

Volume 7. Edition 4 November/December 2012
Port News
The magazine covering the ins and outs
of the por ts of Vlissingen and Ter neuzen
Top Region
The Executive Board of the Province of
Zeeland has a new economic agenda.
It is not a static policy document, but a
piece that invites companies, educational
institutions, knowledge institutions and
social bodies to join forces in turning the
Zeeland economy into a sustainable one.
The seaports and trade & industry surrounding them are playing an important
part in this development.
08 Need to invest
Despite the financial crisis and the economic recession, Verbrugge Terminals is investing substantially in the Vlissingen and
Terneuzen company sites. This year alone,
the logistic services provider has invested
45 million Euros in expanding its terminal in Terneuzen, while last year similar
amounts were put towards the sizeable
expansion of Verbrugge Terminals in the
new Scaldiahaven in Vlissingen. Since
2007 the company has invested some 165
million Euros.
INVISTA invests
in Vlissingen
Chemical company INVISTA is expanding
its production capacity in the area of Specialty Materials globally, including at its
Vlissingen site. And although the investment of several millions of Euros does
not always automatically involve a major
expansion of traffic movements or more
job opportunities, it is clear, nonetheless,
that the company will be continuing its
activities in the Vlissingen port area for
the coming years.
Zeeland Port News is
published by:
Zeeland Port Promotion Council
and Zeeland Seaports
Member Holland Ports
P.O. Box 1057
NL-4388 ZH Oost-Souburg
The Netherlands
Offshore energy
is spearhead
Quite a few offshore wind projects are
planned. Projects that require a lot of materials that need to be shipped in by sea.
‘The port of Vlissingen is an ideal home
base for delivery’, Peter Geertse, commercial manager of Zeeland Seaports, said.
‘And not just for wind-energy projects, but
also for oil and gas production activities.’
T : +31 (0)118-491320
F : +31 (0)118-478833
E : info@zppc.nl
I : www.zppc.nl
P.O. Box 132
NL-4530 AC Terneuzen
The Netherlands
T : +31 (0)115-647400
F : +31 (0)115-647500
E : port@zeelandseaports.com
I : www.zeelandseaports.com
Also in this issue
Opportunities are to be seized
Traffic management Ghent-Terneuzen
Almost 4 million for study new sea lock
Most extensive maintenance stop
Third frigate for Morroco
Seaport’s worker: Petra Beernaert
Zeeland fisheries vigorously innovating
Award-winning Outokumpu
Green Award for inland navigation
Zeeland Seaports looks after nature
Warm welcome in Vlissingen
Surveying incidents and accidents
The early days
Maintenance Valuepark is developing
Members Zeeland Port Promotion Council
PvH Mediaproducties, Vlissingen
Hanneke Blok, Edwin Hamelink, Peter van Houte,
Marcel Migo, Liz Raadsen, Peter Urbanus,
Elian van ’t Westeinde
FINAL EDITOR: Peter van Houte
TRANSLATION: Kalliope, Vlissingen
PHOTOGRAPHY: (unless otherwise indicated)
Anton Dingemanse, DuoFoto, PvH Media,
Rich-Art (cover), Zeeland Seaports
PRINTED BY: Pieters Grafisch Bedrijf BV Groede
are to be
This is my first column in Zeeland Port News, the publi-
cation of Zeeland Seaports and the Zeeland Port Promotion
Council. For many years, this interesting magazine has been
providing us with articles worth reading. In fact, it reflects the
dynamism of the ports of Zeeland and the surrounding industrial areas.
When I became Chief Commercial Officer with Zeeland
Seaports, about a year ago, I was very excited to become a
To ensure further growth of our port area, a deep-sea terminal
part of this. So many opportunities present themselves, especi-
within a few years’ time is an absolute must. Especially since
ally in collaboration with the existing trade & industry, which
this will reduce logistic costs.
forms the basis of our port economy.
In addition, shipping companies will benefit from the fact that
our port is able to handle both import and export. After all,
Obviously, Zeeland has been confronted with the poor econo-
we have proved our worth as a fully-fledged seaport. Besides,
mic climate, resulting in substantial reorganisations and even
the ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp are among the top 10 of
bankruptcies. These matters have had quite an impact on the
congested posts, which offers great opportunities to us. We
growth of our ports and the employment market. On the other
still have the space, the uncluttered access to the hinterland,
hand, there are the companies that are still growing. Especi-
and – this is what really makes us stand out from the compe-
ally in the areas of storage and transhipment of mixed cargo.
tition – we have a highly motivated and skilled workforce to
Some players in our ports have submitted requests for expan-
add value to cargo streams.
sion, for example concerning quays or land. Moreover, as a
port authority, we observe that foreign companies continue to
Finally, global containerisation continues to grow between 4%
regard Zeeland as a suitable location to establish business.
and 7%. These figures present an opportunity we just cannot
In short, it’s time to roll up our sleeves.
afford not to seize.
Have a good read!
For example, by focussing on containerisation. In the short
term, a relatively small-scale operation of around 1 million TEU
Dick Gilhuis
is needed, after which, at a later stage, large-scale facilities
Vice chairman Zeeland Port Promotion Council
are to be realised.
Chief Commercial Officer Zeeland Seaports
Traffic management Ghent-Terneuzen
The Permanent Committee of Su-
The new sea lock will bring in more
The intention is to have the three parties
pervision on Scheldt Traffic will
nautical traffic and a major increase in
operate from a single, communal coor-
be collaborating more closely
scale, which will have a great impact
dination centre in future, together with
with the ports of Ghent and Zee-
on traffic control on the Canal. In addi-
the other service providers (pilots, to-
land Seaports in order to achieve
tion, the construction of the sea lock will
wage services, lashers). The envisaged
optimum traffic management on
involve traffic disruptions. By means of
collaboration will include the following
the Canal from Ghent to Terneu-
intensive collaboration, the three parties
activities: information technology for
zen. The organisations intend to
want to be prepared for the new situa-
nautical planning, ordering of pilots and
integrate all services involved in
tion. The Permanent Committee, Ghent
towage services, appointing of moor-
traffic control, preferably carried
port authority and Zeeland Seaports are
ing berths for ships, traffic monitoring
out from a jointly to be set up
already collaborating to achieve smooth
with radar and identification systems,
coordination centre. This in order
nautical traffic. To date, this was done
planning and operation of locks and
to prepare for the new sea lock
from different locations with own plan-
bridges, and safety coordination in case
at Terneuzen, which should be
ning and resources.
of calamities.
commissioned around 2020.
Almost 4 million for study new sea lock
The European Commission contributes
improve the transport infrastructure in
The Commission is committed to a good
almost 4 million Euros for the project
the European Union. In total, the Euro-
infrastructure. In addition, it stimulates
study of a new sea lock near Terneuzen.
pean Commission is making 200 million
employment in the EU because, thanks
The total costs for this study amount to
Euros available in subsidies for the 74
to these subsidies, the member states
7.85 million Euros. The money is paid
projects in the programme for the trans-
are given the opportunity to continue to
from a fund that is intended to further
European transport network (TEN-T).
invest in infrastructure.
