St. Matthew
St. Matthew
ST. MATTHEW CATHOLIC CHURCH A PARISH OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF CHARLOTTE CONNECTED IN CHRIST! MOVED BY THE SPIRIT! January 27, 2013 Pastor Rev. Msgr. John J. McSweeney Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 5:30 p.m. Also 5:30 p.m. at St. Margaret Episcopal Sunday 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:45 a.m., 10:45 a.m. (Gym), 12:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m. (Life Teen) 9 a.m. Mass is signed for the hearing impaired. Nursery for children ages 0 to 2 at 9 a.m., 10:45 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. PARISH MISSION STATEMENT THE EUCHARISTIC CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF ST. MATTHEW LOVES CHRIST ABOVE ALL THINGS AND OUR NEIGHBOR AS OURSELVES. IN OUR FAITH JOURNEY, OUR PARISH FAMILY WILL BE ENGAGED AND SPIRITUALLY COMMITTED; FULFILLING OUR VISION THROUGH SHARED GOSPEL VALUES, PRAYER, FELLOWSHIP, SERVICE, OUTREACH, AND TEACHING. Third Sunday In Ordinary Time Baptism of the Lord Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. Wednesday 7 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. Holy Day Masses Vigil: 7:30 p.m. Holy Day: 7 a.m., 12:10 p.m., 7:30 p.m. Reconciliation Saturday: 4 to 5 p.m. Wednesday: 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. or by request. Anointing of the Sick Takes place on the first Saturday of each quarter at the 9 a.m. Mass or contact a priest. Eucharistic Adoration Commences in the Chapel Friday after the 9 a.m. Mass and ends Saturday at the 9 a.m. Mass. Church Office Hours Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 704-543-7677 He said to them, “Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” Luke:4:21 THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME January 27, 2013 Parish Directory ST. MATTHEW CATHOLIC CHURCH FAITH FORMATION SUPPORT GROUPS AT ST. MATTHEW 8015 Ballantyne Commons Pkwy. Mailing Address: Office Phone: 704-541-8362 Coordinator: Pat Tomlinson, x 2 Administrative Assistant Adult ADHD: Fourth Wednesday of the month, PO Box 49349, Charlotte, NC 28277 Office Phone: 704-543-7677 Fax: 704-542-7244 Email: Carmen Dominguez, x 1 Life Teen Katie Dunne, x 6 St. Matthew Catholic School: Adult Faith Formation (SMyoU) 704-544-2070 Michael Burck, x 4 PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Msgr. John J. McSweeney Pastor, x 1032 or 1049 Rev. Thomas J. Kessler Parochial Vicar, x 1051 Rev. Robert Conway Parochial Vicar, x 1185 Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Tom Lindemuth, 704-543-7677 x 1063 SPRED (Developmentally Disabled) Jan Clemens, 704-246-7102 Welcome Home for Returning Catholics (For Catholics returning to the Church after an absence) Sheila Burroughs, 704-577-5110 or Rev. Ambrose A. Akinwande, MSP Parochial Vicar, x 1043 Rectory Emergency only, 704-846-6311 Sr. Eileen McLoughlin, MSBT Pastoral Associate, x 1057 Sr. Marie Frechette, MSBT Pastoral Associate, x 1073 Deacon James Hamrlik x 1040 Deacon Paul Herman Deacon Bill Griffin Deacon Mark King Deacon Daren Bitter Facilities Director Antoinette Usher, x 1025 Director of Liturgical Ministries (including wedding music) Kathy Bartlett, x 1015 or 704-400-2213 Chief Financial Officer Jane Balbirnie, x 1046 Volunteer Coordinator PARISH LEADERSHIP Parish Pastoral Council Chairperson Mark Schuler, 704-540-7882 Finance Council Chairperson Kevin O’Hara, 704-554-6406 COUNSELING CENTER Counseling Center: Parishioners in need of professional counseling may contact one of the priests or Sr. Eileen McLoughlin at 704-5437677 x 1057 for information and for counselor referrals. Social Work Ministry: Sharon Davis and Carolyn DeBruhl of Catholic Social Services are with us as part of our Family Assist Ministry on Mondays and Thursdays, 2 - 5 p.m. Contact 704-543-7677 x 1018 or Pat White, x 1039 Rita Brennan, x 1007 St. Matthew Columbarium and Prayer Garden: Call 704-543-7677 x 1025. Baptisms: Every Sunday at 2 p.m. except the Parish Registration: fifth Sunday of the month. Welcome to all new families/individuals. Please register as soon as possible. Registration forms and a welcome packet are available in the Church Office or at the Welcome Center in the Narthex. Membership is a condition for the reception of the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, First Eucharist, Confirmation and Marriage. Registration is also required before the parish can issue a sponsorship certificate for those asked to be sacramental sponsors. You must be a registered, contributing member for at least three months before a certificate is provided or MACS voucher is approved. Bereavement Baptism Preparation Class for Parents: Select Sundays, 9 to 10:30 a.m. in the New Life Center. Contact Pat McGuire (x 1026) in the Church Office to schedule Baptism or class attendance. Marriages: Couples must contact one of the priests or deacons at least six months prior to the desired date of the wedding. To initiate the marriage preparation process or if you have questions, contact Michèle Gauvin (x 1049) for weddings taking place at St. Matthew. Contact Deacon Jim (x 1040) for Catholic weddings outside of St. Matthew. 2 6:30 - 8 p.m., NLC 132/125. Alcoholics Anonymous: Monday - Friday, noon - 1 p.m., PC Family Room; Tuesday and Thursday, 7 - 8 p.m., NLC 239/241. Al-Anon: Mondays, noon - 1 p.m., NLC132/125 (except on national holidays PC 104); Wednesdays, 9:30 - 10:30 a.m., NLC 202; Thursdays, 8 - 9 p.m., NLC 204; Fridays, 9:30 - 10:30 a.m., NLC 202; Saturdays, 2 - 3 p.m., NLC 204. Alateen: Thursdays, 8 - 9 p.m., NLC 234/235. Bereaved Moms Prayer and Share: Fourth Wednesday following 7:30 p.m. Mass; Marie Roberts 704-651-8329. Cancer Support: First Thursday of the month, 10 - 11:30 a.m., NLC 208. Marilyn Borrelli, 803-547-6181. Caring for Caregivers: Second and fourth Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m. - noon, NLC 206. Sr. Marie Frechette, x 1073. Christians in Career Transition: Supports people in career crisis. First and third Mondays, 7 - 9 p.m., NLC. Jack Rueckel, 704-609-1492. Co-Dependents Anonymous (CODA): Tuesdays, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m., NLC 206. Compassionate Friends: For parents who have lost a child. Third Tuesday, 7 