

Vo l um e 8. E d i t i on 3 . S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 3
The magazin e c o v e r i n g t h e i n s a n d o u t s
of the por ts o f V l i s s i n g e n a n d Te r n e u z e n
Zeeland Port News is
published by:
Zeeland Port Promotion Council
and Zeeland Seaports
During the first six months of this year,
transhipment in the ports of Zeeland
has grown by 1.8 percent compared to
the same period in 2012. This means
that Zeeland has performed only slightly less well than the port of Antwerp
and substantially better than the Port
of Rotterdam and the port of Ghent.
service provider
Vopak invests in
gas storage
To accommodate an increasing demand, tank-storage company Vopak
will be substantially expanding its gas
storage and transhipment facilities in
Vlissingen. In addition, the storage
facilities will meet the highest safety
To reach the canal from Ghent to Terneuzen, ships have to pass through
locks. Sometimes, they need assistance
from tugs and people who know the
Zeeland waterways like the back of
their hand. One of the companies often
called to assistance is Multraship.
Mammoet settled down in the Autrichehaven in Westdorpe. Three major cranes – the largest ones in the world –
were constructed on the terminal. ‘This
was our launching project’, Wouter van
Noort, managing director of Mammoet
Benelux, told Port News almost three
years later. ‘It marked the start of this
Also in this issue
05 Seaport entrepreneurship
07 Plantacote and Dry Bulk to build
new production location
09 Strong Point on Axelse Vlakte
10 Seacontractors invest in offshore
12 New sea-lock plans more concrete
13 Seaport’s worker: Eric Scheele
14 Algae are cleaning Yara Sluiskil’s
process waters
21 Banana reefers in the Vlissingen Bijleveldhaven
25 New container-terminal concept
offers advantages of scale
26 New industrial museum Zeeland
28 More than mere transport across water
Participant Holland Ports
P.O. Box 1057
NL-4388 ZH Oost-Souburg
The Netherlands
T : +31 (0)118-491320
F : +31 (0)118-478833
E : info@zppc.nl
I : www.zppc.nl
P.O. Box 132
NL-4530 AC Terneuzen
The Netherlands
T : +31 (0)115-647400
F : +31 (0)115-647500
E : port@zeelandseaports.com
I : www.zeelandseaports.com
PvH Mediaproducties, Vlissingen
Hanneke Blok, Peter van Houte,
Marcel Migo, Liz Raadsen, Peter Urbanus,
Elian van ’t Westeinde
FINAL EDITOR: Peter van Houte
TRANSLATION: Kalliope, Vlissingen
PHOTOGRAPHY: (unless otherwise indicated)
Anton Dingemanse, DuoFoto, Mammoet, PvH Media,
RichArt (cover), Zeeland Seaports
LAYOUT: KadeR Vlissingen
PRINTED BY: Pieters Grafisch Bedrijf BV Groede
he ports of Zeeland – Terneuzen and Vlissingen – have
an extremely strategic position wedged in between two big
neighbours: Rotterdam, at a distance of 80 kilometres (as
the crow flies) to the north and Antwerp, 60 kilometres to the
south. Many producers and transhipment companies have
already discovered the seaports of Zeeland to be an excellent
location for further distribution of goods to a major part of
the European hinterland, as well as to the rest of the world for
export purposes.
The ports of Terneuzen and Vlissingen are serving similar
companies, repair yards, towage and salvage companies –
hinterlands to their big neighbours to the north and south.
all contributing to an effective, efficient and safe operation of
In addition, our ports have excellent, congestion-free hinter-
our ports. Moreover, Zeeland workers are well-known for their
land connections via road, rail and inland waterways.
dedication and motivation. Thanks to their ample experience
And we are continuously working on the improvement of
and high level of training, they are able to offer professional
these connections. Examples are the planned construction of
and customer-oriented handling of all types of goods.
a new, large sea lock near Terneuzen and the inland-shipping
The maritime companies in and around our ports are extre-
connection between Terneuzen and Paris.
mely flexible and geared towards delivering high-quality and
These are among the reasons why transhipment companies
customised services. In addition, short communication lines
are opting for the seaports of Terneuzen and Vlissingen, even
allow direct and efficient business contacts.
for goods that are to be delivered to Rotterdam or Antwerp.
Often, these goods are delivered to their destinations faster
Our maritime service providers are able to demonstrate the
and more cost-efficiently.
many advantages of the ports of Terneuzen and Vlissingen,
which is why many companies in our province are expanding
The seaports in Zeeland are directly accessible from deep-sea
their services and activities. In short, we are an entrepreneu-
waters. And our harbours have sufficient draught for most
rial port, dedicated to entrepreneurs.
ocean-going vessels as well. The maritime service providers in
this area offer all necessary services: dedicated terminals for
Henk de Haas
the handling of specific types of goods, stevedoring specia-
Chairman ZPPC
lists, shipping agents, forwarders and carriers, ships’ cleaning
Plantacote and Dry Bulk to
build new production location
Plantacote BV, a subsidiary of SQM VITAS BV,
is environmentally friendly, in that the product prevents the le-
will be building a production plant on the Axelse
aching, evaporation and fixation of nutrients in the soil. After
Vlakte, in the Terneuzen port area. This new es-
the coating has been decomposed by micro-organisms, the
tablishment will be producing controlled release
nutrients are released completely. Thanks to its unique coating
fertilisers, both in standard and premium qualities,
technology and the high quality standard, Plantacote® is a
under the brand name of Plantacote®.
highly reliable product that will ensure the prolific growth of
high-quality plants.
The company of Plantacote will be supplying its customers
with the new products on a global scale. These customers
Strategic location
include floricultural, horticultural and agricultural organisa-
Plantacote BV has opted for this strategic location on the
tions, as well as grass-production companies, growth-medium
Axelse Vlakte because of the synergies with Dry Bulk BV. On
producers and end consumers. Thanks to the new subsidiary,
this concession, measuring 11.3 hectares, Dry Bulk will be
SQM VITAS will be able to further expand upon its existing
investing in logistic and packaging processes, as well as in
range of products in the category of specialised plant-nutrition
warehousing for specialised fertilisers.
The new subsidiary
solutions for its customers.
will create jobs for around fifty people. Already, Dry Bulk has
Plantacote® is especially efficient in its use of nutrients.
applied for all permits necessary. It is expected that the con-
Moreover, in addition to this economical aspect, Plantacote®
struction will be started up in the short term.
