East Coast News Issue 94 ( Feb/Mar 2014 ) - East Coast
East Coast News Issue 94 ( Feb/Mar 2014 ) - East Coast
Like our Facebook Page! www.facebook.com/pages/East-Coast-Town-Council best home, brighter future Issue 94 for February / March 2014 EAST COASTNEWS MCI (P) 010/03/2014 East Coast Town Council, Block 206 Bedok North Street 1, #01-353, Singapore 460206 QUIZ: PRACTISE GOOD HABITS Tel: 1800-444 9549 Fax: 6444 0775 www.ectc.org.sg CHINESE NEW YEAR CELEBRATIONS IN OUR TOWN START THE YEAR WITH THESE GOOD PRACTIES PAGE 4 & 5 PAGE 8 WIN A $10 NTUC SHOPPING VOUCHER! PAGE 2 COLOURFUL CHINGAY IN EAST COAST Quiz Issue 94 for February / March 2014 PR AC TI S I N G G O O D H A B ITS Which of these are hygienic and considerate practices? Mark the corresponding boxes with a tick ( ✔ )! 哪一些是即卫生又富有公德心的行为? 请在相应的框中打勾( ✔ )! Yang manakah di antara berikut adalah amalan-amalan yang bersih dan bertimbang rasa? Tandakan kotak yang berkenaan dengan tanda rait ( ✔ )! ,tw; w py; vit Rfhjhukhd kw; W k; Mjuthd nray; g hLfshFk; ? Fwpiaf;; ( ✔ ) nfhz; L FwpaplTk; ! rupahd gjpy; f s; cs; s ngl; b fis xU rup Fwpiaf Keeping the void deck clean Cycling on the cycling track Vandalising of common property Clearing your cluttered corridor Littering Leaving dog poo lying around REGULATIONS Name: _________________________________________________ NRIC: ________________________ 1. Fill in your personal details, cut out the quiz and mail to: Quiz for Issue #94, East Coast Town Council, Block 206 Bedok North Street 1, #01-353, Singapore 460206. 2. Closing date is 15 Apr 2014. 3. Only residents of East Coast GRC and Joo Chiat SMC are eligible to participate. Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ Postal Code: _________________________ Contact No.: _________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________ Division: ____________________________ CONGRATULATIONS TO WINNERS OF QUIZ #93 GO TO www.everythingeast.sg for food, people, places and everything else in the East of Singapore. 2 S/N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Name Chandelle Chong Yu Yan James Goh Kenneth Gan Lee Lay Ping Mazreeta Binte Sirat Md Shahran B Shariff Roziyah Binte Mohamed Sani Ting Ai Eng Winnie Tee Yeo Jia Yun NRIC SXXX5013I SXXX7316C SXXX5000G SXXX1757H SXXX8297E SXXX1432Z SXXX0721C SXXX6314H SXXX1791I TXXX3311G best home, brighter future Issue 94 for February / March 2014 Keeping Our Town Clean! This is the solution to the maze in Issue 93’s quiz. Did you choose the considerate practices and make your way out successfully? START END Do the 5-Step Mozzie Wipeout 进行5个步骤的灭蚊检查 • Lakukan 5 Langkah Mozzie Wipeout • nlq;fpia Jilj;njhopf;Fk; 5 fl;l eltbf;iffis gpd;gw;Wq;fs; Change water in vases/bowls on alternate days 每隔 一 天 , 更 换 花 瓶 里 的 水 Tukarkan air dalam jambangan bunga/mangkuk dua hari sekali Remove water from flower pot plates on alternate days 每隔一天,清除花盆垫盘里的水 Buangkan air di piring pengalas pasu bunga dua hari sekali Turn over all water storage containers 将所有的水桶和水容器倒置存放 Terlungkupkan semua bekas air Cover bamboo pole holders when not in use 不在使用晒衣竿撑管时将它们盖好 Tutupkan lubang penyangkut galah yang tidak digunakan Clear blockages and put Bti insecticide in roof gutters monthly 每 个 月 疏 通 阻 塞 的 屋 顶 檐 槽 , 并 且 加 入 Bti杀蚊药来杀灭伊蚊子孓 Bersihkan sampah sarap dari alur bumbung rumah dan bubuhkan racun serangga Bti sebulan sekali 3 LUNAR NEW YEAR IN EAST COAST East Coast residents came together to usher in the Year of the Horse with family, friends and lots of food! At various division events, residents exchanged auspicious wishes of good health and prosperity with one another and their Members of Parliament. Non-Chinese residents also joined in the celebrations with much enthusiasm, taking in the cultural and traditional aspects of Lunar New Year. Hong bao distributions of essential household items ensured that needy residents were not left out of the festive cheer. Here’s wishing all residents a blessed and prosperous Year of the Horse ahead! 