St. Mary`s Catholic Church Iglesia Católica Santa María
St. Mary`s Catholic Church Iglesia Católica Santa María
3 de abril de 2016 - 2o Domingo de Pascua April 3, 2016 - 2nd Sunday of Easter St. Mary’s Catholic Church Iglesia Católica Santa María 2211 East Lakeview Drive Johnson City, TN 37601 Office: 423-282-6367 Fax: 423-282-6145 Clergy/Clero Father Peter Iorio, Pastor Fr. Jesús Guerrero-Rodríguez, Associate Pastor Deacon George Fredericks (retired) Deacon Mike Jacobs Deacon John Hackett Our Mission “St Mary’s Catholic Church in Johnson City, Tennessee gathers as a diverse and welcoming Eucharistic community baptized in Jesus Christ to proclaim the Gospel. We celebrate the sacraments and serve our community through works of compassion love and mercy.” Church Office Hours Horas de Oficina de la Iglesia Monday-Thursday/Lunes a Jueves: Friday/Viernes: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM School Office Hours Horas de Oficina de la Escuela Monday-Friday/Lunes a Viernes: 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM Phone: 423-282-3397 Fax: 423-282-0224 Website: Confessions/Confesiones Wednesday/Miércoles: 6:00 - 7:00 PM Saturday/Sábado: 9:00 - 10:00 AM or by appointment calling the church office. o por cita llamando a la oficina parroquial. Parish Staff Position Dolores Fredericks Judy Holt Stephanie Mann Maureen Raible Debbie Tester Mildret Godwin Randi McKee Pat Marek Zejna Ajanovic Director of Music and Liturgy Children’s Faith Formation Youth Ministry Bookkeeper Parish Nurse Parish Secretary (Bilingual) School Principal Maintenance Supervisor Maintenance Nuestra Misión “La Iglesia Católica Santa Maria, en Johnson City, Tennessee, se congrega como una comunidad Eucarística diversa y acogedora, bautizada en Jesucristo para proclamar el Evangelio. Celebramos los sacramentos y servimos a nuestra comunidad mediante obras de compasión, amor y misericordia”. Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas Saturday/Sábado 8:30 AM, 5:00 PM (Vigil/Vigilia) Sunday/Domingo: 8:00 & 10:00 AM (English) 12:00 PM (Español) Monday-Friday/Lunes a Viernes: 7:00 AM & 8:30 AM We pray the Rosary every day after the 8:30 Mass Se reza el rosario diariamente después de la Misa de 8:30 AM Nursery available during 5, 10 and 12 Mass. Please bring your child 15 minutes prior to Mass to register. La guardería está disponible durante las Misas de 5, 10 y 12. Por favor traiga a su hijo(a) 15 minutos antes de la Misa para registrarlo. Bulletin Deadline Plazo para el Boletín Friday at 1:00 PM for the bulletin to be published eight days later. Send your announcements to Viernes a la 1:00 PM para el boletín que se publica ocho días después. Mande sus anuncios a Pulpit Announcements Anuncios desde el Pulpito Please send your pulpit announcements before 10 AM on Fridays to Por favor envíe sus anuncios antes de las 10 AM los viernes a THE WEEK AHEAD/LA SEMANA ANTICIPADA MASS INTENTIONS/INTENCIONES PARA MISAS Sunday/Domingo 4/3 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY All Masses 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 2:00 PM 3:30 PM Sign up for Women’s CRHP English Spanish Men’s CRSP (Art & Religion Classrooms) Children’s Faith Formation (Church) Latin Mass (Church, Kitchen, Gathering Area) Sunday Apr. 3 8:00 AM People of the Parish 10:30 AM Ladies of the Parish with April Birthdays By Ladies United 1:00 PM (†) Samuel Palmer By Florence Kostrzewa 7:00 AM Sandra M. Hagy By Susan Phillips Marian Droll By Ken and Arlene Droll Divine Mercy Sunday Prayer Service/Benediction (Church) Monday/Lunes 4/4 Monday Apr. 4 9:00 AM St. Mary’s Kindergarten in Basement (Basement) 6:00 PM Spanish Women’s CRSP (Art & Religion Classroom) 6:30 PM 8 AM Mass Choir Rehearsal (Church) 6:30 PM St. Mary’s Men’s Group (St. Anne’s Hall) 7:00 AM Tuesday/Martes 4/5 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM Tuesday Morning Coffee (Church Kitchen) St. Mary’s Kindergarten in Basement (Basement) Consoling the Heart of Jesus Retreat (Gathering Area) VA Mass (Chapel, VA) First Communion Planning Meeting (Conference Room) Cursillo Women’s Group Reunion (Day Chapel) St. Mary’s School (Gym) Liturgy Committee Meeting (Church Kitchen) Parish Finance Council (Conference Room) Latin Mass Choir Rehearsal (Church) Consoling the Heart of Jesus Retreat (Gathering Area) Cursillo Ultreya (Day Chapel) 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM St. Mary’s Kindergarten in Basement (Basement) Ladies United Bible Study (Church Kitchen) Bear Cub Scouts (Church Kitchen) Healing Ministry (Conference Room) 10:00 Choir Rehearsal (Church) 12:00 Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room) Youth Ministry (Basement) English Men’s CRHP (Classroom A-10) Children’s Faith Formation (School) Consoling the Heart of Jesus Retreat (Conference Room) 8:30 AM Tuesday Apr. 5 8:30 AM 12 Noon (VA) Wednesday Apr. 6 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 7:00 AM Thursday Apr. 7 8:30 AM Wednesday/Miércoles 4/6 Friday Apr. 8 St. Mary’s Kindergarten in Basement (Basement) Divine Mercy Cenacle (Church Kitchen) Cub Scouts (Church Kitchen) Girl Scouts (Classroom A10) Standards for Excellence (Conference Room) Knights Of Columbus (St. Anne’s Hall) 5:00 Choir Rehearsal (Church) RCIA/RICA (School) 9:00 AM 3:15 PM St. Mary’s Kindergarten in Basement (Basement) Girl Scouts (Basement) Sunday