Harborfields Public Library
Harborfields PUBLIC LIBRARY NEWSLETTER April 2015 TH E Aco u st i x Behind Every Great Community... In Concert! Performing Hits From The 60s & 70s Sunday, April 1 2 th 2:30 PM Is A Great Library! Annual Meeting, Trustee Election and BUDGET VOTE Tuesday, April 14th 3 - 9 PM Please Remember to Vote! This talented eight-member cover band will have the audience dancing in the aisles with their high-energy performance featuring music from The Beatles, America, The Rolling Stones, CSN, the Eagles and The Everly Brothers. These rock-n-roll bands of the ‘60s and ‘70s made their mark on the music world with their unmistakable vocal harmonies. The Acoustix have successfully captured the original sound, mood and harmonies of these iconic musicians in their own performance that’s not to be missed! Band members include Matt Bruno, Bob Doyle, Matt Doyle, Mike Giampaolo, Cherie Lehman, Gary Pumilia, Kathy Harbourne Rath and Jon Wibben. Free tickets are available at the Circulation Desk. 3D Printer and Overdrive Kiosk in the Library throughout April 3D Printer Demo: Thursday, April 2nd, 7:00 – 8:00 PM Learn about the 3D Printer and see how easy it is to create a three-dimensional model of virtually any shape. Teens and adults are welcome. Please register. Flipster is an exciting new service accessible through your electronic devices that will offer easy newsstand access to magazines such as People, Men’s Health, O and more. Visit the Library homepage to connect to Flipster. Harborfields Public Library 631-757-4200 www.harborfieldslibrary.org Trustee Election & Budget Vote April 14th, 3 - 9 PM 2015 - 2016 Proposed Operating Budget Dear Friends, When you walk into the Library you can easily see why we define ourselves as a Community Center. People of all ages visit us daily to take advantage of the diverse services that we offer. At our busy Circulation Desk, over 300,000 DVDs, books, music CDs, magazines, audiobooks and more were checked out in 2014. We provided over 1,000 programs in 2014 with more than 25,000 people attending. In addition to the programs that the Library hosts there are many outside non-profit organizations that use our space for their meetings. As we move forward, the popularity of digital materials continues to increase. E-books and digital audiobooks were downloaded by Harborfields residents at a record pace – almost 30,000 e-books alone! In 2014 we introduced access to IndieFlix which provides online streaming of independent films from around the world. This year we will introduce Flipster, a source for digital magazines. Our initial collection of 38 popular magazines will be available to read on most portable devices. The 2015 - 2016 Proposed Operating Budget has a modest increase of $67,289. This is a 1.43% increase from the 2014 - 2015 budget. The proposed increases in the 2015 Building Improvement line and Furniture line are for the creation of an additional Quiet Room and renovation and expansion of the Young Adult Area. The Harborfields Public Library has something for everyone, from the youngest members of the community to the oldest. Our goal is to continue to provide services 24 hours a day with the professionalism you have come to expect from our library and staff. Sincerely, Carol Albano, Library Director The Annual Meeting of the Harborfields Public Library will be held on Tuesday, April 14th, 2015 at 2:30 PM in the Library. The Budget Vote and Trustee Election will be held immediately following from 3 PM until 9 PM. Absentee ballots may be applied for at the Business Office of the Harborfields Public Library, Monday through Friday, from 10 AM to 5 PM. Such applications must be received by the Library Director at least seven (7) days before the election if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, or the day before the election if the ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter. Upon approval of the application, an absentee ballot will be issued. All absentee ballots must be received at the Library by 5 PM on the day of the election in order to be counted. Persons designated by the Suffolk County Board of Elections as “permanently disabled” pursuant to provisions of the Election Law will automatically receive an absentee ballot and need not apply. In addition to the vote on the proposed operating budget, there will be an election for the position on the Library Board of Trustees presently held by William Baker. This position has a five‑year term of office, expiring on June 30th, 2020. Harborfields Public Library 2014-2015 FINAL $2,205,025 $1,000 $25,000 $500 $176,150 $40,000 2015-2016 PROPOSED $2,102,139 $15,000 $20,000 $30,000 $201,650 $55,000 Audio Books, Music CDs & eBooks $12,950 $13,650 DVDs Microfilm Periodicals Non-Book Materials Contingency Other Library Materials Computer Software and Licensing Office and Library Supplies Telecommunications Postage and Freight Public Relations Programs Conference