Growth transhipment
During the first six months of this year, tran-
This drop was partly caused by the bankruptcy of phosphorus
shipment in the ports of Zeeland has grown by
producer Thermphos in Vlissingen.
1.8 percent (approx. 290,000 tons) compared
to the same period in 2012. This means that
Increase of wet bulk
Zeeland has performed only slightly less well
The transhipment of wet bulk rose by 5.9%. In particular, the
than the port of Antwerp (plus 2 percent) and
transhipment of natural-oil products, such as fuel oil, petrol and
substantially better than the Port of Rotterdam
gas, increased substantially by 10.4%. An important part in this
(minus 1 percent) and the port of Ghent (minus
was played by the active focus that was placed on board-to-
5.4 percent sea-borne cargo).
board transhipment. The transhipment of RoRo (-9.8%), containers (-7.5%) and, less notably, general cargo (-1%) all showed
After a drop in sea-borne cargo during the first quarter of 2013
a decrease. RoRo and containers are relatively modest segments
(-3.3%), the ports of Zeeland have concluded the second quar-
for the ports of Zeeland, which is why these had a limited effect
ter with a substantial plus. In fact, the past six months showed
on the total transhipment volumes concerning sea-borne cargo.
positive developments. The import of goods rose by 2.8% while
The economic circumstances are still rather poor and are af-
the export of goods declined by a mere 0.8%. The total import
fecting Zeeland Seaports and its customers alike. However,
and export of goods amounted to 16,805,035 ton.
thanks to an active acquisition policy and because a number of
The transhipment of dry bulk grew by 1.5% compared to the
companies in the ports of Zeeland are expanding in spite of the
first six months of 2012. The growth concerned agricultural
adverse economic situation, Zeeland Seaports is expecting to
products (4.3%), but especially the transhipment of raw mine-
be able to reach similar transhipment results to last year’s where
rals and building materials (64.4%). Like the first quarter, the
sea-borne cargo is concerned.
transhipment of solid fuels, particularly coal, showed a decline
(-6.2%). The transhipment of fertilisers also diminished (-11.8%).
Milestone for cellulose transhipment
Recently, on 30 May last, transhipment company Verbrugge in Terneuzen has transhipped the 10 millionth ton of cellulose of the Södra Cell company from Zweden. Södra Cell has been a customer of
Verbrugge’s for over 33 years and is shipping a volume of approx 650,000 ton on an annual basis.
For this special occasion, a small ceremony was organised on the terminal.
Vopak invests in gas storage
To accommodate an increasing demand, tank-stora-
At a certain point, it became clear that the gas storage facilities
ge company Vopak will be substantially expanding
in Vlissingen were becoming insufficient. ‘Transport streams are
its gas storage and transhipment facilities in Vlis-
increasing’, Meerbach said. ‘In dialogue with our clients, we
singen. In addition, the storage facilities will meet
studied the possibilities to optimise our storage capacity. The
the highest safety standards. Around thirteen years
conclusion was that a shortage of pressurised storage capacity
ago, Vopak was established after a merger between
would be arising in particular.’ Port company Zeeland Seaports
Van Ommeren and Pakhoed. The company provides
was involved in the expansion plans. Recently, the construction
storage facilities for liquid bulk chemicals, oil pro-
of six new, cigar-formed tanks was commenced upon. As a
ducts and inflammable gases in liquid form.
comparison, the current six ball-shaped tanks each hold 3300
Photo: Marcel van der Endt
Strong Point on Axelse Vlakte
cubic metres of liquid gas. The six new tanks will have a capa-
Companies intending to establish on the Axelse Vlakte will be given a power boost. On Monday 24 June,
With 84 subsidiaries around the world, Vopak is still very much
city of between 1.5 and 2.5 this volume. In total, 36,750 cubic
Zeeland Seaports and DELTA Netwerkbedrijf opened the so-called “Sterk punt”, literally a strong point.
a Dutch company, managing director Joris Meerbach empha-
metres of extra gas can be stored here.
Sterk punt is a 10kV connection to which companies with medium or large electricity requirements are
sised. In Vlissingen, there is a large gas terminal for LPG and
chemical gases with corresponding transhipment installations for
Built in Gijon
transport via road, rail and waterways. The location in Vlis-
The new tanks have been designed in such a way as to meet
singen was established over 35 years ago, initially under the
the strictest safety requirements. The cylindrical tanks will be
name of Eurogas. Vopak is also one of the shareholders of the
positioned inside a concrete tub, covered with earth.
GATE terminal for liquid natural gas on the Rotterdam Maas-
Meerbach: ‘We have opted for the best available technology
of the moment.’ The tanks are being built in the North-Spanish
town of Gijon and will be transported by ship in April and May
‘Large refrigerators’
of 2014. Subsequently, they are taken to their final destination
Vopak Terminal Vlissingen offers storage and transhipment
at the terminal by means of platform lorries for heavy transport.
capacity for inflammable gases, such as butane and propane.
After connecting up and making the final tests, it is expected
These gases become liquid at temperatures of four and minus
that Vopak will be able to commission the tanks in October or
42 degrees centigrade, respectively, Meerbach explained. ‘You
November of 2014. At the same time, the transhipment capaci-
could say that our storage tanks are like gigantic refrigerators.’
able to connect.
‘It’s an important milestone’, Steven Quast, CEO of DELTA
Plantacote has already announced its intention to settle in the
Netwerkbedrijf, stated during the official opening ceremony
Autrichehaven. This is the first new company to be connected
of Sterk punt. ‘Zeeland Seaports and ourselves are the owners
to this power point.’
and managers of vital parts of the Zeeland infrastructure. It
The new facility has been built for the future. The initiators
is important to timely create favourable conditions for com-
have kept in mind a doubling of the capacity in term, which
panies to establish here. Not too early, but certainly not too
should suffice for decades to come.
The construction of the new 10kV connection at the Autriche-
Axelse Vlakte
haven on the Axelse Vlakte was initiated by Zeeland Seaports
The Axelse Vlakte offers a total of 70 hectares for port-
in collaboration with DELTA Netwerkbedrijf. Together, they
related activities requiring a quay. In addition to the excellent
invested 2.1 million Euros in a new 10kV station in West-
waterway connections, the Axelse Vlakte also offers good
ty for rail wagons and ships will be expanded and modernised.
dorpe and in the construction of a robust cable connection
hinterland connections by road and rail. The industrial area
When liquid gases are to be stored under pressure, this is done
Also, the automation of the terminal is improved. For the work
underneath the canal from Ghent to Terneuzen to connect up
also has a glass-fibre network, in addition to the water and
in round or cylindrical tanks. The substances stored at the ter-
and maintenance of the installations, we endeavour to make use
to Sterk punt.
electricity supply facilities. This unique joint venture between
minal can be classified into two main categories: fuel gases for
of contractors and installation companies from Zeeland, Meer-
heating and fuel for cars, and gases as semimanufactures for
bach stated. He expects the expansion of the terminal to involve
Easy connection
the incentive scheme Stimuleringsregeling Haven- en Zware
chemical products. Vopak does not itself process these gases.
six extra jobs, in addition to the existing forty.