p.m., NLC 234/235. George Barnett, 704-366-8349. Depression/Mood Disorders: Thursdays, 7 - 8:30 p.m., NLC 202. Elizabeth Ministry: Support for parents who have experienced a miscarriage, stillbirth or newborn death. Rita Brennan, x 1007. Food Addicts in Recovery (FA): Tuesdays, 6:30 - 8 p.m., NLC 202. Healing Hearts: For widowed persons, second Monday, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., NLC 102. Sr. Marie Frechette, x 1073. Men’s Bereavement Group: First and third Mondays, 7 - 9 p.m., NLC 119. Frank Pennachio, 704-243-6132. Narcotics Anonymous: Fridays, 7 - 8 p.m., NLC 132. Post-Abortion Ministry (PAM): Confidential. Andrea Hines, 704-996-4597; Christy Annison, 704-293-6602. SAA: An anonymous support group for men and women dealing with addictive sexual behavior. Wednesdays, 6 - 7:30 p.m., NLC 204; Thursdays, 7:30 - 8:30 a.m., NLC 204. For more information, visit or call 704-266-0722. SLAA: Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, women’s group, Fridays, 6 - 7:15 p.m., NLC 206. TGIF: Support group for separated/divorced. Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m., NLC 202. Bonnie Motuz, 704-543-8998, afternoon calls only. FOLLOW US ON: Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life. MASS INTENTIONS OF THE WEEK JANUARY 26 TO FEBRUARY 3 SATURDAY 9 a.m. 5:30 p.m. SUNDAY 5:30 p.m. (SMEC) 7:30 a.m. 9 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. (GYM) 12:30 p.m. 5:30 p m. MONDAY 7 a.m. 9 a.m. TUESDAY 7 a.m. 9 a.m. WEDNESDAY 7 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 7:30 p.m. THURSDAY 7 a.m. 9 a.m. FRIDAY 7 a.m. 9 a.m. SATURDAY 9 a.m. 5:30 p.m. SUNDAY 5:30 p.m. (SMEC) 7:30 a.m. 9 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. (GYM) 12:30 p.m. 5:30 p m. GOSPEL REFLECTION LUKE 1:1-4, 4:14-21 Just as Ezra, in our first reading, read to the people from Scripture, Jesus reads from the book of the prophet Isaiah about the Servant of the Lord. He announces that He is the fulfillment of Scripture. Then He tells the crowd in the synagogue that He is the one sent by God. His presence is their guarantee that a "year of favor," or time of salvation, has begun. All eyes are glued on Him as He puts down the scroll and takes His seat. + Angelina Bisignano By Ellen & Norb Dusyn + Sidna Rizzo By Pat Thompson + William Schroeder By Jane Lucas For the People of the Parish + Helen Powers By Barbara Cody Macdonald + Joyce Rice By The Romei Family + Dorothy Farnsworth By Mary Rokosz + Dorothy Emily Clifford By Your Why Catholic Group + Alex Domonkas By Agnes Rioux + Luis Simon By JoAnn, Maureen, Suzie, Elaine, Mary, Susan, Teresa, Patty & Mary Margaret + Mary Hamrlik By The Deacon’s Association + Lana Westphal By Paula + Constance Schiemann By Liz & Peggy Roach + Clara L. Fasse By Harley Fasse + Frank Cockinos By The Franek Family + Matthew Nenninger By Katie O’Sullivan + Jim Harris By Patricia Binns + Earl Eidson By Liz Roach + Leonard Pierzchala By Jack & MaryLou Shank + Jerry Edsel By Ray & Irene Christopher + Raphael Santiago By The Park Family + Dolores Pantoliano By Loretta & Janice Lopez + Floyd Kimble By Jean & Jim Fluett For the People of the Parish + Mary Hamrlik By Jim & Linda Heilman + Robert & Mildred Smith By Jim & Jo Fulginiti + Alana Renee Maher By Jenny Cox + Helen Bonitati By Ann Marie Bracci + Ellen Frecca By The D’Angelo Family In this reading, Jesus identifies Himself as the Messiah, as the one Isaiah foretold would come to the people. He did this at the weekly worship at His local synagogue. The Gospel tells us that He was in the habit of worshipping there weekly. Why did Jesus worship weekly? What does this habit of Jesus' tell us about the importance of our weekly worship? Where do we meet Jesus, the Messiah, on a weekly basis? READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF JANUARY 27 SUNDAY Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10; Ps 19; 1 Cor 12:1230 or 12:12-14, 27; Lk 1:1-4, 4:14-21 MONDAY St. Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor of the Church Heb 9:15, 24-28; Ps 98; Mk 3:22-30 TUESDAY Heb 10:1-10; Ps 40; Mk 3:31-35 WEDNESDAY Heb 10:11-18; Ps 110; Mk 4:1-20 THURSDAY St. John Bosco, Priest Heb 10:19-25; Ps 24; Mk 4:21-25 FRIDAY Heb 10:32-39; Ps 37; Mk 4:26-34 SATURDAY The Presentation of the Lord Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32 SUNDAY Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Jer 1:4-5, 17-19; Ps 71; 1 Cor 12:31–13:13 or 13:4-13; Lk 4:21-30 To view the daily readings, visit 3 THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME January 27, 2013 Prayer Intentions BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY DEATHS Myths about Grief: Our Society continues to perpetuate a number of myths about grief and mourning. These myths may seem harmless, but they can quickly become hurdles to healing. We will share some of these myths weekly. MYTH #1 – Grief and mourning are the same experience. Most people tend to interchangeably use the words grief and mourning. However, there is an important distinction between them. We have learned that people move toward healing not by just grieving, but through mourning. Simply stated, grief is the internal thoughts and feelings we experience when someone we love dies. Mourning, on the other hand, is taking the internal experience of grief and expressing it outside ourselves. Many people in our culture grieve, but they do not mourn. Instead of being encouraged to express their grief outwardly, they are often greeted with messages such as “carry on,” “keep your chin up,” and “keep busy.” So, they end up grieving within themselves in isolation, instead of mourning outside of themselves in the presence of loving companions. Alan Wolfelt ETERNAL REST GRANT UNTO Marcella “ Marcie” Higgins, wife of John Higgins; Louisa Okwara, mother of Benjamin, Julius, Cynthia and Veronica Okwara; AND MAY PERPETUAL LIGHT SHINE UPON THEM. BAPTISMS WE WELCOME OUR NEWLY BAPTIZED MEMBERS: Caleb Louis Cancelliere Shea Raiola Laynie Kay Savage THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE AT ST. MATTHEW The Liturgy of the Hours in the Eucharistic Chapel Morning Prayer - Monday through Saturday, 8:30 a.m. Evening Prayer - Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Night