Between Friends Entre Amigos


Between Friends Entre Amigos
Between Friends
Entre Amigos
A Family Magazine Serving the Communities of Merced County
Volume 13 Issue 4
Merced County
July/August 2016
Table of Contents/Lo Contenido
Summer is in full swing now and we’re all
Law Enforcement Joins
looking for ways to keep cool as the triple digit
Special Olympics for
temperatures come and go. Be wary and careful
because it is easy to become dehydrated without
Torch Run...................................7
you realizing it.
La Aplicacion de la ley se une a
Some options available to all of us in keeping cool
las Olympiadas Especiales para
during the hot summer days include cooling centers, some public
la Corrida de la Antorcha............7
swimming pools, and even splash parks. But don’t forget your public
library! It’s a great place to stay cool while your kids explore the joys Canals Are No Place to Play
of reading or participate in some educational activity that is provided.
or Swim........................................8
Aside from staying cool during the summer something else you
might consider doing with your child/children is to take them to a Los Canales No Son Lugares
de Jugar o Nadar........................9
community activity or event or even volunteer to help out if possible.
It serves as a great way to volunteer together as you begin planting
Marketing Campaign Misses the
that seed of volunteerism in them. It might take a little bit more
Mark; Collaboration Far
convincing for the teenager in your family, if you have one, but it will
Stronger Than Confrontation...11
be well worth it.
Whatever you decide to do with your family this summer remember Campaña Publicitaria No Da al
that above all the idea is to have fun! So go out and make the
Blanco; La Colaboración es Más
remainder of your summer days memorable ones by visiting local
Poderosa que la Confrontación...12
places, taking part in local community activities, taking pictures for
those family albums, and for those diaries and journals that you and
your family can look back at as the years go by. Have a great rest of
the summer!
Mission Statement
El verano está en pleno apogeo y todos buscamos maneras de
mantenernos frescos y calmados ya que las temperaturas de dígito
triples vienen y se van. Tenga cuidado porque es fácil deshidratarse
sin que se de cuenta.
Unas opciones disponibles a todos en mantenernos frescos durante
los días de verano incluyen centros de enfriamiento, albercas públicas,
y hasta parques de chapoteo. ¡Pero no se les olvide las bibliotecas!
Son un buen lugar donde uno puede mantenerse fresco mientras
sus niños disfrutan de la lectura o participan en algunas actividades
educativos que sean proveídos.
Además de mantenerse frescos durante el verano algo más que
pueda tomar en consideración con sus niños y su familia es de
llevarlos a una actividad o evento comunitario o tal vez ofrecerse
como voluntarios para ayudar, si es posible. Puede ser que tome un
poco más para convencer el adolescente en su familia, pero vale la
¡Cualquier cosa que decida hacer con su familia este verano
recuerde que arriba de todo la idea es divertirse! Así que salir y hacer
que el resto de los días de verano sean memorables por visitando
lugares locales, participando en actividades comunitarias locales,
tomar fotografías para aquellos álbumes familiares, y para los diarios
que usted y su familia puedan mirar a través de los años. ¡Tenga un
buen resto del verano!
Between Friends/Entre Amigos
Between Friends/Entre Amigos is dedicated to providing
the families of Merced County with information pertinent to
everyday life. Our goal is to promote ideas, famly values,
and pride in family through the informaton and resources we
provide while supporting the business community and local
Declaración de Misión
Irene De La Cruz
Managing Editor
Luis De La Cruz
Translation By
Cristina Vallejo Cruz
Web Page by
Ian Hanneman
Marvin Hanneman
Contact us Today!
Póngase en contacto
con nosotros!
or write to / o escriba a
Between Friends/
Entre Amigos
P.O. Box 518
Planada, CA 95365
La revista Between Friends/Entre Amigos está dedicada a
proveerle información a las familias del Condado de Merced
pertinente a la vida diaria. Nuestra meta es de promover
ideas, valores de familia, y orgullo de la familia por la
información y los recursos que proveemos apoyando la
comunidad comercial y organizaciones locales.
July/August 2016
Page 2
Between Friends/Entre Amigos
July/August 2016
Page 3
Between Friends/Entre Amigos
July/August 2016
Page 4
News from
Merced College
Noticias de Colegio Merced
(209) 381-6470
3600 M Street
Organizers of a fundraising program to benefit the Merced
College Blue Devil Football Team are reporting the end of a
successful campaign. Called “The Blue Devil Blitz, the effort
raised more than $10,000 during its one-month campaign.
“We are thrilled,” said campaign coordinator Lee Anne
Hobbs. “I am so impressed by the enthusiasm and generosity
of our community members. The best part was watching the
players interact with the residents as they placed the signs in
their yards.”
The Blue Devil Blitz was launched in April and featured
blue and gold tridents, which football players and campaign
supporters placed on the front lawns of local residents with
fundraising materials announcing, “You’ve Been Blitzed!”
