Golden boys -


Golden boys -
Sheet metal processing in practice
An end to searching
With the Integrated Tool
Management you always
know where things are
Wishes granted here
The short road to
custom punching tools
Tricky bends
Improving bending capabilities
with shrewd add-on functions
Golden boys
Our application consultants get your machines
to do everything they can – in perfect
manufacturing concepts
in operation
4 Technology news
application consulting
6 Step by step to perfection
10 What can be said in favor
Application Consulting
Step by step to perfection
Just good or absolutely perfect? TRUMPF application consultants
are fully aware of the subtle difference. They apply expertise and
insights to identify potential for improvement.
may we have a word with you?
of a second-hand machine?
Spare Parts and
CUstOmer Training
11 A dynamic heart
Everyone gets a turn
Punching tools
12 How can I help you?
Software and bending tools
14 Not sought – but found!
15A lean process
Page 6
Product Enhancements
16 Just the right angle
Proven bending – automatically
17Keep cool!
May we have a word with you,
Mr. Schulze?
What can be said
in favor of a preowned machine?
17 How it's done
18 News about TruServices
good to know
No matter whether new or used:
Kai Schulze of TRUMPF’s quality management section explains why customers
are always on the safe side.
Page TruServices Journal April 2012 edition Sheet metal processing in practice Published by TRUMPF Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH + Co. KG,
Johann-Maus-Straße 2, 71254 Ditzingen, +49 (0)7156 303-0,, V.i.S.d.P. Dr. Gerhard Rübling Editor-in-chief Reinhold Groß, Project coordination Babette Kopp Editorial staff pr+co Gmbh, Stuttgart, Norbert Hiller, Monika Unkelbach,
Julia Schmidt, Florian Burkhardt Photos Angelika Grossmann, KD Busch, iStockphoto, Fotolia Design & Illustrationen pr+co GmbH, Stuttgart, Tine Bärthel Reproduction Reprotechnik Herzog GmbH, Stuttgart Printing frechdruck GmbH, Stuttgart For address changes
2 TruServices Journal  01|12
Product Enhancements
Keep cool!
The CoolLine option makes
sure things don’t get too hot
during laser cutting
Dear Readers,
Page Knowledge
It’s the combination
that counts.
Attending a technology
seminar on punching or
on laser cutting?
Why choose just
one and not both?
Page 18
Terms sometimes creep into our vocabulary and we use them
so frequently, even if they don’t quite fit the situation, that they
become epidemic. “Perfect” is a perfect example. Now we aren’t
entirely blameless, here. In the TruServices Journal we sometimes
overuse the word. Perfection comes from the Latin perfectio and
literally means completion or consummation. In other words,
we’re talking about something that is beyond further improvement.
With that we’ve arrived at the crucial point. We are fully aware
that even the best products and the most expert services can be
improved at least a little. At most, we can expect to achieve perfection for only a certain period of time but, we know how quickly
requirements can change and how rapidly yesterday’s “perfect” is
today’s “inadequate”.
“Step by step to perfection” is the title of our cover story. This
article shows how we want to help you, our customers, make
the best use of our products. We do that by giving you hints and
revealing tips that enable you to optimize applications and processes. This can make the “good” even better and – at least for a
while – perfect. To make sure you can respond to your customers’
wishes at all times, we continually develop new tools, improve
and expand our training curriculum, and broaden our consulting
expertise. We modify our software to meet your needs and we
craft strategies to help us complete maintenance and repair work
both faster and better.
Striving for the best hardly stops with our products and services. It goes deep into our own processes and requires that we
embrace ongoing mobility and exhibit willingness to change.
The best suggestions come from you, our readers. That is why
we need your input. Nothing is perfect all the time. We know that
only too well. That is why we look forward to receiving your criticism, asit gives us an opportunity to serve you even better.
Punching … on pages 4, 5, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18
Laser processing … on pages 5, 11, 17, 18
Bending … on pages 4, 5, 15, 16, 19
Management … on pages 6, 10, 18
Dr. Gerhard Rübling, Managing Director
TruServices Journal  01|12 3
Technology News
In operation
Serge Bertholet, CEO
of Kyotec Group SA, Belgium,
A coat of light
What we've spotted …
The Belgian Kyotec Group specializes in implementing exceptional design concepts for building facades. A project they were
doing in Brussels called for a
metal facing capable of refracting light with a special wave-like
structure, thus creating the impression of differing light and
dark reflections. Kyotec manufactured these facade claddings from
two millimeter thick aluminum
with their TruPunch 5000 in a
single stroke using a Size 5 Louver Tool. “We used to produce
similar parts from expanded
metal using a press. With this
new forming tool, however, we
have been able to improve component quality and – through
process optimization – greatly
reduce manufacturing costs,” is
how Serge Bertholet, CEO of
Kyotec Group SA, sums it up.