4 best home, brighter future Issue 94 for February / March 2014 iTown@SG HOW DOES IT WORK? STEP 01 iTown@SG is a free mobile application developed to better serve and connect with residents. Residents can submit their feedback on maintenance issues via the app, and it will be automatically routed to the respective Town Councils. • Launch it on your iPhone or Android phone • Make a feedback report simply by following these steps: Select an image source. Take a photo, choose from your picture library, or submit a feedback report without a photo. STEP 02 Select the location of your report. Describe the issue and submit the report. STEP 03 The information will be directed to the relevant town council, which can then resolve the problem. 5 Chingay in the Heartlands Even though the Chingay Parade has Chinese roots, it has evolved into a multicultural extravaganza that showcases Singapore’s community spirit and cultural richness. The Parade came to our town on 15 February, livening up the various divisions with dazzlingly decorated floats and boisterous celebrations. Mascots like the God of Fortune and roving balloon sculptors and jugglers spread cheer to residents on the ground. There were lion and dragon dances as well as stage performances to stimulate the crowd’s eyes and ears, while booths for calligraphy, sand art, clay figurines and origami kept everyone’s hands busy. Our Members of Parliament also joined in the celebrations, lighting firecrackers to launch the float procession. 6 best home, brighter future Issue 94 for February / March 2014 CLEAR CORRIDORS ARE SAFE CORRIDORS 整洁的走廊 是最安全的 Koridor yang bersih adalah koridor yang selamat Rj ;jkhd eilto pfs ; vd g; it ghJfhg g; hd eilto pfshFk ; For more information, visit our website at www.hdb.gov.sg or call 6490 1111 7 START THE YEAR with these Good Practices Are you being a considerate resident? Go through the checklist below and see how many of these good habits you practise. If you see family, friends or strangers doing otherwise, advise them gently and encourage them to do the right thing. Only with a collective effort can East Coast be The Best Home for Everyone! TO-DO-CHECKLIST DO NOT LITTER – Littering is unhygienic, creates unpleasant odours and breeds pests such as rats and cockroaches. 不要乱丢垃圾 – 乱丢垃圾是不卫生的行为。被乱丢的垃圾会产生难闻的异味,也会成为害虫滋 生的温床,例如老鼠和蟑螂。 HAVE I DONE THIS? JANGAN BUANG SAMPAH MERATA-RATA – Membuang sampah merata-rata sememangnya amat mengotorkan. Ia mewujudkan bau busuk dan membiakkan haiwan perosak seperti tikus dan lipas. Fg;ig NghlhjPHfs; – Fg;igfisg; NghLtJ KOf;f KOf;f MNuhf;fpakw;wJ. mjdhy; nfl;l thilfs; cUthfp vypfs; kw;Wk; nrt;tz;Lfs; Nghd;w g+r;rpfs; cw;gj;jpahFk;. DO NOT CLUTTER YOUR CORRIDORS – Do not store combustible items along the corridor. These are potential fire hazards or obstructions in the events of an emergency. Falling items can also cause accidents. HAVE I DONE THIS? 不要把杂物堆积在走廊上 – 也请别在走廊存放易燃物品。这些将有可能引起火患或在紧急情况 下成为逃生阻碍。掉落的物品也可能造成意外。 