Or Send Your Comments To


Or Send Your Comments To
Visit us on the Internet at
or send your comments to:
Sacrament of Baptism
Please call the Rectory (966-8600) for details
regarding participation in the preparation program.
We encourage expectant parents to make
arrangements for the preparation program at least a
few months prior to the birth of their child.
Lord, thank you for the rich history you have
bestowed on our family of St. Peter in Kirkwood.
Sacrament of Marriage
Please contact the rectory for details regarding
the preparation program. In accordance with
Archdiocesan policy, couples should contact a
member of the parish clergy at least six months
prior to their proposed wedding date.
Blessed by your grace, we ask that you be present
in our parish today. Guide us as we celebrate our
gifts through worship, education and loving service.
Holy Spirit, create within us a vision for the future that
we live, witness and proclaim the good news of Christ.
Holy Orders and Consecrated (Religious) Life
If interested, please call the parish rectory or the
Archdiocesan Office of Vocations at 792-6460
Rectory/Parish Office
243 West Argonne Drive
Saint Louis, Missouri 63122
966-8600 (Phone)
966-5721 (Fax)
Sunday Mass Schedule
Saturday: 5:OOPM (Satisfies Sunday obligation)
Sunday: 7:30AM, 9:OOAM, 11:OOAM and 6:OOPM
Weekday Mass Schedule
Monday - Friday: 6:45AM & 8:15AM
Saturday: 8:15AM
Saint Peter Elementary School
Pre-K thru Eighth Grade
215 North Clay
Saint Louis, Missouri 63122
Holy Day Mass Schedule
Consult the bulletin for Mass times
Offices of Faith Formation
Linda Doyle, 822-1347, ext. 3001
Parish School of Religion
Jan Hartmann, 822-1347, ext. 3004
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday: 3:45 to 4:45PM or by appointment
Office of Youth Ministry
Robby Francis, Director of Youth Ministry
822-1347, ext. 3003
Eucharistic Adoration
Monday - Friday, 6:00AM to 10:00PM
St. Angela Merici Chapel in Ursuline Hall
adjacent to the Church building
For more information or to sign up for a weekly
Holy Hour of prayer contact
Kathy Fotouhi at 821-4347
Office of Music Ministry
Carol Bauer, Liturgical Music Coordinator
822-1347, ext. 3005
Pastoral Council
Mr. Bill Carmody, Chairperson 984-0534
Mrs. Sue McAtee, Vice Chairperson 965-5203
Mrs. Patty Boyd, Secretary 966-3835
Finance Commission
Mrs. Diane Hadler, Chairperson 822-0422
Mr. Dave Patritti, Vice-Chairperson 835-1170
Baptisms are celebrated every Sunday of the month at 12:30PM.
Parents are expected to participate in a Baptismal Preparation
Program. Please call the rectory to arrange for
the Baptismal Preparation Program and a date for Baptism.
Weekly Anointing and Prayer
After the 9:OOAM Mass each Sunday, we will celebrate
the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, for anyone
who has the need to receive this sacrament. This is meant
to include such concerns as upcoming diagnostic tests,
limitations of aging, anxiety, depression, undue stress,
addiction, etc. for all ages.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
314-289-6101 Ext. 2220 (Voice Mail)
Calendar Coordinator
Cathy Herrmann, 822-1347, ext. 3002
Parish Center
Bulletin Deadline!!
Articles intended for publication in the Bulletin must be
submitted to the rectory by Monday, at 3:OOPM for the
following Sunday’s Bulletin. All announcements must be
in writing with a name and telephone number attached.
Please remember St. Peter Catholic Church in your will.
Please gather in the pews at the front of church
and the priest will be with you approximately
10 minutes after Mass is over.
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 18, 2011
Ordinary Time: Autumn (A Sense of the Season)
From the “Hooray and Halleluia” Department…
All of our days are numbered. Now that Christ has risen from the
dead and ascended into heaven, we count down the days until he
returns in glory to judge the living and the dead. Ordinary time is
―ordinal‖ time: numbered days, days in which we lay out the
scriptures and the prayers to bide our time until Christ returns.
Charles Lucier, our Blood Drive Coordinator reported that last
month’s blood drive was one of the best. Sixty-three people were
registered to donate with sixty-one units of life-saving red cells
collected. In addition, two units of platelets were collected.