Prayer - Wednesdays, 8 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration Begins after the 9 a.m. Friday Mass and continues until the 9 a.m. Saturday Mass Recitation of the Holy Rosary and Chaplet of The Divine Mercy after 9 a.m. daily Mass PRAYER GROUPS ALIVE IN THE SPIRIT: Mondays, 7:30 to 9 p.m., Choir Room. Barbara Gardner at CENTERING PRAYER GROUP: Second and fourth Wednesdays, 7 to 8:30 p.m., NLC 206. Bruce Hassett, 704-641-9041 or Janie Normile, 803-396-8016. MEMORIAL MASS: Fourth Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Daily Mass Chapel. If you have lost a loved one during the past month and would like to have them remembered, call the Church Office at 704-543-7677. FIRST FRIDAY MINISTRY: First Friday, 10 a.m. to noon, NLC 102. Jennifer Mitra at 704-543-9566 or MARONITE MASS: Second Saturday of the month, 7 p.m., Daily Mass Chapel. MALAYALAM PRAYER GROUP: Sundays at 2 p.m. For locations, visit or call 704-541-8191. PRAYER LINE If you would like to have someone prayed for individually and in a confidential manner, email Joan Kelley at 4 A PRAYER FOR BIBLICAL INSIGHT O Jesus, greatest Teacher of all times, thank You for Your gift of the Holy Bible. You inspired the prophets and the apostles, guiding them to eternalize the Sacred Word. Always maintain my faith in the Holy Word, believing it originated from the Holy Spirit. Continue to guide me through its Books, granting me the required insight and wisdom to thoroughly digest Your many mysteries. Thank You for these righteous teachings. Your generosity is superabundant! Amen. FOLLOW US ON: Activities For The Week Ahead 2013 DIOCESAN SUPPORT APPEAL WEEKLY CALENDAR Sunday, Jan. 27 Studio 819 Art Exhibit Baptism Class SPRED St. Joseph SPRED St. Bernadette SPRED St. Francis SPRED Paraclete RCIA Life Teen Monday, Jan. 28 Annulment Workshop RCIA Alive In The Spirit Wednesday, Jan. 30 Moving On After Moving In Moving On After Moving In Thursday, Jan. 31 Knit and Crochet GPS Called To Be Mom GPS Adult Choir Friday, Feb. 1 First Friday Ministry Saturday, Feb. 2 College Retreat AC - Adoration Chapel BR - Banquet Room CR - Conference Room CH - Choir Room DMC - Daily Mass Chapel EC - Education Center FR - Family Room 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. 9 - 10:30 a.m. 10 a.m. - noon 10 a.m. - noon 10 a.m. - noon 10 a.m. - noon 10:30 a.m. - noon 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. BR NLC 132/125 NLC 202 NLC 203 NLC 204 NLC 234/235 NLC 239/240/241 PC 7 - 8 p.m. 7 - 8:30 p.m. 7:30 - 9 p.m. NLC 132/125 NLC 239/240/241 CH 9:30 - 11 a.m. 7 - 8:30 p.m. NLC 239/240/241 NLC 234/235 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. 10 - 11:30 a.m. 10 a.m. - noon 7 - 8:30 p.m. 7:30 - 9 p.m. NLC 203 BR NLC 234/235 BR CH 10 a.m. - noon NLC 102 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. BR G - Gym NLC - New Life Center N - Narthex NS - Nursery PC - Parish Center S - Sanctuary For a detailed calendar of all upcoming events, visit Bulletin announcements are due no later than Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. of the previous week. Send submissions to GIVING HOPE gift shop is located in the Narthex. The hours are Sunday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. (closed during Mass) and Tuesday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. GIVING HOPE is closed Monday and Saturday. For more information call 704-927-4313. PARISH LIBRARY NLC 102 is open during hours that the building is open unless there is a meeting scheduled. See the calendar. 5 The Greatest of These is Love is the theme of the 2013 Diocesan Support Appeal. In next week’s video, Bishop Jugis asks each of us to prayerfully consider a gift to the DSA as a way of serving Christ through service to thousands of Catholics in western North Carolina. NEXT WEEKEND is the second collection for Renew St. Matthew. Please use the envelope in your packet. Do not use this envelope for campaign pledge payments. Your continued support of the parish is greatly appreciated. NEXT WEEKEND is the regular monthly collection of items for the St. Matthew Food Pantry. Especially needed are canned meats, jello and pudding, jelly, juice, rice, spices, coffee and shampoo. We are also in need of gift cards to local grocery stores so that those in need may purchase perishable items. Please note that food past the best-buy date cannot be shelved. Please bring donations to the Narthex. SECOND ANNUAL STUDIO 819 ART EXHIBIT Please take time today to stop by the Banquet Room before or after Mass and see various art forms representing Stories of the Old Testament. Many of these art pieces have been created by our own parishioners. Enjoy the visual display and also have the chance to bid on some of the items. Proceeds benefit the Burial Assistance Program of CSS! Don’t miss this opportunity! THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME January 27, 2013 St. Matthew Catholic Church WE APPRECIATE YOU THE YEAR OF FAITH FAMILY PRAYER O God our Father, in Jesus you call all Christian families and homes to be signs of living faith. By the light of the Holy Spirit, lead us to be thankful for the gift of faith, and by that gift may we grow in our relationship with Jesus, your Son, and be confident witnesses to Christian hope and joy to all we meet. Today at all Masses, we will recognize and bless our parishioners who participate in our Parish Administration and related ministries: Parish Finance Council, Money Counters, Gift Shop, Nursery, Office volunteers, Parish Library, Parish staff, Parish Pastoral Council, and Stewardship. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. We appreciate these volunteers who provide leadership, support and direction to our parish. After Mass we invite all parishioners to visit the W.A.Y. information table in the Narthex to learn more about these ministries. For more information about all ministries, visit our website at For more information on The Year of Faith, visit IN MEMORIAM A nation is grieving. Hearts are wrenched with sadness as vibrant young lives are silenced. What was to be a normal school day at Sandy Hook turned out to be a massacre of unsuspecting bullets. It is hard to imagine the pain of parents holding their dying child one last time, or fellow teachers mourning the loss of their comrades who died protecting the children. This is the picture that has visited America only too often bringing untold sadness and hurt. Tragedy such as this is not just the case of who is to blame, but, rather, the responsibility we all must share when it strikes. There are other sadistically distraught persons who need direction and professional help. They need the willingness of others to guide and counsel them, or the helping hand of a friend to assure them. We all need to share in this challenge. We all must be our brother’s keeper. The nation has come to its knees in loving remembrance of all who died at Sandy Hook. May God embrace their loved ones in His care and give them grace and courage to understand “Why?!” PERMANENT EUCHARISTIC ADORERS NEEDED We are in need of permanent Eucharistic adorers on Saturdays from 1 to 2 a.m., 2 to 3 a.m. and 3 to 4 a.m. Please give prayerful consideration to spending one of these hours with our Lord. For more information or to commit to one of these hours, call Long Che Chan at 704-752-3998 or email Come to me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD! Do you have children in kindergarten through second grade who enjoy attending Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)? We have an urgent need for leaders for the Sunday 5:30 p.m. Mass. Commitment involves lesson preparation and Mass time only. CLOW provides an opportunity to share with children in kindergarten through second grade the readings and Gospel in terms they understand. The interaction between the leader and the children is a very rewarding experience. Teaching experience is not required as training is provided. If interested in volunteering, contact Linda Dunn at Sr. Patricia Durbin 6 FOLLOW US ON: News and Events Guiding Parishioner Strengths COLLEGE CATHOLICS RETREAT "Set A Fire" All are Welcome! Refresh your soul and allow God to inspire your heart on this oneday retreat where you prepare for taking up His mission in the world! Thursday, January 31, 2013 10 to 11:30 a.m. OR 7 to 8:30 p.m. New Life Center Banquet Room If you are who you are meant to be, you will set the world on fire. St. Catherine of Siena Join us as we explore different prayer forms to match different temperaments. How does your own unique set of strengths influence your conversations with God? Mission: To realize the universal call to mission and set hearts on fire through the power of the Holy Spirit, as John Paul II said, “Become who you are.” When: Saturday, Feb. 2, from 11:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. (check-in begins at 11 a.m.) Where: Banquet Room Who: College-aged young adults (18-25) Cost: $10 covers lunch, materials and refreshments following the Saturday Vigil Mass (payment by cash or check is required at check-in) Questions: Contact Leigh Anne Sanford at or Katie Dunne at 704-543-7677 x 1052 or To Register: www.signupgenius.comgo/70A0E4FACAA2DA02-set “Praying Made Easier” RSVP to with session you will attend. Child care is available by reservation. Call 704-543-7677 x 1011 at least 48 hours in advance. LENT BEGINS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Stop by the GIVING HOPE gift shop in the Narthex and see our collection of books to help enrich your Lenten season. This week’s featured books: LIVING YOUR STRENGTHS Are you curious? We each have God-given talents that drive our behaviors at home, work, church and everywhere! Are you interested in learning your God-given talents, but cannot attend the full Living Your Strengths Journey or Discovery? Now you can learn your God-given talents for less than $10 and 30 minutes of your time. Then you can begin transforming your talents into strengths! For more information and instructions on how to get started, email This handy booklet provides daily reflections and short prayers to help guide you in developing a more fervent practice of your faith. 7 Author and EWTN host Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle presents a daily devotional companion for families with young children. She illustrates how to bring Lent home, doing "small things with great love" under the guidance of the Blessed Mother Teresa. THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME January 27, 2013 St. Matthew Catholic Church ADULT CONFIRMATION CLASS FORMING SENIORS THAT ARE RETIRED STARS There are many reasons why an adult Catholic has not received the Sacrament of Confirmation: We moved so many times when I was younger, that I missed out on being confirmed. The STARS will meet Wednesday, Feb. 6, at 10:30 a.m. in the Banquet Room for a Valentine's meeting and luncheon celebration. Red is the color for the day! Reservations for lunch must be made by Friday, Feb. 1. For more information and to make a reservation, call Ursula Pombier at 704-849-9146. I left the Church for a while. Now that I’m back, I’d really like to receive the sacrament. The STARS Chat‘n Dine is Thursday, Feb. 14, at 11 a.m. at Park Place Diner (10517 Park Road, Pineville). It is a Valentine Chat ’n Dine with conversation, candy hearts and comfort food! For more information, call Brooke Moran at 980-939-1722. Fortunately, it’s never too late. If you are over the age of 18, baptized Catholic, regularly attending Mass and receiving the Eucharist, and think God is calling you to deepen your faith, you may be feeling a call to enter into the Sacrament of Confirmation. If you are an adult interested in receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation, email Heather King in the Faith Formation Office at A class is forming the first week of February and will meet on Sunday afternoons until Easter Sunday. YOUNG ADULT LIFE UPCOMING EVENTS YAL provides adults in their 20s and 30s opportunities to engage in the St. Matthew faith community. A Couple’s Faith Sharing begins in February. Child care is available. Registration is required. For more information and to register, contact Francis Ahn at Our next YAL Monthly Open Forum Meeting is on Monday, Feb. 4, at 7 p.m. in NLC 211. Please join us for Adoration & Coffee on Friday, Feb. 8, at 7 p.m. Our next Mass & Meal is Sunday, Feb. 10. Join us for the 9 a.m. Mass, followed by the K of C Breakfast. CHRISTIANS