John Hanson Middle School 3165 John Hanson Drive Waldorf


John Hanson Middle School 3165 John Hanson Drive Waldorf
John Hanson Middle School
3165 John Hanson Drive
Waldorf, Maryland 20601
Hello Hanson Families,
It is hard to believe we have already completed our first two weeks of school. Students are
finishing up their pretests in their classes and starting to settle into routines. The pretests help the teachers get a better sense of their students’ strengths and weaknesses so
their instruction can be more purposeful. The students will take similar tests in the third
quarter to help determine the progress the students have made. Analysis of tests is one
way the staff strives to reach the school’s vision; All students will reach their academic po-
tential by providing an environment that is positive, stresses high academic standards, and
is safe and orderly.
It was great to see over thirty parents, students and teachers at our first PTSO meeting.
We would like to thank the PTSO volunteers that put together welcome bags for every student. In addition, the staff was delighted to have the PTSO prepare them breakfast for
their first day back to school. The goal of the PTSO this year is to bridge the gap between
home and school. The administration and teachers value the input of parents and look forward to working together throughout the year. It is not too late to join and be a part of
the organization. Their email is
We have made some changes to our drop off and pick up with car riders this year due to the
construction. We appreciate everyone’s patience as we work through the process. In the
morning, all car riders need to come in through the first entrance past the construction
fence. Please do not enter the parking area for the buses. Students should be dropped
off along the curb in front of the gymnasium at the end of the school. Your child should be
ready to leave the car when they reach the curb so the traffic does not back up. Please do
not pass other vehicles in front of you. In the afternoon, we have given students and drivers a number so they do not have to get out each day to check out their child. Please make
sure you pull up as far as possible so we can keep the cars off John Hanson Drive and the
buses can continue to come into their parking spaces. If your child does not come out, pull
into a parking space or circle around. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Parents are invited to Back to School Night on Wednesday, September 14, 2016 from
6:00pm – 8:00pm. Your child will bring home a copy of their schedule for you to follow.
We will start in your child’s Block 1 class at 6:00pm. Parents will follow their child’s schedule through all 8 blocks. You will be able to sign up for EDLINE and put money on your
child’s lunch account. In addition, we will have displays of some of our clubs and the PTSO
will be conducting a sign up.
We are in need of parent coaches to assist with our MESA, (Mathematics, Engineering,
Science Achievement) club. If you have knowledge of robotics, structural engineering and/
or computer programming you could serve as a resource for the club. Please contact Ms.
McCormick, the principal, or Ms. Clayton, , to learn more. We also
need DI (Destination Imagination) coaches. If you are interested in assisting with a team,
please contact Ms. McCormick or Ms. Stanley, These are the types
of activities that help students start to develop interests that could lead to future careers. Please consider donating your time.
The newsletter is sent out electronically once a month. If you would like a hard copy,
please ask your child to stop by the main office or send an email to the secretary, Ms.
Ginyard, at
We encourage you to read the entire newsletter to get updates from the departments, the
team leaders and support staff. We also have included information for upcoming events in
the community and dates to remember.
As always, the John Hanson administration and staff stand ready to assist you in any way
necessary to ensure a successful school year for your child. Please contact the teacher,
the counselor, the grade level administrator or myself with your questions or concerns.
Our web page is and our twitter account is
Susan McCormick
Upcoming Calendar Events
John Hanson Open House (6-8 p.m.)
Avid Field Trip
College Fair—North Point High School 6—8 p.m.
Schools closed for students
2-hour early dismissal
Science Center (7th Grade)
Back-to-School Dance (3:00—5:00 p.m.)
Interims issued
Columbus Day—School Closed for students
Picture Day
STI Open House—North Point 6:30 p.m.
2-hour early dismissal
2-hour early dismissal
Election Day—Schools closed for students (Parent Conferences)
Report Cards mailed
Veterans Day—SCHOOL OPEN
2nd STI Open House—North Point 6:30 p.m.
