Summer Forum 2014 - St. Matthew Catholic Church
Summer Forum 2014 - St. Matthew Catholic Church
ST. MATTHEW CATHOLIC CHURCH A PARISH OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF CHARLOTTE CONNECTED IN CHRIST! MOVED BY THE SPIRIT! May 25, 2014 Pastor Rev. Msgr. John J. McSweeney Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm Also 5:30 pm at St. Margaret Episcopal Sunday 7:30 am, 9 am, 10:45 am, 10:45 am (Gym), 12:30 pm, 5:30 pm (Life Teen) 9 am Mass is signed for the hearing impaired. Nursery for children ages 0 to 3 at 9 am, 10:45 am and 12:30 pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 7 am and 9 am Wednesday 7 am, 8:15 am, 7:30 pm Saturday 9 am Holy Day Masses Vigil: 7:30 pm Holy Day: 7 am, 12:10 pm, 7:30 pm Reconciliation Saturday: 4 to 5 pm Wednesday: 6:30 to 7:15 pm or by request Anointing of the Sick Takes place on the first Saturday of each quarter at the 9 am Mass or contact a priest. Eucharistic Adoration Commences in the Chapel Friday after the 9 am Mass and ends Saturday at the 9 am Mass. Church Office Hours Monday - Friday: 9 am to 4:30 pm Sunday: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm 704-543-7677 PARISH MISSION STATEMENT THE EUCHARISTIC CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF ST. MATTHEW LOVES CHRIST ABOVE ALL THINGS AND OUR NEIGHBOR AS OURSELVES. IN OUR FAITH JOURNEY, OUR PARISH FAMILY WILL BE ENGAGED AND SPIRITUALLY COMMITTED; FULFILLING OUR VISION THROUGH SHARED GOSPEL VALUES, PRAYER, FELLOWSHIP, SERVICE, OUTREACH, AND TEACHING. SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER May 25, 2014 Parish Directory ST. MATTHEW CATHOLIC CHURCH FAITH FORMATION SUPPORT GROUPS AT ST. MATTHEW 8015 Ballantyne Commons Pkwy. Mailing Address: Office Phone: 704-541-8362 Coordinator: Pat Tomlinson, x 2 Administrative Assistant Adult ADHD: Fourth Wednesday of the month, PO Box 49349, Charlotte, NC 28277 Office Phone: 704-543-7677 Fax: 704-542-7244 Email: St. Matthew Catholic School: 704-544-2070 Carmen Dominguez, x 1 Adult Faith Formation (SMyoU) Michael Burck, x 4 Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Tom Lindemuth, 704-543-7677 x 1063 PASTORAL STAFF SPRED (Developmentally Disabled) Rev. Msgr. John J. McSweeney Welcome Home for Returning Catholics (For Pastor, x 1032 or 1049 Rev. Robert Conway Parochial Vicar, x 1185 Jan Clemens, 704-246-7102 Catholics returning to the Church after an absence) Sheila Burroughs, 704-577-5110 or Rev. Ambrose A. Akinwande, MSP Parochial Vicar, x 1043 Rectory Emergency only, 704-846-6311 Sr. Eileen McLoughlin, MSBT Pastoral Associate, x 1057 Sr. Marie Frechette, MSBT Pastoral Associate, x 1073 Deacon James Hamrlik x 1040 Deacon Paul Herman Deacon Bill Griffin Deacon Daren Bitter Facilities Director PARISH LEADERSHIP Parish Pastoral Council Chairperson Mark Schuler, 704-540-7882 Finance Council Chairperson Kevin O’Hara, 704-554-6406 COUNSELING CENTER Counseling Center: Parishioners in need of Antoinette Usher, x 1025 professional counseling may contact one of the priests or Sr. Eileen McLoughlin at 704-5437677 x 1057 for information and for counselor referrals. Director of Liturgical Ministries (including wedding music) Social Work Ministry: Sharon Davis of Catholic Kathy Bartlett, x 1015 or 704-400-2213 Chief Financial Officer Jane Balbirnie, x 1046 Volunteer Coordinator Social Services is with us as part of our Family Assist Ministry on Mondays and Thursdays, 2 - 5 pm. Contact 704-543-7677 x 1018 or Pat White, x 1039 Rita Brennan, x 1007 St. Matthew Columbarium and Prayer Garden: Call 704-543-7677 x 1025. Baptisms: Every Sunday at 2 pm except the Parish Registration: fifth Sunday of the month. Welcome to all new families/individuals. Please register as soon as possible. Registration forms and a welcome packet are available in the Church Office or at the Welcome Center in the Narthex. Membership is a condition for the reception of the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, First Eucharist, Confirmation and Marriage. Registration is also required before the parish can issue a sponsorship certificate for those asked to be sacramental sponsors. You must be a registered, contributing member for at least three months before a certificate is provided or MACS voucher is approved. Bereavement Baptism Preparation Class for Parents: Select Sundays, 9 to 10:30 am in the New Life Center. Contact Pat McGuire (x 1026) in the Church Office to schedule Baptism or class attendance. Marriages: Couples must contact one of the priests or deacons at least six months prior to the desired date of the wedding. To initiate the marriage preparation process or if you have questions, contact Michèle Gauvin (x 1049) for weddings taking place at St. Matthew. Contact Deacon Jim (x 1040) for Catholic weddings outside of St. Matthew. 