TUESDAY | AUGUST 2, 2016 | SHAWWAL 28, 1437 AH VOL. 35 NO. 262 | PAGES 32 | BAISAS 200 Editor-in-Chief ABDULLAH BIN SALIM AL SHUEILI Oman Establishment for Press, Publication and Advertising PO Box 974, Postal Code 100, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman MASTERFUL DJOKOVIC TAKES TORONTO TITLE P27 SOLARCITY TO BE ACQUIRED BY TESLA FOR $2.6 BILLION P17 OMAN Two Emiratis die in Haima accident MUSCAT: The Royal Oman Police said that two people (UAE nationals) died and six others were injured in a road accident which took place in Haima on Monday morning. The police said that the vehicle carrying an Emirati family lost control, which led to the tragic accident. According to an official source, the family was coming from Dhofar Governorate when their vehicle lost control on the highway before reaching Haima, which led to the death of the father and one of his sons. Rest of the family members, who suffered medium to light injuries, were airlifted to a hospital in Nizwa for treatment. Deal for more flights to Saudi cities MUSCAT: Oman Air and Saudi Arabian Airlines have signed a codeshare agreement covering services between Muscat and four destinations in Saudi Arabia. Effective from June 29, customers were able to book flights through either airline for services between Muscat and Riyadh, Dammam, Jeddah, or Medina. Oman Air operates two daily flights between Muscat and Riyadh, two daily flights between Muscat and Jeddah, up to two flights per day between Muscat and Dammam. REPORT ON P18 REGION First US anti-IS air raids in Libya TRIPOLI: US warplanes on Monday carried out air strikes on positions of the IS group in the Libyan city of Sirte for the first time, the country’s unity government head announced. “The first American air strikes on precise positions of the IS organisation were carried out today, causing heavy losses in Sirte,” prime minister Fayez al Sarraj said in a televised speech. In Washington, the Pentagon said the raids were launched in response to a request from the unity government. REPORT ON P13 INSIDESTORIES 6 FALSE MEGAQUAKE ALERT SHAKES JAPANESE CAPITAL P 11 INDIAN STATE CHIEF MINISTER QUITS OVER TENSIONS P It is an idea seldom put into action in Oman, but three guys did it. Coinciding with Salalah’s khareef season, Mustaffa al Alawi, Ahmed al Shaibani and Saif al Salami hitchhiked their way to what is considered the country’s biggest tourist attraction without spending anything. NEW GRADE FUEL: M91 grade of petrol will be available for sale only from November P31 STAFF REPORTER MUSCAT First Haj flight to leave on August 28 KABEER YOUSUF MUSCAT GROWING Pilgrims are requested to keep track of dates and procedures for travel to the holy land. A total of 11,200 pilgrims, including 550 expatriates, are expected to perform Haj this year. ABDUL AZIZ AL GHAFRI Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs NUMBERS 2.1 million passengers use bus services STAFF REPORTER MUSCAT August 1: Mwasalat said that it transported over 2.1 million passengers on all its routes in Muscat since the launch of operations on November 22 last year until the end of last month. At the rate of 10,000 passengers a day, the company ferried the highest number of passengers, 300,000 in July this year, which also included the rush during Eid holidays. As per the estimates, Ruwi-Mabela route was the most patronised with over a million passengers followed by RuwiWadi Kabir with 600,000 passengers and Ruwi-Wadi Adei with 200,000 passengers. Among the routes that were launched in the second quarter of this year, Ruwi-Amerat transported around 122,000 passengers, followed by the Ruwi-Muttrah route with 72,000 passengers. As part of the efforts to encourage tourism in the Sultanate, especially with THE FALAJ KEEPER OF LIZAGH P29 Production of regular petrol rises 175 pc HITCHHIKING TO SALALAH August 1: The first chartered flight from Oman to Mecca this year will take off on August 28 with a highlevel delegation consisting of officials from the Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs, Ministry of Culture and Heritage, Royal Oman Police (ROP) and other officials, according to ministry sources. The delegation will be led by Nasser al Azri and assisted by Humaid al Amri. It will assist the pilgrims until September 6, when the last Oman Air flight with pilgrims is expected to regards to the Tourism Festival, the company has increased the number of services to Salalah from three to five, with a daily seating capacity of 225 seats a day. The company will operate the Al Khoud-Sultan Qaboos University route during the third quarter of this year, to be followed by Muscat-Duqm service in the same period. The company has floated a tender for the supply of new buses to strengthen the existing services and replace some of the older buses in its fleet. TURN TO P5 arrive in Saudi Arabia. “The first flight with pilgrims along with delegates from various ministries will take off on August 28. “The last flight will leave (from Muscat) on September 6. We will start sending out information and guidelines on travel and performing Haj to pilgrims by next week,” Abdul Aziz al Ghafri from the ministry told the Observer. A total of 11,200 pilgrims, including 550 expatriates, are expected to perform Haj this year through the ministry, he said. TURN TO P5 Squid fishing season begins ZAINAB AL NASSRI MUSCAT August 1: The official season for squid fishing, spanning a six-month period from August 1 to January 31, began in the Sultanate on Monday. Squid fishing is an important pursuit in the waters off the governorates of South Al Sharqiyah, Al Wusta and Dhofar, with fishermen operating in groups to harvest this marine species. Freshly harvested squid fetches as much as RO 4 per kilo in local markets, although the bulk of the catch is exported to markets in Asia and Europe. TURN TO P5 August 1: As per the latest estimates, production of the regular petrol (M90) has increased by 175 per cent during the first half of the current year to reach 3.28 million barrels, compared with 1.19 million barrels during the same period last year. These figures were released by National Centre for Statistics and Information (NCSI), as the committee in charge of studying the prices of petroleum products deferred the marketing of M91 petrol to November for technical reasons. The earlier deadline for the availability of the new grade petrol was said to be from this month. Fuel marketing companies have confirmed to the Observer that the demand for regular fuel had considerably risen since the deregulation of prices from February this year. Earlier, the demand for regular used to be only occasional among few customers. However, super petrol (M95) output recorded a 21 per cent decrease during the period, taking production to 8.95 million barrels as against previous year’s 11.38 million barrels, according to latest data issued by the NCSI. Domestic sales of M90 petrol went up 265 per cent to 2.82 million barrels during the period, as against 772,000 barrels last year, while M95 petrol declined 21 per cent to 8.88 million barrels from previous year’s 11.20 million barrels. Domestic sales of aviation fuel oil grew by 15 per cent to 2.17 million barrels, while gas oil fell eight per cent to 8.83 million barrels. LPG sales in the local market posted a 22 per cent rise to touch 1.08 million barrels during the comparable periods. Also, this year, the Sultanate didn’t export any petrol in the first six months, even as its export of M90 petrol touched 429,000 barrels during the same period 1ST QUARTER PETROL SCENE (M90) sales Output % RISE SUPER (M95) sales 2.82 million barrels Output 8.88 million barrels % DROP REGULAR (M90) production Quantity produced 3.29 % RISE SUPER (M95) production million barrels Quantity produced 8.95 DROP % million barrels Graphics: Observer of 2015. At the same time export of aviation fuel oil rose 27 per cent to 465,000 barrels, compared with 365,000 barrels last year. LPG exports however fell 53 per cent to 481,000 barrels, while export figures stood at 1.01 million barrels last year, during the first two quarters. Export of benzene went up 61 per cent to 108,000 MT, while that of paraxylene rose 41 per cent to 333,000 MT. Polypropylene exports fell drastically by 74 per cent to 19,000 MT. During the first six months of the current year, gas oil output fell two per cent to 10.44 million barrels, while production of aviation fuel oil declined four per cent to 2.31 million barrels. LPG production suffered a significant 25 per cent downfall at 1.28 million barrels. RUSSIAN COPTER SHOT DOWN IN SYRIA Yemen govt team quits talks 15 PRO-REFUGEE ACTIVISTS CLEARED OF DISRUPTING GREEK MASS P WEATHER TODAY MUSCAT MAX: 400C MIN: 300C SALALAH MAX: 260C MIN: 240C SUNRISE 05.35 AM PRAYER TIMINGS FAJR: 04:12 DHUHR: 12:12 ASR: 15:36 MAGHRIB: 18:48 ISHA: 20:18 NIZWA MAX: 420C MIN: 270C KUWAIT CITY: Yemen’s government delegation to peace talks left Kuwait on Monday after the rebel side rejected a draft peace plan proposed by the United Nations, its representatives said. “We now leave Kuwait... but are not quitting the consultations and not ending them before August 7,” said the delegation head, Foreign Minister Abdulmalek al Mikhlafi. UN envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed set August 7 as the date for winding up the talks that began April but have failed to achieve any breakthrough towards ending Yemen’s conflict. “We will return any minute... if the other side agrees to sign” the UN proposal, which was accepted by the government but rejected by the rebels, Mikhlafi told reporters at Kuwait airport. Government delegation spokesman Mohammed al Emrani earlier said: “We are leaving today after having completed our part in the talks. The ball is now in the rebels’ court.” The delegation was returning to Riyadh, where it is based, after informing the UN envoy that it was ready to sign the proposed peace plan, Emrani said. — Reuters Security personnel inspect the wreckage of a Russian helicopter which had been shot down in the north of Syria’s rebel-held Idlib province, Syria, on Monday. REPORT ON P13 inside s deoman o a oman Al Rafd Fund and Al Zubair Group 2 OMANDAILYOBSERVER T U E S DAY l A U G U ST 2 l 2 0 1 6 sign MoU to help entrepreneurs MUSCAT: Al Rafd Fund signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Al Zubair Group for subsidizing entrepreneurs financed by the Fund. The agreement was signed by Mohammed bin Saif al Amri, Director General for Subsidy and Entrepreneurs at Al Rafd Fund, and Ali Shakir Business and Partnership Development Manager at Al Zubair Small Enterprises Center. As per the MoU, beneficiaries of the financing provided by Al Rafd Fund will be guided to benefit from the technical, administrative and training services provided by Al Zubair. The applications nominated by Al Zubair Enterprise will be also considered as per the terms and conditions in force. Al Zubair Group will also provide a number of free of charge training programmes for entrepreneurs in several fields, in coordination with Al Rafd Fund. Priority will be given to those who benefit from the finance programmes for purchases and contracts. The agreement also provides for the sharing of information from different organizations to streamline the procedures to get the required finance from these organizations. The agreement comes as part of the efforts done by Al Rafd Fund to subsidize entrepreneurs and enhance cooperation with the public and private organizations to provide entrepreneurs with the conducive environment that helps them address the challenges facing them while trying to develop their business. The agreement, which comes within Al Rafd Fund’s new trend, enhances 80/20 Plan, which subsidizes and develops entrepreneurs’ projects. — ONA New logo for municipal elections MUSCAT: The Ministry of Interior launched on Monday a logo for the Municipals Councils’ second term elections. The logo includes a number of symbols and words that are linked to the aims of the election process. The logo is characterized by simplicity of design and clarity. — ONA post materials through Muscat Post Offices and other post offices in the Sultanate. Those interested in this stamp and the history of post in the Sultanate may visit the headquarters of Oman Post Company. Philatelists may collect the special stamps form Ruwi Post Office. —ONA Omani student scores highest grade at Portsmouth University PORTSMOUTH: Scholarship student Sami bin Khalaf al Kalbani achieved the highest grade in the British University of Portsmouth in MSc program majoring in communications and network engineering and the best student in a graduation project in the batch. Sami bin Khalaf al Kalbani said in a statement to Shabibah Daily that the idea of the project is to design and plan communications link in the microwave frequency range in the Sultanate by using (MIMO) technology and therefore this link is capable of sending a data transmission speed of up to 1 gigabit per second, using one frequency MUSCAT: The number of commercial aquaculture projects applications by individuals amounted to nearly 17 applications in various stages of approvals. The projects value RO 234 million with average production of approximately 35,000 tonnes of various marine creatures. Dawood bin Suleiman al Yahya’ee, Director of Aquaculture Development Department at the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, said in a press statement for Al Roya “newspaper that applications could be submitted for commercial aquaculture projects, land and sea, on Sunday, August 7 and that those projects are intended for Omani institutions and companies wishing to establish commercial aquaculture projects. He added that the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries offers several locations allocated for the commercial aquaculture projects in the Governorates of Muscat, South Al Sharqiyah and Al Wosta. He added that registration extends for a period of one month between August 7 and September 8. He pointed out that the commercial aquaculture projects entering the large scale project stage, based on modern technology applications and the increase of fish production, so as to contribute to the expansion of fish production base where natural fish areas complement the aquaculture projects in providing the local markets with fish products and to import the excess quantities to outside markets and increase the national income. Private school fee burns hole in parents’ pockets YAHYA AL SALMANI MUSCAT Stamp to mark golden jubilee of Oman Post MUSCAT: Oman Post Company issued a commemorative stamp to mark the golden jubilee (The 50th anniversary) of the Omani post services. The new stamp commemorates the 30th of April 1996, as the post services had been completed and ready for receiving and sending Fisheries projects worth RO 234 m under process only. He added that telecommunications operators in the Sultanate (Omantel and Ooredoo) are able to use this technology in their microwave networks to transfer data (data transmission speed of up to 1 gigabit per second) as a quick solution to reduce the high cost price of the purchase prices of radio frequency licenses. Further, it is a technical solution to increase the efficiency gain system, so that the operators will be able to create microwave links for longer distances and the use of smaller sizes of antennas in the communications towers. — ONA August 1: Plenty of private schools dot the Sultanate, yet parents struggle to educate their children. Reason: the school fees is beyond their reach. As per the latest statistics from the Ministry of Education, there are 574 private schools in the Sultanate, with 218 located in Muscat Governorate alone. The Ministry of Education has granted official permission to help the private sector invest in education. Its objective is to minimise ‘overload’ of students in public schools. Bader Awlad Thani, who enrolled his children in a private school in 2008, said: “I did my best to educate my children in a private school in Muscat. The fee was RO 1,500. The school management has been raising the fee every year.” On the positive side, he says the school has qualified staff and it holds extracurricular activities that test their skills. “When my children reached Grade 6, I felt I could not afford the fees, which have risen 40 per cent in the last six years,” says Bader. Unable to afford the fees, he transferred his children to a nearest public school. He feels the situation has reached a point where “it’s no longer preferable to send my children to a private school”. He wants the Ministry of Education to discuss the fee issue with the private school managements. Buthainah al Mahruqi, another parent, is facing a similar situation. “My eldest daughter has been going to one of the best international schools in Oman for six years now. The school has been increasing the fees by 5 per cent every year. Last year, it raised the bus fees claiming the government insisted on a having a chaperon on all routes.” While she has no complaints about Bader Awlad Thani the quality of education at the school, her grouse is why raise the fees every year, and who is monitoring it. According to Buthaina, private schools provide a great opportunity for parents to communicate with the administration staff and make it a priority to involve parents. “This can be felt during the regular parent-teacher meetings and social events that help reinforce parent-child relationships,” she said. “But private school managements have become greedy. Fees for kindergartens up to Grade 6 is between RO 2,000 and RO 3,000. The fee is almost the same as in Australian or New Zealand universities. I think there is no control over these schools — the reason why they have been raising the fees so often,” said Buthainah. According to Ahmed al Khulaifeen, private schools have many advantages. “The dedication of teachers and a safe environment are main reasons why parents prefer private schools. A majority of private schools have a reputation for maintaining high standards. They offer students a wide range of arts programmes, sports, and math and science programmes that public schools do not focus on.” The current situation, however, can be described as a “cumulative effect”, he Buthainah al Mahruqi Ahmed al Khulaifeen ACADEMIC BUILDINGS READY IN SALALAH, SOHAR, NIZWA MUSCAT: The Ministry of Higher Education has constructed a number of projects, including academic buildings, at the Colleges of Applied Sciences in Salalah, Nizwa and Sohar, according to Dr Abdullah bin Juma al Shaqsi, assistant director-general of planning and development at the ministry. The ministry also built multi-purpose halls at the Colleges of Applied Sciences in Salalah and Ibri, besides student service buildings at the Colleges of Applied Sciences in A’Rustaq, Ibri and Sur. As for the e-systems, he said the ministry plans to obtain ISO 2700 certification this year. The plan also includes developing and upgrading a number of e-applications and programmes. —ONA said. Describing his plight, Ahmed said: “Two years ago, I enrolled my younger sister in an international school in Muscat. I wanted her to get the kind of education which would guarantee her a better future. Yet, we found it difficult to cope due to steep fee hike. At the same time, transportation costs rose 15 per cent. Now, I have to pay RO 530 every month for the rest of the academic year (eight months).” The fee hike has forced Ahmed to transfer his sister to another private school, which is not so expensive. Ahmed wants the Ministry of Education to decide the percentage of fee hike instead of allowing schools to raise it arbitrarily. “They should realise that besides the education fees, parents should also pay the transportation fees, which comes to around RO 800 in some private schools in Muscat.” Omani parents prefer to enrol their children in private schools since the class strength is small. They are also good at instilling discipline in children compared with public schools. Steep fee rise is the only complaints parents have against them. They want inspection teams to investigate the matter. Qatari team views Muscat Municipality experience Iranian minister visits Royal Opera House MUSCAT: Dr Morteza Sarmadi, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister, on Monday visited the Royal Opera House (ROH) Muscat. The Iranian official toured ROH Muscat, which was built over an area of 80,000 square meters. He was briefed on the Arab and Islamic architecture of the House, which is considered as a tourism landmark that includes a market for displaying fine arts and crafts products. During the tour, the Iranian official familiarized himself with the role of the House in the cultural field and its presentation of highlevel classic art. — ONA MUSCAT: Mohsin bin Mohammed al Shaikh, Chairman of Muscat Municipality, on Monday met with Mohammed bin Abdullah al Rumaihi, Minister of Municipality and Environment of Qatar, and his accompanying delegation. The visit comes within the framework of enhancing means of joint cooperation between the two brotherly countries in fields of municipal work, as well as viewing the Sultanate’s experience in field of public hygiene, parks management, urban planning, projects planning and integrated management of solid waste. Khalifa bin Nasser al Seyabi, Acting Director General of Projects, gave a presentation on the strategy of Muscat Municipality in the field of developing and expanding roads network, its management and maintenance, besides its vision, which is represented in establishing modern and economic safe roads network to keep pace with needs of the Governorate of Muscat. The delegation was also briefed on the experience of the Municipality in the field of afforestation and parks, in addition to its strategies in roads and public squares. The meeting was attended from the Qatari side by members of the delegation, which comprised officials in Ministry of Municipality and Environment and the Qatari Public Works Authority, the Qatari ambassador to the Sultanate and officials form Muscat Municipality. — ONA inside s deoman o a oman OMANDAILYOBSERVER T U E S DAY l A U G U S T 2 l 2 0 1 6 3 NO CONGESTION: Supply is so high that accommodation is available on demand in most hotels and service apartments in the city SERVICE APARTMENTS EASE SALALAH’S KHAREEF RUSH KAUSHALENDRA SINGH SALALAH August 1: Accommodation this Khareef season is not an issue in Salalah as a large number of furnished houses, furnished hotel apartments and star hotels are available catering to all segment of tourists. And the visitors need not bother much about the prices also. The supply is so high that the accommodation is available on demand in most of the hotels and service apartments in the city. There has been 20 to 30 per cent correction in prices as well. It is not that the accommodation is available due to not many people are coming, but even due to the stark reality that the footfall this year is much higher than previous years. An NCSI (National Centre for Statistics and Information) report suggested 40 per cent surge in Khareef visitors untill July 25 compared with last year’s footfall during the same period. “The number of visitors rose to 215,128 as of July 18, from 153,780 visitors last year. The NCSI statistics indicates that 39,949 visitors reached Salalah by air as against 175,179 who arrived by road,” said the NCSI report. An interesting factor this year is the number of domestic visitors, which rose up to 142,258 from last year’s 92,877. Meaning thereby that there has been 53.2 per cent increase in domestic visitors this year. Significantly visitors from other Arab countries stood at 6,886 from last year’s 4,577, which indicate 50.4 per cent rise in the number of visitors from other Arab countries. Despite this the city does not look congested and not many people are seen in the city. The question is ‘where did the people go?’ The answer lies in the Salalah city’s expansion in the east and west directions. Many new houses have come up in Dahariz, Saada and Auqad North and South besides a few new economy hotels that have come up in Central Salalah, New Salalah and Sanaiya areas. According to a rough estimate, not less than 700 new housing projects were ready for occupation before Khareef in the in the heart of Salalah city, while many more have displayed boards of ‘furnished house for rent’ in places like Dahariz, Saada, Sahalnoot, North and South Auqad. Many housing units have come up in Saada and Sahalnoot in recent years. Most of the houses in these areas are new, as an estimated number of 7,000 houses are ready in these areas. Similar is the case with other new areas where development can easily be seen in terms of new roads, food outlets, bank branches and shopping areas. Those who come to Salalah along with big families love to go for furnished apartments, because these flats offer all basic facilities along 30 and 80 depending upon space and facilities. with kitchen and basic utensils. Such flats are There are apartments, which are also offering Wispread all over Salalah and are available now Fi service to lure visitors. between RO 20 and 40, unlike last year’s price of These apartments suit to budget and Global film contest on climate action MOZA SAID MUSCAT August 1: A Film4climate Global Video Competition 2016 has been announced for all directors and film-makers by the Connect4Climate Community. Participants in the age group 14 to 35 years can produce a public service advertisement which is less than a minute or a one-to-five-minute video on climate action. Videos or advertisements should have a personal climate change narrative, what climate change means to you, what you are doing to resolve climate challenges and your message to the world on climate. The submissions should emphasise what people around the world are doing to promote action, offer new solutions and inspire change. Participation can be individual or a team of five can participate in the competition. The jury will comprise 18 film, climate and communication professionals. Entries will be judged on following criteria: content, technical expertise and innovation, originality and impact. A total of eight awards will be presented based on judgment criteria. Film4Climate is a global initiative committed to mitigating environmental impact of film production as well as raising awareness about climate change through cinema. The Connect4Climate programme receives support from the Italian and German governments as well as from the private and public sectors, and academia. Connect4Climate launched the Film4Climate Global Video Competition to inspire film-makers to highlight climate solutions and good practices around the world. TAYMORA AL GHAWI MUSCAT August 1: The Equestrian Week concluded with the endurance competition in Dhofar. Participants had to cover a distance of 80 km, which was divided into three stages: red stage (30 km), white stage (30 km) and green stage (20 km). Before the competition began, all participating horses underwent a veterinary examination. Clayed horse (owner Ghaleb Awad) came first with a time of 4.30 hours. It was led by AbduRahman al Basrawi. Lord horse (owner Said al Rawas) came second with a time of 5.04 hours. It was led by Salim al Rawas. Dhubyan horse (owner Mohammed al Rawas), ridden by Ghanem al Rawas, came third with a time of 5.05 hours. Shaikh Ahmed Mubark al Hadri, the Ash’shura Council member from Salalah, the patron of the event, honoured the winners of both individual and binary competitions. The Equestrian Week was organised by Oman Equestrian Federation in collaboration with Dhofar Municipality as part of the Salalah festival. Said Khamis al Balushi, chairman of the jury at the competition, said: “Oman Equestrian Federation worked a lot to organise the competition in Salalah. Results of the competition were excellent. We would like to thank the organisers and everyone who supported the competition.” convenience of the people, mainly the Arabs. They come with families, cook at home and enjoy Salalah in its totality. They do not have to depend on outside food and the new locations 38,842 visitors to Al Baleed, Samahram sites SALALAH: The number of visitors to the Al Baleed and Samahram Archaeological sites in July stood at 38,842 visitors, according to statistics from the Department of Frankincense Land Sites at His Majesty the Sultan’s Adviser’s Office for Cultural Affairs. Al Baleed Archaeological Park and Frankincense Land Museum received 23,828 visitors, while Samahram Archaeological Site received 14,755 visitors, Wadi Dokka received 229 visitors and Wbar Archaeological site received 30 visitors. The Office of His Majesty the Sultan’s Adviser for Cultural Affairs is developing a number of archaeological sites and providing them with utilities to serve the goals of cultural and archaeological tourism in the Governorate of Dhofar. — ONA like Saada and Dahariz have all the basic facilities like shops, supermarkets, restaurants and banks are available close by. For their movement also these locations suit them as they cover most of the tourist points by using the highway without experiencing any problems of the city. “All of us are coming from big cities. So there is no charm in visiting the city which is generally crowded. We are here to have the best of Salalah which is its climate and we enjoy more by being away from the main city,” said Ali who came from UAE and staying in Dahariz along with his family. Mohammed, another visitor from UAE, adopts smart ways to enjoy Salalah. He is a frequent visitor to Salalah during Khareef season. He keeps on changing furnished apartments. “I come to Salalah for around 15 days. Some days I live in Central Salalah then I move to New Salalah and for me more location are available in Saada, Dahariz and Auqad. This year I hired apartments in Saada and Dahariz due to the fact that the Salalah city has become crowded and these areas have lots of open space. Plus the houses are new and cheaper than those available in Central Salalah and New Salalah,” he said. Salalah, thus has many more accommodation options and everyone seems happy due the fact that the Khareef this year is likely to be longer and more intense. Equestrian Week ends with endurance competition inside s deoman o a oman 4 OMANDAILYOBSERVER T U E S DAY l A U G U ST 2 l 2 0 1 6 RAINS IN WILAYATS Heavy-to-moderate rains fell in a number of wilayats on Monday, resulting in overflow of the wadis. In the Governorate of North Al Sharqiyah, heavy rains lashed the Wilayat of Al Mudhaibi. Oman Meteorological Department had recently forecast rain in the coastal areas of Dhofar Governorate and adjoining mountains on Tuesday. SKILLS SMEs’ feasibility study results released SHOW EXPO ON STUDENTS’ PROJECTS OPENS AT SQU TOMORROW MUSCAT: “The Omani First Exhibition for Scholarship Students’ will be opened at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) on Wednesday under the auspices of Salim bin Nasser al Aufi, undersecretary, Ministry of Oil and Gas. The exhibition will host several scholarship students’ projects, innovations and researches. Projects will be showcased in three main areas: engineering, sciences & mathematics, and health & environment. The engineering projects to be displayed can be used in different industries across Oman. The exhibition will showcase six projects each in mathematics & sciences, and health & environment. A committee represented by experts in innovations and scientific research will select the top three projects which would be awarded. Al Khathab bin Issa al Busaidi, a student of Electrical Engineering College, State of Oregon University and an organiser of the exhibition, said: “The idea (of the exhibition) came from scholarship students studying in Oregon University (USA) as a way of spending time during summer holidays through innovative and useful activities.” The objective is to encourage Omani youth to invest their abilities and skills in innovation and creativity in different scientific areas, and to raise SALALAH: The results of a study on Technical Support and the Prospects of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Sector in the Sultanate: Dhofar Governorate as a Model, was announced during a press conference held at Hilton Salalah Hotel on Monday. The conference was held under the auspices of Dr Badr Othman Malallah, Director of the Arab Planning Institute (API) in Kuwait in the presence of Abdullah bin Salim al Rowas, Head of Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI) Dhofar Branch. Nayef bin Ahmed al Shanfri, Head of Education and Training Branch Committee at OCCI Dhofar Branch and Head of the Study Team in the Sultanate delivered a speech during which he said the national economy and through a that cooperation between API stems memorandum of understanding (MoU) from the belief in the role of small and that was signed in 2014 at the Institute. medium enterprises (SMEs) in boosting He said the MoU focused on the idea of producing an analytical study based on the survey of SMEs and reviewing the reality and the future prospects of this important sector, down to the most important challenges, constraints and the development of plans and appropriate solutions to address them. The press conference reviewed the results of the study that consisted of five main chapters, including the discussion of the reality of micro, small and medium enterprises sector in the Sultanate, as well as reviewing the role of the OCCI, financing and non-financing institutions in supporting the development of this sector, in addition to the discussion of the business environment and easiness of doing business in the Sultanate. The press conference also discussed Chapters III and IV of the results of the study, which focused on the reality of the projects sector, needs, and the role of OCCI to meet these needs, directly or indirectly, in addition to reviewing a proposal to establish a technical support unit. — ONA Volunteer team aids productive families The objective is to encourage Omani youth to invest their abilities and skills in scientific areas their awareness on the importance of exploring job opportunities in scientific research. It encourages them to start their own business by using their academic knowledge credit and abilities. The exhibition gives them a chance to meet people from both private and public sectors. ISG students trek to the Himalayas MUSCAT: A team of eighteen students from Indian School Al Ghubra embarked on a trek to the Himalayas on May 25 to June 4. They were accompanied by Juthika and Murugan. The tour was en route Dharamsala, a very picturesque yet bustling city. The students pitched tents for the night on the banks of beautiful Kakeri Lake. The hike uphill offered a breathtaking bird’seye and view of the most enchanting mountain peaks. The students also participated in some adventure packed activities like rock climbing, river crossing and rappelling. They actively involved themselves in the ‘Clean Himalayas’ drive which brought them closer to the pristine beauty of the mountain ranges. This enthusiastic team also became the first ever team from ISG to scale the height of 18,000 feet above Lake Glacier. The trip offered a huge learning experience and left everlasting memories for each student. With the wonderful exposure to nature the trek helped the students imbibe core values of team work, leadership, confidence and responsibility. MUSCAT: A workshop on ‘Techniques to support productive Omanis families’ was organised by the Masarah volunteer team from Ibri. The initiative was an effort to “foster good relations” between consumers and Omani families in the field of dairy, handicrafts, clothes and other products. “We don’t want people to feel they are not effective,” said Mohammed al Yaqoobi, the team leader, adding: “We want them to know people are there to help and support their efforts.” Thirty families representing three volunteer teams were willing to extend help. Bader al Sawafi, the founder of Al Masarah volunteer team, led the session. Bader said the participants included the young and the old. They had to find “creative ideas to support” these families. “Members learned the techniques to help productive families at exhibitions and charity events,” he said. inside s deoman o a oman SQU students make robot that aids surgeries OMANDAILYOBSERVER T U E S DAY l A U G U S T 2 l 2 0 1 6 AMANI NASSER MUSCAT August 1: A robot has been designed by a group of engineering students from Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) that could revolutionise the way surgeries can be performed or infections can be treated. The device, a robot-assisted needle-steering device developed by the mechanical engineering students from SQU, can be used for performing heart surgeries, treating lung infections or diagnosing deep bone fractures. According to Majed al Amri, one of the project members, the device “helps avoid medical mistakes” and facilitate surgeries, especially those related to the heart. “Its purpose The device ‘helps avoid medical mistakes’ and facilitate surgeries, especially those related to the heart First Haj flight to Squid fishing season begins leave on August 28 FROM PAGE 1 For pilgrims going by road, the last day of Dhul Qa’ada (September 2) is the last date of arrival, while those coming by flight have been set a deadline of fourth of Dhul Hijja (September 6). The ministry has asked pilgrims to have necessary documents for entry into Saudi Arabia, failing which they would face legal proceedings. “Pilgrims are requested to keep track of dates and procedures for travel to the holy land,” said the ministry. The ministry had earlier reduced the number of Haj contractors by one-fourth. A total of 54 contractors were appointed recently to serve Omanis, three for Arabs and four for other expatriates to prevent crowding in Mecca and avoid accidents during or after the rituals. A total of 230 companies specialised in Haj affairs have been divided into three groups, according to Al Ghafri. This year’s Omani Haj Mission to Saudi Arabia will have five divisions: supervising/medical delegations, ROP delegation, media delegation and scout delegation. The supervising delegation will make all arrangements for Omani pilgrims’ camps in the sacred sites of Mina and Arafat. Besides, 13 companies specialised in helping Haj pilgrims from the country have been temporarily barred from carrying out operations after they were found violating terms and conditions specified by the ministry. FROM PAGE 1 Given the Sultanate’s lengthy coastline overlooking the Sea of Oman and the Arabian Sea, fishing is an important economic activity that supports the livelihoods of tens of thousands of Omani fishermen living along the coast. This occupation also provides an important supply of fish to local markets, urban areas as well as export markets. Oman is one of the largest fish producers in the region and a net exporter of fish and fish products. The government has made a strong commitment to developing this sector in a competitive and sustainable manner that is in line with the social, economic, cultural and historic values of the country. It has put in place guidelines for regulating marine fishing in its waters by designating seasons for fishing kingfish, lobster, abalone, and squid, while also setting penal-ties for violators. Article 7 of the Marine Fishing Law states that fishing boats and fishermen are not allowed to practice fishing without a license or a permit from the relevant authorities. The license should have details about the boat specifications, fishing implements, on number of staff on board on each fishing trip. The permit should also specify fishing areas, seasons, and types and quantities of live marine catch that the permit-holder is licensed to harvest. Offenders are liable to be fined not less than RO 300 and not more than RO 5,000. Jail terms ranging from one to three months are also prescribed. 2.1 million passengers use bus services FROM PAGE 1 A total of 118 new buses will join the fleet over the next year, including 85 buses for Muscat and 33 for long-distance services. The company will introduce e-ticketing services, an integrated communication centre and online services with latest features. The company said that, given the economic and social development that is witnessed in the country, public transport will play a key role in various activities such as education, commerce, recreation and tourism along with its positive impact on the economic and social level of the Sultanate. The company urged everyone, especially the citizens, to use public transport because of the economic benefits to the individual and society with regards to reduction in traffic congestion and noise and other types of pollution. is to prevent obstacles and reach the desired target accurately with minimum damage to the tissue,” he said. The robot has a telescopic support sheath and it receives feedback from a ‘sensor’. Its weight makes it stable and resist motor vibration. Al Amri said it can be used for both diagnosis as well as treatment. 