St. Lawrence Catholic Community


St. Lawrence Catholic Community
St. Lawrence Catholic Community
Fifth Sunday of Lent
April 6, 2014
When planning a family vacation, we often experience a mix of emotions. What should I pack? Will gas
prices rise even more? Where will we stay? What will the weather be like? These are just a few of the questions that cause worry, stress and anxiety before the journey even begins. But in the end, it’s all worth it as
you enjoy a relaxing, fun-filled, memory-making adventure with loved ones.
Our Lenten theme – Journey to Joy - reflects that, too. Jesus has promised that our ultimate destination –
heaven – will be a joyous place, filled with the love of our Lord. But along the path on our faith journey, our
human experiences can challenge us and hurt us, and sometimes tragedies occur that can shake our faith.
In today’s Gospel for the 5th Sunday in Lent, we hear of the familiar story of Jesus bringing Lazarus back
from the dead. Mary and Martha experienced the tragedy of losing their brother. When they sent a message to
Jesus letting him know that Lazarus was very sick, their hope was that Jesus would come and perform a miracle
and cure him. Jesus did not go immediately to Lazarus, however, saying that he would ‘wake him from his
sleep.’ Though His disciples did not understand it at the time (they, like us, often don’t), what Jesus was foretelling was his power over death and giving a glimpse into his own suffering, death and resurrection.
Bringing Lazarus back from the dead is more than a miraculous event. It is a ‘sign” of God’s promise to
raise up all who have died in Christ to everlasting life. That is why Jesus asked Martha if she believed in the
resurrection from the dead. Through her grief, she affirms her faith and hope in eternal life. The Creed that
we pray at mass each week ends with the community professing our belief in the resurrection of the dead and
in everlasting life.
Feel the Hunger – “Untie him and let him go.” Jesus is referring to the burial cloths that bound Lazarus
up. What is it that is tying you up – or down? Worry, stress, anxiety, family troubles, work issues. What keeps
you from living and professing your faith?
Sickness, lack of self-discipline, putting your needs before others
who need your help. These are exactly the types of human experiences that Jesus is telling us to put aside.
When Lazarus was raised, he was right back experiencing human conditions again, until he would eventually die
a natural death. Come out of your tomb! Belief in Jesus unties us from these human experiences that can
sometimes restrain us. When we believe in Jesus, “we will never die.” We share in Jesus’ life-giving power
every time we reach out in love to someone in need. Raise someone up today.
Feed with Prayer – “Lord Jesus, by raising Lazarus from the dead you showed that you came that we
might have life and have it more abundantly.” This short prayer comes from the prayer over the elect from
today’s 3rd scrutiny. The scrutinies help the elect to reject
Satan and all his evil ways. The scrutinies can also help those
During this month,
of us who are already baptized to examine our hearts to see
where we, too, need to reject Satan’s evil ways. Prayer helps
us to establish a loving relationship with God. For any relatriumph over sin and
tionship to be successful, communication is important. But
death, make sure to
we can’t do all the talking! Open your heart to hear what
receive the gift of Divine Mercy in the
God is saying to you!
Sacrament of Reconciliation.
(continued on Page 3)
APRIL 6, 2014
Visit our website for up-to-date
parish information!
Mass Intentions
Saturday, April 5, 2014
4:30 pm
Edward & Marilyn Lis
Al Ludeman
Jerome Eldred
Mary Learnihan Bertoline
Eliana Esteva
Barbara Ballard
Lillian Kostanko
Anna Camaj
Sunday, April 6, 2014
8:00 am
Harold Kaltz
James Warner
10:00 am
Terry Walsh
Kathryn Staeb
Raymond Kay
Martha Vandermeij
James Revello
Helen Parran
Mitchell Kudla
Linda Judnick
12:00 pm
Rolando Delicata
Jo Davis
Lucille Skiera
Patricia Massey
Arsiero Antony
Bill Geromette
Stewardship Sacrificial Giving
Sunday, March 30, 2014................................. $22,425.00
Vocations ..................................................... $204.00
Emergency Relief ............................................. $72.00
Divine Mercy Prayer Line
As Jesus revealed to St. Faustina, “I have opened My
Heart as a living fountain of mercy. Let all souls draw life
from it.” If you or others would like to receive prayer for
your intentions, contact Eileen at the Divine Mercy Prayer
line: (586) 725-0944.