What triggered the decision to construct Sterk punt was the
Zeeland Seaports and DELTA Netwerkbedrijf was based on
development of the Autrichehaven by Zeeland Seaports. The
old power connections did not have sufficient capacity to
accommodate the future needs on the Axelse Vlakte. Moreover, companies on the Axelse Vlakte depended on the main
distribution station Westdorpe, on the other side of the canal
from Ghent to Terneuzen, for their power supply. The realisation of a water crossing for electricity cables is very costly
and time-consuming. Thanks to the arrival of Sterk punt, these
problems will no longer be an issue. Companies intending to
establish here, can look forward to an easy connection to the
electricity grid.
‘Good start’
Sterk punt is suitable for companies requiring up to 10MW.
This is sufficient for a wide range of activities. Hans van der
Hart, CEO of Zeeland Seaports, has great hopes for the
Steven Quast,
CEO of DELTA Netwerkbedrijf
future. ‘We are off to a good start. Fertiliser manufacturer
Seacontractors invest in offshore
These ships have been built in Dubai, by Damen/Albwardy.
if they are well. If they have any suggestions or complaints,
And that is where they will be deployed over the coming peri-
we will always take heed. And we will make sure their work
od. Our own fleet now comprises seven working vessels. This
is varied. Whenever they feel the need for a change, we will
will probably soon be increased to eight, because we have
try to give them the opportunity for this. We help them deve-
an option on another tug.’ Seacontractors not only handles
lop, both in their personal achievements and career-wise. If
its own equipment. ‘We also carry out the exclusive commer-
they aspire a specific job, or want to return to a previous one
cial management of twenty ships’, Lieneke Slager, Executive
because they enjoyed it so much, we will do our utmost to ac-
Assistant, explains. ‘This way, we are able to perform any off-
commodate them. We want to be reliable employer. Both for
shore work that is needed, such as towage, anchor handling
our personnel and for our clients.’
and heavy-lift activities. For instance, in Africa we assist ships
in the unloading of cargo, while at sea. These ships are often
Powerful People
too large to moor in any of the local ports. In such cases, we
Today, the Vlissingen company employs some 450 people on
may lay a pipeline from ship to shore, for example.’
a daily basis. And if all goes according to plan, this number
will only increase. ‘Late June of this year, we entered into a
Two stately façades in the centre of Vlissingen form the magnificent front of Seacontractors. This maritime service provider acts as a global ship broker for a wide range of working ships, including tugs,
multicats, pontoons, crane vessels, accommodation ships and crew-transfer vessels. The company’s
intermediary activities mostly relate to rental purposes, but sometimes concern the sale or purchase of
such vessels. The maritime company has its own fleet. In addition, it manages twenty ships on a commercial basis. Other core tasks of the company’s include the recruitment & selection of maritime staff,
as well as shipping and terminal activities.
Recently, Seacontractors expanded with a new branch, called
in Iraq, using a crane vessel. Not everybody will be willing
Harbour & Terminals. This division deploys working ships
to take on such a job. Sometimes, it takes guts to enter into
and qualified staff to offshore projects. From simple projects
areas others are wary of. This is certainly true for the making
to major, complex ones. ‘We love to sail against the wind’,
of investments. At the moment, there are very few shipyards
Zeeland Port News was told by Jack Zeijderveld, Division Di-
involved in the construction of new ships. We consciously
rector Recruitment. ‘Especially in economically adverse winds,
focus on these markets. On 23 July, the Sea Delta was inau-
companies have to struggle hard to land orders. And they
gurated in Dubai. This working ship is a so-called shoalbuster,
always have to be on the lookout for opportunities to seize.
a versatile multi-purpose vessel for use in harbour, inland and
We continuously keep a sharp eye out for new developments.
coastal waters. It has a bollard pull of forty tons. And in Sep-
For example, new markets are currently arising in the Middle
tember, the Sea Hotel will be delivered. This working boat,
East, Brazil and Australia. Recently, we completed a project
also a shoalbuster, has a similar bollard pull to the Sea Delta.
Opted for quality
strategic partnership with IPS Powerful People from Capelle
There are many actors in the maritime service provision. It is
aan den IJssel, the Netherlands. This company is specialised
a market characterised by fierce competition. Zeijderveld:
in staff for the offshore and dredging sectors. This form of
‘Quite true. And it is very important to distinguish oneself in
collaboration offers us a great many opportunities to grow.
such a market. We have opted for quality, both concerning
Occasionally, we have job openings that are quite difficult
equipment and manpower. In fact, these two aspects are our
to fill. Thanks to this strategic partnership, we are able to
spearheads. That is why our company has two main divisions:
expand our staffing base substantially, allowing us to provide
chartering and human resource management. We have our
our clients with increasingly high-quality services.’ The part-
own temporary employment agency for maritime staff – with
nership is not only visible behind the scenes. Zeijderveld: ‘The
offices in eight countries. Personnel that is not only deployed
name of both our agencies will shortly become IPS Powerful
in the offshore. Our people work on anything that sails or
People. Our Marine Contracting and Brokerage activities will
floats. Tugs and working ships, merchant navy vessels, luxury
continue as usual by the name of Seacontractors.’ In short, the
yachts, barges – you name it, our people are employed on it.
company is very successful, on many fronts. In less than ten
And every one of our staff is qualified and experienced. And,
years, it has developed from a service provider with one small
what’s most important of all, highly motivated. That is why
office in Vlissingen into an international player of importance.
our crew is never without work.’ It is important for Seacon-
Of importance to companies operating in the Zeeland port
tractors to distinguish itself by way of its people. That is why
areas and beyond. Especially to those who are active in the
they pay a lot of attention to their well-being. ‘After a shift,
offshore industry.
there is always time for a chat. We ask them how it went and
Seaport’s worker...
