August 2016 - CMCS Sailing Club


August 2016 - CMCS Sailing Club
The Chowder Chatter
The Official Newsletter of
The Caloosahatchee Marching and Chowder Society
Cape Coral / Fort Myers, Florida
Next Full Moon: August 18
P.O. Box 101268, Cape Coral, Fl. 33910
August, 2016
Commodore’s Message
It’s that “too” time of year – ‘too hot and
too humid’ but for many of us who are
full time residents it may be our favorite
time of year. For the most part the tourists have gone home and you can easily
get into your favorite restaurant without
a wait and drive across town without the
roads being congested with traffic. It
may be hot and humid but our neighborhood is quiet.
Don Lawson
It’s also a good time to remember to not
wait “too” long to get your hurricane plan
in place and make sure you know what
you’re going to do when or if “Hurricane OhNo” is heading our
way. Make sure you have a plan for protecting your boat, your
family and your home. Don’t leave anything until the last minute
because supplies and water will be hard if not impossible to find.
Be sure you have a hurricane kit ready. If you’re told to evacuate you may not have much time to pack up and run for it. You
can get information by visiting these websites:;
The American Red Cross –;
FEMA – and
the State of Florida at
I also strongly recommend you print out the supplies list to be
found at this site:
20Management/Emergency%20Supplies%202011.pdf There is
also information about preparing your boat at this link on
“Cruising World” :
Joan and I just returned from a nice vacation trip in our motorhome where we covered 4,300 miles in about 3 weeks. We
visited some of my family in Western Nebraska and also followed some of the Civil War Trail taken by one of my ancestors.
It was a great trip and we tried to stick with our “TWO” plan.
Only drive 200 miles a day, stay for at least two days and always arrive by two in the afternoon so you can get to happy
hour. Can’t say we met our goal that much but it was fun trying.
I just can’t say thank you “Too” much to all of the volunteers
who keep our club going, whether it’s helping Liberty Ashore
with the Summer Picnic or stepping up to help plan and organize our annual Summerset Regatta in October. Be sure to get
your boat name on the sleeve of the fabulous new Summerset T
-Shirt designed by none other than the legendary Russell
Vance. We also have some really great items that will be raffled
off. So be sure to get your raffle tickets – buy early, buy often –
it all goes to benefit Youth Sailing in Florida.
We are also planning ahead for next year and the Club Development Committee is looking now for people to serve on the Board
as well as on our various committees. It takes a community to
make this club what it is so please try to find some way you can
help out. Our goal is to make sure everything is “Volunteer
Friendly” and won’t be a time commitment you will regret.
The Fort Myers Boat Show is approaching and we are making
plans now to staff the CMCS table to present our club to the
boating public. Allen Fiske has made arrangements to secure
our space and Paul Corzatt will be coordinating the event. We
will be needing volunteers to staff our table during the show –
November 17-20th.
Lastly there are a few slots open yet to help with The Great Bay
Scallop Search 2016. This is an annual survey in Pine Island
Sound to document the health and status of bay scallop populations. They are looking for volunteers with shallow draft boats
and snorkelers. Go to this Evenbrite web page to sign up to volunteer – it’s educational and a lot of fun:
Commodore Don Lawson
s/v Sunday Silence
2016 CMCS Officers
Commodore: Don Lawson
Vice Commodore: Elise Missall
Vice Commodore – Summerset: Open
Rear Commodore – Cruising: Jean Blessing
Rear Commodore – Racing: Eric Milbrandt
Fleet Yeoman – Kathleen Vance
Fleet Purser – Tom Patterson
Past Commodore – Allen Fiske
Chowder Chatter Editor—Steve Roake
CMCS Chowder Chatter
August, 2016
Rear Commodore of Cruising’s Report
Membership and Recruitment
Hello Sailors!
It’s a great time to cruise! The weather is
warm, there are those pesky thunderstorms that pop up every afternoon –
small price to pay for being in paradise!