Apr. 10 All Masses All Masses All Masses All Masses 9:00 AM 11:30 AM Paraclete Bookstore (Gathering Area) Pre-Registration for 2016-2017 CFF (Gathering Area) CRHP English Women’s (Gathering Area) Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast (School Gym) Spanish Men’s CRSP (Art & Religion Classrooms) CRHP English Fundraising (Soccer Field) (†) Pham Thi Mao Mary By An Le and Pham Family Christopher Walton By Maria Gonzalez Poor Souls By John Ghoe The Klug Family By Griffith Family Anyone Who Needs a Mass By John Ghoe Tim and Colette Drone By Greg and Terry Drone (†) Margaret and Patrick Hilliard By Vera Spodat 10:00 AM People of the Parish 12:00 PM Lillian Isaac By Youth Ministry HIGHLIGHTS THIS WEEK! Kroger Community Rewards (page 4) April 9-10: Paraclete’s Bookfair (page 4) April 10: Fundraiser for CRHP Retreat (5) April 15: St. Benedict’s Bracelet class (page 4) April 16-17: CRHP Women’s Retreat (page 6) April 17: Six Faiths, Six Voices, One Earth (page 4) April 23: St. Mary’s School Annual Auction (page 5) Saturday/Sábado 4/9 St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry (Church Kitchen) Paraclete Bookstore (Gathering Area) Pre-Registration for 2016-2017 CFF (Gathering Area) CRHP English Women’s (Gathering Area) 5:00 PM (†) Pham Thi Mao Mary By An Le (†) Anne Patone By Ed and Mel LaRocco 8:00 AM Friday/Viernes 4/8 8:30 AM All Masses All Masses All Masses 8:30 AM 8:30 AM Saturday Apr. 9 Thursday/Jueves 4/7 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 3:15 PM 3:15 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 AM Tammy Gage By Ann Pham Marlene Green By Rusyniak Family People of the Parish READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Is 7:10-14, 8:10; Ps 40:7-11; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38 Tuesday: Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15 Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21 Thursday: Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36 Friday: Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15 Saturday: Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21 Sunday: Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13; Rv 5:11-14; Jn 21:1-19 [1-14] Sunday/Domingo 4/10 2 Parish News SPECIAL ATTENTION TODAY! APRIL 3 - DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY 2 PM - Latin Mass/Misa en Latín 3:30 PM - Divine Mercy Chaplet/Coronilla a la Divina Misericordia POPE’S MARCH INTENTIONS Universal: Small Farmers That small farmers may receive a just reward for their precious labor. Evangelization: African Christians That Christians in Africa may give witness to love and faith in Jesus Christ amid political-religious conflicts. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE – ADMINISTRACIÓN DE LAS OFRENDAS As of March/Marzo 21, 2016 Week/Semana 38 of 52 Total number of givers (checks or envelopes) / Total de donantes (cheques o sobres) OFFERTORY/OFERTORIO • Total collection for the week / Total recolectado la semana pasada • Total collection for the year / Total recolectado en este año • Average collection per week / Promedio de la colecta semanal • Total budgeted weekly needs / Presupuesto para gastos semanales This Year/ Este Año Last Year/ Año Pasado 214 243 $ 16,601.65 731,224.58 19,242.75 40,438.56 $ 19,431.86 706,632.63 18,595.60 38,470.81 $ 766,064.07 1370.00 55,242.95 1,453.76 2,307.69 $ 911,676.35 645.15 74,169.89 1,951.84 3,619.97 $ 10,509.99 $ 1,121.02 MORTGAGE BALANCE / BALANCE DE LA HIPOTECA • • • • • Balance per Diocese @ January 31 / Balance a la Diócesis al 31 de enero Total Collection for the week / Total recolectado la semana pasada Total collection for the year / Total recolectado en este año Average collection per week / Promedio colecta semanal Total budgeted weekly needs / Presupuesto para gastos semanales DESIGNATED FUNDS/OTRAS DONACIONES As of March/Marzo 28, 2016 Week/Semana 39 of 52 Total number of givers (checks or envelopes) / Total de donantes (cheques o sobres) OFFERTORY/OFERTORIO • Total collection for the week / Total recolectado la semana pasada • Total collection for the year / Total recolectado en este año • Average collection per week / Promedio de la colecta semanal • Total budgeted weekly needs / Presupuesto para gastos semanales This Year/ Este Año Last Year/ Año Pasado 215 232 Balance per Diocese @ February 28 / Balance a la Diócesis al 28 de febrero Total Collection for the week / Total recolectado la semana pasada Total collection for the year / Total recolectado en este año Average collection per week / Promedio colecta semanal Total budgeted weekly needs / Presupuesto para gastos semanales DESIGNATED FUNDS/OTRAS DONACIONES CONTRATULATIONS At our recent Easter Vigil Mass on March 26, several people were received into full communion with the Catholic Church and/or celebrated several sacraments. Please pray for them and congratulate them for this great achievement in their faith journey. Baptism, Confirmation and First Holy Communion Shawn Collins Cammie Kirkland Charlie Kirkland Alex Long Tim Zoch Accepted into the Catholic Church, First Communion and Confirmation Luke Brannon Kim Collins Mark Davis Julia Hanneken Justin Ivory $ 21,008.92 752,233.50 19,288.04 40,438.56 $ 19,884.98 726,517.61 18,628.66 38,470.81 $ 766,064.07 5,160.00 60,402.95 1,548.79 2,307.69 $ 914,192.22 2,422.10 76,591.99 1,963.90 3,619.97 First Holy Communion $ 8,050.58 $ 1,685.89 Marriage Convalidation MORTGAGE BALANCE / BALANCE DE LA HIPOTECA • • • • • WELCOME & THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS CONTRIBUTIONS! – ¡GRACIAS POR SU GENEROSIDAD! 