Using a TruPunch 5000, Kyotec
manufactures façade cladding with
exceptional light and dark reflections.
4 TruServices Journal  01|12
Things are coming thick and fast
With the ACB angle sensor, precision bends in
sheet metal up to 15 millimeters thick are made
easy as pie. The sensor, which has been specially
modified to bend heavy-gauge metal sheet, will
measure the material’s specific resilience during
the first bending operation and will then take corrective action as necessary. This does away with
time consuming start-up procedures – the angle
is accurate from the very outset. To make sure
this is the case during the entire bending process,
the ACB sensor constantly monitors the precision
of the angle and adjusts that angle, irrespective
of irregularities in the material. Its exceptional
accuracy means fewer rejects and shorter cycle
times because there is no need for rework or quality checks on the angles produced with a Series
5000 machine with the ACB angle sensor. The
The ACE angle sensor accurately
bends metal of up to 15 millimeters
in thickness.
new sensor has a rugged housing and
thick, low-wear sensor plates. An articulated joint
on the sensor plate mount makes it easy to change
the plates without tools and provides overload protection. The Safety Click System makes for safe
and positive connection to the pressure bar.
A decision that can’t go wrong
Matthias Leymüller, Head of Sheet Metal Manu- based oils, even in the high and low temperature
facturing at Windhager Zentralheizung Technik ranges, and has a working life of about ten years.
GmbH in Seekirchen, Austria, gets really enthu- Another good reason for Matthias Leymüller to
siastic when he talks about his experiences with buy it: “Long service intervals, combined with the
TRUMPF’s hydraulic oil – Universus gold 5W40. amount of time saved by the fact that all my ma“I didn’t believe all the promises made about this chines operate smoothly, have given me one hunfluid but thought it might be worth giving it a try, dred percent confidence in the product.”
a decision I have never regretted,” he says. Matthias
Leymüller uses this fluid in his TRUMPF bending machines, in the company’s punching center,
Matthias Leymüller,
and also in machines made by other suppliers. All
Head of Sheet Metof these machines now run much more quietly
al Manufacturing at
Windhager Zentraland downtime caused by malfunctions has been
heizung Technik
eliminated. “Due to the high pressures and temGmbH swears by
peratures involved, I often had problems with clogTRUMPF’s
ging, especially in machines from other suppliers.
Universus gold
Valves would freeze up and dies would stick,” he
5W40 hydraulic oil.
reports. None of these failures have occurred since
the company started using this new hydraulic oil.
The fully synthetic compound, provides viscosity
that is significantly more stable than petroleum-
Vitali Pauz,
training instructor.
A bag for tricks
A clever turn
Computer programs are useful but on
occasions mathematical formulae cannot replace the human brain. Computers
lack intuition and experience. A software
package called MiniNest shows how interaction between man and computer can
take good results and optimize them even
further. This technique for manually creating any number of part groups during
the nesting process complements the automated nesting function incorporated in
TruTops Punch and Laser. The programmer is able to arrange different or identical
components at any angle and group them
by running the MiniNest function. The
part group can be set down and nested
anywhere on the sheet with no loss of
process reliability; it can also be used as a
master for future orders. The man-computer team is even more efficient in questions of material utilization if, in addition,
the TwinLine function is used to minimize
the space between parts.
This is not how a
computer would group
parts. An experienced
operator can achieve
the best possible nesting
results using the MiniNest
swivel joint (1) one one side
and an adapter with a hold1
ing magnet (3) on the other
side, along with a handle (2)
to open and close the bending
tool. When the bending operation has been completed, the
magnet releases the tool, which
can then be swung forwards by
the handle, much like opening
Thanks to the swivel adapter (1), the bending tool can be
a window. This makes it coneasily disengaged from the retaining magnet (3) by pulling
venient and easy to remove the
the handle (2) outward to release the sheet metal
closed workpiece. The Bending
component after bending.
Tool with a pivoting window
Simply bending closed profiles or U-sha- can be used to bend components up to
ped parts instead of welding two parts a maximum of 1,000 millimeters long,
together is a quick and cost-efficient made of sheet metal up to six millimeters
operation if you use a Bending Tool with thick. These values may vary, depending
a pivoting opening. This tool consists on the shape of the part.
of three parts: a rotating adapter with a
One for all occasions
Many different dies for
different die widths? You
can forget all that by using
TRUMPF’s VLM die with adjustable plates. Adjustment
strips can be inserted to type
BN of the VLM die, ideal for
sheet metals from 3 to 15 millimeters thick, for die widths of
24 to 124 millimeters. Type
DN on the other hand, ideal
for sheet metal from 5 to By a simple change of the adapter strips, TRUMPF‘s VLM
20 millimeters, is the best die is transformed into a multi-talented bending tool.
choice for die widths ranging
from 62 to 182 millimeters. Apart from The minimized interference contour
reducing downtime by up to 30 percent, makes both these products convincing.
both these models make mark-free bend>>
ing due to rollers that rotate as needed.
