Latest Bulletin - St. Christopher Catholic Parish St. Christopher
Latest Bulletin - St. Christopher Catholic Parish St. Christopher
Welcome to the Community of Saint Christopher Catholic Parish Saint Andrew and Saint William Churches 301 N. Main Street, Verona WI 53593 The Most Rev. Robert C. Morlino, Bishop of Madison Sunday Masses Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Saint Andrew Church, Verona Fr. William F. Vernon, Pastor Email: Parish Office: 845-6613 Davonna Runde, Parish Secretary Office: 845-6613, Ext. 0 Email: Laurie Sabbarese, Religious Education Coordinator, Grades K-8 Office: 845-6613, Ext. 7 Email: Daily Masses Tuesday through Saturday: 8:00 a.m. Saint Andrew Church, Verona Confessions (Reconciliation) Saturdays, 8:45-10 a.m.; Daily, before Mass; & by appointment Doug Ulaszek, Youth Ministry/Confirmation & Baptism Adult Faith Coordinator After the 5:00 p.m. or 11:00 a.m. Masses. Contact the Parish Office: 845-6613, Ext. 5 Email: Office at least three months before the desired baptism date. Patty Howe, Finance/HR Manager Baptism Class: July 27, September 12 Office: 845-6613, Ext. 4 Email: Marriage Bob Shunk, Jr., Parish Custodian Contact the Pastor no later than six months before the desired Office: 845-6613, Ext. 6 Email: wedding date. Catherine Schneider, Volunteer Coordinator for New Parishioner Registration Home Visits, Holy Communion to the HomeAll Catholics 18 years or older are invited to register as bound, Hospice Care & Grief Ministry Phone: 845-9240 Email: members of our Catholic Community. Call or stop by the Parish Office or see the parish website for a registration form. Carol Statz, Cemetery Sexton Phone: 845-9333 Email: Becoming Catholic RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)- The process through which adults are brought into the Catholic Church. Cancelled Events 845-6613, Ext. 9 If you or someone you know is interested in becoming Catholic, please contact the Pastor. Other Pastoral Needs Parish Office Summer Hours: Please contact the Parish Office for the Sacrament of the 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday Anointing of the Sick, hospital visits, communion calls, or any PHONE: 608-845-6613 other pastoral needs. Also, please inform us of any FAX: 608-848-4293 parishioners who are in the local hospitals. Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 10, 2016 Welcome to our Catholic parish family A note from your pastor In the Gospel of Saint Luke (10:25-37) this Sunday, Jesus tells us about a man who fell victim to robbers who stripped and beat him and left him half-dead. A priest and Levite passed by the man, possibly thinking that he was already dead. But a Samaritan was “moved with compassion” upon seeing the man and “treated him with mercy.” And then Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, commands us to “go and do likewise.” In light of this Gospel passage, Saint Augustine of Hippo refers to Jesus Christ as the Samaritan: That Samaritan of ours, namely Jesus Christ, whom the Jews called a Samaritan, which means Guardian, took pity on him when He was passing the same way, that is when Jesus had come in the flesh as the Just One to die for sinners. He lifted the man up from the ground, and placed him on His own mount; and carrying him like a straying sheep on His own shoulders into paradise, from which he had fallen, He called him back into the hundred, that is into the perfect number. “For He it is,” as the prophet says, “that has borne our sins and has grieved for us” (Isaiah 53:4). Now say, Man, seated on the mount of the Lord’s mercy, on the shoulders of the Lord’s love, say as, being known yourself, you recognize your Creator and Lord, say, “The Lord is my guide.” Which of course you couldn’t say, lying there, unless you had been picked up by the Lord. So it’s the One who is carrying you that is your guide. After all, when you say, “The Lord is my guide,” no proper grounds are left for you to trust in yourself. And so you must beware of ever becoming conceited about your own merits. You didn’t have any, after all, when the Lord came to pick you up. In fact, He found you naked, without any clothes; He found you beaten up, not in good health; He found you lying on the ground, not standing on your own feet; He discovered you straying, not returning on your own… You see, when you say in a spirit of fear, as you walk in innocence, “the Lord is my guide,” you will