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August 16 - 31, 2015 | VOL. 15 No. 345
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Haïti : incidents et retards lors des élections
vivement critiquées; approuvées par l’international
Le président haïtien Michel Martelly (accompagné de son
épouse Sophia Martelly) s’apprête à voter à Pétion-ville.
PORT-AU-PRINCE -- Des incidents, dans certains
cas violents, ont émaillé le premier tour des élections législatives partielles qui se sont déroulées le
dimanche 9 août 2015 en Haïti, conduisant à la fermeture anticipée de dizaines de bureaux.
Ce scrutin, organisé avec quatre ans de retard, où
5,8 millions d'électeurs inscrits étaient appelés à
élire l'ensemble de leurs députés et deux tiers du
Sénat, est le premier depuis l'arrivée au pouvoir du
président Michel Martelly, en mai 2011.
Dans la capitale, Port-au-Prince, trois bureaux de
vote ont été saccagés : des individus ont jeté des
urnes à terre et déchiré des bulletins de vote. En
tout, 26 centres de vote - regroupant chacun
plusieurs dizaines de bureaux de vote - ont fermé
avant l'heure prévue.
Chaque candidat peut désigner un représentant
dans les bureaux de vote de la circonscription. Mais
les candidats trop nombreux - plus de 1 800 pour
les 139 postes parlementaires à pourvoir (20 sénateurs et 119 députés) - et les bureaux de vote exigus
ont rendu la chose compliquée. ÉLECTIONS/P. 14
The JNL South Dade
Jitney is History in the
Making for Haitians
By Dessalines Ferdinand
FLORIDA CITY -- Southwest Miami-Dade enjoys
some of the world's most amazing wildlife and locations for people to enjoy. Right here there are two
incredible national parks: the Biscayne National
Park and Everglades National Park. It's also home to
immigrants from all over the world, but the majority are from the Caribbean as well as South and
Central America. Most of these immigrants reside
in Florida City and Homestead.
Here people can enjoy numerous activities including fishing, boating, snorkeling, bird watching,
and much more. Getting around to take part in these
activities, for some, can be a challenge.
continued on page 13
Florida City Commissionner Eugene D. Berry (2nd from left), Patrick Maignan (7th from left), Mckinley Lauriston (9th from
left), Jean Gardy France (10th from left) and others show their excitement following the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the inauguration of the JNL South Dade Jitney, Monday, August 3, 2015. Photo Le Floridien
Vice Mayor Riggs and Miramar
PAL Host Annual Back-to-School
'Funday' and Health Fair
MIRAMAR -- Approximately 900
children, accompanied by their parents, attended the annual 'Funday'
and health and info fair hosted by
Vice Mayor Darline B. Riggs and
Miramar PAL on Saturday, August 8,
2015, at Shirley Branca Park. There
were a number of activities specifically designed for the kids and each
child in attendance received a bag
filled with school supplies.
n'a déçu
There were face painting for the children, three inflated bounce houses
that were filled with laughter the
entire event, popcorn, snow cones,
and much more. For the adults, free
blood pressure and glucose testing
was done by members of the Haitian
Nursing Association (HANA).
continued on page 3
Are You
Gore 2016?
Miramar Vice Mayor Darline B. Riggs (r) chatting with a parent after daughter received a bag
filled with school supplies. Staff member McKinley Lauriston (center).
House aide
arrested after
shooting gun
at boyfriend
is more prevalent in Women
than Men
Conquering 10
The Giants:
Made History!
Fidel Castro to US:
you owe us millions
Havana (AFP) - Fidel
Castro marked his
Thursday (August 13)
by insisting the United
States owes Cuba
"many millions of dollars" because of the
Castro spoke out in an
essay published in
local media a day
before US Secretary of
State John Kerry
makes a historic visit
to Cuba to reopen the
US embassy as part of
the countries' restoration of diplomatic
The trade embargo
that the United States
slapped on communist
Cuba in 1962, three
years after Castro
seized power by ousting a US-backed
regime, remains in
effect despite the
Congress to lift it,
although US officials
say this will take time
and is not an automatic part of the restoration of ties as it
requires congressional
Many Republicans,
who control both
chambers of the legislature, oppose the
idea, insisting Cuba
has to improve its
human rights record
and make other democratic reforms.
Former Cuban President Fidel Castro delivers a speech during the commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the
Committees of Defense of the Revolution on September 28,
2010 in Havana. Photo Getty Image
Castro wrote: "Cuba is
owed compensation
equivalent to damages,
which total many millions of dollars, as our
country has stated
with irrefutable arguments and data in all
of its speeches at the
United Nations."
He did not go into
detail on precisely
how much money he
reckons Washington
owes Havana. The
Americans are also
claiming compensation for US-owned
property, such as real
estate, that was confiscated when Castro
took power.
Castro made no mention either of Kerry's
visit to reopen the
embassy, a step that
comes eight months
after Obama and
Castro's successor and
announced plans to
restore relations. It
officially took effect
July 20.
Fidel Castro ceded
power to his brother in
2006, stepping down
Over the years, Fidel
Castro has been a frequent contributor of
essays to the communist party newspaper
Granma and other
media. Thursday's was
his first piece since
May 8.
"Writing is a way to be
useful, if you keep in
mind that we poor
humans must be more
and better educated in
the face of the incredible ignorance that surrounds us all, except
for researchers who
use science to seek a
satisfactory answer,"
Castro wrote.
Castro's 89th birthday
is being celebrated
with a wide array of
In town to take part is
Morales, who often
refers to Castro as his
"wise grandfather."
AUGUST 16 - 31, 2015 | VOL. 15 NO. 345
AUGUST 16 - 31, 2015 | VOL. 15 NO. 345
Miramar Annual Back-to-School 'Funday' and Health Fair
Vice Mayor Darline B. Riggs and Commissioner Yvette Colbourne,
addressing the crowd. Photo Le Floridien
continued from page 1
A large number of sponsors
were on hand for the event,
including 24 Hour Fitness,
Brown Mackie College, and
Wells Fargo Bank which
offered free information
about a variety of financial
services they had available.
Vice Mayor Riggs said, "This
event is all about the community. I love the residents of
this city and I'm very happy
to see them coming out in
large numbers. It truly is a
Renowned DJ Nicky Mixx
provided the entertainment
that included a mix of
Caribbean styles that the
crowd loved. The event ran
from 4pm until 7pm that
She added, "It's not only
about me. This is a collective
effort. Members of HANA,
members of Miramar PAL,
Mr. McKinley Lauriston,
these wonderful sponsors, the
incredible volunteers, and
everyone who supports this
worthy event are all responsible for its success."
At 5:30pm, Vice Mayor
Darline Riggs addressed the
crowd and thank everyone in
attendance, along with all of
the sponsors and volunteers
who help make this annual
event such a success. She also
acknowledged the support of
her colleague, Commissioner
Yvette Colbourne.
Commissioner Colbourne
also addressed the audience,
the children in particular. "I
want you to focus on your
studies and bring home
straight A's this year." That
received a roaring cheer from
the crowd, and screams from
the kids.
Miramar resident Marleine
Childen accompanied by parents line up to get a free iced snow cone at the annual back-to-school ‘funday’ and
health fair, Shirley Branca Park, in Miramar, Saturday, August 8, 2015. Photo Le Floridien
Chery said of the event, "I
brought my niece and her
friends here. Not only did
they each receive one of the
nice big bags full of school
supplies, but they all had fun
jumping in the bounce houses. They really had a great
time at this event. Not only
were the staff so helpful and
friendly, there was plenty of
seating areas to sit and rest
and take care other things
while the kids played. It was
so wonderful and well organized."
Approximately 1,000 children, accompanied by their parents, attended
the Annual Back-to-School 'Funday' and Health Fair. Courtesy photo
Vice Mayor Riggs promised
to continue the event and this
tradition each year and was
seeking to include more outdoor events like this throughout the year to benefit the residents of the city. This was
one of the primary reasons
she ran for office during the
municipal election held this
past March.
DF/Le Floridien
Children enjoying the bounce house at the event. Photo Le Floridien
AUGUST 16 - 31, 2015 | VOL. 15 NO. 345
Hillary Clinton campaign mounts counter-attack over email scandal
By Gabriel Debenedetti
email scandal has not yet appeared to
resonate strongly with Democratic
Hillary Clinton’s campaign went into
damage-control mode — again — as
the latest twist in the long-running
saga over her private email use while
serving as secretary of state opened up
the Democratic front-runner to attacks
on what GOP rivals called “criminal”
Neither Bernie Sanders nor Martin
O’Malley — who frequently draw
contrasts with Clinton — came near
criticizing her email use on
It was deja vu for the elaborate
machine surrounding Clinton, which
has repeatedly had to reassure donors
and supporters that the escalating
investigations into possible mishandling of classified information are
much much ado about nothing.
email server.”
Communications director Jennifer
Palmieri fired off a long explanatory
email on Wednesday, telling supporters not to read too much into the news
Tuesday night that Clinton would hand
over her email server to the Justice
And as Republican rivals started piling
on, throwing around the words
“crime” and “criminal” wherever possible, the pro-Clinton group Correct
the Record mounted a counter-offensive, attacking them for their own past
problems with email use.
The roughly 700-word email reiterated
the campaign’s frequently emphasized
point that “there is absolutely no criminal inquiry into Hillary’s email or
“Don’t forget, Walker’s office had a
secret email system hidden from public record and his staffers were
charged with illegal activity,” said
Hillary Clinton
Adrienne Watson, communications
director of Correct The Record,
about Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker,
part of a broader attempt to hit back at
the Republicans.
But also notable was how Democrats
of all stripes held their fire, likely
reflecting a calculation on the part of
her rivals that there’s little gain to piling on. While they’ve been willing to
attack her on ideological issues, such
as income inequality and trade, the
In other words, acknowledged a handful of party strategists associated with
multiple campaigns, it’s Hillary’s
party, and Democrats are just learning
to live with her email storm.
Republicans, meanwhile, had a field
Walker called her email use “a serious
and potentially criminal offense that
proves [she] put her own personal convenience ahead of the safety and security of the American people.”
“She cannot be trusted to keep
America’s secrets or its citizens safe,
and therefore cannot be trusted to be
commander in chief,” Walker said in a
statement released through his campaign on Wednesday.
Florida couple accused of turning girl, 13, into sex slave
Florida couple turned a teen into their
sex slave and sealed her off from the
outside world for more than five
years, police said after arresting the
family by having sex with them. She
was told to call Rob “master,” investigators said in an arrest affidavit, and
Marie Johnson pushed her against a
wall and held her by her throat until
the girl agreed to the sexual demands.
Rob Johnson, 44, and his wife, Marie
Johnson, 43, of Port St. Lucie, were
arrested Tuesday and charged with
felony sexual assault charges.
The girl, who is not identified in
police filings, was beaten when she
didn't follow the couple's directions or
complete her chores, according to
police. The girl said the abuse went on
repeatedly for more than five years.