The campaign encouraged those to donate to the football
program and to “blitz” others that they thought would be willing
to support the program.
“It’s been eye-opening to see that this many people are
willing to support our program and provide opportunities for our
young men,” said head football coach Bob Casey.
“This funding will help us purchase things that we have
struggled with providing in recent years, such as replacing older
equipment,” Casey said. “It will also help with costs associated
with transportation. With the scheduling changes that have
evolved, overnight traveling has become necessary.”
The Blue Devils kick off their 2016-2017 season at home
on Saturday, Sept. 3 at 1 p.m. against College of the Redwoods.
For more information about Blue Devil football and
Merced College athletics, visit
Between Friends/Entre Amigos
Merced, California 95348-2898
Se Termina una campaña de bombardeo de la
recaudación de fondos exitosa de los Diablos
Organizadores de un programa de recaudación para beneficiar al
equipo de fútbol de los Diablos Azules del Colegio Merced reportan el
final de su campaña exitosa. Nombrado “El Bombardeo de los Diablos
Azules, el esfuerzo recaudó más de 10,000 dólares durante su campaña
de un mes.
“Estamos muy entusiasmados,” dijo el coordinador de la campaña
Lee Anne Hobbs. “Estoy muy impresionado por el entusiasmo y la
generosidad de los miembros de nuestra comunidad. La part major fue
de ver a los jugadores interactuar con los residentes cuando ponían los
signos en sus patios.”
El bombardeo de los Diablos Azules fue lanzada en abril y se destacó
tridentes azul y oro, que los jugadores de fútbol y los partidarios de la
campaña pusieron en los patios de residentes locales con materiales de
recaudación anunciando, “Usted ha sido bombardeado!”
El programa animó aquellos a donar al programa de fútbol y a
“bombardear” a otros que ellos pensarían estuvieran dispuestos a apoyar
el programa.
“Ha sido reveladora ver que tanta gente como esta está dispuesta a
apoyar nuestro programa.y proveer oportunidades para nuestros hombres
jovenes,” dijo el entrenador principal de fútbol Bob Casey.
“Estos fondos nos ayudará a comprar cosas que hemos luchado
para tener en los años recientes, tal como la sustitución de equipos más
antiguos, dijo Casey. También ayudará con los gastos asociados con
la transportación. Con los cambios de la programación que se han
presentado, ha sido necesariio viajar por la noche.”
Los Diablos Azules tendrán su saque inicial de la temporada 20162017 en Merced el sábado, 3 de septiembre a la 1:00 de ;a tarde contra el
Colegio de los Redwoods.
Para más información sobre el fúbol de los Diablos Azules y el atletismo
de Colegio Merced, visite a
July/August 2016
Page 5
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Ahorros, Préstamos y Mucho Más
Les podemos ayudar en su propio idioma
Si usted vive, trabaja
o estudia en nuestros Amigos
12 condados es elegible para unirse. Se pueden aplicar otros ciertos requisitos para membresía. July/August 2016
Page 6
Law Enforcement joins Special
Olympics for Torch Run
Merced police officers took part in the Law Enforcement Torch Run
on Wednesday, June 15th, helping to support the Special Olympics. The
Merced PD took the middle leg of the run that stretches from the UC
Merced campus to Highway 99. The run finished after stops in Atwater
and Livingston. Joining the men and women in blue, were members of the Merced Fire
Department. They all ran alongside Special Olympic athletes that were
eager to head to the Games at UC Davis later in the month. “It’s a huge event,” said Officer Krista Stokes, who has participated in
the Torch Run for the past 5 years. “The whole S.W.A.T. team was out
there, with 20 to 25 people from PD participating. Merced City Fire joined
them, along with Merced County Probation Department.” The UC Merced Police Department started the Merced leg and the
team from the United States Penitentiary, Atwater was on the leg ending
at the freeway. CalFire, Madera County Probation and other agencies
joined along the way. There were some people that ran the entire 14.4
mile run in Merced County. After it stopped at Highway 99, participants were shuttled to Atwater,
where they continued the run to the Atwater Police station, then headed
to the California Highway Patrol Office. After that they were transported
to Livingston and finished the run at the Livingston Police Department. This was the first year local organizers raised funds for the Special
Olympics. Through a pancake breakfast and T-shirt sales more than
$1,500 was raised for the Special Olympics Games that were held in
June at UC Davis. “Every $100 lets three athletes compete,” Stokes said. “It’s an amazing
program.” Officer Emily Foster joined with Stokes to organize the Merced Police
Department leg of the Torch Run. “We’ve been training the last couple months for this run,” Foster said,
who is participating in the run for the first time. “We’ve been doing a lot
of distance running. We go Downtown, along the creek, everywhere to
train.” “This is such a great cause,” Foster said. The Torch Run is expected to draw more than 3,000 law enforcement
personnel from local, county, state, federal and military agencies in
Northern California. It has participants in all 50 states and 46 countries
and expected to raise more than $34 million a year. The Run began in
Wichita, KA, in 1981
when the local police
chief decided to involve
the law enforcement
community with Special
Olympics to help raise
funds and awareness of
the program.
