10th March 2016 - The Bush Telegraph Weekly
10th March 2016 - The Bush Telegraph Weekly
21,000 MAGAZINES LETTERBOX DELIVERED WEEKLY from Normanhurst in the south to Cheero Point in the north and everywhere in between Phone: 02 9456 2880 Thursday 10 March 2016 COUNCILLOR & MAYOR DEADLOCKED OVER STOREY PARK “It’s the Last Straw!” – Cllr Tilbury So, what has made Cllr Nathan Tilbury so angry? The face of Asquith is changing rapidly. It began with the $12.1 million sell off of the much loved Asquith Pre School and Asquith Leisure and Learning centre – community land – to developers for medium rise housing. Then the developers moved en masse into the little suburb once dubbed ‘the town too tough to die’ and within recent months whole blocks of cottages have been reduced to ground zero in preparation for unit blocks, five and six storeys high. Continued page 3 s Tip ce Pla e lin On MAJOR DRAW THIS TUESDAY! Hornsby Musical Society Presents Guys and Dolls Councillor Nathan Tilbury talks with Marianne and Helen, members of Asquith ABC Playgroup at Storey Park. SIGN UP AS A 2015 MEMBER OF HORNSBY RSL CLUB FOR ONLY Hornsby RSL Club’s FOOTY TIPPING Members will receive an entry ticket COMPETITION for2016 the Major Draw following a $5 spend Cafe, Major or a $10 Come in today to joinininthe Bar or $10,000 Draw spend in the Waratah or Level the fun of Footy Tipping! TuesdayBistro 15th March 7pm One Lounge 1st Prize: $5,000 HRSL Plus Club donates $5,000 to Charity of Choice TALENT 2nd Prize: $3,000 QUEST Plus Club donates $3,000 to Charity of Choice ANZAC Prize: DAY 3rd $2,000 Plus Club donates $2,000 to Charity of Choice FOR TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ENTRY VISIT W W W. H O R N S B Y R S L . C O M . AU Monday 25th April Register online today Sunday 13th March 7pm | David Strassman Offer valid until 30 September 2015 | Membership Valid to 31.12.2015 8th April - 16th April Early Bird Special Saturday 7th May 7.30pm Award Winning Show THIS SATUR DAY NIGHT WITH SPECIAL GUEST Amber Lawrence w. hornsbyrsl.com.au p. 02 9477 7777 a. 4 High St, Hornsby 2077 Saturday 14 May Friday 22nd April Saturday 8th August at 7:30pm Friday 11th September at 7:30pm 7.30pm | Available Now 7.30pm | Lee Kernaghan e. info@hornsbyrsl.com.au Members $35* | Non Members $40* Tickets Only $37 FOR ALL BOOKINGS PLEASE PHONE 9477 7777 OR VISIT WWW.HORNSBYRSL.COM.AU | SEE WEBSITE FOR FULL DETAILS, TERMS AND CONDITIONS DOWNLOAD OUR APP it’s FREE! Simply Search for Hornsby RSL on iTunes or the Google Play store! GAIN INSTANT ACCESS TO COUPONS, DEALS, THE LATEST CLUB INFORMATION & MORE! 2016 AUTUMN FAIR FREE YOUTH DRIVING SEMINAR HORNSBY NORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL Saturday 12th March, 10am to 3pm The Hornsby North Public School Autumn Fair is set to swing again on Saturday 12 March 2016 from 10am to 3pm. Last year the fair raised a record $30,000 for the school and this year promises to be even bigger. There will be over 40 market stalls, with a range of yummy international foods, as well as rides to suit all ages, including the popular trampoline bungee and super slide. This year the fair has gone digital, with ride tickets now available online at www.hornsbynorthautumnfair.com.au One of the biggest drawcards is the Holi Festival, or the festival of colours, where kids and teachers can battle it out with coloured powder. Other stalls include old favourites such as face-painting, lucky dips, showbags, Devonshire tea, homemade cakes and goodies, a plant stall and a second-hand book stall. Hornsby North students will provide live entertainment and a few brave teachers have volunteered to be dunked, including the Principal, Maree Sumpton, who will be dunked at 12 noon. The fair will be on rail, hail or shine, and there is plenty of shelter and seating available. Street parking and school entrances can be found on Old Berowra Road, Ida Street and Cawthorne Street. The fair is reliant on support from many local businesses, including major sponsor Belle Property, Hornsby; Millennium Fitness, Waitara; Battery World, Hornsby; Australian Outdoor Living; Priority Business Lawyers; and Storage King, Thornleigh. All proceeds raised will go towards educational programs and facilities at the school. Further information: 9987 4605 or www.hornsbynorthautumnfair.com.au The most popular attractions/ highlights on the day include: 9.45am: Hornsby Mayor Councillor Steve Russell and Matt Kean MP will open the Fair. 10am: Fabulous performances by the Hornsby North bands. 