All the while, Rob Johnson held
Sunday school classes for his family
at their home, invoking Old Testament
passages to justify the actions, the
The Port St. Lucie Police Department
said the 13-year-old girl was sent to
live with the Johnsons after her mother died, and soon after her arrival was
told she could only be part of their
arrest affidavit said.
Police said the girl, now 21, was
homeschooled, not allowed to use the
phone and forced to rehearse what to
say to doctors if she was asked about
sexual activity.
The girl eventually was able to leave
the home after her grandmother purchased a plane ticket to bring her to
Ohio, the police said.
The Johnsons were freed on bail later
Tuesday, the St. Lucie County
Sheriff's Office said, after each posted
$60,000 bond. No attorney was listed
Marie Johnson, 43, and Rob Johnson, 44
for them. A call to their home
Wednesday went unanswered.
Port St. Lucie is on Florida's Atlantic
coast, about 115 miles north of Miami.
Bus carrying Haitian workers
crashes in Jackson County
A bus carrying 25 Haitian migrant workers overturned at U.S. 231 and Interstate
10 on Wednesday (August 13), the
Florida Highway Patrol reported.
All of the passengers were transported to
hospitals within the region, FHP reported. Three were listed in serious but stable
condition, while the others suffered
minor injuries, according to the FHP.
The crash happened at 12:30 p.m. when
the driver, Alphonse Amilcar, 56, of
Belle Glade attempted to exit I-10 via an
off ramp and lost control of the 1997
Thomas bus on a sharp right turn, FHP
reported. The bus left the roadway, over-
turned onto its left side and continued to
slide until it rested down a steep
embankment, FHP reported. The Jackson
County School Board aided in transporting some passengers to Jackson
Hospital, according to the FHP.
The driver and passengers were not
wearing seatbelts, according to the
report. Alcohol was not listed as a factor
in the crash, FHP reported, and the investigation is ongoing.
Noel Guylaine, 36, Mary Labissiere, 42,
and Jhimy Jeoboam, 44, all of Belle
Glade, were listed in serious condition,
according to the report.
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Serving Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties
Member of the Florida Press Association
JUDITH DAOUT, Associate Publisher | ENGLISH EDITOR, Gerald Hedlund
Distribution Manager: Leon Jean - Ezekiel Pierre
Haiti Correspondent: Wilson Ferdinand
Contributors: Patricia Elizée - Dr. Angelo Gousse - Jude Etienne - Joann Milord - Jonel Juste
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LE FLORIDIEN is published twice each month, on the 1st and 16th days of the month, by Le Floridien, Inc.
AUGUST 16 - 31, 2015 | VOL. 15 NO. 345
Are You Ready For...
Gore 2016?
times call for
Al Gore?
Democrats are
reportedly getting close to
hitting the panic button on Hillary Clinton's presidential candidacy as the scandal surrounding her possession of top secret, classified information continues to
get worse. Bernie Sanders is currently beating
Clinton in New Hampshire and Joe Biden looks like
he'll be jumping into the race sometime in September.
With Clinton's flailing poll numbers and inevitability
failing to pass public scrutiny, apparently Al Gore's
people are now looking at the potential for another
White House run. Yes, that Al Gore.
Gore, 67, won the popular vote in the 2000 election
and has been mentioned as a possible candidate in
every contested Democratic primary since then. He
instead spent much of the 2000s focused on environmental campaigning and business ventures. He has
largely slipped out of public view in more recent
But in recent days, “they’re getting the old gang
together,” a senior Democrat told BuzzFeed News.
“They’re figuring out if there’s a path financially and
politically,” the Democrat said. “It feels more real
than it has in the past months.”
The senior Democrat and other sources cautioned not
to overstate Gore’s interest. He has not made any formal or informal moves toward running, or even met
with his political advisers about a potential run.
Sure, Gore hasn't made any "formal or informal"
moves toward running, but technically neither has
If Gore decides to get into the race, the big question
is who Bill Clinton will side with. Will it be his wife?
Or his former vice president who he supported back
during the 2000 run for the White House?
Katie Pavlich | TownHall
Martelly n'a déçu personne
Personne ne doit s'étonner du comportement proprement vulgaire, enclin à la grossièreté, souvent
affiché en public par l'actuel président haïtien Michel Joseph Martelly. Quand on sait que cet
ancien musicien-chanteur qui a bâti sa notoriété nationale dans le monde compas, paradoxalement grâce à ses écarts de langage sur scène, franchement il est superflu de croire que l'homme
allait changer en l'espace d'un quinquennat.
Toujours prêt à lancer des injures publiques à ses adversaires musicaux lors des soirées dansantes
et des festivités en plein air, l’époque de son règne ‘Sweet Micky’, insulter et agresser verbalement
les opposants politiques est pour cette personnalité sulfureuse l'œuvre de toute une vie.
Il est regrettable certes de constater comment l'ancien président du compas, devenu historiquement par la force des choses Président d’Haïti grâce à une campagne populiste, n'arrive pas à se
contenir pour éviter des échanges verbaux avec de simples citoyens. C'est un échec moral pour
toute une société. À ce point, il est irréparable. Et on doit l'accepter comme tel.
Il est aussi dommage de noter même en fin de son quinquennat, Michel Martelly n'arrive pas à
faire l'effort de revêtir son statut de président à tout moment pour éviter de se donner en spectacle et mettre à mal son image de premier citoyen de la nation haïtienne.
Présent à un meeting de campagne, dans la ville de Miragoâne, le 28 juillet dernier, Michel
Martelly a été interpellé par une femme dans l'assemblée qui lui reprochait de ne pas avoir tenu
ses promesses de campagne, notamment de ne pas avoir installé l'électricité dans sa ville. "Trouve
toi un homme et va te faire prendre derrière le mur", ainsi rétorquait le chef de l'Etat, selon les
vidéos postées sur les réseaux sociaux.
Cette dernière sortie fracassante du président de la république a fait la une de plusieurs médias
étrangers. Une fois de plus les haïtiens sont ridiculisés à travers le monde.
Ce type de propos obscènes ne surprend pas la grande majorité des Haïtiens, compte tenu du fait
que Michel Martelly était toujours célèbre pour ses écarts de conduite. L'homme n'avait jamais
hésité de baisser son pantalon sur scène, lorsqu'il participait, par exemple, en travesti, à un show.
Aussi ne faut-il point s'étonner de le voir affiché son vrai caractère de personnage vulgaire.
Ce n'est pas la première fois que le chef de l’état a eu des échanges acides avec des citoyens.
La faute à Qui ? Certainement, pas au principal acteur Michel Martelly. Toujours est-il qu'il
compte aujourd'hui encore de nombreux fans qui, regrettablement admirent ses obscénités. Pour
preuve, la foule de teenagers pour la plupart assistant à la réunion de Miragoâne applaudissait
au contraire le chef de l'Etat dans son costume de 'Sweet Micky'. Ce sont les conséquences d’une
carrence de leadership responsable dans le pays, le résultat d'une société haïtienne en putréfaction.
À la suite de cet esclandre, trois membres du gouvernement représentant le Parti fusion des sociaux-démocrates haïtiens (PFSDH), dont son no. 1 l’ex-sénatrice Edmonde Supplice Beauzile est
candidate à la présidence, ont présenté leur démission. Des manifestations de femmes ont été
organisées, et une pétition a été mise en ligne sur, signée notamment par Mirlande
Manigat, ex-candidate malheureuse à la présidence battue par Martelly en 2010.
Marco Rubio blasts Obama on
U.S. embassy opening in Cuba
Il est à se demander si ces trois membres du parti Fusion auraient la même réaction si le pays n'était pas en pleine élection. Il s'apparente plutôt à une stratégie politique qui est loin d'être un acte
pour défendre la dignité de la femme haïtienne.
As the United States raises its flag over an embassy
in Cuba for the first time 54 years, Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio is slamming the
Obama administration for bringing "legitimacy to a
state sponsor of terror."
Il faut le dire, compte tenu de son caractère vulgaire, dans n'importe quel pays où les citoyens s'attachent à la pudeur et aux bonnes mœurs, Michel Martelly n'aurait jamais un jour pensé à se
porter candidat à la présidence. La plainte pour "outrage public à la pudeur" déposée récemment
contre la chanteuse américaine Jennifer Lopez au Maroc en est un exemple notable.
"President Obama has rewarded the Castro regime
for its repressive tactics and persistent, patient opposition to American interests," Rubio said Friday in a
speech at the Foreign Policy Initiative in New York
City. "He has unilaterally given up on a half-century
worth of policy toward the Castro regime that was
agreed upon by presidents of both parties.
"The deal with Cuba threatens America's moral
standing in our hemisphere and around the world,
brings legitimacy to a state sponsor of terror, and further empowers an ally of China and Russia that sits
just 90 miles from our shore," the Florida senator
Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in Havana early
Friday morning for the flag-raising ceremony at the
American Embassy. Rubio knocked their exclusion
from the embassy opening, and added the event will
be "little more than a propaganda rally for the Castro
regime." Reena Flores/CBS NEWS
Il faut être honnête avec soi-même : Martelly n'a certainement pas déçu. Critiquer ou reprocher
Martelly pour ses grossièretés en public, c’est aller à l'opposé de ce proverbe français qui dit : "la
caque sent toujours le hareng ". Quoiqu'on puisse faire pour tenter de l'amener à la raison, Michel
Martelly n'arrivera jamais à dissimuler complètement ses ‘basses origines’, malgré son statut de
À moins d'être utopiste, on ne pouvait pas espérer mieux de ce personnage au style fantasque qui
est resté conséquent à lui-même.
Nous devons plutôt remettre en cause l'immobilisme de la classe politique haïtienne traditionnelle.
Ce sont ces traditionnels politiciens 'tous pourris' qui, arrivés au pouvoir, se refusent à répondre
aux aspirations du peuple. Depuis au moins trois décennies, ces éternels politiciens ne font que
contribuer à amener le pays au bord de la faillite. Par leur manque de vision, leur irresponsabilité politique, ils sont censés laisser le champs libre pour que Martelly accède au pouvoir.
Se lè kabwit fin pase nap rele fèmen baryè!
Dessalines Ferdinand
AUGUST 16 - 31, 2015 | VOL. 15 NO. 345
Haitian actor Jimmy Jean-Louis joins cast of ‘Heroes Reborn’ on NBC
we are hoping to have same impact with the reboot.
I’m one of the few original characters to be back.
by Taroue Brooks
Jimmy Jean-Louis is one of the characters
that will be reprising his role from the original series, “Heroes” to be part of the new
series, “Heroes Reborn.” He is also politically active in his home country and
Hollywood Unites for Haiti remains his passion. His commitment to helping his country is extremely important to him and he
invites you to help.
What inspired you to become an actor?
As a dancer and a model, I felt a bit restricted; the
desire to have a voice inspired me to become an
actor. In addition to that, Sidney Poitier was someone who inspired me become an actor. It was a bigger challenge for me.
