

Volum e 8. E d it io n 1 F e b r u a r y / M a r c h 2 0 1 3
T h e magazine co v e r i n g t h e i n s a n d o u t s
o f the por ts of V l i s s i n g e n a n d Te r n e u z e n
Zeeland Port News is
published by:
Forest products
Zeeland Port Promotion Council
and Zeeland Seaports
The recent opening of the largest cellulose plant in the world by Eldorado
Brasil Cellulose has added further lustre to the role of Zeeland Seaports as a
transhipment port for forest products.
Participant Holland Ports
P.O. Box 1057
NL-4388 ZH Oost-Souburg
The Netherlands
T : +31 (0)118-491320
F : +31 (0)118-478833
E : info@zppc.nl
I : www.zppc.nl
Figures 2012
2012 was a turbulent year for Zeeland Seaports as well as for the trade
& industry surrounding our ports. The
economic crisis made its mark on many
activities. Yet the figures for transhipment were quite satisfactory indeed.
The total water-bound transhipment
rose to a record high of 70 million tons.
Also in this issue
Smooth sailing for
Damen Shiprepair
Despite the world-wide crisis, Damen
Shiprepair in Vlissingen-Oost has a
well-filled order portfolio. According
to yard manager Riccardo Regosa, this
is the result of good craftsmanship in
combination with regular repair orders
and major, highly complex projects.
05 Don’t miss the opportunities!
07 Giant heavy-lift vessel moored
Spanish juice factory in Vlissingen
10 Commissioning tunnel bore
New provincial administrator for the ports
11 Efficient maritime services
12 Business Advisory Board
13 Seaport’s worker: Johnny de Visser
14 ‘Zeeland has a complete and flexible port’
18 French maize in Zeeland silos
20 Innovative image bank
21 GreenFuel Sluiskil
24 Good results for Yara
Special crane
25 Maritime Incident Response Groups
27 The early days
28 High-precision manufacturer
P.O. Box 132
NL-4530 AC Terneuzen
The Netherlands
T : +31 (0)115-647400
F : +31 (0)115-647500
E : port@zeelandseaports.com
I : www.zeelandseaports.com
PvH Mediaproducties, Vlissingen
Hanneke Blok, Edwin Hamelink, Peter van Houte,
Marcel Migo, Liz Raadsen, Peter Urbanus,
Elian van ’t Westeinde
FINAL EDITOR: Peter van Houte
TRANSLATION: Kalliope, Vlissingen
PHOTOGRAPHY: (unless otherwise indicated)
Anton Dingemanse, DuoFoto, PvH Media, RichArt,
Bart Homburg, Matthew Deadman, Verbrugge Terminals,
Zeeland Seaports
PRINTED BY: Pieters Grafisch Bedrijf BV Groede
Don’t miss the
he transhipment of sea-borne cargo through the ports of
Zeeland amounted to 34 million tons in 2012, which was
4 percent less than the absolute top year of 2011. By mid
2012, the counter still pointed to -8 percent; therefore, the figures turned out quite satisfactory in the end. Especially when
we take the results of the surrounding ports in consideration.
Apart from Rotterdam, they all had to face a decline in tonnage. On the other hand, transhipment by barges increased,
Kloosterboer started up a reefer-container depot by the name
which was quite remarkable. The increase amounted to 12
of Kloosterboer Container Logistics. Supermaritime Neder-
percent. With this, the total transhipment rose to around 70
land built a break-bulk terminal. Zeeland Refinery invested in
million tons, which is the highest total transhipment figure ever
safety, innovation and the environment, and the expansion
of their production facilities. And Pfauth Logistics invested in
state-of-the-art storage and transfer facilities. Chemical com-
I am optimistic where 2013 is concerned. An economic
pany Invista increased its production capacity.
upturn is expected for the second half of this year, which also
includes our branch. And I am especially optimistic because
These are among the Zeeland companies who, by making
many companies in and around our ports have invested
these investments, have demonstrated their confidence in our
heavily in the past year, expanding and renewing harbour
ports and their potential. The ports of Zeeland are accessible
facilities. A part of these investments was based on the acqui-
in every sense, offering both the space needed and easy ac-
sition of new cargo packages, which allows us to believe that
cessibility by sea, inland waterways, road and rail.
transhipment will, at least, decline no further.
Our region offers great opportunities for companies intending
to establish here. Moreover, Zeeland has a skilled and de-
Verbrugge Terminals has built and is building warehousing
dicated workforce. Businesses are ensured a personal touch
facilities for the storage of forest products and metal in Vlis-
with the focus on solutions. And last but not least, the ports
singen and for the storage of liquid fertiliser in Terneuzen.
of Zeeland are ideally located, strategically positioned in-
Ovet realised an expansion of their deep-sea terminal for
between the ports of Antwerp and Rotterdam. I am convinced
solid fuels, ores and minerals, which included a quay exten-
that this showcase of benefits will lead to more dynamics in
sion. Vesta Terminals, Nedstore and Oiltanking Terneuzen
our ports over the coming years. Don’t miss the opportunities
are expanding their tank storage facilities. VSL Silo Logistics
presented by the ports of Zeeland!
invested in extra silos and other storage facilities.
Euro-Mit Staal finished the expansion of their offices, their
Henk de Haas
production plant and storage facilities.
Chairman Zeeland Por t Promotion Council
Zeeland forest-products
transhipment port
The recent opening of the largest cellulose
These will use the cellulose as a raw material for paper and
plant in the world by Eldorado Brasil Cellu-
tissue. An increasingly important part of the transport to the
lose has added further lustre to the role of
hinterland will take place by barge. Therefore, not only will
Zeeland Seaports as a transhipment port for
there be an increase in ocean-going traffic, but also in inland
forest products. Verbrugge Terminals, located
navigation to and from Zeeland.
in Terneuzen and Vlissingen, will act as the
European hub for forest products, storing and
Upon the official opening of the plant in Três Lagoas in De-
transhipping cellulose for Eldorado. This was
cember last, both the CEO of Zeeland Seaports, Hans van
agreed by the two companies.
der Hart, and the president and CEO of Verbrugge, Martin
Verbrugge, appeared pleased with these developments,
The plant, which is the largest so-called single-line pulp mill
which will provide an extra impulse to the long-term economic
in the world, has an annual capacity of 1.5 million tons of
development and employment situation at Verbrugge, while
cellulose. A substantial part of this is shipped in by means of
further supporting the growth of the ports of Zeeland as well.
ocean-going vessels from Santos, Brazil to the Scaldiahaven
in Vlissingen. Here, the cellulose is stored and subsequently
The official opening took place in the company of 1200
transhipped to the paper and tissue industries in the hinter-
guests, including the President of Brazil, Mrs. Dilma Rousseff,
and was enlivened by a concert by Andrea Bocelli.