Between Friends/Entre Amigos
La aplicación de la ley se une a las
Olympiadas Especiales para la corrida de
la antorcha
Las policias de Merced tomaron parte en la corrida de la antorcha de la aplicación
de la ley el miércoles, 15 de junio, ayudando apoyar las Olympiadas Especiales.
El departamento de policies de Merced tomó la etapa media de la corrida que se
extiende desde el campus de la Universidad de California Merced a la autopista 99.
La corrida se terminó después de unas paradas en Atwater y Livingston.
Se unieron a los hombres y las mujeres en azul, miembros del departamento
de bomberos de Merced. Todos corrieron juntos a los atléticos de las Olympiadas
Especiales que estaban ansiosos de dirigirse a los Juegos en la Universidad de
California Davis más tarde en el mes.
“Es un evento enorme,” dijo la policia Krista Stokes, quien ha participado en la
corrida de la antorcha por los últimos cinco años. “Todo el equipo de S.W.A.T. estuvo
allí, con 20 a 25 personas del departamento de policies que participaron. También
participó el departamento de los bomberos de la ciudad de Merced junto con el
departamento de la libertad condicional del condado de Merced.”
El departamento de policias de la Universidad de California Merced empezó
la corrida y el equipo de la Penitenciaría de Estados Unidos en Atwater estuvo en
la etapa que se terminó en la autopista. CalFire, el departamento de la libertad
condicional del condado de Mariposa y otras agencias también se unieron a la
corrida. Hubo unas personas que corrieron las 14.4 millas enteras en el condado
de Merced.
Después de que se paró en la autopista 99, los participantes se fueron a Atwater en
una lanzadera, donde continuaron la corrida a la estación de la policia de Atwater,
luego se dirigieron a la oficina de la Patrulla de Caminos de California. Después
fueron transportados a Livingston y terminaron la carrera en el departamento de
policias de Livingston.
“Este fue el primer año aue organizadores locales levantaron fondos par alas
Olympiadas Especiales. Por un desayuno de panqueques y ventas de camisetas se
levantó más de 1,500 dólares para los Juegos de las Olympiadas Especiales que tuvo
lugar el mes de junio en la Universidad de California Davis.
“Cada 100 dólares permite a que tres atléticos compitan,” dijo Stokes. “Es un
programa maravilloso.”
La policia Emily Foster se juntó con Stokes para organizar el departamento de
policias de Merced en la etapa media de la corrida de la antorcha.
“Nos entrenamos para esta corrida durante los últimos varios meses,” dijo Foster,
quien participó en la corrida por la primera vez. “Hicimos muchas corridas de larga
distancia. Nos ibamos por la calle principal de Merced, por la quebrada, a cualquier
lado para entrenar.”
“Esto es una causa grande,” dijo Foster.
La corrida de la antorcha vió más de 3,000 personas del personal de la aplicación
de la ley locales, de condados,
estatales y federales y agencias del
ejercito en el norte de California.
Tuvo participantes en todos los 50
estados y 46 países y se esperaba
levantar más de 34 millones de
dólares al año.
La corrida se empezó en Wichita,
Kansas en 1981 cuando el jefe de
la policia local decidió envolver
la comunidad de aplicación de la
ley con las Olympiadas Especiales
para ayudar levantar fondos y el
conocimiento del programa.
July/August 2016
Page 7
* Canals have unseen dangers below the surface of the water, such as
pipes and gates that can trap the hands and legs of both children and
Canals Are No Place To Play
Or Swim
Water will continue to run in the canals likely through the end of
No matter how inviting or safe a canal may seem, these waterways
Remember To Keep Kids Out!
were built for one reason and one reason only: delivering water to farms.
Canals are an integral part of our way of life in the Merced County. These
Merced Irrigation District operates more than 800 miles of waterways, * If you see an animal or a toy in the canal never try to save it or fish it out.
providing vital irrigation water to growers throughout our community.
* Even if another person or friends goes into a canal,
For all of their value to our farming community, irrigation canals can be
never go in to help them. Two people in a canal creates
twice the problem and nobody is left to get help!
equally dangerous for playing and swimming. MID would like to remind
you to keep out of irrigation canals – and that’s especially true for children. * If you see somebody in trouble in a canal, remain calm and
* Among the dangers of irrigation canals and open waterways:
call 911 for help.
* The sides are slippery and it’s difficult to climb out of them. There are * The best way to stay safe, is never even go around any canals.
no handrails or ladders.
* Water is cold and running faster than it appears.