Why have you chosen to be politically aware and
I come from a place rich in history but poor in
political stability. As one of the few Haitians working in the entertainment business, it became normal
for me to try to raise some awareness about the
challenges my country faces. I had the privilege to
portray one the most iconic heroes of the world
Toussaint L’ouverture, he led the only successful
slave revolt in history.
Tell us about your foundation, Hollywood Unites
for Haiti.
I founded Hollywood Unites for Haiti [,
What does success look like for you?
Enjoy whatever you do in life. The success should
be for the self first, it’s even greater if it impacts
Photo courtesy of Jimmy Jean-Louis] in 2008 to help the underprivileged youth in Haiti. We partnered with the PADF
and the OAS right after the 2010 earthquake to provide immediate assistance to the victims. HUFH
also built a school in 2010 where about 150 kids get
a free education and hot meals. We are currently
looking for funding to keep the school running. Go
to to contribute.
How do you feel about your new series coming
out this fall and what will be your role?
It’s great to be back on TV this fall. I will reprise
the role of “The Haitian” in “Heroes Reborn” premiering Sept. 24 on NBC. “Heroes” was such an
iconic TV show when it first came out in 2006, and
When did you know that you had what it takes
to be successful in the entertainment business?
I never really knew what I would end up doing, but
I was always ready to try something new. I went to
Barcelona from Paris with no plans at all, I ended
up working in a musical theater for about three
years. From there, I went to Milan to try modeling,
then I ended up working in the major fashion markets — London, Paris, Cape Town — it was while
living in South Africa that I met the person who
would inspire me the most, Nelson Mandela.
What advice would you give someone who wants
to be in the entertainment business?
It is a long ride full of ups and downs so make sure
you really enjoy what you aspire to do. Don’t give
up, never give up.
What is next on the horizon for you?
“Heroes Reborn” on Sept. 24, I appear alongside
Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper and Robert
DeNiro in the movie Joy, out on Dec. 25. I also
want to keep our school going for another year.
Kerry’s aid sought in Dominican Republic citizenship crisis
By Maria Sacchetti, Globe Staff
Seven US senators, including the pair
from Massachusetts, urged Secretary of
State John Kerry on Thursday to intercede in the citizenship crisis in the
Dominican Republic, expressing concern that thousands of Dominican-born
people of Haitian descent still are not
recognized as citizens.
In a letter to Kerry, Senators Edward J.
Markey, Elizabeth Warren and five
other Democrats said the Dominican
government proposed a “fair solution”
by creating a path to citizenship after a
2013 court ruling stripped birthright
citizenship from the children of unauthorized immigrants, mainly from
neighboring Haiti. But, the letter said,
less than a third of the 210,000
Dominicans eligible for that citizenship
applied for it.
Critics of the citizenship program have
said the requirements are so cumbersome that many cannot gather the hospital records and other documents
needed to apply.
Dominican Republic in recent months,
an exodus they said has “overwhelmed” authorities in Haiti, one of
the hemisphere’s poorest nations.
“In this context, we respectfully ask
that you work with the Dominican government to ensure that the process is
timely, efficient, and inclusive of
everyone who was born in the country,”
the senators wrote in the letter, adding
that it was crucial that undocumented
citizens “are provided a solution that
guarantees their right to live in the only
country they have known since their
Dominican officials have said that they
will not deport anyone who is entitled
to Dominican citizenship, but they say
the government also must properly
screen applicants before granting them
Last month Kerry said through a
spokeswoman that he was monitoring
the situation and had stressed the
importance of upholding human rights
for all involved.
The senators also expressed concern
for some 36,000 people of Haitian
descent who have voluntarily left the
Ambassador Jose Tomas Perez said in a
statement that his government was
determined to act transparently and was
looking “forward to a substantive dialogue with members of Congress and
the State Department on this important
He said the Dominican Republic is
committed to working with the international community “to implement a regularization program and immigration
policies that aim to give a regular status
to everyone in the Dominican
The ambassador added “our government is implementing the same immigration rules that exist in any society
governed by the rule of law, while recognizing each individual’s human
The issue has drawn international
attention, including in Massachusetts
where immigrants from Haiti and the
Dominican Republic are some of the
largest groups of foreign-born residents
in the state.
Also signing the letter were senators
Patrick Leahy of Vermont, Bill Nelson
of Florida, Benjamin Cardin of
Maryland, Christopher Coons of
Delaware, and Sherrod Brown of Ohio.
Maria Sacchetti can be reached at
AUGUST 16 - 31, 2015 | VOL. 15 NO. 345
My Spouse Was Previously Married, How does that Effect
Our Immigration Case?
The most common and
sought out way to
receive a green card is
through the marriage of
a US citizen or Lawful
Permanent Resident. In
order to receive a green
card from your spouse,
there are issues that
should be taken into
consideration. Firstly
By Patricia Elizée, Esq
the marriage should be
bona fide, meaning that
it was not entered for the
sole reason of obtaining immigration status. Due to
the fact that various people marry fraudulently just
to obtain permanent status, USCIS inspects the
marriages to ensure it is overall genuine. When an
adjustment application is filed, you should include
different types of evidence that shows that your
marriage is real. For example: bank statement from
joint bank accounts, joint credit cards, joint liabilities, ect…
To be eligible or a green card through marriage, you
must be legally married to a U.S. citizen or lawful
permanent resident and in a bona fide marriage and
neither you nor your spouse can be currently married to anyone else. Your current marriage must be
valid. In other words, it must be officially recog-
nized by the government in the country or state in
which the marriage took place. If your spouse was
previously married, you must submit proof that the
previous marriage is terminated either by divorce,
annulment, or by death of the previous spouse.
Immigration has sometimes taken the position, for
example, that a foreign divorce did not properly terminate the previous marriage. For a divorce to be
given legal weight, Immigration must find that the
issuing court had the ability to issue the divorce in
the first place and that the issuance of the divorce is
not in conflict with the public policy of the US. This
issue is raised in cases where the parties are currently residing in the US but get issued a divorce in
another country. That divorce, will not be recognized by Immigration because under US laws the
foreign court never had jurisdiction over the subject
matter of that divorce or the parties.
It is also important to consider whether your spouse
was previously married, where your spouse go their
legal immigration status from their previous
spouse. Immigration will have a higher scrutiny in
these type of cases. Your spouse may be forced to
show that not only their current marriage is a real
marriage, but also that their previous marriage was
entered into good faith. Immigration has a duty to
question whether a marriage is genuine if they
believe that the marriage was entered for the sole
reason of evading immigration laws.
Lottery winner Marie Holmes reportedly paid fiancé’s
$6M bond, responds to critics on Facebook
North Carolina woman who
won the lottery may have used
some of her winnings to post
bail for her fiancé – and she’s
not ashamed one bit.
Marie Holmes, who won a cool
$188 million in Powerball back
in February, responded to critics on a North Carolina TV station’s Facebook page.
What Y’all need to be worried
about is Y’all money and not
how I spend mine this is benefitting Y’all how? And no he’s no
drug dealer or user but who are
Y’all to judge anybody? I will
definitely pray for Y’all
because it’s much need…they
talked about Jesus so I’m not
surprised Y’all are talking
about me but be blessed though.
She has reportedly posted the
$6 million bail for her fiancé
Lamarr McDow, who had been
arrested for violating the curfew
requirements of his pre-trial
release in late July.
According to a Sheriff’s Office
spokeswoman, a bondsman
posted the $3 million bond for
McDow, and he was released
with a GPS monitoring device.
McDow was arrested at the
home he shares with Holmes
and was charged with trafficking heroin and possession with
intent to manufacture, sell and
deliver heroin after an investigation in which 8,000 bags of
heroin were seized, according
to a WWAY report.
Holmes was also reportedly
behind McDow’s previously
release back in March. She
chose to collect a lump sum on
the Powerball earnings, which
amounted to $88 million after
Holmes replied to several commenters who questioned her
White House aide arrested after allegedly
shooting gun at boyfriend
FOX News -- A White House staffer was
arrested late Friday after allegedly shooting a
gun at her boyfriend, an officer with the U.S.
Capitol Police, during a heated argument,
authorities said.
Barvetta Singletary, 37, who is a special assistant to President Obama and also holds the title
of house legislative liaison, was charged with
domestic violence in the incident, which police
say occurred at her home in Upper Marlboro,
Police say she summoned her boyfriend, who
was not identified, by text message, and the
two had sex. Afterward, according to the criminal complaint, Singletary went to the man’s
car with him and accused him of dating other
women. Inside the car, Singletary allegedly
took the man’s cellphones and his service
Barvetta Singletary, 37
weapon, demanding passwords to unlock messages stored on the phones.
"You taught me how to use this,” Singletary
allegedly told the man. “Don't think I won't use
The process starts by filing USCIS form I-130,
Petition for Alien Resident, and Form I-485,
Application to Register Permanent Residence or to
Adjust Status; this establishes the relationship of
the alien and the petitioning spouse. Both the US
resident and the alien seeking immigration needs to
gather biographic information and submit it through
the G-325A forms. Applicants are also required to
submit evidence and documentations through the
form I-130. All required documentation are two
completed and signed G-325A forms and a copy of
birth and marriage certificates as well as the copy of
all divorce decrees or annulment decrees that
proves that all previous marriages that both you and
your partner have been in has been terminated. If
these requirements are not met, then the USCIS
assume that your current marriage is legitimate.
Many believe that if they are a current US citizen or
a green card holder that they have the absolute right
to apply for their spouse to also have the same
immigration status. Please keep in mind that immigration has the discretion to deny your application.
It is your burden and your duty to provide enough
information so that your application is approved.
Patricia Elizee is a Partner at Elizee Hernandez
Law Firm where she practices Immigration
and Family Law. Ms. Elizee can be reached
at 305-371-8846 or
AUGUST 16 - 31, 2015 | VOL. 15 NO. 345
Sexual Dysfunction is more prevalent in Women than Men
It is estimated that
approximately 40 million American women
are affected by Female
Sexual Dysfunction (
FSD). Some investigators have found that
sexual dysfunction is
more prevalent in
women (43%) than in
increases as women
By Dr. Angelo E. Gousse
age. Unlike men FSD
can occur in young
women in their 20's. Some recent studies have
noted that married women have a lower risk of
sexual dysfunction than unmarried women. Racial
differences have also been noted. Hispanic
women consistently report lower rates of sexual
problems, whereas African American women
have higher rates of decreased sexual desire and
pleasure than do white women. Sexual pain (dyspareunia), however, is more likely to occur in
white women.
Although the exact cause of Female Sexual
Dysfunction remains unknown, both physiologic
and psychological components are believed to
play a part. In order to better understand FSD it is
imperative to be familiar with normal female sexual function. Many changes occur in the female
external and internal genitalia during sexual
arousal. Increased blood flow promote what is
called " vasocongestion of the genitalia".