Giant heavy-lift vessel moored
A special guest moored at the quay of BOW Terminals in
work in water depths of up to 65 or even 70 metres. In addi-
Vlissingen last month. The brand-new heavy-lift vessel
tion, the ship is equipped with a class 2 dynamic positioning
Seafox 5 was loading up material for the wind-farm project
system and a crane with a lifting capacity of 1200 tons.
Dan Tysk in the German Bight. The special heavy-lift vessel
After trial trips in December, such as on the River Scheldt, the
is the latest addition to the fleet of Seafox Contractors and is
heavy-lift vessel is now ready for its first job: the installation
one of the largest of its type in the world. The heavy-lift ves-
of wind-turbine foundations on the North Sea (Dan Tysk field
sel was built in the Keppel FELS yard in Singapore and has
in the German Bight). The Seafox 5 will be used in the wind-
a length of 151 metres, a width of 50 metres and a draught
energy sector in the southern and central part of the North
of 5.12 metres. The vessel has four legs with a length of 106
Sea, as well as the oil and gas offshore sectors.
metres. Thanks to these, it is possible to perform installation
Spanish juice factory
A Spanish company will be building a filling plant
In Vlissingen, Kloosterboer is already active in the storage
for fruit juice at the Bijleveldhaven in Vlissingen.
and transhipment of fruit and fruit juices. In the new filling
Around the time this magazine goes to press, the
contracts will be signed and the name of the company will be disclosed. The juice plant will provide
plant, packages and bottles for the consumer market will be
filled with fruit juice. For the first few of years, it is expected
that the annual production will amount to around 120 million
litres of juice. After a number of years, the capacity will pro-
100 jobs. The Spanish company will be closely
bably be doubled. The construction of the new factory at the
The Zeeland delegation on a working visit to Brazil. On the far right: CEO Martin Verbrugge of Verbrugge
collaborating with logistic service provider
Bijleveldhaven will soon be started up. If all goes according
Terminals and on the left CEO Hans van der Hart of Zeeland Seaports. In front is Marcel Pater of
to plan, the factory should be operational in the third quarter
Zeeland Seaports.
of this year.
‘Ports of Zeeland are perfor ming beyond expectations’
2012 was a turbulent year for Zeeland Seaports as well as for the trade & industry surrounding our
ports. The economic crisis made its mark on many activities. Yet the figures for transhipment were quite
satisfactory indeed. The total water-bound transhipment rose to a record high of 70 million tons. This record was achieved thanks to a twelve percent growth in inland navigation. Compared to the record year
of 2011, transhipment of sea-borne cargo dropped by four percent to just below 34 million tons.
In Port News, CEO Hans van der Hart of Zeeland Seaports is
Already, fifty percent of all sea-borne cargo is transported by
looking back as well as ahead. He is quite positive. ‘Despite
container and this percentage is only increasing. A second
the rough patches some companies are going through, the
spearhead is the horticulture near Westdorpe. Here, green-
port in general is performing beyond expectations. Although
houses are heated up by means of residual heat from artificial
the transhipment of sea-borne cargo dropped somewhat,
fertiliser manufacturer Yara. Because of the developments on
inland navigation increased quite a bit. Verbrugge Terminals
the energy market, this option has become really competitive
substantially contributed to this. Since last year, the company
with other heating methods. That is why I am expecting a
has been transporting a lot of metal to Zeeland, storing it
lot of interest in this project. And we are also focussing our
here, and distributing it. And others, including transport com-
efforts on the wind farms that are planned on the North Sea.
panies and inland-navigation organisations, are benefiting
Not just because of our direct connection to the sea, but also
from this. Another impulse was provided by the opening of
because in our ports we have a lot of experience with the
Ovet’s Kalootkade. Here, the company will be handling more
transport of heavy parts, we have room for storage, and we
coal, arriving here by ocean-going vessel and being further
have the construction companies that are able to assemble
transported by rail to the European hinterland. In Terneuzen,
these parts. Various companies within this branch are quite
Oiltanking is tripling its storage facilities.
successful already and we intend to expand this expertise
And a large Brazilian manufacturer of paper pulp will be
over the coming years.’
distributing its products destined for the North-West of Europe
Resigning CEO
via Verbrugge as well. Hence, the future is looking bright.’
Van der Hart will be following the latest developments from
Containers, horticulture and wind
the side lines. At the meeting, he announced to be laying
It’s always difficult to predict the future. But Van der Hart
down his duties as CEO as per 1 October of this year, after
knows where he is headed. ‘Container transhipment will
a long career in the ports of Zeeland. Upon request by the
remain a spearhead. The Westerschelde Container Terminal is
Board of Directors, he will remain actively connected to the
still in the picture. In the meantime, together with other compa-
ports as a management consultant and intermediary between
nies, we are looking at possibilities to realise a terminal within
Zeeland Seaports and its shareholders.
the existing harbours. This is really important.
Agricultural products
Other food products
Solid fuels
Oil (Products)
Ores, metalresidue
Metal (Products)
Chemical Products
Other Goods
CEO Hans van der Hart of Zeeland Seaports
Dry Bulk
Liquid Bulk
Roll on Roll off
General Cargo
Efficient maritime services
Commissioning tunnel bore
Late January, the tunnel-boring machine
tres of new road, two flyovers, and the
metres, which was transported by road
of the Sluiskiltunnel started its journey
tunnel. Thanks to these developments,
(see photo). Normally, such large parts
underneath the Canal from Ghent to
the ports, as well as the surrounding
arrive on the construction site in pieces,
Terneuzen. In three months’ time, the
trade & industry, will become optimally
where they have to be assembled and
boring machine, which was named
welded together. Because the harbour
‘Boorbara’, is to reach the other side.
A lot of work has already been done.
of transporter Mammoet is close to the
When that happe-ns, the machine will
Late November, the boring machine ar-
building site, this was not necessary in
be disassembled and reassembled for
rived in pieces on the construction site.
this case. As a result, we could make
the construction of the second tunnel
It was a complicated logistic operation,
some spectacular photographs of the
tube. When the boring and the building
which was completely realised by
transport through the polders. The parts
go according to plan, all road traffic
Mammoet. The transport of the cutting
of the boring machine were assembled
will move smoothly through the region
wheel and the cutterhead support at-
almost immediately upon arrival. To
alongside the Canal from Ghent to
tracted a lot of attention. No wonder,
achieve this, Mammoet set up two large
Terneuzen as from 30 June 2015. The
these concerned very large parts. The
cranes: one 250-ton crane and one
new construction will include six kilome-
cutting wheel has a diameter of eleven
750-ton crane.
