twenty–fourth sunday in ordinary time
twenty–fourth sunday in ordinary time
Brentwood, CA 94513 • (925) 634-4154 • FAX (925) 516-9340 Office Hours: Open Monday-Friday 9:00 am-4:00 pm. — E-Mail: Fr. Jerry Brown, Pastor Fr. Enrique Ballesteros, Parochial Vicar Fr. Joseph Le, Parochial Vicar Fr. Ruben Morales, Parochial Vicar MASSES / MISAS 634-5202 634-4154 x 108 634-4154 x 111 634-4154 x 101 Dcn. John Kortuem - 634-4154 x 115 Dcn. Ed Spano - 634-4154 Dcn. Ron Horan - 963-6501 or 634-4154 Missionary Sisters - 513-8154 or 634-4154 x 154 Saturday/Sábado: 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Eng 6:30 PM Español Sunday/Domingo: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM and 12:30 PM Eng 10:45 AM and 2:00 PM Español, 5:00 PM Traditional Roman Rite (Latin) See Bulletin Board for Confession Schedule Weekday Masses/Misas Diarias: Mon thru Fri: 7:00AM English Mon-Tues-Wed-Fri: 8:30 AM Bilingual Thurs: 8:30 AM Spanish Tues 5:15PM Traditional Roman Rite (Latin) Tues. 7:00 PM Spanish Favor de ver el tablón de anuncios para las horas de confesiones TWENTY–FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - SEPTEMBER 13, 2015 INVITATION TO ANNUAL IHM MEN’S EMMAUS RETREAT September 18th-19th-20th 2015 For Information & Details Contact: Ben Stocking at 925-978-9571 or David Katreeb at 415-786-4194 Attend our Annual Men’s Weekend Retreat at the Madonna of Peace near Copperopolis In the peaceful and serene Sonora foothills. This your opportunity to get away from it all and enjoy a weekend of peace, fellowship and spiritual growth. CONCIERTO DE MARIACHI Y CENA 19 Septiembre 2015 DE LUNA RANCH, 7540 BALFOUR ROAD, BRENTWOOD FLOREO DE SOGA, CABALLOS BAILADORES, BEBIDAS FAVORITAS Concierto, Cena y Bebida Favorita $50. 5pm a 6:30pm Hora Social con Ruben Anaya, y DJ Ace 6:30 Ballet Folklorico JARACUL, Sandra Ortiz, Director 7pm a 8pm - Cena, 7pm a 9pm - Mariachi Union, 9pm a 11pm - Mariachi Los Alcones MARIACHI CONCERT & DINNER September 19, 2015 DE LUNA RANCH, 7540 BALFOUR ROAD, BRENTWOOD DANCING HORSES AND ROPING SKILLS Concert, Dinner & One Drink $50. 5-6:30pm - Social Hour - Ruben Anaya, & DJ Ace, 6:30 Jaracul folkloric dancers 7 - 8pm Dinner, 7-9pm - Mariachi Union, 9-1pm - Mariachi Los Alcones SECOND COLLECTION FOR TODAY IS FOR THE HOLY FATHER SEGUNDA COLECTA DE HOY ES PARA EL SANTO PADRE Page 2 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time 3. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father, of God the Father. Refrain Amen, Amen! Psalm Response Entrance Chant: Lift High the Cross Gospel Acclamation Penitential Rite (Confiteor) I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God. Gloria 1. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Refrain 2. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us, have mercy on us. Refrain Nicene Creed I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made; For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, (all bow) and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen. Preparation of the Gifts: We Have Been Told Page 3 Mystery of Faith Amen Sanctus (Holy, Holy) Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) Practicing Catholics (those at Mass each week and regular at confession) are invited to receive the Sacrament. Non practicing Catholics should go to confession before receiving Holy Communion. Non Catholics are welcome to come for a blessing (cross your arms over your chest). Communion Chants: Here I Am, Lord Song of Praise: Page 4 Saturday: At the Name of Jesus (Taize) At the name of Jesus, ev’ry knee will bend, in heaven and on earth and under the earth; Ev’ry tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Sunday: Take Up Your Cross Refrain: If you lose your life for my sake, you will find it; if you want to save your life, let it go. Take up your cross, deny yourself: Come, follow me, follow me. Sending Forth: When in Our Music God Is Glorified Bread of Life Drawing will be today (Sunday) after the 2 pm Mass! Tickets on sale at the plaza after the Masses: LAST CHANCE!!! XXIV Domingo Ordinario Entrada: Con la Cruz Gloria Estribillo Estrofas 1. Por tu inmensa gloria te alabamos, te bendecimos, te adoramos, te glorificamos, te damos gracias, Señor Dios, Rey celestial. (a Estrofa 2) 2. Dios Padre todopoderoso. Señor Hijo único, Jesucristo. Señor Dios, Cordero de Dios, Hijo del Padre. (Estribillo) 3. Tú que quitas el pecado del mundo, ten piedad de nosotros; Tú que quitas el pecado del mundo, atiende nuestra súplica; Tú que estás sentado a la derecha del Padre, ten piedad de nosotros. (a Estrofa 4) 4. Porque sólo tú eres Santo, sólo tú Señor, sólo tú Altísimo Jesucristo, con el Espíritu Santo en la gloria de Dios Padre. (Estribillo) Salmo Responsorial (Salmo 18) Respuesta Los mandamientos del Señor alegran el corazón. Aclamación del Evangelio Credo Niceno Page 5 Creo en un solo Dios, Padre todopoderoso, Creador del cielo y de la tierra. Creo en un solo Señor, Jesucristo, Hijo único de Dios, nacido del Padre antes de todos los siglos: Dios de Dios, Luz de Luz, Dios verdadero de Dios verdadero, engendrado, no creado, de la misma naturaleza del Padre, por quien todo fue hecho; que por nosotros, los hombres, y por nuestras salvación bajó del cielo, Todos se inclinan: Y por obra del Espíritu Santo se encarnó de María, la Virgen, y se hizo hombre; Y por nuestra causa fue crucificado en tiempos de Poncio Pilato; padeció y fue sepultado, y resucitó al tercer día, según las Escrituras, y subió al cielo, y está sentado a la derecha del Padre; y de nuevo vendrá con gloria para juzgar a vivos y muertos, y su reino no tendrá fin. Creo en el Espíritu Santo, Señor y dador de vida, que procede del Padre y el Hijo, que con el Padre y el Hijo recibe una misma adoración y gloria, y que habló por los profetas. Creo en la Iglesia, que es una, santa, católica y apostólica. Confieso que hay un solo bautismo para el perdón de los pecados. Espero la resurrección de los muertos y la vida del mundo futuro. Amén. Preparación de las Ofrendas: Donde Hay Fe Santo Es Mi Cuerpo Santo, santo, santo es el Señor, Dios del universo. Llenos están el cielo y la tierra de tu gloria. ¡Hosanna, hosanna en el cielo! Bendito el que viene en nombre del Señor. ¡Hosanna, hosanna en el cielo! ¡Hosanna, hosanna en el cielo! Misterio de la Fe Anunciamos tu muerte, proclamamos tu resurrección. ¡Ven, Señor! ¡Ven, Señor! ¡Ven, Señor Jesús! Amén Amén, te alabamos, Señor. Amén, Amén, te alabamos, Señor. Cordero de Dios Cordero de Dios, que quitas el pecado del mundo: Ten piedad, de nosotros, ten piedad. (BIS) Cordero de Dios, que quitas el pecado del mundo: Danos la paz. Danos paz. Comunión: Pan del Cielo Estribillo Canto de Alabanza: Dona Nobis Pacem Salida: Ven y Sigueme Estrofas 1. Yo soy el pan que da la vida eterna; el que cree en mi ya no tendrá hambre ni sed. 2. Yo soy el Dios que cura tus heridas; Al que viene a mi le aliviaré pena y dolor. 3. Vengo a invitar al pobre y marginado A participar en mi banquete de salvación. 