IN CAREER TRANSITION Christians In Career Transition helps the unemployed or those who are at risk of losing their jobs with position focusing, resumes, networking, interviewing and related skills to help them find work. Visit our website at Our next meeting is Monday, Feb. 4, at 7 p.m. in NLC 132/125. Questions, call Jack Rueckel at 704-341-8449. Visit us on Facebook: or email us at CANCER SUPPORT GROUP The Cancer Support Group meets the first Thursday of each month from 10 to11:30 a.m. in NLC 208. Our next meeting is Thursday, Feb. 7. For more information, please contact Marilyn Borrelli at 803547-6181. MEN’S CONFERENCE The third annual Catholic Men’s Conference, Man of Prayer, Man of Action, is on Saturday, Feb. 16, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at St. Matthew Catholic Church. The lineup of speakers includes Fr. Larry Richards, a nationally known speaker; Dr. Ray Guarendi, a top Catholic psychologist; and Bishop William Curlin. Bishop Peter Jugis will celebrate Mass. Advance tickets are $35, with discounts for seniors and students. For more information and to register, visit NATIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK JANUARY 27 - FEBRUARY 2 RAISE THE STANDARDS CONGRATULATIONS TO ST. MATTHEW CATHOLIC SCHOOL 8 FOLLOW US ON: News and Events THE FLU SEASON QUARTERLY MEN’S SHELTER OF CHARLOTTE UNDERWEAR DRIVE Recognizing the statistics and advisories provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concerning the increasing threat of influenza in the southeast, we have enacted a parish-wide plan in order to prevent the spread of the virus. These precautions are effective immediately. We are providing hand sanitizer at all entrances to the church and remind everyone to refrain from hand contact during the praying of the “Our Father” and at the Sign of Peace. Additionally, we are offering only one species of the Holy Eucharist, the Precious Body. Thank you for your help and cooperation! Thank you for your continued support of the Men’s Shelter’s clothing needs in 2012. Your generous donations helped significantly, especially during the second half of 2012 when overall donations were down. As the cold winter months have set in, there continues to be a need for men’s underwear and socks. Jeans and used shoes are the next most requested clothing articles. We again seek your continued support for this ministry. Please bring a package of new underwear, preferably boxer shorts, under shirts, or socks or any used but wearable jeans and shoes you may have to church on all weekends in February. Please place your donation in the blue collection barrels in the Narthex. WOMEN’S GUILD SHELTER COLLECTION The Salvation Army Center for Hope provides shelter for homeless women and their children. There are 224 beds on site and 100 beds in satellite locations. Please join the Women’s Guild efforts to provide needed items for the women and children of these shelters during the month of January. Boxes for donations will be located in the Narthex and side entrance. Items needed include new, white only, towels and twin-size sheet sets, and women’s and children’s toiletries, especially toothbrushes. Thank you for your generous support for this cause. DONATED GOODS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9 8 A.M. TO NOON Did you know that your donated goods help St. Matthew make a positive impact on the needy in North and South Carolina? The collection of donated goods takes place the second Saturday of the month from 8 a.m. to noon under the Daily Mass Chapel. Items accepted include gently-used clothing, furniture, working appliances, household items and moving boxes. We are happy to pick up large furniture or appliances on donation day from homes within a 10-mile radius of St. Matthew if arrangements are made in advance and no later than noon the Thursday before collection day. For the safety of our volunteers, heavy items will be picked up from first floor locations only. Restrictions apply. Volunteers are needed to assist in picking up large items, with a special need for volunteers willing to use their own pickup or box trucks and/or trailers. Please note that we do not accept pianos, large TVs, drop-side baby cribs, used mattresses or box springs. If you would like more information or to schedule a pickup, contact Randy and Ann Mazur at 704-544-4667 or For more information, call Lillian at 704-256-3393 or Louise at 704-245-4383. MEL’S DINER INTRODUCES FLO’S DINER FOR LADIES ONLY Mel’s Diner announces the inauguration of a new effort, Flo’s Diner! We will serve food to the needy on Saturdays from 9:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. We would like to form three groups of eight ladies, with a designated captain that will each serve a minimum of one weekend a month. For more information, visit If interested, please contact Duke Oxford at 704-904-8968 or God provides our guidance, Mother Teresa our focus...the poorest of the poor. We visit only areas identified by the Sisters of the Missionaries of Charity. 9 THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME January 27, 2013 St. Matthew “yoU”niversity St. Matthew “yoU”niversity Winter/Spring 2013 For details, contact Michael Burck at 704-541-8362 x 4 or * Denotes child care is available by reservation. Call 704-543-7677 x 1011 at least 48 hours in advance. MINISTRY OF MOTHERS SHARING * NEW EVENING SESSION OFFERED! For Parents and Catechists! An Experience of Prayer (Level II) STARTS THIS WEEK! When: Wednesday, February 13, at 9:30 a.m. Where: NLC 132/125 Presenter: Pat Davies Join us Tuesdays, Jan. 29 through March 26, at 10 a.m. or 7 p.m. for this national program that has touched the hearts of hundreds of women at St. Matthew, and thousands across the country. In eight, two-hour sessions, women journey through self-discovery, spiritual growth and friendship as they learn about themselves, the presence and power of God, and inspire, encourage and affirm each other. A captivating journal is used. Small groups meet in a peaceful, friendly setting to discuss various themes relevant to busy moms today. This beautiful ministry is a wonderful opportunity to take a few moments for selfcare and strengthening of self, friendships and your relationship with