Inside: 2013-2 port - Notre Dame High School


Inside: 2013-2 port - Notre Dame High School
Notre Dame High School
A Sponsored Ministry of the
School Sisters of Notre Dame
Central Pacific Province
Winter 2015
Dear Alumnae, Parents, and Friends:
s we begin 2015, we are extremely
grateful for so much at Notre Dame
High School. Our students constantly show us what it means to be confident,
compassionate, Christian leaders. During the
past semester, students have proven themselves in academics, performing and practical
arts, athletics, and service. Our fall retreats
gave students and faculty/staff time to reflect on ways we have
been blessed this past year.
Through the support of generous donors, our campus is now
totally wireless. Teachers and students are using the iPad in exciting
ways to enliven both teaching and learning.
This year, we hope to receive enough funding to make improvements to the Chemistry/Physics lab and science classroom in the
Romana Hall Arts & Science Building. Your gifts to this project
will improve the learning environment and encourage young women to pursue careers in the sciences.
This semester is a busy one! I personally invite you to attend A Blue
& White Night, our annual dinner auction on February 28 and the
spring musical, The Addams Family, April 9-12. As you peruse this
issue of the LegeND also take notice of the reunion classes honored
on March 7. All of these events are an opportunity to reconnect
with ND friends and make new ones.
As we strive to put our faith into action, we invite alumnae, parents,
faculty/staff, students, and prospective students to join together in
the ND Community Service Day on April 25. It is our way of giving back to Lemay and the south St. Louis community. Read more
about it on page 3 and please consider joining us for the day!
I can’t thank you enough for the ways you are a blessing to Notre
Dame High School. My prayer for each of you is that 2015 will
bring you happiness and peace.
Notre Dame High School educates young women to become confident, compassionate
Christian leaders. Each student is guided to reach the fullness of her potential and to use
her gifts to make a difference in the world around her.
Notre Dame High School provides a college preparatory program to girls from diverse
backgrounds through an environment of differentiated instruction.
In the spirit of the School Sisters of Notre Dame and in response to the mission of
Jesus in the Catholic tradition, students are educated to integrate lifelong learning, faith,
and service into their lives.
On the Cover
3 Christian Service Projects
Cover Photos (clockwise from upper left):
1). students serve dinner at Sts. Peter & Paul. 2). ND Players collect cans for St. Andrews.
3). Lemay Leaders make Christmas cards for neighborhood residents. 4). Sophomores put up the Christmas tree at Mary Ryder Home. 5). Sophomores outside of Karen House during retreat. 6). A sophomore at Food Outreach.
In This Issue
Fall Festival
School News
Rebel Athletics
Rebel Arts
Class Notes
Easter Egg Hunt
ND Calendar
Honor & Memorial Gifts
Firmly United
the legeND
Volume V, Number 1
Jaime Horn Gast ’97
Alumnae Relations Coordinator
Mary Kay Horan
Director of Marketing & Special Events
Katie Mallette ’03
Director of Admissions
Sandy Montgomery ’01
Director of Major Gifts & Appeals
www.ndhs.net1 The legeND
the 61st Annual
Fall Festival
he 61st Annual Fall Festival was held on October 12, 2014. True to tradition, the grounds were full of girls
and parents in green, yellow, red and blue. At the end of the festivities the So Frat Seniors were named the
Fall Festival winner and Kelly Kaiser was crowned Fall Festival Favorite. Mark your calendar now for next
year’s Fall Festival on October 11, 2015!
Jim Butler Chevrolet
Midwest Bank Centre
Building Butlers, Inc.
