July 2015 - Grapevine Chamber of Commerce
July 2015 - Grapevine Chamber of Commerce
July 2015 Monthly Newsletter from the Women’s Division of the Grapevine Chamber of Commerce Established 1965 Grapevine Chamber of Commerce 200 Vine St. Grapevine, TX 76051 817-481-1522 From Our Chair, Nancy Coplen I hope everyone enjoyed a safe and Happy 4th of July! We are so blessed to live, work and participate in this great country. We should always take time to reflect on the liberties that were given to us so many years ago. Grapevine Lake is full beyond capacity. I would like to commend the hard-working City employees and Corp of Engineers that have been working overtime at the lake. Our luncheons have moved to a new location. We received a very warm welcome from the staff of Messina Hof Grapevine Winery. This is a tribute for Women’s Division’s 50th anniversary, back on Main Street and to the intimate upstairs of the stately Wallis Hotel building. Also, thank you to caterer; Library Grill! The meal was great and fitting at our new location. Our luncheon sponsor for June was Springhill Suites by Marriott. The Women’s Division members will be relaxing somewhat until our big volunteer effort on Saturday August 8, 2015. We will be partnering with the CONNECT (a program managed by the GCISD Education Foundation), GRACE and GCISD for the Annual Back to School Fair. Because of the hard work of our members and community coming to our Holiday Hoedown and Great Taste of Grapevine events, we will be purchasing $30,000 of school supplies for deserving students of GCISD. From Our Chamber Board Liaison, Susie Howell Thursday, July 9, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm Monthly Membership Luncheon with HEB Chamber Grapevine Convention Center, 1209 S. Main St., Grapevine Program: Lyndy Phillips Sponsor: Marinas of Lake Grapevine Caterer: Wilhoite’s Restaurant Tuesday, July 14, 5:30 pm Business After Hours Mixer, Dave & Buster’s Tuesday, July 21, 11:45 am, Women’s Division Luncheon, Messina Hof Grapevine Winery Wednesday, July 22, 8:00 am, Economic Development Meeting, Grapevine City Hall Thursday, July 30, 5:30 pm, Business After Hours Mixer, Grapevine Craft Brewery Here’s a recipe for summertime to celebrate our 50th Anniversary: Mother’s Blueberry Salad from Edith Pewitt Kathee 1 (15 oz.) can blueberriesLivengood drained (save liquid)Memorial2 c.Scholarship juice and water (if needed) 1 (15 oz.) can crushed pineapple drained (save liquid) Event ½ c. sugar Fundraising 2 (3 oz.) pkg. raspberry Jell-O Thursday, September 3, 2015,½5c.–chopped 8 pmpecans ½ pt. whipped cream or 2 c. Cool Whip Our June luncheon was a Member Round Table “Post-it Note Challenge” to determine goals and ways to improve as we celebrate the Women’s Division 50th anniversary and to build on Hosted by the good relationship we have with the chamber. Over 50 Post-it Notes were flying with ideas Add sugar to juices. Bring to boil. Pour over Jell-O to dissolve. Mix well. Add other ingredients. Sloan & Williams Winery in areas of fundraising, giving, and membership/businesses. The board will review these in the Cool until firm. coming months. Our next luncheon will be Tuesday, July 21, with a program about the Food, beverages, and fun for a good cause! Grapevine Olive Oil Company. Great work, Women of the Women’s Division of the Grapevine Chamber of Commerce, working hard and calmly serving the Grapevine community! For more information, contact Clydene Johnson, 817-917-2594, clydene,johnson@gmail.com From our Chair-Elect, Karen Deakin 2015 Executive Committee Our July meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 21, 11:45 am at our new luncheon venue, Messina Hof Winery, 201 South Main Street, Grapevine. As we saw last month, Messina Hof has a very warm and inviting meeting room on the 2nd floor. Our program for July will be a speaker from the Grapevine Olive Oil Company on Main Street. Come hear about the different types and grades, sample some of their best, and possibly get some discounts! . It is important to RSVP to Karen Deakin (817) 300-5902 or karendeakin@sbcglobal.net. You may pay for your lunch on-line and make a reservation on the Chamber website until the Saturday before the luncheon or you may pay at the door. Lunches are $20.00. If you have pre-paid for your