and Travel SCLS Member Library Support Professional Fees: Legal Professional Fees: Accounting Membership Dues Equipment Service Copiers $34,600 $175 $18,000 $900 $10,000 $750 $6,000 $30,000 $21,000 $10,000 $37,500 $55,500 $12,000 $43,000 $6,500 $20,400 $2,200 $13,000 $20,000 $46,800 $175 $19,500 $1,000 $10,000 $1,000 $6,500 $30,000 $21,000 $10,000 $39,500 $75,000 $12,000 $45,000 $6,500 $22,000 $3,000 $13,000 $20,000 $23,000 $23,000 Fuel and Utilities Custodial Supplies Building Maintenance Insurance Building Improvements Building Services Election Expenses Payroll Fees Retirement Social Security Workers Compensation Unemployment Disability Health Insurance NY-MCTMT (MTA Payroll Tax) Transfer for Debt Service BUDGET GRAND TOTAL: $185,000 $14,000 $16,025 $58,000 $75,000 $39,000 $6,000 $3,700 $450,000 $180,000 $25,000 $4,000 $8,750 $470,000 $9,000 $465,000 $4,833,625 $180,000 $14,000 $19,500 $61,250 $150,000 $50,600 $8,000 $3,800 $380,000 $180,000 $30,000 $4,000 $8,750 $440,000 $8,000 $460,000 $4,840,314 Copiers: Interest: NY State Incentive Aid: Rental Fees: Miscellaneous: TOTAL INCOME: APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE: FINAL $7,000 $10,000 $5,000 $3,000 $35,000 $60,000 $60,000 PROPOSED $7,000 $10,000 $5,000 $2,400 $35,000 $59,400 $0 BUDGET TOTALS Amount Raised by Taxes: Increase Amt. Raised by Taxes: % Budget Increase: % Tax Increase: FINAL $4,713,625 $71,217 0.71% 1.53% PROPOSED $4,780,914 $67,289 0.14% 1.43% ITEMS Salaries Library Equipment Computers Furniture Books Online Reference Databases Partnership of Automated Libraries in Suffolk 631-757-4200 The Proposed Operating Budget is in compliance with NYS General Municipal Law § 3-c. www.harborfieldslibrary.org Young Adults Teens must be Harborfields residents in grades 6 - 12 to register for these programs, unless otherwise noted. Please call YA Central or register online. 3D Printer Demonstration Thursday, April 2nd, 7:00 - 8:00 PM Learn about the 3D Printer and see how easy it is to create a three-dimensional model of virtually any shape from scratch. Teens and adults are welcome. Please register. Poetry Scarf Workshop Thursday, April 9th, 7:00 - 8:00 PM In honor of Poetry Month join your friends and make a fabulous poetry scarf. If you have a favorite poem bring it along. Please register. Young Artists Fine Arts Exhibition in the Art Gallery April 1st - 29th Artists Reception Tuesday, April 21st 7:00 PM Please R.S.V.P. Pizza and a Movie for Teens: Into the Woods Friday, April 10th, 1:00 - 3:00 PM Teens in grades 6 through 12 are welcome to enjoy pizza and a screening of the movie Into the Woods, a modern twist on several of the beloved Brothers Grimm fairy tales, intertwining the plots of a few choice stories and exploring the consequences of the characters’ wishes and quests. This humorous and heartfelt musical follows the classic tales of Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Beanstalk, and Rapunzel, all tied together by an original story involving a baker and his wife, their wish to begin a family and their interaction with the witch who has put a curse on them. Rated PG. Please register. Shakespeare’s Clowns! Monday, April 20th, 7:00 - 8:00 PM Ever wonder what Shakespeare’s clowns are all about? What’s their purpose? What’s their place? What’s their position? Come out for a taste of accessing and creating some of the wittiest characters ever written for the theatre! You’ll learn a few tricks and tips in the art of “clowning” as well as techniques for transitioning those concepts into your own acting style! Please register. Poetry Slam! Friday, April 17th, 7:00 – 8:30 PM Local poet Billy Lamont will share his poems and love for poetry as a creative expression. He will discuss the power of words, whether they be positive or negative, and give examples of writing styles throughout the ages. Students will have the opportunity to share their poetry as well. Please register. Teen Advisory Board For students in 7th through 12 grade April 15th, 7:00 - 8:00 PM At this month’s meeting, we will help plan for the summer reading club and talk about upcoming programs and new books. We also will enjoy fun book-related activities. If you have a book recommendation, please share! Please register. Back by Popular Demand! Saturday, April 25th, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM This event, held at St. Joseph’s College, celebrates reading by connecting teens and authors. Teens can earn five hours of community service for attending. Please inquire at the Young Adult Desk for information on how to apply to partner with an author for the day. TEENS CONNECT Programs open to students in grades 7 through 12 Teen Tech Squad Saturday, April 11th, 9:30 - 11:30 AM For students in grades 8 through 12 Assist adults with various technologyrelated questions about smartphones, PC’s, iPads, iPods and social networking and earn two hours of community service. Teens Connect LEGOs Helpers