12 noon: Drawing of the raffle to “dunk” Mrs Sumpton, the HNPS Principal! Locations: The popular Chocolate Wheel (with donations from local businesses); plant stall (Ida St Entrance); the cake stall & BBQs; face painting and international food stalls. Ce lebr 50 y ating ears 2 THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY The Kuring gai Police and Community Safety Committee in partnership with Ku-ring-gai Council will hold its 29th SEMINAR for PARENT SURVIVAL STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING YOUNG DRIVERS in the Gordon Library Meeting Room 2, 799 Pacific Highway, Gordon (opposite Ku-ring-gai Council Chambers) on Monday 21 March 2016 at 6.00pm for 6.30pm till 8.30pm. Keynote presenter Jeff McDougall is Past President of Australian Driver Trainers Association of NSW, Executive Committee Member of Australasian College of Road Safety, Former Managing Director of Trent Driving School and member of Kuring gai Police and Community Safety Committee. Jeff has had 38 years of experience in the training and education of young drivers. We encourage PARENTS/SUPERVISING DRIVERS together with their YOUNG DRIVERS to attend as it means they are both starting from the same communication point. Jeff will discuss the “VITAL ASPECTS OF WHAT PARENTS NEED TO KNOW when teaching a young driver such as: A Comprehensive and Organised Approach to the Driving Task • • The Five Crash Risks for Young Drivers • Preparation for the Driving Test • Keeping the Log Book Honest • Teaching Practical Skills Safely • The Components of Driving • Strategies for Safe Driving • Effective Partnerships • Vital Information about the current driving test and log book Supporting Presenter is Senior Constable Lynda Hart. Lynda joined the Police Service in 1981 and initially worked in the City for three years, then in the country area for 17 years. Lynda returned to the city in 2000 to join the PCYC and to work with youth programs. Lynda is now the School Liaison Officer with the Kuring gai Local Area Command, and has daily contact with the schools. Lynda is also a member of the Kuring gai Police and Community Safety Committee. Lynda will share her passion for keeping people safe. Additional seminars will be held Monday 20 June and Monday 19 September 2016. Bookings essential, so please contact Carroll Howe on 0405 558 660 or email carroll.howe@gmail.com Light refreshments provided. Ku-ring-gai Council’s fight to ‘stand alone’ continues Mayor Cheryl Szatow of Ku-ring-gai Council is standing firm that the Council’s submission to the NSW Government is evidence that a forced merger with Hornsby ‘has no basis in fact’. The submission was lodged before the deadline of Sunday 28 February for public feedback on council mergers imposed by the NSW Government. Ku-ring-gai Council’s submission will be assessed by the Delegate appointed by the state government, Mr Garry West, who will report back in early April. Mayor Cheryl Szatow said the Council remained united its belief that it was large enough and financially strong enough to remain a stand alone council. “Premier Baird and Minister Toole continue to push the line that councils are losing $1 million a day, which is blatantly untrue,” the Mayor said. “The latest analysis of publicly available data on NSW Councils shows they are actually making half a million dollars a day!” Mayor Szatow urged residents to continue contacting their local state MPs to express their opinion on the proposed forced merger with Hornsby Council, which could come into effect as early as June this year. “The government has no mandate to force a merger between Ku-ring-gai and Hornsby Councils – and no plan on how to make it happen without causing massive disruption.” The Council’s submission is publicly available on its website at www.kmc.nsw.gov.au COUNCILLOR & MAYOR DEADLOCKED OVER STOREY PARK Continued from front cover hrough all this accelerated change, the residents held on to the ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ … the redevelopment of the Storey Park Community Centre. Hornsby Council is on a promise to compensate the disenfranchised residents by providing a new multipurpose community centre complete with a basketball court, children’s playground, modern community hall and cafe to revitalise the area which will continue to experience a huge growth in housing over the next few years. Cllr Tilbury said, “There is something wrong when the most influential person making decisions on the much anticipated Storey Park Community Centre redevelopment, which is supposed to be drawing in people like the Flying Fox Park does at Mona Vale, decides that he can go against a $15,000 expert’s report that the planned coffee shop should be shaved off to save a few dollars. What else will he be shaving off the new centre? The monkey bars or the kids’ slippery dip?” In the proposed new Storey Park Centre, there is provision for a 15m2 kiosk. Food consultants Brain & Poulter