Z E E L A N D Volume 9. Edition 3. September/Oktober 2014 PortNews T h e m a g a z i n e c overing the ins and outs o f t h e p o r t s o f Vlissingen and Ter neuzen 07 Large order for BOW 22 Zeeland Port Promotion Council and Zeeland Seaports BOW Terminal in Vlissingen has landed a large order. The company is going to store and ship 75 foundations for wind turbines. These foundations are intended for the largest wind farm in the Netherlands, which will soon be constructed in the North Sea just north of the island of Schiermonnikoog. For the next 15 months, the order will provide work to between 15 and 40 people. 10 Zeeland Port News is published by: Participant Holland Ports P.O. Box 1057 NL-4388 ZH Oost-Souburg The Netherlands Traffic through Sluiskiltunnel by May 2015 Family business Multraship Zeeland Port News spoke with Leendert Muller, director and coowner of towage and salvage company Multraship in Terneuzen. Together with his parents, his two sisters, and his brother-in-law, he steers the company through good times and lesser times. 18 The Sluiskiltunnel will be opened almost six weeks ahead of time. Not in the summer of 2015, but on 23 May 2015. On that date, the first cars will pass underneath the canal from Ghent to Terneuzen. It marks the end of the long waiting times in front of the Sluiskil bridge. Zeeland Refinery: strong position for 40 years 2014 is a special year for Zeeland Refinery in Vlissingen-Oost. Not only will the company be celebrating its 40th anniversary, it has also invested 160 million Euros in installations, infrastructure and safety. All confirming the excellent ties with the region and with its personnel. 02 T : +31 (0)118-491320 F : +31 (0)118-478833 E : info@zppc.nl I : www.zppc.nl P.O. Box 132 NL-4530 AC Terneuzen The Netherlands T : +31 (0)115-647400 F : +31 (0)115-647500 E : port@zeelandseaports.com Also in this issue I : www.zeelandseaports.com 05 Ports of Zeeland are reinforcing their position 06 Transhipment on the rise Faster and better pilotage 08 Yara investing in new plant Seaports’ action programme 09 Family businesses are the backbone 12 Reefer port Vlissingen 13 Seaports worker: Bas Swart 14 ‘O die zee’ 21 Mooring of innovative ship First visit 24 Maintenance to process and mechanical installations 25 Zeeland Cruise Port revisited 26 Largest inland-navigation port 28 Integrated solutions for industrial and maritime cleaning – and more 29 The early days 30 Members Zeeland Port Promotion Council EDITED AND PRODUCED BY: PRINT RUN: 3.500 COPIES PvH Mediaproducties, Vlissingen CONTRIBUTIONS BY: Hanneke Blok, Edwin Hamelink, Peter van Houte, Marcel Migo, Liz Raadsen, Elian van ’t Westeinde FINAL EDITOR: Peter van Houte TRANSLATION: Kalliope, Vlissingen PHOTOGRAPHY: (unless otherwise indicated) Anton Dingemanse, DuoFoto, Flying Focus, Sky Pictures, Thijs van der Vliet, Elian van ’t Westeinde, Zeeland Seaports LAYOUT: KadeR Vlissingen PRINTED BY: Pieters Grafisch Bedrijf BV Groede 03 Ports of Zeeland are reinforcing their position T his past year, a number of companies in the port areas have invested substantially in the expansion of tank-storage facilities. These companies include Vesta, TPT, and Oiltanking Terneuzen. And this year, more tanks are being built. Thanks to these expansions, the storage and transhipment of wet bulk in the ports of Vlissingen and Terneuzen have increased BOW has hauled in the 25th offshore project and will soon substantially during the first six months of this year. This was one of the reasons for the growth in sea-borne transhipment of 3% compared to same period last year. nies are still very positive about the advantages and strengths Zeeland is particularly thanks to the dynamic entrepreneurship of the industries and logistic service providers in the port areas. Zeeland Refinery, a company owned by Total and Lukoil, recently made substantial investments in the expansion of an important unit: the hydrocracker. This considerably smoothly adjust to changes in market developments. The com- expanding as well. The company is doing very well indeed. new companies are finding their way to Zeeland as well. Over the coming year, Plantacote and Drybulk will embark upon the construction of a factory and terminal in Terneuzen, handled. process to become more flexible, allowing the company to Breakbulk & Offshore Wind Terminal (BOW Terminal) is of the ports of Vlissingen and Terneuzen. At the same time, where artificial fertiliser will be produced and logistically expanded the refinery’s capacity, enabling the production grown into one of the highest quality refineries in Europe. extended by Zeeland Seaports. These developments demonstrate that long-established compa- The continuous improvement of the position of the ports of pany was established in the port area 40 years ago and has expand the terminal. In addition, the terminal’s quay will be The location, the space, the direct and unlimited access to the North Sea, the congestion-free ports and hinterland connections via road, rail, inland waterways and pipelines, continue to convince entrepreneurs of the strengths and the opportunities presented by our ports. BOW is a subsidiary of Kloosterboer, another company that 04 has been a striking presence in the ports of Zeeland from the Henk de Haas very beginning. Chairman ZPPC 05 Transhipment on the rise During the first six months of chemical products, especially thanks to During the first six months of 2014, a 2014, sea-borne transhipment the expansion of tank-storage capacity considerable rise in export was registe- through the ports of Vlissingen by specialists in the port area. Another red; however, import fell by approxima- and Terneuzen amounted to 17.3 substantial growth was demonstrated by tely 3.5%. The rise in export concerned million tons. That is an increase of ship-to-ship transfer. almost all cargo types. approximately 3% compared to Zeeland Seaports cannot make any the first six months of 2013. Dry bulk showed a slight decrease in predictions regarding transhipment in A striking detail: export increased transhipment figures: approximately the second half of the year. After all, the by no less than 19% regarding 1.5% compared to the first six months economic recovery is rather fragile still, just about every goods flow. of 2013. This decrease especially con- while the impact of the sanctions against Especially the increased export in cerned raw minerals and building materi- and by Russia is, as yet, unknown. In wet bulk contributed to the best als. On the other hand, the transhipment spite of this, Zeeland Seaports is indica- half-yearly figures for Zeeland of solid fuels and fertilisers showed an ting positive developments for this mo- Seaports in the past three years. increase. The transhipment of general ment, regarding the position of the ports cargo decreased by approximately 9%. of Zeeland as an important home base The largest goods flow in the ports – wet RoRo and containers increased conside- for the installation of foundations of wind bulk – grew by 15.4%, which is quite rably; however, these are relatively mo- turbines in the North Sea. substantial. The increase was particularly dest segments where the ports of Zeeland due to the considerable transhipment of are concerned. Faster and better pilotage Large order for BOW BOW Terminal in Vlissingen has landed a large significant international experience. It is great to watch the order. The company is going to store and ship 75 passion and power of our dedicated and committed team.’ foundations for wind turbines. These foundations are intended for the largest wind farm in the Manager Arjen Pattenier: ‘Our services can be subdivided in Netherlands, which will soon be constructed in the a number of activities, including heavy lifting activities and North Sea just north of the island of Schiermon- transport on location; transhipment using multiple SPMTs and nikoog. For the next 15 months, the order will chutes, including ballast work; storage; mobilisation, demo- provide work to between 15 and 40 people. bilisation and equipping of towed barges and installation vessels; seafastening; pre-equipping