5 “For years, researches have been conducted and different techniques used to improve accuracy in surgical procedures because the human body is sophisticated, he said. “There is no plan to showcase the project in any hospitals as yet. However, we plan to display it to some companies outside Oman,” he added. asia asia Taipei apologises to indigenous people 6 Indonesia, Malaysia leaders meet OMANDAILYOBSERVER Indonesian President Joko Widodo and Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak met for a bilateral meeting at the presidential palace in Jakarta on Monday. The meeting focused on boosting relationship between the two countries. T U E S DAY l A U G U ST 2 l 2 0 1 6 CORRECTING MISTAKES: Taiwan President Tsai Ing-Wen will head panel to investigate past injustices TAIPEI: Wearing traditional dress from feather headdresses to loincloths, members of Taiwan’s indigenous community met President Tsai Ing-Wen on Monday as she made a landmark apology for centuries of suffering including the loss of ancestral lands. Tsai, the island’s first leader with aboriginal heritage, will personally head a committee to investigate past injustices as part of government efforts to ease tensions with the native community. “I apologise to the indigenous people on behalf of the government, offering our deepest apology for the suffering and injustice you endured over the past 400 years,” she said in speech. “We need to look at history seriously and speak the truth,” she said, adding that apologising was “another step forward”. The indigenous community — which makes up about two per cent of Taiwan’s 23.5 million people — have seen their traditional culture eroded since immigrants started arriving from China centuries ago. Much of their land is now President Tsai Ing-Wen greeting representatives, dressed in traditional clothing, from each of the island’s 16 recognised tribes, at the Presidential Office building in Taipei. — AFP designated national park, leading to clashes over hunting, fishing and foraging in areas where permits are needed. Aboriginals have also complained of developments on their ancestral land, which campaigners say make up two-thirds of the island, were approved without seeking their views. Tsai pledged to increase the autonomy of aboriginal communities, restore their lost land rights and protect tribal languages. But for dozens of aboriginals protesting outside the presidential office on Monday morning, her promises were not enough. STAR OF FORMATIONS “The apology was well said and very touching, but her proposals for action don’t meet our expectations,” said Mayaw Biho, an indigenous activist from the Amis tribe, who had camped out overnight. Since coming to power in May, Tsai’s Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has not made legislation HONG KONG: Hong Kong hunkered down on Monday as Typhoon Nida swirled towards it, with more than 100 flights cancelled and schools closed, and Guangzhou in neighbouring mainland China issued its top storm alert. Hong Kong was expected to raise a “T8” storm signal — the third-highest — on Monday evening as the storm edged closer to the city, packing winds of 120 kilometres per hour. Guangzhou, the capital of neighbouring Guangdong province where Nida was expected to make landfall on Tuesday, issued its first-ever red alert for storms, with schools and outdoor work suspended. Cathay Pacific and its subsidiary Dragonair cancelled all of their flights in and out of Hong Kong for 16 hours. “Typhoon Nida moves closer to Hong Kong,” a statement jointly issued by the two airlines said on Monday. “Flight departures and arrivals at Hong Kong International Airport on Monday will be suspended from 10 pm until 2 pm” on Tuesday. That will include more than 100 flights, said a S Korea says North hacked government e-mails Veterans of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) navy stand in formation of a star and the Chinese characters ‘August 1’ on top of a mountain ahead of China’s ‘Army Day’ in Luoyang. — Reuters SEOUL: Seoul prosecutors on Monday accused North Korea of hacking into the e-mail accounts of dozens of South Korean government officials this year, the latest in the series of suspected cyber attacks by Pyongyang. Investigations showed a “suspected North Korea-operated group” attempted to hack into the e-mails of 90 people — including officials at the foreign, defence and unification ministries — from January to June, the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office said in a statement. “The passwords of 56 accounts were stolen,” the statement said. The hackers set up 27 phishing sites in January posing as popular portals like Google and South Korea’s Naver, as well as government and university websites, to steal the passwords. The prosecutors said the malicious codes used in the latest attack were the same as the ones used by North Korea in previous attacks on the South. A probe is still ongoing to see if any confidential information may have been leaked. The latest cyber attack comes just days after South Korean police said the North stole the personal data of over 10 million customers at South Korean online shopping mall Interpark. — AFP False megaquake alert shakes Tokyo TOKYO: A false warning of a megaquake about to strike Tokyo was issued by Japan’s weather agency and quickly cancelled on Monday, but not before terrifying users of a smartphone app who received it. Users of the Yurekuru disaster warning app were told that a magnitude 9.1 earthquake was about to hit the sprawling metropolis shortly after 5 pm (0800 GMT) with an alert reading “Earthquake! Earthquake!”. But the expected shaking never came and the phones of nearby users of similar early warning apps remained silent. Japan’s Meteorological Agency promoting indigenous rights a priority in parliament, he said. “It’s unfair. It’s not being taken seriously,” he said. Indigenous people remain a marginalised group in Taiwanese society, with wages about 40 per cent below than the national average, as well as a higher rate of unemployment. Tsai on Monday listed numerous wrongs done to the indigenous population, including storing nuclear waste on Yami tribe’s land on Orchid Island. “We have been protesting for over 30 years,” said Capen Nganaen, an 80-year-old Yami representative wearing a loincloth, who spoke after Tsai. “I hope Taiwan’s government and the president will truly deliver on the promises made in this apology,” he said. Tsai and the DPP came to power after winning a landslide victory in January over the Kuomintang (KMT). The Indigenous Peoples Basic Law was adopted in 2005, during the DPP’s last reign, but critics say actions to amend relevant laws have stalled. — AFP Hong Kong flights cancelled as Typhoon Nida approaches had sent and immediately withdrawn the alert, but the cancellation did not reach some app operators in time, a spokesman for the agency said. “We are now investigating how the false information was sent out,” he added. The agency’s website later said that it received the quake data from a seismometer east of Tokyo. “When I saw the Yurekuru app screen, I prepared to die,” read a tweet in Japanese from one user. “Yeah okay this was fake but it scared the hell out of me,” said another in English. Yurekuru is a popular disasterwarning app in quake-prone Japan, and its operator says at least five million people have downloaded it. Such apps became popular in the aftermath of a massive undersea earthquake that struck the country in March 2011. The magnitude 9.0 quake sent a tsunami barrelling into Japan’s northeastern coast, leaving more than 18,000 people dead or missing, and sending three reactors into meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear plant. A nationwide drill is held annually on September 1, known in Japan as Disaster Prevention Day, which comes on the anniversary of the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake that killed more than 100,000 people and levelled Tokyo. Japan sits at the junction of four tectonic plates, but most earthquakes, even moderately strong ones, do little major damage nowadays thanks to rigid building codes. Due to the mistaken warning, which was also sent to some transportation operators, a small number of subway and commuter train lines in Tokyo were briefly stopped. —AFP A young girl watches while a couple poses for their wedding photos on a promenade overlooking Victoria Harbour during a “T3” storm signal raised for Typhoon Nida in Hong Kong on Monday. — AFP spokeswoman for Cathay Pacific, the city’s flag carrier. Hong Kong authorities shut kindergartens and special needs learning institutions on Monday. “Local winds are expected to strengthen significantly around dusk,” said a weather bulletin. “There will be squalls, heavy rain and rough seas after sunset. There may be flooding in low-lying areas.” Those living in the storm’s projected path when it reaches mainland China have been told to prepare three days-worth of food and other essentials, Xinhua news agency reported, citing the National Commission for Disaster reduction. The southern cities of Zhuhai and Shanwei have also issued red alerts, while nearby Shenzhen had issued a yellow one — the third most severe. More than 220 flights out of Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Zhuhai airports would be cancelled before the storm passed over Tuesday, the Sohu news portal said. Nearly 2,000 workers constructing the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge were evacuated on Monday morning, and more than 2,000 others working on an offshore oil platform were relocated on Sunday evening, Xinhua said. Nida brought strong winds and torrential rains to the northern Philippines over the weekend. Southern China has been hard-hit by storms this summer. —AFP The scheme was a major catalyst in months of debilitating protests that led to the military takeover Yingluck rice scheme cost Thailand $8 billion: junta BANKOK: Thailand’s military rulers on Monday said a rice subsidy scheme by the government it ousted cost the state more than $8 billion, adding former leader Yingluck Shinawatra should be personally sued for the loss. Yingluck, Thailand’s first female premier, was booted from office by a court days before army chief Prayut Chan-O-Cha seized power in May 2014. The rice scheme was a major catalyst in months of debilitating protests that led to the military takeover. She has since been retroactively impeached over the scheme and is currently undergoing a separate criminal negligence trial which could see her jailed for up to 10 years. Now the junta says it will push a civil damages case against her and some key former ministers. The former premier denies “A fact-finding committee panel... has found that the damage cost of rice wrongdoing and says the pledging scheme was 286.6 billion scheme was a genuine baht ($8.2 billion),” Panada Disakul, attempt to help rice farmers, a minister to the Prime Minister’s Office, told reporters, the first time mainly in the poor, populous a hard figure has been given for the and long-neglected north losses. Yingluck, whose older brother and northeast. But the Thaksin Shinawatra was booted out as policy led to a 40-per cent premier by a 2006 coup, is accused of fall in Thai rice exports. failing to halt rampant corruption in Yingluck Shinawatra the multi-billion dollar subsidy. She is expected to appear in court The scheme offered farmers nearly Shinawatras’ key support base in the on Friday to begin laying out her double the market rate for their crop, country’s northeastern rice bowl. defence in the ongoing criminal trial. pumping billions of dollars into the But the programme was panned by critics as financially ruinous and a naked attempt at vote-buying by the Shinawatra clan. The former premier denies wrongdoing and says the scheme was a genuine attempt to help rice farmers, mainly in the poor, populous and long-neglected north and northeast. But the policy led to a 40-per cent fall in Thai rice exports after the government hoarded rice in a bungled attempt to push up its global price to fund the policy. That led to massive stockpiles as markets turned away from the Thai grain, costing the country its title as the world’s top rice exporter. Yingluck says the case against her is a politically motivated attack on her family who are loved among rice farmers. The Shinawatra’s electoral dominance over the past decade has rattled Thailand’s Bangkok-based elite. The siblings are the figureheads of Thailand’s democracy movement, which has floundered for nearly a century under an arch-royalist elite desperate to retain power. Fearful of a political comeback, the junta has tried to tangle Yingluck in legal rulings. Economists have also accused the junta of adopting some of the Shinawatras more populist fiscal policies, including paying above market rates for rubber amid a global price slump. — AFP subcontinent subcontinent i Taliban truck bomb rocks hotel for OMANDAILYOBSERVER T U E S DAY l A U G U S T 2 l 2 0 1 6 LONG foreigners in Kabul, guests unhurt TERROR STRIKE: The 7-hour gun and grenade assault following the attack highlights the insecurity KABUL: A Taliban truck bomb blasted through a hotel for foreigners in Kabul on Monday, triggering a seven-hour gun and grenade assault that highlighted growing insecurity in a city still reeling from its deadliest attack for 15 years. The guests and staff of the Northgate hotel escaped unharmed. But one policeman was killed after the truck bomber paved the way for two other armed insurgents to enter the heavily guarded facility near Kabul airport. The powerful bombing rocked much of the Afghan capital, leaving a huge muddy crater and piles of scorched debris strewn at the compound, which was previously attacked in July 2013. “A truck bomb packed with explosives struck the outer wall of the hotel,” said Kabul police chief Abdul Rahman Rahimi. “One policeman lost his life and three others were wounded but none of the hotel staff or guests were hurt. Three Taliban fighters including the truck bomber were killed.” The attack comes days after the IS group claimed twin bombings that left 80 people dead in Kabul, the deadliest attack in the city since the Taliban were ousted from power in 2001. Afghan commandos set up a tight security cordon around Northgate as sporadic grenade explosions and gunfire shook the area after the attack began around 1:30 am. Local TV station Tolo cited a source inside the facility as saying that all the staff and guests — including 11 foreigners — hunkered down in safe rooms throughout the night. It added that Nato special forces had overseen the clearance operation at the Northgate, a luxury enclave which had been fortified with blast walls, watchtowers and sniffer dogs. Tremors from the bombing rattled Afghan security personnel investigate the site after a powerful truck bomb targeting a hotel used by foreign contractors exploded on the outskirts of Kabul on Monday. — AFP windows across the city. It also cut a power line that supplies electricity to half of Kabul, according to the city’s main utility. “The blast was so strong that it startled everybody out of their beds,” Abdul Mohib, a resident of the neighbourhood, said. “The children were shocked. We all left the house screaming and shouting as our windows were shattered.” WB gives $100 m for Lanka’s economic reforms COLOMBO: The World Bank has approved a $100-million credit from the International Development Association (IDA) to support the Sri Lanka’s economic reforms programme, officials said on Monday. “Sri Lanka has been making steady progress on economic reforms, with the government aiming to create one million new jobs through a reform package focused on improving the country’s competitiveness, transparency and macroeconomic stability,” the report quoted a statement by the World Bank as saying. A World Bank study, the Systematic Country Diagnostic, has highlighted the need for Lanka to move from “a largely inward looking and public sector driven economy” to one that can tap the potential of private sector. 13 PIA employees arrested for bid to smuggle drugs ISLAMABAD: Thirteen Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) employees were arrested in connection with a failed attempt to smuggle 6 kg of heroin to Dubai from Lahore. “Some PIA employees have been taken into custody in connection with the heroin smuggling to Dubai. If found guilty, strict action will be taken against them,” PIA spokesman Daniyal Gilani told Dawn online on Sunday. A PIA flight was to leave for Dubai on Saturday from Lahore when the Anti-Narcotics Force received information that a huge quantity of heroin was being smuggled through the flight. — IANS Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said insurgents armed with rocket-propelled grenades and other weapons blasted their way into the compound after the truck bomb went off. The militants are intensifying their annual summer offensive after a brief lull during the holy fasting month of Ramadan, which ended in early July. The previous attack on the hotel compound also involved a Taliban truck bomb followed by a gun siege. Nine people were killed, including four Nepalese. The IS twin bombings on July 23 tore through crowds of minority Hazara protesters as they gathered to demand that a major power line be routed through the central province of Bamiyan, one of the most deprived areas of Afghanistan. — AFP INNINGS Veteran parliamentarian Anwar Cheema passes away ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s former federal minister for production Chaudhry Anwar Ali Cheema passed away on Monday at the age of 81. He suffered a cardiac arrest on Saturday and was shifted to a Lahore hospital, but could not survive. His funeral prayers were offered at the local sports Anwar Ali Cheema stadium and were attended by politicians, lawyers and people from other walks of life. He was laid to rest in his native village Chak 35-SB. His Qul will be held on August 2 at 10 am at his residence here. Cheema had been an MNA from NA-67 (formerly NA-50) for seven consecutive terms from 1985-2013. He was known to be a companion of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif but parted ways and joined the PML-Q when Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain and Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi formed the party with the blessings of former president retired Gen Pervez Musharraf. His son’s father-in-law is Chaudhry Tajamal Abbas, a first cousin of Chaudhry Shujaat, due to which he shifted loyalties from PML-N. In the 2013 general elections while contesting for an eighth term as MNA, he was defeated by PML-N candidate Dr Zulfiqar Bhatti, the same candidate he had defeated in the 2008 polls. He was born on January 1, 1935 in Sargodha and did his graduation from Government College, Lahore. He was recruited as naib tehsildar in 1961 but quit in 1974 and subsequently started his political career by contesting elections of the District Council member where he remained vice chairman and chairman till 1987. During his tenure as the chairman he contested from NA-50 and was elected MNA in non-party-based polls; he was also named “Shahenshah-i-Tameerat” by locals for launching several development projects. National Assembly Speaker Sardar Ayaz Sadiq and Deputy Speaker Murtaza Javed Abbasi condoled Cheema’s death with his family. — Internews None claim bodies of Bangladesh Nepal President calls for new government formation terrorists even after a month DHAKA: The bodies of five hardliners behind a deadly attack on a Bangladesh cafe have still not been claimed a month later, police said on Monday, as tens of thousands took to the streets to protest against extremism. Relatives of the men have spoken of their shock and horror at learning of their involvement in the siege in Dhaka’s Gulshan neighbourhood, in which 20 hostages were killed — many of them hacked to death. On Monday tens of thousands of university and college students across the country stood in silence and formed human chains in front of their schools. “No terrorism, we want peace. We want life without fear,” read one banner at a women’s college in Dhaka. Authorities have launched a nationwide campaign to shame those behind the attacks. Clerics have been asked to preach against killings. Police said the bodies of nine other men allegedly from the same group who were shot when police launched a raid on a militant hideout on July 26 are also still being stored at a state hospital. No relatives came to us or officially applied for the bodies of the 14 extremists,” Dhaka Metropolitan Police spokesman Masudur Rahman said. Sohel Mahmud, a forensic doctor at the Dhaka Medical College Hospital, said several families had come to identify the bodies. “But no one wanted to take them home for burial,” he said. Police gave no official reason, but officers speaking on condition of anonymity said the parents of the extremists were overwhelmed with guilt. Six of the young men were from well-off Dhaka families, among them 18-year-old Rohan Imtiaz. His father Imtiaz Khan Babul said he was “stunned and speechless” to hear of his only son’s involvement in the carnage and apologised to the nation. Abdus Salam said his brother Mohammad Abdullah, one of the nine killed in the shootout with police, had betrayed the family and his country. “That’s why we don’t want to take his body,” he told reporters last week. — AFP KATHMANDU: Nepal President Bidya Devi Bhandari on Monday called on the political parties to form a new majority government after efforts to install a new government based on consensus failed on Sunday. The President’s Office sent a letter to the Nepal Parliament on Monday, urging it to begin the process for the election of a new Prime Minister on majority basis as the seven-day deadline given to the parties for consensus expired on Sunday without any headway. Speaker’s press adviser Babin Sharma said the Speaker has received a letter from the President’s Office regarding the election of a new Prime Minister as per Article 305 and Article 299(3) of the Constitution. Parliament is preparing for the election of the Prime Minister on Wednesday, Sharma said. A panel to be headed by the Secretary- The bill gives authorities power to impose penalties on people seeking to exercise basic human rights Defamation bill: Maldives rejects pressure MALE, Maldives: The Maldives brushed off warnings from Western governments on Monday that a new defamation bill risked undermining basic freedoms on the troubled honeymoon islands, accusing its critics of hypocrisy. After a joint statement from Western missions urging President Abdulla Yameen’s administration to “return to the path of democracy”, the government countered that the same countries had their own legislation which limited freedom of expression. “The Joint Statement seeks to advance a notion of freedom of expression that is in fact restricted in four out of the five countries which are signatories to the statement,” the foreign ministry said in a statement. “These countries have criminalised defamation and have enacted such statutes. Similarly, 23 out of the 28 member states of the EU also have criminalised defamation.” The reaction came after the United States 7 These countries have criminalised defamation and have enacted such statutes. Similarly, 23 out of the 28 member states of the EU also have criminalised defamation. The bill risks being, if passed, a serious setback for freedom of speech in the Maldives led calls on Yameen to withdraw the bill, saying it gave authorities the power to impose severe penalties on people seeking to exercise basic human rights. “The defamation bill that has been introduced in the Maldivian parliament risks being, if passed, a serious setback for freedom of speech in the Maldives,” said the statement issued by the US Embassy. “It will allow severe penalties to be imposed on those who wish to exercise their democratic rights and freedoms, as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.” The missive was supported by the Sri Lanka-based diplomatic missions of Britain, Germany, Norway, the Netherlands and the European Union, which have responsibility for the Maldives. Australia too issued a similar statement. The Maldivian statement said the bill, if approved, would be referred to an all-party panel for further review before becoming law. “The government, as it has consistently reiterated, welcomes the opportunity to engage with its international partners,” it said. “However, it does expect those partners to be constructive and responsible in their actions.” Maldivian police arrested 16 journalists in April for protesting against the bill, which seeks to criminalise defamation and proposes heavy fines and jail terms for offenders. Independent media institutions fear it could be used to stifle freedom of speech on the islands, whose pristine seas and white sandy beaches are a popular draw for wealthy Western tourists. The Indian Ocean archipelago adopted multiparty democracy in 2008 after three decades of autocratic rule by Yameen’s half brother, Maumoon Abdul Gayoom. But it has been gripped by turmoil since its first democratically-elected leader Mohamed Nasheed was toppled in 2012. Nasheed, whose jailing last year on terror charges has been widely criticised by the West, has since secured political asylum in Britain after travelling there for medical treatment while on prison leave. — AFP General of Parliament will conduct the election for the Prime Minister and, according to parliamentary procedure, aspiring candidates shall have to register their names on Tuesday. CPN (Maoist Centre) Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal Prachanda — who is supported by the Nepali Congress, the largest party in the House — is all set to become the new Prime Minister. The second largest party CPN-UML is also fielding its candidate for the Prime Minister’s post and it is likely that deputy parliamentary party leader Subash Chandra Nembag will contest the election. K P Oli, the outgoing PM, who is also the Chairman of CPN-UML, is unlikely to contest. After Prime Minister Oli tendered his resignation on July 24, President Bhandari had called on the parties to form a new government on the basis of consensus. — IANS Harry Potter mania grips Karachi KARACHI: Muggle parents were dragged out of bed by their children on Monday morning to attend the official launch of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, a two-part play by J K Rowling, Jack Thorne and John Tiffany, at Liberty Books in Clifton’s Dolmen Mall. Originally a West End play for London’s Palace Theatre which premiered this summer, the book is the eighth story of the Harry Potter series. It takes place 19 years after Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows where the boy who survived (Harry Potter) defeats He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named aka Lord Voldemort in an epic battle. The cursed child, it is said, primarily focuses on Potter as an employee of the Ministry of Magic and his son, Albus Severus Potter. The book, which was released on July 31 all over the world — the same day as Potter’s birthday, was officially released at a launch party at Dolmen Mall. Parents, their children, students, teachers and professionals started arriving at the mall at around 10 am dressed as witches, wizards and their favourite character from the series. Uraiba and her cousin Tasheel, dressed up as Bellatrix Lestrange, said that they were very excited to be a part of the Harry Potter world. “I have always been a fan of the series and was upset when the launch party for Deathly Hallows was cancelled at the last minute due to security issues,” said Uraiba. — Internews analysis analysis l 8 OMANDAILYOBSERVER T U E S DAY l A U G U ST 2 l 2 0 1 6 THE MAN WHO STUDIED THE WISDOM OF STARS LAKSHMI KOTHANETH T o read a book authored by Ahmad bin Majid al Sa’di or to even look at it is such a wonderful experience. This specific book, which is on display, is the Major Noon an Nuniyah al kubrah from 1157 AH/1744 CE. The book is ink on paper, but the transcriber is unknown. This on its own is a very special treat among many other artefacts (close to 7,000) which are on display at the National Museum in Muscat. There was a time when sailors totally depended on the wind directions and star positions. Indian Ocean must have been his play ground and navigation was a game to him is what one wants to conclude while reading his works. He was an expert on monsoon winds and trade routes. His father apparently was also an accomplished sea traveller, so navigation must have been a natural instinct. The question is whether this historical figure, whom sailors of the past and present look up to, is well celebrated today? Of course history book tells you that he could have been the person who guided Vasco da Gama to India. Was it a fruitful venture? Or did he have second thoughts? Then again experts also argue that by the time Vasco da Gama arrived, Ahmed bin Majid had retired from his sea ventures. Should the Master Navigator’s book be translated into more languages and published more? At a time when the world needs role models than ever before, here is one person who has excelled in his profession as a navigator as well as a poet. Being a writer and scholar is what has ensured us the delight of reading his books that truly display his knowledge on oceanography. Ahmed bin Majid, like his predecessors from the region, followed the North Pole unlike the sailors from the West who kept track of the route with the help of Sun. In his writings, he explains how one gathers information from birds, clouds, stars and other features. We can only wonder whether these enchanting celestial features miss that generation of navigators and sailors. What would be Ahmed bin Majid’s reaction if he were to see the marine pollution and the effects of global warming? Looking back, they were using everything that was natural — from the wood to build the dhow to cotton for sail and the ropes instead of nails. In other words, everything was organic, unlike today when a shipwreck brings in a whole lot of plastic to the shore waiting to be cleared up. The navigator would have been definitely able to enlighten us about the marine life and the beaches that were popular with the turtles and the birds, and while some chose to travel on land he chose the ocean. He saw the world sailing across meeting people and experiencing cultures. It all proves the importance of writing and recording. Luckily, these works are preserved and we get to see it at the National Museum in Muscat. Interviewing Ahmed bin Majid would have been a unique experience. The traveller’s works are available in international museums in other countries. The adventurer would be indeed surprised to learn about the millennials and the importance given to luxurious life styles or even to realise that there is quite a bit of trade that is done on cyber space. He would, however, be happy to note that the sea route still thrive and has its demand as it continues to be considered as an essential part of trade. So when I look at the book enclosed in a glass case, it is only a wish that I could read what is written in Arabic. Just to reflect on his experiences and relive the world it used to be once upon a time. Never would he have imagined there is a precious resource that lay under the land that would economically become the path breaker for the countries of the region. This resource interestingly enough thrives on the very ocean that he mastered to reach their markets. The Major Noon is exhibited at the Marine History Gallery with a setting of replicas of dhows and even the detailed explanations. It is a heritage that everyone must experience because it is part of human history. People of the past lived depending on each other sailing across to reach other coasts, and it is not just hundreds of years. The archaeological findings from Ras al Jinz prove that trade links flourished 5,000 years ago with the Indus Valley Civilisation. Probably they looked at the horizon and they found it beckoning them. Brightening homes in Kenya BENSON RIOBA V The whole M-KOPA kit, including the television set, iolet Mwikali’s new television has not just brought costs about $530, and customers make an initial payment entertainment to her home. It has ushered in peace, too. of up to $79, followed by instalments of as little as $1 a day. “The whining has stopped now. I was put on the spot Kit owner Raphael Makau said the $148 minimum fee for a while as my two children went to the neighbours’ to levied upfront by the Kenya Power and Lighting Company watch television,” Mwikali said as she adjusted her new 16- to connect a home to the national grid was too expensive. inch solar-powered television. It would have taken him years to afford access to Mwikali is one of many residents of Lukenya in electricity were it not for the solar kit, he said. Machakos County, east of Nairobi, who have bought Makau also likes the convenience of making his daily televisions from M-KOPA Solar, a Nairobi-based company payment to M-KOPA through his mobile phone. that sells solar-powered products in places not connected Jesse Moore, M-KOPA’s chief executive, believes poorer to the national energy grid. nations will lead the way in switching The digital flat-screen television, to green energy use. added to the product line in February, “In Africa, (we are going) directly comes with a solar panel and a from limited energy connections portable battery that also controls Television reaches less straight to renewable,” he said. a lighting unit and has a socket for According to Moore, the company than a third of Kenya’s charging mobile phones. has sold over 6,000 television sets, and Margaret Nduge, another solar adult population on a daily plans to scale up production to meet TV owner, said she had long resigned rising demand. The company hopes basis, with the rest lacking herself to never being hooked up to to reach 3 million households out power or a TV set, according of the 5 million yet to be connected the national electricity grid. Before buying the solar kit, Nduge to 2015 data from the to the grid in Kenya, Moore told the used a generator for power, but it was Thomson Reuters Foundation. smoky and noisy, and the cost of fuel Kenya Audience Research Target areas are mainly rural Foundation cited by M-KOPA. because many residents there are was a drain on her finances. “My neighbours didn’t believe that poor and need affordable energy I could afford to power my house products. Allowing payments via silently,” she said. mobile money transfer helps attract The solar television works even customers, Moore added. when there is little or no sun, she said, allowing her to keep Consumers are already identifying improvements they up with her favourite channels and the national news. would like to see in the next generation of solar products. The battery lasts for four hours when used for lighting Mwikali wants enhanced battery life to expand the amount and watching TV simultaneously. of time she can use her TV, because the current four hours Television reaches less than a third of Kenya’s adult is not enough for her family’s needs. population on a daily basis, with the rest lacking power or Makau echoed the suggestion, saying he is sometimes a TV set, according to 2015 data from the Kenya Audience forced to use backups such as kerosene lanterns when the Research Foundation cited by M-KOPA. solar battery runs out in the evenings. ANC faces losses in vote that could reshape South African politics JOE BROCK A metal sculpture overlooks the ocean on South Africa’s southern coast, showing Nelson Mandela with his fist triumphantly thrust into the air and a sweeping line of diverse figures waiting to vote. The monument in Port Elizabeth, capital of the Nelson Mandela Bay municipality, commemorates the jubilant day in 1994 when South Africa held its first multi-racial elections, overwhelmingly voting the African National Congress (ANC) and Mandela into power. At local elections this week, the atmosphere is expected to be far more subdued, with ANC supporters increasingly frustrated at a lack of jobs and basic services as Africa’s most industrialised country teeters on the edge of a recession, and disenchanted at perceived corruption in the ruling party. Opinion polls suggest the vote on Wednesday could herald a sea change in South African society and politics. The ANC could lose major cities it has held virtually unchallenged since the end of white-minority rule 22 years ago. Such an historic reversal could reshape the political playing field ahead of the 2019 general election, and may also embolden President Jacob Zuma’s rivals within the ANC to challenge him. With a quarter of South Africa’s potential workforce unemployed and the jobless rate among black people aged 2024 at almost half, millions of voters say their lives have barely improved since the ANC won power in 1994. With a quarter of South Africa’s potential workforce unemployed and the jobless rate among black people aged 20-24 at almost half, millions of voters say their lives have barely improved since the ANC won power in 1994. Many supporters are switching allegiances to the main opposition Democratic Alliance (DA), bolstering its attempts to attract black voters and shake off its image of a party that chiefly serves the interests of the minority white community. This kind of defection — an unthinkable prospect in years gone by — is now being considered across the country, even in symbolic heartlands like Nelson Mandela Bay. “In past elections the DA wouldn’t dare to come here,” 25-year old IT graduate Zodwa Twani said from a rundown township in Port Elizabeth where DA placards line the streets alongside images of President Jacob Zuma. “I loved the ANC but now they only focus on themselves, not the people. Mandela would have been ashamed,” Twani added, standing in a pot-holed street in a ward where the ANC won 80 per cent of the vote five years ago. The ANC won 52 per cent at the 2011 local election in Mandela Bay municipality overall, compared with the DA’s 40 per cent, but opinion polls suggest it could struggle to win a majority on Wednesday. African National Congress supporters during the party’s traditional Siyanqoba rally ahead of Wednesday’s local municipal elections in Johannesburg. — Reuters a a ys s analysis analysis i OMANDAILYOBSERVER T U E S DAY l A U G U S T 2 l 2 0 1 6 9 Dirty, deadly and no cleaner legacy from Rio Games BRAD BROOKS R io de Janeiro’s air is dirtier and deadlier than portrayed by authorities and the Olympics’ promised legacy of cleaner winds has not remotely been met, an analysis of government data and Reuters’ own testing found. Brazil declared in its official bid for the Olympic Games, which open on Friday, that Rio’s air quality was “within the limits recommended by the World Health Organization.” That was not true when Rio won the right to host the Games in 2009 and it is not true now. Rio for years has surpassed WHO limits for the most dangerous air pollutant — called particulate matter (PM) – spewed from millions of vehicles clogging the city’s roads. Thousands die annually in Rio’s metropolitan area of 12 million people because of complications related to the air. People exposed to the pollution have higher risks of lung cancer, heart attacks, strokes, asthma and other diseases. “This is definitely not ‘Olympic air’,” said Paulo Saldiva, a University of Sao Paulo pathologist and member of the WHO committee that set tougher global pollution standards in 2006. “A lot of attention has been paid to Rio’s water because the particulate matter has a diameter pollution, but far more people die because of air of 10 microns or less, seven times smaller than pollution than the water,” he said. “You are not that of a human hair. obligated to drink water from Guanabara Bay but That means Rio has the dirtiest air of you must breathe Rio’s air.” any Olympic host city since scientists began Rio’s contaminated consistently tracking PM 10 Olympic waterways have in the late 1980s, with the drawn attention as the city exception of Beijing in 2008. suffers endemic levels of Tania Braga, head of gastrointestinal diseases from a sustainability and legacy for lack of sewage collection. Thousands die annually the Rio Olympics organising Reuters recently reported committee, said air quality in Rio’s metropolitan that Rio’s Olympic water cannot be judged on PM data venues and favourite beaches area of 12 million people alone and other pollutants are at also tested positive for drug- because of complications low levels. resistant “super bacteria.” Saldiva dismissed that, related to the air. But there has been no talk saying “the health damages of Rio’s air pollution, threeassociated with PM pollution quarters of which is caused by are the most severe of all exhaust fumes from the 2.7 pollutants” and, because of that, million vehicles on its roads, according to Rio Rio’s air is of poor quality. state’s environmental protection agency, Inea. The WHO says on its website that “PM affects Its data shows that since 2008, Rio’s air has more people than any other pollutant,” that consistently been two to three times above outdoor pollution caused 3.7 million premature WHO’s annual limit for PM 10 — so called deaths