April 10, 2016 Third Sunday of Easter


April 10, 2016 Third Sunday of Easter
Annunciation hearts are burning
to know, love and serve God
by loving and serving others.
Welcome to our Parish!
April 10, 2016
Third Sunday
of Easter
Phone: 407-869-9472
1020 Montgomery Rd.
Altamonte Springs, FL 32714
Fax: 407-869-4661
Annunciation Catholic Church
Mass Intentions for this Weekend
8:00 am
5:00 pm
(Acts 6:1-7 /Jn 6:16-21)
Raz and Carag Families †
Susan Weber †
8:00 am
10:00 am
(Third Sunday of Easter)
Christopher Knipfing †
People of Our Parish
Mary Jo Smith †
Dolores Hamilton†
Wayne Flammia †
Jason Hightower †
12:00 pm
5:30 pm
Mass Intentions for the coming Week
MON, APR 11 (Acts 6:8-15 /Jn 6:22-29)
7:00 am
Henry Bretz†
Jack Brady†
TUE, APR 12 (Acts 7:51—8:1a/Jn 6:30-35)
7:00 am
Sergio Delgado Hernandez†
8:30 am
Thomas Mosley†
12:15 pm
Don Cook†
WED, APR 13 (Acts 8:1b-8/Jn 6:35-40)
7:00 am
Gertrude Keegan†
12:15 pm
Anthony Zerilli†
THU, APR 14 (Acts 8:26-40/Jn 6:44-51)
7:00 am
Leslie McCoy†
12:15 pm
Marian Frezzolini-Durgin†
(Acts 9:1-20/Jn 6:52-59)
7:00 am
Allan Mopon†
12:15 pm
John Gabuzda†
SAT, APR 16 (Acts 9:31-42 /Jn 6:60-69)
8:00 am
Rafael Perez †
5:00 pm
Edward Garris†
SUN, APR 17 (Fourth Sunday of Easter)
8:00 am
Alice Denton†
10:00 am
People of Our Parish
Jeannie Smith†
Richard Schlagheck†
12:00 pm
Yvonne Whitson†
5:30 pm
Alice Denton†
(Acts 13:14, 43-52/Rev 7:9,14b-17/Jn 10:27-30)
Altamonte Springs, Florida
Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for April
Universal: Small Farmers
That small farmers may receive a just reward for their
precious labor.
Evangelization: African Christians
That Christians in Africa may give witness to love and faith
in Jesus Christ amid political-religious conflicts.
Mass Schedule
¿Habla Español?
Saturday Vigil: 5pm
Sunday: 8am, 10am,
12noon & 5:30pm*
*A.S.L. interpreted
Monday - Friday:
7am & 12:15pm
Saturday: 8am
Misa en Español el primer Martes
del mes a las 11am.
El grupo de oración contemplativo
le invita a la Misa en Español.
LUGAR: En la Iglesia
CONTACTO: 407-869-9472
When: 11:30 am on Sundays.
Where: Padre Pio’s Place
School Mass - Tuesdays at 8:30am. All are welcome!
Portuguese Mass
Reconciliation - Blessed Sacrament Chapel
Wednesday: 7 - 8pm
Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 pm
Eucharistic Adoration
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
from 7:30am-9pm
Where: Chapel of the Angels
Weddings - Congratulations!
Daniel Joseph Russo and Jeannette Marlene Cheney
Ateet Panjwani and Anna Lucille Gamache
Baptisms - Welcome!
Bryce Ronald Baumgardner
Ethan Liam Larsen
Paisley June Merritt
Amelia Rose Puglisi
Recently Deceased
†Andrew Chestnut †Gene Brupbacher
†Kevin Carreno
†Maxine Smith
†Jean Haschalk
†Angelo Alloggia
†Julia Maurice
Flower Intention
If you would like to help adorn the
sanctuary in honor of a special event or
deceased loved one please call our Parish
Office at 407-869-9472
Funeral notices are now posted on our website, after
family approval, at annunciationorlando.org/funerals
Third Sunday of Easter
April 10, 2016
Dear Friends in Christ,
Every year, the weeks after Holy Week and Easter are filled with activities and celebrations! At
this time of year, there is a need for some extra energy as we make that final ‘lap’ toward the end of
the academic year as well.
