The Transverberation of Saint Teresa of Jesus August 26th


The Transverberation of Saint Teresa of Jesus August 26th
Basilica of the National Shrine
of the Little Flower
Celebrating 90 years as a Parish 1926~2016
The Transverberation of Saint Teresa of Jesus
August 26th
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel & St. Therese Parish
7:30am, 9:00am (Español), 11:00am, 1:00pm,
6:30pm (Español).
(Discalced Carmelite Nuns at 7am)
Monday ~ Friday:12:00pm & 5:30pm
(Discalced Carmelite Nuns at 7:00am)
Saturday: 8:00am & 5:30pm (Vigil)
(Discalced Carmelite Nuns at 7:00am)
Tuesday: 5:30pm Carmelite Community Mass
Thursday:8:30am Little Flower School Mass
1st Friday:5:30pm Mass for the Sick
From the Pastor’s Desk,
Dear Little Flower Family,
After the great celebration we had for
our seniors last week, I want to express
a warm “thank you” to all of our Seniors who were able to join us. To our
beloved Holy Spirit Sisters, your presence was truly appreciated. And finally, I want to thank everyone who helped me in anyway in the preparation of this event.
Now we look forward to our upcoming celebration, our 90th AnEUCHARISTIC ADORATION
niversary. I continue to ask for your support and help. You, our
Thursday: 6:00pm~7:00pm Holy Hour
parishioners and Little Flower friends, are the principal supportMonday ~ Sunday Our St. Elias Chapel is open ers of our events, please feel part of them.
for Adoration from 8:00am to 6:00pm
Tuesday: 6:00- 7:00pm
Saturday: 4:00- 5:00pm & 7:00- 8:00pm
By appointment, call the parish office.
Spiritual Direction, call the parish office.
Fr. Luis Gerardo Belmonte-Luna, OCD
English: Second Sunday of the month
Spanish: Third Sunday of the month
For more information:
Little Flower Basilica Upcoming Events:
At least six months prior to wedding date.
View requirements on website:
Call the parish office (210) 735-9126.
BASILICA (210) 735-9126
Rector: Fr. Gregory Ross, O.C.D.
Pastor: Fr. Luis Gerardo Belmonte-Luna, O.C.D.
Parochial Vicar: Fr. Marion Bui, O.C.D.
Fr. Luis Joaquin Castaneda, O.C.D.
Fr. Raul Reyes, O.C.D.
Fr. Henry Bordeaux, O.C.D.
Senior Secretary: Sylvia DeHoyos ext. 116
Business Manager: Susana Cantu ext. 114
Book Keeper: Consuelo Salazar ext. 104
Human Resources: Laura Cole ext. 105
CCD Director: Rita Beltran ext. 110
Principal: Mrs. Nora Mozingo
905 Kentucky Ave.
San Antonio, TX 78201
Tel. (210) 732-9207 * Fax (210) 732-3214
Saturday, August 27th, - Anniversary of the Basilica’s Proclamation
5:30 pm Solemn Mass (Red Letter Day)
Sunday, August 28th, BBQ Chicken Plate Sale
Festival Fundraiser, 9am-3pm in the Gym
September 22th - 30th,
Novena to Saint Therese
5:30 pm
Friday, September 30th Transit of Saint Therese at 5:30 pm
Vigil Mass at 6:00pm
Saturday, October 1st,
Solemnity of Saint Therese
8am & 12pm Mass
6pm Mass of the Roses
Sunday, October 2nd,
Little Flower Parish Rose Festival
9am-10pm (Church grounds)
Prayers for Fr. Henry
Fr. Henry will be having mayor surgery on
August 22nd. He is asking for your prayers
for a successful surgery and quick recovery.
Many thanks!
Fr. Luis
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 21, 2016
“I saw an angel beside me to-
Pius XII established this feast in 1954. But Mary’s
queenship has roots in Scripture. At the Annunciation,
Gabriel announced that Mary’s Son would receive the
throne of David and rule forever. At the Visitation,
Elizabeth calls Mary “mother of my Lord.” As in all the
mysteries of Mary’s life, Mary is closely associated
with Jesus: Her queenship is a share in Jesus’ kingship.
We can also recall that in the Old Testament the mother of the king has great influence in court.
