April 19, 2015 - St. Peter Catholic Church


April 19, 2015 - St. Peter Catholic Church
Visit us on the Internet at
or send your comments to:
Sacrament of Baptism
Please call the Rectory (966-8600) for details
regarding participation in the preparation program.
We encourage expectant parents to make
arrangements for the preparation program at least a
few months prior to the birth of their child.
“The root of joy is gratefulness. . .
It is not joy that makes us grateful;
Sacrament of Marriage
Please contact the rectory for details regarding
the preparation program. In accordance with
Archdiocesan policy, couples should contact a
member of the parish clergy at least six months
prior to their proposed wedding date.
It is gratitude that makes us joyful.”
-David Steindl-Rast
Please see www.stpeterkirkwood.org
to submit why you are grateful.
Holy Orders and Consecrated (Religious) Life
If interested, please call the parish rectory or the
Archdiocesan Office of Vocations at 792-6460
Sunday Mass Schedule
Saturday: 5:OOPM (Satisfies Sunday obligation)
Sunday: 7:30AM, 9:OOAM, 11:OOAM and 6:OOPM
Rectory/Parish Office
243 West Argonne Drive
Saint Louis, Missouri 63122
966-8600 (Phone)
966-5721 (Fax)
Weekday Mass Schedule
Monday - Friday: 6:45AM & 8:15AM
Saturday: 8:15AM
Saint Peter Elementary School
Pre-K thru Eighth Grade
215 North Clay
Saint Louis, Missouri 63122
Holy Day Mass Schedule
Consult the bulletin for Mass times
Parish School of Religion
Jan Hartmann, 821-0460, ext. 4208
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday: 3:45 to 4:45PM or by appointment
Religious Education Offices - Ursuline Hall
Offices of Faith Formation
Linda Doyle, 822-1347, ext. 3001
Eucharistic Adoration
Monday - Friday, 6:00AM to 10:00PM
St. Angela Merici Chapel in Ursuline Hall
adjacent to the Church building
For more information or to sign up for a weekly
Holy Hour of prayer contact
Kathy Fotouhi at 821-4347
Office of Youth Ministry
Eileen Weiskopf, Director of Youth Ministry
822-1347, ext. 3003
Wedding Coordinator
Cathy Herrmann, 822-1347, ext. 3000
Pastoral Council
Mr. Geoff Daniels, Chairperson, 616-7700
Mr. Ken Boyd, Vice Chairperson, 913-6529
Mr. Paul Loida, Secretary, 825-1603
Finance Commission
Mr. Tim Fagan, Chairperson, 962-7737
Mr. Jack Herrmann, Vice-Chairperson, 966-3217
Baptisms are celebrated every Sunday of the month at 12:30PM.
Please call the Rectory (966-8600) for details regarding
participation in the preparation program. We encourage
expectant parents to make arrangements for the preparation
program at least a few months prior to the birth of their child.
Weekly Anointing and Prayer
After the 9:OOAM Mass each Sunday, we will celebrate
the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, for anyone
who has the need to receive this sacrament. This is meant
to include such concerns as upcoming diagnostic tests,
limitations of aging, anxiety, depression, undue stress,
addiction, etc. for all ages.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
314-289-6101 Ext. 2220 (Voice Mail)
Parish Center
Bulletin Deadline!!
Articles intended for publication in the Bulletin must be
submitted to the rectory (ably@stpeterkirkwood.org)
by Monday, at 3:OOPM for the following Sunday’s
Bulletin. All announcements must be in writing with a
name and telephone number attached.
Please gather in the pews at the front of church
and the priest will be with you approximately
10 minutes after Mass is over.
Please remember St. Peter Catholic Church in your will.