Monday, April 7, 2014
8:00 am
Clark Knight
Eugene Kraemer
John Wells
Souls in Purgatory
Dec. members of Vitale Family
Dec. members of Salamone Family
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
8:00 am
Jeanne Gasko Weier
Jim Krzezewski
Albert Donadio, Jr.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
8:00 am
John Huber
Thursday, April 10, 2014
8:00 am
Abigail Diaz
Raymond Zabaglo
Friday, April 11, 2014
8:00 am
Audrey Vance McClure Miller
Saturday, April 12, 2014
4:30 pm
Poor Souls in Purgatory
Marilyn McKinnon
Agnes Herit
Robert Miller
John Shkreli
Marsha Majocha
Edward & Josephine Rydzewski
Mary Learnihan Bertoline
Sunday, April 13, 2014
8:00 am
Marie Jozefiak
Grace Pollum
Ernestine Tischler
10:00 am
People of St. Lawrence
12:00 pm
Rene Diaz
Patricia Cronin
Daniel Malczewski
Emily & Sam Bornoty
Readings For The Week Of
April 6, 2014
Sr. Barbara Brys
Mary Lou Keller
Cecil Creguer
Next Sunday:
John Cronin
Mary Cronin
Lucille Skiera
St. Lawrence Catholic Community believes we are
called by our Baptism to gather as a worshipping and
prayerful people. As responsible disciples, of Jesus
Christ, we are called to be faithful stewards of our
time, talents, and treasures. We value and foster Catholic education and evangelization. With open hearts and
hands, we reach out to all brothers and sisters, as together we strive to offer hope, act justly, love tenderly
and walk humbly with our God.
Ez 37:12-14/Rom 8:8-11/Jn 11:1-45 or
11:3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45
Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or
13:41c-62/Jn 8:1-11
Nm 21:4-9/Jn 8:21-30
Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95/Jn 8:31-42
Gn 17:3-9/Jn 8:51-59
Jer 20:10-13/Jn 10:31-42
Ez 37:21-28/Jn 11:45-56
Mt 21:1-11/Is 50:4-7/Phil 2:6-11/
Mt 26:14--27:66 or 27:11-54
Forum Deadlines and Information
A reminder that all articles submitted for the Forum must be
submitted by 8:00 am Monday, for the following week. You may
bring a typed copy of your article to the parish office or email it to All
requests for overhead projection are due Wednesday at noon.
If you have any questions, please contact the parish office.
Journey to Joy (con’t)
Move Forward in Faith - Mary and Martha and the
crowd believe in Jesus because they witness his sign of raising Lazarus. Our challenge then is to come to this same belief, having witnessed no physical sign. But by encountering
God in prayer and one another, and by celebrating the sacraments often, our faith – like that of Martha – will lead us
to a deeper understanding of Christ’s power over death.
And our hope will lead us to eternal salvation. Let the Holy
Spirit strengthen within you the life and joy of God and the
hope of heaven. Lazarus means “God is my help.” God is
our help, too, now and forever.
You were in my prayers last weekend when I could not
be with you due to a prior commitment to present a Marriage Encounter weekend in Archibald, Ohio.
An encounter weekend is such a blessing for couples to
experience! Three married couples alternate presentations with the priest. They always are impressive and so
helpful to those experiencing the weekend. I am always
edified by their generosity of time and their love of God
and of their vocation and also of mine.
Eucharistic Adoration
A few years ago when I made the “deeper weekend” in
Houston, in order to become certified as a presenter, the
thing that most impressed me was the deep and obvious
desire on the part of lay participants to become holy.
The bishops at the Second Vatican Council tried to
disabuse us of the notion that priests and nuns were the
ones meant to strive for holiness. No! The call to holiness
is meant for ALL. The intensity of these lay persons from
all over the country striving for holiness made such an impression on me that their example is my most lasting
memory of the weekend.
Catholic Conversations
The Adult Book Study group will be beginning
a new book: The Little Rock Scripture Study of
"Touching the Mysteries: Scripture and the
This study presents the treasures of the Bible
that are illuminated in the mysteries of the
rosary, revealing the sacred and inseparable link
between Scripture and the rosary.
We will be meeting in the Parish Library after the 10 am
Mass on the following Sundays:
My preference is to be here after all the Masses on the
weekend if I’m not elsewhere due to prior commitments.
Due to my spinal stenosis, I probably will not be standing
around before Mass since I need to be physically comfortable when presiding
When my seminary buddies of the class ahead of me
meet periodically, their rule is that they can share about
their aches and pains for the first fifteen minutes. After
that, only other topics are allowed!
The cost of the book, with shipping, is only $20. We will
have treats!!
The Quilters would like to make a St. Lawrence quilt
using t-shirts or any shirts with the St. Lawrence school
logos on them. The shirts must be in good condition without holes or stains; any items not used will be donated to
charity. The raffle for this quilt will take place in the fall
when we display our quilts that we send to World Relief.
Join us in a nice relaxed setting to get closer to your faith
and those that worship with you!
Please turn in shirts and like items to the Parish office.
April 6 and 13
May 4 and 18
To RSVP and reserve a book, you can contact:
Claudette Wizniuk, (586) 419-0166,
or Lisa Rajnicek, (586) 731-5072,
Thank you!
St. Lawrence Quilters
Sandy Barg
APRIL 6, 2014
Fast and Abstinence Obligations
Please join us for
Stations of the Cross
Every Friday
during Lent
at 7:00 pm,
in the church
Good Friday is a day of fast and abstinence.
The Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence.
The law of fasting (one full meal and two lighter meals) applies to persons who have completed their 18th year to the start of their 60th
year. The law of abstinence (forbidding the
eating of meat) applies to persons from the
completion of their 14th year throughout their
Seniors’ Club
The next meeting of the Seniors’ Club will be on
Wednesday, April 9th at 11:30 a.m. in the Social Hall.