2 6:30 - 8 pm, NLC 208. Alcoholics Anonymous: Monday - Friday, noon - 1 pm, PC Family Room; Tuesday and Thursday, 7 - 8 pm, NLC 239/240/241. Al-Anon: Mondays, noon - 1 pm, NLC 234/235 (except on national holidays PC 104); Wednesdays, 9:30 - 10:30 am, NLC 202; Thursdays, 8 - 9 pm, NLC 234; Fridays, 9:30 10:30 am, NLC 202; 7 - 8 pm, NLC 206; Saturdays, 2 - 3 pm, NLC 204. Alateen: Thursdays, 7 - 8 or 8 - 9 pm, NLC 204. Alpha Group: Wednesdays, 6 - 7:30 pm, NLC 204; Thursdays, 7:30 - 8:30 am, NLC 204. or 704-266-0722. Bereaved Moms Prayer and Share: Fourth Wednesday following 7:30 pm Mass; Marie Roberts, 704-651-8329. Cancer Support: First Thursday of the month, 10 - 11:30 am, NLC 208. Marilyn Borrelli, 803-547-6181. Caring for Caregivers: Second and fourth Wednesdays, 10:30 am - noon, NLC 206. Sr. Marie Frechette, x 1073. Christians in Career Transition: For people in career crisis. First and third Mondays, 7 - 9 pm, NLC. Jack Rueckel, 704-609-1492. Co-Dependents Anonymous (CODA): Tuesdays, 7:30 - 8:30 pm, NLC 206. Compassionate Friends: For parents who have lost a child. Third Tuesday, 7 pm, NLC 234/235. Sharon Malcuso, 704-541-7936. Depression/Mood Disorders: Thursdays, 7 - 8:30 pm, NLC 202. Elizabeth Ministry: For parents who have had a miscarriage, stillbirth or newborn death. Rita Brennan, x 1007. Food Addicts in Recovery (FA): Tuesdays, 7 - 8:30 pm, NLC 202. Grieving the Loss of a Spouse: Second Monday, 11 am - 12:30 pm, NLC 102. Sr. Marie Frechette, x 1073. Men’s Bereavement Group: First and third Mondays, 7 - 9 pm, NLC 119. Frank Pennachio, 704-243-6132. Narcotics Anonymous: Fridays, 7 - 8 pm, NLC 132/125. Post-Abortion Ministry (PAM): Confidential. Andrea Hines, 704-996-4597; Christy Annison, 704-293-6602. TGIF: For separated/divorced. Wednesdays, 6:30 pm, NLC 202. Bonnie, 704-543-8998, afternoon calls only. TOPS: Taking Off Pounds Sensibly. Wednesdays, 10 - 11 am, NLC 204. Elaine Kerr, 704-288-7906, FOLLOW US ON: Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you. MASS INTENTIONS OF THE WEEK MAY 24 TO JUNE 1 SATURDAY 9:00 am 5:30 pm SUNDAY 5:30 pm (SMEC) 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:45 am 10:45 am (GYM) 12:30 pm 5:30 pm MONDAY TUESDAY 7:00 am 9:00 am 7:00 am 9:00 am WEDNESDAY 7:00 am 8:15 am 7:30 pm THURSDAY 7:00 am 9:00 am FRIDAY 7:00 am 9:00 am SATURDAY 9:00 am 5:30 pm 5:30 pm (SMEC) SUNDAY 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:45 am 10:45 am (GYM) 12:30 pm 5:30 pm GOSPEL REFLECTION JOHN 14:15-21 + Xuperancio Cabugwason By Lucy Astrid & Little Lucy + John Lamitie By Del & Carmel Gillogly + Anthony Curzio By The Ingelsby Family For the People of the Parish + Lisa Gail Cimmento By John & Jenny Mooney + Kisel H. Wolsefer By The O’Connell Family + Joan Modzeleski By Gary & Suzie McHugh + Kenneth Stumbo By Michael Burck + Carl Kirchner By The Ruebens Family No Mass For the People of the Parish + Richard & Helen Strand By Joyce Pischel + Barney Lavelle By The Smith Family + Laura Davies By The Altman Family + Maria Canfield By Her Son Ralph For the Deceased Members of St. Matthew & the Purgatorial Society + Ruth Petrillo By Her Family For the Intentions of Darrell & Lila Glankler + Jackie Blank By Mark & Susan King + Joseph Dorazil By Tom & Barbara + Mary L. Holland By Paul & Mary Barker + Bernard Mattes By The DiGiovanni Family + Rev. Warren McCarthy By St. Matthew SPRED Community For the People of the Parish + Bernie Martinelli By His Family + Serafil Malecosio By Marcelo & Mickey Bueno + Karen Chisholm By The Hunter Family + Norma Mullen By Her Family + John Braun By Paul & Barb Kohler I shall ask the Father and He will give you another advocate. Several words in today's reading are so important that we should repeat them to ourselves often: "Obey the commands I give you." Jesus knows how difficult this would be for us if we had to do it all alone. So, He gives us a Helper, the Holy Spirit. The Paraclete living and working in us enables us to put the teaching of Jesus into action. Jesus promised to send the Spirit of truth and love to us. Where do you find truth and love in your life? There you will find the Holy Spirit. When are truth and love fun and exciting? When are truth and love hard and difficult? READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF MAY 25 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Sixth Sunday of Easter Acts 8:5-8, 14-17; Ps 66; 1 Pt 3:15-18; Jn 14:15-21 St. Philip Neri, Priest Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149; Jn 15:26–16:4a St. Augustine of Canterbury Acts 16:22-34; Ps 138; Jn 16:5-11 Acts 17:15, 22–18:1; Ps 148; Jn 16:12-15 The Ascension of the Lord Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47; Eph 1:17-23; Mt 28:16-20 Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47; Jn 16:20-23 The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Zep 3:14-18a or Rom 12:9-16; Is 12; Lk 1:39-56 Seventh Sunday of Easter Acts 1:12-14; Ps 27; 1 Pt 4:13-16; Jn 17:1-11a To view the daily readings, visit There is no 7 am Mass on Monday, May 26, Memorial Day. 3 SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER May 25, 2014 Prayer Intentions BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY SOMEONE HAS DIED – WHAT SHOULD I SAY OR DO? Are you uncertain what to say to someone when you attend a wake or funeral? Do you feel at a loss when you want to comfort someone? Things you could say include I can’t imagine how you feel. I am here to listen whenever you want to talk. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry. These four words can mean so much to the bereaved. Use the name of the deceased when you talk about him/her. Things you can do to express your condolences include writing a note several weeks after the death, bringing a casserole, running errands or picking up children from school. Do not forget to call after a month or so, as that is when most people forget to stay in touch. Remember to look the bereaved in the eye when you talk to them and hold their hand, if you feel comfortable doing that. The most important thing is that you are there and you care. THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE AT ST. MATTHEW The Liturgy of the Hours in the Eucharistic Chapel Morning Prayer - Monday through Saturday, 8:30 am Evening Prayer - Wednesday, 7 pm Night Prayer - Wednesday, 8 pm Eucharistic Adoration Begins after the 9 am Friday Mass and continues until the 9 am Saturday Mass Recitation of the Holy Rosary and Chaplet of The Divine Mercy After 9 am daily Mass DEATHS ETERNAL REST GRANT UNTO Jan Ayres, mother of Shandelle Fisher; Frank Delamere, husband of Kathleen Delamere; Lottie Jozefczyk, mother of Marlene Sautter; AND MAY PERPETUAL LIGHT SHINE UPON THEM. BAPTISMS WE WELCOME OUR NEWLY BAPTIZED MEMBERS Penelope Marie Alfaro Sarina Aubrielle Perez Cavnaugh Brooke Kaitlin Cominsky Alexa Danielle Hoover Lydia Rose McGurkin WEDDINGS PRAYER GROUPS ALIVE IN THE SPIRIT: Mondays, 7:30 to 9 pm, Choir Room. Barbara Gardner at CENTERING PRAYER GROUP: Second and fourth Wednesdays, 7 to 8:30 pm, NLC 206. Bruce Hassett at 704-641-9041 or or Janie Normile at 803-396-8016 or CONGRATULATIONS TO Kieron Jude Kennedy & Kaitlin Mara Gilbride who were married at St. Matthew on Saturday, May 17, 2014. FIRST FRIDAY MINISTRY: First Friday, 10 am to noon, NLC 102. Jennifer Mitra at 704-543-9566 or MEMORIAL MASS: Fourth Wednesday, 7:30 pm, Daily Mass Chapel. If you have lost a loved one during the past month and would like to have them remembered, call the Church Office at 704-543-7677. MARONITE MASS: Second and fourth Saturday, 7 pm, Daily Mass Chapel. MALAYALAM PRAYER GROUP MASS: First Sunday, 2:30 pm, Daily Mass Chapel. For more information, visit or call 704-541-8191. PRAYER LINE: If you would like to have someone prayed for individually and in a confidential manner, email Joan Kelley at 4 CONGRATULATIONS TO Luke Daniel Blackney & Jennifer Morgan Fenton who were married at St. Matthew on Saturday, May 17, 2014. FOLLOW US ON: Activities For The Week Ahead WEEKLY CALENDAR Sunday, May 25 Baptism Class Monday, May 26 Tuesday, May 27 Knit and Crochet RCIA Inquiry Phase Wednesday, May 28 Caregivers Support Group Centering Prayer Group Bereaved Moms Thursday, May 29 Knit and Crochet Pinochle Club Xtreme Edge Movie Madness Adult Choir AC - Adoration Chapel BR - Banquet Room CH - Choir Room CR - Conference Room DMC - Daily Mass Chapel EC - Education Center FR - Family Room 9:00 am - 10:30 am NLC 132/125 Offices are closed for Memorial Day 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm NLC 211 NLC 203 10:30 am - 12:00 pm 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm 8:00 pm - 9:15 pm NLC 206 NLC 234/235 NLC 211 9:30 am 12:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:30 pm - NLC 203 NLC 234/235 FR and Gym CH 11:30 am 3:30 pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm G - Gym N - Narthex NLC - New Life Center NS - Nursery PC - Parish Center S - Sanctuary For a detailed calendar of upcoming events, visit BULLETIN DEADLINES - Bulletin announcements are due no later than Wednesday (11 days prior) at 4:30 pm. To submit an article, email Julia Turner at NEXT WEEKEND is the second collection for Renew St. Matthew. Please use the envelope in your packet. Do not use this envelope for campaign pledge payments. Your continued support of the parish is greatly appreciated. NEXT WEEKEND is the regular monthly collection of items for our Food Pantry. We are in need of increased donations as the summer approaches and children are at home. Especially needed are sugar, flour, boxed potatoes, boxed meals (helper style), canned pears, canned pineapples, pancake syrup, mayonnaise, pasta sauces, canned beans (black, kidney, pinto and navy), cookies and crackers. We are also in need of gift cards to local grocery stores so that those in need may purchase perishable items. Please note that food past the best-buy date cannot be shelved. Please bring donations to the Narthex. BLOOD GIVE-IN SIGNUPS PARISH LIBRARY NLC 102 is open during hours that the building is open unless there is a meeting scheduled. See the calendar. NURSERY care is provided at the 9 and 10:45 am Masses in the Parish Center and the 12:30 pm Mass in the New Life Center. You do not need to pre-register your children. For more information, call Nursery Coordinator Maria King at 704-543-7677 x 1003. Scan this tag with your smartphone to view our mobile website. 5 Our next Blood Give-In is Sunday, June 1, from 8 am to 1 pm. Sign up in the Narthex after all Masses this weekend. To sign up online, visit MEMORIAL DAY PRAYER Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen. SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER May 25, 2014 St. Matthew Catholic Church CLOW SCHEDULE CHANGE INTERESTED IN BECOMING AN EXTRAORDINARY MINISTER OF HOLY COMMUNION? The final Children's Liturgy of the Word before the summer is this weekend. We wish all the children and their families a wonderful summer, and look forward to seeing your kindergarten through second grade students when CLOW resumes in September. Watch the bulletin for beginning dates. An Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is a term used in the Roman Catholic Church for members of the laity who have been authorized to distribute the Eucharist to members of the congregation during Mass. In the Catholic Mass, the ordinary ministers of Holy Communion are the bishop, priest and deacon; laity may be delegated to assist in the distribution of Communion and are referred to accurately as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. The