Our Lady of Lourdes Church


Our Lady of Lourdes Church
Our Lady of Lourdes Church
(516) 599-1269
65 Wright Ave, Malverne, NY 11565
website: www.OLLChurchMalverne.org
Rev. Frank J. Parisi, Pastor
Rev. Richard R. Donovan, In Residence
Rev. Andres Fernandez, In Residence
Rev. Chux Okochi, In Residence
Rev. Marcellus Gorleku, Weekend Assistant
Deacon Francis X. Cove
Deacon Richard H. Portuese
Palm Sunday of
The Passion
of The Lord
March 20, 2016
Celebration of the Eucharist
Holy Day Eve:
Holy Day
9:00 am
9:00 am & 5:00 pm
7:30am, 9:30am, 11:00 am, 12:30 pm & 5:00 pm
5:00 pm
7:30am, 9:00 am, 7:30 pm
Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick: First Saturday of every month after the 9:00am Mass.
Those who are seriously ill or about to undergo serious surgery are encouraged to receive the
Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. In the event of an emergency, please call the rectory to
make arrangements with a priest. If you are unable to attend church, call the rectory office so
that a Eucharistic Minister can bring you the Eucharist.
Rectory Office:
(516) 599-1269 / fax: (516) 887-9517
9am—12pm, 1pm—5pm, 7pm—9pm
Sacrament of Baptism: Baptisms are celebrated on the second Sunday of each month at
2:00 pm. Parents and Godparents are asked to attend a Baptismal Preparation class prior to
the Baptism. Please call the rectory to register.
Business Mgr:
Music Director:
Youth Director:
Thomas Letourneau
Carol Grossi & Yole Santino
Stephen Harth
Linda Baldacchino (516) 241-1896
Kevin Dieck & Rocco Bruzzese
(516) 660-0364 / (516) 660-0365
Sacrament of Marriage: Arrangements should be made at least six months in advance and
prior to wedding reception plans. Please call the rectory to make an appointment with a priest
or deacon.
Religious Education:
(516) 599-7222 / fax (516) 599-2256
Mary Lasar
Marybeth Malone
School Office: (516) 599-7328 / fax: (516) 599-3813
website: www.OLLMalverne.org
Mary Carmel Murphy
Magdalen Hamilton—Roldan
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Confessions are held on Saturdays from 4:00pm to 4:45pm or
at other reasonable times by making an appointment at the rectory.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: First Friday of each month at 8pm by the Human Life
Committee and the Nocturnal Adoration Society ending with Benediction at 10:00pm.
Second Thursday of each month from noon until Benediction at 4:45pm.
Miraculous Medal Novena: Wednesdays after the 9:00am Mass.
RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: If you or someone you know is interested in
becoming a Catholic or completing their entrance into the church through Baptism, Confirmation or Holy Eucharist, please call the rectory.
Rosary: Each day beginning at 8:40am in the Church
In Your Prayers Please Remember The Sick and
Hospitalized Members Of Our Parish Community
Monday, March 21st ~ Monday of Holy Week
9:00 am
Howard Michaleski (d)
Matthew Amarante
Carmel Carleo
Vito Catalano
Gerardina Corrado
Deacon Frank Cove
Robert Gonzales
Tuesday, March 22nd ~ Tuesday of Holy Week
9:00 am
John Stamm (d)
Wednesday, March 23rd ~ Wednesday of Holy Week
9:00 am
Mary Claire Platz (d)
Teresa Isidore
Barbara Kretkowski
Peter Levantino
Kevin Ledwith
Nadine Loetzer
John Panaro
Claire Parisi
James Rodman
Laura Ruggiero
Robert Schafer
Ann Schimmenti
Joan Thomson
The names will remain for six consecutive weeks unless the
Rectory Office is notified.
