The Epiphany of the Lord - Holy Trinity Catholic Church
The Epiphany of the Lord - Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Holy Trinity Catholic Church 101 Walt Banks Road / Peachtree City, GA 30269 Parish Office (770) 487-7672 Faith Formation (770) 487-0175 Hispanic Ministry (770) 487-5352 Preschool (770) 631-4380 Website E-Mail January 3, 2016 Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday 4:00 pm Vigil 5:30 pm Vigil Sunday 7:15 am 8:45 am 10:30 am 12:15 pm 1:45 pm Español 4:30 pm LifeTeen Daily Mass Schedule Mon. - Thurs. 9am & 6:30 pm Friday Noon & 6:30 pm Saturday 9 am Holy Hours of Adoration Fri: 12:45pm - Sat 9am in Sanctuary Rosary Mon.-Thurs. & Sat. after 9am Mass Mondays after the 6:30pm Mass “Rosary for Life” Fridays at 11 am in the Adoration Chapel Divine Mercy Chaplet Fridays at 3pm Reconciliation Fridays, 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm Saturdays, 9:45 am - 10:30 am or by appointment with a priest. Healing Mass Schedule 2nd week of each month Tuesday @ 6:30pm & Friday @ 12 noon January 12 & 15 Pastor: Father J ohn Mur phy Parochial Vicars: Father Dair o Rico, Father Pavol Br enkus Deacons: Ter r y Blind, Tony Cuomo, Gene Dicker son, Mar k Fr iedlein, Mar k Sholander Deacons Emeritus: Ben Gr oss, Mike Landaiche, Don Kelsey, Tom Zawor ski Holy Trinity Catholic Church Saturday 9:00 am 4:00 pm 5:30 pm Sunday 7:15 am 8:45 am 10:30 am 12:15 pm 1:45 pm 4:30 pm Monday 9:00 am 6:30 pm Tuesday 9:00 am 6:30 pm Wednesday 9:00 am 6:30 pm Thursday 9:00 am 6:30 pm Friday 9:00 am 6:30 pm Saturday 9:00 am 4:00 pm 5:30 pm Sunday 7:15 am 8:45 am 10:30 am 12:15 pm 1:45 pm 4:30 pm = Deceased January 2 John Turner Parish Family Mezosi & Ulversoy Families January 3 Grace Scollo Andres Ricards Sarah Fox-Klein Joseph Troisi Leticia Ustman de Muñoz Melissa Fisher January 4 Alex Bookalam Shaun Hopkins January 5 Larry Grant Wayne Morris De Groat, Jr. January 6 Brett Thomas Lolita Casals January 7 Month’s Mind Mass Patricia Handloser January 8 Diane Corda Pat Gannon January 9 Jim Faber (SI) Tony & Lois Begley Parish Family January 10 Ray Shepard Shirley Fox Jim & Matt Faber (SI) Charlie Vicari César Hernández Díaz Graef Family (SI) = Special Intentions The Epiphany of the Lord Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12 Mon Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton 1 Jn 3:22-4:6; Ps 2:7bc-8, 10-12a; Mt 4:12-17, 23-25 Tues Saint John Neumann 1 Jn 4:7-10; Ps 72:1-4,7-8; Mk 6:34-44 Wed Saint André Bessette 1 Jn 4:11-18; Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-13; Mk 6:45-52 Thurs Saint Raymond of Penyafort 1 Jn 4:19-5:4; Ps 72:1-2, 14,15bc, 17; Lk 4:14-22a Fri Sat 1 Jn 5:14-21; Ps 149:1-6a, 9b; Jn 3:22-30 Sun The Baptism of the Lord Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Is 40:1-5, 9-11; Ps 29:1-2, 3-4, 9-10 or Ps 104:1b-2, 3-4, 24-25, 27-28, 29-30; Acts 10:34-38 or Ti 2:11-14, 3:4-7; Lk 3:15-16, 21-22 All nations are invited to sing the Lord’s praises for they have been called to hear the good news and worship the long awaited Messiah and King with the gift of their lives. Peachtree City, Georgia January 3, 2016 Jean Addison, Tom Aishton, Julie Church, Dcn. Gene Dickerson, Katie Dodgen, Bernardo Espinosa, Migdalia Fernández, Jim Grant, Remember Jerry Greenwell, Margaret Hohenberger, Jean Hohl, Tom Illingworth, in Prayer Betty Jorgensen, Dcn. Don Kelsey, Daniela Kurek, Dcn. Mike Landaiche, Anne Lange, Maria Lynas, Kristi Martin, Damon Oliver, Neisa Pamfil, Magali Piñiero, Bob Poticny, Myrna Richardson, Peggy Sholander, Henk Smit, Tommy Stroud, Kathy Szegedy, Ruth Thoman, Katie Tramonte, Irene Vázquez, Don Ventura, Connor Vogel, Philip Wandra, Helen & Tom Zaworski Please pray for those who have died Julián Baeza, father of Evelia Baeza George Schum, father of Dee Lohr and all the wonderful caregivers During the holidays, the bulletins are printed in advance to meet deadlines. Names called in to the Parish Office for bulletin publication may be delayed. Names may also be added to the Prayer Intention Book in the back of the Sanctuary. Visiting the Sick. With the gr owing concer n for people's pr ivacy it becomes increasingly more and more difficult to know if our parishioners are sick, in the hospital or even in Hospice care. If you know of someone or if you would like for us to visit someone, please contact Deacon Mark Sholander at (678) 466-1708 or January Healing Masses Tuesday, January 12, 6:30pm and Friday, January 15, 12pm. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be available during this Mass for every baptized Catholic over the age of reason. Prayer teams will also be available immediately after Mass to pray with people for healing and other needs. Anointing of the sick primarily is for spiritual healing. Physical healing might occur, but it is not the main purpose of the sacrament. Certainly the sacrament should not be expected to automatically cure the sick person. Such an expectation tends toward superstition (cf. CC2111). Baptized children below the age of reason cannot commit personal sin and so do not need anointing of the sick if they are in danger of death. Rather, when in danger of death, such children can be given confirmation, for spiritual strengthening and more fully to initiate them into the Christian religion. Loaves & Fishes Weekend, January 9 & 10 Happy New Year and many thanks for your generosity to our food pantry during 2015. Please note the following items we are in need of as we start off the new year!: Canned Fruit Hot Cereal Paper Towels Canned Meat Canned Tomato Products Mayonnaise Dishwashing Detergent Canned Chili Toothpaste Laundry Detergent May God continue to bless you for your kindness to those in need! Thanks for your generosity! ¡Gracias por su generosidad! FY2014/2015 Offertory Weekly and Actual to Date Ofertorio: Semanal y Cifra Real Offertory / Ofertorio December 6, 2015 Offertory / Ofrenda $48,326 To Date Actual / Cifra Real $1,037,204 $1,016,743 Second Collection - Debt Reduction / Mortgage Payment: $5,223 Prior Year Comparison 12/7/2014 Upcoming Second Collection: January 24 - Archdiocesan Hispanic Ministries Hearing Devices are available for your convenience located in the back of the Church To sign up for Online Giving, please contact Michelle Gadoury at or (678) 466-1707 The Epiphany of the Lord Holy Trinity welcomes our newest parishioners! Margarito & Leticia Calderón Roberto & Marbella Mayo-Villa Ramon & Luz Valdiva Thoughts From this Sunday’s Readings by Fr. John Previous reflections can be found on his blog at Today we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord, the manifestation of the divine glory of Jesus to the Magi. This is one of the greatest journey stories in all of Scripture. However this story is about more than a journey, it is St Matthew’s way of making sure that throughout all generations we recognize that Jesus, Emmanuel came to earth as a human being for all people – including us. God, the Almighty Himself broke into everyday life to live among us. God stepped into human history. Childcare is available at Holy Tr inity dur ing many classes and events. Check the schedule on the door in the Childcare Hallway for events, dates and times. If you need childcare for your ministry or event, contact Tina Terrell to make arrangements at or (678) 466-0724. The Magi who followed the Star of Bethlehem were scholars. They were serious astronomers who, when they saw the “star at its A Baptismal Preparation Class will be held on Sunday, rising,” dropped everything they were doing to follow it. They January 10, at 10am in the Library. Classes are held on studied the night sky watching for changes and movement. They the 1st Sunday of each month, unless the first Sunday falls knew this new star represented something extraordinary, the on a holiday weekend. Babes in arms are welcome. Con“newborn king of the Jews” and they were willing to make great tact Kathy Boats at (678) 466-1701. sacrifices to find him. We don’t know exactly where they came from but St. Matthew implies that they traveled a great distance to at 7pm in Room 201. All writers or people interested get to Bethlehem. What is interesting to consider is that this star in writing are welcome. Bring your creativity and pen clearly was not invisible. Others must have seen it. The Scribes and paper. We’ll work on writing exercises to get start- and Pharisees, the chief priests