August 7, 2016 - Mary Queen Catholic Church


August 7, 2016 - Mary Queen Catholic Church
606 Cedarwood Drive
Friendswood, TX 77546-4551
281-482-1391 281-482-4886 (fax)
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
August 7, 2016
5:30 PM Vigil Mass
7:30 AM, 9:30 AM,
11:30 AM &
5:30 PM (Life Teen)
First Saturdays
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday & Friday
6:30 PM
4:00—5:00 PM Saturday
Morning Prayer
8:10 AM
Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday & Friday
Daily Rosary
after 8:30 AM Mass
Monday, Tuesday
Thursday & Friday
(except First Friday)
1st Friday Exposition of
the Blessed Sacrament
9:00 AM—5:45 PM
Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament
4:30 PM Tuesday —
5:45 PM Wednesday
The Priests who serve Mary Queen Catholic Church are
Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette.
Pastor: Fr. James H. Kuczynski, M.S.
Priest in Residence: Fr. Maurice “Moe” Linehan, M.S.
Deacons: Darrell Moulton, 281-482-0939
Kimble Nobles, 281-482-1391
Paul Robison, 713-416-1585
Chuck Turner, 281-482-1391
Pastoral Administration
Office Administrator
Administrative Assistant
Bookkeeper I
Bookkeeper II & Capital Campaign Admin.
Coordinator of Ministries & Functions
Pastoral Formation
Director, Adult Faith Formation
RCIA Coordinator
Director, Elementary Faith Formation
Administrator, Faith Formation
Director, Youth Ministry &
Senior High Faith Formation
Director, Junior High Faith Formation
& Confirmation
Administrative Assistant, Youth Ministry
Carla Martin, ext. 311
Rhonda Hansen, ext. 315
Susan Silva, ext. 313
George Rodgers, ext. 313
Anita Shorosky, ext. 310
Rose Mary Baez, ext. 219
Adam G. Martinez, EdD, ext. 319
Amy Schauss, ext. 334
Cindy Newman, ext. 333
Alice Malek, ext. 328
Music Ministry
Director, Parish Music Ministry
Director, Life Teen Music Ministry
If you are new to Mary Queen parish or visiting, please
stop by with any questions regarding our parish. We
would love to meet you! If you have been attending
Mary Queen Church and consider this your parish
community, please register with the Parish Office so we
can keep an accurate census.
Registration forms may be found in
the following locations:
Parish Office
Welcome Desk (in Church narthex)
Church’s website:
Manny Bourque, ext. 317
Renee Bourque, ext. 329
JoEllen Baker, ext. 318
Russell Bolduc, ext. 227
Morgan Guajardo, ext. 310
Food Pantry/Social Concerns
Coordinator, Food Pantry/
Social Services Ministry
Chris Austgen, 281-482-1950
Facilities Management
Facilities Manager
Maintenance Coordinator
Chuck Turner, 832-618-4647
Chris Meaux, ext 316
Charles Ganter, ext. 316
Come Worship With Us!
Our Parish community worships together at Sunday
Mass, daily Masses, Holy Hour and Morning Prayer.
Join us for Morning Prayer each weekday
(except Wednesday) at 8:10 AM.
We pray the rosary after the 8:30 AM daily Masses
(except Wednesday & First Fridays).
Sacramental Life
Sacrament of Bapsm: Congratulations for Choosing Life!
Parents should contact the Parish Office to register for
Sacrament of Reconciliaon:
Peace Be With You!
Saturday 4:00—5:00 PM or by appointment.
The Lord Bless You! Contact
one of the priests at least six months in advance for preparation.
Sacrament of Anoinng of the Sick: May the Healing
Love of Christ Surround You! If you know someone who is sick
or in the hospital, contact the Parish Office so we can visit and
include them in our prayers.
RCIA: Chrisan Iniaon of Adults:
Journey With Us In
Faith! For inquiry into the Catholic Faith, contact the Parish
Bulletin Submission & Room Reservations
Bulletin announcements must be submitted to Rhonda
at no later than 12:00
PM on the required submission date. Please see
page 11 for dates.
All Ministries and Organizations who need to reserve a
room and/or schedule events for the calendar need to
contact Rose Mary at
If you have questions, please call the Parish Office,
Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM, at 281-482-1391.