Third Sunday of Easter
April 19, 2015
But the work of the baptized and the goal of Christian initiation is
not completed by participating in the liturgy of the Eucharist. The
Eucharist itself is not complete until those who have celebrated it
return to the world from which they came to continue to offer
intercession, praise, and thanksgiving through their attitudes,
actions, and interactions in everyday life. The mission of Jesus
was to proclaim the Good News of God’s reign and to bring all
people to the Father, and that is the mission into which we are
Wax…Easter Symbols
Eastertime is the 50-day long season from Easter Sunday until
Pentecost, May 24th, this year. Throughout this time the Paschal
Candle shines in church. This candle is an image of the Risen
Christ. It was kindled and consecrated with great ceremony on
Easter Eve.
When people are baptized into the Church, they are given candles
lit from the Paschal Candle. They are told to keep their lamps
burning brightly throughout their lives. At funerals the Paschal
Candle shines on the dead, like a pillar of fire to guide them to the
promised land.
During the fifty days of Easter, and for about a year, the
neophytes participate in mystagogy, a Greek word that means
“teaching the mysteries.” The mysteries this refers to are
primarily the sacraments. During this time, and throughout their
lives, the neophytes and all the faithful deepen their
understanding of what it means to have been baptized and
confirmed and to continue to participate in all the sacraments,
particularly the Eucharist. At the end of every Mass, we are
offered a small reminder that to participate in the sacraments is to
take on the work and mission of Jesus.
A burning candle is a sign of self-sacrifice. It consumes itself in a
blaze of glory. Traditionally, the Church’s candles are made from
beeswax. A beehive is a symbol of the Church, where everyone
is called to work together for the common good.
Many households light a fine, fat candle every mealtime and
every time they gather to pray. It is a holy habit.
When you light a candle in prayer you might say, “Jesus Christ is
the “light of the world, a light no darkness can extinguish.” Or
say the words proclaimed at the Easter Vigil, Light of Christ!
Thanks be to God!”
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
“Thanks be to God”
A Bittersweet Moment…
Last weekend, Father Mike, announced to all of us that the
Archbishop told him that the people of Annunciation Parish in
Webster Groves need a pastor and he wants him to become their
shepherd. While we rejoice with him at this great honor we will
miss him here at St. Peter. Few priests that I have known, much
less lived with, have had such an impact on parish life as Father
Mike. No one can really replace him. The next priest will only
take his place and we will welcome our new priest, whoever it
will be, with open arms.
Incense: Another Easter Symbol
“Let my prayer rise before you like incense.” Each evening the
Church sings these words from Psalm 141. That’s one reason we
Christians praise God with incense: It is a sign of prayer.
The smoke of melting incense is also a sign of sacrifice, of
purification, of homage, of mystery. It calls to mind the bright
cloud of God’s presence that filled the holy of holies within the
Temple in Jerusalem. At the transfiguration and ascension of
Jesus, his body was surrounded by a cloud. Perhaps that is why
some people imagine heaven to be a place of shining clouds
where the angels glorify God with incense.
In my almost forty-three years of priesthood I have never lived
with any one priest for ten years and I probably never will again.
I also doubt that Father Mike will live with any one priest for ten
years. These years have been a true blessing for St. Peter Parish
but, personally, they have been some of the best of my priesthood,
an amazing blessing and honor for me. I am still waiting for him
to complain about his day, find a challenge he cannot handle, or
to have a “hissy fit.” It just doesn’t happen. He is a holy man, a
man of complete integrity, serious about the priesthood, a lover of
Jesus, St. Peter Parish and a man with a terrific sense of humor.
We will miss his famous “jib-jabs” at lunch on his computer
featuring all of us in ridiculous situations. I told him he has too
much time on his hands if he can create such “masterpieces” on
his i Pad.
When Ascension is kept on a Thursday, it is the fortieth day of the
Easter season. It is like a Lord’s Day in the middle of the week.
When Ascension is kept on a Sunday, it replaces the Seventh
Sunday of Easter. Therefore, as with every Lord’s Day, we are
given a holy time for worship, recreation, renewal, and, today at
least, for a bit of restful cloud gazing.
