August 2013 - CMCS Sailing Club


August 2013 - CMCS Sailing Club
The Chowder Chatter
Newsletter of the Caloosahatchee Marching & Chowder Society
A Premiere Sailing Club of Southwest Florida
Next Full Moon August 20
C o m m o d o r e ' s
M e s s a g e
As we begin the second half of this year it is important to note our debts of
gratitude to the many persons who make CMCS run smoothly! It’s not just one but
many who keep this ship on course. The Officers & Directors have been meeting
regularly taking care of the business of CMCS. The “Board Development
Team” (Nominating Committee) is gearing up, as it is never too soon to keep an eye
out for talented folks to be Leaders. One of the goals of this year’s board was to
clarify the duties of each position so members could better understand the
Commodore Bev Duff
responsibilities and have the whole truth available to someone giving thought to
coming onboard in a leadership position. This is available on the WEB Site to the members.
The Annual Calendar Committee is already starting to look ahead to 2014 and the Rear Commodores of
Cruising and Racing are putting the future schedules together. We are only looking for a Chairman of
this committee to move it forward. We continue look to our membership to provide guidance as to
programs liked OR those that we can just put on behind us.
Some point to ponder:
 This is the time that CMCS “goes on sale” so to anyone who has been giving thought to joining
us, July is a good time to act on that thought. Jean Andrews, Fleet Recruiter can help.
 If a member has been giving thought to helping out, NOW is the time to step up to any of the
Officers or Directors and let them know of your interest.
 All positions ~ Officers, Directors and Committees will need new talent to taking over the helm.
Mid point in my term, I tend to look ahead as well as review the year as it passes. It was very
gratifying at the July meeting to meet some of the youth who have benefited from our contributions
to Edison Sailing Center. They’ve had great experiences on the water and stopped by to thank us
personally. We continue to provide support to youth sailing in SW Florida thanks to the dollars raised
from Summerset Regatta. We want to continue to grow this regatta to number #1 in the area!
We are already thinking about the Fort Myers Boat Show which is Nov. 14-17 at the Harborside Event
Center & City Yacht Basin. It is a leading event for our area and CMCS has always been a very
prominent participant. Seeking someone to take up the mantel on this and get the team together for
this event. Please give me a call if this is something that interests you. We have to send in our site
request shortly to get a best pick!
For now, hoping to see everyone out on the water,
Fair Winds, Bev Duff
Cruising Report
Rear Commodore of
While several of our cruisers have been sailing in the Bahamas, some of
us stayed closer to home during the month of July. Charles and Judy
Tomlins, and Ben and Carolyn Preston led the ever-popular Independence Day
Cruise to the Franklin Locks. See their report elsewhere in the Chowder
Chatter. Also, as this issue goes to print, we are preparing for the CMCS
annual picnic, which, for the first time, will be combined with a cruise to the
Cape Coral Yacht Club. We’ll have a report on this event in the next Chowder
Our next Cruise in August will be to ‘Tween Waters Marina, August 9th
through the 11th. Gary and Jean Blessing are our Cruise Leaders. They have
decided to have another Jimmy Buffet, Margaritaville theme due to last year's HUGE success. This is a cruise you will not want to miss.
Ron Maddix
Mel Rudd will be leading the “Where The Wind Blows Cruise”, August 30 thru Sept.
2nd (a.k.a. Labor Day Weekend) . This year the wind will once again be blowing to the Naples
Boat Club on beautiful Naples Bay. So far, 13 boats have signed up for the cruise (3 of which
are on a waiting list). We had a great time last year staying at this First-Class Facility. It's
always fun to travel up the Gordon River and see how “The Other Half” lives.
The South Seas Kayusa Cup Race/Cruise will take place on Sept. 13 thru 15. South
Seas Resort is a World Class destination. If you have never been you should go. If you have,
nothing more needs to be said. Dan and Debbie Merriman are our Cruise Leaders and they
have negotiated a special CMCS rate of $2.25/ft, plus $10 per day electric hookup charge.