Ports of Zeeland Top Region
The Executive Board of the Province of Zeeland has a new economic agenda. It is not a static policy
document, but a piece that invites companies, educational institutions, knowledge institutions and social
bodies to join forces in turning the Zeeland economy into a sustainable one. The Province is involving the
whole region and is also emphatically looking across its own boundaries to the rest of the Netherlands as
well as Europe. The seaports and trade & industry surrounding them are playing an important part in this
‘Here, the economic engine is running at full speed’, the Pro-
materials, the greening of the process industry, and the manu-
vince states in the Economic Agenda. ‘This area has a number
facture of so-called biobased building blocks for the chemical
of striking features, such as deep-water access, the presence of
sector. The Province is working on a complete conversion, which
process industry, and excellent connections with the hinterland.’
is expected to take some thirty years.
The Province is pointing to a number of specific spearheads: the
development of biobased economy, maintenance, energy, and
logistic activities. With the Economic Agenda, it intends to pro-
‘A central ambition of Zeeland Seaports is anticipating the
vide a sound basis for entrepreneurship, a healthy job market,
global trend of containerisation. A complete port simply has to
innovation, and development. The focal point of the agenda
have container facilities. If it doesn’t, it will eventually be forced
comprises nine business cases, which represent the practical
into the margins. From this point of view, it is essential to put
interpretation of the policy. In each business case, authorities
maximum focus on the possibilities for container handling. An
and private parties collaborate in projects that will realise the
important part is played in this by the renewed inland shipping
ambitions of the Province and trade & industry.
connection between the Seine and the Scheldt.’ Together with
Zeeland Seaports, trade & industry, and educational institutions,
Biobased Economy
the Province of Zeeland wants to make container transhipment
Biobased Economy is such a business case in which the Province
possible, and position the region alongside the Canal from
wants to become a Top Region. In the Agenda, this is described
Ghent to Terneuzen as a multimodal hub in the Rotterdam-Paris
as follows: ‘Together with the surrounding regions, Zeeland has
connection. By zooming in on the improvement of infrastructure,
the ambition to develop into a Top European Biobased Region.
for example the Zeeland-Antwerp railway connection, and
Biobased Economy stands for an economy that is based on
by joining container streams to inland navigation, container
green raw materials and on the reuse of residual materials
transhipment is given the chance to further develop. ‘And this is
such as heat, water and CO2. Zeeland has an excellent starting
just the start. Over the coming years, companies and authorities
position, because both the chemical industry and the agro and
will continue to fill in the ambitions of the Province of Zeeland.
food sectors are strongly represented in the region. In these sec-
With innovative projects and new business cases that will turn
tors, the first steps have already been taken.’ The business case
the ports of Zeeland into a sustainable Top Port.’
revolves around the development and production of green raw
‘We need to invest,
Despite the financial crisis and the economic recession, Verbrugge Terminals is investing substantially in
the Vlissingen and Terneuzen company sites. This year alone, the logistic services provider has invested
45 million Euros in expanding its terminal in Terneuzen, while last year similar amounts were put towards the sizeable expansion of Verbrugge Terminals in the new Scaldiahaven in Vlissingen. Since 2007
the company has invested some 165 million Euros.
According to president and CEO Martin Verbrugge, the
time is exactly right to do so. ‘Now is a good moment to
invest, because materials are somewhat cheaper than they
were in 2008. The price of steel, for example, is much lower today. There is an overcapacity on the market, so this
is a good time to build warehouses.’ Last year, the company invested 40 million Euros in seven new warehouses
for paper and metal in Vlissingen. And the investments in
Vlissingen continue. Martin Verbrugge: ‘These are longterm investments covering a period of at least 25 years.’
In Terneuzen, the storage of bulk is currently being expanded. Three new warehouses were added, as well as
three tanks for the storage of liquids and extra packaging
capacity. The storage of liquids represents a new market
for Verbrugge. ‘We are not doing it alone, but in a joint
venture with Ameropa, an internationally operating family
business from Basel. They know the market, and we are
quick learners. They were already active in Rouen, a major
liquid port, and opted for Terneuzen because of its favourable location. From here, Germany and France are easily
served; and much more economically than from Rouen at
Investing in resources and people
Verbrugge literally stated that the company is investing in
the future. ‘We have to grow. We are a logistic services
provider: we do not buy or sell, but we deliver services,
such as storage and transhipment. In order to stick it out,
we have to aim for the top of logistic services provision.
That is why we are always competing with Antwerp. And
occasionally with Ghent, sometimes with Zeebrugge, and
to a lesser extent with Rotterdam. And, of course, with
Rouen, Le Havre, La Rochelle and a number of German
ports, such as Bremen.’
In recent years, Verbrugge also explicitly invested in people. The workforce grew spectacularly: from 500 people in
permanent employment in 2006 to 840 today, plus another
400 employees on contract basis. In total, some 1200
people are employed by Verbrugge today, making the company one of the largest employers in the ports of Zeeland.
especially now!’
President and CEO Martin Verbrugge
According to Martin Verbrugge, the company’s employees
Frontrunner in integrated logistic services
are its success factor. ‘We have a high standard of dedication and we are maintaining this level by focussing on our
people. And by making sure we continue to flourish. Of
course, we make mistakes as well. Thing is to correct any
mistakes promptly and immediately notify the customers involved. Training is and will remain an important motivating
factor. One of our strengths is our personal touch; we know
one another well and consult with each other whenever
we can. Another factor of great importance is maintaining
personal relationships with customers. We train our junior
commercial talents especially to serve our customers as
best we can by listening closely to their wishes. The CEO
himself is on the road at least one hundred days in a year
for acquisition and keeping in touch with customers around
the world.
In 2008, Verbrugge Terminals celebrated its 50th anniversary. ‘We organised major festivities’, said Verbrugge.
On the other hand, the CEO had also announced the
impending arrival of lean years. In fact, he predicted the
economic crisis itself. ‘It will have major consequences for
our company, for our environment, for all of us’, Verbrugge
stated at the time.
Verbrugge Terminals is one of the leading logistic
services providers located in the ports of Vlissingen
and Terneuzen. Verbrugge Terminals handles a total
volume of over 15 million tons per year, which accounts for more than one third of the total transhipment through the ports of Zeeland. Important product
groups include paper, woodpulp, lumber, steel
and metals, (white) bulk, and projects. Verbrugge’s
activities revolve around commodities: mainly raw
materials and semimanufactures. Verbrugge has three
terminals in the ports of Vlissingen and Terneuzen, in
all comprising over close to 1 million square metres
of covered storage facilities.
Verbrugge Terminals is not a stevedoring company in
the traditional sense of the word. The company does
a lot more than that. Pretransport, posttransport, stock
administration, order bookings. Verbrugge has grown
into a modern logistic company that looks after the
complete supply chain, from plant to customer. The
choice to become allround was made a long time
ago. Verbrugge was one of the frontrunners wielding
the concept of integrated logistic services provider.
