 250 metres. Larger ones, from 300 metres, are
now mooring at Verbrugge Terminals BV in Vlissingen.
Still, ZCP intends to make maximum use of the Buitenhaven.
‘After all, the closer to the town centre, the better.’
talents’, says Hans Pfauth. ‘Together with
this highly qualified new generation, we
combine experience with fresh new ideas
in order to provide our customers with a
wide range of excellent services. Services
that are characterised by a single word:
The company offers a complete package
of high-level logistic services across
Europe, both by own lorries and through
a network of specialised carriers.
Logistic innovation
Innovation is needed if Zeeland wants to be a party
For the coming three years, a number of logistic projects are
to be reckoned with in the area of production, logis-
planned, which are to stimulate the Zeeland logistics sector,
tics and distribution. To achieve this, transport flows
said Rutger van der Male, project manager industry, logistics
should be organised in a more efficient and econo-
and maintenance with Economische Impuls Zeeland.
mical way. Logistics Accelerator intends to support
This way, a ‘business roadmap’ will be created, presenting
these processes.
the province’s trade & industry with ways to anticipate global
economic and logistic developments.
Zeeland has many opportunities in the area of logistics,
transhipment and production. A lot can be gained by cleverly
making use of the different modalities. ‘Thing is to direct
transport flows. To figure out how to make processes run more
efficiently and which clever changes can be made’, Van der
Male said. ‘Foreign companies are often guided by the large
ports while in Zeeland, we are also very close to major consumer markets.’ Researchers expect the Far East to lose interest
as a production location and a place to establish business.
Other factors, such as rising transport costs and the producers’
need to be as close as possible to their markets, are gaining
Delta Phot, 5 februari 1986
The inland Seine-Westerschelde connection will present opportunities as well. When it is finished, the northern French market
will be within easy reach of Zeeland. Van der Male: ‘Take,
for example, consumer electronics. If products are transported
from here to the north of France, producers would be wise to
have these assembled in Zeeland.’ In Zeeuws-Vlaanderen, the
Finnish company of Outukumpu is already involved in something like this. Here, large coils of steel thread are unloaded,
cut down to size, and transported on to car manufacturers in
Rutger van der Male
Developing knowledge
Organising forms of collaboration with relevant third parties
and developing knowledge together are important starting
‘Zeeland close
points. Van der Male: ‘It’s like a round table where companies
are gathered to discover whether they have any joint project
to major consumer
agendas.’ This table is headed by the project organisation.
Subsequently, research organisations and educational institu-
tions may be drawing in to carry out research. That is why a
number of pilot projects are set up based on the concept of
regional distribution. A number of companies have the inten-
tion to build cold-storage facilities together and to do this in
Logistics Accelerator was developed by regional partners in
Delta Phot, 10 december 1986
a maximum sustainable way. Grontmij is carrying out a study
collaboration with the Dutch Institute for Advanced Logistics
DINALOG. The objective is to develop innovations to reinforce
the Dutch logistic sector. Together with Syntens, the Province
into this, Van der Male said. ‘Which type of cooling is most
suitable? Which type of door locks are the best option? Which
layout should be opted for? What is the most favourable
of Zeeland, the ZPPC, and other regional parties, the Econo-
roofing material?’ In addition, Logistics Accelerator wants to
mische Impuls Zeeland EIZ will implement this project. The
contribute to a knowledge centre for multimodal transport and
project is cofinanced by the EU, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation, and the Province of Zeeland.
the reduction of red tape for bargees.
In Vlissingen, on 21 June, the extended B Quay
Ovet BV entered into an agreement for the issuing
(Kaloothaven) for Ovet was officially opened. Ovet
of land for the new Ovet subsidiary. The company
is an important player in the port area and has
had been operating in the port area of Terneuzen
experienced major growth through the years. In
since 1957. In 1983, the construction of the
1983, the Vlissingen Port Authority and the tran-
Kaloothaven was started for Ovet. Through the
shipment company Overslagbedrijf Terneuzen
years, it has been expanded in different phases.
‘The company’s core business is maintenance, revision and construction.’
Expanding Troost Mechanical Services (TMS)
The TMS group, a strong organisation with over
Moes emphasised the importance of collaboration. TMS has
fifty years of experience in mechanical engineering,
entered into various forms of collaboration with other engi-
intends to expand as a group, both autonomously
neering companies in the region, including the engineering
and by acquiring other companies. That is why the
cooperation Technische Aannemers Combinatie Terneuzen
Belgian company ISS was taken over last year.
(TAC). Moes: ‘Thanks to TAC, we are able to provide more
‘ISS, now TMS-IS, is located in Antwerp, Tienen and
disciplines under the one roof and serve a bigger market. For
Ghent. TMS-IS in Ghent is specialised in grab
example, because we can now combine mechanical enginee-
repair, providing a valuable addition to the range
ring and electrical engineering, we are able to enter into ma-
of services offered by Troost Mechanical Services’,
jor contracts with the Department of Public Works, to perform
Piet Moes, General Manager of TMS Terneuzen and
maintenance to locks and bridges.’