You need to contact the Marina by August 13th to guarantee dockage at this rate. Be sure to
mention CMCS.
See you on the water,
Ron Maddix, Rear Commodore of Cruising
The 11th Annual Southwest Florida Reader Rendezvous!
Noon until 6pm, Saturday, 11/23/13
Woody's Waterside Pub
3051 Stringfellow Road, in St. James, at the southern end of Pine Island
Call 239-283-5555 for directions
This is the annual world-famous book celebration for the newest Honor Series novel by CMCS Charter
Member Bob Macomber. Please note the date change. There will be more information on this cruise to
Pine Island in a future edition of the Chowder Chatter, but for now, mark your calendars with the new date
for this always-exciting event. Bob will be on hand to tell stories, sign books and meet with all of his fans.
Don’t miss it!
Franklin Locks Cruise
Fun, food, rest and relaxation – those are the things that usually characterize
the annual Fourth of July Cruise to the Franklin Locks. In recent years, the RV’s and campers
have come to outnumber the boats, however, it’s still a great time and this year was no exception. Three boats ventured up the river and through the lock: Gordon Coffman on Ariel, CoCruise Leaders Ben and Carolyn Preston on Kestrel II, and Charles and Judy Tomlins on JudyJudy. The CMCS RV contingent consisted of Jerry and Sandy Canning, Tim and Deedee Cheek,
Dan Green and Carolyn Wilson, Don Lawson and Joan Perkett, Chuck and Doreen Milbrandt,
and Carol Pim and family.
Campers and cruisers arrived on Wednesday, July 3rd and enjoyed a relaxing afternoon,
naps during the rain and a delicious barbeque. Thursday, the 4th, we were joined by several
“drive-ups” who joined in the games and festivities: Dennis & Suzanne Aguilera, Waite & Terry
Alexander, Mike & Diane Pfaff, John & Susan Reekie, Russell & Kathleen Vance and Jerry and
Kathy Wellens.
The competition was fierce in Thursday’s games. In “Ladder Golf” (also known as
“CMCS Golf”), Joan Perkett took first place, while Ben Preston was a close second. In “Target
Toss”, first place was won by Terry Alexander, with stiff completion for second place, finally
won by Waite Alexander. The ever-popular “Bean Bag” (a.k.a. “Corn Hole”) toss was won by
Dennis Aguilera, with John Reekie coming in second. Finally, Ben Preston took the championship in “Horseshoes” with Charles Tomlins winning second prize.
Later, after the deluge, (thanks for that tarp!) we had a SUPER pot-luck and barbeque,
in typical CMCS fashion. Boaters and campers said good-bye to the land-cruisers and enjoyed
a relaxing evening with some local fireworks.
Friday, the 5th, we ventured out for the annual dinghy ride to Hickey Creek. The “alert”
ones saw threatening skies and returned to safety, while a few undaunted souls enjoyed a
good soaking. This was a great cruise, and we look forward to a fun time next year.
Charles and Judy Tomlins
Co-Cruise Leaders
Franklin Locks Cruise
Fleet Recruiter
Jean Andrews
Welcome to our latest member, San Priest. San came to our May
membership meeting and was referred by Jeff Soshnick, a recent new
member. San is joining as a crew member. She and Jeff are ready and
willing to join a race or cruise.
We have many members who do not own their own boat and would
love to have time on the water. So – if you’re going out for a day cruise or
race and you have some extra room, please go to the CMCS website and
invite a member to share your enjoyment. Remember – the calendar you
received earlier this year does not include our newest members. And…be
sure that all your information is correct.
Thanks – and enjoy the water this summer.
Jean Andrews, CMCS Fleet Recruiter
When you ease away from the dock, when the sails fill and you feel your boat
respond to your hand at the helm, the world comes alive.
There’s an energy, and excitement, and an enchantment
that doesn’t exist on shore.
If I’m right, your boat is your special place.