worldwide in 2012 and that those deaths were due to exposure to PM 10. The UN body did not respond to requests for comment on Rio’s air quality. Using the WHO’s methodology on estimating mortality, Saldiva calculates some 5,400 people died in Rio because of air pollution in 2014, the most recent year that data is available. By comparison, Rio’s infamous murder levels resulted in 3,117 deaths last year. From 2010 to 2014, metropolitan Rio had an annual average PM 10 reading of 52 per cubic metre of air, according to Inea statistics. The WHO’s limit for the annual average is 20. Jamie Mullins, a professor of resource economics at the University of MassachusettsAmherst, estimates that for every 10 units above the WHO limit on PM 10 levels, track athletes across all events see their performances diminished by 0.2 per cent. Mullins based that calculation on an examination of nearly 656,000 results from US track athletes over eight years, and the air pollution during each. During the Beijing Olympics, the PM 10 level was 82 — well above Rio’s. A FEAR FOR FUTURE ADAOBI TRICIA NWAUBANI H Hillary Clinton takes a selfie with a supporter at the David L Lawrence Convention Centre in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. eld for months by the Nigerian government and confined to a house in the capital for the foreseeable future, Amina Ali, a schoolgirl who was rescued after two years in Boko Haram captivity, may never be the girl she once was, her mother fears. Amina, one of more than 200 girls abducted from a school in Chibok in April 2014, and her four-month-old baby were rescued in May near Damboa in the remote northeast, by soldiers working together with a civilian vigilante group. After a meeting with President Muhammadu Buhari, in the hope she would shed light on the fate of the other kidnapped girls, Amina has since been held in a house in the capital Abuja for what the Nigerian government has called a “restoration process”. But her mother, Binta Ali, who has spent the last two months in the house, is concerned about Amina’s welfare and future. “Before she was kidnapped, she wanted to further her education,” Binta told the Thomson Reuters Foundation from Chibok, having briefly returned there to seek medical treatment. “But now she is afraid of schooling, and she wants to be close to me at home,” said Binta, adding that Amina wants a sewing machine so that she can start a business making clothes. “She did not want to see him,” Binta said, adding that the teacher had stopped visiting after she complained about him. Garba Shehu, Buhari’s spokesman, said that Amina’s confinement in the house had nothing to do with religion. Boko Haram kidnapped 219 girls from their school in Chibok, northeast Nigeria, in April 2014, as part of their seven-year-old insurgency to set up a religious state in the north that has killed some 15,000 people and displaced more than 2 million. Some girls escaped in the melee but parents of those still missing accused former president Goodluck Jonathan, Nigeria’s then leader, of not doing enough to find their daughters, whose disappearance sparked a global campaign #bringbackourgirls. Binta said she was shocked to hear about the hardships faced by her daughter as a captive of the group. Amina and the other girls, starving and with nothing to cook with, resorted to eating an entire bag of beans and maize raw. “I cannot imagine how a human being can eat raw maize and beans like a goat,” Binta said. Amina also told her mother how some of the kidnapped girls had died in captivity, while others suffered broken legs or went deaf after being too close to explosions. — Reuters Clinton’s ‘Rust Belt’ tour courts working class IVAN COURONNE H illary Clinton took a bus tour across the US “rust belt” region this weekend in a quest to win over white, working class voters who tend to support populist Republican Donald Trump. With her husband ex-president Bill Clinton in tow, the former first lady, top diplomat, ex-senator and now Democratic presidential candidate took her seat on a blue bus that meandered over 1,000 km from Philadelphia to Columbus, Ohio. Here on this green and hilly landscape steel mills have been closing since the late 1970s, and many factories have shuttered since the 1990s. The 2008-2009 recession further aggravated despair, and the following economic recovery has produced only a fraction of jobs that pay as much as the lost industrial ones. “I understand that there are people who feel like the economy is not working well for them,” Clinton said at a rally in Harrisburg last Friday. “But I understand that. Because I’m not satisfied with the status quo, are you?” she asked, joined by Bill Clinton and her vicepresidential running mate Tim Kaine. If elected, Clinton promises to implement what she says is the biggest jobs programme since World War II, focused on manufacturing and infrastructure. Nevertheless “there’s a lot of mistrust of Hillary Clinton, and it comes from Bill,” who signed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), said John Russo, a labour expert from the region currently at Georgetown University. “The working class has been pretty angry on trade issues given the many manufacturing-related jobs that have been lost because of NAFTA,” Russo said. said at a rally in Johnstown. Few anticipated the massive loss of US Trump has broken with the Republican manufacturing jobs — mostly to lower Party’s age-old free-market orthodoxy and waged Mexico — after Bill Clinton signed gone protectionist, cashing in politically on this region’s malaise over lost industrial jobs. Trump blames the losses on Bill Clinton and his trade deals, and claims that it will be the same under Hillary Clinton. Ohio and Pennsylvania are key “swing states” in November’s presidential race. In Pittsburgh, a historic steel Winning one or the other, or both, could city that has largely shifted be crucial to a Republican or Democratic to being a medical and White House victory. By increasing white voter turnout, educational centre, Clinton Trump could counter Clinton’s lead in large slammed Trump for doing cities like Philadelphia or Cleveland, where African-American voters who tend to vote nothing for working class Democratic are concentrated. Americans. She quipped Near Pittsburgh, which Hillary Clinton that his Trump brand visited on Saturday, lies Monessen, population 7,500 — a shadow of what the ties are made in China. town was when two huge steel plants were open there, employing some 22,000 people. In 1962, president John F Kennedy made the trip in this Democratic stronghold to praise its industrial strength. NAFTA into law in December 1993. In June, it was Donald Trump’s turn In time many of those same jobs moved — and he came to declare “US economic to even lower wage countries in Asia. independence” in a vitriolic speech decrying US manufacturing jobs continued to globalisation. haemorrhage in the following years. “We are going to put American-produced In Pittsburgh, a historic steel city that steel back into the backbone of our country. has largely shifted to being a medical and This alone will create massive numbers of educational centre, Clinton slammed jobs,” Trump said. Trump for doing nothing for working class From his office overlooking the Americans. Monongahela River, Monessen Mayor She even quipped that his Trump brand Louis Mavrakis, 79, tries to stay positive ties are made in China. as he mentions that some 400 vacant “So Donald Trump says he wants to make homes set to be razed. America great again. He can start by actually Mavrakis is a Democrat who has never making things in America again,” Clinton voted Republican. ESTABLISHED ON 15 NOVEMBER 1981 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Abdullah bin Salim al Shueili HEAD OFFICE ADVERTISING Tel: 24649444, 24649450, 24649451, 24604563, 24699437 Fax: 24699643 AL OMANEYA ADVERTISING & PUBLIC RELATIONS, P.O. Box 3303, P.C. 112, Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman Tel: SWITCHBOARD: 24649444 DIRECT: 24649430/24649437/24649401 Fax: 24649434 SALALAH OFFICE Tel: 23292633 Fax: 23293909 NIZWA OFFICE Tel: 25411099 P.O. Box 955, P.C. 611 Website: DISTRIBUTION AGENT Al OMANEYA for Distribution & Marketing, P.O. Box 974, P.C. 100, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman Tel: 24649351/24649360 Fax: 24649379 e-mail: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY: Oman Establishment for Press, Publication and Advertising P.O. Box 974, Postal Code 100, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in these pages are solely those of the authors and do not reflect the opinion of the Observer. india iindia d 10 Moments with the prime minister OMANDAILYOBSERVER Aaryan Balaji, a young mountaineer, makes a courtesy call on Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi yesterday. T U E S DAY l A U G U ST 2 l 2 0 1 6 IN BRIEF Govt tables supplementary demands in LS NEW DELHI: The government on Monday sought parliament’s nod for additional spending of Rs 1.03 lakh crore, though the cash outgo will only be Rs 20,948.26 crore. “Approval of parliament is sought to authorise gross additional expenditure of Rs 1,03,013.74 crore. Of this, the proposals involving net cash outgo aggregate to Rs 20,948.26 crore and gross additional expenditure,” a finance ministry document tabled in Lok Sabha said. Presenting the Supplementary Demands for Grants for 2016-17 in the Lok Sabha, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley sought parliament’s approval for transfer of Rs 5,000 crore towards National Employment Guarantee Fund and Rs 1,000 crore for providing funds to Indian Strategic Petroleum Reserves for Sovereign Strategic Crude Oil Reserve at Vizag, Mangalore and Pudur. The Demands for Grants also include Rs 40,000 crore as Ways and Means Advance to Food Corporation of India (FCI) to meet the working capital requirements towards procurement of food grain for targeted public distribution system. — IANS Thousands pay homage to Rakesh Siddaramaiah MYSURU: Thousands of people on Monday bid farewell to Rakesh, elder son of Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah who died in Brussels last week, at the exhibition ground in the city, about 150 km from Benglauru. “As scheduled, the cortege carrying the mortal remains of Rakesh was brought here in a special aircraft from Bengaluru after it was flown from Brussels by an Emirates Airlines flight earlier in the day,” an official said. Siddaramaiah, his wife Parvathi, their daughter-in-law and younger son Yathindra accompanied the cortege from Brussels. The body will be taken on road to T Katur, about 40km from here, for the last rites at Siddaramaiah’s farmhouse in the evening. Besides state Governor Vajubhai Vala, Congress leader in the Lok Sabha Mallikarjun Kharge, former BJP Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa, state ministers, lawmakers and leaders of political parties offered floral tributes to the departed soul. Holding back tears and with folded hands, an emotional Siddaramaiah stood by the cortege and expressed gratitude to all the people who came to the venue for paying respects to Rakesh and sharing his grief over the personal tragedy. Elaborate security arrangements were made by the district authorities to regulate the flow of mourners in thousands and prevent any untoward incident. — IANS SC asks ex-UP CMs to vacate accommodation NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Monday directed six former Chief Ministers of Uttar Pradesh to vacate within two months the accommodation provided to them by the state government. A bench headed by Justice Anil R Dave said the former Chief Ministers have no right to occupy the premises which they must vacate. The six former Chief Ministers are Kalyan Singh, Rajnath Singh, Mulayam Singh Yadav, Mayawati, Narayan Dutt Tiwari and Ram Naresh Yadav. The bungalows occupied by the former Chief Ministers are located on Lucknow’s posh Mall Road and Vikramaditya Marg. The top court order came on a petition by NGO Lok Prahari challenging the validity of 1997 Ex-Chief Minister Allotment of Residence Rule. Lok Prahari contended that the rule was without statutory basis and in breach of Uttar Pradesh Minister Salaries, Allowances and other Facilities Act, 1981. — IANS Govt to evacuate 10,000 Indians stranded in Saudi Arabia: Sushma CONCERNS: Sushma says the govt will ensure the workers get their pending payments NEW DELHI: India will ensure that none of the Indian workers abroad go hungry because they do not have work, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj said on Monday, adding that the government will bring back citizens stranded in Saudi Arabia after the companies they were working for shut down. The minister was responding to concerns raised by members in the Rajya Sabha. On Saturday, the minister had said over 10,000 Indians in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait were facing a “food crisis” because of economic hardships. “Large number of Indians have lost their jobs in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. The employers have not paid wages (and) closed down their factories,” she had tweeted. On Monday, she informed members of the upper house that food has been distributed to the workers, and Minister of State for External Affairs V K Singh was going to Saudi Arabia to get the workers back. “Government has taken this issue very seriously. When I got to know workers are without food and water, I contacted Indian embassy at Riyadh and (consulate at) Jeddah and told them to distribute free ration. I also urged the local Indian community to assist them,” she said. “I am personally monitoring it and need a report every hour,” she said. “I am satisfied today that at quarter to three, I got a message that food has been distributed in all five camps,” the minister said. SCHOOL DURING RAINS We have contacted foreign and labour offices. The rule is that embassies cannot give emergency exit visa if employer does not give a no objection certificate SUSHMA SWARAJ Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj said the government will bring the workers back to India. “Ration for 7-10 days has been given. But this is not a permanent solution. There companies have been shut. We cannot leave them there...we have to get them back,” she said. “We have contacted foreign and labour offices. The rule is that embassies cannot give emergency exit visa if employer does not give a no objection certificate. We told them the employer is not there so how can we get no objection certificate,” the minister said. She also said that the government will ensure the labourers get their pending payments. “I am sending General V K Singh there. He will talk to (Saudi) foreign office and labour office and will get them home.” The minister added that no Indian labourer abroad should go hungry and the Indian government will ensure this. “Any Indian labourer outside the country, if he does not have work, government takes the responsibility that he will not sleep hungry,” Sushma Swaraj added. According to reports, 10,000 Indian workers were laid off in Saudi Arabia after growth slowed in the country, triggered by the negative effects of falling oil prices. The workers were left without any money to buy food or travel back to India Singh is leaving for Saudi Arabia to oversee the operation, she said. She received the last report at 2.45am, she said and informed the Lok Sabha that ration for 10 days had been distributed in all the five camps. “I am personally monitoring the situation.” As some opposition members in Lok Sabha raised some questions, Speaker Sumitra Mahajan disallowed them, saying “She (Swaraj) has done everything. She has done really good work. Nobody has worked this much.” Swaraj’s response also drew praise from the Chair and members in the Rajya Sabha. Swaraj made the statement in the Lower House amid the din created by Andhra Pradesh MPs, who were demanding special category status for the state. Senior BJP member L K Advani, who was sitting next to Swaraj, was seen requesting Andhra members with folded hands to allow her to speak. The workers were mostly employed by Saudi construction companies, and were laid off amid a slowdown in the industry due to low global oil. — IANS Amit Shah gets relief from SC A man carries schoolchildren through a flooded street during monsoon rains in Mumbai. — Reuters NEW DELHI: In a breather for Amit Shah, the Supreme Court on Monday dismissed a plea by social activist and former bureaucrat Harsh Mander challenging the BJP President’s discharge in the alleged staged killing of Sohrabuddin Sheikh and his aide Tusliram Prajapati. Sohrabuddin was killed by Gujarat Police on November 26, 2005, in an allegedly staged shootout. Two days later, on November 28, his wife Kausar Bi was killed. His aide Tulsiram Prajapati was murdered December 28, 2006. Shah was Gujarat’s Minister of State for Home when the killings took place. A bench of Justice S A Bobde and Justice Ashok Bhushan rejected the plea by Mander, who had challenged the Bombay High Court order rejecting his plea against the discharge of Amit Shah on the grounds of his locus standi to do so. “Where a person genuinely aggrieved moves the court, it takes a different colour, and when another person who is not even remotely connected (moves the court),” it takes a different dimension, said the bench. Saying that it could not keep the question of locus that open that anybody could intervene in the matters, even when directly aggrieved parties are not coming forward, the bench said: “This man’s brother withdraws, and you are coming up.” The court was referring to Rubabuddin Sheikh — brother of Sohrabuddin Sheikh withdrawing his petition before Bombay High Court challenging the discharge of Amit Shah in the case. However, senior counsel Kapil Sibal, appearing for Mander, said: “Court can’t close its eyes to everything.” He cited several judgments including one by the constitution bench as he argued that under law, a person not remotely aggrieved by the crime too can knock the door of the court to seek justice in a criminal case in larger interest of society. Opposing Mander’s plea, senior counsel Harish Salve, appearing for Amit Shah, cited another set of judgments to contend that an unconnected third party had no locus to knock the doors of the appellate courts in a criminal matter. — IANS The medical department has also announced precautionary measures to check the outbreak of diseases Floods trigger epidemic fears in Meghalaya TURA (Meghalaya): Diseases may break out in the flood-hit areas of Meghalaya if precautions are not taken, health authorities said. “There are already cases of some people in the flood areas suffering from diarrhoea and dysentery but our medical team visiting these areas has been able to provide immediate treatment,” Marwin Sangma, the medical chief of West Garo Hills district, told IANS. “We have already activated all our medical teams and they are visiting all the relief camps to take stock as we are apprehending that many water-borne diseases might break out in the floodhit areas once the water-level starts receding,” he said. The medical department has also announced precautionary measures to check the outbreak of diseases. The floods have affected more than one lakh people in 258 villages after the swollen Brahmaputra and Jingiram rivers submerged many villages under Phulbari, Rajabala, Singimari, Paham, Bhaitbari and Hallidayganj areas. Three people — a young woman and two minors — died in the floods, while two others are suspected to have been washed away by the high currents of the flood water. The flood waters also swept away livestock, foodgrain and houses, besides damaging standing crops, roads and bridges. “A mobile medical team had already visited the flood-affected areas and distributed ORS (oral rehydration solution) and anti-diarrhoea medicines to the affected people,” Sangma said. According to medical experts, waterborne diseases like diarrhoea, cholera and gastroenteritis can break out if proper care is not taken by the state administration. “Post-flood is a critical period. People should boil food and water and ‘People should boil food and water and above all should maintain cleanliness to avert any type of health hazard, said Marshal Lamare, a medical expert above all should maintain cleanliness to avert any type of health hazard,” said Marshal Lamare, a medical expert. Public Health Engineering (PHE) officials have distributed chlorine tablets and bleaching powder to prevent any outbreak of water-borne diseases. “We are providing safe drinking water and other essential commodities in the form of rice, dal and salt to all the people in the affected areas,” West Garo Hills District Magistrate Pravin Bakshi said. Bakshi said temporary pit latrines have been constructed near relief camps and 110 boats have been requisitioned for carrying relief materials to the affected areas. Construction of tube wells in the worst hit flood affected areas has been ordered after a survey and drinking water supply has been managed for the relief camps by PHE, he said. Chief Minister Mukul Sangma had conducted an aerial survey of the flood- affected areas. National Peoples Party President Conrad K Sangma, who represents Tura in the Lok Sabha, urged the state government to ensure supply of essential commodities and safe drinking water to the affected people besides taking immediate steps to prevent outbreak of water-borne diseases. “I have visited almost all the floodhit areas and the immediate plea of the affected people was to ensure food supplies,” Sangma said. Bakshi said supply of essential items including ready to cook food, chiwra (flattened rice flakes) and jaggery, baby food and kerosene oil is being supplied to the relief camps. He said a state disaster response force (SDRF) team from Shillong, consisting of 13 personnel, has reached Phulbari and will be stationed there for emergency relief and rescue works and other contingencies.— IANS india da india i OMANDAILYOBSERVER T U E S DAY l A U G U S T 2 l 2 0 1 6 GOOD HOPE: After many days some normal activity was witnessed as more private vehicles and pedestrians were seen on many roads Amid curfew and shutdown, Kashmir shows improvement SRINAGAR: Sporadic clashes between stone-pelting mobs and security forces at some places notwithstanding, the overall law and order situation in the Kashmir Valley showed signs of marginal improvement on Monday with some normal activity seen in the Srinagar city. Two protesters were injured when security forces opened fire at an unruly mob in Qazigund area of Anantnag district. “The injured persons were admitted to hospital where doctors said both of them were out of danger,” a police officer said. Meanwhile, a 60-year-old man, injured in clashes in Anantnag district last week, died in the hospital on Monday, taking the toll in the current cycle of violence in Kashmir to 51. Although restrictions remained in place in the old city and some uptown areas in Srinagar, after many days some normal activity was witnessed as more private vehicles and pedestrians were seen on many roads. Senior separatist leader Syed Ali Geelani took part in a separatist-called anti-India graffiti campaign. He painted an anti-India slogan on a wall in uptown Hyderpora area. Separatists have asked people to paint anti-Indian graffiti and slogans on walls and roads as part of the peaceful protests during the ongoing shutdown in the Kashmir Valley. Authorities imposed curfew and restrictions in most parts of the valley to GST Bill to be taken up on Wednesday, Cong for more talks NEW DELHI: The government has listed the GST bill for discussion in the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday, hoping it will be passed through consensus, but the opposition Congress said that consultation is still on over the issue and an agreement is not yet finalised. In view of the development, the BJP has issued whip for all its Rajya Sabha members to be present in the house for the next three days. “The GST bill is listed for Wednesday. We hope it will be passed through consensus,” Parliamentary Affairs Minister Ananth Kumar told reporters here. The government had initially planned to take up the Goods and Services Tax bill on Tuesday but opted to delay it by a day so that parties have enough time to talk to their members. The “mood is in favour of passing the bill”, said Ananth Kumar, adding that talks are being held with different political parties as the bill concerns all the states. The Congress said it was prepared to accept every reasonable solution but added that the consultation is still on. — IANS A Kashmiri woman walks behind concertina wire during a curfew in downtown Srinagar. — Reuters maintain law and order. The valley has been reeling under officially imposed curfew and the separatist-called protest shutdown for 24 days now since Hizbul commander Burhan Wani was killed in a gunfight with the security forces on July 8. Hotels, houseboats and guest houses are all deserted as tourists have left the valley because of the present cycle of violence. Educational institutions, banks and post offices have also remained shut during this period although essential services are exempted from both curfew and the separatist shutdown, and have been functioning in the valley. Traffic on the Jammu-Srinagar and Srinagar-Leh national highways moves only during the night as protesters keep these highways blocked during the day, defying curfew restrictions. The number of pilgrims arriving daily for the ongoing Amarnath Yatra has also been drastically reduced, but so far 2,18,000 pilgrims have paid obeisance to the deity inside the holy cave, while 21 yatris have died of natural causes during this year’s pilgrimage. Meanwhile, the proscribed Jamatud-Dawa’s (JuD) charity wing Falahe-Insaniyat Foundation (FIF), led by Hafiz Saeed, on Monday announced it is sending a caravan to Jammu and Kashmir packed with daily essential requirements for the people hit by the current unrest there. — IANS Anandiben Patel resigns as Gujarat chief minister AHMEDABAD: The chief minister of Gujarat and a long-time confidante of Prime Minister Narendra Modi resigned on Monday, as protests by the low-caste Dalit community threatened to hurt the standing of the ruling party. Anandiben Patel, who served as the state’s first woman chief minister, posted the resignation letter on her Facebook page. She said the decision was driven by the fact that she was almost 75 years old, the age at which Modi expects ministers to retire. Modi appointed Patel as his successor in Gujarat, his home state, in 2014. He had run the state for 13 years — an era of rapid industrial growth that his BJP successfully pitched to voters as a “model” to bring prosperity to India’s 1.3 billion people. But Patel’s standing weakened after a series of caste-driven protests, which could be politically damaging for Modi. They have also disrupted parliamentary proceedings and may affect state elections in Gujarat and the northern state of Uttar Pradesh in 2017. About 25,000 member of Dalit community have staged protests since four young Dalit men were stripped and beaten in public after they were seen skinning a cow. The youths said the cow was dead. Meanwhile, President Amit Shah said on Monday that he will place before the party’s parliamentary board — one of the BJP’s apex decision-making forum — a letter from Gujarat Chief Minister Anandiben Patel asking the leadership to relieve her of her post. “The spirit that she has expressed, we will place it before the parliamentary board. The next course of action will follow accordingly,” Shah said here. He indicated that the parliamentary board would also take a decision on the AIADMK sacks MP Sasikala Pushpa STUCK IN A BLOCK Commuters and their vehicles stand in a traffic jam in New Delhi. — AFP CHENNAI/NEW DELHI: AIADMK General Secretary and Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa on Monday dismissed the party’s Rajya Sabha member L Sasikala Pushpa from the party. In a statement issued here, Jayalalithaa said Sasikala Pushpa acted against the party’s principles and code of conduct and also in a manner that defamed the party. The dismissal comes after Pushpa slapped DMK’s Rajya Sabha member Tiruchi Siva at Delhi airport two days back. Jayalalithaa said Pushpa is dismissed from Monday from all party posts and also from the basic membership of the party. Party members were asked not to have any contact with her. Pushpa is different from Jayalalithaa’s close aide Sasikala Natarajan. Pushpa told reporters that she slapped Siva several times as he was making some nasty remarks about Jayalalithaa. However, Siva later told reporters that he was hit only once. It was reported that Pushpa was asked by Jayalalithaa to explain her behaviour and the reasons for assaulting Siva. Pushpa on Monday alleged in the Rajya Sabha that she was facing a “life threat” and that she was being “compelled to resign”. “I fear threat to my life. I am being compelled to resign from my constitutional post by my leader, for whom I have much gratitude.” According to reports, Sasikala visited AIADMK chief J Jayalalithaa’s residence on Sunday. “In Tamil Nadu I have no safety...I need protection,” Sasikala said but other AIADMK members protested against her remarks. — IANS With no news or phone access, the Delhi CM will undergo a 10-day vipassana course with meditation sessions Kejriwal on 10-day Himalayan meditation course DHARAMSALA: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who is here to attend a ‘vipassana’ session, will not be allowed to meet anyone during the 10-day meditation course or access to newspapers or mobile phone, an official said on Monday. Kejriwal, who arrived here in the morning, was received by a large number of Aam Adami Party activists and party leaders at the airport. He will stay in the Himachal Vipassana Centre in Dharamkot — a tourist spot on the suburbs and close to the Dalai Lama’s abode — till August 12, centre in-charge Pawan Sharma said. Sharma said the 10-day ‘vipassana’ course would begin on Tuesday and continue till August 11. Kejriwal would return to Delhi the following day. Vipassana is one of India’s most ancient meditation techniques. During the course, Kejriwal would stay without his staff. “Nobody would be allowed to meet Kejriwal during the course. Even his security would not stay with him at the centre,” Sharma added. Kejriwal’s day would begin at 4 am and he would retire at 9.30 pm. In between, there would be meditation sessions. The participants would pose queries to their teachers at specified intervals during the course, Sharma said. The participants will be served simple meals, comprising rice and dal. There would be no access to newspapers, television and mobile phone. According to the centre, the 10day course is an introductory one to vipassana where the technique is taught step-by-step every day. Kejriwal arrived by a SpiceJet regular flight from Delhi at 1.15 pm. “I am here just for meditation,” the Chief Minister told reporters at Gaggal airport in Kangra district. State Transport Minister G S Bali was also travelling in the same flight. The Congress government in the state has extended him a state guest status and he was received by Deputy Commissioner Ritesh Chauhan. State AAP leader and former MP Rajan Shushant said his visit boosted the morale of the party cadre in the state. Meanwhile, apart from police deployed for security duties, the Goa exchequer bore expenses of Rs 500 for Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s first visit to the state on May 22, the government told the assembly on 11 Monday. This amount was spent on a bouquet presented to the AAP convener. In a reply to a question by Nuvem MLA Francisco Pacheco, Protocol Minister Dilip Parulekar said 82 police personnel were deputed for Kejriwal’s security during his May visit. “... the chief minister was received and see(n) off at the airport. He has not availed of accommodation at the state guest house. The state government has presented flower bouquet amounting to Rs 500 on his first visit,” Parulekar said in a written reply. Pacheco had asked for “the total amount of expenditure incurred by the (Goa) government during Kejriwal’s visits to Goa — on May 22 and June 28. — IANS Shah praised the work of Anandiben Patel, saying she had taken forward the work done by Narendra Modi as Chief Minister new Chief Minister. Referring to the contents of the letter, Shah said Patel had written that the new Chief Minister will need time to prepare for the assembly polls expected by the end of next year. He said the state will also be hosting the Vibrant Gujarat summit in January next year. Shah praised the work of Anandiben Patel, saying she had taken forward the work done by Narendra Modi as Chief Minister. “She has had a successful tenure,” he said. In a Facebook post in Gujarati, Patel on Monday called upon the BJP leadership to “relieve” her from her present responsibilities in keeping with the party’s laudable tradition of leaders who turn 75 vacating their posts. — IANS MONTHLY HIKE LPG price hiked, non-subsidised LPG cut by Rs 50 NEW DELHI: In a move to cut subsidies, state-run oil marketing companies (OMCs) has hiked the price of subsidised LPG by Rs 1.93 per cylinder. A 14.2 kg subsidised cooking gas cylinder will now cost Rs 423.09 in Delhi as against Rs 421.16 earlier. LPG rates were last hiked by Rs 1.98 on July 1. The monthly increase in LPG rates is along the lines taken towards the deregulation of diesel in November 2014, which was preceded by raising the fuel rates by 50 paise a litre every month. In case of kerosene for public distribution, OMCs have been allowed to raise the price by 25 paise a litre each month for 10 months. The second such hike was effective from the midnight of Monday. Instead, the price of non-subsidised LPG, which consumers buy after exhausting their quota of 12 cylinders, was on Monday cut by Rs 50.50 per 14.2-kg cylinder. Non-subsidised LPG now costs Rs 487 in Delhi as compared to Rs 537.50 per cylinder earlier. The price of aviation turbine fuel (ATF), or jet fuel, was also cut on Monday by 4.2 per cent, or Rs 2,080.5 per kilolitre (kl) at Delhi, to Rs 47,206.68. The reduction follows five straight monthly increases in prices. ATF rates vary at different airports because of variable local sales tax. Amid the recent fluctuation in global crude oil prices, the Indian basket of crude went below the $40 mark on Friday as per official data, closing trade at $39.90 per barrel. Meanwhile, the petroleum ministry has pegged the under-recoveries, or losses, for August on account of subsidising kerosene at Rs 11.49 per litre. — IANS t eworld the o d world l Australian family in Scottish 12 Simone Gbagbo trial delayed OMANDAILYOBSERVER T U E S DAY l A U G U ST 2 l 2 0 1 6 An Ivory Coast court on Monday adjourned Simone Gbagbo’s trial for crimes against humanity until October 10, after the former first lady complained she was too tired to proceed. “When I sent for the defendant this morning, she made it known that she was very tired and she asked us to take account of her counsel’s request to let her rest,” state prosecutor Ali Yeo told the court in Abidjan. Highlands faces deportation HIGH HOPE: Gregg and Kathryn Brain are hoping for a last minute job offer EDINBURGH: An Australian family living in the Scottish Highlands face deportation on Monday if a highprofile bid to comply with UK visa requirements fails. Gregg and Kathryn Brain are hoping for a last minute job offer or a British interior ministry extension allowing them to stay, with their seven-year-old son Lachlan, after a deadline on their visa extension runs out at midnight. The Brains moved from Brisbane to Scotland in 2011 on Mrs Brain’s temporary student visa, which then allowed her to seek work afterwards as part of a British government-backed scheme to help shore up an ageing and shrinking population in the Highlands. Visa rules were then changed, however, with an eye to addressing voter concerns on immigration in the UK as a whole. Immigration was at the centre of Britain’s June vote to leave the European Union. “One option is that there is mercy and compassion, and the Home Office (interior ministry) decides to offer an extension or find another way that they can stay,” Scottish lawmaker Kate Forbes, who is helping the Brains, said. The family’s campaign to stay in Scotland, where their son has learned The Brains argue that their case is exceptional because the rules were changed after they arrived. the ancient Scots language Gaelic, led them to a meeting with the devolved Scottish government First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, who personally appealed to the British government on their behalf in May. An offer of work at a local distillery for Kathryn Brain, who studied Scottish history, was withdrawn last month after it became unclear whether it fulfilled immigration and employment Kuwait raises petrol prices by more than 80pc KUWAIT CITY: The Kuwaiti cabinet on Monday decided to raise petrol prices by more than 80 per cent from September 1 as part of economic reforms aimed at countering falling oil revenues. A statement after the weekly cabinet meeting said the price of low octane petrol will rise by 41 per cent to 28 US cents a litre while high grade petrol will increase by 61 per cent to 35 cents. It also decided to raise the price of environmentally friendly low-emission “ultra” petrol by 83 per cent to 55 cents a litre. These are the first increases in heavily subsidised petrol prices in the OPEC member for almost two decades. The Gulf state liberalised the prices of diesel and kerosene in January 2015 and revises their prices monthly. Kuwait is the last country among the energy-rich Gulf Cooperation Council states to increase the price of petrol. The Kuwaiti cabinet said a government committee will revise the new petrol prices every three months depending on international oil prices. In April, parliament approved a governmentsponsored bill to raise electricity and water prices paid by foreign residents and businesses, but exempted citizens. This increase, the first in almost 50 years, will take effect from September next year. — AFP regulations. The legal complexities of the visa system meant more time was needed for job offers to be vetted for their suitability in resolving their predicament, Forbes said. “The fear has always been that to grant too many extensions to the Brains would set a precedent. But we know there were few, if any, other individuals in the same boat as the Brains because the scheme was scrapped in 2012,” Forbes said. Having run down their savings as well as donations from well-wishers while trying to find a solution, the family is now surviving on the charity of neighbours, Gregg Brain, a health and safety expert, told the BBC. The Brains argue that their case is exceptional because the rules were changed after they arrived. The Home Office noted the family had already been given three grace periods of temporary leave to remain. A spokeswoman for Prime Minister Theresa May said: “We recognise the strength of feeling on this case but there is a need to follow the rules, follow the process, and to date they have not lodged a visa application with the (interior ministry).” If they are sent back to Australia, Gregg Brain said, the family will have to work hard to pay off debts accumulated while trying to resolve their situation. “Brisbane is not Mogadishu ... but we would be going back to homelessness, jobless and indebtedness,” he added. “It would take us the best part of 10 years to pay off our debts.” — Reuters PLAYFUL AT RIO Zimbabwe police arrest war veterans’ leader HARARE: Zimbabwean police on Monday arrested another senior member of the war veterans’ association in a growing crackdown on critics of President Robert Mugabe after a series of rare protests. Mugabe, 92, who has ruled since 1980, has faced a groundswell of opposition in recent months as the country’s moribund economy collapses and the government struggles to pay its workforce. The war veterans, previously loyal supporters of the president, released a highly critical statement two weeks ago attacking Mugabe as “dictatorial” and accusing him of being unable to address Zimbabwe’s problems. A new non-partisan opposition movement known as #ThisFlag has also galvanised anti-government sentiment in Zimbabwe, where security forces have crushed signs of dissent for decades. Victor Matemadanda, SecretaryGeneral of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA), was taken away by police at a court hearing of a colleague facing charges of insulting Mugabe. A correspondent saw detectives take Matemadanda from a group of independence war veterans, who had gathered outside the court for the bail hearing of association spokesman Douglas Mahiya. Matemadanda was put in the back seat of a truck flanked by detectives, and driven off. “When we find out who the people were... the punishment will be severe,” Mugabe said last week, referring to unsigned authors of the war veterans’ statement. The police spokeswoman was not available to comment on any charges against Matemadanda. Scores of sympathisers