Thursday, March 24th ~ Holy Thursday
9:00 am
Jacob, Giacomina & Clara Pietrzak (d)
& Fran Vickers (L)
7:30 pm
Rosolino Cracchiolo (d)
Our Parishioners Serving
In The Military
Please keep all our Military and Support Personnel
in your prayers especially:
Friday, March 25th ~ Good Friday
United States Air Force
1st Lt. William F. Cosgrove
United States Navy
LT Michael Annunziata
Lt. Geoff Hendrick
IC2 Bryanne Heim Iddings
LTJG Ryan Patrick Mahon
Saturday, March 26th ~ Holy Saturday
8:00 pm
Donald A. Gill (d)
Sunday, March 27th ~ Easter Sunday of the Resurrection
of the Lord
7:30 am
Deceased Members of the Danna Family
9:30 am
Joseph & Rose Maranzano (d)
11:00 am
In Thanksgiving
12:30 pm
For Our Parishioners
Pat Welge (d)
Bill McNally (d)
Phyllis Marie Westlake (d)
School Hall
9:30 am
Guido Moneta (d)
11:00 am
Patricia A. Gibson (d)
12:30 pm
Agnes Meincke (d)
United States Army
Spc Andrew J. Baez
Major Thomas Barrett
Spc Lotachukwu Okoye
Spc Tucker Andrew Peterson
United States Marine Corps
L Cpl Kristofer Katzenberger
CWO-4 Kris Kurrus
“Lord, hold our troops in Your loving hands. Protect them as they protect
us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in
our time of need. We ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior.
Please let us know if any of our Military and Support Personnel have
returned home safely, so that we may update our prayer list.
Pray for Priests
God, our Father, please send us holy priests, all for the Sacred and
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, all for the Sorrowful and Immaculate
Heart of Mary, in union with St. Joseph. We pray that the Blessed
Mother wrap her mantle around your priests, and through her intercession strengthen them for their ministry. We pray that Mary will
guide your priests to follow her own words, “Do whatever He tells
you.” (Jn 2:5) May your priests be holy, filled with the fire of your
love, seeking nothing but your greater glory and the salvation of
souls. Amen.
Lenten Guidelines
Our Church has established Ash Wednesday
and all the Fridays of Lent as days of abstinence. All Catholics 14 years of age or older
are asked to abstain from meat on these days.
In addition, Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of
fasting when those who are between the ages of 18 and 59
years old are asked to eat only one full meal and two smaller
meals with nothing in between during the day.
Rev. Francis Lasrado
Rev. Khoa T. Le
Rev. Henry P. Leuthardt
Rev. Janusz Lipski
Rev. Msgr. James P. Lisante
Rev. Peter T. Liu
For all priests
Stations of the Cross will be prayed every
Friday evening at 7:30 pm
Time, Talent & Treasure
Fostering Stewardship as a Way of Life
Parish Sacrificial Giving Summary
March 13, 2016:
Last Year:
Catholic Relief:
Grant eternal peace to those whom
You have called unto yourself, O Lord
Katherine T. O’Connor
From the Pastor’s Desk
We begin our celebration of the holiest week of our Church’s year.
It is a week that is steeped in tradition. Our Masses and ceremonies are rich in
symbolism that helps us to recall our Lord’s life saving Death and Resurrection. I
invite you to walk these days in faith with us as we bring our Lenten journey to a
close and continue on into the Triduum and the joy of Easter.
Our celebration this Palm Sunday recalls Our Lord’s triumphal entry
into Jerusalem as He prepared to celebrate the Passover with His disciples. He enters the city riding on a donkey (a sign that He comes to bring peace, a warrior would have ridden a horse) amid
the waving of palm branches and shouts of “Hosanna”. We process into Mass this weekend singing and waving
palms as a sign of our desire to acclaim Jesus as Our Lord and to express our desire to follow Him and walk in
His ways of peace and love.
The season of Lent comes quietly to a close as we enter into the Sacred Triduum on Holy Thursday evening. When you enter into church, you will find that the holy water fonts have been emptied. They will be refilled with the newly blessed Easter water during the Easter Vigil. I invite you to bring a suitable vessel to Mass
with you next weekend so that you may bring some of this water home with you.
The oils that were blessed by Bishop Murphy during the Chrism Mass earlier in the day will be brought in
procession and placed in the ambry in the sanctuary. These oils will be used in Baptism, Confirmation and to
anoint the sick, bringing God’s strength and grace to all who celebrate the Sacraments.
