Issue 27 - Te Runanga A Iwi O Ngapuhi


Issue 27 - Te Runanga A Iwi O Ngapuhi
Ae Marika
Ae Marika November 2010
Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi-O-Ngāpuhi Magazine
Issue 27 July 2011
It’s Time for Ngapuhi to Have
Their Say About Settlement
• We Profile New Runanga CEO George Riley
• What Now? The Tai Tokerau By Election Result
• The Schedule for Tuhoronuku
Ae Marika July 2011
Tuhoronuku To Seek Mandate
- Ngapuhi to Have Their Say................................................................................................................. 3
- Details About Upcoming Hui............................................................................................................ 4
- Mandate Hui Schedule........................................................................................................................ 5
Post By-Election Commentary
Well, What Now by Gideon Porter...................................................................................................... 6
The Runanga’s New Chief Executive
George Riley profile................................................................................................................................. 7
Matariki.................................................................................................................................................... 8-9
The Internet Chef
The Soup Theme Continues........................................................................................................ 10-11
News Briefs
The Kaikohe Expo and Manu Korero...............................................................................................12
Incredible Years Graduation and Te Hana Opening...................................................................13
Photo Gallery
More from the Facilitation Hui...........................................................................................................14
Tuhoronuku to Seek Mandate
Ngapuhi Treaty settlement sub-committee Te Ropu o Tuhoronuku is to begin seeking a mandate
from mid-August to represent the iwi in settlement negotiations with the Crown.
said it was now time for all Ngapuhi, wherever they
live, to have their say on who they want to represent
“Over the past three years Tuhoronuku has held 44
consultation hui throughout Aotearoa and parts
of Australia. We’ve conducted online forums and
communicated with our people through various
other means.
“For those hapu who have had concerns, we’ve
Tuhoronuku Chair Raniera Tau speaks to reporters .
delayed the mandate process by three months
A Horizon Research poll commissioned in June by
and entered into Crown-sponsored facilitation by
Te Ropu o Tuhoronuku found:
respected statesman the Rt Hon Jim Bolger.
91% of Ngapuhi wished to negotiate a Treaty
“It is now time for Ngapuhi to have their say.
settlement directly with the Crown
“Mandating hui will begin on 19 August, and will
50.4% of Ngapuhi support a parallel process(i.e
be held throughout Aotearoa, Sydney and Perth.
direct settlement negotiations with the Crown
They will be well advertised in mainstream media,
for an early settlement, while at the same time
including television, in coming weeks.
individual Ngapuhi Treaty claims are heard
“All Ngapuhi will be given the opportunity to vote,
through the Waitangi Tribunal)
with the option to vote online, by post, by fax or at
Ngapuhi is Aotearoa’s biggest iwi, with more
a mandating hui.”
than 123 000 members who mostly reside in the
Mr Tau said those Ngapuhi who are wanting
greater Auckland area, with 13% living at home in
more information on how they can participate in
the voting process should go to the Tuhoronuku
Te Ropu o Tuhoronuku chair Raniera (Sonny) Tau
Former Prime Minister Rt Hon Jim Bolger
between Tuhoronuku and Te Kotahitanga
Nga Hapu o Ngapuhi at Whitiora Marae in
Te Tii during July.
Mr Bolger
Over 300 people attended the and the two
will continue to meet to find some common ground on the
Ngapuhi Te Tiriti o Waitangi claims process.
Mr Bolger, a Crown appointed representative, will continue
to facilitate those discussions.
The crowd listens intently to the various speakers at the Te Tii hui.
nō tātou tēnei wā!
Tēnā koutou katoa
Te Rōpū o Tūhoronuku (Tūhoronuku) has been established to represent the interests
of all Ngāpuhi in Treaty settlement negotiations. Tūhoronuku is seeking a mandate
to enter Treaty settlement negotiations with the Crown and invites all Ngāpuhi
descendants to attend a mandate hui.