Hostesses will be Elaine DeFever, Madaline Sheff,
Ed Durham, Jan and Maurice Van Hevel, Donna Marie
Parsley, and Reina Svacha.
All Seniors are invited to attend. After a short
meeting we enjoy a nice lunch with 25 cent Bingo.
Come alone or bring a friend. Have a relaxing time
with other good folks.
God is loving!
Helen Unruh
Macomb County
Rotating Emergency
Shelter Team
MCREST begins today,
Sunday, April 6th. For the next
seven days and nights, we will provide shelter, food,
showers, laundry, fellowship and safety to more than 60
homeless men, women and children.
The foundation of our Church’s social teaching is an
unwavering commitment to the dignity and worth of every
human being, without exception.
Please pray for us that we may serve our MCREST
guests with dignity ever mindful that, in their faces, we
see “the reflection of God”.
Remember To Keep Recycling
Our yellow and green paper recycling bins are located
in the back of the parking lot next to the Playscape.
You can recycle newspapers, magazines, catalogs and
any office papers and mail or junk mail. (Sorry, NO
corrugated card board). Also, if you shred paper at home,
we will take that too just place it in a bag!
Please continue to help us increase our current
recycling program and use our bins on a regular basis.
Each month our school/parish receives a rebate check for
what we recycle. All the funds raised are for the ongoing
technology needs here at St. Lawrence.
Don’t forget your used inkjet cartridges for recycling,
too. There is a box located in the parish office. Thanks
to everyone for their support!
St. Lawrence Ushers
18th Annual Fish Fry
Due to MCREST, we will have
special hours for our Fish Fry
on April 11, 2014
Coffee and Donuts Hospitality
Coffee and donuts after the 8:00 am and 10:00 am
Masses is a long-standing tradition and special ministry,
here, at St. Lawrence. It is a great time to visit friends
and make new friends – deepening our fellowship as a
parish, and spending time in Christ.
We need your help! Please consider being a host at the
8:00 am or 10:00 am Masses. It is short work – simple
work. This is also a great opportunity for teens to fulfill
their Christian Service hours.
Adults $8.00; Seniors $7.00; Children $4.00
We will take telephone orders from
4:00 pm—6:30 pm @ (586) 731-5353
Please help us keep this wonderful St. Lawrence
tradition and sign-up in the “Coffee and Donuts Host’s
Manual” in the social hall kitchen or call the Christian
Service office, (586) 731-0159. Thank you!
Special Menu
Fried Fish, Baked Fish, Shrimp or Pizza
with French Fries or Mac and Cheese
and Salad
APRIL 6, 2014
Christian Service (con’t)
Christian Service
As Catholics, we are called to put
the Two Feet of Christian Service --Charity and Justice --- into action!
We step with the foot of charity
when we work to assist others with
their immediate, short-term needs.
We step with the foot of justice when
we work to address the root causes of
problems facing our communities.
Free Hearing and Vision Screenings for Incoming
The Macomb County Health department
Hearing and Vision Program
is conducting free hearing and vision screenings for
incoming kindergarteners
at various locations/dates from March through May.
If your child has not been screened in preschool,
call 586-412-5945 for an appointment
and screening locations.
Screenings are done by appointment only.
Take advantage of this free service,
so your child will be prepared for entrance into
kindergarten prior to the first day of school!
Child Protection Registry
The Michigan Child Protection Registry is a free service
provided by the State of Michigan that gives you the
choice to protect your family’s email, mobile phone
numbers, instant messenger IDs and faxes from adultoriented messages such as: pornography, tobacco, drugs,
alcohol and gambling. It is fast, free, secure and only
takes three easy steps to help protect your household
Funerals: Questions and Answers
for prior to or at the time of need.
at Resurrection Cemetery,
Thursday, April 10 at 7:00 pm
18201 Clinton River Road
Clinton Twp., MI 48038
Free of charge, all are welcome!
RSVPs are requested, 586-757-5551
1. Visit the website,
2. Click the “Register Now” button
3. Register your family’s information
St. Lawrence Women’s Club
A Dress to Remember
Donate a new or previously worn prom dress and help a
teen in foster care find the prefect dress for their prom.
Shoes, jewelry, purses accepted too. Cash donations also
accepted and can be made payable to:
Macomb County DHS
Indicate “prom event” on comment section.
Attn: Community Resource Program.
All women of the parish are invited to attend the Women’s Club’s next meeting, Thursday, April 10th. It is our palmweaving meeting. We will be working with the Altar Society
women weaving the Easter palms into many stunning designs.
This meeting is precious to us because it is a joint project
with the Altar Society. It is an opportunity to learn the beautiful traditional craft of weaving palms.
All donations are being accepted through April 2 , Mon-Fri
8 am – 5 pm at
Macomb County Department of Human Services
19700 Hall Road #A
Clinton Twp. 48038
For more information, please call 586-412-6114 or
At the meeting this year, we will add the job of filling
Easter Eggs with candy for Fr. Tom Sutherland. He will distribute the eggs to the children on Easter morning after all
the Masses. We will need many extra hands to do both the
palm weaving and the egg filling. The Women’s Club is
providing the candy and the eggs.