next training sessions for any confirmed parishioner interested in serving are on Wednesday, June 11, from 7 to 9 pm and Saturday, June 14, from 10 am to noon. Both training sessions are held in the Sanctuary. You only need to attend one session. To RSVP or for more information, contact Dave Vasquez at or 704-843-7965. RCIA MONTHLY INQUIRY PHASE SESSIONS Monthly Inquiry phase sessions, for those who have previously attended an information meeting and have an interest in learning about the Catholic Church, begin on Tuesday, May 27, at 7 p.m. in NLC 203. These ongoing sessions will be held once a month until September when weekly sessions will commence. Sessions are open to those never baptized, those baptized in another Christian faith, and baptized Catholics who have not received all of the remaining sacraments of initiation (Eucharist and/or Confirmation). No pre-registration is required. 2014 TEEN STEWARDSHIP SCHOLARSHIP WINNER For more information, call Tom Lindemuth at 704-5437677 x 1063 or 704-840-4088 for non-office hours. Congratulations to Krista Jasso, the winner of the 2014 St. Matthew Teen Stewardship Scholarship. 10,000 ROSARIES FOR LIFE The Respect Life Ministry invites you to participate in Rosaries for Life, a prayerful way to promote the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death. During the month of May, we are committed to reciting 10,000 rosaries to strengthen the culture of life in our nation. Krista has demonstrated leadership and stewardship through her participation in a variety of programs and ministries at St. Matthew, including the Just Cause Fast, Parish Council youth representative, sixth grade catechist, Xtreme Edge retreats, confirmation leader, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and Life Teen Mass usher. She is a senior at Weddington High School and will attend Belmont Abbey College in the fall of 2014. Krista is the daughter of Hector and Amanda Jasso. We invite everyone to participate. Rosaries may be recited at home, in the car, at church, at work or play. Turn in the number recited by submitting a rosary slip and dropping it in the Rosary for Life box in the Narthex, or email to EUCHARISTIC ADORERS NEEDED Permanent Eucharistic Adorers are needed for Friday 1 to 2 pm, 6 to 7 pm and midnight to 1 am; Saturday 4 to 5 am and 5 to 6 am. Please give prayerful consideration to spending one of these hours with Our Lord. If you would like to commit or have any questions, contact Long Che Chan at 704-752-3998 or The St. Matthew Teen Stewardship Scholarship provides a $1000 stipend for higher education. The scholarship is open to high school juniors and seniors who demonstrate the principles of Catholic stewardship through their ministry work or community service. 6 FOLLOW US ON: News and Events 2014 WORLD HUNGER DRIVE Please unite with us, we need your help! QUARTERLY MEN’S SHELTER UNDERWEAR DRIVE The St Matthew Men’s Shelter Ministry conducts four collections per year. Please consider donating packages of new, unopened underwear (BOXER SHORTS PREFERRED), t-shirts, socks or personal toiletry items during May. The men at the shelter have great need for small personal size deodorants, razors, shaving cream, toothbrushes and toothpaste. Please place your donations in the large collection containers in the Narthex or the west entry to the Sanctuary. We appreciate your continued support of Charlotte’s homeless men. If you are interested in being a part of the 12TH ANNUAL WORLD HUNGER DRIVE planning committee, join us at our meeting on Monday, June 2, from 7 to 8:30 pm in NLC 202. Call Mark Creasser at 704-634-0325, Debbie Kane at 704-578-8253 or Steve Favory at 704-231-6309 for more information. ST. MATTHEW SOUTH FALL 2014 OUR SATELLITE FACILITY IN WAXHAW WILL PROVIDE SPACE FOR WORSHIP, FAITH FORMATION AND MORE! Did you know that… The Diocese of Charlotte is one of the fastest growing dioceses in the country, with 19,000 new registered families in the past five years? There are 89 active priests in the diocese that have collectively served more than 800 years. The number of seminarians has grown from 15 to 21 in the past year? Our generous community at St. Matthew has already pledged nearly $2,000,000 to Forward in Faith, Hope, and Love? Pledges can be made over the next five years and can be tailored in any way? We need your help - please consider volunteering. Parishioners are needed to help make phone calls. For more information, plan on joining us for volunteer training on Tuesday, May 27 at 7:30 pm in the Parish Center Family Room or for more information, call Leigh Taublib-Kiriat at 704-249-4393. Our goal is to receive a decision from each parish family. Please take some time to pray about your own participation. Forward in Faith, Hope, and Love is addressing the future sustainability of our diocese, and will provide a stronger church for generations to come. Please visit 7 SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER May 25, 2014 St. Matthew Catholic Church YOUNG ADULT LIFE UPCOMING EVENTS COUNSELING CENTER YAL provides young adults, from college-aged through those in their 30s, opportunities to engage in the St. Matthew faith community. Our counseling department offers a variety of expertise to parishioners of all ages. Call Sr. Eileen McLoughlin, MSBT at 704-543-7677 x 1057 to have your unique situation assessed and a credentialed counselor assigned. We operate on a