Original Petition 09-05-08
Original Petition 09-05-08
L CauseNo. f iE i L,' a.l CMKM DIAMONDS,INC., PLAINTIFF t;,ttq-ll $ $ $ $ $ $ VS. CORRINEWARD, ERIC REID, MARGARET REID, CAROLYN CASAVANT,DALE CASAVANT, RON CASAVANT,VICTOR CASAVANT and MAX CASAVANT, DEFENDANTS IN THE DISTRI@TCOURT i", - ''' NO. s s ji ..:, -i r I $ $ $ $ $ s SMITH COUNTY, TEXAS PLAINTIFF'S ORIGINAL PETITION TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: NOW COMES CMKM DIAMONDS, INC., (CMKM) hereinaftercalled Plaintiff, complainingof and about CORRINE WARD, ERIC REID, MARGARET REID, CAROLYN CASAVANT, DALE CASAVANT, RON CASAVANT, VICTOR CASAVANT and MAX CASAVANT, hereinafter called Defendants or Defendant if referred to individually, and for causeof actionwould show unto the Court the followins: DISCOVERYCONTROL PLAN LEVEL TWO 1. Plaintiff Pursuantto Rule 190.3,et seq.,of the TexasRulesof Civil Procedure, seeksto conductdiscoverv in accordancewith this declaration. PARTIES AND SERVICE 2. Plaintiff is a corporation,existing under the laws of the Stateof Texas,and having its principal place of businessand registeredoffice in Tyler, Smith County, Texas. 3. Individual Defendants are residentsof Canada,and may be servedwith process by deliveringa copy of this petition and the citationto him or her at his or her residencepursuant to the Rules of Civil Procedureof the Stateof Texas,Rule 108a. Plaintiff also requeststhat these Defendants be served by certified mail, return receipt requested. Additionally, these Defendants should be servedby serving the Texas Secretaryof Statepursuantto CPRC Section 17.045with duplicatecopiesof process. 4. Defendant Corinne Ward may be servedat her residenceat RR 5 Site 2l Box 62, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan,Canada S6V5R. 5. Defendant Eric Reid may be servedat his residenceat 1140 3'd St. East, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, CanadaS6V0J6. 6. Defendant Margaret Reid may be served at her residenceat 1140 3'd St. East, PrinceAlbert, Saskatchewan, CanadaS6V0J6. 7. Defendant Carolyn Casavantmay be servedat her residenceat 501 Cartwright St.#41, Saskatoon,Saskatchewan, CanadaS7T I E L 8. Defendant Dale Casavantmay be servedat his residenceat RR 5 Site 16, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, CanadaS6VR3. 9. Defendant Ron Casavantmay be servedat his residenceat Box22, RR 5 Site 16, PrinceAlbert, Saskatchewan, CanadaS6V5R3. 10. Defendant Victor Casavant may be served at his residence at Box 2044, Vegreville,AlbertaT9C1T3. 11. Defendant Max Casavantmay be served at his residenceat 326 6th St. East, PrinceAlbert, Saskatchewan, CanadaS6V0N1. JURISDICTION AND VENUE 12. This court hasjurisdiction over the partiesbecausePlaintiff is a Texascorporation. 13. Venue is proper in Smith County, Texas under Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code Section15.002AND 15.006,becauseall or a part of Plaintiff s causesof action accruedin Smith County,Texasand Plaintiff is domiciled in Smith County, Texas. FACTS 14. In2002, CMKM, via its predecessor entities,accumulatedover 1,000,000acres of mineral claims in and around Saskatchewan, Canada. CMKM was formed to developthose claims. 15. CMKM began promoting the sale of its common stock through various means. Shareholderswere told that promising kimberlite pipes had been discovered on the CMKM mineral lands. Company managementissued press releasesstating that CMKM had acquired other mineral properties including zinc claims, uranium prospects and a gold mine in South America. Management circulated rumors that a major buyout of CMKM was forthcoming becauseof its huge diamond discoveriesand the skillful acquisitionsbeing made by company management. 