This Week in the Parish
Sunday, August 07, 2016
9:30 & 11:30 AM Masses: Children's Liturgy of the Word (St. Cecilia Room)
After 7:30 AM & 9:30 AM Mass - Coffee & Donuts (Main Hall)
After All Masses - Women's ACTS Bake Sale (Bride's Room)
10:45 AM
Liturgy of the Word Leader Meeting (Room 114/115)
11:00 AM
Youth Council Discernment Retreat (Retreat House, Mini Hall)
6:45 PM
XLT & Camps/Conferences Reunion (Retreat House, Mini Hall)
Monday, August 08, 2016
7:30 AM
Stretching for Strength Class (Mini Hall)
5:45 PM
Special Friends (Mini Hall)
6:00 PM
Women's ACTS Mercy" Stations" (La Salette Hall )
6:30 PM
Divorce Care Sessions (Retreat House)
7:00 PM
La Salette Prayer Group (La Salette Hall - St Ann Room)
Tuesday, August 09, 2016
9:30 AM
Mary's Chain of Love Crochet/Craft Ministry (Room 114/115)
4:30 PM
Exposition for 24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration (St. Joseph Chapel)
6:00 PM
Women's ACTS Retreat Director Meeting (Room 110/Library)
6:30 PM
Consecration to Jesus through Mary - WUMM (Mini Hall)
6:30 PM
Women's ACTS Retreat Music Ministry (La Salette Hall )
7:00 PM
Men's Ministry Prayer Group (La Salette Hall - St Ann Family Room)
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
9:00 AM
Christian Meditation Prayer Group (Bride's Room)
9:30 AM
Queen's Bee Quilters (Mini Hall)
5:45 PM
Benediction Concludes Eucharistic Adoration (St Joseph Chapel)
6:00 PM
Men's Scripture Faith Sharing (Retreat House)
6:45 PM
Summer Sacraments Group 2 (Mini Hall, 118, 119, 114/115)
7:30 PM
Life Teen Music Practice (St Cecilia Room)
Thursday, August 11, 2016
12:30 PM
Rosary for Our Nation (La Salette Hall - Divine Mercy Chapel)
6:00 PM
Altar Server Training (Church)
6:30 PM
Rosary - ACTS Retreat Team (St Joseph Chapel)
6:30 PM
Sustainability Committee Meeting (La Salette Hall - St. Anne Room)
6:30 PM
Women's ACTS Retreat Team Meeting (Main Hall )
6:45 PM
Summer Sacraments First Eucharist Meeting #4 (Parish Center)
7:00 PM
Summer Sacraments Practice (Church)
7:00 PM
Serra Club Business Meeting (Room 110/Library)
7:00 PM
Women's ACTS Sessions (Rooms 113, 114/115, 117)
Mass Intentions
Saturday, August 6
8:30 AM Mary Ann Grimsrud, Mary Queen Ministries,
Evelyn Kreuz—Birthday Blessings
5:30 PM Robert H. Elpers, Tony Diotalevi, John Belan
Sunday, August 7
7:30 AM Joe & Martha Bronikowski, Marijo Dickson,
Mr. & Mrs. R.J. Andrews
9:30 AM Russell & Susan Bolduc—Anniversary Blessings,
All Our Parishioners, Barbara De Luka
11:30 AM Isidro Castanon Perez, Phung Vu, Katie Fatta
5:30 PM Vincenzo Floridia, Enrique Vargas, Sr.,
Rudolph Castillo
Monday, August 8
8:30 AM Bernie Kucharski, Lynne Marie Royce,
Living and Deceased Loved Ones of Ben & Beth Drone
Tuesday, August 9
8:30 AM Cristine Ganter, Patty Cervantes,
Living and Deceased Family Members of Lou Porter
Wednesday, August 10
6:30 PM Respect Life, Mary Ann Grimsrud,
Susan Jennings—Birthday Blessings
Thursday, August 11
8:30 AM Mark Schneider, Lynne Royce, Ann Bartsch
Friday, August 12
8:30 AM Mike Vukelich, Charles McDonald,
Mathilda Sutedja—Birthday Blessings
Saturday, August 13
5:30 PM Living and Departed Loved Ones of Millie Talley, Living
and Departed Loved Ones of Nelson & Teresa Olavarria,
W. P. Shugart
Sunday, August 14
7:30 AM Jose & Rosa Bosch, Woodley & Della Credeur,
Hilman Reviere
9:30 AM Mary Ann Grimsrud, Fr. Dimitri Demesmin,
Living and Departed Loved Ones of Judy Hodges
11:30 AM Glenn Skrabanek, Nick Fatta, Enrique Vargas, Sr.
