June 2011 - CMCS Sailing Club


June 2011 - CMCS Sailing Club
The Chowder Chatter
Newsletter of the Caloosahatchee Marching & Chowder Society
A Premiere Sailing Club of Southwest Florida
Next Full Moon June 15
June 2011
Membership Report
―Summertime, and the living is easy‖ … a familiar lyric and so meteoric to the hot days in Florida. Not that many years back. . . many businesses closed during the summer months and the
residents took off to their homes in the mountains.
Looking at the ―summer months‖ on our calendar we are easing on activities. This is really a
great time for membership to grow as there are many land activities to enjoy and meet members. It is the time when we are preparing our boats for the storm season and to help one another in our efforts to keep our boats safe.
CMCS goes on sale during the summer months ~ Beginning July 1 st and our new membership rate
is half (1/2) price until October. Great buy for anyone who just wants to give us a try! A full
membership is $90. that includes calendar, club burgee, WEB access and right to participate in
all functions of CMCS. If crewing is your choice ~ $40.00 for that same bargain.
Bev Duff
Still looking for ―Sail Mates‖ to mentor new members ~ helping them get to know the Club and
our activities. It is just being a friend to a fellow sailor and sharing our Club activities. If this
sounds like something you would like to do ~ don’t be shy about stepping up.
In June we have a number of boats cruising to the Keys and 10,000 Islands, Bob and I are hosting the Fisherman’s Village
Cruise mid June and then the finality of the 4th of July cruise up river. There is the fun ―Ladies Day Race‖ where a gal must
be helming the boat. It is our laid back and relax time ~ ―those lazy, hazy days of summer‖.
If anyone else has changes or updates, please send me an Email and I’ll make sure to get it taken care of as quickly as possible.
In my world, no news is good news SO if I don’t get a phone call or an Email advising of a change I can’t help you with your
question. I try to get the updated roster to the WEB site ea. month.
See you all out on the water ways of SW Florida!
Danger Island
Chowder Contest Winners
<- Left
Best Taste Winners were
Joan Perkett, 2nd; Judy
Tomlins, 3rd, and Cindy
Nauman, 1st.
Best Presentation—Right->
Steve and Cindy Romaine,
Cathy Mullins, DeeDee
Cheek and Jimmi Chew.
Russel Vance Governer for
Life of Danger Island.
Less than 135 days left „til Summerset!
Many of our major sponsors – West Marine, Offshore Sailing School, Lexus of Fort Myers,
Morgan Stanley, Olsen Marine – have committed to
the 46th Summerset Regatta, October 7th, 8th,
and 9th. Have You??? I hope so. As Billy Fucillo
says at Kia motors, “It‟s going to be HUGE!!” Lots
of boats, racing and cruising, great parties, fabulous “hatch prizes”, the best trophies, give-aways
and sea-tales galore. Make your commitment now,
then send your entry form in early, go to each and
every event, and participate in support of youth
sailing by putting your boat name on the regatta t-shirt for only $100.
The latest news: Matanzas Inn has offered us a limited number of rooms at $75.
The pink shell resort also has special room and dockage rates for our Regatta. Salty Sam‟s Marina has matched Moss
Marine‟s price per foot at $1.25 for dockage. Tell your out-of-town friends bringing boats, or sign up yourselves, early
please, as last year we filled Moss Marine‟s docks.
Take a chance on the raffle. The 2011 Summerset Raffle has a new twist – three wonderful prizes: the Colgate Sailing School 3-day course; a hand painted framed chart donated by Cape Coral‟s Gallery and Gift, and a 2night/3-day stay at the fabulous Diamond Head Resort at Fort Myers Beach. See Suzanne Aguilera for raffle chances.
Sailing Grants issued to children attending the Edison Sailing Center Summer Programs total eleven. We
need more kids as we have $$$ allocated for them. ESC has three summer sessions so if you know of children that
would enjoy the experience of learning to sail, contact Chuck Milbrandt, Administrator, CMCS Grant Fund.