Between Friends/Entre Amigos
Remember: Stay Safe, Stay Out!
July/August 2016
Page 8
Los Canales Son Peligrosos.
Quédate Seguro.
Quédate a Fuera.
Los Canales No Son Lugares de
Jugar o Nadar
¡Recuérdese de Mantener Niños Afuera!
Los canales son una parte integrante de nuestro modo de vida en el Condado de Merced.
Merced Irrigation District dirige más de 800 millas de vías fluviales, proporcionando
agua esencial de riego a cultivadores por todas partes de nuestra comunidad.
Por todo el valor de ellos a nuestra comunidad agricultura, los canales de riego
pueden ser igualmente peligrosos para jugar y nadar. MID quiere recordarles que
se queden afuera de los canales de riego – y eso es especialmente verdad para niños.
• Entre los peligros de los canales de riego y las vías fluviales.
• Los lados son resbalosos y es difícil subir para salir de ellos. No hay
pasamanos o escaleras.
• El agua está fría y corre más rápido de lo que aparece.
• Los canales tienen peligros que no se ven debajo del superficie del
agua, tal como pipas y cercas que pueden atrapar las manos y piernas
de ambos niños y adultos.
Between Friends/Entre Amigos
Agua continuará a correr en los canales probable través del fin de octubre.
No importa que provocativo o seguro aparezca un canal, estas vías fluviales se
construyeron por una sola razón: entregar agua a los ranchos.
Estos son unos consejos importantes de compartir con niños:
• Si usted ve a un animal o un juguete en el canal, nunca haga el intento
de salvarlo o sacarlo.
• ¡Aunque otra persona o amigos entra a un canal, nunca entren para
ayudarle. Dos personas en el canal crea doble el problema y nadie
sobra para conseguir ayuda!
• Si usted ve a alguien en peligro en un canal, manténgase calmado y
llame al 911 por ayuda.
• La manera más mejor de quedarse seguro es de que nunca ni ande
alrededor de cualquieres canales.
Recuerde: ¡Quédese Seguro, Quédese Afuera!
JulyAugust 2016
Page 9
Corte de cinta y
ceremonia de dedicación
Ribbon Cutting &
Dedication Ceremony
Between Friends/Entre Amigos
July/August 2016
Page 10
Marketing Campaign
Misses the Mark;
Collaboration Far
Stronger Than
By Steven E. Gomes, Ed.D.
Merced County Superintendent of Schools
With the California primaries around the corner, we are in the midst of
an election season filled with messaging aimed at persuading the public
to believe in a candidate based on their ideology and plan for the future.
With this messaging in full swing, you may have seen full-page ads in the
Merced Sun-Star or commercials on local radio stations stating, “Hold
Our Elected School Board Accountable: They work for us!” These ads are
not part of this election, however, and are sponsored by Building Healthy
Communities (BHC), which is funded by The California Endowment
(TCE). BHC is a 10-year, $1 billion comprehensive community initiative
launched by The California Endowment in 2010 to advance statewide
policy, change the narrative and transform 14 of California’s communities
most devastated by health inequities into places where all people have
an opportunity to thrive. More than two decades ago, the California
Endowment was created out of Blue Cross Blue Shield of California
and WellPoint Health Networks. The endowment is a private, statewide
foundation that focuses on encouraging good health and access to quality
health care for all Californians. The endowment is enormous, with more
than $3.6 billion in assets. I remember eight years ago, when I serving as the Superintendent of
Planada Elementary School District, TCE came to Merced because they
had identified South Merced, Beachwood, Planada and Le Grand as the
focus of their work.. The Endowment planned to spend $1 million a year
for 10 years. At the time, I was very excited to think about how 10 million
dollars could change those communities. However, when I attended
the first few BHC meetings, I discovered BHC was only interested in
“policy change” and not the construction of facilities. Seven years into
implementation, TCE is on track to have spent more than $7 million in
Merced and Eastern Merced County. When I tell people this, their reaction
is usually, “On what?” TCE and BHC are private entities and therefore, not subject to a public
records request. BHC does give small grants ($500-$2,000) and has
partnered with MCOE on the Parent Institute and has done some restorative
justice work with Le Grand High School until they parted ways. The group
says they are collaborative and want to work with the community, though
I find some of their tactics and methods counterproductive. Their current
campaign to “Hold Our Elected School Board Accountable” is aimed at
getting parents involved with the new Local Control Accountability Plan
(LCAP) process conducted by schools. The LCAP is the formal process
to collaboratively set school district goals with all stakeholders. Since the
Between Friends/Entre Amigos
process is new to districts, I wonder if this type of confrontational campaign
is necessary, especially since BHC never addressed any concerns about
LCAPs with the superintendents or Board members. Since I approve all
the LCAPs in Merced County for the state Department of Education, I
am very interested in any conversation involving the improvement of
district LCAPs. Districts LCAPs were due June 30, 2015. Yet, districts
implemented the process and are already seeing results. For example,
Weaver Union School District (covering a large part of South Merced)
reports implementing a robust English Learner program increasing
English proficiency from 18 percent to 33 percent. Weaver also hired
more counselors, increasing sessions with students by 20 percent, and
provided teachers and staff with Positive Behavioral Intervention and
Support training, a systematic school-wide program to increase positive
school climate and student behavior. These are a few examples of the
effort to implement practices important to parents and school staff from
one district of the 20 across the county. I support increasing parent input but wonder about BHC’s approach.