TruServices Journal  01|12 5
Technology Application Consulting
Step by step
to perfection
There are quite a few parameters you can
play around with on the road to a perfect
part. TRUMPF’s Application Consulting
experts will be pleased to show you
what they are.
Ulrich Brändle and his Application Consulting colleagues will find the right solution for any customer problem.
Ulrich Brändle and his colleagues are never really satisfied until The right partner
they have checked off the last item on their list. A completed Once all of the requirements
checklist means that yet another customer can now produce and general conditions have
goods better and more efficiently. “There’s a difference between been clarified in the start up
simply making a part and optimized manufacturing,” he says. As phase, TRUMPF’s Application
coordinator he, together with his colleagues of TRUMPF Applica- Consultants will select, from a
tion Consultants, makes certain that production is always up to central pool, a suitable specialist
snuff. “We want to help our customers work with our machines for the customer’s needs. Which
at the highest possible degree of perfection.” That is the objective technology is needed? Is it going
the Ditzingen specialists have set for themselves. Our machines to be necessary to help out with
have a significant number of features and, at first, people working programming or with machine operawith new technologies tend to recognize only a few of the op- tion? Or maybe both? At the end of the
portunities that are actually available to them. TRUMPF’s experts day, the customer is going to be satisfied
will help users discover the world beyond standard functions.
only if all of these factors have been taken into
Consultants frequently visit customers who work with
combination machines. This technology offers a wealth of benefits and thus great potential for improvement. Selecting exactly
the right tool is just one of the things that TRUMPF’s consultaCompetent help during start up
No two machines are alike. That is why customers receive support tion experts can help with. Tool sequencing, sheet utilization,
– right from the beginning – with assistance to show them how to and implementation strategy all offer additional room for imdeal with complicated technologies such as automated bending or provement. Although all of these points are covered during the
using a combination machine. Once a machine has been installed, basic training course, the application specialists are best able to
the customer receives instruction on how to use it and, after initial solve a customer’s immediate problem on site. In spite of the
training, will be able to gain experience on his own. A few weeks standard procedures, every customer has his own special parts,
with specific dimensions and geometries that he must pay atlater a TRUMPF consultant will show up to help again.
tention to. This also demands a high degree of flexibility on the
part of the consultant.
Individual advice
The team will always come up with tricks and tips on how to
solve individual problems – regardless of the machine or tech- Better to work together
nology involved. They will have an answer on how to obtain a Another benefit of giving advice right at the machine is that you
perfect seam with a suitable punching tool, how to set the right can also support employees from other areas. Normally only
parameters for a certain material, and even how to select the programmers attend the training course, but at the customer’s
operational sequence when punching. The questions the team site the production manager might drop in or a designer might
receives are as varied as the technologies themselves, which is ask the consultant what he thinks of a certain part. This is how
why it is so important to clarify exactly where intervention is best to utilize synergies because efficient processes and perfect
needed. That is why TRUMPF always checks the prevailing con- components can best evolve if everyone involved knows what
ditions in detail during the start up phase. What do the machine’s is feasible. “In this respect, close cooperation between the prosurroundings look like? What options does the machine have to grammer and operator is critical,” states Brändle. Occasionally,
offer? What sheet metal thickness is it to be used for? And specifi- even fundamentals have to be questioned and TRUMPF’s specally, where is the exact problem? Before application consulting cialists give advice on material movement to ensure that part
starts, the item about operator training levels has to be checked production is kept both simple and smooth. This is when the
off. The one-week basic training program at TRUMPF is an ab- wealth of experience and know-how amassed by TRUMPF’s
solute must because Application Consulting is not a substitute experts comes to the foreground. For the customer, this means
for training. After all, advice given to customers on their own yet another step towards efficient manufacturing – and another
premises is always specific to concrete cases and issues, meaning check on the application consultant’s checklist.
that it deals with fine tuning and finding room for improvement.
This is why customers are always asked in great detail about their
expectations – before the consultation process begins. Before the
technicians depart, they check to see whether all of the questions
on the list have been checked off.
TruServices Journal  01|12 7
Technology Application Consulting
This is what it looks like in
PreTec Schneidtechnologien
GmbH, Dresden
Erich Deinzer Stahl- und Metallverarbeitung
GmbH, Nuremberg
The task:
How can we best utilize the functions and manufacturing
processes available with our new TruMatic 7000?