S.T.T. bv en Zeeland Maritime Cleaning bv
Paginanummer laten staan aub.
co-owner of TMS, explained.
‘Our engineers are unlikely to leave’
Troost Mechanical Services (TMS) is the maintenance speci-
Piet Moes is also chairman of the educational institute for
alist for the south-west of the Netherlands and western Flan-
mechanical and electrical engineering Stichting Metaal- en
ders. The company’s core business is maintenance, revision
Elektro Opleidingen Zeeuws-Vlaanderen (SMEO-ZV). ‘This
and the construction of new installations in the chemical and
institute provides two-year training courses combining theory
petrochemical industries. TMS has four companies: Moerdijk,
and practice. TMS is included in the Register of Accredited
Middelburg, Terneuzen, and Belgium. Around one thousand
Work Placement Company, demonstrating the company’s
employees – 250 of whom are employed in Zeeland – provide
capability of providing professional vocational training. Moes:
the port industries with mechanical engineering services. Next
‘We invest a lot of time in improving the image of engineering
to repairs, the company is involved in steel constructions and
work. It’s interesting work, involving a lot of automation, such
the manufacture of equipment such as heat exchangers and
as CNC lathes and welding computers. And I’m not making
vessels. In addition to the company’s own engineering works
this up – our own employees are the living proof. Once they
and revision workshops, TMS has in-house workshops at nume-
have joined our company, they’re unlikely to leave! We also
rous customer locations, in order to be able to solve technical
offer them plenty of opportunity to grow within our organisa-
problems quickly and efficiently.
Members of Zeeland Port Promotion Council
Loodswezen Regio Scheldemonden
M. Huisman Advocaten
Sealake Terminal B.V.
A Koolwijk Shipstores B.V
Delta Utility Services B.V.
Mammoet Nederland B.V.
Aannemingsbedrijf Fraanje b.v.
Deutsche Bahn
Maritiem Instituut de Ruyter
ABN AMRO Bank N.V. (Terneuzen)
Dow Benelux B.V.
Mourik Vlissingen B.V.
Sita Recycling Services B.V.
ABN AMRO Bank N.V. Bedrijven Goes
DRV Accountants & Belastingadviseurs
Multraship Towage & Salvage
Supermaritime Nederland B.V.
Adriaanse van der Weel Advocaten
Euro-Mit Staal B.V.
N.V. Economische Impuls
Supermaritime van Reems B.V.
Aerssens & Partner makelaars
Fabricom B.V.
N.V. Westerscheldetunnel
Tanido B.V.
AFI Security
Feyter Forkliftservices
Oiltanking Terneuzen B.V.
Tempo Team
Amadore Group B.V.
Gemeente Middelburg
Outokumpu Stainless B.V.
TMS Terneuzen B.V.
B.V. Sorteerbedrijf voor Grind en Zand
Golden Tulip L’Escaut
Ovet B.V.
Van Ameyde Marine Vlissingen
BAM Utiliteitsbouw Regio Rotterdam
Grontmij Nederland bv.
Pacorini Vlissingen B.V.
Van Jole B.V.
Havenwerk B.V.
Pfauth Logistics B.V.
Van Oord Nederland B.V.
Boogaard Advocaten
Heros Sluiskil B.V.
Verbrugge Scaldia Terminals B.V.
Boot & Buteijn Transport
I.B.S. b.v.
R.G.R. Shipping & Forwarding B.V.
Verbrugge Terneuzen Terminals B.V.
Burger Port Agencies B.V.
ICL-IP Terneuzen B.V.
Raadgevend Ingenieursbureau Lievense
Verbrugge Zeeland Terminals
ING Business Banking
Raadgevend Ingenieursburo F.Koch B.V.
Verenigde Bootlieden B.V.
Interlashing B.V.
Rabobank Terneuzen/Sas van Gent
Verex Douane Service
Chamber of Commerce
Istimewa Elektro
Rabobank Walcheren/Noord-Beveland
Vesta Terminal Flushing B.V.
Cordeel Nederland B.V.
Juister Imaginairies
Rabobank Oosterschelde
Vlissingse Bootliedenwacht B.V.
C-Port B.V.
Justion Advocaten
Randstad Nederland BV
Vopak Terminal Vlissingen B.V.
DB Schenker Rail Nederland N.V.
Katoen Natie Westerschelde B.V.
Royal Haskoning
Vonk Industrial Contracting B.V.
De Hoop Terneuzen
Kloosterboer Vlissingen V.O.F.
S.T.T. B.V.
Vroon B.V.
De Ruyter Training & Consultancy
KPMG Accountants N.V.
Sagro Aannemingsmij. Zeeland BV
Zeeland Maritime Cleaning
De Zeeuwse Alliantie Notarissen
KWS Infra/Aquavia
Saybolt Nederland BV
Zeeland Refinery
ScaldiaTerminal Operator N.V.
Zeeland Seaports
Delta Safe Security Services
Lievens Communicatie
Scheldepoort Reparatiewerf
Zeeland Supply Industrial Stores

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