I would suggest rather than spending thousands of dollars in advertising,
like BHC has done, work with the school districts and county
superintendent to develop positive relationships and give us a chance
to address process concerns. Implementing the LCAP process in a state
with 6.4 million students in 1,000 districts in two years has felt like we
have been building the plane while flying it.
History tells us that the confrontational change model BHC is using
is the same one used in the 1960s and it did not work then and does not
work now. The protesters in ’60s were successful when they became
collaborative and started working within the systems. When I was
superintendent at Planada, we provided coffee and donuts to parents
as they walked onto campus with their children at the beginning of
the school day. At first they were apprehensive, but in time, the group
grew and eventually was meeting with the principal nearly every Friday
morning and becoming engaged in the school culture.
I believe BHC’s attempt to protest and picket the Merced City Council
to provide additional funds for a Youth Council is another example of
how BHC prefers to use a confrontational model for change rather than a
collaborative model. If I were to start a Youth Council in Merced, I would
begin by collaborating with the high schools in Merced. I would ask each
high school for one representative from their student body leadership
team to serve on a citywide Youth Council and then match that number
with students selected/elected at-large. The school representative would
serve as a conduit back to the schools and involving a larger group of
students and parents. When I suggested this to Brian Mimura, the local
BHC Program Manager, he told me that it was a great idea and they had
never thought of that model.
I am disappointed in BHC because with $10 million it had the potential
to do some great things and make some real changes. This money could
have been used on more than divisive advertising campaigns and instead
should have been focused on enacting real collaborative change with
the children in Merced County. Individually we can do a lot of good
things. Together, we can do a lot of great things.
July/August 2016
Page 11
Campaña Publicitaria
No Da al Blanco;
La Colaboración es
Más Poderosa que la
Por Steven E. Gomes, Ed.D.
Merced County Superintendent of Schools
Between Friends/Entre Amigos
July/August 2016
Page 12
Between Friends/Entre Amigos
July/August 2016
Page 13
1033 W. Main
(inside Satelites Aguileras)
Merced, CA
Broadway Market in Planada
en la tienda Broadway Market
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Between Friends/Entre Amigos
July/August 2016
Page 14
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Phone: (209) 826-1900
Fax: (209) 826-8245
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- 15 de julio 2016 Between Friends/Entre Amigos
July/August 2016
Page 15
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Between Friends/Entre Amigos
July/August 2016
Page 16
Fathers Were Honored at
Merced County Father of the Year
Essay Awards Banquet
Reconocimieto de Padres en el
Banquete del Ensayo del Padre del
Año de Condado Merced
Thirty-two fathers and father figures were honored along with the student
who nominated them at the 2016 Merced County Father of the Year Essay
Awards Banquet in the cafeteria at El Capitan High School in Merced in June.
Brian Cardoso, of the McSwain area, was selected as the 2016 Father of
the Year of Merced County. His daughter, Haliyah read her essay to a room
full of past recipients of the award, family members, and other members of the
In its 15th year, the essay contest is open to all kindergarten through 12th
grade students in Merced County and highlights the special role fathers and
father figures play in a child’s life.
Students are asked to write a 300-word essay titled, “What My Father Means
To Me,” and a team of Merced County volunteers read each essay and choose
the top three essays from each grade level. Fathers are given the option of
writing a response, which may be submitted along with their child’s essay. Past
Father of the Year recipients interview the winning students’ fathers and father
figures to determine who will be named the new Merced County Father of the
More than 13,000 essays have been written in the previous 14 years of the
competition and more than 300 fathers have been honored.
Students can write the essay about their father, stepfather, grandfather or a
father-like figure in their life.
The Father of the Year Event is co-sponsored by the Merced County Office
of Education, Merced Faculty Associates, and
Fleutsch & Busby Insurance.
Treinta y dos padres y figures como padres fueron reconocidos y honrados
junto con el estudiante que los nominó en el 2016 Banquete del Ensayo
del Padre del Año de Condado Merced en la cafeteria del la escuela
preparatoria El Capitan en Merced en junio.
Brian Cardoso, de la área McSwain, fue seleccionado como el Padre
del Año de 2016 del Condado Merced. Su hija, Haliyah, leó su ensayo a
un cuatro lleno de ganadores anteriores del premio, miembos de familia,
y otros miembros de la comunidad.