After a festive supper on Ascension, burn some incense. You can
do this very simply by heating the incense in an old pan. Or have
a barbecue that night and toss some incense on the burning coals.
Ascend with Christ into the sweet-smelling clouds of heaven.
Mission and Mystagogy…An Easter Commission for the
Newly Professed Christians
He does not leave us until June 16th so let us all enjoy these two
months with him more than ever. Let us all thank God for these
great ten years and wish him all of God’s blessings as we hand
him over to the good folks at Annunciation. You know the real
downside to all of this, and the underlying challenge for him, is
that he must go to Webster Groves!!!!!! Really, Archbishop!
Webster Groves? This is a tough thing for a man who has lived in
a piece of heaven for ten years in Kirkwood.
“Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.” With these words, all
the baptized are dismissed from the Eucharist every day. For
those who were baptized at Easter, the significance of this is that
it is a new dismissal. As candidates and catechumens, they were
dismissed after the homily to continue being formed by the Word
of God and the teachings of the Church. As neophytes, now they
remain with the baptized and take their part in the work of the
faithful: to offer intercession, praise, sacrifice and thanksgiving
to the Father. In other words, the baptized continue the work of
Jesus, in whose name they pray, who is present within and among
them and in the sacrament at the altar.
Father Mike! Be strong, missionary work in a foreign land is
challenging but can be so rewarding…even in Webster Groves.
I’ll see you in church!
Monsignor Jack
April 19, 2015
St. Peter Parish Prayer
If you suffer from celiac disease, or have any wheat allergies
that prevents you from receiving the Body of Christ at Mass,
please send an e-mail to the address below with your contact
information so that we can inform you of how we are able to
provide low gluten hosts for you.
Lord, thank you for the rich history you have
bestowed on our family of St. Peter in Kirkwood.
Blessed by your grace, we ask that you be present
in our parish today. Guide us as we celebrate our
gifts through worship, education and loving service.
Please send an email to this address with “Eucharist” on your
Subject Line: Info@stpeterkirkwood.org.
Holy Spirit, create within us a vision for the future that
we live, witness and proclaim the good news of Christ.
PLEASE NOTE . . . hypo allergenic incense will be used at
the 5:00pm, 9:00am, and 11:00am Masses.
Scheduled Eucharistic Minister - April 25/26
Note: Shut-in visitors are indicated in parentheses ( )
Monday, April 20
Maureen Byrnes
Mark Young
Tuesday, April 21
Jack McNamara
Fr. Patrick Byrne
Wednesday, April 22
Charles Lauber
Mark Young
Thursday, April 23
Michael Kelley
Nellie Van Dover
Friday, April 24
Valerie Rauscher
Lorraine Keeley
Saturday, April 25
John Leslie George
5:00 PM
Bob Korman
Sunday, April 26
Mary Grazia & Anthony Saputo
Dustin Volz
People of St. Peter
Francis Brockman
Interested in being a Eucharistic Minister?