and scientists of Israel must have ed on a new story for the New Year! For more information, contact seen the star. But they did nothing to investigate. Pagan foreigners recognized the significance of the star and set out to find it. Debby Giusti at or (770) 631-9347. All our readings today emphasize that Jesus was born for the people of all nations. The Magi were non-believers, pagans, gentiles, not worth any consideration in the eyes of the people of Israel, but they were the people who had the faith and humility to seek and welcome Jesus into our world. They did not know where the star would lead them. However, they pursued their journey of faith knowing that the end of their journey would reveal something spectacular, “the glory of the Lord.” On this Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, we should ask ourselves, what star do I follow? Will I recognize a God sent star? What will I sacrifice to follow that GriefShare, a 13-week Christian video/ star? discussion and support group for those who Father, are grieving the death of a loved one will be you revealed your Son to the nations resuming soon. Evening and day sessions will be offered on by the guidance of a star. Wednesdays beginning January 13, 7pm-9pm and Fridays, Lead us to your glory in heaven beginning January 15, 9:30am-11:30am. Meetings are held in by the light of faith. room #102 of the Faith Formation Building. Contact Gayle Reddy We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, at (770) 631-8251 or for more inforwho lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, mation. one God forever and ever. MACS, Mature Adult Catholic Singles, is a ministry of fellowship and service for singles aged 40 and older here at Holy Trinity Parish. We meet on the second Saturday of each month at 6:30 pm for dinner. On January 9, we are meeting at the Italian Oven in the Peachtree East Shopping Center on Highway 54. If you are able to join us, please RSVP to Eileen Lavoie at by Friday, January 8, so that I will be able to r eser ve space for the correct number of attendees. Looking forward to having you with us! Almana(h) - A Widowed Ministry would like to thank The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia, Inc. for the $3,000 grant to help fund the costs to initiate our new widowed ministry. Almana(h) will be a shared ministry between Holy Trinity, St. Philip Benizi in Jonesboro, and St. Matthew in Tyrone. These funds will be used to purchase the licensing agreement for the Joyful Again retreat from the Archdiocese of Chicago. If you are interested in joining Almana(h) contact Arlene at Seniors Ministry Wine Tasting at Arbor Terrace Wednesday, January 27, 5:30pm-7pm $20 Register in the Parish Office Amen Holy Trinity Catholic Church Peachtree City, Georgia Nuestro Ministerio Hispano 770-487-5352, 770-487-7672 Exts. 303 678-466-1703 (Horario: 8:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m. - lunes a jueves; 11:00 am a 1:00 pm - domingos) en español: domingos 1:45 pm Confesiones: todos los viernes a las 5:30 pm, sábados 9:45am, o por cita llamando al 770-487-7672 Ext. 311. Bautizos: Favor de llamar o pasar por la Oficina parroquial para anotarse para la plática o para información sobre los bautizos. Monaguillos- Misa en español Reunión de Adiestramiento ¿Te gustaría participar como monaguillo en la Misa en español? ¿Ya participas como monaguillo en la Misa? Te invitamos a que nos acompañes a la reunión / taller de adiestramiento para todos los monaguillos, los que ya participan en la Misa y a los que les gustaría participar en la Misa en español. ¿Cuándo? ¿Hora? ¿Dónde? sábado, 16 de enero del 2016 10am – 12 del mediodía Iglesia Holy Trinity Después del adiestramiento nos reuniremos en el Loreto Hall para un pequeño convivio. Favor de anotarse con Elsie en la Oficina Parroquial. Clases de Certificación Básica para Catequistas: ofrecidas por el Sr. Luis Guzmán, de la Arquidiócesis de Atlanta, a las 7pm, en el Salón #105 en el Edificio de Formación de Fe. 13 de enero: 20 de enero: 27 de enero: 3 de febrero: Histor ia de la Iglesia Cr eencias de la Iglesia Las Escr itur as Desar r ollo de la Fe y la Mor al Más información: 678-466-1704. Pláticas