5:30 PM Helen & Arturo Hervada, David Browne,
All Our Parishioners
Friday, August 12, 2016
7:30 AM
Stretching for Strength Class (Mini Hall)
7:00 PM
Hispanic Ministry Bilingual Rosary (St Joseph Chapel)
8:00 PM
Hispanic Ministry Reception Following Rosary (Mini Hall)
Saturday, August 13, 2016
MQ Quilters Raffle Ticket Sales - After All Masses (Church Narthex)
7:30 AM
Men's ACTS Faith Sharing Group (Room 110/Library)
8:00 AM
Elementary Catechist Training (Parish Center)
4:00 PM
Reconciliation (Church)
Parish Financial Information
Sharing the gifts we have been given
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Envelopes: 452
Master’s Plan: $480.00
Master’s Plan Debt Reduction: $450.00
July Faith Direct Giving: $56,329.40
Faith Direct Participants: 302
DSF 2016 Summary as of August 1, 2016
Parish Goal: $165,000.00
Total Amount Paid: $141,113.13
Total Amount Pledged: $168,427.00
Total Number of Participants: 443
Total Number of Mary Queen Households: 2,728
Go Slow! Slow Down!
A gentle reminder
Please respect the celebration of the Mass:
• by turning off all electronic devices.
• by keeping conversations at a minimum.
• by not chewing gum.
• by wearing modest attire.
• by respecting other drivers at the conclusion of
the Mass.
Mary Queen Pastoral Council
Our neighbors along Cedarwood Drive have contacted
our parish office to express their concern about the speed
of traffic approaching and leaving Mary Queen.
We encourage all our parishioners to observe the marked
speed limit of 20 MPH along Cedarwood Drive to respect
and ensure the safety of our neighbors. We also ask our
drivers to drive at a slow speed in the Mary Queen
Campus Parking Lot. We urge respect and courtesy in
driving along Cedarwood, Stonesthrow and all our
neighborhood streets.
Slow Down!
Be Alert!
Keep Safe!
Respect Our Neighbors!
Today’s Gospel
Gospel : Luke 12:32-48
We must be ready for God to
act in our lives at any time!
Let us pray that our hearts may be open to God's word
today, and that we may keep ourselves ready at all
Sunday, August 7
Wisdom 18:6-9, Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19, or 11:1-2, 8-12,
Luke 12:32-48 or 12:35-40
Monday, August 8
Ezekiel 1:2-5, 24-28c,Matthew 17:22-27
Tuesday, August 9
Ezekiel 2:8 — 3:4, Matthew 18:1-5, 10, 12-14
Wednesday, August 10
2 Corinthians 9:6-10, John 12:24-26
Thursday, August 11
Ezekiel 12:1-12, Matthew 18:21 — 19:1
Friday, August 12
Ezekiel 16:1-15, 60, 63 or 16:59-63, Matthew 19:3-12
Saturday, August 13
Ezekiel 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32, Matthew 19:13-15
Sunday, August 14
Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10, Hebrews 12:1-4, Luke 12:49-53
Choose one of the following activities as a way
to further reflect on the Sunday readings:
As a family, make a list of faithful people who inspire
you by the way they live. Then choose one person
from the list and work together to find out more about
the person's life.
Together with your family, discuss how each member
gets ready for a special occasion. Share with family
members about how you would get ready for a really
great party!
Have a family fire drill. Before the drill, plan the
escape routes with the children and emphasize the
need to act quickly. Emphasize that once out, they
should never go back in the house without your
permission. After the drill, talk about how important it
is to be prepared in case of an emergency. Relate
being prepared for a fire to being prepared to meet
God at any moment.
Elizabeth Clarke, Notre Dame Echo
Apprentice, is coming to Mary Queen!
The Institute for Church Life at
University of Notre Dame, through
its Echo program, develops new
catechetical leaders by offering
talented, faithful, young adults the
opportunity to serve the Church for
two years and explore a possible
future career in faith formation while
receiving a M.A. in Theology.
The Echo staff partners with the Archdiocese of
Galveston-Houston, among other dioceses around the
country, to place apprentices in parishes that will engage
them in primary catechetical leadership positions, within
a wide variety of ministries. Mary Queen was chosen as
a host parish for Echo 13 2016-2018.
Elizabeth Clarke, a recent graduate of the University of
Dayton, has been assigned to our parish. Preparations
are underway to welcome her on Tuesday, August 16th,
but, first we must find her a desk. If you have a desk to
donate (5 feet wide or less), please contact Cindy
Newman at 281-482-1391, Ext. 333. Please do not
drop off a desk unless you have spoken with Cindy
and arrangements have been made for the delivery.
Guidelines for 2017 Mass Intentions
Scheduled Mass Intentions
The Mass intention book will be open, Tuesday,
September 6, 2016 to receive Mass intentions for
2017. There are three Intentions per Mass and will be
filled on a first come first served basis.
Unscheduled Mass Intentions
Unscheduled Mass intentions are also accepted. These
Mass intentions are offered either by your parish priest or
by other La Salette Missionaries. These Mass intentions
are not announced or published in the bulletin. Many La
Salette priests gladly welcome these intentions for their
daily Masses.