Call Bob & Trish Martin 821-3303
Saturday, April 25
5:00PM: K. Morgan, D. Connell, M. Schmit, J. Temme,
R. Zoellner, M. A. Shepard, B. Wellinghoff,
L. Schrock
Sunday, April 26
7:30AM: C. Herre, J. Shea, J. Sulze, L. Flick, M. Mahn,
N. Mahn , C. Behl, M. Welsch
9:00AM: M. Brown, K. Carmody, T. Booth, M. Raizman,
(D. Cantwell), (H. Bernsen), (T. Saputo),
(J. Gau)
11:00AM: M. Thomas, L. DeBlasi, C. Pennington,
J. Kammer, K. Komotos, K. Wurtz, N. Wurtz,
(M. Sabo)
6:00PM: C. Henke, P. Jacober, R. Gamble, B. Martin,
L. Baebler, M. Lorbert, K. Manion, J. Roseberry
First Lector
Saturday, April 25
Sunday, April 26
Lee Lueker, Ryan Kramer, Hattie Kennedy
Jen Hessel, Matthew Stoeckel,
Michael Stoeckel
Jack Rintoul, Melodie Heaps,
Catherine Bettag
St. Catherine of Sienna
Easter Weekday
(Mom’s Mass)
Martha Broyles
Mary Lou Bennett
Roy Mueller
Joan Felling
Doug Caldwell
Matt Wilson
Paul Reilly
Paul Byorth
Kyle Rolfes
Acts 3:13-15, 17-19/1 Jn 2:1-5a/Lk 24:35-48
Acts 6:8-15/Jn 6:22-29
Acts 7:51--8:1a/Jn 6:30-35
Acts 8:1b-8/Jn 6:35-40
Acts 8:26-40/Jn 6:44-51
Acts 9:1-20/Jn 6:52-59
1 Pt 5:5b-14/Mk 16:15-20
Next Sunday:
Acts 4:8-12/1 Jn 3:1-2/Jn 10:11-18
Dean Starrs, Molly Schrock, Eddie Johnson
April 29
May 6
Peter Schmit
Sunday, April 26
Saturday, April 25
Rhys Prosser, Sophia Bellon
Second Lector
©Liturgical Publications Inc
April 19, 2015
Where there is despair … Hope.
We are looking to start a
Prayer Shawl Group to support
the Pastoral Visitors Ministry of
St. Peter. The mission of this
ministry is to reach out to members of our Parish family
who are ill, in nursing homes or lost a loved one, with
prayer and support. We are in the beginning stages of this
group. If you are interested in being a part of the Prayer
Shawl Group or have any questions please contact Karen
Frome, 314 965-7975 or kjfrome@swbell.net. If you don’t
knit or crochet but would like to support the group with donations of yarn or monetary donations to purchase yarn for
the project, please contact Karen for that information as
Hope is a powerful force in the world. Hope helps end division.
It relieves suffering and brings light in place of darkness. In the
familiar Peace Prayer of St. Francis, we pray to become instruments of Christ’s peace, offering hope where there is despair.
During the Easter season, we reflect on the real source of our
hope—Christ’s resurrection from the dead. Jesus calls us to proclaim His message of love and mercy by the way we live our
lives—to bring hope and healing to those in need.
The Annual Catholic Appeal helps us do just that. The many
ministries, agencies and apostolates supported by the Appeal
reach out to people in our community. Together, we are bringing
hope to neighborhoods, schools and parishes throughout the
Archdiocese of St. Louis.
Please prayerfully consider making a pledge to the 2015 Appeal.
You may make a pledge at our parish this weekend or during
the next two pledge weekends or online at archstl.org/aca.
Easter Flowers Donated In Memory and in honor of:
David and Nellie Jozwiak, Cynthia Thomas, Robert Parks, Elmer and Marge Berg, Bertha Traum, Sandra Zanti,
John A. Shaw, Graciela Hartenbach, D.L. McIntosh, Walter Dayhuff, Mr. and Mrs. John Farkas, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Dayhuff, Denver Froesel, Rosa Avila de Zardetto, Atilio Jose Arrillaga, Curt Weingartner, Lawrence Fangmeier,
Robert A. Fassel, Joseph Funke, Louise Mattli, Jeanine and Bud Meesey, Earl A. Davis, Bernice Diel, Bill Powell,
Emma and Albin Schottroff, Josie Marie Mayes, Nestor and Blind Families and Friends, Schmit Family, Dwyer
Family, Bill Conzelman, Barbara and Francis Corley, Gen and Harold Lamboley, Sr., John Franscavitch, Madeleine
Bouchard, Michael Bouchard, Donald Cavanaugh, Adolph and Eleanor Cavanaugh, Fred and Anna Evers, Rita
Smith, Kenneth Kennedy, Norma Kennedy, Albert and Frances Bina, Chris Bina, Stephen Bina, Margaret Hillenbrand, William H.