New sea-lock plans more concrete
Late June this year, the traditional
However, this does not mean we can sit
‘A big lock like this one is needed to
Terneuzen Open Harbour Days
back and rest on our laurels.’
accommodate the increasingly large
once again presented our ports
The road capacity has to be expanded
ocean-going vessels destined for the
It is beyond dispute that people
to the public. Prior to the public
in order to accommodate for future
Flemish ports. In addition, it will combat
are the most valuable capital
events, Zeeland organised a mini
growth – especially concerning the
congestion on the waters.’ The plans
symposium with the theme: ‘Mul-
for a new lock, in-between the existing
resource a port can have. And
connection between Goes and Ghent.
ti-modality in the zone alongside
Other gaps that need to be filled inclu-
Oostsluis and Westsluis, are presently
the canal from Ghent to Terneuzen
de rail connections between Vlissingen
being finalised in collaboration with
and the opportunities offered by
and Antwerp and between Axel and
interested parties. And if all goes ac-
Zelzate. Improvement of the infrastruc-
cording to plan, the public consultation
ture continues to be an important point
procedure will be started up this year.
Commercial manager Jean Ruinard of
of attention. Harm Verbeek, planning
The final project decision can then be
the ones adding this value?
port company Zeeland Seaports des-
manager of the Flemish-Dutch Scheldt
made in 2015. Depending on the po-
That’s right, our workers.
cribed the possibilities for multi-modal
Committee emphasised this point as
litical decision-making process and the
transport: ‘Road, rail and waterways –
well. He explained the developments
financing, the construction of the new
we have all the ways to smoothly con-
around the new sea lock and its im-
sea lock should commence in 2017.
nect to the hinterland.
portance to the canal from Ghent to
the ports of Zeeland are very
fortunate in this respect. After
all, we find it important to add
value to the products that pass
through our port. And who are
Ben de Reu, Executive for Economic
Affairs of the Province of Zeeland, is
positive about the outcome. ‘The provincial authorities are welcoming the new
sea lock. And we are thinking beyond
the lock itself. We have to take action
to be able to seize all the opportunities
offered by this development. Otherwise,
Eric Scheele (44)
Customs agent
with Verex
ships and business will pass us by.’
very ship’s movement requires
mooring locations, ensuring timely orde-
In fact, Eric’s talents involve the taking
a customs document.’ Eric Scheele,
ring of pilots and boatmen, supervision
of hurdles, both in his professional
customs agent with Verex /L de Meijer
during loading and unloading and
capacity and in his private life. One
BV Customs Service in Sas van Gent,
boarding and, of course, making sure
of his favourite sportive activities is the
the Netherlands, is well aware of the
the ship is provided with the necessary
survival run. ‘This is a cross-country run
he is a connecting factor, dedicating
importance of his work. ‘Even if the ship
customs papers. ‘An important point of
across different distances with many
his efforts to collaboration in the area
has a European destination, the origin
attention is making sure all activities are
obstacles involving strength, agility
alongside the canal from Ghent to
of its cargo must be demonstrable.’
done according to the ISPS regulations.’
and perseverance.’ Qualities that stand
Port Personality of the Year
At the end of the symposium, the new
Port Personality of the Year was presented: Alain Dufait, General Manager
with Cargill Starches & Sweeteners in
Sas van Gent. According to the jury,
him in good stead in his job as well.
Terneuzen. In his word of thanks, Dufait
emphasised: ‘Collaboration is important
Customs duties form the major part of
Eric Scheele has been working for
His next run is in November and he is
and it is what makes this area special.
Eric’s job. The other part comprises
Verex for fifteen years. He has worked
already training hard for it.
If we should continue speaking of “other
commercial activities. ‘Rather like the
his way up from being a bookkeeper
sides”, we would quickly put ourselves
duties of a shipping agent’, he explains.
with Multraship, where he worked for
Verex / L de Meijer Customs Service
‘Like we do for Rosier. Because our
ten years after having concluded his
is an independent partner in customs
office is on the Westkade in Sas van
administrative training at the interme-
services, VAT, excise duty, transport
Gent, right next to fertiliser plant Rosier
diate training institute. ‘Although I had
activities and advice. These services are
Nederland – formerly Zuid Chemie –
specialised in financial administration,
provided on a 24/7 basis. The interme-
we have been handling this company’s
my work slowly but surely shifted to-
diary and customs agent Verex provides
shipping business from the very begin-
wards the planning and organisation of
all the obligatory customs services a
ning. This work includes arranging for
the shipping business.’
company might need.
offside! One side cannot exist without
the other. Let not the water divide us,
but the ports connect us.’
Algae are cleaning Yara Sluiskil’s process waters
Early September, the entrance of artificial fertiliser plant Yara in Sluiskil, the Netherlands, is donned a
totally new appearance. And quite an impressive one, at that. A new, large, trial basin for algae will
be taken into use here. Probably the largest one of its kind in North-West Europe.
In this basin, algae will be purifying the process waters co-
research performed by students of the HZ University of Ap-
ming from the factory in a sustainable manner, using a tech-
plied Sciences in Vlissingen. First of all, they studied the dif-
nology that has been developed over a long period of time
ferent types of process-water streams available.
and tested on a small scale in laboratories. This will be the
Next, they researched whether algae were able to grow
first time that it is applied on an industrial scale.
in these waters. We were supported in our efforts by Alga-
Gijsbrecht Gunter, Yara’s manager of external relations and
spring, a company that has experience on a pilot scale in the
communication, is very enthusiastic about the project. ‘Since
purification of a glycolic cleansing agent used for the de-icing
2009, we have been involved in these types of innovative
of aeroplanes; a process whereby algae were used as well.’
water-purification projects whereby algae are applied. At
first, we mainly observed – looking with keen interest over
The tests proved to be quite successful and Yara saw possibi-
the shoulders of those involved in research & development.
lities to develop the concept into a large-scale pilot project,
Later, we participated in various laboratory experiments.
together with a number of partners. Remy Bun, project leader
And presently, we are ready to set up a pilot operation on an
for the Yara algae project, explained: ‘The total costs are
industrial scale, in collaboration with a couple of partners.
amounting to 984 thousand Euros. The Province of Zeeland
These types of projects are great fun. Moreover, they are
has made available a subsidy of 292,500 Euros. We inve-
very necessary. New laws and regulations are demanding a
sted almost a half a million ourselves and the other partners
different approach to residual waste handling, which suits our
jointly invested around two hundred thousand Euros. We are
corporate culture. After all, we are innovative doers with a
now able to continue our practical tests. For example, we will
heart for the environment. Our company pays a lot of atten-
see how long it takes for the water to be purified to an ac-
tion to Corporate Social Responsibility. Sustainability is not
ceptable level. And we will be able to observe the influence
just a trend we are following. It is a must.’
of the weather as well. Finally, we will study the practical
possibilities of commercially exploiting a basin of this nature.
