The Catholic Community of St. Paul


The Catholic Community of St. Paul
Catholic Community of St. Paul
(June 29, 2008 - June 28, 2009)
For the most up-to-date information go to
January 11, 2009
First Wednesday of Every Month
Wednesday, February 4th
St. Paul Film Festival
Room 215-217
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Paul Apostle of Grace
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
The Lives of the Apostles Paul
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Pilgrim’s Concert
11:30 AM - 12:00 Noon
To Be Announced
Pilgrim’s Mass
12 Noon
Weekly Museum Hours
10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
10:00 AM - 3:30 PM
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
First Friday of Every Month
Friday, February 6th
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Hosted by the St. Paul’s
Knights of Columbus
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
2:00 - 3:00pm The Roman Catholic
Sunday Mass
3:00 - 3:30pm Octava Dies / Vatican News
3:30 - 4:00pm Burt Wolf-Travels & Traditions
Vatican City
4:00pm - 4:30pm Live with Passion
5:00pm WLBE-790 AM
Channel 45
Channel 17
Direct/Dish TV Channel 45
Channel 19
Daily: 8:30 am Monday - Friday
(Rosary after Mass)
Saturday: 4 pm, 5:30 pm
La Misa en Español: 7 pm
Sunday: 7 am, 9 am, 11 am, 12:30 pm
Confessions: Saturday 2:30 - 3:30 pm
(also by appointment)
Continuous live web cam at:
The Catholic Community of St. Paul
1330 Sunshine Avenue, Leesburg, FL 34748
352-787-6354 FAX: 352-787-5971 WEB:
Priests of the Parish
Very Rev. John C. Giel, V.F., Pastor
Rev. Mark R. Wegg, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Gianni Agostinelli, Hispanic Ministry
Deacons: Michael McGinnity, Sam Damiano, George Leonhardt
To Our Visitors...Welcome!
Registration forms
Are available in the vestibule & parish office.
Please contact Deanna Saxton, 787-6354 ext. 251
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Children ages 5-10 leave the assembly and return
at the Presentation of Gifts.
Parish School Religion (PSR)
Formation for children ages pre-K through 5th grade
is held Sunday mornings from 10:00am to 11:30am
in the Family Enrichment Center. Children must be
registered to attend. Contact Nancy Prost,
787-6354 ext. 238.
Is a two-year program beginning with 8th grade, and
includes those students from St. Paul’s School.
Confirmation catechesis information is available
from Deanna Saxton in our Adult Religious
Education Program at 787-6354 ext. 251.
Sacraments are immediate and intentional and are
in addition to the religious formation received in
Catholic School or the Parish Religious Education
Program. Contact Nancy Prost, 787-6354 ext. 238.
The process of inquiring about the Catholic faith.
For more information, contact Deanna Saxton in
the Adult Religious Ed Department at 787-6354 ext.
Please contact
one of
the Priests
for this.
Parish Office Hours
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Use this # for the people that have extensions
Linda Clark, Business Administrator .................. ext. 234
Angela C. Jones, Administrative Assistant ........ ext. 221
Teresa Bradley, Bookkeeper .............................. ext. 232
Jeffrey Shaw, Music Director ............................. ext. 223
Deanna Saxton, Adult Religious Ed & Baptisms. ext. 251
Nancy Prost, Religious Ed. & Sacramental Prep ext. 238
Elaine St. Cyr, Religious Ed Secretary…………..ext. 239
Rey Hernandez, Marketing & Resources. .......... ext. 225
Randy Lee, Youth Coordinator ........................... ext. 270
Ine Ivey, Co-Coordinator Youth Ministry ............. ext. 269
Fermin Toro, CCTN Director of Operations……. ext. 276
Babi Hernandez, Manager, Gift Shop ................ 365-6804
Dcn. Sam Damiano, Ministry to the Sick ............ 728-5652
Beverly Smith, Ministry to Sick Secretary .......... 728-5652
Lynn Greene, School Principal ........................... 787-4657
Rick Murton, Manager, Thrift Shop……………...787-3388
David Lossing, Asst. Manager, Thrift Shop…….787-3388
Community Service & Food Pantry……………….787-3012
Maintenance Staff: Randy Lee, Art Kinsey,
Jim Kertz, Joe Powell
Comunidad Católica
de la Parroquia de San Pablo
Santa Misa en Español: todos los sábados a
las 7:00pm.