3 Confirmation Wyatt Brannon Michael Kirkland Susana Sánchez Michael & Cammie Kirkland Parish News ST MARY’S SCHOOL NEWS! REGISTRATION MARCH 21ST! ARCHBISHOP KURTZ ASK YOU TO HELP STOP CHRISTIAN GENOCIDE Current family registrations for the 2016-2017 school year began Feb. 29. Please make/send any changes on information to the school. If your child will not return for next year, please inform the school office as soon as possible. The fee of $75 per child is due with the registration packet. The remainder of material fees are due June 15. We also plan to add a Pre-K program for our 2016-2017 school year. Please contact the school office at 423-292-3397 if you are interested in enrolling your child for Pre-K for next year. The slaughter of innocent Christians and other minorities who are targeted specifically for religious reasons is a modern genocide in the Middle East. A crime against humanity. And the destruction of the ancient Christian presence in that region is at stake. You can help. Please add your name to the witness. Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz is asking every person of faith to sign the online petition at Right now, the State Department is considering a resolution to declare these relentless atrocities by their rightful name: "genocide." Bipartisan support is growing, but time is short. The decision is expected within days. The people of God must speak up for our brothers and sisters in the Middle East. As a people of faith, we must convince the U.S. Department of State to include Christians in any formal declaration of “genocide.” With each passing day, the roll of modern martyrs grows. While we rejoice in their ultimate victory over death through the power of Jesus’ love, we must also help our fellow Christians carry the Cross of persecution and, as much as possible, help relieve their suffering. By doing so, the Middle East and the world will be made safer for people of every faith to live in peace. Check St Mary’s Kiosk for this great talk! The Necessity of Divine Mercy- CD Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, reveals the urgency to live and share the powerful message of Divine Mercy. He explains the basics of the Divine Mercy feast, image, novena, chaplet, and hour of mercy, and how to incorporate them into your spiritual life. In this Year of Mercy, discover God’s transformative message of Divine Mercy. KROGER’S COMMUNITY REWARDS The Kroger Family of Stores is committed to bringing hope and help to local communities so they can grow and prosper. They do this through a variety of activities, including the Community Rewards Program. St. Mary’s currently have 28 parishioners registered in the program. With their shopping in the last quarter, they contributed almost a $500 donation. Please consider participating in this program. Go to and register your Kroger Plus card. Sign in to your account. Once logged in, select “Account Settings” on the left, scroll down to “Community Rewards” and press the “Enroll” button. Type “St Mary’s Catholic Church” (no period after St) and select church #83357 (you will see our church address on the right) and then hit “Enroll” again. After this, you are finished with the process. Stop by the church office if you have questions or have problems registering your card. Have you created your log-in yet? Visit Use Parish Code PR4HPF Divine Mercy - program coming soon! Renowned speaker and author Fr. Michael Gaitley tells the dramatic history of God’s Love and Mercy as interwoven through the transformative message of St. Faustina, the miraculous appearance of Mary at Fatima, the witness of Maximilian Kolbe, and the world-changing papacy of Pope St. John Paul II. Episodes will be available for a limited time on as a special event beginning on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 3rd! ST. BENEDICT’S BRACELET On Friday, April 15th, our Ladies United women’s group will host a talk about St. Benedict’s life and a class to make a St. Benedict’s Bracelet . The talk will be offered by parishioner Kendra Dowlatshahi and the class will be led by our parishioner Pat Leatherwood. During the class ladies will not only have an opportunity to make their own personal bracelet but also learn more about it’s significance. Two sessions will be offered, one at 10 AM in the Gathering Area and another at 6 PM in the basement. There are only 20 seats available per session. Please register by using the sign-up sheet available at the church office or contact Mary Meeks at 423-943-8255. SIX FAITHS, SIX VOICES, ONE EARTH Can our religious beliefs help our environment? On April 17th from 7-8:30 PM, the Green Interfaith Network is hosting a panel of six faith leaders that will explore our common understanding of how faith-based congregations can address environmental stewardship. Invited speakers come from the Catholic, Protestant, Taoist, Islamic, and Jewish faith traditions. Father Peter will be one of the speakers. This will take place at St. John’s Episcopal Church (500 N. Roan Street, Johnson City). For more information, please call 423291-0964 or visit or greeninterfaith/. 