16. Beginning tn 2002, various individuals including the Defendants were issued largeblocks of CMKM common stock as a result of fraudulentand illegal activitiesby insiders of the company. Urban Casavantwas the sole officer and directorof the companyat all relevant times. The Casavant Defendants are immediate family members or relatives of Urban Casavant.The individuals named as personsreceivingthe shareseither sold such stock or now maintain ownership of stock by virtue of having their names on CMKM stock certificates. It is believedand therefore alleged that some individuals were never told that stock was issuedin their nameand certain insiders forged their namesto documentswhich resulted in stock transfers back to the insiders or their designates. Billions of such shares were then sold to the public. Over $200 million in CMKM cornmonstockwas sold to the public. unsuspecting 17. The dilution carried out by theseinsiderswas massive. The companycurrently has over 700 billion shares of issued and outstanding stock and minimal funds to operatethe company. Ratherthan use the funds raisedthrough salesof the companycommon stock for the benefit of the corporation,the insiders and promotersfunneled the money into their personal bank accountsand trustsfor their personaluse,all to the detrimentof CMKM. This action seeks to recoup a portion of the funds from certain individuals who have participated in the acquisition and sale of CMKM stock without paying proper consideration.These illegal distributionsand damagesto CMKM were not discovereduntil April of 2007 when new managementassumed control of the company. The Defendants continueto maintain their control over the "ill gotten gains"by assertingownershipof CMKM stockas set out in Exhibit "A". 18. New managementfiled suit in April of 2007 immediatelyupon taking office. The companybeganissuingsubpoenasfor bank recordswhich were not to be found in recordsturned over to new management.The bank records obtained through these subpoenasand a thorough examinationof recordsin the possessionof the transferagentrevealedthe massivefraud that had occurred. The Defendants in this casewere all recipientsof various amountsof cash.checks and CMKM stock. There are no company records of these Defendants providing any meaningful servicesto CMKM nor having paid for the issuanceof CMKM stock. 19. Two examples of the types of stock fraud which resulted in benefits to the Defendants are as follows: Ex. I On March 2,2004, Urban Casavantpasseda board resolution directing the issuanceof 50 billion sharesto various individuals and entities who purportedly held "service contracts" with CMKM. No "service contracts" have been located after an exhaustive search of company records. There is no evidence that the individuals identified in this resolution performed any servicesfor CMKM. Anita Cohen was named as an individual who was to receive2 billion sharesfrom this distribution. Anita Cohen'snamewas forged on an irrevocable stock power and such shareswere immediately transferredto Eric Reid (brother-in-lawof CMKM CEO Urban Casavant)who then deposited such sharesinto his personaltrading account. Ex.2 Urban Casavantpasseda board resolutionon March 12,2004 directing that 20 billion sharesbe issuedto Dave Gutka. Dave Gutka died August 16,2003. Dave Gutka's name was forged on various documentsresulting in the transfer of 20 billion sharesto Eric Reid (Urban Casavant'sbrother-in-law),Victor Casavant(Via Com Holdings owner and brother of Urban Casavant)and others. Eric Reid and Victor Casavantthen sold such stocksandretainedthe proceedsto the detrimentof the Plaintiff. 20. CMKM has cooperated with law enforcement and securities regulators in an ongoing investigation into the stock manipulation and dilution of CMKM. CMKM's investigationhas uncoveredforged stock powers among company recordswhich were used to facilitate the transfer of securities into brokerage accounts controlled by third parties. Defendants benefitted from the illegal efforts of the insiders and continue to maintain ownership of CMKM stockwhich was illegally obtained. 