The Innie-Outie Cruise provided fun and
relaxation July 4th weekend. Read all
about it elsewhere in this newsletter.
Rear Commodore‑
Jean Blessing
Next up is the Parrothead Cruise to
‘Tween Waters, August 19 - 21. There
will be some added features this year, so you won’t want
to miss it! As of this time, all slips are taken, but ‘Tween
Waters is working with me to see if we can accommodate
all boats. Call me to reserve your slip, 239-321-9480, or
send me an e-mail, . I’ll see if
we can squeeze you in. Further information is available
on the Parrothead page of this newsletter.
September offers two cruises for your enjoyment. Labor
Day is the cruise to Naples, Gypseas in Paradise
(formerly known as Where the Wind Blows.) Bob and
Cathy Friedel are cruise leaders. In addition, the South
Seas Cruise led by George and Pixie Noyes, in conjunction with Kayusa Cup race. See further info in this newsletter.
Page 2
Welcome Aboard!
Full Members:
Thomas Conwell is a longtime sailor/
racer with 45 years of experience. He
recently purchased a Nelson Marek 46
(s/v Southern Cross) which he is looking forward to racing in the CMCS
fleet! Thomas grew up in Evanston, IL
and graduated from Northwestern's
Membership and Kellogg School of Management. He
has lived in the Ft Myers area for 15
Jim Slager
years. Thomas is the President of Gold
Coast Wealth Strategies and also hosts
a weekly radio program “Ask An Expert” on FM 92.5
(FOX) or FM 97.3 (The FAN). He’s already a Summerset
sponsor too! Welcome Thomas – great to have you
Jim Slager
Membership and Fleet Recruiter
s/v Salty Soul
You won’t want to miss the Halloween Cruise to Legacy
Harbor in October, led by Barry and Julie Long and Steve
and Cindy Carlino.
The Rum and Reading cruise is being re-tooled by cruise
leader Kim Brown due to the delay in the release of Bob
Macomber’s new book (not until April!) Watch for more
info in a future Chowder Chatter.
See you on the water!
Ladies Bridge Club
There are no Ladies Bridge Club
events planned over the summer
months. Ladies Bridge Club will
resume in September or October.
Jean Blessing
2016 Rear Commodore-Cruising
Upcoming Cruise Events
August 19-21
September 2-5
September 16-18
Parrothead Cruise
Gypseas in Paradise Cruise
South Seas Cruise
Upcoming Racing Events
Saturday, September 17
Kayusa Cup
Fri., Sat., Sun. October 7-9 Summerset Regatta
Rose Ann Hoffman
Rose Young
CMCS Chowder Chatter
August, 2016
Rear Commodore—Racing
Next Race is the Kayusa Cup
long distance race on Saturday,
September 17. If you plan to stay
at South Seas you must make
your reservations through the
dockmaster—be sure to mention
that you are part of the CMCS
Be sure to renew your WFPHRF
certificate. They all expire on
June 30.
We need volunteers for the Summerset Race Committee. Please contact me if interested.
Rear CommodoreRacing
Eric Milbrandt
Rear Commodore—Racing
Eric Milbrandt
s/v Full Tilt
Saturday, Sept 17, 2016 Kayusa Cup (C-BOTY) Distance #3
Sat/Sun, Oct 8-9, 2016 Summerset Regatta (C-BOTY)
BUOY #4 &Distance #4
Saturday, Nov 5,2016 Festival of the Islands Regatta
Saturday, Dec 10, 2016 Commodore’s Cup (C-BOTY)
Saturday, Jan 21, 2017 Chili Cookoff Regatta BUOY
Saturday, Feb 11, 2017 Edison Gulf Regatta (CBOTY) BUOY #2
Saturday, Mar 18, 2017 Shrimp Festival Regatta (CBOTY) BUOY#3
Sunday, April 30, 2017 San ‘Tweenie Race Distance
Saturday, May 6, 2017 Jerry Pim Memorial Estebel
Night Race Distance #2
Volunteers needed for our race committee!