and rights activists attended Mahiya’s court hearing in Harare on Monday, including former vicepresident Joice Mujuru, now the leader of a new opposition party. Police in anti-riot gear stood guard at the court entrance while war veterans sang songs protesting against Mahiya and Matemadanda’s arrest. Mahiya was granted $300 bail and released. Last month, a one-day strike shut down offices, shops, schools and some government departments as people protested over an economic crisis that has delayed salaries for civil servants and the military. More than 90 per cent of the population is not in formal employment after years of economic decline under Mugabe’s rule. — AFP New wing part could reveal MH370 clues A girl plays in a display at the Switzerland house, Rio Olympics, Brazil, on Monday. — Reuters Nigerian behind $60m online fraud network arrested LAGOS: A Nigerian behind an online fraud network which engineered scams worth more than $60 million has been arrested in southern oil city of Port Harcourt, Interpol said on Monday. “The 40-year-old Nigerian national, known as ‘Mike’, is believed to be behind scams totalling more than $60 million involving hundreds of victims worldwide,” the international police organisation said in a statement. “In one case, a target was conned into paying out $15.4 million,” Interpol said, indicating that the arrest was carried out with the support of Nigeria’s anti-graft agency the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). — AFP SYDNEY: Australian MH370 search authorities are hopeful a wing part found in Tanzania will shed light on how the flight crashed, amid a lack of public information on debris found a year ago. As the underwater hunt far off Australia’s west coast draws to a close without any sign of the plane, there has been speculation the flight’s final resting place may be outside the current search zone in the southern Indian Ocean. The Malaysia Airlines jet was carrying 239 passengers and crew when it disappeared en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8, 2014. The first debris linked to MH370 — a two-metre-long (almost sevenfoot) wing part known as a flaperon — washed up on the French Indian Ocean island of Reunion a year ago. But it has remained in the hands of French investigators, leaving questions unanswered on how the airliner entered the ocean. “We have also seen some analysis from the French that suggests that it’s a possibility that (the flaperon) was in a deployed state,” Peter Foley, the Australian Transport and Safety Bureau (ATSB)’s head of MH370 search operations, told Channel Nine late on Sunday. A deployed state, which means the flaperon was extended for landing, could suggest that someone was at the controls — the “rogue pilot” theory — when the aircraft entered the water. Investigators have considered all scenarios, but alternative possibilities could potentially have debris fields three times the current search zone, ATSB’s former chief Martin Dolan said in March. The current area was defined under the “most likely” scenario that no-one was at the controls and the plane ran out of fuel. But Foley told the commercial broadcaster that if the pilot was still in control of the plane or control-ditched the aircraft, it could potentially have had an extended range of flight. A team of Italian scientists said last month the debris zone may be a further 500 kilometres north. Foley said he was hopeful the wing part found off Tanzania, which is in Canberra for analysis and was confirmed by Australia on Friday to be “highly likely” from MH370, could reveal how the plane crashed. “We are looking to see whether or not we can work out whether that flap was extended at the end of flight... it suggests a different end-of-flight scenario,” he said. — AFP Somali-born Muhaydin Mire said during the rampage that he was doing it ‘for my Syrian brothers’ IS-inspired London Tube knifeman jailed for life LONDON: A paranoid schizophrenic knifeman who tried to behead a commuter in a London Underground station in an IS-inspired attack was sentenced to life behind bars on Monday. Somali-born Muhaydin Mire, 30, said during the rampage that he was doing it “for my Syrian brothers”. Mire attacked random stranger Lyle Zimmerman with a rusty knife as the 56-year-old musician walked through Leytonstone Tube station in east London on December 5. Zimmerman suffered serious injuries but recovered well after the attack. Last month a jury convicted Mire of attempted murder. He was sent on Monday to begin his sentence at the top-security Broadmoor psychiatric hospital, where he was already being detained for treatment. Mire will serve a minimum of eight and a half years before he can possibly be considered eligible for release. At the Old Bailey Central Criminal Court in London, judge Nicholas Hilliard said he accepted that Mire was suffering from paranoid schizophrenia at the time of the attack. But he said he was also in no doubt that Mire was motivated by the conflict in Syria. “Because Muslims were being bombed in Syria, he was going to attack civilians here,” said Hilliard, the recorder of London. Hilliard said he was sure that the “extremely serious violence” was intended “to intimidate at least a section of the public” in order to advance a “religious and extremist cause... namely... extremism”. “This was an attempt to kill an innocent member of the public for ideological reasons by cutting his throat in plain sight for maximum impact,” he said. Hilliard said had the knife blade not broken from the handle, “it is hard to see that Mr Zimmerman would have survived the attack”. Mire forced Zimmerman to the ground and repeatedly kicked his head before trying to cut his throat. He also lashed out at other passers-by before police shot him with electric stun guns. Mire pleaded guilty to attempting to wound four other Tube passengers. He was sentenced to two years’ imprisonment on each count, to run concurrently with his life sentence. Mire’s mobile phone contained a graph showing US and coalition air strikes on the IS group and images of IS hostages before they were executed by having their throats cut. The out-of-work minicab driver also had images of Lee Rigby, a British soldier who was murdered by extremists in a beheading attempt in southeast London. Mire has battled mental illness for years and suffered his first psychotic episode in 2006, the court heard. A month before the Leytonstone station attack, doctors referred him to the mental health services, saying he had paranoid delusions that he was being followed by the security services. His family were due to send him back to Somalia the day after the attack. Mire, wearing a white T-shirt and a blue tracksuit top, showed no emotion throughout the sentencing. “London is a safer place with Mire behind bars,” said Commander Dean Haydon, of the police Counter Terrorism Command. “Whilst Mire was not accused of terrorist offences it would appear from comments he made at the time of the attack and the content he had downloaded on his phone that he may have been inspired by terrorist propaganda.” He said police were working tirelessly at “stopping people getting drawn into terrorism and violent extremism in all forms as well as prosecuting, disrupting and deterring extremists”. —AFP region o region i Commandos who tried to seize Erdogan captured Emergency simulation exercise Palestinian rescue workers took part in an emergency simulation exercise in the border city of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, on Monday. OMANDAILYOBSERVER T U E S DAY l A U G U S T 2 l 2 0 1 6 13 OVERNIGHT OPERATION: Rogue commandos were seized after a two-week manhunt; plotters will beg to be killed, says minister ISTANBUL: Turkish special forces captured a group of rebel commandos who tried to seize or kill President Tayyip Erdogan during a failed coup, and a government minister said plotters would “never see God’s sun as long as they breathe”. Drones and helicopters pinpointed the location of the 11 fugitive commandos in forested hills around the Mediterranean resort of Marmaris after a two-week manhunt, an official said on Monday. They were part of a group that attacked a hotel where Erdogan was holidaying on the night of the July 15 coup bid. The operation took place overnight, after the government tightened its control over the military by dismissing over 1,000 more soldiers, widening the post-coup purges of state institutions that have targeted tens of thousands of people. Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci said coup plotters would bitterly regret FRESH based Turkish cleric Fethullah Gulen for the coup bid and has vowed to rid state institutions of his influence. But the extent of the purges, and suggestions that the death penalty could be reintroduced, Yildirim admitted there may have been some unfair treatment in the have sparked concern in Western state sector. capitals and among rights groups. “There must definitely be some Gulen, who lives in self-imposed among them who were subjected exile in the United States, has denied to unfair procedures,” he said in involvement. comments published by state-run The United States’ top military official, Anadolu news agency. chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff “We will make a distinction Joseph Dunford, was due to meet Prime between those who are guilty and Minister Binali Yildirim in Ankara on those who are not.” Monday after visiting the Incirlik air Echoing his tone, Deputy Prime base in southern Turkey, used by the USMinister Numan Kurtulmus said: “If led coalition for bombing raids in Syria. there are any mistakes, we will correct More than 230 people were killed them”. — AFP in the attempted coup, many of them civilians, and more than 2,000 injured. Erdogan was almost killed or captured, Usak over the weekend. officials close to him have said, an “They will not hear a human voice outcome which could have tipped again. ‘Kill us’ they will beg,” he said. Turkey into conflict. Erdogan blames followers of US— Reuters Some dismissals may be ‘unfair’ Members of Patriotic Party shout slogans as they demonstrate against the visit of US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph F Dunford in front of the US Embassy in Ankara on Monday. — Reuters trying to overthrow Turkey’s democracy, night after night. in words reflecting the depth of anger “We will make them beg. We will among the thousands of Turks who have stuff them into holes, they will suffer attended rallies to condemn the coup such punishment in those holes that ISTANBUL: Turkey admitted on Monday there may have been some “unfair” treatment in its post-coup crackdown as it voiced anger with Germany for barring President Recep Tayyip Erdogan from addressing a rally in Cologne. Retaliating after a military attempt to unseat him, Erdogan has launched a purge that has seen tens of thousands people suspended from their jobs and almost 19,000 detained. Apparently responding to widening international alarm about the crackdown, Prime Minister Binali they will never see God’s sun as long as they breathe,” Zeybekci was quoted by the Dogan news agency as telling an anti-coup protest in the western town of South Sudan minister quits, calls for regime change ATTACK US launches first anti-IS air raids in Libya’s Sirte TRIPOLI: US warplanes on Monday carried out air strikes on positions of the IS group in the Libyan city of Sirte for the first time, the country’s unity government head announced. “The first American air strikes on precise positions of the Daesh (IS) organisation were carried out today, causing heavy losses... in Sirte,” prime minister Fayez al-Sarraj said in a televised speech. In Washington, the Pentagon said the raids were launched in response to a request from the unity government. “At the request of the Libyan Government of National Accord, the United States military conducted precision air strikes against ISIL targets in Sirte, Libya, to support GNAaffiliated forces seeking to defeat ISIL in its primary stronghold in Libya,” Pentagon press secretary Peter Cook said, using another name for IS. The US strikes in Sirte “will continue”, Cook added without elaborating. President Barack Obama authorised the bombings following recommendations from top Pentagon officials, and the strikes are “consistent with our approach to combating ISIL by working with capable and motivated local forces”, Cook added. “The US stands with the international community in supporting the GNA as it strives to restore stability and security to Libya,” he said. The Tripoli-based GNA launched an operation in May to retake the IS bastion of Sirte, the hometown of slain dictator Muammar Gaddafi which the militants have controlled since June 2015. Sarraj stressed that the US strikes were carried out in coordination with the military command centre of proGNA forces, and that no foreign troops would be deployed in Libya. “This has allowed our forces on the ground to take control of strategic positions,” he said. — AFP A fighter of Libyan forces allied with the UN-backed government runs for cover with another fighter while carrying a wounded fighter during a battle with IS militants in Sirte on Sunday. — Reuters Lam Akol addresses a news conference in his office in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa, on Monday. — Reuters Men inspect the wreckage of a Russian helicopter that had been shot down in the north of Syria’s rebel-held Idlib province on Monday. — Reuters Five dead as Russian military helicopter downed in Syria BEIRUT: A Russian military helicopter was shot down over Syria on Monday, killing all five people on board in the single deadliest incident for Moscow since it intervened in the war. The attack came as Syrian opposition fighters and their militant allies battled government forces outside Aleppo in a bid to ease the regime’s siege of rebel-held parts of the northern city. Russia’s defence ministry announced the downing of the helicopter, which it said was carrying three crew and two officers. “A Russian Mi-8 military transport helicopter was shot down from the ground after delivering humanitarian aid to Aleppo,” the defence ministry said in a statement quoted by Russian news agencies. The Kremlin said all five people on board were assumed dead. “As far as we know from the information we’ve had from the defence ministry, those in the helicopter died, they died heroically, because they were trying to move the aircraft away to minimise victims on the ground,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists. It was not immediately clear who was responsible. The incident was the deadliest single attack on Russian forces in Syria since Moscow began its intervention in support of President Bashar al-Assad’s government last September. It brought the total number of members of the Russian forces killed in Syria to 18. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based monitor, said the helicopter had come down along the administrative border between Idlib province in the northwest and neighbouring Aleppo. — AFP ADDIS ABABA: A South Sudanese minister and opposition figure resigned on Monday saying a peace deal designed to heal the troubled young nation was dead, while calling for President Salva Kiir’s unity government to leave power. Lam Akol was agriculture minister in Kiir’s administration and also announced he was quitting as longtime leader of the opposition Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-Democratic Change (SPLM-DC) party. “There is no more peace agreement to implement in Juba,” Akol said at a press conference in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa. “All of us agree that the regime in Juba must change,” he added. Akol was the president’s only serious challenger in a regional election held in 2010, the year before the semi-autonomous region known as Southern Sudan seceded and gained full independence. He has also long opposed rebel leader Riek Machar, whose forces clashed in recent weeks with government troops loyal to Kiir. — AFP UN says govt efforts to accelerate execution of militants could result in innocent people being put to death Iraqi PM orders probe into alleged graft in weapon deals BAGHDAD: Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi ordered an investigation on Monday into allegations of corruption in weapons deals that risk re-igniting a political crisis ahead of planned military moves to retake Mosul from IS. Infighting over anti-corruption measures, which stalled government activity for several months and sparked clashes between protesters and security forces in Baghdad earlier this year, threatens to slow momentum to recapture Mosul and capitalise on battlefield gains against the ultrahardline militants. Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jabouri denied charges of corruption made at a closed parliament session by Defence Minister Khaled al-Obeidi, who later said on his official Facebook page that he had details of blackmail relating to weapons contracts. Obeidi provided no evidence in the online post, and it was not clear if the session would be broadcast. A separate message said several MPs were suspected of similar crimes. Abadi said in a statement that he had directed the Integrity Commission, a government body tasked with fighting corruption, to investigate the accusations. Obeidi had been summoned to parliament to respond to allegations of graft in the Ministry of Defence, which has been accused of wasting billions of dollars in public funds and weakening the armed forces to the point where they collapsed in 2014 in the face of IS. “What happened today was a charade in order for the questioning not to be held,” Jabouri said in a televised news conference following the session. IS seized a third of Iraq two years ago but has since been pushed out of many of those areas by militias and a military that is slowly being rebuilt with the support of a US-led coalition. Meanwhile, the United Nations said on Monday that Iraqi government efforts to speed up execution of IS militants following a Baghdad bomb attack that killed 324 people could result in innocent people being put to death. “(It is) all too easy to permit such atrocities to stoke the fires of vengeance. But vengeance is not justice,” UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussien said in a statement. Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, facing pressure following the Baghdad suicide bombing last month claimed by IS, ordered an investigation into delays in executing prisoners found guilty of terrorism-related charges. “Given the weaknesses of the Iraqi justice system, and the current environment in Iraq, I am gravely concerned that innocent people have been and may continue to be convicted and executed, resulting in gross, irreversible miscarriages of justice,” Zeid said. The statement said UN monitoring has revealed “a consistent failure to respect due process and fair trial standards, including a reliance on torture to extract confessions.” — Reuters Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi americas Icymi 14 OMANDAILYOBSERVER T U E S DAY l A U G U ST 2 l 2 0 1 6 14 Zika cases: Florida asks for emergency aid MIAMI: Florida now has 14 people who likely contracted the Zika virus from mosquitoes in the Miami area, and the state needs emergency help from the federal government, officials said on Monday. Governor Rick Scott announced 10 new cases of locally transmitted Zika, in addition to four made public by the department of health on Friday. The cases mark the first time the Zika virus, which can cause birth defects and is considered particularly dangerous for pregnant women, is known to be spreading via local mosquitoes in the United States. Over 1,600 cases of Zika have been previously reported in the US, but most were brought by travellers who were infected elsewhere. The virus can also spread by sexual contact. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are expected to issue “a notice to women who are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant to avoid unnecessary travel to the impacted area that is just north of downtown Miami,” Scott added in a statement. Officials still believe the transmission is confined to a squaremile area north of Miami, a popular arts and restaurant district known as Wynwood. — AFP VIOLENT CRIME Man pleads guilty to plotting to attack US Capitol CINCINNATI: An Ohio man on Monday pleaded guilty to plotting to attack the US Capitol with guns and bombs and faces up to 30 years in prison. Christopher Cornell, 22, dressed in black-and-white striped jail clothes and shackled, pleaded guilty in US District Court in Cincinnati to attempted murder of government officials, possession of a firearm to commit a crime and attempting to provide material support to the IS militant group. A fourth charge of solicitation to commit a violent crime will be dismissed at his sentencing on October 31, said one of his attorneys, Eric Eckes. Cornell, who mainly answered the judge’s questions with “yes ma’am” and “no ma’am” responses, faces five years to 30 years in prison and a lifetime of supervision. Another Cornell attorney, Martin Pinales, said after the hearing that the guilty plea was in the best interest of his client. “At the sentencing hearing, all the facts will come out, and those will be instrumental in the sentencing,” he said. Cornell, of Green Township, Ohio, near Cincinnati was arrested in January 2015 and accused of plotting an attack using pipe bombs and bullets. He pleaded not guilty. — Reuters Trump feud with slain soldier’s parents roils White House race NEW FEUD: The problem has become a flash point of the White House race that pits Trump against Hillary WASHINGTON: Donald Trump’s confrontation with the parents of a slain Muslim American soldier escalated on Monday, shaking the US presidential campaign amid Republican Party outcries over the real estate tycoon’s comments about the couple. The feud has become a flash point of the 2016 White House race that pits Trump against Democrat Hillary Clinton. It has dominated the news cycle ever since Pakistani immigrant Khizr Khan galvanised the Democratic National Convention last Thursday with a tribute to his dead son in which he rebuked the Republican nominee for having “sacrificed nothing” for the country. Trump defended himself on ABC’s “This Week,” insisting he had made “a lot of sacrifices” while suggesting that Khan’s wife, who stood silent on the convention stage as her husband spoke, had not been allowed to talk. Then on Monday, Trump renewed his assault, tweeting: “Mr. Khan, who does not know me, viciously attacked me from the stage of the DNC and is now all over TV doing the same — Nice!” Now, the families of 23 other slain US soldiers have called on Trump to apologise for his “repugnant and personally offensive” remarks. “We feel we must speak out and demand you apologise to the Khans, to all Gold Star families, and to all Americans for your offensive, and frankly anti-American, comments,” they said in an open letter. Army captain Humayun Khan was killed by a suicide bomber in Iraq in 2004. Khizr Khan, father of Humayun S M Khan who was killed while serving in Iraq with the US Army, gestures as his wife looks on during the fourth and final day of the Democratic National Convention at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. — AFP File Picture Trump’s sustained hostility toward the Khans — alarming in part because criticism of Gold Star families of war dead has traditionally been off limits in American political discourse — has received bipartisan condemnation including from Senator John McCain, a former prisoner of war once mocked by Trump for being captured in Vietnam. “I cannot emphasise enough how deeply I disagree with Mr Trump’s statement,” McCain said in a lengthy statement. “While our party has bestowed upon him the nomination, it is not accompanied by unfettered license to defame those who are the best among us,” he added. “I hope Americans understand that BOOSTING TIES Chile’s President Michelle Bachelet and Slovakia’s President Andrej Kiska walk past the honour guard inside the government palace La Moneda in Santiago. — Reuters the remarks do not represent the views of our Republican Party, its officers, or candidates.” Unequivocal condemnation also rained down from Republican House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry, who said he is “dismayed at the attacks” on the Khans. The top two Republicans in Congress released carefully crafted statements denouncing the remarks, although without mentioning the name of Trump, who has urged a ban on Muslims entering the country. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Sunday in the thick of the feud that “Captain Khan was an American hero.” “And as I have long made clear, I agree with the Khans and families across the country that a travel ban on all members of a religion is simply contrary to American values.” House Speaker Paul Ryan also said he rejects such a religious test. Speaking of Captain Khan, Ryan said “his sacrifice — and that of Khizr and Ghazala Khan — should always be honoured. Period.” With the two sides slinging criticism, Khan on Sunday assailed Trump as a “black soul” who lacks the moral compass or temperament to be president. — AFP Venezuela authorities to rule on referendum call CARACAS: Venezuelan electoral authorities are due to announce on Monday whether they will let the opposition pursue its bid for a referendum on removing the crisis-hit country’s President Nicolas Maduro from power. The National Electoral Council (CNE) left the opposition hanging last Tuesday after its original deadline for a ruling on the matter passed. The council must rule on whether Maduro’s opponents have successfully gathered the required 200,000 signatures on a petition for the leftist leader to face a recall vote. The opposition needs a green light from the CNE to move on to the next stage of the long and winding process. They want to oust a president they blame for food shortages, hyperinflation and mounting chaos gripping Venezuela. Instead of giving them an answer on Tuesday, the electoral authorities testily said they “will not accept pressure.” They scheduled a meeting for Monday to consider their auditors’ report on the opposition’s petition. The CNE said it would make an announcement around 2000 GMT. The centre-right coalition behind the referendum push, the Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD), accuses the electoral authority of being in bed with Maduro. But they are hoping pressure from Venezuelans desperate over the collapsing economy will force the government’s hand. “There are two options at this point: common sense and sanity, or the crisis drags on and the country is going to explode at any moment,” said MUD lawmaker Julio Borges, the legislative majority leader. — AFP The hot air balloon company is not in touch with the relatives of those killed in the crash as it is being probed by US investigators Texas hot air balloon firm halts operations after deadly crash AUSTIN: The company whose hot air balloon crashed in central Texas on Saturday, killing 16 people including its owner, said on Monday it was suspending operations following one of the deadliest balloon accidents on record. The balloon, flown by Heart of Texas Hot Air Balloon Rides chief pilot and owner Alfred “Skip” Nichols, hit a power line, setting its basket on fire, and plummeted into a pasture near Lockhart, about 30 miles south of the state capital Austin, killing all aboard. In a statement on its Facebook page, the company expressed its condolences to those killed in the crash. There are simply no “There are simply no words to words to express our express our profound sadness at this event that has taken away so many of our profound sadness at loved ones,” it said in a Facebook post. this event that has taken The company said it has not been in contact with the relatives of those killed away so many of our loved in the crash as it is being probed by US ones.” investigators. The names of the passengers killed FACEBOOK PAGE OF HEART have not been officially released but OF TEXAS AIR BALLOON RIDES social media posts and local media reports indicate the victims included a couple celebrating their 23rd wedding Aerial television footage showed anniversary with a balloon ride at flattened remnants of the red, white sunrise. and blue balloon, adorned with a yellow smiley face wearing sunglasses. The US National Transportation years ago Safety Board two recommended greater oversight of the hot air balloon industry, said Robert Sumwalt, who is heading the federal agency’s investigation of the accident. It was the deadliest crash involving a hot air balloon in the Western Hemisphere, according to the Balloon Federation of North America. There have been six complaints lodged with the Better Business Bureau of Texas against the company, with one customer saying it delayed in paying refunds after repeatedly cancelling rides. — Reuters eu ope eur europe Pro-refugee activists in Greece freed Romanian ex-PM loses doctorate over plagiarism Former Romanian prime minister Victor Ponta had his law doctorate withdrawn on Monday after being accused of plagiarising his thesis, the first such case in the country, the education ministry announced. FOR A CAUSE: 19 activists given suspended 6-month prison term for refusing fingerprinting THESSALONIKI: A Greek court on Monday released 26 anarchists who had disrupted a Sunday Orthodox church service to protest against refugee evictions, a judicial source said. The activists had ran into the Thessaloniki cathedral on Sunday, scattering leaflets that read “Solidarity with the refugees”, before they were taken into custody by anti-riot forces. Among those arrested were nine foreigners from Austria, Britain, Germany, Morocco, Spain and Switzerland. The Thessaloniki court threw out charges of “disturbing a religious gathering”. However, 19 of the activists were handed suspended six-month prison sentences for refusing to be fingerprinted by police. The ruling is suspended over a three-year period. The protest came after city authorities last week forced refugees out of three buildings where they had been squatting, including an orphanage belonging to the diocese. An incendiary device was also set off earlier on Sunday outside the company that demolished the orphanage. Nobody was hurt. A number of abandoned buildings in Athens and Thessaloniki in recent months have been taken over by anarchists and groups helping migrants and refugees to find shelter. Disruptions loom as Air France strike hits 150 flights PARIS: Air France cancelled 150 flights in and out of Paris on Monday on the sixth day of a strike by flight crew, airport sources said, as unions warned of more disruption at the height of the holiday travel period. The carrier said it would cancel some 10 per cent of domestic flights on Monday, but would maintain almost all long-haul services and 85 per cent of its medium-haul flights from the main Charles de Gaulle hub. Two cabin crew unions are demanding management extend a labour accord on rules, pay and promotions. Christophe Pillet for the SNPNCFO cabin crew union said a further stoppage could come as early as next week, estimating up to 280,000 passengers would be affected by the past week’s stoppage, costing the carrier some 100 million euros. “We shall meet by the end of the week to decide on what course to take,” said Pillet as the company said it will operate 90 per cent flights on Tuesday. “Management made the choice to break off social dialogue — we never closed the door on negotiation,” added Pillet of a dispute which saw management limit the extension of a labour accord expiring in October to 17 months rather than three to five years as the unions wish. — AFP Activists gather outside the courthouse of Thessaloniki on Monday. A Greek court released 26 anarchists who had disrupted a Sunday Orthodox church service to protest against refugee evictions, a judicial source said. The activists had ran into the Thessaloniki cathedral on Sunday, scattering leaflets that read “Solidarity with the refugees”, before they were taken into custody by anti-riot forces. — AFP Official estimates say more than 2,000 refugees are currently living in such squats, mostly former schools. While the left-wing Greek government has been quietly tolerant of the squatters, local authorities have taken a harsher stance, warning of health and safety hazards. Ever since Balkan nations on the migrant trail closed their borders earlier this year, the Greek government has been struggling to cope with a buildup of new arrivals prevented from continuing their journey further north into Europe. Greece is currently hosting some 57,000 people, mainly Syrian refugees. Public health watchdog has warned that many of the camps in the country — often created out of abandoned industrial facilities and warehouses — are overcrowded and ill-suited as longterm accommodation. — AFP Attacks a blow to tourism in France PARIS: Recent terror attacks have dealt a new blow to France tourism which has yet to recover fully from the bloody assaults in Paris in January and November last year. Arrivals by air slumped 8.8 per cent compared with the same period in 2015, in the week following the July 14 attack in Nice, the country’s second most visited city after Paris, Xinhua news agency cited a statistical agent as saying. Meanwhile, hotel reservations in the French Riviera, the Mediterranean coastal region where Nice is located, have dropped as much as 30 per cent in the weeks after the Bastille Day attack that killed 84 persons, according to the attacks in Paris on November 13 last country’s economy ministry. year that left 130 people dead and over The tourism sector has been 250 injured. struggling for months since the deadly The carnage on Nice’s famed seaside boulevard has hit the business particularly hard because the summer season — “the golden period” — was just getting into full swing but the attack wiped out all the positive effects. Cancellations jumped by 20 per cent and were expected to rise further after July 26 Church attack in Normandy. A spate of terrorist attacks across Europe has already shaken people’s confidence in the safety and stability of the region. In the first half of 2016, 19 countries that use the euro have seen the worst economic performance since the 2008 financial crisis. Tourism, which accounts for 10 per cent of economic activity in the EU, has been considered as a glaring hope for the overall recovery. — IANS OMANDAILYOBSERVER T U E S DAY l A U G U S T 2 l 2 0 1 6 15 Spanish court suspends independence resolution in Catalonia MADRID: Spain’s Constitutional Court on Monday annulled a resolution by Catalonia’s assembly to press ahead with independence, deepening a stand-off between separatists in the northeastern region and the central government. The court had already ruled against a similar motion passed by the Catalan parliament last year, but regional lawmakers passed a second one last week, saying it would pursue its plan to detach from Spain. The court said it had suspended the resolution for five months, after which point it could be made permanent or lifted. The heightened tensions between the caretaker government of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and Catalan leaders come at a delicate time for Madrid where politics remain in limbo after two inconclusive general elections failed to produce a majority. Conservative leader Rajoy might need the support of regional parties, including pro-independence ones in Catalonia, to let him form a government, by abstaining in confidence votes. Spain has had only a caretaker administration since December. Increasing the friction, the central government is also trying to see if it can bring criminal charges against the speaker of the Catalan parliament, Carme Forcadell, for allowing the assembly to hold last week’s independence vote. Support for the separatist movement in Catalonia, a region that accounts for almost a fifth of Spanish economic output, surged during the economic crisis of recent years and has strengthened again in the last few months, polls show. — Reuters Anthrax outbreak in Russia, boy dies MOSCOW: A 12-year-old boy has died in an anthrax outbreak in remote far northern Russia while dozens have been hospitalised on suspicion of infection, the region’s governor said on Monday. The Yamalo-Nenetsky region, some 2,000 kms northeast of Moscow, has been under quarantine for a week after the deadly bacterium infected at least nine nomadic reindeer herders and their animals. “I’ve been told of the death of a boy in our hospital. I have no words to express my feelings,” governor Dmitry Kobylkin said. It was the first outbreak of anthrax since 1941 in the sparsely populated region, which authorities blamed on a heatwave that melted permafrost and exposed an infected reindeer corpse. “The infection showed its cunning. Returning after 75 years, it took away a child’s life,” said Kobylkin. A total of 72 people, 41 of them children, have been hospitalised on suspicion of infection in the main city of Salekhard. So far nine have tested positive for anthrax, including the boy who died, the regional authorities said on Monday. More than 2,300 reindeer have been killed in the outbreak in the region where more than 250,000 of the animals roam, the authorities said. The authorities said they were carrying out vaccinations of people and reindeer and giving those who visited the quarantine area antibacterial medicines. The infection was identified on June 25 after numerous deaths among reindeer, the sanitary medicine service for the region said on Monday. Romania’s ex-Queen dies at 92 BUCHAREST: Former Queen Anne of Romania died on Monday in a Swiss hospital at the age of 92, the royal house said in a statement. Anne and her husband, former king Michael of Romania have been living in Aubonne, Switzerland since 2004, visiting Romania during the holidays and for official functions. They had been married for 68 years. Earlier this year, the royal house said Michael, who is 94, has withdrawn from public life due to illness after undergoing surgery for leukemia and cancer. — Reuters UK continues to seek close ties with China despite N-deal delay LONDON: Britain will continue to seek a strong relationship with China, a spokeswoman for Prime Minister Theresa May said on Monday following the decision last week to delay approval of a partly Chinese-funded nuclear reactor project. The last-minute decision to review the building of Britain’s first new nuclear plant in decades, has raised concerns that May could alter the trajectory set by her predecessor avid Cameron towards closer ties with China, particularly on the issue of Chinese investment in UK infrastructure. But May’s spokeswoman said it was natural for the incoming government to want to look at the plans in detail, adding that Britain still valued its ties with China. “With the role that China has to play on world affairs, on the global economy, on a whole range of international issues, we are going to continue to seek a strong relationship with China,” she said. Under plans drawn up by Cameron, French utility EDF and Chinese partner China General Nuclear would be responsible for the £18-billion ($24 billion) cost of the project, while Britain has committed to pay a minimum price for the power generated by the plant for 35 years. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said they had “noted” the British decision and called for the project to go ahead. China “hopes that Britain can reach a decision as soon as possible, to ensure the project’s smooth implementation”, she added, without elaborating. A former colleague of May said on Saturday she had previously expressed concern about the national security implications of the planned Chinese investment. Asked whether national security would play a part in the review of the Hinkley Point nuclear project, the spokeswoman declined to comment on the review process, other than to say that it would look at all component parts of the deal. China’s official Xinhua news agency published an English-language commentary saying China would not tolerate “unwanted accusations” about its investments in Britain. Xinhua said people might think Britain was trying to erect a wall of protectionism. This “will surely stain its credibility as an open economy and might deter possible investors from China and other parts of the world in the future”, read the commentary, which is not a government statement but offers a reflection of official thinking. — Reuters Bankers still face the same pressure to make profits no matter what, says the former star staffer of UBS Jailed rogue trader in UK warns fraud could happen again LONDON: Kweku Adoboli, the rogue trader jailed in 2012 for the biggest fraud in British history, has said his crimes could be repeated because bankers still faced the same pressure to make profits “no matter what”. A star trader on the Exchange Traded Funds desk at UBS’s London office, Adoboli lost the Swiss bank $2.3 billion after trading far in excess of his authorised risk limits and booking fictitious hedging trades to hide his true exposure. He was given a seven-year jail term in November 2012 and was released from prison last year. He has been banned from working in financial services but speaks about his experiences for free at banking compliance conferences. “I think it could absolutely happen again,” he said in interviews with the BBC broadcast on Monday. “The young people I’ve spoken to, former colleagues I have spoken to, are still struggling with the same issues, the same conflicts, the same pressures to achieve no matter what.” During his trial, Adoboli said everything he did was to make profits for UBS and was in line with the bank’s culture, but prosecutors said he told elaborate lies to cover up his reckless and fraudulent trading. After 11 weeks of evidence, a jury convicted him of two counts of fraud. UBS was fined £30 million ($40 million) for systems and control failures and the trial was embarrassing for the bank, but the jury rejected Adoboli’s argument that he had been tacitly authorised to break the rules to make However, he argued that the banking industry had failed to learn from when things went wrong because it had a tendency to try and blame individuals rather than face up to profound cultural problems and hold senior managers accountable. “Culture is being set at very senior levels of the industry and those responsible for setting that culture are as responsible for what the outcomes are as those who push the buttons at the coalface,” he said. Adoboli, who does not have British citizenship, is fighting deportation to his native Ghana and is not allowed to work in Britain. Kweku Adoboli Supporters have launched a crowdprofits. “I accept I was found guilty of a funding appeal on the FundRazr website crime that had dishonesty central to it,” to help him fund his legal battle to stay said Adoboli, now 36. in Britain. They have raised £14,446 so far. “I’m trying to achieve something positive from the experience that I’ve been through but I face deportation from the UK in a way that would mean that I’m not able to continue doing this work of sharing the story,” he said. “I unreservedly apologise for what happened... I went to prison for it,” Adoboli said. The son of a United Nations official, Adoboli spent part of his childhood in the Middle East before arriving in Britain aged 12 and attending a private Quaker boarding school where he did so well he was chosen to be “head boy”. Confident, articulate and hardworking, he initially thrived at UBS and was selected for the bank’s “Ascent” programme for future leaders. But from 2008 onwards, he started using illicit trading methods, culminating in a concealed risk exposure of $12 billion in August 2011. His desk’s authorised risk limit was $100 million during a day’s trading. He argued at the trial that he had become de-sensitised to the enormity of the numbers due to burnout. After losing control of the situation, he threw in the towel in September 2011, owning up in an email to the bank that he had hidden short positions in Eurostoxx and DAX index futures that turned out to be worth a staggering $8.75 billion. After UBS frantically unwound the positions, the scandal had cost it $2.3 billion and a drop in its share price of more than 10 per cent on the day of Adoboli’s arrest. — Reuters world o dinpictures p ctu es panorama 16 OMANDAILYOBSERVER T U E S DAY l A U G U ST 2 l 2 0 1 6 NEW IDENTITY: Thailand Election Commission’s mascot holds a poster beside an elephant during a campaign ahead of the August 7 referendum in Ayutthaya province, north of Bangkok, Thailand, on Monday. — Reuters WELCOME TO OUR FESTIVAL: A file picture of a Tibetan Buddhist monk with an elaborate headdress poses for a photo at a local festival in Yushu, in the northwestern Chinese province of Qinghai. The festival held since the 1990s lasts for around five days. It was suspended for several years following a 2010 earthquake in Yushu which killed some 2,700 people. — AFP HOW TO STAY COOL: Lemurs eat watermelon to cool off as the city’s temperatures remained above 38 degrees Celsius for 10 days in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. — Reuters ALL DRESSED TO PLEASE: Indian artiste Korakula Munesh dresses as Maha Kali before performing in a final procession during the Bonalu festival at the Sri Akkanna Madanna Mahankali Temple in Hyderabad on Monday. The eleven-day ‘Bonalu’ festival sees ritual offerings of food and dancing made to Maha Kali, who is honoured mainly by women during the event. — AFP GRACEFUL PADDLE: A swan, backdropped by reeds, swims on one of the lakes inside Vacaresti wetlands, in Bucharest, Romania. — Reuters LINE AND LENGTH: Volunteers walk between Coca Cola branded tables near the main press centre and broadcast centre at Olympic Park in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on Monday. — Reuters BACK MASK: Actors and singers perform during the opera “La Traviata” by Giuseppe Verdi, directed by Louis Desire and conducted by Daniele Rustioni, on Sunday in Orange, southern France, during the Choregies d’Orange festival, dedicated to opera, lyrical art and symphonic concert. — AFP FEEDER OF MANY: An Afghan farmer harvests fresh wheat grains in a field on the outskirts of Herat. — AFP TUESDAY | AUGUST 2, 2016 | SHAWWAL 28, 1437 AH business CRUDE OIL PRICE Oman Crude ---------------$ 40.56 Brent Crude -----------------$ 42.77 Light Crude -----------------$ 40.88 CURRENCY RATES (RO 1) GOLD PRICES US Dollar------------------------------------------------ 2.60 Euro --------------------------------------------------------2.32 British Pounds ----------------------------------------1.96 Indian Rupee ------------------------------------- 173.47 Pakistan Rupee ---------------------------------- 272.47 Philippine Peso --------------------------------- 122.21 Oman 24 Kt per gram --------------------------RO 17.20 Oman 22 Kt per gram --------------------------RO 16.50 UAE 24 Kt per gram -------------------------AED 163.50 UAE 22 Kt per gram -------------------------AED 153.75 SOURCE: MALABAR GOLD AND DIAMONDS BIZ BUZZ Nanoco signs deal with Merck LONDON: British quantum dots maker Nanoco Group Plc said it had entered into a non-exclusive licence deal with Merck for the German drugmaker to use its technology in digital displays, sending its shares up as much as 10 per cent. Nanoco has been hunting for a new licensing deal for the past few months since it switched from exclusive to nonexclusive its deal with Dow Chemical Co for commercial production of quantum dots to be used in digital displays. Under the licence, Merck would be able to immediately start marketing Nanoco’s cadmium-free quantum dots and ultimately establish its own production facility, Nanoco said in a statement on Monday. — Reuters UK grocer Morrison slashes prices GULF STOCK MARKET Muscat ------------------------------------------------- 5,680.70 Abu Dhabi-------------------------------------------- 4,580.15 Dubai --------------------------------------------------- 3,515.22 Qatar -------------------------------------------------- 10,603.96 Kuwait ------------------------------------------------- 5,540.98 Bahrain ------------------------------------------------ 1,115.62 Saudi --------------------------------------------------- 6,345.73 Ambitious plan to kick-start car industry in Oman EMBRYONIC INDUSTRY: Sigit Oman Automotive Group, in which OIF has a large stake, plans portfolio of investment CONRAD PRABHU MUSCAT Aug 1: Helping lay the foundations for an automotive sector in the Sultanate, Sigit Oman Automotive Group (SOAG), a multinational auto component manufacturer in which the sovereign wealth fund Oman Investment Fund (OIF) has a large stake, has unveiled plans for a sizable portfolio of local and international investments designed to position Oman at the centre of an international supply chain serving the global auto industry. Sigit Oman Automotive Group, which was launched a year ago to drive the development of automotive-based economic activities in the Sultanate, owns Italian-based international auto parts manufacturer Sigit, which operates a string of plants in Europe and North Africa. The company has also partnered with a number of renowned technology providers to offer parts for the worldwide household appliances manufacturing industry. According to SOAG’s Chairman, the Group’s Board of Directors met in Picture for illustration only Muscat recently to approve a strategic five-year plan that effectively paves the way for the emergence of a future automotive industry in Oman. “The Vision 2020 endorsed by the Board enshrines a strategy that seeks to underpin the development of an auto sector in Oman over the long-term,” said Pierangelo Decisi, whose family founded Sigit in 1966. “It has approved a plan for the establishment of two projects in Oman: one is a plastic moulding plant that will manufacture auto parts, and the other is a household appliances facility that will be set up in partnership with a globally renowned brand. Both ventures are strategic to the vision of a future auto industry in Oman,” the Chairman added in exclusive comments to the Observer. Additionally, SOAG’s Board has green-lighted proposals for setting up an array of new Sigit-branded auto parts factories, notably in Britain, Romania and Tunisia, as well as a second facility in Morocco. These investments are set to dramatically ramp up SOAG’s international footprint, which now includes plants in Italy, Poland, Serbia, Spain, Russia and Morocco. SOAG’s Vision 2020 investment plan supplements parent company Oman Investment Fund’s (OIF) broader strategy to jumpstart the development of an auto industry in the Sultanate — part of a concerted drive to diversify the nation’s predominantly hydrocarbonbased economy. OIF is currently partnering with Iran’s Khodro Industrial Group in setting up a car assembly line at Duqm Special Economic Zone (SEZ). More recently, the wealth fund announced a partnership with Qatari-owned Karwa Automobiles for the establishment of an auto assembly plant at Duqm with an investment of $160 million. According to Dr Fabio Scacciavillani, OIF’s Chief Economist, SOAG’s growth strategy is at the heart of a “holistic and long-term approach” adopted by OIF in germinating the growth of a future auto sector. “Sigit has built strong and enduring relationships with reputable car makers and multinational appliance manufacturers going back several decades. Brands such as Renault, VW, Fiat, Electrolux, and so on, cannot do without supplies from reliable parts makers like Sigit. OIF’s goal is to leverage Sigit’s brand equity to put the Sultanate on the global map as it prepares to lay the foundations for a future auto industry in Oman,” Dr Scacciavillani explained. Also pivotal to this strategic goal is Pierangelo Decisi’s international pedigree as an auto industry veteran. Aside from his role as Chairman of Sigit Oman Automotive Group, Decisi is also vice president of the Italian Association of the Automotive Industry (ANFIA), an influential trade association that sets industry benchmarks and ensures that factories meet quality specs. All of these elements bode well for the success of an automotive sector taking root in the Sultanate, an industry that is also expected to prosper on the back of free trade pacts concluded by Oman with the Greater Arab region, United States, and the Gulf Cooperation Council. SolarCity to be acquired by Tesla for $2.6 billion Didi to buy Uber China ending New company would be worth around $35 billion LONDON: Wm Morrison Supermarkets Plc is cutting the prices of 1,045 items by an average of 18 per cent in a bid to squelch fears that the UK’s vote to leave the European Union will lift shoppers’ bills. The reductions are the latest round in a price war among Morrison and the other major UK supermarket chains — Tesco Plc, J Sainsbury Plc and Wal-Mart Stores Inc’s Asda — which are fighting competition from discounters Lidl and Aldi. It’s at least the third major round of cuts this year by Morrison. Since the Brexit vote, which prompted a plunge in the pound, consumer confidence has fallen on concerns that retailers would raise prices in response. — AFP costly battle between start-ups London issues first offshore rupee bond LONDON: India’s HDFC bank on Monday issued the first ever offshore rupee-denominated bond in London, a landmark celebrated by officials keen to highlight Britain’s international business prowess despite Brexit. The HDFC, India’s largest provider of housing finance, raised Rs 30 billion ($450 million) by issuing socalled “masala” bonds. The 3-year bond, which carries an 8.33 per cent yield (interest rate), was four-times oversubscribed. “It (the bond) represents a major vote of confidence in London as the leading global financial centre and is further proof that Britain is a great place to do business,” said new British Finance Minister Philip Hammond. — AFP SAN FRANCISCO: Didi Chuxing, the dominant ride-hailing service in China, said it will acquire Uber Technologies Inc.’s operations in the country, ending a battle that cost the two companies billions as they competed for customers and drivers. Didi will buy Uber’s brand, business and data in the country, the Chinese company said in a statement. Uber Technologies and Uber China’s other shareholders, including search giant Baidu Inc, will receive a 20 per cent economic stake in the combined company. Didi founder Cheng Wei and Uber Chief Executive Officer Travis Kalanick will join each other’s boards. The truce brings to an end a bruising battle between the two companies for leadership in China’s fast-growing ridehailing market. Uber has been spending at least $1 billion a year to gain ground in China, while Didi offered its own subsidies to drivers and riders to build its business. “Didi Chuxing and Uber have learned a great deal from each other over the past two years,” said Cheng, who is also CEO, in the statement. “This agreement with Uber will set the mobile transportation industry on a healthier, more sustainable path of growth at a higher level.” Didi’s valuation after the deal will be $35 billion, said people familiar with the matter, asking not to be named because the details aren’t public. Last year, China’s ride-hailing leaders Didi and Kuaidi joined forces, creating a homegrown juggernaut to fight off Uber. The merged company Didi Chuxing brought together backers Alibaba Group Holding Ltd and Tencent Holdings Ltd, the country’s most valuable Internet businesses. Apple Inc joined in this year with a $1 billion investment in Didi, in a round that valued the company at about $28 billion. The Chinese government passed a new rule last week that legalized ridehailing services, paving the way for further expansion of these businesses. Uber’s investors had been clamouring for the company to sell off its China assets and focus on more promising opportunities. Uber has lost more than $2 billion in the country, people familiar with the matter said. Meanwhile, Uber was profitable in developed markets in the first half of 2015, the people said. “As an entrepreneur, I’ve learned that being successful is about listening to your head as well as following your heart,” Kalanick wrote in a blog post obtained by Bloomberg before publication. “I have no doubt that Uber China and Didi Chuxing will be stronger together.” The deal is subject to government approval. While the combination of the top two players in a market would often raise regulatory scrutiny, officials will have to determine the range of competition. — Bloomberg NEW YORK: SolarCity Corp board members approved a $2.6 billion buyout from Elon Musk’s Tesla Motors Inc in the solar industry’s biggest deal to date. Tesla agreed to pay $25.37 a share in stock for the largest US rooftop solar company, according to a statement Monday. Analysts have said the price is too low and investors have questioned the wisdom of Musk combining his electric-car maker with the cleanenergy company. The agreement allows SolarCity to solicit competing takeover offers through September 14, the companies said. The vote will now go to Tesla and SolarCity shareholders. That excludes Musk, who as chairman and the largest investor in both companies recused himself when he announced the offer June 21. Other SolarCity directors have excluded themselves from voting: Musk’s cousins Lyndon and Peter Rive, the co-founders of SolarCity, as well as JB Straubel and Antonio Gracias, who also have ties to both companies. Musk initially offered SolarCity investors $26.50 to $28.50 a share in Tesla stock, saying the combined company would become a cleanenergy giant providing electric vehicles powered by solar rooftops and battery storage systems. SolarCity board members Nancy Pfund and Donald Kendall Jr were chosen to consider Tesla’s bid. All the other directors have connections to Tesla. Evercore advised Tesla, and Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz was its legal adviser. The financial adviser to the special committee of SolarCity’s board was Lazard Ltd and its legal adviser was Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom. The French oil giant Total SA paid $1.6 billion for a 60 per cent stake in SunPower Corp in 2011. Kendall doesn’t have a connection to Tesla. Pfund, a managing partner at the venture capital company DBL Investors, was an early backer of both Tesla and SolarCity and served as an observer on Tesla’s board before its initial public offering. — Bloomberg insideoman business b i 18 OMANDAILYOBSERVER T U E S DAY l A U G U ST 2 l 2 0 1 6 Advent buys 50pc stake in InVentiv Advent International will buy a 50 per cent stake in US pharma research firm inVentiv Health Inc. that will value the pharmaceutical services firm at $3.8 billion, and make it a co-owner of the business with Thomas H. Lee Partners LP. The two private equity firms said in a statement that they’ll be equal equity owners in inVentiv. BankDhofar posts 15.64pc net profit growth in H1 MUSCAT: BankDhofar continues its significant growth in all areas during the first half of 2016, with the total assets improving to RO 3.80 billion ($ 9.9 billion) at the end of June 2016 as compared to RO 3.39 billion ($8.8 billion) at the end of June 2015 recording a growth of 12.1 per cent year on year. The bank with its proven fundamentals on quality, prudent lending showed good growth of 13.60 per cent to reach RO 2.84 billion in net Customer Loans, Advances and Financing as at June 30, 2016 increased from RO 2.50 billion as at June 30, 2015. To supplement this loan growth, the Customer Deposits mobilised, grew by 4.56 per cent to reach RO 2.75 billion at June 30, 2016 compared to RO 2.63 billion at June 30, 2015. The total operating income including the non-funded income such as fees and commissions, foreign exchange profit, investment etc. grew by 22.57 per cent to reach RO 67.29 million for the half year ended June 2016 compared to RO 54.90 million first half last year. Operating Cost to Operating Income ratio for first half of 2016 improved to 40.91 per cent from 45.21 per cent first half of 2015. This reiterates that our revenues are growing faster than Net provisions for loan impairment cost and the continued efforts for cost increased 135.77 per cent to RO 8.37 optimisation. million year-to-date June 2016 compared to RO 3.55 million year-to-date June 2015. Impairment of available for sale investments was RO 0.70 million as against RO 0.93 million during last year same period from domestic equity market movements. The Net Profits of the Bank for the first half of 2016 reached RO 26.17 million as compared to RO 22.63 million achieved in first half of 2015 showing a strong year-on-year growth of 15.64 per cent. The earnings per share (EPS) for first half 2016 are RO 0.013 as compared to RO 0.013 achieved first half 2015. Bank’s Islamic Banking window, Maisarah Islamic Banking Services sȩ2/ȩMȩNETȩPROlTȩFORȩTHEȩlRSTȩHALFȩOFȩ sȩ-AISARAHȩ)SLAMICȩ"ANKINGȩ3ERVICESȩPOSTSȩ PCȩYEARONYEARȩINCREASEȩINȩNETȩPROlT continued the trend of showing strong growth in assets, customer deposits and profitability. Year-on-year, total assets increased by 50.39 per cent to RO 358.73 million at June 2016 from RO 238.53 million at June 2015. The gross financing portfolio has grown to RO 259.80 million at June 30, 2016 from RO 174.24 million at June 30, 2015, an increase of 49.10 per cent. The strong growth in financing is supported by 35.58 per cent year-on-year increase in customer deposits, reaching RO 195.63 million June 2016 compared to RO 144.29 million at June 30, 2015. Non-performing financing continued to stand at Nil. Maisarah Islamic Banking Services reported a strong 61.39 per cent yearon-year increase in net profit before tax of RO 2.069 million compared to a net profit before tax of RO 1.282 million year-to-date June 2015. Oman Air inks codeshare pact Bank Muscat Twitter account sets benchmark for customer service with Saudi Arabian Airlines BUSINESS REPORTER MUSCAT Aug 1: Oman Air and Saudi Arabian Airlines have signed a codeshare agreement covering services between Muscat and four destinations in Saudi Arabia. Effective from June 29, customers were able to book flights through either airline for services between Muscat and Riyadh, Dammam, Jeddah, or Medina. Oman Air operates double-daily flights between Muscat and Riyadh, double-daily flights between Muscat and Jeddah, up to two flights per day between Muscat and Dammam and daily flights between Muscat and Medina. The airline deploys Boeing 737s on services to Riyadh, Dammam and Medina, whilst B737s, Airbus 300s, and Boeing 787 Dreamliners are deployed on services to Jeddah. Saudi Arabian Airlines operates regular flights throughout the week from Riyadh, Jeddah, and Medina to Muscat, using Airbus 320 aircraft. Aboudy Nasser, Senior Vice President Network and Revenue Management, at Oman Air said: “I am delighted to announce that Oman Air and Saudi Arabian Airlines have signed a codeshare agreement which covers flights between Muscat, the capital of the Sultanate of Oman, and four destinations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. “This new partnership will deliver even greater choice and convenience for customers of both airlines. Not only can tickets be simply booked via travel agents, www.omanair. com or, but customers of both airline can now access two complementary networks of exciting international destinations. Furthermore, Saudi Arabian Airlines shares Oman Air’s commitment to the highest standards of hospitality, service and onboard product, ensuring a consistently enjoyable passenger experience for all. It is a pleasure to be working alongside Saudi Arabian Airlines and we look forward to a long and prosperous partnership.” Khalid A Albassam Vice President Network & Revenue Management at Saudi Arabian Airlines added: “We are proud to be working in partnership with Oman Air, as a result of this codeshare agreement. There is a natural synergy between the national carriers of our respective countries and customers are sure to appreciate the increased choice and convenience that this codeshare offers. “In addition to beautiful and fascinating domestic destinations, both Saudi Arabian Airlines and Oman Air offer access to very significant international networks, which will delight business and leisure travellers alike.” This new codeshare agreement represents an important element of Oman Air’s strategy to increase the choice, convenience and connectivity that the airline offers its customers. In addition to expanding its network to approximately 75 destinations by 2020, Oman Air has entered into a number of codeshare partnerships, with various reputed international airlines. Such agreements enable Oman Air’s customers to enjoy increased frequencies on a number of established routes, as well as access to a wide range of destinations in Asia, Australasia, Africa and Europe. MUSCAT: The first dedicated social media account in the banking sector in Oman for customer service, launched by Bank Muscat has evoked strong response addressing customer requirements within the fastest possible response time. In step with its innovative customercentric strategy, the interactive customer care Twitter account @bankmuscatcare reflects the latest trends in banking and facilitates real time communication with customers. Dedicated to responding to customer inquiries and feedback, the unique customer care account is managed by the bank’s Customer Experience Department. The team addresses customer queries and comments every day between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm. The bank also utilises the social media account to engage customers through surveys, questionnaires and awareness campaigns on the bank’s products, services and activities. Committed to top-notch customer service, Bank Muscat accords priority for building key relationship with customers. Aimed at enhancing customer experience, especially with the tech-savvy youth, the new facility is in response to the high demand for customer service via social media as many customers prefer to interact on social media as a main channel of communication. Ensuring privacy, Bank Muscat customers are not required to share any personal information while interacting on the customer care account and will be only asked for specific information such as name and customer ID through direct messages. Bank Muscat offers seamless customer interaction through a variety of channels, including website, email, Call Centre and Internet banking. Enquiries and feedback are channelled through a Feedback Management System (FMS) for appropriate action by relevant departments and branches. The Customer Experience department follows up on all issues and communicates the responses to customers. Strengthening customer relations, Bank Muscat regularly organises focus group meetings with customers in all parts of the Sultanate. A cross-section of customers is invited to such meetings and encouraged to speak their mind wherein genuine customer feedback is obtained on the bank’s products and services. To benchmark customer service in Oman, Bank Muscat has engaged a Cyprus-based consultancy firm to do ‘mystery shopping’. As part of this regular exercise, mystery shoppers visit Bank Muscat branches and also competitor banks. This helps to evaluate the customer care standards maintained by the bank. The bank’s state-of-the-art Call Centre offering integrated voice response (IVR) facility allows customers to avail a host of services. The Call Centre operations reflect the bank’s commitment to excellence in providing innovative banking service. A keen perception of customer requirements enable the bank to develop innovative products and services in line with the current and emerging needs. Lexus RC F shines in Nürburgring endurance race AIB employees complete E-Learning Programme MUSCAT: Lexus RC F is one of the world’s most powerful luxury sports coupe. This 2-door coupe is engineered to offer enthusiasts some of the most thrilling moments behind the wheel. Recently, the Lexus RC F car number 36, driven by Takeshi Tsuchiya, Tatsuya Kataoka, Kazuya Oshima, and Takuto Iguchi, successfully completed this famous endurance race held in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The Lexus RC F was entered by GAZOO Racing alongside the experienced TOM’S racing team, a partnership that was formed with the aim of learning from the passion and know-how of the veteran TOM’S mechanics. Ten years of hard work nurturing the right team is providing a new springboard for helping to build everbetter cars. This year, GAZOO Racing entered the Lexus RC F for the 44th 24 Hours of Nürburgring endurance race and the car took 24th place overall and finished first in the SP-PRO class. Speaking on the occasion, team representative Akio Toyoda, said, “Ten years have passed since we drove our first 24 Hours of Nürburgring. Since then, our drivers, mechanics and support staff have joined together as a team each year with the aim of racing as many laps as possible.” Mr. Toyoda added, “Over the last ten years, the efforts of GAZOO Racing have been supported by fans from around the world. We have succeeded thanks to the hard work and leadership of many people who committed themselves to seeing things through and refused to give up no matter what difficulties they faced. Our efforts to create ever-better cars and to nurture the people to achieve this are never-ending.” MEC felicitates Grade 12 meritorious students SOHAR: In an initiative launched by Dr Mohammed al Zadjali. member of Shura Council, Sohar representative, and sponsored by Majan Electricity Company (Member of Nama Group), ceremony of awarding general diploma students in grade 12 for the academic year 2015/2016 was held on Saturday in Majan Hall in Sohar under the auspices of Dr Said al Rubai, Secretary-General of Education Council. This initiative aims to award general diploma students in grade 12 who got 90 per cent and above, and it is considered the first nationwide initiative of its kind that shed light on excellent students and create a competitive environment in the future among general diploma students. About this initiative, Ibrahim al Farsi, Senior Manager of Customer Affairs in Majan Electricity Company said such participations come under Majan’s strong belief in the prominent role played by the students in building the society and in the renaissance and progress of Oman. Rashid al Bahri, Head of Communication and Branding Section in Majan, also gave a small speech during the ceremony about the major educational programmes and awareness activities undertaken by the company to encourage students through the adoption of new styles and techniques that help them in acquiring knowledge on different issues related to electricity services such as energy conservation, electrical safety, environment, and meter reading. The ceremony witnessed an attendance of a large number of governmental and private bodies, parents, social media influencers, and journalists. Majan is also very eager in participating in these activities and programmes as it is considered an integral platform to activate its social responsibility role and to confirm its commitment to strengthen the bonds of communication with the local community. MUSCAT: Alizz Islamic Bank has announced that a number of its employees have completed an E-Learning Programme it launched recently to enhance their skills and knowledge related to the Islamic banking field. The E-Learning Programme, which comprises several banking modules, was organised as part of the Alizz’s plans to invest in human capital development and make the best use of the latest technological developments. The programme is also aligned to its strategy to enhance employee competence to ensure the delivery of exceptional customer service. Moosa al Jadidi, Deputy General Manager and Head of Retail Banking at Alizz Islamic Bank, said: “This programme demonstrates our keen efforts to develop the capabilities of our employees and ensure that they possess robust Islamic banking skills required to ensure customer satisfaction, transparent transaction process and delivery of premium services.” The E-Learning Programme is developed to provide staff members with an in-depth knowledge of theoretical concepts as well as the practical skills they need to successfully implement the bank’s plans, which focus on delivering unique Sharia-compliant services, he added. As part of its key strategy to create future leaders, Alizz Islamic Bank develops various Islamic banking and business programmes targeting employees who demonstrate a high level of commitment to self-development. Alizz Islamic Bank is one of the first specialised Islamic banks in Oman. With an aim to offer customers an enriching banking experience designed for today’s modern world, the bank has focused its investments on human capital and cross-cutting technology to ensure the delivery of exceptional and responsive customer service. omaninternational business IndiGo looks to slow Airbus A320neo deliveries IndiGo, the biggest customer for Airbus Group SE’s A320neo jets, is considering slowing deliveries of the single-aisle aircraft to give supplier Pratt & Whitney more time to upgrade the model’s engines. The Indian carrier may seek the delivery slowdown “to allow Pratt & Whitney to catch up on the production of upgraded engines,” InterGlobe Aviation Ltd., which operates the airline, said. China July factory activity unexpectedly dips on softer orders A worker looks on at a BYD assembly line in Shenzhen, China. — Reuters BEIJING: Activity in China’s manufacturing sector eased unexpectedly in July as orders cooled and flooding disrupted business, an official survey showed, adding to fears the economy will slow in coming months unless the government steps up a huge spending spree. While a similar private survey showed business picked up for the first time in 17 months, the increase was only slight and the much larger official survey on Monday suggested China’s overall industrial activity remains sluggish at best. Both surveys showed persistently weak demand at home and abroad were forcing companies to continue to shed jobs, even as Beijing vows to shut more industrial overcapacity that could lead to larger layoffs. And other readings on Monday pointed to signs of cooling in both the construction industry and real estate, which were key drivers behind betterthan-expected economic growth in the second quarter. The official Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) eased to 49.9 in July from the previous month’s 50 and below the 50-point mark that separates growth from contraction on a monthly basis. Analysts polled by Reuters predicted a level of 50. While the July reading showed only a slight loss of momentum, Nomura’s chief China economist Yang Zhao said it may be a sign that the impact of stimulus measures earlier this year may already be wearing off. That has created a dilemma for Beijing as the Communist Party seeks to deliver on official targets, even as concerns grow about the risks of prolonged, debt-fuelled stimulus. “The government has realised the downward pressure is great but they’ve also realised that stimulus to stimulate the economy continuously is not a good idea and they want to continue to focus on reform and deleveraging,” Zhao said. Heavy flooding, particularly along the Yangtze River, contributed to July’s manufacturing contraction along with slowing demand and the cutting of overcapacity in some industries, the statistics bureau said. — Reuters BoE prepares to cut rates into uncharted territory LONDON: The Bank of England looks ready to cut interest rates for the first time since 2009 on Thursday, seeking to stop Britain’s vote to leave the European Union from kicking the country into recession. It may even go a step further and pump billions of pounds into financial markets. Economic surveys have pointed to a sharp slowdown since the BoE wrong footed markets just over two weeks ago, when it kept rates on hold while it considered a bigger, unspecified package of stimulus, which policymakers said was likely in August. Manufacturing figures on Monday showed the most widespread downturn since early 2013. Earlier survey data for the much larger services sector pointed to the sharpest contraction since 2009. There is a chance these reports reflect a knee-jerk reaction to the vote, so the question the BoE faces this week is how aggressively to react. BoE chief economist Andy Haldane said he wanted to use “a sledgehammer to crack a nut”, but another policymaker, Kristin Forbes, said the central bank should stay calm and not rush into a decision until more hard data was available. Most economists polled by Reuters expect the BoE to cut interest rates by at least a quarter percentage point to 0.25 per cent, and almost half say it will restart its quantitative easing bond purchase programme, on hold since late 2012. “If you’re heading towards a waterfall, it is better to start paddling than to wait until you’re at the edge,” said Bank of America Merrill Lynch economist Robert Wood, who previously worked as a BoE forecaster. Wood said looser monetary policy would take months to help the economy. He predicts the BoE will announce £50 billion of asset purchases on top of the 375 billion of government bonds bought between 2009 and 2012. Others say the BoE’s Monetary Policy Committee might be concerned more QE at a time of record-low global bond yields could have unpredictable consequences for banks and markets. “Taken at face value, recent survey data point to a significant recession. However, there may be some element of a knee-jerk reaction and the MPC may wish to wait for more data before making such a big call,” HSBC economist Simon Wells said. Surveys carried out in the first half of July may reflect the temporary political disarray as David Cameron stepped down as prime minister and the Conservative Party hunted for a successor. Some data, including the BoE’s own in-house research, point to a fairly modest reaction to the referendum. — Reuters MUSCAT SECURITIES MARKET OMANDAILYOBSERVER T U E S DAY l A U G U S T 2 l 2 0 1 6 19 international business Soft US data hits dollar in Asia but markets rally 20 HCL Infosystems posts Rs 350m net loss OMANDAILYOBSERVER HCL Infosystems said that it posted net loss of Rs 350 million for the AprilJune quarter of 2016-17. In a regulatory filing to the BSE, the company said that the total revenue in the quarter under review was at Rs 11.48 billion, which is a growth of 7 per cent quarter-on-quarter. T U E S DAY l A U G U ST 2 l 2 0 1 6 New Australian Stock Exchange CEO Dominic Stevens (R) appears at a photo call with ASX Chairman Rick Holliday-Smith after the announcement of Stevens’ appointment to the position in Sydney, Australia, on Monday. — Reuters HONG KONG: Fading expectations of a US interest rate rise this year hit the dollar and boosted stocks in Asia on Monday, although Shanghai equities took a hammering from weak Chinese manufacturing data. Friday’s report showing the world’s number one economy expanded just 1.2 per cent year-on-year in April-June poured cold water on speculation the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates before year-end. It also came hours after the Bank of Japan disappointed investors by deciding against ramping up its stimulus programme. The two events stung the greenback, which ended on Friday just above the 102 yen mark, well down from levels around 106 yen touched the day before. In afternoon Asian trade, the dollar edged up slightly against the Japanese currency to 102.47. But it lost ground against the South Korean won, Indonesian rupiah and Malaysian ringgit, which jumped 0.8 per cent. “The (US growth) was a massive miss, so I’m not surprised by the huge dollar sell-off that ensued,” Thomas Averill, a Managing Director in Sydney at Rochford Capital, told Bloomberg News. “The immediate risk at the moment China new home prices rise faster in July BEIJING: Price rises for new homes in China accelerated in July from the previous month, a survey showed on Monday, with some buyers possibly prompted by moves in some cities to curb prices. The average price for new homes in 100 major cities increased 1.63 per cent month-on-month in June to 12,009 yuan ($1,814) per square metre, the China Index Academy (CIA) said in a statement. That was faster than June’s 1.32 per cent. Real estate is a key sector for China’s economy, the world’s second largest and a vital driver of global growth. Some cities including the commercial hub Shanghai have introduced or hinted at policies to tighten the market after property and land prices surged in their localities, the CIA said. The messages “have impacted on market expectations to some extent”, it said, apparently indicating consumers rushed to buy. Beijing has introduced several policies to try to revitalise the sector as economic growth weakened, including reducing minimum down payment requirements, cutting transaction taxes and providing incentives for migrant workers to buy homes. The policy loosening led prices in some big cities to rise this year as pent-up demand was unleashed. But at the same time the country has a huge inventory of unsold new homes, mostly in third- and fourth-tier cities. The government has vowed to take “specialised” measures to tackle diverging trends in different regions. “The overall home price in the 100 cities is expected to continue to rise steadily against the backdrop of policies to stabilise prices and control risks in multiple ways,” said the CIA. — AFP Galvani Bioelectronics 55pc owned by GSK, 45pc Verily GSK, Google parent forge $715m bioelectronic medicines firm LONDON: GlaxoSmithKline and Google parent Alphabet’s life sciences unit are creating a new company focused on fighting diseases by targeting electrical signals in the body, jumpstarting a novel field of medicine called bioelectronics. Verily Life Sciences — known as Google’s life sciences unit until last year — and Britain’s biggest drugmaker will together contribute £540 million ($715 million) over seven years to Galvani Bioelectronics, they said on Monday. The new company, owned 55 per cent by GSK and 45 per cent by Verily, will be based at GSK’s Stevenage research centre north of London, with a second