You may drop off your Mass Intention requests and
stipends during regular Parish Office hours, Monday Friday, 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM. Please do not leave them
laying on the Reception Desk. These requests must be
made in writing to assure accurate information (spelling,
living or deceased, etc.). The Mass Intention Form may
be picked up at the Parish Office or printed from the Mary
Queen Website at
(home page, left side, under documents).
The suggested Mass stipend is $5.00 for each Mass,
scheduled or unscheduled. Please make all checks for
Mass intentions payable to Missionaries of La Salette.
Altar Server Training
Our Lady of La Salette Prayer Group
Join us on Mondays in La Salette Hall—St. Ann Room at
7:00 PM. We praise the Lord and exercise the gifts of the
Holy Spirit. Join us for worship, song, teaching,
testimonies and prayer for healing. For information,
contact Brother Roger at 281-648-2764.
JOY Study Group
We will be taking the summer off and return in
September. Please join us then.
Christian Meditation Prayer Group
All are invited to join us on Wednesday from 9:00 - 10:00
AM in the Bride’s Room (enter through the side door of
the church). Contact Sandy at 281-482-1784 or
Love of God and Love of Country
All are invited to join us every Thursday at 12:30 PM in
La Salette Hall—Divine Mercy Chapel. We pray the
Rosary for the needs of our country. We study the
writings of the Founding Fathers of the Republic, deeply
rooted in the Christian faith. We also discuss events,
legislation and social trends that are shaping the
country's direction.
Open to children finishing 3rd grade. The last
training date is Thursday, August 11th from 6:00 7:00 PM in the Church. To become an altar server,
the child should attend three trainings, not
necessarily in consecutive order.
For questions or to register:
Contact Rick or Dianne Valdez at, or call 281-996-1679.
Women’s ACTS Retreat
Mary Queen ACTS is now accepting registrations for the
upcoming Women’s ACTS retreat, August 18-21, 2016 at
the Christian Renewal Center in Dickinson. Registration
forms can be found on the Mary Queen website at or on the Information
Table in the Parish Center Hallway.
Alice Malek, Administrator, Ext. 328
Cynthia Newman, Director, Ext. 333
2016--2017 Forms are available on the parish website
and in the CCE Office. Fees are due at the time of
Some grades are now full in certain sessions. Not sure
if you’re registered? See the poster in the Narthex for a
list of names of registered students & volunteers.
Sr. High Bible Study
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XLT (Camps/Conference Reunion plus Year
of Mercy and World Youth Day)
If you attended a camp/conference this summer or you
are a college youth adult, we invite you to join us for
Mass, pizza and testimonies/Adoration on Sunday,
August 7th from 5:30 - 8:30 PM. We will be meeting at
5:00 PM in the Youth Room.
Note: There will be some World Youth Day testimonies
and college testimonies.
New & Returning Catechist Orientations
Saturday, August 13th
8:00 AM Check In & Morning Refreshments
8:30 - 10:30 AM Archdiocesan Catechist Module
“Catechetical Framework for Lifelong Catechesis”
Presented by Chris Hayes, Certified Catechist
For New Catechists, Aides & Substitutes who
have not taken this module.
RSVP to Cindy required, 281-482-1391, Ext. 333
Maximum attendance is 40 persons.
Volunteers who have taken this module need not
check in until 10:30 AM
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Catechetical In-Services
(Choose One)
1. New Catechists, Aides & Substitutes - Albert
Cipolla, Certified Catechist
2. Returning Catechists, Aides & Substitutes - Rita
Martinez, Loyola Press Representative
3. Sixth Grade SPARK (Tue 6:00 PM Session)
Catechists, Aides & Substitutes - Dr. Venette
4. Archdiocesan Pilot Program Lesson Writers &
Catechists - Dr. Sharon Skeans
12:30 - 1:00 PM Lunch
Jr. High Bible Study
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Respect Life Ministry Calendar
The second Wednesday of each month is
Respect Life Rosary and Mass. The Rosary
begins at 6:00 PM and Mass begins at 6:30
PM in the St. Joseph Chapel.
Consecration to Jesus through Mary presented by Women Under Mary’s Mantle:
Souls consecrated to our Holy
Mother are under her protection in a
special way, and receive great
graces. She will bring us closer to
Jesus than we ever could get on
our own. Every soul that completes
this consecration brings us closer to
the day that our Lady prophesized
at Fatima: "In the end, my
Immaculate Heart will Triumph."
There is a Respect Life Eucharistic Holy Hour on the
second Sunday of each month from 3:00 - 4:00 PM, in the
St. Joseph Chapel.