The task:
How can we process tubes optimally and efficiently using our new
TruLaser 3030 with RotoLas?
Two of TRUMPF’s specialists spent a whole week with our three
programmers and operators. Training on the machine’s use was both
individual and in a group. We felt this was especially important because there are many ways to program a part, and the programmers
also have to know what is going on inside the machine – in order
to achieve quick throughput. Above all, the interaction between
automated components has to be right. This is not always an easy
task. How do you determine when tools have to be changed? How
does the sheet metal react after being subjected to many forming
operations? In the quest for the best possible solution, attention was
focused on part arrangement, step sequencing, and tool implementation. With their practical tips, TRUMPF’s specialists showed us
how to manufacture certain shapes by punching, how to best nest
the parts, and how to correctly secure sheets in the clamps. Thread
tapping and special forming operations were new to us as well.
We had previously worked with RotoLas, but the new model features additional functions and how you operate it has changed a
little, too. Our TRUMPF consultant was a specialist in tube processing and he spent two days giving our operators and programmers
valuable tips – and showing us new options, too. The focal point in
all of this was the actual operation of the machine. We went through
all of the sequences and questions right at the controls, simulated
those sequences with the help of test programs, and were soon able
to correct many errors ourselves.
Michael Pfeffer and Markus
List learned tube processing
tips and tricks from
TRUMPF’s consultant.
At Pretec, operators and programmers now jointly ensure
perfect work processes.
The results:
We were able to refine and improve the continuity of our work
process, refining and improving part removal actions in particular.
We now make the best possible use of the flap, the chute and the
SortMaster. As a result of the consultation at the machine, we now
work more confidently and efficiently when using punching tools,
as well. For us, the results are optimization of quick tool changeover
– combined with perfect part quality.
8 TruServices Journal  01|12
The results:
The outcome of application consulting is that we are now able to
better utilize all of the potential built into our new TruLaser 3030
with RotoLas. The consulting process turned out to be a superb
complement to the basic training courses. TRUMPF’s expert
provided focused and detailed answers to all of our questions.
He demonstrated solutions for specific applications. This has
enabled us to refine and improve our tube processing operations.
Of course, the most helpful aspect was having a tube processing
specialist right here on our premises.
Peter Huber Kältemaschinenbau
GmbH, Offenburg
The task:
What is the right way to use TruTops to program our
TruMatic 3000 combination machine for applications with
different forming tools?
Programming was the focal point of our one-day application
consultation. We operate TruTops Punch and wanted
to continue using this model. We were experiencing
some problems when using different forming tools for
manufacturing because we were never quite sure how
to program the machine to obtain the desired results.
TRUMPF’s consultant was able to help our three programmers
and machine operators on site, using concrete program examples.
He also showed us which tools were best for specific forming
operations, how we were to set them up, and how to program
them in TruTops.
Everything is running smoothly
again at Huber Kältemaschinenbau
now that their programs have
been fine tuned.
The results:
Our application consulting session greatly improved our ability to
fine tune our programming. In many cases TRUMPF’s consultant
used menu commands entirely different from the ones we were
used to. We benefited from the fact that advice was given right
alongside the machine. This let us test everything on the spot and
later implement changes ourselves. This was a great help – everything is ship-shape again.
Interested? Please contact us:
TruServices Journal  01|12 9
Technology Pre-owned Machines
May we have a word with you, Mr. Schulze
What can be said in favor
of a Pre-owned Machine?
First choice for second hand:
Pre-owned Machines from TRUMPF are a real alternative thanks to standardized quality processes.
What benefits do
Pre-owned Machines offer?
Quite apart from the financial aspect – which
is the decisive factor for many customers – a
popular argument in favor of purchasing a
used machine is that it can usually be delivered a lot sooner. Customers are, however,
wary of making any compromises that
might affect quality. Just as when
buying new machines, they rely on
TRUMPF’s quality pledge.
And can you
keep this promise?
Absolutely! Purchasers of a preowned machine receive a warranty on both parts and materials.
Our customers don’t pay a penny
for TRUMPF’s services during the
warranty period. This sets us far apart
from nearly all our competitors. And,
all of the parts used when machines
are serviced or overhauled
are TRUMPF Original
Spare Parts. And, of course, we guarantee that
any required service will be
performed only by TRUMPF
technicians from the Technical
Service department.
What is the standard
procedure for overhauling a machine?
This is done using a checklist
which can contain up to
150 items. It is compiled
– and continuously updated – in a joint effort by
10 TruServices Journal  01|12
our experts in the production
plants, quality management
and, international after-sales service organizations. If,
for example, we are dealing with a laser machine,
the items to be checked
will be identified by
the experts in our
Grüsch facility
in Switzerland.