Encuentro de oración y Meditación Bíblica:
todos los jueves a las 7:30 pm, en el salón
parroquial (social hall). Todos están invitados a
participar. Para comunicarse con el Padre
Gianni llamar al 352-787-9208.
The Week at a Glance
Sunday, January 11, 2009
7:00 am Mass
8:00 am Coffee & Donuts
9:00 am Mass (RCIA - Break Open the Word
FEC 216-218)
10:00 am Coffee & Donuts
10:00 am St. Paul Museum Open / HFR
10:00 am Rel. Ed. Class / FEC 211-212, 215-217,
219, 220, 223, 224, nursery
11:00 am Mass
12:30 pm Mass
1:45 pm Life Night / YAC
Monday, January 12, 2009
8:30 am
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
Mass w/ Rosary after Mass
Hispanic Rel. Ed. / FEC 215/217, 219
Handbell Rehearsal / FEC 224
Clown Ministry Mtg. / SH
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Hilary, bishop, doctor of the Church
8:30 am Mass w/ Rosary after Mass
6:00 pm ESL / FEC 211-212, 216-218, 219, 220,
223, nursery
7:00 pm Prayer Mtg. / SH
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
8:30 am
9:30 am
9:30 am
10:00 am
1:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
Mass w/ Rosary after Mass
Apologetics / FEC 216-218
St. Paul Museum Open / HFR
Social Gathering Grp. / FEC 216-218
Edge Night / YAC
Adult Choir Rehearsal / FEC 216-218
Alcoholic Anonymous Mtg. / FEC 217
Week at a Glance Continued
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Anthony, abbot
9:00 am First Communion Prep. / CA
10:00 am ESL / FEC 211, 215, 217, 219, 220, 223,
224, nursery
2:30 pm Mass Choir Rehearsal / FEC 224
2:30 pm Confessions
4:00 pm Mass
5:30 pm Mass
7:00 pm Spanish Mass
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:00 am Mass
8:00 am Coffee & Donuts / SH
9:00 am Mass - RCIA Break Open the Word /
FEC 216-218
10:00 am Coffee & Donuts / SH
10:00 am St. Paul Museum Open / HFR
10:00 am Rel. Ed. Class / FEC 211, 212, 215-217,
219, 220, 223, 224, nursery
11:00 am Mass
11:30 pm Confirmation Session #3 / FEC 216-218
12:30 pm Mass
1:45 pm Life Night / YAC
4:00 pm One-Man Show - Play by Mark Price / CH
CA Cafetorium
HFR Holy Family Room
CH Church
A Administration Bldg
SH Social Hall
NSH North Social Hall
MTS Ministry to Sick
SSH South Social Hall
CS Community Service
SP Sports Pavilion
SPS St Paul’s School
YAC Youth Activity Ctr.
FEC Family Enrichment Ctr.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
8:30 am
9:30 am
2:00 pm
5:00 pm
7:30 pm
Mass w/ Rosary after Mass
Faith Matters / FEC 216-218
Grief Support Mtg. / MTS office
Pastoral Council / FEC 216-218
Hispanic Bible Study / SH
Friday, January 16, 2009
8:30 am Mass w/ Rosary after Mass
10:00 am St. Paul Museum Open / HFR
This is your last chance to schedule your portrait
session for the Pictorial Directory. The last dates for
pictures are from Tues. Jan. 20th to Sat. Jan. 24th.
Come signup after 4 pm Mass & Sunday Masses this
weekend and 4 pm Mass next weekend for your
appointment. You can also go to
and click on the camera at the bottom of the screen or
call the office if you do not have a computer at 7876354 x221 to schedule your appointment.
What meaning does your Baptism have for
your everyday life?