Every Friday morning at 10:00 AM we meet in the church
parking lot next to La Salette Hall to go pray as witnesses
for life at Planned Parenthood on I-45. All are welcome to
join us. Arrangement for transportation is available, upon
For more Information contact Respect Life Ministry at or 281-648-2764.
Respect Life Eucharistic Holy Hour
The Respect Life Ministry invites all to attend
a Eucharistic Holy Hour for Respect All Life
on Sunday, August 14, 2016 at 3:00 PM in
Saint Joseph’s Chapel.
Please come and join us in prayer for all
human life from the moment of conception
until the last moment at death.
Hispanic Ministry Bilingual Rosary
Friday, August 12, 2016
7:00 PM
St. Joseph Chapel
The Hispanic Ministry of Mary Queen
Catholic Church would like to invite you
to a bilingual reading of the Rosary on
Friday, August 12th at 7:00 PM in the St
Joseph Chapel
Refreshments will be served after the
Rosary in the Mini Hall.
Now you have the opportunity to individually consecrate
your life to Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
by completing the Total Consecration founded in the 18th
century by Saint Louis Marie de Montfort. The de
Montfort Total Consecration is the most complete and
most perfect consecration formula to Our Lady. It is the
formula personally made and lived by Pope John Paul II,
and recommended by him to us.
Schedule of classes include group Prayer of
Consecration for the Day, Rosary and a Lesson on the
Consecration as listed below:
Tuesday, August 9th – 7:00 PM – Mini Hall Consecration According to St. Pope John Paul II.
Tuesday, August 16th – 7:00 PM – Mini Hall Testimonies and importance of Consecration today.
Tuesday, August 23rd – 7:00 PM – Church –
Consecration Ceremony and fellowship.
Books: True Devotion, by St. Louis de Montfort; and 33
Days to Morning Glory, by Fr. Michael Gaitley
For questions please contact Linda Robison at 281-3160420.
Restore Hope
Mary Queen Church offers a support
group, Restore Hope, to women who have had
an abortion at any time during their lives. This
ministry seeks to help them heal, experience
God's love and mercy and find forgiveness
within a small group setting. All information is
kept confidential. If you are interested or would
like more information, please contact the group facilitator
Divorced or Separated?
Divorce Care is a weekly support group and seminar
series where you’ll learn how to deal with the pain of the
past and look forward to rebuilding your life. Start when
you can, come as often as you can. The cost is just
$15.00 per person (includes workbook).
Please contact Stephen Harrison at
or 713-252-3253 to register or to learn more about the
New Covenant Spirituality:
The Trinity and Divine Sonship
In this parish two day workshop, we will be journeying towards a
better understanding of heaven and how we can live as intentional
disciples in order to allow God’s grace to change our lives.
The Emergency Management Committee is seeking
volunteers to serve in our ministry dedicated to the
safety, security and emergency preparedness of the Mary
Queen Catholic Church community. We have an
immediate need for volunteers to assist with preparing
for, and recovering from, a tropical weather system that
may affect our church campus.
If you have a Fire, EMS, Law Enforcement, Safety,
Security, Emergency Management, Medical or Military
background, or are interested in serving in this ministry in
any way, please attend Informational Meetings on August
23rd or August 30th from 7:00 to 8:00 PM in the Mini Hall.
If you're unable to attend and would like more
information, please contact Dan Buchanan at 832-4251208 or
Speaker: Chase Crouse
Dates: September 7th & 8th
Time: 7:00 - 8:30 PM
Location: Parish Center—Mini Hall
Mary’s Chain of Love Ministry
(Crochet & Craft)
Come Pray & Crochet with us!
VIRTUS—Protecting God’s Children
Mary Queen will be offering the VIRTUS Protecting Gods
Children class on August 20th in the Mini Hall, from 10:00
AM - 1:00 PM. This class is the basic one required for
anyone who is volunteering in ministries involving
children within the parish. Online signup is through the
Virtus website at
For questions about your Virtus certification, contact our
parish coordinator, Daniel Barineau, at 281-300-5481.
Tuesday Mornings at 9:30 AM
Parish Center – Room 114/115
We specialize in: Prayer shawls for those in need of comfort,
hats and scarves for the homeless, and crocheted appliques
(crosses, angels, roses, sheep and more) attached to prayer
We also crochet rosaries, chapel veils, book covers, baby
layettes and rosary bags. If you have a need for something
else, let us know – we can do almost anything!
Want to learn to crochet? We will teach you.