Thanks so much to all who donated and especially to Charles
Lucier and his committee for their fidelity to our quarterly blood
drives at St. Peter. Thanks, too, to McArthur’s Bakery who
provided once again many tasty treats for our donors and to our
wonderful Boy’s Scout troop #323 for their help in both setting
up and taking down for the drive. In addition three local
restaurants provided gift certificates for the ―Bring-a –Buddy‖
drawing. They were: Dewey’s Pizza, Texas Roadhouse
Restaurant, and Citizen Kane’s Steak House.
Although the Church makes no official distinction between the
days of Ordinary Time from Pentecost until Advent, in our lives
we experience the subtle shift from the relaxed days of summer to
the increasingly active days of autumn. For some of us, the shift
comes with the end-of-summer holiday or the beginning of
school. Others see work activities shift, from tending to
harvesting, from stocking shelves to increasing sales, from
cashing out an old fiscal year to digging into a new one.
The Church’s calendar contains some subtle shifts, too. On
September 14 we celebrated the Triumph of the Holy Cross, and
the waning of the natural world around us points us to the mystery
of suffering and redemption. At the end of September we invoke
the Holy Archangels to guard us in the encroaching twilight. And
if we listen closely to the scriptures in October, we begin to hear
talk of the last days and the final things. These thoughts reach
their culmination with the great festival of saints and souls,
November 1st and 2nd. We spend November remembering the
dead, preparing for the end and celebrating Christ, the firstfruits
harvested of the new creation, the firstborn from the dead.
Thanks one and all!
At last some really cool weather! This Friday, September
23rd, is the first day of Fall. How sweet it is! Missouri’s most
beautiful season. Have a good week and I’ll see you in
Msgr. Jack
This is the extraordinary opportunity that Autumn’s Ordinary
Time opens up for us.
Blessing Prayer at the Completion of the Harvest . . . (From Edward Hays’ Book, Prayers for the Domestic Church)
Lord and Bountiful Creator, give of grains and seed, of fruits and berries
and all that grows from the earth, we thank you and we bless you for this year’s harvest.
We lift up our hearts in gratitude for the sun, which, together with rain, wind and earth,
worked in harmony to produce this bountiful harvest.
We are grateful to all those who labored in these fields together with mother earth
so that this harvest time might come to fullness.
Lord, as Your Son, Jesus, knew: harvest is hard work!
Yet, it is also richly rewarding to see the fruit of our labor, to take pride in this completed
We thank you, our Lord and God, for Your protection and care in this season of harvest.
We bless you for the weather given to us for our work.
This harvest, Lord, was not without its difficulties: no harvest is,
but we rejoice that those times of trouble did not prevent us from the completion of the task.
The sun smiled us, the wind cooled us, and the earth laughed as we caressed her skin,
collecting the fruits of this harvest.
Come, Lord of the Harvest, Lord of Rejoicing, come and join us in our festive celebration.
May our joy at this harvest be a taste of the joy we shall share when we celebrate the final
harvest of heaven, that day of days when all that You have begun will be matured to completion.
Blessed are You, Lord our God, who has given to us this harvest.
September 18, 2011
with a daily Mass intention. Stop by the rectory office to
schedule a date.
Scheduled Eucharistic Minister - September 24/25
Note: Shut-in visitors are indicated in parentheses ( )
Interested in being a Eucharistic Minister?