Scheldt Maritime Services is
and the services of Verenigde Bootlie-
Multraship and towage and salvage
a new organisation for mari-
den BV and Montis Mooring. The latter
company URS, which is a part of the
time services in the ports of
two companies have for many years
Rotterdam towage and salvage com-
Zeeland and alongside the
looked after the safe mooring of ocean-
pany Smit. The latter recently terminated
Canal from Ghent to Terneu-
going vessels, the provision of helms-
its contract with Verbrugge, in order to
zen. Here, various services,
men, and provisioning services. Further-
coordinate its towage services centrally
including towing and taxi ser-
more, SMS looks after the dispatching
from Rotterdam.
vices and the supply of food
of taxis by Vebocab for sailors, water
and water, are planned on a
provision by Scheldt Water Trade, and
Subsequently, the two family busines-
24/7 basis.
the ships’ provisioning of food and sup-
ses from Zeeland, Verbrugge and
plies. These services are provided 24
Multraship, discussed the possibilities
Scheldt Maritime Services (SMS) is the
hours per day, 7 days a week. There
for another form of collaboration. They
result of a joint venture between port
are two planning officers present at all
decided to join forces in Scheldt Mari-
company Verbrugge and the Muller
times. In all, SMS has twelve planning
time Services. Both boards of directors
Maritime Holding. The latter includes
officers, ensuring continuity of services
call it a rock-solid solution. The new,
the well-known towage and salvage
under all circumstances.
centralised way of working is far more
efficient. Clients only need to call one
company Multraship, Verenigde Bootlieden BV, and Montis Mooring. From its
‘Rock-solid solution’
number, +31 (0)115 695900, to order
operational centre by the Terneuzen sea
Verbrugge used to provide these ser-
any services, including tugs, drinking
lock, SMS looks after the planning of to-
vices from a building in the Terneuzen
water, boatmen, food and supplies, and
wage services for the ports of Vlissingen
port area, near the tug jetty.
taxi services.
and Terneuzen, Ghent and Antwerp,
The company did this by order of
New provincial administrator for the ports
On 25 January, Carla Schönknecht
Previous positions of Schönknecht inclu-
was installed as Provincial Executive
ded her directorships of the foundation
for the Province of Zeeland. She is
Promotie Zeeland Delta and of the
taking up the position left vacant when
regional Tourist Office for Walcheren-
Sjoerd Heijning suddenly passed away
Noord-Beveland. Her administrative
in December of 2012. Schönknecht’
experience was gained by her mem-
portfolio includes the ports of Zeeland.
bership of the Vlissingen Town Council
In addition, she will be representing the
and her six years’ membership of the
Province of Zeeland as shareholder of
Provincial States of Zeeland.
the NV Zeeland Seaports.
Business Advisory Board
Seaports’s worker...
An attractive port area is just as important to the trade & industry surrounding Zeeland Seaports as it is
to the port company itself. Yet opinions and insights about how to develop this area may vary a great
deal. In order to match the interests of trade & industry to those of Zeeland Seaports, regular meetings
with the Business Advisory Board are organised.
It is beyond dispute that people
are the most valuable capital
resource a port can have. And
‘On behalf of trade & industry, we give solicited as well as
Recently, an agreement was reached concerning the com-
the ports of Zeeland are very
unsolicited advice’, Johan Martin, chairman of the Board,
mercial course to be taken by the port company. Martin: ‘This
fortunate in this respect. After
explained. Secretary Wies Saman added: ‘This advice may
is very important to us. We had insisted on reinforcing this
concern any aspect: finances, planned developments, a
particular aspect of the port company. The new director em-
all, we find it important to add
commercial course to be taken.’ Since the corporatisation of
barked upon his new job with vigour and has already come
Zeeland Seaports in 2011, the Business Advisory Board is a
up with a plan. We were involved in it from the early stages,
statutory part of it. ‘However, we have been in existence for
which is why we were able to promote our interests.’ It is the
much longer’, Saman said. ’An advisory committee for trade
objective of Zeeland Seaports to tranship 50 million tons of
& industry has already been active since the nineteen sixties,
cargo in 2020. Zeeland Seaports is looking after the neces-
when the port authorities Vlissingen and Terneuzen were
sary preconditions. However, in the end, trade & industry are
founded. A lot has changed since then. In the early days, we
the parties that have to realise these figures and haul in the
used to advise politicians. And although they did listen, in the
clients and regular services.
end they would choose their own course. Now that we are
dealing with an NV, political interests no longer dominate the
decision-making process, allowing us to reach agreements
much more readily.’
‘Excellent connections
with the hinterland’
Despite the economically difficult times, Martin and Saman
through our port. And who are
the ones adding this value?
That’s right, our workers.
Johnny de Visser (38)
Harbour worker with
SITA in ‘Dow village’
ohnny de Visser has been working in
have a positive outlook. Martin: ’No matter how well matters
‘Dow village’ as he calls it, for 17 years
may be arranged, there is always room for improvement.
now. From an administrative position,
Over the coming years, we will focus on further improving the
he worked his way up to a position in
conditions. Our ports are favourably located; however, the
which he combines his organisational
We employ two people to transport
At SITA, sustainability is more than just
infrastructure should be further developed.
and commercial talents, supervising
filled containers to the various waste-
a fashionable term: we really focus on
With the coming of the Sluiskiltunnel and the doubling of the
seven or eight persons, depending
processing locations. ITA has a contract
the processing, recycling and reuse of
connecting roads, Zeeuws-Vlaanderen will obtain excellent
on whether there is a turnaround or
to handle the logistics of hazardous
waste. For example, in Dow’s offices,
connections with the hinterland, including a railway connec-
shutdown at the time. ‘Concerning the
waste on the site of Dow.’
we introduced the Eco Concept, which
tion east of the Canal from Ghent to Terneuzen. Furthermore,
commercial part, I consult with Peter
The reason Johnny prefers to call it Dow
involves the efficient separation of waste
it is of the utmost importance to realise a large-scale container
van der Kraan, regional director with
village is that Dow has twenty different
streams, such as paper and plastic.’
facility in Vlissingen in the shortest possible term. Another
SITA Recycling Services. Together with
departments, distributed across six
Johnny is obviously enthusiastic about
focus is nautical accessibility. The new sea lock in Terneuzen
him, I optimise the jobs to be done on
plants, together comprising a commu-
his job. He sees himself as the ‘fly
is an important improvement. We would also like to see the
the Dow site. This work is assigned to
nity. ‘Within this ‘village’, we carry out
goalie’, the person who manages his
access to the port of Vlissingen improved, allowing the largest
us by Dow’s Environmental Operations
our duties. And while most people who
team with much flexibility, adopting the
ships to enter the port.
