April 24, 2016 Fifth Sunday of Easter


April 24, 2016 Fifth Sunday of Easter
Annunciation Catholic Church
Mass Intentions for this Weekend
8:00 am
5:00 pm
(Acts 13:44-52/Jn 14:7-14)
Ivan Singleton†
Lou Rainone†
8:00 am
10:00 am
(Fifth Sunday of Easter)
Alice Denton†
People of Our Parish
Special Intention
Deno Infante†
Charles D. Engelhardt†
Gladys Aguayo†
12:00 pm
5:30 pm
Mass Intentions for the coming Week
Altamonte Springs, Florida
Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for April
Universal: Small Farmers
That small farmers may receive a just reward for their
precious labor.
Evangelization: African Christians
That Christians in Africa may give witness to love and faith
in Jesus Christ amid political-religious conflicts.
Mass Schedule
¿Habla Español?
Saturday Vigil: 5pm
Sunday: 8am, 10am,
12noon & 5:30pm*
*A.S.L. interpreted
Monday - Friday:
7am & 12:15pm
Saturday: 8am
Misa en Español el primer Martes
del mes a las 11am.
El grupo de oración contemplativo
le invita a la Misa en Español.
LUGAR: En la Iglesia
CONTACTO: 407-869-9472
7:00 am
(1 Pt 5:5b-14 /Mk 16:15-20)
Soledad Azula†
Jeanne Lindsay†
7:00 am
8:30 am
12:15 pm
(Acts 14:19-28/Jn 14:27-31a)
Dennis Ray†
Veronica Szalay†
Nancy Mary Halberstadt†
7:00 am
12:15 pm
(Acts 15:1-6 /Jn 15:1-8)
Jeffrey Scolastico†
Roy Doolittle†
7:00 am
12:15 pm
(Acts 15:7-21/Jn 15:9-11)
Francis DiBiasi Jr.†
Lesley Butler†
Reconciliation - Blessed Sacrament Chapel
7:00 am
12:15 pm
(Acts 15:22-31/Jn 15:12-17)
Special Intention
Jerry Savage†
First Friday Evening Mass
8:00 am
5:00 pm
(Acts 16:1-10 /Jn 15:18-21)
Yvette Ouelette†
Lori Wirth†
8:00 am
10:00 am
(Fifth Sunday of Easter)
Eugene and Rose Smigiel†
People of Our Parish
Osiris Martinez Paneque†
Ian Gabler†
Colleen Eagan†
Fred Barbarossa†
12:00 pm
5:30 pm
(Acts 15:1-2, 22-29/Rev 21:10-14, 22-23 /Jn 14:23-29)
Baptisms - Welcome!
Hillory Grace Afoon
Lydia Jeanne Johnson
Della Rae Red Elk
Tenley Marie Meyer
Robert Thomas King
Recently Deceased
†Pedro Rodriguez
†Michelle Ann Carpenter
†Vibert Mohabeer
†Michaela O’Brien
†Lourdes Nierva Redondo
†Rita Barr
†Agustin Tolentino
†Matthew Gable
When: 11:30 am on Sundays.
Where: Padre Pio’s Place
School Mass - Tuesdays at 8:30am. All are welcome!
Portuguese Mass
Wednesday: 7 - 8pm
Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 pm
When: Friday, April 29th 7pm
Where: Our Church
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after Mass until 9pm.
Eucharistic Adoration
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
from 7:30am-9pm
Where: Chapel of the Angels
Flower Intention
In Loving Memory of
Thomas (Tim) Keen
If you would like to help adorn the
sanctuary in honor of a special
event or deceased loved one please
call our Parish Office at
Funeral notices are now posted on our website, after
family approval, at annunciationorlando.org/funerals
Cover photo courtesy of threepointphotographyflorida.com
Fifth Sunday of Easter
April 24, 2016
Dear Friends in Christ,
Congratulations to our parish children who will be receiving their First Eucharist this weekend and next weekend.
I would especially like to welcome their family and guests who are worshipping with us. Seeing the children receiving
their First Eucharist, reminds us of that special moment when we received Christ’s Body and Blood for the first
time. Sacraments are communal celebrations so we are especially pleased to gather together as a parish family to pray
for our young people. I am especially grateful to their parents for encouraging their families to grow in faith. Thank
you for providing an atmosphere in your home where our Catholic faith can be nurtured!
Congratulations also to Deacon Edwin Cardona! You may remember
Edwin from his Pastoral Year with us in 2014-2015. He was ordained a
Deacon last weekend in South Florida. After a summer assignment in a
parish he will return to the Seminary in the Fall in preparation for
Ordination to the Priesthood in May 2017.