Secretions from uterine and vaginal glands lubricate the vaginal canal. Vaginal smooth muscle
relaxation allows for lengthening and dilation of
the vagina. As the clitoris is stimulated, its length
and diameter increase and engorgement with
blood occurs. In addition, the labia minora
becomes also engorged because of increased
blood flow. Vaginal temperature increases during
FSD is psychologically complex. While the
female sexual response cycle was first characterized by Masters and Johnson in 1966 and included four phases: excitement, plateau, orgasm, and
resolution, in 1974, Kaplan modified this theory
and characterized it as a three-phase model that
included desire, arousal, and orgasm. Other investigators have proposed that the female sexual
response is driven by the desire to enhance intimacy. Currently, it is believed that various biologic
and psychological factors can negatively affect
this cycle, thereby leading to FSD. Hormonal
changes, such has a drop in estrogen, seen in postmenopausal women, can also greatly affect sexual desire and vaginal lubrication. Nerve and small
vessel disorders seen in conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol, cigarette smoking can
also affect sexual function. Women with hypertension, vascular problems are at very high risk
because of diminished blood flow going to the
Female sexual dysfunction can be divided into 5
major subtypes: 1- Disorder of libido ( sexual
desire ) 2- Arousal dysfunction 3- Vaginal lubrication disorders 4- Disorders related to orgasm 5Vaginismus and Dyspareunia ( painful intercourse ). Many women with FSD are affected by
all or some of the subtypes.
For many reasons, treatment options are more difficult and less established in women than in men.
There is no "magic" female sexual dysfunction
pill. Although there is extensive research in the
field, the exact cause of FSD remains unclear.
Furthermore, dual psychologic and physiologic
causes are often present . While the oral tablets
such as Viagra, Cialis, Levitra which fall in the
category of phosphodiasterase-inhibitors (PDE-5)
have been useful in male erectile dysfunction,
they have little value in FSD. Hormonal manipulation, while often helpful in FSD, must be
weighed very carefully against possible side
effects such as weight gain or cardiovascular
risks. Vacuum erection devices of the clitoris,
while available in women, have not been widely
used for clitoral engorgement and arousal disorders. Women with lubrication disorders can be
treated with estrogen vaginal cream or lubricants.
This often alleviates dyspareunia (painful intercourse) when present. Psychological counseling
and sexual therapy have remained at the forefront
of FSD related to sexual intimacy or psychologic
disorders. Often, a multispecialty approach is
most effective. Women suffering from FSD who
desire treatment are best treated with clinicians
specialized in the area.
Angelo E. Gousse, MD
Clinical Professor of Urology - Herbert Wertheim
College of Medicine - FIU
Voluntary Professor of Urology - University of
Miami , Miller School of Medicine
Director of Fellowship:Female Urology,Voiding
Dysfunction, Reconstruction
Memorial Hospital Miramar, South Broward
Hospital District
1951 SW 172 Avenue, Suite 305,
Miramar, FL, 33029
Tel: 954-362-2720 Fax: 954-362-2761
AUGUST 16 - 31, 2015 | VOL. 15 NO. 345
A Call to the Young Generation of Professionals to Pitch in
By Jonel Juste
"Young Haitian American
Professionals" was the theme
of a special event held by the
Haitian American Chamber
of Commerce of Florida
(HACCOF) on Aug 12, 2015
at Moca Café (738 NE 125 St
North Miami, FL, 33161).
The main goal was to invite
young professionals to contribute to the progress of the
community, according to
Numerous professionals in
the Haitian American community attended the HACCOF event last Wednesday
(August 13) including businessmen, lawyers, physicians, managers, nurses, and
media personalities such as
Elizabeth Guerin and Jacques
Cassagnol. For the young
professionals, it was a good
occasion to meet the elders,
make themselves known, and
pitch their businesses.
The ceremony started with an
Chairman Jeff Lozama. "The
goal of the event is first to
honor the pioneers, the trailblazers in the Haitian community. They laid the foundation so that today we can
Commerce and all sorts of
professional organizations in
the community."
The second goal, continued
Mr. Lozama, was to introduce the new generation of
Haitian-American professionals. "We want to identify
the young professionals so
we can pass the baton to
them. And just by seeing the
number of young professionals who attended the event,
we can confirm that the
Haitian community is strong
and has a bright future
ahead," he proudly stated.
Many Haitian-American professionals were honored during the event. They received
plaques of appreciation for
their contribution to community advancement.
Through this event, the
Haitian-American Chamber
of Commerce of Florida
wanted to make an inventory
of the young professionals
and call them to bring their
expertise and contribute to
the progress of the Haitian
American community in
Florida and Haiti.
Jeff Lozama asked the elders
to accept these young professionals and called to the community to use their services.
"If they are doctors, go to
their clinics; if they're
lawyers, businessmen, go to
their offices; that's one way
to encourage them and build
up a solid community."
Some young professionals
One of the goals of the event was to invite young professionals to contribute to the progress of the community, according to HACCOF Board Chairman Jeff Lozama. Credit Gerry Brierre Photography
spoke that night. Lody Jean,
from the Mission of
Professionals, called to unity
among Haitian-American
professionals "that are everywhere now." Other young
professionals such as Linda
Julien, Kara Vaval, and
Hudson Robillard also made
their voices heard.
One of the highlights of the
ceremony was the recognition of the Delegation to
AmCham (Haiti). Board
Chairman Jeff Lozama was
honored as well. The HACCOF welcomed some new
members Wednesday such as
Medical Center, World
(Corporates), Phytogenics,
LCC (Prefered), Kathy Lynn
Fitzpatrick, and Haven US
Haiti wants to collaborate
with us.
The event was about honoring the trailblazers and introducing the young professionals, but it was also about giving back and helping the
motherland, Haiti. "They talk
about investing in Haiti but
until we bring the brains to
Haiti, it's not going anywhere," stated Jeff Lozama.
"Haiti is ready to collaborate
with us. So let's unite and
speak with one voice,"
declared Kara Vaval, a mem-
ber of HACCOF who was
part of a delegation that made
a trip to Haiti last June. She
added, "Yap pran peyi a nan
men nou e nap soti bèk
chèch" (we will be dispossessed of our own country
and we'll come out emptyhanded).
Chamber of Commerce of
Florida (HAACOF) serves a
resource for its members,
partners and businesses, dedicated to serving their needs
and the economic development of the broader Haitian
American Community.
AUGUST 16 - 31, 2015 | VOL. 15 NO. 345
Conquering The Giants: Haitian Christians Made History!
"What a great conference!"
exclaimed a young woman while
leaving the Bank United Center
on Sunday August 2nd, the last
day of the miracle conference
"Conquering the Giants" organized by Tabernacle of Glory pastored by Gregory Toussaint.
Many recognized it was the first
time Haitian Christians pulled off
such a mega event in Miami for
God's glory.
"How many churches pulled off this
mega event"? "Just one. Tabernacle of
Glory. A Haitian church", was the
answer. Others added it was the first
time something like this was done in
the Haitian Christian community. "Well
done"! congratulated Martha, an
African American. "And you see people from different ethnicities; that also
was a terrific thing", she added.
Definitely, Haitian Christians made
history this summer.
Inspiration led by Cheraky Toussaint.
From July 30th to August 2nd, tens of
thousands of people from diverse backgrounds, nationalities, colors, ages and
languages flocked to the Bank United
Center (1245 Dauer Drive, Coral
Gables, FL 33146) to participate in the
Tabernacle of Glory's multicultural
conference "Conquering the Giants".
"It's not easy to pull off such a mega
event in Miami which is one the less
evangelized city in America. 10% of
the population claims to be religious",
explains Pastor Gregory Toussaint.
"Well-known preachers such as Joel
Osteen, TD Jakes or Creflo Dollar tried
to hold crusades here but they failed. If
we could do it, it's because of God's
grace and favor", he continues.
People came from far away to take part
in the conference. A whole family of 3
came from France especially for it.
"We heard of Pastor Gregory and his
ministry at ICC (Impact Centre
Chretien) church (France). We
searched Pastor Greg on the Internet
and found out about the conference.
That's why we are here", they said.
People came from Haiti, Canada,
Switzerland, the Caribbean and, of
course, from all over the United States
to be part of the "Conquering the
giants" conference in Coral Gables,
The 4-day conference grandly ended
40 days of fasting launched on June
23rd at North Miami Senior High
Auditorium (13110 NE 8th Ave, North
Miami, FL 33161). During the 36 first
days of fasting in the North Miami
auditorium, many giants fell down such
as lust, anger, jealousy, poverty etc. To
end the 40 days, the Conference was
held at the Bank United Center, which
could accommodate 8000 people.
Sunday August 2nd was the apotheosis
of the conference that ended with a
miracle healing service led by Pastor
Benny Hinn who preached on the
power of the blood of Jesus.
"Everything I touch is covered by the
blood. The blood gives me favor", he
said. Many were healed that night and
the healing anointing was thick in the
Haitian Christians made History
Many participants were amazed at the
conference organization. Some asked,
Pastor Toussaint adds that the success
of the Conquering the Giants
Conference sheds a positive light on
the Haitian community. "It shows that
Haitians don't just practice voodoo;
many of them can serve God with
"The worship and the speakers
were great"
The 4-day miracle conference has been
a blessing to many. Some said having
been blessed by both the guest speakers
and the guest artists. "The worship was
good and the speakers were great", said
Jacky, a Hispanic woman.
Many participants were happy to hear
live in Miami Sinach, the well-anointed Nigerian artist who sings, "I know
who I am" and "Awesome". They also
worshipped with Micah Stampley
("Heaven on Earth"), Phil Driscoll,
Ben Hur and the band Voice of
The participants could hear the
prophetic words of Prophet Brian Carn
who prophesied Thursday and Friday
on the lives of many. He also taught on
"How to flow on the Prophetic".
"People are afraid of prophecy because
they fear it may not happen. However
when you prophesy according to the
Word of God you can never go wrong",
taught Prophet Carn.
"The 4 days of Conference have been a
blessing. Everything combined to
make it great, either the worship or the
Word. The Lord has manifested his
presence", testified Yvette. "It was
great conference. I have been blessed
particularly by the worship and
Benny's message on the blood of
Jesus", said Mary from Jacksonville.
According to Amlet, the 4-day conference was "phenomenal". "That's not
something you find everyday in Miami.
Congratulations to Tabernacle of Glory
and Pastor Gregory Toussaint."
Prayer for Haiti and Dominican
One of the highlights of the conference
was when Pastor Gregory Toussaint
and Pastor John Santana jointly prayed
for Haiti and Dominican Republic.
They prayed particularly for peace and
harmony between the two countries.
The multiethnic conference gathered
Christians of different nationalities,
including Haitians and Dominicans
who, far from any discrimination and
hatred, were praising God with one
voice and a one heart. Haitians and
Dominicans must conquer the giants of
racial hatred and division, advanced
one of the organizers.
Multilingual conference
Many languages were spoken at the
Conquering the Giants Conference.
The participants could worship, pray
and hear uplifting and spirit-filled
teachings about dreams, faith, prophecy and finances in many languages.