quinceañeras: Si su hija cumple 15 años en el 2016 y le gustaría que se celebre una Misa por este motivo, es requisito que su hija asista a las pláticas de preparación. Las pláticas se ofrecerán el 28 de enero, el 4 y 11 de febrero, de 5-6pm, en el salón 204 del Edificio de Formación de Fe. Más información y para inscribirse, favor de pasar o llamar a la Oficina Parroquial. Clases de inglés como segundo idioma (ESL): comenzando el 11 de enero del 2016, se comenzará una nueva sesión los lunes y viernes, de 6-8pm, en el salón 103 en el Edificio de Formación de Fe. NO habrá guardería disponible. San Vicente de Paúl: Línea de ayuda: 678-466-1750 ó 770-487-7672 Ext.450 January 3, 2016 Reflexiones sobre las lecturas de este domingo del Padre Rico. 3 de enero 2016 La Epifanía del Señor El Llamado de la Belleza. La solemnidad de la epifanía debería ir precedida de aquello que decimos en el prefacio de la Santa Misa: "¡levantemos el corazón!" Dios se manifiesta en Jesús: tal es el contenido maravilloso, inagotable, precioso sobre toda hermosura, de esta fiesta singular. Ahora pues que la Belleza Increada deja escuchar su voz, y somos convocados a gozarnos en la visión de lo Eterno, vengan a acompañarnos y sean guías nuestros: un corazón contemplativo, unos oídos capaces de escuchar y un corazón capaz de acoger. Jesús entero podría llamarse como se llama esta fiesta: Epifanía. "Quien me ha visto a mí, ha visto al Padre", dijo él una vez a Felipe (Jn 14,9), y muchas veces a nosotros. Nos lo repite cada vez que sentimos lo que sintió Felipe: "Muéstranos al Padre, y eso nos basta" (Jn 14,8). ¿Has conocido la punzante inquietud que sienten los niños que nunca han conocido a su papá, especialmente cuando llegan a la juventud? ¿Has visto con qué ansiedad buscan ese rostro, esa referencia existencial, esa primera clave de lectura que sólo un papá puede darles? Algo así tiene el alma humana, algo incisivo, que nada puede apagar, algo que nos dice gritar con Felipe. "¡muéstranos al Padre!". La respuesta a este clamor, el descanso de esta zozobra es Jesús: ver a Jesús, reposar en Jesús. Él es nuestra epifanía. El Llamado de la Humildad. Solemos imaginar lo más bello como más oneroso. Los perfumes delicados, los vestidos finos, las joyas fastuosas significan siempre precios inalcanzables, dinero a montones, costos imposibles. No es así con Jesús. El más bello es también el más humilde; el más santo es también el más cercano; el más sabio es también el más comprensible; el más puro es también el más amigable y el más acogedor. Su grandeza no nos aplasta sino que nos levanta; su pureza no nos humilla sino que nos limpia. Eso es lo grande de esta Epifanía. Jesús es el llamado de la belleza sin límites pero también de la humildad sin límites. Porque, en el fondo, la humildad es bella y la belleza es humilde. Un rostro hermoso y petulante puede halagar los sentidos, pero a precio de entristecer el alma, y eso en realidad no es hermosura. Sólo Jesús, en la dulce paz de su presencia sin escándalos, en la serena palabra de su corazón cargado de amor, puede manifestar al hombre esa belleza que no cansa, que no se repite, que siempre refresca. ¡Bendita Epifanía, cúbrenos de tu esplendor y enséñanos el camino a la Felicidad Perpetua! Amén. The Epiphany of the Lord The gift of generosity. This holiday season, we thank everyone who has supported Holy Trinity this past year with their time, talent and financial contributions and look forward to support from all of our members in the year ahead. If you need a convenient way to make regular offerings or if you plan to make an additional gift, we encourage you to look into our electronic giving options. As the pace of life speeds up, especially around the holidays, you may find electronic giving a most welcome way to make contributions. Visit www.HolyTrinity or contact the Parish Office for more information. The Gift Shop is open and having a 30% off stor ewide deduction sale. Our hours are: Sunday: 8:15am-1:45pm, Monday: 12pm-3pm Wednesday: 9:45am-11am, 4pm-8pm The Embrace Families ministers ar e her e to embrace families who have lost a child through miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death. We "companion" the