GREATER HYDERABAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Letter No.SE(CZ)/GHMc/T4/2015-2016/ Dated:04-05-2015. To′ WS.VayamTech五 o10gies Limited Plot No.10乙 lst FloOr′ Lumbini Enclave′ opp:NIMS HOsPital′ Near HOtel Urvasi′ PunJagutta′ Hyderabad-500082. Sir′ gtMC - E^gg. - SE (CZ) - Construction pre-painted Galvanized- Trapezoidal (ppGI) Lg Nos. of Meal Counter in GHMC Limits (3'd CalI) - Floating of offline tentler permission - Sub: - Requested - Regarding. Tender Notice NIT No: oz/sE (cz)/GHMC/T4/2015-2_016, Datecr: 04-05_2015 Ref: *** In this regard it is to inform that, as per the instruction of the Chief Engineer (M), GHMC the above mentioned work has to be called on offline tender. Hence, I request you to make arrangement for calring the above mentioned work on offline mode of e-procurement prat form. USER NAME : se-se2-mch Yours faithfully′ GREATER HYDERABAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION: HYDERABAD TENDER SCHEDULE Trapezoidal (PPGI) 18 Nos. of Meal Counters in GHMC Limits (3rd CaIl) - Sealed Tenders Called for _ Regarding. &&& No part of this document shail be reproduced in any form or by any means, disclosed or distributed to any person without the prior consent of GHMC except to the extent required for submitting bid. Contractor/Agency Su 堵 15 GHMl冷 多 lr GREATER HYDERABAD MUNICIPAL CORPORAT10N: T, 1. HYDERABAD。 07t Name of work ted: Construction Pre-painted Galvanized Trapezoidal (PPGI) 18 Nos. of Meal Counters in GHMC Limits (3rd Call) Details of Demand Draft enclosed Earnest Money Deposit 7% of Rs.46,g00/_ by 2. way of D.D.drawn from any Nationalized or scheduled bank on or after tender notice date in favour of Commissioner, GHMC. DoD.No Amount Date Bank Branch 3a. Name & Address of the Tenderer to whom the Tender Schedule is issued 3b' Issue of Tender Documents 0s/05/201s @ 11.00 4. Last Date & Time for Receipt of Bids 08/0s/2015 @ 2.00 P.M . Place of receipt and opening of sealed A.M O/o. The Superintending Engineer Tender GHMC, Central Zone, (CZ), Khairatabad, Hyderabad. 6. 7. Price Bid Opening 08/os/201s No. of pages in the schedule Nos. (9 Page) B. EligibilityCriteria Civil Registered Contractors Class IV of @ 3.00 P.M Fabricators or Manufactures of Panels or GHMC Note: Tenderer should sign on each and every page of this Tender Schedule in taken acceptance of all the terms and conditions and shall submit along with .Tender. Tenders are not transferable Contractor/Agency ,M Supel{6tending Enginee r (CZ) Rq \15 GHMC This will be a TWo PART BID to be submitted in TWo SEPARATE covERS. CovER-A shall contain, Agency / Firm profile and conclitions of work and 1% EMD. COVER-B shall contain only the quoted price. Both ccvers A & B shall in turn be enclosed in one single cover with Tendei No, Name of the work and Name of the Tenderer / Firm should be super scribed on the top of the cover. The Technical Bid (Cover-A) will be oqe|e{ initially and assessed the capability of Tenderer. price Bid (Cover-B) of the qualified Tenders will be opened later ciuly informing the Tenderer. Tenderer must submit the Tender on due aite c fime in sealed cover as above and should be submitted to the superintending Enginee r (CZ),GHMC office. 2. The rate shall be quoted in Indian currency both in words and figures in the prescribecl Form and at the space provided. The r"hudrr" accompanying the Tender shall be written legibly and free from erasures, writings o. .o.r,r".rion of figures, corrections etc. Where unavoidable, should_over be made by-crossing out, re-writingl an.{ must be attested with full signature and date. 3. The Tenderer can neither change the terms & conditions nor alter the units of the Tender Schedule. 4. 5' Tenders will be opened by the superintending Engineer (CZ), GHMC authorized representative at his office on the date alore rientioned. or his The rates of items quoted under this contract are applicable for execution any where within GHMC limits. 6. The Commissioner, GHMC reserves the right to accept without assigning any reasons. 