Standards for
bending machines are defined by our
specialists in Pasching, Austria. Whenever a
new model is introduced, we generate a new
checklist especially for that model.
So that means that, if I buy a Preowned Machine, I’m on the safe side?
Yes, because you can rest assured that your
machine will be in expert hands until it is dispatched. It will be installed on your premises
as per TRUMPF regulations and, after the machine has been commissioned, a test piece will
be used to verify the machine’s precision. The
procedure is identical to the one used for a
brand new machine. In the future we will also
perform customer surveys specifically aimed
at those who have purchased used machines.
We will use the feedback to improve this service even further.
How many used
machines do you sell a year?
Last year we installed about 130 machines.
Some of them came from customers while
others had been in our own Training and
Demonstration Center. You will find offers for
used Pre-owned Machines on TRUMPF’s
web site – or just give us a call.
Kai Schulze, quality representative at TRUMPF, makes
sure that your pre-owned machine will be as good as new.
Spare Parts and Customer Training Technology
A small item with a huge impact // The transmitting tube
A dynamic heart
“Genuine TRUMPF transmitting tubes guarantee
optimal amplification performance with a long service
life,” explains Joachim Ziegler, TRUMPF’s Manager
of Application Development for CO2 laser generators.
The high-frequency generator plays a central role in powering CO2 lasers. The
output here is the high-voltage, high-frequency alternating current needed
to stimulate the laser gas inside a resonator to create laser light. The generator’s heart, and its most important amplification component, is the 12,000volt transmitting tube. It boosts the driver stage’s power output from about
1 kilowatt to 48 kilowatts. This is made possible by an accurately controlled
stream of electrons between the cathode grid and the anode, inside the transmitting tube. During this process the cathode grid can reach temperatures
of over 1,000 degrees Celsius. The sensitive metal grid has to be accurately
manufactured and located inside the transmitting tube, at tolerances as close
as one hundredth of a millimeter. That is why every TRUMPF transmitting
tube is inspected, using special test generators, to ensure that all the parameters are met precisely. This guarantees that the transmitting tubes match the
generator exactly and that eliminates the need for a technician to carry out
time-consuming adjustment work on the generator. The result: Performance
at TRUMPF quality.
Everyone gets a turn
Simulation makes it possible.
Every participant in TRUMPF’s training courses can practice at “his own” machine controls.
It’s a well-known fact that hands-on training is
the best training. Unfortunately, only one customer can actually stand at a machine’s control
panel during instruction. The other participants
in TRUMPF courses have for some time now
been able to follow every step, shown on the
screen with a video projector. But learning by
doing is preferable to just watching. TRUMPF
now provides every participant with his or her
own controls for practice purposes at the training
center. The classroom contains 15 PCs, each with
its own special software that perfectly simulates
the operating control panel and all of its functions. Customers receiving instruction are able to
acquaint themselves, independently and at their
own pace, with all of the steps they will come up
against in real life. This is fun and at the same
time conveys a feeling of self-assurance. The program reacts exactly as its real-world counterpart
does, synthesizing even the most minute details
– including time lags caused by set-up operations
for example. The only thing the operator has to
forego is the finished part at the end of the process. This practical simulator is currently available for operator training courses for the TruMatic
7000 and TruPunch 3000 (S11) machines.
An identical twin: The machine control panel, imaged on the screen.
TruServices Journal  01|12 11
Technology Punching Tools
"How can I help you?"
Christian Jakisch knows exactly how to respond to special customer requests. In this interview he
explains how a customer query leads to a finished, custom Punching Tool.
“Special Punching Tools” – that sounds a bit like
an out-of-the-ordinary situation. Is that the case?
Not at all! This is the type of challenge we encounter
every day. Every month our Technical Consulting
Service processes an average of 1,300 requests for
custom items, reaching us from all over the world
by various means.
How do you respond to an inquiry like this?
Company policy is to acknowledge every customer
query within one working day. First of all, we have to
determine the type of punch or form needed. That lets
us optimize the interaction between the tool and the
machine. Individual customer needs always take priority
and we work hand-in-hand to find the most economical solution, perfect for the machinery available at the
customer’s site.
What is the next step after
the proposal has triggered a confirmed order?
The order is passed on to the engineering department,
where a 3D model of the Special Punching Tool is generated with the help of a drafting program. This in turn is sent
to production, where the tool is manufactured, assembled
and checked for proper function. We send a sample of the
finished sheet metal part, together with a comprehensive test
report, to the customer for approval.
Christian Jakisch, product consultant for Special Punching Tools.
12 TruServices Journal  01|12
And the customer then gets his Punching Tool?
Yes, exactly. In addition to the tool and sample, we also
provide the customer with a USB flash drive containing all of the relevant technical information. Programming tips help the customer import the tool data into
TruTops Punch in just a few seconds.