Hillenbrand, William M. Hillenbrand, Ervin Dierker, Henry Stillman, Janet and Ken Meek, Roy Newmann, Bob Huch, Bonnie
Newmann, Jack Groll, Margo Skinner, Claire Peppin, Crissy Carroll, Nellie VanDover, Carl and Eulalia Schaeffer Family, Allen T.
Chott, Gwazdauskas Family, D’Antonio Family, Albert and Linda Howe, Marie Schopp, Charles Shell, Ray Laramie, Edward Herman,
Michael Kelley, Don Dohm, Holly Gilliatt, Jerry Trokey, Carroll Bauman, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Lopez, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Grover C.
Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Collins, John A. Solari, Bobbie Solari, Gus Bernsen, Deceased Members of the Downes Family and Power
Family, Tom O’Gorman, John and Ruth Shaner, Reilly Family, Reeves Family, Bates Family, Bertha Jaegers, Mary Julia Dix Smith,
Marge Dix, Ed and Eva Lock, Mitri Saad, Don Broyles, Carolyn Byrd, Helen Lock, Albert Lock, Edwin Harding, Rose Randel, Stephen
J. Bell, Richard and Cecilia Buettner, Joe and Marilynn Preis, Jack Kelly, Chester and Mary Davis, George and Mabel Trollope, Hubert
and Kathryn Shafar, Ronald and Joe Zinkl, Al and Victoria Schramm, Carl and Theresa Zinkl, George and Demetra Cassidy, Margaret
Schlereth, Paul Brady, Gerald Cassidy, Loretta Poole and Charles Brady, Art and Mary Jane Noss, Richard and Jessie Meyers, Pat and
Jack Ripley, John Komotos, Sr., Julie Komotos, Frank and Mary Moeller, Frank and Dolores Moeller, Jr., John and Helen Howell, Paul
and Theresa Douthit, Paul Douthit, Jr., Michael Douthit, Cindy Douthit, Alice Dale, Henry and Betty Dale, Ceaser and Dorothy Meyer,
Jeannine Prost, Bev Shortal, Edith Schrock, Paul L. Simms, Russo Family, John Tracy, Kenn Haack, Wayne and Betty Goggin, Vernon
and Desiree Jump, the Nockels Deceased Family Members, Glenn Appelbaum, Joseph and Mary E. Crowley, Patricia Conway, Gerald
Boelter, Bob, Mom and Dad, Paul Hartman, Ruth and Herb Spring, Gerard Haenni, George and Marge Snodgrass, Warren E. Daniels,
Walter and Celeste Wojcik, Leona Cassell, George Schaeffer, Ralph Cassell, Charles and Mary Carnaghi, Mary and Joe Rudy,
Ed Veazey, William M. Whalen, Mel Pence, Dianne Marzaloes, Marjorie Ruddle and Crissy Carroll.
Kirkwood Knights of Columbus Accomplishments
Donated $45,000 To Cardinal Glennon Knights of Columbus Center For The Developmentally Disabled.
Support – St. Vincent de Paul Society, Church Festivals, Boy Scouts, Roses For Life.
Missouri Knights Accomplishments
38 Digital Ultrasound Machines Placed and Maintained at Pregnancy Centers. Expectant Mothers Will Choose Life When They
Can See Their Baby.
We Need More Catholic Men That Want To Change A Life!
Dare To Be A Knight?
Contact Ken Kopp, 314.471.7959 or kkoppdvm@gmail.com
April 19, 2015
7th Graders Come spend a Shadow Day at St. John Vianney High School! You will be paired up with a Griffin Guide, attend classes and receive a
complimentary lunch from the Griffin Cafe. To see available dates and to sign-up, visit vianney.com/admissions.html and select
Schedule A Visit or call Emilie Baker at 314-965-4853, ext. 134.