The Dominican Pastor Ruddy Gracia
preached in Spanish, Yvan Castanou
preached in French, Pastors Rimsky
and Borneon worshipped and prayed in
Creole, Pastor Benny Hinn, Prophet
Brian Carn, Phil Driscoll, and Dr Mike
Murdock preached or taught in
English. The participants appreciated
this effort from the organizers to speak
various languages. "I don't speak
English very well, and I appreciated the
fact that some speakers spoke Spanish
and that there was translation devices",
said Maria.
Finally, the greatest of miracles happened when hundreds of people gave
their lives to Jesus Saturday and
Sunday night after the altar call by
Pastor Benny Hinn. "Salvation is the
greatest miracle", concluded Pastor
Jonel Juste
AUGUST 16 - 31, 2015 | VOL. 15 NO. 345
Conquering The Giants 2015 | Picture Gallery
AUGUST 16 - 31, 2015 | VOL. 15 NO. 345
AUGUST 16 - 31, 2015 | VOL. 15 NO. 345
The JNL South Dade Jitney is History in the Making for Haitians
continued from page 1
Many of the immigrants here
don't have a driver's license
and others can't afford to purchase or maintain a vehicle.
The traditional public transportation system works well
in many cases, but there are
gaps that leave people to
walk extensive distances or
wait inordinate amounts of
time for the next ride. Now
Haitians have worked together to revolutionize the transit
Miami-Dade County.
The First Jitney Service
A group of Haitian-American
entrepreneurs noted that
there were limits to the current public transportation,
with long lines of people
waiting for limited buses.
They identified the street
corners where more people
had difficulty getting to work
or back home and help deliver the areas first jitney service.
These entrepreneurs believe
that this new service will
offer a quicker and more convenient alternative for thousands of residents on a daily
basis, including on weekends.
The First Steps to Reality
Vision alone isn't enough to
bring exceptionalism to people. It requires steps in a
lengthy process, especially in
today's modern government
bureaucracy. Mrs. Roselia
Julien, better known to many
as Sister Rose, helped to
make those first steps for the
jitney service a reality.
She is a 20 year experienced
jitney driver and, under
Chapter 31, Article III of the
Miami-Dade County charter,
she was able to successfully
obtain a Passenger Motor
Carrier (PMC) Certificate of
Transportation with MiamiDade County. The County
approved her application due
to her lengthy experience and
minority status.
Mrs. Roselia Julien aka Sister
Rose addressing the audience.
Florida City Mayor Otis T. Wallace addressing the audience. Commissioner Eugene D. Berry (left) and Commissioner R.S. Shiver (r).
Partial view of the attendees after the official ribbon-cutting ceremony
Mrs. Julien also submitted
maps of the proposed routes
with her application and the
Miami-Dade Transit Agency
carefully reviewed it. Mrs.
Julien also underwent an
intense financial and criminal background check.
Funding the Project
Patrick Maignan is one of the
most respected HaitianAmerican
throughout the Miami-Dade
County and is one of the
Haitians within the big picture with regard to entrepreneurship in the region.
Mr. Maignan managed to
convince a couple of his colleagues about the benefits
and rewards of this proposed
jitney project and with his
track record of success picking winners, it didn't take
long for others to jump on
board without hesitation.
continued from page 14
Patrick Maignan is one of the most respected Haitian-American entrepreneurs throughout the Miami-Dade County. All of the logos and wrap
designs on the buses were done by Xpert Signs-Print, a well-known
Haitian owned company in Miami that specializes in graphic designs and
AUGUST 16 - 31, 2015 | VOL. 15 NO. 345
The JNL South Dade Jitney is History in the Making for Haitians
continued from page 13
He also managed to secure more than
two dozen buses that were in good
condition along with a loan to help get
this project off the ground.
Executive Director for the Center of
Haitian Studies, Dr. Laurinus "Larry"
Pierre, Chief of Staff Gerard
Philippeaux, Office of Chairman
(Miami-Dade County District 2) Jean
Monestime, and Haitian physician Dr.
Danel Cedent were also well-known
Haitian personalities from the community who were in attendance for this
A Masterpiece Coming Together
Maignan received the first shipment of
buses on April 7, 2015 and the project
was managed so smoothly by him that
the first jitney company began serving
clients within 4 months. It took time to
get the buses painted with the company's official colors, to install all
required safety devices and accommodations in order to be compliant with
the laws and regulations of MiamiDade County transit, but it was well
worth the effort.
All of the logos and wrap designs on
the buses were done by Xpert SignsPrint, a well-known Haitian owned
company in Miami that specializes in
graphic designs and printing.
Inauguration Day
On Monday, August 3, 2015, invited
guests gathered at the City Hall in
Florida City to witness the inauguration of the JNL South Dade Jitney.
Mayor Otis T. Wallace, Vice Mayor
R.S. Shiver, Commissioner Eugene D.
Berry, and Police Chief Pedro W.
Taylor were among the authorities in
attendance for this grand event. It was
held from 10:30am until 1pm and
though Miami-Dade Commissioner
Dennis C. Moss (District 9) could not
be there, he was represented by a staff
The event was MC'd by Chantal
Honore. She welcomed guests and
provided a short introduction about the
importance of such an event, and company, for the South Dade community.
She then made way for a local pastor
who conducted the invocation and
prayed to the Lord to guide the
investors in their endeavors as well as
to protect the employees and the drivers who will be working those streets
every day.
Then Mr. Patrick Maignan, Chairman
of the company, was introduced. He
first gave credit to God for his blessings to help make this project a reality
in such a short amount of time. He
then recognized the persistent effort of
Sister Rose, describing her as someone
with numerous years of experience in
the public transportation system.
"The most fundamental impacts of
transportation relate to the physical
capacity to convey passengers and
goods and the associated costs to support this mobility. Mobility is one of
the most fundamental and important
characteristics of economic activity as
it satisfies the basic need of going
from one location to the other," Mr.
Maignan said.
"We are confident customers will
enjoy travelling in comfort on board
our buses. Jitney is a cheap and convenient transportation alternative. We
aren't just giving rides to people; we
provide a service to the community,"
he added.
Mr. Maignan also thanked those who
shared his vision to revolutionize
transportation throughout South
Miami-Dade County.
Following Mr. Maignan, Sister Rose
thanked God for making this new jitney company a reality and then
thanked those in attendance for spending their afternoon celebrating the
launch of this endeavor. She also
offered gratitude to the Board of
Commissioners for approving the
She said, "Customer service is very
important for us at this company. We
will not deceive you. You can count on
us for a reliable and safe service 7 days
a week. Keep JNL Jitney and especially those drivers in your prayers." She
then implored the audience to give
Patrick Maignan a standing ovation,
which they willingly offered.
Mayor Wallace then spoke to the
crowd. He said, "I am very pleased to
be here to welcome the first jitney
service company in South Dade. I
wish to congratulate the owners of this
company and the many people
involved in building this project up for
choosing to bring this service to our
city for our residents.
"The presence of this service will definitely help our city move forward and
will benefit the general population. I
wish the owners continued success
and thank them for their vision."
Once the Mayor concluded his
remarks, the audience was asked to
move to the parking lot where a dozen
buses were parked. There the ribbon
was cut by Patrick Maignan, Sister
Rose, Mckinley Lauriston, Jean Gardy
France, marketing director for the
company at 12:14pm.
DJ Marc Edner entertained the crowd
with a mix of Caribbean pop music.
Food and drinks were also served.
The New Route
The new jitney service route will run
from Palm Drive, 344 Street (at the
parking location around Florida City's
City Hall) north to SW 88th
Street/North Kendall Drive, Dadeland
Mall. This route is approximately 27.5
miles. It will run daily from 5:30am
until 8:00pm and will cost $2 each
way. Exact change will be needed as
drivers will not make change.
Dessalines Ferdinand
Haïti : incidents et retards lors des élections législatives vivement critiquées
... suite de la première page
La logistique du prochain jour de vote,
prévu pour le 25 octobre, s'annonce un
véritable casse-tête, reconnait Elena
Valenciano. "Il faut bien penser que les
prochaines élections se font avec sept
urnes, probablement avec un taux de
participation plus élevé: il sera très difficile de permettre aux gens de voter en
liberté et en secret dans nombre des
endroits que nous avons visités
dimanche", s'inquiète-t-elle.
Des arrangements informels ont été
noués, mais ils n'ont pas empêché les
conflits depuis l'ouverture des bureaux
de vote : certaines personnes mandatées accusant les autorités de ne
laisser entrer que les représentants des
partis proches du pouvoir, dont Parti
Haïtien Tèt Kale (PHTK) du président
Martelly et VERITE de l'ancien président René Préval.
La mission d'observation électorale de
l'Union européenne critique la précarité
de l'organisation du scrutin, jugé non
démocratique par les organisations haïtiennes de défense des droits de
Pierre Espérance, directeur exécutif du
Réseau national de défense des droits
humains (RNDDH), assure que "ce qui
s'est passé le 9 août est un accroc à la
démocratie en Haïti. Les droits du peuple haïtien ont été bafoués".
Parlant au nom du collectif d'organisations haïtiennes de droits humains,
Pierre Espérance condamne la passivité
des forces de l'ordre. "Avec la complicité de la police et de la justice haïtienne, des individus sont entrés dans les
centres de vote avec des armes automatiques pour empêcher les citoyens de
voter", dit-il. Après la fermeture du
scrutin dimanche soir, Pierre-Louis
Opont, le président du Conseil électoral
provisoire (CEP), a reconnu que "4%
des centres de vote ont été affectés par
des actes de violence", tout en se
déclarant "globalement satisfait" de la
journée de vote.
"Même s'il y a eu des incidents dans
quelques centres de vote, en général les
problèmes se corrigent " a nuancé plus
loin, auprès de l'AFP, Mme Elena
Le scrutin du dimanche 9 août 2015 est le premier depuis l'arrivée au pouvoir du président
Michel Martelly, en mai 2011. Photo WikiMedia (RoyFocker12)
En raison de l'exiguïté de la majorité
des locaux accueillant des bureaux de
vote et à cause de la précarité des
isoloirs, faits de petits panneaux en
plastique de quelques dizaines de centimètres de haut, les électeurs n'ont pas
été en mesure de voter dans le secret
requis, selon ces voix critiques. "En
2015, on ne peut pas organiser des
élections comme ça en Haïti", s'énerve
Pierre Espérance. "Les autorités haïtiennes doivent beaucoup plus de respect
pour le peuple haïtien".
"On a visité des centres de vote qui
étaient vraiment très petits et où, forcément, les isoloirs et les listes étaient sur
la même table", reconnait pour sa part
Elena Valenciano, chef de la mission
d'observation électorale de l'Union
européenne. "Il suffit qu'un seul
Haïtien n'ait pas pu exercer son droit de
vote pour que ce soit un soucis pour
nous", souligne-t-elle. "Le pays a beaucoup de problèmes d'infrastructures,
avec tous les centres qui ont été détruits et pas encore reconstruits. C'est
vraiment presque une logistique de
guerre celle que nous observons ici en
Haïti", selon la parlementaire
La mission d'observation électorale
mandatée par l'Union européenne va
rester en Haïti jusqu'à la fin du processus électoral. D'ici la fin de l'année, les
électeurs haïtiens ont à élire l'ensemble
de leurs députés, deux tiers du sénat,
tous les maires et les élus locaux ainsi
que le successeur du président
Le porte-parole du conseil électoral
provisoire (CEP) Richardson Dumel
s'est cependant montré optimiste.
