The Parish of - St. Raymond


The Parish of - St. Raymond
Saturday Eve
7:30, 9:00, 10:30AM,
12Noon and 4:30PM
7:15, 8:45 AM
8:45 AM
Pastoral Team
Father Chuck Romano
Associate Pastor
Father Frank Eisele
Father James Isabakaki
The Parish of
St. Raymond
Front Community
A Eucharistic
Faith, Love and Friendship
Sunday, December 28, 2014
263 Atlantic Avenue, East Rockaway, NY 11518
Deacon Robert C. Campbell, OFS
Deacon Thomas Wm. Connolly, T.O Carm
Deacon Guy Donza
Deacon Thomas J. Malone Jr.
Pastoral Associate, Youth &
Parish Social Ministry
Deacon Richard W. LaRossa, S.F.D.
School Principal
Merry Christmas!
Sr. Ruthanne Gypalo, I.H.M.
Director of Religious Education
Mrs. Evelyn Contaldi
Business Manager
Thomas J. Donovan
South Nassau Hospital Chaplain
Father John Anasiudu
Parish Staff
Music Ministry
Folk Group
Laura Garbitelli
Rob Drummond
Children’s Choir
Patricia Mayle
Hand Bell Choir
Se-beng Koh
Plant Manager
Steve Bennett
Parish Secretary
Annamarie Reilly
Bulletin Editor
Pauline Birmingham
December 28, 2014
The Holy Family
of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
January 1, 2015
Mary, Mother of God
Welcome To Our Parish Family!
This Week in Our Parish
Not registered? Please stop by our rectory during office hours
to be included in our parish family.
Monday, December 29th
7:30pm: RCIA
Tuesday, December 30th
6:30pm: Cub Scouts
7:30pm: Charismatic Prayer Group
Saturday, January 3rd
9:00am: Holy Name Repast
3:30pm—4:30pm: Confessions
Office Hours are Monday—Friday from 9:00am - 5:00pm.
Please call ahead for an appointment.
Telephone Numbers
Rectory Fax…………………………………………….…887-0554
St. Raymond School……………………………….…….593-9010
St. Raymond School Fax……………………….……….593-0986
Religious Education Office……………………………...593-9075
Religious Education Office Fax………………………...593-1156
Parish Social Ministry……………………………………887-9197
Parish Social Ministry Fax………………………………593-6278
Web Site:
December Parish Picks Winners
Pastoral Care Of The Sick
Congratulation to this Month’s Winners!
Holy Communion— Available to the homebound.
1st Place—$1,000
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Thursdays from 1:00-4:00pm in Our Lady’s Chapel.
Nocturnal Adoration
First Fridays from 8:00-9:00pm.
Miraculous Medal Novena
Saturdays following 8:45am Mass.
#362—Thomas Crowe
2nd Place—$500
#725—Bernard Kilkelly
3rd Place—$250
#14—Mary & Bill McAlpin
4th Place—$250
Saturdays from 3:30-4:30pm, or by appointment.
#24—Jeanne M. LaSala
Baptisms are celebrated the 2nd and 4th Sundays of
the month. Please call the Rectory for an appointment.
Bereavement Support Group
Call the rectory office for meeting times.
Engaged couples are encouraged to call the Rectory a
year in advance of their wedding date to assure
adequate time to participate in preparation programs for the
Sacrament of Marriage.
Prayer Groups
Charismatic Prayer Group: Every Tuesday at 7:30pm
in the rectory lower level (MWMR).
Men’s Prayer Group: Every 4th Friday at 8:00pm in
Our Lady’s Chapel.
Music Ministries
Children’s Choir: Sings at the 9:00 Mass on the 3rd
Sunday of the month from September through June, and
meets for practice every Tuesday at 5:00pm in the school
Choir (Adult): Sings at 10:30am Mass on Sunday
from September—June, and meets for practice on
Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm in the church.
Folk Group: Sings at 12 Noon Mass on Sundays from
September through June, and meets for practice on
Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm in the rectory basement.
Hand Bell Choir: Plays at the 5:00pm Mass on the 4th
Saturday of the month from September through June,
and meets for practice on Thursday evenings at 7:30pm
in the church.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Interested in becoming a Catholic or an adult Catholic
seeking Eucharist or Confirmation? Call the rectory and
ask for Deacon Rich LaRossa.
January is the last drawing for this session.
Please look for you letter/order form in the mail
for the next session which begins in February.