The concelebrants will wash the feet of twelve members of our parish family in imitation of Our Lord’s
action during the Last Supper. By this gesture, Jesus reminds us all that we are called to live lives of loving service toward one another.
Members of the Rosary Altar Society, who work so hard all year round to keep our worship space so
beautiful and clean, will dress and decorate our altar as we prepare to enter into the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
We recall Jesus’ actions at the Last Supper in which bread and wine are transformed into His Body and Blood.
In asking us to “do this in memory of Me,” Our Lord tells us of the importance of celebrating and receiving the
Eucharist regularly, for “unless you eat My Body and drink My Blood, you cannot have life within you.”
At the end of Mass, the Eucharist will be transferred in solemn procession to the altar of repose in the
Church Hall. Just as Jesus took His disciples with Him as He went to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane, He invites us to pray with Him on this most holy night. I invite you to spend some time in prayer before the Blessed
Sacrament until midnight, when we will depart in silence.
On Good Friday, we remember Our Lord’s Passion and Death in special ways. Our Youth Ministry will
present the Living Stations of the Cross at noon and the traditional stations will be prayed at 7:30 pm.
The primary liturgy of the Church, the Commemoration of Our Lord’s Passion and Death, will take place
at 3:00 pm. We will hear the passion of the Lord read to us from Saint John’s Gospel. We will then have the
opportunity to venerate the cross with a touch or a kiss, our way of giving thanks to Our Lord for giving His life
for us.
There is no celebration of Eucharist on this day, but Communion which was reserved from Holy Thursday
will be distributed. Once again, we will depart in silence.
Our celebration of Easter begins with the Easter Vigil at 8:00 pm on Holy Saturday. We will enter the
church and sit in darkness until the Easter fire is blessed, the Paschal Candle is lit and the flame from that candle is passed to all in the Church. A song of praise, the Exsultet, will be sung. We will then listen to Scripture
readings highlighting the history of our faith. We will renew our own baptismal promises . The Celebration of
the Eucharist will continue as we rejoice in our belief that the Lord is truly risen indeed!
Father Frank
Diocese of
Rockville Centre
Wedding Banns
Office of Worship
Banns I
This spring, couples that have been married fifty years or
more will be honored at liturgies on
Sunday, April 10th at
The Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr in Sayville
and on Sunday, April 24 at
The Church of Maria Regina in Seaford.
Both liturgies will begin at 2:30 pm.
Monique Danielle Pelletier,
Our Lady of Lourdes &
Alex Javier Torres, Sts. Joachim &
Anne, Briarwood, New York
Couples may register for ONE Liturgy.
St Vincent de Paul Society
Registration forms and complete instructions can be obtained
at the OLL Rectory Office. Registration must be received by
the Office of Worship by March 25th for the April 10th liturgy and by April 8th for the April 24th liturgy.
Today is Palm Sunday and the beginning of the holiest of
Christian weeks. Let us pray for the grace to take up our
own cross and to follow Jesus through death to new life.
If you have any questions, you may call
516-678-5800, extension 207.
As you place your gift in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Poor Box, know that you are a sign of God’s love to those
who carry their cross of suffering and pain.
Donations can be made in memory of loved ones both living
and deceased through the placement of Altar and
Tabernacle Flowers or by memorializing the Altar Bread,
Altar Wine or Sanctuary Lamp that
burns near the Tabernacle.
Food Pantry
Jelly, Ready Made Pasta Sauce,
Cold Cereal,
Canned Peas or Carrots, Drinks,
Peanut Butter
 Main Altar Flowers $80
Tabernacle Bouquet $30 each
Reflection for Next Sunday ~ March 27, 2016
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
Altar Bread or Wine $25 each
Sanctuary Lamp $25
First Reading: Acts 10:34a,37-43
Second Reading: Colossians 3:1-4
Gospel: John 20:1-9
An acknowledgement of your memorial
will appear in the Sunday bulletin.
Please come to the Rectory Office to make arrangements!
“Three witnesses, Mary, Peter, and John,
respond to the empty tomb”
Welcome to the Newly Baptized
Today’s scriptures each tell the story of the
Resurrection from a different perspective. Saint Peter in the
reading from the Acts of the Apostles tells us how the Resurrection inspired the early Church, and Saint Paul offers his recommendations for how to respond to the Resurrection in our own
lives. Our Gospel simply relates the story of the empty tomb
and leaves each of us with a question to ponder: What does it
mean to you that Christ is risen from the dead?
Cameron Julianne Bjelland
Hailey Grace Mantel
Logan Leo Plunkett
Patrick Michael Rudden
Weston Karl Schmieder
Focus Questions:
1. The last line in the Gospel states that the apostles did not
understand that Jesus had to rise from the dead. How do
you understand what happened to Jesus on Easter?
2. Relate a time when you saw a sign of resurrection in your
3. Jesus died on Good Friday. On Easter, His apostles found
His tomb empty. Describe a time when good came out of a
seemingly hopeless situation.
Pro-Life Corner
To err is human! Abortion is no error, it is evil!
We have no right to choose evil; therefore
choose to defend all life.
Children and Family Reflection:
Talk about how the disciples must have felt after losing Jesus
and then seeing Him alive again.
Principal’s Corner
Religious Education
“Lord, use my pain to increase my faith and draw
others to “The Only Way.” In my trials, teach me
obedience that I may closer be to You each day.”
As we enter Holy Week, we ask
the students to reflect on the good
works and kind deeds they did for
Lent this year.
We will have an early dismissal on
Wednesday, March 23. School will
be closed on Holy Thursday and Good Friday and all of
Easter Week. The students will return to school on
Monday, April 4.
Please consider joining the OLL Men’s Club which
does such great work for our school and parish. Their
$10,000 Give-a-Way will be held in the school hall on
April 15.
Please visit our website: www.ollmalverne.org.
First Communion Meeting and Sale
The final meeting for the Sacrament of Holy
Communion will be held on Tuesday, March 22nd at
7:00 pm in the School Hall. We will discuss final plans
including arrival times, practice dates, etc. At least one
parent should attend this meeting. A variety of Communion items will be sold after the meeting.
Confirmation Interviews: Will be held on Tuesday, April
5th at 7:00 pm in the School Hall. The list of times will
be distributed to all eighth grade students next week.
Share God’s loving mercy
Final Exam Schedules: Grades 1, 2, 3, and 4 must return their completed finals to their teachers by Tuesday, March 22nd.
Rosary Altar Society
Rosary Altar Society Communion
Brunch— Sunday, April 10 at 12:30
pm. Members, friends and family will
begin the day with a Mass at 11:00am.
We will sit together in the front on the
Blessed Mother’s side.
The brunch
which begins at 12:30 pm will be held at
the beautiful Hempstead Golf And Country Club.
The cost is $35 pp. Reservations accepted with payment only. Checks may be sent to Gerry Graetzer at 15
Ogston Terrace, Malverne, or dropped off at the rectory.
All Report cards will be distributed
on Tuesday, April 5th, Wednesday, April 6th
and Saturday, April 9th.
The Religious Education Office will be closed from
Thursday, March 24th through Sunday, April 3rd in observance of Easter. The office will reopen on Monday,
April 4th.
All Parish & School Volunteers
At the insistence of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, please
be aware that No Group or Organization will be able to
schedule their events until we have an updated roster of
volunteers from each group. Every parish & school volunteer
must have completed the following:
Background check ~ Virtus Workshop ~ Code of Conduct
To register for VIRTUS go to: www.virtus.org or website at:
Our Communion Brunch guest speaker is Fr. James
Hansen. Fr. James, who grew up in Franklin Square
was ordained June 2015. He is currently an Associate
Pastor at St. Agnes Cathedral. His topic is “Living the
Joyful Message of the Gospel”.
Thrift Shop:
Hours: Wednesdays 9:30am—2:30 pm
1st & 3rd Saturdays 9:30 am—12:30 pm
Jewelry, Women’s and Children’s clothing, Housewares,
Decorative items, Gifts, all can be found in a friendly
atmosphere at bargain prices.
If you or someone you know has experienced an incident of sexual abuse by
clergy, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, please contact
the office for the Protection of Children and Young People. The office maintains a
special phone for these situations: 516-594-9063.