In the fourth century St. Ephrem (June 9) called Mary
“Lady” and “Queen.” Later Church fathers and doctors
continued to use the title. Hymns of the 11th to 13th
centuries address Mary as queen: “Hail, Holy Queen,”
“Hail, Queen of Heaven,” “Queen of Heaven.” The
Dominican rosary and the Franciscan crown as well as
numerous invocations in Mary’s litany celebrate her
The feast is a logical follow-up to the Assumption and
is now celebrated on the octave day of that feast. In
his 1954 encyclical To the Queen of Heaven, Pius XII
points out that Mary deserves the title because she is
Mother of God, because she is closely associated as
the New Eve with Jesus’ redemptive work, because of
her preeminent perfection and because of her intercessory power.
ward the left side, in bodily
form. He was not very large,
but small, very beautiful, his
face so blazing with light that
he seemed to be one of the
very highest angels, who appear all on fire. They must be
those they call Cherubim…I
saw in his hands a long dart of
gold, and at the end of the iron there seemed to me to
be a little fire. This I thought he thrust through my heart
several times, and that it reached my very entrails. As he
withdrew it, I thought it brought them with it, and left me
all burning with a great love of God. So great was the
pain, that it made me give those moans; and so utter the
sweetness that this sharpest of pains gave me, that there
was no wanting it to stop, nor is there any contenting of
the soul with less than God”. (St. Teresa, Life…Chapter
The transverberation is commonly referred to as St.
Teresa's entrance into the state of Spiritual Marriage.
This state is described in the Saint's 7th mansion in her
book The Interior Castle. It is interesting to note that
when St. Teresa's incorruptible heart was preserved, a
small puncture site was discovered thus confirming this
precise experience.
18th Anniversary of the Proclamation
of Little Flower Church as a Minor Basilica
By His Holiness Saint John Paul II
On August 27, 1998
Saturday, August 27th
5:30 pm Solemn Mass
Basilica of the National Shrine of the Little Flower
86th Little Flower Rose Festival
Celebrating 90 years as a Parish
Sunday, October 2nd
at the Church Ground
9am to 10pm
Mark your Calendar
Altar Society News
La Cofradia del Escapulario Cafe
La Cofradia del Escapulario Cafe tendra su proxima junta
el domingo 21 de Agosto del 2016 a las 10:30 am seguida
de la celebración de la misa de 9am. La reunion se llevara
acabo en el centro pastoral 824 Kentucky Ave. Se les hace
una cordial invitación a mujeres y hombres qué quieran
pertenecer a la cofradia. Para mas informacion favor de
comunicarse con Elia Cintron al (210) 291-5926
BBQ Plate Sale - Rose Festival Fundraiser
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Plate tickets are on sale now. For more information,
The Altar Society is hosting their semi-annual Bunco fundraising event today, Sunday, August 21, 2016 from please contact Mauro Martinez at (210)317-6470.
2pm to 5pm at the Parish Hall (school gym), 905 Kentucky
Ave. Donation is $8.00 for 21 games. We hope you join us La Michoacana Golden
for a fun-filled afternoon and support the Parish at the
On the occasion of our 90th Anniversary, La Michoacasame time! Members are asked to bring cookies or cake (or na Golden is offering you a FREE PALETA or NIEVE with
two) to sell. There will be fellowship - prizes - refreshthis bulletin ad.
Address: 523 S Zarzamora St,
Our regular business meeting is scheduled for Sunday, AuSan Antonio, TX 78207
gust 28th, at 9:00am at the Parish Pastoral Center, 824
Kentucky Ave. To be a visible sign of our service and com- Open Monday to Sunday:
11am - 9pm
mitment to the Parish, members are encouraged to attend
the Holy Mass together on Saturday, August 27, 2016 at
Little Flower Gift Shop
Thank you and God bless you,
Annette Vallejo, President (210) 520-6899
Little Flower Catholic School
(210) 732-9207
Follow us on Facebook
Little Flower School Friends and Families:
Join us Wednesday, August 31st, from
4:00 pm to 9:00 pm to "Eat for a Cause" at Chipotle at
Huebner Oaks/ I-10 50% of the proceeds will go to
Little Flower School.
Please let the cashier know that you are supporting
Thank you for your support and God bless!
Ladies Arts & Crafts
The Little Flower Arts & Crafts is looking for ladies to join
their group. They meet every Tuesday, from 9:30am to
12noon, at the Pastoral Center, located at 824 Kentucky
Ave. NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED. Please call Carmen
Sanchez at 732-7672 or Norma Ortega at 332-0761.
