Sound of success
Sound of success
Hollywood Bollywood Nature Food “IPL has become such a great entertaining platform for the world right now and when such things crop up - like people playing dirty, it’s unfortunate” Health 07 Pg QATAR TRIBUNE Publication Saturday May 25, 2013 Sound of success The response to Qatar Foundation Radio’s new frequency launched in February has been extraordinary. RY O T S R 02 VE PG CO Saturday, May 25, 2013 Scott Boyes LEZIMA GOMES DOHA Q ATAR Foundation Radio listeners wake up every morning to his voice and his choice of music. Scott Boyes, the leading voice of Qatar Foundation Radio, supplies us the early morn-ing dose of infotainment on the pro-gramme called Rise. Boyes who grew up in Saudi Arabia never thought that he would be able to become a radio jockey (RJ) one day when he graduated with a degree in plant science. But the man who worked as software trainer for several companies suddenly stumbled into his dream job. He spoke to Qatar Tribune about his work and how it has been getting there. Excerpts from the interview. Q. Tell us about your association with Qatar Foundation Radio and how the journey has been so far? A. Working for QF Radio has been the most fulfilling job I’ve ever had. It is also the hardest and most difficult, but I’ve never been happier. We’re a small team of dedicated people who work closely together and make whatever sacrifices are necessary for the success RJ’s job is tough, but satisfying too of the station. Sixteen-hour days are not uncommon. We work hard, but the crea-tion of something that the community can enjoy makes it all worth the effort. You are the helm of the pro-gramme Rise. How do you keep your audience tuned in? You’ve touched on the biggest fear that I wake up to almost every morning. There is a delicate balance that must be kept on the programme. We are primarily a talk radio station. However, interna-tional news and local events need to be balanced with enough entertainment to keep people coming back. No one wants to listen to me talk for two hours straight. The audience doesn’t like hearing the same thing every day, but at the same time does like to know what’s coming up. Rise is an early morning show when most people are grumpy. What is your mantra to be up and pumped up? I make a concerted effort to ease listeners into the day. It’s important to be upbeat, but not overly excited. No one likes to be yelled at through their radio just after 7:00am. On the flip side, I’m genuinely enjoying myself and hope that it rubs off on the audience. When I’m having fun I’d like to think that others are having a good time as well. Using good judgment about what’s appropriate is the key and I do not always get that right. What is the most gratifying aspect of being a radio jockey? The most gratifying part of the job is interacting with the listeners. I love to get text messages, tweets, and phone calls from people expressing their opin-ions. Sometimes it’s a few kind words about the show. Sometimes it’s a re-quest to do things differently. Whether we get good feedback or bad it lets me know people care about the programme enough to make the effort. That’s the biggest reward to me. Did you always want to be an RJ? How did you land your present job? I did, but it always seemed like something that I could never be a part of for a variety of reasons. I think I always thought people in radio broadcasting world had something I didn’t have. That is why I tried to pursue other interests. Saturday, May 25, 2013 The best thing about being a presenter is that I get to meet so many fascinating and thought-provoking guests… I can honestly say I’ve walked away from each and every discussion having learned something I didn’t know be-fore. It’s invaluable experienc-es like those that make the job so fulfilling It wasn’t until I decided to experiment with voice acting that things started falling into place. I took some class-es, made a demo, built my own home studio, and start-ed approaching people needing freelance voice work. I was eventually hired by a voice-over company that sells custom voice spots to commercial clients. Customers go to the website, choose a voice from the samples provid-ed (hopefully mine), and email me the script. I record it and send it back. This was great experience because the opportunities were so diverse and the customers in-cluded doctor’s offices, tour companies, schools and cor-porations needing everything from advertisements for products and services to phone trees (“Press 1 for ques-tions about your bill”). It didn’t take me long to realise that it was more fun than anything I had done before. Flash forward a couple years and I was in Doha visiting a friend. I passed by the QF Radio studio hoping I might be able to do some work for them remotely. They could send me scripts, I’d record them at home and send back the files. By chance I was able to meet the Media Centre Manager, Saad al Hudaifi. He listened to my demo and explained that they were looking for someone to com-plement their team with a very specific skill set, a good voice, who also had a solid understanding of the culture of the Middle East. It seemed promising, but almost too good to be true. Much to my surprise, there was an ap-plication waiting in my email by the time I got home. A few months later I was on my way to Doha. How has your style evolved over the years? I like to think evolution has come from being more comfortable. In the beginning, my highest priority was just not letting the audience make out how nervous I was. Once being live behind the microphone became more routine, I tried to concentrate on subtle things like intonation and inflection. Listening back to the recorded shows is a big part of improving professionally. If I’m bored just hearing myself then the audience will be too. Evolution never stops. What is the scope of radio in Doha? Some might disagree, but I would say it’s wider than it seems when we talk in absolute terms about radio across the country. I think it appears small because the existing stations are catering to different audiences Ara-bic or French or English. If all of those stations spoke the same language then the extent of our radio media would be more apparent. Within QF Radio we are doing our best to create diverse content throughout our pro-gramming. That goes for both our English and Arabic frequencies. We are fundamentally a talk radio station and our primary focus will always be to educate and inform the public about the world, but we are also aware of the need to provide some entertainment. How is radio jockeying in Doha? Is it different from what you have done before? Before coming to Doha my work was limited to re-corded voice-overs. Despite the years of practice with-out an audience there isn’t much that can prepare you for being live on the air. There’s no going back to edit my mistakes. There’s no safety net where I can stop and think about what I want to say. Earlier, I would stroll into the studio at home, read through what the client wants, record a few versions, edit them to sound per-fect, and send it off. Those luxuries don’t exist here. The biggest change is being prepared well in advance and still having a back-up plan for when things don’t go as