St. Herbert—Feastday: March 20th
Hermit of England and friend of St.
Cuthbert. A priest, Herbert lived as a
recluse on an island in Lake Derwentwater, England. His island became St.
Herbert’s in his honor. Herbert had asked
to die on the same day as St. Cuthbert, a
desire that was granted by God.
-Catholic Online
St. Mary’s/Maris Stella Council #2228
Knights of Columbus
78 Hempstead Ave, Lynbrook
Daily Mass
Monday thru Wednesday
March 21st, 22nd, 23rd ~ 9:00 AM
Monday, March 21st
Diocesan Day of Reconciliation
3:30 pm—5:00 pm & 7:00 pm—9:00 pm
Good Friday, March 25th ~ 4:15—5:00 pm
The Richard Bowman Memorial Golf Outing
Eisenhower Park Blue Course
Thursday, May 19, 2016
1:00 pm Shotgun Start
Dinner, Open Bar, and Prizes
to follow at the
Knights of Columbus Hall
Cost $150 per golfer
Hole sponsorship cost $100 per sign.
Holy Thursday, March 24th
9:00 am—Morning Mass
7:30 pm—Mass of the Lord’s Supper
followed by Eucharistic Adoration until Midnight
in the Church Hall
Good Friday, March 25th
12:00 Noon—Living Stations of the Cross
3:00 pm—Liturgy of the Passion & Death of the Lord, Holy
Communion & Veneration of the Cross
7:30 pm—Stations of the Cross
Please make checks payable to:
St. Mary’s/Maris Stella Council #2228 K of C
78 Hempstead Ave Lynbrook, NY 11563
Return Form below with payment by
May 1, 2016
Holy Saturday, March 26th
8:00 pm—Easter Vigil & Mass
** Foursome Registration Form **
Easter Sunday, March 27th
Church: 7:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am, 12:30 pm
School Hall: 9:30 am, 11:00 am, 12:30 pm
No 5:00 pm Mass
Golfer Name
Address &
Phone #
Malverne Post 44 American Legion
Atlantic City Bus Trip
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Franklin Avenue & Legion Place
Arrival Time: 8:15 am ~ Free Parking,
Rolls, Bagels, Donuts & Coffee before departure
For more information call
Ralph Macchia (516) 659-8910 or
Diego Oblitas (516) 410-0866
Enjoy a relaxing round trip ride to
Atlantic City Caesar’s Casino in a
Comfortable Coach Bus with movie & games
Holy Land Collection / March 25th
On Good Friday, our parish will take up the annual Good Friday Collection for the Holy Land. Each day, the news reminds
us of the violence and instability plaguing the Middle East, but
we rarely hear of the shrinking Christian community there, a
community that struggles to remain in the land of Christ’s birth,
death and resurrection. Please help support our brothers and
sisters in the Holy Land by giving to the Good Friday Collection. This Pontifical Collection allows the Franciscans and
others to continue caring for Christianity’s holiest sites and for
God’s people in the Holy Land. Please be generous as your
means allow.
Price: $40 per person
Receive a $30 gaming voucher on arrival
Make checks to:
American Legion Post #44
PO Box 44, Malverne, NY 11565
Must call by March 28, 2016 to reserve a seat
Early birds get the seats!
For reservation call: Bob Guarneri at 483-5631
John Hassett at 887-7473
Coming Up This Week
Easter Vigil ~ by: Paul Turner
The Easter Vigil is the most important Mass of
the year. In the complete ranking of all Catholic Church
celebrations, the Triduum occupies the top spot. The
Triduum, which begins with Holy Thursday’s Mass of
the Lord’s Supper, concludes on Easter, reaching its
climax with the Easter Vigil. If there is one Mass in
which Catholics should make every effort to participate
every year, it is the Easter Vigil. If you attend church
Easter Sunday morning but miss the Easter Vigil, you
have missed the most important celebration of the year.
The Easter Vigil celebrates the resurrection of
Christ and the commitment of believers. It has four
parts. It begins with a service of light. The community
gathers in darkness to hear that Christ is our light, shattering the darkness of sin. The next part of the Vigil is
the Liturgy of the Word. We hear up to nine Scripture
passages that tell the story of salvation, ending with the
Gospel of the resurrection.