family through this difficult time; surrounding these families with help, support, and prayer as they grieve the loss of their precious infant. We can also help the family obtain a Certificate of Life to honor and remember the brief life of their baby. The baby's name will then be entered into the Life Register which is housed at the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Please contact Marcia Poynter at (404) 272-1525, (678) 8176329 or or (Español) Valeria Zimmermann (404) 924-5902 if we can be of service to you or a family you know. More information regarding Embrace Families can be found at Saint Peregrine Cancer Support Group Mission Statement: Lend spir itual suppor t to anyone affected by If you and your spouse attended a Marriage Encounter cancer in any phase of his or her journey. This program Weekend and would like to get together with other will help you work through the emotions that occur at the Encountered couples in a local WEDS Group, please varying stages of this disease through prayers and discuscall Theresa and Glen Kinzly at (770) 631-8426. sion in the grace of the Holy Spirit. Two session times are offered the Third Tuesday of each month at 10am-11am or If you would like to be notified by e-mail of upcoming 7pm-8pm, in room #103 of the Faith Formation Bldg. ConFunerals at Holy Trinity, please contact the front office to tact: or be added to our Funeral e-mail list. Donate Your Old Auto or Golf Cart Help local Fayette client needs. Contact St. Vincent DePaul Society through Holy Trinity at (770) 487-7672 x450 Auto/Golf Cart donations are tax deductible! Central Presbyterian Night Shelter, Homeless Ministry. Central Presbyterian Night Shelter Homeless Ministry, a ministry of hospitality and compassion, offering homeless guests a hot meal, a warm safe place to spend the night, medical and foot care and the fellowship of caring. Holy Trinity volunteers the 2nd Thursday of each month, November-March. I need four overnighters per month. The Night Shelter's website has a wealth of information: Contact at Karen at (404) 259-5385, or Start your New Year out on a positive note. Do you live with the self-condemnation of abortion? Do you think there is no forgiveness? Do you live with anxiety, fear, panic, and depression? Good News! God desires you to be healed and whole. He wants you to be joyful again. Good News! We can help. Start the New Year out with a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat. On January 8-10, PATH (Post Abor tion Tr eatment and Healing) will be facilitating a weekend long retreat where broken hearts can be rebuilt, renewed, redeemed. Give yourself the gift of Freedom. For more information visit our website at or call (404) 717-5557. More information on job openings below and others can be found at: Holy Redeemer Catholic School, J ohns Cr eek Full-time Middle School Science Teacher Immaculate Heart of Mary School, Atlanta Admissions Director/Registrar (July 1) Curriculum Director (July 1) Office of the Metropolitan Tribunal, Smyr na Part-time Receptionist Our Lady of Victory, Tyr one - Science & Math Teacher St. George Village, Roswell - Concierge St. George Village, Roswell - Dining Room Server St. Marguerite d’Youville Church, Lawr enceville Part-time Director of Music St. Pius X, Atlanta - Part-time Finance Administrator Promise to protect, pledge to heal. To r epor t abuse by chur ch personnel, call the Archdiocese of Atlanta 24-Hour Reporting Hotline at (888) 437-0764. We are here to listen and take action! Holy Trinity Catholic Church Peachtree City, Georgia January 3, 2016 Lord Jesus Christ, you have taught us to be merciful like the heavenly Father, and have told us that whoever sees you sees Him. Show us your face and we will be saved. Your loving gaze freed Zacchaeus and Matthew from being enslaved by money; the adulteress and Magdalene from seeking happiness only in created things; made Peter weep after his betrayal, and assured Paradise to the repentant thief. Let us hear, as if addressed to each one of us, the words that you spoke to the Samaritan woman: “If you knew the gift of God!” You are the visible face of the invisible Father, of the God who manifests his power above all by forgiveness and mercy: let the Church be your visible face in the world, its Lord risen and glorified. You willed that your ministers would also be clothed in weakness in order that they may feel compassion for those in ignorance and error: let everyone who approaches them feel sought after, loved, and forgiven by God. Send your Spirit and consecrate every one of us with its anointing, so that the Jubilee of Mercy may be a year of grace from the Lord, and your Church, with renewed enthusiasm, may bring good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed, and restore sight to the blind. We ask this through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Mercy, you who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen. National Prayer Vigil for Life Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, DC Thursday, January 21 Confessions Chaplet of Divine Mercy Procession of Seminarians Opening Mass - Great Upper Church Principal Celebrant & Homilist: Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, Chairman, USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities 8:30pm - 10:30pm Confessions 9pm - 10pm National Rosary for Life 10pm - 11pm Night Prayer (Byzantine Rite) 11pm Holy Hours for Life Led by seminarians from across the country 10am - 6pm 5:15pm - 5:30pm 5:30pm - 6pm 6pm - 8pm Friday, January 22 12am - 6am Holy Hours for Life Led by seminarians from across the country 6am Adoration Dominican House of Studies: Priory of the Immaculate Conception Washington, DC 6:30am Morning Prayer, Benediction, Reposition Dominican House of Studies: Priory of the Immaculate Conception Washington, DC 7:30am Closing Mass The Epiphany of the Lord AN OVERVIEW OF CATHOLIC MORALITY For more information or to register for anything on this page or the next page contact Terri Thomas 678-466-1739 or New women can join at any time. What the World Needs & Catholics Need to Know Presenter: Deacon Mark Friedlein Wednesday evenings in January January 6, 13 & 20 6:30-9:00 PM in Loreto Hall Childcare is available WALKING TOWARD ETERNITY 8 Weeks on Sundays 8:45-10:15 AM Begins January 10 LOCATION: Adult Faith Room Putting Your Faith into Practice Walking Toward Eternity is an inspiring series designed to help participants live their faith more fully. Daring to Walk the Walk, the first series of Walking Toward Eternity, introduces seven key virtues and outlines practical steps for living them out in daily life. You will learn how to walk in: Love, Forgiveness, Humility, Prayerfulness, Faithfulness, Sacrifice, Thankfulness What is Walking with Purpose? Walking with Purpose is a Catholic Women’s Bible study program. Walking with Purpose aims to bring women to a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ by offering personal study and small group discussion that link our everyday challenges and struggles with the solutions given to us through the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church. Personal Testimonies “I am truly blessed to be part of this wonderful group of Christ-filled spiritual women. The Holy Spirit has been working overtime in my life since I joined this group. They have helped hold me up. I look forward every week to being with the “girls”. We open our hearts up to each other.” “The women in our group are an amazing bond and strength resource. The unconditional love that pours from the hearts of women brought together in Christ is immeasurable. Without WWP and by extension the ability to grow in my faith with these women, I would not have had the spiritual ability to handle the challenges this year has brought into my life. I have found joy where there would have been none otherwise. Thank you.” “Lord, Teach Me To Pray” (LTMTP) is a three-part prayer series, rooted in Ignatian spirituality and designed to help women and men learn how to pray. The three parts are taken in succession. Each part is a prerequisite for the next part. Part I, Praying Christian Virtues (12 weeks), introduces Ignatian prayer and spirituality in the way that St. Ignatius himself introduced people; i.e., by structuring their initial prayer experience around the Christian Virtues. Part 1 is conducted in a small group experience with two trained facilitators. Each group will meet for two hours once a week for prayer, faith sharing and introduction to the methods of Ignatian prayer. Everyone will receive Scriptures on the virtues to use daily at home for 15 minutes of private prayer. Holy Trinity Catholic Church LECTIO EUCHARIST 10 weeks Sundays 4:00-6:00 PM Begins January 24 or Wednesdays 10:00-12:00 PM Begins January 27 The Last Supper. Communion. The Great Feast. Bread and Wine. The Holy Eucharist. Jesus said “This is my Body” and “This is my Blood.” Some say they’re merely symbols of remembrance. Others say they’re really the Body and Blood of Christ, but can’t explain how that’s possible. The Eucharist is the center-point of the Mass–but why? The answers are here. Renowned teacher Dr. Brant Pitre guides us through Scripture, history, and Church teaching to illuminate the wonder and miracle of the Eucharist. With deep insight, Dr. Pitre gives a fresh perspective for understanding the mystery that is the Eucharist. Peachtree City, Georgia January 3, 2016 In Honor of this Jubilee of Mercy we will offer Wisdom & Works of Mercy We will use: The One Thing is Three + You Did it to Me by Fr. Michael Gaitly 10 weeks Mondays 11:15 AM -1:15 PM Begins January 25 This class begins with The One Thing is Three, which helps us understand the concept of communio (communion) by explaining its three points: Communion with the Trinity; Transforming Communion with Christ; and the Mission of Communion. Followed by You Did it to Me, which not only helps readers identify practical ways of living out the works of mercy, but helps them understand a “scriptural approach” to mercy as well. “It is my burning desire that during this Jubilee, the Christian people may reflect on the corporal and spiritual works of mercy” (Pope Francis). To register contact Terri Thomas 678-466-1739 or A Journey of Conversion For those wanting to be Catholic Those needing to complete their Sacraments Anyone wanting to learn more about the Catholic Faith RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): Helping you to live a Gospel inspired life in an increasingly secular world Have you been coming to Mass for awhile and think, “what does it mean to be Catholic?” Are you interested in finding out what Catholics really believe? Join us for Inquiry. Now might be the perfect time to join us. Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm. All sessions are informal and completely commitment free. Our RCIA classes in the New Year will center on the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church “The seven sacraments touch all the stages and all the important moments of Christian life: they give birth and increase, healing and mission to the Christian’s life of faith. There is thus a certain resemblance between the stages of natural life and the stages of the spiritual life. “ Jan 6 Baptism & Confirmation Jan 13 The Eucharist Jan 20 Reconciliation/Anointing of Sick Jan 27 Matrimony & Holy Orders RCIA Classes resume January 6, 2016 A new class is forming for Catholic adults who have never been Confirmed. Contact Joanne @678-466-1738; to register. Today we celebrate the Epiphany. This Feast commemorates the manifestation of Christ to the gentiles, that Jesus came not only as the Messiah to the Jewish people but as the Savior of the whole world. Need information on Annulments or Convalidations? Contact Joanne @ 678-466-1738 or for confidential counseling. Thinking about becoming Catholic or learning more about the Catholic Faith? The Epiphany of the Lord Holy Trinity Elementary News Formación de Fe Hispana Para más información, favor de leer la sección de Ministerio de Jóvenes en el boletín de Holy Trinity For more information on any of the events listed, please contact Sharon Brown at or Sachiko Doreste at: Please Note: Classes r esume Sunday, J anuar y 11 and Wednesday, J anuar y 13. Ther e ar e no classes on Sunday, J anuar y 17 and Wednesday January 20 for the MLK Holiday. Clases empezarán el domingo 10 de enero y miércoles, 13 de enero. No habrá clases el domingo, 17 de enero ni miércoles, 20 de enero por la celebración del Día de Martin Luther King. Sacramental Dates—First Reconciliation Retreats Friday, January 29 5:30p—8:30p Or Saturday, January 30 9:00-12:30p or 12:30—3:30 If you have not signed up or if you have not provided a copy of your child’s current issued (within the last 6 months) baptismal certificate, please see Sharon Brown in the Faith Formation office. 1st Reconciliation Friday, February 5, 7pm Saturday, February 6, 11am El retiro de Primera Reconciliación: Viernes, 29 de enero a las 5:30pm Sábado, 6 de febrero a las 9am o 12:30pm Si no ha escogido su fecha para participar en cada evento o no ha entregado su certificado de bautismo recién expedido (dentro de últimos 6 meses), favor de comunicarse con Sachiko Doreste en la oficina de Formación de Fe en español o con Sharon Brown en inglés. Primera Reconciliación viernes, 5 de febrero a las 7pm sábado, 6 de febrero a las 11am The 2nd Annual Holy Trinity’s Got Talent Audition Request Show will be held February 6, 2016 Name: _________________________________________ Type of Act: _____________________________________ Phone Number: _________________________________ Email: _________________________________________ Time of Audition – please circle –you will receive a call about exact time for audition. Wednesday January 6 4:00-4:30 4:30-5:00 5:00-5:30 5:30-6:00 6:00-6:30 6:30-7:00 Thursday, January 7 4:00-4:30 4:30-5:00 5:00-5:30 5:30-6:00 6:00-6:30 6:30-7:00 Auditions open to all 6th graders to 106 years old. Please supply accompaniment music. Mics will be supplied if needed. FEBRUARY 6, 2016 Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity YOUTH MINISTRY News Formación de Fe Hispana: Ministerio de Los Jóvenes Middle School High School ATTENTION! For more details about these activities and more Youth Ministry news, go to Youth Ministers can be reached by email. Heather Garger: Megan Vilardi: Life Teen Kickoff—January 10 All Middle and High School teens are invited to our Life Teen Kick Off on January 10 from 6:00-7:30p.m. featuring Paul J. Kim. All parishioners are invited to the second annual Les invitamos a todos los jóvenes de la secundaria y preparatoria al comienzo de Life Teen el 10 de enero de las 6pm a 7:30pm presentando a Paul J. Kim. Holy Trinity’s Got Talent Saturday, February 6th Apostolic Experience. Men’s Shelter on Thursday, February 4. Registration opens January 7. Contact Heather for more information. Oportunidades para Experiencias Apostólicas: Men’s Shelter (Albergue para hombres) el juéves, 4 de febrero. Inscripción empezará el 7 de enero. Favor de contactar a Heather para más información. 6:30p Dinner in Loreto Hall 7:00p Doors open 7:15p Show begins in St. Faustina $5 for food. Register in Faith Formation office. We will meet Holy Trinity at 6p and return at 10p. Deadline to register is January 10. Para este evento inscríbase en la oficina de Formación de Fe. Saldremos a las 6:00pm y volveremos a las 10:00 pm. Puede ir a para más información y listado de eventos. Costo: $5 para comida. Ike Ndolo January 12, 2016 Tickets on sale January 9th and 10th and also January 23rd and 24th. All proceeds of this fundraiser benefit the teens attending camps and conferences this summer! Classes begin Sunday, January 10 and Wednesday, January 13. NO classes on Sunday, January 17 and Wednesday, January 20 for the MLK Holiday. Clases empezarán el domingo 10 de enero y miércoles, 13 de enero. No habrá clases el domingo, 17 de enero ni miércoles, 20 de enero por la celebración del Día de Martin Luther King. YAG Holy Trinity Youth Adult Group Cell:772-214-7134 Thursday Night Study Habitat For Humanity Build Answering Pope Francis’ call to serve, we are participating in a Habitat for Humanity build site in Atlanta. We need at least ten volunteers. Let Megan know if you are available! All young adults over 18 years of age invited to attend. January 16, 2016 * 6:45 a.m.—4:00 p.m. The aim of this study is not only to deepen our knowledge of Christ, but to strengthen our relationship with Him. If you are interested in learning and growing in community with other young adults, come on out to this study! All young adults over 18 years of age invited to attend. Bosco Room at Holy Trinity 7-9 pm Thursdays
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