21. Billions of sharesof CMKM stock were obtainedfrom the companyand sold through shell companiesset up for the sole purposeof launderingmoney receivedfrom illegal stock sales. There are issued and outstanding certificates for billions of sharesthat were not purchasednor legally acquiredfrom CMKM. The above describedCMKM investigationhas identified certain individuals, trusts and companieswho maintain ownership of sharesin CMKM basedon the curent list of the official companytansfer agent. CMKM herebybringsthis action to cancelsuch illegally obtained shares. FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION (Conversion against All Defendants) 22. CMKM realleges each and every allegation contained in the preceding paragraphsof this Complaint and incorporatesthe sameherein as though set forth in full. 23. CMKM owned or was entitled to possessionof all illegally issued stock and millions of dollars in funds which were obtainedfrom the sale of securitiessince 2002. The Defendantscontinueto maintainownershipof CMKM shares 24. Defendants improperly exerciseddominion or assumedcontrol over thesefunds and have appliedthe funds to their own personaluse,including use of the funds to purchasereal property or transferringthe funds into their personalaccounts. 25. As a direct and proximateresult of thejoint actionsof the Defendants,CMKM has suffered damagesin a sum within the jurisdictional limits of the Court and for which this lawsuitis brought. SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION (Constructive Trusts against All Defendants) 26. CMKM realleges each and every allegation contained in the preceding paragraphsof this Complaint and incorporatesthe samehereinas though set forth in full. 27. Improperactsby Defendants and otherthird partiesas set forth hereinresultedin the receipt by Defendants of cash, stocks and other investments. CMKM requeststhat this Court exerciseits equitablepowers and order that all assetsreceivedby Defendants from their wrongful actsand the resultinginvestmentsfrom thoseassetsbe awardedto CMKM. All assets receivedby Defendants through these illegal acts should be deemedheld for CMKM as the resultof a constructivetrust. 28. As a direct and proximate result of the actionsof the Defendants, CMKM has suffereddamagesin a sum within the jurisdictional limits of the Court and for which this lawsuit is brought. THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION (Unjust Enrichment) 29. CMKM reallegeseachand everyallegationcontainedin the precedingparagraphs of this Complaintand incorporatesthe samehereinas thoughset forth in full. 30. Defendants enrichedthemselvesat the expenseof CMKM by their self-dealing and engaging in opportunities belonging to the corporation. Additionally Defendants traded billions of sharesof CMKM stock and were unjustly enrichedby the receipt of funds from the saleof suchstock. 3l. CMKM was the rightful recipient of the funds that were taken by the Defendants,and the unjust enrichmentof Defendantshas comeat CMKM's expense. 32. Defendants should be made to disgorge all benefits derived from unjustly owning, holding or disposingof CMKM stock or assets.Defendants should be madeto return all funds they received directly from CMKM or as proceedsfrom the sale of CMKM stock or otherassets. 33. It would be contraryto the fundamentalprincipals of equity and justice to allow Defendants to retain the benefit and use of CMKM's assetsor the fruits of illegally obtained funds. 34. As a direct and proximateresult of the joint actionsof the Defendants, CMKM has suffered damagesin a sum within the jurisdictional limits of the Court and for which this lawsuit is brought. As a fuither direct and proximate result of the actions of the Defendants, CMKM has beenrequiredto retain attorneysto prosecutethis action and CMKM is entitledto recoverattorneys'feesand costsofsuit, FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION (cryIl, 35. CMKM CONSPTRAC]) realleges each and every allegation contained in the preceding paragraphsof this Complaintand incorporatesthe samehereinas though set forth in full. 36. The Defendants,with specificintent to defraud,agreedand performedovert acts to accomplish an unlawful purpose through unlawful means. The individual Defendants conspiredto commit stock fraud and securitiesviolations to the detriment of CMKM and its shareholders. 