For EACH Regatta in 2016
We need a signals boat, mark boat, Race Offi ‑
cer, race officer helpers, & mark boat helper.
Please help keep our sailing program healthy!
If we can get enough volunteers it will only
require one day per season for each volunteer!
Please contact Joe Barch, Eric Milbrandt or Ian
Davis at the next meeting for full details.
Page 3
Innie-Outie Cruise Recap, July 4th Weekend
The Innie-Outie Cruise began on July 2nd at the Cape
Coral Yacht Basin. Boats arrived during the day and
cruisers got together at 5 PM to enjoy appetizers, drinks,
and shoot the breeze. Steve Roake provided frozen concoctions for those so inclined. American Trivia showered
cruisers with fabulous prizes! The following boats were in
Jean & Gary Blessing - Jazzy
Jim & Bev Slager - Salty Soul
Bill & Wendy Cook - Escapade
Steve & Theresa Roake - Lionheart
Carolyn Wilson & Dan Green - Bridget O'Toole
Tim & Deedee Cheek - Miller Time
Tami & Fred Hathaway - Sol Adventure
James & Gina Brown - Y-Knot
Lee & Colicia Reeves - Tranquility
Jim Lasorella - Four Seasons
On Sunday, an old fashioned picnic began at noon. The
food was delicious, topped off with build-your-own ice
cream sundaes. Cruisers hung around the tiki hut, talking
and telling tales, enjoying the heat and an intermittent
breeze. Clouds threatened, but mostly stayed at bay.
Once it cooled off a bit, games were played and more of
the fabulous prizes were awarded!
July 4th started out with a brunch at 10 AM. Again, an incredible spread lay before the cruisers. CMCS cruisers
sure know how to cook! Is there a cookbook in our future?
The rest of the day was left to socialize, relax, and generally enjoy the day. At 7 PM, Blessings headed out to the
river to anchor and watch the fireworks. Anywhere you
looked you could see fireworks displays, some professional, some just from somebody’s back yard. Then the
Cape Coral show began over the bridge. The view was
Some land cruisers joined the festivities, including Rick
and Linda Eggers with Nevaeh, Cindy and Dave
Naumann, Debra George, Captain Seaby and Betty. If
we’ve forgotten someone, please accept our apologies.
Bev and Jim Slager
Jean and Gary Blessing
Co-cruise leaders
CMCS Chowder Chatter
August, 2016
CCYC Pavilion
Saturday, July 30, 2016
12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m.
(The reservation deadline is July 20, 2016.)
Come on out and have some fun at the CMCS Summer
The Club will provide burgers and hot dogs and all the
trimmings (lettuce, tomato, onion, cheese & condiments).
Each member is asked to bring an appetizer, salad, side
dish or dessert to share.
Members with last names beginning with A-L are asked to
bring an appetizer or dessert and members with last
names beginning with M –Z are asked to bring a side dish
or salad.
As always, this is a BYOB event. (The Club will not be
providing beverages.)
Various games will be available for individuals or folks
may want to create a team.
The reservation deadline is July 20, 2016.
Reservations are required so we’ll know how many burgers or hot dogs to cook. So, please fill out the reservation form below and either mail it or email the requested
information to Bev Slager (
Number attending Picnic: Adults ____ Children____
Are you interested in helping with this event? Yes_ No__
Mail or e-mail the completed registration form to:
Bev Slager
5317 SW 11 Place
Cape Coral, FL 33914
Page 4
in Paradise” Labor Day cruise
Ahoy mates!
The “Gypseas in Paradise” Labor Day cruise to Naples
is fast approaching. This is a popular get away with some
very nice features. At the marina we have a Tiki bar at
poolside and a very nice air conditioned club house with
comfy seating, pool table and long bar counter for setting
out our pot luck spread. Also the area has some great
shopping and restaurants within walking distance from the
For those cruisers who can make it on Friday night September 2nd , we gather at the poolside Tiki hut for 5:00 pm
frozen Margaritas cocktail hour. Bring a snack to
share. Dinner is on your own.