Ravetta Photography
Zielinski Companies
Food Service Consultants
The Wagner Company, PC
Midtown Printing
The Franklin Room
Benz Press Werks
A big THANK YOU to our Fall Festival Sponsors:
James R. Weir Insurance Agency
Class of 2015 – the So Frat Seniors
Talbert ICS
Superior Waterproofing & Restoration
Epic Systems
The Lundy Family
Bob Burns, State Representative
The Zinselmeyer Family
Lundy Family
St. Simons Class of 2018 Parents
André’s Banquet & Catering
Catholic Financial Life
Current Electric
Royale Orleans
GCI Security
Judd Home Improvement, LLC
Left Hand Promotions
County Executive Charlie Dooley
Arch Engraving
The legeND
Christian Service Projects
Love is the sign through which the world
should be convinced that we believe in Jesus.
-Mother Mary Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger
otre Dame High School has a long standing
tradition of educating and developing compassionate Christian women. In the spirit of the
School Sisters of Notre Dame and in response to the
mission of Jesus in the Catholic tradition, students are
educated to integrate lifelong learning, faith, and service
into their lives.
Through service to others, we are answering the Gospel
call to “do unto others as we would have them do unto
us.” Through several areas of school life, we follow the
SSND mission of serving women, youth, and the poor.
Christian Service Program
The Christian Service program of Notre Dame encourages students to reach
outside of their comfort
zone to serve and meet those
in need and to transform the
world around them.
Notre Dame students are
required to earn 75 hours of
Christian Service to graduate,
but many go above and beBecca Tensing ‘15 in Nicarauga duryond that number. Last year, ing her summer 2014 service trip.
our senior class contributed
6,377 hours of combined service.
Sophomore Retreat
The Sophomore retreat is based on Christian Service.
Students are taught the importance of service and participate in a service project in the local community. They
then create an action plan to help them choose service
projects matching their passions and interest. This year
students visited Worth Industries, Karen House, Food
Outreach, St. Andrews Food Pantry, Lemay Children &
Family Center, and Mary Ryder Home.
Annual Can & Personal Care Item Drives
Notre Dame High School regularly participates in various collection drives. The fifth annual drive to collect
personal care items for the veterans was conducted in
November. A Veteran’s Administration representative
said, “The vets appreciate your thoughtfulness and generosity! They will all look and smell great! What a great
way to give back to those who have served.”
The ND Players also conduct the “We CAN Make a
Difference” canned food drive each November for St.
Andrew’s Food Pantry. The goal for this year’s drive was
1000 cans of food, which students helped to load onto
trucks for delivery.
Summer Service
Each summer, students participate
in a variety of service projects.
School sponsored opportunites at
local shelters are offered throughout
the summer. Girls also plan their
own service projects as you see on
the left when senior Becca Tensing visited Nicaragua. On the right
you see students serving lunch to
residents at Karen House.
Charism in Action: Notre Dame Community Service Day
On Saturday, April 25 the entire ND community is invited to join us for Charism in Action: Notre Dame Community Service Day. On this day participants will gather
at the Motherhouse and then move out to give service
to women, children and the poor of Lemay, South City,
and South County. We believe our students, faculty, staff,
parents, alumnae, and prospective students will deepen
their relationship with God and be inspired to live out
the charism of the SSNDs in their daily lives.
Planning for the event has been underway since last summer and registration will open in March 2015. Visit www. later this spring for more information. 3 The legeND
School News
2015 brings a flurry of
activity at Notre Dame!
lease know that your help with our most recent
technology Wi-Fi upgrade now engages our
students with mobile i-Pad learning, digital
textbooks, research, and
multi-media presentations.
• Senior Emily Schultz will be honored by
Archbishop Carlson on Sunday, January 18
as a Model of Justice.
Emily Schultz
• ND students head to
Washington D.C. Jan. 2225 for the Pro-Life March.
2014 Pro-Life Trip
• Our Martha’s in Training Club
hosts the “Princess Tea” for mothers and their daughters, ages 1-7 on
January 31.
• ND students visit New Orleans to
Princess Tea 2014
experience Southern architecture,
culinary arts and Mardi Gras festivities February 4-8.
• We welcome the Class of 2019 with their acceptance letters on February 6.