fee-for-service basis on a sliding scale based on household income. Check or cash accepted. We do not accept insurance. Child care is provided with an advance reservation at 704-543-7677 x 1011. Summer Concert Series at Blakeney Friday, May 30, 7 to 10 pm Vineyard Trip to Raffaldini Vineyards Saturday, May 31, 9:30 am to 5 pm We will meet in the St. Matthew parking lot at 9:15 am. Please bring identification and money. This trip is for ages 21 and over only. CARING FOR CAREGIVERS If you are providing care for an elderly parent, spouse, or extended family member or friend and could use support and guidance related to your efforts, join the Caring for Caregivers support group. We meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 10:30 am to noon in NLC 206. Our next meeting is Wednesday, May 28. For more information, contact Sr. Marie Frechette at 704-543-7677 x 1073. Visit us on Facebook at Young Adult Life: A St. Matthew Ministry or email STARS ANNUAL RAFFLE Purchase your STARS annual raffle tickets this weekend after all the Masses in the Narthex. Tickets are $1 each. Prizes include a $100 Ruth's Chris Gift Card (compliments of Utz Grafton Wealth Management), $100 gasoline gift card; $100 Harris-Teeter gift card; and a handmade designer afghan (compliments of Cosima Smith). The drawing is June 4. Proceeds are donated to St Matthew to benefit the parish community. For information and to purchase additional tickets, contact Brooke Moran at 980-939-1722. BEREAVED MOMS PRAYER AND SHARE Moms who have lost a child and would like to pray together, share their memories and help one another cope with the loss, are invited to join us on the fourth Wednesday of each month following the 7:30 pm Mass. Our next prayer and share is Wednesday, May 28, in NLC 211. For more information, contact Marie Roberts at 704-651-8329. CHRISTIANS IN CAREER TRANSITION CICT helps the unemployed or those who are at risk of losing their jobs with position focusing, resumes, networking, interviewing and related skills to help them find work. Our next meeting is Monday, June 2, at 7 pm in NLC 132/125. For more information, visit or call Jack Rueckel at 704-341-8449. AN OPEN INVITATION TO ALL ST. MATTHEW GOLFERS All golf-minded parishioners are invited to participate in the Knights of Columbus Annual Golf Tournament on Wednesday, June 11, at the Old Sycamore Golf Plantation (captain’s choice). One hundred percent of the net proceeds go to support LAMB (Least Among My Brothers), a tax deductible charity that aids the mentally disadvantaged. There is a bevy of tournament and raffle prizes plus a fine selection of valuable gifts available through the silent auction. The registration fee is $99 per player or $198 per team (two to four golfers), which includes a full lunch and dinner. Can't play? Sponsor a hole for $125 to support our charities. Raffle prizes are welcome. See page 14 for a registration form. If you need immediate information, please contact Jim Robb at 704-651-9556 or Ted Staats at 704-573-1000. Deadline for entry is June 9. SAFETY REMINDER Please do not give to individuals who approach you on church property begging for money. Instead refer them to the Church Office so that we can best assess their situation and make sure they receive the help they need. PARKING REGULATIONS Do not park in prohibited spaces such as FIRE LANES, on sidewalks or crosswalks, double park and/or park in a handicapped zone without a proper permit. These and other illegal parking violations will result in your vehicle being towed. 8 FOLLOW US ON: News and Events DSA COLLECTION UPDATE SALT OF THE EARTH..LIGHT OF THE WORLD Contributions as of May 19, 2014 OPPORTUNITIES TO SHARE GOD’S BLESSINGS! E-giving! You can now give a single donation or sign up for on-going donations through our electronic giving provider Faith Direct. It’s easy, safe and environmentally friendly! Simply scan this code using your smart phone to enroll online today, or visit using our church code NC36. Not so tech savvy? You can still utilize the safety and convenience of Faith Direct by completing the enrollment form found in the Narthex. Simply complete and mail to Faith Direct. Consider stock gifts. There may be tax advantages to you in contributing appreciated stock. Stock donation forms are available online at, “Opportunities for Giving” tab. Don’t cancel life insurance you don’t need! By naming St. Matthew as beneficiary, you’ll provide lasting financial support and possibly qualify for tax benefits as well. Please contact our Chief Financial Officer Jane Balbirnie at 704-543-7677 x 1046 for further details on any of these methods of giving. As always, contact your tax professional to discuss specific tax implications. Thank you for your generosity to St. Matthew! Amount Paid: Pledge Balance: Goal: Shortfall: Donors: $452,212 $196,848 $693,340 $44,280 1,901 Sacred Scripture the inspired word of God Do you desire to increase your knowledge and understanding of the Bible? Givinghope carries a selection of Bibles and other aids that will help you in your quest. Organized and developed with today’s reader in mind, the Anselm Academic Study Bible is an unsurpassed resource for anyone who wants to know more about the Bible. No previous knowledge of the Bible is assumed here, and newcomers and veterans alike will benefit from the Study Bible’s insightful articles, sensible structure, and user-tested design. $34.95 PARISH MEMBERSHIP AND BENEFITS