JANGAN SEMAKKAN KORIDOR ANDA – Juga, jangan simpan barangan mudah terbakar di koridor. Ini boleh mendatangkan bahaya kebakaran atau menghalang laluan semasa dalam kecemasan. Barangan yang terjatuh juga boleh menyebabkan kemalangan. cq;fs; eilf;$lq;fspy; rj;jk; NghlhjPHfs; – eiltopfspy; vspjpy; jPg;gw;Wk; nghUl;fisAk; $l Nrkpj;J itf;fhjPHfs;. ,it jPg;gw;Wtjw;fhd Mgj;ij tpistpf;ff; $ba my;yJ mtru fhynkhd;wpy; jilia Vw;gLj;jf; $ba nray;fshFk;. fPNo tpOfpd;w nghUl;fSk; $l tpgj;Jfis tpistpf;fyhk;. PARK YOUR BICYCLES AT ALLOCATED PARKING AREAS – Always park at designated bicycle stands. Otherwise, your bicycle will obstruct the walkway and pose danger to others. 请把脚踏车停放在指定的地方 – 请在指定的脚踏车停放点放置脚踏车。 HAVE I DONE THIS? LETAKKAN BASIKAL ANDA DI KAWASAN MELETAK BASIKAL YANG TELAH DIPERUNTUKKAN – Sentiasa letakkan basikal anda di tempat basikal yang dikhaskan. cq;fSila kpjptz;bfis mjw;nfd;W xJf;fg;gl;l epWj;Jk; gFjpfspy; epWj;Jq;fs;; – Vg;NghJk; cq;fsJ kpjptz;bfisf; nfhLf;fg;gl;l kpjptz;B epWj;jq;fspy; epWj;jTk; IT IS AN OFFENCE TO SMOKE AT VOID DECKS, CORRIDORS AND LIFTS – Stub out cigarettes before entering areas where smoking is prohibited. 在组屋底层、走廊上和电梯内抽烟是违法的 – 进入禁烟区域之前请将香烟熄灭。 HAVE I DONE THIS? ADALAH MENJADI SATU KESALAHAN UNTUK MEROKOK DI KOLONG BLOK, KORIDOR DAN LIF – Matikan api rokok sebelum memasuki kawasan larangan merokok. fPo;j;jsq;fspYk;> eilf;$lq;fspYk; kw;Wk; kpd;J}f;fpfspYk; Gifg;gpbg;gJ Fw;wkhFk; Recycle wisely tpNtfj;Jld; kWRow;rp nra;Aq;fs; – Gifg;gpbf;fj; jilnra;ag;gl;Ls;s gFjpfspy; Eiotjw;F Kd;dH rpfnul;Lj; Jz;Lfis tPrpnawpAq;fs;. Start practising these habits today and make your home a better place for everyone. 8 best home, brighter future Issue 94 for February / March 2014 TO-DO-CHECKLIST RECYCLE WISELY – Remember, when the recycling bin is contaminated, the entire load becomes unrecyclable. 请保护环境,回收可再循环的物品 – 请记得,当回收箱被污染时,箱内的所有物品都不可再回收。 HAVE I DONE THIS? KITAR SEMULA SECARA BIJAK – Ingat bahawa apabila tong kitar semula tercemar, seluruh isi tong tidak boleh dikitar semula. tpNtfj;Jld; kWRow;rp nra;Aq;fs;; – kWg;gadPl;Lj; njhl;b mRj;jkhf ,Uf;Fk; NghJ> mjpYs;s nkhj;jg; nghUl;fisAk; kWgadPL nra;aKbahky; NghFk; vd;gij epidtpy; nfhs;Sq;fs;. ALWAYS CLEAR UP AFTER FEEDING COMMUNITY CATS – Leaving behind leftovers and food scraps attracts pests. 喂养社区中的小猫后,请自行清理环境 – 因为留下的食物残渣和剩菜,很容易会招来害虫。 HAVE I DONE THIS? SENTIASA BERSIHKAN SELEPAS MEMBERI MAKAN KEPADA KUCING KOMUNITI – Meninggalkan sisa dan lebihan makanan selepas memberi makan kepada kucing jalanan akan menarik haiwan perosak. vg;NghJk; njUtpy; Rw;Wk; g+idfSf;F cztspj;j gpd;G me;j ,lj;ijr; Rj;jk; nra;Aq;fs;; – rKjhag; g+idfSf;F cztspj;j gpwF rpjwpa czTfis mg;gbNa tpl;Lr; nry;tJ g+r;rpfisf; ftHe;jpOj;jpLk;. DO NOT FEED THE PIGEONS – Feeding birds allows the population of birds to increase, which can be a nuisance. It can also increase the likelihood of bird-borne diseases. 请不要喂养鸽子 – 随意喂养野生鸟类会导致鸟类数量激增,并滋扰我们的生活环境。同时也会 激增鸟类传播疾病的可能性。 HAVE I DONE THIS? JANGAN MEMBERI MAKAN KEPADA BURUNG MERPATI – Memberi makanan kepada burung akan membolehkan populasi burung bertambah, dan ini boleh menyebabkan gangguan. Ia juga boleh meningkatkan kemungkinan penyakit bawaan burung. Gwhf;fSf;F czT mspf;fhjPHfs; – gwitfSf;F cztspg;gjhy; gwitfspd; vz;zpf;if mjpfupj;J> njhe;juT cUthfyhk;. mjdhy; gwitfshy;-tpisAk; Neha;fSk; mjpfupf;fyhk;. CLEAR UP AFTER USING THE VOID DECK – Litter and food receptacles at community areas, such as the tables at void decks, attract pests. 在组屋底层进行活动后,请自行清理环境 – 在邻里范围如组屋楼下的桌子上遗留垃圾和食品容 器,也会招来害虫。 