Reconciliation Greeters
Mary Queen is seeking volunteers for Reconciliation
Greeters. Greeters provide assistance to ensure the
confession lines move smoothly. This ministry does not
require any meetings or training. Just bring your smiling
face! If you are interested, please email Cindy Crosson
Don’t have time for a lot of meetings? We will give you a
Monetary donations and yarn are gratefully accepted to help us
create our projects. If you have any questions, please contact
Cindy Dittrich at or 832-2826346.
Blood Drive
Sunday, August 28th
Blue Bell Ice Cream
Give 1 Pint, Get 1 Pint
8:00 AM - 1:30 PM in La Salette Hall
All donors who have checked in by
1:30 PM will be screened. Donors are
reminded to eat a hearty breakfast and
bring ID. Eligible donors need to be at
least 17 years old, weigh a minimum of
110 pounds and be in good health.
Teens who are 16 years old, weigh 122 pounds or more
and are in good health, may donate, provided a parent
or guardian signs a consent form (available
at sign-in desk). For more information
contact Colette at 713-870-8092. Each
person who registers, will receive a pint of
Blue Bell Ice Cream!
Blood Drive Facts
Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center (GBRBC) staffs the
blood drives at Mary Queen and is the central blood bank
for 220 hospitals and healthcare facilities. These facilities
are located in 26 counties that also comprise the
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. Each day 1000
donors are needed to fill the medical requisitions of
3,000 blood components.
Mary Queen hosts a blood drive six times a year. Donors
of whole blood or red cell/plasma are eligible to donate
every 8 weeks. The parish blood drives are 8 to 12 weeks
apart which allows a regular donor a place to donate. The
actual donation process for whole blood is only 5
The FDA allows people with certain conditions to
♦ Thyroid Condition - If thyroid is controlled by
medication, one can donate.
♦ Diabetes - People can donate if they are feeling well,
regardless of blood sugar level.
♦ Cancer - Most cancers have a three-year deferral.
Minor skin cancers have a two-week deferral.
Leukemia and lymphoma are the only cancers that
have an indefinite deferral.
♦ High Blood Pressure - If your blood pressure is
controlled, you can donate.
♦ Too Many Medications - There are now only thirty
medications that can defer you. When you screen
you will be asked if you take any medications on the
♦ Too Old - There is no upper age limit for donors.
♦ Out of Country Travel - Depending on where one
has traveled, a temporary deferral may be issued to
one who has traveled outside the USA or Canada in
the past 12 months, or lived outside the USA or
Canada for 3 years.
The blood drives are open to the public. Let your friends
and neighbors know about them.
Women’s ACTS Bake Sale
August 6th and 7th
After all Masses This Weekend
Bride’s Room
School Supplies and Backpack Drive
Help a child start their school
year off right by donating new
school supplies and backpacks.
Collection boxes are located in
the church narthex and in the
Parish Center hallway across
from the Youth Room. All
donated items will be distributed through the Mary
Queen Food Pantry to their clients.
Mary Queen Food Pantry Stats
The fiscal year of 2015/2016 was very busy for the Food
Pantry. During that time 352 families were assisted with their
utility bills, which means keeping the heat on during the
winter and the air conditioning on during the summer.
Imagine your home without power.
Join us for a Fiesta Dinner
All are invited to our annual Fiesta
Dinner benefitting Special Friends,
on Monday, August 15th. Our
dinner is from 6:00 – 8:00 PM in
the Mary Queen Parish Center.
Plates are $10.00 per person for a
Spanish style dinner with salad
and desserts provided by our
friends at Fiesta Stores.
We will have entertainment by the “Over the Hill Gang”, a
silent auction, and a grand raffle for a beautiful Mary
Queen quilt. Please contact Nelson or Teresa Olavarria
at 281-482-3991, if you would like to purchase a ticket or
make a donation to the silent auction to support Special
Special Friends is a wonderful group of mentally and
physically challenged individuals who meet for
community integration, physical activities thru sports
programs and educational enhancements.
The Food Pantry also assisted 9,513 people with groceries
(as compared to just under 2,000 in 2010). What a blessing
that we are able to help so many people! We can only do this
because we get food donations and financial support from so
many parishioners. We ask that you continue to support this
very important ministry with food and monetary donations.
Monetary donations can be made using the pink Food
Ministries envelopes or by visiting the Mary Queen website at and using Faith Direct.
Faith Direct allows you to make a one time donation or
monthly drafts.
“I’ve been coming to the Food Pantry for about a
year. It has been such a help to my family.
Because we are seniors, ages 78 and 70, we are on
several medications. The money we save on food
from the pantry allows us to pay our medical bills.
Thanks so much and God bless you all.” Linda,
Food Pantry client
Blessing Bags for the Homeless
The Homeless Ministry of Mary Queen will be
assembling Homeless Blessing Bags this fall. The
following items are needed to fill the bags: water, tuna &
cracker kits, peanut butter crackers, single serve fruit
cups or applesauce, mints, gum and granola bars.