To be considered an active, participating member of the parish and thus eligible for MACS participating Catholic reduced tuition rates or sacramental sponsor eligibility, St. Matthew Catholic Church takes into account a family’s or individual’s Mass attendance and ministry involvement. Since weekly offertory envelopes are the primary means of determining if parishioners are regularly attending Mass, we ask you to place your envelope in the collection basket each Sunday even if you cannot make a monetary contribution. If you use Faith Direct, it is imperative to drop your personalized offertory cards into the collection basket each Sunday to indicate your Mass attendance. Bible Atlas One in the St. Joseph Bible Resource series. $5.50 Pocket Guide to the Bible The “nuts and bolts” of the Bible by scripture expert Scott Hahn. $6.95 Attendance at Mass is the most meaningful way we model and live our Catholic faith. Store Hours: Tuesday-Thursday 9:30 am to 4 pm, Friday 9:30 am to 2:30 pm, and 30 minutes before and after the Saturday Vigil and all Sunday Masses (closed during Mass). Closed Monday. Thank you to In Shape MD and Thomas J. Gorman Attorney At Law for sponsoring ads in this Sunday’s Bulletin. Please patronize our sponsors. 9 SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER May 25, 2014 St. Matthew “yoU”niversity Summer Forum 2014 Adult Religious Education Continues This Summer For details, contact Michael Burck at 704-541-8362 x 4 or *Child care is available for courses by reservation. Call 704-543-7677 x 1011 at least 48 hours in advance. June Offerings *S-1 An Introduction to Scripture Sr. Mary Hugh Mauldin, RSM, MA When: Wednesdays, June 18 and 25, from 7 to 8:30 pm Where: NLC 239/240/241 Fee: $20 Scripture is sacred writing. All religions have scripture. What makes a book "sacred"? What keeps the bible a best-seller? How is Scripture connected to our Catholic teaching? Come and see how reading Scripture can enhance your spiritual life and your growth as a Catholic Christian. *S-2 ScreamFree Parenting Jenny Cox When: June 23 to June 28, from 9:30 to 11:30 am Where: NLC 239/240/241 Fee: $20 per family Please Note: This program is being offered on the same mornings as Vacation Bible School to provide encouragement for moms and/or dads to participate in this life-changing program. Emotional reactivity is behind every bad pattern, bad decision and bad relationship. Whenever we get reactive - whether by screaming, cutting ourselves off, overcompensating for others, or taking things personally - we operate out of our anxiety and not from our values. ScreamFree teaches us how to calm down, grow up and get closer to the ones we love. ScreamFree Parenting is a revolutionary approach that invites parents of all ages (with kids of all ages) to focus on themselves, press the "pause button" on emotion, and create close, meaningful family relationships. Created by Marriage and Family Therapist, Author Speaker Hal Runkel, ScreamFree Parenting has helped millions of parents create a calmer household with more cooperation and respect. This program is facilitated by Jenny Cox, a certified ScreamFree Parenting professional, who is studying to become a licensed marriage and family therapist. She is married with two children. Special Event Workshop Sponsored by St. Matthew and St. Gabriel Churches *S-3 St. Francis, Pope Francis, and a Vision for a Parish in the 21st Century Jack Jezreel, M.Div. When: Tuesday, June 24 at 7 pm Where: Banquet Room Fee: None How will the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi and Time Magazine Man of the Year, Pope Francis, influence our life of love? How does a parish live the invitation of Pope Francis? Will our life of community increase? Jack Jezreel will invite us to consider how this influence will impact our everyday parish life, as well as affect our living in community, our call to discipleship, and our ability to evangelize and deliver the good news of the Gospel. Jack Jezreel is an internationally known speaker and justice educator. He holds an M.Div. from Notre Dame, has spent six years working in a Catholic Worker community, and has been involved in parish based social justice ministry for 25 years. He is the author of JustFaith and serves as the Executive Director of JustFaith Ministries. This is his second visit to St. Matthew. *S-4 A Biblical Walk Through the Mass: Understanding What We Say and Do in the Liturgy Deacon Daren Bitter When: Mondays, June 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30, from 7 to 8:30 pm Where: NLC 203 Fee: $25 This five-part series, written by Edward Sri, is based on the revised translation of the Mass and takes participants on an exciting tour of the Liturgy as it explores the biblical roots of the words and gestures we experience at Mass and their profound significance. The words and gestures are seen in a new light, giving life to the liturgical experience. Discover how the Mass is a “true re-presentation” of Christ’s redeeming sacrifice on the cross. Explore the three key aspects of the Mass as Sacrifice, Real Presence and Holy Communion. Gain helpful insights for getting the most out of every Mass...and much more! 10 FOLLOW US ON: STSt. . MMatthew ATTHEW “ YOU”NIVERSITY “yoU”niversity July Offerings *S-5 Survey of the Old Testament Sr. Mary Hugh Mauldin, RSM, MA When: Wednesdays, July 9 and 16, from 7 to 8:30 pm Where: NLC 239/240/241 Fee: $20 This course offers a