expected. Even with all that preparation there are still times when it all falls apart. But that’s live radio. Learn-ing from those moments and modifying the strategy for next time is all you can do. What is the best thing about being a presenter? The best thing is that I get to meet so many fascinat-ing and thought-provoking guests. We’ve interviewed CEOs, artists, scientists, politicians, charity officials, musicians… The list is long. I can honestly say I’ve walked away from each and every discussion having learned something I didn’t know before. It’s invaluable experiences like those that make the job so fulfilling. What special talent does one need to be a good RJ? What advice would you give to RJ aspir-ants? You need to be able to talk. If you’re unable to keep a conversation flowing then it should be your first priority in terms of self-improvement. You should also work to be a student of as many subjects as possible. A big part of the job is being able to comment on anything that’s thrown your way. Get honest opinions from friends or family. Be objective as possible. Getting a job can be tough so be willing to work for free. Yes, I said for free. Experience is necessary and getting it can be hard if you don’t already have it. Volunteer to do voice work for small companies or charities. Anything you can do to get your first paid job will be worth it in the end. Finally, keep expanding your skill set to be more valuable to an organisation. I edit all my audio, write script for promos and advertisements, and help out with anything that I can. If you think you shouldn’t have to carry equipment to and from an event or mix music into your recordings then you’ll always lose out to someone who will. Make yourself valuable. How is the audience’s response here? The response to the new frequency has been ex-traordinary. People from all walks of life have gone out of their way to let us know how much they enjoy the fresh content and programming. I’ve been blown away by the words of encouragement and support that the public has expressed since the launch in February. But it’s also a testament to how hard the QF Radio team has been working to make the station something special. Our management is still looking ahead and we have big plans in the coming months. Saturday, May 25, 2013 Bradley back for one last Hollywood Hangover A still from the film The Hangover. REUTERS A FTER years of struggling to break into the Hollywood A-list from television, actor Bradley Cooper has gained some serious recognition for his work on the silver screen. Cooper returns to the comedy fran-chise, The Hangover, which skyrocketed his career, after dramatic roles that earned him an Oscar nomination and praise for his more dramatic talents. The 38-year old actor has been on TV since 1999 and landed some support-ing film roles. But it wasn’t until he was cast as the cocky Phil in the 2009 buddy comedy, The Hangover, that he found mainstream success. The movie, about four men who try to piece together the events of a wild bachelor party in Las Vegas, became an unlikely hit, grossing more than $467 million at the worldwide box office and spawning a franchise. After The Hangover Part II took the actors - Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Galifi-anakis and Justin Bartha - to Thailand on yet another wild bachelor party, they decided to return one last time in The Hangover Part III, out in theatres on Friday. “We really didn’t let any day pass without taking stock of what we have because of these movies, and how special our bond is,” Cooper said about filming the final instalment. “It really is a once-in-a-lifetime thing and to be able to do a third one and go out knowing it’s over, hopefully we’re going out on a high note.” In the final film of the franchise, the wolf pack is unwittingly lured back to Las Vegas in a full circle from the first film, in a hunt for the elusive and eccen-tric Mr Chow (Ken Jeong). The movie, about four men who try to piece together the events of a wild bachelor party in Las Vegas, became an unlikely hit, gross-ing more than $467 million at the world-wide box office and spawning a franchise Cooper said that while the first two films had become box office hits with similar storylines, it was important that the third film found a new plot. “There was a lot of pressure to make sure it was going to be fresh, that it was going to deviate from the structure of the first two,” the actor said. After landing leading roles in 2010’s reboot of The A-Team and 2011 ac-tion-thriller Limitless, Cooper reached a career high this year with an Oscar nod for best male actor for his role as bipolar Pat in Silver Linings Playbook. Cooper credited the film for changing perceptions about his talents. “There were people going ‘wow, I didn’t know you could do that,’ and I thought ‘yeah, did you think I was Phil?’ It was interesting,” he said. The Place Beyond The Pines saw Cooper in a rare dramatic role, playing a police officer struggling to come to terms with killing a suspect while on duty. Cooper said the role was “really tricky” and came to him at the right time in his career, when he was looking for a challenge and wanted to take risks with a complex character. “It was not the role that a young male leading man would want to take, because there was nothing flashy...but it was a great acting chal-lenge,” Cooper said. The actor, who was thrust into the spotlight in 2011 as People Maga-zine’s ‘Sexiest Man Alive,’ said he has set his sights on stepping behind the camera one day, though for now, he is in demand for roles in upcoming films by Steven Spielberg and Cameron Crowe. “I can’t pass that up, but at some point I have to direct, be-cause that’s really the only way I think,” Cooper said. Bradley Cooper HOLLYWOOD Saturday, May 25, 2013 Blake putting together Oklahoma benefit show AP LAKE Shelton and NBC are putting to-- B Blake Shelton gether a benefit for Oklahoma tornado victims. Shelton told reporters about the fundraising effort after Tuesday night’s episode of The Voice. Shelton, an Oklahoma native, paid tribute to the thousands affected by Sunday and Monday’s tor-nadoes by performing an acoustic version of the hit Over You with wife Miranda Paris Hilton to marry soon Gwyneth Paltrow Gwyneth pockets millions for fragrance campaign? IANS OCIALITE Paris Hilton says her wedding can happen soon. The 32-year-old star has been dating model River Viiperi, 21, for eight months now and she thinks they will tie the knot in the near future, reports She said: “It could happen soon. I trust him with my life and that means the world to me more than anything.” She also admitted that she is keen on starting a family with Viiperi. She said: “I can’t wait to have little Parises.” Lambert. He said the benefit would be held soon in nearby Oklahoma City. At least 24 people, including nine school-children, were killed on Monday afternoon in Moore, Oklahoma, when an F-5 tornado with 200 mph winds touched down for 40 minutes and destroyed entire neighbourhoods. Toby Keith, a native of Moore, also is plan-ning a benefit. His sister’s house was hit by the tornado. S IANS CTRESS Gwyneth Paltrow reportedly earned $2 mil-- A Paris Hilton lion for the campaign of Hugo Boss’s latest scent - Boss Jour Pour Femme. The ads will not be aired in the US and Paltrow will be flying from London to Spain for the launch, a source told The Iron Man 3 actress might have earned a lot from the brand’s campaign but she likes to stock up her closet with numerous perfumes. “I am one of those people who have a whole closet full of perfume. I love it. I have always loved it and have always had a wardrobe full of scent,” she said. SCENE UNSEEN I live for Jolie, kids: Brad Pitt BRAD Pitt says he was wasting his life on drugs before he met Angelina Jolie. The ac-tor admits he now lives for his partner and their six children. “For a long time I thought I did too much damage - drug damage. I was a bit of a drifter and wanted to see things. But then Brad Pitt I got burnt out and felt that I was wasting my opportunity. This was about a decade ago. It was an epiphany - a decision not to squander my opportunities,” quoted Pitt as saying. “I have a handful of close friends and I have my family - and I haven’t known life to be any happier,” said Pitt. The actor also said he loves the mayhem that comes with having a large family. “I always thought that if I wanted to do a family, I wanted to do it big. I wanted there to be chaos in the house. There’s constant chatter in our house, whether it’s giggling or screaming or crying or banging. I love it,” he added. JLo to perform on Britain’s Got Talent POP star Jen-nifer Lopez will reportedly perform on the semi-final episode of music reality show Britain’s Got Tal-ent, and sing her latest track Live it up. Pop star Demi Lovato might also sing her new single Heart attack, reports thesun. Jennifer Lopez Other performers include singer-songwriter Ellie Goulding, who will sing her recent releases Explosions and Anything can happen. Olly Murs will sing track Right Here Right Now, while last year’s show winners Ashleigh and Pud-sey will also make a special appearance. The live semi-finals will kick-off on May 27, whereas the final will be aired on June 8. Taylor Swift (left) and Kristen Stewart Stewart, Swift new best friends? ACTRESS Kristen Stewart was reportedly nursing her broken heart by spending an entire day at singer Taylor Swift’s house. Stewart, 22, is once again going through a rough patch in her rela-tionship with Robert Pattinson after he moved out of their love nest. It is said that he caught the actress’ messages to director Rupert Sanders, with whom she had a fling in July last year. Stewart was spotted being driven to Swift’s pad by a female friend and she looked relaxed on her way, reports Swift herself had been through a tough time when she broke up with singer Harry Styles in January this year, after a much-hyped rela-tion of few months. She was later linked to her close friend Ed Sheeran. Saturday, May 25, 2013 BOLLYWOOD Ishkq In Paris feel good, frothy L IANS OVE, as the sages say, is a many-splen-- doured thing. You can look at it as an occa-sion for stress and heartbreak (which is why we fall, never rise, in love). Or love can be a celebration of life. Director Prem Raj’s debut film Main Aur Mrs Khanna took a quaint capricious look at love during times of adultery. On this occasion (Ishkq In Paris) he takes flight in a Parisian paradise where two strangers, both single attractive and commit-phobic, spend the night together. No, not doing what you think in your dirty minds. They roam the cobbled mysterious pleasurable lanes of Paris in pursuit of a good time and then decide “never” to meet again. If you’ve seen how Kareena Kapoor affects the sober, staid and repressed Shahid Kapoor in Jab We Met, you’d know that feminine exuberance is a hard aphrodisiac to resist, specially if you are a closet-ro-mantic like Akaash (Rhehan Maliek) who in no time at all (first five minutes of this crisp and delightful slice of love-life comedy) is eating out of Ishkq’s lovely hands. Ah, Ishqk! She is that kind of a girl. Half-French and fully desi, Ishqk fills up the frames with an unbri-dled joie de vivre. I can’t think of a role better written for Preity Zinta. Missing from the screen for a couple of years, she bounces back with a performance that derives its zing and sparkle from the actress’ inbuilt zest for life. Preity takes her character Ishqk beyond her own A still from the film Ishkq In Paris. personality. From frame one we see Ishkq as a girl trapped in self-deceptions that leave her unnecessarily wary of relationships. Ishkq hides her real emotions in romantic nonchalance. This is not the first time Preity plays a repressed character. In Nikhil Advani’s Kal Ho Naa Ho, Preity had to make a ‘spectacle’ of her charac-ter Naina to bring out her commitment phobia in the absence of a father, who abandoned her when she was young. Here in this Parisian homage to all things roman-tic, Preity’s character blossoms before us without props and yet looking immensely fetching. It is a non-accessoried performance, very basic and liberated from humbug. Preity brings out the highs and lows in her emo-tionally awash character without taking flamboyant leaps of on-camera conceit. It’s a beautifully written and directed part, replete wth restrained resonances that give the actress a chance to show her skills in subtle ways. Rhehan as Preity’s ‘other’ gives the actress just the right cues. Confident and yet not cocky, Rhehan seems poised for a satisfactory innings in Hindi films. Looking at how well Rhehan partners the screen- Film: Ishkq In Paris Rating: Director: Prem Raj Starring: Preity Zinta, Rhehan Malliek, and Isabelle Adjani NOW PLAYING IN DOHA THEATRES filling Preity on the screen, one wonders if this bighearted romantic-comedy would have worked with any other two actors! These two may not be mad for each other (at least, not until we leave them at the end of the film). But by Cupid, they are definitely made for each other! Prem Raj allows the couple plenty of space to let their feeling breathe freely and easily into the narra-tion. The two protagonists may be in a hurry to get somewhere, the film is not. The exquisite camerawork by Manush Nandan sweeps languorously through the neon-lit seductive night-life of Paris and the daytime bustle of the street-side cafes without getting into touristic awe. One shot where Preity treats Rhehan to the won-drous sight of all the lights coming alive in the Eiffel Tower stays with you. If only love could be captured and frozen in its most majestic manifestations! Interestingly, the narration is fashioned like a fable with the legendary French actress Isabelle Adjani tell-ing us about Ishkq’s brief encounter with Akaash and its aftermath without letting us in to her own role in the romance. It’s a cute little secret kept away from us for a while in a film where the main protagonists play out their emotions in full view and with disarming transparency. Preity, Paris and Prem Raj whip up a souffle ro-mance. Fresh, frothy feel good and, yes, look good, and with a solid undercurrent of emotional frisson to guide the love story to its heart-warming culmina-tion Ishkq In Paris makes you thankful for that thing called love. The tone of narration is umistak-ably European. Here in this Parisian homage to all things romantic, Preity’s character blossoms before us without props and yet looking immensely