4 Parish News ST. VINCENT DE PAUL FOOD PANTRY Thank you for your very generous support of the food pantry this past year. The most urgent need is DRY BEANS. After the holidays the pantry is low on the following items: bagged pasta, 1 lb. bags of rice, flour, muffin mix, corn meal, cereal, cookies, crackers, Mac and cheese, dry beans, dry milk, corn, green beans, canned meats, tuna, jello, sugar free jello, jelly, sugar free jelly, toilet paper, dish detergent, size 5 diapers. The Food Pantry challenge for this month is for every family to bring 1 lb. dried beans and ravioli. If you know anyone that may be in need of food or financial assistance, please call 423-434-0836 and leave a message. FAMILY FELLOWSHIP, FOOD AND SPORTS FUN AFTERNOON Bring the whole family to enjoy rich Mexican and American finger food in a 100% safe environment. The date is Sunday, April 10 after the 10 AM Mass. Proceeds will support Christ Renews His Parish Retreat. Do not miss it! ST. MARY’S SCHOOL ANNUAL AUCTION Make plans to attend our 31st Annual Auction, set for Saturday, April 23. Our theme this year is “Black Nights, City Lights” and will be a fun-filled evening! For ticket information, contact the school office at 423-282-3397. Thanks to the following businesses and individuals for donations to our Auction: One Stop Wine and Liquor Mail Works Food City Dempsey’s Jewelry Andrew Johnson Bank Angela Montford-Professional Salon Suites Bays Mountain Park Bear & Friends Betty Ann’s Creative Sewing Black Olive/Primo’s Italian Restaurant Blackburn, Childers & Steagall, CPA’s Boone Street Market Britt Bowers, D.D.S. Buffalo Mountain Sports Bulldog Tours Camp ACC Camp Rockmont Carmike 14 Johnson City Theatre Celso & Vivian Ebeo Chad Johnson, D.D.S. Chattanooga Ducks Cranberries Creative Discovery Museum David and Ashley Clopton Erica Santucci, Coldwell Banker Real Estate ETSU Bookstore Eureka Inn Evergreen of Johnson City Franklin House Bed & Breakfast Greg Watson Hart Home Improvement Haven Salon Haws Orthodontics Holston Camp & Retreat Center Johnson City Cardinals Johnson City Community Theatre Knights of Columbus Kroger-State of Franklin Laura Johnson Mad Greek Main Street Café and Catering Mara Torok Mauk’s of Jonesborough McKinney Center-Town of Jonesborough Medical Care, PLLC Meredith Miller-East TN Hearing Center Mike and Nina Marchioni Ming’s Asian Cuisine Moe’s Southwest Grill Mona Lisa’s Gelato Mountain Empire Animal Hospital Niswonger Performing Arts Center Olson Martial Arts Academy, Inc. Our House Restaurant Parkway Discount Wine & Liquor Physical Therapy Services, P.A. Portobello’s Italian Bistro Pulmonary Associates of East Tennessee Rainbow Asian Cuisine Randy & Heather Hoover Real Hot Yoga Red Chili Ripley’s Aquarium of the Smokies Rob Santucci, Painting Contractor Ruby Tuesday Sahib Restaurant Sara O’Daniel, DMD Sergio and Ana Diaz Ski Beech Sycamore Shoals State Park Tanasi Luxury Camping Teresita Diaz The Coffee Company The Corner Cup The Frist Center for the Visual Arts The Lolllipop Shop Vigilance Anesthesia Solutions, PC WonderWorks-Pigeon Forge PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CAPILLA DE ADORACIÓN PERPETUA Uncommitted Hours/Horas No Comprometidas Sunday/Domingo 12 M Monday/Lunes 3 AM 4 AM, 7 PM Tuesday/Martes 1AM, 12 M Wednesday/Miércoles 1 AM, 2 AM, 11 PM Thursday/Jueves 1 AM, 2 AM, 3 AM, 4 AM, 12 M Friday/Viernes 1 AM, 2 AM, 3 AM, 4 AM Saturday/Sábado 3 AM, 4 AM, 2 PM, 9 PM, 10 PM “So, could you not watch with me one hour?” “¿Ni siquiera han podido velar una hora conmigo?” (Mt. 26:40) The Adoration Chapel is located next to the school kitchen’s back entrance. La Capilla está al lado de la entrada a la cocina en la parte lateral de la escuela. WE NEED Y-O-U!! We need front office volunteers with a flexible schedule! Be part of the face of St. Mary’s when welcoming our visitors and parishioners. What a wonderful way to learn more about our church and meet our members. Any time you can give would be greatly appreciated. If interested, please call the church office at 423-282-6367. Other ministries are also seeking help washing and ironing purificators and corporals once a month. Also, volunteers are requested to help us do several chores in the sanctuary area on a weekly basis, such as straightening books in the pews, replace votive candles, change Holy Water, clean brass items, etc. This helps keep our church clean and organized for Sunday Masses as well as for our pilgrim visitors during this Year of Mercy. THE BOOKFAIR IS COMING! The Paraclete Catholic Books and Gifts Store will be here on April 9th and 10th with Communion and Confirmation merchandise. We will also have our usual displays of books, rosaries, medals and other religious items. Items will be available for purchase before and after mass. If you have a special request, we can be reached at 1-800-333-2097 or by email at CONDOLENCES It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of parishioner, Dr. Jerome Mwinyelle, who was born to eternal life on Easter Sunday, March 27. We want to offer our heartfelt condolences to his wife, Christina, his children, Delia and Brandon, and the rest of his family. His funeral Mass will be celebrated here at St. Mary’s on Saturday, May 7 at 2 PM. Please pray for the repose of his soul and for peace and comfort for his family. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. And may the soul of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of 5 God, rest in peace. Amen Diocesan News CATECHETICAL DAY—COURSE 4 $ RENT A BOOTH $ APRIL 9TH, 9 AM-3:30 PM, ST. DOMINIC CHURCH, KINGSPORT Would you like to put a Craft or Food Booth in our Summer Festival? St. Michael the Archangel church in Erwin invites anyone to rent a Vendors Booth for only $25 to their Summer Festival on June 18th in Erwin. They are looking for anyone interested in selling items, crafts, etc. These are all efforts to help raise money to help build a church for the Erwin community. If you are interested in helping this worthy cause in any way with your time or talent, please contact MaryAnn at 423-257-5096. Vendor booths must be self maintained. Limited generators will be available! They ask anyone who has a generator they can loan, to please call MaryAnn. Thank you! This event is part of the Diocese of Knoxville Catechetical Formation Program, offered in collaboration with Aquinas College, Nashville. The event is open to catechists, RCIA directors/team members, faith formation facilitators, and any who are interested in broadening their understanding of Church teaching. There is no charge for the event and lunch will be provided. Topics covered in Course 4 include: the Church (Creed); Holy Orders (Sacraments); Ten Commandments 4-5 (Morality); Our Father (Prayer); and Developing Retreats (Methods). Please contact Fr. Armstrong at 865-584-3307 for more information. RACHEL’S VINEYARD RETREAT CATHOLIC ENGAGED ENCOUNTER If you are experiencing emotional or spiritual difficulties from a past abortion, you are not alone. Catholic Charities is here to assist you with Rachel’s Vineyard healing and recovery retreat April 16th, 2016 at the private Prince of Peace Retreat Center in Benton, TN. For more information, please contact Sandi Davidson 865-776-4510 or Catherine McHugh 865-696-7720 Complete confidentiality is honored at all times. APRIL 22-24, LENOIR CITY Our motto is “A wedding is a day, a marriage is a lifetime.” Most people spend months planning and many dollars preparing for their wedding. But how much time and effort do we spend preparing for what we hope will last 50 or 60 years—our marriage? Catholic Engaged Encounter is a weekend to plan for a sacramental marriage. It is designed to give couples the opportunity to talk privately, honestly and intensively about their prospective lives together—their strengths and weaknesses, desires, ambitions, goals, their attitudes about money, sex, children, family, their role in the church and society—in a guided format. Cost of the weekend is $239 per couple, which includes a certificate good for a $60 discount on the couple’s marriage license in Tennessee. For more information, please call Tom and Maggie Slankas at or 865-483-7896. This will be held at Holiday Inn Express in Lenoir City. DIOCESAN FUNDRAISER The Diocesan Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry is attempting to raise money to send two young adults on pilgrimage to Kraków, Poland for World Youth Day 2016. They have been an integral part of youth ministry and without a scholarship have no possibility of having such a life changing experience. If we raise the money to send these two young adults we will then meet the minimum requirement to receive a free spot which will offer to a seminarian to serve as a spiritual guide to our WYD pilgrims. Please consider making a donation and sharing this link https:// -knoxville-young-adults539915 to support our young church. CATHOLIC YOUTH CAMP - CYC 2016 Theme: “It’s Lit, Shine like the Son!”. For all incoming 9th-12th graders! June 13-17 at Homs Creek Retreat Ctr., Ocoee, TN Cost: $269 (Includes: housing, all meals, snacks, water park, high and low ropes, adventure race, t-shirt and much more…. For more information and forms contact: Donna Jones 423-267-9878 or, Youth page at Next Women’s CRHP (Christ Renews His Parish pronounced “chirp”) April 16th & 17th | St Mary's Catholic Church, Johnson City, TN What is it? It is a retreat. A time to relax, pray and rethink priorities. An opportunity to examine, rediscover, and/or intensify your personal relationship with Christ. Who may come? There is NO cost! This is a GIFT of the Parish and the Giving Teams. Call for more information? CRHP is a spiritual renewal weekend designed to help individuals grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ and with others in their faith community. It is an excellent opportunity for Catholics to renew their understanding of the basic beliefs and traditions of their faith. Nancy Flaherty 423-741-0055 Patty Hillwertz 423-400-7842 Becky Frye 423-276-5110 Maureen O'Grady 423-646-3299 Emma Jacobs 423-538-5559 Pam Nimrick 817-239-4909 "As a parishioner or family member of a When and where does it happen? parishioner (over 18 yrs.) you are especially invited, The renewal weekend begins at 8:30 AM on Saturday and ends around 4 PM on Sunday. but all are welcome. You For personal testimonies on CRPH — google “ CRHP PROMO VIDEO”! need not be a practicing The entire weekend is informal so dress comfortably. Come prepared to experience Catholic. IT IS A GIFT a renewal in Mind . . . Heart . . . Spirit. you give yourself. God can give you NEW LIFE. 6 Noticias Parroquiales LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA LAS INTENCIONES DEL PAPA PARA ABRIL Lunes: Is7:10-14,8:10; Sal40(39):7-11; Heb10:4-10; Lc1:26-38 Martes: Hch 4:32-37; Sal 93 (92):1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15 Miércoles: Hch 5:17-26; Sal 34 (33):2-9; Jn 3:16-21 Jueves: Hch 5:27-33; Sal 34 (33):2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36 Viernes: Hch 5:34-42; Sal 27 (26):1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15 Sábado: Hch 6:1-7; Sal 33 (32):1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21 Domingo: Hch 5:27-32, 40b-41; Sal 30 (29):2, 4-6, 11-13; Ap 5:11-14; Jn 21:1-19 [1-14] Universal: Pequeños agricultores Que los pequeños agricultores, reciban una remuneración justa por su precioso trabajo. Por la Evangelización Cristianos de Africa Que los cristianos de Africa en medio de conflictos políticoreligiosos, sepan dar testimonio de su amor y fe en Jesucristo PETICIÓN DEL ARZOBISPO KURTZ PARA TERMINAR CON EL GENOCIDIO CRISTIANO DESPENSA DE ALIMENTOS SAN VICENTE DE PAÚL La masacre de cristianos inocentes y de otras minorías en el Oriente Medio, quienes son atacados específicamente por motivos religiosos, es un genocidio modern. Esto es un crimen contra la humanidad. La destrucción de la antigua presencia de cristianos en esa región está en juego. Tú puedes ayudar. El Arzobispo Joseph E. Kurtz está pidiendo a todas las personas de fe que firmen la petición en línea en En este momento, el Departamento de Estado está considerando una resolución para declarar estas atrocidades incesantes por su nombre correcto: "genocidio". El apoyo bipartidista está creciendo, pero el tiempo es corto. Se espera que la decisión se haga en los próoximos días. Como hijos de Dios debemos hablar a favor de nuestros hermanos y hermanas en el Oriente Medio. Como pueblo de fe, debemos convencer al Departamento de Estado de EE.UU. para incluir a los cristianos en cualquier declaración formal de "genocidio". Con cada día que pasa, el lista de mártires modernos crece. Mientras hoy nos regocijamos en sS última victoria sobre la muerte a través del poder del amor de Jesús, también debemos ayudar a nuestros hermanos cristianos a llevar la cruz de la persecución y, en lo posible, ayudar a aliviar su sufrimiento. Al hacerlo, el Medio Oriente y el mundo serán más seguros para que las personas de todos los credos puedan vivir en paz. Gracias por su generoso apoyo a la despensa de alimentos el año pasado. La necesidad más urgente que tenemos es 1 libra de frijoles secos y latas de ravioli. Ladespensa está baja en los siguientes artículos: pasta, bolsas de arroz (1 lb.), harina de trigo, mezcla para muffins, harina de maíz, cereales, galletas dulces, galletas saladas, macarrones con queso, frijoles secos, leche en polvo, maíz, judías verdes, carnes enlatadas, atún, gelatina, gelatina sin azúcar, jalea, jalea sin azúcar, papel higiénico, detergente para platos, pañales tamaño 5. El Reto de la Despensa de Alimentos para este mes es que cada familia traiga a la despensa: 1 libra de frijoles secos y 1 lata de ravioli. Si conoce a alguien que puede estar en necesidad de alimentos o financiera, por favor llame al 423-434-0836 y deje un mensaje. SE NECESITAN VOLUNTARIOS Se necesitan voluntarios para lavar y planchar los purificadores y corporales una vez al mes. También necesitamos voluntarios para ayudar a hacer varias tareas en el santuario semanalmente, como enderezar los libros en las bancas, reemplazar las velitas votivas, cambiar el agua bendita, limpiar artículos de metal, etc. Esto nos ayudará a mantener limpia y organizada nuestra iglesia para las misas dominicales, así como para nuestros visitantes peregrinos en este Año de la Misericordia. También necesitamos voluntarios que nos puedan ayudar con diferentes tareas en la oficina pero necesitan ser bilingues. Si está interesado, por favor llame a la oficina de la iglesia al 423-282-6367 y notifique su disponibilidad. PREMIOS DE KROGER PARA LA PARROQUIA La familia de tiendas Kroger se ha comprometido a llevar esperanza y ayuda a las comunidades locales para que puedan crecer y prosperar. Lo hacen a través de una variedad de actividades, incluyendo el Programa de Premios para la Comunidad. La parroquia tiene actual tiene 28 feligreses registrados en el programa. Con sus compras en el último trimestre, contribuyeron casi una donación de $500. Por favor considere participar en este programa. Visite a y registre su tarjeta Kroger Plus. Luego conéctese a su cuenta. Una vez iniciada la sesión, seleccione "Account Settings" a la izquierda, vaya a "Community Rewards" y presione el botón "Enroll". Escriba "Iglesia St Mary’s Catholic Church" (sin punto después de St) y seleccione la iglesia # 83357 (verá nuestra dirección a la derecha) y después haga clic en "Enroll" de nuevo. Después de esto, ha terminado con el proceso. Pase por la oficina de la iglesia si tiene alguna pregunta o tiene problemas con el registro de su tarjeta. QUINCEAÑERAS Si esta planificando celebrar un quinceañero en nuestra iglesia, favor de llamar a Guadalupe Tapia, 423-943-8908 para apartar la fecha y comenzar la preparación. La joven tambien debe asistir al Grupo de Jóvenes por lo menos un año antes de solicitar esta celebración. BUSCAMOS MINISTROS EUCARÍSTICOS Por favor considera servir en la parroquia como ministro extraordinario de la Eucaristía los