Call Bob & Trish Martin 821-3303
Saturday, September 24
5:00PM: A. Spears, K. Shreves, J. Temme, C. Tenting,
S. Schoelch, K. Uxa, M. A. Shepard, P. Foerster
Monday, September 19
Roshney Simon
Bill Koetting
Tuesday, September 20
Estelle C. Polizzi
Anthony Burkemper
Wednesday, September 21
Betty Wechling
Lee Huesgen-Groth
Thursday, September 22
Betty J. Wechling
Lillian Schaefer
Friday, September 23
John Gnade
Raymond Smith
Saturday,September 24
Marilyn Hausel
5:00 PM
Rosemarie Pope
Sunday, September 25
Nancy Ryan
Dale McGowan
People of St. Peter
Dale McGowan
Sunday, September 25
7:30AM: D. Connell, M. Welsch, R. Girard, L. Flick,
J. Hirsch, F. Johnston, L. Hackethal, C. Behl
Albert Reinwart, Clare Reinwart,
Ashley James
M. Wilson, K. Stillman, S. Person, K. Manion,
M. Cadice, M. Triola, T. Barber, E. Triola
Second Lector
Sharon Hartman
Bob Perry
Kay Komotos
Matt Wilson
Doris Skoff
Maureen Wessels
Paul Byorth
Leeny Hoffman
September 21 St. Matthew the Apostle
8:15AM 1-8
September 27 St. Vincent de Paul
8:15AM 6-7-8
September 29 Archangels
8:15AM 1-5
Is 55:6-9/Phil 1:20c-24, 27a/Mt 20:1-16a
Ezr 1:1-6/Lk 8:16-18
Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20/Lk 8:19-21
Eph 4:1-7, 11-13/Mt 9:9-13
Hg 1:1-8/Lk 9:7-9
Hg 2:1-9/Lk 9:18-22
Zec 2:5-9, 14-15a/Lk 9:43b-45
Next Sunday:
Ez 18:25-28/Phil 2:1-11 or 2:1-5/Mt 21:28-32
Ricky Heinlein, Rachel Belloli,
Spencer Ott
Sr. Mary Jacqueline Pratt, OSU can be reached at 314-686-1781
or mj.pratt@att.net.
©Liturgical Publications Inc
We are happy you decided to worship with us today. Please
introduce yourself to Father following Mass in the Gathering
Area in the back of church. If you would like information about
registering as a new parish member please call Jay Ryan at 8221339 or contact the parish office (966-8600) for a registration
The Welcoming Committee
B. Nordmann, S. Dietz, M. K. Drexler,
D. Cantwell, (L. Pfile), N. Iannotti, G. Iannotti,
(D. Zoll)
Sunday, September 25
Diane Reardon
Sunday, September 25
Maggie Goeppinger, Cooper Thompson,
Nora Brooks
Saturday, September 24
Blase Cornett, Urban Cornett,
Molly Greenley
Emily Sindelar, Stephen Hughes,
Grace Price
K. Carmody, Mike Mahn, J. Shaffer, N. Mahn,
(G. Prante), (D. Lauber), (M. Sabo), (J. Meady)
First Lector
Saturday,September 24
Bob Hutcheson
All Air Systems
Heating & Cooling
Call Your Neighbor and Fellow Parishioner
Mark Jackson
Please support Those Who Advertise In Our Church Bulletin!
September 18, 2011
Wednesday, Sept. 21: Anniversary
Dinner, provided by Genesis
Catering, at the Parish Center
Cafeteria- $15/per person. The $10.00 annual dues can be
included in your check for the dinner. Dinner reservations
are required by Sunday, Sept. 18th. Please make check
payable to 50 Plus Club and mail to Charlene Henke, 439 N.
Geyer Road, St Louis, Mo 63122. Come welcome the 50+
Chaplain, Fr. Greg Schmidt. Activities start with a happy
hour at 5:30PM, dinner at 6:15PM, a short business meeting
& officer installation at 7:00PM, followed by our own special
talents - Father Deacon Doyle (Father Mike, Deacon John,
and Tom Doyle), plus special guests, the Sisters of St. Peter!
Thursday, Oct. 13: Riverboat Ride from St. Louis Riverfront
to Kimmswick, lunch at the Blue Owl, chartered bus back to
St. Louis, transportation to and from St. Louis riverfront
provided! $75/person - all inclusive! Please contact Kay
Komotos, kkomotos@gmail.com for questions, or Charlene
Henke (966-4166) for reservations. More information in
next week's bulletin!!
Wednesday, Oct. 19: Chili Cook-off! Do you have a Chili
recipe that your friends love? Here's your chance to share
your chili and possibly win a prize! Please email Kay
Komotos (kkomotos@gmail.com) if you want to have your
chili represented in the cook-off!!!
Friday, Oct. 28: Crown Valley Winery Tour! Please contact
Kay Komotos, kkomotos@gmail.com for further details!
St. Peter High School Youth Ministry will meet every Sunday
from 7:00-8:30PM in the Deutschmann Room. All high school
teens are welcome to come hang out, pray and learn about their
faith. On Facebook? Join the group ―St. Peter’s H.S. Youth
Ministry‖ to stay up to date with what’s going on in St. Peter’s
Youth Ministry. If you have any questions, you can reach Robby
Francis at rfrancis@stpeterkirkwood.org or 314-822-1347.