April 19, 2015
Please join St. Peter
Parish for the weekly
tradition of celebrating
the Divine Mercy
Chaplet. The Chaplet is
a beautiful devotion held
weekly on Monday
nights at 9:00pm. It
takes less than 30 minutes to complete and is
one of the most memorable forms of prayer you
can experience. All parishioners are welcome.
The chaplet will be held
in church. Please enter
through the Northeast
door by the parking lot
(by the front of the
church). Please bring
your rosary.
A Study Commissioned by
the Knights of Columbus
revealed that 75% of
Catholic young people who
had seriously considered
religious life felt they were
never encouraged to pursue
that goal. Do you know
someone who would make
a good priest? Why not
tell him so? Your encouragement may be all he
"For I was hungry and you gave me food..."
The FAMILY SHOPPERS program setup on SigningUpGenius for parish families is off and running. Thanks to the Loida, Shaffer and
LaBarge families we had a great beginning. The cash donations from our parish have made this program possible. Thanks again.
This month the BOY SCOUTS made a generous donation to the pantry, THANK YOU for helping feed the very hungry.
Our donations will be delivered tomorrow, APRIL 20th. The food is badly needed to keep the shelves full at Sts. Teresa & Bridget
parish pantry in north St. Louis city.
Candy and John Behl, 319 East Adams, Kirkwood (block and half east of the YMCA). Please donate cans that are no larger than 30
ounces, anything larger is difficult to carry. John & Candy Behl
April 19, 2015
St. Peter Presents:
EVEREST:Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power VBS
June 22 – 26, 2015 * 9am to Noon
All are welcome! Invite your neighbors, friends, and family!
VBS is for 3 year olds (by 1/31/15) – current 2nd graders.
VBS is $40 per child.
Adult Volunteers working 2-5 days will receive a 50% discount!
Adult Volunteers working 5 days will receive FREE VBS!
Current 6th - 12th graders can be youth volunteers.
Registration and Volunteer Sign-ups will be available soon!
The Summer Youth Retreat (for current 3rd—5th graders) is on hold. If you are interested in developing and leading
activities for this age group, please contact Linda Doyle at ldoyle@stpeterkirkwood.org.
The volunteers for the St. Peter and Paul meals program served 115 hungry diners on Friday, April 3 in Soulard. We used 19 cooks and
8 adults to serve and work in the kitchen. We were happy to have 4 third grade girls come and help with their chaperones, Kelly Crabtree and Tony Scheibelhut. They were a big help with the cold drink station.
We are collecting toiletries and socks for the homeless men’s shelter at St. Peter and Paul so if you have any to donate, please leave them
on the front porch at 311 Weston Oaks Court and we will take them with us on May 3. For information on this ministry, please contact
Mary Raizman at mraizman@charter.net.
HABITS . . .
Birthright Lunch
Friday, May 1
11:30 am-1:30 pm
Stop By Anytime
is happy to present a new class
based on our intergenerational
health program
Sara Bevins, Mary Charles, Kristen Figge, Mary Anne
Holdridge, Beth Hunt, Michelle Krausz, Mary Leahy,
Stephanie Reh, Melissa Rolfes, Allison Williams
“CATCH Healthy Habits”.
Join us for:
“How Sweet It Is,”
At the Home of Stephanie Reh
12128 Montour Drive, 63131
msreh@sbcglobal.net or 822-2430
April 28th, 9:30 – 10:30 AM
During the class we will discuss the importance of limiting
sugar in our diets and engage in low impact exercise. The
class is only one hour, there will be food and fun! As part
of the classes we are excited to be providing FREE healthy
living guides and FREE exercise guides to all class participants!! Please call or email Linda Doyle at 314-822-1347
or ldoyle@stpeterkirkwood.org.
Sign up with attached flyer or at http://
Donations are appreciated, (suggested $20 minimum). Mail
check (payable “Birthright”) to Stephanie Reh, send to the
school office with your child (attention Stephanie Reh) or
bring to the event.