Saturday, April 18th, 2:30 – 4:15 PM Open to students in grades 7 through 12 Student volunteers will assist with the Children’s LEGOs program and earn up to two hours of community service. This program is limited to four volunteers. Register online or call the Young Adult Desk on Thursday, April 2nd at 9:00 AM Chess Mates Saturday, April 11th, 2:30 – 3:30 PM Open to students in grades 7 through 12 Student volunteers can earn one hour of community service by partnering up with a 2nd – 5th grader and teaching them the game of chess. Register online or call the Young Adult Desk on Thursday, April 2nd at 9:00 AM. ** Registration by phone or online begins on the 1st of the month for YA programs unless otherwise noted ** Adult Programs Please the Reference Desk or register online for adult programs unless Please call thecall Reference Desk or register online for adult programs unless otherwise noted. In-person registration is required for all programs withaafee. fee. otherwise noted. In-person registration is required for all programs with Gettysburg, The Turning Point DATES TO REMEMBER Sunday, April 26th, 2:30 PM Township Theatre Group’s Touring Company will present a collection of four short plays about special dates, possible dates and just plain dating. This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Library. Free tickets are available at the Circulation Desk. Maximizing Your Social Security Wednesday, April 22nd, 7:00 PM How and when to collect Social Security is a subject on the minds of many Americans. Join Craig J. Ferrantino, CWS ® , Certified Wealth Strategist and host of the radio show It’s All About Retirement for an informative session. The following subjects will be covered: the Social Security planning process, planning strategies specifically designed for couples, and a discussion about how to maximize your benefits. Please register. Introduction to Home Solar Power Tuesday, April 28th, 7:00 PM If you’ve ever considered going solar, have an interest in lowering your utility costs or are just curious about how it all works, please join Premier Solar Solutions for this informative workshop. Learn how “going green” with solar energy can benefit your community, your environment and your personal finances. Topics discussed will include basic installation, engineering and permits, rebates and incentives, and leasing vs. purchasing. A question and answer session will follow the presentation. Please register. Create A Spring Flower Thursday, April 23rd, 10:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Join Stephanie Knepper for another fun craft. Create your own flower on canvas using an endless choice of scrapbook paper and adhesive. Samples will be on display at the Reference Desk. All materials will be provided along with a choice of canvas color for a $10 fee payable at registration. Limited to Harborfields Library cardholders. Thursday, April 16th at 7:30 PM Professional photographer Michael Fairchild takes you on a fascinating historical journey to the fields of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where the destiny of the United States was forged in the crucible of the American Civil War. Fairchild has crafted a short history of the battle that combines historic photographs with images that he shot at Civil War reenactments in 1988 and 1989. The video opens with a short interview with James McPherson, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Battle Cry of Freedom. The program also explores some of the basic causes of the bloodiest conflict in American history. Renowned Long Island artist Mort Kunstler has also generously contributed compelling battle images for this project. Please register. 14th Annual Long Island Reads “From Cover to Cover” Book Discussion Wednesday, April 15th, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Join nonfiction book discussion facilitator Brad Silverman to discuss The Dreyfus Affair:The Scandal That Tore France in Two by Piers Paul Read. Copies of this book are available at the Circulation Desk. APRIL MOVIES Friday, April 17th, 1:30 PM Tuesday, April 14th, 7:00 - 9:00 PM Join facilitator John Busch and share your thoughts on current events. Please call the Reference Desk or register online. Harborfields Public Library Reads “Just the Facts” Nonfiction Book Discussion Thursday, April 23rd, 7:00 PM Right to Work Laws–Pro Worker or Anti Union? Thursday, April 2nd & Friday, April 10th 10 AM - 2:00 PM (by appointment only) Island One Island - One Book Donna Diamond will lead the discussion of this year’s Long Island Reads selection The Museum of Extraordinary Things by Alice Hoffman. Long Island Reads is a joint project of the Nassau Library System and the public libraries of Suffolk County that brings Long Islanders together to read the same book, participate in discussions and enjoy related events during National Library Week. For more information visit: www.longislandreads.org. Copies of