Give Me a Break! Many families in our community are
struggling to take care of a loved one at home. For these
full-time caregivers, a break to run errands, go to their
own doctor appointment, or just relax for an hour is often
impossible because their parent or spouse cannot be left
alone. If you have a few hours, once or twice a month, to
just sit with an older or disabled adult, your gift of time
will make a huge difference for these families. No handson care or nursing experience is needed. For more
information, call the Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers at
586-757-5551. Learn more their work at
We unite in fellowship to beautify the altar for Easter. Please mark the date on your calendars. See you there.
You’ll learn a new craft and help make the Easter altar
St. Lawrence Women’s Club & Altar Society
Palm Weaving Joint Venture
Thursday, April 10, 2014
7:00-9:00 PM
St. Lawrence Social Hall
Light refreshments will be served. Remember to bring
scissors and clothespins. For more information please call
Suzanne Mahoney 586-781-9073.
Little Flock
St. Lawrence Altar Society
Spring is right around the corner,
so we must think flowers! We are having
our annual Perennial Exchange on May 10,
2014, from 9:30 am to 11:00 am. This is a
good time to separate your perennials and
exchange them for some new ones.
Ladies, there has been a change in our meetings. We
are trying to schedule them when there is more daylight.
April 16th is the cleaning of the Altar and Church for
Easter. We start at 10:30 am and lunch will be served
when we are finished. We are asking anyone in the parish
to come and help. You would not like to go home to a
dirty house, would you?
Prayer Group meeting
every Wednesday
in the School Library, 7:30 pm
“Happy the Man who follows not the counsel of the
wicked nor walks in the way of sinners, nor sits in the
company of the insolent, but delights in the law of the
Lord and meditates on his law day and night. He is like a
tree planted near running water, that yields its fruit in
due season, and whose leaves never fade. Whatever he
does, prospers.” (Psalm 1:1-3)
During this Lenten season, have you begun to or
continued to delight in the law of the Lord and meditate
on it? If you haven’t, there is still time to bear fruit this
lent by allowing your roots to be nourished by the Lord’s
life giving water. Plant yourself near Him and you will
surely grow and yield fruit and prosper.
See you in church!
Please join us for a day of prayer, sponsored by The
Council of Catholic Women.
Solanus Casey Center,
The Province of St. Joseph of the Capuchin Order
1820 Mt. Elliott St, Detroit, MI 48207
For information, please contact:
Saturday, April 26, 2014
9:00 am—3:00 pm
Jim/Shirley Brodi
Mary Sackey
Bob Hurlbert
Kathleen Wesley
We will car pool from St. Lawrence. Cost is $25 per
person with a deadline of April 12th. The day will consist
9:00 am
10:00 am
11:20 am
12:00 pm
1:15 pm
2:00 pm
2:30 pm
Registration & light snack
Celebration of the Liturgy
DVD on Solanus Casey & free time
Catered Luncheon
Living the Beatitudes of Christ
Confession, gift shop, free time, tour
Creation Garden
Rosary, Divine Mercy & Closing
(586) 739-3802
(586) 731-4914
(586) 412-1029
(586) 286-7253
Traveling Chalice
Who is it for? It’s for everyone! It’s for
families, couples, those who live alone, for
all who want to pray and ask The Lord to
send more workers to the vineyard!
Our celebration day also includes The Most Reverend
Arturo Cepeda, Auxiliary Bishop of Archdiocese of Detroit
and Reverend Steven Koehler, CCW/AD Spiritual Advisor
Brother Al Mascia, OFM.
God Bless,
Kay Rasmussen
This is a wonderful program that
vocations has begun for this parish. Let
us, a family of God, keep the chalice circulating.
The week of:
Apr 13—Apr 19
Apr 20—Apr 26
Apr 27—May 3
Please call the parish office, (586) 731-5347, and let
us know which week your family would like to receive the
Thank you!
APRIL 6, 2014
School News
St. Vincent de Paul
School Mission
We are a Catholic School family
dedicated to nurturing and celebrating
a love for Jesus Christ and educating
the whole child with academic
Mon. Apr. 7
NO SCHOOL – Spring Break
5th-7th Grades: Academic Games Practice 10:00 AM-2:00 PM
Tue. Apr 8
NO SCHOOL – Spring Break
5th-7th Grades: Academic Games Practice 10:00 AM-2:00 PM
Wed. Apr. 9
NO SCHOOL – Spring Break
5th-7th Grades: Academic Games Practice 10:00 AM-2:00 PM
Regina High School Mother’s Guild Fashion Show at San
Marino Club, Troy MI
Thu. Apr. 10
NO SCHOOL – Spring Break
5th-7th Grades: Academic Games Practice 10:00 AM-12:00
Fri. Apr. 11
NO SCHOOL – Spring Break
5th-7th Grades: Academic Games Practice 10:00 AM-2:00 PM
Sat. Apr. 12
5th-7th Grades: Academic Games Practice 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
We are assisting a family that is need of a washer and
a gas dryer. If you have either or both of these appliances
that are in working order and you are willing to donate
them, please call Mary at 586-731-1641.