HAVE I DONE THIS? BERSIHKAN SELEPAS MENGGUNAKAN KOLONG BLOK – Sampah dan bekas makanan yang ditinggalkan di kawasan awam komuniti, seperti di meja di ruang perhimpunan komuniti, akan menarik haiwan perosak. fPo;j;jsj;ijg; gad;gLj;jpa gpwF me;j ,lj;ijr; Rj;jk; nra;Aq;fs; – fPo;js miwapy; ,Uf;Fk; Nkir Nghd;w rKjhag; gFjpfspy; Fg;ig kw;Wk; czTf; fopTfisg; NghLtJ g+r;rpfis ftHe;jpOj;jpLk CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR PETS – Animal faeces left behind will cause a stench; they are also very unhygienic. 清理宠物粪便 – 未清理的宠物粪便会发臭,同时也非常不卫生。 HAVE I DONE THIS? BERSIHKAN NAJIS HAIWAN PELIHARAAN ANDA – Najis haiwan yang ditinggalkan akan menyebabkan bau busuk; ianya juga adalah sangat kotor. cq;fs; nry;yg;gpuhzpfisr; Rj;jk; nra;jy; – gpd;Gwk; Rj;jk; nra;ag;glhky; tplg;gLk; tpyq;Ffspd; kyq;fs; JHehw;wj;ij Vw;gLj;Jk;. mit kpfTk; Rfhjhukw;witAk; $l. THROW LETTERBOX FLYERS AND JUNK MAIL IN THE BIN – Instead of littering them around common areas, dispose of them in the bins at void decks and outside the lifts to keep the place clean for everyone. HAVE I DONE THIS? 把不需要的传单和垃圾邮件扔进垃圾桶 – 请不要把不需要的传单和垃圾邮件丢在走廊等公共区 域,而是把它们扔进位于组屋底层和电梯外面的垃圾桶。这样就能够保持环境卫生整洁。 BUANGKAN RISALAH PETI SURAT DAN MEL SAMPAH KE DALAM TONG SAMPAH – Jangan membuang sampah di sekitar kawasan umum. Sebaliknya buangkan ke dalam tong-tong sampah di kolong blok dan di luar lif bagi memastikan kebersihan tempat tersebut bagi semua orang. mQ;ry; ngl;bapy; cs;s gpuRuq;fisAk;> Njitaw;w fbjq;fisAk; Fg;igj; njhl;bapy; Nghl;L tpLq;fs;; – nghJ ,lj;ij midtUf;fhfTk; Rj;jkhf itj;Jf;nfhs;s nghJthd gFjpfisr; Rw;wp me;jf; Fg;igfisg; NghLtjw;Fg; gjpyhf mtw;iwf; fPo;j;jsj;jpYk;> kpd;J}f;fpfSf;F ntspNaAk; itf;fg;gl;Ls;s Fg;igj; njhl;bfspy; NghLq;fs;. Start practising these habits today and make your home a better place for everyone. 9 KEEP MOSQUITOES AT BAY! Because of the heavy shedding of leaves during this dry spell, there is an increase in the number of Culex mosquitoes islandwide, as they multiply in hundreds as compared to the Aedes mosquito. We have stepped up our efforts to clear leaf litter (especially in concealed drains), as well as our fumigation efforts to control the mosquito population. Although the Culex mosquito is not known to cause dengue fever, it is still a nuisance to residents. Please call us at 1800-444-9549 if you notice any potential breeding grounds in your estate. Please do not endanger the lives of your family and neighbours by placing your bulky refuse/items at the common corridors. CALL 1800-444-9549 FOR FREE BULKY REFUSE REMOVAL SERVICE. First three items will be removed for free, additional items cost $5 each. Does not include renovation debris, items for house-moving and built-in items. 请不要把您的大件垃圾或物品摆放在公共走廊以免危及您的家人和邻居的生命。 请致电1800-444-9549我们免费为您提供大件垃圾清理服务。 免费清除首三件物品,之后每件收费5元。不包括装修废料、搬家以及内置物品。 Jangan membahayakan nyawa ahli keluarga dan jiran anda dengan meletakkan barang/sampah besar yang memakan ruang di koridor utama. HUBUNGI 1800-444-9549 BAGI SERVIS PERCUMA PEMBUANGAN SAMPAH YANG BESAR. Tiga barang yang pertama akan dibuangkan secara percuma, barang buangan tambahan akan dikenakan bayaran $5 setiap satu. Tidak termasuk pengubahsuaian puing, barangan untuk perpindahan rumah dan barangan yang tersedia. cq;fspd; Njitaw;w / fopTg; nghUl;fis nghJ eiltopapy; NghLtjd; %yk; cq;fSila FLk;gj;jpdH kw;Wk; mz;il tPl;bdupd; capHfSf;F Mgj;ij Vw;gLj;jhjPHfs; ,ytrkhf Njitaw;w nghUl;fis ePf;Fk; Nritia 1800-444-9549 vd;w vz;zpy; mioAq;fs;. Kjy; %d;W nghUl;fs; ,ytrkhf mfw;wg;gLk;. $Ljy; nghUl;fs; xt;nthd;Wf;Fk; $5 fl;lzk; t#ypf;fg;gLk; rPuikf;Fk; Ntisapy; rpjWk; nghUl;fs;> tPL