this book are available at the Circulation Desk. Global Viewpoints Forum AARP Tax Preparation Long BIRDMAN Rated R, 119 minutes Starring Michael Keaton, Zach Galifianakis, Edward Norton, Emma Stone and Naomi Watts Friday, March 27th, 1:30 PM THE IMITATION GAME Rated PG-13, 114 minutes Starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley, Matthew Goode and Rory Kinnear 631-757-4200 www.harborfieldslibrary.org Adult Programs Please the Reference Desk or register online for adult programs unless Please call thecall Reference Desk or register online for adult programs unless otherwise noted. In-person registration is required for all programs withaafee. fee. otherwise noted. In-person registration is required for all programs with Mah Jongg for Beginners TECHNOLOGY TRAINING Fridays, April 24th, May 1st, May 8th, & May 15th, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM Organize Your Computer Monday, April 13th, 7:00 - 9:00 PM This class will help you understand the Windows file management structure including drives, folders and files. Create folders, copy/move files, and delete folders and files. Please register. The game of Mah Jongg has been played for centuries. Join instructor Cathy Crocetti and learn how to play this exciting tile game. No prior experience required. A $15 fee, payable upon registration at the Reference Desk, includes the required 2015 Mah Jongg Card. Introduction to Microsoft Word Free Health Screening St. Francis Mobile Bus at the Library Learn more about the most popular word processing program. This hands-on workshop will introduce you to formatting and additional features that will help you on your way to using the program to its fullest potential. Please register. If you have never used a computer before, please see the Reference Librarian for alternate training options. Hands-on classroom space is limited, please only register for programs that you know you will be attending. Additional workshops will be presented in coming months. Anyone above the age of 18 is invited to come for a free health screening provided by registered nurses from St. Francis Hospital. The screenings will include a brief cardiac history, blood pressure, and a simple blood test for cholesterol and diabetes. Patient education and referrals also will be available. Screenings will be on a first-come, first-served basis. The bus will be parked in the circular driveway on Broadway. If you need additional information, contact the St. Francis Outreach Department at 516-629-2013. SeniorNet Seminars: Social Media Medicare Services Counselor Social media is a term that describes the way people use the Internet to interact with one another. The most popular social media services are Facebook, with over 1.3 billion users, and Twitter, with 650 million users. Join us to see how people around the world use Facebook and Twitter to stay in touch over the Internet. You’ll also see an overview of YouTube, the popular video site. Larry Elmen, HIICAP Counselor for Suffolk County RSVP, is available to discuss Medicare Services, Medicaid Options, Prescription Drug Programs, and Long Term Care/New York State Partnership Program Insurance. Registration is not required. Private sessions are available on a first-come, first-served basis in the Literacy Booth. Tuesday, April 21st, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Monday, April 27th, 7:00 - 9:00 PM Tuesday, April 21st, 3:30 - 5:00 PM Wednesdays, April 1st & 15th, 1:00 - 3:00 PM Technology Help From the Teen Tech Squad Saturday, April 11th, 9:30 -11:30 AM AARP Smart Driver Our Teen Tech Squad will help you with your devices including smartphones, iPad and iPod and teach you the basics of social networking (Twitter, Facebook, etc.). A tech-savvy teen will provide you with the hands-on, one-on-one help that you need! Please call the Reference Desk to make your 30-minute appointment. You must bring a check payable to AARP to the Reference Desk to register. The fee is $20 for AARP members and $25 for non-members. Please bring your license and AARP membership card with you to the class. Barbara Schwenker, a certified fitness/dance instructor who understands the limitations of common medical conditions such as arthritis, or hip, knee and back pain, will teach the class. Participants are encouraged to move and workout at their own pace. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes, and remember to bring a water bottle to the class. There is a $20 non-refundable fee for this eight-week session. In-person registration is accepted at the Reference Desk. Harborfields Public Library Empire Safety Defensive Driving Wednesday & Thursday, May 20th & 21st, 6:00 - 9: 00 PM Dance Therapeutics Mondays, April 20th, 27th, May 11th,18th, and June 1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd, 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM (No class on 5/4 and 5/25) Wednesday & Thursday, April 8th & 9th, 6:00 - 9:00 PM There is a $28 fee, payable by check only to Empire Safety Council, for this class. Drivers may be eligible for discounts and reduce points from their driving record upon completion of this six-hour class. In-person registration at the Reference Desk is required. English Conversation Group Mondays, April 6th through May 11th, 10:00 - 11:30 AM Hola! Hello! Allo! Practice and improve your English in a casual and fun environment. This program is open to all. Please call the Reference Desk or register online. 