Session 3 Preparation
Sun., Jan. 18th in FEC 216-218
Confirmed in Faith
All are welcome each week after 7
& 9 AM Sunday Mass to enjoy
fellowship & refreshments in our
Social Hall.
Is being held by the PTO. These
phones will be collected to be used
for 911 calls. Please donate your
used cell phones & the battery to
the school office. The proceeds for the phones
go to the school.
Located in the Ministry to the Sick Office next to
the Gift Shop, 728-5652. A Diocesen trained
bereavement counselor is on hand.
St. Paul’s Loan Closet
Located in the Pastoral Care suite of rooms along with the
Ministry to the Sick, and Catholic Charities Office. The
Loan Closet provides physical aids for those who need
crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, commodes, and bath
chairs, for as long as necessary, but should be returned
when no longer needed. Please contact the Ministry to the
Sick Office at 728-5652.
The pilgrim statue of Our Lady of the
Rosary is now available for loan for 1
week intervals for those wanting to have
it in their home. If you are interested,
please call Steven & Elisabeth Gould at 319-9991.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Closed Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are every Wednesday
at 7:30 pm in Room 215 of the Family Enrichment Center. All
are welcome who feel they have a problem with alcohol and
have a desire to stop drinking. For further information, please
call Tom P. at 728-1104.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
9 am - Noon
Social Gathering Ministry
JANUARY 14th, 2009
FEC Room 216, 1 p.m.
The Gathering Group had their first
meeting of 2009 on the 7th of January. We
will be meeting again on the 14th, 21st,
and, 28th of January. Hope you will be
able to make one of the meetings to meet
other parishioners & have a fun time of
playing different games & socializing.
Those attending each week would also like
to go out for lunch again as a group. I will
check with different restaurants and let
you know when & where we decide to
go. You can join us for this activity or any
other activity we sponsor in the future.
Wishing you a wonderful 2009 with many
blessing from God.
If you have any
questions, please call Lucille Ross at 3232853 or Paulette Sawyer at 323-1244.
Are you being called to
Be a Minister to the Sick?
The Catholic Community of St. Paul
continuing demand for Sacramental Ministers to
the Sick. Lay Ministers visit, comfort and bring
the Word of God and the Bread of Life to our
Parishioners who are in hospitals, nursing homes, or
home-bound due to advanced age or illness.
Should you feel the Lord is urging you to learn
more about this ministry, please call 352-7285652.
Shelter Project Hope
Two Apartments available Jan 2009
Low Rent & Utilities
St. Paul’s Thrift Shop
Tuesday - Saturday
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Sunday & Monday: CLOSED
Please Pray for the following people who are in need of our prayers…
David Ash, Kevin Beck, Peter Cabrel, Marlene Chrisman, Carlos Collazo, Dr. Michael Collier, Kay
Connelly, Shirley Driggers, Margaret Everson, Walter R. Foraker Jr., Myron Gogolewski, Pat Griffin,
Betty Grimm, Maria Hernandez, Donna Beth Horton, Hulslander, Paul Iosue, Maritza Kavan, Nancy
Kertz, Helen Kimberly, Dorothy Kranczyk, Norma & Joe Lehosky, Gabrielle Littiken, Marty Martini,
Denny Master, Mike Maynes, Joan McGowan, Jacques & Betty Mergeai, Alvin Millonig, Jennifer
Newan, Jo Oliver, Len Panizza, Shyanne Panizza, Anne Paquet, SPC Joseph W. Paulk Jr., Karen
Plankey, Bernard Proulx, Liz Pybas, Richard Rehm, Larry Roberts, Ana Schultz, Dorothy Smith, Rita
Stephens, Mary Stroney, Claire Velocci, Don Watt, Donna Wayne, Brenda Whitney.
Rosary Makers,
Wed. Jan 14th
9:30 am, FEC 220
This week’s Rosary Makers will not be meeting.
It will resume next week on the 21st. If anyone
needs supplies, please call Judy Severance at
Correction to Christmas Flower List
Carol L. Spiesz
Jackie Lencsak
Did you know?
 Florida Blood Centers provide blood
for our 4 hospitals in Lake County.