God. The fee is $40 to cover the cost of materials and supplies. Registration is required. To register, email or call Lisa Tolido at 704-843-3497. Realizing that prayer is an attempt to consciously enter into God’s presence, catechists will experience different forms and definitions of prayer. To register, email registration First Friday Ministry* When: First Friday of the Month, 10 a.m. to noon Where: Mass and Devotions in the Sanctuary, refreshments in NLC 102 Contact: Jennifer Mitra, 704-287-5278 Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is on the first Friday of each month. We meet as a group October through June for 9 a.m. Mass, Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet in the Sanctuary. We share fellowship and refreshments afterward. Some months include a special program. No registration required. LENT 2013 Why not consider joining or starting a Small Christian Community this Lent? CALLED TO BE MOM (CTBM)* STARTS THIS WEEK! Lent invites us to a time of prayer, reflection and conversion. Why not experience the blessings of a faithsharing group this Lent. Ash Wednesday is Feb. 13. Groups will meet one session a week in group leaders’ homes. Why not make a sixweek retreat by exploring the Sunday readings of Lent with a group of 8 to 10 adults from our community. Simple language and everyday metaphors steep you in the season’s promptings to surrender self, work for justice and deepen prayer life. Two or three new groups will be formed this Lent. If you would like to host a group in your home, for more information or to register for a group, contact Michael Burck at 704-541-8362 x 4 or When: Thursdays, 10 a.m. to noon (meets biweekly) Dates: Jan 31; Feb 14, 28; March 14, 28; April 11, 25; May 9 Where: NLC 234/235 Contact: Kerry Long 704-243-6319 or Mary Ellen Wolfe 704-256-9535 or Called to be Mom supports the vocation of motherhood by strengthening faith through various readings including Scripture, the Catechism, and various books applicable to Christian family life. Many moms find the open discussion format to be encouraging and inspiring in developing loving parenting tools and creating a solid Catholic domestic church. Called to Be Mom meets every other Thursday. You can drop in for a class at your convenience or attend them all. Everyone is welcome! 10 FOLLOW US ON: St. Matthew “yoU”niversity St. Matthew “yoU”niversity Winter/Spring 2013 For details, contact Michael Burck at 704-541-8362 x 4 or GROWING IN FAITH AND THEOLOGY (G.I.F.T.) STARTS IN 8 DAYS! The planning committee for G.I.F.T. is pleased to announce the eight courses offered in the 2013 winter semester. GIFT is sponsored by eight Charlotte Catholic parishes. Upcoming course titles and their instructors include: A. Thomas Merton: Soul of the Age; Mark Bartholet, MA; Tuesdays, Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26; 7 to 8:30 p.m.; St. Matthew Church; Registration Fee: $30 B. One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism: The Challenging Road to Christian Unity; Sr. Jane Russell, OSF; Tuesdays, Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26; 7 to 8:30 p.m.; St. John Neumann Church; Registration Fee: $30 C. The 4-1-1 on Vatican II; Susan Krasniewski, MA; Thursdays, February 7, 14, 21, 28; 7 to 8:30 p.m.; St. Gabriel Church; Registration Fee: $30 D. How the 16th Century Changed our Lives: Yesterday's Renaissance and Tomorrow's Revival; David Galusha, MA; Wednesdays, Feb. 6, 20, 27; 7 to 9 p.m.; St. Matthew Church; Registration Fee: $30 E. A Book That Changed the World: EXODUS; Susan Brady, MA; Tuesdays: Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26; 10 to 11:30 a.m.; St. Matthew Church; Registration Fee: $30 F. Scripture Study Day: Finding Our Place In the Story of Faith; Nationally known author, religious educator and retreat leader Alice Camille, MDiv.; March 9, 9:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.; St. Matthew Church; Registration Fee: $30 G. Sacraments: The Church’s Community Prayer; Sr. Mary Hugh Mauldin, RSM; Thursdays Feb. 7, 14, 21, 28; 7 to 8:30 p.m.; St. Luke Church; Registration Fee: $30 H. Curso En Español - Católico: Conoce y Practica Tu Fe; Padre Gabriel Carvajal-Salazar; Lunes 4, 11, 18, 25 de Febrero a las 7 p.m.; Iglesia San Marco; No Registration Fee! To view & print the full GIFT brochure with registration form and full details go to "Living the Faith" Book Club Ancient Wisdom for Modern Parents When: Second Thursday of the month, 7 to 8 p.m. Where: NLC 102 (Library) Contact: Kevin Berent, or Jennifer Mattox, A fun and faith-filled monthly gathering of everyday parishioners, sharing their thoughts and experiences about books of a wide-range of topics. Monthly choices are guaranteed to help you grow in your faith, knowledge or both! The books are usually available from and often also available for e-readers. There might even be a copy in the Parish Library. Parenting is hard . . . but it’s not impossible. Conor Gallagher, author of If Aristotle’s Kid Had an iPod: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Parents, masterfully weaves Aristotle’s ancient philosophy, scientific studies, and pop culture together making a funny, rich and informative guide to parenting kids in the modern world. Gallagher will present two sessions. Session one, Learn to be a Kid Whisperer, is Wednesday, March 6, at 7 p.m. in NLC 203. Session two, If Aristotle’s Kid was on Facebook, is Wednesday, March 13, at 7 p.m. in NLC 203. Conor Gallagher has his Masters in Philosophy and Juris Doctorate, is an adjunct professor of philosophy at Belmont Abbey College, and is Vice President of Saint Benedict Press. He and his wife, Ashley, reside in Fort Mill, South Carolina with their eight kids. February 14 Book: The Future Church: How Ten Trends Are Revolutionizing the Church by John L. Allen Jr. 11 THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME January 27, 2013 Faith Formation FAITH FORMATION Fifth Grade Sandwich Service Office Hours: Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Telephone Numbers: 704-541-8362 Class Time Cell – 704-589-0956 Website: “A service activity for you and your parent!” Please join fellow fifth grade Faith Formation students and catechists in making sandwiches for our