Watch the bulletin for the collection dates and additional
Save the Date
Knights of Columbus Golf Tournament
October 17, 2016
Timber Creek Golf Club
Friendswood, TX
For player or sponsorship opportunities, please
contact Jim Martin at 713-805-4110 or Anthony
Dittrich at 281-808-5322.
Update Your Parish Information
Several Lenten Flyers that were mailed to all Mary Queen
parishioners have been returned, due to an incorrect address.
Do we have your up-to-date personal information? If you have
moved, lost or added a family member, changed your name,
phone number or email address, please provide your updated
information to Rhonda Hansen at 281-482-1391 or This will help to ensure
that you receive communications from Mary Queen.
Celebration for St. Francis of Assisi
Mark your calendars! The Sustainability
Ministry will sponsor a prayerful and funfilled day of activities on Saturday,
October 1st, to honor St. Francis of
Asissi, the Patron Saint of Ecology. St.
Francis was a well known advocate of
protecting nature and animals. In the
morning, 10:00 am, the Blessing of the
Animals will take place on the church grounds. Bring your
favorite pet and join in the fun! After the 5:30 PM Mass
that same day, a Pizza Party and education event will be
held in the Parish Center - Main Hall. If you would like
additional information, please contact
Monroig, Event Leader, at
Knights of Columbus BBQ Sale
Sunday, August 14th
After All Morning Masses
Stop by and pick up lunch or dinner. The
Knight’s will be selling their famous sausage
links, chickens and ribs after all morning
Masses, Sunday, August 14th.
If you have something to include in the bulletin, please
submit your information by noon to Rhonda Hansen at
August 14th Bulletin
Submit by, Monday, August 8th
August 21st Bulletin
Submit by, Monday, August 15th
August 28th Bulletin
Submit by, Monday, August 22nd
Meeting & Room Reservations
All Ministries and Organizations who need to
reserve a room and/or schedule events for the
calendar, please contact Rose Mary Baez at or 281-482-1391.
We Pray For …...
Juan Arellano Family
Homero Arellano Family
Manvel Arellano Family
Cecilia Bauer
Jamie Beken
Barbara Bennett
Cynthia Benson
Tommy Blake
Michael Boyle
David Braden
Joann Breault
Jari Brezina
Monika Burgett Family
Alfredo Cardenas
Valerie Cardenas
Ken Cardenas Family
Isabel Cardenas Family
Nola Carter
Max Chalfant
James Nolan Clark
John Cordary
Jason Corlett
John Corlett
Johnny Corlett
Alyssa Crosby Family
Jacob Daniel
Cecilia Davidson
Frank Descant
Carolyn Douglas
Robert Duffy
Marisol Enriquez Family
Petronella Ferguson
Joseph Fleming
Edward Flores Family
Leith Foster
Luisa Garcia
Maria Garcia Family
Tommy Garcia
Vera Garcia
Sue Garman
Shirley Geerts
Bobby George
Jonanna George
Theresa Gibson Family
Natalie Gilman
Philip Gomez
Angelica Gonzalez Family
Avery Gordy
Angela Gorrell
Rodolfo Granados
Ann Grossman
Heather Ham
Mike Harris
Dave Hedges
Evelyn Hill
Jacques Huard
Katrina Huggins
Liz Hurd
Richard Machowicz
Joan Meagher
Joe Mendoza
Les Ming
Bob Mireles Family
Mike Montz
John Morriss
Meme Kinane
Taylor Paige Kinsey
John Klumpyan
Henry Kohler
Evelyn Kreuz
Jean Kreuz
Aloma Naivar
Franklin Naivar
Phong Nguyen
Sandra Nowak
Jim Lea, Jr.
Ron Lee
Bill Leighton
Rita Leszczynski
Chris Lobue
Carol Lorance
Blake Lowe
Troy Lucas Family
Margot Olivares
Janet Pape
Berta Perez Family
SPC Kyle Perkins
Coleen Redlien
Connie Reynolds
Barbara Richard
Bill Richter
Aurora Ruiz
George Rodgers
Alma Rodriguez Family
Antonieta Rodriguez Family
Evelyn Rose
Leda Samson
Zaideth Sarabia
Joe & Gloria Silva
Vince Smith
Special Needs Families
Peter Steik
Lori Speiser
Paul Stimson
Jean Thomas
Esther Tucker
Unborn In The Womb
Bruce Wahl
Allie Warren
Paula Wick
John Widaski
Isabel Williams Family
Tessa Williams
Ethel Zansler
Mary Rita Zehenter
Lord Jesus, who went about doing good and healing all, we ask you to bless our friends who are sick. Give
them strength in body, courage in spirit, and patience with pain. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
~ In Memoriam ~
Please pray for the repose of the souls of
Diane “Nellie” Aylward, sister of Joe DeBonis
Dorothy Christ, mother of Karen Theriault
The Sanctuary Candle is in memory of
Marilyn Dondzila
week of August 6th – August 12th
We offer the Vigil Candle as a Memorial Candle each week to
interested parishioners who would like to request that it burn “In
Memory of” or “In Honor of” a loved one, living or
deceased. To reserve the candle, contact the Receptionist in
the Parish Office at 281-482-1391. The name of your loved one
will be published in the bulletin and near the Sanctuary Candle
in the Church.
