March 29, 2015 - St. Charles Church
March 29, 2015 - St. Charles Church
CHURCH OF ST. CHARLES 644 CLAWSON STREET, OAKWOOD HEIGHTS, STATEN ISLAND, NY 10306 MARCH 29, 2015 PALM SUNDAY Pastoral Staff Mass Schedule Pastor Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Bergin Parochial Vicar Rev. Ronald Perez Rev. John Rufus Weekend Associates Rev. Msgr. Joseph C. Ansaldi Rev. Msgr. Edmund J. Whalen Permanent Deacons Deacon Stephen Tobon Deacon Lawrence Droge Pastoral Associate Sr. Jeanine Conlon, O.P. School Principal Religious Education Coordinator Mrs. Marlene Petrides Director of Music Mr. Henry Niemann Contact Information Rectory 644 Clawson Street 718-987-2670 Fax: 718-987-7950 Email Address Website: Religious Education 200 Penn Avenue School 200 Penn Avenue 718-987-0200 Fax: 718-987-8158 Tuition Office 718-987-5780 Parish Registration New parishioners should register at the rectory. Please inform us if you move. Saturday: 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM and after evening Masses and after Mass on the Eve of a Holy Day. Baptisms Second Sunday of the month at 2:30 PM Instruction for parents of the children to be baptized to be arranged at the rectory. SPONSOR CERTIFICATES REQUIRED for Godparents and also a copy of the child’s birth certificate. Marriages To arrange a marriage at St. Charles, consult with a priest or deacon at least six months prior to the proposed date and before social arrangements. Attendance at Pre-Cana and Natural Family Planning Classes is required. Anointing & Communion of the Sick 718-979-6800 Parish Office Hours Sunday Monday - Friday Weekend Masses Saturday Evening 4:00, 5:15 & 7:00 PM Sunday 8:15, 9:30 & 10:45 AM 12:00, 1:15 & 5:30 PM Weekday Masses Monday - Friday 8:30 & 11:30 AM Saturday 8:30 AM Holy Days Masses Eve of the Holy Day—7:00 PM 6:45, 8:30, 11:30 AM and 7:30 PM Confessions Mr. J. C. Kiernan Saturday Sacramental Life 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM 10:30 AM - 6:30 PM Regular administration of the Sacraments should be arranged for shut-ins by calling the rectory. Emergency sick calls anytime. Religious Education Program Instruction for all grade levels beginning with first grade. For information call the Religious Education Office. 2 LITURGY CORNER MONDAY – MARCH 30 8:30 - Eddie Palmieri - Mem. 11:30 - Christopher Tobon - Mem. TUESDAY - MARCH 31 8:30 - Marie De Long - Mem. 11:30 - Martin Carrara - Mem. WEDNESDAY - APRIL 1 8:30 - Eileen Arnone - Mem. 11:30 - Emil Rufolo - Mem. THURSDAY - APRIL 2 See Holy Week Schedule FRIDAY - APRIL 3 See Holy Week Schedule SATURDAY - APRIL 4 See Holy Week Schedule SUNDAY - APRIL 5 See Holy Week Schedule PLEASE NOTE If a Mass is being said for a member of your family on Saturday evening or Sunday, it would be most fitting if someone from the family would bring up the gifts at the Offertory. Please let one of the ushers know before the Mass. WEDDING MUSIC If you are planning a wedding in the near future and would like to arrange for music, please call the rectory two months prior to the wedding and leave a message for our Music Director. (718-987-2670) See next week’s bulletin Flowers, Wine & Hosts and Oils The Wine & Hosts for the week of March 29April 4 are being offered in loving memory of Marianne LaRocca requested by Barbara L. Solan. If you would like to make arrangements to have the flowers for the main altar, the wine & hosts or oils used for Mass candles in memory of a loved one or a special occasion, call the rectory. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Monday - Friday at 12:00-5:00 PM in the Chapel First Mondays, First Fridays at 7:30 PM in the Church Rosary and Novenas The Rosary is recited each weekday at 8:10 and 11:10 AM and on Saturday at 8:10. The Miraculous Medal novena prayers are said after the 8:30 & 11:30 AM Masses on Mondays. MASS SCHEDULE APRIL 4/APRIL 5 8:00 PM Fr. Perez - Easter Vigil 8:15 AM Msgr. Whalen 9:30 AM Msgr. Whalen 10:45 AM Fr. Rufus 12 NOON Msgr. Bergin 12: 10 PM Fr. Perez - Auditorium 1:15 PM Fr. Rufus 3 PARISH MINISTRIES Making All Things New Our parish “Making all Things New” cluster group reconvened for the 2015 year. In preparation for the implementation of our collaboration with the other parishes in our cluster, we are preparing a mission/values/vision statement which will be submitted to the Archdiocese in the beginning of May. Our focus will be on adult faith formation and youth ministry. We will continue to keep you up to date with the progress. Reconciliation Monday Monday, March 30 is Reconciliation Monday. Confessions will be heard throughout the Archdiocese of New York from 3 - 9 PM. Msgr. Whalen will be here from 4 - 