khw;Wk; Ntisapy; gad;gLj;jg;gLk; nghUl;fs; kw;Wk; NrHj;Jg; nghUj;jg;gl;l nghUl;fs; Mfpait NrHf;fg;gltpy;iy 10 best home, brighter future Issue 94 for February / March 2014 CLE AN E R AIR FOR ALL With effect from 15 January 2013, these places have been designated as smoke-free areas. Secondhand smoke contributes to a range of serious and often fatal diseases. Hence, we encourage smokers to play their part to observe the ban. We also encourage non-smokers to be gracious when they see smokers lighting up in a prohibited area, reminding them gently that smoking is banned and requesting them to finish their cigarette elsewhere. Together, we can make Singapore a cleaner and healthier place for all to live in. All common areas including: Residential Estates Linkways from bus stops to residential blocks Void decks Corridors Staircases Stairwells Multi-purpose halls Public Spaces Covered walkways and linkways All pedestrian bridges 5 metres from the edge of bus stops Hospital outdoor compounds GO GREEN WITH SEMBCORP AND WIN! Article contributed by SembWaste Pte Ltd Sembcorp, appointed public waste collector for the Bedok sector, has two easy and popular programmes to promote recycling. Mdm Tan Poh Choo poses with her voucher at Blk 40 Bedok South Ave 2. Mdm Goh Lay Hoon from Blk 34 Bedok South Ave 2 was spotted depositing recyclables. • Go Green Lucky Draw: Bag your recyclables with a lucky draw coupon before depositing them into a recycling bin. Three lucky winners are picked every quarter to receive vouchers from Sembcorp. • Spot-Captain-Green: A Sembcorp representative randomly approaches residents who are spotted placing recyclables into recycling bins. The lucky residents are awarded with $50 in NTUC vouchers on the spot. Contact Sembcorp to find out more. Customer Service Hotline: 1800 278 6135 Email: environment_contactus@sembcorp.com Ms Saw Hui Qi from Blk 34 Bedok South Ave 2 was spotted depositing recyclables. 11 HONG BAO PRESENTATION CEREMONY The annual Hong Bao presentation ceremony aims to provide financial assistance to needy Bedok residents during the festive Lunar New Year period. 55 Bedok residents received Hong Baos and goodie bags at the ceremony held on 26 January, attended by Member of Parliament Mr Lim Swee Say. The goodie bags contained household items such as cooking oil, rice and biscuits, and were delivered to the elderly residents’ homes by grassroots volunteers. BEDOK CONVERSATION ON BUDGET 2014 Residents met at Changi Simei CC with Member of Parliament Ms Jessica Tan on 27 February for a feedback session on Budget 2014. Ms Tan highlighted the key points raised in the Budget, and members of the public clarified their questions. These included the eligibility of lower/middle-income households in receiving subsidies for kindergarten school fees, clarifications on Medisave, MediShield Life and ElderShield, feedback on the Pioneer Generation Package and more. It was a productive dialogue that gathered valuable feedback, as well as help residents better understand the Budget. CHANGI SIMEI 12 best home, brighter future Issue 94 for February / March 2014 CHINGAY@FENGSHAN 2014 15 February was a day of festivities in Fengshan, with both Lunar New Year and Chingay celebrations livening up the atmosphere. There were stage games and performances to entertain residents, as well as roving buskers and mascots. As part of Fengshan’s new signature ‘lo hei’ activity, residents tossed fishes made out of red packets into a net for prosperity