Tūhoronuku will give a presentation at the hui, which will be followed by a ballot vote
on the following resolution:
“That Te Rōpū o Tūhoronuku is mandated to represent Ngāpuhi in negotiations with
the Crown for the comprehensive settlement of all Ngāpuhi historical claims and Crown
breaches against Te Tiriti o Waitangi / The Treaty of Waitangi.”
All persons aged 18 years and over, who affiliate to Ngāpuhi will be eligible to vote on
the resolution.
If you are registered with Te Rūnanga Ā Iwi O Ngāpuhi, you can postal vote rather than
attend a hui. If you are not registered with the Rūnanga and wish to vote, you will need
to attend a mandate hui or phone for a voting pack. Please visit
or call 0508 666 447 for further information.
Mauri Ora – Te Rōpū o Tūhoronuku
Freephone: 0508 666 447
Freefax: 05282 3353 2869
go to to find out how you4can vote
Deed of Mandate voting
what you need to know
nō tātou tēnei wā!
Friday 19th August
12.30pm – 3.30pm
Avondale Community Centre
99 Rosebank Rd, Avondale
Friday 19th August
6.30pm – 9.30pm
Hoani Waititi Marae
451 West Coast Rd, Glen Eden
Saturday 20th August
10.00am – 1.00pm
Otara Leisure Centre
115 Bairds Rd, Otara
Saturday 20th August
6.30pm – 9.30pm
Mangere Memorial Hall
23 Domain Rd, Mangere Bridge
Monday 22 August
6.30pm – 9.30pm
Waiwhetu Marae
4 Puketapu Grove, Lower Hutt
Tuesday 23 August
6.30pm - 9.30pm
Ministry of Education Building
19 Haven Road, Nelson
Wednesday 24 August
6.00pm - 9.00pm
Te Tomairangi Marae
54 Eye Street, Invercargill
Wednesday 31st August
10.00am – 1.00pm
Whakamaharatanga Marae
Waimamaku Beach Rd
Wednesday 31st August
6.30pm – 9.30pm
Pukerata Marae
Mangatawa Rd, Otaua
Thursday 1st September
10.00am – 1.00pm
Piki te Aroha Marae
Harris Rd, Okaihau
Thursday 1st September
6.30pm – 9.30pm
Mahuhukiterangi Marae
Mangakahia Rd, Tautoro
Friday 2nd September
10.00am – 1.00pm
Parihaka Marae
Te Iringa Rd, Kaikohe
Friday 2nd September
6.30pm – 9.30pm
Kawakawa Primary School Hall
Albert St, Kawakawa
Saturday 3rd September
10.00am – 1.00pm
Te Tapui Marae
Te Tapui Marae Rd, Matauri Bay
Saturday 3rd September
6.30pm – 9.30pm
Kaeo Rugby Club
Whangaroa Rd, Kaeo
Monday 5th September
10.00am – 1.00pm
Whangarei Cricket Pavillion
79 Okara Dr, Whangarei
Monday 5th September
6.30pm – 9.30pm
Whangarei Cricket Pavillion
79 Okara Dr, Whangarei
Tuesday 6th September
10.00am – 1.00pm
Flames International Hotel
2 Waverley St, Onerahi
Saturday 17 September
10.00am – 1.00pm
Te Wairua Tapu
587 Elizabeth St, Redfern
Tuesday 13th September
7.00pm – 10.00pm
Wannaroo Sports & Social Club
Crisafulli. Avenue Wannaroo WA
Freephone: 0508 666 447
Ae Marika July 2011
Well, What Now? Post By-Election
Form er j ournalist Gideon Por ter p rov i d es u s wi t h a n ob ject i ve op i n i o n
on the rec ent Tai Tokera u by- el ect i on . He ca l l s A h i p a ra h om e, a n d h i s
whakapapa is to Ngapu h i , Te Ra rawa a n d N ga i Tu h oe. G i d eon h a s wo rked
for both m ainstream a n d M a or i m ed i a i n h i s 2 0 + yea rs i n t h e i n d u st r y,
inc luding Radio New Zea l a n d , M a n a News , 3 News a n d M a or i Tel ev i s i o n .