Is it easy for customers to place
a repeat order?
We assign a serial
number to each Special Tool and archive
all of the data about
the tool. This means
we can also find that
tool at a later date and,
if need be, supply either
an identical copy of the
entire tool or just component parts in the tool.
Special Punching Tools
Bends, brackets, hinges, bridges or multiple tools – one look at this demonstration
part shows how versatile our Special
Punching Tools really are.
A MultiBend tool can be used on our
punching and combination machines
to perform specific bending operations.
For instance, housings for electrical items
are produced this way.
id you already know about this option? You will find inquiry forms on our
web site. Just fill them in online and send them
to us!
If you prefer, you can send us your inquiries
by regular post, e-mail or over the telephone.
Please get in touch. We will be happy to advise you.
TRUMPF Werkzeugmaschinen
GmbH + Co. KG
Hermann-Dreher-Str. 20, 70839 Gerlingen
Phone: +49 7156 303 36320
Fax: +49 7156 303 30647
Special Punching
Tools are manufactured and assembled with
the help of a 3D model.
TruServices Journal  01|12 13
Technology Software
Not sought – but found!
Integrated Tool Management always provides a perfect overview.
Now it’s even better and more versatile: TRUMPF’s Integrated Tool Is it currently in use or not available at all? The tool management
Management system takes everything into account: the stock room, system always has the right answer and, being an efficient tool itsetup station, measurement bench, grinding machine, program- self, eliminates tedious searches. This intelligent combination of
ming, punching tools and machine activities. Those sites are linked software and punching tool is now available for use – depending
to a central database that will provide information, at any time, on on the machine software version – with the TruMatic 6000 and
the location and condition of any particular punching tool. A scan- TruMatic 7000 machines, the TruPunch 1000, the TruPunch 3000(S11),
ner is used to read the QR code affixed to every tool. That makes it and the TruPunch 5000. You can also be sure that every machine
easy to unequivocally identify each individual component. Is a spe- will support this function in the future. Just ask us for details.
cific punching tool in the grinding machine or in the tool cabinet?
Combination machine
Punching machine
Tool grinding
Programming station
Tool database
Tool terminal with
scanner and touch screen
Tool measuring system
No matter where your tool might be, TRUMPF’s Integrated Tool Management will make it so easy to find.
Compact information – An overview of the benefits to you:
Less time looking for tools. You will always know your tools’ location and condition.
Minimizing setup time. Intelligent setup suggestions save time and are forwarded straight to the machine.
Efficient equipment management. Punching tool data are entered quickly and modified automatically.
Greater productivity. Manual operations are replaced by electronic processes.
Greater process stability. The system checks to see whether tooling has been configured correctly.
Cost savings. Reduced search and setup times.
14 TruServices Journal  01|12
Tool storage
Bending Tools Technology
A lean process
An integrated bending machine paves the way to even shorter
completion times when manufacturing Special Bending Tools.
Special-purpose tools, made to customer specifications, are an im- Getting your dream tool faster
portant topic in the field of bending, too. The TRUMPF subsidiary Even in the past, the road leading to a Special Bending Tool was short.
in the Austrian town of Pasching produces over 25,000 meters of TRUMPF’s specialists prepare design drawings for the custom tool,
bending tools each year. Of those tools, about one in twenty is in based on sketches and information about the sheet metal product as
fact a custom solution.
provided by the customer. A trial tool is then created according to
these drawings, as per the SYNCHRO principles. Using the bending
machine integrated into the system, the new tool can now be tested
Keeping things running smoothly
Since 2003 TRUMPF has manufactured Special Bending Tools in directly – using sheet metal provided by the customer, ensuring the
progressive assembly operations, following the SYNCHRO principles, most telling test results. Should it be necessary to modify the tool, the
optimizing production cycle times. This process has become even manufacturing area is just a few steps away. Rework and subsequent
leaner. Instead of testing tools in the demonstration center as in the testing can be completed within a few hours.
past, bending trials are now carried out on site using a TruBend 5050.
“We achieved extremely short cycle times for special tools using this
advanced manufacturing method,” explains Mario Urmann, Pasching’s manager for Bending Tool production. The delivery time for
special tools has dropped by a quarter on average.
Did you know that it only takes a couple of minutes to submit a query for a Special Tool? This can be done, around
the clock, by logging into the Bending Tool E-Shop of
MyTRUMPF. Our short training video will explain, step by
step, how to get the tool you want.
Material flow
Special Tools
The bending machine being integrated into the assembly flow means faster
bending trials, carried out right on site, using customer materials.
This is an even more sophisticated process and one that makes the required
tool available in three-quarters of the time.