friends in need, who are served through Urban Ministry Center. Plan to attend on Saturday, Feb. 2. We begin with Mass at 9 a.m., immediately after Mass we walk over to the Family Room in the Parish Center to make sandwiches for the homeless from 9:45 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. The sandwiches you make will be lunch for people in need on this day! FAITH FORMATION SCHEDULE Sunday, Jan. 27 Monday, Jan. 28 Tuesday, Jan. 29 Wednesday, Jan. 30 CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS Please bring: A loaf of bread A pound of lunchmeat and/or cheese A box of sandwich bags A giving heart with helping hands! Kindergarten through eighth grade students in Faith Formation will be receiving progress reports the first week in February. Third Sunday in Ordinary Time It is Written Gospel: Luke 1:1-4, 4:14-21 Does your family have a Bible? Jesus is the fulfillment of the Scriptures When Jesus read from the scriptures in the synagogue, he did not read from a book as we know it, with pages; he read from a scroll. The books of the Old Testament were first written on papyrus. Later, skins of sheep or goats were used to make sheets of vellum or parchment to write on. All of these scrolls were handwritten. It was not until much later that Christians put the scripture writings into book form, called a codex. The first time the Bible was printed on a printing press was in 1456, 557 years ago! Question for Children: Jesus is present to each of us in a different way. Tell about a time that you knew Jesus was with you. Question for Youth: Name a moment or situation in your life where Jesus was present. What are some situations or places where you wish that Jesus was more visible? Do you have a favorite saying of Jesus? If so, what is it? Be creative and participate in a family scroll activity. A FAMILY SCROLL ACTIVITY Choose one of your favorite sayings of Jesus and make your own scroll. Write the quotation on a long piece of paper. Use two straws or sticks or rods as the ends. Tape each end of the paper to one of the sticks. Roll the sticks together to meet in the middle. Tie the rolls together with a piece of ribbon. You can unroll the scroll and read it at dinner or bring it to Faith Formation and share with your class. Question for Adults: Jesus came to bring glad tidings to the poor and set free the enslaved. How has this mission of Christ in the world affected you personally? How can you as a family carry on the mission of Jesus in your lives today? 12 FOLLOW US ON: YOUTH MINISTRY St. Matthew Xtreme Edge events and activities are open to all middle school students. Bring friends! St. Matthew Life Teen events and activities are open to all high school students. Bring friends! Have ideas for things you’d like to see happen in Middle School Youth Ministry at St. Matt’s? Email What’s the WORD? 2nd Annual Art Exhibit Stories of the Old Testament Middle School January 26-27, 2013 Bible Study Before and after all Masses New Life Center Banquet Room Come see art work by St. Matthew parishioners. Bid on silent auction items to benefit the Burial Assistance Program through CSS! All 6th, 7th and 8th graders welcome! February 7 7-8:15 p.m. in the Youth Room Next Xtreme EDGE Event: “Live the Love” on Friday, Feb. 8. For more information and details, check the Middle School Youth Ministry page on the St. Matthew website. Artists and families are invited to a reception following the Sunday 5:30 p.m. Life Teen Mass. SMLT Retreat 2013 Xtreme EDGE Retreat... February 15-17 @ Camp Thunderbird Fit For A King Hoping to turn in a late registration? Contact Katie Dunne at or 704-543-7677 Coming to a camp near you… April 2013 Miss the registration meeting last Thursday the 24th?? Sign up this week! More information coming soon. Send an email to to see if spots still remain! XE Summer Camp 2013 Don’t miss out on this incredible week! High ropes, river tubing, incredible speakers and musicians, messy games, trampolines and more! PLUS Experience Mass and the Sacraments in new ways! Forms and info available on the website: Teens N Tutoring is a free tutoring ministry provided to families through SMLT and our generous teen volunteers. LT Summer Camp 2013 Registration is now open!! Forms and info available on the website: middle-school-xtreme-edge 13 THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME January 27, 2013 St. Matthew Catholic Church OPPORTUNITIES TO SHARE GOD’S BLESSINGS! PARISH MEMBERSHIP AND BENEFITS To be considered an active, participating member of the parish and thus eligible for MACS tuition assistance and sacramental sponsor eligibility, St. Matthew Catholic Church takes into account a family’s or individual’s ministry involvement and Mass attendance. Since weekly Mass attendance envelopes are the primary way we determine if parishioners are regularly attending Mass, we ask that if you can’t make a contribution on a given Sunday, that you still place your envelope in the collection basket so we can record your attendance. If you are using Faith Direct, then please use the personalized offertory cards indicating your Mass attendance. Attendance at Mass is the most meaningful way we model and live our Catholic faith. E-giving! You can now give a single donation or sign up for on-going donations through our electronic giving provider Faith Direct. It’s easy, safe and environmentally friendly! Simply scan this code using your smart phone to enroll online today, or visit using our church code NC36. Not so tech savvy? You can still utilize the safety and convenience of Faith Direct by completing the enrollment form found in the Narthex. Simply complete and mail to Faith Direct. Consider stock gifts. There may be tax advantages to you in contributing appreciated stock. Stock donation forms are available online at, “Opportunities for Giving” tab. Don’t cancel life insurance you don’t need! By naming St. Matthew as beneficiary, you’ll provide lasting financial support and possibly qualify for tax benefits as well. Please contact our Chief Financial Officer Jane Balbirnie at 704-543-7677 x 1046 for further details on any of these methods of giving. As always, contact your tax professional to discuss specific tax implications. Thank you for your generosity