There are some wonderful activities coming up….
Mother-Son Fun Night (May 13th), Living Rosary (May 10th) and our Parish Picnic (May 22nd). Please look further in
this bulletin for more information and save the dates so you can plan on actively participating in the life of our parish.
When you come before the Lord this week, please pray for the Priests and Religious Sisters that staff our parish. Know
that we will remember you, your loved ones and your intentions in our prayers as well. May we meet each day in our
In Christ,
Very Rev. Stephen D. Parkes, V.F.
Our Catholic Appeal Update - Our Appeal pledges as of April 19th total:
$754,577. Thank you again for your generosity in helping to reach our
Appeal Assessment of $780,000. Visit annunciationorlando.org for more
information about Our Catholic Appeal.
Confirmation - Thank you for your continued prayers for our recently Confirmed.
Annunciation Catholic Church
Altamonte Springs, Florida
Contem lative Mass - Join us for our Contemplative
Liturgy...for anyone who practices silent meditation. The
celebration of the Eucharist in a contemplative setting is
most intimate. Experience the practice of exterior and
interior silence as an integral part of liturgy. After the
reception of the Eucharist, a period of silence will preclude
the final blessing. WHEN: Monday, April 25 at 7:15pm
WHERE: Nazareth Center
CONTACT: For more information call Basha at
407-869-0781 or e-mail AliceVL@aol.com
Everyone needs a plan. Do you have a will and health care
surrogate? Are you too busy, think it’s too expensive or are
procrastinating? This seminar will help you get started or help
update important life and legacy planning for you and your
family. When: Thursday, May 5th 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Where: St. Gabriel Life Center
Lunch will be provided. This Seminar is free but seating is
limited. Steve Allender will be our presenter.
RSVP by April 28th to our Parish Office at (407) 869-9472.
407-774-2801 www.annunciationacademy.org
Thank you to all of the volunteers and to everyone who
pledged donations. Our Walk-a-thon and Color Run were a
huge success.
April 24, 2016
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Pra for Vocations
Are you interested in hosting our
Vocation Blessing Cup? Please
contact Cheryl or Bob Nettles at
In gratitude to the following for hosting
our Parish Vocation Blessing Cup:
Tim and Geneva Daniels and Family
The Ace Family
Fran and Rick Brown
Rosar Campai n for Peace
We will be starting a Rosary
for Peace Campaign on
May 13th. This is the 100
year anniversary of the
appearance of the Angel of
Peace to the three shepherd
children at Fatima in 1916
(prior to the appearances of
Mary). During this campaign
we will be encouraging
individuals and families to
commit to praying a rosary for peace - in our world, our
communities and in our families.
(For example: 1 per day, 1 per week or 1 per month.)
We ask that you commit for one year.
Visit: annunciationorlando.org/rosary-peace to sign up.
We will send you a prayer package with a commitment
card and a link to record your rosaries. We look forward
to praying with you and for peace in our time...
How do you become a Catholic?
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults or the
RCIA was given to the Church through a directive
of Vatican II. It really is the restoration of the
method by which adults became Catholic
Christians in the early Church. RCIA is a journey
of conversion – conversion of the heart and mind!
The first part of RCIA is called Inquiry or the
Inquiry will meet every other week....
Upcoming dates include:
Wednesday, 4/27 OR Sunday, 5/1
Wednesday, 5/11 OR Sunday, 5/15
Wednesday sessions start at 7:00 pm, in the
St. Gabriel Life Center.
Sunday morning sessions begin at 9:15am in the
Nazareth Center. To register or for more
information, please contact Mary Ann Fox at
mfox@annunciationorlando.org or 407-869-9472.
Pre-registration is not required. There are no fees
for the RCIA process.
Book & Gift Store
Store Hours:
10:30am – 5pm
Saturday: 4:30-5pm;
Sunday: 9am-1:30pm
Call (407) 215-7666
Wide selection available of
First Eucharist gifts.
Livin Rosar - Tuesda Ma 10th at 7pm
Join us for this beautiful evening of prayer. As each
prayer is recited, a candle is lit. We need 59 candle
holders to complete the Living Rosary. Each bead on
the rosary is represented by a candle holder. Please
sign-up online at
annunciationorlando.or /rosar .
We look forward to praying with you!
Annunciation Catholic Church
Altamonte Springs, Florida
Welcome to the Table of the Lord!
Please pray for the children of our Parish who will be receiving their
First Eucharist. May the Real Presence bring them peace, joy and hope.