Two hundred cubic metres
Dethon, the sheltered workshop from Terneuzen, is provi-
The new basin measures fifty by eight metres and has a
ding the people who are involved in the day-to-day activities
depth of sixty centimetres. ‘In total, it has a volume of two
around the basin, as well as the harvesting of the algae.
hundred cubic metres, in which we will be growing algae on
Sagro, one of the partners, is involved in the construction of
a continuous stream of process water. The algae feed on the
the infrastructure. This company is highly interested from the
nutrients in the water. In the end, we are left with clean water
point of view of its environmental department. And Evides,
and an algae paste.’ It sounds simple when it is said like this,
the water company that has already been operational on the
but a lot of research has gone into it. It turned out quite a task
Yara site in supplying the water needed, will be involved in
to make sure the process went well. Gunter: ‘We have had
the day-to-day exploitation.
Water purification a matter of priority
the area of winning pigments. Possibly, Yara is able to use the
In term, Yara wants to achieve zero discharge. That is why
resulting algae paste itself, to be processed and included in its
water purification is a matter of high priority at the moment.
own fertiliser products. Or perhaps the company may create
This does not mean that the application of algae is not being
specific fertilisers to further develop the production of algae in
looked into. ‘On the contrary: new technologies are providing
a particular direction. After all, algae are small plants with a
many new opportunities. Algae are used for various purpo-
huge potential. This innovative project fits in well with Yara’s
ses. They are rich in nutrients. They contain healthy fatty acids
other projects concerning CSR and the environment, such as
and a lot of protein. They are very popular in the aqua-culture
the international Sahara-Forest Project. In this latter project,
sector, for example for the cultivation of shellfish, and as a ba-
algae form an elementary part of a total system that is turning
sis for food supplements. In addition, companies such as Akzo
infertile desert land into a major green oasis by means of the
Nobel are performing a wide range of tests, for example in
latest technologies in the area of biochemistry.’
Sustainable Mammoet Westdorpe
metres. It’s wonderful work’, Van Noort stated. ‘And it is our
metres, is getting a little tight. After all, ships and equipment
core business. We take care of everything, from the necessary
are getting bigger and bigger. If we want to grow along with
permits to making sure the right equipment is available, and
these developments, this lock is direly needed. Otherwise,
from removing street furniture to the safe and speedy transport
we are disqualifying our canal. Take IJmuiden, for example.
that causes the least possible nuisance to people living in the
Thanks to the larger lock, various new activities are being
vicinity. We have all the knowledge and materials needed for
developed there. On the other hand, you can see activities
diminishing around canals that are not being invested in.
Bigger and bigger
Therefore, good accessibility means improved positioning.
By now, the terminal is fully operational for the purposes it
Access greatly determines the development of an area. Only
was intended for: breakbulk as well as overflow location for
this way will we be able to make the next step, which is to
the Mammoet subsidiary in Schiedam. ‘In Schiedam, there
join the regular services of major shipping companies. Like
is less space. And land is more expensive there than it is
we are doing for Outokumpu, for example: transporting large
here. Therefore, goods that have to be stored for a long time,
coils of stainless steel from Finland to their plant in Westdor-
are brought to our terminal in the Autrichehaven. And we
pe. We would also like to do this for machine factories in Ger-
do not only take care of the extra storage. At the moment,
many. Their products arrive via the rivers Moselle and Rhine,
our company is assembling a large bridge in Schiedam: the
and we can tranship these from barges onto ocean-going
new Botlek Bridge. As a result, they have less space for other
vessels. Our terminal is ideally located for this. The impending
activities, which are transferred to our location. Thanks to the
Seine-Nord Europe also presents great opportunities. It will
excellent waterway connections, this is no problem at all. We
entail a great many new regular services we would be able
are, however, greatly looking forward to the construction of
to join.’
the new sea lock. The present one, which has a width of forty
In 2010, Mammoet settled down in the Autrichehaven in Westdorpe. Three major cranes – the
largest ones in the world – were constructed on the terminal. ‘This was our launching project’, Wouter
van Noort, managing director of Mammoet Benelux, told Port News almost three years later. ‘It marked the start of this terminal.’ By now, the cranes have disappeared from the quay. Big round ponds
of water betray the locations where they used to be.
‘We delivered the cranes mid 2011. Six months ahead of
‘Our next heavy-lift project is somewhat closer to home.
schedule. They are now located in Brazil and the United
Mammoet is looking after the transport of the drill chuck for
States, where they are deployed for the construction of large
the drilling machine with a length of eighty metres, which is
industrial plants. They have not stopped operating since the
being built by Sluiskiltunnel, at a distance of less than ten ki-
day they were delivered. And that’s a good sign.’ Today, the
lometres from the terminal. The Sluiskiltunnel will be a drilled,
terminal is up and running at full speed. Four major cranes
double-tube tunnel underneath the canal from Ghent to Terneu-
are presently being loaded. ‘They are destined for a wind
zen. The first of the two tunnel tubes is ready by now. The drill
farm Enercon is building in Canada. We will be delivering
chuck, which itself has a length of eleven metres, is disas-
twenty cranes in total for this project, from smaller ones up to
sembled and transported back to the starting point across the
a 1200-ton hydraulic telescopic crane. These latter ones are
swing bridge in parts. Here, the machine will be reassembled
very flexible in their use.’
for the construction of the second tube. The heaviest part is
the drive mechanism, which weighs 125 tons. The largest
part is the cutting wheel, which has a diameter of over eleven
( Continued on page 20 )
Continued on page 20
Sustainability a must
already determined our footprint. And we are going to make
Three years ago, we were considering expansion. ‘We have
sure our footprint is improved by 10% every year. Our em-
had to postpone these plans; we also feel the effects of the
ployees are joining in the efforts: they propose ways to carry
recession.’ However, it also has a positive effect. Companies
out projects in a more sustainable way. For example, they
are increasingly focussed on efficiency, cost reduction, and
are looking at possibilities to drive our cranes by means of a
sustainability. Van Noort: ‘We are continuously trying to
hybrid powerpack, how to reuse our equipment, and deve-
answer the question: “How may we transport as economi-
lop new equipment in a more sustainable manner. Another
cally as possible?” Often, the best solution is the one with the
spearhead is the strategic installation of our equipment. And
shortest lead time, which is also safe as well as sustainable.
we are also critically assessing our suppliers – we consciously
This means, for example, that we are trying to move every-
select the ones who are applying cleaner transport means.’
thing at once, rather than make use of five different transports.