Congratulations to each of you who supported the CMCS-Sponsored West Marine Community Day, April 20th.
As a result or our support, community support, and the great West Marine McGregor store sales staff, they had a record
sales day. That means West Marine will present a check to Edison at our September general meeting for almost
$1,100 – WOW!!
Stay tuned – many more surprises to come. Circle the dates on your calendar: October 7th, 8th and 9th,
Summerset 2011.
Happy Sailing!
May was a slow month for CMCS racing. On Saturday, May 14, we attempted the Estebel
The race was to begin at 6:00 PM, but the weather gods conspired against the
fleet! Approximately half of the boats entered actually came out (or attempted to come out).
The weather forecast was for southwest winds and light showers and the radar showed some
light showers west of Sanibel. By 5:45 PM the winds were 15-20 and the waves were building.
The Committee Boat struggled to set the starting mark (Marker 2 was missing) and I was not
doing well being tossed around in that little powerboat. I decided to abandon the race and we
all headed for shore. Winds were recorded at 32 mph gusting to 45 mph at Cape Harbor during the rain squall that followed and the sky turned black to the north with lots of lightning. It
turns out that abandonment was probably the wise choice-I didn’t get any opposition from anyone on the race course! Thanks to Jolly Mon for picking up the mark and to everyone who
called me later to ask how I was feeling! (I was fine).
Night Race.
Rear Commodore of Racing
Steve Roake
There seems to be an interest in re-scheduling the Estebel Night Race so we will attempt to
start the race again on Saturday, June 4 - same time, place and course. Those that have already entered are automatically
entered again. If you choose not to race, the entry fee will be rolled over to the next race you wish to participate in.
The Ladies Race is coming up on Saturday, June 11. Please let the Race Chairman know as soon as possible if you intend to participate. Remember that this race requires a female at the helm during the race!
This year, we will have a summer break. After the Ladies Race, there will be no more racing until the Kayusa Cup on September 17. Mike Kayusa has again graciously agreed to be the RC for this race. More to follow on this as the race date draws
In other news – This summer Edison Sailing Center will be having Adult Sailing on the first and third Wednesday of each
month, beginning after Memorial Day, and running up to Labor Day. Small dinghies will be available for informal racing. This will
be an opportunity for all those "Big Boat" sailors to race around the buoys in some real boats! All newcomers and guests are
welcome, but this will technically not be a learn-to-sail program. Hope to see you out on the water starting WEDNESDAY
JUNE 1 from 6-8PM weather permitting. Sailing will be at the NORTH SHORE LOCATION. The cost will be $20.00/person
donation to benefit the ESC youth sailing program. Youth sailors are welcome to participate as helpers and racers. (Guidelines
will follow from Mike.) Enterprising youth sailors are often willing to rig and de-rig for a nominal fee. Just a friendly reminder, the North Shore Location is on Lee County Parks property, and is an alcohol free facility. Any questions feel free to
call or e-mail Damien Lin at (239) 770-8621 or esteroali@comcast.net.
The Fort Myers Sailing Club sponsored their fourth annual River District Regatta on Saturday, May 14 raising almost $300 to
benefit the Edison Sailing Center. They had 15 boats participating, including four CMCS boats and three ESC boats. Steve
and Theresa Roake’s Meritorious was first overall and David and Cindy Naumann’s Jolly Mon was third overall. Also participating was John Finnegan’s Miss Cathleen and Mark Beauvois and Bobby Lee’s Dan-Ifr-Ann. The three Sonar’s from the Edison
Sailing Center, sailed by ESC students, proved to be formidable competition!