The third part is the Liturgy of Baptism. Some
catechumens have already been listed among the elect,
those chosen for baptism this year. They now come forward to be plunged into the waters of new birth.
Anointed with chrism, they celebrate confirmation, receiving the strength of God’s Spirit for the Christian
life. Then the entire community renews its baptismal
promises. Together we pledge our faith in the resurrection and promise to follow Christ more closely.
The Vigil culminates in the fourth part, the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The length of the celebration has
sharpened our hunger for communion. Now the newly
baptized will join us in the Eucharist for the very first
time. At the Easter Vigil we recommit ourselves to our
faith and rejoice with the newly baptized.
Monday, March 21~ Diocesan Day of Reconciliation
2:30 pm ........... After School Program ..................................................... School Hall
3:30 pm—5:00 pm—Reconciliation ...............................................................Church
7:00 pm—9:00 pm—Reconciliation ...............................................................Church
7:30 pm ........... Al-Anon ......................................................... Rectory Dining Room
7:30 pm ........... Beginner Al-Anon................................................. Rectory Room #2
Tuesday, March 22
9:30 am ........... Cenacle Meeting ............................................. Rectory Dining Room
9:30 am ........... Legion of Mary Meeting ........................................ Rectory Room #2
1:30 pm .......... Scripture Study/Intercessory Prayer Meeting .... Rectory Dining Room
2:30 pm ........... After School Program ..................................................... School Hall
7:00 pm ........... Boy Scout Committee Meeting ....................................... Church Hall
7:00 pm ........... First Communion Parent Meeting ..................................... School Hall
7:30 pm ........... Pre-Baptismal Program .................................... Rectory Dining Room
Wednesday, March 23
9:30 am ........... RAS Thrift Shop till 2:30 pm
11:50 am ......... After School Program ..................................................... School Hall
7:00 pm ........... AA................................................................. Rectory Dining Room
8:15 pm ........... AA................................................................. Rectory Dining Room
Thursday, March 24 ~ Holy Thursday
School & Rectory Closed
4:00 pm ........... Ushers & Servers Rehearsal ..................................................Church
7:30 pm ........... Mass of the Lord’s Supper ....................................................Church
8:30 pm ........... Eucharistic Adoration until midnight ................................ Church Hall
Friday, March 25 ~ Good Friday
School & Rectory Closed
10:00 am ......... Youth Group Food Fast ................................................. Church Hall
11:00 am ......... Ushers & Servers Rehearsal ..................................................Church
12:00 pm ......... Living Stations of the Cross ..................................................Church
3:00 pm ........... Celebration of the Lord’s Passion ...........................................Church
4:15 pm—5:00 pm—Reconciliation ............................................................... Church
7:30 pm ........... Stations of the Cross ............................................................Church
8:00 pm ........... AA................................................................. Rectory Dining Room
Saturday, March 26 ~ Holy Saturday
9:00 am ........... Setup and Decorate the Church ............................................Church
11:00 am ......... Ushers & Servers Rehearsal ..................................................Church
7:00 pm ........... AA................................................................. Rectory Dining Room
8:00 pm ........... Easter Vigil..........................................................................Church
Sunday, March 27 ~ Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
8:00 am ........... Folk Group Rehearsal .................................................... Church Hall
7:15 pm ........... AA................................................................. Rectory Dining Room
Parish Mission Statement
We, the parish family of Our Lady of Lourdes, are a
faith-filled people who welcome all to join us as we listen to the
Word of God and celebrate Eucharist together. We encourage
each other to grow in Christ as we use our God-given gifts to
serve the people of our community. Through the Holy Spirit we
are inspired through our patroness, Our Lady of Lourdes, and
we strive to imitate her charity and love in making the will of
God our own.
Copyright © 2012 Resource Publications, Inc.,
All parishioners are invited to volunteer to be a
part of the offertory procession at the Mass which
you attend. This may be especially appropriate if
the Mass is being offered for a relative or friend!
Please see one of the ushers before Mass
begins to make your intention known.