and good luck. After the sun went down, a fleet of 30 Harley Davidson motorcycles ushered in the Chingay floats, together with an LED lion and dragon dance troupe that got everyone whipping out their camera phones. If only the night of dazzling lights and joyous celebrations did not have to end! FENGSHAN VALENTINE RUN 2014 Kampong Chai Chee’s annual Valentine Run has always been a hit with runners, and this year event on 16 February at Bedok Reservoir Park was no different. Besides the run, there were plenty of activities such as traditional games, handicraft sales, henna and heart painting, as well as song and dance performances to keep participants entertained. During the Pledge of Love, 500 people showed their gratitude and commitment to their family, partners and friends, ending with a mass hug and kiss that filled the atmosphere with love! KG CHAI CHEE 13 EDUSAVE AWARDS CEREMONY The ceremony was held on 18 and 19 January for 1600 students at Siglap CC, led by the Women’s Executive Committee (WEC). Before the ceremony, the students showed their appreciation for their parents by making customised badges in a classroom, while grassroots leaders (GRLs) interacted with their parents and introduced the various courses, activities and interest groups offered by Siglap’s grassroots organisations (GROs). The awards ceremony began with speeches from an award recipient and Member of Parliament Dr Mohd Maliki Osman. Afterwards, students and their parents had a chance to take a family photo with Dr Maliki. SIGLAP MY HEARTLAND CARNIVAL Residents of Joo Chiat joined hands with a professional sand artist to create an iconic sand sculpture to usher in the year of the Horse. The sculpture was completed between 19 and 25 January at East Coast Park, drawing marvelling glances and excited children aplenty. This was a collaborative effort with MediaCorp for a series titled ‘My HeARTland Carnival’, which aims to expose members of the public to various forms of art at common leisure areas. JOO CHIAT 14 best home, brighter future WHAT BEDOK CHANGI SIMEI Issue 94 for February / March 2014 WHEN WHERE CONTACT PHONE Culinary Demo – Fruit Craving 5 Apr 2014, 2pm – 4pm Bedok CC, Homecraft Room CC 6442 5317 Monthly Brisk Walk & Health Talk 20 Apr 2014, 7.30am – 10am Blk 33A Bedok South Ave 2 Ms Zubaidah Lah 6442 5317 Bunga Merah RC Monthly Brisk Walk 27 Apr 2014, 8am – 10am Link building between Blks 40 & 41 Bedok South Rd Ms Nur Fazlina 6442 5317 Mother’s Day Celebration 4 May 2014, 2pm Void Deck Multi-purpose Room at Blk 150 Simei St 1 Mr Dec Tan 6781 6058 Fengshan Mothers’ Day Celebration 4 May 2014, 5pm – 8pm Contact Fengshan CC at 6449 5136 for more details Fengshan Children’s Sports Day 17 May 2014 Contact Fengshan CC at 6449 5136 for more details Project K.AN (Canned Food Collection Programme) 29 & 30 Mar 2014, 9am – 6pm Bedok NTUC Mr Daryl Chew Easter Egg Colouring Competition 26 Apr 2014, 2pm – 4pm Kg Chai Chee CC Ms Ong Wei Ling 6241 9878 Tea Party @ Rooftop (Mother’s Day Celebration) 4 May 2014 Blk 417 Bedok North Ave 2, Rooftop Ms Ong Wei Ling 6241 9878 Traditional Chinese Medicine 19 Apr 2014, 7pm – 9pm Contact Siglap CC at 6449 8040 for more details Traditional Indian Medicine 14 & 28 Apr 2014, 6pm – 9pm Contact Siglap CC at 6449 8040 for more details Chamber Performance – “Bite Size” 25 May 2014, 3pm – 4pm Siglap South CC Ms Ho Shuyu 6241 1925 FENGSHAN KG CHAI CHEE 6241 9878 SIGLAP JOO CHIAT The above dates and venues are accurate at press time. Please call to