 Just one donation can save 3 lives!
 65% of the population is eligible to
give blood!
 Our Leesburg Blood Center is located
on the NW corner of Canal St. & North
Blvd. They take walk-in donors. Just
tell them you are donating for St.
Paul’s Catholic Church.
Blood Bank hours
7 am to 3 pm
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
9 am to 5 pm
Wednesday 11 am to 7 pm
To the shut-ins of St. Paul’s and whomever
wishes to join in the following prayers each
week . This is to be prayed each day. It will join
us in the sacrifice of the Mass. The following
prayers are for you and your fellow members
of St. Paul’s. We need all the prayers you can
give us.
Baptism of the Lord
Jan. 11th
St Paul tells us that we are co-heirs of
heaven.. Members of the same family, and
co-partners in the promise of Christ Jesus
through the gospels. Let us pray for each
other and our selves; Our Father, Hail Mary,
Glory be to the Father.
Loss in our Church Family
Date of Death
John Buttafuco
Donald Ignatowicz 01/03/09
Paul Poirier
Jeanne Scopino
Donald Stuart
1321 Sunshine Avenue, Leesburg, FL 34748
(352) 365-6804
(Located in between the Thrift Shop and the Food Pantry)
Automatic 7% discount; we don’t charge tax!
Collection for Dec. 25th
1st Collection ............................... $ 30,468.50
Children ...................................... $
Dec. 28th Weekend
WEEK OF 01/11/08
New Valentine’s Day
Merchandise Now In. Don’t
wait; get your gifts now.
Fine Jewelry 70% Off.
Rhythm® Clocks 30% Off
All Swarovski Crystal
Crosses and Framed Crosses
25% Off
Icons 60% Off
1st Collection ............................... $ 17,575.00
Building Fund ................................. $ 3,917.00
Children ....................................... $
Jan. 4th Weekend
1st Collection ............................... $ 23,832.00
Building Fund ................................ $ 3,596.00
Children ....................................... $
Initial Offering for Jan.2009 ......... $ 2,875.00
Solemnity of Mary ...................... $ 9,239.50
Next Week: Ten for Today
M/M Carl Appel
M/M James Braxmeier
Mrs. Barbara Breckenridge
M/M Anthony Lutkus
M/M Michael Sweeney
Ms. Heather Woodruff
Store Hours
Tuesday - Friday 9:30 - 3:00
Sunday 9:00 - 1:00
1 FF
We would like to thank all on the Arts &
Environment Committee who helped
Use this coupon on
decorate the Church this Christmas Season.
your next purchase.
No other discounts
or sales apply.
Coupon Expires 01/31/09
Additionally, we would like to thank the
Garden Ministry who made our grounds look
so beautiful.
Opportunities for
Adult Faith Formation
Contact Deanna Saxton for Study Group
Information at 787-6354, x251
What is it all about?
Adopt-a-Student Program
Dear Parishioners,
We have excellent students who would like to attend
our school, but lack the financial means to do so.
With so many new families entering our community
and expressing interest in enrolling students in our
school, it would be beneficial to replenish our Adopt-aStudent Scholarship Fund. If you are able to help,
would you sponsor a student for the 2008-2009
school year?
A Journey of Faith for all adults who wish to
become members of the Roman Catholic
Church. It involves the formation of the total
person into a believing, living, praying and a
serving member of the church community.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to the
members of our parish who sponsored students this
past year. A full sponsorship is $4,615, which you
can pay in one payment or you may choose a partial
sponsorship. This precious gift of a quality Catholic
School Education is the finest gift you can give someone.
The four-step process includes:
for people to ask questions about Catholic
Fr. John Giel, Pastor
Lynn Greene, Principal
2) CATECHUMENATE: The opportunity for
participants to learn about & mature into the
Catholic Faith while being guided by a
Catholic sponsor.
3) ENLIGHTENMENT: A time for deep
spiritual reflection during the Lenten Season.
It culminates with the administration of the
three Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter
4) MYSTAGOGIA: A continuous opportunity
for spiritual growth & entering fully into the
community of Catholic believers.