En los quince años, el concurso del ensayo está abierto a todos los
estudiantes del kinder hasta el grado 12 en el condado Merced y destaca
el papel especial que los padres y aquellas figures de padres juegan en la
vida de un niño.
Se le pide a los estudiantes que escriban un ensayo de 300 palabras
titulado “Lo Que Significa Mi Padre a Mi,” y un equipo de voluntarios del
condado Merced leen cada ensayo y escoje tres ensayos de cada nivel
de grado. Los padres tienen la opción de escribir una respuesta, que
puede presentarse junto con el ensayo de su hijo/a. Padres ganadores
de años pasdos entrevistan los padres ganadores para
determiner quien será seleccionado el Padre del Año de
Father of the Year
condado Merced.
Brian Cardoso with three
Más de 13,000 ensayos se ha escrito en los 14 años
daughters,Haliyah, Ryen & Jayden anteriores del concurso y más de 300 padres han sido
Los estudiantes pueden escribir el ensayo sobre su
padre, su padrastro, o figura paternal en su vida.
El evento del Padro del Año es co-patrocinado por la
Oficina de Educación del Condado Merced, Asociados de
la Facultad Merced, y la compañía de seguros Fleutsch &
Left & Top: A full crowd filled the
cafeteria at El Capitan High School in
Merced to honor the 2016 Father of the
Father of the Year
Brian Cardoso as he listens to
his daughter’s winning essay.
Between Friends/Entre Amigos
July/August 2016
Page 17
Livingston Downto
Mercado de Livingsto
Between Friends/Entre Amigos
July/August 2016
Page 18
San Joaquins Adds New 7th Daily
Round Trip
A large group of elected officials gather for a group
photo at the press conference of AMTRAK’S new
Assemblymember Adam Gray address
the crowd at a press conference on June
20th regarding the addition of a 7th
daily round trip of Amtrak San Joaquins
train route. This is the first expansion of
service in over 14 yrs.
Miembro del congreso Jim Costa y
miembro de la asamblea Adam Gray
estuvieron presentes en la conferencia de
prensa el 20 de junio con respecto a la
adición de un séptimo viaje diario ronda
de ruta de tren Amtrak San Joaquins.
Esta es la primera expansión del servicio
en más de 14 años.
Between Friends/Entre Amigos
July/August 2016
Page 19
Livingston Downtown
Open Market
You Are Invited!
(temporarily) at Memorial Park
in Livingston, California
n Nu
Jee A
¡Usted es
al Aire libre
5 - 9 p.m.
en el Parque
en Livingston,
Food Booths
Cabinas de Comida
Aguas Frescas
Variety of items
Una variedad
For more information contact Irene De La Cruz at (209) 261-0007
or via e-mail at
Póngase en contacto con Irene De La Cruz para obtener mas información a
(209) 261-0007 o por correo eletrónico a
Between Friends/Entre Amigos
July/August 2016
Page 20
Estudiante de la Preparatoria
Le Grand High School Gana
Concurso de Arte a Nivel Estatal
Le Grand High School
Student Wins Statewide Art
Guillermo Flores’ painting of a person scaling
a series of steps leading up to a door marked
“Success” will be seen all over the state. As one of
10 winners in a statewide art contest, the Le Grand
High School graduate’s future may be intertwined
with motivating others with his drawing skill.
The 18-year-old student received a
$250 scholarship in a contest cosponsored
by the Association of California School
Administrators and Carlsbad-based F3, a fullservice educational law firm. His picture will
be part of note cards and calendars distributed
statewide by ACSA, which represents
school executives throughout California.
The ACSA Superintendent’s Council picked
Flores’ sketch from more than 300 entries
statewide in the “Celebrate Success” contest.
Along with the scholarship, which he can use
this fall while at Merced College, the Planada
resident received a certificate of recognition
presented at a Le Grand Union High School
District Board of Trustees meeting last month.
Javier Martinez, the teen’s principal, said
Guillermo is very artistic, well-rounded, has a
great attitude and is always willing to help others.
“He is not afraid of failure; it only makes
him a better person,” Martinez says.
“He is not one to give up and is always
looking at the bright side. That’s one thing I really like about him.”
Guillermo said he wants to be an art teacher. He said he likes to
paint with acrylics and draw with pencil. The idea of teaching others
his art skills is appealing, adding, art is a way to express himself.
A five-year resident of Planada who attended Le Grand High all four years,
Guillermo can’t remember when his interest in art began. He plans to attend
Merced College but is unsure what college or university he will attend after that.
Luanna Brock, Le Grand High special day teacher, said
Guillermo has a funny sense of humor, is always polite and very
caring. She described him as very quiet and serious-minded.
Guillermo has taken art classes since he was a freshman.
He took three art classes in the spring semester and was
excited to get a chance to visit Merced College last spring.