Prayer List Requests
If you have a family member(s) or friend(s) who are in
need of special prayers by our parish community,
please consider placing them on the Mary Queen
Prayer List. You may do so by contacting our
receptionist, Anita Shorosky at 281-482-1391 or Names will
remain on the list for 60 days unless we are notified
News Around The Area
Silver Anniversary Jubilee Mass
The 2016 Wedding Anniversary Jubilee Mass honoring
couples celebrating their Silver (25th) Anniversary of
marriage in the Catholic Church will be held on Sunday,
August 14th at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart at
3:00 PM. Whether or not a couple attends the ceremony,
they are eligible to receive a special recognition.
Reserved seating will be limited. For more information,
contact Regina Vasquez with the Office of Family Life
The Joy of Love in Caregiving: Experiencing
the Mercy of God
A Day of Prayer for Caregivers of Children and Adults
with Disabilities, on Saturday, August 20th from 10:00 AM
- 4:00 PM, at the Cenacle Retreat House, 420 N.
Kirkwood, Houston, 77079. The cost is $30 and includes
lunch. Please register by August 12th, Presented by Mark
Ciesielski. Co-sponsored by the Ministry with Persons
with Disabilities. You may register online at https:// or call 713-7418791.
Did you know that there’s a retreat center close to us? The
Christian Renewal Center of the Galveston-Houston
Archdiocese is at 1515 Hughes Road in Dickinson. The retreat
center is a nice place to get away for a personal retreat, an
event or retreat for your organization. If you are interested in
volunteering or need service hours, there are opportunities to
help as well. Please call the retreat center at 281-337-1312 and
visit their website at
Friendswood Community Prayer Breakfast
August 20th - 7:00 AM
First Baptist Church
111 E. Heritage
The monthly Friendswood Community Prayer Breakfast
will be held on Saturday, August 20th at 7:00 AM. If you
would like to attend, please contact Carmelo Gomez at
832-236-5109 or no later than
Thursday, July 21st.
Some “Enchanted” Summer Evenings: Come
and spend eight summer evenings learning and singing
2,000 years of faith in liturgical song of the Mass and
psalms. St. Basil’s School of Gregorian Chant invites you
to the 8th annual Summer Learning Schola, at the
University of St. Thomas, Houston. Dates are
Wednesdays & Thursdays: Session 1 is August 3rd—4th,
10th—11th: Session II is August 17th—18th, 24th—25th.
Tuition is $195.00 for both sessions or $125.00 for
session I or II. We will close singing and praying all we
learned at a special Mass. Visit our website: or call Lowell Davis at 281855-2358.
Loving Embrace
The September 15th meeting will feature guest speaker
Brooke Jemelka, MD, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr.
Jemelka is one of three practitioners with Caritas
Women’s Care, part of CHI St. Luke’s Medical Group
Sugar Land. Caritas is dedicated to providing holistic,
comprehensive and restorative services for women from
adolescence through menopause. Honoring womanhood
and the sanctity of human life, Caritas Women’s Care
offers on-site education about natural family planning and
infertility in a loving, faith-based environment. For more
information, contact Shannon Lassen at 832-978-6716 or or Janel Greig at 713
-586-9567 or
Are You Catholic and Going to College?
We invite you to find and visit the Catholic Center or Catholic
Student Organization at your University/College. Newman
Centers exist all over the country. Find your Catholic Center at and join them for Mass,
networking and activities to get to know other Catholic
students and grow in your faith. Visit
for a list of Catholic Centers at our local universities.
Sign up today! Tickets just $39.00. For more information
or to purchase your ticket, call 859-980-7900 or visit
St. Ignatius Loyola
Catholic Church
7810 Cypresswood Drive
Spring, TX 77379
October 22, 2016
9:00 AM - 1:30 PM
St. Michael Catholic Church
1801 Sage Road
Houston, TX 77056
October 21, 2016
7:00 PM - 10:45 PM