Need Confirmation? (8th Graders only!)
If you are a St. Peter Parish 8th grader attending a
private Catholic school, please contact Jan
Hartmann, Coordinator of Faith Formation, at
Ursuline Hall, 822-1347, Ext. 3004 or by email at
jhartmann@stpeterkirkwood.org. You will be
added to the list of Confirmation candidates to
receive mailings and information. The Sacrament of
Confirmation will be conferred at our parish on Thursday May 3,
2012. Preparatory meetings and activities will begin in late
November, and continue throughout the winter and spring.
Candidates are required to attend these sessions in order to be
prepared for the sacrament. Students attending St. Peter School
and PSR will receive information through their programs.
St. Peter Basketball Registration for grades 3-8
opened on-line on September 1 and will close on
October 1. Please visit www.stpsports.com to
register your child. If you have questions, please
Kevin McLaughlin (ktm@greensfelder.com) or
Pete Villhard (pvillhard@gmail.com). Thank you.
St. Peter Sunday School (during the 9:00AM
Mass) still has spaces available for children 3
years old through Kindergarten. Classes begin
September 25, 2011. Registration forms are located in the
pamphlet rack of the gathering space, or contact Cathy Herrmann
or Jan Hartmann, 822-1347 at Ursuline Hall. Middle school and
high school aides are needed to help in the classrooms. Contact
Jan Hartmann for more information.
Volunteers needed at the society of
St. Vincent De Paul Council Office-One-time project!
Thank You!
The Council is hosting a Corporate and Community Executives
Breakfast. We are looking for volunteers to help stuff
informational packets that will be distributed to all guests on the
day of the event. Please contact Molly Corcoran Kertz at
314-881-6032 if you can help us at the Council Office, 100 North
Jefferson (just North of Market Street) on Wednesday, September
21, from 9:00AM until 3:00PM or until the job is completed.
Parking is available. Thank you.
Monday & Wednesday 2:45-3:00PM
Tuesday 5:45-6:45PM
Thursday 8:00-9:30AM
Sunday 10:00-11:00AM
Remember to use Earn and Learn cards for school supplies! We
carry Walmart, Target, and Walgreens cards. There will be a
limited supply of Office Depot and Office Max cards. Fall sports
needs? We have Sports Authority and can order Dick’s Sporting
Goods cards as well.
Dave Augsburger of the St. Peter St. Vincent de
Paul Society, John Behl and the men of St. Peter
who helped build a wheelchair ramp for us. Your
time and generosity is appreciated.
God Bless each of you.
Glenn & Aletha Shepperd
(3) Jennifer Johnson & Mike Backer
(2) Natalie Brandt & Brandon Lloyd
(1) Kate Murray & Patrick Flynn
(1) Katherine Jeude & Eric Wehner
September 18, 2011
Join us after the 9:00AM Mass,
TODAY Sunday, September 18th for
free donuts, coffee, and juice!
Examples of books available for
checkout from your library:
If Jesus Were A Therapist: modern parables for
emotional and spiritual health
by Philip R. Hengen
Special thanks to the
St. Peter Choir for hosting
this month!
A therapist is one who is dedicated to helping people
improve their lives. In 52 short chapters, Phil Hengen,
a deacon and a therapist, has Jesus telling modern
parables which Hengen uses to explain common sense
principles of emotional and spiritual health. Section Z
PARENTS: Feeling like the HOMEWORK POLICE? Looking
for more COOPERATION? Wish you could stop REMINDING?
Tired of the FIGHTING? Make time to learn Parenting Tools
that WORK! Put more JOY back in your family!
No One Cries the Wrong Way by Father Joe Kempf
This book is for those who have just lost a loved one
and those who are dealing with other losses. Father Joe
not only gives us a lot to think about, he lays out concrete
rituals that can help both individuals and groups, whether
children, young adults or adults. Section W
For parents of children of all ages- toddlers to teens!
Mondays: Oct. 3, 10. 17, 24, Nov. 7, 14
Mornings: 9:15AM - 10:45AM
Evenings: 7:00 – 8:30PM
Location: St. Peter Parish- Ursuline Hall Building
Fee: 80.00 (includes both parents)
Book: 15.00 Children: The Challenge
All are welcome!