4. Yo soy la vid, ustedes los sarmientos. Unidos a mi producirán fruto sin fin. Page 6 Pastor’s Page Page 7 GIVE AND IT WILL BE GIVEN UNTO YOU XIII They say the longest journey is from the head to the heart; knowing about a thing is one thing, and actually experiencing or doing it takes a huge giant step. Another long journey is from the heart to the wallet; it’s one thing to think I am following Jesus, and another to put my money where my commitment is. That is why Jesus said “where your treasure is there will your heart be also.” We can kid ourselves into believing we are following Jesus, and still put nothing or a pittance into the collection on Sunday, but if we are being truly honest we know that is nonsense. Look at it this way: What happens when you are sitting in mass during the collection? Do you scramble to find a couple dollars to put into the plate? And as you are doing so, are you worried about what others around you or the ushers will think if you put nothing into the collection? If the collection at Mass makes you nervous, chances are you haven’t really planned to give at all, and if that is so, maybe you shouldn’t! I have a theory that when we haven’t planned to give at the offertory, and then grudgingly put a buck in the basket, it sucks more out than it puts in. God wants “hilarious” givers, not “grudging” givers. My advice is that if you are not prepared, and have not happily committed yourself to give, then don’t. IHM Pray for us Fr. Jerry DAD Y SE OS DARA XIII Ellos dicen que el viaje más largo es de la cabeza al corazón; sabiendo de una cosa es una cosa, y actualmente experimentadola o haciendola toma un paso gigante. Otro viaje largo es del corazón a la billetera; es una cosa pensar que estamos siguiendo a Jesús, y otra poner mi dinero donde mi compromiso está. Por eso Jesús dijo “donde está tu tesoro alli esta tu corazón también.” Nosotros podemos bromear en creer que estamos siguiendo a Jesús, y todavia no poner nada o una tonteria en la colecta del Domingo, pero si somos verdaderamente honestos nosotros sabemos que es una tonteria. Veanlo de esta manera: Que pasa cuando ustedes están sentados en la misa durante la colecta? Buscas apresuradamente para encontrar un par de dolares para poner en la cesta? Y asi cuando lo estás hacienda, estás preocupado de lo que pensará la gente que está sentada a tu alrededor o los que recogen las colectas si tú no pones nada en la cesta? Si la colecta en Misa te pone nervioso, hay un chance que tú no tenias planeando dar en absoluto, y si ese fuera el caso, a lo mejor no debes! Yo tengo una teoria que cuando nosotros no hemos planeado dar en el ofertorio, y después de malas ponemos un dolar en la cesta, molesta más sacarlo que ponerlo. Dios quiere a gente que da con “alegria” y no los que dan de “malas.” Mi consejo es que si no estás preparado y no estas comprometido a dar con alegria, entonces, no des!! ICM Ora por nosotros Fr. Jerry SVDP CANNED FOOD DRIVE For the weekend of September 20, 2015, please bring canned soup . Thank you! SCHEDULE OF SECOND COLLECTIONS 09/20/2015 - Diocesan Priest Retirement 09/27/15 - Maintenance Reserve Para el fin de semana del 20 de Septiembre del 2015, por favor traigan sopas enlatadas. Gracias! FECHAS DE SEGUNDA COLECTA 09/20/2015 - Jubilacion de los Sacredotes de la Diocesis 09/27/2015 - Reserva Del Mantenimiento We are blessed, at IHM, to have so many parishioners involved in ministries that help so many people. We are in the process of updating the IHM list of