
Papillon Club of America
January 2009 Vol. 52 Issue 1
Editor Jeri Naylor
3008 Haney Drive
La Grange, KY 40031
(502) 225-0479
President: Carol Fredrick
Vice President: Lisa Pertile
Treasurer: Lou Ann King
Recording Secretary: Paula Botwinick
Corresponding Secretary: Robin Kost
Deb Cawley
Janis McLaren
Jerrilin Naylor
Dorthea Robinson, DVM
AKC Delegate
Arlene Czech
Deadline for February Pap Talk Newsletter is January 15th.
Deadline for March Pap Talk Quarterly is February 15th.
Paula Botwinick- Recording Secretary
4 Carstairs Street
East Patchogue, NY 11772
631-714-4547 email:
If you like getting PCA news quickly, please sign up for PCA Announcements.
Contact Paula Botwinick
New Member Applicants for
December 2008 and January
Terry Bessler
PO Box 9674
Rapid City, SD 57709
Sponsors: Cynthia Pera/ Laura
Antje Kromberg Dunmire
1000 Pioneer Rd
Dallas, OR 97338
Sponors: Carol Rosencrans/
Carol Fredrick
Rosemarie Farmer
6001 CL Meyers Dr
Byron, IL 61010
Sponsors: Marcy Wyrens/
Katherine Gress
Tika Solnar Phipps
1325 3rd St
Los Osos, CA 93402
Sponsors: Salwa Alfadl/ Carol
Robert Wallace
318 Fifth Ave
Lehighs Acres, FL 33936
Sponsors: Connie Barata/ Robert
New Member Applicants for
January and February 2009
Ashley Grissom
217 Mondou Rd
Hot Springs, AR 71901
Sponsors: Ellen Aikers-Perry/
Brian Leonard
Leah Moore
Greensboro, NC
Amanda Humphrey
695 Austin Springs Rd
Johnson City, TN 37601
Sponsors: Julianne Wilson/
Jerrilin Naylor
Terri Rothwell
Raytown, MO
Ruxandra Lucaciu
3650 SW CR 242
Lake City, FL 32024
Sponsors: Rebecca McCarty/
Karen Byrd
Welcome new members
Kelli Alseth
Proctor, MN
Kim Barbolini
Williamsville, NY
Sharon Blackstock
Massillon, OH
Rebecca Davies
Remsen, NY
Gail Muenster
Elkton, MD
Nancy Ann O'Connell
West Des Moines, IA
Diana Sayre
Fresno, CA
Changes to the roster
Greg Bechard
305 Glenrock Ln
Freeburg, IL 62243
Lorraine Shore
POB 1113
Carlsborg, WA 98324-1113
Changed Email address
Tammy Tackett
Add to roster
Ellen Wamser
PO Box 207
Mukwomago, WI 53149
Ken Moore
Greensboro, NC
Important PCA Announcements
Dues Renewals
Now Available On-line!!
PayPal option for Dues payments
Go to Members Only Page on PCA website
Find: Dues Renewals
PayPal Now Available
for Pap Talk Quarterly Advertisers
Members, you can soon pay for your ads in the Quarterly with Pay Pal.
Go to the Member’s Only page and look for the Pap Talk Pay Pal advertising link.
Editor Jeri Naylor
As the new year approaches we need someone to check off and mail out membership pins to
those eligible for their 20 year pin, or more. I can help you get started and explain it to you.
I have the pins and will send them to you for mailing to the members who qualify.
Please Contact:
From the Editor’s Desk-2009
The years of 2007 – 2008 are now behind us with many great achievements by the Board of 2007-0808. As we say
good-by to them, I would like to thank each and every one of them for their services. To serve on the PCA Board is
an honor, and all of these ladies were professional and hard working. They were asked to serve and they accepted
and stepped up to the plate and worked diligently to their fullest potential.
To recap the accomplishments of these past two years by this Board here is a summary of the many things that were
completed or started.
We now have a beautiful Judges Education Production complete with a Power Point
presentation, and a DVD is given to each attendee at the seminar. The reviews that
have come into the Board regarding this presentation have been very positive and
The PCA website underwent reconstruction and now has a committee working on
updating and making navigation much easier. In addition, a contest for the home-page
photos is now underway.
The Constitution and By-Laws committee worked hard ALL year preparing the
revisions for the members of which are at the AKC for approval right now. They will
be submitted to the membership before March 2009.
The financials for the PCA have been transferred over to Quick Books on-line to allow
for a smooth transition of treasurers.
A CPA firm was hired and has completed the annual review twice (2007 & 2008) as
required by the CB&Ls.
Pay Pal has been set up by the Treasurer for renewals beginning in 2009. Plus, the club
has updated the application for new members, so the Board will have more information
when admitting new members. It includes areas where new applicants can express
desire as to what opportunities they want to volunteer for.
The PCA Rescue Trust passed with a margin of 237 yes votes to 72 no votes. The new
Rescue page is now up (take a peak) and many beautiful rescue dogs are on the home
page for viewing
Pap Talk is available on-line the first of the month.
The color Pap Talk Quarterly is available at your door in the months of March, June,
September and December, and it has been a huge success. Members who never
advertised before have participated and we appreciate their support.
The 2009 National is coming to fruition with many great and exciting things. There are
raffles and updates monthly and all can be seen on their fabulous web link on the home
page of the PCA website. Go to
We have begun working on the 2010 PCA National and getting all the proper approvals
in place.
The Benevolent Fund has been reactivated and funds have been given out for members
in distress. There is also a place where you can check off for a donation on the member
The Breeders List was returned to its original status from the previous board. A poll
was taken and the members have not asked for any change in this area.
The Sunshine Committee has also been reactivated, and if you know of anyone in need
of a card please contact Bernie Postle who is the chair of this committee.
15. The PCA now recognizes long term members with a membership pin of 20 years or
16. We also have a new Versatility Award to recognize our incredible versatile Papillons.
17. This Board will be handing over transitional manuals to the next officers elected. This
is because of the comprehensive Strategic Plan for the future of the club that has been
worked on in this past two years for a smooth transition.
18. This Board signed a Code of Conduct which was adopted and brought us into step with
the other national breed clubs of America.
19. This Board has met every month by conference call to help keep the club current on all
activities going on, including committee reports submitted.
20. The Board has put the wheels in motion to re-print the Papillon Primer that is one of the
best beginner books on Papillons. It has been allowed to go out of print, but contracts
are being signed and it is hope that the Papillon Primer written by long time breed
Virginia Newton of Mariposa Papillons will be available early in 2009
Looking back on all of these achievements, I remember the daily, weekly and monthly workings
and it has been interesting and fulfilling to work as a volunteer for the PCA. This Board wishes
nothing but continued success to the upcoming officers and directors and we all send our
congratulations to those who are elected.
Your Editor and PCA Board Director, Jeri Naylor
PCA Election Time!!
The election for the PCA’s Board of Directors for 2009-2011 and for
judges for the National Specialties 2011-2012 is underway. Due to a
problem with the return addresses on some of the ballots originally mailed
on December 2nd, 2008, the Board of Directors voted at the last meeting
to re-send out new ballots by January 1, 2009. All original, previous
ballots will NOT be counted and will be discarded. You must vote again
with the new ballots to have your vote count. The Board regrets this
All ballots will need to be returned by FEBRUARY 1st, 2009. Don’t forget to VOTE!
The following candidates were nominated by the nominating committee to be included on the
President: Nicholas Forbes
V. President: Maxine Gurin
Treasurer: Jane Sirkoch
Recording Secretary: Bernadette Postle
Corresponding Secretary: Phyllis Fleming
Directors: Don Bauer, Jerrilin Naylor, Meg Peifer, Dorthea Robinson, DVM
AKC delegate: Arlene Czech
These additional candidates for the PCA Board of Directors for 2009-2010 have petitioned to be
included on the enclosed election ballot by following Article V. Section. 1, part c of the PCA
Constitution and By-laws . They are listed on the ballot along with the nominated candidates.
President: Lori Bovee
Vice-President: Sandy Schumacher
Corresponding Secretary: Nikki Berthold-Illias
Recording Secretary: Angela Pickett
Directors: Mary Keith Welch , Kevin Ray, Cynthia Pera, Mary Jo Loye
Attention: New AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Program
The AKC has a new program for new puppy owners.
Check out the following link for more information.
Help Wanted!
Committee Chairs and committee members
The PCA Board is inviting the membership to consider volunteering for these important committee positions. These
committees need a chair and/or members. Please contact the PCA Board at if
you are interested in contributing to the PCA with your time, talent and expertise. We encourage you to become
active in your club. Volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization.
Awards Coordinating Committee:
This committee was formed to help oversee and coordinate the many award programs that the PCA sponsors. Other
PCA committees may take on compilation duties but this committee will ensure that all awards are given out in an
accurate and timely manner-both for the annual awards banquet, as well as listed in Pap Talk and on the website.
This committee will ensure certificates or plaques are created as well. An organized individual is needed for the
Chair of this committee and may appoint committee members to aid in the work. Some of the award programs that
are tracked include Dams and Sires of Merit, Dams and Sires of Distinction, Top Obedience, Top Agility and Top
Junior Handler Awards, CHIC Medallion of Health, AKC Sportsmanship Award, Gold and Silver Butterfly Award
and the upcoming Versatility Awards.
Pap Talk Editor
We will be looking for a Pap Talk Editor as of the end of the year. Jeri Naylor will be stepping down from those
duties. The individual should be well-organized, have graphic artist capabilities, and be able to meet deadlines. The
Editor is responsible for producing 12 issues a year of newsletters and Pap Talk Quarterly magazines containing
important club news and announcements.
The Greater Delaware Valley Papillon
Club Invites You to Come:
Saturday, February 7th, 2009
Breed Judge: Mr. Luc Boileau 5102 Cranberry Road
Burlington, WI 53105-9044
Junior Showmanship:
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603
Ms. Karen Mills-Heron 298 Noxon Road
Mrs. Ruth Ann Ford 501 Sarah St. Osceola Mills, PA 16666
Sunday, February 8th, 2009
Breed and Junior Showmanship:
Mr. Elliott Weiss 3860 Flint Drive Eagle, ID 83618
Mr. William Miller 13087 Crossroads Avenue Felton, PA 17322
Watch for our web site coming soon! We welcome all trophy donations. These are due by
December 14th, 2008 and should be mailed to: Joanne Paulino 279 Commonwealth Street
Franklin Square, NY 11010
Your Show Committee would like to thank artist and fellow PCA member Renee Groleau for our
lovely logo. You conjured up exactly what Joanne Paulino, our Trophy Chair, had in mind! Renee
is also the artist for the PCA 2009 National Specialty logo. She does many beautiful one of a
kind pieces.
Feel free to contact her at:
Renee Groleau 20 High St. Chicopee, MA 01020-1826 413-594-4457
Catalogue ads are also welcome. These are due by December 14th, 2008 and should be
mailed to: Roseann Fucillo P. O. Box 163 Allendale, NJ 07401
Full Page - $60.00
Half Page - $30.00
Quarter Page - $15.00
Business Card - $10.00
Booster Page - $5.00
Breeders' Ad (3 lines) - $10.00
Sponsor - $5.00
Photos will be accepted for ads at additional costs.
Add $10.00 for one photo in Full and Half Page ads.
For multiple photos, add $10.00 for the first photo plus $8.00 for each additional photo.
Minutes fo r Pa pillon Club of America Inc. Board
teleconference meeting Octo ber 24, 2008
Meeting came to order at 8:05 PM EDT
Carol Fredrick, Lisa Pertile, Lou Ann King, Robin Kost,
Deb Cawley, Janis McLaren, Jeri Naylor and Dorthea
Robinson, DVM present. Paula Botwinick absent.
Minutes from September 23, 2008 approved as amended:
Lou Ann King made a motion to amend the minutes from
September 23, 2008. Motion seconded, unanimous
Correction: 2010 National: Lou Ann King reports she has
drafted the contracts for the Conformation and Sweeps
judges for 2010 and they are ready to send out.
Motion made by Jeri Naylor to go into executive session
at 8:10pm edt. Motion seconded, unanimous approval.
Report from Executive Session:Rescue: The vote was
received and transmitted by the teller for the vote on the
Rescue Trust. The vote for the creation of a trust was:
237 yes votes 72 no votes
A motion was made by Lisa Pertile to adopt the vote of
the membership with the Rescue Trust. Motion seconded,
unanimous approval.
A motion was made by Lisa Pertile for the board to create
a Rescue Trust Formation Committee and direct them to
move forward with the legal paperwork to create the
Rescue Trust with Ed Sledzik, and to prepare a proposal
for the working structure and operating manual for the
trust, optimally to be presented to the board for
consideration by Friday November 21, 2008. Dorthea
Robinson, DVM as chair.
Motion seconded, unanimous approval.
Next Board meeting is scheduled for November 23, 2008
at 6:00PM EST
Lisa Pertile made a motion to exit the executive session
and to adjourn the meeting at 8:16 PM edt, motion
seconded, unanimously approved, motion passed.
Signed, Robin Kost Corresponding Secretary
Minutes fo r Pa pillon Club of America Inc. Teleconferenc e
meeting November 23, 2008
The meeting came to order at 6:03 pm est.
Lou Ann King, Robin Kost, Lisa Pertile, Janis Mc Laren,
Dorthea Robinson DVM, Deb Cawley, Jeri Naylor, Carol
Fredrick present. Paula Botwinick absent.
Minutes from October 23, 2008 approved, no corrections.
Reports from officers:
President’s Report:
The AGM sign up sheets have been requested again from
the Recording Secretary for publication in Pap Talk. Jeri
Naylor reports her request has gone unanswered by the
Treasurer’s Report for November 23, 2008:
Beginning balance from September 23, 2008 report Break down of different funds - $67,994– General
$45,500– Genetics
$74,098– Rescue
$1,959– Benevolent Fund
$14,881- Primer
Current balance of each fund –
General Fund, total of $65,057
Genetics, total of $45,731
Rescue, total of $70,908
Benevolent Fund, total of $1,999
Remained the same - Primer Account, total of $14,881
1. No response on check returned from non-member, Ruth
Iverson, in the amount of $90.00, with a $5.00 bank
charge for rescue.
2. On May 5, 2008 an email request to Sandra
Schumacher, PCA Librarian, for a complete inventory of
the items she holds for PCA was requested. Ms.
Schumacher responded on May 11th, the number of the
Common Medical Disorder (78). May 11th, another email
was sent requesting an inventory of the other publications.
Ms. Schumacher was contacted again in October 27th. No
response has been received.
3. Attorneys for the Emma Allen trust contacted the
President and Treasurer concerning release forms that were
mailed to Ms. Sandra Schumacher. The attorney had not
received a response from Ms. Schumacher. Ms.
Schumacher did not forward or contact any board member
concerning these legal documents. The estate is being
held up due to this inaction.
4. No requests for payment have been received from the
chair of the rescue committee or rescue committee
treasurer since October 21, 2008.
Midwest Regional reported profit of $617.62.
Reports of Committees:
Pap Talk Committee:
Jeri Naylor reports the December issue of Pap talk will go
to printer tomorrow. Jeri explains the minimal fee of $125
for show announcements and photos of show results is to
cover the cost of color. Jeri Naylor makes a motion to
change the wording in Pap Talk Guidelines regarding
photos of show results from specialty shows to change the
word ”but” to “and” in regard to advertising fee.
Motion seconded, unanimously approved, motion passed.
Jeri Naylor makes a motion due to the misunderstanding
of the language used in the Pap Talk Guidelines regarding
photos of show results to allow the Hawaii Specialty to
publish their photos of show results in Pap Talk for 2008
due to the fact that they did not place an ad which would
have automatically entitled clubs to have photos
published at no charge.
Motion seconded, unanimously approved, motion passed.
Papillon Assistance Program:Rescue:
PCAR Trust:
Dorthea Robinson reports receiving the resignations of the
Chair of Rescue, Tammy Tackett, effective November 30,
2008 and of Judy Hill. Ms. Hill has informed the board
she will return to Rescue after taking care of personal
business. The Board has acknowledged the resignations
and thanked the individuals for their service to PCA and
rescue. There may have been a few other resignations but
the Liaison reports not receiving official notice herself.
Dorthea Robinson makes a motion to accept the
documents submitted by the PCART (Papillon Club of
America Rescue Trust) formation committee for a
PCART with one clarification in the Trust documents.
Section Fifth, line A, sentence to change the wording to
read “the trustees shall determine the number of “at
Large” trustees.
Motion seconded, unanimously approved, motion passed.
First executive session called at 7:10 pm et until 7:18
pm est.
Report from executive session:
No report from executive session
Dorthea Robinson makes a motion to authorize Keith
Plossl to obtain the domain name of for use
by the rescue trust.
Motion seconded, unanimously approved, motion passed.
Dorthea Robinson moves to amend the preceding motion.
Motion seconded, unanimously approved, motion passed.
Dorthea Robinson submits the following motion to
amend her motion. Dorthea Robinson moves to authorize
Keith Plossl to obtain the domain name of
for use by the rescue trust and additionally authorize the
domain be set up for five years.
Motion seconded, unanimously approved, motion passed.
Website Update:
Deb Cawley reports the pages are being updated and the
homepage contest opens up 12/15/08.
Special Committees:
Awards Revision Committee: Deb Cawley
Deb reports a form is available on the members-only site
for applying for awards for Sire of Merit and Distinction
and Dam of Merit and Distinction.
By Laws Revisions: Bob Synnott
Jeri reports that the BL revisions have been sent to AKC
for approval.
Judges Selection Committee: Lou Ann King and Lisa
Ballot has been formatted and sent to Recording Secretary
for inclusion with election ballot mailing.
2009 National Show: Meg Pfeifer
Jeri reports they are doing fundraising, taking donations,
working on menus and getting pay pal set up. Things are
moving along.
2009 NE PCA Regional: Maxine Gurin
Beautiful trophies have been created by PCA member
artist Renee Groleau. Catalog and donation information
sent out on PCA announcements and web site.
2010 National Show: Lou Ann King
Planning is moving along.
Unfinished Business:
Primer Reprint: Lou Ann King
Contracts are being drafted to republish with updates and
additional items.
Upcoming balloting on officers and judge selections:
Carol Fredrick reports: She has requested Recording
Secretary Paula Botwinick forward the election ballot to
the board for approval. The ballot must go out
December1st 2008.
New Business:
Specialty Approval requests for 2009 received from:
Greater Delaware Valley Papillon Club, May 3, 2009
Greater Chicagoland Papillon Club, June 13, 2009
Papillon Club of Northern California, August 28, 2009
Papillon Club of Southern California, July 2, 2009
Lou Ann King makes a motion to approve all the above
specialty requests.
Motion seconded, unanimously approved, motion passed.
Phyllis Fleming requests board approval for the 2009
Midwest Papillon Club of Iowa Regional specialty,
September 4, 2009. Robin Kost makes a motion to
approve the Midwest Iowa Regional specialty.
Motion seconded, unanimously approved, motion passed.
Executive Session called at 7:37 pm est until 7:47 est.
Report form Executive session:
Permission will be granted for member to download and
obtain other documents from the PCA website for pending
civil action.
Dues renewal payment system:
Lou Ann King reports she and our web master have
researched using Pay Pal for 2009 dues renewal.
Carol Fredrick makes a motion to authorize the treasurer
to set up a Pay Pal system beginning in January 2009.
Motion seconded, unanimously approved, motion passed.
Emma Allen Estate: bequest to Rescue.
Lou Ann King will prepare a write up about Emma and
her bequests to PCA and rescue for Pap Talk and the
PCA web site.
Carol Fredrick makes a motion to have the board grant
the Request for Consent made by the Emma Allen Trust
regarding the modification to the bequest to Hunter
College speech pathology program, to be signed and
returned by the president.
Motion seconded, unanimously approved, motion passed.
Deb Cawley made a motion to adjourn the meeting at
8:10 pm est.
Motion seconded, unanimously approved, motion passed.
Next Board Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, December
14, at 8:00 pm est.
Robin Kost
Corresponding Secretary
Minutes fo r Pa pillon Club of America Inc. Teleconferenc e
meeting December 14, 2008
The meeting came to order at 8:04 pm est
Lou Ann King, Robin Kost, Lisa Pertile, Janis McLaren,
Dorthea Robinson DVM, Deb
Cawley, Jeri Naylor, Carol Fredrick present. Paula
Botwinick absent.
Reports of Committees:
Legislative Committee:
Janis McLaren made a motion to approve Lori Landis to
assist Connie Barata in legislative matters.
Motion seconded, unanimously approved, motion passed.
Minutes from November 23, 2008 approved, no
Janis McLaren made a motion to have PCA make a
$2,000 contribution to the NAIA trust. Motion seconded,
unanimously approved, motion passed.
Reports from officers:
Presidents Report:
Carol Fredrick reports she has heard from Sandy
Schumacher in regard to the Emma Allen Trust. Sandy
had not received anything from the trust and nothing has
been forwarded to her since her move.
Treasurers report:
Treasurer’s Report for December 14, 2008
Beginning balance from November 23, 2008 report Break down of different funds –
$65, 057– General
$45,731– Genetics
$70,908– Rescue
$1,999– Benevolent Fund
$14,881- Primer
Current balance of each fund –
General Fund, total of $63, 046
Genetics, total of $45,731
Rescue, total of $69,279
Benevolent Fund, total of $1,999
Remained the same - Primer Account, total of $14,881
Website Updates Committee:
Deb Cawley reports that an announcement about the
website homepage photo contest will be out in the next
few days.
Papillon Assistance Program Committee:
Dorthea Robinson DVM, The chair of the Rescue Trust
Formation Committee requests payment of $300 to
Tammy Fortney for her services in updating, modernizing
and improving the Rescue Website.
Motion seconded, unanimously approved, motion passed.
Carol Fredrick moves to approve the form 1023 narrative
description for PCART sent to the board on 12/14/2008
with one word change in the third paragraph. Remove the
first use of the word “created” in the sentence: We have
created strict guidelines and application procedures that
the Papillon Club of America Rescue Trust has created.
Change to: We have strict guidelines and application
procedures that the Papillon Club of America Rescue
Trust has created.
Motion seconded, unanimously approved, motion passed.
Special Committees:
2010 National Show Committee:
Lou Ann King reports there is an agility chair, a tentative
location has been found, and a contract has been put out
for the PCA National Specialty agility trial.
Unfinished Business:
Carol Fredrick made a motion that the PCA Board resend
the election and judge selection ballots out to the
members. The new mailing would be in a colored outside
envelope and differently colored ballots. The
Corresponding Secretary will get the envelopes labeled
and the ballots printed, place the ballots, envelopes, and
the explanation letter in their mailing envelope, put
"ballot" on the return envelope, then send them to the
Recording Secretary who will put on the member address
labels for the most current membership mailing list, the
correct postage on the exterior mailing envelope and mail
them before December 31st.
Motion seconded, motion passed, Robin Kost abstained,
stating that she agreed to take the responsibility of the
preparation of the ballots, since the Recording Secretary
once again was not present at a board meeting and not
available to address the issues relating to the mailing of
the ballots.
Related Matter: Question by member for the board to
consider using a different teller.
The board considered the matter, and decided to retain the
services of the chosen teller, who had been recommended
by more than one national breed club and was described
as being “remarkable, professional, accurate and timely,”
in addition to being licensed and bonded, and who come
to them through the assistance of Mike Liosis of AKC.
Request by Anna Schwartz for Rescue Trust documents:
This request was referred to the PCAR Trust board.
Request made by Lori Bovee regarding observation of
the tellers ballot counting:
The request is under consideration, more information is
required before this request is decided.
Papillon Club of Northern California request for
blanket approval:
Carol Fredrick moves to approve the Papillon Club of
Northern California's request for approval for future
specialties, approving them for a period of 2 years (until
2010) for the current date, or relative corresponding date,
and same location.
Motion seconded, Robin Kost abstains, motion passed.
Papillon Club of Tulsa request for approval of specialty
on March 27, 2008
Carol Fredrick moves to ratify the prior communication to
the Papillon Club of Tulsa to hold their specialty on
March 27, 2008. Seconded, motion passed.
PCAR Trust Funds
Dorthea Robinson moves that PCA transfer $25,000.00 of
Rescue funds to open an account for PCAR Trust. Motion
seconded, Janis McLaren abstains, motion passed.
Lisa Pertile made a motion to adjourn the meeting at
11:07 pm est.
Motion seconded, unanimously approved, motion passed.
Next Board Meeting is scheduled for Sunday December
28 at 4 pm est.
Robin Kost
Corresponding Secretary
New Business:
Request by Linda Sohn for disclosure of names of all
members who voted on the creation of the Rescue Trust
for the purpose of conducting a phone survey of those
This request was declined by the board.
Minutes fo r Pa pillon Club of America Inc. Teleconferenc e
meeting December 2 8, 2 008
The meeting came to order at 4:08 pm est
Lou Ann King, Robin Kost, Lisa Pertile, Janis McLaren,
Dorthea Robinson DVM, Deb Cawley, Jeri Naylor, Carol
Fredrick present. Paula Botwinick absent.
Minutes from December 14, 2008 approved, no
Reports from officers:
Presidents Report: Carol Fredrick reports she has
received a thank you letter from AKC for the
Meet the Breed presentation at Eukanuba in December.
Unfinished Business:
Carol Fredrick reports the teller has not received an
updated roster from the Recording Secretary.
Request made by Lori Bovee regarding observation of
the tellers ballot counting:
Carol Fredrick will contact Lori Bovee and the teller to
clarify observation of the tally of the election ballots.
Correction to minutes from AGM:
The list of signed in attendees at the AGM held in April
2008 will be published in Pap Talk and put online in the
member’s only area of the PCA website.
New Business:
Forwarding of club property:
Jeri Naylor made a motion that any board member or
volunteer who works on behalf of PCA in
any capacity will forward, after being notified by the
board, any and all requested club property, within two
weeks of request, by the method of shipping the board
designates, to the party designated by the board. Any
shipping expenses will be paid by the individual, and
reimbursement will be sent to the individual within two
weeks upon receiving the proof of payment receipt by the
Treasurer. Failure to forward the club property could be
considered conduct prejudicial to the best interests of the
Motion seconded, Janis McLaren votes against, motion
Lisa Pertile made a motion to direct Tammy Tackett to
forward any and all rescue related club property to Diana
Fuchs via USPS using media mail for any paper records
and ground post for any other property by January 16,
Motion seconded, Janis McLaren abstains, motion
Executive Session begins at 5:50 pm est.
Report from Executive session:
The Board elected to entertain charges brought by one
member against another member.
The charge hearing date is set for January 20, 2009 at
8pm est.
Executive session ends at 6:31 pm est.
Lisa Pertile made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:33
pm est.
Motion seconded, unanimously approved, motion passed.
Next Board Meeting is scheduled for Sunday January 11,
2009 at 8 pm est..
Robin Kost
Corresponding Secretary
FEBRUARY 21 AND 22, 2009
Entries close Wednesday, February 4, 2009 12 noon
The Armory
Warrenton, VA
Hotel: The Comfort Inn, Warrenton, VA 22701 (540-349-8900). Rooms have been set aside and
will be held until Tuesday. January 20, 2009. Price of rooms include pet fee for first dog.
Additional dogs require additional fees.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Obedience in the morning with Rally to follow immediately. Judge: Ms. Nancy Withers
Match: Saturday afternoon immediately following Rally with entries taken from
10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon
(No Pre-Entries)
Match classes as follows: 3-6 Months, 6-9 Months, 9-12 Months, 12-15 Months
In addition: One new class added: Bred by Exhibitor Puppy
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Sweepstakes, Regular, Non-regular Classes and Junior Showmanship
Sweepstakes Judge: Ms. Karen Wilson
Regular, Non-regular classes and Junior Showmanship Judge:
Mrs. Sari Brewster Tietjen
Catered Lunch
For information or questions please contact the show chairman:
Gloria Wialliams
New Y ear ... New PCA Homepage… New C ontest!
The PCA Website Committee is pleased to announce a new homepage for the PCA website in the coming new year!
But before we ring the new homepage in we want to add a bit more fun to your holiday season by having you, the
membership, put the finishing decorative touches on it! The fun being had in the form of a contest, the decorative touch,
being a photo of your Papillons and Phalenes!
Entries will be judged by the membership, which in the end, will ultimately crown one winning photo each of a Papillon and
Phalene to grace the homepage.
The contest begins Monday, December 15th and ends Thursday, January 15th, 2009.
Entries will be judged by the membership, through a voting process that will take place online.
One winning Papillon photo and one winning Phalene photo will be chosen.
The voting period will begin Sunday, February 1st and end Sunday, February 15th.
Voting will be limited to one vote each, per member, per Papillon and Phalene.
The voting rules and the web address to place your vote, will be announced at a later date.
Official Contest Rules & Guidelines:
Photo Eligibility:
1. Each PCA member is limited to submitting one photo each of their Papillon and/or Phalene.
2. Photos will be accepted in electronic form only and will not be returned.
3. Both color and black & white photos are permissible.
4. Show photos are allowed but, not limited to.
5. Photos of an advertisement type nature will not be accepted (promoting kennels, recently made Champions etc.).
6. No watermarks, signatures, or copyright notices may be added to images.
Photo Formats:
1. Images should be submitted in JPEG/JPG format.
2. File sizes must be less than 1 MB and not greater than 100 dpi.
How to Enter:
1. Photos may be submitted by emailing them to Renee Groleau, PCA Website Committee chair at:
2. Please title the email subject line: "PCA Homepage Contest" and include your name.
3. Each photo must be labeled with the the PCA member's name and the name of the Papillon and/or Phalene in the respected
The committee reserves the right to adjust photos (resize, crop etc.) to create uniformity of all pictures and fit the specs
needed to create the contest page & new homepage. For fairness and anonymity the photos will be assigned a number as they
are received and will be displayed on the contest page in their numerical order. Names will not be revealed on the photos
during the voting process. To aid in anonymity and help judge solely on the dog's merits, the committee reserves the right to
crop out the judge and handler's image in show photos. However, the photographer's name will be retained, due to
In case of a tie, a runoff vote will be held.
Any questions may be submitted to the PCA Website Committee chair, Renee Groleau, at:
NEW AKC TITLES-PAPILLONS - Published December 2008, AKC Awards
Every month, the AKC publishes the names of our dogs and the titles they acquire. It takes several months for this
information to move through the AKC online reports and into our Pap Talk publication.
All AKC Championship and Performance Titles will be published. If, after 4 months, you still don’t see your dog’s name in
print, please contact Paula Botwinick at or call her at 631-714-4547.
CH Adiva Even More Charming (B)
By CH Nouveau Less Is More x CH Adiva
The Charmer
Breeder/Owner: Rose Mcquilkin
CH Anamar Making The Grade (D)
By Anamar Footprint In The Sand CD RN
Bittersuite NAP NJP
Breeder: Anna Marie Kodet & Colleen
Owner: Madeleine R Wiedmeyer & Robert J
Wiedmeyer & Anna Kodet
CH Arkeno's La Cala Mity (B)
By CH Arkeno's Everybodyz Talking x
Prettyview Arkeno Poise N'Ivy
Breeder: Kim A McKay & Murray Berg &
James E Barnes
Owner: Lorraine Jensen
CH Namaste Napoleon Dynamite (D)
By CH Siljans Disney Jr x Namaste Queen
Bless Runway Model
Breeder: Lorelei Bayless & Daniel Bayless
Owner: Harold Hannon
CH Zelicaon Shooting Star (D)
By CH Zelicaon One Step At A Time x CH
Zelicaon Up Up And Away
Breeder: Forrest G Johnson
Owner: Mrs. Kathryn B Ainsworth
CH Okekai Miki Summer (D)
By CH Mea Okekai True Story x CH
Okekai Walkin' After Midnight
Breeder: Mrs. Barbara Ankersmit & Ashley
Owner: Susan Palmer & Barbara Ankersmst
CH Okekai The Mighty Quinn (D)
By CH Queen Bless Jp Gay Contender x CH
Okekai Walkin' After Midnight
Breeder: Mrs. Barbara Ankersmit & Ashley
Owner: Alvin Ninomoto & Gail Ninomoto &
Barbara Ankersmit
Keepsake Rum Runner CD (D)
By CH Tuinluv's Flaunt It Markenhaus x
CH Astra's Keepsake Legacy
Breeder/Owner: Barbara S Foley
Reilly CD RA (B)
By Happy-Tails Here Francios x Maximilian
Owner: Mrs. Margaret S. Thomas
CH Blazen Ur Undeniable (B)
By Sandel's Leonardo Voncross x Starfall's
Rio Daisha
Breeder: Shannon Clarke
Owner: Sally S. Hill
CH Perlygates Xena Of Silvermorning'S
By Menine's Escapade x Silvermorning's
C'Est Moi Chleo
Breeder: Perly Lundin & Kristina Boden
Owner: Monica Palmero
Elite Royal Rite At Julyn CDX (D)
By CH Denzel Loteki Crown Prince x
Marquis Wildfire Private Party
Breeder: Kymberlee D Ubele & Kevin Ray
& Paula Ray
Owner: Lynn Krouse & Judy Krouse
CH Clearlake Ferris Wheel (D)
By CH Clearlake Amica John Smith x Kvar
Make A Wish Josandre
Breeder: Elyse Claire Vandermolen
Owner: Ana Slabic & Elyse Vandermolen
CH Prana Sans Souci (B)
By Monarch's Prince Of Thieves x
Monarch's Queen Of Clubs
Breeder: Margie Riccomini
Owner: Mary Kendall Maginnis
CH Pizaz's Prince Albert CDX RE (D)
By CH Micdic's Olympic Gold CD RN x
CH Pizaz's She's A Ringer
Breeder: Carol Rosecrans
Owner: Irmi Saranto & Raymond Saranto
CH Golden-Flame Vom Salamandertal
By Up And Down's Frederike x Beauty Fly
Rebecka Kiss Of The New Year
Breeder: Regina Keller
Owner: Rebecca S McCarty
CH Pyseas In Your Wildest Dreams (D)
By Caratoot's Captain Courageous x CH
Jaztyme Forevr Bayou Belle
Breeder: Gina Gilmore & Karen Bristol
Owner: Barbara Kernott & Karen Bristol
Society Hog Wild Over Harley CDX RE
By CH Chevre Colline Texas'walker CDX x
Society's Cherished Heirloom
Breeder: beverly a hobby & Deborah A
Owner: Beverly A Hobby
CH Jasione's Mia Isabella (B)
By CH Blicci's What's Up Doc x CH
Toymaker's Medusa
Breeder/Owner: Barbara A Bartol
CH River's Destiny (D)
By CH Deanna's Diggin Up Bones x
Deanna's Its A Breeze
Breeder: Deanna Clark
Owner: Rebecca Davies
CH Jessarae's Music To My Ears OA
By CH Wingazen I Am All Ears x
Haremet's Imperial Blue AX AXJ
Breeder/Owner: Jessica Isenbarger
CH Silvermorning's The Energizer (D)
By CH St.Blaise Touch Of Gold x CH
Perlygates Xena Of Silvermorning'S
Breeder: Monica Palmero
Owner: Brooke Hernandez & Monica
Palmero & Marie Anderson
CH Josandre' Dancin' Shoes (B)
By CH Involo I Won't Dance x Kvar
Twilight Of Josandre
Breeder: Mary Jo Loye
Owner: Mrs. Pauline G Rousseau & Mary
Jo Loye
CH Starsign's Bettin On Sabastian (D)
By CH Starsign's Best Bet Of Monarch x
Toy Paws Daisy Mae
Breeder/Owner: Patty Gemmill
CH Monarch's Texas Holden (D)
By Braylor's Mini Mighty Monster x
Monarch's Queen Of Hearts By Sandel
Breeder: Margie Riccomini
Owner: Sandra London
CH Whitestar's Royal Scandal (D)
By CH Makalea's Midnight Sun x CH
Whitestar's Once A Clown
Breeder: Arvilla White
Owner: Arvilla White & Diane Ashburn
CH Wingssong Wild At Heart (B)
By CH Crisanda Royal Eclipse x CH
Wingssong Tallulah
Breeder/Owner: Pat Jones & Chris Jones
Spirit Of America CDX (D)
By CH Starsign's Best Bet Of Monarch x
Puppy Loves Tarzan's Jane
Breeder: Dawn I Collins
Owner: Sylvia M Neely
Titian's Deja Vu UD (D)
By CH Micdic's Olympic Gold CD RN x
CH Del Amo Cleopatra Of Titian
Breeder: Phyllis Riley & Carol Fredrick &
Terry Mcintyre
Owner: Judith A Williams
Ju-Lyn Minnie My Love UDX (B)
By Unknown x Unknown
Breeder: Unknown
Owner: Judy A. Krouse & Lynn C. Krouse
Lets Give Him A Chance UDX (D)
By Tld's Triple Moondoggy x Tjs'
Breeder: Margaret J Keeler
AKC Titles cont.-Pa pillons
Published October 2008, AKC Awards
Seven Oak's Mighty Merlin UDX RE NA
By Unknown x Unknown
Breeder: Unknown
Owner: Rosemarie Leroy
Angelwing Cara Bonita CD RA (B)
By CH Cara Edward King Of Hearts x CH
Angelwing's Dear Wild Flower
Breeder: Sharon Shevelson & Ned
Owner: Hyzy Hornyak
Coria Nanstar To Be Or Not To Be RN
By Denzel Big Time At Coria RA x Nanstar
Breeder: Colleen Adrian & Nancy Pinke
Owner: Lynn Kyle & Colleen Adrian
Ashlor's Smooth Sailing RA (D)
By CH Dear's Wildways Reveille x CH
Marrics Key To My Heart
Breeder: Lori Coffman & Ashley Coffman
Owner: Hannah Janke & Sally Rathert
Cuddles RN (D)
By Unknown x Unknown
Breeder: Unknown
Owner: Everett Call
CH Domino's Luck Of The Draw RN (D)
By CH Domino's Silent Rebel x CH
Domino's First Lady
Breeder: Leona G Domino & Susan Pollard
Owner: Sandra Ann Vaillancourt
Forevr Got A Tiger By The Tail RN (D)
By CH Forevr Dragon Spirit x Connection
Ms Lamborghini
Breeder: Danny R. Ford II & Ruth Ann Ford
Owner: Laura Janecek
Kenmar The Divinity Of Second Chances
RN (B)
By CH Ken Mar Party On A Wave x Ken
Mar My Reason To Believe
Breeder: Carolyn J Mills
Marsan My Glory's Jesse Stone CDX RN
By Marsan May Ye Find A Rainbow x
Marsan More Gold Than Glory
Breeder: Mary Lou Sandvik
Owner: Selma W Ashley
Newtopaz Flybyte's Star RN (B)
By Newtopaz Hana K Duke x Newtopaz
Magical Ruby
Breeder: Susan Milton
Owner: Leianna Dutton
Pebble's Bandette CD RN (B)
By Ozarks Friend Valhi Jonjon x Ozarks
Friend Patsy's Pebbles
Breeder: Janet L O'Connor
Owner: Cheryl Jones
Sulean's Purple Haze RN (D)
By CH Sulean's Beatle Mania x Sulean's
Cheerleader Amica
Breeder: Nancy Ferverda
Owner: Betty Rich & Nancy Ferverda
Zelicaon's Ms Devine Of Sleepy Creek
RN (B)
By Sandel's Leonardo Voncross x Zelicaon
Breeder: Forrest G Johnson
Owner: Sally Rathert
Tallis Believe It Or Not CDX RAE (B)
By Tallis Beaux Of Monarch x Tallis
Anamarie Of Highwinds
Breeder: Vida T Ellis
Owner: melanie harriman
Bonbon Bayonne RA (D)
By Bdi Pappy x Compton's Cheyangela
Breeder: Patricia Compton
Owner: Lisa Constable
Calivar Patchwork Design RA (D)
By CH Kings Edition Of Lord Jim x CH
Pisces Primrose
Breeder: Donald Colvard & Mary L Cramer
Owner: Charles Ree & Dianne Ree
Springhill Bewitching Angel RA OA OAJ
NF (B)
By CH Diandee Galaxy Quest x CH
Springhill Hannah Savannah
Breeder: Shareen M & Dealton H Boyers
Owner: Maryjane Woodworth & Shareen
Sunmeads Butterfly Kisses RA (B)
By CH Queen Bless JP Imperial Ruler x
Saphhire Babocka Admiral
Owner: Carrie Riggs & John Riggs
CH Car-Lee With Bells On CD RE (D)
By Denzel Big Time At Coria RA x CH
Nan-Car Christmas Bell
Breeder: Carol Langer
Owner: Irene m Allen & Carol Langer
Loteki Total Windfall RE AXP MJP2 (D)
By CH Loteki The Winds Of Fortune x CH
Loteki Totally Haunting
Breeder: Lou Ann King
Owner: Cheryl Geer
S&L's Painted Smile CD RE (B)
By Pic's American Sharpshooter x S&L
Breeder: Laura Zade
Owner: Norine Nieman
C-Sunset's Starquest Rendezvous CD
By CH Pixiedust Radical Change CDX RN
AX AXJ x Noahs Cricket At Sunset
Breeder: Lucinda M Jones
Owner: Linda L Arndt
AKC Agility Titles
Published December 2008
Draco The Magnificent NA (D)
By CH Medlee's Tigger By The Tail x
Noble's Connect The Dots
Breeder: Marcia Noble
Owner: Cynthia Foley
Illias' Topflite Sidekick RN NA (D)
By CH La Ren News Flash x CH Topflite
Kick It Up A Notch MX MXJ
Breeder: Nikki Berthold-Illias & Sandra L
Owner: Carole Lynn Evans
Maysong Espiritu Airoso NA NAJ (D)
By CH Pixiedust Riding The Storm RN x
Maysong Winged Victory RN NA NAJ
Breeder: Judy May
Owner: Roger Coor & Anna Coor
Maysong Winged Victory RN NA NAJ
By CH Paraja Air Force One OA OAJ x
Anchor Fantasia
Breeder/Owner: Judy May
My Terra - My Sue NA NAJ (B)
By Unknown x Unknown
Breeder: Unknown
Owner: Deborah Scheel
My Wolfgang Maropisa NA NAJ (D)
By My Maximus Joy x Princess Arwen
Breeder: Joann Behrends
Owner: Kathie Krejci
CH Okekai True Story Of Asilomar NA
By CH Mea Okekai True Story x CH
Okekai Destination Stardom
Breeder: Mrs. Barbara Ankersmit & Ashley
Owner: Gail H Mclaughlin & Barbara
Our Little Stetson NA NAJ (D)
By Our Little Mio Boy x Our Little Lubbie
Breeder: Shirley Gibson Mapley
Owner: Leah Andersen
Pinnacle's Great Scott NA NAJ (D)
By CH Caratoot's Charlemagne's Crown CD
RA NA NAJ x CH Pinnacle's Georgie Girl
Breeder: Patrecia Mock
Owner: Jo Ann McCoy & Dennis McCoy
Sophie Benjamin NA NAJ (B)
By Unknown x Unknown
Breeder: Unknown
Owner: Alissa Adele Benjamin
Terry's Precious Tinkerbelle NA (B)
By Red Hot Chili Pepper At Vogue x
Vogue's Castle In The Sky
Breeder: Laurie Liversidge
Owner: Terry Dyck
Voltige Penny Ante NA NAJ (D)
By CH MACH Tambrie Full Of The
Dickens x CH Sunbelt's Penny Stock
Breeder/Owner: Lauren Tapyrik
Chateau Charlemagnes Paris OA AXJ
By CH Caratoot's Charlemagne's Crown CD
RA NA NAJ x Keldak Zoe
Breeder: Sally J Bacus & William R Bacus
Owner: Cassidy Peek
MACH MR. McDuffs Panda Bear NAP
By Jay's Bonnie Prince Charlie x Jay's Abby
Of Aberdeen
Breeder: Daniel Lewis & Dorothy A Lewis
Owner: Amy L Saenz
Black Mtn Cup Of Joe RN OA OAJ (D)
By Kenmar Ii Black N Whitestar x Black
Mtn Justa Wild Time
Breeder: Alice M Blazer
Owner: Marie Wickhorst
Charmar's Sooner, Not Later OA OAJ
OF (D)
By Honey-Pots Memory Indeed x Elmac's
Charisma Of Alba
Breeder: Charles Woolley & Marilyn
Owner: Arthur Bailey & Lorrayne Bailey
Cummings Sadie Girl CDX RE OA NAJ
By Casey McGraw x Cummings Lucky Zoe
Breeder: Michael Cummings & Marcy
Owner: Susan Cummings & Patrick
Domino's Stargazer CDX RAE OA OAJ
NF (B)
By CH Domino's Toast Of The Town x
Domino's Precious Noel
Breeder: Leona G Domino & Linda E
Owner: Deborah Lowe & Leona G Domino
Heavensent Fast And Furious RN OA
By CH Heavensent Echostar x Lil' Paws
Heavensent Belaire
Breeder: Patricia R Harris
Owner: Carol Minter & Patricia Harris
Lawood's Marshal Of Miracles OA OAJ
By CH Fenice Jacks Or Better x CH Jansu
Breeder: Joan Mcmahan & Laura Madere
Owner: Suzanne Schlitt
Livewire Espiritu Primo OA NAJ NF (D)
By MACH2 Coor's Espiritu Hermoso CDX
OF x Adfam's Tearin' It Up AX MXJ
Breeder: Daneen Fox
Owner: Roger Coor & Anna Coor
Marimars Desert Flower Power OA NAJ
By CH Annacott Maestro x CH Marimars
Desert Fox
Breeder: Mary Maher
Owner: Christy Chilcott
Skies Halloween Treat OA NAJ (D)
By CH Skies Flying All The Way x Skies
Fresh Air
Breeder: Virginia Read & Debbie Barnett
Owner: Frances Shirley Miller
StarStruck Powerofthedream OA AXJ
By Sweet Indeed Gonewiththewind x CH
MACH4 Blicci's Sandra Dee OF
Breeder: Andrea Samuels
Owner: Suzanne Schlitt & Andrea Samuels
Wildcard Pink Of Perfection OA OAJ
By CH MACH Majestic Joy Pay The Piper
UD RE x Majestic Joy Annie's Song
Breeder: Stacy Harris & Rita L Koy
Owner: Stacy Harris
Akai's Roaring Good Time AX OAJ (D)
By CH Wingssong And The Crowd Roared
x Akai's Mustang Sally
Breeder: Marion Ford
Owner: Janet Bredl & Mike Bredl
Ezri Dax Stardancer AX AXJ (B)
By Mr Peanut Brittle Of Alligood x
Alligood's Debbi's Patricia
Breeder: Jackie Alligood
Owner: Robin Stewart
Forevermore Raven's Whimsy CD RAE
By CH Starsign's Best Bet Of Monarch x
CH Starsign's On Ravens' Wings
Breeder: Lauren K McNulty & Letty P
Owner: Letty Mcnulty
Little Prince Magic AX AXJ NF (D)
By CH Pixiedust Radical Change CDX RN
AX AXJ x Pixiedust 21 Gun Salute
Breeder: David Bixler
Owner: Cheryl Immel
Ageha Take Five AX AXJ AXP AJP (D)
By CH Wildways Cool Magic x Sedona's
Desert Song
Breeder: Joyce Hayes
Owner: Susan Major
AKC Agility Titles
Published December 2008
Majestic Joy Heaven's Flame RN MX
By CH Majestic Joy Almost Heaven x
Majestic Joy My Dream Girl
Breeder: Rita L Koy
Owner: Wilma Harbin
Braylor's Playing With Fire NA NAJ (D)
By CH Riley's Flying High Of Elite x CH
Braylor's Purple Reign
Breeder: Brandi Renee Bray
Delrae's Cinnamon Spice NAJ (B)
By Minifee Doctor Evil x Jherico Barcarolle
Breeder/Owner: Jenne Ford
Delrae's Vanilla Ice NAJ (B)
By Minifee Doctor Evil x Jherico Barcarolle
Breeder/Owner: Jenne Ford
CH Firerose Alberich RN NAJ (D)
By Majestic Joy Scarlet Pimpernel x Inkies
Scarlet O'Hara RN
Breeder: Helen Dohrmann
Owner: Helen Dohrmann & Alicia Graybill
My Terra - My Sue NA NAJ (B)
By Unknown x Unknown
Breeder: Unknown
Owner: Deborah Scheel
My Wolfgang Maropisa NA NAJ (D)
By My Maximus Joy x Princess Arwen
Breeder: Joann Behrends
Owner: Kathie Krejci
CH Okekai True Story Of Asilomar NA
By CH Mea Okekai True Story x CH
Okekai Destination Stardom
Breeder: Mrs. Barbara Ankersmit & Ashley
Owner: Gail H Mclaughlin & Barbara
Our Little Stetson NAJ (D)
By Our Little Mio Boy x Our Little Lubbie
Breeder: Shirley Gibson Mapley
Owner: Leah Andersen
Pinnacle's Great Scott NA NAJ (D)
By CH Caratoot's Charlemagne's Crown CD
RA NA NAJ x CH Pinnacle's Georgie Girl
Breeder: Patrecia Mock
Owner: Jo Ann McCoy & Dennis McCoy
Terry's Precious Tinkerbelle NA NAJ (B)
By Red Hot Chili Pepper At Vogue x
Vogue's Castle In The Sky
Breeder: Laurie Liversidge
Owner: Terry Dyck
Victoria Park Jp Santa Claus NA NAJ
By Honey-Pots Quite Enough x Akane Of
Victoria Park Jp
Breeder: Aki Shirasaka
Owner: Mary Scesny
Voltige Penny Ante NAJ (D)
By CH MACH Tambrie Full Of The
Dickens x CH Sunbelt's Penny Stock
Breeder/Owner: Lauren Tapyrik
Wingazen Royal Knight CD RE NAJ (D)
By CH Wingazen I Am All Ears x CH
Marquis Premonition
Breeder: Carol Morris & Kevin Ray & Paula
Owner: Susan Cummings
MACH MR. McDuffs Panda Bear NJP
NF (D)
By Jay's Bonnie Prince Charlie x Jay's Abby
Of Aberdeen
Breeder: Daniel Lewis & Dorothy A Lewis
Owner: Amy L Saenz
Marquis Wildfire Truth Or Dare NJP (B)
By CH Wildfire Make Me A Starr x CH
Marquis Tuinluv If You Dare
Breeder: Paula Ray & Angela S Pickett &
Kevin Ray
Kendra's Commotion In Motion CD RE
By CH Kra-Li-Mar Designing Marc x Miss
Dolly Kendra CDX OA OAJ
Breeder: Susan Kendra
Owner: V Ginger Burrison & Susan Kendra
Marimars Desert Flower Power OA OAJ
By CH Annacott Maestro x CH Marimars
Desert Fox
Breeder: Mary Maher
Owner: Christy Chilcott
Skies Halloween Treat OA OAJ (D)
By CH Skies Flying All The Way x Skies
Fresh Air
Breeder: Virginia Read & Debbie Barnett
Owner: Frances Shirley Miller
Spanky's Gus Gus NA OAJ (D)
By Unknown x Unknown
Breeder: Unknown
Owner: Camille Weber
Starshine Holiday's Dazzle NA OAJ NF
By Unicorn Woods Magic Ringland x
Magic Gateway's Table Dancer
Breeder: Lynn Ledford
Owner: Bonny Rogerson
Akai's Roaring Good Time AX AXJ (D)
By CH Wingssong And The Crowd Roared
x Akai's Mustang Sally
Breeder: Marion Ford
Owner: Janet Bredl & Mike Bredl
Forevermore Raven's Whimsy CD RAE
By CH Starsign's Best Bet Of Monarch x
CH Starsign's On Ravens' Wings
Breeder: Lauren K McNulty & Letty P
Owner: Letty Mcnulty
CH Jessarae's Music To My Ears OA
By CH Wingazen I Am All Ears x
Haremet's Imperial Blue AX AXJ
Breeder/Owner: Jessica Isenbarger
Montana Rarin To Go OA AXJ (D)
By CH Troupe De La Rose Nk's'dble' Dare x
Troupe De La Rose Sweet'dream
Breeder: Chris Roering & Roger Roering
Owner: Sharon Lee Schirmer
D'vine's Wizard Of Oz AX OAJ OAP
By CH Andoraye M'Lord Louie x
Glenmary-Ste-Lin's DQ Sable
Breeder: Niki Fuhr
Owner: Sue Mckinney
Cincere Tucker AX MXJ (D)
By CH Cincere's Radar Detector x Cincere's
Leather And Lace
Breeder: Cindy Jensen
Owner: Mary Lou Reeb
Livewire Its All Gravy AX MXJ (D)
By MACH2 Coor's Espiritu Hermoso CDX
OF x Adfam's Tearin' It Up AX MXJ
Breeder/Owner: Daneen Fox
Serna-Stedt Zippity Do-Dah AX MXJ
By Serna-Stedt Back Talk x CH Serna-Stedt
The Beez Kneez
Breeder: Ms. June Peterson & Ann
Owner: Anita Tipton
Loteki Total Windfall RA AXP MJP2 (D)
By CH Loteki The Winds Of Fortune x CH
Loteki Totally Haunting
Breeder: Lou Ann King
Owner: Cheryl Geer
AKC Agility Titles
Published December 2008
Ceecee Awesome Andrew OA AXJ NF
By CH Joco Tuinluv GQ At Ceecee x
Tambora's Coco Chanel
Breeder: Cynthia Branch
Owner: Sharon Johnson & Nancy Tinker
Livewire Espiritu Primo NA NAJ NF (D)
By MACH2 Coor's Espiritu Hermoso CDX
OF x Adfam's Tearin' It Up AX MXJ
Breeder: Daneen Fox
Owner: Roger Coor & Anna Coor
Maysong Espiritu Airoso NA NAJ NF (D)
By CH Pixiedust Riding The Storm RN x
Maysong Winged Victory RN NA NAJ
Breeder: Judy May
Owner: Roger Coor & Anna Coor
Paraja Top Gunner RE MX MXJ NF (D)
By CH Luxxor Yankee Doodle Dandy x CH
Ken Mar's Camberwell Beauty
Breeder: Pat Walker
Owner: Judy May
CH Le More Petite Fantasy MX MXJ
By CH Tonnerre's Royal Crest x La Ren
Cinderella Fantasy MX MXJ
Breeder/Owner: Les S Moore & Mary E
Wingssong Sweet Baby James CD RE AX
By CH Wingssong And The Crowd Roared
x CH Wingssong Destiny's Daughter
Breeder: Chris Jones & Pat Jones
Owner: Barbara Scanlan
Kendra's Stille Fly'N High CDX AX AXJ
OF (D)
By Kendra's Star Maker AX AXJ AXP AJP
x Kendra's Blue Sky CD
Breeder: Susan Kendra
Owner: Rita Stille & Rick Contoni
MACH5 StarStruck Chase The Moon XF
By CH En-La's Bravissimo x CH MACH4
Blicci's Sandra Dee OF
Breeder/Owner: Andrea Samuels
MACH XL Carolina Moon At Galaxie XF
By CH Allaflutter Mr Fancy Pants x CH
Sovereign Soleil
Breeder: Bonnie Judkins
Owner: Margaret Franklin & Linda Cail
MACH2 Rosebud Midnight Dancer RN
By Lone Tree's Walks On Water x Jansu's
Flaming Star
Breeder: Rebecca D Farris
Owner: Diane Overstre
Porceline's Bolt Of Lightning NA AXJ
OF (D)
By CH Kingshaven Uphold The Dream x
Wyndsong's Porceline Doll NAJ
Breeder/Owner: Vickie Leech
Topflite's Galileo Spike-Omite MX MXJ
OF (D)
By CH Arkeno's Everybodyz Talking x
Topflite Winter Games
Breeder: Sandra L Schumacher
Owner: Anne Timson & Sandra L