fetching. It is a non-accessoried performance, very ba-sic and liberated from humbug Saturday, May 25, 2013 Sports was clean during father’s time: Deepika IANS OLLYWOOD actress Deepika Padukone, daughter of badmin-ton icon Prakash Padukone, says sports was pure and clean during her father’s time. She rues how malprac-tices such as spot-fixing can give any sport a bad name. Following news of actor Vindu Dara Singh’s associa-tion in the recent spotfixing scandal of the Indian Premier League (IPL), Deepika says it is B sad how because of a few people, several others come in the ambit of doubt. “It gives a bad name to the sport. It is unfair just because of a few people following this malpractice, you start doubting everybody else. As a country if you want to shine or if you want to be on the same level economically or otherwise (with others), I think it’s important that sports people in our country do really well and this (spot-fixing) is not really helping that,” Deepika told reporters at an event. “It’s sad. I have grown up in a genera-tion where I have seen my father (play), and sport at that time was so pure and clean. So, to see it go down this route is very disappointing,” she added. Calling the spot-fixing scandal “shameful”, Deepika’s Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani co-star Ranbir Kapoor said: “IPL has become such a great entertain-ing platform for the world right now and when such things crop up - like people playing dirty, it’s unfortunate.” “There is no justification to it and I hope people who are concerned in this mischief should be punished. It is not fair to the people who are playing the sport with the right intention,” he added. Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani ties up with hair oil brand IANS HAIR oil brand, endorsed by Bol-- A Deepika Padukone lywood actress Deepika Padukone, has come on board as the official partner of her forthcoming movie Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani. Directed by Ayan Mukerji, the movie, which stars Deepika and her former beau Ranbir Kapoor, is produced by Dharma Productions. A TV commercial highlighting the as-sociation between Parachute Advansed Tender Coconut Hair Oil and the movie was unveiled at an event. Winners of a contest organised by the hair product company got a chance to meet Ranbir and Deepika. The contest required people to share their ‘Tender Love and Care’ moments, and the best ones were handpicked by Deepika herself, said a statement. “I am happy to have met the winners of the contest and feel privileged that they shared their tender love and care moments with us. Both Parachute Advansed Tender Coconut Hair Oil and Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani hold a very special place in my heart,” Deepika said. Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani, releasing on May 31, also stars Kalki Koechlin and Sidharth Roy Kapoor. Deepika Padukone with a fan at Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani promotional event. SCENE UNSEEN Soha Ali Khan wraps up shooting of War Chhod Na Yaar AFTER filming in Delhi’s scorching heat, actress Soha Ali Khan is happy to having com-pleted the shooting of her upcom-ing movie War Chhod Na Yaar. The film, written and Soha Ali Khan directed by Faraz Haider, is being tagged as India’s first war comedy. It also stars Sharman Joshi, Javed Jaffrey and Mukul Dev. “After a 2 day shoot in 46 degree heat in Delhi, War Chhod Na Yaar is finally at an end... Time to hang up my dusty boots, put on some heels,” Soha posted on her Twitter page. Sherlyn Chopra grooves in Indian attire at Cannes I don’t have a comfort zone, says Ameesha Patel ACTRESS Sherlyn Chopra grabbed the paparazzi’s attention by grooving at the 66th Cannes Interna-tional Film Festival wearing a white and gold Indian lehenga choli. She is there to promote her new movie . The film’s director Rupesh Paul said how Sher-lyn was “very excited and she grooved for the paparazzi without any hesitation”. “It was the mid-night screening of an Italian movie. Sherlyn was in a lehenga choli and the French media asked Sherlyn to pose. When the paparazzi encour-aged her, she started dancing to my surprise,” said Paul. “It was one of the choreographed numbers, which we trained her to shoot,” he added. Sher-lyn, flaunted south Indian-style jewellery with the outfit, and donned minimal makeup. This was her second time at the red carpet this year. The film’s team is there since May 15, when the fest took off, to unveil the second trailer of their film. Before leaving for Cannes, Paul had said that they will also be revealing the name of the Hol-lywood actress who will be the lead in the movie’s sequel at the fest. AMEESHA Patel, who is leaving no stone un-turned to make sure her career takes off after her last release Race 2 rang the bell at the box office. The actress is excited as she has few films to hit the theatre this year. Ameesha will be seen essaying different characters in films like Shortcut Romeo, Run Bhola Run and Desi Magic. On being asked Ameesha Patel about her comfort zone, Ameesha stressed, “I don’t have a comfort zone and its doing different roles every time.” “I am fortunate that I can also do variety of roles and people accept me in different roles. I think that’s the challenging part of films and so I don’t want to be comfortable. I have miles to go,” added the actress. Ameesha will be seen playing a negative character in Shortcut Romeo which is all set to release on 21st of June. Sherlyn Chopra NATURE Saturday, May 25, 2013 Digital camera gives a bug’s-eye view I NYT SYNDICATE NSECTS have a wide field of view and are acutely sensitive to motion, as anyone who has tried chasing a housefly knows. Researchers have now created a digital camera that mimics the curved, compound structure of an insect eye. These cameras could be used where wide viewing angles are important and space is at a premium – in advanced surveil-lance systems, for example, or in un-manned flying vehicles and endoscopes. Insect eyes are made up of hundreds or even thousands of light-sensing struc-tures called ommatidia. Each contains a lens and a cone that funnels light to a photosensitive organ. The long, thin ommatidia are bunched together to form the hemispherical eye, with each omma-tidium pointing in a slightly different di-rection. This structure gives bugs a wide field of view, with objects in the periph-ery just as clear as those in the centre of the visual field, and high motion sensi-tivity. It also allows a large depth of field – objects are in focus whether they’re nearby or at a distance. The biggest challenge in mimicking the structure of an insect eye in a cam-era is that electronics are typically flat and rigid, says John Rogers, a materials scientist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. “In biology, every-thing is curvy,” he says. The new device, which Rogers and his colleagues describe in Nature, com-prises an array of microlenses connected to posts that mimic the light-funnelling cones of ommatidia, layered on top of a flexible array of silicon photodetectors. The lens-post pairs are moulded from a stretchy polymer called an elastomer. A filling of elastomer dyed with carbon black surrounds the