For more info or to register contact Margaret Bommarito:
mgbommarito@sbcglobal.net or 314.966.2160
10 Best Gifts for Your Teen by Patt and Steve Saso
Combining Patt's expertise as a marriage and family
therapist with Steve's experience as a high school
educator, the Sasos share personal and professional
anecdotes in this dispatch from the parenting trenches,
detailing what adolescents want and need from their
parents. They stress that parents are the only ones who
can offer these ten gifts that make all the difference for
their teens. Section G
Do you want to join your love for music with the St. Peter
choir, but don't have time to make a regular commitment? Join
us for the . . .
Successful Single Parenting by Gary Richmond
St. Peter "Short-Commitment"
9:00 Choir
Trying to be a loving, nurturing parent while struggling
with finances, work, children’s activities, and the need
for a social life is enough to drive even the most energetic
parent to the edge of frenzy. Richmond offers practical
ideas and suggestions to help you raise healthy, confident
children in a supportive, loving family atmosphere.
Section G
9:00 Mass Dates—Oct. 2, Nov. 20, Jan. 1
This is an opportunity for ―limited commitment‖ singers and
musicians to come for one Wednesday rehearsal and join the
choir at the following 9:00 Mass.
Join us for dedicated rehearsals in the church.
Wednesday, September 28 & November 16. We will rehearse
ONLY music for upcoming Sunday!
Come to any or all dates!
The cooler fall weather will be perfect for our latest project
with Beyond Housing. We’ll be in the Pagedale neighborhood
working on a family’s rental property and a community garden.
Look for more details on our assignment in next week’s
The volunteers for the St. Peter and Paul meals program served 62
diners on Saturday, September 3 in Soulard. There were 14
volunteer servers, 15 cooks and 10 who provided side items for
the meal. Special thanks to Mary Tichy and Jane Jensen who
headed up the group that day.
We usually work from 8:30 am to mid-afternoon, but we’ll
gladly accept help for just a few hours or whenever you’re
available. If you can’t work that day, we can always use donors
for lunch and drinks for the workers.
We will collect white t-shirts (size L or XL) for the homeless
men's shelter at St. Peter and Paul and take them down with us on
October 3. Please drop any donations off at the Raizman home at
311 Weston Oaks Court and leave on the front porch bench. We
will be sure to take them to Soulard with us.
If you are interested in becoming involved in this ministry, please
call Mary Raizman at 394-1715 or at mraizman@charter.net.
Adults, teens and children (age 8 and up) are welcome.
Students: do you need volunteer hours? This is a great way to
For more information or to volunteer, please contact Julie
Bruns at 314-803-7855 or juliebruns@sbcglobal.net. Thank
September 18, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Aberdeen Golf Club
11:30 Shotgun Start
John McAtee
(314) 965-5203 (H) / (636)-931-1900 (W)
(314) 308-2036 (C)
e-mail: john.mcatee@wellsfargoadvisors.com
or jdmcatee@aol.com
Registration Form
$100 per player before September 15th / $120 after September 15th
______ I/We have a foursome (include the names of each person in foursome)
______ Please place me/us in a foursome
Phone #
Phone #
Phone #
Phone #
Hole Sponsorship - $100 - Indicate how you would like your sign to read:
Make checks payable to: St. Peter Athletic Association
Mail this registration and payment to:
John McAtee, 592 Greenridge Manor, Kirkwood, MO 63122
September 18, 2011
"The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger
and of great kindness. The Lord is good to all and
compassionate toward all his works."
(from today's Psalm 145)
―If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.‖
Mother Teresa
Come! Let us worship!
This Monday, SEPTEMBER 19th all of the food we have
collected for Fr. Gary's food pantry will be taken to his parish to
help all of the hungry people trying to feed their families.
The following Holy Hours are in need of an adorer:
Wednesday 1:00PM
Thursday 3:00PM and 6:00PM
Friday 6:00AM and Noon
The following hours are in need of a partner:
Monday 8:00AM and 3:00PM
Tuesday 7:00AM, 2:00PM, 4:00PM & 7:00PM
Thursday 11:00AM and 8:00PM
Friday 6:00PM
Please call Kathy Fotouhi, 821-4347.