Today, it has become an international trend.
‘And unfortunately, I was right’, he observed today. ‘We
We observed a further decline. Fortunately, today, in 2012,
are currently in a double dip, which everybody could have
we have been able to welcome many new clients and we
seen coming. And this dip may last for quite a while, like it
are involved in new developments. The situation is quite
has in Japan. A lot has happened. Everybody kept buying
stable now. It cannot be compared to the situation that had
and consuming and buying some more. It started in 2007
arisen late 2008. Slowly but surely, we got hold of an up-
and the crisis hit hard by September of 2008. All of a sud-
ward trend once again. One of the reasons is that we have
den, everything ground to a halt.
invested a lot. And we have regained a positive mindset.
The authorities realised that things just could not continue
the way they had been and people also understood that
some things had to change. Trade unions have become
more realistic as well. It gives us all something to go on.’
The CEO of Verbrugge Terminals is also positive about
the cooperation provided by local authorities lately.
Requests for permits the company submitted for the recent
expansions and renovations were met with approval from
municipalities and the Province. ‘This is important, also
for the image of the ports of Zeeland abroad. The world
must know that our ports enjoy a broad support’, Martin
Verbrugge stated. ‘We cannot do it alone; it is wonderful to see that the whole community believes in our ports
and is giving companies establishing in this area a warm
welcome. A perfect example of this is represented by the investments done by Pacorini Metals and Glencore. Within a
short time they have become very important players in our
seaports. As a part of this process, a 50/50 joint venture
between Pacorini and Verbrugge Terminals was founded,
Verbrugge Terminals Vlissingen
Verbrugge Terminals Terneuzen
Companies stopped investing, consumers stopped consuming. Apart from the daily necessities, that is. Our turnover
dropped by no less than 30 percent. Prices for commodities
rose. The price of steel went sky high. As a company, it
took some adjusting; we had to take measures. After all,
we wanted to survive. And survive we did. By putting matters on hold. By postponing the purchase of new lorries,
fork-lift trucks, etcetera. We weren’t the only ones doing
this, which is why such a major crisis occurred, of course.
On the other hand, if you were the only one doing so, you
would have had a problem as well. Unfortunately, we had
to let some people go at the time.Partly by natural attrition,
partly as a result of reorganisation. All in all, we reduced
our workforce by around ten percent.’
Positive mindset
Like many other companies, Verbrugge Terminals experienced a rather weak year in 2009. ‘Our stocks, which
called Scaldia Zeeland Warehousing (SZW). SZW is
were sky high in 2008, were greatly reduced’, Martin
currently developing dedicated warehouse capacity of up
Verbrugge explained. ‘Import had come to a standstill.
to 130,000 m2 in Zeeland. Let’s look after these types of
This situation lasted until May of 2010. After the summer of
world players in Zeeland, together.’
2011, a double dip developed.
Most extensive maintenance stop
In September and October, a major turnaround
by ocean-going vessels is to be cut down drastically. This is
took place at no less than four factories on the
needed in order to increase safety on the Westerschelde.
site of artificial fertiliser plant Yara, in Sluiskil.
In future, the concurrent shutdown of major installations will,
It was the first time such an extensive mainte-
therefore, become a necessary custom.
nance stop took place on the Yara site. After two
years of preparations, the ammonia plant Re-
Quite an operation
forming E and Ureum7 and the connected ureum
The shutdown of four plants requires quite a long prepa-
processing installations were stopped concur-
ration time; at least two years, in fact. Almost a thousand
rently. In the ammonia plant, the legally required
extra people were present on the site to work on this job.
inspections were carried out. Ureum7 has been in
It requires strict planning of the activities and an ingenious
operation since last year.
logistic plan to make sure all goes well and all the right parts
are available in the right place at the right time. Portocabins
Therefore, its stop rather took the form of a warranty check,
were provided on the site to accommodate the employees.
with emphasis on further optimisation of the new plant. Nor-
During the whole process, it was safety first. The contractors
mally, such installations do not need a major stop until they
received special training and also the temporary employees
have been in operation between 4 and 6 years.
were given special instructions about safety requirements and
codes of conduct. These matters are of the utmost importance
when working on the complex Yara installations.
The concurrent shutdowns of the two major plants were
needed because of the enormous capacity of Ureum7. When
Ureum7’s demand for ammonia and CO2 is removed from
The work was completed with only very few problems and
the reforming plants, this will result in a surplus of ammonia
limited nuisance for the environment. The factories can
and CO2, which cannot be processed. And it is rather tricky
operate safely for another six years. The whole turnaround is
to export ammonia by sea. In a covenant with the authorities,
now being evaluated together with all parties involved, ensu-
it has been laid down that the transport volume of ammonia
ring continued improvement of process and procedures.
Third frigate for Morroco
On 8 September 2012, the SIGMA Class Frigate, Allal Ben Abdellah, built by Damen Schelde Naval
Shipbuilding (DSNS) in Vlissingen, was transferred to the Royal Moroccan Navy. On this occasion,
DSNS had the unique opportunity to let the ceremony take place in Rotterdam, during the 35th edition
of the ‘World Port Days’.
This delivery of the last ship in a series of three marked
sion of this training period, the Allal Ben Abdellah embar-
the culmination of a period of dedicated and successful
ked upon her maiden voyage to Morocco.
partnership with the Royal Moroccan Navy. All three ships
were delivered on time, according to all specifications as
stated in the contract, and to the full satisfaction of the
The three SIGMA-class frigates for the Royal Moroccan
customer. The delivery of the last of three frigates was
Navy were designed according to Schelde Naval Ship-
achieved within four and a half years from the effective
building’s revolutionary SIGMA approach and represent a
date of contract, after a period of thorough engineering
further development of the SIGMA corvettes for the Indo-
and three years of construction. The first frigate, Tarik Ben
nesian Navy. The SIGMA approach applies modularity in
Zayid, was commissioned on 10 September 2011 and the
many areas.
second one, Sultan Moulay Ismail, on 10 March 2012.
The Royal Moroccan Navy SIGMA Class frigates were
After commissioning, the crew followed a three-week Sail
equipped to conduct traditional naval tasks as well as ma-
Safety Training in Den Helder and on the North Sea.
ritime security operations. The vessels are also suitable for
This training was conducted by training teams of the Royal
the support of humanitarian aid operations.
Netherlands Navy. At the end of September, after conclu-
Seaport’s worker...
It is beyond dispute that people
are the most valuable capital
resource a port can have. And
the ports of Zeeland are very
fortunate in this respect. After
all, we find it important to add
value to the products that pass
through our port. And who are
the ones adding this value?
That’s right, our workers.
Petra Beernaert (42)
Train driver with
DB Schenker
he looks quite frail, but appearanPhotograph: Eut van Berkum
ces can be deceptive. Petra Beernaert,
engine driver with DB Schenker Rail
Nederland, is as tough as any male
The process coordinator provides us
turnover of staff in our company – so we
train driver. Which doesn’t necessa-
with the paperwork for the wagon loads
were looking for a wagon master.
rily mean she has the same physical
to be transported to customers.