37. The Defendants agreedto performedovert acts in furtheranceof a conspiracy. Defendants,with specific intent, committed overt acts to dilute CMKM stock and to convert fundsreceivedfrom the saleof CMKM commonstockto the oersonaluse of the Defendants 38. As a direct and proximateresult of the joint actionsof the Defendants,CMKM has suffered damagesin a sum within the jurisdictional limits of the Court and for which this lawsuit is brought. 39. As a fuither direct and proximate result of the actions of the Defendants, CMKM has been required to retain attorneysto prosecutethis action and CMKM is entitled to recoverattorneys'feesand costsofsuit. FIFTH CAUSE OF ACTION (STOCK CANCELLATION 40. Plaintiff was formerly a Nevadacorporation. While a Nevadacorporation,over 700 billion sharesof companycommon stock were issued. A majority of the stock was issued illegally to friends and relativesof Urban Casavant,the CEO of CMKM. Financial records show that many sharesof company stock were issued to individuals without their knowledge. Somestock was issuedfor no consideration. Some stock was issuedfor unreasonablylow and thus insufficient consideration. Plaintiff will show that Defendants either failed to pay proper considerationfor their sharesor their shareswere obtainedthrough fraud and other illegal acts. An ongoing shareholderaudit has identified the Defendants as individuals as individuals who haveacquiredstock illegally or without paying lawful considerationfor suchshares. 41. Plaintiff will further show that it has no adequateremedy at law to correctthe unlawful issuanceof the certificates owned by the individual defendants. The relative position of all CMKM shareholdershave been reducedand alteredby the addition of the sharesstill remainingin the name of theseindividual Defendants. The financial standingof the Plaintiff corporationdoesnot reflect a true picture of the assetsand capitalaccountsof Plaintiff as long as the namedDefendants hold shareswhich were issuedfor no or insufficient consideration. 42. Upon trial hereof, Plaintiff requeststhe Court to render its decree canceling CMKM sharecertificatesset out in Exhibit "A". DAMAGES 43. As a direct and proximate result of the occurrencemadethe basisof this lawsuit, and Defendants'actsas describedherein,Plaintiff was causedto suffer seriousand devastatingstock dilution and hnancial losses. Exhibit "A" contains a surnmary of the losses occurring to the Plaintiff. The volume of CMKM stock representedin Exhibit "A" contains a summary of outstandingsharesshown on certificatesissuedby the transferagentbelonging to the Defendants. All amountsare basedon .0001 per sharefor illustrative purposes. Most stockswere tradedabove .0001per share. Banking accountrecords,stock trading recordsand transferagentrecordsconfirm that eachof the namedDefendants receivedat leastthe amountsset forth in Exhibit "A". 44. As a direct and proximate result of the occuffencemade the basis of this lawsuit, Plaintiff hasincurredthe following damages: A. Financial lossesand stock dilution to the Plaintiff as set forth above B. Attorneys' feesincurredby Plaintiff 45. By reasonof the above,Plaintiff has sufferedlossesand damagesin a sum within thejurisdictional limits of the Court and for which this lawsuit is brought. EXEMPLARY DAMAGES 46. Plaintiff would further show that the acts and omissions of Defendants complained of herein were committed with malice or reckless indifference to the rights of the Plaintiff. In order to punish said Defendants for engaging in unla*{ul business practices, committing fraud and to deter such actions and/or omissions in the future, Plaintiff also seeks recoveryfrom Defendants for punitive or exemplarydamages. DISCOVERY Pursuantto the Rule 194.3 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure,the Plaintiff has attachedthe following as Exhibits "8" and "C" for serviceupon the Defendants along with this Original Petitionand Citation to Appear: Exhibit "B" Plaintiff s Requestfor