Saturday night September 3rd we will have a 5PM cocktail party with appetizers and BYO, dinner on your own.
Frozen Margaritas will again be provided.
Sunday September 4th is for lounging and shopping is
close by. We will be getting together by the pool for frozen
Margaritas about 3 or 4 PM. Bring an appetizer to share.
For dinner there will be a cookout around 6PM. There are
gas grills near the pool. Everyone bring a dish to share
and whatever you want to grill for your own dinner. The
club house is used for this event. We get a chance to
cool off since it is blissfully air-conditioned! We do need to
clean up after the potluck so stay cool a little longer and
please help out with this task.
Any questions or comments please call or e-mail me.
Bob Friedel
s/v Ambiance
CMCS Chowder Chatter
August, 2016
Page 5
August 19-21, 2016
You might be a Parrothead if. . . .
 You think Margaritas are a food group
 You’ve spent a great deal of time contemplating the whereabouts of that lost shaker of salt
 You think there’s a woman to blame or it might be your own damn fault
 You’ve ever blown out your flip flop
 You’ve heard about the CMCS Meet Us in Margaritaville Cruise and you’re dying to be there
Mark your calendars for August 19th,20th and 21st. This event will be at ‘Tween Waters
Resort on Captiva.
You’ll be greeted on the dock with the frozen concoction immortalized in the song!
Friday night cocktail party, Saturday night Buffett inspired pot luck, Sunday morning
breakfast on the dock.
More details will follow! And, of course, there will be those famous Meet Us in Margaritaville
This event is hosted by Jean and Gary Blessing. You will need to reserve your slip
through the club (see below)
For further information contact Jean Blessing: or (239) 321-9480.
You must call Tween Waters AFTER July 18 with your credit card info: (239)472-5161 ext.-3.
Be sure to tell them you’re with CMCS.
Tween Waters Marina CMCS tRate
be $2.25/ft. LOA. Reservation Deadline 7/18/16
an Name:_________________;
Sail_ or Power_?
-min 30__
LOA:_____; Beam:____; Draft:_____;
ute Saturday,
Nights Requested: Friday, August 19___;
for 20___; Both Nights ____
Send to: Gary & Jean Blessing, 5110 Atlantic a
y 33904
(239) 321-9480 (home)
CMCS Chowder Chatter
August, 2016
(formerly the “Where The Wind Blows” Cruise)
September 2-5, 2016
Bob Friedel is now taking reservations for the cruise to Naples Boat Club
over the Labor Day weekend—September 2-5. There are only 12 slips
available so it’s first come-first served. The time and date of your e-mail
will determine the order of selection.
Naples Boat Club is on the Gordon River about a half mile north of
Naples City Dock. The marina is very nice with pool, poolside tiki bar
(where there will be complimentary frozen concoctions for your enjoyment), very nice club room, showers, and within walking distance to Tin
City and downtown. Slips are $2.00/ft/night + $10/night electric.
To sign up for this cruise, please send your name, boat name, length,
beam, draft, and a credit card number to Bob Friedel at This is to hold your slip. You will not be charged
until you check in at the dock. Also, indicate the number of nights
(Friday, Saturday, Sunday, etc).
This has been a popular cruise so don’t delay in signing up.
FYI: Most slips have a 50 amp electric service and splitters may not be
available so bring a splitter if you need 30 amp service.
For further information either e-mail or call Bob Friedel (239)984-2118 or
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CMCS Chowder Chatter
August, 2016
Page 7
Kayusa Cup Race / Cruise
September 16-18, 2016
South Seas Resort
Captiva Island
The Kayusa Cup/South Seas Cruise is coming up on September 16th to
the 18th. George & Pixie Noyes on Silver Sea will be the cruise leaders.