• ND students participate in the Annual WYSE competition (Worldwide Youth in Science and Engineering)
through the month of February at regional, sectional and
state levels. This will be ND’s
fifth year participating in this
compeition. We’re looking to
2014 WYSE Team
again bring home ribbons for
individual awards and trophies
for team accomplishments.
ND teachers continue to
attend i-Pad workshops
to employ the latest
techniques for integrating technology and
Currently, we are developing plans to begin updates in the science rooms over the next three school
years. In preparing future medical professionals,
engineers, space and research scientists, and bio-tech
specialists, there is a need to upgrade science equipment, lab tables, safety devices, software and other
instructional props. Curriculum is also under review
as the new ACT testing will begin assessing students’
skills in 2016 for the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (S.T.E.A.M.).
We thank each of you for your continued support of
Notre Dame as we embrace the daily mission of educating young women to become confident, compassionate, Christian leaders.
We are proud of your wonderful accomplishments
as you use your gifts to make a difference. Your
diligence and commitment is a blessing to many and
inspires our students to go the extra mile.
• We will welcome 13 students and
2 teachers from our sister school,
Notre Dame in Kyoto, Japan, from
March 22-26. ND STL students will
be visiting ND Kyoto June 4-14,
Japanese Visit 2014
• Join us for one of 6 fun-filled performances of “The Addams Family”
as the Spring Musical takes center
stage, April 9-12.
The legeND
School News
Rebel Athletics
he first fall sports season in the AAA conference
has come to a close and there are many positive
things to report.
Golfer Katie Zinselmeyer was selected
as a First Team All-Conference Golfer
and represented Notre Dame in the
MSHSAA Sectionals.
Rebel Arts
Christmas Carol opened on the Notre Dame
stage on November 7, 2014 for four performances. This adaptation of the Dickens novel
was chosen because it was girl friendly. Yes, Scrooge
was played by a male, but the nephew became a niece
and all three spirits were female. The performances
could brag of a simple set, but fabulous special visual
and sound effects.
Senior volleyball players Kristina Eason,
Jenna Wolff and Cori Banach received Katie Zinselmeyer
several honors. Eason was selected as a
2nd Team All-Conference player, and Jenna Wolff and
Cori Banach were selected as Honorable Mention All
Conference as well.
Kristina Eason
Jenna Wolff
Cori Banach
On the Notre Dame softball team Madelon Belaska
and Caitlyn Lowry were selected to the 1st team AllConference. Sydney Kremer was
selected 2nd Team
All-Conference. Jade
Lubinski and Mary
Lowry were selected
Honorable Mention
Madelon Belaska
Mary Lowry
Caitlin Lowry
Jade Lubinski
Notre Dame Art Club students recently finished creating a cake to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the annual
Caregiver Awards for the nonprofit organization VOYCE.
Their mission is to ensure a
quality life for people living on
the long-term care continuum.
Notre Dame alumna Linda
Diel ‘83, RN BSN contacted
art teacher Ellen Royal about
the ND art club students
creating the cake. Linda also
donated all of the supplies for
the project.
The music and dance departments presented their annual Christmas Concert on December 7. Featuring the
choirs and all levels of dance, this is an annual tradition
at Notre Dame.
Sydney Kremer
The legeND
Class Notes
Class of 1952
Janet Sciaroni Duckworth, Joan Hurst Albes, Dorothy
Behnen Bording, and Mary Ann English Winkelman
traveled to Louisville, KY to visit Evelyn Sciaroni
Pusateri ‘47. The trip was to celebrate their 80th
Class of 1991
Kendra Kassebaum and Dan Miller welcomed their first child, Fynn Daniel, on
May 14, 2014
Every two months on the second Tuesday of the
month the class of 1952 meet at various area restaurants. All classmates are welcome to attend. Contact
Margie Erger Martens ‘52 (314-846-0749) or Mary
Ann Winkelmann ‘52 (314-752-1353) for information.