structures, prevent-ing light from leaking between them. The lens is about 1 centimetre in diameter. “The whole thing is stretchy and thin, and we blow it up like a balloon” so that it curves like a compound eye, says Rogers. The current prototype produces black-and-white images only, but Rogers says a colour version could be made with the same design. This is the first time researchers have made a working compound-eye camera, says Luke Lee, a bioengineer at the Uni-versity of California, Berkeley, who was not involved with the work. The trick, he says, was building and integrating all the parts of the ommatidia. “Usually people This structure gives bugs a wide field of view, with objects in the periphery just as clear as those in the centre of the visual field, and high motion sensitivity just show one part, the lens or the de-tector,” says Lee. In 2006, for example, Lee’s group made arrays of artificial om-matidia that had microlenses and lightguiding cones, but no photodetectors. He says that Rogers made the device work by predicting the mechanics of how his designs would stretch before build-ing them – to make sure that the lenses would not be distorted when the device was inflated, for example. Rogers describes the camera as a “low-end insect eye.” It contains 180 artificial ommatidia, about the same number as in the eyes of a fire ant (Solenopsis fu-- gax) or a bark beetle (Hylastes nigrinus) – insects that don’t see very well. So far the researchers have tested it by taking pictures of simple line drawings. With the basic designs in place, Rog-ers says, his team can now increase the resolution of the camera by incorporat-ing more ommatidia. “We’d like to do a dragonfly, with 20,000 ommatidia,” he says, which will require some miniaturisation of the compo-nents. Alexander Borst, who builds miniature flying robots at the Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology in Martinsried, Germany, says that he is eager to integrate the camera into his machines. Insects’ wide field of vision helps them to monitor and stabilise their position during flight; ro-bots with artificial compound eyes might be better fliers, he says. Rogers says that his next project is to go “beyond biology,” by inflating or deflating the camera to adjust its field of view. FOOD Saturday, May 25, 2013 A fresh approach to soft-shell crabs I NYT SYNDICATE ONCE worked for an old-school chef who claimed that everything sold better with the name “amandine” (or “almondine” as it was called, incor-rectly, on the menu). And it’s true. With many fish dishes, it’s hard to go wrong with a sauce of browned butter, lemon and some kind of toasted nut - almonds, hazelnuts or pecans. Many a trout, sole or halibut steak has been en-hanced in this crowd-pleasing way. Though it may seem trite, pedestrian or downright old-fashioned, when it’s executed well, it can be awfully good. This time of year, with Chesapeake softshell crabs in season, perhaps that’s just the method to choose. Soft-shell fanatics would disagree. No sauce, some say, only lemon. One camp wants Old Bay seasoning (not me), while others insist there must be Tabasco. Well, to each his or her own. I’m not that dogmatic. I have eaten soft-shell crabs just about every way imaginable: pan-fried, deep-fried, tempura-battered and grilled. I’ve had them on a bun, on top of spaghetti aglio e olio, even in gumbo. The most important thing with softshell crabs, of course, is that they be utterly spanking fresh and lively, still wiggling if possible. You must buy them the day you plan to eat them, preferably from a reliable fish merchant who received them that morn-ing. They begin to deteriorate rapidly, so it’s important to keep them on ice, because there’s nothing worse than a crab that’s gone off. OK, perhaps there are worse things, but if you can’t get perfectly fresh soft-shells, it’s better to buy frozen or forgo them al-- For the sweet first crabs of the season, I like to keep it quite simple, searing them quickly in a cast-iron pan, with butter, salt and pepper together. For the sweet first crabs of the season, I like to keep it quite simple, searing them quickly in a cast-iron pan, with butter, salt and pepper. After a few rounds of such purity, I usually think it’s time to branch out a bit and introduce other flavours. The other day, from out of the past, the aroma of buttery toasted almonds seemed to waft through my mind, along with lots of parsley and lemon. I nearly succumbed, but the memory somehow inspired a slight twist. How about preserved lemon instead of regular lemon, and why not use chopped cilantro, too? With pinches of cumin, coriander and cayenne, my soft-shells were now acquiring quite a different profile, not very Yankee at all, but there was no turning back. SOFT-SHELL CRAB WITH PRESERVED LEMON AND ALMONDS Time: 30 minutes Yield: 4 servings (Note: Cleaning crabs involves cutting off the mouth and eyes and re-moving the gills and apron. Your fishmonger can do this for you.) Ingredients 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon ground coriander 1/8 teaspoon cayenne 2 teaspoons paprika 1 teaspoon salt, plus more for seasoning 4 soft-shell crabs, cleaned with gills and apron removed (see note) 8 tablespoons (1/4 pound) butter, melted 1/2 cup sliced almonds 2 tablespoons diced preserved lemon 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro Lemon wedges, for serving Method 1. Season the flour for dredging: mix together flour, cu-min, coriander, cayenne, paprika and salt in a shallow bowl. Quickly dip both sides of the crabs in flour mixture and shake off excess. 2. Put 4 tablespoons melted butter in a large, wide cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat. When butter is hot, carefully put in the crabs, top side down. Cook for about 2 minutes per side, until well crisped and cooked through. Remove crabs to a warmed platter. Sprinkle lightly with salt. 3. Add 4 more tablespoons melted butter to pan and add sliced almonds. Stir to coat and cook until lightly browned, 1 to 2 minutes. Add preserved lemon and cilantro and turn off heat. 4. Spoon butter sauce over crabs, surround with lemon wedges and serve immediately. HEALTH Saturday, May 25, 2013 Dark chocolate a day, keeps doctor away Physicians suggest dark chocolates are good for the heart, and they help reduce cardiovas-cular ailments as they contain potassium and copper. High in iron content, dark chocolates also cure anaemia IANS C RAVING for chocolates, but don’t want to gain those extra pounds? Worry not! Go for a dark chocolate, which contains a good amount of vitamins, minerals, iron, potassium and magnesium. Physicians suggest dark chocolates are good for the heart, and they help reduce cardiovascular ailments as they contain potassium and copper. High in iron content, dark chocolates also cure anaemia. Whereas, magnesium prevents high blood pressure, and diabetes. An online study indicates that a per-son should consume two or three grams of sweet candies a week to reap its health benefits. The research also suggests that if you eat a bit of dark chocolate as a des-sert after your meals, it is likely to curb weight gain. Following are benefits of dark chocolates: Controls blood pressure: Having a little dark chocolates