It so happened that our management
strength. ‘Sometimes, it’s just a little trick
it is very important to know the nature
was engaged in negotiations with
you have to know.’
of the freight we carry, should anything
Ghent about a form of collaboration
happen along the way. Usually, wagon
and that is how Luc joined our company
Born and bred in Terneuzen, Petra has
loads are waiting for us to be taken
on a part-time basis. There was a click
been working on the railway since the
back. We give the wagons a technical
right from the start.’
age of 19. First as a general adminis-
inspection, check the stickers, and test
trative employee, making plannings
the brakes to make sure they are safe
In their spare time they enjoy adven-
and preparing consignment notes, later
to ride. Then we take them back to the
turous travelling together, from India to
as traffic controller and deputy process
Costa Rica and from Africa to the Philip-
coordinator. But actually, she just wan-
pines. ‘Last year, we travelled with the
ted to work outside in the yard. After 22
Obviously, Petra loves her job. Fortuna-
Orient Express to Eastern Siberia. Our
years with the company, she was given
tely, when she comes home from work,
group numbered seven plus the guide.
the opportunity to become a train dri-
she can talk about it all she likes since
We spent many nights with very hospita-
ver. Her home base is Vlissingen, from
her husband Luc is a railway person as
ble locals who showed us around their
where she will soon be driving trains to
well. He is wagon master, employed by
beautiful country. And next year, we are
Kijfhoek (Rotterdam) and Venlo.
the Belgian company NMBS Logistics.
planning a holiday in Uganda, to see
‘We met in Sas van Gent.
the mountain gorillas.’
‘The work is very diverse’, Petra ex-
One of my colleagues had resigned –
plains, ‘and is carried out in twosomes.
quite rare since there is hardly any
INVISTA invests
Chemical company INVISTA is expanding its production capacity in the area of Specialty Materials
globally, including at its Vlissingen site. And although the investment of several millions of Euros does
not always automatically involve a major expansion of traffic movements or more job opportunities, it
is clear, nonetheless, that the company will be continuing its activities in the Vlissingen port area for the
coming years.
INVISTA (Nederland) B.V. in Vlissingen
product is rising; and the laws and
produces Terate® polyols, a raw ma-
regulations regarding fire safety are be-
INVISTA is a wholly owned subsidiary
terial used by the insulation industry --
coming increasingly strict. Other factors
of Koch Industries Inc., which is based
which makes this investment so special.
of importance are energy savings and
in Wichita, Kansas, USA. INVISTA em-
While the building materials industry
reduced CO2 emissions from the heating
ploys about 11,000 people around the
struggles across Europe, INVISTA is
and cooling of buildings.
world. It operates in more than twenty
expanding. ‘Insulation board containing
To our parent company, these were
countries across North America, South
our Terate® polyols has a high insula-
good arguments to invest in the Vlis-
America, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific
tion value and flame retardant proper-
singen site. And when the construction
region. Koch Industries is one of the
ties’, site manager Martin de Graaf
industry picks up, we will be able to
largest privately-held companies in the
explains. ‘Already the demand for this
deliver a good product ahead of the
in Vlissingen
According to Martin de Graaf, the fact
dismissal of many of its 63 employees.
mainly by tank container. Some of the
that INVISTA is in private hands enables
The manufacture of Terate® polyols
containers destined for the European
a countercyclical approach. ‘We do not
remained in place and over the years,
continent are transported by lorry.
have shareholders whose prime focus is
the quality of this chemical substance
Another part is shipped to the British
short-term returns on investment. That is
was further improved.
Isles. Martin de Graaf sees it as an
why we can afford to invest in product
Terate® polyols take the form of an
advantage for INVISTA to be located
development and the improvement
amber-coloured viscous substance. It is
in Vlissingen. ‘Not just because of the
of our production processes. This will
a raw material used by other compa-
nearby ports, but also -- and especially --
benefit us in the long run when the Euro-
nies to manufacture insulation board
because this is an industrial area where
pean building industry picks up again.’
for walls, floors and roofs. INVISTA
we share utilities and other services with
manufactures the raw material on a site
other companies.
Research and innovations
in Wilmington, North-Carolina, USA,
INVISTA in Vlissingen used to be
as well as in Vlissingen. The Vlissingen
Another advantage is the fact that we
a part of the former chemical com-
plant played a crucial role in the deve-
have reliable, highly qualified person-
pany Hoechst. In 1998, the site was
lopment of the production process of a
nel. There is not much turnover of staff;
purchased by Koch Industries Inc. and
new high quality Terate® polyols type.
our people are committed to the com-
continued to operate under the name
pany and the site. For the time being,
of KoSa. Six years later, its name was
Good location
Vlissingen will continue its work on
changed into INVISTA. At the time, the
In Vlissingen, approximately half of the
product and process development.
Vlissingen site produced two chemical
raw materials are shipped in via
After all, the market does not stand still.’
products: polyester raw material DMT
INVISTA’s own well-equipped jetty.
(Dimethylterephthalate) and Terate®
Other raw materials are shipped in by
polyols. When, in 2007, the global
tank container via the ports of Rotter-
demand for DMT diminished, its produc-
dam and Antwerp. The final products,
tion was stopped. This resulted in the
Terate® polyols, are shipped out again
Site manager Martin de Graaf
Offshore energy
The North Sea is an ideal location for the generation of wind energy. The wind is favourable and
thanks to the slight water depths it is relatively easy to build large wind parks here. Not surprisingly,
quite a few offshore wind projects are planned. Projects that require a lot of materials that need to be
shipped in by sea. ‘The port of Vlissingen is an ideal home base for delivery’, Peter Geertse, commercial manager of Zeeland Seaports, said. ‘And not just for wind-energy projects, but also for oil and gas
production activities.’
‘Our location is one of our strong
drilling platforms, Mammoet is a spe-
Offshore Energy Exhibition in Amster-
points. The ports are close to the North
cialist in the area of heavy transport,
dam. BOW Terminals and Heerema
Sea and are favourably located in
Multraship can be deployed as a to-
had booked their own stand earlier and
relation to the Netherlands, Belgium,
wage service, and there are many other
were nearby. This way, we were able to
the north of France, the United Kingdom
companies that provide great services
favourably present the port of Zeeland
and even Germany and Denmark.
as well. In short, we have everything
with all its advantages for the offshore
In front of the coasts of these countries,
needed to facilitate the building of off-
wind industry. These joint promotion
major wind parks will be developed
shore energy projects. The first projects
efforts we intend to continue.’
over the coming years. In addition, our
have already been executed. Vlissingen
ports are very well accessible. Broad
is in the picture as a successful home
Offshore Wind Project
installation vessels can navigate freely,
And Zeeland Seaports is not just an
unencumbered by locks or bridges.’
onlooker where wind parks are con-
This is important because what is true
cerned. Together with five other parties
anywhere, is true for this branch espe-
from Zeeland, the port company is
cially: time is money. For the transport
of heavy loads, special ships are
needed, which can only bring along a
‘It is a branch
with a future’
developing a plan for the realisation of
an offshore windpark along the coast:
the Zeeland Offshore Wind Project. The
limited amount of material each time.
port company collaborates with Delta
Therefore, speedy handling is of the
NV as energy supplier, Heerema as
utmost importance.