You’ve got to be in it to win it!
Parish Council
"O God, who were pleased to give us the
shining example of the Holy Family,
graciously grant that we may imitate them in
practicing the virtues of family life and in the
bonds of charity, and so, in the joy of Your house,
delight one day in eternal rewards."
Collect for the Feast of the Holy Family
We wish all a very Blessed and Joyful New Year!
Pastoral Council Members
Jim Caffrey, President; Monica Collins, Michaelene Cooper;
Michael Palumbo; Patricia Mayle, Mary Murphy, Secretary;
Christopher Simeti; Liz Tortorella, Vice President;
Irene Villacci; Fr. Chuck Romano
St. Raymond R.C. Church
Page 1
Father Chuck’s Corner
Merry Christmas! Tis the season of joy and
peace so share some with all whom you meet. And
today, may God’s blessings be with you on the Feast
of the Holy Family! I hope that you enjoyed your
Christmas with family and friends and that Santa was
very good to you. Thanks to everyone for all the
cards, treats and gifts that came our way at the
rectory. It is very kind of everyone to remember
us. And a big thanks to all who gave generously in
the Christmas Collection to the parish and in the
special free-will offering to Parish Social Ministry.
Your donations are a big help to the parish and in our
efforts to assist those in need now and throughout the
This weekend we celebrate the Feast of the Holy
Family. In the first reading from Genesis, Abram
decides to count on God. “Abram put his faith in
the Lord, who credited it to him as an act of
righteousness.” Then in the Letter to the Hebrews,
Abraham and Sarah inherit everything just when
things seemed at their bleakest. “By faith Abraham
obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that
he was to receive as an inheritance, he went out,
not knowing where he was to go.” And finally in
Luke’s gospel, a holy man and a prophetess declare
that Jesus is the Christ. “The child grew and
became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favor of
God was upon him.”
This part of the story of Salvation History begins
with two old people who have nothing to show for
their lives and nothing to lose. Abraham and Sarah
left home in search of a better life. But after so many
years of roaming in hardship, they were poor and
without children. Yet Abraham continued to trust in
God who delivers even more than the son Isaac. He
delivers to Abraham a land, nations and a
magnificent story to be told and retold unto the end
of time. Abraham and Sarah, two people with
nothing to show for themselves received a place in
the kingdom of the future which they could never
have imagined. Yet despite all this, they are hardly
a holy family. They quarrel over God and the
descendants that come from Hagar, the maidservant.
The birth of Isaac tears the family apart with
Abraham moving away from Ishmael and Hagar.
A Holy Family isn’t simply blessed by God, or
every family can have this claim. Many biblical
families play significant roles in the story of
salvation but don’t earn the honorific title bestowed
one family in particular. What makes that one family
holy is their careful and steadfast attention to the
divine will. Mary says yes to being chosen as the
Mother of Jesus. Joseph acquiesces to hang in there
with Mary pregnant, but not with his child. He is
prompted to flee with his family and he does.
Commanded to return home and he complies. Then
there is the hard part.
When they find 12 year old Jesus in the temple they
are told that he belongs to a fate greater than anything
they might desire for him. Mary will follow him
through the years to places near and far. She will see
things and experience soul tormenting grief and
horror. At the cross she endures giving herself into the
care of a disciple. But on Pentecost morning, she’s still
faithful to the plan, awaiting the Holy Spirit along with
the rest. Holiness never stops waiting on God’s
There are copies of the latest issue of our parish
magazine, The Cloak available on all the pew shelves
by the doors of the church. The Cloak is a wonderful
publication by the people of St. Raymond Parish
offering a wide variety of topical articles for reflection
that helps us all grow in our faith. Please take a copy
for yourself and perhaps several extra ones to share
with family and friends. There are also complimentary
2015 Parish Calendars on the same pew shelves.
Take one while they last. Thanks to Donza and Perry
Funeral Homes for providing this service to our parish
each year.
Please remember to take home a copy of the
bulletin when you leave Mass today. It contains many
items of interest and invitation with something for
everyone. Of special note is the Mass Schedule for
New Year’s Eve and January 1st, the feast of Mary the
Mother of God, news and needs from Parish Social
Ministry, the Holy Name Society’s celebration of the
Feast of the Holy Name next Saturday, January 3rd at
the 8:45am Mass, the latest from Religious Education
and the Principal’s Corner of St. Raymond School,
information from the Human Life Committee about
the upcoming March for Life on January 22nd, and
much more. To keep informed, keep a copy of the
bulletin at home each week for quick and easy
Have a great last few days of 2014 and then a very
Happy, Healthy New Year for 2015! Keep the
Christmas spirit going and remember: May all your
troubles last as long as your New Year’s resolutions.