at least thrice a week improves blood flow and prevents blood clotting,” says Sonal Arora, a Del-hi-based dietician. “It also lowers blood pressure and arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries),” she adds. Good for brain: Since it improves the blood flow in the body, it helps im-prove cognitive function, and also re-duces the risk of a stroke. Arora also said dark chocolates contain phenylethyl-amine (PEA). It’s the same chemical that our brain creates when a person falls in love. The chemical helps the brain to release endorphins, which results in making a person happier. Controls blood sugar: Dark chocolates keep blood vessels healthy and help control diabetes. “Dark choco-lates contain a chemical called flavonoid which reduces insulin resistance and en-courage body cells to function normally,” adds the dietician. Loaded with antioxidants: Antioxidants help release free radi-cals, which damage cells. A human body develops free radicals when a person grows old. These radicals can also cause cancer. Dark chocolates lower the signs of ageing and reduce cancer risks. Reduces stress: “Dark chocolates help reduce stress as they contain a good amount of cocoa, and cocoa helps reduces stress hormones,” says Arora. Saturday, May 25, 2013 Best on TV Tonight 7:00 pm Al Jazeera: NEWS 8:30 pm Boomerang: THE 13 GHOSTS OF SCOOBY DOO 8:00 pm MBC Action: DAYBREAKERS TV Prime Time Guide 7:00 pm NEWS 7:30 pm PEOPLE & POWER 8:00 pm NEWS 8:30 pm INSIDE SYRIA TAZ-MANIA 19:00 TAPOUT BUILT 20:00 DAYBREAKERS KIMORA: HOUSE OF FAB TAZ-MANIA THE 13 GHOSTS OF SCOOBY-DOO AL JAZEERA BOOMERANG MBC ACTION THE STYLE NETWORK Television Listing AL JAZEERA 05:00 NEWSHOUR 06:00 News 06:30 101 East 07:00 News 07:30 Talk To Al Jazeera 08:00 News 09:00 Witness 10:00 News 10:30 Inside Story 11:00 News 11:30 Listening Post 12:00 News 12:30 Counting the Cost 13:00 NEWSHOUR 14:00 News 14:30 Inside Story 15:00 The Frost Interview 16:00 NEWSHOUR 17:00 News 17:30 South2North 18:00 NEWSHOUR 19:00 News 19:30 People & Power 20:00 News 20:30 Inside Syria 21:00 NEWSHOUR 22:00 News 22:30 Listening Post 23:00 Al-Nakba 00:00 NEWSHOUR 01:00 News 01:30 Letter From My Child 02:00 NEWSHOUR 03:00 News 03:30 Inside Syria 04:00 The Frost Interview ANIMAL PLANET 05:20 Echo And The Elephants Of Amboseli 05:45 Animal Airport 06:35 Wildlife SOS 07:00 Meerkat Manor 07:25 Dogs 101: Specials 08:15 Crocodile Hunter 09:10 Baby Planet 10:05 Monkey Life 10:30 Dick 'n' Dom Go Wild 11:00 Bondi Vet 11:25 The Really Wild Show 11:55 Wildest Islands 12:50 Wild France 13:45 18:20 19:15 20:10 21:05 22:00 22:55 23:50 00:45 01:35 02:25 03:15 04:05 04:55 Wild France Speed Of Life Mutant Planet How Sharks Hunt Roaring With Pride My Cat From Hell Karina: Wild On Safari Untamed & Uncut How Sharks Hunt Animal Cops Philadelphia Roaring With Pride My Cat From Hell Karina: Wild On Safari Animal Cops Philadelphia BBC WORLD 05:00 BBC World News 05:10 Indian Ocean With Simon Reeve 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 Fast Track 07:00 BBC World News 07:30 The Culture Show 08:00 BBC World News 08:30 Middle East Business Report 09:00 BBC World News 09:30 Click 10:00 BBC World News 10:10 Weekend World 10:30 Talking Books 11:00 BBC World News 11:10 Football Focus 11:30 Horizons 12:00 BBC World News 13:10 World Features 13:30 Newsnight 14:00 BBC World News 14:30 Our World 15:00 BBC World News 15:10 Weekend World 15:30 Talking Movies 16:00 BBC World News 16:15 Sport Today 16:30 Fast Track 17:00 BBC World News 17:30 Dateline London 18:00 BBC World News 18:10 Indian Ocean With Simon Reeve 19:00 BBC World News 20:30 The Culture Show 21:00 BBC World News 21:15 Sport Today 21:30 Fast Track 22:00 BBC World News 22:30 Click 23:00 BBC World News 23:10 World Features 23:30 Dateline London 00:00 01:30 02:00 02:10 02:30 03:00 03:10 03:30 04:00 04:30 BBC World News The Culture Show BBC World News World Features Middle East Business Report BBC World News World Features Talking Movies BBC World News Dateline London BOOMERANG 05:00 Bananas In Pyjamas 05:25 Gerald McBoing Boing 05:45 Jelly Jamm 06:00 Ha Ha Hairies 06:25 Baby Looney Tunes 06:50 Cartoonito Tales 07:15 Krypto: The Super Dog 07:40 Lazytown 08:05 Gerald McBoing Boing 08:30 Bananas In Pyjamas 08:55 Jelly Jamm 09:20 Ha Ha Hairies 09:45 Baby Looney Tunes 10:10 Cartoonito Tales 10:35 Krypto: The Super Dog 11:00 Lazytown 11:25 Ha Ha Hairies 11:50 Gerald McBoing Boing 12:15 Baby Looney Tunes 12:40 Jelly Jamm 13:00 Tiny Toon Adventures 13:50 What's New Scooby Doo 14:40 Tom And Jerry Tales 15:30 The 13 Ghosts Of Scooby-Doo 16:20 Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries 17:10 What's New Scooby Doo 18:00 Tom And Jerry Tales 18:50 The Looney Tunes Show 19:40 Taz-Mania 20:05 Taz-Mania 20:30 The 13 Ghosts Of Scooby-Doo 20:55 The 13 Ghosts Of Scooby-Doo 21:20 Tom And Jerry Tales 22:10 Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries 22:35 Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries 23:00 Moomins 23:50 Duck Dodgers 00:15 Duck Dodgers 00:45 Wacky Races 01:30 What's New Scooby-Doo? 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Entertainment: CHASING THE SATURDAYS 11:00 pm MBC 2: MAN ON A LEDGE 11 :00 pm MBC Max: CRANK Television Listing CRIME & INVESTIGATION 05:00 Crime Stories 06:00 Crime Town USA 06:30 Crime Town USA 07:00 Psychic Detectives 09:00 Crime Stories 10:00 Psychic Detectives 14:00 Beyond Scared Straight 15:00 Beyond Scared Straight 16:00 Psychic Detectives 20:00 Cold Case Files 21:00 Very Bad Men 21:30 Very Bad Men 22:00 Gangs Of Britain With Gary & Martin Kemp 23:00 Carlos The Jackal 00:00 Jerome Brudos: The Lust Killer 01:00 Born To Kill 02:00 Born To Kill 03:00 Born To Kill 04:00 Very Bad Men 04:30 Very Bad Men DISCOVERY CHANNEL 05:15 How Machines Work 05:40 How Stuff's Made 06:05 Sons Of Guns 07:00 James May's Man Lab 07:50 You Have Been Warned 08:45 Mythbusters 09:40 Mythbusters 10:30 Igenius 11:25 The Ipod Revolution 12:20 Fifth Gear 17:50 Wheeler Dealers: Trading Up 18:45 Gold Divers: Under The Ice 19:40 Alaska: The Last Frontier 20:35 Sons Of Guns 21:30 Storage Hunters 21:55 Storage Hunters 23:45 Death Row: The Final 24 Hours 00:40 I Escaped: Real Prison Breaks 01:10 I Escaped: Real Prison Breaks 01:35 Outlaw Empires 02:30 How It's Made 04:50 How Machines Work DISNEY CHANNEL 05:15 Brandy & Mr Whiskers 05:35 Brandy & Mr Whiskers 06:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 06:25 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 06:35 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 06:45 Suite Life On Deck 07:10 Toy Story 08:30 Prankstars 08:45 Good Luck Charlie 09:10 Code: 9 09:35 Shake It Up 10:00 Jessie 10:20 Austin And Ally 10:40 A.N.T Farm 11:05 The Wizards Return: Alex vs. Alex. 12:05 12:25 12:35 13:00 13:25 13:45 14:10 14:35 14:55 15:25 15:35 16:00 17:00 18:30 18:55 19:20 19:40 20:05 20:25 20:50 21:15 21:40 22:00 22:25 22:50 23:10 23:35 00:00 00:20 00:45 01:05 01:30 01:50 02:15 02:35 03:00 03:20 03:45 04:05 04:30 04:50 Dog With A Blog Prankstars A.N.T Farm Hannah Montana Austin And Ally Good Luck Charlie That's So Raven A.N.T Farm Code: 9 Prankstars Dog With A Blog The Wizards Return: Alex vs. Alex. Bolt A.N.T Farm Code: 9 Jessie Shake It Up Austin And Ally A.N.T Farm Jessie Jessie Hannah Montana Jonas Sonny With A Chance Sonny With A Chance Wizards Of Waverly Place Wizards Of Waverly Place Stitch Stitch A Kind Of Magic A Kind Of Magic Emperor's New School Emperor's New School Replacements Replacements A Kind Of Magic A Kind Of Magic Emperor's New School Emperor's New School Replacements Replacements E! ENTERTAINMENT 05:05 THS 06:00 THS 07:50 Style Star 08:20 E! News 09:15 Keeping Up With The Kardashians 10:15 E!es 11:10 THS 12:05 E! News 13:05 Scouted 14:05 Playing With Fire 15:00 Chasing The Saturdays 15:30 Chasing The Saturdays 16:00 Chasing The Saturdays 16:30 Chasing The Saturdays 17:00 Chasing The Saturdays 17:30 Chasing The Saturdays 18:00 E! News 19:00 Chasing The Saturdays 19:30 Chasing The Saturdays 20:00 Chasing The Saturdays 20:30 Chasing The Saturdays 21:00 Chasing The Saturdays 21:30 Fashion Police 22:30 E! 