From Left to Right - Mary Ann English Winkelmann,
Dorothy Behnen Bording, Joan Hurst Albes, Janet
Sciaroni Duckworth.
Class of 1994
Jennifer Lefler married Brian Fever in a
private ceremony in Eureka Springs, AR on
August 11, 2014.
Class of 1997
Maureen (Oppliger) Walkenbach and
husband Mark joyfully welcomed Brooke
Kathleen on August 5. She was 7 pounds,
11 ounces and 20 1/4 inches. Brooke joins
big brothers Benjamin, age 4 and Nicholas,
age 3.
Class of 1959
S. Rosemarie Nassif, SSND, director of the Catholic
Sisters Initiative for the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, is featured in an online article on themuse
website. The article, “3 Surprising Leadership Lessons
I Learned From (Wait for it) Nuns” is written by Jo
Piazza, and the article includes Sister Rosemarie’s 10
commandments of leadership.
Class of 1960
Through the help of Notre Dame High School-St.
Louis, Notre Dame
Jogakuin High
School, and modern
technology, alumna
Kathy Aschenbrenner ‘60 reconnected with her pen
pal from our sister
school in Kyoto, Japan. The pair lost contact in the
1960’s, but Kathy saved several letters and mementos
from her pen pal Hisae, including a Japanese doll that
Hisae sent her for graduation. The pair had never met
face-to-face, so this Skype session represented the first
time either woman had seen the other’s face.
Class of 2007
Megan (O’Neill) Kennedy shared her life story with Cosmopolitan magazine in the online article “What It’s Like to Lose
Your Vision and Hearing in Your 20s.” To read the entire article, please visit the health and fitness section at
Class of 2007
Ashley Behrman married Sam Lay on July
3, 2014 in Castries, St. Lucia. Bridesmaids
included Kim Dobberstein ‘07.
Class of 2011
Michelle Auer received All-South Region Honors from the National Soccer Coaches Association of America for her performance on the SIU-Edwardsville women’s soccer team during
the 2014 season. Auer was also selected as the Ohio Valley
Conference tournament Most Valuable Player.
To update your information go to:
The legeND
ND Events
Classes Resume
Blood Drive - Maria Center 8 a.m.-1 p.m.
Incoming Freshmen Interviews
Alum Phone-A-Thon
Pro-Life Trip to Washington, D.C.
Princess Tea 10:30 a.m. - Noon
FACS Trip to New Orleans
Acceptance Letters Mailed
Junior Ring Dance
A Blue & White Night
Notre Dame’s 17th Annual Dinner Auction
Alumnae Reunion Evening
Spring Break
Kyoto, Japan Sister School Visit
Father/Daughter Dinner Dance
Easter Break
Spring Musical, The Addams Family
Mouse Races 7:00 p.m.ND Gym
Senior Prom
Notre Dame Community Service Day
Alumnae Reunion Mass & Luncheon 11:00 a.m.
Art Show 5-6:30 p.m.
Spring Concert & Dance Recital 7:00 p.m.
All School Mass & Alumnae Induction 1:45 p.m.
Senior/Parent Mass & Dinner
Baccalaureate 8:00 a.m.
Graduation 7:00 p.m.
ND Visit to Japan
Class of 2019 Welcome BBQ
The legeND
Honor and Memorial Gifts
In Honor of the Class of 1946
Shirley Poepping Weathers ‘46
In Memory of the Deceased Members of the
Class of 1950
Anna Marie Stein Potje ‘50
In Memory of the Deceased Members of the
Class of 1964
Elaine Frick Simmons ‘64
In Memory of S. M. Salome, SSND and S.