After appearing on Maori Television’s Native Affairs programme recently, I was asked to
follow up the opinions I had given there, to see if I had changed my views at all. Well, the
Gideon Porter.
short answer is ‘not really’.
I still think it would have been better for the
the night we both went on Native Affairs that
Maori Party to let Hone and Kelvin slug it out,
one of his biggest challenges now would be to
while they took time to re-build the party
somehow become “nicer”; not nice – because
infrastructure decimated by the defection
that’s not Hone’s style... but he will have to
of Hone. There are many political aspirants
improve his people skills if he wants to get
like Solomon Tipene who are outstanding
people as staunch as Sue Bradford, John Minto
gentlemen – but how many gentlemen do you
and Annette Sykes to work as a team. And he
see in parliament?’ Even Kelvin is realizing that
needs to consider his new role as leader of a
you have to have a bit of mongrel in you if you
political party. It’s survival will depend on him
want to succeed at this game.
winning over, not alienating, potential voters.
I still remember when I first shoulder-tapped
I was asked ‘Is this the beginning of the end for
Kelvin Davis in Kaitaia to be a co-host for one
the Maori Party?’ Hardly. You can question their
of the Te Hiku TV (Kaitaia) shows I created
decision-making in contesting the by-election,
when I was managing the channel (ironically
but Tariana, Pita, Te Ururoa and Rahui have
enough, for Hone). A bit awkward, and stiff at
been good MPs for their constituents – and
first, but he caught on quickly. He’s a smart guy
by and large the perception is that the Maori
(has to be when he was the principal of Kaitaia
Party has the best intentions for Maoridom.
Intermediate) and while he’s got a way to go
However getting too cosy with the likes of
– I think he’s more of threat to Hone and the
National is clearly not what Maori voters want.
Mana Party than they like to admit.
So what will it be, come November? Mana
But for now Hone is in the box seat. He
Party? Maori Party? Labour Party? Short
increased his by-election night majority over
answer – too soon to tell. Ask me again in a
Kelvin from 867 to 1,117. I did say to him on
couple of months, perhaps.
They said it...
Kelvin Davis told early on election night he was excited by the closeness of the
result. “I’m glad to be within coo-ee.”
“...It’s not actually because National’s scared of me, it’s because National is scared of all of you.” Hone Harawira.
Maori Party Co-Leader Pita Sharples: “We’ll stand on our own mana....”
Marley and Rata Resonate With New Chief Executive
The words of the Bob Marley song Exodus still resonate with the new Chief Executive of Te Runanga-A-Iwi-ONgapuhi, George Riley.
The Rūnanga hired the former fisheries officer in
2008 as the Hapū Development Coordinator, to
manage the resource management, matauranga
and policy development portfolios.
Towards the end of 2010 George was appointed as
the CEO of the Rūnanga that represents more than
122,000 Ngāpuhi.
He said he brings mathematical, analytical and
planning skills with an attention to detail, and
legislative experience to the Chief Executive’s role.
During his formative years George identified his
It’s the social messages the song invokes for
grandmother and her brother “George Hau” as role
the newly appointed Chief Executive, who also
models. “She was quite an impressive person as
pinpoints the 1975 Land March to Parliament and
were her siblings,” said George. “My uncle George
the 1981 Springbok tour as influences on his own
taught me that a person’s demeanour should
personal social development.
always be based around an enjoyment of life and a
“What I’ve learnt from those social drivers is that
willingness and effort to be socially orientated.”
opposing parties can live together in peace and
While at Hato Petera College he came under the
show respect for each other,” he said.
guidance of by people such as Lang Davis, Alby
George’s hapū are Ngāti Rāhiri, Ngāti Kawa and
Tahana, Mike O’Brien, Vic Mokaraka and Toby Curtis.