(210) 736-3889
Summer Saving Sale on Carmelite Books
Sale for the month of August
Elijah, Prophet of Carmel - Reg. $13.95 sale price
The Heirs of St. Teresa: Defenders and Disseminators
of the Founding Mother’s Legecy - Reg. $12.95 sale
price $9.95
He is My Heaven: The Life of Elizabeth of the Trinity Reg. $15.95 Sale Price $9.95
Light * Love* Life - Elizabeth of the Trinity Reg.
$39.95 Sale Price $ 21.00
St. Teresa de Avila : 100 Themes on Her Life and
Work - Sale $12.95
The Complete Works of Elizabeth of the Trinity Vol.1 Major Spiritual Writings Sale $9.95
A Better Wine: Essays Celebrating Kieran Kavanaugh, OCD (Carmelite Studies) Reg. $13.95
Sale $9.95
Journey to Carith: The Sources and Story of the Discalced Carmelites
Sale $15.95
St. Therese of Lisiuex Reg. $13.95 Sale $9.95
Vigésimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Do you need to complete your Sacraments of Initiation
(Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist)? Are you interested in the Catholic Faith? We invite you to join us in the
RCIA process which is about to get underway here at
Little Flower, beginning on Sunday, August 28, 2016,
at the Pastoral Center (824 Kentucky) at 12:30 p.m.
We invite you to join us!
Eloise S. Moran, RCIA Coordinator
Rito de Iniciacion Cristiana de Adultos
Necesitas los Sacramentos de iniciación (Bautismo,
Confirmación, o Eucaristía)?
Estas interesado en la Fe Católica?
Los invitamos a unirse a nosotros en el proceso de RICA, que esta por empezar aquel en Little Flower. La
Fecha es el Domingo, Agosto 28, a las 10:30 a.m. en
la Casa del Carmen, ubicada en el 828 Kentucky.
Todos están Bienvenidos!
María Luisa Villalón
Coordinador de RICA
Faith Formation (CCD)
21 de agosto de 2016
RCIA for Children
RCIA (The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is a process
adapted for children (7 years of age or older) that have
not been baptized. It is a time for study and reflection on
the mysteries of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. It is
a time where the child and parents willingly make a decision to be attentive to what they are being called to. With
the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit they will be
strengthened in their knowledge of the Faith. At the proper
time the non-baptized children will receive the Sacraments
of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist at the Easter
Vigil Mass. What a glorious night, we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!
Registration begins on the following
Sundays: in August 21, 28.
Sundays: in September 04, &11
From 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Little Flower School
room 106.
During the week: Registrations will be open on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Fridays from 10:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m. At the Parish Pastoral Center located at 824
Kentucky Ave.
For more information please call:
Ms. Rita Beltran: 210-735 –9126 ext.110
Ms. Gloria Acosta: 210-833-5845
Ms. Lilly Berry 210– 542-2663
90th Anniversary Celebration
5:30pm Special Mass at the Basilica of the Little Flower
6:30pm Doors Open at Parish Hall
Mariachis Sol y Luna
CCD Registration begins on Sunday, August
21st, from 10:00am to 2:30pm at the Little Flower Live Music Band Xcapes
School, room 106, also on the following Sundays: Silent Auction, Live Auction
August 28, September 4 & 11. Should you deBring family and friends to celebrate
cide to register during the week, Mrs. Beltran will 90 years of teaching!
be available on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10am to 4pm, starting on August 22, at Tickets available now! Reserve your table today! Call
the Parish Office, located at 824 Kentucky Ave.
Mary Helen Vallejo @ 210-262-6942 or Laura CasCCD Classes for (K-8) begin on Sunday, Septem- tillo @ 210-286-4010. Thank you for your support
and many blessings!
ber 18 at Little Flower School from 9:15 a.m. to
Email us at
10:45 a.m.
We are excited to begin a new year and look forward to seeing you at registration.
CCD Classes for high school students begin on
Sunday, September 11, from 11:15 a.m. to 12:45 Called to Pray, Sacrifice, & Witness for the
p.m. in the gym.
More information will be made available at the time
of registration.