For you sailing is not a pastime; it’s a passion.
On the water, your ability is tested and your soul is refreshed.
It is a place where great moments are shared and lasting memories are made.
As a sailor, you know the exhilarating rush of heeling
in a filling breeze… and the peaceful calm of lying at
anchor in an unspoiled cove. You know the thrill of
being the first around the mark…
and the joyous freedom of sailing to nowhere
just because you can.
Shared by Diane Fowler
Racing News
It’s July and things really are quiet in the racing department! No
races this month or August and we’re off cruising in the North Channel of
Rear Commodore of Racing
Steve Roake
The next race is the Kayusa Cup on September 14. Start thinking
about your entry if you haven’t already signed up! Bev and Bob Duff’s
Chase The Clouds will be the Race Committee for the start of the Kayusa Cup and Bill and Mary Misenheimer’s Barefeet will be the finish
boat. The Kayusa Cup finishes at South Seas Plantation on Captiva Island,
coincidentally the site of this year’s CMCS South Seas Cruise!
West Florida PHRF certificates all expire on June 30. If you haven’t already done so,
please renew yours now. It’s easy to do on their website and you can pay via PayPal or credit
We’re already working on the 2014 calendar. The 2014 race schedule should be available soon! We’re also finalizing the 2013-2014 Caloosahatchee Boat of the Year Notice of Series. This too will be published soon!
Thanks to all who volunteered so far. Of course, we always need lots of volunteers for
the Summerset Regatta in October. Start thinking now about which events you’ll be volunteering for! The future of our racing program hinges on volunteer participation.
This is my last year as the CMCS Rear Commodore-Racing. (Really-it is!) The nominating committee is looking for someone to do this job next year beginning in January. If you
have an interest and would like to tag along for some of the races on the committee boat for
experience, let me know!
Enjoy your summer!
Steve Roake, Rear Commodore of Racing
“Thank You’s” from CMCS Sailing Grant Fund Recipients
48th Annual Summerset Regatta
Vice Commodore of
Ahoy all Sailors! Only about 70 days left to the largest, most fun-filled
regatta in Southwest Florida. Your 14-member committee has been working
hard to assure you have the best time possible at our big racing/cruising event,
and at the same time save enough cash to support youth sailing.
Steve Romaine
What’s new in 2013?
The cruising-only entry fee will not only enable your entry to the skippers’ meeting and cocktail parties,
but to a special (“shorter than the racing fleet”) Sunday Distance Race. Each cruising entry is still entitled to door prizes too, including a haul-out!
2. New floating docks at the Pink Shell. Saturday’s and Sunday’s parties are at the Pink Shell so it sure
makes it convenient to have your boat docked at their marina.
What do I need to do now?
Make a reservation at the pink shell (463-8620) or Moss Marine Docks (765-6677) if you plan to keep
your boat at Fort Myers Beach for Summerset Weekend.
2. Make a reservation if you plan to stay ashore at the Pink Shell Resort (463-9999) or Matanzas Inn (4639258). Both dockage and hotel accommodations have special rates so make sure you tell them you are
with the Summerset Regatta.
3. Sign up to be a boat-sleeve sponsor. Yes, 16 members have signed up already, at $100 or more each, to
have their boat name on the T-shirt. This is only one third of the way to our goal, which will help us ensure continued support of youth sailing.
4. Attend the September General Membership Meeting “Kickoff to the 48 th Summerset Regatta” to find
out all the latest details. Also to meet some of the children our grants are aiding in teaching them how to
5. Enter the Regatta!! Forms can be found on The mailing of the NOR/Entry
Form will take place mid-August.
6. The T-shirt design in going to be fabulous, so get your crew sizes and order them.
Don’t miss the Summerset Regatta – it is going to be
Happy Sailing!
Steve Romaine Vice-Commodore, Summerset
Sail the Tradition. . .