This past Friday (April 8), our parish welcomed Bishop Noonan to celebrate the Sacrament of
Confirmation for our young people. Over 110 candidates presented themselves this year to receive
the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated in our parish for those
who are 9th grade and older. I am especially grateful to this year’s group for their dedication and
spirit. We will continue to pray for our Confirmandi as they grow and mature in the gift of our
Catholic faith.
On the weekends of April 23/24 and also April 30/May 1, we will be celebrating First Eucharist with those children who
are in 2nd grade or older. As has been our tradition the past few years, the children will be receiving First Eucharist at
our regularly scheduled weekend Masses. Seeing the joy of the children, as they receive the Real Presence of Christ for
the first time, brings back memories of our own First Holy Communion. Thank you for praying for the children as our
parish family welcomes them to the Table of the Lord.
Once again I want to thank you for your participation in the celebrations of Holy Week and Easter. Thank you for
making it truly a Holy Week!
When you come before the Lord this week, please remember the Clergy, Religious Sisters and Staff of our parish. Know
that we will pray for you, your intentions and your loved ones. We may not see each other each day but may we meet
each day in our prayers!
In Christ,
Annual Seminarian Collection - This Weekend
Very Rev. Stephen D. Parkes, V.F.
The full cost of a seminary education is frequently beyond the reach of
men who are discerning a call to the priesthood. Please give generously
to help these men who are willing to lay down their lives in service to
our Lord’s Church. For more information on ways to support our
seminarians, please visit www.cfocf.org/seminarian
Welcome to our new Catholics! - Photos from the Easter Vigil Mass
Annunciation Catholic Church
Holy Spirit
Altamonte Springs, Florida
Blessings on your Confirmation!
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire
of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created, and You shall
renew the face of the earth.
O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the
faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever
enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.
Confirmation Candidates
Paige Elizabeth Anderson
Michael Benjamin Andrich
Daniel Aristizabal
Tamara Eliza Ashley
Jennifer Anastasia Baron
Celine Alyssa Benedico
Alison Lynn Bennett
Katarina Marie Blumenstein
Petrina Sarah Ann Caime
Lily Ann Calderin
Maddalena Lynne Camilleri
Nicholas William Campbell
Rachel Marie Campbell
Michael Patrick Cardegnio
Livia Kristen Carr
Raphaela Alejandra Cevallos
Branden Edward Cintron
Victoria Grace Clifton
Caelyn Nicole Cochran
Marshall Taylor Copeland
Priscilla Genesis Cordero
Caroline Marie Cotton
Christopher Joseph Cragan
Elizabeth Hope Cutlip
Nicole Faith Cutlip
Rory Joseph Cushen
Chester Alexander Czyrny
Courtnei Aria DaCosta
Brianna Danae Davis
Lauren Marie Davis
Arlen Jaye Dion Dayrit
Breanna Delphine De Milio
Cecilia Catherine DeQuattro
Skylar Kai Doll
Jordan Anthony Dongilli
Dylan Baker Drafts
Nolan David Emel
Nicholas John Falzarano
Kathryn Grace Fanelli
Daniel Eduardo Ferreira
Liam Jackson Fleming
Benjamin Kirt Fouque
Madison Anne Goldfarb
Maya Rene Greene
Corey Matthew Hazard
Angelique Nicole Holland
Mario John Holland
James Scott Howell
Emma Marie Huey
Hannah Kathryn Ingrassia
Olivia Johanna Ioppolo
Carleigh Lauren Kahle
Samantha Ann Kao
John Patrick Keating
Ryan Edward Kelly
Benjamin Paul King
Tyler James Kwiatkowski
Drew Thomas Lachcik