In Christ,
St. Lawrence SVdP
Easter Remembrance Flowers
For those who would like to remember their deceased
loved ones in a special way at Easter, why not give a
donation in their name. The donation will be used to
decorate the Church on Easter Sunday with flowers,
creating a beautiful worship space in which to celebrate
the Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The name will
be listed in the FORUM on Easter.
Please fill out the form below and return it to the
Parish office no later than Monday, Wednesday, April 9th.
St. Lawrence Easter Flower Donation Form
Please return this donation form with checks made
payable to St. Lawrence Parish by Wednesday, April 9 th.
Please print clearly!
In Memory Of
Donated by
Baptismal Font Spring Flowers ____@$ 7/ea. $________
Easter Lilies—Extra Large
____@$25/ea. $________
Easter Lilies—Large
____@$18/ea. $________
Easter Lilies—Medium
____@$15/ea. $________
Jr. High School Youth Ministry
High School Youth Ministry
Youth Group Meeting: April 25th
Youth Group: April 13th
Attend Awaken
Meet at 6:30 in Youth Room
Youth Group: April 27
Youth Group Meeting: May 2nd
(All Youth Group Meetings are held in the Youth Room)
(All Youth Group Meetings are held in the Youth Room)
Any questions please call Deann at 586-731-5072
Any questions please call Deann at 586-731-5072
Are you in need of SERVICE HOURS?
Are you in need of
Upcoming Service Hour
MCREST Lunches
Youth Ministry will be making lunches for MCREST from
April 7th-April 11th at 3:00 pm each day.
If interested or need more information please contact
Deann at
or 586-731-5072
Graduation Pictures
High School and College Graduates of
2014 can drop by or mail their pictures to
the CRE Office ATTN: Deann Reusche. All
pictures are due NO LATER THAN MAY 1ST!
The pictures will go in the June 1st Forum.
2014 Registration is Now Open
with the Children
All children are invited to participate
in the entrance procession on Palm
Sunday, April 13th. Remember to bring
your noise maker with you to church!
Children wishing to participate must
gather in the Social Hall 15 minutes prior
to the start of Mass.
The St. Lawrence Knights of Columbus is joining forces with
Major League Baseball sponsoring a great event to show off
your skills in this year’s Pitch Hit & Run competition.
This annual event comes to St. Lawrence on Monday April 21,
2014 starting at 5 p.m. We welcome girls and boys ages 7-14
to participate. Winners include boys and girls for each of the
pitch, hit and run categories as well as for an overall category.
Please contact Jim Ososkie with questions at (586) 247-4256.
APRIL 6, 2014
A Word … from the D.R.E.
A Word … from the D.R.E. (con’t)
During our “Journey to Joy” we have reflected on St.
Cyril of Jerusalem’s explanation of the four short phrases
of the “Introductory Dialogue” before the Eucharistic
prayer. We have learned how this exchange between the
priest and people directs our focus to the imminent
miracle of consecration:
Important CRE Dates:
Apr. 7/8
Apr. 14/15
Apr. 21/22
Apr. 28/29
1. Let us lift up our hearts.
No Classes – Spring Break
CRE Classes
No Classes – Easter Break
Make-up Session @ 6:30-8:00 pm
Only one session each night
Parents/Families attend together.
2. We lift them up to the Lord.
Growing together in faith and wisdom,
Lisa Rajnicek (pronounced “ray-na-chek”)
(586) 731-5072
3. Let us give thanks to the Lord.
4. It is right and just.
Notice that we continue to say the same prayer today!
How beautiful are the words of the Mass:
#4) “Then you say: It is right and just. So our
giving thanks is a right and just act, whereas God’s
action is not guided by what is just; his actions have
gone beyond mere justice, for he has treated us
generously and reckoned us worthy of such great
[Edward Yarnold, SJ. The AweInspiring Rites of Initiation – The Origins of the
RCIA, (Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 1994),
Enrichment Opportunities
Catechists and Parents are invited to
attend sessions offered here and
around the Archdiocese:
(Registration forms available in CRE
Our readings this week challenge us to trust in God’s
promises. Ezekiel speaks words of comfort and hope to
God’s people: “I have promised, and I will do it!” St. Paul
assures us that the same Spirit who raised Jesus from the
dead does indeed dwell in us and will give us life. And
Jesus keeps his word that he will “awaken” Lazarus by
calling him forth from the grave.
In the midst of the details of daily living, we
challenged to recognize God’s action in our lives. May
Lent continue to be a season of prayer, repentance
renewal so that we can be truly focused on our Lord
say “yes” to him!
Question of the Week:
How does belief in the final resurrection from the dead
affect your family’s daily life?