Business, EOB.
work on this site are employed by dif-
role that is best suited at any particular
The jobs we do include secure data
ferent companies, it feels like we are all
moment. A term that suits him in another
The Business Advisory Board has twelve members, represen-
destruction, container handling on the
colleagues of one another.
sense as well, since his hobby is pigeon
ting the whole port community. Martin: ‘Companies are ac-
site, and crane operation, for example.
Like the ports of Zeeland themselves –
sport. ‘My pigeons cover distances
tively approaching us. And we represent their wishes during
For the latter two jobs, we have one
we all work together to achieve opti-
of between 500 and 600 kilometres
our meetings with Zeeland Seaports. The Board of Directors
or two assistants – essential to ensure
mum final results. Together with other
during their return journeys!’ Distances
of the port company appreciate our contributions. It is two-
operational H&S.
parties involved, we are always looking
that reduce the area of the Dow commu-
for innovative solutions.
nity to village dimensions indeed…
way traffic, all way round.’
value to the products that pass
‘Zeeland has a compl ete and flexible port’
Zeeland Seaports has ambitious
After all, sustainability is a key word in
economy started declining.
plans. The port company wants
every sector, including ours. Another
Yet shipping is basic to the economy.
important aspect to consider is cluster
So when there is a lot of ships’ room
formation. We are among the very few
and the loads packages are not gro-
ports who think in clusters. For example,
wing accordingly, they dropped their
we already have a food cluster and a
fees. That is why shipping companies
chemical cluster. When attracting new
are not doing well; and subsequently,
objectives, Zeeland Seaports re-
business, we endeavour to combine
they are pressurising the terminal ope-
cently shook up their commercial
these in a particular region.’
rators, causing problems there as well.
to increase sea-borne cargo
to 50 million tons in 2020 and
inland shipping to 40 million
tons. In order to achieve these
strategy. In this interview chief
If they stop to think strategically about
Container terminal in Vlissingen
their expansion, they will decide to
An important part of the commercial
wait. If I am well informed, the current
plan is taken up by containerisation; as
European capacity is around 60 million
a separate goods flow and as a spear-
teus in the northern continent, which will
head. ‘Containerisation affects us all’,
increase to around 100 million teus in
Gilhuis said.
2020. In the worst-case scenario, the
‘Diversification, together with specia-
‘We are convinced that containerisation
so-called double dip, we are talking
lised terminals, are our port’s greatest
is necessary for the growth of all trade
about 102 million teus, which should be
strengths. Our figures over the last ten
and industry; therefore, we have to
the capacity in 2020. Looking at these
years – during which we have grown
think about container facilities in our
figures, one may wonder whether we
from 25 to 35 million tons in 2011
port.’ Saying this, Gilhuis indicated that
still have to develop a major container
The commercial managers will actively
‘Parties who will strategically choose for
years’ time’. He is hoping to have a
– are proof of this. And this is what
he is not talking about the large-scale
terminal, such as the WCT. That is why
visit prospects - including the ones to
Rotterdam or Antwerp are not primarily
signed contract with a large party who
we want to maintain in our efforts to
facilities of a WCT but about a smaller-
we will not embark upon such a venture
whom Zeeland is not yet top of mind.
our customers.’
will be producing for the offshore.
support our customers in doing their
scale container terminal in Vlissingen.
as yet. But a terminal is built to last for
‘Creating awareness, that’s what it is
business. Liquid bulk, project cargo and
A WCT-like larger-scale facility will
forty years or so. If we stop the plans
about’, Gilhuis stated. ‘We are well-
‘We have quite an advantage logisti-
least two parties establishing in the
containers will get extra attention from
become important in the longer term.
now, we will come up against quite
known locally, but not yet outside of this
cally speaking. That’s where we have to
region alongside the Canal from Ghent
us over the coming years. We see great
‘We have to have such a terminal in
another problem in the future.’
region. We are becoming better known
create more awareness, so that parties
to Terneuzen. Also, we need to attract
potential for the near future for these
order to serve our customers in a bet-
in our strong segments, such as metals,
can see that we are easily accessible,
new horticultural business willing to set-
ter way. A small terminal will handle
Extra commercial managers
mixed cargo and breakbulk. And in
and that we have professional handlers
tle in our horticultural area. If we could
around 500,000 teu. According to the
In order to successfully execute the com-
the area of offshore we are quickly
and flexible entrepreneurs. Prospects
achieve all this, we will have taken a
In their commercial strategy, Zeeland
CCO, negotiations with some parties
mercial plan, Zeeland Seaports was in
becoming one of the favourite locations.
should become aware of the fact that
major step. And if we succeed - especi-
Seaports looks at a number of aspects.
are looking quite promising.
need of extra manpower. The commer-
However, on a global scale, people do
there’s a lot to be gained from doing
ally where the container terminal is con-
cial department had to be expanded,
not even know where Zeeland is loca-
business with the ports of Zeeland.
cerned - those 50 million tons in 2020
commercial officer Dick Gilhuis
shared his vision on the opportunities and challenges for Zeeland
One of these, of course, is profit. But
We will have done well if we have at
Zeeland Seaport aims at sustainable
The container market is a very dynamic
Dick Gilhuis explained.
ted, let alone that they have heard of
We are a complete and flexible port.
will be no problem at all.’ Naturally,
profit. Working closely together with
one, while also suffering from the eco-
‘At the moment, we do not have suffi-
our ports.’
Together with trade & industry, we can
the objective of 50 million tons is more
customers and shareholders. ‘As a port
nomic recession. Where container ter-
cient personnel to adequately serve our
company, we are one of the economic
minals in Europe are concerned, there
driving forces of our province. But
and will develop our port area further.
difficult to achieve during an economic
current clientèle. And especially when
Better image
This will not always be easy. Often,
downturn, rather than in times when
is overcapacity. On the other hand, the
we focus on spearheads, we need to
Unknown is still unloved. Yet the image
the commercial interests of companies
all is going well and everybody keeps
also employment, sustainability and
number of containers on a world-wide
expand. That is why we have hired an
of the ports of Zeeland has been consi-
run parallel to our own, but this is not
growing’. Gilhuis: ‘However, when I
Corporate Social Responsibility are
scale is still growing by 2 - 3 percent,
extra commercial manager and will
derably improving over the past years.
always the case.’
look at the trade & industry that sur-
important criteria’, CCO Gilhuis stated.
despite the crisis. Gilhuis: ‘There is a
soon start up a procedure for the acqui-
Dick Gilhuis has noted this as well.