7. EMD amount shall be paid by way of Demand Drirft drawn from any Nation alized Bank or scheduled bank payabre at Hyderabad in thvour of ,,The bommissioner, Greater Hyderabail Municipal corporation,. The DD of EMD amount should be invariably placed in Cover-A (Technical Bid). Tenders without the EMD will not be accepted' The EMD of the un-successful Tenderer will be refuncled after finalization of tender. 8. will be forfeited 1) If the EMD paid is less than the prescribed amount 2) If incomplete tender form is submitted or tender form / rejectany or all the tenclers The EMD with pre-conditions or additional conditions is submitted. 3) If the tender is submitted in an unconcerned tender form. 9. The decision of the Commissioner, GHMC with regard to tl-re Technical Bids will be final and no corresPondence or representations will be entertainecl in this regarcl. 10. All disputes or suits arising out of this work shall come under the jurisdiction of the courts in Hyderabad city only. Contractor/Agency 4 Superin tend ing Enginee r (CZ) v ,lls GHMC 11' If the office happens to be closed (holiday) on the dates specified above, the respective will be performed ,i trr" designatecl time on the next .activity working day without any notification. 12' The rates quoted shall be inclusive of all taxes applicable. The rates quoted in tender documents / work order shall be firm and no price variation on any account will be allowed. 13' The Tenderer shall quote their rate both in worcls and as well as in figures. The rates quoted in words shall prevail. If the Firm Agency fails to quote ihe .ate both in / figures and words the Tender will be treated as inlomplete and rejected. 14' The Tenderer can submit Tenders either personally or through representative only. authorized 15' The agency shall submit 3 covers i.e. Cover-A (Technical Bid), Cover-B (price Bid) and both shall be kept in another sealed Cover-C addressed to theSuperintending Engineer (CZ), GHMC, Zonal office, Khirathabad, Hyderabad along wiih "forwa.cll".,g slip to accomp,rny the tender schedule,,. 15' All the offers and information desired shall be furnished in the original Tender document only and submission of copies of Tender document will not be accepted. If the Agency / Firm desires to furnish any additional information, they can submit the same along with the information in Cover_A,,. 17. Tenderer shall submit enclosures where ever necessary. Procedure for Evaluation of Tenders : A. Evaluation of technical Tender. a. Firstly, the documentation furnished by the Firm Agency will be examined / prima facie to see if the offer made, technical skill bas! ani financial capacity and other Firm / Agency attributes claimed therein are consistent with the needs of GHMC. The previous past track history of the Firm Agency in / GHMC will be taken into consideration while technical evaluation. b. In the second step, GHMC may ask Firm / Agency for additional information, visit to Firm / Agency site and f or arrange diicussions with their professional, technical experts to verify claims made in technical Tender documentation. C, Assessment i. ii. iii. iv. v. Contractor/Agency will be based on the following Technical clocuments :- Agency / Firm registration certificate. VAT Registration Certificate PAN card Experience Design and details Supe lleq Lr\t GHMC B. Evaluation of Financial Tender: Financial Tenders of those Firm / Agency who qualifies in Technical tender will only be opened. All other finaniial ienders will not be considered ancl shall be ignored. The GHMC will assess the nature of financial offers and may Pxrsue any or all of the options mentioned under financial tender. The GHMC may at its discretion discuss with Firm / Agency available at this stage to clarify contents of financial offer. Contacting GHMC: 1.Tenderer shall nOt aPprOach GHMC Officers Out side Of Office hOurs and/ or out side GHMC Office prelnises′ frOFn the tilne of the Tender cali nOtice to the time the contractis awarded. 2. Any effort by a Tenderer to influence GHMC Officers in the decisiOns On ∬1 鍔m電 ‖ litti幣[静紆 思 i穏 informauon b■ e nouce l瀧 な革ぎ 凝ハ露 i∴ :rriil鼻 曹 :1『 Short Tender Notice NIT No:07/SE(CZ1/GHMc/T72015‐ 2016′ Dated:04‐ 05‐ 2015 Name ofthe WOrk:COnstructiOn Pre‐ painted Galvanized Trapezoidal(PPCI) 18 Nos。 