God bless you now and always with love, peace and
many wonderful surprises.
St. Raymond R.C. Chrch
Page 2
—Father Chuck
Christmas Flower Dedications
Ursula Anatra
In Memory of...
Anna & Leo Anatra,
Joseph Anatra,
Thomas DiCarlo
M/M Michael Berardi
Stanislaw Platek
Eileen Bishop
Thomas Bishop
M/M Peter Broughal
Loretta & Edward O’Connell
M/M Anthony Campanaro Baby Eva Marie Campanaro
M/M John Cantanzaro
John & Josephine Cantanzaro
M/M Joseph Caputo
In Thanksgiving,
Agnes & Fred Villacci,
Marie & Thomas Caputo,
Margaret & Ernest LaFontaine,
Helen & Albert Worth,
Edna Schumacher
Dorothy Caraher
Michael & Francis Caraher
M/M Mark Charles
Charles & Van Cura Families
Mary Cipolla
Joe & Jenny Astino
M/M Robert Cipriano
Joseph Mehrmann,
Dorothea Mehrmann,
Santa Cipriano,
Octavio Cipriano
Kathleen Clancy
Clancy & Fanning Families
M/M Edward Cook
Deceased Members of the
Cook & McCaffrey Families
Rosemary Cook
Kathleen Vail
M/M Mario Coscia
Kenny Grassano
Camille Correnti
Brandinelli Family
M/M Brenden Crowe
Crowe Family
Phyllis D’Agostino
Charles D’Agostino
Maria D’Aulisa
Francesco D’Aulisa
Genevieve DeIeso
DeIeso Family
Dejak Family
Mark Dejak,
Deceased Members of the Dejak
And Petroccione Family
Madeline DelGatto
Leonard & his family
Gail Diresta
Dominick & Elvira DiResta,
Patricia Cheron
M/M Peter Dixon
Deceased Members of the
Dixon, Lee & Kivlan Familis
M/M Robert Dombrowski Messina & Dombrowski Families
M/M Andrew Donato
Pat & Jack O’Shaughnessy
M/M James Donlon
Ruth & William Hanna
M/M Laurene Donnellan
Andrew Donnellan
Alice Donnelly
Loretta Wilson
Mary W. Duggan
Thomas P. Duggan
Duggan Family
Thomas P. Duggan
M/M James Esopa
Mildred S. Carmen
M/M Thomas Fasullo
Weimpahl & Fasullo Families
M/M Anthony Ferrara
Joseph & Rose Calistro
M/M Pat Finlan
Finlan & Devaney Families
M/M Raymond Flaherty
Regina J. Wieninger
M/M Frank Gallagher
John & Florence McHale,
John & Violet McHale,
Margaret & Edward Gallagher
Jane Gelson
William C. Gelson
M/M Ronald Hansen
Kilar & Hansen Families
Harrington Family
Vincent Saldutti
Mary Lou Hart
Peter Hart
Hayes Family
Robert Campbell
In Memory of...
Mary Healy
Hoeffner Family
M/M David Hughes
M/M Brian Irwin
Marie Jones
M/M Mark Klang
John Healy
Lisa Kelley Gilford
M/M P. Bonafede
Eleanora & Michael Nigro
Jones Family
Janet Molnar, Phil Klang
Mildred Weber, Fred Weber
Antoinette & John Schaver
Knappe & Kahlke Families
Mary & Charles Varney
Katona & Kelly Families
John Kipling
Kmiotek Family
Lucile M. Koenig Kramer
Robert J. Lacchini
Hector Pagan
Mary & Frank LaPlaca
Frances & Charles Hess
Brian Sidney Lederman,
Mary Kate & Thomas McCawley
Hugo Twaddle,
Heather Leonardi
Joe & Ernie Leonardi
Lorayne Lores, Manuel Lores
Garguilo & Maloy Families
Loretta Marino
Baby Thomas Luigi Marchesini
Candidus & Matthews Families
McCauley & Kennedy Families
John P. McCarthy
McGrane & Vincent Families
James & Michael McHale, Jr.