Government authorities are demanding this from us as well.
‘Actually, we used to give the subject a wide berth. But now,
Our organisation likes to point out to clients that transport has
it is becoming more and more interesting. Both for ourselves
to become more sustainable, and that we are able to help
and for our customers. It allows us to look at matters from a
them realise it. Often, this will involve a reduction of the costs,
fresh perspective. Why do we do things the way we do them?
which makes it easier to sell, of course. But that is not the only
Could this way be improved? It demands different methods,
argument. When my children will be grown up and ask me
different ways to approach a problem. Clients have to be
what I have done to improve the world, I would like to give
guided in this process. They have to be explained why pro-
them a satisfactory answer. To us, it involves a different way
jects are done differently now. Cost reduction is an important
of working; a different way to approach projects. We have
motive, and so is our contribution to a better world!’
Banana reefers in the
Vlissingen Bijleveldhaven
Recently, the ships Magellan Strait and Messina Strait have been taken over from Carmel/Agrexco by Seatrade. They
are now being deployed on the Caribanex Trade, which is the regular banana service from Colombia and Costa Rica
to the ports of Zeeland. The vessels have a length of 186 metres. As opposed to the more traditional reefers (temperature-controlled vessels), these ships are equipped with a loading/unloading door at the side and a fully automated
conveyor system lifting the pallets from the holds. On Monday 22 July, the Magellan Strait called in at a Dutch port for
the first time to unload bananas at the ZZC/CSC terminal in the Bijleveldhaven in Vlissingen.
The ships used to be active in the Mediterranean, where tides
ous locations in Eastern Europe. The most important customer
fluctuate less intensively. Considering the fact that the unloa-
for this service delivers bananas to the Lidl supermarkets in
ding door of the ship would, at low tide, not reach above the
the Benelux and Germany on a daily basis. Julian Feij, opera-
Vlissingen quay for several hours, the stevedoring company
tional manager with ZZC/CSC, seems very pleased with the
ZZC/CSC was faced with the challenge to come up with a
operation. ‘It was a new way of working and everything went
solution to unload at any time, irrespective of the tidal phase.
according to plan. We can now focus on ways to improve
The barge Boukje, owned by the Mammoet company, provi-
efficiency and productivity in future. From an operational
ded the answer. This floating pontoon is used to unload cargo
point of view, I am quite satisfied. We have fulfilled the client’s
onto, in-between ship and shore. Next, the pallets were trans-
wishes.’ Thanks to Zeeland Seaports, the Vlissingse Bootlie-
ferred from the pontoon to the quay by means of quayside
denwacht, Seatrade, and ZZC/CSC, the first port of call by
cranes, to be taken to the refrigerated terminal from there.
the Magellan Strait can be considered a success. From now
on, twice every five weeks, a similar operation will be taking
The bananas are distributed from Vlissingen to ripening plants
place in the Bijleveldhaven.
across Europe, including Germany, France, Poland and vari-
From towage company to international maritime service provider
The River Scheldt, gateway to the ports of Zeeland, can be treacherous to sail. The
narrow and meandering fairways of this maritime artery suffer from tidal movements. To reach the canal from Ghent to Terneuzen, ships have to pass through
locks. Sometimes, they need assistance from tugs and people who know the Zeeland waterways like the back of their hand. One of the companies often called to
assistance is Multraship.
From their offices at the Westerscheldedijk in Terneuzen, you
The Terneuzen company provides towing services nearby,
can see across the waters and watch a part of their fleet in
in the Netherlands and Belgium, as well as further away, in
action. ‘We are a true family business’, director Leendert
Moldova and Bulgaria. ‘We have another office in Romania,
Muller said. Together with his brother-in-law Pepijn Nuijten, he
from which we provide towage services on the Danube. Next
manages the company. ‘For four generations, we have been
to our work in various harbours, we also focus on towage at
providing various maritime services. In 1911, my great-grand-
sea. For example in European waters, such as the North Sea,
father settled down in this town. His father bought him a small
the Baltic Sea, and the Mediterranean. We are also active on
tug, called the En Avant. It formed the basis of our company.
the Black Sea and off the coast of West Africa.’
At first, my great-grandfather only worked in the Zeeland
region. But soon, however, he recognised the international nature of these ports. He sent his son, my grandfather Leendert,
to the company Freight Express in London for his internship.
‘A glorious,
My grandfather used this experience to develop the family
business into a glorious, internationally operating company.
operating company’
When I was sixteen, I became active in the company myself.
I also became a deep-sea sailor.’ Muller knows first-hand
what it’s like to work on board a large vessel. ‘It’s good to
have had this experience; the knowledge I’ve gained I can
put into practice in the services I provide.’
‘Every year, we carry out “wet” as well as “dry” salvage ope-
In the genes
rations, which involve many different types of vessels.
Entrepreneurship and the seizing of opportunities – it’s in
We keep ships afloat and steer them towards a safe haven.
the genes of the Muller family. So even when the economic
And we keep the environment in mind as well.
tides are against us, Multraship will look for innovation and
We operate on a global scale and take our commissions
expansion. Teamwork, apparently, is the key word. ‘In 2010,
from shipping companies, insurers and government bodies.
we joined forces with three other companies to form CTOW,
In addition, we deploy our tugs and multi-purpose vessels for
Combined Marine Terminal Operations Worldwide. Thanks to
the construction of offshore wind farms, sand-replenishment
this form of collaboration, we are able to haul in major and
projects, and the construction of port installations.’
complex assignments. And together with Verbrugge Marine,
we have set up a maritime service centre called Scheldt
‘We also focus on the energy market. Oil and gas extraction
Maritime Services. Over the past five years, we have invested
as well as sustainable sources such as tidal power plants.
heavily in equipment. ‘Our fleet currently comprises 36 ves-
These are good markets for us. Finally, our company Verenig-
sels of different types, including ultra-modern tugs, fire-floats
de Bootlieden BV provides a wide range of services, inclu-
and a floating derrick. In July, we added two more new tugs.
ding boatmen and helmsmen, and we even have our own
These will keep us going for the time being – but they do not
taxi service called Vebocab. For example, we pick up crew
represent our last expansion by any means. We especially
from airports and take care of the necessary paperwork. Our
invested in diversity. We have a healthy fleet mix, comprising
drivers have been especially trained for this.’
small as well as large vessels, and ships that can be deployed
for various purposes.