Many of the St. Louis pantries are sending out the cry for help
and our Kirkwood area also has a need. By picking up a few
extra items at the grocery store we can feed a family. Please help
us. We all have a few extra cans in our cabinets, LET'S SHARE.
DROP OFF LOCATION: Candy and John Behl, 319 East
Adams, Kirkwood (block and a half east of the YMCA). Please
donate cans that are no larger than 30 ounces, anything larger is
difficult for us to carry.
Thank you for your support and generosity.
Candy and John Behl 965-3390
Fr. Gary, pastor of Sts. Teresa & Bridget parish has announced
that ANGEL BAKED COOKIES are now being sold at the
Kirkwood SHOP N SAVE grocery store on Manchester Road.
These special Angel Baked Cookies are baked by 13 young
budding entrepreneurs of Fr. Gary's parish. Every week 1500
chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin cookies are baked with their
secret ingredient, PRAYER. Through their hard work and several
grants they are now baking in a full commercial grade kitchen
with eight ovens.
Registrations are being taken right now!
Please call 314-822-1347 or e-mail Linda Doyle at
ldoyle@stpeterkirkwood.org TODAY for more information
or to request a registration form.
These young bakers are not only learning how to create a small
business but to conduct themselves professionally. Before work
each day they begin with a prayer.
Go one, Go all, Go everyone to Fountain View to vote for
St. Peter’s quilt.
Their goal is to sell 3000 cookies weekly. That could happen
soon with the support of St. Peter parishioners, by purchasing
these delicious cookies at SHOP N SAVE. Look for the big
cookies packaged individually in Blue and Gold wrappers labeled
Win $1000 For St. Peter Church
The Grand Prize of $1000 goes to the
church whose quilt has the most votes! Stop by Fountain View
Assisted Living, 12777 Pointe Drive, Sunset Hills, MO 63127
(on the campus of Friendship Village near Hwy 270 and Gravois
Road.) to cast your vote (one vote per person for the week).
Check out these websites: angelbakedcookies.org.Frgary.com
Spiritual Direction. . . Are you searching how to deepen your
The Quilt Show contest will be kicked off with an . .
Open House
Sunday, September 18th
Refreshments will be served
Quilts will be on display and available to be viewed and voted on
Monday, September 19th through Sunday, September 25th,
9:00AM to 8:00PM.
relationship with God? Consider a companion to explore your
faith journey. Please call Mary Lou Bennett at 314-835-1189 or
email blessing101@live.com.
Some Items include:
Prescription eye glasses, sun glasses, several rosaries and other
religious items, umbrellas, miscellaneous clothing and children’s
Remember, the church’s quilt with the most votes wins $1,000.
Lost & Found items are located in the Usher’s Room in the
Gathering Space in the back of church. Contact an usher for
If these items are not claimed by September 30th they will be
donated to a worthy charity.
Room at the Inn Request . . If anyone has gently used hand
towels, wash cloths or twin size blankets and would like to donate
them please contact Shelly Hebrank at 314-966-1217. We greatly
appreciate your donations.
September 18, 2011
St. Peter’s 6th Grade Girl Scout Troop
2519 will be collecting pet food during the
St. Francis of Assisi blessing of the pets
on October 4th. The food will benefit
―Paws for a Cause‖ because pets need
food too. This organization was
established by two local women, Debee
Alex and Lois Venus, in 2009 when they
realized that animal shelters were being
overrun with a special type of animal: those who were loved very
much but whose owners could no longer afford to care for them.
Those who receive food from food pantries find there are no
donations for their pet and ultimately have to give up their pet or
end up feeding them ―human‖ food which is therefore unhealthy
and may cause the animal to become sick.
Would you like to get to know other members of the parish?
"Dinners For 8" is a casual way to get better acquainted with
others in the parish. The plan is simple: 4 couples (8 people)
have dinner once a month for 4 months. Each couple/pair takes a
turn hosting and preparing an informal meal for the others in their
group. The couples/individuals are put into groups where
hopefully no one knows each other, but have the chance to build
new community by sharing the 4 meals together. We make every
effort to group people based upon common stages of life.
If you are interested, please email Steve Meyer at
smts001@gmail.com or call him at 314-580-9200.
Please think of the many pets that need food too! Collection
boxes will be on the plaza for your donations. Thank you.