Zeeland builder of offshore construcIt is an image that Zeeland Seaports
tions, Verbrugge Terminals with its
Space and facilities
wants to maintain and reinforce. ‘It is a
logistic expertise, and Zeeuwind and
Peter Geertse: ‘Space is another plus
branch with a future. Today, the parks
initiator the Zeeland Environmental
of the Vlissingen location. Many wind
are being built. This will involve many
Federation ZMF to obtain the support
generator parts are manufactured in
shipping movements and extra jobs
of the population of Zeeland. A plan of
the hinterland, for example in Limburg.
-- especially if we are to also accommo-
approach has already been decided
These types of companies often look to
date construction and assembly work.
upon. The agency Renewable Fac-
us specifically for the temporary storage
In a number of years, these parks will
tory was asked to draw up a financial
of monopiles, transition pieces and simi-
need maintenance and replacements.
exploitation and investment model, a
lar. Companies such as BOW Terminals
Again, this will involve production,
foundation choice analysis, and a deve-
and Verbrugge Terminals are offering
transport and jobs.’ The port company
lopment plan. In the meantime, the six
the space and facilities needed for
has joined forces with trade & industry
partners are working on the creation of
efficient transport to the building sites.
to promote the opportunities presented
support for the ideas. The coming year
And there is more. Companies such as
by Vlissingen-Oost. ‘At the end of Oc-
will be crucial; it should become clear
Hoondert and VDS are specialised in
tober, we joined Verbrugge Terminals,
whether the project is viable.
the building of large steel constructions;
VDS, Multraship, Hoondert Staalbouw
Heerema provides foundations for
and Mammoet to participate in the
( Continued on page 19 and 20 )
is spearhead
Flexibility is the catchword
Verbrugge has space for wind-
ace. In total, we have 170 hectares of
thoroughly familiar with this phenome-
park parts both on the Zeeland
storage space and a quay with a length
non. This branch is expected to grow
Terminal and at the Scaldia
of 2.6 kilometres and a draught of 14.5
substantially over the coming years. We
Terminal. ‘Since 2009 we have
metres. This gives us a lot of flexibility,
want to expand our activities, including
handled five major projects with
allowing us to handle multiple pro-
the handling of wind turbines. I expect
foundations’, Erik van der Ham,
jects at the same time. In addition, the
that the parts will also be arriving
Commercial Manager Offshore
bottom in front of the quay is suitable
from the Far East in future. Verbrugge
Wind, explained.
for jack-up vessels. Thanks to a good
Terminals will be in an excellent position
‘These foundations comprised 60-metre
collaboration with Sarens, specialised
to receive these, close as we are to the
pipes with a diameter of six metres and
in heavy-lift activities, we always have
North Sea and with lock-free access. It
a weight of 700 tons, to be driven into
suitable cranes at our disposal.
is important to promote Vlissingen as an
the sea bottom. On top of the pipe, a
Because we have handled more than
offshore wind port. Together. After all,
yellow transition piece was mounted,
five hundred foundations, our people
together we stand.’
which sticks out above the water surf-
have ample experience. They are
Dedicated business
Arjen Pattenier is sales manager
simultaneously, both outdoor and in
The sales manager is positive: ‘There
offshore energy at BOW Termi-
covered facilities. We have a 1200-ton
are not very many companies with so
nals, a subsidiary of Klooster-
crane with a logistic team available on
much space and knowledge to be able
boer. ‘In 2010, we started our
a 24/7 basis. Ships never need to wait
to offer these services. Our collabora-
offshore heavy-lift energy pro-
to load or unload. This way, customers
tion with other companies, such as VDS
jects, a growing market with a
can be sure to have the necessary parts
and Heerema, is important as well.
future. We are focussing on wind
delivered to their destination in time.
We complement one another and are
parks and oil and gas platforms.
Risk control is crucial, as is safety while
able to present a complete concept.
the work is being carried out.’ Since the
We have the space; they have the
Our quay has a length of 360 metres
start, BOW terminals has handled ten
constructions. This way, we can draw
and a storage site of fourteen hectares
projects. Pattenier: ‘I noticed that there
in companies to Vlissingen. And once
(plus a seven-hectare option) that was
was not a single Dutch project among
they have chosen for our port, we can
specially developed for this, including
distribute the work according to the
office facilities for our customers’
Now, there are two major Dutch pro-
companies’ specialisms.’
representatives. We can store and
jects ready to start. Hopefully, they will
tranship parts for different projects
choose for Vlissingen as a home base.’
Zeeland fisheries vigorously innovating
The fisheries sector contributes substantially to the
Zeeland economy. Vlissingen is the home base for
dozens of large and small fishing craft from Vlissingen and Arnemuiden, since the latter village no
longer has its own fishing port. In general, there
are between fifteen and twenty cutters moored
here. In September, the annual Fisheries Days
took place in the Vlissingen Binnenhaven, which
attracted some 25 thousand visitors. It featured
a culinary square with fifty stands where people
could taste salty delicacies. This year’s fishery
festivities were a great success.
In the Vlissingen Binnenhaven, fishing craft equipped with
new electrical fishing gear were moored. Traditionally,
added to these. The Producers’ Organisation Delta Zuid,
chains and chain mats are used, which are pulled along
which includes Zeeland, supports fishermen in their submis-
the bottom of the sea in front of the net. This will raise the
sion of permit requests for pulse-trawl fishery. Expensive
flatfish, causing them to be caught in the nets. This fishing
fuel represents a serious threat to the yield of the fishing
method costs a lot of fuel and damages sea life on the
bottom. The solution was presented by the pulse trawl, an
The North Sea and coastal fishing craft sailing from the
invention by the Verburg company from Colijnsplaat in
ports of Zeeland mainly catch shrimp, plaice and sole.
Zeeland. It makes use of trailing wires giving off electrical
The 11 large Zeeland North Sea cutters (300 hp or more)
shocks to raise the fish. This results in a 20 to 40 percent
mainly fish for flatfish, while the 19 smaller Euro cutters
lower fuel consumption. Moreover, the bottom is minimally
focus alternatively on flatfish, shrimp and also cod. The sup-
disturbed, resulting in less bycatch and a greater yield.
ply to the Zeeland fish markets remains stable both in value
In the Netherlands, 25 cutters have already been equipped
and in quantity. In 2011, the joint turnover of the Zeeland
with the pulse trawl. In term, dozens of others will be
fish auctions was 36.6 million Euros.