Echoes of Faith Plus, Lisa Rajnicek
Apr. 16 = Scriptures
May 7 = Prayer & Spirituality
May 21 = I Believe, We Believe
Jun. 18 = Liturgy & Sacrament
$10 each / 7:00p – 9:00p, Youth Rm
Apr. 10, 2014
Theology of the Body –
Training for Parents
free will / 7:00p-8:30p
Holy Name Parish, Birmingham
Apr. 11, 2014
Theology of the Body for Teens –
Catechist Training
$45-$75 / 9:00a-3:00p, Seminary
June 16 thru 27, 2014
All 27 Catechist Formation Topics @ Seminary
Online Resources:
1. Sunday Gospels
2. Partners in Faith
slschool/Partners%20In% 20Faith.html.
Adult Volunteers Needed...
Are you an adult who is looking for a good opportunity
to give some volunteer time? Are you a student who needs
Christian Service Hours? Are you someone who likes to
If your answer is yes to any of these questions, then I
have a great opportunity for you to help welcome our new
members of the Catholic faith.
We need some enthusiastic volunteers to help set up,
serve and clean up, or donate baked goods, for the RCIA
reception following the Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 19.
The first group of helpers is needed in the morning from
about 10:00 am – 1:00 pm. This group will be setting tables with tablecloths, and centerpieces, decorating the
social hall, creating fruit, vegetable, and dessert trays.
It’s okay if you can’t be there for the entire time, come for
as long as you are available. If you would like to donate a
baked good for the reception, you may drop it off in the
social hall on Saturday morning between 10:00 am – 1:00
The next group is needed in the evening from about
7:00 pm – midnight. This group will be helping to heat up
the hot dishes, set out the food trays, make punch, help
serve, and clean up. Once again, if you cannot stay for the
entire time, that is okay. Also if you are planning on attending the Easter Vigil, you may still help out after mass
with serving and cleaning up. Anyone who would like to
volunteer for this fun community enriching event, please
fill out the following form and turn in to the parish office.
If you have any questions, please call Angela Kennedy at
Thank you in advance for your assistance,
Angela Kennedy, RCIA Reception Chairperson
Sister Janet, RCIA Director
Easter Vigil Help, Saturday, April 19th
Name: ______________________________________
Phone: _________________________________
I can help at: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm ___________
7:00 pm – 12:00 am __________
I will bring a baked good_________
Please drop off the form in the Parish Office by Wednesday, April 16th.
Thank you!
Madaba Mosaic
The mosaic map of Madaba, Jordan is an exceptional
document for understanding how the Holy Land was in the
early days of the Church. Its accomplishment and inspiration offer continual confirmation of biblical archaeology.
Madaba is located 59 miles northeast of Jerusalem.
The Madaba Map is a unique masterpiece of art and science, composed of mosaic tiles on the pavement of an ancient church about 1,500 years ago. The mosaic was discovered in 1896 during the construction of a church for the
local Christian Arabic community. The church under construction came to be the St. George Greek Orthodox
Church. St. George is now the home of the mosaic. The
uniqueness of the discovery quickly shot the small, remote,
dusty, and rocky town of Madaba to the center of attention
of the international scientific community.
The mosaic depicts the Holy Land from Egypt to Lebanon and includes a large part of the Sinai Desert, Israel,
Palestine, and Jordan. Most of the northern and eastern
sections of the map are lost and the rest of the mosaic has
suffered some damage. The original panel may have measured 1,012 square feet. Only 269 square feet are preserved. By extension, it is estimated that more than one
million tiles were used in the display. The mosaic is a biblical atlas outlined in stone.
Standing out as the most visible element is the Holy
City of Jerusalem. Many cities are also shown in great detail. Missing, however, is the very Madaba. More than 150
different places of biblical memory are mentioned or represented. The sites are illustrated with 123 drawings accompanied by texts of 2,000 characters. In the center of Jerusalem is found the Church of the Holy Sepulchre which is
built over the site of Calvary where Christ was crucified.
The Jordan River receives central positioning. The river
now separates Israel and Palestine from Jordan. The West
Bank currently refers to much of Palestine. Moses appears
on Mount Nebo (Jordan) where God showed him the Promised Land.
In the big picture, it is necessary to recognize that the
mosaic makers showed a precise knowledge of the Bible and
theological history, in addition to geography. Many scholars
believe that this map was inspired by a treatise on biblical
names written around 395 A.D. by the celebrated historian
Eusebius of Caesarea and translated into Latin 100 years
later by St. Jerome. The Madaba Mosaic receives the merited recognition of being the best representation of our
Christian heritage in map form left to us by our ancestors.
We St. Lawrence pilgrims viewed this massive illustration
during our 2006 journey in the Holy Land. For more information about the Madaba Mosaic, see
Source: “The Map of Redemption” by Father Eugenio Alliata, OFM, Studium Biblicum Franciscanum of Jerusalem (Faculty of Biblical Studies and
Archaeology of the Pontifical University “Antonianum,” Rome); The Holy
Land Review; Winter 2014; pp.10-13.
/Mike Butkiewicz
APRIL 6, 2014
WHERE: St. Lawrence Cemetery
5921 Auburn Rd., Shelby Twp (directly East of AAA building)
WHAT: Removing grave blankets, wreaths,
and various trash items throughout the cemetery.
Documentation of service hours will be given.