broad view of the 46 books of Scripture important to both Judaism and Christianity. What do these ancient books, and the stories within, teach us about the nature, character and qualities of the God who longs to be in relationship with us? What do these ancient writings mean for Catholics today? *S-6 Pope Francis: The Jesuit Pope Mark Bartholet, MA When: Mondays, July 21, 28 and Aug. 4, from 7 to 8:30 pm Where: NLC 239/240/241 Fee: $25 In his first year, Pope Francis has guided the Catholic Church into a new vision of itself. This course will discuss how Pope Francis’ training and ministry as a Jesuit shaped his vision for the global Church today and describe a “Jesuit worldview” in light of Pope Francis’s life. Mark Bartholet will guide us through an examination of Pope Francis’ first year. This course was so popular and well received when held at St. Peter Church in GIFT 2014 that it is being offered again in our Summer Forum. *S-7 Survey of the New Testament Sr. Mary Hugh Mauldin, RSM, MA When: Wednesdays, July 23 and 30, from 7 to 8:30 pm Where: NLC 239/240/241 Fee: $20 This course offers a broad view of the 27 foundational documents of Christianity that proclaim Jesus Christ. Learn what the early Christians wanted us to know of Jesus from their accounts and experience the passion with which they shared His Good News with the world around them. Special Event Lecture *S-8 Understanding Catholics Today Fr. Thomas Gaunt, SJ Ph. D. When: Tuesday, July 15, from 7:30 to 9 pm Where: Banquet Room Fee: None Learn about Catholic diversity and how Catholics are engaged in their local parish communities. Explore the evolution occurring in pastoral leadership and parish life, as well as an examination of the growth of the "nones" (those who no longer identify with any religious denomination). August Offering *S-9 A Short History of the Catholic Church in North Carolina Sr. Mary Hugh Mauldin, RSM. MA When: Wednesdays, Aug. 6, 13 and 20, from 10 to 11:30 am Where: NLC 234/235 Fee: $25 From one Catholic person in the state in 1775 to the largest Catholic parish in the US in 2014; from no diocese in 1923 to two dioceses in 1972; how did the Church in North Carolina come to be? Who are the persons who contributed to the establishment and growth of Catholicism in this once mission territory? On whose shoulders do we stand as Catholics in NC? This three-week course explores the establishment and growth of the Roman Catholic Church in North Carolina. Summer Forum 2014 Registration Fill out the registration form, one per participant. Detach and enclose the per-person, per-course fee. Make checks payable to St. Matthew Catholic Church. Mail in or drop off an envelope marked Summer Forum to St. Matthew Catholic Church, PO Box 49349, Charlotte, NC 28277. Fees are non-refundable after the class begins. Please print clearly. Name ________________________________________ Parish___________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________________ City______________________________________ State _________ Zip________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Email____________________________________________________ Course Selection: S-1__________($20) S-2__________ ($20) S-5_______($20) S-6_________( $25) S-7__________ ($20) 11 S-3________ (No Fee) S-8________ (No Fee) S-4 _________($25) S-9_________($25) SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER May 25, 2014 FFaith AITH F ORMATION Formation FAITH FORMATION Office Hours: Monday through Friday from 9 am to 4:30 pm Telephone Numbers: 704-541-8362 Class Time Cell – 704-589-0956 Website: 2014-2015 FAITH FORMATION REGISTRATION Registration for Faith Formation classes is ongoing. Please indicate first, second and third choice for placement on the registration form. Consider all the new times and locations we are offering for 2014-2015 year. We strongly recommend all families register in person. It makes it possible for each family to see what is available by grade, and leave knowing their assigned session. CONSIDER THE ROLE OF A CATECHIST “I have taught faith formation classes all through high school, and I could not have had such an amazing and touching experience without the entire faith formation team! I am going to be an elementary education major next year, and these last three years of being a catechist to these wonderful kids has been incredible! I hope you all have a great and relaxing summer, and I will always cherish my catechist experience these past few years. Thank you so much!” Registration forms are available at the Church Office and online at Please carefully read the registration form! There are important changes in our session times and locations. Register with payment by cash or check only. Catholic School Families -Meghan K. Second Grade Catechist Parents of Catholic school students preparing for the sacraments must register their children in the Faith Formation program. Celebration of the sacrament takes place in the family’s registered parish. For the Sacrament of Confirmation (students who have completed eighth grade in Catholic school or faith formation), preparation includes classes, a parent meeting and a retreat. For the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist (students in second grade), in addition to religious education classes taught in the Catholic schools, preparation includes participation in parent meetings, retreats and rehearsal. You are invited, and there is a