McSweeney & Murphy Families
Nunzio Mea
Merrone & Barrett Families
Vulpis & Michela Families
Daniel Michta
Agnes Schmidt
Mary & Frank DiAngelis
Anthony Monaco
Murphy & O’Connell Families
DiGiovanni & Murphy Families
Murphy Family
Loretta Antonio
Edward & Clara Lynch
Stephen T. Carroll
Russo, Oliva, Padula,
Ambrosio Families
Richard Jacobs
Peknic Family
Ed & Peggy Gallagher
George Bual Family,
Charles F. Peknic Family
Vito Colasacco,
Nicholas Pellegrino,
Mary & Cosimo Rosso
Louise & Walter Hosey,
Mary Heinlein, Maureen Piil
Pizzo & Dooling Families
M/M Peter Kahlke
M/M Peter Keenan
M/M Robert Kelly
Amelia Kipling Family
M/M Edward Kmiotek
Lucile C. Kramer
M/M James Lacchini
Joseph Lamot
M/M Lawrence LaPlaca
Jeanne LaSala
Ita Lederman
Kathryn Leonardi
Jimmy Lores
M/M Donald Maloy
Alfred Marino
M/M Thomas Marchesini
M/M John Matthews
M/M Richard McCauley
Gail McCarthy
M/M Hugh McGrane
Kathleen McHale
M/M Dennis McSweeney
M/m Michele Mea
M/M Antonio Merone
August Michela
M/M Daniel Michta
M/M Edwin Mitchell, Jr.
Geraldine Moccia
M/M Edward Monaco
M/M Dennis Murphy
M/M Edward Murphy
Margaret Murphy
M/M Nello Nanni
Patricia Nelson
O’Hanlon Family
M/M Nino Padula
M/M Michael Palumbo
Peknic Family
M/M Brian Peknic
M/M Charles Peknic
Jenny Pellegrino
M/M Kenneth Piil
M/M Patrick Pizzo
St. Raymond R.C. Church
Page 3
Christmas Flower Dedications
In Memory of...
M/M Donald Poland
Anna Petrucci
Poland Family
Annunziata & Giovanni Sepe,
Concetta & Alfonso Petrucci
Daisy Cruz
Price Family
Racanelli Family
Louise & Michael Squillante
Kathleen Reilly,
Florence Hurban,
Diane Slattery
Mark Macken, Tom Macken,
John & Mary Ryan,
Jim Haran
Deceased Members of the
Santoro Family
Henry & Frances Schmidt
Brandt & Schwagerl Families
Thomas & Angelina CuCuzzo,
Donald & Catherine Serafino
Robert F. Sisco,
Rose & Cliff Carter
Deceased Members of the
Tauckus & Maloney Families
Torre & Fastaia Families
Mary Babbit
Anthony Amahely,
Andrew Vlasi, Sr.
David Webster
Philip & Edna Weiler,
Philip J. Weiler, Jr.
Ed Weis
Robert F. Sisco,
M/M Victor Yadanza
James Federico,
Libby & Frank Zollo,
Philip Filosa, Paulo Zollo,
Lucy & Sal Cardillo
M/M Peter Presti
Kathleen Price
M/M Michael Racanelli
Reiffe Family
M/M Matthew Reilly
Ryan Family
Gina Santoro
M/M John Schmidt
M/M Harry Schwagerl
M/M Joseph Serafino
Diane Sisco
M/M Peter Tauckus
M/M James Torre
M/M Gerard Ventuleth
M/M Andrew Vlasi
Mrs. David Webster
Anne Weiler
Virginia Weis
M/M Douglas Yadanza
M/M Louis Zollo
Solemnity of Mary
The Holy Mother of God
A Holy Day of Obligation
New Year’s Eve
Wednesday, December 31st
5:00pm, 7:30pm
New Year’s Day
Thursday, January 1st
9:00am, 10:30am, 12 Noon
Gift of…
Eileen Apel
Dolores Brownell
M/M James Caffrey
Anthony D’Amato
Carmela DeMasi
Adrienne Dolder
Marie Fabrizio
M/M Emanuel Focarazzo
M/M Peter Martin
Rosalie Monaco
M/M Leonard Sammartano
St. Raymond’s Holy Name Society
"Blessed be the Holy Name of Jesus."