‘Suppose a company wants to set up a
shift in types of flows. The main reason
sition of a second one. Then, we will
He confirms that the location of the
‘A challenge’
are thinking about expanding, I feel that
business in forest products. We would
for the decline is that shipping compa-
have five commercial managers, which
ports of Zeeland, in-between giants such
The CCO of Zeeland Seaports has set
it can be achieved. Still, it will remain a
want to know where they obtain their
nies have overcapacity. They continued
will suffice for the time being.’
as Rotterdam and Antwerp, may be a
short-term goals for himself as well. ‘I
timber and how the company works.
to build while things were going well,
problem on the one hand, but provide
would be very happy to have a con-
Does it operate according to CSR?
but had to come to a halt when the
great opportunities on the other.
tainer terminal operational within two
rounds our ports, especially those who
French maize in Zeeland silos
2012 was a special year for Cargill in Sas van Gent. The company celebrated its location’s centennial and built four new silos as well. One hundred years ago, the Belgian company Prosper
Callebaut & Son founded Zeelandia NV in this location, and started up the production of maize
starch alongside the Canal from Ghent to Terneuzen. In 1924, the production of glucose was added
to its processes.
In the nineteen sixties, the company was modernised. They set
Using this raw material, Cargill produces specific types of
up their own laboratory and started processing wheat as a
starch with different uses, particularly in food products such
raw material for starch. In 2002, Cargill took over the factory.
as sauces and soups. The products are sold around the world.
The adjacent alcohol plant by Nedalco was taken over by
From Japan to America and all countries in-between.
Cargill in 2011. Today, in 2013, the production of starch
Buizer: ‘Since late 2012, the maize is being shipped in to Sas
and glucose still forms the basis of the operation. Production
van Gent by means of ocean-going vessels. It is only because
methods have been improved and adjusted over the years,
of such large-scale transport that we can keep a check on the
in order to produce in a sustainable manner and remain one
costs. This means that we have to be able to unload and store
step ahead of the competition. And this trend is continuing.
four thousand tons in one go. That’s why we constructed these
new silos. They were put up very rapidly indeed.
In the past year, the company invested substantially in four
In January of 2012 we decided to start up this type of ocean
new silos for the storage of maize. ‘Together with the two
transport. This decision required extra silos, as well as im-
existing silos, we can now store 9000 tons of maize.’ The
provements to the quay in order to meet current safety
statement comes from Arnoud Buizer, Supply Chain Manager
standards. We immediately started up the necessary per-
with the company. His responsibilities include the smooth
mit procedures. And we closely cooperated with Zeeland
collaboration among the different departments: Production,
Seaports and the local authorities involved, in this case the
Sales, Quality and Finance. The expansion was necessary to
municipality of Terneuzen and the Province of Zeeland. The
remain ahead of the competition. ‘Our company processes a
cooperation went smoothly, allowing us to realise this project
special variety of maize, called Waxy, which is mainly grown
in record time, within nine months. Well in time to receive the
in France.’
new crops. Quite an achievement indeed!’
Arnoud Buizer, Supply Chain Manager Cargill
‘We opt for
International company
Cargill BV is an international company supplying
ture, finance and industry. Cargill was founded in
products and services in the areas of food, agricul1865. Today, the company is active in 65 countries and employs 142,000 people. By means of
The project is special for other reasons as well: ‘It seamlessly
collaboration and innovation, Cargill helps clients
fits in with the benefits Zeeland has to offer: the space, the
transport modalities – road, rail and inland waterways – and
the focus on sustainability and a bio-based economy. What
of each of its subsidiaries to achieve economic,
is delivered to us by means of a single ocean-going vessel
ecological and social objectives. In 2012, the
would fit into 160 lorries. In short, we opt for sustainable
company realised a turnover of nearly 134 billion
transport. It matches our company philosophy.
USD and a profit of 1.17 billion.
( Continued on page 20 )
and utilises global knowledge and the experience
GreenFuel Sluiskil
All of the raw materials are fully utilised in our end products.
products and starches for products such as glucose syrup.
The maize we process into starch, which is a raw material for
Some ingredients are processed into alcohol. This is done in
a wide range of food products. Everybody’s kitchen cup-
our own alcohol plant. Like maize, the residual substances
boards contains products that contain raw materials we pro-
are processed into animal fodder. We are an innovative
duce, such as soups, sauces, etcetera. The germs are used
company, always looking for new ways to operate ever more
Eco Park Sluiskil, which also accommodates waste-recycling company Heros Sluiskil and biomass plant Lijnco Green
for the production of maize oil. What remains, in the form
efficiently. Such ideas need not necessarily be new. Some-
Energy, has a new member by the name of Electrawinds GreenFuel, a subsidiary of the Belgian green-energy company
of fibre and proteins, is used for animal fodder. The wheat is
times, existing matters can be combined in new ways in order
Electrawinds. The facility, which was taken over from Roosendaal Energy last year, has been completely renovated and
processed in a similar way. The proteins are used for bakery
to arrive at surprising new solutions.’
has already started producing biodiesel from animal waste fats.
According to a European Directive, at least ten percent of fossil
Since the takeover, Electrawinds, as majority shareholder, is
fuels must be mixed with biodiesel by 2020. Biodiesel produc-
responsible for all operational, logistic and commercial business
tion from secondary raw materials (waste products) is thereby
activities of its new subsidiary GreenFuel.
strongly encouraged. Electrawinds seized this opportunity and
Electrawinds has ample experience with such raw materials.
took over the biodiesel plant in Sluiskil. After the takeover in
Since 2005, the energy company has invested in three biofuel
April of 2012, the existing infrastructure has been adjusted and
plants generating electricity from type CAT I animal-waste pro-
renovated and the production process has been renewed and
ducts. These waste fats are not suitable for consumption. After a
modified in order to manufacture so-called second-generation
refining process, they are used as fuel for energy production. Ac-
biodiesel, which is biodiesel derived from waste streams. Pro-
cording to the company, this is pioneering work all over again.
ducing biodiesel is a new line of operations for Electrawinds, in
Still, they feel confident that their experience accumulated in the
keeping with the further differentiation of its biomass activities.
biofuel plants of Ostend and Mouscron, in combination with the
At full capacity, the biodiesel plant will be able to produce
knowledge already present in the company that was taken over,
250,000 tons of biodiesel. The company’s storage capacity is
will result in a successful operation within a very short time span.
25,000 tons.
Electrawinds will trade its biodiesel on the European market.