Ngāti Kuta of Te Rāwhiti. He also has links to Ngāti
George also acknowledged the late Mana Motuhake
Tautahi, Ngai Te Wake, Ngāti Wai and Te Rarawa. He
leader and politician Matiu Rata as being another
is married with two children.
person who inspired him.
George has 15 years’ experience in the education
“Matiu Rata was at that time the most outstanding
sector (secondary teacher) having taught at Hato
orator I ever heard,” he said.
Petera, Kaipara and Kaitaia Colleges. He also has a
Looking forward George sees the continued
Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Physics.
development of the Rūnanga and its receptiveness
He came to the Runanga from the Ministry of
to the needs and aspirations of all Ngāpuhi as the
Fisheries, where he was first a Customary Fishery
most exciting element of growth that he hopes to
Officer and later a Pou Hononga.
facilitate as CEO.
Ae Marika July 2011
Te Taurahere o Ngapuhi ki te Tonga o Tamaki Makaurau held their annual Matariki dinner during June at the Old Flame Memory Lane in Takanini.
Ahakoa maha nga whetu o te kahui whetu o Matariki,
kaha ki te kimokimo me te whakakānapanapa i te ao
e whitu noa iho e kitea ana e te kanohi. Koia nei
katoa. Mura katoa te rangi i a ia te whakamārama. I
nga ingoa o aua whetu nei e whitu. Ko Matariki, te
mihi atu nga tamariki a Papatuanuku ki a ia mo tana
whetu nui rawa o te katoa, ko Tupu-a-nuku, ko Tupu-
kaha ki te whakamārama i te huarahi e haeretia ana
a-rangi, ko Waiti, ko Waita, ko Waipuna-a-rangi, me
e ratou i te po. I mihi atu tetahi Roto ki a ia, mo tana
Ururangi. I te wahanga hōtoke, te ra i muri tonu o
kaha ki te whakakānapanapa me te whakapaipai i
Whiro, kua puta a Matariki ā, kua kitea e āta kake
ana wai.
ana ki runga i te rangi. Na, kua timata te tau hou o
I taua wā tonu, kihai a Tāne te atua o te Ao Marama
te Māori.
i pai ki taua whetu nei. “Patua ana tēna whetu,” hei
I te wā e kotiro tonu ana ahau, i korerotia mai aua
ko tānā. “He whetu apo. E kore e whakaaro ki ana
korero nei, e taku karani kia matou.
hoa whetu. E pohēhē ana, ko ia te whetu rangatira
I mua noa atu, i runga i te rangi tetahi whetu tino
o te rangi, no reira, kua patua e ahau kia ngaro atu.”
Over 120 guests from throughout Auckland attended. The Taurahere holds its monthly meetings on the first Tuesday of the month in Manurewa.
I rongo te Roto i te korero a Tāne, kātahi ka karanga
rangi. Koia ko nga whetu o Matariki, e kimokimo mai
atu kia Hineata, te Hine-o-te-Ata, kia whakatupatohia
ana o ratou kanohi wāhitare noaiho i nga wa tika o te
a Ranginui. I puta atu a Ranginui ki te whetu mārama
putanga mai ki runga i te Tu rangi.
ra. “Rere atu pau te kaha, kei muri tata a Tāne. Rere
Ahakoa he wāhitare noa iho nga kanohi, ahakoa he
horo atu, taku taonga whetu.” I rere hikohiko atu a
ririki nga mata, i waenganui o te iwi Māori he nui to
whetu mārama i runga i te rangi, e aruhia ana e Tāne. I
ratou mana.