Director Leendert Muller
Continued on page 24
This way, we remain flexible. And flexibility is one of the
strengths of our company. We employ nearly three hundred
people. Mainly people who go out on the job. We have a
very flat organisation, with short lines. We are practical and
professional and deliver customised solutions. Quality is becoming increasingly important. Time plays an important part, as
does high-quality equipment and transparency about costs.’
‘Proud of our people’
‘The shipping sector is a small world – what is built up in
twenty-five years could be torn down in ten minutes, if you’re
not careful. That is why I am proud of my family and our people – they make the difference. They’re good at their job, are
loyal and dedicated. They provide stability to the company.
There is hardly any turnover of staff, which says enough.’
Muller himself has no intention to call it quits, either. ‘Once
you have been infected with the maritime virus, you will never
lose it. Every day is different; every day brings unexpected
and special things. Too many things to mention. Take the
opening of the Scaldiahaven in Vlissingen-Oost, last year, for
Artist’s impression of an inland container terminal with a throughput of 200.000 TEU per year
example. That was a very special occasion. We performed a
ballet dance with our tugs and I gave a speech. Our former
Queen Beatrix was present. She demonstrated a lot of interest
in our company. That’s not something you experience every
day. ’Looking towards the future, Muller states: ‘This region
has a lot to offer entrepreneurs. A positive working ethos,
plenty of space, and excellent living conditions. These are
points we should be emphasising more. By we, I mean trade
& industry and the government authorities. Various companies
are involved in it, but it’s often the same ones. As a region,
we should – and can – act far more decisively. The new sea
lock, Seine-Nord Europe – these examples are offering many
Container-terminal concept
offers advantages of scale
‘An innovative new container-terminal concept is
Frans Koch explained: ‘We initially developed the concept
enjoying increasing popularity, not only by
of New Generation Integrated Container Terminals to solve
seaports, but also by inland terminals. Frans Koch,
problems experienced by container-handling seaports. Se-
senior consultant and director of Koch Advies-
veral major terminal operators and port authorities around the
groep, explains: ‘The great advantages of this
world are currently investigating the feasibility of implemen-
concept include its technical and economical scala-
ting the NGICT concept.’
opportunities. To be seized by joining forces with each other.
Universal solution
After all, teamwork is the key word.’
Three years ago, Koch Adviesgroep started developing new
An unexpected and fascinating development involves the
ideas for major container terminals accommodating large,
interest that has arisen by inland terminals. ‘Obviously, the
ocean-going container vessels from China, Brazil, South-Korea
transhipment of containers towards the hinterland is providing
and Japan, among others. These developments attracted a
them with great advantages. In fact, our new concept provi-
lot of attention, also from unexpected quarters, namely inland
des a universal solution for every scale: from sea-port termi-
navigation. Koch: ‘Inland container ports are characterised by
nals with a length of over one thousand metres and a through-
their diversity and, obviously, their needs vary as well.’
put of two million TEU per year down to small-scale inland
terminals with a throughput of 40,000 TEU per year. And all
Impulse to manufacturing industry
sizes in-between. For example, we are currently working on a
The multidisciplinary advisory engineering agency F. Koch BV,
design for an inland mega hub. This is rather like a small se-
with offices in Goes and Terneuzen, offers a very wide range
aport terminal, with a throughput of one million TEU per year.
of services, ensuring a well-filled order portfolio, even in the
Ninety percent of transhipment takes place between small and
current challenging market situation. The organisation’s own
large inland barges of the 500-TEU class.’ Interesting to note
Product & Process Innovation department, which was set up
is that all parts of the Koch concept are protected by patents,
in 2010, has developed a whole new system for container
allowing manufacturers intending to seize this opportunity to
handling. It is currently enjoying a lot of attention on a global
further develop, manufacture and market the concept to safely
scale. And it could involve a major impulse to the manufactu-
invest in it.
ring industry in the Netherlands particularly.
New industrial m u s e u m
Volunteers of the future Industrieel Museum Zeeland have been sawing, hammering and painting with
great gusto. In a former sugar warehouse at the Westkade in Sas van Gent, they have realised a
unique location for a sizeable collection. Still, it will be some time before the general public is able to
catch a glimpse of the industrial heritage. If all goes according to plan, the new museum will be opened
early 2014.
‘There is a lot to be done yet’, Bennie
This floor is intended for glass showca-
Already, the museum has around six
Vermandel, board member of the Indus-
ses presenting smaller pieces from the
hundred pieces. Together, these will
trieel Museum Zeeland explained. The
collection. In future, this area will also
present the past and present of Zeeland
former employee of the former munici-
be used for varying exhibitions. On the
industry, from 1870 until today. For
pality of Sas van Gent has sent around
ground floor, the exhibition area with
example, there will be a diesel loco-
ten volunteers to build up the museum in
museum pieces will be complemented
motive, as well as many other engines,
the former sugar warehouse. ‘After the
by a small shop, a cinema and meeting
large and small, driven by diesel, petrol
summer holidays, we will start on the
rooms. In addition, there will be an
and electricity. Another example is the
educational room.
steam-driven air compressor that was
used in the factory of the Centrale Sui-
The former warehouse of Suikerunie
Hundreds of collector’s items
ker Maatschappij and which is currently
has a total floor area of two thousand
The cloakroom will be equipped with
the eye catcher of the present Industrieel
square metres. Which is quite sufficient
pigeon holes where guests can store
Museum Sas van Gent. It will be moved
to exhibit hundreds of collector’s items.
their valuables. ‘The museum will pro-
to the new museum when it is finished.
At the front, an extra storey has been
vide a beautiful décor for our collection,
Other pieces include the steam roller
constructed, which can be reached by
presenting the pieces neatly and profes-
from the former flour factory in Sas van
means of an imposing staircase zig-
sionally’, Bennie Vermandel stated.