ministries with recent chair-people and contact information. All updated ministry information needs to be completed and given to the Church office by September 30, 2015 to be included in the new IHM Ministry Directory. For further information please contact Mary Lou Klovee at 516-7484. Ven y Conoce tu Fe Católica Nosotros estamos bendecidos en ICM con tantos parroquianos que pertenecen a ministerios que ayudan a tanta gente. Estamos en el proceso de actualizar la lista de todos los Ministerios del ICM con nombres de las personas que están encargadas y también con información de contacto. Toda la información actualizada tiene que ser completada y remitida a la Oficina de la Iglesia para el 30 de Septiembre del 2015 para que pueda ser incluida en el nuevo Directorio de Ministerios del ICM. Para más información favor de llamar a Mary Lou Klovee al 516-7484. Gracias. Te invitamos a participar de nuestras clases de Teología que se impartirán en esta parroquia de IHM. Es una oportunidad para profundizar en los contenidos de tu fe y dar respuesta a muchas de tus preguntas. Inicio de clases: 19 septiembre de 2015. Horario: De 8:00am a 12:00pm Contáctanos: 925-634-4154 ext 101 o ext. 108 o Prayer & Ministries MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK INTENCIONES PARA MISAS DE LA SEMANA SAT. Sept. 12th 8:00AM † David Orozco Julio Martinez - Birthday 5:00PM † Alam Chan, Sr, Claire Noonan 6:300PM † Francisco Martinez, Amparo Silva, Petronilo Almazan SUN. Sept. 13th 7:30AM Anthony Ford - Birthday † Mary Dominguez 9:00AM † Dan Hoover, Pete Martinez, Flaviana Cueto 10:45AM † Esther Ayala, Martha Hernandez 12:30PM † Gerard Sprague, Alejandro and Loida Mayo 2:00PM † Martin Cerda Chavez, Pablo Villaneda 5:00PM IHM MON. Sept. 14th 7:00AM Shane Rojo - Special Intention 8:30AM † James Burke Manuel Soliz - Birthday TUES. Sept. 15th 7:00AM † Mary Gallagher John Bastian - Health 8:30AM Crystal Martinez - Birthday 5:15PM † Lola Lucchesi 7:00PM Daniel Flores - Health WED. Sept. 16th 7:00AM † Rita and Richard Nahm - Wedding Anniversary 8:30AM † Winfredo Villanuea James Hauch - Birthday THURS. Sept. 17th 7:00AM † Efren Calitis 8:30 AM † Carrol Elkins, Sara Palafox FRI. Sept. 18th 7:00AM † Mary Wagner 8:30AM † Benjamin Paschal, Bernice Vittori READINGS FOR THE WEEK/LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Monday: Tuesday: 638: Nm 21:4b-9 Phil 2:6-11 Ps 78:1b-2, 34-38 Jn 3:13-17 444: 1 Tim 3:1-13 Ps 101:1b-3b, 5-6 639:Jn 19:25-27 or Lk 2:33-35 Wednesday: 445: 1 Tim 3:14-16 Lk 7:31-35 Ps 111:1-6 Thursday: 446: 1 Tim 4:12-16 Lk 7:36-50 Ps 111:7-10 Friday: 447: 1 Tim 6:2c-12 Lk 8:1-3 Ps 49:6-10, 17-20 Saturday 448: 1 Tim 6:13-16 Lk 8:4-15 Ps 100:1b-5 Sunday: 134: Wis 2:12, 17-20 Ps 54:3-4, 5-8 Jas 3:16—4:3 Mk 9:30-37 Page 8 Sick Relatives & Friends/Parientes y Amigos Enfermos Courtnay Wallpe, Tom Kane, Kris Szilagyi, Austin Bolender, Ron Sutton, Linda Spring, Lisa Korstad, Juanita Estrella, Edward Fedock, Tom Muise, Maria Lagman, Ronald and Giselle Honore, Pete Villapondo, Kathy Craw, Rosa Oliveira, Joanne Crammer, Gloria Godinez and Family, Nancy Lingo, Socorro Contreras, Antonio Contreras, Dennis and Teresa Saunders, Gabby Saunders, Marianne and Richard Bohakel, Helene Arrieta, Raymond Hansen, Mildred Arnold, Susan and Sergei Slavoutski, Diane Parker, Betty Kebede, Julie Halpin, Cindy Fairchild, Lisa Constantine, Colton McQuary, John Neppl, Julie Ann Koerperich, Joanne Tilly, Luiz, Zeneida, and Maria Luisa Muñoz, Peter and Vivian DeSouza, , Lorna Napigkit, Villa