"Nous constatons les ouvertures tardives, causées surtout par l'arrivée tardive du personnel affecté aux bureaux
de vote, mais nous allons rattraper ce
retard au cours de la journée ," avait-il
déclaré à la mie-journée.
D'après les premières estimations, seuls
15% des citoyens avaient l'intention
d'aller voter. De plus, la majorité des
citoyens affirment qu'ils ne savent rien
sur les candidats en lice. Selon le calendrier électoral, le verdict de ce premier
tour des scrutins législatifs sera rendu
public le 19 août. Les partis politiques
et candidats auront alors trois jours
pour contester les résultats. Après
délibération par les tribunaux électoraux, les résultats définitifs devraient
être publiés le 8 septembre.
Le Floridien avec AFP
AUGUST 16 - 31, 2015 | VOL. 15 NO. 345
Haïti-Élections-Fraudes: L’OPL appelle le CEP à
sanctionner les partis proches du pouvoir
Le coordonnateur de l’Organisation du peuple en
lutte, Sauveur Pierre Etienne appelle le CEP à sévir
contre tous ceux qui ont perturbé le vote du 9 août
dernier. Se démarquant des partis politiques qui réclament l’annulation du premier tour des législatives,
compte tenu de l’ampleur des fraudes, l’organisation
du peuple en lutte se dit dans l’attente des résultats,
arguant que le Conseil électoral est libre de décider.
Pour l’OPL, comme pour d’autres partis politiques, la
journée électorale du 9 août est quasiment un gâchis.
Un crime de lèse-souveraineté, dit-il, pour qualifier
les actes de violences et les saccages de centre de
vote qui ont marqué le scrutin dans certains départements comme l’Ouest, l’Artibonite, le Sud-est, le
Centre, le Nord, le Nord-est et le Nord-ouest.
Selon l’OPL, les fauteurs de trouble étaient les candidats et les partisans de candidats de partis politiques
du pouvoir qui ont agi à visage découvert. Sur le banc
des accusés se trouvent : le PHTK, Bouclier, Ayiti an
action et d’autres plateformes politiques de
De faux observateurs seraient responsables
de fraudes massives selon le RNDDH et CNO
De nombreux candidats et des responsables d'organisation de la société civile dénoncent des cas de
fraudes massives et d'irrégularités durant les législatives du 9 août 2015. Dans les medias de nombreux
candidats ont fait état de bourrages d'urnes dans
plusieurs circonscriptions. Ils réclament l'annulation
du scrutin dans ces régions tandis que d'autres candidats revendiquent la victoire. Les candidats mecontents dénoncent l'implication des mandataires des
partis politiques dans les fraudes, les irrégularités et
les violences.
De leur coté les responsables d'organisation de la
société civile font valoir que de faux observateurs
étaient également impliqués dans les fraudes. Le
Réseau National de Défense des Droits Humains
(RNDDH), le Conseil National d'Observation (CNO)
et le Conseil Haïtien des Acteurs Non Etatiques
(CONHANE) révèlent que des organisations n'ayant
rien à voir avec l'observation électorale telles
MIRADE, MINO, MINOEH, avaient reçu des
accréditations du Conseil Electoral Provisoire (CEP).
" Ces observateurs étaient en fait des mandataires de
partis politiques qui achetaient les votes dans les
bureaux, précise les responsables du RNDDH et du
Des violences post -électorales recensées
dans plusieurs villes
Des tensions post électorales sont signalées à St Marc
dans l'Artibonite et à Mirebalais dans le département
du Centre. Des sources locales évoquent un début de
manifestation à Mirebalais où plusieurs candidats à la
députation de partis différents dénoncent le mauvais
déroulement du premier tour des élections législatives du dimanche 9 août.
Des citoyens se sont joints aux candidats pour con-
tester le dépouillement qui est en train de s'effectuer
alors que des irrégularités ont été constatées, dans des
centres durant le vote. Même cas de figure, dans la
matinée à Saint Marc, dans le département de
l'Artibonite, où des barricades de pneus enflammés
ont été érigées dans plusieurs rues de la ville. Des tirs
nourris ont été également entendus, ce qui a provoqué
une vive tension dans la citée de Nissage Saget.
mercredi (12 août) à l'arrestation de 3 candidats
à Mirebalais pour incitation à la violence et à la
dégradation d'édifices publics et détention illégale
d'arme à feu.
Les candidats à la députation de la Plateforme Pitit
Desalin, de Fanmi Lavalas et de la plateforme Verite
ont été conduits à la prison civile de Mirebalais.
L'OEA salue le bon déroulement du scrutin
Le chef de la mission d'observation électorale de
l'Organisation des Etats Américains (OEA), Enrique
Castillo, a félicité les autorités haïtiennes qui ont réalisé dimanche 9 août le premier tour des élections législatives avec la participation de la grande majorité
des forces politiques.
L'ex ministre des affaires étrangères du Costa Rica a
admis que le taux de participation des électeurs était
faible sur l'ensemble du pays. Il recommande la réalisation de campagnes d'éducation civique en vue
d'augmenter le taux de participation des électeurs lors
des prochains tours de scrutin.
En dépit des incidents violents dans certaines régions,
les 28 observateurs de l'OEA ont noté que la majorité
des centres de vote ont pu boucler leurs opérations.
Selon M. Castillo ce scrutin représente un pas en
avant dans les efforts pour consolider la démocratie
en Haïti.
Les observateurs de l'OEA, originaires de 12 pays,
resteront en Haïti afin d'observer le déroulement du
processus de décompte des votes. D'autres missions
d'observation de l'OEA seront déployées en Haïti lors
de la présidentielle d'octobre 2015.
La rentrée des classes est prévue,
pour le lundi 7 septembre 2015.
Dans le cadre de l'application des 12 mesures visant
notamment à une meilleure gestion des écoles
publiques, la Direction générale du ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de la Formation professionnelle
(MENFP) rappelle, que plusieurs dispositions ont été
adoptées en vue d'une meilleure régulation des effectifs. Ainsi : Le nombre
d'élèves par salle de
classe dans les lycées, à
partir de la rentrée 2015,
pour l'année académique
2015-2016 ne doit pas
être supérieur à 60.
Le recrutement pour les
places disponibles se fera
sur la base d'un concours
; Les frais de participation des postulants à tout
doivent s'élever à cent
(100) gourdes au plus.
3 candidats arrêtés à
La PNH a procédé hier
Des tensions post électorales sont signalées à St Marc
dans le département de l'artibonite et dans d'autres
régions du pays. L'ex colonel Himmler Rébu prévoit
une situation de violence généralisée à travers le pays
lorsque les résultats du premier tour des législatives
seront rendus publics. L'ancien leader du GREH
doute de la capacité de la police nationale à contenir
une telle violence dans tout le pays. Par ailleurs monsieur Rébu estime que les membres du CEP vont
devoir faire preuve de force morale devant le défi qui
va se présenter à eux.
Haïti - Culture : J-9 CARIFESTA XII
dévoile sa programmation
La Direction artistique de CARIFESTA XII a soumis
une version du programme des manifestations qui se
tiendront du 21 au 30 août dans le département de
l’Ouest, à Jacmel, aux Cayes, aux Gonaïves et au
Cap-Haïtien. Des dizaines d’artistes, de créateurs,
d’artisans connus et moins connus y figurent.
Emeline Michel, James Germain, Erol Josué, le
groupe Tabou Combo, Mikaband, J Perry sont sur la
liste des artistes choisis côté Haïtien. Parmi les
artistes et groupes caribéens qui y participeront,
citons: la Barbadienne Alisson Hinds, Tammy
Baldeo, Julia Varis, artiste très connue au Mexique,
Ophélia Marie, grande figure de la Dominique ;
Biggie, une idole à la Barbade, Antigua DBurnz et
Flash Mob Barbados, Anthony Drew etc.
Les artistes et groupes haïtiens Emeline Michel,
James Germain, Erol Josué, Bethova Obas, Jerrie
Longchamp, Carole Demesmin, l’Ecole de danse
Lynn William Rouzier, le Ballet Bacoulou, Haiti
Dansco, Ayiti Chœur de femme, Tabou Combo qui
participeront à la cérémonie d’ouverture le 21 août.
Australie : un retraité de 91 ans
accusé de trafic de cocaïne
Est-il une «mule» qui nie après s'être fait attrapé ou
la victime d'un réseau international de traficants ? Un
ancien chirurgien-dentiste de Sydney de 91 ans
accusé d'avoir tenté d'importer en Australie 4,5 kg de
cocaïne dissimulée dans des pains de savon a comparu mardi devant la justice de son pays.
Le retraité a expliqué à ABC Australia à son arrivée
au tribunal ne pas savoir qu'il transportait plus de 4,5
kilogrammes de cocaïne lorsqu'il avait été interpellé
alors qu'il débarquait d'un vol en provenance de New
Delhi en Inde. Mais la police a prévenu que ce n'était
pas une raison et mis en garde les voyageurs contre le
risque d'être utilisés comme «mules» à leur insu.
À l'arrivée du prévenu Victor Twartz à Sydney, la
police a découvert 27 paquets de savon. «Les tests se
sont révélés positifs à la cocaïne» selon les douanes.
«Dire qu'on ne sait pas qu'on transporte de la drogue
dans ses bagages ne veut pas dire qu'on n'est pas passible de poursuites pénales», a averti le commissaire
adjoint par intérim Wayne Buchhorn. Le fils du
prévenu a expliqué que son père, très religieux selon
lui, avait reçu les savons à la dernière minute en
cadeau de la signature d'un important et obscur contrat lié à un héritage. Les gens sont responsables de
leurs bagages, a renchéri Tim Fitzgerald, commandant régional de la police aux frontières. Ce retraité
risque la prison à perpétuité.
Mexique : cinq morts dans une explosion
sur un gazoduc
Au moins cinq personnes ont perdu la vie mardi dans
l'explosion d'un gazoduc appartenant à la compagnie
pétrolière publique du Mexique Pemex, ont rapporté
les autorités locales, évoquant un accident causé par
un branchement clandestin sur la conduite.
L'explosion est survenue dans les environs de la ville
de Monterrey (nord).
AUGUST 16 - 31, 2015 | VOL. 15 NO. 345
Italie : un chef de la mafia en fuite
arrêté sur une plage
Son nom figurait sur la liste des 100 criminels en
fuite les plus dangereux en Italie. Giuseppe
Ammendola, un parrain de la Camorra, la mafia
napolitaine, a été arrêté mercredi alors qu'il bronzait
sur une plage près de Rome, selon les médias italiens.
gression, dans laquelle un homme est roué de coups
en pleine rue en raison de son homosexualité présumée, avait suscité l'indignation. On y voyait la
jeune victime tenter en vain de trouver refuge dans un
taxi, avant d'être frappée à de multiples reprises par
une petite foule, y compris après s'être écroulée au
Recherché depuis 2012, il avait loué un appartement
avec sa famille dans la petite cité balnéaire de
Torvaianica (sud de Rome) pour y passer quelques
jours de vacances.