Direct access to Canal Ghent-Terneuzen
Electrawinds is an international energy company that operates in
The biodiesel factory in Sluiskil dates back to 2008 and – apart
green-energy production and provides solutions for the optimum
from a short start-up period – has never been operational.
processing of organic waste streams. Electrawinds develops,
Thanks to Electrawinds’ takeover, its operation can now be
constructs and operates innovative plants that produce green
resumed. The storage and production units with accompanying
energy from wind, sunlight and biomass. The company was
offices cover an area of approximately 21,500 square metres.
established as a family business in 1998 and has developed
The industrial site has its own unloading bay and direct access
into a multinational, operating in various countries in Europe and
to the Canal from Ghent to Terneuzen.
Innovative image bank
Zeeland Seaports recently launched
ges for which the copyright has been
With this new image bank, the port
a website developed by Picturae that
provided. The images show the history
company intends to provide visitors
centres upon images. This so-called on-
of the ports of Vlissingen and Terneuzen
with a good idea of the dynamics of
line image bank presents the seaports
from around 1965 to date. The digital
the ports of Zeeland, as well as giving
of Zeeland in an innovative manner.
visitor is taken on a voyage of discovery
journalists and students the opportunity
Zeeland Seaports’ image bank contains
around the ports, by way of topics such
to find suitable images to accompany
a wide selection of photographs of our
as ‘loading and unloading’, ‘aerial
their articles and reports.
ports in past and present. It is not an
photographs’, ‘inland navigation’ and
ordinary image bank, in which ima-
‘trade & industry’. Visitors may even
The Zeeland Seaports image bank can
ges are collected and exhibited, but a
download photographs to their own
be visited via:
website that can be browsed through
pages. Here, interested parties can save
in various innovative ways, in search of
their favourite images and add com-
the exact picture you are looking for.
ments to them. Over the coming months,
The website contains over 10,000 ima-
moving images will be added as well.
Smooth sailing for Damen
Apache II in covered dock II
Shiprepair Vlissingen
In the fisheries area, Damen Shiprepair Vlissingen has also
‘It involves modifications to the ship that reduce the burden to
been busy. After the Willem van der Zwan had been complete-
the environment, such as environment-friendly coating systems,
ly burned out in 2009, it was rebuilt as new. And currently, the
cleaning installations for ballast waters, washing installations
SCH 72 Frank Bonefaas is moored in the yard for a complete
for exhaust gases, and, last but not least, more energy-efficient
refit. This ship will be delivered in new condition this summer,
engines. Considering the current fuel prices, the latter will
to fish the seven seas for many years to come.
serve a double purpose.’
Necessary flexibility
Bright future
In Vlissingen, Damen Shiprepair employs 145 people on a
With a turnover in excess of 50 million Euros, 2012 was
permanent basis. They include between 40 and 50 office staff,
concluded as one of the best years in the history of the yard.
as well as ships’ metal workers, bench operators, and pipe
And the outlook for 2013 is looking bright as well. The most
fitters. This permanent workforce is surrounded by a flexible
important reasons for the success of Damen Shiprepair Vlissin-
layer of around 300 flex workers. This flexible workforce
gen are its specialists, who will do their jobs in any weather,
includes self-employed people, contractors, specialists, and
and the healthy mix of maintenance, repairs, conversions,
local and regional suppliers. ‘This flexibility is needed because
refits and retrofits. Another important reason why clients opt
we are not always in the luxury position of having a well-filled
for Damen Shiprepair Vlissingen, according to the yard mana-
order portfolio’, Riccardo Regosa explained.
ger, is the fact that one of the docks is covered. ‘After all, the
In addition to regular maintenance and repair jobs, the yard’s
weather may affect the lead time of a repair job. In case of
core activities include conversions, refits and retrofits. ‘In case
ships with a high day rate, sometimes amounting to hundreds
of a conversion, a ship is given a completely new function’,
of thousands of Euros, it is important to minimise the docking
Riccardo Regosa explained.
The recent merger of all repair yards in the Damen Shiprepair
It was a cold, misty day in January. The tall legs of
Vlissingen until the end of February. In six months’ time, this
the Atlantic Amsterdam were partly visible through
drilling rig has been converted from a production platform into
the patches of fog. The platform has been conver-
an accommodation platform. According to the yard manager,
ted and will be leaving the port this month. Soon,
it has become a floating five-star hotel. The platform will ac-
other ships will moor here for repair or conver-
commodate people who will be performing maintenance to
sion. Because despite the world-wide crisis, Damen
production platforms. ‘There is a lot of work in this field. After
Shiprepair in Vlissingen-Oost has a well-filled or-
all, many platforms have been operational for decades and
der portfolio. According to yard manager Riccardo
are now due for maintenance. During the conversion, equip-
Regosa, this is the result of good craftsmanship in
ment will be updated and renewed. If necessary, steel parts
combination with regular repair orders and ma-
will be replaced. When everything is ready, the platform will
jor, highly complex projects. ‘These factors are the
meet all current standards.’
strengths of our yard.’
& Conversion Group also adds to the well-filled order portfolio, Riccardo Regosa believes. Now, all sales departments
are able to collaborate in an optimum way. We are not just
selling the three docks at Damen Shiprepair Vlissingen, but all
35 docks across Western Europe. This way, we can serve our
customers better than ever. We are flexible about the docking
location for a ship – if we’re full, a ship to be repaired may be
moved to any of the other thirteen yards, such as Brest, Rotterdam or Dunkirk.’
Yard Manager Riccardo Regosa
Photography: Tijmen Kielen
‘First, the old equipment is removed. Next, the ship is equipLong-term projects
ped for its future functions. Conversions are a combination of
‘Damen Shiprepair Vlissingen, Repair & Conversion Yard in
Another long-term project concerns maintenance to four air
ships’ repair and new ship-building. This is highly specialised
Vlissingen-Oost, the former Scheldepoort, has been a member
defence and command frigates (ADCF) which had been built
work, in which we have gained a lot of experience over the
of the Damen Shipyards Group since 2012. Smooth sailing
by the Schelde for the Royal Dutch Navy. One by one, these
for Damen Shiprepair Vlissingen. All quays in the Sloehaven
ships are returning to their location of origin for a major over-
are occupied and the docks are filled. A rather luxury posi-
haul. Recently, the Hr. Ms. De Zeven Provinciën was delivered.
‘At this moment, the Clipper Stad Amsterdam is waiting in one
tion to be in, yard manager Riccardo Regosa stated. ‘We are
Now, the second frigate, the Hr. Ms. Tromp is in dock. A little
of our halls in the yard for its Second Youth Program (2YP).
planning six months ahead, which is quite special for a repair
further along, the flexible pipelay vessel Apache II by Technip
When the ship will be ready, in May of this year, shipping
yard. Normally, such a planning would be much shorter. In
is in the covered dock. ‘We are upgrading the pipelay installa-
company Clipper Stad Amsterdam will be using it as a sailing
addition to regular repairs, we are also involved in a number
tion and renewing the propulsion thrusters, the rudder propel-
cruise ship. After the refit, although its function will remain the
of long-term projects.’
lers. These are costly vessels with a high day rate.
same, the ship will fully meet the most recent requirements and
To guarantee operational deployability, essential parts have to
technologies.’ And then there is the retrofit, which, according
be well maintained and replaced on a timely basis.’
to Riccardo Regosa, is becoming more popular.