check. RC RECYCLING SCHEDULE for MARCH & APRIL 2014 Date March & April 2014 Time Address Organised by BEDOK Every 1st Sunday 2 Mar & 6 Apr 2014 1pm – 3pm Blk 33 Bedok South Ave 2 #01-345 Bedok Sunflower RC Every 3rd Sunday 16 Mar & 20 Apr 2014 10.30am – 1pm Blk 37 Bedok South Ave 2 #01-445 Bedok Bunga Merah RC Every last Sunday 30 Mar & 27 Apr 2014 9am – 11am Blk 10C Bedok South Ave 2 #01-562 Bedok Orchid RC FENGSHAN Every 1st Sunday 2 Mar & 6 Apr 2014 9am – 11am Blk 124 Bedok North Rd #01-155 Fengshan Crystal RC Every 2nd Sunday 9 Mar & 13 Apr 2014 10am – 12pm Blk 93 Bedok North St 4 #01-1461 Fengshan Topaz RC Every 3rd Sunday 16 Mar & 20 Apr 2014 9am – 11am Blk 104 Bedok North Ave 4 #01-2186 Fengshan Pearl RC Every last Saturday 29 Mar & 26 Apr 2014 9am – 12pm Blk 111 Bedok North Rd #01-323/325 Fengshan Jade RC KG CHAI CHEE Every 2nd Saturday 8 Mar & 12 Apr 2014 11am – 1pm Blk 138 Bedok North St 2 #01-147 Kg Chai Chee Ruby RC Every 2nd Sunday 9 Mar & 13 Apr 2014 11am – 1pm Blk 221A Bedok Central #01-70 Kg Chai Chee Linear Green RC Every last Sunday 30 Mar & 27 Apr 2014 9.30am – 11.30am Blk 775 Bedok Reservoir View #01-335 Kg Chai Chee Longvale RC SIGLAP Every 3rd Saturday 15 Mar & 19 Apr 2014 10am – 1pm Blk 167 Bedok South Ave 3 #01-501 Siglap East RC Every last Sunday 30 Mar & 27 Apr 2014 8.30am – 10am Blk 51 New Upper Changi Rd #01-1500 Bedok Ixora RC Every last Sunday 30 Mar & 27 Apr 2014 1pm – 3pm Blk 71 Bedok South Rd #01-250 Siglap Lucky Valley RC 15 YOUR MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT MEET THE PEOPLE SESSIONS (MPS) Every Monday (except Public Holidays) Mr Raymond Lim Siang Keat Ms Jessica Tan Soon Neo Mr Lee Yi Shyan Mr Lim Swee Say Dr Mohamad Maliki Bin Osman Mr Charles Chong You Fook MPS : Mondays at 7.30pm Venue : Blk 119 Bedok North Rd #01-209 Singapore 460119 Tel : 6442 9954 Fax : 6244 1306 Email : 21_bsec@pap.org.sg Chairman of East Coast Town Council MPS : Mondays at 7.30pm Venue : Blk 131 Simei St 1 #01-208 Singapore 520131 Tel : 6587 0680 Fax : 6587 0681 Email : my.mp@changisimei.sg Senior Minister of State Ministry of Trade & Industry and Ministry of National Development Vice-Chairman of East Coast Town Council MPS : Mondays at 7.30pm Venue : Blk 408 Bedok North Ave 2 #01-38 Singapore 460408 Tel : 6241 9935 Fax : 6241 9935 Email : 33_bsec@pap.org.sg Minister Prime Minister’s Office MPS : Mondays at 7.30pm Venue : Blk 30 New Upper Changi Rd #01-784 Singapore 461030 Tel : 6442 1955 Fax : 6442 9210 Email : 04_bsec@pap.org.sg Mayor, South East District Minister of State Ministry of Defence and Ministry of National Development Vice-Chairman of East Coast Town Council MPS : Mondays at 8.00pm Venue : Blk 70 Bedok South Rd #01-278 Singapore 460070 Additional MPS: Every last Friday at 8.00pm (except Public Holidays) Venue : Blk 3 Changi Village Rd (facing Changi Ferry Terminal) Tel : 6241 5840 Fax : 6449 5329 Email : 65_bsec@pap.org.sg Deputy Speaker MPS : Mondays at 7.30pm Venue : 15 Lorong K Telok Kurau Singapore 425611 Tel : 6346 0121 Fax : 6348 0289 Email : charles_chongyf@yahoo.com EMERGENCY AND USEFUL NUMBERS Please call the Town Council at 1800-444-9549 if you have any query/feedback on the following: Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) Email: enquiries@spca.org.sg ---------------------------- 6287 5355 ESTATE MAINTENANCE Conservancy and cleaning work on common property such as void decks, common corridors and car parks • Mechanical or electrical equipment such as lifts, water pumps, switch