—13, 2013
Fort Myers Beach
(benefitting youth sailing in Southwest Florida)
Organized by
For more information, contact Steve Romaine: 239-482-6280
Really Great Stuff For Sail
1985 Hunter 28.5
- $16,900
Yanmar Marine Diesel Engine 15 HP
New sole - handmade
New Japsco head
New Hatch Covers - Forward and Midship
Navico AutoPilot
Mainsail + 3 Head sails
New cushions throughout.
L.O.A. - 28' 5"
L.W.L. - 23'9"
Shoal Draft - 4'0"
Headroom 6'2"
Beam - 10'6"
Call Jean Andrews at 239-694-1020 for more info.
ATLANTIC PILOT ATLAS - Spiral Bound - 17 x 11-l/2.
Conditions for North Atlantic, South Atlantic, Caribbean & Mediterranean
MAPTECH CHART KIT - 22 x 17 - Region 10 - Sixth Edition
The Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico
NORTHWEST BAHAMAS - 23 x 17 - Bahamas Region 9.1. Edition 2005
Bimini & Berry - Nassau to Abaco- Grand Bahama.
In plastic case - like new.
11 x 8-1/2
The Bahamas - First Edition 1999
THE EXUMA GUIDE 11 x 8-1/2. A cruising guide to The Exuma Cays
7th Anniversay Edition by Stephen J. Pavlidis
The Central and Southern Bahamas Guide. From South Florida
to the Turks & Caicos by Stephen J. Pavlidis
Exuma Cays - Central Bahamas
EXPLORER CHART BOOK (Waxed Paper) 7-1/2 x 12. In plastic
covers. Third Edition - Like New
Near Bahamas
Far Bahamas
All Three for $75
CARIBBEAN YACHTING CHARTS 16-1/2 X 23-1/2 In plastic covers - like new
Lee & Windward Islands: Guadeloupe to Martinique
Windward Islands - St. Lucia to Grenada
Purto Rico to St. Christopher
Anguilla, St. Martin & St. Bartholemy
(Or reasonable Offer)
BOOK - ATLANTIC ISLANDS by Anne Hammuk, Royal Cruising
Club Pilotage Foundation
Includes Azores, Maderia, Canary & Cape Verde Islands
Erik Soronen
239 283 5869
(Or Reasonable Offer)
CALL JOHN AT 239 549 1214,
Boat slip: Fort Myers Beach,
Siesta Isles, slip up to 45'
includes water and electric,
Call for arrangements 239 281 2513
Stephen Landis
Buy, sell, trade
Members, to advertise your boating-related items free in the CMCS Chandlery,
Don Lawson, Chowder Chatter Editor at
or use your roster for telephone information.
Your ad will be listed for 3 months unless you notify me to take your listing out sooner.
Non-members are welcome to advertise their items at a price of $30.00 for 3 months.
Business cards or business related listings sent in digital format only :
Members: 3 months, $25.00
Non-members: 3 months, $50.00
For Sale:
3.5 hp Mercury
4 stroke outboard - $550
Anchors for Sale
- CQR 25 lb galvanized anchor. $200.00
- Bruce 33 lb galvanized anchor - made in Belgium. $100
Call Jean Andrews – 239-694-1020,
or email
Like new 2007 outboard. 20" shaft.
In excellent condition. Less than 50 hours.
Dan Green 239 283 1138
Is it time to renew your Boat US Membership?
Remember to use the CMCS Group ID
For Sale:
Tohatsu outboard,2012 -SailPro-4stroke,6hp,
high thrust prop, 25' shaft, tiller handle'
20 hours,fuel line and tank.
Excellent condition--$1375
Call Erik 239 283 5869
# GA82335B
on your application,
and save half the price of your annual
membership fee
CMCS Chowder Chatter
c/o Don Lawson, Editor
1411 SW 53rd. Ln.
Cape Coral, FL 33914
August 2013
August 9-11
Tween Waters Cruise
August 20
Membership Meeting— Social 6:30 p.m. Meeting 7:30
Aug 30– Sept 2
Where the Wind Blows Cruise