L'ancien président américain Jimmy Carter
révèle son cancer du foie
L'ancien président des Etats-Unis Jimmy Carter, âgé
de 90 ans, est atteint d'un cancer du foie qui se
propage, a-t-il révélé dans un communiqué mercredi.
Surnommé «Peppe 'o Guaglione («Peppe le gamin»),
chef du clan Contini-Licciardi, il est accusé d'extorsion, de blanchiment d'argent et d'appartenance à une
organisation mafieuse. Il n'était pas armé quand la
police est venue l'arrêter et n'a pas opposé de résistance.
Colombie : 16 policiers morts dans le crash
d'un hélicoptère
Une opération de la police colombienne contre des
narcotrafiquants a tourné au drame pour les forces de
l'ordre. Seize policiers sont morts mardi lorsque leur
hélicoptère s'est écrasé dans le nord-ouest de la
Colombie, pendant une opération contre le Clan
Usuga, principale organisation de narcotrafiquants du
pays, selon la police nationale.
L'accident est survenu «au cours d'une offensive
menée dans le cadre de l'opération Agamemnon, contre le Clan Usuga». «Un appareil de type Blackhawk
s'est écrasé entre Carepa et Chigorodo», dans la
région d'Antioquia, au Nord-Ouest, a indiqué la
Cinq corps calcinés ont été trouvés sur les lieux.
Aucun blessé n'a été signalé. Les autorités ont rapporté que des engins de perforation ont également été
découverts sur place, laissant penser à une tentative
de branchement clandestin. L'explosion est survenue
vers 17H00 locales (22H00 GMT) et à la fin de la
journée, le sinistre était maîtrisé. Deux hélicoptères
ont notamment été mobilisés.
Maroc : les agresseurs d'un homosexuel
condamnés à 4 mois ferme
Deux hommes ont été condamnés jeudi (13 août) à
quatre mois de prison ferme pour leur implication
dans une agression homophobe à Fès, dans le centre
du Maroc. «Le juge a ordonné l'incarcération des
agresseurs quatre mois ferme et le versement d'une
amende de 500 dirhams (près de 53 euros)», a déclaré
Mustapha Jebbour, un responsable local de
l'Association marocaine des droits humains (AMDH,
indépendante). Le tribunal a également demandé le
«versement d'un dirham symbolique» comme il a été
réclamé par la victime.
Dans un communiqué, Pemex a signalé avoir observé
une baisse de pression dans le gazoduc dans la localité de Garcia, à environ 40 km de Monterrey,
troisième ville du Mexique.
Les deux personnes condamnées étaient jugées
depuis le 9 juillet dans le cadre d'un procès médiatique, où quelque 70 avocats se sont mobilisés en
soutien à la victime. La diffusion de la vidéo de l'a-
Une opération chirurgicale destinée à retirer une
tumeur au foie «a révélé que je suis atteint d'un cancer qui se propage à d'autres parties de mon corps».
«Je vais réorganiser mon emploi du temps pour subir
les traitements nécessaires», indique dans ce texte M.
Carter, qui fut président des Etats-Unis de 1977 à
Le nonagénaire est resté actif, conduisant de nombreuses missions d'observation électorale. Fin avril et
début mai, il s'était rendu à Moscou, puis dans les
Territoires palestiniens et en Israël. A la mi-mai, il
avait toutefois abrégé un déplacement au Guyana
pour raison de santé.
Libye : critiqué par les téléspectateurs,
le Premier ministre démissionne en direct
C'est un fait rarissime ! Critiqué, harcelé, le Premier
ministre libyen reconnu par la communauté internationale, Abdallah al-Theni a annoncé sa démission
surprise mardi soir au cours d'une interview télévisée,
a rapporté l'agence de presse libyenne LANA loyale
au gouvernement. Cette annonce intervient alors
qu'une nouvelle session de pourparlers de paix interlibyens s'est tenue mardi aux Nations unies, à
Genève, sous la direction de l'émissaire de l'ONU en
Libye Bernardino Leon, qui tente d'arracher un
accord pour un gouvernement d'union nationale.
«Le Premier ministre libyen Abdallah al-Theni a
annoncé (...) sa démission en direct» pendant un talk
show sur une chaîne télévisée libyenne. Il soumettra
officiellement sa démission au Parlement dimanche.
Durant le talk show, Abdallah al-Theni a essuyé un
feu de critiques de téléspectateurs sur l'incurie de son
gouvernement, incapable d'assurer des services de
base comme l'électricité ou de mettre fin à l'insécurité
dans les zones sous son contrôle. Le Premier ministre
rétorque alors: «Si ma démission est la solution, alors
je l'annonce ici».
AUGUST 16 - 31, 2015 | VOL. 15 NO. 345
Mwen santi mwen kontan
anpil chak fwa mwen genyen
chans pou m pataje ake nou
kichòy sou lasante anba
tonèl jounal Le Floridien…
Kanmarad kòman nou ye la?
Mwen kwè nou trè byen gras
a bon Dje nan syèl.
Nou kapab rive remake yon
moun ap kouri tou touni nan
lari, se kapab yon lòt pwoblèm moun sa genyen, se pa tout fwa
nou wè yon moun tou touni se fou moun sa fou - se kapab chòk
annapre yon nouvo dwòg k ap taye bannda nan tout Etazini,
yon nouvo dwòg yo rele FLAKKA. Mo ki soti nan jagon
panyòl/spanish: Bèl fanm, fanm ki seksi, fanm ki chame tout
moun. Se sa mo FLAKKA a vle di. Dwòg sa soti nan peyi
Lachin/China ak peyi Lend/India dapre gwo zotobre/DEA.
Dwòg sa fè antre li san ti mouchwa Ozetazini/USA nan yon
lanne moun pa vrèman konnen, men se nan fen lanne 2013
otorite/DEA nan peyi meriken kòmanse dekouvri dwòg
FLAKKA ki pi terib pase ewoyin/Heroine, pase kokayin, etc.
FLAKKA sanble tèt koupe ak sèl lanmè, li genyen yon koulè
blan, li bay lè yon ti grenn wòch rivyè kèk fwa. Yo vann
FLAKKA pi ba pri pase ni kokayin, ni ewoyin. Li bay plis feeling pase yo 2 a. Feeling li dire plis tan. Yo konn rive vann nan
Eta Florid yon gram pou $100 a $200. Lò yon moun pran abitid
konsome dwòg sa li kapab rive pèdi plis pase 50 liv nan mwens
pase 6 mwa. Moun sa kapab rive rete san dòmi pou plis pase 8
a 10 jou. Dwòg FLAKKA bay moun k ap konsome li anpil fòs,
li fè moun sa vin vyolan. Konsomatè FLAKKA yo konn santi
yo cho, yo retire rad sou yo, pran kouri kòmkwa dire moun ou
byen bèt sovaj/fewòs ap kouri dèyè do yo. Dwòg sa konn rive
touye moun k ap konsome li.
Daprè lapolis, moun yo arete akoz FLAKKA pa rete pou anpil
tan nan prison/jail paske yo poko tabli lwa sou pinisyon yo
dwe bay konsomatè sa yo. Lapolis nan peyi meriken poko rive
kreye yon tès/test pou detèkte moun ki anba zefè dwòg sa - sa
ki vle di, si yon moun pran FLAKKA pa genyen yon tès/test k
ap fè lapolis konnen se ekzakteman FLAKKA moun sa konsomen. Se gras a chòk annapre yo lapolis kapab rive detèkte si
moun sa anba zefè FLAKKA ou non.
Nenpòt moun Ozetazini kapab rive kòmande/order FLAKKA
via entènèt nan peyi Lachin/China ou byen nan peyi
Lend/India san pwoblèm e dwòg sa ap rive antre Ozetazini via
UPS. Rezon ki fè FLAKKA kapab rive antre Ozetazini lib e
libè se paske pwodiktè ki an Chin ou byen Lend voye dwòg sa
Ozetazini sou fòm angrè/fertilizer, sou fòm pwodwi pou konbat moustik, sou fòm pwodwi pou netwaye twalèt, elatriye.
Anpil jèn soti 15 lanne rive 25 lanne Ozetazini kòmande/order
pa pil e pa pakèt FLAKKA via entènèt ou byen nan peyi
Lachin ou byen nan peyi Lend. Jèn sa yo vann FLAKKA nan
tout lekòl, nan tout katye ghetto, etc. Granmoun tou antre pa pil
e pa pakèt nan vann FLAKKA Ozetazini. Nan moman an la
vann FLAKKA se yonn nan biznis ki pi rantab Ozetazini
[Komès FLAKKA pa legal nan peyi meriken…] Achtè/buyer
meriken yo achte FLAKKA ba pri nan men pwodiktè Chinwa
ou byen nan men pwodiktè Endyen pou yo vin vann li an dola
Jouk jounen jodi otorite/DEA poko jwenn enfòmasyon si gwo
katèl dwòg USA yo genyen pye yo antre byen fon nan komès
FLAKKA sou tè Etazini.
Pou yon moun rive konnen FLAKKA fòk moun sa genyen bon
jan konesans nan chimi/chemistry paske li difisil pou yon senp
tès nan lang ou byen lòt kote kapab rive di w se FLAKKA ou
non. Tandiske, kokayin yon ti goute nan lang kapab ede yon
moun konnen si se farin ou byen si se kokayin.
Alisinasyon, dezilisyon, bouton sou po kò, doulè miskilè,
pwoblèm kè, pwoblèm pa dòmi, pèdi pwa/megri, lanmò, elatriye FLAKKA bay tout pwoblèm sa yo.
Paske otorite meriken kòmanse dekouvri prèske tout trik
FLAKKA, moun k ap vann pwodwi sa Ozetazini rive chanje
fòm FLAKKA. Yo rive mete dwòg sa sou fòm
sirèt/candy, sou fòm chiklèt/gum. Wou menm ki
papa ou byen manman veye pitit ou paske sirèt
ou byen chiklèt FLAKKA ap vann nan prèske
toupatou, nan prèske tout katye nan Sid Florida.
Veye tibebe nou pou moun pa ba yo sirèt FLAKKA - si non, n ap wè timoun nou yo ap genyen
anpil vye reyaksyon e yo konn menm vyolan
anndan kay la. Gwo save nan domèn sante di lò
kriz FLAKKA sele yon konsomatè si li pa jwenn
swen medikal adekwat e byen vit, moun sa
kapab rive pèdi lavi li, konsa tou Wakaflaka
Man ou Wakaflaka Woman nan kapab rive touye
yonn ou byen yon pakèt moun pap padap.