te aonga ake o te ra, kei waenganui a whetu mārama
Mā te wheturangi o Matariki
i nga whetu maha o Tāne, e piri ana. Te kitenga atu
o Tāne kua kore rawa taua whetu mārama ra e mau i
e tiaki, e manaaki i a koutou katoa,
a ia, ka kapohia tetahi o ana whetu, kātahi ka epahia
i roto i te tau hou kua heke mai nei.
ki te mātenga o whetu mārama. Paoro atu rāua,
Kia ora tatou katoa.
pākarukaru katoa, a rāua. Ka kohia ake nga piihii
Na Kene Martin
whetu e Tāne, ka pangahia atu ki tawhiti noa atu o te
Ae Marika July 2011
with sourdough croutons and labne cheese
- which is a Lebanese cream cheese made from
yoghurt, the perfect winter treat for a quick
lunch or early dinner. We use Japanese pumpkin,
a variety that is at the height of perfection in
June/July with the kicker in this recipe being a
light roast and caramelise of the pumpkin with
honey and then a tender braise in carrot juice.
I recently attended a masterclass with chef
Marco Pierre White where he used a stock gel
from continental in his pumpkin soup along
with freshly prepared carrot juice that produced
a fantastic result. Sharing a drink and a chat
with him after his cooking demonstration, much
like we chefs do after service on upturned milk
crates in the back alley behind the restaurant
was indeed a highlight in this chef’s year.
Still Dreaming Soup
I’ve always dreamed of owning my own soup
cart or soup kitchen. As a young apprentice
chef, soup was the comfort food that soothed
me through the tough kitchen environment.
A testament to my adoration for creating and
cooking humble soups seems to be the number
of soup recipes I have written about on my
website, including a simple creamed cauliflower
soup and the easiest tomato soup recipe ever,
which are two of my firm favourites.
A current favorite that is making the soup
rotation at our place,The Montgomery St Café,
in Sydney’s Kogarah is Honey Roasted Pumpkin
Hon e y R o asted Pu m pk in S o u p
Recipe serves 6
1 small to medium Japanese pumpkin – or any in season.
2 small onions – peeled and sliced.
4 cloves of garlic – minced.
7 tbsp of honey.
1750 mls of carrot juice.
2 tbsp of grape seed oil.
200 mls of pouring cream.
Sea salt flakes.
Freshly ground black pepper.
4-5 slices of sourdough bread with crusts removed.
Extra grape seed oil for frying
6 tbsp of labne cheese.
1 tbsp of dashi powder (optional).
cutting the sourdough slices into small cubes.
1. Peel and slice the pumpkin into even sized
Heat a thin layer of grape seed oil in a medium
chunks about 5cms by 5cms. Discard the seeds
sized frying pan until a light haze can be seen
or retain for roasting as a snack as in these
coming from the pan and now add the bread.
recipes here.
7. Fry and toss until golden brown and very
2. Heat a large pot with 2 tablespoons of grape
crunchy, watching closely to make sure the
seed oil on medium to high heat or induction
croutons don’t burn. Drain the croutons on
setting 8 and sauté the onions and garlic,
paper towels to absorb any excess oil.
stirring frequently until they begin to cook and
8. Once the pumpkin has softened, remove the
colour lightly. pot from the heat and using a stick blender,
3. Add the pumpkin chunks and stir to evenly
blend the soup until silky smooth.
coat with the onion mass.
9. Return the pot to the cook top on a gentle
4. Add the honey, and turn the heat down
heat and taste the soup for flavor adding salt
slightly and allow the pumpkin time to gently
and pepper if needed. It might be nice at this
roast and caramelize in the pot. This should
stage to also add a tablespoon of dashi powder
take about 10 minutes.
which will help to round out the flavor of the
5. Cover the pumpkin with carrot juice and
season well with salt and pepper. Leave the
10. When ready to serve, add the cream and
soup to come to the boil, then reduce down to
stir through. Ladle the soup into warm bowls
simmer and cook the soup for 15 minutes or
and add a tablespoon of labne followed by a
until the pumpkin is tender.
generous sprinkling of the croutons.