Chloe Alva
Sophie Anders
Dominic Andrade
Gabriel Andrade
Senaia Asanya
Antonio Banciella
Alekzander Bates
Charlie Battaglia
Carlo Bayona
Sophia Bayona
Wade Behr
Allie Bennett
Peyton Blomquist
Rosi Bonilla-Malave
Rylie Booher
Nolan Borgia
Cooper Brown
Rebecca Burkshire
Kayla Bychinski
Jordan Cadorette
Andrew Call
Lilly Cannon
Luciana Cardillo
Breya Carlson
Sarah Chastain
Adam Chorak
Conor Christman
Michael Ciochir
Julia Clark
Sofia Cohen
Sophie Cortorreal
David Crisostomo
M.E. Crymes
Rick Crymes
Alyssa Curry
Noah Curry
Brandon Czyrny
Fiona DeAcutis
Jack DeAcutis
Olivia Denton
Isabella DeQuattro
Justin DeSmedt
Luke Donald
Reese Dula
Renzo Elias
Maria Ellis
Ambar Fernandez
Daniella Fernando
Amaia Figueroa
John Foster
Jim Galante
Nola Gault
Ronin Gault
Jackson Glynn
Ariana Gonzalez
Luke Gossett
Ava Grant
Hayden Green
Emma Griffin
Samantha Gryl
Julianna Haddock
Olivia Heekin
Jake Helms
Mauri Herrera
Riley Hooper
Sloane Humphrey
Liam Irwin
Kaili Jelneck
Jason Johary
Carter Jones
Irene Joseph
Max Kadzban
Maxwell Kalinich
Alexander Kane
Summer Kaufman
Caden Keenan
Madison Kent
Paul King
Trinity Kolling
Andrew Kurz
John Kutudis
Audrey La Plant
Noah Lamontagne
Faith Le Mieux
Gavin Leclaire
Jarvis Lerouge
Gabrielle Lim
Avery Little
Olivia Lombardi
Sophia Lombardi
Mary Long
Cate Looney
Reese Macau
Gabriella Maddalena
Jake Magee
Braden Marshall
Isabella Martinez
David Martino
Ian Martof
Zoe McGrath
Preston Memoly
Andrew Moncello
Sarah Moon
Isabella Moore
Laura Morato-Martin
Christelle Munoz
Juliana Murgo
Kassidy Murray
Tommy Murray
Brandon Mustain
Dylan Nardelli
William Ochab
Riley Opal
Alexander Orr
Layla Ostolaza
Andres Pacheco Rodriguez
Joseph Paladino
Kevin Pari
Fabian Paz-Santilli
Grace Pelletier
Alexia Phillips
Kylin Phillips
Caleigh Puccio
Paige Pullan
Benji Quiles
Thomas Raponi
Gabby Ray
Nathan Ray
Isabella Rico
Kendall Rife
Mia Rigali
Max Rigual
Alexander Rocktoff
Joseph Romano
Sarah Saljanin
Brock Salus
Catalina Samboy
Alyssa Schacht
James Schermerhorn
Bobby Servin
Geronimo Sierra
Stephen Simoni
Maxwell Sinanian
Gabriela Sloan
Kate Sorondo
Kassi Soto
Kathryn Spencer
Kristen Spennemann
Evan Sperry
Sierra Stallings
Emma Staubly
Jacob Steele
Sophia M. Stelling
Katie Stewart
Kyler Sutherland
Natalie Swigart
Amelie Szucs
Ashley Tenio
Clyde Tenio
Daniel Thornton
Audrey Tolmasoff
Emily Torres
Nathan Veigle
Adam Walker
Alice Webber
Matthew Williams
Stella Willy
Michael Wong
Claire Wright
Sophie Wyvratt
Halle Zimlich
Joseph Zornik
April 24, 2016
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Faith Formation for Children and Youth Spring Schedule
In Sunday School (Preschool - Kindergarten):
April 24th and May 1st; Regular classes during 10:00 am Mass.
In Elementary (1st.-5th Grade):
April 27th - No regular classes instead Mass at 5:30 pm
followed by dinner.
In Middle School (6th- 8th Grade):
April 27th - No regular classes - instead Mass at 5:30 pm
followed by dinner.
In High School (9th - 12th Grade)
There is a High School Life Night, April 24th, in the Nazareth
Center immediately following 5:30 pm Mass
High School Teens!
Steubenville - Orlando
Franciscan University of
Steubenville, Ohio seeks to provide
an opportunity for teens to come to
know the saving love of Christ by
providing a powerful experience of
the Catholic Church and its sacramental life. This has been an
amazing and life changing conference for our High School teens.