CMCS was well represented in the Bone Island Regatta held from May 19 to 23. In the race from Naples to Key West, Ned
Christensen’s Passion III was first in the multi-hull division; Forrest Bank’s Midnite Rider was first in the spinnaker division;
and Steve Romaine’s Air Supply was second in the non-spinnaker division. CMCS was represented in the true-cruising division
by John Finnegan’s Miss Cathleen. Jerry Watkins did a great job organizing the race as well as the parties in Key West. Participation was up about 50 percent from last year! Everyone reported having a good time! In the race back to Naples, Steve
Romaine’s Air Supply was first in the non-spinnaker division; Ned Christensen’s Passion III was first in the multi-hull division;
Forrest Banks Midnite Rider was second in the spinnaker division and John Finnegan’s Miss Cathleen was second in the truecruising division. Congratulations to all!
Cruising News
I hope that everyone has taken advantage of the excellent cruising weather that
the month of May provided. I have managed to get out a couple of times for a
cruise, besides participating in a couple of races. Our weather has been absolutely
beautiful! Just one more reason to live in Florida.
June is also a pretty good month for cruising. We will be using the time period
scheduled for the Keys Cruise to instead go to the Ten Thousand Islands. By now
you will have received at least one email detailing the changes for this cruise.
Fisherman’s Village is scheduled for June 15-19th. Reservations are required in
advance, so contact Beverly or Bob Duff with your intentions to go on the cruise.
They will make the necessary arrangements for you. This is always a fun time, so
plan on coming along.
Rear Commodore of Cruising
Ned Christensen
I’ll look forward to seeing all of you on the upcoming cruises. So get out on the
water and enjoy your boat.
Plotting our course for June 2011 Cruise
Fishermen’s Village in Punta Gorda on beautiful Charlotte Harbor
Is our destination. Slips a plenty awaiting us ~ so don’t hesitation!
A rate not to be beat at $2.00 ft + discount. Electric 30 amp
$2.50 per day & 50 amp $ 5. Daily.
The more Participants ~ the better the discount! We have the
use Of the Yacht Room f/ our activities during our stay. Very
nice, clean Facilities including showers and laundry.
Lots to do with amenties a plenty. Close to the Historic town
Of Punta Gorda. Pool, grills, tennis and bikes. Day of beauty at
Spa or just lounge around. Eat out or eat In, shop til you drop!
If Group would like to do Harbor cruise that can be arranged at
group pricing.
Planned departure Wed. June 15th with night at anchor then
onto Fisherman’s Village for 2-3 nights with return to Ft. Myers
on Sunday the 19th . Those who wish to linger are welcome.
Please contact Bev & Bob Duff via Email ArgusGdn@comcast.net
OR via phone 239-278-3733. The more boats the better the
Please leave skippers name, Boat name, length, beam, draft and
contact phone.
Invite you to look at their WEB site
Change in Plans
This is to notify everyone that because of minor
scheduling problems, the Keys Cruise will now be
going to the Ten Thousand Islands for a week. Also,
the departure date has been changed to June 7-12,
2011. Janette has an appointment in Gainsville for a
post surgery checkup on June 6th, (that I forgot
about) and I will drive up there and back on the
6th. I will then depart on the 7th to either catch
up to, or join the cruise. If anyone wishes/wants to
leave early, please do so, and I/we will catch up
along the way on the afternoon of the 7th.
Plan on sailing down to Chutney Bay, then on to Panther Key. Those inquisitive enough can also follow
me over to Whitehorse Key for a night. (also a
change of location and information to those who
come.) We'll get up to Everglades City to have
lunch at the Rod and Gun Club. Remember that the
Rod and Gun Club does not take charge cards. Bring
lots of cash. (maybe a local check??) After leaving
Indian Key, or there abouts, we will sail (really, put
up those white things and use the wind) slowly
around the Romano Shoals and anchor at the mouth
of Capri Pass. (depending on the weather and
wind). On the final day, we'll sail back to marker
101 and home.
Email Sailorned@embarqmail.com or call me at
239-945-7676 to let me know if you intend to come
along. If needed, we'll have a get together at my
house to "plan the trip", or maybe just have a cold
beer and chat.