23-25 Thanksgiving Holiday—Schools/Offices Closed
New To
John Hanson Staff
Ms. Dominique Barnett
Ms. Karin Beausoleil
Ms. Christina Cockerham
Special Education
Dr. Mollie Crisp-Rugila
Language Arts
Mr. Robert Genua
Vice Principal—7th Grade
Jean Huber
Ms. Robert Price
Ms. Luwanne Rivera
Physical Education
Mr. Michael Sechrengost
Ms. Nyesha Sherman
Language Arts
Ms. Kayla Shoemaker
Ms. Brenda Tillotson
Vice Principal—6th Grade
Ms. Ann Windsor
Reading Resource
Club Name
Club Sponsor
Educators Rising
Jennifer Biegner
Student Government
Mark Brashears
Luwanne Rivera
Basketball (Girls)
Luwanne Rivera
Basketball (Boys)
Robert Price
Anthony Warrick
Spelling Bee Sponsor
Patricia Hodson
Destination Imagination – All Levels
Jeana Stanley
Track & Field
Adam Kennedy
Barbara Pennington
National Junior Honor Society
Jill Locco
Nicole Thomas
Yearbook Sponsor
Joan Parochetti
Math Counts
Kristin Price
Barbara Pennington
Bernard Barnes
Creative Writing
Natalie Gearhart
Vex Robotics
Dan Meltsner
Lego Robotics
Michelle Darty
Olivia Clayton
Just Say No/SADD
Kiana Petty
Chamber Choir
Peter Ullmann
8th Grade Team
The Eighth grade team would like to welcome back all returning 8th grade
students and give a special welcome to 8th grade students new to John Hanson. Eighth grade students have settled into the school year well and are
eager to learn. 8th grade is an important year as teachers help students develop skills to prepare them for high school. It is important that students
remain focused throughout the year. Later this year, eighth grade teachers will recommend placement levels for students’ high school classes based
on their academic performance in 8th grade. Grades, attendance and positive behavior will also be key factors in students’ eligibility for some of the
8th grade activities this year. Please discuss making good choices with your
child to ensure a great year. Please make sure your child is using the planner provided by the school to write down assignments. The planner can also
be used as a communication tool between the parent and the teacher.
Please remember to check your child’s planner. Also, please check with your
child throughout the year and replenish school supplies if necessary. We
are looking forward to a successful year!
The members of the Counseling Department would like to welcome new and returning students and parents to the John Hanson Family for the 2016-2017 school year.
Summer has officially come to an end and the counseling department is excited about a new
year of opportunities. This school year is going to be the best yet!
We have begun this year by participating in orientations and code of conduct assemblies for
students and greeting each person as they ventured through our doors in search of information, reassurance, or registration packets. Some activities that will continue this year are
individual and group counseling sessions, classroom guidance lessons, and listening to the
cares and concerns of our students as we receive them.
We know how precious your children are and are aware of the concerns you have as you help
them navigate through adolescence. Please share your thoughts and concerns with us as we
are here to support in preparing them for their high school years and beyond. We are only
successful when our children are!
Stop by the Counseling Department and meet your child’s counselor who is as follows:
Mrs. Back- Counseling Department Secretary
Mrs. Carter-Sixth Grade Counselor
Mrs. Thomas-Seventh Grade Counselor, Department Chair
Mrs. Magee-Eighth Grade Counselor
Important Dates To Remember:
Wednesday, September 14th – Open House @ John Hanson Middle School 6-8 p.m.
Wednesday, September 21st- College Fair @ North Point High School 6-8 p.m.
Monday, October 3rd – Interims Issued
Tuesday, October 18th – STI Open House @ North Point 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, November 16th – 2nd STI Open House @ North Point 6:30 p.m.
For additional information, please also visit the Counseling Department Page on the school
Media Center
Mrs. Hodson
Welcome to all our library users and families! We are busy doing library orientation via
the IPAD. All students will get a chance to zoom in on QR codes in the library to learn
more about the rules and resources in the library.
Maker Monday is coming up Sept. 12. Our first activity during lunch will be making key
chains out of duct-tape. Space is limited so sign up soon. How do you sign-up? Come to
the library and sign-up on the sheet for your lunch. On Maker-Monday morning, pick up
your pass in the library and bring your lunch and your pass to the library to eat and
If you owe books or money to another Charles County school and want to check out books
this year, return the books to me or pay for a lost book here and I will forward it to
your old school.