need! We urge you to prayerfully consider becoming a catechist with our Faith Formation program. Confirmed high school students and adults have the opportunity to bring light, love, peace and joy to others by helping them grow in their knowledge and love of God. If you approach the task by asking the Lord to help you, everyone will benefit. Sixth Sunday of Easter Gospel: John 14:15-21 Jesus promises his disciples that he will send them another advocate, the Spirit of truth. Jesus' mission is continued through the activity of the Holy Spirit in the lives of His disciples. We have received this same Spirit through our baptisms. The Spirit, living and working within us, reveals the mystery of God's love for us. Just as the first disciples were not left orphaned, we are not orphaned. We remain in God's embrace through the gift of the Holy Spirit. 12 FOLLOW US ON: Youth Ministry St. Matthew Life Teen events and activities are open to all high school students. Bring friends! St. Matthew Xtreme Edge events and activities are open to all middle school students. Bring friends! A Christian is never bored or sad. Rather, the one who loves Christ is full of joy and radiates joy. Pope Francis Have questions about Middle School Youth Ministry? Contact Nicole Lehman at Movie Night! This Thursday! May 29, 6:30 to 8:30 pm Parish Center STEUBENVILLE ATLANTA July 11-13 Join us as we kick off the summer with a screening of Next Week: Baccalaureate Mass! All graduating high school and college seniors, please come dressed in your cap and gown and meet in the Daily Mass Chapel at 5 pm. How to Train Your Dragon! MOVIE STARTS PROMPTLY AT 6:30 pm. Calling all Adults ALL MIDDLE SCHOOL CATECHISTS: Have you ever felt God inviting you to do something extraordinary for Him? Our Life Teen ministry is looking for dedicated, awesome, crazy-fun adults to serve on our Core Team! Interested? Want to know more? Email our High School Youth Minister, Theresa Benson, at Our teens need you! Did your class do something awesome this year? (The answer is YES!) If you would like to share something that your class did this past year please send a picture and a short description to 13 SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER May 25, 2014 St. Matthew Catholic Church 14 FOLLOW US ON: St. Matthew Catholic Church Gary Schrieber and Jack Staub will be ordained permanent deacons at the Ordination to the Order of Diaconate on Saturday, May 31 at St. Mark in Huntersville, North Carolina. VOCATIONS AWARENESS MINISTRY We would like to introduce you to Jack Staub, who will be ordained a permanent Deacon at the Ordination to the Order of Diaconate on Saturday, May 31 at St. Mark in Huntersville. Jack has taught Confirmation classes and is involved in the Cursillo movement. Please read below a more up close and personal picture of Jack in his own words. “I was born in NC (Goldsboro) but grew up in New Orleans and went to Catholic schools through high school. In college at LSU, I was involved with the Awakening movement at the Catholic Student Center on campus. This opened up my life of faith and began a pursuit to have a relationship with God since that time. My wife Susan and I met within that Awakening community. We have been married for 35 years and have four children and two grandchildren. Susan and I have been parishioners at St. Matthew for 21 years and have found it to be a wonderful parish of people who pray and do. I continue to be amazed by the generosity and spirit of charity that the people of St. Matthew exhibit to those in need physically, spiritually, and emotionally. I have been influenced in my life of faith through the Cursillo community and teaching faith formation. There are two things that influenced me to pursue becoming a deacon. The first is the example of the good deacons that I have met in our diocese and parish who have shown me how to be a man of God who wants to serve the people of God. The second was starting to attend daily Mass during the week. This allowed me to gain a greater appreciation for the Eucharist and the great gift that God offers us all. I saw the deacons and priests as people who allow for the sacraments to be available and I thought that maybe God was calling me to help his people to know that he loves them and is calling them to Himself. I see being a deacon as someone who can perhaps reflect the light of Christ to all so that they can know that in fact Jesus is the ‘Light of the World’.” OUTSIDE THE PARISH NEWS ST. JOHN NEUMANN CATHOLIC CHURCH will host a six-week Catholic Peace Fellowship Reading Circle this summer, meeting on Wednesdays July 23-August 27 at 7:30 pm in classroom 8. Mass is at 7 pm for those who wish to attend. This is a free course, and those who wish to study peace and learn to be peacemakers are encouraged to attend. For more information, contact Shea Barja at 704-451-3629 or COCHRANE COLLEGIATE ACADEMY is in need of End-of-Grade (EOG) proctors. During the time in which students take the End-of-Grade tests, it is required to have an additional adult in every classroom. Approximately 50 volunteers are needed each day of testing. A proctor is a responsible adult who ensures the testing environment is ethical. Volunteers do not teach or administer discipline. Proctors are needed from 6:45 am to 12:30 pm on May 23, May 27, May 28, May 29, June 2, June 3, and June 6. To register to proctor, visit 15
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