631-757-4200 www.harborfieldslibrary.org Babies & Toddlers Children must be Harborfields residents to register and attend these programs. Please call Youth Services to register. Mother Goose For children ages birth to 24-months-old and a caregiver Sunday, April 12th, 2:00 PM Registration is not required. Siblings are welcome. Let’s Make Music Children ages 12- to 35-months-old and a caregiver Thursdays, April 23rd & 30th, 10:30 AM or 11:15 AM Sing and move in this half-hour introductory musical class with instructor Diane Young. Registration begins Monday, April 13th. Siblings are welcome. Story Art: The Snail And The Colorful World Of Henri Matisse Children ages 4- to 5-years-old and a caregiver Thursday, April 9th, 2:30 - 3:15 PM Henri Matisse used paper cut outs to create art like his famous collage “The Snail”. Join us as we read about this artist and explore colors and shapes as we create our own masterpiece. Registration begins Wednesday, April 1st. No siblings please. Shake, Rattle And Roll Children ages 3- to 5-years-old Wednesday, April 15th, 6:30 - 7:15 PM Puzzle Time Children ages 12- to 48-months-old and a caregiver Wednesday, April 8th, 11:00 - 11:45 AM Puzzles, puzzles everywhere! Enjoy a variety of puzzle books and play with puzzles of all shapes and sizes. Each child will create their very own puzzle to take home. Registration is not required. Siblings are welcome. Making Music Children ages 24- to 48-months-old and a caregiver Friday, April 17th, 10:30 - 11:30 AM Enhance your child’s development and love of music through song, dance, movement, games, and instruments with an instructor from Gymboree. Registration begins Wednesday, April 8th. No siblings please. Let’s Pretend! Children ages 3- to 5-years-old and a caregiver Monday, April 20th (Be a Chef), and Monday, April 27th (Be an Engineer), 1:30 - 2:30 PM It’s time to shake your fingers and toes, rattle those instruments and dance to the beat of great kids’ songs with Ms. Diane. Registration begins Monday, April 6th. Let’s Move & Groove Children ages 3- to 6-years-old Tuesday, April 7th, 11:00- 11:45 AM Join Diane Young for a morning program of music, singing, movement, and instruments. Registration begins Wednesday, April 1st. In the Children’s Meeting Room Monday, April 6th, 10:30 AM FRANKLIN AND FRIENDS: SHARING IS CARING Jumping Jelly Beans Contest Saturday, April 25th, 11:00 AM April 1st – April 25th Children are encouraged to come dressed in character while they listen to stories, engage in activities and create an item to take home. We will conclude our program with a march through the Library showing off what we have made. Registration begins Monday, April 13th. No siblings please. Toddler Movies Children ages 4-years-old through those in 5th grade, read a book, fill out an entry form and take a guess on the number of jelly beans in the jar for a chance to win a fun prize. GREEN KIDS CLUB: THE GREEN SPRING, SAVING OUR PLANET An adult must accompany the children at all times. Please, no eating or drinking during the movie. Registration is not required. Breezy Butterfly Preschool Craft Children ages 3- to 5-years-old and a caregiver Friday, April 24th, 11:00 - 11:45 AM Celebrate Earth Day with stories and a craft to take home. Just as a caterpillar changes, we will transform recycled materials into a beautiful butterfly. Registration begins Thursday, April 16th. No siblings please. Nursery School Artwork April 5th - 18th - Huntington YMCA Preschool April 19th - May 2nd - The Kinder Club Nest Harborfields Public Library 631-757-4200 www.harborfieldslibrary.org Children’s Programs for Grades K - 5 Register online for programs with an asterisk* after the title. The Great Junk Art Challenge Children in grades K 3 and a caregiver Fridays, April 10th OR April 24th, 4:30 – 5:30 PM Families with children in grades K – 5 Friday, April 10th, 10:30 AM - 12:00 Noon Put your family’s creativity to the test and help the environment in time for Earth Day! Bring clean recyclables (cans, bottles, boxes, old CDs, etc.) to use and share. We will provide the rest for you to create cool sculptures with a mystery theme. Registration begins Thursday, April 2nd. Children will read one-on-one with Cutch, a certified therapy dog from Therapy Dogs, International, Inc. Please sign up for a 15-minute session on either of the two dates listed above. Registration begins on Monday, April 6th. Siblings are welcome Jester