Get started reading the 2016-2017 Black-Eyed Susan Nominees early so there's no end
of year rush to read! Remember, just read 3 of the fiction or all 10 of the Graphic Novels (that's just one a month!) in order to take part in a pizza voting party in the spring.
For all the latest library news, check out the Library section in the school website!!
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Our goal this year is to ensure that every student attends school regularly.
Showing up for school has a huge impact on a student’s academic success starting in kindergarten and continuing through high
school. Even as children grow older and more independent, families play a key role in making sure students get to school safely
every day and understand why attendance is so important for success in school and in life.
We realize some absences are unavoidable due to health problems or other circumstances. But, we also know that when students miss too much school— regardless of the reason – it can cause them to fall behind academically. Your child is less likely
to succeed if he or she is chronically absent—which means missing 18 or more days over the course of an entire school year.
Research shows:
Children chronically absent in kindergarten and 1st grade are much less likely to read at grade level by the end of 3rd
By 6th grade, chronic absence is a proven early warning sign for students at risk for dropping out of school.
By 9th grade good attendance can predict graduation rates even better than 8th grade test scores.
Absences can add up quickly. A child is chronically absent if he or she misses just two days every month!!
Clearly going to school regularly matters!
We don’t want your child to fall behind in school and get discouraged. Please ensure that your child attends school every day
and arrives on time. Here are a few practical tips to help support regular attendance:
Make sure your children keep a regular bedtime and establish a morning routine.
Lay out clothes and pack backpacks the night before.
Ensure your children go to school every day unless they are truly sick
Avoid scheduling vacations or doctor’s appointments when school is in session.
Talk to teachers and counselors for advice if your children feel anxious about going to school.
Develop back up plans for getting to school if something comes up. Call on a family member, neighbor, or another parent to take your child to school.
Effective last school year, Charles County Public Schools enacted an extra-curricular activities and athletic eligibility policy for middle school students. In order to participate, a middle school student must meet the local promotion standards, earn a 2.25 GPA the previous quarter with no ‘F’ failing grades, and not be absent than 4.5 days
the previous quarter. For the FIRST QUARTER rising 6th graders automatically meet the GPA and attendance eligibility requirements.
Let us know how we can best support you and your children so that they can show up for school on time every day.
We want your child to be successful in school!
S. Ebbitt
John Hanson Middle School
Lego Robotics Club
Lego Robotics Club applications are available now in Ms. Darty's room (ART2). The club will
meet every Wednesday from 3:15 to 4:45pm starting on October 5th. THERE IS NO
TRANSPORTATION PROVIDED BY THE SCHOOL. Students will need to be signed out at
the main office promptly at 4:45pm.
Applications are due to Ms. Darty no later than Thursday September 22nd. Students will be
notified if they make the team on Friday, September 30th.
History Day
History Day:
The 7th grade enrichment students are beginning their History Day Fair projects this
week. We will be working intensively on these projects until the beginning of October and
then the students will be working periodically in class on the projects through December. Students should work on the projects at home even when we are not working on the pro-
jects in class to ensure they are getting all elements complete. There will be status reports
due at various times throughout the process. Please look at the due date sheet that is being
given to your child this week. Projects will need to be completed and turned in on January
19, 2017.
If you have any questions, please contact your child's social studies teacher or the school
History Day coordinator, Mrs. Davenport at
The Mathematics Department would like to say thank you to all students that completed their summer math packets. Each
student that completed a packet received PAT stamps from their teacher and their names were entered into a drawing
which occurred on September 9th.
The following 6th graders won:
Joseph Hyman
Malakai Proctor
Logan Brown
Dakota Headley
Arthur Heald
Olivia Robinson
Raven Figueroa
Ashley Williams
Ta’Vai Gray
Logan Meadows
Anthony Edwards
Taylor Rozell
Megan Luther
Brian Jaimes-Zuniga
Cohen Porter
Miana Bridges
Bailea Garrett
Courtney Shackelford
Alizah Carter
Ashlea Garrett
Courtney Cephas
Alayna Turacy
Lizbeth Valenzuela Delacruz
The following 7th graders won:
Synai Ferrell
Telissa Wrolson
Hermela Demissie
Eryh Huber
Jamison Tillery
Roman Lakner
Jaden Jacks
Zaire Carter
Bailey Bowie
Graciela Ndjanja
Clayton Jameson
Mackenzie Baldwin
Jordan Cooksey
Jacob Dudley
Dina Jones
Madison Petschk
Corbin Cooke
Dillan Evans
Faith Meadows
Nehemiah Strawberry
Madeline Imholtz
Dalton Tyson
The following 8th graders won:
Jamie Roberts
Jacob Stern
Riley Seaman
Thanks again to everyone that completed a packet.