and building up of steel The BOW Terminal in Vlissingen – located ideally regarding constructions; repair work, finishing and coating; transport by the North Sea – has been founded in 2010 and is specialised sea and inland waterways; customs formalities; engineering; in the storage and transhipment of very heavy objects across and project management. The Gemini Project is actually car- The Dutch pilotage services Loodswezen and Beaufort wind forces of up to eight and 40 percent less hazardous substan- water. It is the 25th order for the company. Thanks to its many ried out at our location in Vlissingen, but our second establish- recently commissioned the new pilot sta- or nine. In addition, the bunker capacity ces than their predecessors. Moreover, orders, Bow Terminal will soon be expanding its quay by 175 ment, in IJmuiden, is also strategically positioned regarding tion vessel Procyon. This vessel is one of has been improved. Moreover, it is possi- the design has taken into account further metres to a length of 525 metres. the North Sea.’ a series of three ships that are to replace ble to pump fuel into the smaller pilotage reduction of the emission of nitrogen the 35-year old station vessels. Like its tenders of Swath’s. dioxide, sulphur oxide, and fine dust. Great pride Project Gemini is an offshore wind farm of 600 MW, just sister ships Polaris and Pollux, the Pro- The ships have a length of 82 metres. Its maximum speed is 16.5 knots, which ‘It is with great pride that we collaborate in the largest off- north of the island of Schiermonnikoog in the North Sea. cyon will serve for the pilotage of ships Thanks to the two-screw design and spe- equals 30.5 kilometres per hour. To fa- shore project in the Netherlands. We have a permanently The area features excellent winds, with forces up to 10 m/s, navigating the Westerschelde. cial rudders, which enable a maximum cilitate maintenance, the machines have available hoisting capacity of up to 1,500 ton (Gottwald and a water depth between 28 and 36 m. The total installed deflection of 70 percent, these ships are been made well accessible via hatches MK1500 + Liebherr LR1600). That is how we are able to lift capacity of 600 MW guarantees a production of energy for The pilot vessels were built by the Frisian highly manoeuvrable. This way, they can in the deck. Each ship has three very the 75 pile foundations for this project, each weighing 850 around 785,000 homes per year. The wind-turbine genera- yard Barkmeijer. With their long, sharp be deployed in very busy waters. fast and safe aluminium pilot dinghies. tons’, Arjen Pattenier, general manager of BOW Terminal, tors, WTGs, are installed on foundations of monopiles and Altogether, they enable speedy piloting said. ‘The Gemini Project is our 25th energy-related project will be connected up to two offshore transformation platforms. and prolonged deployment. since we started our operations in October of 2010. It is our From there, two sets of offshore cables with a length of 100 km will transfer energy to the public grid, owned by TenneT. and narrow hulls, they have been especially designed for the rugged waters of The Polaris, Pollux and Procyon are the North Sea. They are able to remain diesel-electrically driven and are highly first project for the market of offshore wind farms in the at sea with waves up to four metres high energy-efficient. They emit between 30 Netherlands. Over the past 4 years, we have built up a 06 07 Yara investing in new plant Family businesses are the backbone Yara in Sluiskil is going to build a new urea gra- Compared to the rest of the Netherlands, Zeeland boasts a great number of family businesses. A striking nulate plant. During the major maintenance stop detail is that these companies have weathered the economic crisis better than other types of companies. this autumn, the preparational work on the Sluiskil The Zeeland port and industrial area features many family business and they are highly successful indeed. site will be started upon. The new plant will cost around 170 million Euros and is expected to be operational by the end of 2017. In 2011, Yara opened the new Urea 7 solution plant. An investment of 400 million Euros. Urea is the raw material for urea artificial fertiliser and environment-friendly products for the reduction of nitrogen oxides from diesel engines. On 27 June, the Zeeland Harbour Debate was held in the firm and carpentry company Roozemond in Stavenisse, which Scheldetheater in Terneuzen. It was attended by many entre- has been operational since 1698. preneurs, representatives from companies, consultants, and One of the most striking characteristics of Dutch family busi- other interested parties. A number of Flemish companies were nesses is that, in general, they have weathered the crisis far also present at the debate. better than non-family businesses have. Jansen: ‘Their motto is Family businesses and their strong points was one of the to do what you say and say what you do.’ Only one third of topics discussed. Stefan Jansen, of accountancy and tax Dutch family businesses have eaten into their savings. consultancy Baker Tilly Berk, is investigating the influence of The yellow prilling tower on the site, which was the only one still operational, will be taken out of operation upon commissioning of the new plant. This will put an end to the long period, covering several decades, during which the prilling towers of Yara have been a part of the Sluiskil skyline. Dutch family businesses and held a presentation about his Greater involvement findings. A family business is defined as a company in which Furthermore, it has turned out that family businesses are more several members of the same family occupy management and reluctant to fire people. They are always keeping their eye on decision-making positions within the company. 69 percent of continuity so that, after the crisis, they would be able to better Dutch companies fall within this category. anticipate market developments. Jansen expects that a true war on talent will develop over the coming years. And that’s Last year, Yara Sluiskil realised a record turnover of products amounting to 4.5 million tons. Seaports’ action programme This summer, the Dutch seaports, the national go- estimated to amount to between 12 and 16 million Euros. To vernment, and trade & industry have jointly pre- date, the minister had not been willing to foot the bill. sented an action programme that is to reinforce the The study should give more insight into this problem and how competitive position of the seaports. It is the first it could be solved. time all parties involved have come to an agreement. Strong position where family businesses will certainly benefit from their em- In Zeeland, this percentage is even higher: 85 percent. Ac- ployment policies. Family business also score high on social cording to Baker Tilly Berk and the Rabobank, family busi- aspects. They are often very involved in local and regional nesses form the backbone of the Zeeland economy. In most communities and will often sponsor local sports clubs, associa- cases, Dutch family businesses do not employ more than 200 tions, and cultural activities. people. On the other hand, Heineken and Blokker are family An excellent example of a thriving family business in Zeeland businesses as well. According to figures published by Baker is the Kloosterboer Group. This company is specialised in Tilly Berk and Nyenrode Business University, the Netherlands temperature-controlled storage and logistic services and has even boasts a number of family businesses older than 300 grown into one of the largest companies in its sector in Eu- years. The oldest family business in Zeeland is the contracting rope. The same applies to the construction of a branch of the Zeeland railway towards the port of Antwerp. The Dutch Ministry In June, the Dutch Minister of Infrastructure, Schultz, the five of Infrastructure recently announced that the construction of Dutch seaports – including Zeeland Seaports – and a special this so-called Veza line would not be investigated. Not only representation by trade & industry, called Topteam Logistics, because it would cost a lot of money, but also because not have signed a programme of activities that is to ensure a many trains are going that way from Zeeland. With the study better competitive position for the seaports. The programme that has now been agreed upon, Zeeland Seaports is hoping contains priorities for the seaports up to the end of 2016. For to be prepared in case money will become available for the example, the removal of a rise in the Westerschelde will be construction of the Veza line. investigated, as well as the construction of a branch of the Zeeland railway towards Antwerp, and a stretch of railway In addition, a study will be made regarding the possible con- from Axel to Zelzate. struction of a goods railway line between the Axelse Vlakte and Zelzate, which has also been on Zeeland’s wish list. The Accessibility ports of Zeeland construction of such a railway would cost approximately 60 For many years, the Zeeland port company and the Province million Euros. Zeeland Seaports and the Zeeland Port Promoti- of Zeeland have been discussing the removal of a rise in the on Council, ZPPC, are happy that the three bottlenecks where Wielingen area in the Westerschelde with the Dutch Ministry. Zeeland is concerned have now been put high on the Dutch This is very important where the accessibility of the ports of political agenda. Zeeland is concerned. The costs for such an operation are 08 09 Anything for the company happiness of our children first and foremost, and allow them Today, the Multraship fleet comprises 36 vessels. The com- to choose a life that befits them but, personally, I have com- pany performs towage and salvage services across the world, plete faith in our succession.’ but particularly in Europe. The group also includes companies such as the united boatman’s services Verenigde Bootlieden, and Montis Mooring. The recent crisis caused very little disturbance, which was demonstrated by the number of ships added to the Multraship fleet since 2006 – ten in all. Leendert Muller explained why the company is doing so well. ‘As a family, we are totally dedicated to our company – it will always have priority over anything else. Our mutual bonds are very strong indeed – we can always be straight to one another. This is very important. When far-reaching decisions have to be made, such as expansions and investments, it is important to be able to speak one’s mind. All six of us are shareholders, and we are not always of the same opinion. We have to respect that. We will listen to each other, take each other’s opinions into consideration, and will always arrive at a well-considered decision. We trust each Family business Multraship The Dutch economy is slowly getting back on its feet. Striking detail is that many family businesses have weathered the economic crisis rather well, compared to others. Family businesses are not just focussed on increasing value for stockholders. Other important factors include continuity, care for the community, and the wellbeing of employees. Moreover, the company concerned often has assets of its own, making it less dependent on the capital market. The industrial areas of the ports of Zeeland feature many successful family businesses. Zeeland Port News spoke with Leendert Muller, director and co-owner of towage and salvage company Multraship in Terneuzen. Together with his parents, his two sisters, and his brother-in-law, he steers the company through good times and lesser times. other. And we all have our own duties, which we carry out independently. Together with my brother-in-law Pepijn Nuijten, I manage the company, while my sister Eline is responsible for the salvage branch and Corporate Communications. My other sister, Joan, manages the supporting departments and the boatmen companies.’ Strong ties with personnel Leendert Muller ‘Our organisational structure is flat, simple and straightforward. Decision lines are short, which means we are flexible and we can act promptly.’ Like many other family businesses, Multraship features strong ties with its personnel. ‘The family feeling is extended throughout our company; we all respect one another and are always willing to help each other out. We are like a closely-knit team. And we have very little The Muller family has salt water running through its veins, and the Westerschelde. That’s where he expanded his com- turnover of staff.’ Customers clearly appreciate the dedication so to speak. Back in 1779, Teunis Muller chose to become pany. And quite successfully so. The company grew, more of the company’s employees.‘They feel they are receiving our a ship’s captain. For many years, he transported goods ships were purchased, and more people entered into employ- best attention at all times’, Leendert Muller stated. ‘We know between Dordrecht and Rotterdam. And it became a tradi- ment. The family and the company’s head office remained in almost every one of them personally, even if they operate on tion, because his son and grandsons also chose for a career Terneuzen. In 1984, the company was facing turbulent times. the other side of the world. I believe that this is one of the for- at sea. In fact, up till 1950, nearly all of Teunis’ male des- A number of business units had to be sold. tes of a family business. When you are this closely involved in a company, you know how important customer relations are.’ cendants became a tug’s captain or a ship owner. In total, around one hundred ship’s captains are concerned, and the ‘And that’s when you see how strong a family business can ownership of around three hundred ships. be’, Leendert Muller stated. ‘Some units even restarted – all A new generation? family members put their shoulders to the wheel. Since I Whether Multraship will remain a family business in future, is Multraship is one of the companies owned by descendants of joined the company, I have not experienced such dire straits. not quite clear yet. There are seven grandchildren, of whom this family. In 1911, Willem Muller founded a towage com- Which doesn’t mean we can now sit back and rest on our lau- the eldest is seventeen years old. They all have to decide pany together with his father, Leendert Muller. The ‘En Avant’, rels,’ he hastened to add. ‘Especially when things are going upon their careers yet. Leendert Muller: ‘They are enthusiastic which means something like ‘full steam ahead’, was their first well, thing is not to lose control.’ about this trade, and all love the sea. In addition, they are aware of the fact that it is a lot of hard work. We place the ship. Love took Willem, together with his ship, to Terneuzen 10 11 ‘We all respect one another, and we are always willing to help each other out…’ Kloosterboer presents: Reefer Port Vlissingen Kloosterboer’s temperature-controlled storage fruit to supermarkets throughout Europe, where goods are facilities in Vlissingen, right next to the quay, are delivered on demand. Wiskerke is exporting onions from Zee- literally unequalled. The company has the capacity land to Africa, where their shelf life is limited; that is why they to store 1.7 million cubic metres of food-related have to be supplied all year round. Both companies consider products, such as fruit, fruit juices, meat and fish. the congestion-free roads around the port as a particularly Kloosterboer intends to utilise this unique position strong point, as are the knowledge and dedication of the in a wider sense and is therefore presenting itself people working at the terminal. as Reefer Port Zeeland – a location where producers, transporters, stevedoring companies and Small-scale startup exporters of temperature-controlled products meet. Kloosterboer is not just looking at cargoes with destinations Seaport’s worker... It is beyond dispute that people are the most valuable capital resource a port can have. And the ports of Zeeland are very fortunate in this respect. After all, we find it important to add value to the products that pass through our port. And who are the ones adding this value? That’s right, our workers. in the Netherlands, but also at those destined for the rest of Thanks to a new reefer container depot at the Westhofhaven, Europe. This way, containers need not be returned empty, and temperature-controlled transport from the port of Vlissingen the limited reefer capacity on container vessels will be utilised will always be possible. The temperature-controlled facilities to the full. The company is still being developed. ‘We are, as allow temporary storage, so that different cargoes may be yet, rather unfamiliar with the short-sea branch’, Jack Klooster- combined. This way, sufficient opportunities arise to realise boer said. ‘That is why we are starting on a small-scale basis. profitable short-sea services – from Northern Africa to Scandi- We will study the cargo streams to see where they come from navian countries and Russia. and where they are going to. By combining these streams, it will become financially attractive to transport cargoes via Vlis- To achieve this, Kloosterboer has teamed up with various singen. Which is what we want to draw attention to, where shipping companies. The strong combination has not only shipping companies and producers are concerned.’ It is quite delighted shipping companies, but also customers such as an intricate puzzle, but when all pieces fall together, Kloos- Capespan Continent and Wiskerke Onions, who are convin- terboer’s services will add a new dimension to the ports of ced of the success of the Vlissingen reefer service and are Zeeland. Together, they will form a reliable and CO2-reducing alternative to road transport. happy to do business with Kloosterboer. Capespan supplies Bastiaan Swart (43) Foreman with OVET Bastiaan Swart has been working with Ovet for over twelve years, and has no intention of leaving this company. ‘Ovet is a wonderful company to work with’, he pointed out. ‘In fact, it is a wonderful company full stop! Just look at our website, www.ovet.nl, where you will find a the weekend, we may be asked to step Before he entered into employment with couple of videos showing new develop- in. This is done on a voluntary basis, Ovet, Bas Swart used to work in ments, such as the new train-loading but, in general, we will gladly comply!’ Rotterdam. ‘For five years, I used to station that was commissioned recently.’ 12 drive back and forth from Vlissingen to Swart makes no attempt to conceal his The OVET Dry Bulk Terminal is specia- Rotterdam, every day. I did it gladly, be- enthusiasm. lised in the storage, transhipment and cause I enjoyed my job. But when I was processing of solid fuels, ores and mi- offered the opportunity to work with Together with the shift supervisor, he nerals. ‘But that is not all we do’, Swart Ovet, I seized it with both hands.’ How supervises the loading team on average explains. ‘We strive to provide tailor- did he come across this opportunity? numbering fifteen people. ‘When times made solutions to our customers. This Was he head-hunted? Swart smiled. He are busy, this number may increase to means that OVET offers product-specific explained: ‘The company I worked for twenty-five. And when things are quiet, storage and transhipment possibilities to had moved from Vlissingen to Rotter- just three or four people will suffice. fulfil quality and efficiency requirements. dam, and I moved with them. But I had My job is to motivate my team and keep We realise this by handling each pro- kept in touch with some people from the in contact with the ships’ management. duct separately, keeping stored products Vlissingen site. So when I heard that I love the physical outdoor work, the clearly separate from each other, with Ovet was looking for people, I took the organisational aspects, and working special partitioning if necessary. Or sim- chance and gave them a call. The rest with people.’ On week days, the work ply via rapid loading and unloading.’ is history!’ is done around the clock. Weekends Swart’s colleagues in the office will, are free, in principle. ‘But when a ship upon request, perform customer-specific needs to be loaded or unloaded during administration and provide IT services. 13 Port of Vlissingen cultural centre for a short while During the month of August, the Vlissingen port area was the setting for ‘O die zee’– a spectacular musical theatre show. More than ten thousand spectators visited the centuries-old Fort Rammekens near the Westerschelde at night. From a gallery behind the dike, they enjoyed the rock opera, performed on rafts floating in the moat. At a distance of just a couple of hundred metres, employees of Damen Shiprepair were working on lengthening the three legs of drilling rig Rowan Viking to a record height. The performance provided a lovely summer’s evening for discovered, the three young men believe that the tomb might ourselves, our relations, and our personnel.’ become a tourist attraction.’ The rock opera at the historic location, right across from the Zeeland’s future industrial area, drew a lot of public to the Sloe. Around two Once upon a time, the fortress used to watch over the harbour thirds of them came from outside of the province. Those who ar- entrance to Middelburg, where ships from the Dutch East India rived with their own car, were allowed to park on the Cobelfret Company (VOC) were moored at the quay awaiting more site. ‘The play represented a great opportunity to take a look favourable winds. According to director Tom de Ket, it is an around the port area,’ Arno Dirkzwager, spokesman of Zee- For a whole month, heavy rock music sounded across the har- Zeeland was based on a book by the British author Jacob Wil- enchanting place. ‘At the old fortress, the past and the future land Seaports, stated. ‘Driving along the Sloeweg, you have bours and the Westerschelde. The old walls of Fort Rammekens kens. According to the author, Ulysses roamed the area around meet. Which is what the play was about as well. It is about the no idea of the industriousness that is just around the corner. in Ritthem echoed the songs from the opera ‘O die zee’. These the Atlantic Ocean. Plenty of material for an epic story in which future of Zeeland. What should we aim at, now that farmers Most visitors had never been this close to a harbour. This play words literally mean ‘Oh that sea’ and are pronounced rather Zeeland forms the cradle of our civilisation. The owners of De and fishermen are going through a bad patch. The play gives allowed them to come and see it from up close.’ like Odyssey, the ancient Greek epic. For a short while, the for- Wegwijzer felt they needed a new challenge. alternatives. When, in one of the scenes, Homer’s grave is tress from 1547, located in the centre of the Sloehaven, once more played an important role. The band played from a stage They approached Huub van der Lubbe who turned out to be on the water, across a gallery numbering six hundred seats. In more than willing to write the text. Pop artist Robert Jan Stips between, on rafts in the moat, the opera ‘O die zee’ unfolded. looked after the musical arrangements and Tom de Ket was the ‘Originally, we wanted to perform the play outside of the dikes, director of the play. The actors performed on rafts, in boats, but that was rather complicated and financially not feasible,’ and often changed costumes. Trudy Wams of theatre De Wegwijzer from Nieuw- en Sint Joosland, said. Together with Aarnout Schop, she was the Major sponsors driving force behind the theatre show. ‘So we chose for Fort With so many special effects, decorating the fortress, the props Rammekens. It is a special location where ancient nature meets and the costumes, O die zee turned out to be a costly produc- modern industry. And you can see that the two are a perfect tion. In the end, it was made possible by the sponsoring of cul- match. People wander around the woods and along the small tural funds, the Province of Zeeland, and major port companies beach, while just a couple of hundred metres further down, the including Verbrugge Terminals, Kloosterboer Vlissingen, and legs of a drilling rig protrude. We were at the centre of a very Zeeland Refinery. Zeeland Seaports also provided its support. interesting field of tension.’ Director Jack Kloosterboer of logistic service provider Kloosterboer: ‘Fort Rammekens is only four hundred metres from the Modern translation location where we originally started our activities. A beautiful O die zee is a modern translation of the adventures of the place. And all the more reason to support this production.’ classical Odyssey by Homer. The Greek hero does not return to Ithaka, but, after a wild nocturnal escapade, returns home to ‘In addition, I always like to support initiatives from neighbou- Nieuw- en Sint Joosland. The fact that the story takes place in ring villages in the area. “O die zee” was one of these. 14 15 Zeeland Seaports, your best choice! Norway Sweden Compared with other ports the agile and entrepreneurial Zeeland seaports offer a competitive advantage. Ireland • Hull Groningen UK direct access to open sea Bremenhaven Warsaw Hannover Rotterdam • Tilbury reliable and easy to do business with Vlissingen Terneuzen Antwerpen Emmerich Duisburg • Tilburg Venlo Lile available land located directly on deep water Germany Cologne • Le Havre flexible and attract service & quality oriented companies Mannhein Karlsruhe • Paris • Stuttgart Strasbourg • Wien multi modal hinterland connections through road, railway, (inland-) waterways • Munich Basel • dedicated terminals for handling specific type of goods France Bem • a broad range of services via highly skilled workforce Milan/Segrate Seaborne cargo by segment Seaborne cargo by product group Italy containers/flats dry bulk general cargo liquid bulk roll-on/roll-off Seatraffic Inland waterways Main roads agricultural products food products other solid fuels oil and oilproducts ores and metalresidue metals and semi-finished products minerals and building materials fertilizers chemical products other goods Spain Railways North Africa driven by dedication ports of vlissingen and terneuzen www.zeelandseaports.com 16 16 Praha Frankfurt Metz lack congestion which enables shorter cycle times and faster delivery time to customers • Poland NL Amsterdam competitive and attractive tariffs and land prices • Hamburg 17 17 Salzburg Zeeland Refinery: strong position in Zeeland different factors: ‘Our installations are advanced and profi- nance work, various projects were realised in the area of table, allowing us to manufacture a wide range of products. safety, infrastructure and energy-efficiency. ‘The investments In addition, we have two solid shareholders, who share their in safety were not the last ones; we are continuously making knowledge with the company and have the resources to con- improvements. We are a Seveso establishment. This means we tinue even through rough times, financially. And last but not work with flammable and toxic substances. And all the time, least, we are lucky to have well-motivated staff – people who there are new insights into the risks and measures to control are willing to make that extra effort for the company. One of these. These lead to adjustments to systems and procedures. the effects is that there is very little turnover of labour. We only For example, during the maintenance work, we have impro- have to replace people when they retire.’ ved the furnace safety. In a refinery, where many flammable substances are processed, furnaces are a risk factor. These Renewing and rejuvenating risks need to be controlled, so that undesirable substances, The company seized the opportunity of the periodic maintenan- such as gases, cannot be released. After all, these may lead to ce stop to carry out a number of projects that were to renew explosions, with disastrous consequences for people and the and rejuvenate the plant. This last spring, the plant was given environment. The new safety measures will ensure that fuels a complete overhaul. De Muynck: ‘The activities were divided are introduced in an even more controlled manner. Which has into four categories. First of all, there was the maintenance. turned us into a safer company than we already were.’ All systems were cleared, cleaned, inspected and, where necessary, parts were lubricated and replaced. Everything is once As part of the improved infrastructure, Zeeland Refinery ope- again in top condition, and should remain so for the next six ned its new control room two years ago. Here, all operators years.’ A maintenance stop is a major operation; at the busiest work from a single location. This has advantages. moment, there were around 3000 people working here, which is four times the regular number. Next to the regular maintePhotography: Breed Fotografie 2014 is a special year for Zeeland Refinery in Vlissingen. Not only will the company be celebrating its 40th anniversary, it has also invested 160 million Euros in installations, infrastructure and safety. All confirming the excellent ties with the region and with its personnel. CEO Nathalie de Muynck is visibly proud of the company. She came to Zeeland in November of 2011. Before that, she had been employed by Total in Paris, where she was responsible for the European Refinery Strategy. Zeeland Refinery, formerly Total Raffinaderij Nederland, has can perform complex treatments, allowing us to carry out more since 2009 been a joint venture of oil companies Total and conversions than the average refinery. In our hydro cracker Lukoil. In that year, the latter purchased an interest of 45% in we make LPG, petrol, kerosene, diesel, fuel oil, naphtha, and the Zeeland production location. ‘Lukoil had been looking for solvents. To the substances that remain we add hydrogen to vertical integration in Europe. When the opportunity arose remove sulphur and nitrogen, in order to obtain high-quality to invest in this plant, the company seized it’, De Muynck lubricants. This way, all products we manufacture are given explained. ‘The organisation is steadily growing and slowly added value throughout the process.’ The products find their expanding the chain – first with production facilities; presently way to petrol stations, airports and bunker companies. 95% is also with its own petrol stations in the Dutch province of Lim- transported by ship. The remainder leaves the plant by road or burg and in Belgium.’ by pipeline. Some thirty percent remains in the Netherlands, ‘...we always strive to make our processes more sustainable...’ forty percent goes to Belgium, the remainder goes to Germany Advanced refinery and the rest of Europe. Our special products, such as naphtha, Every year, the Zeeland refinery is processing 10 million tons are exported across the world. of crude oil into various fuels. ‘We are not the largest refinery. As a comparison: in Antwerp and Saudi Arabia, Total refine- On a global scale, refineries are closed one after the other. ‘Yet ries are processing double these amounts on an annual basis. we are substantially investing in ours – which is a certain sign We are, on the other hand, the most advanced refinery. We of confidence.’ According to De Muynck, this is the result of 18 19 For example, it promotes the exchange of knowledge, experi- to companies. This way, we contribute to a clean future, while ence, and expertise. ‘Everybody is very satisfied with this de- the costs are reduced. Not only because we use less energy; velopment. We owe it to the vision and élan of Lukoil.’ During CO2 emissions are costly as well. Reducing these will provide the recent maintenance stop, improvements to the electricity immediate benefits.’ Mooring of innovative ship grid were made as well. ‘Energy represents sixty percent of our costs. Therefore, we are always looking for ways to reduce our The largest hydro cracker energy consumption. The final project that was realised was by no means the least. The capacity of the hydro cracker was increased by ten per- That is why we have expanded our electrical capacity from fifty cent. ‘This is a very profitable part of our refinery. With it, we to one hundred and fifty kilovolts. This way, our systems have can now process four million tons per year. We now have the become more stable; they are less susceptible to malfunctions. largest single-train hydro cracker in the world. This means that, It has also enabled us to switch from steam turbines to electro- with only one reaction system, we are able to make all those motors. These are not just more efficient and more economical, different products.’ The Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs, but they also result in a considerable reduction in CO2 emis- Henk Kamp, drew attention to this very special feat during his sion. Which is just as important, really. presence at the opening ceremony on 1 September last. ‘It was great to emphasise this milestone in such a festive manner. As a company, we always strive to make our processes more And a good thing to look back at what we have achieved’, sustainable. Sixteen percent of our energy already comes from De Muynck stated. ‘However,’ she continued, ‘we cannot rest renewable resources and we are continuously working on on our laurels. The basis is good. The people are motivated further energy integration. For example, the residual heat from and professional, and they have a lot of knowledge. And we our furnaces is no longer just released into the environment, have equipment that is competitive. But every day, we have to but is reused by other processes in our plant. The Dutch gover- pay attention to our staff, safety, and innovation. We cannot sit nment stimulates such actions, which may prove quite lucrative back and relax; we have to keep on our toes every single day.’ After its official inauguration, the Vlissingen port was the first port of call for the Aeolus by Van Oord. The ship moored at VDS Staalbouw to undergo a variety of mobilisation work. Next, it called on Verbrugge and VDS to load monopiles and foundations. One of the Aeolus’ first missions is the wind-farm project built for Van Oord especially for the construction of wind Luchterduinen by Eneco. This company will install 43 wind farms. The innovative and advanced transport and instal- turbines in the North Sea, at a distance of 23 km from the lation ship has a length of 139 m, a width of 38 m, and a Dutch coast, off Noordwijk. Over the next few weeks, the design draught of 5.7 m. Its cruising speed is 12 knots. The ship will call on Vlissingen on a regular basis to pick up more ship has been equipped with a crane able to lift 990 ton and loads for the wind farm. it accommodates 75 people. The heavy-lift vessel has its own jack-up, with which it can be installed at sea, at a depth of The Aeolus is the first transport and installation ship that was up to 55 m. First visit On Tuesday 27 May 2014, Zeeland Seaports welcomed MV Macaw Arrow on her maiden call to the port of Vlissingen. Her main service will be the trade of wood pulp from South America to Europe. Vlissingen will be the main hub in Europe for the transhipment of these cargoes. The vessel is the third newly built ship in a series of the socalled Fleximax III type of vessels, owned and operated by GearbulkMain Particulars. They have a length and beam of 210 x 36 metres, 73,000 ton deadweight, 8 holds and 4 jib cranes instead of gantry cranes. 20 21 Traffic through Sluiskiltunnel by May 2015 The Sluiskiltunnel will be opened almost six weeks ahead of time. Not in the summer of 2015, but on 23 May 2015. On that date, the first cars will pass underneath the canal from Ghent to Terneuzen. It marks the end of the long waiting times in front of the Sluiskil bridge, which has been a thorn in the eye of motorised traffic, particularly cars and lorries, for a long time. The tunnel will considerably improve the accessibility of the port areas of Zeeland. The project comprises two tunnel tubes, with two lanes each, and a stretch of road with a length of six kilometres, also with two times two lanes, and two fly-over junctions. Next year, not only the new tunnel with connecting roads will be opened, but the existing infrastructure on the north and south banks of the Westerschelde will be improved as well. The Province of Zeeland has started doubling the road between Goes and the Westerscheldetunnel, to a width of two times two lanes. Later, the connecting link between Terneuzen and Ghent will also be doubled. All crossings along these stretches of road will be fly-overs. And if everything goes according to plan, traffic from Goes, via the ports of Zeeland, will be able to go to Ghent directly, without any delays, from mid 2017 onward. Finishing The work on the Sluiskiltunnel is currently being finished. The access roads are well visible in the landscape. This summer, asphalt has been laid on the western side and inside the tunnel. The roads on the eastern side will follow later. In both Photography: Mark Neelemans tunnel tubes, all necessary cables and piping are being laid and all technical installations, such as fans, matrix signs, and bility of the Sluiskiltunnel should any calamity occur in the And individual employees or teams are competing for a mont- auxiliary cabinets, are being installed. When all systems are Westerscheldetunnel, a second operating building will be hly bonus as well. In addition to the structure of rewards, a in place and connected, they will be thoroughly tested. First, constructed on the western access road to the Sluiskiltunnel. number of safety measures was invested in. For each job, the their functioning is checked; next, the couplings between the risks are carefully assessed and the correct measures taken. different elements are tested. For example, the fans should Safety first Safety experts are providing contractors with their support rotate properly, and the sensors should measure high concen- Thanks to special facilities, the new tunnel will be a safe and supervise the work to ensure it is carried out safely. trations of exhaust gases. When all goes well, a user test will one for all users. And the concept of safety is further embel- And the policy is working. On a national scale, civil-enginee- follow. lished in this project. In advance, the objective was to build ring projects are showing around ten accidents per one mil- the safest civil-engineering structure in the Netherlands. An lion man hours; for the Sluiskiltunnel only four accidents have The operators and emergency services will investigate ambitious objective, but a very serious one. An extensive set been reported on 1.25 million man hours. Which is a good whether all facilities are properly functioning. These operators of measures was drawn up, in which the legal requirements score; however, it is one that requires continued vigilance in come from the Westerscheldetunnel; as from next year, from were extended by 29 others. order to reach zero accidents. Doubling of Sloeweg has commenced The contractor has started the work on the Sloeweg between the motorway A-58 and the Westerscheldetunnel. This road is being doubled in width. Various trees have been removed and foundation work is being carried out. The work takes place during working hours on weekdays - Monday to Friday. The asphalt will be laid at night, on a number of dates. While this is being done, traffic from ‘s-Heer Arendskerke in the direction of Terneuzen will be redirected via the Panhoeveweg. The doubling of the Sloeweg, which is an important con- their newly equipped offices they will be monitoring both the Westerscheldetunnel and the Sluiskiltunnel. They will soon Rewarding was the key word. The contractor will receive a nection road from and to the port area of Zeeland Seaports, receive special training to this purpose. To ensure the accessi- bonus when the safety objectives are achieved. should be ready by mid 2016. It will mark a future-proof, 22 23 Maintenance to process and mechanical installations The TMS group, a strong organisation with over fifty years of experience in mechanical engineering, is continuously expanding as a group, both autonomously and by acquiring other companies. In addition, the company has teamed up with other engineering companies, allowing it to enter into major multidiscipline contracts. TMS Industrial Services is the maintenance specialist for the south-west of the Netherlands and Belgium. The company’s core business is maintenance, revision and the construction of new installations in the chemical and petrochemical industries. TMS has four companies: Moerdijk, Middelburg, Terneuzen, and Belgium. Around one thousand employees – 250 of whom are employed in Zeeland – provide the port industries with mechanical engineering services. Next to repairs, the company is involved in steel constructions and the manufacture of equipment such as heat exchangers and steel vessels. In addition to the company’s own engineering works and revision workshops, TMS has in-house workshops at numerous customer locations, in order to be able to solve technical problems quickly and efficiently. The importance of collaboration TMS has entered into various forms of collaboration with other engineering companies in the region, including the engineering cooperation Technische Aannemers Combinatie Terneuzen (TAC). Piet Moes, General Manager of TMS Terneuzen and co-owner of the TMS Group, emphasised the importance of collaboration: ‘Thanks to TAC, we are able to provide more disciplines under the one roof and serve a bigger market.’ Educational Institute Piet Moes is also chairman of the educational institute for mechanical and electrical engineering Stichting Metaal- en Elektro Opleidingen Zeeuws-Vlaanderen (SMEO-ZV). ‘This institute provides two-year training courses combining theory and practice. TMS is included in the Register of Accredited Work Placement Company, demonstrating the company’s capability of providing professional vocational training. Moes: ‘We invest a lot of time in improving the image of engineering work. It’s interesting work, involving a lot of automation, such as CNC lathes and welding computers. And I am proud that, as a company, we are able to provide people with interesting jobs. I’m not making this up – our own employees are the living proof of this. Once they have joined our company, they’re unlikely to leave. We have very little turnover of personnel. And this is not in the last place because we offer them plenty of opportunities to grow along with our organisation.’ Zeeland Cruise Port revisited During the month of September, Zeeland Cruise Port will once again be welcoming two cruise ships to Vlissingen. On 8 September, the MS Prinsendam, by the Holland America Line, moored at the quay in Vlissingen, and on 25 September, ZCP is expecting the MS Artania by Phoenix Reisen. grinding his barrel organ. There will also be a tent with various attractions, such as old trades and crafts. And, not to forget, a Tourist Office. Passengers and crew are given every opportunity to learn about Zeeland folklore and regional specialities. The shore excursions include something for Both ships have visited Vlissingen before. For Phoenix Reisen. this is already the fourth time one of their ships is calling on the Zeeland port. There is no better proof of the fact that cruise companies and passengers are satisfied with the reception, the facilities, and the various shore excursions. Zeeland Cruise Port will continue to do its utmost to please the passengers of cruise ships. There will be singing and dancing performances on the quay, by groups dressed in Zeeland traditional costumes, while the organ grinder is 24 25 everyone: from historic picturesque little towns to the dynamic Delta Works. For next year, two ships by Windstar have already booked. In 2015, Zeeland Cruise Port expects to be able to receive four to six cruise ships in Vlissingen. Largest inland-navigation port From the latest figures, it has become quite clear: inland navigation is thriving in the ports of Zeeland. More than half of all cargoes - 51 percent to be exact - is transhipped to and from the hinterland by barge. Four years ago, this was 45 percent. A rather spectacular growth, in short. Six percent is currently being transported by rail, while se- According to Vos, there are many opportunities to transport venteen percent is transferred to another ocean-going vessel goods by barge, rather than by lorry. ‘Container transport, for - called ship-to-ship transfer. Transport of goods by lorry has example. Today, many goods being produced in Zeeland are dropped to 26 percent. Compared to the ports that surround transported to customers by lorry, or to Rotterdam or Antwerp, us, the substantial share of inland navigation is rather unique, where they are transferred to ocean-going vessels, trains or but not altogether unexpected. barges after all. Together with companies, we are looking at new initiatives to tranship cargoes by barge and develop shut- The importance of aluminium transhipment tle services. Naturally, we are trying to attract larger volumes ‘From the point of view of sustainability, Zeeland Seaports has to the ports, so that container transport directly from our ports been stimulating transport via inland navigation’, Wouter Vos, to the hinterland will become an attractive option. Initiatives logistics and infrastructure consultant of the port company such as Reefer Port Zeeland (see page 12) will provide an explained. ‘We want to minimise road transport. And the important contribution to these efforts, as is the development types of cargo transhipped through our ports are very suitable of container warehousing, which will avoid many empty to achieve this. A lot of wet and dry bulk is transhipped here kilometres. - eminently suitable for transport by barge. And these sectors have gone through a positive development over the past Clever route few years. There is more general cargo and forest products The ports of Zeeland offer many opportunities for smooth tran- coming in as well. And companies such as Verbrugge and shipment across water. Vos: ‘We have excellent congestion- Pacorini have experienced particular growth in the tranship- free connections to the hinterland. And developments such as ment of aluminium.’ the new large sea lock near Terneuzen and the modifications to the Volkerak locks will only add to this. Over the past years, we have invested in quay-side power ca- Into Europe binets, wifi connections, and extra holding points. In addition, Last year, Zeeland Seaports joined the European Federation ships that meet the standards of the Green Award regarding of Inland Ports. This is an association promoting the interests CO2 dues. This matches the important recent development of of some two hundred ports in the EU, Switzerland, and the barges switching to LNG. Ukraine. The EFIP concentrates on the promotion of inland ports. Through this association, the port company intends to Thanks to all available facilities, our harbours have become draw attention to the opportunities offered for inland naviga- a pleasant place for bargees to moor. And the more barges, tion through the ports of Zeeland. Quite recently, a meeting the more opportunities for transhipment companies. ‘However, was organised for members, both in Vlissingen and in Ter- we have noticed that our ports and the services offered by neuzen. Guests were presented with the opportunity to enjoy inland-shipping companies are relatively unknown to target a tour around the ports. They were delighted with the indus- groups. We are working on this now. For example, in March, triousness; they had not experienced Zeeland in this way yet. we launched the Intermodal Planner. This is an Internet-based application that enables transport companies to determine Growth the optimum route for the transport of their goods. The plan- Promotion of harbours and services should eventually bear ner provides information about sixty-odd operators. Clients fruit. ‘Inland navigation is important to the ports of Zeeland,’ will enter the point of origin or destination of a cargo and the Vos said. ‘Last year, 35 million tons of cargo were transpor- programme will calculate various routes. When the choice for ted by barge, which was even more than the 33 million tons a certain route has been made, the user is able to book the represented by sea-borne cargo. Our ambition is for sea- companies indicated. It is already working quite well. And to borne cargo to increase to 50 million tons, and inland ship- further increase ease of use, we are now dotting the i’s and ping to 40 million tons in 2020. This includes our ambition to crossing the t’s together with users of the system.’ maintain the share of inland navigation in the modal split to at least 51 percent. Of course, we intend to enable this share to grow.’ 26 27 Integrated solutions for industrial and maritime cleaning – and more Mourik provides individual cleaning and maintenance services and integrated customised packages. Jan van Nassau, location manager at Mourik Vlissingen, explained: ‘Because of the increasing demand for multi-disciplinary packages, we profile ourselves more and more as a managing contractor, responsible for implementing as well as managing project and maintenance activities related to our own work as well as the work of third parties.’ Mourik has an all-inclusive, open net- new forms of collaboration, such as areas and the specific needs of their work of partners − on the one hand to partnerships, alliances and performance customers mean that the company deploy extra peak capacity in their own contracts, in which the emphasis lies counts many industrial and maritime skilled areas when needed, and on the on mutual trust, collaboration, and the companies among its long-term custo- other to provide the required specialist sharing of profits and losses. mers. disciplines the company does not have Van Nassau continued: ‘It is our aim to in-house. ‘Needless to say, we often be a trusted adviser with more to offer Integrated customised packages work together with the other companies than just people and equipment. Mourik Vlissingen is a 100% subsidiary within the Mourik group.’ We also provide added value in the of Mourik Services (Botlek, Rotterdam) form of multidisciplinary customised and has been providing technical ‘The best rather than the biggest’ solutions with management and consul- services particularly to the chemical, Mourik has built up long-standing rela- tancy capacities, geared to the specific petrochemical, energy and environment tionships with a large number of clients wishes of individual customers. sectors for 35 years. Services include in the form of long-term maintenance Our strategy focuses on quality, added consultancy, realisation, maintenance contracts for cleaning and mechanical value and controlled growth. We want and management, with disciplines and/or civil-engineering activities. to be the best rather than the biggest in that comprise mechanical work, indus- Thanks to these contracts, the company our sector.’ trial cleaning (high-pressure/vacuum has gained extensive experience with Mourik’s knowledge of their specialist cleaning), civil engineering activities, catalyst handling, asbestos clean-ups, environmental technology, and more. In order to provide optimum service, Mourik Vlissingen is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Specialist knowledge, resourcefulness, flexibility and local presence are the organisation’s strong points. Mourik Vlissingen BV is active in the following markets: (petro)chemicals, oil & gas industry, energy generation, waste processing, storage & distribution, government and other institutions. www.mourik.com Mourik: managing contractor for long-term cleaning and maintenance projects 28 The early days... This aerial photograph of Sas van Gent was made corporate buildings of Rosier, a phosphate plant in 1972 by Aerophoto Schiphol. The photo was ta- that was established here in 1912. Looking at the ken in northern direction. The first industrialisation canal arms and the peninsulas, it becomes clear that in the Dutch part of the area alongside the Canal the canal has been widened and moved several from Ghent to Terneuzen had been started up late times in the past. The most recent canal broadening nineteenth century in Sas van Gent. Different indus- operation, in 1968, involved a swing bridge near tries were established here, including two sugar Sas van Gent. At the time, it was the largest of its plants and a glass factory. In the foreground the kind in Europe. 29 Participants of Zeeland Port Promotion Council Lagan Cement B.V. www.lagancement.com SGS www.sgs.com Loodswezen Regio Scheldemonden www.loodswezen.nl Sita Recycling Services B.V. www.sita.nl Accountants- en Adviesgroep Rijkse www.aar.nl Dow Benelux B.V. www.dow.com Mammoet Nederland B.V. www.mammoet.com S.T.T. B.V. / ZMC B.V. www.agency-stt.com / www.zmcleaning.com Aannemingsbedrijf Fraanje b.v. www.fraanje.com DRV Accountants & Belastingadviseurs www.drv.nl Maritiem en Logistiek College de Ruyter www.scalda.nl Supermaritime Nederland B.V. www.supermaritime.com ABN AMRO Bank N.V. Commercial Clients www.abnamro.nl Euro-Mit Staal B.V. www.euro-mit-staal.com Mourik Vlissingen B.V. www.mourik.com Supermaritime van Reems B.V. www.supermaritimevanreems.nl Adriaanse van der Weel Advocaten www.avdw.nl Fabricom B.V. www.fabricom-gdfsuez.nl Multraship Towage & Salvage www.multraship.nl Tanido B.V. www.tanido.com Aerssens & Partner makelaars www.aenpmakelaars.nl Flushing Shipping Agencies (F.S.A.) B.V. www.fsagencies.com N.V. Economische Impuls www.impulszeeland.nl Tempo Team www.tempo-team.nl Amadore Hotels & Restaurants www.amadore.nl Gemeente Middelburg www.middelburg.nl N.V. Westerscheldetunnel www.westerscheldetunnel.nl TMS Terneuzen B.V. www.tmsnl.com B.V. Sorteerbedrijf voor Grind en Zand www.sorteerbedrijfvlissingen.nl Golden Tulip L’Escaut www.hotel-lescaut.nl Oiltanking Terneuzen B.V. www.oiltanking.com TPT Services B.V. www.tpt.nl Beeldmerk www.beeldmerk.org Grontmij Nederland B.V. www.grontmij.nl Outokumpu Stainless B.V. www.outokumpu.com Boogaard Advocaten www.boogaardadvocaten.nl Havenwerk B.V. www.havenwerk.nl Ovet Shipping B.V. www.ovetshipping.nl Transport & Containerbedrijf Wielemaker B.V. www.wielemaker.nl Boot & Buteijn Transport www.bootbuteijn.nl Heros Sluiskil B.V. www.heros.nl Pacorini Vlissingen B.V. www.pacorinimetals.com Bow Terminal B.V. www.bowterminal.nl Huisman Advocaten www.huismanadvocaten.nl Pfauth Logistics B.V. www.pfauth.nl CdMR B.V. www.cobelfret.com I.B.S. b.v. www.ibs-hallenbouw.nl PTC B.A. www.ptcba.nl Century Aluminium Vlissingen BV. www.centuryvlissingen.nl ICL-IP Terneuzen B.V. www.iclip-terneuzen.nl R.G.R. Shipping & Forwarding B.V. www.rgr.nl Cordeel Nederland B.V. www.cordeel.nl ING Business Banking www.ing.nl/zakelijk Raadgevend Ingenieursburo F. Koch B.V. www.kochadviesgroep.nl C-Port B.V. www.c-port.nl Interlashing B.V. www.interlashing.com Rabobank Terneuzen/Sas van Gent www.rabobank.nl/kanaalzone C.T.O.B. Transport & Logistics www.ctob.nl Istimewa Elektro www.istimewa.nl Rabobank Walcheren/Noord-Beveland www.rabobank.nl/wnb Damen Shiprepair Vlissingen www.damen.com Juister Imaginairies www.juister.nl Rabobank Oosterschelde www.rabobank.nl/oosterschelde DB Schenker Rail Nederland N.V. www.dbschenker.com Justion Advocaten www.justionadvocaten.nl Royal Haskoning DHV Nederland B.V. www.royalhaskoningdhv.com De Hoop Terneuzen www.dehoop-terneuzen.nl Katoen Natie Westerschelde B.V. www.katoennatie.com S5 Agency World Vlissingen www.S-5.org De Ruyter Training & Consultancy www.drtc.nl Kloosterboer Vlissingen V.O.F. www.kloosterboer.nl Sagro Aannemingsmij. Zeeland BV www.sagro.nl De Zeeuwse Alliantie Notarissen www.dezeeuwsealliantie.nl Koolwijk Shipstores B.V. www.shipstores.nl Saybolt Nederland BV www.corelab.com/rd/saybolt Delta Lloyd Insurances www.deltalloyd.nl KWS Infra/Aquavia www.aquavia-kws.nl Seacontractors www.seacontractors.com Delta Safe Security Services www.delta-safe.nl Labojuice www.labojuice.nl Sealake Terminal B.V. www.sealaketerminal.com 30 Transito Bevrachting B.V. www.transito.nl Van Ameyde Marine Vlissingen www.ameydemarine.com Van der Valk Hotel Middelburg www.valkmiddelburg.nl Van Jole B.V. www.vanjole.com Verenigde Bootlieden B.V. www.bootlieden.nl Verex Douane Service www.verexdemeijer.nl Vesta Terminal Flushing B.V. www.vestaterminals.com Vlissingse Bootliedenwacht B.V. www.vlbvlissingen.nl Vopak Agencies Terneuzen www.vopakagencies.com Vroon B.V. www.vroon.nl Yellow & Finch Publishers www.ynfpublishers.com Zeeland Refinery www.zeelandrefinery.com Zeeland Seaports www.zeelandseaports.com Zeeland Supply Industrial Stores www.zeeland-supply.nl Zuidgeest Uitzendbureau www.zuidgeest.nl 31
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