Bereavement Program: An eight week program
is planned for Tuesdays at 7:30 pm in the Outreach Offices of Holy Name of Mary Church, 55
East Jamaica Avenue, Valley Stream; 516-8250177 beginning in April. This program, led by professionals and leaders having experience with
grieving and group processes, offers support for
anyone who has experienced the death of a
spouse, child, parent, sibling, relative or friend.
There is no fee for this program, but we would appreciate it if you would call to register.
Tune into “Religion and Rock” with Msgr. Jim Vlaun on Sunday
from 7:00 am—8:00 am on WBAB 102.3 FM or 95.3 FM on Long
Island’s East End. Listen on Saturdays at 11:00 pm on Sirius
Radio Channel 159, the Catholic Channel and at 11:00 pm
on XM Satellite, Channel 117. To listen online or receive more information www.ReligionandRock.com.
Faith on Tap is an open forum engaging young adults in
straight talk and honest answers to questions of faith and
where young adults can meet others who are also living out
their faith.
Good Friday Silent Vigil on Behalf of Unborn
March 25th
10:30 am to 12 Noon
Rain or Shine
We are honored to have with us Brother Timothy Driscoll, a
Marianist Brother of the Province of Meribah and an educator for the past 35 years teaching in Chaminade High School
and Kellenberg Memorial High School. Brother Tim is a
dynamic speaker and enthusiastic speaker. In light of the
Year of Mercy, Brother Tim’s topic for the evening is: “The
Art of Mercy—Rembrandt’s Return of the Prodigal
Bringing together his passion for art and drawing young people closer to Christ, this is a talk you don’t want to miss.
In front of
Nassau University Medical Center
2201 Hempstead Turnpike
East Meadow
Pro-life women, men and children take part
in this peaceful vigil for the protection of life in
the womb and against abortions committed
at NUMC and throughout Long Island. We
stand on the public sidewalk—a reminder that
abortion is not healthcare.
Faith on tap will be at the Wantagh Inn, 3264 Railroad Ave,
(across the street from the Wantagh RR Station) on Monday, April 11, 2016.
The talk begins at 7:30, but the doors will open at 7:00.—
Come early, have something to eat—meet new friends, catch
up with old ones. Questions or for more information, please
contact Marianne Sheridan, Director for Young Adults at
Signs provided at site.
Call: 631-243-1435
LI Coalition for Life
Visibility Matters!
Holy Saturday Annual Liturgy
for the Pre-Born
Saturday, March 26 at 10:00 am
In front of planned parenthood
540 Fulton Ave. (Rt 24), Hempstead.
Sponsored by
Cathedral Church of the Intercessor
(516) 599-3780, seekforst@verizon.net
All are invited and encouraged
to Participate!
Community News
Part Time Office Assistant, Our Lady of Peace Church, Lynbrook: Retirees Welcomed. Two weeknights from 6:00 pm to
9:00 pm. Must be flexible! Will occasionally be asked to fill in days, evenings, or weekends when secretaries go on vacation. If
interested, please call Jean at (516) 599-6414.
Tabor Retreat Center: 60 Anchor Ave, Oceanside, NY 11572; (516) 536-3004; www.taborretreatcenter.org.
 Wisdom and Healing Circle: April 7, May 5, June 2 from 9:45 am to 12 noon. Together we create a circle of listening and speaking from the heart. Meredith Zelman Narissi, MS, RPP, Polarity Therapist (mind body therapy), will share
guidelines and offer support for healing, wholeness, and deepening our spiritual practice. Donation $20 per session; registration required.
 Women’s Recovery Retreat: Friday, April 1, 7:30 pm thru Sunday, April 4, 12 noon; the 12-step journey, like the Christian
journey, moves from death to life, from the darkness of the tomb to living in the light of resurrection. On this retreat, participants explore these themes using Richard Rohr’s book, “Breathing Under Water,” as a starting point. Donation: $180; overnight: $145 commuter; presenter: Kathy McLean.