DRESS APPROPRIATELY (boots, work gloves) as the weather may be snowy or rainy.
Contact Paul Rybicki in the Parish Office by phone (586) 731-5347, ext 247
or email by April 10th to sign up.
Past Monthly Challenges
Entrust yourself to God before going to sleep.
Pray for the person who is the most difficult or distant to you each day.
Give the first 10 minutes of each day to God.
Evaluating the presence of religious symbols in
our home.
Praying before all meals (including eating out).
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministers Are
Ready to Care!
Do you have a friend, neighbor, coworker, or
relative who has suffered a loss or is going through
a difficult time this winter? Here’s a great way you
can help them—tell them about our Stephen Ministry! Stephen
Ministers have received special training to provide high-quality,
confidential, one-to-one, Christian care to hurting people.
Stephen Ministers meet weekly with their care receivers to
listen, care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual
support. The caring relationship lasts for as long as the person
needs care. It’s free, and it’s a powerful way you can help a
hurting friend.
To learn how to connect someone you know with a Stephen
Minister, talk with one of our Stephen Ministry Leaders at
586-731-5347 Our Stephen Ministers are there to care!
APRIL 6, 2014
Parish Office
(586) 731-5347
44633 Utica Road, Utica, Michigan 48317
Rev. Thomas Sutherland, Admin.
Rev. Salvatore Palazzolo, Assoc. Pastor
Rev. Mr. Anthony Morici, Deacon
(586) 731-5393
Pastoral Staff
(586) 731-0135
Religious Education
(586) 731-5072
Rev. Thomas Sutherland, Admin.
Rev. Salvatore Palazzolo, Assoc. Pastor
Peggy DeClercq, Pastoral Assoc.
Janet Sullivan, IHM, Pastoral Assoc.
Lorrie Goetzinger, Business Manager
Mary Kraus, Christian Service
Lisa Rajnicek, Religious Education
Deann Reusche, Youth Minister
Mike Roth, Music Director
Cathy Ciolino, School Principal
Community Support Staff
Paul Rybicki, Cemetery Coordinator
Stephen Ministry (586) 731-5347
Greg Mangold, Athletic Director (586) 978-3887
Baptisms are the 2nd Saturday of the month at 5:45 pm and the
2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays of the month at 1:15 pm. A Baptismal
Preparation Class is required for both parents and godparents and is
held on the fourth Wednesday of each month in the Social Hall at
7:00 pm. The Church requires that at least one of the parents and
one of the godparents be practicing Catholics, that is, they actively
participate in Mass each weekend. Please call the Parish Office to
register for classes or if you have any questions.
Parish Council
Marriage arrangements require a six-month parish registration and
active Mass participation. Wedding dates are not given out over the
phone or before you have been active parishioners for at least six
Please call the Parish Office for details.
Annmarie Iacona, Chairperson
Brett Valentine, Vice Chairperson
Sherry Berry, Secretary
Parish Council Members-At-Large
Barbara Sabatini Annmarie Iacona Mike Coraci
Brett Valentine
Cheryl Lloyd Lawrence Higgins
Young Adult Rep.
Youth Group Rep.
Senior Rep.
Athletic President
Vicariate Rep.
Worship Chair
Christian Service Rep.
School/Comm. Rep./President
Evan./Comm. Rep.
Education Chair
Adult Formation Rep.
Sherry Berry
Lorri DeAngelis
Amy Witulski
Hannah Gianfermi
Marion Lelito
Greg Burnick
Catherine Karim
Lisa Ann Roth
Rosemary Reilly
Diana Ayer
Fr. Sal
Scot Moceri
Questions about the Sacrament of Reconciliation, First Eucharist
and Confirmation will be answered by our Religious Education Office.
Please call (586) 731-5072 for further information.
School Information
Questions about tuition rates for parish members and
non-members, applications to attend the school or any other school
related matters will be answered by the St. Lawrence School Office.
Please call (586) 731-0135 for further information.
Parish Office Hours
Monday through Friday: 9:00 am to 8:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am to 1:30 pm
Liturgy Schedule
Monday - Thursday, 8:00 am
Friday (during school), 9:30 am
Saturday, 4:30 pm
Sunday, 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 noon
School Office Hours (During School Year)
Monday through Friday: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Reconciliation, Saturday, 3:30 pm
Religious Education Office Hours (During School Year)
Monday and Tuesday: 9:00 am to 8:00 pm
Wednesday through Friday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Eucharistic Adoration
Tuesday 5-8 pm and 2nd Wednesday 2-3 pm
Perpetual Help Devotions, Tuesday morning after the 8:00 am Mass
Religious Education Office Hours (Summer)
Monday: 9:00 am to 7:00 pm
Tuesday through Friday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Prayer List
Jesus, you are God’s Gift of healing love. While on earth, you healed those who came for help. We believe that
you continue to heal today. Heal all those for whom we pray, especially those on our list. Amen.