Would you like extra help with homework?
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students,
Mr. Himmelfarb has started a before school study class for the purpose of allowing a
small group of students access to the schools resources as well as provide time for them to
receive help for classwork, projects, fair assignments, etc. The study group will be held on
any morning (unless changes are made in advance) at seven o’clock until the school day starts.
This would be a great way to get the help you may need in a small limited space.
Parents please provide breakfast or snack as there is no food available at that time and
students will do better if they are not hungry. Also, please escort your student into the
school to make sure Mr. Himmelfarb is there before dropping them off. Remember to check
with Mr. Himmelfarb the day before to see if he will be in.
You may reach Mr. Himmelfarb on 301-645-4520.
Picking up your child up early?
If a parent or legal guardian is unable to pick up their child early from school
for any reason, he/she must send a written note to the school notifying who
will be picking up and giving their consent. Upon receiving a note from
parent/guardian, the school will verify its authenticity. At pickup, the school
will also request a valid id (drivers license, photo id etc.) to ensure the person
picking up is the same as identified by parent/guardian. If, for any reason,
parent/guardian is unable to send note, parent/guardian must call school and
provide information to office staff.
In addition, effective immediately, parents/guardians will no longer be able to
pick up their students from the front office after 2:45. After 2:45, students will become car riders and will be dismissed from the John Hanson
Academy at 3:00. Parents/guardians continue to call the front office to identify your child as a car rider and identify the person who will be picking up
your child.
If the person is not on your emergency card, please let the front office know
and ensure the individual picking up your child has proper identification. Only
individuals with proper Id will be allowed to signed students out.
Do you want your child to be a walker?
If you would like your child to be a walker for a day, you must call or send a
note to the front office. The note should identify who the student will be
walking home with along with a permission from the parent of that student.
If you have any question, feel free to call the school front office—
John Hanson Students and Parents!
Are we going to be the top Box Top earning school in Charles County?
Help us meet our goal this year to earn $1,000!!
Last year we earned over $500!
Students, if you are interested in being your homeroom Box Top representative, please stop by and pick
up an application from Mrs. Parochetti in room HE1, (the former Home Ec. cooking room in the 8 th grade
This is a perfect school activity for you if you consider yourself outgoing and persuasive. Sales experience
is not required but certainly helpful!
We need everyone to continue or begin cutting the Box Tops from products at your home. Other great
sources for Box Tops are relatives and neighbors.
Listen for upcoming announcements for how to win ice cream at lunch, or even gift cards if you are the
top collector. Make sure you label your Box Tops donations if you bring in a baggie of Box Tops!
We will hold a contest each month for the top homeroom and a drawing from the top individual collectors!!
We would like to invite all Middle School Student Athletes to our Seventh Annual Middle School XC Invitational/
Pancake Breakfast. The student athletes will r un a 2 Mile Cour se Satur day October 1, 2016.
Meet Information:
Entry Deadline: Please complete the registration form and make sure it’s signed and dated by your parent or guardian.
Please bring all registration forms on the day of the race by the NP Tennis Courts.
Entry Fee:
Meet Director: Jimmy Ball, Head Coach -North Point HS
Asst. Director: Keith Mitchell /Teresa Henderson North Point HS
The Course:
2 Mile Run that begins in open fields and then traverses through the woods finishing in an open field.
We will have an awards ceremony immediately following the race
Course Walk
Awards Ceremony
Pancake Breakfast
Top 3 Boys/Girls, 8th Graders 7th Graders and 6th Graders will receive medals
All participants will receive an ribbon
Jimmy Ball (
c/o North Point HS
2500 Davis Road
Waldorf, MD 20603
Phone: 301-753-1759