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Siberia With Rob Lilwall 09:25 Cycling Home From Siberia With Rob Lilwall 09:55 Don't Tell My Mother 10:50 International Open House 11:15 International Open House 11:45 George Clark's Amazing Spaces 12:40 David Rocco's Dolce Vita 13:05 David Rocco's Dolce Vita 13:35 My Sri Lanka With Peter Kuruvita 14:00 My Sri Lanka With Peter Kuruvita 14:30 Somewhere In China 15:25 Scam City 16:20 Treks In A Wild World 16:45 Treks In A Wild World 17:15 Cycling Home From Siberia With Rob Lilwall 17:40 Cycling Home From Siberia With Rob Lilwall 18:10 Don't Tell My Mother 19:05 On Surfari 19:30 On Surfari 20:00 Roam 20:30 Graham's World 21:00 Extreme Tourist Afghanistan Saturday, May 25, 2013 Best on TV Tonight 10:00 pm OSN Movies Comedy: DAZED AND CONFUSED 11:30 pm Star Movies: MOZART & THE WHALE 7:00 pm Zee Aflam: KISNA Television Listing 22:00 22:55 23:20 23:50 00:45 01:40 02:35 03:30 03:55 04:25 04:50 Scam City Finding Genghis Finding Genghis Don't Tell My Mother The Frankincense Trail A World Apart Ultimate Traveller Into The Drink Into The Drink Food Lover's Guide To The Planet David Rocco's Dolce Vita OSN CINEMA 05:00 The Proud Family Movie 07:00 The Game Of Their Lives 09:00 Once Brothers 10:45 John Carter 13:00 Enter The Phoenix 15:00 Twins Mission 17:00 Spy Kids: All The Time In The World 19:00 Violet & Daisy 21:00 Cedar Rapids 23:00 Meet Monica Velour 01:00 Enter The Phoenix 03:00 Spy Kids: All The Time In The World OSN FIRST HD 05:00 Smash 06:00 Eureka 07:00 Smallville 08:00 The Finder 09:00 Last Resort 10:00 Red Widow 11:00 Survivor: Caramoan 12:00 Smallville 15:00 Eureka 16:00 Smallville 18:00 The Finder 19:00 The Glades 20:00 Criminal Minds 21:00 White Collar 22:00 Sons Of Anarchy 00:00 Eureka 01:00 Sons Of Anarchy 02:00 White Collar 04:00 The Glades OSN MOVIES ACTION 06:00 Arctic Blast 08:00 Mission: Impossible II 10:00 Brake 11:45 The New Daughter 13:45 Mission: Impossible III 16:00 Brake 18:00 Superman vs. The Elite 19:45 Mission: Impossible III 22:00 The Corruptor 00:00 Backdraft 02:30 The Crazies 04:15 The Corruptor OSN MOVIES COMEDY 06:00 Barnyard 08:00 Snowmen 10:00 Smooch 12:00 Back To The Future 14:00 Police Academy 4: Citizens On Patrol 16:00 Smooch 18:00 Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult 20:00 A Few Best Men 22:00 Dazed And Confused 00:00 Reginald D Hunter Live 02:00 A Few Best Men 04:00 Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult OSN MOVIES FESTIVAL 05:15 Dying Young 07:15 The Presidio 09:00 Every Jack Has A Jill 11:00 Would Be Kings 13:00 Trust 15:00 Every Jack Has A Jill 17:00 Super 8 19:00 The Last Gamble 21:00 Incendies 23:15 Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid 01:15 Mr. Nobody 03:30 Incendies OSN MOVIES HD 07:00 A Cinderella Story: Once Upon A Song 09:00 A Thousand Words 10:45 Real Steel 13:00 Marion Jones: Press Pause 14:00 We Bought A Zoo 16:15 A Thousand Words 18:00 The Descendants 20:00 Phil Spector 22:00 Best Laid Plans 00:00 Casino Jack 02:00 The Descendants OSN MOVIES KIDS 06:00 Princess Sydney: The Legend Of The Blue Rabbit 07:45 Tom Tom & Nana 09:15 Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil 11:00 The Search For Santa Paws 12:45 Hugo 15:00 Cats Don't Dance 16:30 Lady And The Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure 18:00 Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil 20:00 Wheelers 21:30 Hugo 23:45 Lady And The Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure 01:15 Tom Tom & Nana 02:30 Wheelers 03:45 Hugo OSN SPORT 1 HD 08:00 Top 14 10:00 Futbol Mundial 10:30 Live NRL Premiership 12:30 ICC Cricket 360 13:00 Live Test Cricket 21:00 Trans World Sport 22:00 Live PGA Tour 01:00 Dubai Duty Free Darts Masters 04:30 Futbol Mundial OSN SPORT 4 05:00 NHL 07:00 WWE SmackDown 09:00 WWE Bottom Line 10:00 WWE Vintage Collection 11:00 Live AFL Premiership 14:00 Live Super League 16:00 WWE SmackDown 18:00 Mobil 1 The Grid 18:45 Live Pro 12 21:15 UFC Countdown 22:15 Mobil 1 The Grid 22:45 Live Super League 00:45 Live Super League 03:00 WWE SmackDown SONY ENTERTAINMENT 05:15 Haiwan 07:29 Man Mein Hai Vishwas 08:30 Seva Sagar 09:00 Palampur Express 09:29 Pyarr Ka Bandhan 09:59 Baytaab-dil Kee Tamanna Hai 10:30 Andaaz 2013 11:00 Weekend Out- Season 3 11:30 Comedy Circus Ke Ajoobe 13:00 Asian Variety Show 14:00 Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge 17:30 Comedy Circus Ke Ajoobe 19:00 Weekend Out- Season 3 19:30 CID 20:29 Adalat 21:30 Comedy Circus Ke Ajoobe 23:02 CID 00:08 Crime Patrol 4 00:59 Adalat 01:59 Comedy Circus Ke Ajoobe 03:30 CID 04:24 Crime Patrol 4 STAR MOVIES 06:30 Gross Anatomy 08:15 End Game 10:00 The Whole Ten Yards 11:45 Tron: Legacy 13:30 15:00 16:45 18:30 20:00 21:45 23:30 01:15 03:00 04:45 Run End Game The Whole Ten Yards Life with Mikey The Good Mother Guilty as Sin Mozart And The Whale Gross Anatomy The Good Mother Madso's War TCM 07:00 09:40 11:40 14:15 16:00 17:45 20:00 22:00 01:10 03:05 Raintree County Scarecrow How The West Was Won April In Paris Singin' In The Rain North By Northwest A Streetcar Named Desire Ryan's Daughter Ziegfeld Follies Ryan's Daughter THE STYLE NETWORK 05:10 Videofashion News 05:35 Videofashion Collections 06:05 Clean House: New York 07:00 Videofashion News 08:00 Open House 09:00 Tia And Tamera 10:00 How Do I Look? 10:55 How Do I Look? 11:55 Chicagolicious 12:50 Chicagolicious 13:50 Chicagolicious 14:45 Tia And Tamera 15:40 Tia And Tamera 16:35 Giuliana & Bill 17:30 Big Rich Texas 18:25 Videofashion Specials 18:55 Fashion Police 19:25 Built 20:20 Kimora: House Of Fab 21:15 Tia And Tamera 22:10 Jerseylicious 23:05 Giuliana & Bill 00:00 Glam Fairy 01:00 Glam Fairy 01:55 Empire Girls: Julissa And Adrienne 02:50 Empire Girls: Julissa And Adrienne 03:45 Videofashion Daily 04:40 Videofashion Specials ZEE AFLAM 06:30 Zahreela 09:30 Ghajini 12:30 Baazigar 16:00 Dashavtar 19:00 Kisna 22:00 Veer Zaara 01:00 Arzoo 04:00 Abhimanyu Saturday, May 25, 2013 Beetle Bailey Blondie Popeye For Subscriptions Contact us at: Phone: 44666810 : 44654975 Post Box No: 23493 : Spiderman Learn Arabic Nadee Nightclub Dhawa Light Shajarah Zits Tree Aalam Flag Maaradh Fair Baaea Seller Hoy en la Historia May 25, 2006 Scientists first identified simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) in wild apes, supporting the theory that the HIV virus originated in wild chimpanzees in Cameroon 1963: The Organisation of African