Celebration of the
Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus
In honor of the Feast Day of the Holy Name of Jesus, members of the Holy Name Society will be receiving Corporate Communion on:
Saturday, January 3rd, 8:45am Mass
Following Mass, there will be a light repast in the rectory lower level, Msgr. Walsh Meeting Room. Please
join with us in celebrating this great feast day and honoring the Sacred Name of Jesus.
We wish All a Very Blessed & Happy New Year!
St. Raymond R.C. Church
Page 4
Parish Bulletin Board
Parish Social Ministry
Glad tidings to all! We hope your
Christmas was filled with the company of
family and friends. We also hope that
that you spent time reflecting on the
reason for the season.
Stewardship Thought for the Week
“Whatever you do,” says St. Paul to the Colossians,
“ it in the name of the Lord Jesus. Give thanks to
God the Father through him.” And so it is that we offer
our gifts in the Eucharist, “through Him, with Him and in
Him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit…
Sacrificial Giving
December 21, 2014: $16,854
December 22, 2013: $17,234
Christmas cards—Please send the fronts of your cards
to PSM at the Bishop Ryan House. We will use these for
next year’s Giving Tree requests. Thank you so much.
Monthly sharing with:
Queen of the Most Holy Rosary in Roosevelt: $50
St. Raymond Human Life Committee
The 41st Annual March for Life
Washington, D.C.
Gratitude—Thank you for participating in
our Sponsor a Family and Annual Giving
Tree campaigns. We owe the success of
The Heart
these programs to our generous
of the Parish
parishioners. We are blessed to have such
a warm and caring faith community to do God’s work.
Thursday, Jan. 22nd
6:00am (from in front of St. Raymond's Church)
Between 10 & 11pm (Same day—in front of
the Church)
Free Transportation to Parishioners.
2015 marks the 41st year of the infamous Roe v.
Wade and Doe v. Bolton Decisions that wiped
out all legal protection from death through
abortion for any baby in the womb from
conception up to and including the ninth month of
pregnancy and for any reason! Please join with us this
year so that we may present a united people who believe
and work for the life, dignity and protection of all God's
children—from the youngest, those in the womb, to the
oldest, both of which are the most vulnerable of our
human family. We hope, with your help, to bring a full
busload of St. Raymond's parishioners to D.C. There will
also be adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament that
day from 1:00 - 4:00pm in Our Lady's Chapel. Perhaps
those that are not able to go to D.C., would consider
making a special visit to the Blessed Sacrament that day
and be united with us spiritually.
For more information/reservations, call
Mary McIntyre:593-4363 or Mary Caffrey:887-2458.
We wish All a New Year
blessed with Peace, Love and Joy!
"Whoever receives one such child in
My Name, receives Me." Matthew 18:5-6
Happy New Year!
The volunteers at Parish Social Ministry
extend wishes for good health, happiness and
another year spent in the Lord’s embrace.
Pantry Needs: Milk, eggs, cheese, cold cuts,
peanut butter and jelly, and hot and cold cereal,
and canned meats.
St. Christopher’s Inn at Graymoor
Special Need: Men’s Shirts
St Christopher's Inn at Graymoor is administered to by
the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement. It is one of the
best drug/alcohol rehab centers in New York. This same
group hosts our YOUth Group retreats.
They have asked for our help in providing new, collared
shirts. If you can please make a donation of a men's
shirt—any size, any color—it would be greatly appreciated. The shirts must be new and have a collar as the men
must have a collared shirt when they go to counseling
because those sessions are serious business and they
have to dress up. They are especially in need of sizes:
XL, XXL and XXXL. but they will take any size.
Shirts may be dropped off at Parish Social Ministry or at
the Rectory. Please label them: “For Graymoor”
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Monthly Food Collection
Next Weekend, Jan. 3rd & 4th
Please leave your non-perishable food
donations in the altar server sacristy or
at the back of the church. Your donation
will benefit Queen of the Holy Rosary Parish.
Thank you for remembering those in need!
St. Raymond R.C. Church
Page 5
Parish Bulletin Board
Principal’s Corner
Religious Education - Faith Formation.
On this Sunday between Christmas and New Year’s the
Church celebrates the Feast of the Holy Family. Here at
St. Raymond’s we are very fortunate to have a beautiful
statue in the front yard of the Rectory to remind us of the
Holy Family on a daily basis. What a perfect example to
follow in our daily lives! We pray for blessings on all
families on this special feast.
There are no Religious Education classes during the
week of December 29th. Classes will resume on
Monday, January 5th, 2015. Have a happy, healthy and
safe vacation!