McKenzie Lynn La Pierre
Trevor James Larson
Julia Delaney Law
Abigail Elizabeth Lieb
David Mason Lindenmuth
Christopher David Link
Stephen Joseph Lucas
Connor James MacInnis
Tatianna Marie Maenza
Nicholas Joseph Magee
Adam Harrison Mahl
Sydney Anne Maingot
Alec Gerard Makarewicz
Mary Elizabeth Marshall
Abby Marie Mathews
John Christopher Matos
Shane Rory Matsko
Madelyn Mavrofrides
Patrick Joseph McLaughlin
Alexander Luke Meyer
Maximilian John Meyer
Carson Nicholas Miller
Noel Elizabeth Miller
James Hoang Nguyen
Meagan McKenna O'Malley
Peyton Zachary Paul
Matthew Joseph Pitino
Sarah Katherine Poserina
Bradley Kyle Puccio
Veria Giannella Puerta-Alvarado
Nicholas Philip Reno
Adam Walter Romanowski
Andrew Gerald Rosmarin
Julia Desiree Santolin
Joshua Matthew Schwartz
Olivia Marie Sinacola
Grant Thomas Solby
KaitLynn Marie Sorondo
Cole Michael Szara
Nicole Telesz
Erin Marie Trammell
Michael Simon Tutera
Emily Marie Underwood
Olivia Rae Veigle
Jack Juan Vicory, II
Cristina Margarita Villanueva-Garcia
Kristina Marie Wagner
Patrick Micajah Wagner
Donal Estuardo Welch
John Charles Marcus Williamson
Jason Gregory Wolfenden
April 10, 2016
Third Sunday of Easter
Our Adult Confirmation classes are
for those 18 years of age and older
who did not have an opportunity to
receive the Sacrament of
Our next session of Adult Confirmation
classes has just started. The class will
meet for six weeks (all Wednesdays in
April and then May 4th and 11th) and
Confirmation will take place on
Sunday, May 15th at the 5:00 Mass at St. James
Cathedral with Bishop Noonan. For more information,
please contact Mary Ann Fox at
mfox@annunciationorlando.org or 407-869-9472.
How do you become a Catholic?
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults or the RCIA
was given to the Church through a directive of Vatican
II. It really is the restoration of the method by which
adults became Catholic Christians in the early
Church. RCIA is a journey of conversion –
conversion of the heart and mind!
The first part of RCIA is called Inquiry or the
Pre-Catechumenate. We will begin our Inquiry
sessions on Wed., April 13th at 7:00 pm in the St.
Gabriel Life Center OR on Sunday, April 17th at 9:15
am in the Nazareth Center. To register or for more
information, please contact Mary Ann Fox at
mfox@annunciationorlando.org or 407-869-9472.
Pre-registration is not required. There are no fees for
the RCIA process.
Men's Emmaus Retreat
April 15th, 16th, & 17th
San Pedro Retreat Center
(Winter Park)
Starts: 5pm - Registration,
April 15th. Ends: 5:30 pm
Mass, Sunday, April 17th
This weekend is open to all Men 18 years old and older.
Registration Donation: $125. If this fee is a burden do
not let that stop you from coming!
We have donations to help cover the cost.
For more information please contact
Lusant Ordoñez at 407.831.4600 or visit:
annunciationorlando.or /emmaus
Societ of St Vincent dePaul
Highlight of one of our many
outreach programs:
“I was in prison and you
came to visit me." Mat 25:35
Catholic Jail Ministry
John E. Polk Correctional Facility
211 Bush Boulevard in Sanford
Catholic Volunteers are needed to:
*Assist with Catholic Services to about 40 inmates
You can participate by:
*Attending Security & Certification Class
*Opportunity is on Thursday’s--6-9pm
*Flexible Participation
*Spanish Volunteers Are Welcome
Volunteer Today!
For more information, contact:
Tom Joyce at 407-804-0393or thomasjoyce42@msn.com
Barbara Lyman at 206-919-3747 or barblyman@gmail.com
Annunciation Catholic Church
Faith Formation for Children and Youth
Spring Schedule
Sunda School (Preschool - Kinder arten :
Classes will resume on April 10th.