For example, the Atlantic Amsterdam, which is moored in
Clipper Stad Amsterdam in covered dock II
Good results for Yara
Maritime Incident Response
Artificial fertiliser plant Yara in Sluiskil has had a
Many of the products were headed for the European hinter-
The Scheldt provides access to the ports of Zee-
very good year. In 2012, a record quantity of artifi-
land, while other important markets included North and South
land as well as the ports of Antwerp and Ghent.
America. Africa and Asia form interesting future destinations
Navigation here is often tricky as a result of tidal
for Yara, because the demand for artificial fertiliser from these
movements, bends in the river, and the sometimes
cial fertiliser and industrial products were produced
and transhipped: almost 4.3 million tons. In 2011,
areas is growing in order to increase food production.
transhipment amounted to 4.1 million tons. By far
The site of the plant in Sluiskil will be transformed in 2013.
the largest volume (2.42 million tons) was tranship-
One of the three towers, which characterise Yara from the
ped by means of sea-borne cargo. Followed by the
road, will be torn down. It will possibly make room for the
barges with 1.03 million tons and lorries and train
construction of new factories in Sluiskil.
wagons with 750,000 and 65,000 tons of product,
narrow fairway. The Scheldt Radar Chain and welltrained pilots are making sure that ocean-going
vessels are able to transport their cargoes safely.
However, sometimes things go wrong and prompt
action is crucial when that happens.
In 2009, a gas oil tanker bogged down in front of the Vlis-
singen boulevard and in the summer of 2008, seaside visitors had to leave the Dishoek beach when a gas tanker ran
aground. Fortunately, the consequences remained limited to
material damages. Such incidents are wake-up calls for emergency services. They have to be ready to act at all times in
order to minimise any damage to the public, the environment
and the economy.
‘Just standing on the boulevard in Vlissingen, watching the
ships go by on their way to their various destinations, loaded with containers and hazardous substances, makes you
realise that a regional crisis organisation must be prepared.’
These words come from Gerrie Ruis, director of Safety Region
Zeeland since 1 August of last year. The safety region is a
form of collaboration in which all Zeeland municipalities are
represented. Among its responsibilities are crisis control and
disaster management, fire services and medical assistance in
case of calamities. Maritime and nautical safety are among
the organisation’s spearheads. ‘We want to excel in this area,
because it is necessary for Zeeland and all ships visiting our
Gerrie Ruis, director Safety Region Zeeland
harbours. And also to put our region on the map, both nationally and internationally. During the past couple of years,
Special crane
we have achieved quite a lot already, together with regional
Next to the Kent Fire and Rescue Service, we invited fire
partners such as Zeeland Seaports and the Department of Pu-
brigades from Belgium and France to this project. The Province
blic Works. Today, two special command vessels are patrolling
of Zeeland is a partner as well. As a relatively small safety
the Scheldt. In case of emergencies on board ships, these will
region, these types of projects simply cannot be realised
coordinate assistance on location. In addition, we have made
alone; we have to look for forms of cross-border collaboration.
sure there is ample fire-fighting capacity present.’
In addition, if there are any problems on the Scheldt River, our
neighbours also suffer the consequences. By cleverly collabora-
Cross-border collaboration
ting, we learn from each other and achieve unity in execution.
‘Currently, we are training special fire-fighting teams called
It’s something I strongly believe in. This way, we can comple-
Maritime Incident Response Groups (MIRGs), which are to
ment each other’s activities, help each other and approach
quickly and efficiently control any fires and chemical incidents
calamities in a more effective manner. Knowing that things are
that may occur on board ships. It is a specialism that has been
well organised provides peace of mind. Not only for oursel-
practised by fire brigades in the UK for a number of years
diahaven, in a place where it was clearly visible for interested
ves, but also – and perhaps even more so – for the shipping
already. In order to apply this knowledge in our region, we
companies that visit our region.’
parties. In the meantime, the Conquest has been subjected to
initiated the European Interreg Project.
Construction company Overlasko in Vlissingen-Oost has
has applied patent for. Patent is also pending for the specially
designed and built a special crane, by order of a company
developed hook. Another big difference with other cranes: the
that will be using it for the building of wind turbines at sea
Conquest is positioned on a very thin rotational plane.
and other offshore work. The crane’s name is Conquest. At
The special crane in the port area of Vlissingen caught a lot of
first glance, it looks like an ordinary crane, but it is anything
attention recently. It was positioned on a pontoon in the Scal-
but ordinary.
It contains a lot less counterweight than the average crane.
The crane is held in place by a hydraulic system Overlasko
a series of tests both within the harbour and at sea.
( Continued on page 26 )
Fast and efficient
The project MIRG-EU is to ensure that the Zeeland Safety
Region obtains a MIRG team for the fast and efficient control
of calamities around the Scheldt delta. The team can also be
deployed in other locations in the Netherlands and abroad.
In practice, this means that well-trained teams will quickly get
fire incidents and other emergencies under control, so that the
ship concerned may be taken to a safe haven, whether or not
with the assistance of a salvage company. This way, many
problems can be avoided. First of all, there is the evacuation.
Getting people to disembark at sea is a dangerous procedure.
There are so many things that can go wrong. We will minimise
the consequences for these people and for the environment. In
addition, we will minimise the obstruction to the fairway.’
Deployability throughout Europe
‘During the first year, we have made all necessary preparations. We have performed a general risk analysis and an analysis of our own Zeeland waterways. What types of ships navigate these waters? What are the risks MIRGs may come up
against? With these risks clearly mapped out, it became clear
which types of people and means were needed for the teams.
Based on the answers, we set up the teams. One team comprises twelve members. In total, we are training three teams;
36 people in all. With teams in four countries, we can combat
prolonged incidents. The men are equipped with special tools.
This equipment is identical for all teams, so that Dutch hoses fit
English connectors, and vice versa. We have also drawn up a
draft Operations Manual, which describes the operation of the
teams. This year, we will be training and exercising together.