If you would like to add someone to the prayer list you may call the parish office or email your request to
Shirley Adams
Bob Agius
Mary Agius
Ann Marie Badke
John Bazydlo
James Beaton
Mary Belanger
Susan Belcher
Ruth Blasen
Kathleen Borovsky
Lorna Brock
Samantha Burleigh
Charles Carmen
Salvatore Ciaramitaro
Sophia Clark
Joseph Costa
Lillian Costa
Lenna Cox
Gladys Cristofaro
Jo Davis
Stephen DeChambeau
Mary DeKane
Michelle DeSchryver
Anthony Detroyer
MaryAnn DiMusto
Bridgette “Angie” Drader
Bozena Dudek
Dick Duncan
Edward Dziewit
Beverly Finn
Carl Forton
Edith Fouchia
Donna Frost
Ethan Gehrke
Bernard “Buz” Hagen
Robert Hinkle
David Hirt
Frances Hirt
Andy Hojnacki
Louis Horvath
Rosalie Imrick
Mary Infantino
Sandy Johnson
Larry Jordan
Nancy Karus
Sadie Kolodziej
Dick Kolpasky
Dorothy Kosciolek
Susan Kraus
David Kruger
Linda Kruger
Ron Kruk
Maria Krull
Jo Kudela
Jim Langeveld
Theresa Learnihan
Mark Leonard
Allen Lippard
Michelle Locher
Pete Lodico
Sam Lodico
Patricia Lowry
Lucas Family
Becky Lyzen
Matthew Lyzen
George Magulak, Jr.
Larry Marquardt
Steve Marshall
Lorraine Metz
Mark Mielke
Paul Morin
Shirley Morin
Sonya Mukhtar
Stephen Murzen
Robert Nikolauzyk
Betty Paquette
Nancy Pariseau
John Peake
Benjamin Perrell
Rosemary Plourde
Ron Pomaski
Bev Ray
Debbie Redding
Dan Salk
Elaine Salk
Kent Schoenbach
Frank Settecerri
Geri Skonieczny
Donald Szlezyngier
Judy Taube
Cindy Thompson
Helen Tripiano
Debbie Ullman
Mary Ulrich
Peter Vardich
Lexi Ward
Jason Warner
Michaeleen Weglarz
Lawrence Wells
Jake Williams
John Wisniewski
Diane Zalewski
Gladys Zbanski
Betty Zittritsch
Pray for Those Serving in the Military
Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their
families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen.
John Adrian - ANG
SPC Melissa Alston - Army
Col. Mary Augustitus-Blair - Marines
Dominic Barone - Army
Christopher Bauslaugh - Army
Nicole Bauslaugh - Army
Sgt. Marcus Bawel - Marines
SPC Matthew Bazydlo - Army
Patrick Becerra - Army
Nathan Blight—Army
Sgt. Evan Bogart - Army
Nicholas Boris - Navy
1st Class Petty Officer Tom Bremer- Navy
Sgt. Jerry Bushaey - Army
Major Vincent Cipriano - Army
Michael Colonna, Jr. - Navy
Jordan Darraugh - Navy
Matthew Gaiownik - Marines
PFC Justin Gleba - Army
Staff Sgt. Patrick Goodwin - USAF
LC Arlon Gregg CPL - Marines
2nd Lt. Garrett Haas-Army
Major Shawn Hagan - USAF
Capt. Dr. Scott Iler Hagedorn - USAF
Major Jim Hensien - Marines
Pvt. Jason Hyry - Army
Patrick Jors - Navy
Christopher King - USAF
Kenneth King - Navy
Kristina King - USAF
Lt. Col. Timothy Knoth - Army
Paul Koss-Marines
Capt. Edward Kotulski - Marines
Robert Kwiecinski - Army
Lt. Col. Bill LaPratt - Marines
Lt. Col. Timothy Lemley
- Army
Eric McDougall - Marines
PFC Cory Marchioni—Army
Jeff Monterosso - Army
LCPL Aaron Murphy - Marines
1st Lt. Steven Pickett - Marines
SA Joseph Pugliese - Navy
Capt. Brett Reichert– Army
Major James Rossi - ANG
2nd Lt. Joseph Sattler-Army
1st Lt. Anthony Sierawski-USMC
Nicholas Solomon - Army
Sgt. Andrew Stapels - Marines
Brandon Trees - USAF
Nichole Whitt - Navy
Katy Wolfsberger - Navy
Liturgical Ministers Schedule
Saturday, April 12, 2014
4:30 pm
Presider schedule subject to change
Altar Server
Fr. Sal
Jack Studnicka
Samantha Viviano
Peyton Weingartz
Therese Reinhold
Sue Walz
Mary Jo Szlaga
Sunday, April 13, 2014
8:00 am
Fr. Sal
Branden Anton
Michael Ososkie
Matthew Komoroski
Maria Schudt
James Adams
Suzanne Adams
Sunday, April 13, 2014
10:00 am
Fr. Tom
Anthony Gianfermi
Justin Slaski
James Doyle
Richie Corona
Chris Madynski
Barb Corona
Sunday, April 13, 2014
12:00 noon
Fr. Tom
Jade Ruskus
Tricia Carreon
Veronica Bugayong
Marcelina Powalka
Jim MacDonald
Fadi Samuel