Elementar (1st.-5th Grade):
Classes will resume on April 13th
Altamonte Springs, Florida
ZoomAir - Zip Linin - Middle School
When: April 16 from 9am - 12pm.
Where: Central Florida Zoo
Cost: $30.00
We will be doing Upland and
Rainforest zip lines—the whole
adventure! Visit:
annunciationorlando.org/ym/middle-school to sign up.
Middle School (6th- 8th Grade):
Classes will resume on April 13th
Hi h School
Our next High School Youth Night will be
on April 10th at 7pm.
High School Teens!
Steubenville - Orlando
This has been an amazing and life changing
conference for our High School teens.
COST: $250 - Includes two night stay at the
Rosen Shingle Creek, tickets, meals and event
t-shirt. Sign up online at
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
June 13-17
8:45 am – 12:30 pm Cost: $35
Final days of registration!
To register please visit
annunciationorlando.or /vbs
If you have questions please contact us at 407-869-9472
Lois Wirth ............................................... Children & Youth
Vicki Ridgeway ................................................ Elementary
Nikki Neswold .................................. Middle / High School
Alex MacPherson .....................................Early Childhood
Year of Mercy - Holy Door "Selfie" Challenge
We are challenging all of our parish families to take a "Selfie with a Holy Door" and submit
them to us at annunciationorlando.or /hol -doors
In this Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, the Holy Doors are open until
November 2016. Each diocese has designated a Holy Door and you can
receive a plenary indulgence by a making a pilgrimage to a Holy Door and
doing the following things:
* Show reverence as you enter through the Holy Doors *Receive Holy
Communion the day you enter the Holy Doors *Go to Confession either 8 days
prior to or after entering the Holy Doors *Pray for the Intentions of Pope
Francis which are listed at annunciationorlando.org/holy-doors
Our diocesan Holy Door is at the Basilica of Mary, Queen of the Universe
which is located at 8300 Vineland Road Orlando, FL.
If your traveling, you can find Holy Doors listed at
April 10, 2016
Third Sunday of Easter
Our next Lunch & Learn – Senior Group
When: Friday, April 22nd from 1pm to 3pm
Where: St. Gabriel Life Center
Do you worry about your memory? Are you leading a brain
healthy life style? Peggy Bargmann, RN,BSN, Director of the
Brain Fitness Club will be with us to lead a discussion on key
factors to promote brain health. Lunch provided by VITAS
Healthcare. Please RSVP to our Parish Office no later than April
20th. (407) 869-9472
Stewardship Reflections on the Readings
The Lord appears on the shore of the Sea of
Tiberias, which is another name by which the Sea of
Galilee is known. It is early in the morning, and
Peter and the others had been fishing
unsuccessfully, and obviously were near to the
shore, but at Jesus’ urging they cast their nets again
and caught many fish, which they then brought to
According to the Gospel, Jesus had breakfast with
them, and then He poses the question to Peter
specifically, “Do you love me?” The exchange
between the Lord and Peter is carefully narrated, as
are Jesus’ responses. However, at the end of the
Gospel Reading for today, Jesus says two simple
words to Peter, “Follow Me.” Of course, these are
the same two words with which we are familiar that
Jesus used to call Peter and the others in the
Everyone needs a plan. Do you have a will and health care
surrogate? Are you too busy, think it’s too expensive or are
procrastinating? This seminar will help you get started or help
update important life and legacy planning for you and your family.
When: Thursday, May 5th 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Where: St. Gabriel Life Center
Lunch will be provided. This Seminar is free but seating is
limited. Steve Allender will be our presenter.
RSVP by April 28th to our Parish Office at (407) 869-9472.
Music Ministry
Mark McCabe at 407-869-9472
We need to understand that these instructions from
Jesus are not just for the Apostles but for us as well.
How have we responded to that call? Our reaction
does not have to be as dramatic as Peter’s and the
others, who abandoned their lives and their
livelihood and became total followers of Christ.
However, we, too, need to find the strength and the
commitment to follow the Lord. How we carry that
out is our stewardship, how we live our lives.