COST: $250 - Includes two night stay at the Rosen Shingle
Creek, tickets, meals and event t-shirt. $100.00 deposit is due so
sign-up today at anunciationorlando.org/ym or call
Nikki Neswold at 407-869-9472.
Music Ministry
April 26/27
Ap 30/May 1
Mark McCabe at 407-869-9472
Adult Bell Choir
Chamber Quartet
Chamber Choir
Mixed Ensemble
Chris McCabe/CP Band
Chamber Choir
Amy Culhane - Soloist
Mixed Ensemble
McCabe/Ashley Quartet
Chris McCabe/CP Band
Phyllis McCabe
Rebecca Ashley
Phyllis McCabe
Julie Burkey
Chris McCabe
Phyllis McCabe
Amy Culhane
Rebecca Pagan
Rebecca Ashley
Chris McCabe
Stewardship Reflections on the Readings
God proclaims at the end of our Second Reading
from the Book of Revelations, “Behold, I make all
things new.” That is a good thing to remember on
this Fifth Sunday of Easter. In the opening verse of
this reading from Holy Scripture, John also says,
“I…saw a new heaven and a new earth.” Easter
reveals this newness to us, and we must always
keep it in mind.
The Greek word used for what is translated as
“new” is kaine. As is normally the case, that
particular Greek word has multiple meanings, one
of which is “fresh.” We are not speaking of a
heaven and earth which did not exist before, but of
a heaven and earth which are fresh in their
newness. This is not just a “new” perspective, but
a better one.
If we strive to live out our lives as disciples of
Christ, if we make a complete effort to be His
disciples, we inherit this new heaven. In it, as also
indicated in our Second Reading, God expresses
His desire to be in close fellowship with us, and
we in turn must desire to be His people. Being
God’s disciple should be the whole purpose of our
lives. That is not easily achieved, nor is it without
obstacles and hurdles for us, but it is what our
purpose should be. thecatholicsteward.com
Excerpt from the Second Reading
REV 21:1-5A
Then I, John, saw a new heaven and a new
The former heaven and the former earth had
passed away,
and the sea was no more.
I also saw the holy city, a new Jerusalem,
coming down out of heaven from God,
prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
I heard a loud voice from the throne saying,
“Behold, God’s dwelling is with the human
He will dwell with them and they will be his
and God himself will always be with them
as their God.
He will wipe every tear from their eyes,
and there shall be no more death or
mourning, wailing or pain,
for the old order has passed away.”
The One who sat on the throne said,
“Behold, I make all things new.”
Annunciation Catholic Church
Altamonte Springs, Florida
Year of Mercy - Holy Door "Selfie" Challenge
We are challenging all of our parish families
to take a "Selfie with a Holy Door" and submit them to us at:
In this Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, the Holy Doors are open until November 2016.
Each diocese has designated a Holy Door and you can receive a plenary indulgence by a making a
pilgrimage to a Holy Door and doing the following things:
* Show reverence as you enter through the Holy Doors *Receive Holy Communion the day you
enter the Holy Doors *Go to Confession either 8 days prior to or after entering the Holy Doors
*Pray for the Intentions of Pope Francis which are listed at annunciationorlando.org/holy-doors
Our diocesan Holy Door is at the Basilica of Mary, Queen of the Universe which is located at 8300
Vineland Road Orlando, FL.
If you are traveling, you can find Holy Doors listed at annunciationorlando.org/holy-doors.
Photo taken at the
Cathedral of
St Ignatius Loyola
in Palm Beach, FL
Diocese of Orlando Human
Trafficking Task Force
Coordinated by
Deacon David Gray.
The Task Force provides
awareness and understanding of
the issues surrounding human
trafficking, and tools and
resources to educate Church
families and the community. The
Task Force collaborates with
government and community
partners to encourage action to
protect victims and prevent
We have a Human Trafficking
Awareness Session coming up at
our Parish:
When: May 17th: 7pm - 9pm
Where: St. Gabriel Life Center
Diocese of Orlando
Worldwide Marriage
Encounter Weekend
Married Couples, would you like
a special weekend at the San
Pedro Retreat Center where you
will find a peaceful and GodCentered atmosphere for you and
your spouse? When: Friday,
May 20th@7:30pm-Sunday,May
22nd@ 4pm. For more
information/and or to register call
Bob/Sheila Baker@4076474289
or WWME.ORG. You will be
glad you did!
Fifth Sunday of Easter
For more information please call our
Parish Office at: 407-869-9472 or email
April 24, 2016
We look forward to welcoming your child into our family at
Annunciation Catholic Church!
