February 2011 - CMCS Sailing Club


February 2011 - CMCS Sailing Club
The Chowder Chatter
Newsletter of the Caloosahatchee Marching & Chowder Society
A Premiere Sailing Club of Southwest Florida
Next Full Moon February 18
February 2011
Ahoy mates!
We’re only one month into the new year and it’s starting out with a
bang. Our first race of the year had a great turn out with plenty of
wind! Following the race a large number of members attended the
chili cookoff. How perfect, hot chili on a cold night. Thanks to
those members who toiled and boiled for hours creating their offerings.
During the social hour at our February meeting we will have a table set up and staffed by some of your flag officers and/or commitCOMMODORE
tee members. They want to share with you information on our variBob Duff
commodore@cmcs-sail.org ous activities. Make sure you take time to stop by and talk to them.
We still need a few volunteers to help with important activities so
please be sure to ask how you can help.
Fair winds and calm seas
Bob Duff
Gabby Wienert—Best Tasting Chili
Chili Cook-off Champions
Kathleen Vance—Hottest Chili
Jeff Misenheimer and Payton Reisinger
Best Presentation
Summerset Report
The 2010 Summerset Committee would like to thank our General Membership for your support in the very successful 45th Summerset Regatta.
We were able to contribute $7,000 to Youth Sailing Programs thanks to
your generous support, support of our numerous sponsors, and the 53
boats that participated.
Our goal is to do even better in 2011. The 46th Summerset Regatta is
scheduled for October 7th – 9th, which coincides with Pirate Festival
Weekend and Columbus Day Weekend at Fort Myers Beach. We have
already signed our contract with Pink Shell Fort Myers Beach Resort for
the Saturday and Sunday evening parties, special room rates, and dockSTEVE ROMAINE
VICE COMMODORE, SUMMERSET age. Several sponsorships have signed on already and the 2011 commitSROMAINE294@YAHOO.COM
tee is being formed. As in the Marines, “we can use a Few Good Men /
Persons”, so . . . if you wish to bring your talent, ideas and enthusiasm to bear on our 46th “come on
down” and join our team.
Remember, our racing in out of town regattas can help our solicitation of boats traveling to Summerset or other CMCS major regattas.
Upcoming Southwest Florida fun events are:
January 29th:
Avow Hospice Regatta, Naples
February 12 – 13 :Marco Island Yacht Club Winter Cup Regatta
March 5th – 6th:
Conquistador Cup, Punta Gorda
March 12 :
Towers Race, Naples Sailing & Yacht Club
March 26th – 27th:
Leukemia Cup, Punta Gorda
March 26th – 27th:
Gulf Coast Sailing Club Regatta, Naples
Chili Cook-Off Regatta Winners
Passion III
Air Boss
I’d like to begin by thanking Immediate Past Rear Commodore of Racing
Dan Merriman for helping me transition into the Race Chairman’s position.
His help made the transition go seamlessly and allowed me to hit the
ground running! Thanks, Dan! “Whiskey Delta” (Well Done!)
Rear Commodore of Racing
Steve Roake
The 2011 racing season began on Saturday, January 22, 2011 with the Chili
Cook-Off Regatta off of Fort Myers Beach. It was a typical January day
with temperatures in the 60’s and Northwesterly breezes building
throughout the day. Eleven boats in three sections began the day with flat
waters and 10 kt. winds. By the time the second race had finished, winds
were building into the low 20’s with commensurate increases in wave
heights! As the “snow” clouds rolled in, it was decided to cancel the third
race and send everyone home. The winds and waves continued to build,
gusting to over 30 kts. which made for a challenging ride home!
The multi-hull section was won by CMCS Rear Commodore of Cruising Ned Christensen’s Passion III. The
non-spinnaker section was won by returning veteran racer Cecil Hazen’s Desperado, and the true cruising
section was won by CMCS Immediate Past Rear Commodore of Racing Dan Merriman’s Air Boss. There was
no spinnaker section in this regatta. Awards will be presented at the February 15 General Membership
This was the first of a six-regatta Buoy Race Series-something new this year. For further details on the
scoring of this series, see the newly revised Sailing Instructions-especially the Special Sailing Instructions
section. Overall awards for this series and the newly created Long Distance Series will be announced at the
Change of Watch Dinner in January of 2012.
The next event will be the CMCS Racing Rules Seminar to be held on two consecutive Thursday evenings,
February 10th and 17th at 6:30 PM in the Northern Trust Company’s Community Room in Ft. Myers. A notice
and registration form can be found elsewhere in this newsletter.