TruServices Journal  01|12 15
Technology Product Enhancements
Just the right angle
OCB – Operator Controlled Bending – guarantees precision angles at the push of a button.
Users don’t always need to have an angle
sensor permanently attached to a machine to monitor angles during the
entire bending process. Frequently
though, a simple digital angle
meter (or goniometer) is
not adequate for a lot of
people. The ideal solution for anyone
wanting perfect
angles with a minimum of time and effort
is an add-on for TruBend
machines, called Operator
Controlled Bending (OCB). This
portable, versatile instrument transmits the measurement results straight to
a USB Bluetooth receiver at the machine’s
control unit. There is no need for manual
entries, saving time and boosting productivity.
The OCB tolerates no compromise when it
comes to accuracy. It can check the angle at three different places per bend.
The OCB shows its real strength
in long production runs. Simply measure all of the bent
edges, transmit all of the
results to the control
unit, and continue
working with precise angle data.
The OCB angle meter is portable, versatile and
equipped with a Bluetooth interface. It guarantees
perfect angles, even when working on multiple bending machines.
Improved bending – automatically
The BendMaster control V7.0 speeds bending processes.
Automatic bending made faster, easier and cheaper. These are the benefits of the latest BendMaster control with its updated software version
7.0. The BendMaster control has been perfected and the BendMaster
itself has been made even more productive; its motions are now synchronized and at the same time augmented with collision window
monitoring. Depending on the specifics of the application, productivity can be increased by 15 to 25 percent! This also contributes to
lower component cost – by up to 30 percent, again depending on the
application. So apart from saving time, the upgraded control system
will also be putting money in the bank. With the latest BendMaster
Software V7.0, the TruBend Cell 5000 provides not only highly productive automation for a wide range of components, but its operations
are even more economical. Beginning in July 2012, this control will be
available for retrofitting on all BendMaster of bending machines with
a TASC 6000 control unit. Just ask us for details!
The advantages of the updated version 7.0 software for the BendMaster’s
control are twofold: parts costs drop as productivity increases.
16 TruServices Journal  01|12
Product Enhancements and Technology Knowledge
Keep cool!
Things can sometimes heat up
when cutting through thick material.
The CoolLine’s water mist makes sure
the material doesn’t overheat.
Inconsistent material composition and surface quality sometimes
make life a misery for laser cutting, particularly when processing
thick, low-carbon steel sheet. Such alloys can reach considerable
temperatures near the cutting face. The sheet’s high temperature
impedes the cutting process, especially where filigree shapes are
involved. If the kerf overheats, it can even set off a so-called selfburning reaction. There the material left in the cut burns and causes
slag to stick to the rear surface of the sheet metal.
How it's done
Easy Type
You can show every digit from zero to nine
in a seven-segment display. The Easy Type
MultiTool can do even better than that.
Just five embossing inserts in a single tool
are so closely harmonized that they can
form the 26 letters of the alphabet,
symbols and digits 0 to 9. Even if the
parts are subsequently powder coated or
painted, the text remains clear and
uniform. You can select from ten different
font sizes.
Embossing insert
Punching Tool
More parts, less waste
To keep this from happening, a cooling device is now available to keep temperatures
constant – TRUMPF’s CoolLine option. A special cutting head sprays a fine water
mist around the area where the steel is being processed. This is a highly effective
measure; the evaporation of just 30 milliliters of water per minute brings about cooling of one kilowatt. This provides the laser with uniform temperature conditions
and makes cutting through thick materials faster and more reliable.
The result: Parts can be nested more tightly and skeletons can be more narrow. That
reduces waste and the metal sheet can be better utilized. A test specimen showed: up
to 31 percent more parts and 14 percent less scrap. You can use the CoolLine to make
cutting even more reliable for lower grade construction steel with its accompanying
fluctuations in chemical composition. This unit can be retrofit to the TruLaser 3030,
TruLaser 3040, TruLaser 5030, TruLaser 5040 and TruLaser 5060 models. The cutting
head is easily changed with just a few motions since all of the cables and hoses are
integrated into the unit. Mount the head, activate TruTops Laser, and start cutting –
quickly and reliably – even when the going gets a bit tougher.
Regrinding tools simply and safety ... the
QuickSharp makes that job easy. As soon
as the tool is inserted in one of the
integrated tool mounts, the amount to be
ground away is selected and the fully
automatic grinding process is started. First
the length of the tool is measured and
then the grinding disk drops to make
gentle contact with the tool. Machining is
especially gentle, using a cooling lubricant
to avoid thermal overloading at the
cutting edges. Thanks to a practical
pre-adjustment device with a tool adapter,
the result is sure to be perfect, even for
dies with shear angles. And then the
QuickSharp will show the new length for
many tools. That saves time!