An ongoing process, which may be entered
into at any time. If you know of someone who
is curious about our Church or who is trying to
decide whether to become a
Catholic or, if you are interested yourself in
becoming a Catholic Christian, please,
contact Deanna Saxton at the Parish Office
for more information (352-787-6435
ext. 251).
Everyone is called!
Everyone is welcome!
Yes, I am happy to sponsor a student at St. Paul’s
Catholic School for the 2008-2009 school year.
_____ Full sponsorship of $4,615
_____ Full payment enclosed
_____ Partial sponsorship of $________
_____ Payment Enclosed
_____ Payable in ____ Monthly Payments
NAME _____________________________
ADDRESS __________________________
PHONE _________________ DATE _________
President: Tony Bennett
Vice President: Elizabeth O’Leary
Judith Latham
Area 1
Cindy Diemer
Area 2
Russ Vance
Area 3
Joseph Ryan
Area 4
Tony Bennett
Area 5
John/Elizabeth O’Leary
Area 6
Carol Spiesz
Area 7
Knights of Columbus
In Service to One.
In Service to All.
BBQ Chicken Dinner
$7.00 per person - Eat In or Take Out
Sun. Jan. 18th
12:30PM to 4:00PM
K of C Hall
Come and treat your family to a tasty BBQ
Chicken dinner, and leave the cooking &
dishes to us!
1/2 BBQ Chicken, Hot Baked Beans, Fresh
Cole Slaw, Dinner Roll, Dessert, Coffee,
Iced Tea or Lemonade.
2116 Griffin Rd., Leesburg, FL 34748
Tickets available at Church Office or, by
calling (352) 365-6107
The Shroud of Turin:
The Case for
Parishioners in Area 3 are
requested to bring food to the
pantry or drop it off at church next
Large paper bags, cereal,
crackers, pasta noodles, canned
vegetables, spaghetti sauce, canned meats &
beef stew, peanut butter & jelly, bread, &
powdered milk.
Thursday, January 15th
7:00 PM in the church
Join us for a Lecture by author & filmmaker
John C. Lannone
Learn about the latest scientific and historical
evidence supportive of the authenticity of the
Shroud of Turin as the ancient burial cloth of
This lecture which is approximately 90
minutes is free of charge.
For a musical tribute to
St. Paul
and the world premier of
“A New Creation”
A new hymn composed by James Biery, Director of Music at the
Cathedral of St. Paul in St. Paul, Minnesota, using text from Pauline
Sunday, January 25, 2009
The Catholic Community of St. Paul
In the church
The 100 voice choirs of
Basilica of St. Paul,
Sts. Peter and Paul
St. Paul, Leesburg
Will perform under the direction of Jeff Shaw
Reception to follow in the Social Hall
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Jan 18-25th
Retrouvaille Weekend
January 23 - 25th
Most Reverend Thomas G. Wenski
Cordially invites you to a
Prayer Service for Christian Unity
Friday, Jan. 23rd
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
This program is for troubled marriages where
separation or divorce is a possibility or has
already occurred. Retrouvaille is a weekend
retreat with a series of in-depth presentations
given by a priest & team couples. There are
follow-up sessions, which the participants are
invited to attend. Couples are taught skills to
help put the past behind them and begin
“rediscovering” one another.
2009 Theme
“That they may become one in your hand.”
Dioeese of Orlando Chancery building
2nd Floor Courtroom
50 E. Robinson Street
The Office of Advocacy &
Justice at the Diocese of
Orlando is sponsoring the
Annual All Faith Prayer
Rally for Life
36th Anniversary
Supreme Court Ruling
Roe vs. Wade
Sat. Jan. 17th
St. Augustine, FL
The anniversary of legalized abortion in the
United States will be held. The March begins at
noon at the Mission Nombre de Dios - The
Great Cross - and concludes in the public plaza
with talks by nationally recognized Pro-Life
The Diocese of Orlando will have buses leaving
from Winter Haven, Altamonte Springs,
Deltona, Ocala, Lady Lake, Cocoa Beach, &
Ormond Beach. The cost to attend is:
$25 for adults
$10 for students
$40 for families,
$100 for youth groups of 20+
If you have any questions please call the office
of Advocacy and Justice at 407-246-4819 or
To read more about the march,
For information contact Frank and Phyllis
Milmore at (407) 977-8136. All names and
information are kept completely confidential.