Award-winning Outokumpu
Two years ago, Zeeland Port News interviewed Frank de Meijer, managing director at Outokumpu in
Westdorpe. The originally Finnish company is specialised in the production of stainless steel. On the
location in Westdorpe, alongside the Canal from Ghent to Terneuzen, the material is processed and cut
according to customer-specific requirements. At the time -- it was the depth of the crisis -- the company
invested almost five million Euros. The production capacity was expanded and also the quality of management was given an impulse. Like Port News, you are probably wondering how things are going for
this company.
‘While investing in the physical facili-
Multinationals such as Unilever and
They have a much longer horizon. They
ties, we explicitly focussed on quality --
Heineken are already applying TPM in
take the time for the necessary impro-
on the improvement of the performance
their production processes. And now
vements, whether these involve three
of the production lines’, de Meijer
Outokumpu is doing the same. ‘First, we
weeks or six years.’
explains. World Class Operations, he
were audited according to the TPM
calls it. The objective is to control all
guidelines. Every single detail was loo-
‘Another thing I noticed is that they like
production processes in an optimum
ked into. Not only the production lines,
to keep things simple, to make sure that
way, so as to operate as efficiently as
but also our safety policy and manage-
everyone understands what is asked of
possible. Outokumpu is realising this
ment approach were closely studied.
them. They have been working like this
according to a system developed by the
Based on the recommendations, teams
for sixty-odd years. We only three. It will
Japanese Institute of Plant Maintenance
set out to achieve the ultimate goal: the
take some time before this way of wor-
called TPM – Total Productive Mainte-
elimination and control of all losses,
king has fully integrated in our compa-
nance. This non-profit organisation has
both in terms of time and material. This
ny. In the meantime, we have had our
been researching since 1969 how ope-
was not achieved in a day or a week.
second audit. It was very positive and
rating and production processes may be
It’s a long-term process. I noticed that
we were granted the Total Productive
optimised and shares its findings with
the Japanese have quite a different view
Maintenance Award. I personally went
companies around the world.
on this than Western people do.
to Kyoto in Japan to pick it up.
Photograph: Sky Pictures
Managing-director Frank de Meijer
It was the first step. Our next challenge
We have to make great efforts for these.
‘If we are given the go-ahead, we will
is to obtain World Class Recognition.
By 2015, the ships that are transhipping
gain 11,000 colleagues and we will
Quite a task, especially considering the
our goods have to become greener. This
become the world’s main player in
current economic situation.’
involves investments in cleaner engines
stainless steel. This may affect us in a
and more expensive fuels. And because
big way – positively, that is! We are an
Optimising transport flows
the Chinese do not have to meet such
excellent home base for Europe, with
The location in Westdorpe is doing
strict requirements, they can deliver
well-qualified workers, a favourable
rather well. De Meijer explains that
more cheaply. If this continues, Europe-
location with respect to the market,
output has grown, especially thanks to
an manufacturers will eventually disap-
and excellent transport modalities
the choices made in Finland to optimise
pear. It would be a shame if we would
across road and waterways. When
transport flows via this location. In fact,
no longer be viable in ten years’ time.’
the Sluiskiltunnel and the Seine-Scheldt
Westdorpe has become a hub for the
On the other hand, de Meijer sees
connection are completed, I believe
transport of ferrochromium. ‘At the
opportunities as well because of these
we will be able to play an important
moment, we are storing and tranship-
stricter rules. ‘We are contemplating, in
role in the new Outokumpu. A weak
ping 25,000 tons on an annual basis. It
consultation with shipping companies,
point remains the railway connection.
is a wonderful new activity with a lot of
the fuelling of ships with LNG. This is a
It seems to be forgotten. A new railway
growth potential. The volume may easily
cleaner type of fuel with a bright future.
line to Belgium is needed in order to
quadruple. However, we are looking
I believe that the Autrichehaven would
properly serve the European hinterland
beyond that. The world looks different to
be a suitable bunker station, not only for
by means of this modality as well. And
what it did two years ago. Autonomous
ourselves but for others as well.’
that’s not just important to us. The whole
growth is unlikely at the moment.
region alongside the Canal from Ghent
A country such as China has turned
And more changes are in the pipe-
to Terneuzen will be reinforced by it.
from an importer into an exporter, brin-
line. The Board of Directors in Finland
Together with Vlissingen, it will be able
ging its products to Europe more che-
intends to take over the stainless steel
to profile itself as the economic driving
aply. Which is fine; I am an advocate of
division of ThyssenKrupp AG.
force of Zeeland.’
free competition, as long as it is fair. For
Whether the deal is closed depends on
example, take the environmental laws.
the European competition authority.
Green Award for inland navigation
The number of ports awarding barges
for an alternative. The new additions
The Green Award programme for
with a Green Award certificate will
will join a group who have been sup-
inland navigation was inspired by the
grow substantially in future. During the
porting the environmental award since
award with the same name that was
Annual Congress of the Dutch Associ-
its start in 2011. During the NVB An-
introduced for sea-going navigation in
ation of Inland Ports NVB, five parties,
nual Congress, this group was placed in
including Zeeland Seaports, signed a
the limelight.
By now, some 350 barges have been
declaration of intent. The parties repre-
Green Award director Jan Fransen was
certified and there are 8 ports providing
sent 15 ports undertaking to reward
visibly pleased with the number of ports
a discount on the harbour fees. Also,
ships that have been certified by the
joining the initiative: ‘Incentives for the
there are six banks sponsoring the
Green Award Foundation.
environmental performance of ocean-
certificate costs for their clients. As from
going vessels and inland barges are
2013, the number of incentive providers
For most of the ports, this will involve a
especially important today in order to
will be expanded by another 15 ports,
discount on the harbour fees; others, not
motivate companies to take this extra
including Zeeland Seaports.
charging harbour fees, will be looking
step’, he said.
In the Autrichepolder, alongside the
Canal from Ghent to Terneuzen, Zeeland
Seaports provides room for large-scale
glasshouse horticulture. Here, tomatoes,
peppers and aubergines are grown. In
order to fit the greenhouses in with the
It looks rather barren at the moment, but
The new nature area and the Groene
landscape, and to compensate for the na-
within a few years’ time, the area will be
Knoop, which was opened last year, are
ture that was lost for their construction, an
green and full of life.
a part of the Ecologische Hoofdstructuur
extensive nature plan was drawn up and
The common buzzard and the kestrel
(EHS). The EHS connects different nature
executed. In total, 68 hectares of nature
are already spotted regularly, as is the
areas by means of water courses and
were realised.
water bat. Last winter, there was even a
gyrfalcon. Which is quite special, since
This is attractive to animals, who are able
Last October, the final plot of new nature,
this bird has only been spotted ten times
to spread out across a larger area and
in the Autrichepolder and the Smidsschor-
in the Netherlands. When the reeds start
find food and shelter in different places.
repolder near Westdorpe, was offici-
growing along the banks and the dikes
During a special Open Day, the public
ally opened. A new water course was
become overgrown, it will not take long
was given the opportunity to acquaint
constructed to connect up different nature
before bitterns and water shrew start
itself with the new area, discover walking
areas. Various indigenous trees and
settling here.
and cycling paths, and spot special birds
with their field glasses.
shrubs were planted.