research hub in South San Francisco. It is GSK’s second notable investment in Britain since the country voted to leave the European Union in June. Last week it announced plans to spend £275 million on drug manufacturing. Galvani will develop miniaturised, implantable devices that can modify electrical nerve signals. The aim is to modulate irregular or altered impulses that occur in many illnesses. GSK believes chronic conditions such as diabetes, arthritis and asthma could be treated using these tiny devices, which consist of a electronic collar that wraps around nerves. Kris Famm, GSK’s head of bioelectronics research and president of Galvani, said the first bioelectronic medicines using these implants to stimulate nerves could be submitted for regulatory approval by around 2023. “We have had really promising results in animal tests, where we’ve shown we can address some chronic diseases with this mechanism, and now we are bringing that work into the clinic,” he said. “Our goal is to have our first medicines ready for regulatory approval in seven years.” GSK first unveiled its ambitions in bioelectronics in a paper in the journal Nature three years ago and believes it is ahead of Big Pharma rivals in developing medicines that use electrical impulses rather than traditional chemicals or proteins. The tie-up shows the growing convergence of healthcare and technology. Verily already has several other medical projects in the works, including the development of a smart contact lens in partnership with the Swiss drugmaker Novartis that has an embedded glucose sensor to help monitor diabetes. — Reuters is for a bit of further weakness in the US dollar on the moderated monetary tightening view.” Forex traders are expecting Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to outline Tuesday details of the government’s 28 trillion yen stimulus announced last week. The likelihood of US interest rates remaining low supported Asia’s equity markets, however. Japan’s Nikkei ended up 0.4 per cent, having recovered from early losses fuelled by the strong yen, while Taipei, Manila and Singapore posted healthy gains. Hong Kong closed up 1.1 per cent, Sydney ended 0.5 per cent higher and Seoul jumped 0.7 per cent. But Shanghai ended down 0.9 per cent after China’s official purchasing managers’ index of manufacturing activity indicated the sector shrank last month. It was the first time since February that the official figures have shown a contraction. Economists surveyed by Bloomberg News had predicted it would flat-line. The data is the latest bad news on the world’s number two economy, which is growing at its slowest rates in a quarter of a century. “The economy is at the tipping point right now and there is a downward trend,” said Shen Jianguang, Chief Asia Economist at Mizuho Securities Asia Ltd in Hong Kong. “The government seems to be concerned about bubbles now so policies are trending tighter.” Unusually, the private Caixin BIZ BRIEF Japan’s Mitsubishi UFJ profits hit by negative rates TOKYO: Japanese banking giant Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group said on Monday its April-June net profit dived by nearly one-third as negative interest rates and market turbulence dented its bottom line. The drop mirrored similar falls at rivals Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group and Mizuho Financial Group which reported their results last week. Mitsubishi UFJ’s net profit tumbled 32 per cent from a year ago to 188.9 billion yen ($1.84 billion) in the three months through June, its fiscal first quarter. That was well below the average 225 billion yen average estimate of analysts surveyed by Bloomberg. Japan’s biggest banks have been warning that negative rates are squeezing their lending margins since the unpopular policy was announced in January. The country’s central bank surprised markets with the move, which was designed to boost lending to people and businesses and stoke growth in the wider economy. Under the plan, commercial banks are effectively charged for keeping excess Reserves in the Bank of Japan’s vaults, giving them an incentive to lend more. But it was widely criticised as a desperate bid to prop up Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s faltering economic growth blitz, dubbed Abenomics. Bankers were among the policy’s biggest critics, including Mitsubishi UFJ’s chief executive Nobuyuki Hirano, who warned it would hurt companies’ finances as they battle to drive up already sluggish lending. Years of ultra-low interest rates have pressured profitability and pushed Japan’s lenders to seek new business overseas. On Friday, the BoJ announced some tweaks to its massive stimulus plan but held off taking rates further into negative territory, sparking a rally in bank shares. — AFP Saudi Arabia cuts oil price to Asia as battle with Iran heats up DUBAI: Saudi Aramco, the world’s largest oil exporter, lowered the pricing terms for Arab Light crude sold to Asia by the most in 10 months, signalling Saudi Arabia has no plans to back down while Opec rival Iran tries to regain market share amid a global oversupply. State-owned Saudi Arabian Oil Co said it will sell cargoes of Arab Light in September at $1.10 a barrel below Asia’s regional benchmark. That is a pricing cut of $1.30 from August, the biggest drop since November, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The company was expected to lower the pricing by $1 a barrel, according to the median estimate in a Bloomberg survey of eight refiners and traders. Iran has boosted crude production 25 per cent this year and aims to reach an eight-year high for daily output of 4 million barrels by the end of the year. Customers in Asia account for the largest share of Iran’s new sales, according to shipping data. Asian demand for crude is stalling as refineries from Singapore to China and South Korea are cutting operating rates amid a slump in margins and rising supply from state-owned giants, which can draw on large crude inventories that have built up over the past two years of low prices. Brent crude has climbed 17 per cent since the start of the year on supply disruptions from Nigeria to Canada. Prices are still 12 per cent lower in the past year. Saudi Arabia led the November 2014 decision by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries to maintain production levels to drive out higher-cost producers. All other official selling prices for Asian clients were reduced. The biggest cut was by $1.60 for Extra Light crude. Pricing for Light and Extra Light grades for US clients was cut, by 20 cents and 40 cents, respectively, while the Medium and Heavy grades were unchanged. Aramco raised the pricing of all grades except Extra Light to northwest Europe and the Mediterranean. — Bloomberg purchasing managers’ index, which the first expansion since February 2015. focuses on small companies, was more In early European trade London rose positive than the official figure — 0.5 per cent, Frankfurt gained 0.9 per showing a surprise jump and marking cent and Paris added 0.7 per cent. —AFP Beijing calls for UK N-project to proceed BEIJING: China on Monday called for Britain to proceed with a nuclear power plant project partly invested in by a Chinese firm, saying the project had firm support from London, after Britain’s new government said it would review it again. The plan by France’s EDF to build two reactors with financial backing from a Chinese state-owned company, China General Nuclear Power Corp, was championed by Prime Minister Theresa May’s predecessor, David Cameron, as a sign of Britain’s openness to foreign investment. But just hours before a signing ceremony was due to take place on Friday, May’s new government said it would review the project again, raising concern that Britain’s approach to infrastructure deals, energy supply and foreign investment may be changing. May was concerned about the security implications of a planned Chinese investment in the Hinkley Point nuclear plant and intervened to delay the project, a former colleague and a source said on Saturday. In a statement sent to Reuters, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said they had “noted” the decision. “I would like to stress that this project was agreed upon by China, Britain and France in the spirit of mutual benefit and cooperation, and win-win cooperation, and has always had the strong support of Britain and France,” Hua said. China “hopes that Britain can reach a decision as soon as possible, to ensure the project’s smooth implementation”, she added, without elaborating. — Reuters Thailand’s consumer prices continue climbing, albeit at a considerably slower pace, in July on the back of higher fresh food prices, the Commerce Ministry said on Monday. According to the latest report, the country’s headline consumer price index inched up 0.10 per cent in July from a year ago, but eased 0.35 per cent on a monthly basis. — Reuters Veolia net profit hit by restructuring charge PARIS: Waste management firm Veolia said on Monday a restructuring charge bit into first-half net profit but had already improved its operational performance in a challenging economic climate. Net profits at the French company, which also specialises in water distribution, energy, recycling and operating public transportation systems, fell by 28.8 per cent to 251.2 million euros ($280 million), almost entirely due to the 95-million euro charge to restructure its French water management unit where 430 jobs are to be cut. However current net income, which strips out one-off charges, rose by 6.4 per cent to 341.7 million euros, beating the average of 291 million euros expected by analysts surveyed by FactSet financial data reporting service. Chief Executive Antoine Frerot expressed satisfaction with the results. “We continue to see the benefits of strict management, with savings ahead of our plan, which translated into further margin improvement and an increase in all our results,” he said. Sales slid 2.9 per cent to 11.95 billion euros due to adverse changes in currency exchange rates and a fall in energy prices. With stable exchange rates, the decline in activity was limited to 1.0 per cent. However EBITDA, a measure of operating profit, increased by 3.2 per cent of 1.58 billion euros due to ongoing efforts to cut costs. At constant exchange rates, it rose by 5.6 per cent. — AFP p pers p pective business OMANDAILYOBSERVER T U E S DAY l A U G U S T 2 l 2 0 1 6 21 *Ireland moves fast to lure financial jobs from UK BREXIT EFFECT I rish recruiters are already filling jobs for financial services firms which are shifting some operations from the United Kingdom, with Dublin moving fast to steal a march on rivals just a month after Britons voted to leave the European Union. While France has begun courting bankers with new tax breaks for expatriates and Frankfurt, Amsterdam and Luxembourg are also making pitches, Ireland is presenting itself as the only English-speaking country that offers a base in the euro zone and a future in the EU. Before the June 23 referendum, the government warned that a departure of Ireland’s nearest and biggest trade partner from the EU would pose “a major strategic risk”, with exporters to Britain particularly worried. But Brexit also presents opportunities for Ireland, which has decades of experience in attracting multinational investment, and it is determined to seize them. Ireland is already one of the world’s largest centres for “back office” banking functions such as settling transactions, many of them farmed out from London — Europe’s financial capital but whose future outside the EU is beset by uncertainty. On top of that, Ireland hosts a growing financial technology industry. Some headhunters say it’s too early to spot any definite trend. Nevertheless, Dublin-based Sigmar Recruitment is more than doubling its own workforce, hiring 150 extra staff over the next two years to handle foreign demand that was already increasing before the referendum and has accelerated since. “We have two particular projects relocating from the UK and then maybe another three that were considering two to three locations across Europe... and those have all gone in Ireland’s favour,” said Robert Mac Giolla Phadraig, Sigmar’s Chief Commercial Officer. “The headcounts for some of the projects are anywhere between 50 and 200.” He said that Sigma now has to find candidates for a total of 1,500 to 2,500 positions, mainly from US and European firms. The jobs are in many areas including internal departments that ensure firms are complying with regulatory rules on managing their financial risk, as well as financial technology and IT support. MORE ATTRACTIVE THAN EVER: A major opportunity for Ireland is the risk to London-based operations if Britain loses access to the EU’s “passporting” arrangement, which allows businesses regulated in member states to sell financial services across Europe. Beazley Plc, which manages six Lloyd’s of London syndicates, said last week it was working to get European insurance licences for its Irish reinsurance business. British asset manager M&G Investments, the fund arm of insurer Prudential, is also looking at expanding its operations in Dublin. Brightwater, another specialist Irish financial recruiter, has got go-aheads France, Germany and Benelux have also begun courting bankers with new tax breaks for expatriates. from bigger companies, mostly banks, for jobs in the “low hundreds” moving from Britain, according to head of marketing Eileen Moloney. Other firms are at an earlier stage of planning, such as DueDil, a financial technology start-up employing just under 100 people in London that was looking at expanding into Europe regardless of the referendum result. “What Brexit does is it makes us reevaluate the distribution and types of teams we would be hiring,” Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer Damian Kimmelman said. Kimmelman gave inside sales — those made over the phone or online rather than face-to-face with clients — as an example. “Should we hire our inside sales (team) in the UK or should we hire them in Ireland? Ireland’s always been attractive as a hub for inside sales, but it becomes even more attractive now than it was before,” he said, adding that his firm could be employing 20 people in the country within a year. TRICKLE, NOT A TORRENT: The pick up in Ireland has coincided with flagging recruitment in Britain even before the referendum, due to uncertainty over its outcome. British recruiter Hays said net fees in the UK and Ireland fell 4 per cent on a like-forlike basis in the quarter to end-June, but taken alone, fees in Ireland grew 22 per cent. Randstad, the world’s second largest employment services company, has seen a low level of hiring in the British financial sector, its CFO said. The state agency in charge of attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) to Ireland reports similar trends to the recruiters. “From our end, Brexit is coming up in all our discussions with clients and potential clients,” said Martin Shanahan, the chief executive of IDA Ireland which reported a pick up in jobs in the first half of the year following record growth in 2015. “The most significant increase is in financial services. We’ve seen a major increase in traffic into Ireland over the past number of weeks across all areas — banking, insurance, funds and payments — wanting to talk to us about possibilities.” Shanahan, who oversees a strategy responsible for around 190,000 jobs or almost one in every 10 Irish workers, also sees opportunities in the technology and pharmaceutical sectors and expects it will be well into next year before the full impact becomes apparent. Companies hunting for the right talent in Ireland, where unemployment has halved to 7.8 per cent since 2012 amid a sharp economic recovery, will still have abundant choice, if initial inquiries are anything to go by. — Reuters *Helicopter money talk takes flight as *Sony’s profit surprise DEFLATIONARY PRESSURE MONETARY FINANCING Bank of Japan runs out of runway T he Bank of Japan’s review of its monetary stimulus programme promised for September has revived expectations it could adopt some form of “helicopter money”, printing money for government spending to spur inflation. The BoJ disappointed market hopes on Friday that it might increase its heavy buying of government debt or lower already negative interest rates, cementing the view that it is running out of options within its existing policy framework to lift prices and end two decades of deflationary pressure. With little to show for three years of massive monetary easing, economists say BoJ Governor Haruhiko Kuroda’s “comprehensive assessment” of policy could push it into closer cooperation with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who announced a fiscal spending package worth more than 28 trillion yen ($275 billion) on Wednesday in a bid to kickstart growth. “The comprehensive review might be the first step towards further collaboration with the government, hinting at helicopter money,” said Daiju Aoki, economist at UBS Securities. “The government could issue 50year bonds, and if the BoJ makes a commitment to hold them for a very long time, that would be like helicopter money.” The helicopter money metaphor for the aggressive printing of new money was first used by American economist Milton Friedman in 1969 and cited by former US Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke in 2002 as a scheme that could fight deflation. Some economists, however, fear it could trigger hyperinflation and uncontrollable currency devaluation. Speculation that Japan might take that path reached fever pitch earlier in July when Bernanke met Abe and Kuroda in Tokyo, though policymakers quickly tried to damp down such talk. PRESSURE RESPONSE: In the highlights Hirai’s gaming-led renaissance S A man runs past the Bank of Japan (BoJ) building in Tokyo. narrowest sense, a government can arrange a helicopter drop of cash by selling perpetual bonds, which never need to be repaid, directly to the central bank. Economists do not expect this in Japan, but they do see a high chance of mission creep, with the BoJ perhaps committing to buy municipal bonds or debt issued by state-backed entities, giving its interventions more impact than in the treasury bond market, where it is currently buying 80 trillion yen a year of Japanese government bonds (JGBs) from financial institutions. “Compared with government debt, these assets have low trading volume and low liquidity, so BoJ purchases stand a high chance of distorting these markets,” said Shinichi Fukuda, a professor of economics at Tokyo University. “Prices would have an upward bias, so even if the BoJ bought at market rates, this would be considered close to helicopter money.” Other options include creating The government could issue 50-year bonds, and if the BoJ makes a commitment to hold them for a very long time, that would be like helicopter money. a special account at the BoJ that the government can always borrow from, committing to hold a certain percentage of outstanding government debt or buying corporate bonds, economists say. With the BoJ’s annual JGB purchases already more than twice the volume of new debt issued by the government, Japan has already adopted something akin to helicopter money, said Etsuro Honda, a former special adviser to the Cabinet and a key architect of Abe’s reflationary economic policy. But it has not been enough to stop consumer prices falling in June at their fastest since the BoJ began quantitative easing in 2013. Ahead of its July 29 policy meeting, sources had indicated that the BoJ was leaning towards standing pat because it planned no major changes to its consumer price forecasts. But then Abe announced his unexpectedly large spending package two days earlier, which was notably lacking in details on how to fund it. Prominent cabinet ministers promptly piled in with public comments urging the BoJ to follow the government’s lead. In the event, the BoJ made what economists called a token response by increasing its purchase of exchangetraded funds to 6 trillion yen, but it resisted pressure to buy more bonds, and it kept interest rates at minus 0.1 per cent. But the results of that pressure could finally show up in September’s review, after it has had time to come up with a more detailed plan to cooperate with Abe’s fiscal push. — Reuters ony Corp’s resurgent games division helped the Japanese conglomerate blow past quarterly results expectations, vindicating Chief Executive Officer Kazuo Hirai’s (pictured) growing focus on media and entertainment. Sony, which in years past has scaled back in businesses from phones to TVs, posted a surprise profit for the June quarter. It more than doubled operating income from the sale of PlayStations and software, a particularly optimistic signal given the company’s next marquee products haven’t yet come to market. Sony is looking to cement its lead over Microsoft Corp and Nintendo Co by launching a virtual-reality headset in October in the US, as well as a souped-up version of the PS4 potentially before the end of the year. The twin gadgets mark Hirai’s long-term effort to dominate the industry with the PlayStation division, which he helped launch in 1994 before being tapped as CEO. “Nothing short of fantastic, especially given that the market has been expecting a loss,” Amir Anvarzadeh, Singapore-based head of Japanese equity sales at BGC Partners Inc, said in an e-mail. “The big takeaway was the games business. Profit there more than doubled and that’s even before PlayStation VR launch in October, which will be a huge shot in the arm for hardware sales.” Sony reported net income of 21.2 billion yen ($205 million) in the quarter through June, compared with the average analysts’ expectation for a 39 billion-yen loss. The firm maintained its forecast for annual profit of 80 billion yen. The strength in games is helping investors look past the impact from the Kumamoto earthquakes, which shut the primary manufacturing site for image sensors that power digital cameras. On Friday, Sony lowered its estimate for operating losses from the earthquakes to 80 billion yen for this fiscal year, from 115 billion yen as recovery efforts wrapped up a month earlier than expected. Quarterly revenue from that division rose 15 per cent 330.4 billion yen and profit more than doubled to 44 billion yen. It sold 3.5 million PS4 consoles in the quarter, and kept its annual outlook for sales unchanged at 20 million units. Last month, Sony raised revenue and margin targets for the PlayStation business next fiscal year, as it expects a push into music and video streaming on its gaming network to boost user growth. “They’re releasing more software and the time is now to harvest profits,” said Hiroyasu Nishikawa, an analyst at Iwai Cosmo Securities Co. “The first year might be a bit tough for VR, but in the long run it will contribute to profits. And by prolonging the life of the PS4, profits should grow.” Elsewhere, the company trimmed its full-year overall sales forecast to 7.4 trillion yen from 7.8 trillion yen, partly because of currency impacts on businesses including games. Prior to the earnings release, the company announced it would sell its batteries division to Murata Manufacturing Co. A price wasn’t disclosed but Sony warned losses were possible and that they weren’t reflected in Friday’s figures. — Bloomberg TUESDAY l AUGUST 2, 2016 l SHAWWAL 28, 1437 AH RENTING & LEASING Tours and Airport Transfer Tel: 24582663 GSM: 95859497, Fax: 24582664, ····· RENT a car daily or yearly. 91169990. ····· 4WD Land Cruiser Rent A Car, daily or yearly. 91169990. ····· Supply of Pesticides, Gel (Cockroaches), Public Health chemicals, Agriculture chemicals, Snake repellent, Rodent baits and other insect repellent from Agropharm Ltd UK. PROFESSIONALS in Pest Control Service, Bedbug Treatment, Rodent Treatment, Snake Treatment and Termite Treatment (Pre and Post Construction). Tel: 24787606 / 24787503 Fax: 24787607 E-mail: P. O. Box: 565, Wadi Kabir, Postal Code: 117, SULTANATE OF OMAN For Rent CLASSIFIED SECTION TWO ϐǡ and a second one fully maintained in Wadi Mosque. 94016100. ····· Ruwi : 24785668 Behind Royal Oman Police, Adjacent to Dhofar Building OFFICE for rent in Jasmine ǡǤ Space 80m2 99341484. ····· ····· FLAT in Athaiba, 3 bedrooms. 92728711/ 99618596. A PREMISE consists of a 2-storey villa, 5 rooms, 2 majlis and 2 apartments. ϐ͵ majlis in South Al Maabela. Priority is for companies. 99420140. FLAT at Athaiba H/N ͶͲ͵ͻͶͺͶǤ 93663380. ····· FLATS ǡ ǡǡ Wadi Kabeer, Darsait, Hamriya, Al Hail and Seeb. 95250300/ 99110600/ 24182000. ····· NEW ϐ Darsait near to The Ministry of Sports Affairs, Ǥϐ includes: 1 Living room ʹ Kitchen 3 Toilets A/C ϐ ϐ 320/-. Interested candidates please contact: 92225523. ····· NEW building in Maabela Industrial Area available for rent. Corner ǡ hypermarket or bank. ϐǡͳ ʹϐǤ 99323030 ····· AMAZING OFFERS Rent a car for 10 days day. Rent for one month and get 5 days free. All the cars are 2016 for public departments, companies and longterm contracts. 972494490. ····· Al Shorooq Car Rent location opposite to Al Nahda Hospital. 99222617. ····· AHAAD 2000 for car rent. 93204595/ 93203481. ····· For Rent 2 FLOOR house at Al Hail North. Each floor: 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, kitchen, store, 1 sitting room. 92133551, 95067585 ····· Buttercup Rent A Car ····· A HOUSE at Seeb Market near Al Amri Centre (ground ϐȌǡǡ room, kitchen and a toilet for each room. 99700908. ····· A HOUSE in Al Ma’abellah ȋϐȌǡ ǡǡ kitchen and a toilet for each room. 99700908. FLATS ǡ Ghubra, Al Athaiba, Wadi Al Kabir, Darsait, Hamriyah, Al Hail and Seeb. 95250300/ 99110600/ 24182000. ····· FURNISHED ϐ Grand Mall for daily rent. 92303481/ 93204595. AN Ǧ ϐ bedrooms + majlis + medium Ϊ and kitchen, close to North Al Ghubrah Health Centre is offered for rent at RO 330. 95548774. ····· ····· FLAT Ǧ ǡǡ sitting room, medium-sized ǡ kitchen near the healthcare centre of North Al Ghubra at RO 320. 95548774. VILLA for rent in Wadi Kabir, 3 bedrooms, 1 sitting room and parking. 95829205, 99071071. ····· ····· SHOP in Seeb market. 95250300/ 99110600/ 24182000. AL Hikmani for HAJ and UMRAH Ȅ services including ǣ Hiring luxurious coaches, arranging ǡ preparing visas cost-effective price, including transport, housing, meals and visits to shrine locations. Land and air trips weekly. 99311310, 24566016, 99361982, 99707248, 99322124. Available on UNBEATABLE prices ····· TWOϐ German Embassy nearer to Al Nahdha Hospital. 99203954. ····· HP2130 3 in 1 Printer RO 10.900 only All Cartridges also available on UNBEATABLE prices AII HP, Epson, Canon, Lexmark, Samsung Cartridges also available ····· GOOD PRICE!!! GOOD PRICE!!! For Rent FLAT for rent in Maabela 3 master rooms. 96088926. ····· A FLAT in South Al Maabela consists of 3 for each room + sitting air-condition. The flat is location. 99700408. SHOWROOM in Al Khoudh Market for rent. 94887300. A FLAT in North Al Hail Ͷ toilets for each, sitting room and kitchen. 99700908. ····· FLATS ǡ Al Hail, Wadi Kabir, Al Falaj, Ǥ 99119699/ 95250300/ 24813002. ····· ····· ͳȌʹǡʹǡ kitchen, living room, store ǤʹȌͷͺͲ ȋȌǤ Contact. 99833369. Required AN apartment consists of ǡǡ a kitchen and a living room is offered for rent in Sidab. 99455397, 99181929. APARTMENTS for rent: 1. First apartment: four rooms, four toilets, big living room and big kitchen. 2. Second apartment: four rooms, four toilets, big living room and big kitchen. PS: Ǥ 99459204. ····· FLAT South. 3 bedroom + 3 toilets + 1 family hall + 1 kitchen. Monthly rent RO 270, for family only. Contact. 99882551. ····· ǧfloor house behind German University of Technology in Halban is offered for rent. The house ····· contains 4 bedrooms, living NEW room, a kitchen and 3 toilets. 91239119. church consists of 2 rooms Ǥ Ǥ ····· 94664635, 95850345. TWO ····· in Al Qurum near Mina al Fahal. Contact. 94664635, LUXURIOUS villa for 95850345. rent near Mina al Fahal consists of 5 bedrooms, 2 ····· living rooms, 3 kitchens, 7 FULLYʹ bathrooms, laundry room, yard. Monthly rent RO 1,500 + guarantee cheque. Contact. ͵͵ Ǥ 99842992. 10 am - 6 pm 94664635, 95850345. ····· ʹflat in Al Ghubra near Oman Oil 18 November Street, RO 330 monthly. 99333479 or 95215360. ····· VILLA for rent in North Al Hail consists of 4 bedrooms Ϊ majlis. 99760908 ····· ····· 2-STOREY villa in South Al Maabela consists of majlis, 4 each + 2 sitting rooms and kitchen, located near a public Ǥ 999700908 A COFFEE equipment in South Al Hail School. 99469900. ····· NEW villa in Al Khoudh 6 is offered for rent. The premise comprises 6 bedrooms, male majlis, female majlis, a split unit air-conditioned family living room and 8 toilets. 99668686. ····· ELFAYED for sedative investment in Salalah introduces the best price and utilities, for rent: ϐǡ daily, monthly and yearly. 98035135/ 96177304/ 91788999. ····· ····· SINGLEϐǡ ǡ family only. 92967853. ͳƬʹflats for Khoudh. 93994402, 93994403, 24834644. ····· WE have 5 outlets offered the public road and near the compound of the governor of Al Dakhliyah. They are of a total area of 350 sqm. if desired to be 650 sqm as 6 other outlest adjacent to the block are ours also. 92232592. ····· FLATS for rent in Salalah European design, farm ǡ the centre near the sea, ϐǤ92181524 WhatsApp. ····· VILLA in Seeb near Dreams Resort and close to the sea. 95250300/ 99110600/ 24182000. A FAMILY ϐǣ ΪΪ Ϊ ȋϐϐȌʹͲͲǤ 99329949. VILLA ȋͷȌǡ 5 rooms + toilets + majlis and family living room. 92880977. SEMI ʹƬ͵ Ȅ Atlas Hospital. 99348493/ 93200424/ 24502254. ʹ toilets, one sitting room Ǥ Ǥ 993803465. ONE ϐ Al Hail and 2km from Wave Muscat, contains 4 bedrooms, living room, a kitchen and 2 toilets, RO 300. 99077722. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· CLASSIFIED SECTION: ····· Ruwi: 24792-792 ····· ····· ȍ͵ VILLAS for sale/ rents KABIR/AL Ȍǡ ȋȀϐ for rent/ Al Ȍ (Flats for rent/ ȌǤ ͻͷͻ͵ͶͺǤ COMPUTER SUPPLIES For Rent NEW flats for rent at Darsait near to Ministry of Sports, Mumtaz area. The flats includes: 1 living room 2 bedroom Kitchen 3 Toilets A/C ϐ ϐ RO 340/-. Interested candidates please contact: 92225523. ····· For Sale/Rent GOOD PRICE!!! GOOD PRICE!!! Umrah/Haj GOOD PRICE!!! GOOD PRICE!!! GOOD PRICE!!! SPECIAL Rates on New Cars & 4 WDs Car For Rent PEST CONTROL OMAN CO. LLC. GOOD PRICE!!! GOOD PRICE!!! GOOD PRICE!!! Rent a Car ····· ····· Ali al Maashari: 99639264 Mohammed al Rashdi: 99841230 CERTIFIED Fumigator types of fumigation services for a reputed Trading Company in Muscat. Should have relevant educational ϐ ǡ ϐ ǡ fumigation service, good co-ordination skills and having driving licence. Interested candidates of educational ϐ ͳͲ days to: almarooj@ ····· FREE INFORMATION ABOUT ISLAM If you would like to know more about Islam, please call: Tel : 99425598, 99250777, 99353988, 99253818, 99341395, 99379133, For ladies: 99415818, 99321360, 99730723 Or visit: 94501166 DIRECT: 24649595 — FAX : 24649590 c ass fieds classi eds CLASSIFIEDS 23 OMANDAILYOBSERVER T U E S DAY l A U G U S T 2 l 2 0 1 6 Situation Vacant URGENTLY required experienced MEP Engineers and Estimators. Contact 95229608, 93214092 or ····· WANTED A Bilingual Sales Executive, with 3 to 4 years experience & driving licence. Should be dynamic and capable of planning sales forecast, Ǥ in Arabic must. Email CV to ̷ Ǥ ····· WANTED Sales Engineer — A reputed trading company dealing with agency products in Oil & Gas, petrochemicals and power sectors, is looking for a sales engineer having an experience of 2-3 years in dealing with piping materials, valves, instrumentation ǡ ǡϐ etc. Having valid Omani driving licence and only those candidates who can get a NOC from the current employer may apply with a photograph in the resume to: eng2cvob@ ····· A CONSTRUCTION company looking for a Project Engineer with minimum 5 years experience, able to handle all type of construction works. Contact details: Email: 90699920 ····· WE are looking for civil engineer should have 6 years experience and can manage and supervise in construction site. 99332131/ 24185238. Email: om ····· REQUIRED urgently a Quantity Surveyor (PreTender) with minimum ϐ Ǥ reputed excellent grade civil construction company. Please forward the CV to the following fax number: 00968 24836811. ····· THE White Pearl Enterprises urgently need experienced beautician lady & henna artist for a beauty salon in Bausher. They should be honest and hardworking. Limas Beauty Centre. If you are interested, please 99350707 or 99250707. REQUIRED 3-5 years experienced marketing/ sales engineer for a well reputed company in Oil & Gas sector. GCC experience and driving licence preferred. Please send CV to ····· REQUIRED registered Omani Nurse (MoH licence) with experience of 5 years and ready to work ϐȋȌ with 14 days/14 days rotation for the position of Clinic Manager. details please contact Dr Ghazwan 93280260 or send CV to: medicalinformation2016@ ····· ····· URGENTLY required Expatriate Heavy Duty Drivers, JCB Operators with valid Omani licence. Send your CV to gdsoman@ Contact: ͻͻͺͻͲͲǡͻ͵ͺͻͶͲͳͺǡǣ 24590866. ····· 1. AC maintenance and servicing. 2. ǡ machine and dish washer repairing. 3. Painting and cleaning services. 4. Electrical, plumbing and carpentry work 97014234, 99447257, 24504281. ····· AL SUMRI AC maintenance. We are ready to repair and install all types of Air-Conditioner within Muscat Governorate. 94301888. ····· Situation Wanted OMAN experienced Indian Lawyer, (35) BA, Arabic, LLB, MBA. Knows English, Arabic. Looking for suitable position in ϐ Ǥ Presently working as a legal adviser. NOC available. 97351649. E-mail: advocatesharaf@ ····· ACCOUNTANT, Indian male, B.Com, 10 years experience in Oman with D/L, specialised ͻƬ ǡ ϐǤ Ǥϐ attested in Oman. 99622639. A REPUTED building material showroom in Al Khuwair is looking for general manager with minimum experience of 10 ϐǤ 91408823 for interview appointment AZOOZ House of truest Providing all type of workers skill and ǡ Sri Lanka, India and Bangladesh. Email: 95330209/ 24831448. ····· ····· ····· AZOOZ House of truest Providing domestic servant, cook and babysitters, from ǡǡ India and Bangladesh. 95330209/ 24831448. RESIDENT in Oman for 20 years, 10 years experience in procurement, Omani Government tenders, setup marketing plans and strategies, importing, events, holding British passport enable for ϐ businesses, have car and NOC 94123939 HIGH Pressure Trading ǡϐǡ for Accounts Clerk and PRO with one or two years experience in Sohar kindly send your CV with ǣϐ̷ ····· A NEW medical complex in Izki required medical staff: - 2 General doctors. - 1 Specialist obstetrician and gynaecologist. - 2 Paediatrician and specialist. - 1 Dermatologist. - 1 Spec phys otorhinolaryngology. - 2 X-Ray technicians. - 2 LAB technicians. - 2 Pharmacists. 94359172. ····· ····· ABU Sultan Trad. Steel fabrication workshop shade store gate car parking skib tank, all type of steel making. 923200920 Nazam. Barka Industrial Area. ····· REQUIRED Staff for cafe and restaurant in Muscat. Send CV to: Reply all or forward more MAINTENANCE: 1. AC Maintenance & Servicing; ʹǤǡ & Dish washer repairing; 3. Painting & cleaning services; 4. Electrical & Plumbing Carpentry work. Contact: 99447257, 97014234, 24504281. ····· ····· OMANI public relation manager/ marketing manager required for an ϐ ǤǤ Omani citizens with healthcare ϐ experience only need to apply with English CV and photo to: WE offer you the Business Services: Maintenance of buildings and villas for paint and carpentry and decoration works and installation of material water proof and cleaning services building management and leasing of real estate (Out motto is to provide quality in all our business). Muscat Renaissance Development and Investment.99070093. ····· REQUIRED Marketing/ PR Manager for a modern restaurant group in Oman. ϐ Photoshop. Charismatic, ǡ ϐǤ ····· Excellent writing/editing WANTED expat with at least skills. Degree in relevant area. Ǥ Send CV to a diploma in accounting or ϐ ͵ experience in a construction company working in GCC. To apply email your CV to: abdullah.alhinai86@gmail. com Services ····· A LEADING international ϐ information technology headquarter in Ruwi seeks an Omani female (secretary) holder of general diploma ϐ Wilayat Muttrah. The CV is emailed to rm.allawaty@gmail. com ····· URGENTLY required Building Technician. 98111363. ····· SUBCONTRACTORS required: SME contractors interested in telecom side — civil and underground telephone cable laying work — may contact Mr S Ravi 99424605 or Mr Sayed.99358733 of National Telephone Services Co LLC. PRIVATE medical centre in Mudhaibi requires females physicians in the following specialties: Obstetrics and gynaecology 1, Dermatologists & Cosmetologist 1, Dentist 1, Pharmacist 1, Nurses 3 93553245. ····· ····· ····· PROVIDES all kinds of legal works, LLC registration, agreements, contracts. Takes all kinds of cases of companies.97351649. ····· Ad agency background —Art Director/Sr Graphic Designer Ǥ print media with NOC. Please contact 96148101 ····· INDIAN female, 24 years, MBA ȋ ȌǡǤ (Computer Application), currently on family visa, looking for suitable placement ǡ Ǥ Contact: 93839846, e-mail: ····· 20 YEARS experienced GCC, Electrical Engineer/ Ǥ in GIS substation, EHV, MV, LV system and oil & gas Ǥ NOC available. Oman D/L. 97928445, t.siva.rao16@ ····· Situation Wanted LOOKING for suitable placement, Indian female, Master in computer application with 11 years of experience in data warehousing, Teradata and date modelling looking for suitable placement in Muscat. 91192543. E-mail: ····· INDIAN, male, BE in Electrical and electronics with Post Graduate Diploma in Power Systems (Transmission and distribution), seeks placement. Presently in Oman on visit. Contact 94669679. E-mail: prsabarish@gmail. com ····· INDIAN male graduate Civil Engineer from Muscat college, holding 2 years employment visa and D/L, seeks suitable placement. Contact 99315714. ····· INDIAN male, age 25, looking for suitable placement in sales and marketing. Having 2 years of Indian experience. Contact 97939084, 97351786. E-mail: mohammedusr126@ ····· INDIAN male, B.Tech (ECE) MBA (HR), 2 years of experience CCNA, CCNP and hands on practice on LINUX, MCSE, looking for suitable ǡ visa, release available. Contact email: syedvizarat7@gmail. com 95584814 ····· INDIAN Commerce graduate ǡ 9 years experience seeks suitable placement. Contact 0096893655079, 00919916317946 ····· AUTOCAD Civil Draftsman, having experience in road Ǥ ϐǡǧ and structural drawings. E-mail: 94034544. ····· USED CARS FOR SALE MERCEDES Benz C180 Model 2009 (234677Km run) Ǥǡ Sonata car Model 2003 (305684Km run) and Mazda 323 car Model 2001 (585273Km run) - for sale on asis-where-is basis. These can be inspected at NTS Camp in Ghala. Manpower WE provide cleaning and loading staff. MODERN SPARKLE LLC. +968 95367541. ····· FRIENDS MANPOWER: and all kinds of workers. ʹͶͶͺͻʹͺǣȀǣ 24478153, 92462496. ····· l-Sinani Manpower — labourers & housemaid from Indonesia, Kenya, Uganda and other countries. Al Suwaiq. To communicate 26713500, 26713600. ····· a) Carpenter -2 nos. b) Mason - 5 nos. c) Steel Fixer - 3 nos. d) Helper - 5 nos. e) Tile Mason - 5 nos. please send email to or call: 91 70 86 07 ····· AN MBA with more than 10 years of sales & marketing experience in Gulf and 1.6 years in Oman in electronics & appliances division. Having Omani driving licence, NOC available. 91298641 ····· INDIAN male, 23 years PG Dip in Petroleum Engineering and B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering Holding UAE driving licence, seeks suitable placement immediately. 95880127, 95084905, ʹͷ͵Ͷͷͻ̷Ǥ ····· ϐ ǡ Indian female, 10 years business and IT experience in sales and marketing, consulting, product management rules in banking and sustainability currently on visit visa, looking for ϐǤ95431357. ····· LOOKING Ǥ Engineer from India having 5 years of experience in the ϐǡǡ brand management, business development and also having experience on events and exhibitions. Currently in Muscat on family visit visa. Abhishek Ganguly. 91912078, ganguly1508@ ····· ϐ ǡ male, 28 years, having 3 years experience in general Industry and construction ϐ ǣǡ OSH Academy 48 hours, ϐ year diploma HSE, Masters in Commerce. 93107730. ····· Situation Wanted INDIAN male, 24 years civil engineer working in Oman, NOC available professional in building design, seeks Ǥ90342980. Email: ····· INDIAN female, IT graduate, BE (Hons) Systems Administration with 2 years experience in teaching, seeks suitable position in education/training industry, communication. 96447091. fatimahaq24@ ····· MBA, HR Marketing (male 26), 3 years experience in Noor Islamic Bank (UAE), 1 year HR Coordinator looking for suitable placement. 901462412, ····· ACCOUNTANT (Indian female, 30 years), well experienced, B.Com with computerised accounting packages, presently on ǡ in Salalah. 