domingos en la misa en español . Si quieres más información, habla con Victor Granados at 470-5747. FERIA DE LIBROS Y ARTÍCULOS RELIGIOSOS La tienda de libros y regalos católicos, Paraclete, estará aquí el 9 y 10 de abril. Tendrán mercancía para la Primera Comunión y la Confirmación . También tendrán sus mostradores habituales de libros, rosarios, medallas y otros objetos religiosos. Los productos estarán disponibles para su compra antes y después de la misa. Si tiene una petición especial, puede llamar a 1-800-333-2097 o por correo electrónico a TARDE DEPORTIVA FAMILIAR Venga con toda la familia a disfrutar de ricos antojitos mexicanos y americanos en un ambiente 100% sano. La cita es el domingo, 10 de abril despues de la Misa de las 12 PM. Lo recaudado será para apoyar a los retiros de Cristo Renueva a Su Parroquia. ¡No se lo pierda! 7 Year of Mercy / Año de La Misericordia Saint Faustina and Divine Mercy SANTA FAUSTINA Y LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA Did you know that the Doctor of the Church known for the “Little Way”.of merciful love, St. Therese of Lisieux, once appeared to the Divine Mercy saint, Maria Faustina Kowalska? The subject of their encounter tells us about St. Faustina and her message… What do you think this Doctor of the Church said? Did she tell Faustina that she needed to spend more time in prayer or make more sacrifices? No. Amazingly, Therese told her simply, “You must trust in the Lord Jesus.” Trusting in Jesus gets to the heart of the Divine Mercy message and devotion that comes to us through St. Faustina. ¿Sabías que la Doctora de la Iglesia conocida por el "Caminito" de amor misericordioso, Santa Teresa de Lisieux, una vez se le apareció a la santa de la Divina Misericordia, María Faustina Kowalska? El tema de su encuentro nos habla de Santa Faustina y su mensaje... ¿Qué crees que esta Doctora de la Iglesia le dijo? ¿Le dijo a Faustina que tenía que pasar más tiempo en oración o hacer más sacrificios? No. Sorprendentemente, Teresa le dijo simplemente, "Tienes que confiar en el Señor Jesús." Confiar en Jesús llega al corazón del mensaje de la Divina Misericordia y la devoción que nos llega a través de Santa Faustina. (Tomado de Magnificat Year of Mercy Companion) (From: Magnificat Year of Mercy Companion) DESAFÍO PARA EL MES DE ABRIL: APRIL CHALLENGE: CONSOLAR AL TRISTE COMFORT THE SORROWFUL Tema por este Domingo: Vivir sin Miedo Theme for this Sunday: Living without Fear DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY DOMINGO DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA “He placed his right hand on me, saying, “Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last, and the living one. I was dead, and see, I am alive forever and ever.” (Revelation 1:17b–18a) “Y Él puso Su mano derecha sobre mí, diciendo: “No temas, Yo soy el Primero y el Último, y el que vive, y estuve muerto. Pero ahora estoy vivo por los siglos de los siglos,”. (Apocalipsis 1:17b-18a) Adult: We fear not because we know God has mercy on us. What is your experience of this mercy? Adulto: No tememos porque sabemos que Dios tiene Misericordia de nosotros. ¿Cuál es tu experiencia de esta Misericordia? Youth: How does your faith in Jesus’ merciful love help you to deal with the fears in your life? Joven: ¿Cómo tu fe en en el amor misericordioso de Jesús te ayuda a lidiar con los miedos en tu vida? MINISTRY HIGHLIGHT MINISTERIO DESTACADO Thanks to all the ministries that worked so that we could have a beautiful Holy Week and joyous Easter! ¡Gracias a todos los ministerios que trabajaron para que tuviesemos una bella Semana Santa y una feliz Pascua! _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ If your ministry is working towards a project that fits any Works of Mercy, please let Becky know at Pictures are welcomed! Si su ministerio está trabajando en un proyecto que se adapta a las Obras de Misericordia, por favor infórmenle a Becky a ¡Envíenos sus fotos! 8 General Parish Information — Información General de la Parroquia MINISTRY CONTACTS If you are the head of a ministry and wish to put your contact information in the bulletin, please call the church office or email REPRESENTANTES DE LOS MINISTERIOS Si usted es el líder de un ministerio y desea poner su información de contacto en el boletín, por favor llame a la oficina parroquial o por email a Church Secretary: Parish Council: Stefanie Murphy at Finance Committee: Mary Finucane, 423-283-9130 Children’s Faith Formation: Judy Holt, 423.282.6367 Youth Ministry: Stephanie Mann, Adult Faith Formation: Deacon Mike Jacobs, 423-282-6367 Labyrinth Ministry: Roz Seymour, Music Ministry: Dolores Fredericks, 423-283-0103 Knights of Columbus: Mark Durland, Ladies United: The Disciple: Julianne Wiley, St. Mary’s Prayer Warriors: Garden Ministry: Roz Seymour at Sacristán: Guadalupe Tapia, 423-943-8908 Ministros Eucarísticos: Victor y Rosalba Granados, 423-470-5747 Lectores: Dielta Oakley, 423-952-0357 Monaguillos: Cris Reyes 423-737-4500 o Cristina García, 423-297-3234 Coro: Raymond Isaac, 423-467-3330 Ujieres: Agustín Raygozo o Daniela Castellanos, 423-534-1252 ó 423-990-7966. Cristo Renueva a Su Parroquia: Julian Ríos, 423-647-1944 ó Josefina Estrada, 423-213-7333. Consejo Parroquial: Humberta Contreras, 423-440-2408 FORMULARIOS Y PROCEDIMIENTOS Registro Parroquial: Los paquetes de