Ned Christensen
―Going North‖ Cruise – 2011
The first day of the ―North‖ cruise was as exciting as opening day at Yankee Stadium. Your new cruise leaders
were Russell & Kathleen Vance. The winds were a clean Easterly, thus everyone had a great three or four hour
sail, depending on their starting time. Entering Pelican Bay were:
Shadowfax, Blank Check, Gopher Baroque, Free Style, Lazy Susan.
The 5:31 cocktail hour started on time, after the 20-minute tie-up at Shadowfax. Groceries were passed around
for an hour, when the great ―white squall‖ appeared out of the East. The 20-minute tie-up turned into a 2-minute
take-off as the members fled to their open hatches. 40-knot winds accompanied the two fronts that entered the
Bay, as everyone extended their anchor scopes. The rest of the night was ―fair to middling‖.
Sunday morning we faced 20-knot winds and 3-foot plus seas, forcing us to the inside, rather attempting Boca
Grand Pass and the shallow ―Swash Channel.‖ Needless to say, two hours into the trip everything was beautiful.
Five bridges later we slid into the Crows Nest Marina in Venice, with Free Style opting to anchor off Higel Park.
Ron and Shirley (―Ix-less‖) Maddix, and Steve Romaine and Cindy Carlino joined us for cocktails and dinner at the
Crows Nest Restaurant.
Monday we cast off and set out through the Venice Inlet, heading north for Longboat Pass. The wind was 10-15
out of the East, making sailing a beauty. Similar to the seven plagues of biblical times, we were attacked by our
local locusts – the love bugs. Relief appeared as we entered the pass and the anchorage at Moores. That night
we all had dinner, where the stone crabs were all-you-can-eat for a fixed price.
Tuesday we dinghied to the town of Bradenton Beach for shopping and lunch. Later we went to the inlet beach to
enjoy the challenge of swimming in a five-knot current. That evening we had cocktails aboard Freestyle.
Wednesday, we picked up anchors and headed back through the intracoastal and Sarasota Bay to Venice. We enjoyed cocktails in air-conditioned comfort aboard Gopher Baroque, and dinner together at the Crows Nest Pub.
Thursday the fleet separated, with some heading to Palm Island, Pelican Bay, home, and hanging out another day
at the Crows Nest.
Friday, NOAA, at 7:30 AM predicted South winds at 10-knots with an afternoon shower, going to Southwest with
1 - 2 foot swells. After eyeballing the sky conditions, we sent up our own weather balloon, which had different
readings than NOAA. We took the intracoastal waterway to Pelican Bay, vs. the outside Gulf route. The winds
were south all the way, ranging from 18 to 22 knots. Those who traveled in the Gulf may still be there.
Saturday and Sunday provided perfect days at the beach, for exercising, swimming and relaxation. Then we were
greeted by the arrival of High Heels with (―wrong-way‖) Roger and Kathy Horton. We had spoken to Roger earlier
about going on the ―North‖ cruise, however, he must have confused it was the ―Going South‖ cruise. When they
arrived in the Keys they realized their error, and turned around, heading for Pelican Bay. Needless to say, cocktails were on High Heels.
At the marina—Going North Cruise
2011 Franklin Locks Cruise – July 1 – July 4th or 5th
Most cruisers will arrive by land or by sea/river on Friday, July 1 st. We will stake out the covered pavilion and picnic tables as
our social hub. Happy Hour will be at 5:00 PM under cover. Dinner will be catch as catch can.
Saturday, July 2nd will feature our traditional Trivial Pursuit tournament. The crappie toss will return by popular demand. We
will have a planking contest. It involves lying face down in funny positions, so we should have lots of expertise. Happy Hour
will be at 5:00. Plan to grill at the pavilion and bring a dish to share at 6:30.
Sunday, July 3rd will feature our famous dinghy ride up Hickey Creek, time determined by a break in the sultry weather – most
likely in the morning. We are not sure if there is a camel to be spotted there anymore, but a prize will be awarded to the
first person to spot an unusual animal. Happy Hour and open grill at the usual times.