99087175. ····· INDIAN male 23, BCom, IATA (Cargo), 1 year experience, good computer skills, looking for suitable position in cargo/ admin/accounts/back ϐ Ǥ97826180, ····· INDIAN graduate civil engineer from Muscat College in 2015 with D/L, seeks suitable placement with employment visa. 93121505. ····· For Sale Intersted parties may contact on 99259157/ 93891398. Sealed offers with vehicle-wise quote should be submitted on or before 4th August 2016 with security deposit. ····· INDIAN male, 29 years, BSc graduate with Omani driving licence and 7 years of sales experience in home appliances, IT products, ϐ equipment. Currently working on employment visa, NOC available, seeking for suitable placement immediately. 97890607, ashrafambar@ URGENTLY REQUIRED A reputed Group requires following construction workers with local release for visa transfer. For Rent DIESEL Tanker, 1,600 gallon Volvo, 1987. 92836774. ····· A SHOWROOM in Al Qurum in strategic location with extravagant interior design on 280 sqm is offered for sale at RO 25,000. 92470024. ····· SHOP FOR SALE Tiles & sanitary wares showroom, Rustaq Sanaiya (before Jabreen Showroom). 97844477, 97844474. ····· GP Clinic (16 years) run by couple doctors for sale at Madha, Musandam region, Oman with or without sponsorship. 92510642, 26739221. ····· DENTAL clinic (modern) in Sohar. 91163316. ····· 2007 model Toyota Corolla (1.8) in excellent condition, maintained by dealer, single owner (doctor) for sale 92510642, 26739221. ····· RESTAURANT in an excellent location in Salalah with equipment and workers. 93397812. ͳȎ behind GUtech is offered for sale. The twin-villa. 2) A LAND is for sale in Al Maabela 8 owner. 95959166. ····· ANNEX in Al Khoudh A’Sad Street, 2 bedrooms + sitting room and others. 98881738. ····· TWO ϐ Al Hamriya main road. 99331448. ····· AGRICULTURAL Land of 60,000 sqm at the public road with no well. 94380002. ····· DELUXE villa at M/Sultan ϐ Khuwair (A/CS), MBD and Ǥ97167846. ····· Rent/Investment sale: Extravagant and furnished residences for female students in Al Khuwair, Al Mawaleh and Al Khoudh along with all assets. 99001332. Industrial land in Rusayil, suitable for all industrial work and business99323957, 95490842. ǧand ϐ Maabela consists of 3 bedrooms, sitting room and toilets for each room + sitting room and kitchen close to water source. 99700908. ····· ····· ····· ····· INDIAN male 25, 2 years experience in UAE. B.Com, good computer skills, looking for suitable position in auto spare parts/sales. Knows all catalogues like Toyota, Nissan, Suzuki etc. Currently on visit. 909694804. ···· INDIAN male B Com, seeks suitable placement in Sales and Marketing/ Accounting. Currently on visit. 95681437. E-mail: ····· PAKISTANI graduate, safety ϐ ͵ experience in general industry and construction. Also having ϐ Ǥ93107730. ····· INDIAN female with nearly 10 years of experience in administration and HR, seeking for a suitable placement. NOC available. 99242841. · · · ·· INDIAN 20 years experience in Oman as Personal Ȁϐ Ȁ Administrator/ Commercial ǡ change. Release available. 99168054 ····· B COM + logistics, 2 years ǡ Ȁ ϐǤ 93884951. ····· INDIAN male, 22 years, mechanical engineer, fresher, looking for a placement in ϐǤ 95020044. ····· INDIAN, male (28 years) printer. Experience in India single colour , four colour 99740206 ····· Lost JALIKA Akatur has lost Bangladeshi passport No Ͳͷ͵ͲǤ handover to ROP. ····· MASROOR Ali Akhtar has lost Pakistani passport No ͳͻͻͳǤ handover to ROP. ····· IZHAR has lost Pakistani passport No ͳͳͶͶͳǤ handover to ROP. ····· SAEK Keuom Saek has lost Bangladeshi passport No Ͳʹͷͻͷͻ͵Ǥ handover to ROP. ····· Guest House QURUM BEACH HOTEL24564070. ····· international business b i 24 OMANDAILYOBSERVER T U E S DAY l A U G U ST 2 l 2 0 1 6 Taiwan recession lifts on Q2 GDP growth Taiwan came out of recession in April-June, data showed, as a pick-up in the island‘s key electronics sector helped end a run of three successive quarterly contractions. The 0.69 per cent year-on-year growth beat expectations and comes after newly elected President Tsai Ing-wen pledged to kickstart growth, including establishing a ‘Silicon village’ for Asia. Vodafone uses voiceless Africa plans to get tech-savvy youth I It’s not easy being grains when investors bet on price demise I nvestors have turned against three of the largest US crops, betting that timely rainfall will further swell grain supplies and exacerbate price drops. Hedge funds and other money managers are now holding a record wager on further declines for wheat, have increased their bearish outlook on corn and dumped bets on a soybean rally for a seventh straight week. A combined measure on the big three US crops turned negative last week for the first time in three months. The Bloomberg Grains Subindex plunged 10 per cent in July, the most since the same month of 2015. While worries of continued heat and dry weather across the US Midwest lifted crop prices in June, timely July rains proved favourable. Corn conditions climbed during the critical pollination period, soybean ratings stayed high and the harvest of winter wheat added to a global glut. “The backdrop heading into this year was one where you had adequate grain stocks across the world, particularly in corn and wheat,” said Matt Campbell, a risk-management consultant at INTL FCStone in West Des Moines, Iowa. “If there wasn’t going to be a relatively significant weather problem, this was a year where it was going to be tough to sustain a meaningful rally.” Bearish Bets The combined position across the three crops turned net-short to 74,033 contracts in the week ended July 26, according to Commodity Futures Trading Commission data published three days later. That compared with While worries of continued heat and dry weather across the US Midwest lifted crop prices in June, timely July rains proved favourable. Corn conditions climbed during the critical pollination period, soybean ratings stayed high and the harvest of winter wheat added to a global glut. a net-long holding of 7,724 a week earlier and is the first bearish outlook since mid-April. The Bloomberg Grains Subindex is down 4.2 per cent in 2016. The US is coming off back-to-back years of bumper corn and soybean production, and the world is saddled with record wheat inventories. The International Grains Council on Thursday boosted is outlook for combined global stockpiles of wheat, corn and other grains by 1.2 per cent, predicting an even bigger all-time high. After a late-spring heatwave, some traders had worried that it was going to be a hot, dry US summer and crop concerns ramped up. Instead, for farmers including Philip Volk of North Dakota, rains came just in time to establish solid crops. “They have moisture to draw on, and the plant population is there,” said Volk, who grows spring wheat, corn, soybeans, barley and pinto beans on 4,000 acres near Rugby. “Everything would say it could be near the top of the yields.” Crop Tour Investors will get more clues about US output next week when participants on an MDA Weather Services crop tour survey corn and soybean fields in the largest producing states, including Iowa and Illinois. The US Department of Agriculture is set to release its first survey-based production forecasts for the crops on August 12. Even the recent rains came too late to rescue some crops. Volk said that while yields for his corn and soybeans have strong production potential, spring wheat could suffer from the early lack of moisture. Yields for the crop across the state will probably drop to an average of 45.7 bushels per acre, according to results issued July 28 at the end of the Wheat Quality Council’s annual crop tour. That’s down from the tour’s forecast for 49.9 bushels last year. At the same time, weather in August could pose risks, particularly for soybeans, which have begun to set the pods that fill with oilseeds. A few “lingering dry spots” in the Midwest are the main threat through early August, Commodity Weather Group said in a report e-mailed on Friday. Amid a looming La Nina weather event, “the big question mark was if the usual hot, dry conditions that come with that will come during the growing season or further out in November, when it doesn’t matter as much for crops,” said Alex Norton, director of risk management at commodityconsulting firm Beeson & Associates Inc in Crestwood, Kentucky. “It seems like the heat is here, but the dryness isn’t really happening. The weather hasn’t been as bullish as people thought.” — Bloomberg nside a packed Vodafone Group Plc store in the Zambian capital of Lusaka, a group of the city’s tech-savvy students wait in line for wireless modems they hope will transform their ability to surf the Internet. They don’t even care that they won’t be able to get a voice plan to talk over the British mobile operator’s network since Vodafone doesn’t have a licence for that. “The coming of Vodafone is long overdue,” Anthony Kambeu, 25, a student at University of Zambia, said outside the store, which opened in June. “The other networks have been exploiting us — poor service, high prices, everything.” Kambeu said the Vodafone packages are good value even without voice, although he hopes the company will eventually be able to provide that as well. Vodafone’s data price of 250 kwacha ($25) for 10 gigabytes is almost two-thirds less than that offered by other providers, which include the local units of South Africa’s MTN Group Ltd and Bharti Airtel Ltd of India, according to the companies’ websites. While Vodafone’s data bundle expires sooner than those of its competitors, undercutting its rivals could enable the UK company and Amsterdam-based network partner Afrimax to establish market share. Meanwhile its customers can make calls to each other using data services such as WhatsApp. The current economic slowdown notwithstanding, Africa remains the last great growth frontier for European telecommunication companies whose largest markets are all filled up. More than half the continent’s population is seen owning a smartphone by 2020, compared with 23 per cent at the end of last year, according to a report published July 26 by GSMA. That’s helped by the continent’s relatively young population, which is more likely to embrace new technology. Formidable Rival The lack of a voice licence is just one obstacle facing Vodafone as it targets as many as 12 new African markets. Sub-Saharan African economies grew at the slowest pace in 15 years in 2015, weighed down by low commodity prices, according to the International Monetary Fund. Vodafone is also up against a formidable rival in Johannesburg-based MTN, which is the market leader in most of the 22 countries in which it operates, including Zambia. MTN shares have climbed 5.6 per cent this year. “Africa is one of the least-developed regions of the world in terms of information and communications technology, in particular once we move beyond basic voice and data,” Dobek Pater, Managing Director of Pretoriabased Africa Analysis, said in e-mailed comments. “Some of the markets in Africa may be experiencing problems currently, but long-term they are likely to demonstrate good positive growth due to the cyclical nature of commodities, diversification of the economy, and socioeconomic upside.” Vodafone’s French competitor, Orange SA, has been rationalizing its Africa presence this year after agreeing to sell its majority stake in Telkom Kenya. The Paris-based company agreed to buy Airtel’s units in Burkina Faso and Sierra Leone alongside assets in Democratic Republic of Congo from Millicom International Cellular SA. “Our ambition in these countries is to be number one or number two, as this is because you need to reach a critical size in order to be profitable,” Orange’s Deputy CEO, Ramon Fernandez, told reporters in London on July 28. Revenue growth will be driven by higher customer numbers, increased take-up of smartphones and services such as Orange Money, he said. “In Europe, people are much more wealthy but the market is saturated,” Amy Cameron, head of information and communications technology research at Fitch’s BMI, said by phone from London. “In Africa there is still a ton of people that do not have access. There is no legacy infrastructure.” To compete with MTN, telecommunications operators “really need scale,” she said. “MTN is already there in terms of having reached across the region and being present in many African markets. That gives MTN bargaining power when it’s buying equipment and it has greater experience in terms of working in difficult environments and developing local services.” — Bloomberg Oil glut shows investors there’s nowhere to go but down M oney managers have never been more certain that oil prices will drop. They increased bets on falling crude by the most ever as stockpiles climbed to the highest seasonal levels in at least two decades, nudging prices toward a bear market. The excess supply hammered the second-quarter earnings of Exxon Mobil Corp and Chevron Corp. Inventories are near the 97-year high reached in April as oil drillers boosted rigs for a fifth consecutive week. “The rise in supplies will add more downward pressure,” said Michael Corcelli, Chief Investment Officer at Alexander Alternative Capital LLC, a Miami-based hedge fund. “It will be a long time before we can drain the excess.” Hedge funds pushed up their short position in West Texas Intermediate crude by 38,897 futures and options combined during the week ended July 26, according to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. It was the biggest increase in data going back to 2006. WTI dropped 3.9 per cent to $42.92 a barrel in the report week, and traded at $41.75 at 12:20 pm Singapore time. WTI fell by 14 per cent in July, the biggest monthly decline in a year. It’s down by 19 per cent since early June, bringing it close to the 20 per cent drop that would characterize a bear market. US crude supplies rose by 1.67 million barrels to 521.1 million in the week ended July 22, according to US Energy Information Administration data. Stockpiles reached 543.4 million barrels in the week ended April 29, the highest since 1929. Gasoline inventories expanded for a third week to 241.5 million barrels, the most since April. “The flow is solidly bearish,” said Tim Evans, an energy analyst at Citi Futures Perspective in New York. “It reflects a recognition that the market is, at least for the time being, oversupplied.” Exxon and Chevron missed profit and production estimates last quarter, earnings data showed July 29. The biggest US energy companies followed Royal Dutch Shell Plc and BP Plc in posting lower profits as crude’s collapse continued to weigh on the industry. US oil explorers have boosted the number of active rigs by 58 since the start of June to 374, with three added last week, Baker Hughes Inc said July 29. American producers have expanded drilling in recent weeks after idling more than 1,000 oil rigs since the start of last year. Money managers’ short position in WTI rose 28 per cent to 180,134 futures and options, CFTC data show. Longs, or bets on rising prices, increased 0.9 per cent, while net longs tumbled 23 per cent to the lowest since February. In other markets, net-bearish bets on gasoline surged to a record 5,078 contracts. Gasoline futures fell 2.2 per cent in the report week. Netlong wagers on US ultra low sulfur diesel dropped 23 per cent to 12,742 contracts, the lowest since May. Futures slipped 4.2 per cent. US refineries cut operating rates in the week ended on July 22, the EIA said. The processors usually don’t begin to curb output until August as the summer driving season nears its end. The crack spread, a measure of profit margins from refining crude into fuel, fell the past four months, data compiled by Bloomberg show. Refineries typically slow during September and October to perform maintenance. Over the past five years, their demand for oil has dropped an average of 1.2 million barrels a day from July to October. “Money managers are net short gasoline by a record amount,” Evans said. “I wouldn’t be surprised if the net shorts increased for another week, but on an intermediate perspective, you have to watch out. Gasoline looks oversold given its historic behaviour.” — Bloomberg TUESDAY | AUGUST 2, 2016 | SHAWWAL 28, 1437 AH sport WALKER OUTSMARTS DAY TO CLAIM MAJOR P26 SPORT BRIEFS Nadal still doubtful for Rio Games DJOKOVIC DOMINATES NISHIKORI TO WIN IN TORONTO P27 RAHUL PUTS INDIA IN COMMANDING POSITION P28 OLYMPICS: LEGENDS OF THE GAMES - 1984 TO 2012 Steve Redgrave SAO PAULO: Rafael Nadal has conceded he is not yet sure that he will be able to represent Spain at the Rio Olympics as his fitness concerns linger. The 2008 gold medallist withdrew from the French Open with a wrist injury and missed Wimbledon. “I will not be at the best level in any of the categories,” Nadal told journalists after arriving in Brazil on Sunday. “I have not competed for two months and I have not trained a lot.” “I will train a few days here to see what I can do and then decide what is best, to be more positive for me and the team,” he said. Nadal’s Spanish team mate David Ferrer acknowledged last week that the 14-time grand slam champion’s fitness situation was “delicate”. Roger Federer sits out due to a knee problem and Wimbledon finalist Milos Raonic withdrew citing fears over the Zika virus. — Reuters Sunderland manager Moyes relishes return LONDON: Sunderland boss David Moyes insists he has been revitalised by his spell out of management as he looks to bring stability to the Stadium of Light. Moyes had been out of work for eight months after being sacked by Real Sociedad last November, but the former Manchester United and Everton manager feels reinvigorated after returning to the Premier League. The 53-year-old Scot was hired last month to replace Sam Allardyce, who left Sunderland to take the England job, and on Monday he held his first press conference in his new role. Moyes’ reputation was tarnished by his nightmare spell at Old Trafford, which ended with his sacking after less than a season in charge of United, and his underwhelming spell in Spain. “It was great to play golf and spend time with my family but this is what I do and I want to get back and get on with it,” Moyes said. — AFP Russia warns of ‘road to nowhere’ on doping PARIS: International sport will be heading on the “road to nowhere” unless doping sanctions are applied in the same way to all countries, Russian sports minister Vitaly Mutko said on Monday. Mutko said he hoped the final size of Russia’s Olympic team would be known on Monday or Tuesday even though final appeals at the international sports tribunal are still being heard. Russia has said it feels it has been unfairly treated following accusations of state-organised doping in a report by Canadian lawyer Richard McLaren for the World Anti-Doping Agency. “The (anti-doping) system needs to be equally integrated and a unique system in all countries of the world,” Mutko told Russian media. — AFP Ian Thorpe Michael Phelps Steve Redgrave, the awesome oarsman T he message couldn’t have been any clearer when, at Lake Lanier outside Atlanta in 1996, Britain’s Redgrave declared: “Anybody who sees me in a boat has my permission to shoot me.” Redgrave had, at the age of 34, just won rowing gold for the fourth Games in a row and on live TV, he announced his retirement in unequivocal fashion. Yet four years later — after being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in 1997, and suffering with debilitating ulcerative colitis since before the 1992 Barcelona Games — he put his ailing, 38-year-old body through a punishing training regime one last time and achieved another Olympic triumph, as a member of the coxless fours. In doing so Redgrave became the only endurance sport athlete to win five golds in five consecutive Games: 1984 (coxed fours), 1988, 1992, 1996 (coxless pairs) and 2000 (coxless fours). His secret? “I decided that diabetes had to live with me, not me live with it,” he said. Michael Johnson attempt saw him fail to make the cut for nevertheless the only man to win 400m gold twice (1996, 2000) and also won a London 2012. 4x400m relay gold in 1992 and a 200m gold in Atlanta four years later when he smashed his own world record (19.66) by more than three-tenths of a second he American dominated the with a scarcely believable 19.32sec in 200m and 400m sprints in the the final — the largest improvement in final decade of the 20th century, a 200m world record in history. Usain winning four gold medals in the Bolt has since lowered the mark, but Barcelona (1992), Atlanta (1996) and Johnson’s 400 metres world record Sydney (2000) Games. His tally could of 43.18sec set in Seville in 1999 still have been five as he was part of the stands to this day. 4x400m US relay team that crossed the line first in Sydney but was stripped of the title eight years later, after Antonio Pettigrew admitted doping. Johnson, Usain Bolt he fastest man the world has always a vehement voice against ever seen, the ‘Lightning doping, returned his medal as he felt Bolt’ shot to worldwide fame 200m butterfly and 200m individual he had not won it legitimately. He was medley. Michael Johnson, the one-lap master T Usain Bolt, lightning that struck twice Michael Phelps, the most decorated Ian Thorpe, the Olympian hyperactive child, Phelps was freestyle king A encouraged into swimming aged seven to give his boundless energy an outlet, and became the most decorated Olympian of all time. The “Baltimore Bullet” came home emptyhanded from his first Games at Sydney 2000 when just 15. But a slew of world records over the next three years led to a dominant display at Athens 2004 as Phelps took six gold and two bronze medals, the second-best performance at an Olympic Games after fellow US swimmer Mark Spitz’s seven golds in 1972. At Beijing four years later, Phelps claimed the all-time record when in the 4x100m medley relay he completed a haul of eight golds in one Games — seven of them with world record times. Australian arch-rival Ian Thorpe had prior to Athens said it would be “impossible” to win eight golds — a statement which Phelps kept on his locker as a motivation. At London four years later he became the most decorated Olympian of all time, taking his total to 18 golds, two silvers and two bronzes. Having just turned 31, he is aiming to extend his record in his fifth Games this year, having qualified for three individual events at the recent US trials by winning the 100m butterfly, T horpedo’ won five gold medals, the most by an Australian, with three in his home Sydney 2000 Games (400m free, 4x200m and 4x100m freestyle relays) and two more in Athens (400m free, 200m free) four years later. At the 2004 Games, Michael Phelps opted to compete in the 200m freestyle in a quest to win a record eight gold medals, which Thorpe called “impossible”. The 200m final was dubbed the “Race of the Century” as Thorpe and Phelps lined up against two former world record-holders, Pieter van den Hoogenband of the Netherlands and Australia’s Grant Hackett. It proved Thorpe’s greatest victory. Van den Hoogenband turned more than a second ahead of world record pace at 100 metres but Thorpe was never more than a body length away and chased the Dutchman down in the final 50 metres to take gold in an Olympic record 1min 44.71sec, with Phelps third. Thorpe could not contain his emotion at his victory as he tore off his cap, punched the air wildly and screamed at the top of his lungs. Thorpe also won three Olympic silvers and a bronze in his only two Games before retiring at the age of 24 in 2006. An ill-fated comeback T in Beijing in 2008 as the first man to do the 100m-200m sprint double since American Carl Lewis in 1984, and then became the first in Olympic history to repeat the feat with his London triumphs. Not only that, in Beijing the lanky, laid-back Jamaican smashed world records in both sprint finals and he went on to lower the 100m and 200m marks a year later, to 9.58sec and 19.19sec respectively. He also anchored Jamaica’s 4x100m sprint relay team to gold in both Games, also in world record times. With six golds already, Bolt is aiming at an unprecedented ‘treble-treble’ in Rio which, if achieved, may never be matched. He has also won a record 11 world championships gold medals since 2009. go //formula golf/ o u a1 sport 26 OMANDAILYOBSERVER T U E S DAY l A U G U ST 2 l 2 0 1 6 WALKER WALKS INTO GLORY ‘SURREAL’: The American sloshed 36 holes across soggy Baltusrol to outduel top-ranked defending champion Jason Day SPRINGFIELD, UNITED STATES: Jimmy Walker said he never would have dreamed after missing the British Open cut two weeks ago that he would be the next man to hoist a Major golf trophy. But the 37-year-old American pulled off the astonishing feat on Sunday at the PGA Championship, sloshing 36 holes across soggy Baltusrol and outduelling top-ranked defending champion Jason Day down the stretch to win. “It’s surreal,” Walker said. “I just had not quite played as well as I would have liked to this year.” “Just to be in it and be there and have a chance and then to finish it off is just so gratifying. It’s amazing.” Walker had not won since the US PGA Texas Open 16 months ago, falling from the top 10 to 48th in the world rankings. But when he shared 21st at the Canadian Open between the British Open and PGA, Walker had an epiphany. “Some stuff kind of clicked last week, literally in the last like nine holes,” Walker said. “Everything felt good. I kept it going. Finished off the round. Finished off the nine holes. It felt big to me. Like everything worked, like my head was there. I was in every shot.” In the final round, Walker chipped in from 45 yards to birdie the 10th hole. When Day answered with a 22-foot birdie at the 11th, Walker rolled in a 30-footer on the same hole minutes later to reclaim a two-shot lead. Walker sank an eight-foot birdie putt at 17 only to have Day eagle the 18th, forcing Walker to save par from the greenside rough. He sank a tense 3-foot par putt and the Wanamaker Trophy was his, along with $1.8 million (1.6 million euros). “Incredible finish, it really was. Just puts a smile on my face,” Walker said. “Has not even really sunk in yet. It has been a whirlwind. But it’s awesome.” And totally unexpected, Walker said. “I wouldn’t have called this, but it’s huge,” Walker said. “It’s nice to get in the position and keep the hammer down and keep making birdies and keep playing well.” “Kept working hard. It’s just nice to see it pay off.” It helped that Baltusrol was where FACTFILE JIMMY WALKER (USA) BORN - January 16, 1979 AGE - 37 BIRTHPLACE - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma HOME - Boerne, Texas, USA HEIGHT - 6ft 2in (1.89m) TURNED PRO - 2001 JOINED PGA TOUR - 2006 PGA TOUR VICTORIES - 5 MAJOR CHAMPIONSHIP WINS - 1 (2016 PGA Championship) RYDER CUP: 2014-L 98TH PGA CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL SCORES (USA UNLESS NOTED): 266 - Jimmy Walker (USA) 65-66-68-67 267 - Jason Day (AUS) 68-65-67-67 270 - Daniel Summerhays (USA) 70-67-6766 271 - Branden Grace (RSA) 70-68-66-67, Hideki Matsuyama (JPN) 69-67-67-68, Brooks Koepka (USA) 68-67-66-70 272 - Henrik Stenson (SWE) 67-67-67-71, Martin Kaymer (GER) 66-69-71-66, Robert Streb (USA) 68-63-72-69 273 - Tyrrell Hatton (ENG) 71-68-66-68, Paul Casey (ENG) 69-69-68-67, William McGirt (USA) 70-67-66-70 274 - Padraig Harrington (IRL) 71-70-65-68, Webb Simpson (USA) 69-69-66-70, Jordan Spieth (USA) 70-67-69-68, Patrick Reed (USA) 70-65-70-69, Emiliano Grillo (ARG) 66-67-73-68 275 - Kevin Kisner (USA) 71-69-65-70, John Senden (AUS) 68-70-69-68, Gregory Bourdy (FRA) 69-68-69-69, Adam Scott (AUS) 70-6769-69 276 - Justin Rose (ENG) 70-72-66-68, Francesco Molinari (ITA) 71-70-68-67, Kyle Reifers (USA) 70-70-70-66, Russell Knox (SCO) 70-70-67-69, Jhonattan Vegas (VEN) 68-71-70-67, Russell Henley (USA) 68-7268-68, Kevin Na (USA) 71-68-71-66, David Lingmerth (SWE) 68-70-69-69, KJ Choi (KOR) 68-70-71-67, Louis Oosthuizen (RSA) 68-70-70-68, Billy Hurley (USA) 72-65-6970 he met his caddie, Andy Sanders, at a US Amateur practice round. “We’ve been together a long time. And to win our sixth event, first Major, here where we met, that’s just cool,” Walker said. “It’s special for both of us. It’s pretty emotional. He grinded it out this week. He did a great job. “He reads putts great. Didn’t let me hit a shot until I was ready. Made sure everything was good. We did a great job this week communicating and talking shots. Just we were in sync.” Day, Walker are bus buddies Adding to the chemistry — Day is another of Walker’s pals as the two park beside each other at events in their motor homes. “We’re the bus guys out here,” Walker said. “We park next to each other every week and we see each other and we’re good friends.” Day is a happy member of the bus buddies club. “Me and him have been like bus partners for awhile now,” Day said. “We text each other all the time about him getting a new bus and I’m showing him mine. We’re always parked right next to each other, always hanging out. We see each other all the time. He’s a top bloke.” Walker joined Masters winner Danny Willett of England, British Open champion Henrik Stenson of Sweden and fellow American Dustin Johnson, the US Open winner, as the first foursome of first-time Major winners in the same year since 2011. “It shows that everybody is really good and everybody’s got a chance to win,” Walker said. “It’s just a matter of time. That’s what I felt about myself and winning something like this.” — AFP WALKER SOARS UP RANKINGS AFTER PGA TRIUMPH PARIS: Jimmy Walker jumped up 33 places in the world golf rankings on Monday thanks to his tense PGA Championship victory over Jason Day at Baltusrol. The 37-year-old American has moved back into the top 20 for the first time since last October at number 15, after holding his nerve with a par at the last to win by one shot on Sunday. Australia’s world number one Day strengthens his position at the top of the rankings, despite seeing his stunning eagle on the 72nd hole not prove enough to successfully defend the title. South African Branden Grace put together an exciting charge into contention in the PGA, and he is rewarded with a return to the world’s top 10. WORLD GOLF TOP 20 ON AUGUST 1: 1. Jason Day (AUS) 14.08 average pts 2. Dustin Johnson (USA) 11.30 3. Jordan Spieth (USA) 10.67 4. Rory McIlroy (NIR) 9.02 5. Henrik Stenson (SWE) 8.95 6. Bubba Watson (USA) 6.86 7. Rickie Fowler (USA) 6.40 8. Adam Scott (AUS) 6.37 9. Danny Willett (ENG) 5.96 10. Branden Grace (RSA) 5.64 (+2) 11. Sergio Garcia (ESP) 5.42 (-1) 12. Justin Rose (ENG) 5.27 (-1) 13. Phil Mickelson (USA) 5.12 14. Patrick Reed (USA) 4.81 15. Jimmy Walker (USA) 4.54 (+33) 16. Louis Oosthuizen (RSA) 4.50 (-1) 17. Brooks Koepka (USA) 4.46 (+1) 18. Hideki Matsuyama (JPN) 4.45 (+1) 19. JB Holmes (USA) 4.34 (-3) 20. Matt Kuchar (USA) 4.30 (-3) The defending world champion has recovered a 43-point deficit to his Mercedes team-mate Rosberg with six wins in seven races Hamilton looking for bigger gap over Rosberg HOCKENHEIM, Germany: Lewis Hamilton was all smiles after opening up a 19-point lead in the drivers’ world championship, but said he will not feel as if he has regained the initiative until he has an advantage of 25 points. The defending world champion has recovered a 43-point deficit to his Mercedes team-mate Nico Rosberg with six wins in seven races and clearly has the momentum. But he said he is acutely aware that as a result of his mechanical problems in the opening four races of the season, when German Rosberg won all four in a row, he will almost certainly have to suffer an engine penalty. That, he and Mercedes hope, can be done at the Belgian Grand Prix on August 28 or at the Italian race a week later at Monza. “It feels good to be in front and it is definitely a different feeling to being just six points ahead,” the three-time world champion told reporters. “I’m very happy with that. “But I’m conscious as well that there’s going to be at least one more race where I’m further behind and I don’t know how much I’m going to be able to limit the damage. “There are all these different things I could be faced with — Nico could enjoy a Sunday drive and I’m going to be battling through a lot of different people from the back. “Now, the Red Bulls have picked up their pace and it might be difficult to get past them, to even get into the top five. I’m conscious of that.” His worry has led him to believe he needs a bigger buffer before he can regard himself as the outright leader. “Do I feel like I’m ahead? It’s still not enough because I’m not a race win ahead yet. I hope I’ll be able to get a race win ahead and then I’ll feel like I am ahead.” His 49th career victory on Sunday came with relative ease after Rosberg had a bad start from pole position. That allowed him to nurse his car, and particularly the engine, through the race. “I turned down my engine pretty much from the second or third lap,” he said. “So when I was told it was ‘hammer time’ I was able to switch it back on and increase the gap when needed.” — AFP ‘Let’s go’ — World Cup winner Goetze returns to Dortmund BERLIN: Germany’s World Cup winner Mario Goetze relished his return to Borussia Dortmund’s pre-season training on Monday for the first time after three barren years at Bayern Munich. Alongside fellow new signings Andre Schuerrle and Raphael Guerreiro, Goetze was put through his paces with a series of fitness tests at Bochum University by Borussia’s backroom staff. The trio joined a group of six players returning from their holidays after international duty including Poland’s Lukasz Piszczek, Julian Weigl and South Korean Park Joo-Ho. “Finally, let’s go,” wrote Goetze on his Twitter account under a picture of the Germany star on a treadmill. His first training session with the full Dortmund squad takes place on Wednesday with Borussia to host his former club Bayern for the German Super Cup on August 14. Goetze left Dortmund for arch-rivals Bayern at the end of the 2012/13 season and lived up to his billing as a rising Germany star by volleying home Schuerrle’s cross in extra-time for the winning goal in the 2014 World Cup final against Argentina. But he has endured three unproductive years at Bayern, mainly spent on the bench or injured, having failed to impress coach Pep Guardiola or hold down a first-team place, despite collecting three back-to-back Bundesliga winner’s medals. Having paid 37 million euros ($41.31m) for Goetze in 2013, Bayern sold him back to Dortmund for 26 million last month and the 24-year-old has plenty to prove again in the black and yellow shirt. Likewise, Schuerrle needs some good performances after 18 months at Wolfsburg, having failed to impress on his return from an unsuccessful spell at Chelsea, and has been signed by Dortmund for around 30 million euros. “At the end of the day, it’s primarily about one thing for both of them: performance, performance, performance,” Dortmund’s director of sport Michael Zorc told Kicker magazine. “Neither Mario nor Andre have had top years behind them and they have not taken the easy path. “For them, it’s clear that they will be scrutinised in the public eye.” Having come up through Dortmund’s academy, only to turn his back to join Bayern, Goetze could encounter some hostility from Dortmund’s fans, at least initially. “If some people feel compelled to boo him, they should do it,” Dortmund CEO HansJoachim Watzke said on the subject of Goetze’s return, with their first game of the league season at home to Mainz on August 27. “We have a democracy. But I’ll react like an allergy when someone is personally insulted. “That doesn’t do anyone any good.” Dortmund coach Thomas Tuchel says his goal is to see Goetze ‘laugh again’ with good performances, after scowling his way through the last few months in Munich. Tuchel has also added Portugal left-back Guerreiro, midfielder Sebastian Rode, former Barcelona defender Marc Bartra and exciting teenage striker Ousmane Dembele. Schuerrle is a direct replacement for Henrikh Mkhitaryan, who has left to join Manchester United, as Dortmund try to end Bayern’s four-year stranglehold on the Bundesliga title with Carlo Ancelotti now in charge of the Munich giants. — AFP nis Wawrinka fourth in latest ATP rankings Stan Wawrinka of Switzerland moved into fourth place in Monday’s ATP rankings after his semifinal finish in the Toronto Masters. Serb Novak Djokovic retains top spot after beating Japan’s Kei Nishikori in the Toronto final. tennis i OMANDAILYOBSERVER T U E S DAY l A U G U S T 2 l 2 0 1 6 27 Masterful Djokovic takes TORONTO TITLE COMMANDING SHOW: The world No. 1 claims his fourth Canadian crown after thrashing Nishikori in 90 minutes TORONTO, Canada: Minutes after completing a 6-3, 7-5 ATP Toronto Masters final win over Kei Nishikori on Sunday for his 66th career title, Novak Djokovic had already shifted his focus to the Rio Olympics. The world number one, who claimed his fourth Canadian title with a command performance over Asia’s top player lasting less than 90 minutes, will waste no time in heading south to Brazil for the weekend start of the Summer Games. “It’s the biggest event in the history of the sport, so to be part of it is already a huge privilege and honour that I will cherish, as I did in Beijing and London Olympic Games,” said the holder of a leading 30 Masters 1000 trophies. “I had an honour of carrying the flag for my country in London 2012, one of the most unique and unforgettable moments of my life. So I look forward to that, honestly, just being part of it.” “I’m approaching the Olympic Games as any other tournament. I’m trying to respect the same kind of preparation and routine that I have with my team and that I have respected for so many years.” “It has worked well for us this week and as most of the other weeks the last couple of years.” Djokovic lifted his game in Canada as the week progressed, sweeping to the title without the loss of a set and dispatching challenges from Gael Monfils in the semis followed by Japan’s Nishikori. “The overall sensation (of Rio) is not going to be the same as the other tournaments, because it’s Olympic Games,” he said. “Of course you represent your country. “You get to feel that you’re part of something much larger than just the tennis event. I look forward to that. “I’m going to try to extract that positivity out of that huge attention and energy that will be directed into the Olympic Games and hopefully put myself in a position to battle for a medal.” Djokovic won a bronze medal in Beijing and just missed the podium in London, losing to Argentina’s Juan Martin Del Potro in the bronze medal match. ‘EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON’ Sunday’s title erased memories of a thirdround Wimbledon upset loss a month ago to Sam Querrey. “Everything in life happens for a reason. The fact that I have lost in the first week of Wimbledon allowed me to have a week more of the time with my family and just the quality time off the tennis, thinking about other things, recharging my batteries, and then coming in here with plenty of motivation to do well. “I couldn’t ask for a better start to the hard court season, and hopefully I can keep going in the right direction.” Djokovic won his seventh trophy this season. “It has happened many times in my career where I would start a tournament still feeling a little bit uncomfortable on the court and finding my rhythm, and then in the end of the tournament I find that proper comfort level with shots, with the way I feel, with mental attitude. “My two best performances arrived in semifinals and finals — the right moment for me. “That gives me a lot of confidence that I will try to carry into Rio.” —AFP Romanian clinches third WTA title this year, rises to third in rankings Halep beats erratic Keys to win Rogers Cup MONTREAL: Fifth seed Simona Halep of Romania took advantage of an errorprone display by American Madison Keys to claim her 14th WTA title with a 7-6(2), 6-3 victory in the Rogers Cup final in Montreal on Sunday. Halep, 24, won an erratic opening set that featured eight breaks of serve after breezing through the tiebreak, and then broke her 10th-seeded opponent again in the second game of the second set to tighten her grip. Keys was unable to break the Romanian in the concluding set and Halep served out to seal the win in one hour 16 minutes after the 21-year-old American dumped a forehand into the net. It was an especially sweet victory for Halep, who reached last year’s Rogers Cup final in Toronto against rising Swiss talent Belinda Bencic but had to retire in the third set due to a leg injury. “It means a lot, it was really nice to win today,” Halep told ESPN in a courtside interview. “I had, I can say, bad memories from last year that I had to finish the match and to stop it, so I am happy that I could win. “I feel tired, I feel that I have no more power but it’s a nice feeling and I gave it everything to win this title.” Halep improved her career record against Keys to 3-1, having beaten the American over three sets in their most recent meeting at Wimbledon earlier this month, and will rise to third when the world rankings are issued on Monday. The match was effectively decided in the first set tiebreak after both players had produced nervy, erratic tennis over the first 12 games. The big-serving Keys, who is also known for her powerful game from the baseline, made a string of unforced errors to gift Halep a 6-1 lead in the tiebreak before losing the opening set after hitting a backhand wide. Halep never looked back, winning the first