rooms and lighting • Landscaping and horticulture maintenance TRAFFIC LIGHTS Land Transport Authority (LTA) ---------------------- 1800-225 5582 Email: LTA@lta.gov.sg ENFORCEMENT ACTION Illegal parking of motor vehicles on common property • Illegal display of signs and banners • Illegal plucking of fruit or shrubs • Indiscriminate dumping of unwanted items • Pilferage of Town Council’s water and electricity • Vandalism of Town Council’s property LEASES, TENANCIES, RENOVATIONS, PERMITS, SEASON PARKING Housing Development Board (HDB) --------------------- 6490 1111 General enquiries: hdbmailbox@hdb.gov.sg Car Park matters: hdbcarparks@hdb.gov.sg CDC/FSCS/COMMUNITY CLUBS/CENTRES South East CDC ------------------------------------------- 6243 8753 To ensure immediate attention on your feedback, contact these agencies directly for the following: Community Mediation Centre ----------------------------- 6325 1600 ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, CROWS National Environment Agency (NEA) ------------ 1800-225 5632 Email: Contact_NEA@nea.gov.sg Moral Family Service Centre -------------------------------6449 1440 Department of Public Cleanliness (DPC) --------1800-600 3333 Email: dpc@nea.gov.sg Fengshan Community Club ------------------------------- 6449 5136 Bedok Community Centre ---------------------------------6442 5317 Changi Simei Community Club --------------------------- 6781 6058 Kg Chai Chee Community Centre ------------------------ 6241 9878 Siglap Community Centre --------------------------------- 6449 8040 Siglap South Community Centre ------------------------- 6241 1925 EDITORIAL COMMITTEE STRAY ANIMALS The Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA) -----1800-476 1600 Email: ava_cawa@ava.gov.sg TRANS Centre (TRANS Family Services) ---------------- 6449 0762 16 POLICE Police Hotline ------------------------------------- 1800-255 0000 Bedok North NPC -------------------------------- 1800-244 9999 Bedok South NPC --------------------------------1800-244 8999 Changi NPC --------------------------------------- 1800-587 2999 Bedok NPP --------------------------------------- 1800-241 9999 Joo Chiat NPP ------------------------------------ 1800-345 9999 Siglap NPP ---------------------------------------- 1800-448 9999 Tanah Merah NPP -------------------------------- 1800-449 9999 EMERGENCY SERVICES Fire / Ambulance ----------------------------------------------- 995 Ambulance Service (non-emergency) ----------------------- 1777 Police / Radio Police Car -------------------------------------- 999 Traffic Jam / Accident Reporting --------------------- 6547 1818 Traffic Police (Enquiries) ------------------------------- 6547 0000 SINGAPORE POWER Piped Gas Supply -------------------------------- 1800-752 1800 Water Supply ------------------------------------- 1800-284 6600 Electricity ------------------------------------------ 1800-778 8888 ESSENTIAL NUMBERS 24-Hour Essential Maintenance Service ----------------------------- 1800-275 5555 HDB Branch Office Service Line ---------------- 1800-225 5432 Chairman Co-Chairman Members : : : Secretariat : Mr Lim Joo Kwan, JP, BBM(L) (Bedok) Mr Jason Ong, BBM (Changi Simei) Mr Larry Chua (Bedok) Mr Chandran Nantha Kumar (Changi Simei) Mr Suresh Kumar (Fengshan) Mr Wilson Chua (Fengshan) Ms Ivy Teo (Kg Chai Chee) Mr Sebastian Sim (Kg Chai Chee) Ms Lee Yee Theng (Siglap) Ms Chen Ngee Ann (Joo Chiat) Ms Jolene Wood and Ms Mak Cheng Cheng
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