Of Meal COuntersin GHMC Limits(3rd Call) 1. Taxes as applicable are extra. 2. Pan card should be uploaded. 3. Firm registration with registrar of firms. 4. Preference will be given to Agencies/Firms with innovative methods of 5. reseedings. The Construction Pre-painted Galvanized Trapezoidal (ppGI) 18 Nos. of Meal Counters with in L Month. 6. work should comnence with in (7) days from the date of receipt of work 7. 8. 9. Order/Agreement. As the work is specialized one it has to be carried out with utmost case and the decision of the Commissioner, GHMC will be final and binding on the Agency/Firm. Tenderer shall uploaded the relevant brochures/literalise of the work done. Decision of the tender calling authority will be final on acceptance/rejection of the tender with out assigning any reasons there off. Contractor/Agency KlR、 GHMC g Name of the Work: COVER″ 1. B″ (FINANCIAL BID) Tenderer can neither change the terms&cOnditiOns nor alter the unit cOst Of the Tender Schedule. 露;i施『七 馬器鳳■1■ 礼遺 ・ hW∝ ds and iguFs h tte spre lttillb° 3 4 tttК り Pdn“ Whぬ WⅢ 挽 w蘭 冊 i飢 [L器 器 Tender without enc10sing prescribed EMD of 10/t)Rs.46′ … 800/― releCted。 帥 回 凸 鉗 rS 野 will be summarily The balance EMD@1.5%Of cOntract Value tO be paid at the time of cOncluding agreement. GHMC′ Hyderabad r『 the Tenders withOut assigning any reasOns i落 :1lherighttoacceptrejectanyoraH The(EomlnissiOner′ Contractor/Agency 7 Engineer К盆ヽ 5 GHMC SCHEDULE'A: l聾 麟 椰 i錮珊 熙 亜 欄 欝 熙 咄 』 71:T 驚 F:1[1:ha::tttilV私 :i薔 u/, rr rD rv ut c^Prtsbbry unqerstoocl tnat tne measurect work is to be taken net (Not withstanding any custom or practice to the contrary) according to the actual quantities to the drawings as may be ordered frJm tlme to time by the Executive Engineer in charge and cost calculated by the measu."-"it or by weight at the respective price ;i;;; additional charges for any necessary or measurement or by weight at tlre refoective price without "ru any additional charges for any necessary or contingent works connected there'with. The rates quotea are for works in site anc-l complete in every respect. Name of the work: Construction pre-painted Galvanized Trapezoidal (PPCI) 18 Nos. of Meal Counters in GHMC Limits (3rd Call) Sl. No。 Amount of Estimate Amount Contract Value Item Detailed Specification Description Rs: Rs: ffi 4′ 591 Qty Rate Unit 0.00 0.00 0.00 Amount Providing different thickness PUF insulated pannels such as U-Foum or Equivalent factory made moulded PUF profile solid consisting of 1 frame made of prepainted Galvanized sheet having inner and outer thickness 0.5mm Joint sealed with silicon based sealant pannels of various thickness flat type one side slope. colour: RAL 9002 skin thickness : 0.5 mm (micro Ribbed / Grooved), tensile strenght 240 Mpa. : painting thickness 12 to Paint coating 0.00 "18 microns including excise duty, VAT and other Govemment Levies etc, complete. (As per quotation rates) a) For Floor pannels 60mm thickness 407.16 1966.33 l Each b) For Wall pannels 40mm thick 770.26 1776.04 l Each 18.00 6977.00 l Each 125/586.00 1200.48 312.35 1 Sqm 374′ C) Door Size:700x1830mm Fixing different thickness PUF insulated pannels such as U-Foum or Equivalent factory 800/611.00 1′ 368′ 013.00 made moulded PUF profile solid consisting of 2 frame made of prepainted Galvanized sheet having inner and outer thickness 0.5mm Joint sealed with silicon based sealant pannels of various thickness flat type one side slope. colour: RAL 9002 skin thickness : 0.5 mm (micro Ribbed / Grooved), tensile strenght 240 Mpa. Paint coating : painting thickness 12 to 18 microns including incidental handling loading, un-loading, transporting, installing required, cutting, drilling placing fixing with required bolds and nuts labour charges etc, complete. (As per quotation rates) Contractor/Agency 8 ス ta5 HMC 970.00 3 Supplying delivery of alluminium chekered sheet of 1.2 mm thick ness for floor covering including cost and convience of all meterial and its cutting required size, fixing in position etc. complete (As per quotation rates) 126.00 880.00 1 Sqm 110,880.00 I Fabrication, Supply & fixing the 50 x 50 x 2.5mm thick mild steel tubes & pipes of all 4 deameters as per 191161 at terrace level, including labour charges for fabrication & fixing of members, hft charges, welding 5040.47 132.27 1 Kgs 666,703.00 36.00 4084.60 l Each 1.47,046.00 18000.00 6.40 l Lit 115,200.00 Supply of up to 13114 Retrofit tiny CFL of makes Wipro / C.E./ Phillips / Crompton / 18.00 135.00 l Each 2,430.00 x 13/18 W CFL indoor recessed mounting horizontal type down lights luminaire with Frosted glass cover reflecttor 18.00 1148.00 l Each 20,664.00 648.00 79.00 l RInt 57,792.00 648.00 69.45 l Rnlt 45,004.00 charges, power charges etc., erecting in position and fixing by chain pulley blocks, dereck pole arrangements and cranes etc., as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. (As per SS rates) 5 6 Supplying & Fixing stainless steel sink size15,, x 12" x 5" (508X457.2X203.2 mm) 1 mm thick with accessoreis including cost and convence of all meterials labour charges etc. complete. (As per quotation rates) Providing & placing on Terrace (at all floor levels) polyethylene water storage tank with Double layer approved brand & manufacture with cover and suitable locking arrangement & making necessary holes for inlet & outlets and over flow pipes but without fittings & base support for tanks (As per 7 SS rates) bajaj. (As per SS rates) Supply of L 8 with Elechonic Ballast of makes Wipro Phillips 9 / Crompton / / G.E. Bajaj. (As per SS rates) / Supply and Fixing of 20mm dia 2mm thick surface P.V.C. pipe (ISI MARK) with atl accessories of standard makes fixing on chromium plated metallic base saddles and 20mm junction boxes with PVC bends for switches for Ligh! Fan and separate plug point including all labour charges etc., complete, as directed by the department. (As per SS rates) 10 Supply and run of 2 of 36/0.3mm (2.5 FR PVC insulated flexible copper wire (Phase, Neuhal), with 1 of (22/0.3mm) 1.5 sq. mm Copper wire (Earth) in existing PVC conduit pipe for run of mains (circuits) of standard makes including labour charges etc., complete for finished item of the work, as directed by the department. (As per SS rates) Contractor/Agency 9 Su va) \\t 聯 咎 Engineer GHMC ″ 11 Wiring with 2 runs of '14/0.3 mm ( 1.0 Sq. mm) Fire Retardant ( FR) p.V.C. insulated flexible copper cable ( ISI MARK) in existing pipe with 6A switch, Ceiling rose and 3MM thick hylam sheet covering to switch conhol box including all labour charges etc., complete for iight, bell, fan and exhaust fan points in Non- Reiidential Buildings. (As per Supply and delivery of 9,, (225mm) 13 Supply and fixing of GI union of 12.7mmdia 1st 14 9"ppty and fixing of 12.7mm dia Np push cock havy duty 1st quality Inidan make seiko / 15 l Each 118,565.00 18.00 1350.00 l Each 24,300.00 72.00 43.32 l Each 3,119.00 72.00 288.42 l Each 20,766.00 72.00 366.00 l Each 26,352.00 540.00 222.30 l Rmt 120,042.00 18.00 12375.00 l Each 222,750.00 18.00 500.00 l Each 9,000.00 wall mounted fan of makes Crompton / BajajBahar WG / Havells etc. (As per SS rates) / 548.91 SS rates) 12 senior 216.00 Nice or equivalent (As per SS rates) Supply and fixing of S&F Gunmetal Gate (GM peet) valve as per IS - 7728 Class -1, Indian make heavy type - 15 mm NB size (As per SS rates) and fixings&F KITEC llfntf Aluminium-Polyethylene Fot),ethyte,.e(pE-AL_pE) composite pressure pipes conforming to IS. 15450-2004 with UV stabilized, carbon black for hot & cold water supply, capable to withstand 16 pressure up to 80 C including all special composite fittings, plastic & brass blend inserts for elbows, tees, reducers, couplers, connectors etc complete for external works including fixing in position, testing and CΨ お d° ning et:20 mm OD,pe ttSFer% laying. pipes, サ 17 Supply and fixing of flexies in front of meal counter and also two sides including fixing charges etc. complete (As per quatation iates) 18 Supply and providing of Mirror fo, Wurhb*in (As per quatation rates) Total: 4,373,793.00 Vat@5%: 279,660.00 4,591,953.00 lt --- One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Th*" O"l)4 Tender Price Quoted on Amount Contract Value: a) Excess % b) Less ° /0 c) Equals (1/0 Contractor/Agency 10 Superihtending Enginee r Ynt q){ GHMC e21