To be an artist, one needs to be creative, Guillermo believes. His
projects take anywhere from a week to a month to complete. Among
his favorite subjects are pictures of friends or family members.
A student of art teacher Frank Ayala, it took Guillermo one week
to come up with the subject for his painting and four hours to
complete the project. He said this is the first award he has ever
received. He is the son of Mateo and Sara Flores of Planada.
F3, or Fagen, Friedman and Fulfrost, serves nearly 500 public schools in
Between Friends/Entre Amigos
El cuadro pintado por Guillermo Flores, de una
persona subiendo una serie de escalones hacia
una puerta marcada “Éxito” será visto a través de
todo el estado. Como uno de 10 ganadores en un
concurso estatal de arte, el futuro del graduado de
la preparatoria Le Grand High puede estar ligado
a motivar a los demás con sus habilidades para
El estudiante de 18 años gano una beca de $250
en un concurso patrocinado por la Asociación de
Administradores Escolares de California (ACSA por
sus siglas en inglés) y F3, un bufete de abogados
dedicado a ley educacional, basado en Carlsbad.
Su dibujo será parte de tarjetas y calendarios
distribuidos a nivel estatal por ACSA, que representa
a ejecutivos escolares a través de todo California.
El Consejo de Superintendentes ACSA, escogió
el dibujo de Flores de entre más de 300 entradas
para el concurso “Celebrando el Éxito.” Junto
con la beca, la cual podrá usar este otoño en el
Colegio Merced, el residente de Planada recibió
el mes pasado un certificado de reconocimiento
presentado en la junta de la Mesa Directiva del
Distrito Escolar Le Grand Union High School.
El director Javier Martínez, dijo que Guillermo
es muy artístico, íntegro, que tiene una actitud
positiva y siempre está dispuesto ayudar a los
demás. “El no teme al fracaso; solo lo hace
ser una persona mejor,” dice Martínez. “No se da por vencido y siempre
busca el lado positivo. Esa es una cosa que realmente me agrada de él.”
Guillermo desea ser maestro de arte. Dijo que le gusta pintar con acrílicos
y dibujar con lápiz. Le agrada la idea de enseñar a otros sus habilidades
artísticas, agregando que el arte es una forma de expresarse a sí mismo.
Residente de Planada por cinco años, que asistió a la preparatoria Le
Grand High cuatro años completos, Guillermo no recuerda cuando empezó su
interés por el arte. Planea asistir al Colegio Merced, pero no está seguro a
cuál universidad asistirá después. Luanna Brock, maestra de Le Grand High,
dijo que Guillermo tiene un buen sentido del humor, es siempre cortés y muy
afectuoso. Ella lo describió como una persona tranquila y seria. Guillermo ha
tomado clases de arte desde el noveno grado. Tomo tres clases de arte en el
semestre de primavera y estuvo muy entusiasmado cuando tuvo la oportunidad
de visitar el Colegio Merced la pasada primavera.
Para lograr ser artista se necesita ser creativo, es lo que Guillermo cree.
Sus proyectos le toman desde una semana hasta un mes para acabarlos.
Entre sus temas favoritos están las pinturas de amigos o familiares.
Discípulo del maestro de arte Frank Ayala, a Guillermo le tomo una semana para
concebir la idea de su cuadro y cuatro horas para terminar el proyecto. Dijo que este
es el primer premio que ha ganado. El es hijo de Mateo y Sara Flores de Planada.
F3, o Fagen, Friedman y Fulfrost, rinde servicios a casi 500 escuelas públicas
en California
July/August 2016
Page 21
Adam Gray Names
“Cinema Café”
as 2016
Small Business of
the Year
Assemblyman Adam Gray (D-Merced)
today named Cinema Café of Merced as the
2016 Small Business of the Year for the 21st
Assembly District. Gerardo and Joy Olvera,
owners of the Cinema Café, were honored
today at a luncheon in Sacramento.
“Cinema Café is a staple of downtown Merced,” said Gray. “We were very
lucky when the Olvera family decided to open their restaurant’s doors more
than 17 years ago. They are not only dedicated to their small business but to the
community they serve. It is my privilege to recognize Cinema Café as the Small
Business of the Year.”
Gerardo Olvera purchased Cinema Café after selling his 366 seat restaurant,
Butterfield’s, formerly located on the Sunset Strip in Los Angeles. Cinema Café
quickly became a favorite spot among locals, college students, and tourists
heading to and from Yosemite.
Assemblymember Adam C. Gray represents the 21st Assembly
District which includes all of Merced County and portions of
Stanislaus County.
Asambleísta Adam Gray Nombra a
“Cinema Café” como
Pequeña Empresa del Año 2016
Asambleísta Adam Gray (D-Merced) nombro hoy al Cinema Café de
Merced como la Pequeña Empresa del Año 2016, para el 21ro Distrito de
la Asamblea. Gerardo y Joy Olvera, propietarios de Cinema Café, fueron
homenajeados hoy en un almuerzo en Sacramento.