6 PM to hear confessions in Italian, Spanish, German, French, Polish, etc. Tell your friends! Bakers Need Refreshments will be served after the evening Holy Thursday Mass in the auditorium. All are invited to join us. If there are any bakers in the parish who would like to bake for this occasion, please drop the baked goods off at the school on Holy Thursday before Mass. Thank you in advance! Adult Faith Formation Every Thursday in the rectory following the 11:30 Mass. Baptism Classes 1st & 3rd Tuesday at 8:00 PM - School Library Bereavement Group Every Thursday at 7:30 PM in the Rectory Book Club Third Thursday of the month in the Rectory at 4:00 Caregivers Support Group Thursday - 9:30 -11:30 AM - Rectory Choir (Adult) Thursday at 7:30 PM - Church Divine Mercy Devotion Friday at 3 PM - Chapel Eucharistic Ministers 1st Fridays at 7:30 PM - Church Leisure Group Thursdays from 2 - 4 in the auditorium Prayer Group & Holy Hour 1st Monday at 7:30 PM - Church Religious Education Classes Monday 3:45-5:15 PM Grades 6 & 7 Wednesday 3:45-5:15 PM Grades 1-5 Special Needs: Wednesday 5:10 to 5:45 PM St. Vincent de Paul Society Second Tuesday of month at 11:30 rectory Food Pantry open 2nd & 4th Tuesday of every month 11:30 AM -1:30 PM . Teen Club Sunday 7:00 PM - Auditorium Visitation Ministry Second Wednesday of the month in the rectory at 3:00 Women’s Worship Wednesdays Third Wednesday of the month in the rectory at 7:30 PM. 4 PARISH EVENTS 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversaries Holy Week Calendar of Events March 30-April 5, 2015 Monday—March 30 No Religious Ed Classes Reconciliation 3-9 PM Church (Island-wide) Tuesday—March 31 St. Anthony Novena; following the 11:30 Mass Bingo at 7:30; doors open at 6:00; early bird 7:15 Wednesday—April 1 No Religious Ed. Classes Holy Thursday—April 2 8:30 AM - Liturgy of the Hours 10:00 AM - Mass (for those who are unable to attend the Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7:30 PM) 7:30 PM - Mass of the Lord’s Supper - Followed by Procession of the Blessed Sacrament - Reception to follow in Auditorium Adoration at Repository (Concludes with Night Prayer at 11:30 PM) Friday—April 3 8:30 AM - Liturgy of the Hours 12 - 3:00PM - Three Hours Agony - including Stations of the Cross 12-3:00 PM - Confessions 8:00 PM - Living Stations of the Cross Presented by the Teen Club Saturday -April 4 8:30 AM - Liturgy of the Hours 11:30 AM - Blessing of the Food 3-5:00 PM - Confessions 8:00 PM - Easter Vigil Couples celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary anytime during 2015 are invited to attend the annual golden Wedding Jubilee Mass with Cardinal Dolan at the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Saturday, June 20th or Sunday, June 21st at 2:00 pm. Pre-registration is required. Please call the rectory to register. The closing date to register for the Mass at the Cathedral is Tuesday, May 19th. The 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary celebration will take place here at St. Charles on Sunday, May 17th at the 9:30 Mass with a reception to follow in the auditorium. Please call the rectory to register. Good Friday Collection The Holy Father has asked that on Good Friday the collection in all the parishes throughout the world be for the Holy Land to support various aspects of Church life, including Catholic education, healthcare and special projects for social development. Your continued support and prayers are crucially important for the Lord and His church in this part of the world. Sunday—April 5 Easter Sunday No Teen Club Meeting 5 WE PRAY...WE CELEBRATE...WE REMEMBER THE GET WELL LIST Isabel Alfaro Rose Bove Jeannette Burrell Kay Carbonaro Grace Castelao Nancy D’Amico Carmela Decunza Randi Dietrich Joseph Elia Dolores Ferrara Madison Fiorello Dorothy Fleming Anne Flynn Emily Harris Cheryl Houss Andrew Korbul Eileen Magno Louise Mallon Katherine Markowski Harry Mugge Anthony Locicero Jr. Marie Petrocelli Rev. George Realmuto Vincent Santore Jerry Scotti Susan Sexton Arthur Somerville Walter Stojanowski Herb Van Houten Sarah Weiss PLEASE NOTE Regarding the “Get Well List”: At the end of each month our list will be removed from the bulletin and placed in our Chapel where the sick will continue to be prayed for each day. Then at the beginning of each month a new list of our sick will begin. We ask that you contact the rectory with the name or names to be added for the next month. The Catholic School Region of Staten Island Inaugural Gala Join us in honoring His Eminence, Timothy M. Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York with guest speaker, Most. Rev. Bishop John J. O’Hara Thursday, April 16, 2015 at Nicotra’s Ballroom, Hilton Garden Inn For tickets and information: or contact Diana Gatto @ We ask you to pray for the newly baptized children of our parish. Corinne Catherine Mincher Mia Grace Cicero Gia Marie Gambino Nolan Ross Katz, Jr. Francesca Valentina Furnari Sebastian Massimo D’Amore Presley Grace DeRosa Gavin James Conway Madison Laurann Koellner We Invite You to Become a Parishioner Please fill out the form below and drop it in the collection basket next weekend. A census card will be mailed to you for your completion then return it to the rectory. NAME ________________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS/TELEPHONE NUMBER ______________________________________ 6 THE SEASON OF LENT Holy Week: A Time Apart for Renewal In the course of our busy week, we most likely have times set apart for certain things that are important to us—a workout, a few social phone calls, or maybe even a short catnap—so that we can renew ourselves, our energy, and our perspective. Holy Week is a time that is set apart in our Church’s liturgical year for our spiritual renewal. In fact, the word holy refers to anything that is set apart for God’s purposes. Holy Week is holy precisely because it is time that is set apart for us to focus on how we are spiritually renewed through the suffering, death, and Resurrection of Jesus. The Symbols of Holy Week The liturgies of Holy Week are filled with some of the richest and most ancient symbols of the Catholic faith. The waving of palms on Passion (Palm) Sunday reminds us that we are called to be followers of Jesus, not just fans who cheer from a distance. The washing of feet on Holy Thursday speaks to us of the selfless love that we are called to practice in imitation of Jesus. The veneration of the cross on Good Friday reminds us that, as Christians, we believe that Jesus can overcome anything, even death. The lighting of the Easter fire in a darkened church and the celebration of baptisms on Holy Saturday speak to us of the new life that is ours because of Jesus’ triumph over the darkness of sin and death through his resurrection. Interview with Pope Francis In a recent interview with Pope Francis, below are some of the questions asked by the journalist: Do you like being Pope? "I do not mind!" What do you like or do not like about being the Pope? Or do you like everything? - "The only thing I would like is to go out one day, without being recognized, and go to a pizzeria for a pizza." The journalist asks the Pope about the fact that he has often said his would be a short pontificate and often refers to the possibility of dying of old age … "I have the feeling that my Pontificate will be brief: 4 or 5 years; I do not know, even 2 or 3. Two have already passed. It is a somewhat vague sensation. Maybe it's like the psychology of the gambler who convinces himself he will lose so he won’t be disappointed and if he wins, is happy. I do not know. But I feel that the Lord has placed me here for a short time, and nothing more ... But it is a feeling. I always leave the possibility (to programs) open ". 7 Advertisement Page 8 Advertisement Page 9 HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE March 29 - PALM SUNDAY Masses: Saturday Evening 4:00 PM, 5:15 PM and 7 PM Sunday 8:15, 9:30, 10:45 AM, 12 Noon , and 1:15 PM Mass preceded by Procession and 5:30 PM Mass April 2 - HOLY THURSDAY 8:30 AM - Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer) 10:00 AM - Mass (for those who are unable to attend the Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7:30 PM) 7:30 PM - Mass of the Lord’s Supper - Followed by Procession of the Blessed Sacrament Reception follow in Auditorium Adoration at Repository - Concludes with Night Prayer at 11:30 PM April 3 - GOOD FRIDAY 8 :30 AM - Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer) 12:00 Noon - 3:00 PM Three Hours Agony including Stations of the Cross and Confessions 3:00 PM - Solemn Service of the Lord’s Passion 8:00 PM - Living Stations of the Cross - Presented by Teen Club April 4 - HOLY SATURDAY 8:30 AM - Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer) 11:30 AM - Blessing of Food 3:00 to 5:00 PM - Confessions 8:00 PM - Easter Vigil April 5 - EASTER SUNDAY MASSES FOR EASTER SUNDAY CHURCH SCHEDULE 8:15, 9:30, 10:45, 12 NOON, AND 1:15 PM AUDITORIUM CONFESSIONS MONDAY - March 30 4:00 to 8:00 PM FRIDAY - April 3 12 Noon to 3:00 PM SATURDAY - April 4 3:00 to 5:00 PM THERE WILL BE NO CONFESSIONS ON SATURDAY EVENING. 10 11 Church Name: St. Charles Church Bulletin No. 511977 Bulletin for the Week of March 29, 2015 (511977.3.29.15) Number of Pages: 11 (includes 2 advertisement pages and one cover sheet)