There may also be a fishing tournament, an opportunity to watch drag boats, Pin the Tail on the Alligator or Cracker Girl in a
Bikini Contest as well as Hairy Boca Ball and exciting ham radio demonstrations.
Many boats and land cruisers will depart on Monday. We are staying behind in hopes that the local fireworks display will be as
good as last year’s.
At time of publishing, there was only one campsite left and none of the reserved slips were available. There are
also 4 slips available on a first-come, first-served basis. Some of our members choose this option. Many members drive up to join in our fun and games. Driving directions are from I-75, take Exit 143, following Bayshore
Boulevard E to SR 31. Turn on SR 31 N and travel 1.5 mi to SR 78. Turn E on SR 78 for 3 mi to North Franklin
Lock Rd. Follow signs into campground.
May 10, 2011
CMCS Board of Directors and General Membership
Stephanie Webb, Director
Reciprocity Survey Results
A survey to determine interest within the General Membership of CMCS regarding club reciprocity was distributed through the electronic newsletter, Chowder Chatter, during the month of April.
The response to the survey was minimal: roughly 12% of the membership responded. To those who did take the
time to complete the survey or seek additional information, the Board expresses its appreciation!
Of those responding, all but one indicated interest in further discussion and/or full support for seeking membership to the YCA (Yacht Clubs of America). Of these, most agreed that they would be willing to do a pro rata share
of the cost, if the budget would not include such membership as a whole.
My recommendation, based on the limited response, would be for individuals who are interested in reciprocity
outside the usual regatta settings might inquire with their desired yacht clubs for temporary and/or overnight
Based on the minimal response, it would appear – at least on the first blush – that few people are interested in
pursuing this option.
LBC Summer Hiatus
Like the song says, "See you in September". Sue Stier and Rose Ann Hoffman your
Snowbird leaders will be going up North for the summer, Sue to Missouri and Rose Ann
to CT. No LBC June-September. October 16 - Day Sail, November 10-Yoga on board
the Judy-Judy and December 14 - Christmas Party & Pirate Swap.
Have a Great Summer—RoseAnn
Danger Island—Memorial Day Cruise
Buy, sell, trade
Members, to advertise your boating-related items free in the CMCS Chandlery,
Don Lawson, Chowder Chatter Editor at chowderchatter@cmcs-sail.org
or use your roster for telephone information.
Your ad will be listed for 3 months unless you notify me to take your listing out sooner.
Non-members are welcome to advertise their items at a price of $30.00 for 3 months.
Business cards or business related listings sent in digital format only :
Members: 3 months, $25.00
Non-members: 3 months, $50.00
Boat Slip Available
Sail boat accessible.
Easy access to gulf, south of Cape Coral Parkway/off
5305 SW 8th Place. $200 per month.
Additional information contact Dina May
630-269-4338 or
Deep water, Fort Myers Beach, Siesta Isles.
Same canal as Bob Duff.
Water and electric included.
Up to 45 feet.
Call 239-281-2513
CMCS Photos—Please Contribute
Marine Equipment Needed
Bring your camera and remember to use it!
50 Amp to 30 Amp shore power adapter
Aluminum dock ladder (for permanent mounting to dock)
Don’t forget to visit the club photo share site
If you would like to sell, please contact Russell Vance, 239-4712757 or vances105@comcast.net.
This space available for rent
Inquire Within
CMCS Chowder Chatter
c/o Don Lawson, Editor
1411 SW 53rd. Ln.
Cape Coral, FL 33914
JUNE 2011
June 4
Estebel Night Race
June 7-12
10,000 Island Cruise
June 11
Ladies Day Race
June 15-19
Fisherman’s Village Cruise
June 21
July 1-4
1830 hours
Social Hour
1930 hours
General Meeting
Franklin Locks Cruise and RV Campout