All those cruising can join us on the dock at 5 pm. Bring cocktails and appetizers. Dining will be on your own and South Seas has gas grills available for our use.
The racers will be offshore on Saturday while the cruisers already there
will be watching from the beach or poolside.
We'll get together at the marina side BBQ area at 5pm, after the racers
have finished. Bring your favorite libation and snacks to share. For dinner
there are many great restaurants nearby.
Many boats may leave Sunday, but some will be relaxing around the pool
and departing on Monday. We'll figure out cocktails depending on who is
Reservations at South Seas Marina must be made on your own. Contact
Charles Martz at 888-777-3625. Our group rate is $2.35/ft and $10/day for
most electricity. It's never too early to reserve a slip and the deadline will
be the middle of August.
This is a great way to enjoy all that South Seas has to offer. Please let
George & Pixie know who will be joining them after you make your reservation. George & Pixie Noyes
CMCS Chowder Chatter
August, 2016
Page 8
The 51st Annual
Summerset Regatta
October 7, 8 & 9, 2016
In the Gulf of Mexico, off Fort Myers Beach
SW Florida PHRF “Boat of the Year” Racing Event
Fabulous “Liberty Ashore” activities
Cruisers’ Race — Raffle — Awards Banquet and more!
Entry forms and more information will be
available soon!
CMCS Chowder Chatter
August, 2016
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CMCS Chowder Chatter
August, 2016
Page 10
Nautical Flare Safety Demo – Public Service Event
(Sponsored by CCSAPS non-for profit organization)
Certified Instructor: Randy Headrick; AP, PC
When: Monday, October 10 @ 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Location: Cape Coral Yacht Club Community Park
On The Beach (5818 Driftwood Pkwy)
Purpose: To have boaters experience how to shoot flares safely
Activities: Come Outside the Pavilion for this activity: 6pm
Table Tops for Vessel Safety Checks, Squadron Classes
Knots/Bends/Hitches Demo & Boating Display for
Businesses Booth
First come first shoot expired flares limited to 80 shots
Sponsored by:
“Cape Coral Sail & Power Squadron” Safety At Sea Through Education
Steven Gustafson; P - Commander
Contact: Capt. Betti
or call the Cape Coral Squadron office 239-549-9754
Mon-Sat. 9-noon
CMCS Chowder Chatter
August, 2016
Page 11
Buy, sell, trade
Members, to advertise your boating-related items free in the CMCS Chandlery, e-mail
Steve Roake, Chowder Chatter Editor at
or use your roster for telephone information.
Your ad will be listed for 3 months unless you notify me to take your listing out sooner.
Non-members are welcome to advertise their items at a price of $30.00 for 3 months.
Business cards or business related listings sent in digital format only :
Members: 3 months, $25.00
Non-members: 3 months, $50.00
Send a check made out to C.M.C.S. to :
Chowder Chatter Editor, P.O Box 101268, Cape Coral, FL 33910
2004 Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 35
Air Supply
1993 Catalina 28
Silver Sea
LOA 28'-4", Beam 10'-2", Draft 3'-10” Wing Keel,
42' Bridge clearance,
Ballast - 3500 lb. 18
HP Universal Diesel
with1200 hrs., Tankage: two water tanks
at 22gal. & 20gal.
plus 6gal. hot water,
20gal. fuel, 18gal.
holding with macerator.
Garmin 420 & 421s
gps chartplotter /
depth sounder, New
Raymarine wheel autopilot, stereo radio with
cockpit speakers, VHF radio. New Bottom paint
this spring, full detail, compounded, waxed &
buffed, and new masthead anchor light
LED. Small solar panel to maintain batteries.
All New interior (R/W) Led cabin lights. LED battery monitor. Two burner propane stove and a
large cooler. Two-battery bank and a helper
starting battery. Good size cockpit with plenty of
shade - canvas that has been all re-stitched.