“Cinema Café es esencial para el centro de Merced,” dijo Gray. “Fuimos
muy afortunados cuando la familia Olvera decidió abrir las puertas de su
restaurante hace más de 17 años. Ellos no solo se dedican a su pequeña empresa,
pero también a la comunidad que sirven. Es mi privilegio reconocer a Cinema
Café como la Pequeña Empresa del Año.”
Gerardo Olvera compro el Cinema Café después de vender su restaurante
Butterfield’s con capacidad para 366 personas, anteriormente localizado en el
Sunset Strip de Los Angeles. Cinema Café rápidamente se convirtió en un lugar
favorito para residentes locales, estudiantes universitarios, y turistas en camino
hacia o desde Yosemite.
Miembro de la Asamblea Adam C. Gray representa al 21ro Distrito de
la Asamblea el cual incluye todo el Condado de Merced y porciones
del Condado de Stanislaus.
Between Friends/Entre Amigos
July/August 2016
Page 22
All Dad’s Matter Team
All Dad’s
Sponsors a Day
at Kiddieland &
a Reptile Show
for families
Leadership for life workshops will be starting on Wednesday July 27th
from 6-8 pm at 3376 N Highway 59 Suite C, Buena Vista Site.
Examples of workshops are:
• Child support • Child Welfare System
• Job Seeking
• Health Care
Each workshop is designed to give dads the tools necessary to be
successful when navigating through the various systems that they
• Dads will learn the Do’s and Don’ts of each system,
• Their rights and responsibilities as it pertains to them and their
• System-Speak which is a lesson on the language used, official
terms and letters of each system.
• Peer mentors/leaders are there to lend their expertise and
support for the dads that attend the workshops.
• Hands on applications, real world scenarios, and examples are
discussed and worked out in role plays and video.
Men will learn the importance of being involved and informed in these
various systems empowering them to advocate for the well being of
their families Join us in Assuring every child the opportunity for a caring
and capable father beginning at birth. Please join us in supporting
father involvement. Don’t let dads miss this great opportunity to get
information and support from other dads and the Leadership for Life/
All Dads Matter Staff. For referral information please call Sean Berry at
(209)385-7521 ext. 5456 or via email at
Between Friends/Entre Amigos
Talleres en Liderazgo por vida empezarán el miércoles 27 de julio de 6-8 pm en
el 3376 N Highway 59 Suite C, Buena Vista Site.
Ejemplos de talleres:
• Manutención de Hijos • Sistema para el Bienestar Infantil
• Buscando Empleo
• Cuidado de la Salud
Cada taller está diseñado a dar a los papás las herramientas necesarias para
tener éxito al navegar por los varios sistemas que enfrentan.
• Papás aprenderán lo que Si y lo que No se puede hacer dentro de cada
• Sus derechos y responsabilidades relacionados a ellos y su familia,
• Como hablar el Idioma del Sistema – esta es una lección sobre el
lenguaje que se usa, términos oficiales y las iniciales de cada sistema.
• Líderes/mentores están ahí para compartir su experiencia y ofrecer
apoyo a los papás que asistan a los talleres.
• Se discutirán ejemplos de aplicaciones prácticas, escenarios de la vida
real, y se trataran en dramatizaciones y videos.
Los participantes aprenderán la importancia de participar y estar informados
sobre estos sistemas, capacitándolos para que aboguen por el bienestar de sus
familias. Únase a nosotros para asegurar que todo niño desde recién nacido
tenga oportunidad de tener un padre cariñoso y capaz. Por favor únase a
nosotros apoyando la participación de papás. No permita que los papás se
pierdan esta gran oportunidad de obtener información y apoyo de otros papás
y del personal de Liderazgo por Vida/Todos los Papás Cuentan (Leadership for
Life/All Dads Matter). Para más información favor de llamar a Sean Berry al
(209)385-7521 ext. 5456, o por correo electrónico:
July/August 2016
Page 23
Between Friends/Entre Amigos
July/August 2016
Page 24
Merced Soccer Academy
Qu Parque
at Stephen Leonard Park en el
Ste ard!
now OPEN!
¡YA está abierto el parque de chapoteo!
Merced Irriation
.....I know, I know!
partner with the
Merced Soccer
to develop the Renewable
Energy Learning Center
located inside
Leonard Park Parent/Youth
Center to provide free classes
on solar energy for youth
throughout the summer. For
information call “Daisy” at
the center at 209-724-0850.
Between Friends/Entre Amigos
Ron Durbin,
Director of UC
Solar at UC
Merced looks
on as children
work on solar
project works!
July/August 2016
Page 25
Between Friends/Entre Amigos
July/August 2016
Page 26