If you are in need of child care, St. Peter students will provide free babysitting in the St. Peter preschool room while
you attend.
Person To Person volunteers are ready to assist you with special
needs you may have due to illness or other emergencies. We are
ready to assist with transportation, yard work, light housekeeping,
grocery shopping, meals. If you could use a ride to church or the
doctor, you are too ill to do laundry or fix a meal, please call us
and we will try to make the necessary arrangements to assist you.
We have over 100 parishioners available to assist you, or
someone you know who cannot find help elsewhere. Please call,
all requests will remain confidential. Phone Deacon John
Komotos at 984-0054. Please leave a message if I am out and I
will call you back.
__ I will attend the Birthright lunch.
Name ____________________
Number of children for child care ____
__I cannot attend, but have included a donation.
Please return form and payment to school office attention
Stephanie Reh or mail to Stephanie Reh, 12128 Montour Drive, St. Louis, MO 63131.
April 19, 2015
has an ongoing need for disposable
diapers (especially size 3 and up),
wipes, diaper cream and formula.
By collecting these baby items
monthly we can regularly help parents and babies in
need. Please drop off your donation on the front
porch of Angela and Randy Dalton, 328 W. Washington Avenue, 63122. Thank you.
WHAT KINDS OF PEOPLE become priests, sisters
or brothers? Are they people who don’t relate well
with other people? No. They are people who love
others - people who find real satisfaction chatting with
a 93-year-old parishioner, holding the hand of a cancer patient, listening to the troubles of a streetwise
teen. They are people with the courage to touch lives,
hearts and souls in a high-tech, un-churched world.
Are you that kind of person?
Please keep this important ministry in mind on your
next shopping trip. Breakfast bars, granola type bars,
chips, cookies, water, and soda are some of the suggested donations. The Health Department requires
that all food items come prepackaged. Donations are
accepted everyday. Drop off location: 450 Burns
Avenue, Kirkwood. Please place donations in the
green tub along the driveway. Call Jennifer Moritz
909-6756 with any questions.
The ultimate goal of the Mobile Outreach Program is
to encourage persons who are chronically homeless to
access agency programs that will lead them to permanent housing and financial stability. Thank you for
supporting this ministry!
TIME: 4:30PM - Every Sunday (except holidays)
PLACE: In front of church under the large tree
(where seating is available) or the Gathering Space,
depending on the weather.
REMEMBER: For where two or three are gathered in my name,
I am there among them.
Matthew 18:20
Does your spirit long for a deeper relationship with God?
Consider spiritual direction with one of these certified spiritual
directors from our parish:
Sr. Mary Jacqueline Pratt, OSU at 314-686-1781 or
Carol Bauer at 314-520-7819 or cjbauer@yahoo.com.
Mary Lou Bennett at 314-835-1189 or email
April 19, 2015
Please pray for the safety and well being of the
following loved ones of our parishioners who have
been called to military service:
The TUESDAY night class is taught by Catherine Enslin of St.
Peter Parish. Catherine is an AFAA certified group fitness instructor and an ACE certified personal trainer.
US Army Chief Warrant Officer 2, Cpl. John R.
Weber, III, USMC, Major Matthew Kelly,
Michael C. Wood, Army, Airman Joseph Sidlo,
M/Sgt Don Haga, A/C Christine Haga, Sgt. Erik Thompson,
Warrant Officer Alicia G. Mejia-Adkins, Sgt. 1st Class Michael
Adkins, US Army Capt. Nicholas Jablonski, USMC, Sgt. Mark Nitz,
USMC, Major Mark Jackson, IV, 1st. Lieutenant Jeremy Reynolds,
US Army, Pfc. Josh P. Stack, Capt. Christopher Moskoff, US Army,
Michael Backer, 2nd Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, 1st Lieutenant
Robert Winkler, US Army, Lt. Kevin Jackson, LT CPL. Thomas
Weber, USMC, LCPL. E. Conor Decker and
Major Joseph G. Skryd, USMC.