to St. Matthew! MECKLENBURG AREA CATHOLIC SCHOOLS ADMISSIONS Mecklenburg Area Catholic Schools (MACS) is accepting applications for new students for the 20132014 school year at all schools and for all grades. The early admission round ends Jan. 31. For more information and/or to request an application, visit applications or call the MACS Admissions Office at 704-370-3273. MONTHLY PARISH E-NEWS PARKING REGULATIONS If you are not currently receiving the monthly Parish E-News, please send your updated email address to In order to ensure safe flow of traffic and emergency vehicle access, park in designated spots only. Parking violations include, but are not limited to, parking in prohibited spaces such as fire lanes, parking on sidewalks or crosswalks, double parking and/or parking in a handicapped parking zone without a proper permit. These and other illegal parking violations will result in your vehicle being towed. SEVERE WEATHER POLICY In case of inclement weather, the following policy is in effect: Thank you to Matthews Dental Care and Mike Schmidt, CFP, AAMS and Edward Jones for sponsoring ads in this Sunday’s Bulletin. Please patronize our sponsors. If the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School system is closed, St. Matthew Catholic Church is closed. This includes all activities, Faith Formation classes and daily Masses, but not Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses. If CMS remains closed for more than one day, please call 704-543-7677 x 1096. The message will be specific with respect to cancellations of Mass and activities. 14 FOLLOW US ON: St. Matthew Catholic Church JANUARY SPOTLIGHT VOLUNTEER: JACKIE MCCALLA Our first Spotlight Volunteer for 2013 is Jackie McCalla. She and her husband, Don, are originally from Burbank, CA and have two sons. Ryan serves in the Army National Guard and Sean is a senior at Appalachian State University. Both Jackie and Don came into the Catholic Church through the RCIA program in 2004. Soon after, a friend of Jackie’s who had been a Eucharistic minister at the 7:30 a.m. Mass on Sundays, died suddenly. Jackie did not want her friend’s death to leave a need for a volunteer, so she trained and now serves as a Eucharistic minister in honor of her friend. Jackie has also served as a catechist in the Confirmation program at St. Matthew and was an original member of the Welcome Home for Returning Catholics team. Jackie is a sacristan, she and Don have participated in Our Lady’s Rosary Don, Ryan, Jackie and Sean McCalla Guild, and the entire family helps with the Muffin Ministry. Jackie also served as a volunteer in the parish gift shop before becoming an employee when it moved to the current location in the Narthex. She is now on the parish staff as manager of the shop. Recently renamed GIVING HOPE, the proceeds of the gift shop go to our World Food Drive, helping to feed the hungry locally and abroad. Jackie considers her work a ministry as she gets to talk to so many parishioners. Whether it is a First Communion gift for a grandchild or a St. Peregrine gift for a friend diagnosed with cancer, many have stories to share, and she especially enjoys being able to help someone pick out the perfect gift. We thank Jackie for giving the gift of herself and her many talents to our parish family at St. Matthew! OUTSIDE THE PARISH NEWS THE ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF CHARLOTTE seeks a full-time webmaster to build and maintain its websites and further its mission of evangelization and outreach. Applicant must have working knowledge of Joomla, Apache, Linux, HTML/HTML 5, PHP, CSS, Java, Microsoft OS, IIS, Google Analytics, and web security. Bachelor’s degree preferred, with two or more years of experience as webmaster. Email resume and salary history to IT Director Scott Long at by Feb. 15. No phone calls. THE DIOCESAN OFFICE OF DEVELOPMENT has an opening for a full-time director of development for Catholic Schools. The candidate must be a college graduate with a degree in marketing, communications, or related field. He or she must have at least three years of experience in fundraising and marketing, and have experience with computer related programs. Responsibilities include managing two regional annual giving campaigns, handling all aspects of production of newsletters and annual reports, and serving as liaison to regional schools, foundation boards, and parish based Catholic schools. Submit resume by Feb. 11 to Jim Kelley, Office of Development at or mail to 1123 South Church Street, Charlotte, NC 28203-4003. THE SISTERS OF MERCY PRESENT A LENTEN INSPIRATION AND REFLECTION, AWAKENING THE DREAMER SYMPOSIUM on Saturday, Feb. 9, from 8:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at The Sisters of Mercy Campus, Curtain Hall, 101 Mercy Drive, Belmont, NC. The symposium is presented by Sr. Rose Marie Tresp and Elaine Sipe. The goal of the symposium is to bring forth an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling and socially just human presence on the planet presented through inspiring media presentations, input and sharing. There is no charge, however, RSVP is required by Feb. 4. To RSVP, contact Rita Brennan at or 704-849-7077. THE CHARLOTTE SPIRITUALITY CENTER AT THE ORATORY CENTER IN ROCK HILL presents Repair my Soul, O Lord: A Day of Retreat for Veterans on Saturday, Feb. 9, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. This retreat is a beginning on the journey of faith, a day to start the healing process associated with moral injury after war. Through scripture, prayer, and sharing, we can rediscover a connection with a community of faith and with God who loves unconditionally. Please RSVP to retreat leader and spiritual director Linda Flynn at or 704-776-3787. YOUNG WIDOWED PERSON SUPPORT GROUP AT ST. GABRIEL CATHOLIC CHURCH We meet the second Tuesday of the Month at 6 p.m. The next meeting is Tuesday, Feb. 12, at 6 p.m. in the Ministry Center. This is for widows and widowers who are around 55 years of age and younger. Loss of a spouse is one of the most traumatic losses you can experience. Come and support each other. For more information, call Sr. Marie Frechette at 704-543-7677 x 1073. 15
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