Cleopha, SSND
Richard & Joyce Laverty
In Memory of My Parents
Gloria Frigo ‘41
In Honor of Andrea Antonacci ‘12
Ann Fischer Antonacci ‘83
In Memory of Dick and Donna Armbruster
Susan Armbruster Herndon ‘73
In Memory of Joseph and Helen Aschenbrenner
Kathryn Aschenbrenner ‘60
In Memory of Roger Aschenbrenner
Kathryn Aschenbrenner ‘60
In Honor of Madison Becnel ‘16
Robert & Mary Anne Becnel
In Honor of Madelon Belaska ‘17
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Howell
In Memory of Dolores Mahn Blank ‘51
Charles Blank
In Honor of Sarah Horneker Boeger ‘96
George and Mary Bender Horneker ‘66
In Honor of Danielle Boemer ‘18
Robert & Marlene Ebel
In Memory of LaVerne Hock Brennecke ‘43
Caroline Hock Wolf ‘85
In Honor of Jaclyn Buchheit ‘14
Mr. and Mrs. Carl I. Buchheit
In Memory of Charles Buhrmester
Janet Ippolito Buhrmester ‘55
In Memory of Dorothy Kennebeck Butler ‘59
Ruth Kennebeck Hall ‘60
In Memory of Rosemarie Tevlin Casey ‘44
Michael Casey
In Memory of Bill and Sister Cood
Cynthia Herder
In Honor of S. John Crowder
Frank Riegerix
In Memory of David W. Cruseturner
Don & Mary Santoyo Landholt ‘51
In Honor of Anna Schneider DeMerit ‘68
Rich & Sue Spaeth
In Honor of Carol Jean Dust, SSND ‘69
Jeannine Winkle
In Honor of Mary Hack Erickson ‘81
George & Pauline Hack
In Memory of Elizabeth Eveker ‘06
Amanda Hoeffken ‘06
In Honor of Madeline Freitag ‘17
Ruth Engel
In Honor of Abigail ’15 and Arin ’17 Froidl
Irene Czarnecki Froidl ‘54
In Honor of Natalie Gannon ‘16
Leona Gannon
In Memory of Kurt Gasko
Jane Steger Gasko ‘63
In Memory of Gerhardt Gern, Sr.
Patricia Lamprecht Gern ‘53
In Memory of Rosalie Mehrtens Giratos ‘59
Marilyn Giratos Stelly ‘65
In Honor of Gail Guelker, SSND ‘60
Dorothy Galloway Ellis ‘63
Marie Hoff
James & Jane McArdle
Contributions made in honor or memory of a loved one are
particularly special and meaningful gifts. Notre Dame High
School thanks the following individuals that have made honor
or memorial gifts between July 1 and December 31, 2014.
In Memory of Marylyn Wagner Harster ‘42
Jane Harster Kendall ‘72
In Memory of Jeanne Heck
Gail Guelker, SSND ‘60
In Memory of Bertha Heuvelman
Anne Marie Reis Heuvelman ‘38
In Memory of Jo Ellyn Hanlon Hoffmann ‘60
Amy Phalen
In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Huck
Louise Huck ‘68
In Honor of Tammy Huckstep ‘96
Katie Konkel ‘96
In Honor of Danielle Klevorn ‘17
John & Maggie Klevorn
In Memory of Ronald Knebel
Shirley Knebel Grams ‘48
In Memory of Vernon Knobbe
Joyce Range Knobbe ‘54
In Honor of Sydney Kremer ‘16
Paula Kremer
In Memory of Joe and Caroline Kuda
Gerard & Jane Kuda Grewe ‘60
In Memory of Mark Laury
Lisa Wamhoff Laury ‘73
In Memory of Joseph Levantino
Alice Brug Levantino ‘51
In Memory of Helen Nolan Lombardo ‘55
Robert & Millie Miller
Ron & Mary Nicoletti
Mary Hannauer Schwartz ‘55
In Honor of Jessica Horneker Lovell ‘94