For information regarding the Sacrament of Baptism for
Children, please contact the Parish Office at 407-869-9472.
Experience the joy of forgiveness…
Confessions are offered on Wednesday from 7pm until 8pm
and on Saturday from 3:30pm until 4:30pm in the Blessed
Sacrament Chapel or by appointment with one of our Priests.
Receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit…
For information regarding the Sacrament of Confirmation for
youth, please contact our Faith Formation for Children and
Youth at 407-869-9472. If you are an adult in need of the
Sacrament of Confirmation, please contact our Adult Faith
Formation Office at 407-869-9472.
…and the two shall become as one. Mark 10:8
For information regarding the Sacrament of Marriage,
please contact the Parish Office at 407-869-9472 at least six
months prior to your anticipated wedding date.
…I have called you by name. Isaiah 43:1
Do you feel called to Priesthood or Religious Life? We
look forward to speaking with you. Please contact our
Clergy at 407-869-9472.
Are you or a loved one in need of healing?
If you or someone in your family is in need of the
Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, please contact the
Parish Office at 407-869-9472. In case of emergency or if
you or a family member are in the hospital, please contact
the Parish Office to receive a pastoral visit.
Now may be the time… and this may be the place!
For more information on the journey of Christian Initiation,
please contact Mary Ann Fox at 407-869-9472.
Questions about divorce and remarriage?
For information regarding Annulments, please contact Jody North
at 407-215-7639.
Very Rev. Stephen Parkes, V.F. ............................... Pastor
Rev. Stephen Baumann.............................. Parochial Vicar
Rev. Josh Swallows ................................... Parochial Vicar
Rev. Monsignor Patrick J. Caverly, P.A. ...... Pastor Emeritus
Rev. William Gohring ......... Hospital Chaplain (In Residence)
Religious Sisters
Sr. Maria Teresa Acosta, SCTJM ............... Pastoral Assistant
Sr. Christine Hernandez, SCTJM .. Stewardship & Ministries
Sr. Rachel Gosda, SCTJM ....................... Baptism Preparation
Mark McLaughlin ........................... Director of Operations
Nanci O’Reilly........................................... Office Manager
Christina Sinacola .............................. Operations Assistant
Linda Amato ................................................Administration
Liliana Hill...................................................Administration
Vicki Fordham .......................................... Records & Data
Patti Murphy ................................................Administration
Scott Stafstrom ........................................ Communications
Nick Campo Jr. ............................................... Maintenance
Nick Campo Sr. ..................................................... Security
Terri Becher .............................. Book Store: 407-215-7666
Annunciation Catholic Academy ................ 407-774-2801
Patricia Kahle ..................................................... Principal
Annunciation Catholic Pre-School.............. 407-869-9404
Christine Golas ..................................................... Director
Evangelization & Faith Formation
Lois Wirth............................................... Children & Youth
Mary Ann Fox ........................ Adult & Christian Initiation
Vicki Ridgeway ................................................ Elementary
Nikki Neswold .................................. Middle / High School
Alex MacPherson .................................... Early Childhood
In need of assistance? Please contact our
Jody North ...............................Marriage Prep/Annulments
Society of St. Vincent de Paul at 407-215-7669
Liturgy and Worship
or email: svdp@annunciationorlando.org
Mark McCabe ...................... Director of Music & Worship
Mary Ann Fox ......................................................... Liturgy PASTORAL COUNCIL:
Parish Office Hours:
Monday - Wednesday: 8 am to 8 pm
Thursday and Friday: 8 am to 5 pm
9am to 12 noon
Bulletin Information
Please call Scott Stafstrom at 407-869-9472 or
email: sstafstrom@annunciationorlando.org
To advertise in our bulletin, please call Diocesan
Publications at 800-292-9111.
Fred Tombros, Council Chair …….……….……… 407-869-9472
Mary Boik, Commission Chair…….……….……… 407-869-9472
Don Warzocha, Commission Chair …….……….… 407-869-9472
Marty O’Donnell, Commission Chair…….……….…407-869-9472
Michael Zaccardo, Commission Chair….……….… 407-869-9472
Selim Ayoub, Commission Chair…….……….………407-869-9472
Scott Stafstrom, Commission Chair…….……….……407-869-9472
View Our Parish Supporters @ DiscoverMass.com
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General Contractor
& Residential
John M. Sprinkle, Licensed General Contractor CGC1509084
View Our Parish Supporters @ DiscoverMass.com
© 2016 Diocesan Publications, inc.

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