Gent, a centrifuge from the starch indus-
zagging up through the warehouse.
try (Cargill), polishing machines from
Photo: Stichting Cultureel Erfgoed Zeeland (SCEZ)
the glass factory Glasfabriek Sas van
a wind turbine. We are also showing
Gent, various cast-iron pieces from the
new, innovative technologies from the
foundry in Sas van Gent, and forging
glass industry. Like the ways in which
tools used by the village blacksmith,
layers of glass are built up in reliefs and
also from Sas van Gent. The centre-
with prints.’
piece of the Industrieel Museum Zeeland
will be the steam-driven generator from
The purchase of the warehouse and its
1932, which was operated in the for-
complete refurbishing has cost some
mer cokes factory in Sluiskil. A part of
1.5 million in all. The major part of this
the warehouse has already been taken
sum has already been provided by the
over by this imposing machine, adorned
Province of Zeeland and the municipali-
with Jugendstil ornamental fencing in
ties of Terneuzen. Trade & industry have
red and white.
also contributed. A few hundreds of
thousands are yet to be found, but Ben-
Production lines presented
nie Vermandel is confident that contribu-
According to Bennie Vermandel, the
tors will present themselves.
future museum will also present various
production lines. ‘Like the one for the
Photo: Stichting Cultureel Erfgoed Zeeland (SCEZ)
generation of electricity, for example,
More information:
the exhibition contains the nacelle of
Photo: Stichting Cultureel Erfgoed Zeeland
More than mere transport across water
‘Transport across water is safe, continuous and environmentally friendly. Moreover, it is one of the most
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economical modes of transport.’ Hans Hulsker, the organisation’s new acquisition manager, explains that
PTC, the Private Transport Cooperative, is more than a mere barge transporting organisation. ‘We offer a
concept, rather than just a series of solutions. And although the price remains an important factor, it is not
our number one strength.’
‘What draws customers is our added value in the way of
basis of support. ‘This year, we are aiming for a ten percent
thinking along with them about the processes that precede and
CO2 reduction, which we will realise by means of fuel savings.
follow the actual barge transport, such as loading and unloa-
This is also possible for older vessels’, Hulsker explains. ‘It is
ding, or combining different transport modes and cargo types.
realised by adding a substance to the fuel, which not only redu-
In fact, we are able to organise door-to-door delivery for our
ces the CO2 emission, but also the NOx emission by between
clients, including all paperwork.’
35 and 40%!’
The Private Transport Cooperative PTC was established in
1994 and today comprises a widely differentiated fleet of
Saving 2000 trees a year
fifty barges with professional and highly qualified crews.
Next to communication and collaboration, innovation is the
Their combined efforts are coordinated by a driven team at
third main strength of the Private Transport Cooperative PTC.
the organisation’s head office in Rotterdam. Thanks to PTC’s
A recent example is the CCC – the Connected Coil Carrier.
diversification, it has the versatility to offer customised services.
‘This new system was developed by us, and is now being rol-
The organisation has developed into a multi-modal transport
led out in collaboration with one of our major clients.’ The new
provider ensuring the delivery of products according to the
system concerns the transport of steel coils. To prevent these
just-in-time concept. Smooth communication between customers
huge coils from moving around, they used to be stowed by
and planning department are essential in achieving this. ‘And it
means of wooden kegs and underlays. ‘These wooden materi-
is this communication which embodies the key strength of PTC’,
als are now replaced by the Connected Coil Carrier (see pho-
Hulsker states.
tograph), which enables us to save two thousand trees a year!’
All in all, PTC has demonstrated to be a reliable partner in the
Collaboration means more efficiency. Barges are ensured
logistics chain, as well as being innovative and environment-
return cargoes, for example. In addition, it means that costs
friendly – in more ways than one. In short, PTC offers more
for innovation can be shared. After all, investments, which are
than just transport across water.
necessary for the future of any organisation, have a broader
Participants of Zeeland Port Promotion Council
Mammoet Nederland B.V.
Maritiem en Logistiek College de Ruyter
Accountants- en Adviesgroep Rijkse
Euro-Mit Staal B.V.
Meijers Staalbouw b.v.
Sita Recycling Services B.V.
A Koolwijk Shipstores B.V.
Fabricom B.V.
Mourik Vlissingen B.V.
Supermaritime Nederland B.V.
Aannemingsbedrijf Fraanje b.v.
Gemeente Middelburg
Multraship Towage & Salvage
Supermaritime van Reems B.V.
ABN AMRO Bank N.V. Vlissingen-Terneuzen
Golden Tulip L’Escaut
N.V. Economische Impuls
Tempo Team
Adriaanse van der Weel Advocaten
Grontmij Nederland bv.
N.V. Westerscheldetunnel
TMS Terneuzen B.V.
Aerssens & Partner makelaars
Havenwerk B.V.
Oiltanking Terneuzen B.V.
Van Ameyde Marine Vlissingen
Amadore Group B.V.
Heros Sluiskil B.V.
Outokumpu Stainless B.V.
Van Jole B.V.
B.V. Sorteerbedrijf voor Grind en Zand
I.B.S. b.v.
Ovet B.V.
Van Oord Nederland B.V.
ICL-IP Terneuzen B.V.
Pacorini Vlissingen B.V.
Verbrugge Scaldia Terminals B.V.
Boogaard Advocaten
ING Business Banking
Pfauth Logistics B.V.
Verbrugge Terneuzen Terminals B.V.
Boot & Buteijn Transport
Interlashing B.V.
Verbrugge Zeeland Terminals
Istimewa Elektro
R.G.R. Shipping & Forwarding B.V.
Verenigde Bootlieden B.V.
Juister Imaginairies
Raadgevend Ingenieursburo F. Koch B.V.
Verex Douane Service
Cordeel Nederland B.V.
Justion Advocaten
Rabobank Terneuzen/Sas van Gent
Vesta Terminal Flushing B.V.
C-Port B.V.
Katoen Natie Westerschelde B.V.
Rabobank Walcheren/Noord-Beveland
Vlissingse Bootliedenwacht B.V.
DB Schenker Rail Nederland N.V.
Kloosterboer Vlissingen V.O.F.
Rabobank Oosterschelde
Vopak Terminal Vlissingen B.V.
De Hoop Terneuzen
KPMG Accountants N.V.
Royal Haskoning DHV Nederland B.V.
Vroon B.V.
De Ruyter Training & Consultancy
KWS Infra/Aquavia
S5 Agency World Vlissingen
Yellow & Finch Publishers
De Zeeuwse Alliantie Notarissen
S.T.T. B.V.
Zeeland Maritime Cleaning
Delta Lloyd Insurances
Lagan Cement B.V.
Sagro Aannemingsmij. Zeeland BV
Zeeland Refinery
Delta Safe Security Services
Lievens Communicatie
Saybolt Nederland BV
Zeeland Seaports
Deutsche Bahn
Lievense CSO
Scheldepoort Reparatiewerf
Zeeland Supply Industrial Stores
Dow Benelux B.V.
Loodswezen Regio Scheldemonden
Zuidgeest Uitzendbureau
DRV Accountants & Belastingadviseurs
M. Huisman Advocaten
Sealake Terminal B.V.