Visit their website at
Thursday, Jan. 22nd
12 - 1 pm
Around the Flagpole in Front Of
St. Timothy Church
Marriage Encounter
Feb. 13 -15th
“We thank God every day that at last there
is a positive program to strengthen
marriage in the world today, which we can
enjoy now and which will help our children
to live in a better world”. Register now for a
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
and be counted among those who have
chosen to grow closer and more in love
with one another each and every day.
For more information or to register, call
407-929-5003 Dennis & Claire
M a r o t t e o r g o o n li n e a t
Preparation #1 for Sacrament
of First Holy Communion
You made space for me in your heart
Gratitude is more than merely saying, “Thank
you.” It is all about making space for the other
to become a part of your very own being. Yes,
Saturday January 17, 2009
each of you here at the Catholic Community of
9 - 11:15 A.M.
St. Paul have left your footprints on the shores of
The First Session for the Sacrament of First my heart.
Holy Communion will be held for children and
Fr. John, you’ve been a friend and confidant.
their parents/guardians in the New Cafetorium You have inspired me with your deep
at St. Paul’s School. The theme for this commitment to your mission and to the people
session will be: “We Are The Body of Christ.” of this parish. Your spirit of hard work embodies
We will be reflecting on how we, as The People me. You will remain an example for me.
of God and the Body of Christ, gather at Mass
Fr. Mark, your dedication to your ministry stands
to give praise and thanks.
out as an example for me. Fr. Gianni your
tireless zeal for the less privilaged inspires me as I
Any Questions: Please contact Nancy Prost, go back to the mission.
Coordinator of Parish School of Religion and
Sacramental Preparation at 352-787-6354 I want the Christians here to know that the
memories of this parish will forever be etched in
Ext. 238.
my mind. My experience here was truly
Tuesday, Jan. 13th
As I go back to the missions in Africa, where I
7 pm, Social Hall am called to be, I take you all in my heart and a
piece of me will always remain here. I thank the
Almighty for making me His humble instrument,
Trainor to be a servant, at least for a short time in this
Missionary and Evangelist will be speaking.
parish. I will cherish every moment I lived here.
Greg is founder of the Holy Spirit Missionary
Association. He and his wife, Lydia, and their
family have preached God’s word in twentynine states, Canada, Eastern Europe, the
Soviet Union, Cuba, Samoa & Africa. They
have also ministered at Catholic youth rallies.
Say a prayer for me as you will always be in my
As the popular song goes, “Words don’t come
easy...” It’s hard saying, “Adios.” But it is time
to bid each of you farewell. As we live in a
Global village meeting each other is a real
A good-will offering will be collected for possibility, if not here, in the mission land.
Greg’s ministry. Contact Al and Bev Hartley
with any questions (728-0832).
Good bye and God bless you all.
Saint Paul visits
The Catholic Community of Saint Paul
Saint Paul will be speaking at
The Catholic Community
of Saint Paul
1330 Sunshine Avenue
Leesburg, FL 34748
(352) 787-6354
Saint Paul
Sunday, January 18, 2009
“Saint Paul - In His Own Words”
A Unique and Very Special Presentation
Paul was born in Tarsus, Cilicia. He was a Jew, a Pharisee
who hated and persecuted the followers of Jesus. On his
way to Damascus to arrest one group of followers, he
was knocked to the ground and was blinded.
As an apostle he was imprisoned, flogged, and many
times was near death. Five times he received the forty
lashes minus one. Three times he was beaten with rods,
once he was stoned, three times he was shipwrecked and
for a night and a day he was adrift at sea.
He was finally imprisoned in Rome and was beheaded.
In Bible-based theatrical presentations that
many say are more thought-provoking than any
they have ever seen, Mark Price brings key
figures of history to life. They will speak to you
about their lives and experiences with Jesus.