confidently be able to add, “and I will lack nothing” since “nothing is lacking for those who fear Him” (Psalm 34:9-10), and “the Lord will not deprive of good things those who walk in innocence” (Psalm 84:11-12). May we allow ourselves to be guided by Jesus Christ in our daily life. May we strive, by His grace, to imitate Him and be the good Samaritans that He calls us to be – instruments of His mercy and compassion, living in words and deeds the virtues of faith, hope and love. With peace and prayers in Christ, Fr. William Potluck NEXT SUNDAY, July 17 5:00pm Parish grounds, Verona • Hot dogs and brats will be grilled and served. • The Knights of Columbus will serve root beer floats. • Bring drinks for your family and a dish to pass. Fun, food and fellowship for everyone! The Silver Rose Knights of Columbus Verona Council #11155 Join us in a devo!on to Our Lady of Guadalupe. The 56th annual running of the Silver Rose will be passing through Verona on its way to Monterrey, Mexico, where the Silver Rose will eventually be presented at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in December. Father William Vernon will be leading a Rosary Prayer Service, 7:00pm on Monday, July 11 at our parish in Verona. This is a great chance to renew our focus on the sacredness of life. Refreshments will be served a"erwards. We hope to see you that evening! "Persevere in prayer. Persevere, even when your efforts seem barren. Prayer is always fruitful." -- Saint Josemaría Escrivá, 1902-1975 (The Way, #101) Finance Update Offertory Collection – June 25 & 26 Offertory Collection – same weekend 2015 E-Tithing Contributions – June 15, 2016 Collection Year-to-date Collection 2015 Year-to-date $7,093. 5,999. 5,144. 446,992. 422,573. Other Collections – June 25 & 26 St. Hermine’s Home for the Destitute National Combined Collection $363. 50. Stewardship Reflection “Jesus said to him, ‘Go and do likewise.’” -Luke 10:37 This was Jesus’ command at the end of the Good Samaritan story. But did you know that the Samaritans and Jews did not like each other. Jesus’ teaching is for us to be merciful, to love our neighbor—who may be someone you don’t know, someone that looks different than you or someone you don’t like—without expecting anything in return. July 10, 2016: Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: NEW LIFE LUNCHEON KINDERGARTEN THROUGH EIGHTH GRADE PARISH PICNIC POTLUCK Sunday, July 17 5:00pm in Verona Families of recent First Holy Communicants: If you have not picked up your child’s First Holy Communion banner, please do so today. The banners can be found in the Parish Office. If you are not able to get to the office during Summer office hours (8:30am to 2:00pm), you can contact us at 845-6613 to make other arrangements. YOUTH MINISTRY Love Begins Here Eleven of our high school teens helped give over 2,600 hours of service to the Wisconsin Dells community last month through the Love Begins Here local missions program. A big thanks to these teens and their adult leaders (Leah and Doug) for living out Christ’s command to love God and our neighbor. Next up – 9 middle schoolers head to the mission field this week in Madison! Please pray for them! Pray and Play—This Thursday, 7pm. Open to all entering grades 6-12. Bible Brunch—There will be no Bible Brunch this week due to the middle school Love Begins Here trip. We’ll be back next week, July 19! Totus Tuus—It’s not too late to sign up for Totus Tuus, beginning Sunday, July 17. Join us SundayThursday from 7-9pm to pray, eat, and spend time with other teens. See the announcement in the RE section of the Parish website for more information. The Grief Support Team hosts a monthly New Life luncheon at the 5th Quarter Restaurant in Verona the third Thursday of every month. All those who have participated in a bereavement series are welcome. This month’s luncheon will be on Thursday, July 21 at 11:30am. Please make reservations with Linda McDonald at or 608-497-0169. E-TITHING IS EASY!!!! Save time, make your life easier, and support Saint Andrew & Saint William churches by enrolling in our electronic contribution program. E-tithing is an automatic contribution program that allows you to make your contributions without having to write a check. Here’s how it works: You author ize your tithing to be electronically transferred directly from your checking or savings account (semi-monthly or monthly) to Saint Christopher Parish. At