Unity was established at a summit of African states in Addis Ababa 1993: Guatemalan President Jorge Serrano suspended the constitution amid fears of a coup 1994: Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn returned to Russia after a 20-year exile in the West 2003: The Israeli cabinet officially accepted the Palestinian claim to eventual statehood for the first time Picture: Associated Press © GRAPHIC NEWS Saturday, May 25, 2013 SUDOKU Thursday’s Answer Star Talk By King Features Syndicate, Inc. ARIES [mar 21 – apr 19] TAURUS [apr 20 – may 20] GEMINI [may 21 – jun 20] CANCER [jun 21 - jul 22] LEO [jul 23 – aug 22] VIRGO [aug 23 – 22] Travel plans might be delayed or canceled today. Alternatively, an unexpected trip suddenly might fall in your lap. (It could go either way.) Keep an eye on your bank account today, because unexpected events might occur (like an overdraft). On the upside, you might receive a gift or a favor from someone. Who knows? You can expect to meet someone unusual today, perhaps a real character. Or possibly, someone you know well will do something bizarre or unexpected. Home routine will be interrupted today. This could come from the introduction of new technology or perhaps technological breakdowns. Staff shortages or someone new on the scene might make waves. This is a mildly accident-prone day for your kids, so be extra vigilant. Unexpected flirtations might make your heart go pitter-patter. Sports events might have surprising turnarounds. Curious day! Stock the fridge because surprise company might drop by. Or your home routine will be interrupted because small appliances will break down or minor breakages will occur. Oops. LIBRA [sept 23 – oct 22] SCORPIO [oct 23 – nov 21] SAGITTARIUS [nov 22 – dec 21] CAPRICORN [dec 22 – jan 19] AQUARIUS [jan 20 – feb 18] Pisces [feb 19 – mar 20] Be careful of everything you say or do today, because this is a mildly accident-prone day for your sign. However, you will meet stimulating situations and new faces! If shopping today, count your change and keep your receipts. You might find money; you might lose money. Be vigilant. You feel restless today. You want to do something different, because you feel that you need a change of scenery. Quite likely, this actually will happen. Something hidden or behind the scenes might force you to take a detour today. Stay light on your feet, and pack a lunch. Friends will surprise you today. However, some of you will meet someone new who amazes you. (A real character.) In fact, this new acquaintance might make you rethink where you’re headed. Something unexpected might occur today in your relationships with bosses, parents and authority figures. Hopefully it’s a pleasant surprise. If not, don’t be lippy. Just let this surprise pass. MOVIES IN QATAR Saturday, May 25, 2013 Fast & Furious 6 (Action) Agent Luke Hobbs enlists Dominic Toretto and his team to bring down former Special Ops soldier Owen Shaw, leader of a unit specialising in vehicular warfare. Star Trek Into Darkness (Action) After the crew of the Enterprise find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organisation, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one man weapon of mass destruction. CITY CENTRE CINEMA FAST & FURIOUS 6 (ACTION): 10.30 PM, 11.30 PM, 1.30 PM, 2.30 PM, 4.30 PM, 5.30 PM, 7.30 PM, 8.30 PM, 10.30 PM, 11.30 PM, 1 AM. [VIP GOLD]: 11 AM, 2 PM, 5 PM, 8 PM, 11 PM STREET DANCE ALL STARS (COMEDY): 12.30 PM, 2.45 PM, 5 PM, 7.15 PM IRON MAN 3 (ACTION): 11.45 AM, 2.45 PM, 5.45 PM, 8.45 PM, 11.45 PM (3D) 10.45 AM, 1.45 PM, 4.45 PM, 7.45 PM, 10.45 PM, 1.15 AM STAR TREK 2 (ACTION) (3D): 12.45 PM, 3.30 PM, 6.15 PM, 9 PM, 11.45 PM, 1 AM THE CALL (THRILLER): 11 AM, 1 PM, 3 PM, 5 PM, 7 PM, 9 PM, 11 PM THE GREAT GATSBY (DRAMA): 12.15 PM, 3 PM, 5.45 PM, 8.30 PM, 11.15 PM PAIN & GAIN (ACTION): 10.30 AM, 3 PM, 7.30 PM,9.30 PM, 12 MN THE BIG WEDDING (COMEDY): 1 PM, 5.30 PM, 10 PM, 12 PM AURANGZEB (HINDI): 12 PM, 2.45 PM, 5.30 PM, 8.15 PM, 11 PM LADIES AND GENTLEMAN (MALAYALAM): 11.15 AM, 2.15 PM, 5.15 PM, 8.15 PM, 11.15 PM VILLAGGIO CINEMA FAST & FURIOUS 6 (ACTION): 11 AM, 12 PM, 1 PM, 2 PM, 3 PM, 4 PM, 5 PM, 6 PM, 7 PM, 8 PM, 9 PM, 10 PM, 11 PM, 12 MN, 1 AM STREET DANCE ALL STARS (COMEDY): 11.30 AM, 1.45 PM, 4 PM, 6.15 PM IRON MAN 3 (ACTION): 11.30 AM, 2.30 PM, 5.30 PM, 8.30 PM, 11.30 PM (3D): 10.30 AM, 1.30 PM, 4.30 PM, 7.30 PM, 10.30 PM, 1 AM STAR TREK 2 (ACTION): 1 PM, 3.45 PM, 6.30 PM, 9.15 PM, 12 MN, 1 AM (3D): 5.30 PM, 8.15 PM, 11 PM THE CALL (THRILLER): 12 PM, 2 PM, 4 PM, 6 PM, 8 PM, 10 PM, 12 MN THE CROODS (ANIMATION): 11.30 AM, 1.30 PM, 3.30 PM SAMEER ABU EL-NEEL (ARABIC): 11.30 AM, 1.45 PM, 4 PM, 6.15 PM, 8.30 PM, 10.45 PM THE GREAT GATSBY (DRAMA): 12.30 PM, 3.15 PM, 6 PM, 8.45 PM, 11.30 PM PAIN & GAIN (ACTION): 11 AM, 1.30 PM, 4 PM, 6.30 PM, 9 PM, 11.30 PM THE BIG WEDDING (COMEDY):11.45 AM, 1.45 PM, 3.45 PM, 5.45 PM, 7.45 PM, 9.45 PM, 11.45 PM AURANGZEB (HINDI): 8.30 PM, 11.15 PM LANDMARK CINEMA MALL CINEMA FAST & FURIOUS 6 (ACTION): 2.30, 4 PM, 6.30 PM, 9 PM, 11.30PM THE LEGEND OF SARILA (3D) (ANIMATION): 2.30 PM STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS (3D) (ACTION): 2.30 PM STREET DANCE ALL STAR (COMEDY): 5 PM, 7 PM THE GREAT GATSBY (3D) (DRAMA): 9 PM IRON MAN (3D) (ACTION): 11.30 PM LADIES AND GENTLEMEN (MALAYALAM): 5 PM, 8 PM, 11 PM FAST & FURIOUS 6 (ACTION): 2.30 PM, 4 PM, 6.30 PM, 9 PM, 11.30 PM THE LEGEND OF SARILA (3D) (ANIMATION): 2.15 PM STREET DANCE ALL STAR (COMEDY): 5 PM, 7 PM THE GREAT GATSBY (3D) (DRAMA): 9 PM IRON MAN (3D) (ACTION): 11.30 PM ISHQ IN PARIS (HINDI): 2.30 PM LADIES AND GENTLEMEN (MALAYALAM): 5 PM, 8 PM, 11 PM ROYAL PLAZA FAST & FURIOUS 6 (ACTION): 2.30 PM, 4 PM, 6.30 PM, 9 PM, 11.30 PM THE LEGEND OF SARILA (3D) (ANIMATION): 2 PM, 4.30 PM STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS (3D) (ACTION): 2 PM, 5 PM STREET DANCE ALL STAR (COMEDY): 9.30 PM, 11.15 PM IRON MAN (3D) (ACTION): 6.30 PM, 11.30 PM THE GREAT GATSBY (3D) (DRAMA): 8.45 PM NOTICE: Timings are subject to change without prior notice. OVER THE WEEK IN QATAR ENTERTAINMENT ‘THE STARS GALA’ BALLET SHOW CRAFT WORKSHOP CHILDRENS’ CRAFTS WORKSHOP • Plastic bags (the kind you use for frozen french fries and vegetables, etc.) Venue: Al Majlis, Sheraton Doha Resort & Convention Hotel Venue: Katara Art Centre, Katara Cultural village We’ll be recycling them in fun, creative ways — be sure to bring as much as you can! Date: May 25, 2013 Fees: QR75 per child Time: 3:30pm Join the designers from PenguinCube for a childrens’ crafts workshop at Katara Art Center. In this two-hour long session, children will create sand clocks using only recycled objects from around the home. Be sure to bring things from around the house that you’d normally throw away, like: Sheraton Doha Resort & Convention Hotel in cooperation with Mademe Isabelle Mojansky (Ballet teacher and Choreographer) presents ‘The Stars Gala 2013’ ballet show. Date: May 25, 2013 Time: 4pm to 5.30pm For more details contact 44080244 • Bottles (of water, juice, milk) Tickets are available at F&B offices from noon to 4pm. • Egg cartons For more information, contact 4485 4071. • Cereal boxes For events, opinions and suggestions contact: Phone: 44422077
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