lunches, please let me know you will be attending. Currently, we have 77 members. Welcome to our newest member: Mendie Schmidt from Keep Grapevine Beautiful From left to right: Lisa Pardo, Secretary; Casey Hege, Past Chair/Parliamentarian; Carolyn Lease, Banker; Traci Coy, Vice Chair of Christmas Spirit; From left to Janice Kane, Vice Chair of Communications; Susie Howell, Vice Chair of Sponsorships; Kim Campbell, Vice Chair of Community; BJ Wilson, Vice Chair of Fundraising; Nancy Coplen, Chair; and Karen Deakin, Chair-Elect (Not in photo: Emily McRoberts, Vice Chair of Ways and Means) Chair: Nancy Coplen Chair-Elect: Karen Deakin Past Chair/Parliamentarian: Casey Hege Secretary: Lisa Pardo Banker: Carolyn Lease VC of Christmas Spirit: Traci Coy VC of Communications: Janice Kane VC of Community: Kim Campbell VC of Fundraising: BJ Wilson VC of Sponsorships: Susie Howell VC of Ways & Means: Emily McRoberts coplen2@gmail.com karendeakin@sbcglobal.net casey@boxinsurance.com lisapardo04@yahoo.com Carolyn@cavnarinsurance.com traci@tracicoycpa.com janice.kane@gcisd.net kim.d.campbell@wellsfargo.com bjwilson13@verizon.net susie.howell@frostbank.com emily@mcroberts.com 817-300-8351 817-300-5902 682-551-6824 817-475-3700 817-501-8596 817-729-0963 817-360-0684 817-908-8548 817-715-5802 817-475-6503 903-821-8768 We are always happy to have new members join our group! From our Vice Chair of Christmas Spirit, Traci Coy The Back to School Fair is drawing closer! Last year, Grapevine Women’s Division lead the charge in providing $23,000 for school supplies to 1,062 GCISD students, and many of us volunteered to distribute the school supplies on the day of the event. This year, our number of students qualifying for donated school supplies, and therefore our school supplies needs, are much greater than in the past. We can definitely use your help this year! The date of the Back to School Fair is Saturday, August 8, 2015. We will once again need volunteers from Women’s Division to assist with this effort in August, and I will once again provide a sign-up list for volunteers at our July meeting, as well as additional information about the event. If you are not able to sign up to help at the June or July meeting and would like to sign up to help at the event, feel free to contact me at traci@tracicoycpa.com or 817-729-0963. From our Vice Chair of Sponsorships, Susie Howell It’s to time to think sponsorships It’s time think sponsorships againagain as as we begin preparing forsecond our second we begin preparing for our biggest fundraiser of the year – the biggest fundraiser the year – the Holiday Hoedown. Thisofyear, the Holiday Holiday year, the Hoedown willHoedown. by ThursdayThis evening, Holiday will by Ranch. Thursday November 12,Hoedown 2015 at Austin evening, November 12, 2015 at Austin A great big thank you to Balla Wright and Ranch. A great big thank you Balla Wright Construction Company fortobeing Wright andSponsor! Wright Construction our Presenting Company for stepping up to be our Sponsor! If youPresenting are interested in following Balla’s lead with a sponsorship, know Balla’s someone who would like to be aor you If you are interestedorinyou following lead with a sponsorship, sponsor, please let me know at Susie.howell@frostbank.com 817-475know someone who would like to be a sponsor, please letorme know at 6503.Susie.howell@frostbank.com or 817-475-6503. The Great Taste of Grapevine was a huge success, and I would love to The Great Tastesponsorships of Grapevine for wasthe a huge success and as I would love to have even more Holiday Hoedown the needs have even more sponsorships for the Holiday Hoedown as the needs within our community and school system continue to grow. Let’s raise within andgiving school Let’s raise the barour andcommunity increase our in system order tocontinue continuetotogrow. support those the bar and increase our giving in order to continue to support those needs. Thanks for all you do to make the Women’s Division great! needs.Thanks for all you do to make the Women’s Division great. . Well, the final totals are2015. in for the Well, the final totals are in for Great Taste of Grapevine We Taste of higher Grapevine raised $_____________, which isGreat considerably than2015. in the past We raised overThanks $18,000, few