Santiago, Mary Sanchez, Laura Greco, Bev Casey, Pat Johnson, John and Cheryl Flebut, Ted and Kathy Tomusiak, Galina McCoy, Vicente Lastimoza, Felix Dacdac, Ray Resler, Erika Clawson, Lisa Hamlin, Alexander Goldstein, Denny Kruger, Mary Pham, Colten Guerra, Efren Contreras, Debbie Cipollina, Mary Ratto, Lori Giacomini, Debra Martinez, Rylan Macomb, Colin Worster, Stephanie Jane Mitchener, Dan Lefrebvre, Christin Cacho, Candelario Quintanilla, Tikalsky Family, Charles Oyler, Bob Sharp, Robert Estrella, Henry Suico, Mary Ho, Olivia Grace Khalil, Kathleen Sunga, Carmen Adames, Miguel Angel Castillo, Baby Ethan Ellenberger, Ed Burgess, Samie Sahin, Nazoria Martinez, Juan Ordoz, Minerva Marquez, Carlo Martinez, Sr., Isabel Esparas, Patricia Santos, Dorothy Roque, Omar Hernandez Mariano Ochoa, Sr., Fernando Jiminez, Maria A. Ochoa, Maria Flor Romero Ahorro, Teresita Leoncio, Teresita Ramos *** Victoria Sierra, Eleno Navat, Sr., Merv Rose, Lydia Edeger, Teresa Bayangos, Tsuyaho Isidro, Swann Dorent, Emma Hernandez Garcia, Teresa Groves, Olivia Mello, Rosemarie Scortino, Jenny Lopez, Diana Alvarez, Roy Chavez, Diego Mares, James Hsu, Antenor Zeballos, Doug Gamble, Connie Healey, Marge Spano, Etelgives Contreras, Jose Salas, Joann Mass, Sandy Andrade, Norma Marin, Candace Sprecher, Frank Smith, Carlos Sanabria, Ed Burguss, Father Frank Vicente, Dorothy Secovich, Rommel Manicadao, Damaso Mauricio. If you would like a name added to the prayer list, please call the parish office at (925) 634-4154, or e-mail Names will be removed at month-end unless requested otherwise. Si Ud. quiere añadir un nombre en esta lista, por favor llame a la oficina de la parroquia al (925) 634-4154 o mande un correo electrónico a Nombres serán borrados de la lista a final de cada mes si no especifican cuanto tiempo quieren que se dejen en esta lista. Discovering Christ will start again on September 17. Discovering Christ will start again on September 17. Have you ever wondered about the meaning of life? What would your life be like if you had a close relationship with Jesus Christ? Discovering Christ is a small-group discussion course that will answer today’s questions about how the life and teachings of Jesus Christ provide guidance and direction to those looking to explore. The nine week course begins at 7 pm on Thursday, September 17, in the Library. Those Church members with friends or family who are curious in becoming Catholic -or- Finishing their sacraments -or- Returning to their Catholic Faith are encouraged to bring them to this series of dynamic sessions. Contact Linda Kortuem: 925-634-4154 X 117 or 110. John Kortuem: 925-634-4154 X 161. Email: Adult Catholic’s who have not received their ConfirmaƟon We will begin our Adult ConfirmaƟon classes Thursday, September 10, 2015, in classroom MaƩhew from 7pm-8:30pm. This course runs through February 4, 2016. The Bishop will confirm those who aƩend and complete this course on January 30, 2016. RegistraƟon will be September 10, 2015. The fee is $25. to pay for your books. If you have any quesƟons, please call Linda Kortuem at 634-4154 x117. Ministries & Events/Fundraisers Page 9 SAVE THE DATE !!! The Second Annual Parish Festival is scheduled. We will enjoy another great day of fun and festivities. Come join in on the fun. Saturday, October 17, 2015. El Segundo Festival Anual de la Parroquia ya está Programado para el Sábado, 17 de Octubre del 2015. Vengan todos a pasar un dia lleno de diversiones y festividades. Parish Festival