Our next race will be the Edison Gulf Regatta on Saturday, February 26. Look for an e-mail announcement
for a CMCS sponsored social gathering after this race.
Another upcoming event will be a short Race Management Seminar in March to familiarize racers, crew and
others who might wish to get involved or gain a better understanding of race committee work and the functions of the on-water race committee. This is a great opportunity for CMCS members with powerboats to
get out in their powerboats for the day! You’re always busy and have a great vantage point from which to
watch the day’s races!
Thanks to all who braved the conditions on Saturday. I hope that the weather improves for our remaining
races! With better weather, maybe we can entice more of our members to come out and try racing! Most
racers can accommodate an extra person or two. Try crewing for a taste of it - then bring your own boat!
You don’t have to be an expert racer, just have an interest in a structured sailing day in the beautiful Gulf
of Mexico!
February's Cruising Report
Our first big cruise of the year will be the Edison Parade of Lights Cruise,
commonly known as EPOL. Reservations have been made at the Legacy
Habour Marina for 14 boats, from February 18th to February 20, 2011.
We have been given a special rate of $1.80 per foot. Legacy marina is requesting a roster of participating boats one week in advance, so please get
your requests for slips in to me by February 11, 2011. If you plan on sailing
up the river to spend one, or both nights at the marina, please contact me at
Sailorned@embarqmail.com, or phone me at 945-7676. I will be point of contact
for this cruise and forward a roster of all boats to the marina. Please include
your name and the number of nights you will be spending at the marina. If
your boat information is not in the club roster, length and width, please
include that info to me.
Rear Commodore of Cruising
Ned Christensen
Legacy Harbour Marina
Located at 2044 West First Street, downtown Ft. Myers. Drive up on Friday or Saturday.
Friday night: Cocktails at 5:00 in the room upstairs above the marina. Everyone bring an appetizer
to pass around. Later, those who want to, can take up a collection and order pizza, or walk over to
one of the restaurants near by.
.Saturday :
All you can eat oysters starting at about 11:00. Location to be given in another email blast.
teers are solicited for both setup, teardown and oyster shucking!
Bring your shucking knives and
gloves. Contact Ned Christensen to add your name to the list of people willing to help out. The club
will provide plates, knives and forks, and condiments. Bring your appetite and a beverage. Cost will
remain at $10.00 per person for all you can eat.
In the evening there will be a potluck dinner at the Tiki Hut. Bring a dish to share. Plates and utensils will be supplied. Later, walk the short distance over to the Edison Parade of Lights, which starts
at 7:00pm. Go on line www.edisonfestival.org for more information.
No breakfast is planned, so either eat on your boat or walk over to one of the nearby restaurants.
Boat Decoration
Bring any white “Christmas” type lights you have and plan on stringing white lights on your boat at the
marina. We can dress up our boats and help to display Thomas Edison’s legacy of the electric light.
Steve Romaine has some strings of white lights for use while at the marina, so if you don’t have any
lights of your own, please contact Steve or see him at the marina.
Again, we need volunteers to help in the shucking and general preparation for this event. Contact me
to volunteer.
2011 Edison Parade Of Lights All You Can Eat Oyster Feed
Names of people attending:
All you can eat oysters:
Number of people to eat oysters at $10.00 per person: $_______________
Total amount enclosed:
Please make checks payable to CMCS and mail to:
Ned Christensen, 3913 SE 19th Ave, Cape Coral, FL. 33904
Deadline is February 11, 2011
Christmas/New Year’s Cruise
By Carolyn Wilson
As with the past few years’ cruises, this one was dominated by weather. Bridget O’Toole went to Sarasota for Christmas with
the intention of heading to Pelican Bay the day after. When gale warnings went up, we decided to stay put until winds
dropped. I could not imagine that anyone in the club was going to head into 30+ kt winds to get to Pelican Bay. Nobody did!
We headed down on December 28. It was cold enough that we had ice, not frost on the docks. Even with that, 5 boats made
their way in to the anchorage for the get together on Bridget O’Toole. Everyone was happy to be inside where it was warm.
By the end of the next day we had 10 boats at anchor. Bridget O’Toole, Barefeet, Kestrel II, Zydeco, Four Seasons, Ariel,
Tyrolia, Samphire, Chase the Clouds, and Gopher Baroque. The second evening Barefeet hosted and we toured the new boat.