Date: Tuesdays, April 7, 14, 21, 28
Time: 5:30 to 6:30pm
Cost: $20 for 4 week session
Drop in classes are $8.00.
Class minimum - 10 people signed up on a
monthly basis to continue classes.
Location: Msgr. Deutschmann Room
Payment for class is due by April 7.
For questions contact Barb Michael with Optimal Lifestyles, Inc.
at 314-984-0592.
The THURSDAY night class is taught by Mary Beth Wilczak.
Mary Beth is an AFAA certified group fitness instructor.
Date: Thursdays, April 2, 9,16, 23, 30
Time: 5:30 to 6:30pm
Cost: $25 for 5 week session
Drop in classes are $8.00
Class minimum – 8 people signed up on a monthly
basis to continue the Thursday classes or classes will be
cancelled for May.
Location: Msgr. Deutschmann Room
Payment for class is due by April 2.
For questions contact Barb Michael with Optimal Lifestyles, Inc.
at 314-984-0592.
Names will remain on the pray for the sick list for 4 weeks then
automatically be deleted. To be included on this new list, you
need to call the Parish Office 966-8600. A call to the Rectory
Office is necessary to request additional weeks.
John Kindschuh (2)
John Menousek (2)
Gene Iannotti (3)
Harold Brown (3)
Gene Kidwell (2)
Eleanor Miller (3)
Bonnie Hix (3)
Mary Nockels (3)
Abbey Skinner (3)
Cathy Coughlin (1)
Classes are held on Thursday mornings at 9:00am. Tai chi is a
gentle form of both exercise and relaxation. Proven benefits are
improved balance, improved immunity, improved joint flexibility,
increased strength, decreased blood pressure, reduced stress and
much more! Classes are $5 a person, pay as you go. All levels
of fitness are accommodated. Tai chi connects the mind, the
body and the spirit for a refreshing hour of peace. Contact instructor Susan Marting if you have any questions at 314-6099091. Otherwise, we’ll see you at Ursuline Hall on Thursday
mornings. Bring a friend!
April 12, 2015
Isabella Cheryl Bagy, daughter of Andrew &
Brittany Bagy.
Riley Kay Moran, daughter of David &
Jaime Moran.
Claire Louise Sedlak, daughter of Scott & Emily Sedlak.
St. Peter Pastoral Visitors
Evelyn Briana Wells, daughter of Justin & Sophia Wells.
Christ told us that when we visit and comfort the sick, we also
serve Him. The Pastoral Visitors in St. Peter Parish live Stewardship by visiting and praying with parishioners in long term care
and assisted living facilities, as well as those recently discharged
to rehabilitation facilities. Members bring these parishioners the
comfort and compassion of Our Lord and continue His loving
ministry today.
Please remember the deceased and their loved ones in your
Ingomar Kern.
Eugene F. Schmidt, brother of Rev. Msgr. Greg Schmidt.
If you know parishioners currently in a local hospital, long term/
assisted care facility, a rehabilitation center, or homebound who
would like to be included on a prayer list and/or who would welcome parish visitors, please contact Kay Komotos, 984-0054 or
MEETINGS are on the 3rd Saturday morning of every month,
9:30-11:00am. We gather to pray for members of our parish
community who are in need of prayer. We also will send cards,
schedule phone calls and visits to be made throughout the month.
To be a part of this caring ministry, please contact Kay Komotos,
984-0054 or kkomotos@gmail.com.
All that we are and all that we have is a gift from God! Think of
your family, your friends, your talents and abilities—these are all
gifts from God. We aren’t really owners of anything, we are
merely “stewards” of the gifts God has blessed us with.
Offertory for April 12, 2015
Total Parishioners Receiving Envelopes
315 Envelopes Returned
Loose Donations
$ 1,836.