Please join us for the monthly San Antonio Vigil for Life at
St. Matthew's Church
What: August 2016 San Antonio Vigil for Life
When: Saturday, August 20, 2016
Where: St Matthew's Church, 10703 Wurzbach Rd., SATX
Time: 8:15 AM (Mass) - 11:30 AM
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel & St. Therese Parish
Señor Sudz Express Car Wash Fundraiser
Support ACTS Missions on November 9, 2016
Freaky Clean is now Señor Sudz Express Car Wash, & we're
pleased to announce the opening of our new location at
3114 Fredericksburg Road (corner of Fredericksburg &
Fresno)! We are also pleased to continue our Little Flower
Fundraiser at both locations! Simply choose the Little Flower
Sudziest $15 car wash package, & we will donate 20% to
the Little Flower Parish. That's $3 donated to the Church
each & every time! Be sure to choose the Little Flower
Sudziest car wash package on your next visit to benefit your
car & our Parish! Same owner, same
NEW Name & NEW Location!
1431 Culebra Road
3114 Fredericksburg Road
The 2016 ACTS Gala on is our annual fundraiser to
support the apostolate of ACTS Missions, spreading the
love and gospel of Jesus Christ. For more information
please do not hesitate to contact Nanette or Kathryn at
210.342.1077 x 120 or x 129 respectively.
Catholic Women’s Conference
Catholicism Live! is a weekly series featuring various
guests and topics on the faith, Church teaching and is
broadcast by Catholic Television of San Antonio and is
also simulcast on Guadalupe Radio Network 89.7 FM
KJMA and online at Wednesdays 8 – 9
PM. Go to or call (210) 521-3377
for further details and topic schedule.
On September 9th &10th join Archbishop Gustavo GarciaSiller, MS.pS and nationally known speakers and experience joy, healing and discover the truth! Get answers to
questions; meet other women excited about their Catholic
faith and more! To register or download group forms, go to
our website at For more information
and/or registration help, contact Pilgrim Center of Hope at
Catholics Care. Catholics Vote.
"We need to participate for the common good. Sometimes we hear: a good Catholic is not interested in politics. This is not true: good Catholics immerse themselves
in politics by offering the best of themselves so that the
leader can govern." - Pope Francis, 9/16/13
The Catholic bishops of the United States are pleased
to offer once again to the Catholic faithful Forming
Consciences for Faithful Citizenship (en Español), our
teaching document on the political responsibility of
Catholics. This statement represents our guidance for
Catholics in the exercise of their rights and duties as
participants in our democracy. We urge our pastors,
lay and religious faithful, and all people of good will
to use this statement to help form their consciences; to
teach those entrusted to their care;
to contribute to civil and respectful
public dialogue; and to shape political choices in the coming election
in light of Catholic teaching. The
statement lifts up our dual heritage
as both faithful Catholics and
American citizens with rights and
duties as participants in the civil
Northwest Urban Deanery
2016 Catechist Retreat
"Mercy; Renewed Prayer"
Saturday, September 17, 2016
8:00AM to 3:30PM at St. Mary Magdalen
For more information contact Yolanda Vargas
(210) 433-3241 EXT: 206
Catholicism LIVE!
“Together in Holiness” Catholic Marriage Conference
October 15, 2016 * 11am-6pm
Come to the 1st annual Together in Holiness Catholic
marriage conference in the Archdiocese of San Antonio! The theme for the day is “Family as a Domestic
Church”. The one-day event at Holy Trinity Catholic
Church includes inspiring presentations, Mass, Eucharistic
adoration, and Reconciliation. Speakers are Dcn. Harold Burke-Sivers, known around the world as the
“Dynamic Deacon”; Chris Stravitsch, VP of the St. John
Paul II Foundation; Dcn. Tom and Mary Jane Fox,
Founders of the Pilgrim Center of Hope; Msgr. Michael
Yarbrough as homilist; and Richard and Julie Reyna
from Guadalupe Radio as emcees. Cost: $49/couple
or $29/individual available through September 15,
then $59/couple or $35/individual. Free childcare with
limited space, pre-registration req’d.