December 30
The fleet split up 3 ways - To Burt’s Bar in Matlacha, Fisherman’s Village, or remaining in Pelican Bay. 2 boats and about 24
people (land cruisers) enjoyed Burt’s. The Fisherman’s Village crowd took advantage of the community room at Fisherman’s
Village for an evening get together. Even though we were short of the 20 boats needed for the 15% discount, Randy Chevalier
gave it to us. We were given a booklet printed just for us with discount coupons for the nearby mall.
New Year’s Eve
Our numbers swelled to the full compliment. Weather cleared, Winds from the south. Those who came up had a fantastic sail.
Reminded us of what we are supposed to do to get places!
Once again we had use of the community room. More than 40 people from boats and land cruisers enjoyed a snack/cocktail
hour followed by either potluck dinner or dinner at the Captain’s Table. The marina provided a band for our entertainment and
free beer and wine.
18 boats in all: Bridget O’Toole, Samphire, Paloma, Tyrolia, Zydeco, Slow Dance, Kestrel II, Chase the Clouds, Sea Puppy, Free
Style, Barefeet, Judy Judy, Win, Antares, Gopher Baroque, Lazy Susan, Ariel, and Passion III.
New Year’s day found some boats staying put and the rest heading out to Pelican Bay or home.
A special thanks goes to Raimund Haunholter for making all the arrangements for the New Year’s Eve dinner and providing everyone with an informational brochure.
We already have reservations for next year!
ATTENTION CMCS LADIES! Diane Fowler has volunteered to take ladies out sailing on the first Ladies Sail Day
of the year as noted on the 2011 CMCS calendar on Sunday, Feb. 13.
Ladies sailing days have been a tradition of the Ladies Bridge Club and in the past have included both leisurely
sailing and practicing some sailing skills like anchoring, driving in reverse, man overboard, etc.
Please RSVP to Suzanne Aguilera at dsaguilera@comcast.net if you want to be included. Also, if we get a good
response, we would welcome another boat! If you have any questions, please call Suzanne at 239 574-0959.
“Provisioning Workshop”. - March 10th 7 p.m.
Bring your own provisioning list, paper to write on and a pen/pencil. By the end of the night, we should
come away with new ideas, updates to our old list, or even a new list in which to provision our boats/
campers in a better way.
RSVP: Danny Hazen
1525 SW 53rd Lane
*bring a small appetizer to share and your own beverage
Ladies Bridge Club Schedule For 2011
January 12 – Planning meeting (Wednesday) - Roseann Hoffman (Liaison with CMCS board)
Each monthly host is responsible for putting their notice in the Chowder Chatter
- February 13 – Day Sail (Sunday) Diane Fowler
- March 10 (Thursday) – Provisioning, Food for Cruising – Danny Hazen
- Walk for the Cure (date to be announced) Sue Stier
- April 13 (Wednesday) – Ostego Bay tour with Betty Goodacre, spouses included, 9:00-12:00 – Joan Perkett
- May 12 (Thursday) – Kayaking – Teresa Roake
- June-Sept – No meeting
- October 16 - Day Sail (Sunday) Diane Fowler
- November 10 (Thursday) Yoga on Board the JudyJudy with Teresa Roake/Candice Thiele
- December 14 – Christmas Party & Pirate Swap (Wednesday) Location to be announced
Alternative activities:
Navigation course
Wine and Cheese party
Mote Aquarium
Bus trips (SW Historical Museum)
Membership Report
“All aboard” is the call today and a hardy “Welcome Mates” to new and renewing members. The Annual Calendars are available at all events and at the February membership meeting. In the effort to save postage costs (it costs over $3.80
ea. to mail ea. packet) mailing packets won’t take place until after the February
meeting. Most information any member needs is available on the CMCS WEB site
www.cmcs-sail.org. I hope that everyone will visit this site and many thanks to our
WEB Master, Jerry Pim for keeping it up!
Bev Duff
As always there are members who didn’t make the deadline date for the
Annual Calendar and directory. The WEB site contact information changed as of
the Annual Dinner so those who are registered as “Members” have received via Email the corrected password information. So, if you are having problems getting into
the member only portion of the WEB site, the Fleet Recruiter needs to have your
renewal form and a check!
We have new members and you can also find these folks on our roster on the
WEB site. Make practice of downloading their information each month to your Calendar/ Directory. The Fleet Recruiter won’t be giving personal contact info.
Joe Barch joins us as of mid December 2010 with a long history of sailing in the Chicago/ Lake Michigan
area. We can thank Steve Romaine for bringing Joe on board with CMCS. Joe is also available to crew (if you can
get him away from Air Supply). He has been added to the “Crew” roster.