Are you a parent with young children who'd like to meet more of
your peers? The St. Peter Young Families Group offers social,
spiritual and service activities for families with children under
school age. Visit www.stpeteryoungfamilies.com or e-mail
stpeteryoungfamilies@gmail.com to be added to our e-mail
distribution list for notification of upcoming events.
Again this year, the St. Peter Young Families Group has been
invited to participate in a very special mission project. Our
neighbors at Holy Redeemer Parish in Webster Groves have a
health ministry in St. Jean de Sud, Haiti. They need our help to
send Birthing Kits to the region. Last year we sent over 200 kits!
Let’s try to send 200 more this year!
Our next monthly rosary is Monday, September 26th
The Parish Library In Ursuline Hall
Have you ever wanted to say
the rosary as a family but just
thought your kids were too
little or would not pay
attention? Maybe you don't
even remember how to say the rosary but might if you were
reminded. The Young Families group at St. Peter Parish has
decided to make saying the rosary a true family event! We will
meet in the Parish Library in Ursuline Hall the 4th Monday
of each month from 6:30-7:00PM and say the rosary for a
special intention. All you need to bring is a rosary and your
family. There is no need to worry that your kids might be loud or
not pay attention, all will add to the overall meaningful prayer our
families can offer.
Most births in the region take place in the home. The homes do
not have running water or electricity and often have dirt floors.
Only a portion of births are attended by formally trained
personnel. In many cases, there are not proper tools to cut the
umbilical cords. The women who are fortunate enough to deliver
their babies at the government hospital still supply their own
food, medication, towels, linens, and other supplies during their
stay. Can you imagine?
Birthing Kits allow Haitian families the opportunity for a cleaner
and therefore, safer delivery. The use of the kits drastically
reduces the rate of infection and mortality for both mothers and
babies. The kits are very simple and inexpensive. Each kit
consists of 1 receiving blanket, 1 baby cap, 1 baby t-shirt, 1 bar of
soap, 1 towel, 2 wash clothes, 1 3’x3’ piece of or cloth, 2 pieces
of yarn, 1 single edge razor blade, and 1 pair of sterile gloves.
The ministry welcomes gently used baby items and linens as well
as large fabric remnants.
“None of us lives for oneself...whether we live or die, we are the
Romans 14:7-8
The Helping Hands Giving Tree will be in the
Gathering Space for all Masses the weekend of
September 10-11th. Please look for the tree and
take a Helping Hand requesting specific items for
the kits. We will collect the items in the Gathering
Space during the weekends of September 18th & September
25th. We will also accept monetary donations to cover the
cost to ship the kits to Haiti. If you have any questions, please
contact stpeteryoungfamilies@gmail.com.
Whatever we have in this life, we have because God gave it to us.
We may think that we get all the credit for our success. However,
the reality is that we are only working with the gifts that God
gave us—including our family background, our natural abilities,
our education and the opportunities that have crossed our paths.
All of these are gifts from God. Our very lives are a gift from
God and thus belong to Him. This is why we must take time
every day to ask God how He wants us to use the life He has
given us.
Offertory for September 11, 2011
Total Parishioners Receiving Envelopes
372 Envelopes Returned
Loose Donations
The paper recycling bin has been moved to the northwest end of
the Adams Lot.
September 18, 2011
Come join us on Wednesday afternoons from 2:00 to 3:00 PM in
Ursuline Hall in the Msgr. Deutschmann Room.
September 11, 2011
This is a good hour-long workout that isn’t too strenuous. It will
get you moving and keep those joints mobile. Silver Streaks is a
chair-based class to benefit people with arthritis, stiffness or who
just want to keep moving. Maybe you are looking for something
to get you started, to go with your walking program or to add
some variety. The program is designed to improve overall
flexibility, balance and strength. Try it, you will like it. Cost is
only $5.00 per session, payable on the day you attend. The
instructor, Holly Ohmes, is certified by the Arthritis Foundation.
For questions, please call 822-1347, Cathy Herrmann, Secretary.
Charles Ronnie Gosser, son of Brian and Frances Gosser.
Andrew Timothy Rogan, Jr., son of Andrew and
Courtney Rogan.
to celebrate life, family & friends!