Warm welcome in Vlissingen
A well-secured harbour near
a city centre, offering a warm
welcome to its visitors. These
are important preconditions for
cruise companies before they
decide to include a port in their
route. Vlissingen is working hard
to get there. Early one Sunday
morning, on 16 September to
be exact, a cruise ship moored
in the Zeeland port for the third
time this year. It was the Saga
Ruby, from shipping company
Saga Cruises, making a mystery
Passengers going on a mystery cruise do
typical sound of a genuine Dutch street
Port was the one who hauled in the Saga
not know in advance which destinations
organ upon arrival. Once ashore, over
Ruby to Vlissingen.
are in store for them. Imagine their sur-
six hundred British passengers could
If it were up to him, we would be able
prise, therefore, when they heard the
sample a few other typical Dutch treats:
to welcome between twenty and thirty
jenever and the famous confectionery:
of such cruise ships to Zeeland. ‘It is
the Zeeuwse babbelaar. Next, they got
important to offer an interesting day
on the orange-coloured coaches that
programme for passengers. A single-
took them to the Vlissingen city centre.
day visit by a cruise ship such as the
Especially for our cruise guests, the
Saga Ruby could easily bring in around
Zeeland maritime museum muZEEum,
300,000 Euros for the region. In case of
the amusement centre Arsenaal, and the
a turnaround, whereby passengers em-
Jacobskerk church opened their doors a
bark and disembark, this figure may even
little earlier than usual. Passenger Ann
run up to more than double that amount.’
Young (71) was impressed by Vlissin-
Alex Nelis is obviously hoping for a
gen. ‘I had never been here. It’s such a
repeat booking of the Saga Ruby. ‘The
beautiful little city. And so very quiet. We
captain was pleased with the reception.
loved the art deco houses and the square
We scored high on that account. The port
near the marina. The little souvenir shop
security also merited a high score. Still,
was open and we had a nice chat with
there are some points of improvement.
the owner.’ After lunch, the majority of
A real passenger quay will turn Vlissin-
the cruise passengers got on the coaches
gen into an even more attractive destina-
again. They enjoyed a five-hour mystery
tion. With a flexible jetty and a covered
tour around Zeeland. The group visited
gangway, for example.’ In the meantime,
several places of interest, including the
the Finsa quay in the Vlissingen Buitenha-
Delta Works on Neeltje Jans and the
ven is used.
Flood Museum, and they took a ride on
Also passenger Geoff Smith (69) was
the steam train in Goes.
very pleased with the hospitality of Vlissingen. He would love to one day return
The reception in the Vlissingen port and
to this port of call. ‘I don’t know any of
the day programme were organised by
the ports we’ve visited, but Vlissingen
Zeeland Cruise Port and Promotie Zee-
is nice. Yes, we were very well looked
land Delta. Alex Nelis of Zeeland Cruise
Surveying incidents and accidents
On the Verbrugge Terminal, steel plates are sto-
Insurance companies are not only concerned with da-
wed, lashed and secured by professionals.
mages, but also injuries. ‘A couple of weeks ago, for
At the request of clients, these operations are
example, two crew members got hurt during severe
supervised by surveyors of Van Ameyde Marine.
weather conditions. One of them broke an arm and the
The project cargo is headed for Iraq, where these
other one had a deep flesh wound. The two people were
steel components will be used to construct large
taken to the hospital in Vlissingen, where the arm was set
oil-storage tanks. Ko Minnaard, senior surve-
and the flesh wound sewn up. The two crew members were
yor at Van Ameyde Marine, explains that these
flown back to the Philippines. Their luggage was collected
tasks represent only a part of the services offe-
and shipped via Schiphol Airport. It will take some time
red by Van Ameyde. ‘A rather small part, in fact,
before they can get back to work. All these costs will be
since most of our activities involve work for P&I
recouped from the insurance company.’
After the incident, Ko Minnaard went aboard the ship to
talk to the captain about the incident. ‘I asked him what
happened and whether the crew operated according to the
health and safety regulations. I then proceeded to write a
report for the P&I Club who had requested us to investigate
the incident.’ Besides surveying the what, how and why,
Van Ameyde Marine also studies the cases with a view of
how these can be prevented in future. ‘Insurance companies are especially interested in the prevention of accidents
and incidents.’
Protection and Indemnity Clubs are cooperative insurance
associations that provide cover for ship owners and ship
operators. To investigate the damages incurred by their
clients, insurance companies call in external experts, for
example the surveyors from Van Ameyde Marine.
These surveyors will establish the nature and the extent of
damages to ships and terminals. The work is very diverse,
simply because the cargoes are very diverse, including
fruit, forest products, oil, chemicals, gases, heavy cargo
and more. Minnaard: ‘We have specialists for every type
of cargo.’
Van Ameyde Marine is an independent survey company
with four offices: Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Maasvlakte and
Vlissingen. The company employs fifteen surveyors, each
of whom is highly qualified and has ample experience as
a sea-going officer. The surveyors are supported by office
personnel. Van Ameyde Marine’s services are available on
a 24/7 basis. The future of the company looks bright. ‘We
have a steady flow of incoming orders and hired two new
colleagues this year.’
Photographs: Zeeland Seaports (Terneuzen Port Authority collection)
As new regular services are attracted and existing
However, at the moment preparations were taking
warehouses prove too small to store the goods, ob-
place to have a second balloon hall placed, on 13
viously new ones have to be built. But what if these
November 1972, Zeeland was hit by a heavy autumn
aren’t ready yet? In the early nineteen seventies, the
storm. The shed was ripped to shreds. The rolls of
August de Meijer company, at the Zevenaarhaven in
paper that were stored in it were taken to safety by
Terneuzen, came up with a creative solution. In April
transport companies Verbrugge and De Meijer to be
of 1972, a giant balloon warehouse was placed.
stored in an agricultural barn in Zaamslag. It was not
This temporary storage shed had a surface area of
the only balloon hall that fell victim to the storm: the
2700 square metres. It meant extra storage capacity
balloon hall owned by N.V. Zeelandia in Zierikzee did
of 3000 tons. The tent had a length of 90 metres, a
not survive the heavy gale-force winds either.
width of 31 metres and was 12 metres high.
Maintenance Valuepark is
slowly but surely developing
Maintenance Valuepark Terneuzen, the knowledge and business park for maintenance companies in the processing industry is slowly but surely developing. The first visible step is the construction of a new cleaning installation for process equipment by environmental company Indaver, a subsidiary of public utility company Delta. This summer, in anticipation of the construction,
Dow Benelux and Indaver signed a multi-year contract for the cleaning of process equipment by
Indaver on location at Dow.
This contract provides Indaver with se-
Dow side, but this will not pose any
‘Innovation is not just a point on the
curity about the future, allowing them
problems, programme director Rob
agenda’, the programme director
to make this substantial investment in
Rutjens said. A connection between
said. ‘Working together on solutions,
a new installation. The collaboration
the sites has been planned. Dow,
brainstorming about new applica-
has advantages for Dow as well.