Henry & Marion Borneman have renewed their membership, and their information is same as the2010 directory.
Bringing to your attention the Monica Smith is now Monica Hamme. Congratulations to her on her nuptials! Correction to the phone number ~ should be 239-699-9678.
Ken & Genie Marshall has re-upped with CMCS so please check your 2010 for information.
Same with Scott Milligan who is a crew member. Scot also has an E-mail address change so please check
the WEB site for the updates.
Bill & Mary Misenheimer have a new boat ~ “BareFeet” a 39’ Gulf Star Sloop so be looking for her.
Also Jerry & Carol Pim has a “new” Gopher Baroque ~ a Com-Pac ’35.
New member Diane Smith has renewed as a “crew” member. She is an employee of Colgate Sailing School
and a great source of information on that front.
Former long time members, Dwight & Christa Wilson with their boat “Beschwipst” have rejoined our
ranks. They have missed the cruising and social aspects and we welcome them back!
When you receive your Annual/ Calendar, please review your member information and let me know if a
change needs to be made. Mistakes happen and we want to correct them as quickly as possible. Just a reminder,
several members at the Annual Dinner picked up friends Calendars to deliver to them, please doesn’t forget to do
that! We didn’t order that many extras to replace loss Calendars. That said all the information contained in this
year’s Annual/Calendar/Directory is available on the membership only portion of the WEB site.
See you all out on the water ways of SW Florida
Good Samaritan Award
December 6, 2010
Dear Betty,
I do not believe we have met, but I have been
CMCS's Rear Commodore of Cruising for the past
year. My understanding is that you provide the
CMCS Good Samaritan Award. The following is a
nomination I would like to give to you for a possible 2010 recipient.
The nominee is Ray Gherardini. The incident took
place Sunday morning of October 31st, after the Halloween Cruise to Danger Island. Most the cruisers
had just left for St. James City. My wife Paula and I
had just finished walking our dog on Danger Island. Ray and and his wife Diane were on the island walking their dog. Next thing I saw was Ray
heading South of the island in his dinghy, while
Diane and the dog were still on land. In a short
time, Ray returned with a stranger in the dingy.
As we found out later, the lone stranger had anchored his small power boat off the Southwest end
of Danger Island, and swam / waded into shore
during a slack high tide. When the stranger tried to return to his boat, the outgoing tidal
current caught him and swept him South of the island, headed for the Gulf. Of course, he
was not wearing a PFD, and he appears to have been a very marginal swimmer.
Ray had heard the stranger yelling “SOMEONE HELP ME! HELP!” Paula and I were too
far away to hear the calls. But, we saw Ray run straight out in his dinghy to rescue the
stranger. If Ray had not pulled the guy out of the water, he may have saved himself before
being swept into the Gulf - but who knows. The nearest land in the direction the stranger
was drifting was a section of the Sanibel Causeway over a mile away.
Glen Vetter
CMCS Rear Commodore of Cruising
Buy, sell, trade
Members, to advertise your boating-related items free in the CMCS Chandlery,
Don Lawson, Chowder Chatter Editor at chowderchatter@cmcs-sail.org
or use your roster for telephone information.
Your ad will be listed for 3 months unless you notify me to take your listing out
Non-members are welcome to advertise their items at a price of $30.00 for 3 months.
Business cards or business related listings sent in digital format only :
Members: 3 months, $25.00
Non-members: 3 months, $50.00
Send a check made out to C.M.C.S. to :
Sail boat accessible.
Easy access to gulf, south of Cape Coral
Parkway/off Skyline.
5305 SW 8th Place. $200 per month.
Additional information contact Dina
Teva Wraptor men's sandals (with toe protector) size 12, worn barely once. Paid $120 - will sell for
1/2 price of $60 OBO.
Call Ray at 850-3027 to see!
I long for the solitude
Of a sunset at sea,
And the chill of the breeze
Coming in with the eve.
For the motion of my boat,
As she swings on her rode,
And the beauty of the stars,
In the evening’s last glow.
CMCS Photos—Please Contribute
Don’t forget to visit the club photo share site
R.C. Gibbons
CMCS Chowder Chatter
c/o Don Lawson, Editor
1411 SW 53rd. Ln.
Cape Coral, FL 33914
Feb. 15
Jan. 18
1830 hours
1930 hours
Ladies Bridge Club
Membership Apprec. Social
General Meeting 7:30 p.m.
EPOL Cruise