 Finding God in Times of Uncertainty and Change: Friday, April 8, 7:30 pm to Sunday, April 10, 7:30 pm. God call us to live
and be joyful. Come and explore how we can live fully with uncertainty and change. How do we “let go” and “let God” and
allow ourselves to be fully alive. Donation; $180 for overnight; $145 for commuter. Presenters: Valerie Dunn and Lyn
Catechetical Congress 2016: “Safeguarding Human Dignity”; Saturday, September 17 at St. John the Baptist High School,
West Islip from 8:30 am to 5 pm. Featuring Keynote Speaker: Helen M. Alvaré, Professor of Law at George Mason University
School of Law. The Congress will include: morning prayer, keynote address, workshops in English and Spanish, many exhibits
and vendors, Mass and special blessing of Catechists. Open registration will begin in June. For information: www.drvc-faith.org
or call Diocese of Rockville Centre, Office of Faith Formation at 516-678-5800.
Widows and Widowers, Divorced and Single Catholics of Long Island: Our 40th year, Nassau County DSC, PO Box 2031;
Publicity Committee Newsletter; Lucille Ferrara, Chairperson; new member orientation, non-denominational—all are welcome on
Tuesday March 22 at 8 pm. The meeting is held every fourth Tuesday at St. Frances de Chantal School, 1309 Wantagh Avenue,
Wantagh. Please bring proof of single status to join; refreshments served after meeting. For further information call Carol at 516794-4933 or Barbara at 516-798-2858.
All St. John of God & Our Lady of Providence Regional School Graduates: (formally St. John of God School) is reaching
out to all SJOG and OLPOP graduates to become a member of the Alumni Association. As a member you will receive Alumni
Newsletters that will take you “down memory lane”, update you on activities in the school and announce dates for Alumni events
and reunions. So please get us your information (name, address, e-mail, phone number, year graduated). Send your information
to: sjogno1@aol.com; 631-234-6535, ext. 135.
St. Catherine of Sienna, Confraternity of Christian Mothers Rummage Sale: Wednesday, March 30 from 9:30 am to 2 pm
and 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm and Thursday, March 31 from 9:30 am to 12 pm (Dollar Bag Day) Parish Activity Center, 990 Holzheimer
Street, Franklin Square.
The Long Island Coalition for Life: Good Friday silent vigil on behalf of unborn children, March 25, 10:30 am to noon, Nassau
University Medical Center, 2201 Hempstead Tpke, East Meadow; signs provided; info: 631-243-1435 or info@prolifeLI.org.
Chinese Auction / Pasta Dinner: Sunday, April 10 from 1 pm to 5 pm to benefit The Life Center of Long Island; hosted by the
Knights of Columbus Councils of the 8th District at Our Lady of Grace Parish, Fr. Patrick Shanahan Hall, 666 Albin Avenue, West
Babylon; admission: $13 or 2 for $25; includes pasta dinner, beer, wine, soda; auction tickets sold separately; tickets available at
the door; great prizes! For more info and tickets call 516-798-9100.
St. Joseph Renewal Center: 1725 Brentwood Road, Bldg. #4, Brentwood; 631-273-1187, ext. 123.
 Gathering of Women: April 5, 10 am to 12 noon; offering $15; facilitators; Tina Cafaro and Joan Vessio.
 Living With Alzheimer’s and Dementia: April 6, 1 pm to 2:30 pm; free will offering; presenter: Josephine Daspro, CSJ.
 Guided Meditation for Inner Healing: April 6, 7 pm to 8 pm; offering $15 ($25 for individual session by appointment; presenter: Irene Moore, CCH / Meditation Therapist.
 Deepening Your Spiritual Practice Through the Use of FOCUSING: April 6, 7 pm to 9 pm; offering $15; presenter: Kathy
Franciscan Spirit Tours: Franciscan friars, Fr. Michael Sevigny, OFM Cap. And Fr. Julian Jagudilla, OEM will lead several upcoming pilgrimages to Holy sites around the world, including a special pilgrimage for the Canonization of Mother Theresa in
Rome. Proceeds benefit the work of the Franciscans. For more information or to around a private, custom pilgrimage, please
contact Franciscan Spirit Tours toll free at (646) 736-7964, at info@FranciscanSpiritTours.com or on the web at
www.FranciscanSpiritTours.com. Mention you were referred by the bulletin and the parish will receive a contribution.