Talent Showcase Please contact: Lia Katreeb for sign-ups at Calling All Women! Magnificat Ministry for Catholic Women Is excited and pleased to welcome Linda Shubert, Author of Miracle Hour as the speaker at our next Prayer Breakfast on September 26, 2015 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Crowne Plaza 45 John Glenn Drive, Concord, CA Come and be inspired as she shares her remarkable story. Reservations are $28.00/$35 after September 12th Please go to for info or call Maribel at 925) 788-7762. Because seating is limited, we will not be taking reservations after January 17th. Divine Mercy Fundraiser On September 20, 2015 the group will be selling lumpia and empanadas from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm Looking for volunteers to assist at funeral services. We need persons who are available as needed to help with setting up and assisting throughout the funeral. Training will be provided. SE NECESITA UNA VOLUNTARIA BILINGUE EN LA OFICINA Necesitamos ayuda en la oficina de la parroquia por una voluntaria bilingue (Español) para asistir con los deberes de una recepcionista los Jueves y Viernes de 9:00am a 4:00pm. Si usted puede ayudar a tiempo completo o tiempo parcial en esos dias, favor de ponerse en contacto con Margaret Hoover, Gerente de Oficina at 925-634-4154, extension #104. Younger Youth Group (ages 9-13) starts Monday, 9/14 from 6-7:30pm in the Hall. We gather together engaging in fun-filled games and activities while developing Lasting friendships and growing together in the Faith! Please contact Clarisa Specht if you have any questions at 470-7928. The Crafty Quilters would like you to join them for a potluck on September 15th at 11:00am in the Church Hall C. Bring a food item and see what we can do. "Share-A-Mass Ministry has received a ride request from a man who lives in Oakley near Carol and Main St. He is open to any mass, Saturday or Sunday. If you are willing to bring him to and from his home, please contact Richard Nahm at 925-240-9885." El grupo de San José se pone a su disposición visitandolos y llevando la imagen de San José que quedará con esa familia por una semana. Rezaremos el Rosario con la familia. Favor de ponerse en contacto con Reina Garcia al (510)303-7840. The library is now open! Come in and browse our many books and audio/visual recordings to expand your knowledge of our Catholic Faith! Hours: Fridays 2:30 -5:30pm. Questions? Call Mickey DeFalco at: 925-634-3492. Page 10 Adoration/Adoración Thursday/Jueves 8:30am to 6:00pm. Friday/Viernes durante la noche Anointing of the Sick / Unción de los Enfermos Contact a priest/llame a un sacerdote Home Communion/Comunión a los Enfermos Please call 634-4154/Favor de llamar al 634-4154 DATE/TIME: 3:30pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm Homeschoolers Educated Angels Our Lady of Guadalupe Younger Youth Group Bible Study/Sp Knights of Columbus Charismatic Prayer Group Daughters of Mary Men of St. Joseph MFC Life Teen Matthew/Mark Luke John Hall A/B Matthew Hall C Library/Chapel Library/Luke Library John Hall A Tues. Sept. 15th 10:00am 2:45/4:00pm Crafty Quilters Faith Formation/Eng 4:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm Escuela de Musica Mariachi Bible Study/Eng. Legion of Mary/Sp Faith Formation/Sp Hall C Classrooms/Hall Library Music Room Library Chapel Classrooms/Hall/ Library/Church Wed. Sept. 16th 7:45am 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm Men’s Fellowship Group Confirmation