Mwen, kanmarad Jude Etienne, m ap sonnen
alam veyatif la nan kat kwen peyi Etazini bay
kominote Ayisyèn. Nou dwe veye timoun, jèn
nou yo, pale yo sou dega dwòg sa kapab fè nan
sante yo, nan lavi yo. Pale yo pou yo pa manje,
bwè, pran sirèt, chiklèt nan men moun yo pa
konnen, nan men moun yo pa fè kredi/trust.
FLAKKA se yon dwòg k ap fè chimen li
Ozetazini, yo poko jwenn mwayen pou yo
kanpe/stopper li. Menm lapolis pa kapab fasil
fasil detèkte FLAKKA paske li kapab sanble ak
plizyè kalite bagay nou abitye itilize pou lakay nou, jaden nou,
yo menm fabrike FLAKKA sou fòm chanpou, men se pa chanpou pou cheve, se chanpou pou moun konsome. Ayisyen, an
nou veye anwo, an nou veye anba paske chimen FLAKKA se
yon chimen ki pa genyen retounen. Chimen FLAKKA mennen
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Florida…mande pou Réné ou byen rele li nan (786) 702-9681.
Branche emisyon DWA PAM chak Madi 4h nan maten rive 5h
AM sou radio Mega 1700 AM ou byen nan cellphone nou:
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Map chèche sponsors pou emisyon radio a. Wou menm ki
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Mwen swete nou pase yon bon fen mwa Dawout anba pisans
Jeyova papa a.
Phone: (754) 244-3021
AUGUST 16 - 31, 2015 | VOL. 15 NO. 345
Le centenaire Thermitus Innocent Sanon,
père de l'évangéliste Sanon, est décédé à Boston
BOSTON, Mass -- L'évangéliste
Ramfils Thermitus Sanon, mieux
connu dans la communauté haïtienne
de Miami sous le nom de Frère
Sanon, a eu la douleur de perdre son
père Thermitus Innocent Sanon
décédé le dimanche 26 juillet 2015 à
l'âge de 103 ans, après une longue
maladie courageusement supportée.
Né à Corail (département de la Grand
'Anse), le défunt avait fait une longue
carrière à la Centrale autonome métropolitaine d'eau potable (CAMEP)
en tant qu'inspecteur avant de s'immigrer à Boston (Etats-Unis) en
1990 pour retrouver ses nombreux
enfants. M. Innocent a vécu ses
derniers jours dans une maison de
retraite médicalisée.
Les enfants du centenaire, adultes
depuis longtemps, se rappellent de
leur père comme quelqu'un d'aimant
et amusant. Innocent était un homme
réservé et profondément pieux. Il a
été, jusqu'au dernier instant, partic-
mémoire de ce que fut sa vie et des
différentes époques qu'il traversa.
Thermitus Innocent Sanon (en 1990), père
de l'évangéliste Ramfils Thermitus Sanon
(dit Frère Sanon) est décédé le dimanche 26
juillet 2015 à l'âge de 103 ans.
Photo courtoisie de la famille
ulièrement lucide et vif pour son
(bel) âge, selon son fils, l'évangéliste
Ramfils Sanon. Avec lui s'éteint la
Le gouvernement apporte un
appui aux taxis touristiques
Deux syndicats de chauffeurs de taxi ont bénéficié d'un
appui du ministère du Tourisme et des Industries
Créatives (MTIC). 6 nouveaux véhicules, des taxis
touristiques, ont été remis aux responsables de
l'Association des Chauffeurs Indépendants pour le
Développement du Tourisme (ACIDT) et de
l'Association des Chauffeurs Guide d'Haïti (ACGH).
En cette pénible circonstance, nous
adressons nos plus sincères condoléances à ses enfants : Evangéliste
Ramfils Thermitus Sanon, son
épouse Immaculée Sanon née Chery
et ses enfants Rashelle Sanon, Sherly
Dina Sanon et l'architecte Mme
Kerline Charles née Sanon; Marie
Marthe Sanon et sa fille Edwige
Sanon; Raymonde Sanon et sa fille
Karlyne Charles née Sanon;
Monique Sanon; Silotte Sanon et ses
enfants; Joseph N Sanon et ses
enfants; Olga Sanon et ses enfants
Miryana Sanon, Merlyne Sanon,
Jean Rony Sanon, Magalie Sanon.
À sa sœur Mme Lucille Rezil née
Sanon, ses cousines Yvane Sanon et
Yvane Simon.
Maria Sanon, Pierre Noel, Vanier
Noel, Elie Noel, Fréderic Noel,
Occenade Noel, Lefils Noel, Romain
Noel, Dr. Claude Rezil, Paul Rezil,
Jean Robert Rezil, Lionel Rezil,
Marie Carmel Rezil, Yanick Rezil,
Monette et Franquel
Les obsèques religieuses du très
regretté Thermitus Innocent Sanon
seront célébrées le mardi 24 août à
Saint Angela Church, 1548 Blue Hill
Avenue Mattapan, Mass 02126.
Les services funéraires et l'incinération du cadavre seront assurés par
Robert J. Lawler & Crosby Funeral
and Cremation Service (1803 Centre
Street West Roxbary, Mass 02132).
L'évangéliste Ramfils Thermitus
Sanon est joignable au numéro de
téléphone suivant: (786) 287-6586
À ses neveux et nièces : Nicholas
Sanon, Milot Sanon, Gustave Sanon,
Jean Marie Sanon, Clelouse Sanon,
Le projet d'accompagnement aux chauffeurs de taxis
touristiques de l'aire métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince,
vise à rendre fiable et sécuritaire le service de transports
de visiteurs à partir des hôtels de Pétion-Ville et du
La directrice générale du ministère du Tourisme, Mme
Maryse Noel, assure que le projet doit améliorer l'accueil des touristes étrangers. "Le MTIC s'est donné
comme tâche principale d'accompagner les chauffeurs
de ces associations en leur permettant d'avoir une formation bien appropriée et une flotte de voitures adaptées en
vue d'un service de transport touristique optimum aux
touristes qui font choix d'Haïti que nous promouvons
comme l'âme de la Caraïbe", a-t-elle insisté.
Le ministère du tourisme entend poursuivre un partenariat avec les chauffeurs guide dans le cadre des efforts
pour intensifier les activités touristiques. La
Coordonnatrice Adjointe du département de Promotion,
Voyages et Événements du MTIC, Mme Johanne
Barthelemy, fait remarquer que le projet comprend
également la fixation d'un tarif pour les différents circuits.
AUGUST 16 - 31, 2015 | VOL. 15 NO. 345
This space could be YOURS!
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L’ancien DG de la PNH et candidat à la présidence d’Haïti MARIO ANDRESOL (gauche) pose
pour une photo-souvenir avec son épouse et ses
trois fils le jour de l’inauguration de son quartier
général à Pétion-Ville.en vue de la campagne
électorale. Photo andresol
Vue du viaduc de Delmas (première route élevée en
Haïti) au niveau du carrefour de l’aéroport, inauguré le
vendredi 7 août 2015 par le président Martelly.
Facebook/Judson Jean-Louis
Sur cette photo, nous pouvons remarquer l’ancien gardien international
haïtien HENRY FRANCILLON (2è de
la droite), Roro Nelson (1er droite),
Captain Bill (milieu) et Nono Jean
Baptiste (2è gauche) lors des festivités organisées à Boston pour rendre
hommage aux anciennes gloires du
football haïtien le mois de juillet
écoulé.Photo contribution
Un BUREAU DE VOTE à Carrefourfeuilles lors des législatives partielles du
9 août 2015 à Port-au-Prince.
L’ancien député de la deuxième circonscription de Port-au-Prince Jean-René
Lochard (cigarette à la bouche, bouteille
de tafia en main et revolver attaché à la
ceinture) dans son fief à Carrefour-feuilles
le jour du premier tour des législatives
partielles, dimanche 9 août 2015.
Bòs Masèl, Frederik et
Papa Pyè, trois anciens
acteurs de la populaire
troupe “La Vi nan Bouk la”
ayant marqué la jeunesse
haïtienne fin des années
70 - début des années 80.
Photo OBS Photography
La sélection féminine haïtienne de football
We're looking for your photographs
Le président Michel ‘Sweet
Micky’ Martelly lors de la soirée
23è anniversaire du groupe TVice, à Moulin-sur-Mer sur la
Côte des Arcadins, samedi 1er
août 2015.
La maire adjointe de la ville de Miramar Darline B. Riggs (maillot noir) pose
pour une photo-souvenir avec des membres de HANA, lors du “Back-toSchool Fun Day” le samedi 8 août 2015, à Shirley Branca Park.
Le poulaire dj Niki Mixx et la présentatrice
télé Christalie Parisot, Miramar “Back-toSchool Fun Day”, Samedi 8 août 2015.
Tu aimes prendre des photos ? N’hésite plus et
envoie-nous tes plus beaux clichés, et tu auras peut-être l’honneur de voir tes photos publiées dans cette page dans l’une de nos plus prochaines éditions !
Send us your pictures to Please make sure they have a minimum size of 976x549 pixels for landscape and 412x549 pixels for portrait. They don't
have to be related to a news story - they could be a local landmark, a gathering of friends - anything really that depicts life in the haitian community. It's important to note,
however, that you still own the copyright to every image you contribute to LE FLORIDIEN and that if your image is accepted, we will endeavour to publish your name alongside it. Le Floridien cannot guarantee that all pictures will
be used and we reserve the right to edit your comments. At no time should you endanger yourself or others, take any unnecessary risks or infringe any laws
Carifesta XII will run for ten days, from
August 21 to 30th. The festival will be decentralized over four cities, Port-au-Prince, Jacmel,
Gonaives and Cap Haitian. As the central location, Port-au-Prince will carry a full schedule of
events running for the ten days of Carifesta at 16
different locations.
In line with tradition, all participating countries
will be on parade at the official opening ceremony on August 21st. At the finale event on August
30th, the baton will be passed to Barbados as
the host of Carifesta XIII in 2017.
LE FLORIDIEN • AUGUST 16 - 31, 2015 • VOLUME 15 No. 345
Most of the Carifesta activity will be in Port-auPrince. On August 23rd, the northern city of Cap
Haitian joins the action with a beach concert at
Place Gelee. From August 24 -26, events at the
town of Gonaives will kick in with a series of
tours for those interested in seeing traditional
voodoo ceremonies and visiting the area's historical sites. The city of Jacmel, famous for its papier mache masks, will add additional momentum
to Carifesta with activities from August 28th to
the 30th.
Carifesta XII was launched in the Haitian capital
of Port-au-Prince on July 7th. Addressing the
gathering at Hotel Ibo Lele at the launch, Dr.
Hilary Brown, Program Manager for Culture and
Development at the Caricom Secretariat,
described Haiti's hosting of Carifesta as a
"homecoming event". Noting the theme of "Our
roots, our culture, our common future", Dr. Brown
said the region is looking to Haiti to present "a
high quality event" that brings it a step closer to
realizing the new vision of Carifesta as a "worldrenowned mega festival of Caribbean cultural
and artistic excellence that brings economic benefits, unites the region and excites all peoples."