The project will be concluded in 2014 with a major internatio-
good if our MIRGs could be deployed in a greater area. This
The early days...
way, the teams and their members can keep their knowledge
In 1970, the Total refinery (presently called Zeeland
of the Vlissingen Port Authority, the necessary sites
up to date, while ensuring adequate emergency assistance for
Refinery) established in the port area of Vlissingen.
bordering the Van Cittershaven were sold to Total.
other regions as well. European recognition, that’s what I am
The newspapers from 1969 stated that the French
aiming for!’
company had initially been looking for a location in
This aerial photograph was taken on 9 July 1973 by
Rotterdam, but as a result of commitments to other
Slagboom and Peeters. Centrally in the photograph
companies, there was no longer any room on the
is the Total company, bordering the end of the Van
Maasvlakte. That is why Total started looking for a
Citterskanaal. This photograph shows a rather open
suitable location in the Scheldt area. Possible loca-
port area, with plenty of space for new companies to
tions for establishment included Vlissingen-Oost and
establish and new harbours and quays to be develo-
the yet to be developed industrial harbour at Osse-
nal exercise, in which all knowledge and skills of the partners
are jointly put to practice. The end of the project will hopefully
lead to something larger. We do not intend to keep our expertise to ourselves. Large shipping incidents are rare. It would be
Would you like to see more old photographs of the
Because the Vlissingen Port Authority had not yet
port area?
been founded, the negotiations took place with the
Then go to: http://beeldbank.zeelandseaports.com
State of the Netherlands. Soon after the foundation
High-precision manufacturer
Last October, Vonk Parts & Machining Services BV hauled in
a major project for an offshore
customer. The project involves
the design and manufacture
of valve balls of an extremely
high quality. ‘In fact, most of
our work consists of high-precision manufacturing of parts for
large industrial machinery and
equipment’, Remco Palm, Commercial Director in the Middelburg subsidiary, explains.
‘Our primary activity is to create or modify objects that require
a high degree of machining
Advertentiepagina, paginanummer laten zien aub.
precision. This precision may be
required to prevent vibrations
at high rotational speeds, to
minimise friction, or to avoid
gas or liquid leakage under
high pressures.’
Vonk Parts & Machining Services BV in
Middelburg is a heavy machining and
construction company performing work
on a project basis. The company operates advanced machining equipment,
welding equipment and welding techniques in order to be able to work with
any material. The Middelburg subsidiary
of the Vonk Group was taken over in
2011 and completely optimised. Remco
Palm: ‘We further professionalised the
company by investing heavily in new
software, allowing us to control processes in a more optimum way and meet
all delivery times. The software enables
both internal and external customers to
gain insight into the process and follow
the progress of their orders.’
Maintenance and repair
equipment’, Palm explains. Vonk PMS
A secondary activity of the company, as
employs around thirty people, including
explained by Remco Palm, is maintenan-
highly qualified engineers. ‘That is
ce and repair. ‘We carry out repair and
why we are able to manufacture new
overhaul services to various large
products as well. From design to engi-
mechanical devices and subsystems such
neering, machining and construction,
as pumps, reduction gear and similar,
to repair and overhaul – our range of
including dismantling and re-assembly.’
services is very diverse.’ Customers in-
For this type of work, Vonk PMS applies
clude industry and off-shore companies
a procedure according to the ISO 9001
manufacturing or using large machinery
quality assurance standard. ‘Where
and equipment.
overhauls are concerned, we generally
only accept all-in jobs on large mechani-
Vonk Parts & Machining Services BV is a
cal industrial, offshore or dredging
member of the Vonk Group.
Participants of Zeeland Port Promotion Council
Meijers Staalbouw b.v.
Mourik Vlissingen B.V.
Sita Recycling Services B.V.
Accountants- en Adviesgroep Rijkse
Euro-Mit Staal B.V.
Multraship Towage & Salvage
Supermaritime Nederland B.V.
A Koolwijk Shipstores B.V.
Fabricom B.V.
N.V. Economische Impuls
Supermaritime van Reems B.V.
Aannemingsbedrijf Fraanje b.v.
Gemeente Middelburg
N.V. Westerscheldetunnel
Tempo Team
ABN AMRO Bank N.V. Vlissingen-Terneuzen
Golden Tulip L’Escaut
Oiltanking Terneuzen B.V.
TMS Terneuzen B.V.
Adriaanse van der Weel Advocaten
Grontmij Nederland bv.
Outokumpu Stainless B.V.
Van Ameyde Marine Vlissingen
Aerssens & Partner makelaars
Havenwerk B.V.
Ovet B.V.
Van Jole B.V.
Amadore Group B.V.
Heros Sluiskil B.V.
Pacorini Vlissingen B.V.
Van Oord Nederland B.V.
B.V. Sorteerbedrijf voor Grind en Zand
I.B.S. b.v.
Pfauth Logistics B.V.
Verbrugge Scaldia Terminals B.V.
ICL-IP Terneuzen B.V.
Verbrugge Terneuzen Terminals B.V.
Boogaard Advocaten
ING Business Banking
R.G.R. Shipping & Forwarding B.V.
Verbrugge Zeeland Terminals
Boot & Buteijn Transport
Interlashing B.V.
Raadgevend Ingenieursbureau Lievense
Verenigde Bootlieden B.V.
Istimewa Elektro
Raadgevend Ingenieursburo F. Koch B.V.
Verex Douane Service
Juister Imaginairies
Rabobank Terneuzen/Sas van Gent
Vesta Terminal Flushing B.V.
Cordeel Nederland B.V.
Justion Advocaten
Rabobank Walcheren/Noord-Beveland
Vlissingse Bootliedenwacht B.V.
C-Port B.V.
Katoen Natie Westerschelde B.V.
Rabobank Oosterschelde
Vopak Terminal Vlissingen B.V.
DB Schenker Rail Nederland N.V.
Kloosterboer Vlissingen V.O.F.
Royal Haskoning
Vonk Industrial Contracting B.V.
De Hoop Terneuzen
KPMG Accountants N.V.
S5 Agency World Vlissingen
Vroon B.V.
De Ruyter Training & Consultancy
KWS Infra/Aquavia
S.T.T. B.V.
Yellow & Finch Publishers
De Zeeuwse Alliantie Notarissen
Sagro Aannemingsmij. Zeeland BV
Zeeland Maritime Cleaning
Delta Lloyd Insurances
Lievens Communicatie
Saybolt Nederland BV
Zeeland Refinery
Delta Safe Security Services
Loodswezen Regio Scheldemonden
Scheldepoort Reparatiewerf
Zeeland Seaports
Deutsche Bahn
M. Huisman Advocaten
Zeeland Supply Industrial Stores
Dow Benelux B.V.
Mammoet Nederland B.V.
Sealake Terminal B.V.
Zuidgeest Uitzendbureau
DRV Accountants & Belastingadviseurs
Maritiem Instituut de Ruyter

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