Rotating grinding wheel
Cooling and
lubricating mix
Cooling lubricant nozzle
clamping device
CoolLine brings temperatures down when things heat up during laser cutting.
TruServices Journal  01|12 17
Good to know
Knowledge News
It’s the combination that counts
TruMatic owners know the advantages of the combination. Two Technology Course Laser Cutting
technologies in a single machine bring about uncompromising Among the topics covered in this course are practical detergood results while at the same time saving time and money. mination of process parameters, laser control, and cutting a
Two mutually independent courses can make you an all-round- diverse range of materials. Both courses can be scheduled iner in punching and laser technology.
dependent of each other – or in combination. The order is irrelevant. With this double knowledge in your pocket, you can
use the advantages of your combination machine even more
Technology Course Punching
This class offers a number of new insights to everyone who has effectively. So sign up today and enjoy double benefits.
already completed the basic operating course for a punching or
combination machine. On the agenda are analyses of the causes
for collisions, how to best work with forming tools, the reasons
Technology Course
for burrs and scratches, and using Size 5 tools.
Technology Course
Laser Cutting
Two courses offer combined knowledge in five days.
Let’s drop in on …
… Wolfgang Wolf?
olfgang Wolf demParts detective W
tive’s skills when
onstrates a detec
material numbers
he’s search
Wolfgang Wolf needs the nose of a bloodhound and lots of patience. If a customer, somewhere around the world, is missing
a part and cannot find it in the TRUMPF Spare Parts Catalog,
then this mechanical engineer or one of his two colleagues in
parts identification starts the search for the material number.
“We are usually seeking spares, sheet metal parts or components from older equipment,” Wolf explains. The basis for his
research is often meager and blurred pictures made with a cell
phone which he receives virtually every day. His most bizarre
job was put in Wolf ’s hands directly by a customer. It was
a bag with parts from an older 2D laser machine. “It was a
real grab bag,” he recalls with a smile. “A bit of hose, an old
valve, a light bulb.” He identified and found them all. A wellfilled spare parts database is the starting point for his searches. That database
includes machines of all kinds and in every model series, all the way back to
1960. If that doesn’t do the trick, “then we start digging in collections of old
documents,” Wolf continues. It’s a true labor of Sisyphus. Once he’s found the
part, he adds information to the database that will shorten the next search. In
the final analysis, the machine at the back of beyond is to be put back in shape
as soon as possible. We profit from our own experience,” says Wolf. Another
valuable resource are regular visits to the TRUMPF plants. “There we can see
what is located where.” And that facilitates the search for the next part – one
that’s already waiting as a shaky photo in the inbox.
18 TruServices Journal  01|12
TruServices at a glance
Quick mirror
mirror images
> Finance
Stay flexible on a solid basis
Are you making a case and need a part that’s the exact mirror image of
one you’ve already designed? In the past this meant having to make an
entirely new drawing for the second part. That was both bothersome
and time-consuming! This work can be done by the TruTops Bend
software with a single command. Using the data for the existing workpiece, the program first flips – or reverses – all of the bending lines.
The set-up plan and the bending process are automatically converted
to the new values and the position of the machine’s stop fingers are
matched to the new position. And so you have, quickly and without
undue effort, the identical part – just as a mirror image.
> Software
Programmed for success
> Punching Tools
Know-how for every application
> Bending Tools
Customized to your specification
> Spare Parts
Quality in every detail
> Technical Service
You can count on us
TruTops Bend creates the perfect mirror image with a single command.
Prize drawing: Trading
a dongle for an iPad2
Each of the following winners is excited
about the prize: an iPad2.
Jürgen Schablitzki, Jonda Metallwaren fabrik GmbH, Breitengüßbach, Germany
Leonard Huyghens, Actilas/Actijet SA,
Villecomtal-sur-Arros, France
Mark Tyler, Laser Options (Pty) Ltd., Randburg, South Africa
We hope you will enjoy
your tablet computers!
> Service Agreements
For the highest
machine availability
> Product Enhancements
Your machine can do more
> Customer Training
The knowledge advantage
> Consulting
Advice through experience
> Per-owned Machines
First choice for second hand
Expectations for machining sheet metal are
becoming ever more diverse. For some time
now, just selling advanced machinery has
not been enough. After-sales back-up and
support have become a prized aspect and
one that distinguishes TRUMPF. Our customers are quite justified in putting their
faith in our good ideas, our broad expertise,
and our years of experience in implementing complex production concepts. Regarless
of whether it’s a matter of custom-engineered tools, consulting in design questions,
or well thought out concepts for fast and
trouble-free processes – our application
consultants are experts at thinking “outside
the box”. In their role as highly competent,
farsighted partners, they help make possible
what might at first seem impossible.
Thinking service?
Think blue!