Jim Family Program Tuesday, April 14th, 7:00 – 7:45 PM Families with children ages 4-years-old through 5th grade are invited to a high-energy evening of beat-box music and juggling. We are excited to welcome back performer Jester Jim, as he entertains you with nothing more than a trunk full of props. This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Library. Tickets will be available in the Children’s room beginning April 1st. Mother’s Day Bouquet* Children in grades 2 – 5 Monday, May 4th, 4:30 – 5:15 PM Fanciful Flowers Kindergarten Craft Thursday, April 16th, 4:30 - 5:15 PM The flowers are finally starting to bloom! Join us as we read stories and create a fun flower craft to celebrate the return of warm weather and beautiful blossoms. Registration begins Wednesday, April 8th. Haiku and You! Surprise mom by creating a vibrant floral bouquet with help from members of the Centerport Garden Club. Each child also will make a bouquet for a homebound member of the community in the Meals on Wheels program. Online registration begins on Monday, April 27th. The Art Of Decoupage Children in grades 3 – 5 Thursday, April 23rd, 7:00 – 8:00 PM Children in grades 1 & 2 Thursday, April 30th, 4:30 - 5:30 PM We will read the book Hi, Koo! A Year of Seasons by Jon J. Muth, and learn about the beautiful form of Japanese poetry called haiku. Then we will make a craft featuring the adorable panda, Koo. Registration begins Tuesday, April 21st. iHola Amigos! Children will learn how to decoupage mason jars to make Spring Into Yoga!* Children in grades 3 – 5 Wednesdays, April 22nd & April 29th, 7:00 - 8:00 PM Hibernating too much this winter? Come out and stretch and strengthen your body with certified yoga instructor, Alice Weiser. These upbeat classes will help you feel refreshed, energized and ready to jump into your springtime activities! Online registration begins Wednesday, April 15th. Children in grades 1 & 2 Mondays, April 13th, 20th, & 27th, 4:30 - 5:30 PM Come and learn Spanish in a fun and educational environment with Ms. Rosana. This three-week program will introduce children to basic Spanish through music, games, and stories. Registration begins on Thursday, April 2nd. Tae Kwon Do With Chris Gates* TINY TIGERS – Children in grades K – 2 Tuesday, April 21st, 5:00 - 5:45 PM KIDS BASIC TRAINING – Children in grades 3 – 5 Tuesday, April 28th, 6:00 - 6:45 PM Chess Mates* Children in grades 2 - 5 Saturday, April 11th, 2:30 - 3:00 PM OR 3:00 - 3:30 PM Challenge yourself with an exciting game of Chess. Participants should have some knowledge of the game but will get basic tips and strategies as they play with an experienced high school student. Online registration begins Wednesday, April 1st. Harborfields Public Library Tail Waggin’ Tales Children will be introduced to basic Tae Kwon Do moves including jumping and tumbling to build coordination, strength, speed and self-discipline in a fun and supportive environment. Online registration begins Thursday, April 9th. 631-757-4200 www.harborfieldslibrary.org Children’s Programs for Grades K - 5 Register online for programs with an asterisk* after the title. LEGOs for Little Ones Children ages 30 months-to 5-years-old & a caregiver Friday, April 3rd, 11:00 - 11:45 AM Registration is not required. Siblings are welcome. Building with LEGOs* Children in grades K - 2 Saturday, April 18th, 2:30 - 3:15 PM Online registration begins Tuesday, April 7th. LEGOs at the Library* Children in grades 3 - 5 Saturday, April 18th, 3:30 - 4:15 PM The Page Turners* Children in 2nd grade Thursdays, April 16th & May 14th, 6:30 - 7:30 PM Spend an hour with friends and a librarian reading Stink and the World’s Worst Super-Stinky Sneakers by Megan McDonald in this introductory book discussion. We will read the first half of the book in April and the second half in May. Pick up a copy of the book in the Children’s Room. Online registration begins Tuesday, April 7th. Since this is a two-part program we ask that you register only if you can attend both sessions. In the Children’s Meeting Room Saturday, April 4th, 2:30 PM PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR (PG) 92 minutes Tuesday, April 7th, 2:00 PM BIG HERO 6 (PG) 102 minutes Saturday, April 25th, 2:30 PM NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM: SECRET OF THE TOMB (PG) 98 minutes No food or drink during the movie or in the Library please. Children under the age of ten years old must be accompanied by an adult. No registration necessary. April 2015 Featured Bookmark ALEXIS PORZIO Age 5 Welcome Spring Scavenger Hunt 3rd Grade Kids Read* Wednesday, May 27th, 6:30 - 7:45 PM Join your friends in discussing Numbed! by David Lubar. When a robot at the math museum zaps their math skills, Logan and his mischievous friend, Benedict, must pass a series of math challenges to retrieve their knowledge. Online registration begins Monday, April 27th. Pick up a copy of the book in the Children’s