Once again St. Raymond School is sponsoring the
17, 2015 from 9:00am to 3:30pm in the school cafeteria.
The cost is $50 with checks made out to “St. Raymond
School.” For more information or to register for the day,
please call the main school office at 593-9010 and speak
with Rose. She will be more than happy to assist you.
Next Sunday, January 4th, 2015 is Epiphany
Sunday. Our 2nd grade Religious Education
and St. Raymond School students will host the
9am Mass and they will celebrate the Mass
with their Epiphany Star that they will receive
as they come to church before the 9am Mass.
We would like to take this time to wish
all of our families and friends a very
Blessed and Happy New Year!
Thank you all for your kind remembrances to all of us this
Christmas. Please know that your thoughts, wishes,
prayers and gifts are all most appreciated. I’m positively
sure that God will bless you all for your kindness. Have a
safe and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Mrs. Evelyn Contaldi,
Director of Religious Education
Mrs. Terry Leonetti
Mrs. Lucy Ostermann
Cub Scout Fun & Faith Day
Ushers Needed!
Saturday, Jan. 17th
9am-12 Noon
We are in need of Ushers at several of
our Masses. Please consider giving a
little of your time to this important
ministry! If you can help us, please
contact Tom at: 516-887-9401
St. Martha’s Church, Uniondale
A Day of Prayer,
Games, a Craft and a Patch.
For info, contact the Catholic Scouting Office
at 516 678-5800, x 245 or
Diocese of Rockville Centre
The Office for the Protection of Children
& Young People
Defensive Driving Course
St. Raymond School Cafeteria
Saturday, January 17th
For reservations, call Rose Giglio at
St. Raymond School Office: 593-9010
Please Remember… We are all responsible for the safety
of children and vulnerable adults!
If you suspect mistreatment of a child or vulnerable adult
by any member of the Clergy, Church Employee or
Phone the Hotline to make a report: 516-594-9063
All appropriate steps will be taken to protect the reputation
and privacy of those involved: the person making the
complaint, the victim and the accused. For more
information on the Charter for the Protection of Children/
Young People visit the Diocesan Website and click on
Protecting God’s Children Tab.
Diocese of Rockville Centre
Holy Hour & Dodgeball
Food • Confessions • Open Mic
St. Ignatius Church, Hicksville; 7:00pm
Each month hundreds of teens, 13+, from all over L.I.
gather for prayer and fellowship, come join with us!
Next Date: Jan. 16th
For info, call: 678-5800, x214
St. Raymond R.C. Church
Page 6
Please Pray for Our Sick
for this Week
Monday, December 29th
7:15am Gilbert Helmstadt
8:45am Adolph Kump
St. Thomas Becket,
Bishop & Martyr
Tuesday, December 30th
7:15am Erin Maureen Nolan
8:45am Veronica Pisani
Rest in Peace
Wednesday, December 31st
Aidan Pearsall, Michelina Vito, Alana Downey, Janet Kelly,
Brady James Hicks, “Little” Bridget Feminella,
Little Matthew Ramos, Baby Natalie Cicero, Babies
Anthony & Luke Akin, Baby Scarlett Hoolihan,
Raymond Mayle, Baby Gabriel Joseph, Catalina Aloi,
Baby Eleanor Jane McInerney, Susan Vito Volpe,
Nancy Vito Shannon, Maria Luz Ferero, Dotty Boe, Lee
Giambruno, Police Officer Kenneth Healey,
Terrance McCabe, Kyle Fidler, Carter Ann McGowan,
Michael Stefans, Theodore Ward, Barbara Meccio,
Jeannette Kostyrka, Jack E. Butler.
Anthony Guerrieri
St. Sylvester I, Pope
Ralph D. Sisco
Rudolph Valentino
Lillian & Andrew Privitera
Frank Pisano
Anne Russo
Thursday, January 1st
9:00am Joanne Cicero
10:30am Eligio Guarino
12:00pm Madeline Civisca
Altar Bread & Wine for this Week
For this Week is in Memory of
Solemnity of Mary
Cheryl Drugan
With Love from her family.