Date: Saturday, October 8th
Time: 6-10PM
Place: St. Gabriel Gym (Murdoch & Tamm)
$35/family (household) in advance or $40/family
at the door
Music: Live music by Lucky Dog Band
RSVP by September 24th and receive a free beverage
ticket, per adult, upon arrival. Mail RSVP and check to:
Brooks Family, 902 Edna Avenue, Kirkwood, MO 63122.
Questions? and RSVP form Email Sarah at
Tai chi, qigong, mindful movement, and contemplative
movement are gentle forms of exercise and stress reduction that
improve balance, blood pressure, immunity and an overall sense
of well being. Each class ends with a guided meditation. Classes
are held Thursday mornings at 9:00AM in Ursuline Hall. Classes
are $5 per person per class, pay as you go, and led by Susan
Marting. Try it…you’ll be glad you did!
These yoga classes provided by Optimal Lifestyles, Inc. will
build flexibility, strength, and balance. Learn stress management
techniques to quiet the mind, increase concentration, and build
body confidence.
Please pray for the safety and well being of
the following loved ones of our parishioners
who have been called to military service:
Wear loose, comfortable clothing. Bring your yoga mat and any
props you have. This Hatha Yoga class is for all levels.
Charles E. Williams II, US Army Warrant
Officer, Cpl. John R. Weber, III, USMC, Major
Matthew Kelly, Spc. Donald Robert Marschall, Jr., Michael C.
Wood, Army, Airman Joseph Sidlo,M/Sgt Don Haga, A/C Christine
Haga, 1st Lt. Colin Moran, Army, Sgt. Erik Thompson, Warrant
Officer Alicia G. Mejia-Adkins, Sgt. 1st Class Michael Adkins, U.S.
Army Capt. Nicholas Jablonski, USMC, Sgt. Mark Nitz, USMC,
USAF, Pfc. David Schmiedeskamp, Pvt. David Michael Johnston,
Capt. Mark Jackson, IV, LCPL Peter Lucier and 2nd Lieut. Jeremy
Reynolds, U.S. Army.
Date: Tuesdays: September 6, 13, 20, 27
Time: 5:30pm – 6:30pm
The cost will be $20.00 for a four (4) week session.
Location: Msgr. Deutschmann Room
Scholarship money is available for those who need it. To
register, please drop by Ursuline Hall or call Cathy Herrmann at
314-822-1347. The $20.00 is due at the first session on
September 6, 2011.
Prayer List: Please pray for the following parishioners
who are in need of God’s healing presence:
Come join this group exercise and education program designed
for those with arthritis and related diseases. Our goal is to reduce
pain and stiffness, and help maintain or improve mobility, muscle
strength, and function.
Classes are free and held at Kirkwood United Methodist Church,
201 West Adams, in room 110 from 1:00-2:00PM. This on-going
class meets every Tuesday. Class begins September 6, meeting
every Tuesday from 1:00-2:00PM.
We will be sitting or standing for exercises. Wear comfortable
clothing and non-slip shoes. All abilities welcome.
Classes are sponsored by the Arthritis Foundation. Carol
Connolly, parish nurse, is the certified instructor.
Call 314-966-8167 if you have questions.
Dorothy Puleo, Liam Kocher, Agnes Droppelman, Jack Morris,
Joshua Beck, Bob Hutcheson, Mary Bauer, Mary Fuegner,
Colleen Barrett, Mary Brueggeman, Jim Felling, Dorothy
Friedrich, Olga Marden, Cornelia Schindler, Charlene Henke,
Scott Goddard, Stephanie Baer, Darrell LaChance, Christopher
Day, Addie Neal, Jesse Kinslow, Lou Harms, Peg Brady, Sally
Chenot, Mary Dykstra, Denise O’Rourke, Rev. Gerald Palcheck,
Wendel Folks, Mary McIntosh, Julie Simpson, Cameron Elias,
Dana Kras, Jane Dubois, Maggie Brennan, Jessica Colter, David
Shea, Patrick McNamara, Bill Walborn, Dr. James O’Rourke,
Virginia Saputo, Allen Chott, Donna Friskel, Crissy Carroll, Glenn
Shepperd, Mark Weidenbenner, Maizie & Darrell Roegner, Lillian
Klump, Michael H. Kopp, David Benson, Jeanne McCamish,
Dennis Fogarty, Dorothy Meehan and Beverly Shortal.

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