Cargill Sas van Gent, Yara Sluiskil,
tions, and discussing with fellow
After all, they don’t have to invest in
and Zeeland Refinery (formerly Total
professionals and specialists is an
new equipment. Indaver, who has
Vlissingen) are the initiators of the
exciting challenge. And lots of fun as
been processing Dow’s industrial
park, which will involve more than
waste water since 2006, is given the
twenty maintenance companies and
opportunity to expand its services to
the school for vocational education
New momentum
other customers as well. The construc-
ROC. Everything is aimed at pushing
The open form of innovation on the
tion of the installation, near the road
chemical maintenance to the next
Maintenance Valuepark is providing
to the Westerscheldetunnel and imme-
level. Innovation projects, such as
the region with new momentum. It is
diately bordering the Dow site, was
working at heights, have already
expected that the park will attract new
started up in September and should
been started up.
business and reinforce the position of
be finished by the end of February
companies already established here.
Intensive collaboration
But according to the programme
The construction of the park itself is
director, the Maintenance Valuepark
First visible step
to start in 2013. Companies, con-
will especially provide an impulse
Indaver’s investment can be regarded
tractors, knowledge institutions, and
for the maintenance profession itself.
s a first, visible step towards the rea-
facilitating service providers on the
‘Maintenance is no longer characte-
lisation of the envisaged knowledge
park will collaborate intensively. As
rised by mechanics in dirty overalls.
and business park for chemical main-
a result, this place will develop into
On the contrary, this park will high-
tenance companies. This – world-wide
a veritable hotspot for high-quality
light quite a different world: attrac-
leading – Maintenance Valuepark will
maintenance. Intensive collaboration
tive, diverse and hi-tech. It is high
arise on the eastern side of the road
and stimulation of innovations will
time the profession was taken to a
to the Westerscheldetunnel, a part of
eventually result in a centre of excel-
higher level; which is exactly what the
the, as yet undeveloped, Nieuw-Neu-
lence for maintenance services and
Maintenance Valuepark will do.’
zenpolder. Indaver will start building
other services especially aimed at the
on the western side of the road, the
process industry.
+ 3 1 118 467778, AGEN CYOPS@AGEN CY-STT.COM
9 Maritime Cleaning of seagoing vessels and inland tankers
9 Calamities: Fighting oil spills
9Industrial Cleaning of storage tanks
9Maritime & Industrial waste disposal
Zeeland Maritime Cleaning B.V. (ZMC)
Engelandweg 33
Port number 1133
4389 PC Vlissingen-Oost (Flushing)
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31(0)118 484038
Fax: +31(0)118 484039
Email: info@zmcleaning.nl
Website: www.zmcleaning.nl
Members of Zeeland Port Promotion Council
A Koolwijk Shipstores B.V.
Deutsche Bahn
Aannemingsbedrijf Fraanje b.v.
Dow Benelux B.V.
ABN AMRO Bank N.V. (Terneuzen)
DRV Accountants & Belastingadviseurs
ABN AMRO Bank N.V. Bedrijven Goes
Euro-Mit Staal B.V.
Adriaanse van der Weel Advocaten
Fabricom B.V.
Aerssens & Partner makelaars
Feyter Forkliftservices
Amadore Group B.V.
Gemeente Middelburg
B.V. Sorteerbedrijf voor Grind en Zand
Golden Tulip L’Escaut
BAM Utiliteitsbouw Regio Rotterdam
Grontmij Nederland bv.
Havenwerk B.V.
Boogaard Advocaten
Heros Sluiskil B.V.
Boot & Buteijn Transport
I.B.S. b.v.
Burger Port Agencies B.V.
ICL-IP Terneuzen B.V.
ING Business Banking
Interlashing B.V.
Chamber of Commerce
Istimewa Elektro
Cordeel Nederland B.V.
Juister Imaginairies
C-Port B.V.
Justion Advocaten
DB Schenker Rail Nederland N.V.
Katoen Natie Westerschelde B.V.
De Hoop Terneuzen
Kloosterboer Vlissingen V.O.F.
De Ruyter Training & Consultancy
KPMG Accountants N.V.
De Zeeuwse Alliantie Notarissen
KWS Infra/Aquavia
Delta Safe Security Services
Lievens Communicatie
Loodswezen Regio Scheldemonden
M. Huisman Advocaten
Sealake Terminal B.V.
Mammoet Nederland B.V.
Maritiem Instituut de Ruyter
Mourik Vlissingen B.V.
Sita Recycling Services B.V.
Multraship Towage & Salvage
Supermaritime Nederland B.V.
N.V. Economische Impuls
Supermaritime van Reems B.V.
N.V. Westerscheldetunnel
Tanido B.V.
Oiltanking Terneuzen B.V.
Tempo Team
Outokumpu Stainless B.V.
TMS Terneuzen B.V.
Ovet B.V.
Van Ameyde Marine Vlissingen
Pacorini Vlissingen B.V.
Van Jole B.V.
Pfauth Logistics B.V.
Van Oord Nederland B.V.
Verbrugge Scaldia Terminals B.V.
R.G.R. Shipping & Forwarding B.V.
Verbrugge Terneuzen Terminals B.V.
Raadgevend Ingenieursbureau Lievense
Verbrugge Zeeland Terminals
Raadgevend Ingenieursburo F. Koch B.V.
Verenigde Bootlieden B.V.
Rabobank Terneuzen/Sas van Gent
Verex Douane Service
Rabobank Walcheren/Noord-Beveland
Vesta Terminal Flushing B.V.
Rabobank Oosterschelde
Vlissingse Bootliedenwacht B.V.
Randstad Nederland BV
Vopak Terminal Vlissingen B.V.
Royal Haskoning
Vonk Industrial Contracting B.V.
S.T.T. B.V.
Vroon B.V.
Sagro Aannemingsmij. Zeeland BV
Zeeland Maritime Cleaning
Saybolt Nederland BV
Zeeland Refinery
ScaldiaTerminal Operator N.V.
Zeeland Seaports
Scheldepoort Reparatiewerf
Zeeland Supply Industrial Stores
Our people are just as easily
accessible as our ports
Zeeland Seaports has many strengths. The location on open
Are you looking for a port which you can count on
sea, the depth of 16.5 metres, the congestion-free connections
at all times?
with the hinterland and the facilities. But one important reason
Would you like to take a chance with passionate professionals
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who don’t have a nine-to-five mentality, who make sure that
The people. Anyone who gets to know Zeeland Seaports
cargo is handled quickly and carefully. Great, the port is our
becomes acquainted with professionals who are proud of
life. We know what hard work is and understand that your
their ports. Proud of their profession. And, as you know, pride
interests are also our interests. Clients come first. Always.
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customers in our ports, and it is effort that often makes the
Call our commercial department, who will be happy to put you
difference. In the boardrooms and on the quays, people who
in touch with the right terminal operator. We are available day
really know their stuff are there to brainstorm with you.
and night on +31 115 647400 www.zeelandseaports.com
driven by dedication

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