Parents NCW Choir/Spanish Thurs. Sept. 17th 10:00am 4:00pm 4:00pm 5:45pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:15pm Women’s Faith Sharing Choir/Youth RCIA/Teen Legion of Mary/Eng. Grief Support Choir/9:00 Mass Choir/12:30 Mass Emmaus Men/Eng RCIA Confirmation/Adult Ladies Guild Escuela de la Cruz/Men Sp Divorce/Separated Course Library/Mark/Matt Music Room John Conference Rm Hall B Music Room Music Room Luke Library/Mark Matthew Hall A Chapel Hall B Fri. Sept. 18th 9:00am 9:15am 9:30am 10:30am 4:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Divine Mercy/Eng. St. Vincent de Paul Littles Ones of Momma Mary St. Vincent de Paul/Client CCD Choir/Sp St. Joseph/Sp Divine Mercy/Sp Youth Group Library Hall A/B/C Luke John Music Room Luke Mark/Matthew Library/Hall A Sat. Sept. 19th 8:000am 9:00am 1:00pm 4:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm EDEC Faith Formation/Eng Legion of Mary/Eng Orchestra MFC NCW Hall B/C Classrooms/Library Hall A/B/C Music Room Library Hall A/Luke Sun. Sept. 20th 8:00am 9:00am 10:45am 11:15am 1:00pm 3:00pm 3:45pm 5:00pm Choir 9:00 Warm-up Children’s Liturgy of Word Sunday School/Sp Choir 12:30 Warm-up Marriage Prep Squires Choir/Latin Mass Faith Formation/RICA Music Room Luke/John Matthew Music Room Library Hall C Music Room John 7:00pm Divine Mercy/Sp Library Please call 634-4154/Favor de llamar al 634-4154 Funerals/Funerales Call Catholic Funeral Services al 757-0658/ Llame a los Servicios de Funerales Católicos al 757-0658 Have something to publish in the IHM Bulletin? Please submit your request to: Need to schedule use of facilities? Please submit request to: SAVE THE DATE See Event Information in Church Vestibule Cabinet October 9, 2015 - Blue Mass - 10:00am Honoring First Responders and their Families at Cathedral of Christ the Light, 2121 Harrison Street. Oakland, CA. For details, please visit us at BlueMass2015. October 23-25, 2015 - Crafty Quilters Christmas Boutique. Raffle of Handmade quilt. Many handmade craft items for your Christmas shopping. Bake sale goods available. All proceeds go to IHM. Any additional information contact Ann 925-864-3242 October 23-25, 2015 - Emmaus English Speaking Women’s Retreat - For more information please contact Carol Ilch-Rojo at 925-437-8710. Retrouvaille - A Lifeline for Marriages Another marriage saving weekend is coming soon September 18-19-20, 2015 - call (510) 276-4118, email or visit the web site at Little Ones of Momma Mary Do you have a child who is struggling in school? Come learn how to track your child’s progress, keep and review records, ask for and learn about assessments, navigate the Special Education system and more. We meet on Fridays from 9:30 to 11 AM in Luke’s classroom. For more information feel free to contact us with your questions at: or visit our website at: Los pequeños de Mamá Maria ¿Tienes alguno de tus niños(as) con problemas de aprendizaje en la escuela? Ven y aprende como mantenerte informado sobre el progreso académico de tu hijo(a), mantener y revisar sus archivos escolares, preguntar y aprender sobre lo que es un evaluación académica, navegar el sistema de Educación Especial y mas. Nos reunimos los Viernes de las 9:30 a las 11:00 AM en el salón Luke. Para mas Internet a: información contáctanos con tus preguntas a: o visita nuestra pagina de htp:// LOCATION: Mon. Sept. 14th Marriage and Baptism/Matrimonios y Bautismos MEETING: Library Hall A/B/C Chapel Music Room Sandy Thom PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... Taylor Bell (510) 910-4553 24/7 HELP ........... (925) 642-5378 Member FDIC $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH Specializing in Brentwood & Summerset ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 TED CURRAN *First Three Months It’s A Matter of Trust! 