six points of the second set on her way to a third WTA title this year. “She hits very strong and it’s really tough to return her balls but I knew that I have to be strong on my legs,” counter puncher Halep said of her strategy against Keys. “I tried, I just wanted to be a little bit aggressive but I couldn’t. In the end, I just wanted to be solid. I did it and it was a great win for me against her.” — Reuters Simona Halep of Romania hits a return to Madison Keys of the United States during their Rogers Cup final match at Uniprix Stadium in Montreal. — AFP The freestyle wrestler had said his supplements and water had been sabotaged and lodged a police complaint against a junior wrestler Narsingh cleared of doping to keep his Rio hopes alive MUMBAI: India’s Narsingh Yadav was exonerated of doping charges on Monday after an Indian anti-doping disciplinary panel ruled that there was no fault or negligence on the part of the wrestler and he was a victim of “sabotage”. Yadav, who secured India a berth at the Rio Games in the 74kg category by winning a bronze medal at last year’s world championships in Las Vegas, tested positive for a banned steroid last month but now waits to hear whether he has been granted an Olympics lifeline. “There is no fault or negligence on the athlete’s part and he is a victim of sabotage,” National Anti-Doping Agency (Nada) director-general, Navin Agarwal, said by phone. The freestyle wrestler had said his supplements and water had been sabotaged and lodged a police complaint against a junior wrestler accusing him of contaminating his food at the Sports Authority of India training centre in Sonepat. “I want to thank everyone who Indian wrestler Narsingh Yadav leaves the National AntiDoping Agency in New Delhi. — AFP supported me. It’s a triumph for truth,” Yadav told reporters. “Now I want to go to Rio and bring back a medal for India.” Yadav’s Olympic berth was initially put in jeopardy when Sushil Kumar, who won bronze in the 66kg category in Beijing in 2008 and silver in London, moved up a weight after his category was scrapped and sought a court order for a bout between the pair to determine who should go to Rio. Last month, the Delhi High Court ruled against Kumar, the only Indian athlete to win two individual Olympic medals, clearing the way for Yadav to compete in Rio. The qualification row divided opinion in the country and Yadav was provided police security, a rare measure for an Indian athlete, at the Sports Authority of India training centre at Sonepat due to possible threats to his life. Following the positive test, the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) had provisionally sent the name of Parveen Rana as replacement for Rio to the United World Wrestling (UWW) but said it would now approach the governing body to allow Yadav to compete at the Olympics. “We will write to both Wada and the UWW to allow Narsingh Yadav to compete at the Rio Games,” Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh told reporters. “I am sure Narsingh Yadav will go to Rio and win a medal for India.” Men’s freestyle wrestling starts in Rio from August 19, which the WFI said gives ample time for the wrestler to be reinstated. — Reuters c c et/local cricket t/ oca sport 28 Sane undergoes medical with City OMANDAILYOBSERVER Leroy Sane underwent a medical check with Manchester City on Monday, his club Schalke 04 has confirmed, with the imminent deal reportedly worth a record 50 million euros ($55.8m). If the transfer goes through, and hits the 50 million mark, it would make Sane, 20, the most expensive German signing of all time. T U E S DAY l A U G U ST 2 l 2 0 1 6 KINGSTON, JAMAICA: Lokesh Rahul’s Test-best 158 anchored India’s formidable reply to the West Indies first innings total of 196 as the hosts reached 358 for five at stumps on the second day of the second Test at Sabina Park in Jamaica on Sunday. Leading 1-0 in the four-match series, the tourists enjoy a lead of 162 runs with five wickets in hand. Making the most of a recall to the team as replacement for the injured Murali Vijay, Rahul interspersed moments of rare aggression with long periods of watchful defiance over his near seven-hour occupation of the crease in compiling his third hundred in just six Tests. Resuming on the second morning on 75 in partnership with Cheteshwar Pujara, he hoisted parttime off spinner Roston Chase for the first six of the innings over longon to reach three figures after 90 minutes’ play. There were two more sixes in the mid-afternoon session to embellish an innings that spanned 303 deliveries and also included 15 fours. “It was hard to get runs today and it was also really, really hot,” said Rahul reflecting on his first Test innings in a year. “I was really enjoying my batting even though they were bowling a lot better today.” He put on 121 for the second wicket with Pujara, who was run out for 46 after lunch by Chase’s direct throw to the stumps at the non-striker’s end. That was the only success for a limited West Indies attack through the first two sessions of the day as they struggled to offer any consistent threat to batsmen well equipped technically and temperamentally for the requirements of the day, especially after India had taken such a firm grip on the match by the end of day one. Virat Kohli, in top form following a career-best 200 in the first Test triumph in Antigua a week earlier, seemed in the mood to deepen the home side’s dilemma. He helped Rahul add 69 runs FORMIDABLE REPLY: Rahul hits Test-best 158 as the tourists enjoy a lead of 162 runs with five wickets in hand against the Windies RAHUL PUTS INDIA IN CONTROL Lokesh Rahul of India follows through his shot for 4 runs off West Indies bowler Jason Holder on day 2 of the second Test in Kingston. — AFP Lehmann extends contract as Australia coach to 2019 MUMBAI: Darren Lehmann has extended his contact as Australia’s head coach until 2019 to cover the World Cup and the Ashes series in England that year, the country’s cricket board (CA) said on Monday. The 46-year-old former left-handed batsman took on the role on the eve of the 2013 Ashes and despite losing 3-0 in England, he went on to guide the team to series wins over South Africa, England, India, New Zealand and West Indies. He also won the 2015 World Cup on home soil with Australia, who currently top the ICC rankings in both Test and one-day international cricket. Lehmann’s contract was due to expire in June 2017. “I am incredibly grateful for the support and faith the Cricket Australia Board and the players have put in me,” Lehmann said in a statement from CA. “I absolutely love doing this job and as far as I am concerned, it is the best job in the world. “There is still a lot I would like to achieve in the time I have left and we have a lot of hard work ahead of us, especially with an upcoming Test series in India and a home Ashes series. “I don’t just see my job as winning games of cricket. It’s about continuing to grow the game from the grassroots up in Australia, and helping to grow the game worldwide.” Australia are trailing 1-0 in a threeTest series in Sri Lanka and face a daunting four-match series in India next year. Cricket Australia said the contract extension would lend stability to the team leading into 2019. “We wanted certainty and stability for the playing group with both the coach and assistant coach contracted as we build towards the Ashes series and the 2019 World Cup,” said CA executive general manager Pat Howard. “Darren has had great success in the role and he and the national selection panel deserve a huge amount of credit for taking a relatively young side to number one in the world in two of the three formats.” — Reuters US ROUT VENEZUELA IN OLYMPIC BASKETBALL TUNE-UP CHICAGO: Kyrie Irving scored 13 points as the US basketball team improved to 4-0 in their run up to the Rio Olympics with an 80-45 exhibition win over Venezuela. Klay Thompson also scored 13 points for the Americans, who cruised to victory despite shooting 42.4 per cent, below the 49.8 per cent averaged over their first three tune-up games. Team US also committed 13 turnovers in the game in front of a crowd of 20,578 at the United Center in Chicago. DeMarcus Cousins tallied seven points and 12 rebounds, while Kevin Durant made three-of-nine and finished with nine points. Team USA led 13-12 well into the first quarter before breaking the game open with a 12-0 surge. They then closed the half with eight unanswered points. John Cox led all scorers with 14 points, including 12 in the first half. Venezuela was unable to take advantage of some spotty shooting by the Americans. — AFP for the third wicket going into the final session of the day when the opener’s innings ended in somewhat controversial circumstances as lengthy deliberation involving the television umpire was needed before he was ruled caught by wicketkeeper Shane Dowrich down the leg-side off fast bowler Shannon Gabriel. Chase snared his second wicket, the prized scalp of Kohli, when the Indian captain fell to a sharp catch by Rajendra Chandrika at short-leg for 44 and leg-spinner Devendra Bishoo earned an LBW verdict against Ravichandran Ashwin. At that stage, India had lost three wickets for 50 runs at 327 for five, a veritable collapse in the context of their virtual impregnability through the first six hours of the innings. “I’m a batsman more than a bowler but I’m looking at developing my all-round game,” said Chase at the end of the day when he again featured prominently with his offspin. “The selectors spoke to me about it and advised that I shouldn’t be a one-track player so I’m working on my bowling especially.” Notwithstanding the midinnings wobble, India remain firmly in control with Ajinkya Rahane and wicketkeeper-batsman Wriddhiman Saha unbeaten at the close and together with the rest of the batting will be seeking to play the West Indies completely out of the match on the third day. — AFP SCOREBOARD West Indies 1st Innings 196 India 1st Innings (overnight 126 for 1) KL Rahul c wkpr Dowrich b Gabriel ----- 158 S Dhawan c Bravo b Chase -------------------- 27 C Pujara run out ------------------------------------ 46 V Kohli c Chandrika b Chase ------------- ---- 44 A Rahane not out ---------------------------------- 42 R Ashwin lbw Bishoo ------------------------------- 3 W Saha not out -------------------------------------- 17 Extras (b-8, lb-1, w-5, nb-7) 21 Total (125 overs, 5 wkts) 358 Fall of wickets: 1-87, 2-208, 3-277, 4-310, 5-327 Bowling: S Gabriel 23-8-50-1, M Cummins 15.4-3-54-0, J Holder 23.2-9-490, R Chase 29-3-91-2, D Bishoo 25-3-79-1, K Brathwaite 9-0-26-0 LOCAL FLAVOUR Holiday Cricket Club to hold OCP Corporate Cup on Aug 19 MUSCAT: Holiday Cricket Club (HCC) will hold the second edition of Oman Concrete Product LLC (OCP) Corporate cup cricket on August 19. The tennis ball cricket tournament with 6-over matches will be held at the HCC Ground at Wadi Adai. Ten Corporate teams will get the chance to participate. Only players from the same companies or from same sponsors are allowed to represent for the teams. For registration and details contact Akshath-96420350 or Aamir-99259518. The tournament will commence and end on August 19 at 6.30 am at HCC Ground at Wadi Adai. Registration is restricted to only 10 corporate teams. Corporate teams should have their own players, means from only one sponsor. No players from outside are permitted. The tournament will be played on a knock-out basis and each inning will be of 6 over’s. The number of over’s per bowler in the tournament is restricted to 1. All ICC rules to be followed including free hit for the over stepping. Teams interested in participating should hand over their registration forms along with the entry fee of RO 40 before August 21. The draw will be held at HCC Ground on August 12 at 8.30 am. The winners will get the champions trophy and cash awards of RO100 along with individual medals. The runner-up will get the trophy, cash awards of RO 50 and individual medals. Man of the series will get cash award worth RO 20. Best batsman and best bowler will get cash awards of RO10 each. Man of the match will be presented a gift for each match. Sur take title in Al Kamil W’al Wafi cricket tourney MUSCAT: Sur Club emerged champions in the community cricket championship at the sub-stadium in Al Kamil W’al Wafi under the patronage of Tariq bin Salim al Hashemi, the head of Al Kamil W’al Wafi club, in presence of cricket enthusiasts in Al Sharqiyah South Governorate. The championship was organised with the initiative of Basatin Al Wafi institution, which oversaw the Al Kamil W’al Wafi club. The final match was between Sur club’s team and Gold team. After the conclusion of the match, Tariq bin Salim al Hashemi, the patron of the occasion, crowned the winners. He handed over the championship cup for the first place and honoured the organisers of the tournament. Eight teams from various communities in South Sharqiyah took part in the tournament. The teams were drawn into 4 teams in two groups. The first group included Sur Club team, Al Kamil W’al Wafi team, Al Njum team, and the TT team. The second group included Shaheen team, Al Dahab team, Bengali team and India team. Sur club, Al Dahab, Al Njum and Shaheen teams qualified for the final rounds with solid performances during the first round of the tournament. From the first group, Sur Club team and Al Dahab team topped the group, while Al Njum and Shaheen topped the second group. Finally, Sur Club team beat Al Dahab team in the final. Tariq al Hashemi said cricket in the Sultanate has a prominent role in the sports development. He said the tournament will be followed by other editions in the coming years. insideOman The Manhattan Project This day in 1939, Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard wrote a letter to Franklin D Roosevelt, urging him to begin the Manhattan Project. The Manhattan Project was a research and development project that produced the first nuclear weapons during World War II. @ localdestination features OMANDAILYOBSERVER T U E S DAY l A U G U S T 2 l 2 0 1 6 29 Photos by Yelena Glukhovtseva The falaj keeper of LIZAGH Q RAY PETERSEN M y father came to me two years ago, said Rashid Said al Nidabi, and said to me, “Son, my time is finished. I am no longer able to do this job, so now it must pass to you.” And with that, Rashid became a Wakeel, or ‘disposer of affairs’ for his local falaj, a falaj keeper by any other name. In Nidabi’s case, it is a hereditary position, and he shares the responsibility for management of the local falaj with Hamood bin Mohammed al Husseini, on the basis that, at all times, one of them is the Wakeel, or controller of all affairs to do with the falaj, effectively, the man in charge. It is a very high profile, and responsible, position within the Lizagh hierarchy, and Nidabi feels that, “although it is, certainly, a great responsibility, it is also an honour for our families, to do this work.” They are the Wakeel, for the town of Lizagh, near Bidbid, a region that was, until recently quite small, with a population measured in the hundreds, but now, ponders Rashid, “maybe ten thousand people live here?” The Sharia al Falaj, as the underground part of the falaj is known, runs for approximately 3 kms, serviced by a series of narrow access shafts. The maintenance of the falaj in this section only, is subsidized by the government said Nidabi, “partly for heritage reasons, but also on the basis of servicing the practical needs of the community.” It can be dangerous work servicing the falaj in such confined spaces, and most of the maintenance and servicing is done during the winter,” he said, “as it is much cooler underground.” This section begins under the mountains, in an underground spring, and the emerges into the open falaj channels, near the Mosque in the heart of Lizagh. Originally, there were a lot of divided, personal areas, like shower cubicles, along the falaj, however Nidabi explained that, “the demand for privacy is not so common now, and most people see using the falaj as more a rite, or a tradition to be kept, so there are not so many, but we still do have alternately for men and women, along the falaj.” The water is used progressively for drinking, washing for prayer, domestic washing, and finally agricultural cultivation purposes. Ëven though this water is beautifully cool and clear,” Nidabi observed, “Not many people drink from the falaj because they need to, they do it more as a tradition, and to maintain their hereditary right to do so.” He laughed as he said that most people today of course use their Oasis or Spring water in the big bottles. The Muhathara, is the name given to a specific area in the village where allocation of the ability of different families to draw water from the falaj takes place in a traditional manner. A tall rod is placed in the centre of the area, and stone markers are placed to indicate the time according to the sun, during daylight, or the stars during the night. Each period of time is known as an Athar. * Of course, the most visible sign of the falaj is the large plantation, with trees that may be as old as 100 years. Nasser al Nidabi, a son of the Wakeel, effortlessly scales a tall date palm, demonstrating skill, agility, and not a little composure. He has been climbing trees in this way, he told me, “since I was six or eight years old.” Another son, Amjad, looks on enviously, wishing he too could show his skills, but the niceties and priorities must be observed, and it is Amjad’s task to also demonstrate how the course of the water, throughout the falaj channels, can be changed. Dates of many varieties are grown here. Most importantly, says Salim al Husseini, an engineering student with an interest in the falaj, is the Fardh date palm, the most expensive in Oman. “It is important to this area,” he said, “as it is featured on the Samayil crest, or logo.” They even told us of a cargo of this variety of dates that were lost in a shipwreck, and were only recovered after one year at the bottom of the sea, and still had all of their renowned flavour. There were also many trees laden with the striking red Khasab date, local bananas, lemons, and of course the ubiquitous fodder and greenfeed grasses for goats and sheep. Nidabi considers that his village, and the falaj operation, is one of the more progressive and diverse in the Sultanate. They have a management and development plan for the extension and replacement of falaj channels, and are also experimenting with different forms of gating, in order to maximize the efficient use of water, both in the cultivated area, and for domestic purposes. Water quality is important too, and Rashid monitors the water quality regularly. He is also proud of ongoing links with the global conservation organisation, Earthwatch, with whom he says they have, “an excellent relationship, as we are working together to retain, not only the traditional methods of taking water from nature, but also ways to conserve the water.” There is also a burgeoning aquaponics and hydroponics trial taking place, in a joint venture operation between Omani and United Kingdom research entities. Nidabi explained too, the system of selling water (Al Marhoona), booking water rights for the next day (Al Shariya), and division between domestic (Al Quad), and agricultural (Badat Al Shriya) use. It is obviously a very traditional, if somewhat convoluted, system of water distribution and management that has remained in place for centuries, and has historically been conducted in the shade of a Mango tree next to the Masjid al Hadri, at the extent of the falaj catchment, which is known as Al Nahad. Nidabi wistfully surveyed the tall mango as he explained that, “many years ago I learned the Holy Quran under this tree, and now I am here daily doing the work for my village. I never thought of this when I was a boy, because the Wakeel was so important. We just never know where life will take us, do we?” he asked, “today, I am that man, and so proud.” Rashid Said al Nidabi is a man proud to have a position of responsibility, with links to both his community, and his Omani heritage, a Wakeel, a Falaj Keeper! crossword CRYPTIC PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Pass the intersection (5) 6 Put away with a quiet cry of pain (5) 9 Encourage to listen to a number (7) 10 Doing, more or less (5) 11 One of a pair of Londoners starting for New York (5) 12 In America, a place of cheer (5) 13 A ton at a time (7) 15 Water meadow (3) 17 She may open up enlighteningly (4) 18 Considering what filmgoers are doing (6) 19 Not horse-flies, but they worry some mustangs (5) 20 Army band (6) 22 Something infesting rope, string, etc.? (4) 24 Shelter thus endlessly rebuilt (3) 25 Such a settlement can provide the little woman with cover (7) 26 Is his name unknown outside the capital of Turkey? (5) 27 Aimed to use a low tee (5) 28 Glamorgan boy? (5) 29 Deadly dull outside, perhaps (7) 30 Called for some baskets on Dec. 1st (5) 31 One guilty of timely procrastination? (5) 22 It helps to fertilise some potatoes, on the quiet (6) 23 Rare? Hardly! (6) 25 Name of a delta or island (5) 26 Possibly a net amount of money (4) 28 Objection to a rise in tube fares (3) DOWN 2 Series of games apt to cause friction (6) 3 Collisions on the railway? (6) 4 Clique of match-makers? (3) 5 In this lane, it’s not raining for about half an hour (5) 6 Little change (7) 7 Stone, as from Saxony maybe (4) 8 Preferred to go to church with a broken nose (6) 12 That which is borne can be burnt (5) 13 See a measure as a sure-fire success (5) 14 Thing broken in the darkness (5) 15 Survivor from the abattoir? (5) 16 It’s hard, getting an article at EASY PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Sharp (5) 6 Card game (5) 9 Egyptian king (7) 10 Weasel-like mammal (5) 11 Banquet (5) 12 Conceited (5) 13 Obedient (7) 15 Colour (3) 17 Of the ear (4) 18 Ripen (6) 19 Month (5) 20 Painfully (6) 22 Secure (4) 24 Epoch (3) 25 Scary film (7) 26 Lawful, informally (5) 27 Shoulder movement (5) 28 Faint (5) 29 Umpire (7) gun-point (5) 18 It can keep the flies out of your drink (5) 19 Allowed an old lady to take a little boy (7) 21 KO shots? (6) 30 Finished (5) 31 Salvers (5) DOWN 2 Eliminate (3,3) 3 Very sad (6) 4 Consume (3) 5 Gemstone (5) 6 Denial (7) 7 Second-hand (4) 8 Control (6) 12 Young dog (5) 13 Extinguish (5) 14 Jewelled headdress (5) 15 Rustic (5) 16 Postpone (5) 18 Power (5) 19 Suggested (7) 21 Parentless child (6) 22 Less quick (6) 23 Crime (6) 25 Apple drink (5) 26 Entice (4) 28 Ready (3) 17, I-ris 18, Makers 19, Ocean 20, Empire (State) 22, A-Ida 24, Ray 25, Stilt-on 26, S-hut-S 27, Mas-AI 28, Felix 29, Id-eal-ly 30, Wells 31, Osier. DOWN: 2, O-liver 3, Acorns 4, Not 5, A-NG-U.S. 6, Pelican (crossing) 7, O-res. 8, Canter 12, Trice 13, Tiger 14, Nippy 15, LeGI-t 16, A-swan 18, Mas-t-s 19, Orchids 21, Manage 22, Alleys 23, Do-CI-le 25, St.-ray 26, Sail 28, Flo. YESTERDAY’S EASY SOLUTIONS ACROSS: 1, Sweat 6, Feast 9, Contour 10, Slice 11, Rolls 12, Beats 13, Cordial 15, Ace 17, Epee 18, Fester 19, Cheer 20, Stable 22, Halo 24, Eat 25, Adviser 26, Omits 27, Spine 28, Adage 29, Unhinge 30, Trust 31, Entry. DOWN: 2, Wallop 3, Accede 4, Toe 5, Steel 6, Further 7, Eros 8, YESTERDAY’S CRYPTIC Solace 12, Bathe 13, Cease 14, SOLUTIONS Resat 15, Atlas 16, Error 18, ACROSS: 1, Wotan 6, Pooch 9, Feeds 19, Clement 21, Tamper Count-ER 10, Pi-lot 11, Lea-NT 22, Hidden 23, Ledger 25, Attic 12, Tu-N-is 13, Tenners 15, Lea 26, Onus 28, Age. international features @ 30 OMANDAILYOBSERVER T U E S DAY l A U G U ST 2 l 2 0 1 6 First cable car on Clay Street This day in 1873, the Clay Street Hill Railroad began operating the first cable car in San Francisco’s famous cable car system. The railroad was designated as California Historical Landmark #500, with the landmark marker being placed at the site of its eastern terminus near the corner of Clay Street and Kearny. reallife Meet Nigeria’s curious Cupid — matchmaking for HIV patients looking for love @ worldcheck #China 3,000-year-old tree found in China A rare Chinese yew tree, believed to be about 3,000 years old, was discovered in Jilin province, authorities said on Sunday. The living tree, located in Huanggou Forest, is more than 40 metres tall and has a diameter of 1.68 metres, Xinhua news agency quoted Yang Yongsheng, head of the forest administration, as saying. The tree was among the more than 30 Chinese yew trees discovered earlier this week in the forest. Called a “living fossil” of the plant world, the Chinese yew has existed for 2.5 million years. Since many of the trees have been harvested to extract taxol, used to treat cancer, the species is now under first-grade national protection for endangered plants. — IANS #United States Ugochukwu Michael has some 7,000 clients — aged 19 to 72, all HIV positive, and six in seven of them women — and has played a role in 100 marriages in recent years S itting in his dimly-lit office in the Nigerian capital of Abuja, surrounded by files and boxes of condoms, matchmaker Ugochukwu Michael talks passionately about the part he has played in the marriages of around 100 couples in recent years. While the popularity of dating apps and websites may make Michael’s efforts to play Cupid seem old-fashioned, his matchmaking service stands out from the rest. All of his clients are living with HIV. “Sometimes, I spend days without sleeping,” he said, his phone ringing non-stop as he explained how most calls come in the middle of the night when it is cheaper to call. The 45-year-old started his service in 2012 with the desire to help those he describes as Nigeria’s “rejects” after becoming disillusioned with widespread stigma towards people with HIV. Michael says he has some 7,000 clients on the books, ranging in age from 19 to 72. Six in seven of them are women. He charges a one-off fee of 2,000 naira ($6) for people who work, but his service is free for the unemployed. “You will see a lot of improvement,” Michael tells one caller. “Let’s see how it will be before the end of the month.” The prevalence of HIV among adults in Nigeria is relatively low for sub-Saharan Africa, around one in 30 compared to one in five in South Africa, said the UNAIDS programme UNAIDS. Yet discrimination towards Nigeria’s some 3.5 million HIV-positive people is rife, and many struggle to enter university or find work, health experts and human rights activists say. “Stigma is the obstacle to achieving the 90-9090 agenda,” John Idoko, director-general of Nigeria’s National Agency for the Control of Aids (NACA), told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. By 2020, UNAIDS wants 90 per cent of people with HIV to know their status, 90 per cent of diagnosed people to be on treatment, and 90 per cent of those on treatment to have suppressed levels of the virus in their bodies. “HIV-POSITIVE SUGAR MUMMY” After a failed attempt to migrate to Europe six years ago and the loss of his life savings from his job as a technician, Michael decided to volunteer with a Catholic organisation. Helping out at a state hospital where nurses were reluctant to get too close to HIV-positive patients made Michael aware of the discrimination they faced daily. “I encouraged the patients to help one another do things, like go to the toilet, since they all had one thing in common.” When the threat of Boko Haram forced him to move from the northeastern city of Damaturu to Abuja in 2012, Michael decided the time was right to launch his HIV matchmaking service. Weary of trying to persuade government agencies to invest in his idea, he headed out into the streets of Abuja at night, hanging up around 100 banners to advertise his project. “By the following morning, my phone started ringing — so many people were calling me,” Michael said, scrolling through the dozens of texts he receives from his clients each day. Some of the texts ask for medical or fertility advice, while one comes from a man looking for an “HIV-positive sugar mummy”. Yet not everyone approves of Michael’s matchmaking efforts. When people started tearing the banners down, Michael turned to bright red spray paint. Signs reading: “HIV positive? Need husband/wife?” can be seen alongside many major roads in Abuja. “Strangers call me to express disdain for my work ... they accuse me of encouraging promiscuity,” said the husband and father-of five, who declined to disclose if he has HIV or not. HEALTH BEFORE LOVE After an initial telephone conversation, most of Michael’s clients insist on coming to see him in person to talk further. “When they come, we just sit and chat,” he said, adding that many of his patients are suicidal because of their HIV status. Beyond setting up dates, Michael also ensures that every person he works with is registered with a specific hospital and that they are regularly taking their antiretroviral drugs. “I cannot match-make anyone who is not on drugs — it is a lot of risk,” Michael said, sitting in his office in front of a decorative wall hanging that reads: ‘May hope encourage you’. Michael also provides his clients with free condoms and booklets about HIV, and teaches them about safe sex. For people seeking medical advice, he refers them to a doctor. Although based in Abuja, a photo of his advert posted on Facebook means people stretching from Rivers state in the south to the Borno in the northeast have signed up looking for love. Flicking through several folders, Michael explains how he has a separate file for clients who have started seeing each other, another for those who have graduated to a serious relationship, and a different one for those who have married. “I never attend weddings, he said, explaining how he was once embarrassed by the recognition he received at the marriage ceremony of one of the couples who met through his matchmaking. In March this year, the Nigerian government signed into law a new version of the HIV/Aids Anti-Discrimination Act, which is designed to make it easier to understand. Yet Michael said the law has had no impact on his service, or the thousands of HIV-positive people that he works with. “Many people don’t even know where to access drugs,” he said. “They hear about these things but have no information. “The enlightenment is not there — it is just not there.” — Thomson Reuters Foundation That’s how our brain makes risky decisions I dentifying a region of the brain involved in decisions made under conditions of uncertainty, scientists have explained what goes on inside our heads as we decide whether to take a risk or play it safe. In everyday lives, people often have to make a choice between a safe option and a better, but riskier, option. However, when this system of evaluating risk in the brain goes awry, it can severely impact an individual’s life. The findings showed that a group of value-coding neurons in ventral pallidum — part of the brain that plays an important role in controlling levels of dopamine — a molecule that transmits signals between neurons and makes us feel good — was selectively suppressed when animals chose a risky option over a safe one. “The ventral pallidum inhibits dopamine neurons, and suppression of this area during risky behaviour may increase dopamine release,” said Ilya Monosov, Assistant Professor at the Washington University. Further, the study also found that neurons in a nearby brain area called the medial basal forebrain became most active after the monkeys made a risky choice but before they learned the outcome of their choice. Medial basal forebrain is the part of the brain that provides inputs to a wide network of cortical brain regions involved in learning and memory. The study could lead to potential treatments for psychological and psychiatric disorders that involve misjudging risks, such as problem gambling and anxiety disorders, the researchers said. To study the neuronal circuits of risk taking, the team gave rhesus monkeys —whose brains are structured very similarly to humans — a choice between a small amount of juice or a 50-50 chance of receiving either double that amount of juice or nothing at all. Over time, the amount of juice received under either condition would be the same, but one option was safe and the other risky. It turned out that rhesus monkeys like to live on the edge. The monkeys chose the risky option more often than the safer option, the team concluded. — IANS Nasa set to unravel giant asteroid that can hit Earth A near-Earth asteroid that is coming towards our planet after being dislodged by a gravitational pull can indeed strike us and and cause massive destruction but according to experts, it has a one in 2,700 chances of hitting. Such an event will not take place for 150 years and the people living in the year 2135 would know whether the asteroid named Bennu posed an actual threat to hit Earth, ABC News reported on Monday. According to Dante Lauretta, professor of planetary science at University of Arizona and the principal investigator on the OSIRIS-REx mission, “don’t run out and buy asteroid insurance” yet. The OSIRIS-REx Mission, headed by Nasa and the University of Arizona, plan to launch an unmanned spacecraft on September 8 in the efforts to reach Bennu in August 2018. OSIRIS-REx will launch from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on an Atlas V 411 rocket during a 34-day launch period starting September 8. It will orbit the Sun for a year and then use Earth’s gravitational field to assist it on its way to Bennu. — IANS insideOman Positron was discovered This day in 1932, the positron (antiparticle of the electron) was discovered by Carl D. Anderson. Anderson received the 1936 Nobel Prize in Physics for this discovery. @ onthego features OMANDAILYOBSERVER T U E S DAY l A U G U S T 2 l 2 0 1 6 31 hitchhiking to Salalah Q IBRAHIM SAIF AL SARAAI I t is an idea seldom put into action in Oman but three guys did it. Coinciding with Salalah`s Khareef season, Mustaffa Al Alawi, Ahmed Al Shaibani and Saif Al Salami hitchhiked their way to what is considered the country’s biggest tourist draw site without spending anything. Mustaffa shared, “This journey was to promote the culture of enjoying your journey with as less money spent possible, as well as spread awareness about the importance of sports and body health.” The journey kicked off in Muscat, going through Adam and then Salalah and then back to Muscat again. As Saif shared, “It was quite challenging for us to travel all the way from Muscat. We started the journey by riding a truck with the driver helping us get to Adam. Once we were in Adam, a man generously offered us tickets to Salalah.” “I really enjoyed the experience so much. This is what it really means to be a real adventurer — making use of every available option in order to survive,” Mustaffa said. The concept of hitchhiking in few words means visiting places without spending money on a journey. It also means the trip maker has to pack all the necessary equipment needed prior to the trip. These necessities also include food and water. The journey also depends on an auto stop system, which means that the travelers stop wherever and whenever it is possible. Saif said that, “Lots of people helped us when they heard about us. And so many came to visit us along the way and join us on this journey.” He added, “It was fun to have people around us as we embarked on this adventure and we did appreciate all the help.” Saif also shared that as people were astonished with their adventure, some of them carried their bags and took photos as memorabilia to give an impression that they themselves were travelers. Mubarak Al Haajiri, a tourist from Qatar, gushed that when he met the travelers, “I’m really proud of such people. They have a noble objective and they have enjoyed themselves much more than us who did the journey by cars.” Mubarak added, “I wish to join them if they have other journeys like it. It would be an honor to take part in such travel in the future.” @ sharedthoughts The pervasive power of the web DR RAJAN PHILIPS It is thus apt that a day of the year, 1st August, is designated as World Wide Web Day to celebrate the growth of the Web as well as to express our admiration and appreciation for the creative minds behind its remarkable invention. J ust about 25 years ago, we had neither Facebook nor endless videos to watch on YouTube. There were no smart phones that could handle myriad functions, while on the move. We did not have the huge choice of sites to research any topic. Today, all these and more are readily available thanks to the all-powerful and pervasive World Wide Web. It is indeed amazing that something that was meant for scientists to share technical information has been transformed into a phenomenal communication network that impacts nearly every sphere of life. It is thus apt that a day of the year, 1st August, is designated as World Wide Web Day to celebrate the growth of the Web as well as to express our admiration and appreciation for the creative minds behind its remarkable invention. The World Wide Web was conceived by English computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee and his team in 1989 at the CERN centre in Geneva. August marks an important period in the evolution of the Web since on August 6, 1991, the creators explained its working to the public and made it available for them on 23 August 1991. Hence, the choice of 1st August as WWW Day. Obviously, over the years, the progress made has been spectacular. From 2002, the Web 2.0 concept emerged. It features user-generated and user-edited web sites. The increasing popularity of sites like YouTube and Facebook have greatly revolutionized the WWW scenario, with the number of websites online today, close to a billion. Yet, like many other innovative breakthroughs in Science and Technology, initially, Berners-Lee did not find ready acceptance of his ideas. He, of course, did not give up. His persistence paid off and we are the fortunate beneficiaries. Netizens ( active and avid users of the Internet) celebrate the Day in varied ways. They go on line, take selfies and post on social platforms, post comments on blogs, back up data to the cloud, save photos on Google drive, or order a souvenir or even a pizza ( the item first ordered online!) or book a flight ticket for the upcoming holiday trip. Incidentally, in common parlance, the terms Web and Internet are used synonymously. But not very correctly. Web is a global information medium which users can read and write via computers connected to the Internet. It is a service that operates over the Internet, which appeared on the scene much earlier. The phenomenal growth and popularity of the Web can be attributed to its universality in that it works with any form of data, on any device, with any software, in any language. It also allows anyone to create a site and the core technology is royalty-free, thus spurring ongoing innovation and healthy global cooperation. Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee,( known in short as TimBL) richly disserved the knighthood bestowed on him by Queen Elizabeth II in 2004. Besides other accolades, he was among Time magazine’s 100 Most Important People of the 20th century. He has not rested on his laurels. In 2008, he founded the World Web Foundation aimed at establishing the open Web as a global public good and a basic right. He is the Director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which oversees the continued development of the Web. Today, WWW has become the chief means of interactive transaction and communication , unveiling exciting opportunity for us in ways unimaginable to previous generations. Let us therefore celebrate the invention of the Web, continue to enjoy the exciting benefits offered, even as we applaud the innovative vision of Tim Berners-Lee and his team. quotes You affect the world by what you browse.- Timothy Berners-Lee A journey of a thousand sites begins with a single click. ~Anon. The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow. ~Bill Gates TUESDAY | AUGUST 2, 2016 | SHAWWAL 28, 1437 AH The falaj keeper of LIZAGH When Rashid Said al Nidabi’s father came to him and told him he can no longer do a falaj keeper’s job, the young man automatically inherited the high-profile position. Check out what it means to be a falaj keeper of Lizagh... P29 @editor’spick watchamovie worldcelebration happeningtoday nowshowing DISHOOM ICE CREAM SANDWICH DAY When India top batsman goes missing in the Middle East, two cops from either side of the Arabian Sea team up for a 36 hour manhunt. Nobody quite knows where the day originated from, or even the definitive place the ice cream sandwich itself started. A delight over a century old, the obvious way to celebrate today is to go get an ice cream sandwich, and enjoy it sitting down like the child we all used to be. Maybe run around a little bit, laugh loudly and ask for a second one! — Have you seen this movie? With 5 as the highest and 1 as the lowest, how would you rate this film? Send us your review at and get a chance to see your feedback on this spot next week. Skeletal remains, with iron shackles on their wrists, are laid in a row at the ancient Falyron Delta cemetery in Athens, Greece, July 27, 2016. — Reuters
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