6. While the soup cooks, make the croutons by
Ae Marika July 2011
Ngapuhi Iwi Social Services Social Workers Mihi Pickering (left) and Celia Pihema (right) at the Kaikohe Expo.
Kaikohe Expo
Initiatives in Town
springboard off the success of these initiatives.
Community board chairman Win Stephens said
“hundreds” had visited the expo and plans are afoot
to make it a regular event.
Nga Whakataetae Mo
Ngā Manu Korero o Te
Tai Tokerau 2011
Organisers of a one-day expo highlighting new
initiatives in and around Kaikohe are hoping they
will provide the impetus for renewed vigor around
the Northland town.
Students from 23 Northland schools from Kaitaia
The Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board hosted
College to Mahurangi College took part in Nga
the event that was seen as an opportunity for locals
Manu Korero o Te Tai Tokerau, hosted by Okaihau
to learn more about developments in Kaikohe.
College during June.
The projects include Te Runanga-A-Iwi-O-Ngapuhi’s
plans for the Caltex site, the Twin Coast Cycle Trail,
development of skills and confidence of Māori
the redevelopment of Lindvart Park, movements to
students in English and Te Reo Māori.
form a Kaikohe-based food cooperative and a new
The winners of the Tai Tokerau region were:
tourism initiative at Ngawha.
The Runanga’s Communications Leader, Reuben
Wiripo Manuera (Taipa Area School) – Te Rāwhiti
Wharawhara, said both the community board and
Ihaka (junior Māori section)
business sector were working together to build
Georgia Ihimaera (Moerewa School) – Sir Turi Carroll
renewed focus around the positives in Kaikohe.
(junior English section)
“We’ve all felt for a long time there’s huge potential
Ian Tauhinu (Bay of Islands College) – Pei Te Hurinui
here. It just needs to be unleashed,” he said.
Jones (senior Māori section)
“The Caltex site is going to become a key junction in
BJ Rogers (Kerikeri High School) – Korimako (senior
time; the cycle trail is taking off; and plans like the
English section)
cooperative are a smart way of people helping each
Robert Diamond (Tikipunga High School) – Ta Himi
other, at the same time helping themselves to be
Henare (bilingual section)
able to get ahead.”
The national finals will be held in Mt Maunganui on
Mr Wharawhara said local businesses were able to
September 27-29.
Te Hana Te Ao Marama
– Dream and Vision for
the Future
Incredible Years
Programme Impacts
Over 300 dignitaries and manuhiri gathered in Te
Ten parents graduated from the most recent
Hana to celebrate the opening of the Te Ao Marama
Incredible Years parenting programme offered by
Traditional Māori Village and Pā Site, a tourist
Ngapuhi Iwi Social Services.
attraction on SH1 north of Wellsford.
The Incredible Years programme is aimed at
The project has been guided by the dreams and
helping parents to have a better relationship with
visions of the Kaumatua Kuia of Te Hana and
their children. It focuses on the value of effective
the surrounding districts, as well as the Te Hana
praise and parents learning how to play with their
Community Development Charitable Trust.
children. The programme’s methods are based on
The Marae offers educational courses and social
the way children develop and encourages parents
services, while the village and pā have the potential
to work together to find solutions that suit them
to provide job opportunities throughout the region.
An art gallery with weaving and carving studios has
Deina, one of the parents on the course said: “I am
also been established and the tourist attraction has
happier. The relationship with my children and
been Qualmarked in time for the Rugby World Cup
husband has improved; my view of our whanau has
– one of two marae to be given the internationally
recognised product brand.
“I feel empowered that I have the strategies to deal
with any struggles we face in our whanau,” she said.
Graduating from Incredible Years... one of the recent graduands is congratulated by facilitator Saffron Gardner.
Ae Marika July 2011
An estimated 350 Ngapuhi attended a hui facilitated by Former Prime Minister Jim Bolger at Te Tii recently.