Room. Saturday, April 4th through Saturday, April 11th. Study Buddies Read And Rap* Children in grades 4 - 6 and a caregiver Friday, May 15th, 7:00 – 9:00 PM We will be discussing Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer by John Grisham. Online registration begins on Monday, April 20th. Pick up the book in the Children’s Room. Parents who attend the discussion are asked to read the book. Harborfields Public Library Online registration begins Tuesday, April 7th. April’s Theme: Anything Goes. Family Movies For students in grades 3 - 8 Mondays and Thursdays from 4:00 - 6:00 PM (when school is in session) Appointments are encour- aged, and are scheduled in half-hour increments. Please call the Young Adult Desk to make an appointment. 631-757-4200 www.harborfieldslibrary.org Monday 27 9 AM-3rd Grade Kids Read* & 19 26 3 PMTownship Theatre Group: Dates to Remember Mother's Day Bouquet* Registration 9:30 & 10:30 AM-Patty-Cake! 10 AM-ESL Conversation Group 11:15 AM-Dance Therapeutics 1:30 PM-Let's Pretend 4 PM-Study Buddies 4:30 PM-¡Hola Amigos! 6:45 PM-6-week SAT Prep 7 PM-Intro to Microsoft Word 9 AM-Read and Rap* Registration 9:30 & 10:30 AM-Patty-Cake! 10 AM-ESL Conversation Group 10 AM-Living Healthy Workshops 11:15 AM-Dance Therapeutics 1:30 PM-Let's Pretend 4 PM-Study Buddies 4:30 PM-¡Hola Amigos! 6:45 PM-6-week SAT Prep 7 PM-Shakespeare's Clowns 20 3 PM-The Acoustix in Concert 2 PMMother Goose 9 AM-Let's Make Music & Let's Pretend Registration 9:30 & 10:30 AM-Patty-Cake! 10 AM-ESL Conversation Group 10 AM-Living Healthy Workshops 11:15 AM-Dance Therapeutics 4 PM-Study Buddies 4:30 PM-¡Hola Amigos! 6:45 PM-6-week SAT Prep 7 PM-Organize Your Computer 7:30 PM-Friends of the Library Meeting 13 12 9:30 & 10:30 AM-1, 2, Buckle My Shoe 2:30 PM-Story Time for 3's and 4's* 6 PM-Kids Basic Training: Tae Kwon Do with Chris Gates* 7 PM-Introduction to Home Solar Power 28 9 AM-Haiku & You! Registration 9:30 & 10:30 AM-1, 2, Buckle My Shoe 10 AM-St. Francis Hospital Free Health Screening 2:30 PM-Story Time for 3's & 4's* 3:30 PM-SeniorNet Seminar 5 PM-Tiny Tigers: Tae Kwon Do with Chris Gates* 7 PM-HHS Young Artists Reception 21 9:30 & 10:30 AM-1, 2, Buckle My Shoe 2:30 PM-Story Time for 3's and 4's* 3 PM-Library Budget Vote and Trustee Election 7 PM-Global Viewpoints 7 PM-Jester Jim Family Program 14 9 AM- Page Turners* Registration 9 AM-Building with LEGOs* Registration 9 AM-LEGOs at the Library* Registration 11 AM-Let's Move & Groove 2 PM-Family Movie: Big Hero 6 7 9:30 AM-Just for K's* 10:30 AM-Story Time for 3's and 4's* 2 PM-Taproot 2:15 PM-Just for K's* 7 PM-Spring into Yoga!* 29 9:30 AM-Just for K's* 10:30 AM-Story Time for 3's and 4's* 2 PM-Taproot 2:15 PM-Just for K's* 7 PM-Maximizing Social Security 7 PM-Spring into Yoga!* 22 9 AM- Spring into Yoga!* Registration 9:30 AM-Just for K's* 10:30 AM-Story Time for 3's and 4's* 11:30 AM-"From Cover to Cover" 1 PM-Medicare Services Counselor 2 PM-Taproot 2:15 PM-Just for K's* 6:30 PM-Shake, Rattle and Roll 7 PM-Teen Advisory Board Meeting 15 9 AM-Making Music Registration 9 AM-Fanciful Flowers Registration 9:30 AM-AARP Smart Driver Course 11 AM-Puzzle Time 2 PM-Taproot 8 9 AM-Shake, Rattle, and Roll & Tail Waggin' Tales Registration 10 AM-ESL Conversation Group 10 AM-Living Healthy Workshops 10:30 AM-Toddler Movie:Franklin and Friends: Sharing is Caring 11:15 AM-Dance Therapeutics Library Closed Easter 6 5 1 Jester Jim Tickets Available! Wednesday Online registration is available for children’s programs with * Adult programs are italicized Tuesday Jumping Jelly Beans Contest Begins! 9 AM-Chess Mates*, Let's Move & Groove & Story Art Registration 9:30 AM-Just for K's* 10:30 AM-Story Time for 3's & 4's* 1 PM-Medicare Services Counselor 2 PM-Taproot 2:15 PM-Just for K's* Look for this sign in the window of participating businesses and present your Harborfields Public Library card to receive a discount. Sunday 10 AM-Arthritis Exercise 10:30 & 11:15 AM-Let's Make Music 2:30 PM-Story Time for 3's and 4's* 4 PM-Study Buddies 4:30 PM-Haiku & You! 30 10 AM-Arthritis Exercise 10 AM-Create a Spring Flower 10:30 & 11:15 AM-Let’s Make Music 2:30 PM-Story Time for 3's & 4's* 4 PM-Study Buddies 7 PM-Just the Facts 7 PM-The Art of Decoupage 7:30 PM-Board of Trustees Meeting 23 9 AM-Breezy Butterfly Preschool Craft & The Art of Decoupage Registration 10 AM-Arthritis Exercise 10:30 AM-Mommy, Daddy, & Me* 2:30 PM-Story Time for 3's & 4's* 4 PM-Study Buddies 4:30 PM-Fanciful Flowers K- Craft 6:30 PM-The Page Turners* 7:30 PM-Gettysburg, The Turning Point 16 9 AM-Tae Kwon Do with Chris Gates* Registration 10 AM-Arthritis Exercise 10:30 AM-Mommy, Daddy, & Me* 2:30 PM-Story Art 4:30 PM-Full STEAM Ahead! 6 PM-AARP Smart Driver Course 7 PM-Poetry Scarf Workshop 9 & ¡Hola Amigos! Registration 10 AM-AARP Tax Counselor 10 AM-Arthritis Exercise 10:30 AM-Mommy, Daddy, & Me* 2:30 PM-Story Time for 3's & 4's* 4 PM-Study Buddies 4:30 PM-Full STEAM Ahead! 