inscripción se encuentran en el Área de Convivencia o en la oficina parroquial. Después de llenar la información, por favor llévelo a la oficina o póngalo en la canasta de la colecta. Mudanza: Por favor, póngase en contacto con la oficina parroquial si ha cambiado su dirección o número de teléfono. Esto ayudará a mantener nuestra base de datos lo más actualizada posible. Solicitud de Intenciones para Misas: Llame o vaya a la oficina parroquial durante las horas laborables para solicitar misas. Solicitud de Espacio: Si necesita reservar espacio para un evento en la iglesia, por favor contacte a la oficina parroquial. Deberá llenar un formulario de reserva por lo menos 30 días antes del evento. Cita con Sacerdote/Diácono: Por favor, llame a la oficina parroquial para hacer una cita. Adoración Eucarística Perpetua: Llame a la oficina parroquial para hacerse adorador permanente o sustituto, o pase por la capilla de adoración para tomar un paquete de nuevo adorador. Funeral: Favor de llamar a la oficina para hacer cita con el sacerdote, anotar el funeral en el calendario y preparar la liturgia. Quinceañera: Favor de llamar a Guadalupe Tapia, 423-943-8908 para apartar la fecha y comenzar la preparación. La joven debe haber asistido al Grupo de Jóvenes por lo menos por un año antes de solicitar esta celebración. Presentaciones de 3 Años: Favor de hablar con el sacerdote para coordinar la fecha. FORMS AND PROCEDURES Parishioner’s Registration: Registration packets can be found in the Gathering Area or the church office. After filling out the packet, please drop off at the office or place in the collection basket. Moving: Please contact the Church office if you have changed your address or phone number. This will help keep our database as up to date as possible. Mass Intention Request: You may call or come to the church office to request a Mass intention. Space Request: If you need to reserve space within our church for an event, please contact the church office. You must fill out a reservation form at least 30 days prior to event. Appointment with Priest/Deacon: Please call the church office to set up an appointment. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration: Please contact the church office to become an permanent or substitute adorer or stop by the Adoration Chapel to get a packet for new adorers. Funeral: Please contact church office to schedule a priest and time for the funeral on the church calendar. SACRAMENTS SACRAMENTOS Baptism: Baptismal forms are available in the church office. Please prepare all information, including godparents. You must be registered as a parishioner. English baptismal preparation is on the fourth Saturday of each month from 9:30-11 AM in the conference room. Reconciliation: See the front page of this bulletin for a schedule. First Communion: Please contact Judy Holt at the church office to register your child . The child has to have attended at least a year of faith formation prior to registering for this sacrament. Please provide a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate. Confirmation: For students in 11th or 12th grade. Please contact Stephanie Mann at 423-612-2272 or to register your child. The child has to have attended Youth Group on a regular basis for at least a year prior to registering for this sacrament. Please provide a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate. RCIA: Please contact Kendra Dowlatshahi through the church office to begin preparation for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. Marriage: Please contact the church office to begin the process for Marriage preparation or to celebrate it within our parish. Anointing of the Sick: Contact the church office to schedule the celebration of this sacrament. It could be received at church or privately. Holy Orders: Please talk one of the priest and then contact the Diocese of Knoxville office at 865-584-3307 or visit their website at Bautismo: Llene los formularios que se encuentran en la oficina. Incluya la información de los padrinos. Debe estar registrado como miembro de la parroquia. Las clases pre-bautismales son los cuartos domingos del mes después de la misa de las 12 en la Capilla Diaria. Reconciliación: Vea la portada de este boletín para el horario. Primera Comunión: Favor de contactar a Judy Holt en la oficina parroquial para registrar a su hijo. El niño debe haber asistido al programa de formación en la fe por lo menos por un año antes de solicitar este sacramento. Favor de proveer una copia del certificado de Bautismo. Confirmación: Por favor contacte a Stephanie Mann al 423-612-2272 o para registrar a su hijo. El joven debe haber asistido al Grupo de Jóvenes por lo menos por un año antes de solicitar este sacramento. Favor de proveer una copia del certificado de Bautismo. RICA: Favor de contactar a Luz María Vélez al 423-946-7787 para comenzar la preparación para el Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos. Matrimonio: Si desea contraer matrimonio en nuestra parroquia, por favor contacte a Padre Jesús Guerrero al 423-282-6367. Unción de los Enfermos: Llame a la oficina parroquial para recibir este sacramento. Puede recibirlo en la iglesia o privadamente. Orden Sacerdotal: Favor de hablar con uno de los sacerdotes y luego llamar a la Diócesis de Knoxville al 865-584-3307 o visite su página de Internet en 9