George and Mary Bender Horneke ‘66
In Memory of John and Lelah Mattli
Rosemary Mattli ‘46
In Memory of Lee Francis Maurer
Margaret Baragiola Maurer ‘52
In Memory of Mary Jane Walsh McCartney ‘45
John & Mary Catherine Walsh Louis ‘45
In Honor of Gillian McManemin ‘16
Marita McManemin
In Memory of Lavern O’Donnell
William & Cathy Trokey
In Honor of Jeri Oranski ‘17
George & Michele Oranski
In Memory of Mary Ottoline ‘49
Shirley Weidinger Lloyd ‘49
In Honor of Preshi Paw ‘16
Larry & Kathleen Baden
In Memory of Maureen Callahan Peterson ‘52
Barb Muich ‘52
In Honor of Molly Magee Pieshel ‘00
Edward & Sandra Magee
In Memory of Thomas Placke
Gertrude Placke
In Memory of Rev. Msgr. David Ratermann
Gail Guelker, SSND ‘60
In Memory of Paul and Bernadine Rathgeber
Joecile Rathgeber Hoerner ‘71
In Honor of Danielle Rinck ‘14
Linda Baumann-Romine
In Memory of Joe Schrappen
Colleen Schrappen ‘96
In Honor of Emily Schultz ‘15
Michael & Susan Schultz
In Honor of Katie Seiffert ‘17
Scott & Anne Seiffert
In Memory of Mary Repple Skelton ‘64
Class of 1964
In Memory of Don Springmeyer
Terrance & Pamela Bedo
James & Catherine Berges
Vince & Louise Bogart
Brad & Julie Bomanz
Mike & Mary Bridwell
Martin Brummond & Liz Swayzee
Ronald & Joan Gagnepain
Gail Guelker, SSND ‘60
Kathleen Hartmann
Steve & Nancy Hausner
Shelley Hogan, SSND ‘67
Regina Horton
Christine Suter Johnson ‘75
Frank & Kathleen Karalunas
Paul & Kathleen McCoy
Ann Paradoski
Donald & Linda Reuling
Norman & Bonnie Solomon
Thomas Suter
William & Cathy Trokey
Geraldine Walsh
Wayne & Karen Zimmerman
In Honor of St. Agnes Parish
Shirley Knebel Grams ‘48
In Honor of Sophie Staub ‘18
James & Elaine Weber
In Honor of Madeline Switzer ‘15
Georgiann Hollabaugh
In Honor of Melissa Hack Thomas ‘86
George & Pauline Hack
In Memory of Terry Hasson Urbantke ‘73
In Memory of Larry Van de Riet
Mary Bequette
James & Pamela Braun
Mary Frank
James & Roseann Harthill
Shelley Hogan, SSND ‘67
Robert & Mary Kalinich
Robert & Dee Dee Kebler
Lois Koenen ‘65
Joseph & Joyce Kramer
Andrea Lawrence
Gary & Janice Jennewein Meyer ‘65
Thad & Mary Pieper
Sharon Ricciotti Pisoni ‘70
Hugh & Dorothy Polette
Paul & Cheryl Rohan
Mary Hanak Ronshausen ‘65
Nancy Zimmermann Ronshausen ‘78
Joyce Sevem
Andrew & Sue Spavale
Richard & Rosemary Stockmann
Raymond & Laurie Van de Riet
In Memory of Julie Ventimiglia ‘95
Sam & Ann Ventimiglia
In Honor of Jack and Suzy Zipf Villa ‘63
Class of 1963
In Honor of Kathy Hack Vitela ‘78
George & Pauline Hack
In Honor of George and Marie Wehrle
Francis Wehrle Boyer ‘75 & Michelle Boyer ‘09
In Honor of the Retirement of Henrietta
Weldele Werkmeister ‘56
Janice Nickels Denham ‘65
In Honor of Claire Zimmerman ‘12
Glenn & Jill Zimmerman 8 The legeND
4. 9 The legeND
Notre Dame
High School
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A Sponsored Ministry of the School Sisters of Notre Dame - Central Pacific Province