7 PM-3D Printing Demo 2 9 AM-The Great Junk Art Challenge Thursday Authors Unlimited @ St. Joseph’s College Jumping Jelly Beans Contest Ends! 11 AM-Toddler Movie: Green Kids Club: The Green Spring, Saving Our Planet 2:30 PM-Family Movie:Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb 25 2:30 PM-Building with LEGOs* 2:30 PM-Teens Connect: LEGOs Helpers 3:30 PM-LEGOs at the Library* 18 Hunt Ends! 9:30 AM-Teens Connect: Teen Tech Squad 9:30 AM-Technology Help 2:30 PM-Chess Mates* 3 PM-Chess Mates* 11 Welcome Spring Welcome Spring Hunt Begins! 2:30 PM-Family Movie: Penguins of Madagascar 4 Saturday APRIL 2015 10:30 AM-Mah Jongg for Beginners 11 AM-Breezy Butterfly Preschool Craft 1 PM-Game Rm. Open 1:30 PM-Movie: The Imitation Game 4:30 PM-Tail Waggin' Tales 7 PM-Read and Rap* 24 10:30 AM-Making Music 1 PM-Game Rm. Open 1:30 PM-Movie: Birdman 6:30 PM-3rd Grade Kids Read* 7 PM-Poetry Slam! 17 Counselor 10:30 AM-The Great Junk Art Challenge 1 PM-Game Rm. Open 1 PM-Teen Movie & Pizza: Into the Woods 4:30 PM-Tail Waggin' Tales 10 10 AM- AARP Tax 11 AM-LEGOs for Little Ones 1 PM-Game Rm. Open 5 PM-Library Closed 3 Friday Harborfields Non-Profit Org. U. S. Postage PAID Greenlawn, NY Permit No. 29 PUBLIC LIBRARY 31 Broadway Greenlawn, NY 11740 The Library Board of Trustees Meeting is on Thursday, April 23rd at 7:30 PM. Phone: (631) 757-4200 Fax: (631) 757-7216 www.harborfieldslibrary.org E-mail: harblib@suffolk.lib.ny.us Young Artists Fine Arts Exhibition April 1st - 29th All cookbooks on sale for $1 at the Little Book Shop Open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 10 AM - 4 PM Friends of the Library 7th Annual Flea Market Saturday, May 16th, 10 AM - 3 PM New vendor applications are now available for the Friends of the Library Outdoor Flea Market. This event is open to vendors who want to sell household items, bric-abrac and collectibles, new merchandise, handcrafted items, or rent a space to promote your business. The non-refundable fee for a 10’ x 10’ space in the circular driveway is $30. Tables for the space are available for an additional $5 each. Pick up an application in the Library or online and return it with payment to the Program & Publicity Office. Make checks payable to the “Friends of the Library.” Spaces and tables are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. In the event of inclement weather, the Flea Market will be held in the Library Meeting Rooms. Reception honoring participants: Tuesday, April 21st, 7:oo p.m. Please R.S.V.P. online or at the Reference Desk This exhibition showcases the talented student artists and photographers from Harborfields High School. Parents, teachers, students and members of the community are invited to stop by the Gallery throughout the month. Spring Cleaning–Shredding Day Saturday, May 9th, 10 AM - 12 Noon You may bring up to three (3) bags or boxes of paper per household to be shredded. No commercial business documents allowed! Drive your car up to the shredding truck that will be parked in the circular driveway, then watch the closed-circuit monitor as your documents are being shredded. The next Friends of the Library meeting is on Monday, April 13th at 7:30 PM Give your Dress a Second Dance Prom Dress Collections for Project G.L.A.M. (Granting Lasting Amazing Memories) We are accepting donations of formal dresses, accessories and unopened make-up for deserving teenage girls on Long Island so they can join their friends at the prom. Dresses in good condition, on hangers will be accepted through April 30th. Coming in May Library Hours Mon. - Thur. 9 AM - 9 PM Friday 10 AM - 9 PM Saturday 9 AM - 5 PM Sunday (Sept. - June) 1 PM - 5 PM Board of Trustees William Baker, President Ellen Rieger, Vice President Joseph Friedlander, Finance Officer Joyce Hilgeman, Ph.D., Secretary Jenny Wyckoff Shore, Trustee Arthur Venezia, Treasurer Director: Carol Albano Assistant Director: Ryan Athanas Newsletter: Susan Hope Important Notice! The Harborfields Public Library encourages all residents to participate in its programs and activities. If you require any special accommodation because of a disability, please contact the Reference Desk in advance at 757-4200. The following equipment is available at the Library for anyone with a visual disability: CCTV, ZoomText Magnifying software on a computer workstation, hand-held magnifiers and assistive listening devices for programs. Also, if you are unable to get to the Library because of a disability, we will be happy to deliver library materials to your home. Please call to make arrangements. Join Dr. Elizabette Cohen, host of WCBS Staff may take photographs at radio show “My Healthy & Happy Pet,” for Library programs for use in Library publicity. Please inform us an interactive and entertaining program if you do not want photos about our favorite furry friends on Thurstaken of you or your child. day, May 14th at 7 PM.
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