years. Congratulations Women’s Division! sowhich muchisto considerably higher than in the also Casey Hege and Alicia Runge for chairing this event. Many thanks past few years! to Mary Jo Tellin and the folks at the Chamber office for their help with Great Taste, especially in marketing it. As youAs have our giving back needs are escalating, so it’s so youseen haveand seenheard, and heard, our giving back needs are escalating, time toit’s gettime moving our next event – the Holiday to getonmoving onfundraising our next fundraising event – theHoeDown. Holiday HoeDown. Mark your calendars for Thursday, November 12th for this Mark your calendars Thursday, 12, event for thisco-chairs; fun eventJanice to be fun event to befor held at AustinNovember Ranch. The held atKane, AustinShelley Ranch.Ruddick The event co-chairs; Janice Kane, Shelley Ruddick and BJ Wilson are already working to plan and BJanother Wilson fun are and already workingparty to plan funyour andhelp. successful successful andanother we need At this early party. stage, We need your help! At this early stage, we are looking specifically we are looking specifically for a ChowDown ShowDown for a Grand Rafflegift Marshall. The Grand Marshall coordinate (restaurant card) Marshall and Raffle a Grand Raffle will Marshall. The the sales of our Grand Raffle tickets. If you are interested in this role or ChowDown ShowDown Marshall will work with a team of WD any other Marshall slot, let one of the co-chairs know. volunteers to please solicit restaurant gift cards for our ChowDown ShowDown. The Grand Raffle Marshall will coordinate the sales of our JaniceGrand Kane -Raffle janice.kane@gcisd.net 817-360-0684 tickets. If you are or interested in either of these, or any Shelleyother Ruddick – sruddick@bnkwest.com Marshall slot, please let one of or the817-909-0219 co-chairs know. BJ Wilson – bjwilson13@verizon.net or 817-715-5802 Janice Kane - janice.kane@gcisd.net or 817-360-0684 Shelley Ruddick – sruddick@bnkwest.com or 817-909-0219 BJ Wilson – bjwilson13@verizon.net or 817-715-5802 From our Vice Chair of Fundraising, BJ Wilson From Hospitality… July Birthdays Sharon Kircher Tracy Southers Nancy White Casey Hege Helen Jean Lucas Reed Shonda Schaefer S. Ann Edwards Duff O’Dell July 4 July 17 July 17 July 24 July 25 July 26 July 27 July 29 July Anniversaries Kim & Mike Campbell Marci & Ron Junge Janice & John Kane Alisa & Cris Runge Radonna Hessel Balla & Joe Wright Traci & Chris Coy Amanda & Kevin Calongne July 2 July 3 July 3 July 8 July 24 July 25 July 27 July 28 From the Vice Chair of Ways & Means, Emily McRoberts Mark you calendars and plan to volunteer for the beverage booths at GrapeFest, September 17 & 18. We will have two days of shifts to cover!! Thank you Jaci Hammond of Springhill Suites by Marriott for sponsoring our June luncheon! Hellen Jean Lucas Reed of Lucas Funeral Homes Will be our July luncheon sponsor. In Celebration of 50 years of community support for GCISD educators through this event, the Grapevine-Colleyville Education Foundation proudly hosts the 2015July GCISD Educators Luncheon 4 “A 50’s Star Welcome!” Tuesday, August 11, 2015 11:30 a.m. Grapevine Convention Center Catering generously donated by: Sponsorships and tickets now available! Door prizes also needed for the educators! For more information, call 817.251.5480, email janice.kane@gcisd.net or visit www.gcisd-k12.org/foundation NOTE: The Grapevine Chamber with the Women’s Division’s support hosted the first event for the community to welcome new teachers in 1965. We celebrate 50 years of community support this year! Our Members at Our Events June luncheon meeting at our new venue, Messina Hof! Jaci Hammond, Springhill Suites by Mariott, June luncheon sponsor Women’s Division Advertisers From our Vice Chair of Communications, Janice Kane We are continuing the advertisers section at the back of each newsletter – business card ads, $25 for 3 months; $45 for 6 months. Pay online at our website http://www.grapevinechamber.org/store.aspx or contact me at msjkane@sbcglobal.net or 817-360-0684.
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From the Vice Chair of Ways & Means,
Emily McRoberts
Thank you again to everyone that Volunteered at the Main Street Days’
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