Disclosureto eachof the namedDefendants; Exhibit "C" Plaintiff s First Requestfor Production PRAYER WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, Plaintiff respectfully prays that the Defendants be cited to appear and answer herein, and that upon a final hearing of the cause, judgment be enteredfor the Plaintiff againstDefendants for damagesin an amount within the jurisdictionallimits of the Court; and as allowedby Sec.4i.008, Chapter41, TexasCivil Practice and RemediesCode; cancel all certificatesas requestedabove; award damagestogetherwith prejudgment interest at the maximum rate allowed by law; post-judgmentinterest at the legal rate, costsof court; and such other and further relief to which the Plaintiff may be entitled at law or in equity. RespectfullySubmitted, Bill Frizzell Frrzzell Law Firm 602 S. Broadway Tyler,Texas7570I (903)s9s-192r (903)595-4383 Fax StateBarNo. 07484500 Attomey for Plaintiff JURY DEMAND COMES NOW the Plaintiff and demandsa trial by jury on the issuesin this causeand respectfullyrequeststhat this casebe placed on the Jury Docket, and files herein the required Jury Fee. Exhibit66A)) A 1 Na m e c B Money CMKMStock lssued D OtherStock E Cert(s) He ld r Current Position 2 2,117,600,000S3,ooo,ooo - uscA EricReid 8292 S267,ooo 21,000,000,000 MargaretReid 3,060,000,000 6826,6827 CarolynCasavant 54,816,1-52 3,000,000,000 uscA 6799,6780 53,000,000 DaleCasavant 5,000,000,000 7849,7850 5105,000 RonCasavant 13,090,000,000 7862,7863 s290,000 3 CorrineWard 4 5 6 7 8 9 VictorCasavant 10 MaxCasavant 1.1 DiamondQuality De LaNorte t 2 Trading,LTD EletaBrunnelle 1.3 CommercialInc , FazaGee t 4 Industrial, lnc _tJ Feasibility Studies Internationa I Stqo,Ms 52o,ooo 1.1.270 6,000,000,000 6852,6853 6853,7908 2,499,999,999 4,339,000,000 s60s,6720 260,000,000 2,L02,1,40,00O 5607,6722 260,000,000 4,346,465,996 6723 160,000,000 s892 367,000,000 37,300,000,000 6,030,000,000 714,000,000 9,700,882,293 H un ti on Tr a ding 17 Limited 2,331,033,600 L6 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000 30,000,000 Moncom LTD t 6 Enterprises TobianTrading Limited 20,000,000 1",000,000,000 8,326,394,407 5613,58885891,,6728, 8851 'J,,026,251,,840 5610,6725 561,4,6729, 8849 260,000,000 5621,,6736 210,000,000 699,000,000 Kolba 19 Meadmakers, Inc JulesEngelhardt, Z U lnc 2,099,500,000 6727 160,000,000 IndeEnterprises, 2 t IncTrust 1,527,000,000 56Lt,6726 260,000,000 22 HiagetGears,Inc 8,090,250,000 10s,000,000 2 3 FutolaAlloys,lnc 1,740,000,000 5609,48809 5618,6733, 7954 460,000,000 AgapSerene Services, Inc 6,659,000,000 5603,6718 260,000,000 ArumaMinine,Inc 2,070,000,000 5616,673r 210,000,000 z.+ 950,000,000 A B c D E F 2 6 Bazzaro Gears,Inc 1,070,000,000 27 BermaGiorgio,Inc 3,756,168,000 5617,6732, 8640 48803, 48804 48805,48806 ElanFirst 2 8 Merchant Limited 2,894,949,571 48807,48808 5606,6721 29 GiorgioMetals,lnc 2,080,000,000 Tree Jasmine 3 0 Farms,Inc 1,070,000,000 5620,6735 210,000,000 LaJolla Leathers, 3 1 l nc 32 OlesBooks,Inc 870,000,000 1.,070,000,000 5622,6737 5624,6739 210,000,000 210,000,000 950,000,000 5625,6740 2L0,000,000 1,070,000,000 56rr,6742 210,000,000 QuappleToffee, 33 lnc SuerlanGezebos, 34 Inc 35 VifordTradinsLTD 5,242,272,3O8 36 37 TOTALS - uscA s6,238,297 L7L,666,596,L65 s6,000,000 6734 6730 370,000,000 30,000,000 271,560,000 210,000,000 l_60,000,000 13,338,811,839 E,xhibit 6(B)) CauseNo. CMKM DIAMONDS,INC., PLAINTIFF $ $ $ IN THE DISTRICT COURT s $ $ $ $ $ $ VS. NO. CORRINEWARD, ERIC REID, MARGARET REID, CAROLYN CASAVANT,DALE CASAVANT, RON CASAVANT,VICTOR CASAVANT $ and MAX CASAVANT $ s DEFENDANTS $ $ SMITH COUNTY. TEXAS PLAINTIFF'S REOUEST FOR DISCLOSURE TO: Corrine Ward, Eric Reid, Margaret Reid, Carolyn Casavant, Ron Casavant, Victor Casavantand Max Casavant Pursuantto Rule 194 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure,you are requestedto disclose, within 50 days of serviceof this request,the information or material as set forth below in Exhibit .,Brr. The disclosuresmust be signed in accordancewith Texas Rules of Civil Procedure,Rule 191.3, and delivered to the undersignedattorney. If you fail to comply with the requirements above, the Court may order sanctionsagainstyou in accordancewith the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure. Respectfully submitted, By: Bill Frizzell Fnzzell Law Firm TexasBarNo. 