8130 Brentwood Blvd. Oil Changes • Tune Ups Engine Repair & Replacement Computer Diagnostics • Brake Repair Preventative Maintenance Inspections Factory Scheduled Maintenance 30K, 60K, 90K & Many More Services Hablamos Español 925.634.4145 Reagan Management Services 925.240.1242 Cal BRE #00677384 DUKELLIS SUMMERSET Income Tax Services REAL ESTATE for Individuals and Small Businesses “Best of Brentwood” for the past 13 years! Cal BRE #01926087 925-516-7463 Off of Balfour, next to Vic Stewart’s MARY JANE DUKELLIS Lisa Dukellis-Mitchener Bundle, auto, home and life for big State Farm® discounts. GET TO A BETTER STATE®. CONTACT AN AGENT TODAY. Jose G. Martinez, Agent Julio J. Martinez, Agent Bus: 925-634-2333 Bus: 925-432-2129 Brentwood Pittsburg Hablamos Español® 1203024 State Farm, Bloomington, IL DISCOVER THE CATHOLIC DIFFERENCE Rely on the Knights of Columbus to protect your family’s future. Contact me today: Howard Tank 925-609-4457 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA LIFE INSURANCE • DISABILITY INSURANCE • LONG-TERM CARE • ANNUITIES GREAT GOLF • GREAT FOOD • GREAT PLACE Haircuts for the young and the young at heart! Perfect for Weddings, Grad Parties, Communions, Memorials & Baptisms SUNDAY BRUNCH EVERY SUNDAY 10am-1:30pm Call us for any Special Family Events 925-706-4232 • 4800 Golf Course Rd. in Antioch 513483 Immaculate Heart of Mary (B) $2 OFF ONE HAIRCUT 925.240.1337 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. SAND CREEK DENTAL CARE Hanny Reingold 925.305.9088 For further information, please call the Parish Office. GRAND OPENING Free Sunscreen SPF 50 with Microdermabrasion JHOANNA F. G. TUAZON, D.M.D. “We Make Your Hands & Feet Feel Like Heaven” 1280 Central Blvd. Ste J-12 Brentwood, CA 94513 Crystal Nail & Spa 240-8210 (925) 308-4409 or (925) 203-0122 2540 Sand Creek Road Suite A-4 Brentwood 80 EAGLE ROCK WAY, BRENTWOOD, CA 94513 (INSIDE VIC STEWART’S PLAZA) Tagalog Spoken and Se Habla Español SENIOR DISCOUNT 20% OFF ALL SERVICES SUN - WED A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Manny Andrade - RealtorTM 925.470.6845 CalBRE# 01971018 “Best Office” “Best Broker” “Best Team” Delta Pure Water, Inc. BMW / MERCEDES BENZ / AUDI LEXUS / VOLVO / VOLKSWAGEN DOMESTIC / ASIAN 41 A Sand Creek Rd. Brentwood, CA 94513 634-6658 Since 2006 35¢ a gallon in your container SMOG CHECK DIAZ INSURANCE AGENCY RAUL DIAZ AGENT Lic. #0F98156 Hablo Español FOR ‘96 OR NEWER MODEL $50 with Certificate Bus: (925) 679-2300 4520 Main St. • Oakley, CA 94561 Fax: (925) 679-2420 Email: 925.240.5466 AUTO • HOME • LIFE • COMMERCIAL David S. Roche Financial Advisor/Parishioner Stocks Tax Free Bonds Mutual Funds Annuities • IRA’s 401 (k) Rollovers Income Strategies Lic# OA67683 Residential & Commercial Pest Control 275 Central Terrace • 634-2221 • 513483 Immaculate Heart of Mary (A) 925.240.1212 Fax 415 Beatrice Ct., Suite F, Brentwood, CA 94513 (925) 516-2731 Taking care of investors since 1989. No charge for initial consultation. APEX SECURITIES & ASSET MANAGMENT LLC 8660 Brentwood Blvd., Ste G PARISHIONER BRENTWOOD FUNERAL HOME 839 First Street Brentwood, CA 94513 (925) 634-2171 (FD #50) Jeanette C. 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