Friday, January 2nd
Sts. Basil the Great &
7:15am Jairo Aneonlo Linares
Gregory Nazianzen,
8:45am Matilda Capozzi Bishops & Doctors of the Church
Sanctuary Lamp for this Week
For this Week is in Memory of
The Raia Family
Saturday, January 3rd The Most Holy Name of Jesus
8:45am Intentions of the Holy Name Society,
Geraldine Gillis, Geraldine Frawley,
Richard Ryan, Walter Rybak, John Nunez
5:00pm Kathy Caputo (living)
Sunday, January 4th
The Epiphany of the Lord
7:30am James Foster
9:00am Rose Pantozzi
10:30am Edward O’Connell
12:00pm Vincent Vinficinquo, Bola Bodioselina Ruiz,
Catherine Matarazzo, Marty Martha Dunn,
Peggy Quinn, Carmine Capone
4:30pm People of the Parish
Scripture Readings for the Week
1 Jn 2:3-11; Lk 2:22-35
1 Jn 2:12-17; Lk 2:36-40
1 Jn 2:18-21; Jn 1:1-18
Nm 6:22-27; Gal 4:4-7;Lk 2:16-21
1 Jn 2:22-28; Jn 1:19-28
1 Jn 2:29—3:6; Jn 1:29-34
Is 60:1-6; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6/Mt 2:1-12
From Diane Minucci
The Rose for Life
For this week in is in Loving Memory of
The Preborn Babies
who die through abortion.
Please keep our Service Men & Women
in Prayer... Capt. Kathryn M. Costello, U.S.M.C.,
Recruit Joseph R. Diltz, USMC,
Lance Corporal Sean M. Donohue, U.S.M.C.,
Lt., Gregory Durso, U.S.ARMY,
Pvt. Brian Efferen, U.S.M.C., Sgt. John David Efferen, U.S.M.C.,
Corporal Daniel J. Ferrato, U.S.M.C.,
LCpl. Yonik Gomez USMC, Michael Gondek, National Guard,
Lance Corporal Dylan J. Hickam, U.S.M.C.
Lt. Col. Mary P. King, M.D., U.S.ARMY,
PFC Brian Lantz, U.S. ARMY, Lt. jg Joseph Leahy, U.S.N.,
Capt. Joseph McQuade, U.S.N., Lt. Jake Murphy, U.S.ARMY,
Capt. Brian Peterson, USAF, Capt. Graham A. Perry, U.S.M.C.,
1ST Lt. Roy Ragusa, Jr., U.S. ARMY,
Lt. Kevin Reilly, U.S. ARMY, Lt. Cmdr.
Andrew Schimenti, U.S.N., SO2 Craig T. Smith, USN
Please remember to pray for our wounded soldiers.
St. Raymond R.C. Church
Page 7
Diocesan & Community Bulletin Board
Spirituality for Singles
Monthly Singles Gathering
Saturday, Jan. 3rd; following the 7:30pm Mass
St. Aidan Parish, 510 Willis Ave., Williston Park
Our Monthly gathering for singles; discussion, meditation,
socialization. Ages 35+. This gathering will feature a
special guest performance. $5 donation; snacks, pizza
and beverages will be served
For info, call: Ray at 516 561-6994
A Ministry to Catholic Women
Communion Breakfast
Guest Speaker: Bernadette Gorycki,
Saturday, January 24th; 10am-1:00pm
The Hofstra University Club (on the campus of
Hofstra University.)
Ms. Gorycki will be sharing her testimony of how
God set her free from paralyzing fear and mental
anguish. Reservations must be received by January
17th; the cost is $32.00 per person.
Please make check payable to: Magnificat, and mail
to: Judy Murphy, 42 Pinehurst Street, Lido Beach,
NY 11561. For info, call:917-453-5750.
Do you know someone
who is hurting from an abortion?
Sponsored by The Life Center of Long Island
February 6-8, 2015. Weekend Retreat begins Friday
evening and concludes Sunday afternoon. For more information contact: Deacon Joe McNicholas at 516-445-3927
or e-mail:
Communication is strictly confidential.
You Can help heal your marriage
Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each
other? Do you argue or have you just stopped talking to
each other? Does talking about it only make it worse?
Retrouvaille helps couples through difficult times in their
marriages. This program has helped thousands of couples
worldwide experiencing ALL TYPES of marital difficulties.
For confidential information about the Retrouvaille program, or to register for the upcoming weekend that begins
on Friday, February 6th at the Immaculate Conception
Seminary in Huntington, call 1-800-470-2230 and you will
be connected directly and confidentially to a couple from
Long Island/Metro Retrouvaille who can help.
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Canterbury Landscaping and
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