07484500 602S.Broadway Tyler,Texas75701 Tel.(903)595-1921 Fax(903)595-4383 ATTORNEYFORPLAINTIFF CMKM Diamonds, [nc. EXIIIBIT "B' REQUESTSFOR DISCLOSURE 1. R . 1 9 4 .2 (a ).: Statethe conectnamesof thepartiesto the lawsuit. 2. R.194.2(b).: andtelephone Statethenarne,address, numberof anypotentialparties. 3. R.194.2(c).: Statethe legal theoriesand, in general,the factual basesfor your claims or defenses. 4. R.194.2(d).: Statetheamountandanymethodof calculatingeconomicdamages. s. R .1 94.2(e).: State the narne, address,and telephonenumber of personshaving knowledge of relevantfacts,and a brief statementof eachidentified person'sconnectionwith the case. 6, R.194.2(9).: asdescribed in Rule 192.3(t). Produceanyindemnityandinsuringagreements 7. R.194.2(h).: Produceany settlementagreementsas describedin Rule 192.3(9). 8. R . 1 9 4 .2 (i ).: Produce anywitnessstatements asdescribed in Rule 192.3(h), 9. R.194.20).: Producethe name, address,and telephonenumber of any person who may be designated as a responsiblethird paffy. Exhibit KC)) CauseNo. CMKM DIAMONDS,INC., PLAINTIFF VS. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ IN THE DISTRICT COURT NO. s CORRINEWARD, ERIC REID, MARGARET REID, CAROLYN CASAVANT,DALE CASAVANT, RON CASAVANT,VICTOR CASAVANT and MAX CASAVANT $ $ $ DEFENDANTS s s $ $ SMITH COUNTY. TEXAS PLAINTIFF'S FIRST REQI]EST FOR PRODUCTION TO: Corrine Ward, Eric Reid, Margaret Reid, Carolyn Casavant, Ron Casavant,Victor Casavantand Max Casavant Pleasetake notice that requestis herebymadeby CMKM Diamonds,lnc., pursuantto Rule 196 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure,that Defendantsproduce or permit the undersigned attorney,Bill Frizzell, to inspectand copy or reproducethe items hereinafterdesignatedon Exhibit "C" attachedhereto. Within 51 days after serviceof theseFirst Requestfor Production,you must servea written responseto the undersignedattorneyat 602 S. Broadway,Tyler, Texas 75701, including the items requestedor statingwith respectto eachrequestthat an inspectionand copying or reproductionwill be permittedas requested. In the event a requestis objectedto, pleasespecificallystate(a) the legal or factual basisfor the objection,and (b) the extent to which you refuseto comply with the request. Pursuantto Rule 193.2(b) of the TexasRules of Civil Procedure,a party must comply with as much of the requestto which the party hasmadeno objectionunlessit is unreasonable underthe circumstances to do so beforeobtaininga nrling on the objection. Respectfullysubmitted, By: Bill Frizzell FizznlllawFirm TexasBarNo. 07484500 602S.Broadway Tyler,Texas 75701 Tel.(903)s95-r921 Fax(903)595-4383 ATTORNEY FORPLAINTIFF CMKM Diamonds,[nc. DEF'INITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS l. As used herein, the terms "you" and "your" shall mean Corrine Ward, Eric Reid, MargaretReid, Carolyn Casavant,Ron Casavant,Dale Casavant,Victor Casavant,Max Casavantor Vince Ma".rei and all attomeys,agents,and other naturalpersonsor businessor legal entitiesacting or purportingto act for or on behalf of eachof them. 2. As used herein, the term "documents"shall mean all writings of every kind, source and authorship,both originals and all non-identicalcopies thereof, in your possession,custody,or control, or known by you to exist, inespective of whether the writing is one intended for or transmittedinternally by you, or intendedfor or transmittedto any other personor entity, including without limitation any govemment agency,department,administrative,or private entity or person. The term shall include handwritten,typewritten, printed, photocopied,photographic,or recorded matter. It shall include communicationsin words, symbols,pictures,soundrecordings,films, tapes, and information storedin, or