Sugar scoop stern with swim ladder. Full batten
main, newer 135 Genoa, and Dutchman system.
All lines are led to the cockpit for comfortable
Great boat to sail and well balanced.
$ 24,000
Call George
Exceptionally maintained
2004 Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 35. One owner shoal
dr af t( 4'9")
m as thead
model. Recently she had a
full detail, bottom job, engine service and is fully
equipped for cruising and
racing. Eight(8) time
BOTY winner. Four sails,
flex-o-fold prop, 27hp Yanmar diesel. Cruising speed
seven(7) knots. Many custom features.
Call Steve: 239-267-2538
CMCS Chowder Chatter
August, 2016
Page 12
MacGregor 26M “Peaceful Winds”
factory steel trailer (710 lbs)
2003 50 HP 4 stroke Honda engine (model BF50A3LRTA) with power trim for a 22 mph max speed. .
Boat designed not to sink even if full of water, and to
right itself even if the boat mast is horizontal.
Very good condition. Used very little.
Engine flushed after use. Carburetors replaced in 2015.
New bottom paint.
Second owner.
Length overall: 25' 10" Waterline length 23' 2",
Beam width 7' 9"
Draft: 1’ with center board up, 5’9” with board down
Mainsail 170 sf. Jib (100%) 130 sf.
Fuel tanks: 2 - 12 gallon portable tanks
Water ballasted: 1,150 lbs
Mast height above deck: 30' Bridge clearance: 35'
Cabin headroom: 6' Berths (sleeps 6): 2 dbls & 2 sgls
Sails: Doyle Winches: Lewmar Bimini with cover
Roller furling jib Mainsail cover Mast raising system
Anchor light Fore-deck light Anchor
Head with porta-poti
Dual battery switch Two batteries VHF antenna
Located: Ft. Myers Beach
Mike Ziegler
1997 Beneteau Oceanis 321
Length: 32' Draft: 4'3" 48' mast
Engine: Yanmar 27 horse diesel 900 hr
Refurbished sail 2016 New bottom paint 2016
New upholstery Sleeps 7
She's beautiful & has been Well maintained
Call Connie for appt.
1983 Merit 25 “MERITORIOUS”
Great racer / weekend cruiser. Extensive sail inventory
including UK Tapedrive
main and UK Tapedrive
155% genoa made for
THIS boat. Three spinnakers and many other
sails. Spinnaker pole and
line control whisker pole.
All lines and halyards led
aft to cockpit. 6 HP 4stroke ex-long shaft Tohatsu OB w/ SS bracket.
Mast-mounted Sailcomp
compass and Raymarine
speedo. Twin bulkhead
Ritchie Helmsman compasses. VHF radio and LOTS
more. The boat has been dry-sailed and has a VC Performance Epoxy bottom (very smooth—not anti-fouling).
May sell custom boat lift cradle separately (optional)
(May consider storage in my lift)
Steve Roake
CMCS Chowder Chatter
August, 2016
Summerset 2015 GOLD PLUS Sponsors
Brock and Barbara
s/v Fancy Free
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CMCS Chowder Chatter
August, 2016
Summerset 2015 GOLD PLUS Sponsors
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CMCS Chowder Chatter
August, 2016
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CMCS Chowder Chatter Editor
P.O.Box 101268
Cape Coral, FL. 33910
August—September 2016
July 30
August 9
August 16
August 19-21
August 23
September 2-5
September 13
September 16-18
September 17
September 20
September 23
October 7-9
CMCS Annual Picnic
CMCS Board of Directors Meeting
CMCS General Membership Meeting
Parrothead Cruise
Chowder Chatter Deadline
Gypsea’s in Paradise Cruise
CMCS Board of Directors Meeting
South Seas Cruise
Kayusa Cup Race to South Seas
CMCS General Membership Meeting
Chowder Chatter Deadline
Summerset Regatta & Cruise