Pray for Vocations
Are you interested in hosting
our Vocation Blessing Cup?
Please contact Cheryl or Bob
Nettles at 407-297-1852
In gratitude to the following for hosting
our Parish Vocation Blessing Cup:
The de la Osa Family
Sarah and Greg Dessert
The Aneja Family
April 9/10
April 16/17
Mixed Ensemble
Grace Gavin – Cello
Chamber Choir
Amy Culhane – Soloist
Young Adult Choir
Middle School Choir
Cherub/Children’s Choir
Adult Bell Choir
High School Choir
Rebecca Pagan
Colin Fox
Phyllis McCabe
Amy Culhane
Chris McCabe
Jami Bartschi
Phyllis McCabe
Chris McCabe
Book Store - Confirmation Gifts
Store Hours:
10:30am – 5pm
Saturday: 4:305pm; 6-6:30pm
Sunday: 9am1:30pm
For more
information call
(407) 215-7666
Annunciation Catholic Church
Altamonte Springs, Florida
A Touch of Broadway - Sunday, April 10 from 2 to 4pm
A Musical Concert Featuring
Steve Roman
The Central Florida Rat Pack’s Sammy Davis Jr.
and May Rybak - Classical Opera and Theatre Solo Soprano
Where: St Gabriel Life Center
Tickets: $15 or $25 for two.
For more information or to purchase tickets please contact
Lou Buttice at 407-774-3157 or visit
Annunciation Catholic Church Golf Classic - April 22nd at Errol Estates Country Club
Who: All men and women
Cost: $100.00 per person
Time: Sign in 8:00 AM
$425 Hole Sponsor + 4 Players
50/50 tickets for sale at the event. Format: 4 person scramble.
Continental breakfast, free beverages, post
tournament hot dog and hamburger buffet
& range balls are included. To register
please visit annunciationorlando.org/golf
or contact: John Scala at 407-804-0518 or
Dan McPherson at 407-324-5434
Diocese of Orlando Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend - Married Couples, would you like a special
weekend at the San Pedro Retreat Center where you will find a peaceful and God-Centered atmosphere for you and
your spouse? When: Friday, May 20th@7:30pm-Sunday,May 22nd@ 4pm. For more information/and or to register
call Bob/Sheila Baker@4076474289 or WWME.ORG. You will be glad you did!
The Diocese of Orlando has a Human Trafficking Task Force which is coordinated by Deacon David Gray.
The Task Force provides awareness and understanding of the issues surrounding human trafficking, and tools and
resources to educate Church families and the community. The Task Force collaborates with government and community
partners to encourage action to protect victims and prevent abuse.
Here is a listing of upcoming Human Trafficking Awareness Sessions:
April 20, 2016 St. Mary Magdalen Parish (861 Maitland Ave, Altamonte Springs, FL 32701), 7:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
April 25, 2016 St. Margaret Mary Parish (526 N Park Ave, Winter Park, FL 32789), 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
April 30, 2016 St. Rose of Lima Parish (140 Pompei Dr, Poinciana, FL 34758), 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
May 17, 2016 Annunciation Parish (1020 Montgomery Road, Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714) 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
(More information coming soon for the May 17th session at our parish.)
WHEN: April 20-22
WHERE: Northland Church - Longwood, FL
The JuST Faith Summit gathers people of faith, including
church leaders, youth ministers, survivors, recovery
ministries, restoration home providers, and many more.
Together, they learn how to use their influence to address
and stop juvenile sex trafficking and bring action to the faith
community. To learn more and to register for the
conference, please visit:
Third Sunday of Easter
For more information please call our
Parish Office at: 407-869-9472 or email
April 10, 2016
We look forward to welcoming your child into our family at
Annunciation Catholic Church!
For information regarding the Sacrament of Baptism for
Children, please contact the Parish Office at 407-869-9472.
Experience the joy of forgiveness…
Confessions are offered on Wednesday from 7pm until 8pm
and on Saturday from 3:30pm until 4:30pm in the Blessed
Sacrament Chapel or by appointment with one of our Priests.
Receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit…
For information regarding the Sacrament of Confirmation for
youth, please contact our Faith Formation for Children and
Youth at 407-869-9472. If you are an adult in need of the
Sacrament of Confirmation, please contact our Adult Faith
Formation Office at 407-869-9472.
…and the two shall become as one. Mark 10:8
For information regarding the Sacrament of Marriage,
please contact the Parish Office at 407-869-9472 at least six
months prior to your anticipated wedding date.
…I have called you by name. Isaiah 43:1
Do you feel called to Priesthood or Religious Life? We
look forward to speaking with you. Please contact our
Clergy at 407-869-9472.
Are you or a loved one in need of healing?
If you or someone in your family is in need of the
Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, please contact the
Parish Office at 407-869-9472. In case of emergency or if
you or a family member are in the hospital, please contact
the Parish Office to receive a pastoral visit.
Now may be the time… and this may be the place!
For more information on the journey of Christian Initiation,
please contact Mary Ann Fox at 407-869-9472.
Questions about divorce and remarriage?
For information regarding Annulments, please contact Jody North
at 407-215-7639.
Very Rev. Stephen Parkes, V.F. ............................... Pastor
Rev. Stephen Baumann.............................. Parochial Vicar
Rev. Josh Swallows ................................... Parochial Vicar
Rev. Monsignor Patrick J. Caverly, P.A. ...... Pastor Emeritus
Rev. William Gohring ......... Hospital Chaplain (In Residence)
Religious Sisters
Sr. Maria Teresa Acosta, SCTJM ............... Pastoral Assistant
Sr. Christine Hernandez, SCTJM .. Stewardship & Ministries
Sr. Rachel Gosda, SCTJM ....................... Baptism Preparation
Mark McLaughlin ........................... Director of Operations
Nanci O’Reilly........................................... Office Manager
Christina Sinacola .............................. Operations Assistant
Linda Amato ................................................Administration
Liliana Hill...................................................Administration
Vicki Fordham .......................................... Records & Data
Patti Murphy ................................................Administration
Scott Stafstrom ........................................ Communications
Nick Campo Jr. ............................................... Maintenance
Nick Campo Sr. ..................................................... Security
Terri Becher .............................. Book Store: 407-215-7666
Annunciation Catholic Academy ................ 407-774-2801
Patricia Kahle ..................................................... Principal
Annunciation Catholic Pre-School.............. 407-869-9404
Christine Golas ..................................................... Director
Evangelization & Faith Formation
Lois Wirth............................................... Children & Youth
Mary Ann Fox ........................ Adult & Christian Initiation
Vicki Ridgeway ................................................ Elementary
Nikki Neswold .................................. Middle / High School
Alex MacPherson .................................... Early Childhood
In need of assistance? Please contact our
Jody North ...............................Marriage Prep/Annulments
Society of St. Vincent de Paul at 407-215-7669
or email: svdp@annunciationorlando.org
Liturgy and Worship
Mark McCabe ...................... Director of Music & Worship
Mary Ann Fox ......................................................... Liturgy PASTORAL COUNCIL:
Parish Office Hours:
Monday - Wednesday: 8 am to 8 pm
Thursday and Friday: 8 am to 5 pm
9am to 12 noon
Bulletin Information
Please call Scott Stafstrom at 407-869-9472 or
email: sstafstrom@annunciationorlando.org
To advertise in our bulletin, please call Diocesan
Publications at 800-292-9111.
Fred Tombros, Council Chair …….……….……… 407-869-9472
Mary Boik, Commission Chair…….……….……… 407-869-9472
Don Warzocha, Commission Chair …….……….… 407-869-9472
Marty O’Donnell, Commission Chair…….……….…407-869-9472
Michael Zaccardo, Commission Chair….……….… 407-869-9472
Selim Ayoub, Commission Chair…….……….………407-869-9472
Scott Stafstrom, Commission Chair…….……….……407-869-9472
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John M. Sprinkle, Licensed General Contractor CGC1509084
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