year-end, you will receive a donation statement for your tax records, and your bank statements will provide you with a record of transfer as additional proof. You will no longer receive weekly collection envelopes; however, you will still receive the Special Collection envelopes each quarter. You can cancel E-tithing at any time by notifying us in writing. Electronic tithing is convenient, safe, and easy, and the best part is it costs you NOTHING. It’s a win for both you and our parish as your stewardship becomes a part of our budgets on a consistent basis throughout the year. So please take a few minutes to stop in and sign up for E-tithing or simply give us a call and we’ll send you a form. Authorization forms are available in the Parish Office. For further information, please contact Patty Howe in the Parish Office at 845-6613. Email and Text Updates for Youth Ministry Want to keep updated on everything going on in youth ministry at our parish? Join our Flocknote network by visiting " OR texting “VeronaCatholic” to 84576 Liturgical Roles Saturday, July 16 5:00pm-VERONA Altar Servers: Fern Reilly, Alyssa Spencer, Kaitlyn Spencer Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Mark Heyde, Jolene Kenyon, Ken Kenyon Greeter: Rashida, Sydney & Betty Azim Lector: Victoria Cubera Ushers: Sydney Azim, Jim Bosch, Linda Lyons, Leo Warren Sunday, July 17 7:30am-PAOLI Altar Servers: Molly Sarbacker, Montana Sarbacker Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion: Ann Gleisner Lector: Mark Smith Ushers: Jerry Gleisner, Tom Kretschman Sunday, July 17 9:00am-VERONA Altar Servers: Gavin Mahnke, Fern Reilly, Hazel Wheelock Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Becky Graveen, Lisa Keen, Ron Lease Greeters: Pat & Shirley McPeak Lector: David Reisinger Ushers: Guy Gust, Pat McPeak, Chuck Stampfl, Andy Zielke Sunday, July 17 11:00am-VERONA Altar Servers: Noah Jannusch, Rachel Nelson, Alec Ochowski Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Sue Dahms, Laura Dreger Greeters: Michael, Ann & Trisha James Lector: Dave Nelson Ushers: Joe Amato, Dave Michuda, 2 subs needed Readings for the Week of July 10 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Dt 30:10-14/Col 1:15-20/Lk 10:25-37 Is 1:10-17/Mt 10:34-11:1 Is 7:1-9/Mt 11:20-24 Is 10:5-7,13b-16/Mt 11:25-27 Is 26:7-9,12,16-19/Mt 11:28-30 Is 38:1-6,21-22,7-8/Mt 12:1-8 Mi 2:1-5/Mt 12:14-21 Gn 18:1-10a/Col 1:24-28/Lk 10:38-42 July Prayer Intentions of Pope Francis for the Church and for the world General: That indigenous peoples, whose identity and very existence are threatened, will be shown due respect. Missionary: That the Church in Latin America and the Caribbean, by means of her mission to the continent, may announce the Gospel with renewed vigor and enthusiasm. Mass Count July 2-3 5:00pm 7:30am 9:00am 11:00am 154 100 167 168 Total 589 Saint Christopher Catholic Parish Mass Intentions Tuesday, July 12: 8:00am- Joseph Argus † Wednesday, July 13: St. Henry 8:00am- Fr. Michael Klarer † Thursday, July 14: St. Kateri Tekakwitha, virgin 8:00am- Karen Steffen Friday, July 15: St. Bonaventure, bishop & doctor of the Church 8:00am- Clyde & Alice Kenyon † Saturday, July 16: Our Lady of Mount Carmel 8:00am- Eli Kelliher † 5:00pm- Jean Baranowski † Sunday, July 17: Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30am- Morgan Turnquist † 9:00am- Loretta Argus † 11:00am- Families of St. Christopher Parish Weekly Schedule of Parish Events Monday, July 11: 6:30pm The Joy of the Gospel Study-Room 1 7:00pm Knights of Columbus: Rosary Prayer Service-Verona “The Silver Rose” Tuesday, July 12: 8:00am Daily Mass 8:45am & 6:30pm Prayer of the Heart-church 9:00am CCW Crafts-Room 1 10:15am Mass at Badger Prairie 6:30-8:00pm Confessions (Verona) Wednesday, July 13: 8:00am Daily Mass Thursday, July 14: 6:00am Men’s Prayer Group-Parish Center 8:00am Daily Mass 8:45am Widows of Prayer Rosary for Priests-church 9:30am Women’s Bible Study-Rooms 3 & 6 7:00pm Pray & Play for Teens-Parish Center (outside) Friday, July 15: 8:00am Daily Mass (Eucharistic Adoration follows Mass) 9:15am Mass at Willow Pointe Saturday, July 16: 8:00am Daily Mass (Eucharistic Adoration follows Mass) 8:45-10:00am Confessions (Verona) 5:00pm Mass-Verona Sunday, July 17: Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30am Mass-Paoli 9:00am Mass-Verona 11:00am Mass-Verona 5:00pm PARISH PICNIC POTLUCK-VERONA To find Mass times when traveling: