February 1, 2015 - St. Joseph Parish


February 1, 2015 - St. Joseph Parish
February 1, 2015
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Prayer for the Feast of
the Presentation
O Blessed Mother, the
sword is already in your
You foreknow the
future of the Fruit of
your womb.
May our fidelity in
following Him through
the coming mysteries of
His public life bring
some alleviations to the
sorrows of your
maternal heart.
Reverend G. Scott Shaffer
Parochial Vicars:
Reverend Carlos Aguirre
Reverend Pierre -Michel Alabre
Reverend Garry Koch
Deacon Romeo D. Aquino
Deacon Francis J. Babuschak
Deacon Robert M. Barnes
Deacon Thomas A. Genovese
Deacon Gerard Luongo
Deacon Frank J. McKenna
Deacon Patrick J. Stesner, Sr.
Deacon Michael A. Taylor
Parish Office
Hours: 9:00am - 3:30pm M-F
685 Hooper Avenue
Toms River, NJ 08753
Tel: 732-349-0018 ext. 2204
Fax: 732-286-7064
Email: parish@stjosephtomsriver.org
Saturday: 4:00-4:45pm & 6:006:30pm
Mass Schedule
Weekdays: 7:00am & 9:00am
Saturday: 8:00am
Saturday: 5:00pm
Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00noon
5:00pm (Teen Music Ministry)
6:30pm (Mass in Spanish)—Misa en Espanol
Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Novenas:
Tuesday 9:00am
Holy Hour 3:00pm Sunday in the Adoration Chapel :
Intentions : 1st Sunday For Families — 2nd Sunday
For Life — 3rd Sunday for Our Nation/Country—
4th Sunday Priests/Vocations
Prayer in the Presence: 2nd Tuesday 7:30pm
Holy Days: Mass times to be announced
St. Gertrude, Island Heights(Summer Months)
Saturday 5:30pm Sunday 9:00am
Parish Schools:
St. Joseph Grade School (SJGS)
Michele Williams, Principal, 732-349-2355
Donovan Catholic
Dr. Edward Gere, Principal, 732-349-8801
What’s in your heart?
Jesus taught “as one with authority.” His words as well as his actions amazed
those around him; in fact, in today’s gospel story, it is his words that do the
healing. Unlike the scribes, who interpreted Hebrew scripture and told stories of
the words and deeds of biblical figures, Jesus embodied divine words and deeds
in the present and in his person. Like him, his followers do well to say what they
believe and believe what they say; to do what they believe and believe in what
they do.
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My Dear Parish Family,
I begin this note today with just another note of
thanks to all of you who have expressed condolences,
sent cards or had masses secured for my mother’s
intentions. You are a blessing to me and to all of my
family. We are all so grateful.
Now, about that snow. A special thank you and
job well done to Michael Penner (Facilities Manager)
and Wade Elms and his grounds crew for all their hard
work in keeping up with the crazy amount of snow we
had this past week.
As you know by now, we are presenting Ronan
Tynan in Concert on Thursday evening, March 19 at
7:00 pm. This outstanding artist, known first as being
one of the Famous Irish Tenors and then later, in the
wake of 9/11 as he offered his rendition of God Bless
America during the 7th inning stretch at all the Yankees’
home games, has agreed to help us in our efforts to raise
monies for the expansion of our parish food pantry. The
concert is being held on our parish patronal feast day
and I hope all of you can dig in and help us fill the
church! Tell your friends to go to our parish website and
order their tickets today.
The Saint Joseph’s Food Pantry is open 5 days a
week and is currently staffed by 76 parish volunteers.
Each month we are serving over 2100 people, helping
them to have food on their tables for themselves and
their families. This ministry is of great value and our
parish has done wonders in supporting it. Currently, our
plans are to move the pantry from its basement location
in the parish offices to the garage behind the house at 16
Lafayette Ave (behind the church). The plan includes
increased handicap parking around the church and
expansion of the garage building. This new space would
be on grade, allowing easier access for both clients and
volunteers, and it will provide better security and
increased refrigeration and work space.
Thank you again and may God bless you.
Fr. Scott
MONDAY—February 2
Duilio N. Torino, Sr. — Family
Agnes Coughlin—Richard & Doris Carr
Feast of St. Blaise
TUESDAY—February 3
Antonio Aste — M/M Richard Curry
Michael Greco—Greco & Kinsella Family
WEDNESDAY— February 4
Ann Hanlon—MaryAnne McCauley
Joan Gallagher—Joyce Bolen & Family
THURSDAY—February 5
Florence Murray—Family
William Mockus—Mary Stipp
FIRST FRIDAY— February 6
Vicente & Anatalia Vea—Family
Catherine Madden—Family
Perpetual Society
Clark, Heid & Kearney Family—Rosemary
SUNDAY—February 8
Aileen R. Philbin—Family
10:30 Joseph Daly—Winnie & Cathy
12:00 Salvatore Sclafani—Lillian & Samantha
Francis Duddy—Family
Ivete Saldanzha Bezerra—Family
Mass in Spanish
For Consecrated Life- Being a disciple means
being constantly ready to bring the love of Jesus to
others, and this can happen unexpectedly and in
any place: on the street, in a city square, during
work, on a journey.
–Evangelii Gaudium, “The Joy of the
page 3
Couples wishing to marry in the Church, please call to
make arrangements one year prior to marriage date at 732349-0018 ext. 2202.
Are you planning a destination wedding? Call us first to
discuss your options.
I William Braun and Elizabeth Kempton
II Vincenzo Campagna and Stephanie Shilber
Memorial Opportunities
Flowers and/or Sanctuary Candles
The Candle Sconce in front of the Statue of the Blessed
Mother burns the week of February 2, 2015 thru February
8, 2015 in memory of Robert T. Wiorek requested by his
The week of January 26, 2015 thru February 1, 2015 the
Candle Sconce in front of the Statue of the Blessed Mother
was lit in memory Andrew J. Riccardi requested by his
Wife and Family.
Please remember in your prayers those who have
Andrew Banfitch
Julia Bembenek
Joseph McGovern
Tamara Novosel
Marilyn Davis
Mary Elizabeth Beirne
Michelle Koehler
Cornelius Madden
Joseph Estevez
And for all the deceased members of
our parish, the souls in purgatory and those who
died in the service of our country. May God
grant them eternal rest. Amen.
Sunday: Dt 18:15-20/Ps 95:1-2,6-9/1Cor 7:32-35/Mk
Monday: Mal 3:1-4/Ps 24:7-10/Heb 2:14-18/Lk 2:22-40
Tuesday: Heb 12:1-4/Ps 22:26b-28,30-32/Mk 5:21-43
Wednesday: Heb 12:4-7,11-15/Ps 103:1-2,13-14,17-18/
Mk 6:1-6
Thursday: Heb 12:18-19,21-14/Ps 48:2-4,9-11/Mk 6:7-13
Friday: Heb 13:1-8/Ps 27:1,3,5,8b-9c/Mk 6:14-29
Saturday: Heb 13:15-17,20-21/Ps 23:1-6/Mk 6:30-34
Sunday: Jb 7:1-4,6-7/Ps 147:1-6/1Cor 9:16-19,22-23/
Mk 1:29-39
The Sacrament of Baptism is regularly celebrated the 1st,
2nd and 4th Sundays of each month at 1:30pm
BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS for Parents is held on
the First Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm in the Church.
Parents please call the parish office to register ext. 2202.
We welcome the newest members of our parish family
who were baptized her at Saint Joseph’s Church.
Xavier Francis Maldonado
Michael Isidore Perchiacca
Camila Jarana Aguirre
Job Opening — Maintenance—Full
Responsible individual — experience
with carpentry, electrical, plumbing
and general building repairs. Must
boilerslicenseaplus.Bene its
Call 732-349-0018 ext. 2220 for an
page 4
Inclement Weather Announcements
Emails will be sent in the event of unexpected closings and cancellations due to weather or
other emergencies. If you have not received an email from Religious Education in the last
month, please email Nancy at nuffer@stjosephtomsriver.org with an updated address.
We will also request announcements on the following radio stations and on their web sites:
New Jersey 101.5 (NJ1015.com)
94.3 The Point (943ThePoint.com)
92.7 WOBM (wobm.com)
NewsTalk Radio WOBM AM 1160 and 1310 (wobmam.com)
105.7 The Hawk (1057TheHawk.com)
First Penance
Students in the second grade Religious Education classes and the WCMP class on Wednesday
are to report to the Church this week during their Religious Education class time. Please do not
go to the classrooms. First Penance will be celebrated this
Summer Registration
Registration forms were mailed home for our summer program for children in grades 1 to 6!!!
Two sessions are being offered:
Session I is a half-day session for 9 days
 Sunday June 28 – begin with 9am Mass and meet in the classroom from 10am - Noon
 Monday to Thursday, June 29 to July 2 and July 6 to July 9 from 9:15am to 12:15pm
Session II is a full day session for 5 days
 July 13-17 9am to 3:30pm
Catechists Wanted!!! We are actively recruiting professional teachers (currently employed or retired) who
are Catholic for our summer programs. If you are willing to share your gift of faith with our children,
please contact Marge Halloran, Director of Faith Formation at extension 2236.
7th and 8th Grade Sessions — Our 7th and 8th grade Sunday session students will meet again February
8, 2015. Students should plan to attend the 5pm Mass and attend the session in Donovan Catholic from
6pm to 8pm.
Ronan Tynan, the famous Irish Tenor, will be performing here at St. Joseph’s Church on
Thursday, March 19, 2015 and tickets are now available!!
$100– for Premium Seats (the first 6 rows)
$55– for General Admission
$25- for the Balcony
Log on to:
Funds raised from this event will support the expansion of the St. Joseph’s Food Pantry!!!!
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Next weekend, February 7/8 our
Parish Van will be parked
outside the church to accept your
donations. Please help to continue
the ministry of providing to those in
Your food pantry has
provided food to 12,960 families
which are 18,897 people, who are
members of our parish and
community in the past Year. We
thank you for your continued
Items needed:
Peanut Butter
Chili, Hash or Stew Tuna
Coffee or
Jello or Puddings
Tea Bags
Macaroni & Cheese Soups
Canned Beans
Canned Vegetables
Canned Fruits
Cake Mixes
Pancake Mix & Syrup Pasta
Powdered or Boxed Milk
Prayer in the Presence Holy Hour Tuesday, February 10, 2015
7:00pm in the Church. All are welcome to come to share in a
scripture based perspective of love, human and Divine. Why not
invite a friend to come along.
If you are unable to bring food or
will be away on this weekend, your
donation may be brought to the
Food Pantry Monday thru Friday,
10am to 4pm. Located in the Parish
Office Basement.
Donovan Arts (DARTS) of Donovan Catholic Presents:
Wine and Food Pairing Charity Event
Friday, February 13, 2015 7 pm
Serenity Café, 2008 Route 37 East, Toms River
Sea ng is limited to 70 par cipants (21 and over)
Cost per person: $125
Contact Monique Michowski for reserva ons m.michowski79@gmail.com or call 908-910-3405
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February 5, 2015 — Join Totus Tuus as we follow Sr. Jane Dominic Laurel as she discusses the nature of
Love, Marriage, and Family according to Pope John Paul II’s Theology of he Body in her series “The Rich
Gift of Love.” The meeting is Thursday, February 5, 2015 7:00pm at 16 Lafayette Avenue. All are welcome!
February 7, 2015 — World Marriage Day Dinner Dance at St. David the King Parish, Princeton
Junction. $75 per couple to register email www.dioceseoftrenton/worldmarriageday.
February 8, 2015 — Boy Scout Sunday — Mass at 10:30am — All scouts are invited to join us (Boys and
February 8, 2015—The week of February 8 Interfaith Hospitality Network of Ocean County will host
families here at St. Joseph. Please join us in welcoming them by assisting in meal preparation, food shopping,
set- up or sleeping over. Call Kevin 732-286-1877 if you can be of assistance.
February 10, 2015 — Book Discussion Group will discuss Light Between Oceans by M.I. Stedman at
7:00pm at 16 Lafayette Avenue.
February 11, 2015 — World Day of the Sick — Mass at 12 noon
February 20 thru March 27, 2015 —Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus Council 4969 presents
Lenten Dinners at the Council Home 113 Tennyson Avenue. Adults $8; Children age 7-12 $3; under 6 Free.
February 22, 23, 24, 2015 — Parish Mission (SEE PAGE 5)
February 28, 2015 — Catholic Men for Jesus Rally at St. Gregory the Great Parish, Hamilton, NJ—-Veritas
Men will be in the Gathering Area of the Church this weekend with sign up material.
March 14, 2015 — St. Patrick’s Day Dance — 7pm to 11pm at Donovan Catholic Dining Hall, tickets are
$25 per person.
the Spring Schedule for Extraordinary Ministers who serve in the Church for March, April and May, 2015 is
about to begin, therefore, if you have any days that you cannot serve, you must notify the Pastoral Care Office
732-349-0018 ext 2223 no later than Monday, February 2, 2015 at 10:00am. It is imperative that any
Eucharistic Minister who has been off the schedule call the Pastoral Care Office and apprise us of your status.
The Sunday Holy Hour that has been prayed for the past 25 years here in the Church at St. Joseph’s is
moving! It will now be on Sundays from 3-4pm in the Adoration Chapel. It will be a quiet holy hour each
Sunday. While making the Holy Hour we ask you pray for these intentions: 1st Sunday for Families; 2nd
Sunday for Respect Life; 3rd Sunday for our Nation and Country; and 4th Sunday for our Priests and
Vocations to the religious life. The new venture will begin Sunday, February 1.
Mon 3:00am — 4:00am Mon 12 noon —1:00pm Wed 3:00am—4:00am
Wed 3:0am—4:00am
Fri 8:00am—9:00am
Fri 3:00pm—4:00pm
Sat 1:00am—2:00am Sat 8:00am—9:00am Sun 8:00am—9:00am
Call John & Peggy 732-581-9463 or Ann 732-473-9727
Mi Querida Familia Parroquial:
Quiero empezar esta carta con un mensaje de agradecimiento
a todos los que me han expresado sus condolencias, me han
enviado tarjetas o han mandado a cantar misas por la intención
de mi madre. Sin duda alguna ustedes son una bendición para mí
y toda mi familia. Nuevamente les reitero mis agradecimientos.
Cambiando un poco de tema, quiero agradecer y felicitar por
su buen desempeño laboral durante la pasada tormenta de nieve,
a nuestro administrador de instalaciones el señor Michael Penner,
a Wade Elms y a todo su equipo de trabajo, realmente hicieron
una excelente labor manteniendo despejadas las instalaciones de
tanta nieve.
Como ya saben el jueves 19 de marzo a las 7:00 pm,
estaremos presentando en concierto a Ronan Tynan. Este
excepcional artista primero fue conocido como uno de los
tenores irlandeses más famosos, y después a raíz del ataque
terrorista del 9/11 ha sido conocido por tocar su interpretación
del himno nacional de los Estados Unidos “God Bless America”
durante todos los partidos de los Yankees en casa. Ronan ha
aceptado ayudarnos en nuestros esfuerzos para recaudar fondos
para la expansión de la despensa de alimentos de la parroquia.
Este concierto se llevará a cabo en nuestra parroquia el día de la
fiesta de nuestro patrono, espero que todos ustedes puedan
ayudarnos a llenar la iglesia! Rieguen el cuento e infórmenle a sus
amigos que pueden obtener los tiquetes visitando la página web
de la parroquia.
La dispensa de alimentos de nuestra parroquia esta abierta 5
días a la semana y es operada por 76 voluntarios. Cada mes
proveemos alimentos a más de 2100 personas con la intención de
que tengan comida para ellos y sus familias. Este ministerio es de
gran valor y nuestra Parroquia ha hecho maravillas en su misión
de apoyarlo. En la actualidad, nuestros planes son: mover la
despensa de su ubicación actual, al garaje que se encuentra
ubicado detrás de la casa en la 16 Lafayette Avenue. El plan
incluye mejorar el parqueadero para personas discapacitadas y la
expansión de la construcción del garaje. Este nuevo proyecto
proveerá un mejor espacio de trabajo, permitirá un acceso más
fácil para los clientes y voluntarios, proporcionará una mayor
seguridad, y un mejor espacio derefrigeración.
Gracias de nuevo y que Dios los bendiga
Fr. Scott
En la Semana: 7:00 am & 9:00 am. Todos los
días de la semana ( inglés).
Sábado: 8:00 am, 5:00 & 7:00 pm ( inglés)
Domingo: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00
pm, 5:00 pm ( ingles)
Domingo: 6:30 pm español
Bautizos (en español): El Sacramento del
Bautismo se celebra el 1ro, 2do y 4to domingo
del mes, en la Misa de 6:30 pm. Para mayor
información, llamar a la oficina Hispana.
Unción de los Enfermos: Comunicarse con la
oficina parroquial.
Reconciliación/Confesión: De lunes a Jueves
10:00am-3:00 pm. Por Favor pedir cita 732-3490018 ext.. 2213.
Matrimonios: Las parejas que piensen contraer
matrimonio deben solicitar primero una cita con
el Padre Carlos. Para mayor información
comuníquese con la oficina Hispana.
Registro parroquial: Todos los feligreses
deben registrarse en la Parroquia. Cualquier
cambio en su dirección por favor notificarnos.
Para mas información llamar al 732- 349-0018
ext. 2213.
Clases de Educación Religiosa (CCD):
Comuníquese a la oficina parroquial con Celine
Fowler al 732-349-0018 ext. 2224 .
Oficina Hispana: sitienes alguna duda o
necesitas comunicarte conalguna oficina
parroguial, comunícate con Juliana Moreno al
732-349-0018 ext. 2213
Rito De La Iniciación Cristiana De AdultosEs un proceso para adultos que deseen por
primer vez recibir los sacramentos de iniciación
en la fe católica o han sido bautizados en otra fe
cristiana. También permite para las personas que
han sido bautizados y les falta el Sacramento de
Comunión y Confirmación. Este proceso
también se hace disponible para los
jóvenes de escuela secundaria (High
School). Si usted está interesado o conoce
alguien, por favor comuníquese con la Sra.
Marge. Teléfono 732-349-0018 ext. 2236 .
THE CARPENTER SHOP: La tienda de artículos religiosos estará abierta el próximo domingo primero de
febrero de 2015 después de la misa de 6:30 pm.
TALLERES DE ORACIÓN Y VIDA: Los talleres del Padre Ignacio Larrañaga te enseñan a relacionarte con
Dios, como de un amigo a otro. Aquí encontraras un método práctico para aprender a orar; y orar de una manera
ordenada, variada y progresiva: desde los primeros pasos hasta las profundidades de la contemplación.
Inscripciones abiertas para comenzar el curso en el mes de FEBRERO. Si deseas inscribirte puedes hacerlo a
través de la oficina hispana o con la señora María Luisa Botero después de la misa de 6:30 pm.
GRUPO DE ORACIÓN “Espíritu Santo”: El Grupo de Oración invita a toda la comunidad a participar de
sus sesiones de oración, todos los viernes a la 7:00 pm, en la 16 Lafayette Toms River NJ 08753. ¡Regálate la
oportunidad de comunicarte con Dios!
GRUPO MUSICAL: La formación de la coral hispana es el propósito para el año 2015, por ello invitamos a
todos aquellos que quieran atreverse a cantarle a Dios, o que simplemente quieran tocar algún instrumento
musical a que se una a este grupo. Si estas interesado comunícate con la Oficina Hispana. Los ensayos pronto
comenzaran. Aprovechemos los dones que nos a dado Dios.
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St. Joseph’s Parish Directory
Main Tel: 732-349-0018
Reverend G. Scott Shaffer, Pastor,
Reverend Carlos Aguirre, Parochial Vicar,
Reverend Pierre Alabre , Parochial Vicar,
Reverend Garry Koch, Parochial Vicar,
Book Club: Mary 732-341-4332
Meets 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 PM, September June, 16 Lafayette Ave.
Cantors: Lead congregational singing at
masses. For information call Tom ext. 2306
Caregivers: Aid to elderly and homebound
Choir :
Adult Choir: Meets every Thursday, 7:30
PM in the Church September - June. For
information call Tom ext. 2306
Director Faith Formation, Marge Halloran
ext. 2236 mhalloran@stjosephtomsriver.org
Children’s Choir: Grades 2-6
Meets October to May. For information call
Tom ext. 2306
Director Religious Ed.ucation, Celine Fowler
ext.. 2224 cfowler@stjosephtomsriver.org
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy
Communion: call Mary ext. 2223
Business Administrator: Jacqueline Mack
ext. 2216
Flame of Love Prayer Group: Richard/
Doris, 732-349-6860. Prayer meeting every
Monday at 7:30 PM, Room G, Church
Carpenter Shop: (Religious Articles Store)
Hours Sept. thru June Monday—Friday
9:30AM-3:00PM, Sun. 8:30AM-1:30PM
July and August Tuesday & Thursday
9:30AM-3:00PM, Sun 8:30AM-1:30PM
Church Manager: ext. 2307
Liturgical Music Director: Thomas E. Halpin,
ext. 2306, thalpin@stjosephtomsriver.org
Office Manager: Elizabeth Hemberger, ext.
2202 ehemberger@stjosephtomsriver.org
Spanish Ministry—Ministerio Hispano
Juliana Moreno, ext. 2213
St. Joseph Cemetery: 732-244-3008
Manager Debra Evans,
Parish Ministries & Organizations
Adoration Chapel: John/Peggy
732-581-9463; Ann 732-473-9727; or
Deacon Romy 732-240-4387
Altar Servers: Deacon Tom Genovese,
ext. 2255
Bereavement Support: Mary ext. 2223
Food Collection: First Sunday of each
month. Parish van will be in front of
Church to accept donations. Other
donations may be brought to the Food
Pantry 10am-12noon ext. 2207
Greeter Ministry: Eileen 732-914-2008
Pre-Cana: Bill & Lucy 732-473-0071
Prison Ministry: Call Pastoral Care Office
ext. 2223
Readers: Deacon Tom Genovese ext. 2255
Teen readers call: Pat 732-341-9459 or
Marge 732-349-6410
Respect Life: Mario 732-557-6689. Meets
on 2nd Thursday of the month
Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA):
For teens and adults seeking Baptism and/
or Communion and Confirmation.
Additional information, call ext. 2236 or
RCIA for Children age 7 and older: seeking
Baptism Call Marge ext. 2236 or
mhalloran @stjosephtomsriver.org
Rosary Altar Society: Lorraine Sausa 732279-3292 Meets 1st Sunday of the month,
September - May, Donovan Catholic
Dining Hall, at 10:00am after the 9:00am
Rosary Mass
Separated and Divorced: For information
call Deacon Michael Taylor ext. 2254
Social Concerns: ext. 2227 or ext. 2233
Meets 1st Wednesday of the month, Sept. June, 4:00 PM Parish Office
Hermandad Senor de los Milagros’: 1st Saturday
7:00PM, 16 Lafayette Avenue
St. Vincent de Paul Society: ext. 2260
General meeting, 4th Thursday of every
month. 7:00 PM, Parish Office
Hispanic Prayer Group: 7:00PM every
Friday, 16 Lafayette Avenue
Teen Music Ministry: Deacon Gerry
732-473-9727, Grades 7-12
Interfaith Hospitality Network: Assist Parish in
helping homeless families Kevin 732-286-1877
Totus Tuus: Women’s Faith Sharing Group
Meets the 1st Thursday of each month at
7pm at 16 Lafayette Ave.
Call Carrie Colonno 732-740-2024
Knights of Columbus, Council #4969
1st & 3rd Wednesday at 8:00 PM
At the council home www.KofC4969.org
Lay Dominicans: meet 2nd Saturday of each
month 8:30AM to 10:30AM call Kelly
Murphy 732-914-0041
Pastoral Care Office: Mary ext. 2223
Prayer Shawl Ministry: Sept-June, 3rd
Thurs., 3PM 16 Lafayette Ave., Jean 732288-0022
Usher Ministry: To volunteer or for
additional info call ext. 2204
Veritas Men’s Faith Sharing Group: meets
on the 3rd Monday of each month, 16
Lafayette Ave. Call Dave 732-608-0085
Youth Ministry: High School and Junior
High activities all year. All students grades
7 - 12. To join/volunteer or for info, call
Catherine at ext. 2229