Presentation by Emilie Aries
Presentation by Emilie Aries
New Tools for Advocacy: Efficient Online Organizing Emilie Aries, Middle Coast LLC Today’s Goals } Explore how we can become more efficient and effective online – and identify what’s holding us back } Share best practices for organizing on Facebook, Twitter } Think critically about how we measure what’s working vs. what’s wasting our time } Review recent online organizing examples from a RI progressive coalition How can new media help our organizaAons? Why does it matter? } Add legitimacy & professionalism } Magnify your message } Capture attention of press } Recruit volunteers and interns } The Google Effect } Fundraising } Direct grassroots advocacy: online petitions, email campaigns, etc. What are the challenges in our way? } } } } } } } TIME! Proficiency with the tools Organizational culture Internal communications structure Unsure whose job it is/how to delegate the work Belief that these tools don’t pay off Fear of spamming supporters GeDng the most out of social networks 5 Simple Principles } } } } } Understand your audience Listen, talk, and converse Be smart about building your page Leverage coalition partners Always ask: “How will this grow the organization?” 1. Understand your audience FACEBOOK TWITTER 1-3 posts/week } Authentic, casual voice } You = Page; They = Fans } Multi-media! } Share links to interesting content } } } } } } 1-3 tweets/day Succinct, not abbreviated You = Feed; They = Followers News-oriented Think of tweets like headlines Link for more detail. Users spend 1. Understand your audience A SECOND scanning your posts. 1. Understand your audience Acknowledge it. Accept it. Work with it. 2. Listen, Talk, and Converse FACEBOOK } Variance is key } Ask questions/for action } “Like Us,” “Please Share” } Comment on and promote others’ content } Use all the post editing Facebook allows KEY: Share compelling, timely content Examples: Facebook Examples: Facebook Examples: Facebook 2. Listen, Talk, and Converse TWITTER } Learn the lingo } Ask “Please RT” } @At-Reply for public exchanges } Use #hashtags } Shorten links ( } Twitpic } Take part in Follow Friday #FF } Livetweet! KEY: Share compelling, timely content Examples: TwiOer 3. Be smart about building your page FACEBOOK } Keep basic info brief } Include key links } Know your photo strip } Pick featured likes } Use your profile pic wisely } Edit your tabs Example: Facebook Example: Facebook 3. Be smart about building your page TWITTER } Choose a professional, simple background } Feature your website URL } Shorter the handle the more room to tweet } Edit your thumbnail } Keep it simple Example: TwiOer 4. Leverage coaliAon partners } Run } } } online campaigns together FB event administrators from every coalition partner Share a hashtag around a specific campaign Share data from your successes } Develop } the content you want; ask for “partner sends” Stagger your sends } Mention them in your content - link to them! Request the same in return } Don’t forget, the old media loves new media 4. Leverage coaliAon partners: Examples 4. Leverage coaliAon partners: Examples 5. Ask “How will this grow the organizaAon?” } Will this broaden your base? } } } } } Online contests “Please share” // “Please RT” Tag friends / @-Reply Viral content Will this deepen your supporters’ involvement? } } } } } } Ask a question Get feedback Request direct action Strengthen lateral relationships Solicit creative content Think of the ladder of engagement Accountability: Using metrics to track your progress } } } Why? How? Who? REMEMBER! BASELINE PRESENCE is important } Some is better than none, even if you’re unable to Tweet, Facebook, or update your website as often as you like. } Utilize best practices to avoid wasting time – but don’t avoid new communication vehicles altogether. } Experiment More resources } } } Mashable New Organizing Institute Netroots Nation Emilie Aries Real-‐world example: Ocean State AcAon } Using Facebook for Rock the Boat 2011 } } } } } } } OSA Page announcements Event Page invitations and announcements Coalition Partners = Event Page Admins Always linked back to ticket-buy page on site Silly multi-media reminders At start of event: posted photos and reminder After the event: posted photos & tagged supporters OSA: Using Facebook for Rock the Boat 2011 OSA: Using Facebook for Rock the Boat 2011 OSA: Using Facebook for Rock the Boat 2011 OSA: Using Facebook for Rock the Boat 2011 Real-‐world example: Ocean State AcAon } Using Twitter during the 2011 budget debate } } } } } Live-tweeting at journalists Promoting our friends and their amendments Quoting our opponents Using the hashtags we saw journalists using Our tweets were covered by 2 political journalists the next day OSA: Using TwiOer during the 2011 Budget debate OSA: Using TwiOer during the 2011 Budget debate OSA: Using TwiOer during the 2011 Budget debate OSA: Using TwiOer during the 2011 Budget debate