To learn more and register
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 24, 2016
Lectors /Commentators
Second Collection:
Church Maintenance Fund
5:30pm Brenda Villarreal, Rosie Rodriguez / Rosemary Saucedo
7:30am Lilly Berry, Alois Iltis / Lupe Blanco
9:00am (S) Diocelina Rendon, Cinthia Lazaro / Martha Martinez
11:00am Randy Christilles, Maria Gonzales / Gerard Migeon
1:00pm Albert Zepeda, Douglas Dionne / Jeannette Santos
6:30 pm (S) Sonia Garcia, Hortencia Ortega / Lucy Torres
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion
5:30pm Yvonne Gunderman, Imelda Garcia
7:30am Fernando & Eva Martinez
9:00 am (S) Maria Berumen, Gloria Acosta, Maria Teresa Casas
11:00am Homer & Annie Cadena, Laura Christilles
1:00pm Isabel Santos, Cynthia Reyes
6:30 pm (S) Carmen Leija
Mass Intentions
For the Living & Deceased Members of the Secular Order
+Maria R. Mireles
Little Flower Mass Association
Judy Guajardo
For Our Parishioners
12:00pm Jesus Belmonte
5:30pm Paul Timmerman
12:00pm Paul Timmerman
5:30pm Alma Rosa & Cynthia Reyes
12:00pm Ignacio Zepeda & Family
5:30pm Paul Timmerman
12:00pm Paul Timmerman
5:30pm Charlene Vardeman & Chris Walker
12:00pm Special Intention
5:30pm Ray & Veronica Miranda
+Alberto & +Sally Contreras
+Dora Torres
August 31st - Church Maintenance Fund
Weekly Collection
August 14, 2016
First Collection:
Church Maintenance Fund:
Online Giving:
Total $ 10,767.30
Thank you for your support!
$ 7,530.58
$ 2001.72
$ 675.00
$ 254.00
$ 306.00
Registered Online Supporters: 31
Lord, hear our prayers…..
The following friends and members of the
Parish need your prayers. Please add
these names to your prayer list. Contact
the Parish Office 735-9126 to have
names added to the prayer list.
Fr. Henry Bordeaux, OCD., Mary Curiel, Liz Curiel, Cecilia
DeHoyos, +Jose Eloy & Alice DeHoyos, Genara Castillo,
Ernestina Silva, Fernando Martinez Sr., Homer Cadena,
Julian Ibarra, Yolanda A. Leos, Ernestina Silva, Kay Shaw,
Gloria Shaw, Julie Shaw Akins, Maxine Cadena, Manuela
Hernandez, Erika Huerter, Ken Narendorf, Homer & Maria Idalia Gaytan, Zachary Casarez, Soledad Contreras,
Mario Alfaro, James E. Gillette, Gim & Elizabeth Ng, Gloria Galindo, Carlos Garcia, Hermelinda & Raymond Guadiano, Leticia Guadiano, Sue Ruiz, Evangelina Gamboa,
+Jaime Vega & Family, George Zentella Sr., George
Zentella, Jr., Henry Posos, Lucy Phalen, Chad Hammes,
Christina Polanco & Baby, Kim Nester-Atiee, Sr. Anne Marie, OCD, Sr. Teresa, OCD, Angel & Mary Bustos, Herlinda Guerra, Richard Joseph Corbett, Paul Mendoza &
Family, Cielo Salinas Sanchez, Deborah Vara, Annie Cadena, Maria Gamez, Rosamaria Garcia, Genaro Castilleja, Adam Arredondo, Jeff & Danielle Alkire & Baby
Amelia Rose, Cindy Vargas & Family, Guadalupe Ochoa,
Charles J. Lorea, IV, Leticia Pastrano, Yvonne Ortega,
Virginia Rodriguez, Joann Mazuca, Belina Avila, Mark
Griffin, Alma Gonzalez, Chuck Whitehead, Thom Pfeil,
Baldo Ollerbidez, Amanda DeLeon, Serenity Bogert &
Family, Herbert Garza, Jesse Elizaldi, Mr & Mrs Corona,
Terri Rangel, Gloria Rangel, Joseph A., Gabriella Sandy,
Santiago Calderon, Selena Gonzalez, Ty Goodwin, Carmen Goodwin, Rosie C., Patty Gonzalez, Luz Barrera
Family, +Lydia Alonso & Family, Adam & Esther Liedecke,
Lupe Gonzales, Ana Cano Hernandez, Daisy Gutierrez, ET,
B.Ortiz, Henry Garcia, Rosa Maria Alfaro, +Diego Rodriguez & Family, Elisa Valdez & Family, Michelle Guillen, Pat
Gallaher, Patrick Goldbach, Michael Miller, Fr. Will Combs