accessiblethrough, computeror other information storageor retrieval systems,togetherwith the codesand/or programminginstructionsand other materialsnecessaryto understandand use such systems. For purposesof illustration and not limitation, the term shall include: affidavits; agendas;agreements;analyses;announcements;bills, statements,and other recordsof obligations and expenditures;books; brochures;bulletins; calendars;canceledchecks, vouchers,receiptsand other records of payments;charts, drawings; check registers;checkbooks; circulars; collateral files and contents; contracts; corporate bylaws; corporate charters; correspondence; credit files and contents;deedsoftrust; depositslips; diaries,drafts; files; guaranty agreements;instructions;invoices; ledgers,joumals, balancesheets,profit and loss statements,and other sourcesof financial data; letters; logs, notes, or memorandaof telephonic or face-to-face conversations;manuals;memorandaof all kinds, to and from any persons,agencies,or entities; minutes;minute books; notes; notices;parts lists; papers;pressreleases;printed matter (including books, articles, speeches, and newspaper clippings); purchase orders; records; records of administrative,technical,and financial actionstaken or recommended;reports;safetydepositboxes and contentsand recordsof entry; schedules;securityagreements;specifications;statementof bank accounts; statements, interviews; stock transfer ledger; technical and engineering reports, evaluations,advice, recommendations, commentaries,conclusions,studies,test plans, manuals, procedures,data, reports, results, and conclusions; summaries, notes, and other records and recordingsof any conferences,meetings,visits, statements,interviews or telephoneconversations; telegrams;teletlpes and other communicationssent or received; transcripts of testimony; UCC instruments;work papers;and all other writings, the contentsof which relate to, discuss,consider, or otherwiserefer to the subjectmatter of the particulardiscoveryrequested. 3. In accordance with Tex. R. Civ. P. Rule 192.7,a documentis deemedto be in your possession,custodyor control ifyou either have physical possessionofthe item or have a right to possessionof the item that is equalor superiorto the personwho hasphysical control of the item. 4. Any and all dataor information, which is in electronicor magneticform, shouldbe producedin a reasonablemanner. TIME PERIOD Unless specifically statedin a requestfor production of documents,all information herein requestedis for the entire time period from January1, 2001, through the date of productionof documentsrequested herein. EXHIBIT "C" 1. All bank statementsfrom the banks in which you depositedfunds from the sale of CMKM stock in 2003,2004,2005,2006,2007 and 2008 including copiesof all checks,wires and deposits 2. Any trust agreementsin which you are either a grantor, trustot, trustee or beneficiary since 2002, This includes,but is not limited to, the Sally Wind Trusts 1,2,3 and 4 and the CEC 2005 IrrevocableTrust 3. Any deeds,real estatecontracts,leasesor other documentationwhich would provide eviienceofany purchaseor acquisitionofreal estateby you since2002' Any brokerage account statementsfrom any brokerage firms which were used by you since2002 A a. 5, Any "service contracts"or other documentswhich evidencepaymentof any money entities by you to CMKM Diamonds,lnc. or its predecessor 6. Any documentationwhich evidencesany services you renderedto the company which would entitle you to sharesof CMKM common stock 7. Copies of any CMKM Diamonds Inc. stock certificates in your possessionor claimedto be ownedby you. 8. Any documentsevidencing investmentsof any kind such as real estate,annuities, private or public stocks,oi *y other type of investmentmade by you from funds receivedthe saleof CMKM Diamonds,Inc. stock 9. Any documents pertaining to the purchase or sale of 501 Cafiwright St'#41, Canada Saskatoon,Saskatchewan, 10. the All documentsevidencing depositsinto the Sally Wind 1,2,3 &' 4 Trusts and CEC 2005 IrrevocableTrust