who provided a Retail Market Analysis & Feasibility Analysis, recommended an increase in size to 100m2 to increase the viability of the café. This would increase the overall cost of the centre by $400,000. However, Mayor Steve Russell, renowned for turning around the council's finances, vetoed the plan. Mayor Russell said, “At the recent informal workshop, a majority of councillors did not want to spend an extra $400,000 of ratepayers’ money on a cafe which may or may not succeed and which would also delay T the overall building of the Storey Park Centre by months. “Cllr Tilbury is the only one willing to take a risk with ratepayers’ money.” Mayor Russell, who has run a business for 35 years, believes that operating a cafe in the Storey Park precinct “would be a gamble”. “Council is in the business of providing libraries and community centres, not running cafes,” he said. But Cllr Tilbury believes the pendulum has swung too far. “The Cafe is an essential part of the infrastructure which has been promised to the community and is extremely necessary to the success of the new centre. How can the Mayor be so influential in making this decision for the whole community? “Council is on a promise to the community. Council has to deliver on the commitment it has made. And this is why I am getting loud on this subject because the community needs to know what decisions are being made for them behind closed doors. “When the Asquith Leisure and Learning Centre and Pre School were sold last year, Council made a huge $12.1 million for the sale to developers. By comparison, the new Storey Park Community Centre will cost only $4.5 million of which $3.2 million is derived from Section 94 contributions, so an extra $3 or $400,000 is a relatively small price to pay for an essential part of the centre.” Cllr Tilbury met with parents of the ABC Asquith Playgroups who meet four days every week at the current Storey Park hall. Local mum Helen said, “We have playgroup here Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays with over 50 families attending.” “I am very supportive of a cafe here at Storey Park,” said Helen. “The biggest drawcard for any centre or park is a child friendly cafe because it becomes a hub for families to meet and friendships to be made. “Families are always looking for places where the kids are welcome. I travel all the way to Ryde and that cafe is always packed. There is nothing around here. It would be great to have one closer.” Don’t Displace the Playgroups! Cllr Tilbury said, “In another costsaving measure, Council has decided to demolish the whole site rather than staging the building works. This will mean that rather than the playgroups and other users of the current centre still having somewhere to meet during construction, the site will close completely and these groups will have to find alternate places to meet for up to 12 months.” Playgroup mum Marianne said, “It would be very bad if we were closed for any period of time because friendships would be destroyed – for both the mums and children. Also, where else would we go?” Marianne continued, “Many parents walk to Storey Park because they don’t have cars. If we were forced to move, it would mean not being able to take their children to playgroup.” Mayor Russell maintains, “Staging the construction of the Storey Park redevelopment would cost more than $200,000. We must remember Corner of Amor and Bouvardia Streets, Asquith that council is building a very good community centre with an adventure playground and that we have to be very careful with ratepayers’ money so that we have got it when we need it to put in to more community facilities such as the Pedestrian Bridge in Hornsby, the Mall, roads and footpaths, to name a few.” Cllr Tilbury said: “This council ran on a ticket of cutting waste and reducing expenditure and that has been achieved. But now the pendulum has gone too far and residents are suffering. “I want to make the public aware of what council is deciding behind closed doors, and get their opinion. If I continue to hear their outrage on this latest shaving off of community facilities, I will put up a notice of motion that council provide a 100m2 cafe as part of the Storey Park Community Centre. “Also I will be moving that the construction be staged to allow for the least disruption to the playgroups and others using the existing centre. “I welcome feedback from the public on this matter and any other issue of concern.” Cllr Tilbury can be contacted on: 0403 227 560 or E: ntilbury@ hornsby.nsw.gov.au Berowra Real Estate Specialists SELLING, BUYING, RENTING STRATA MANAGEMENT 9456 9999 2 Berowra Waters Road info@richarddutton.com.au Thursday 10 March 2016 3 Is your Super Fund SMART about TAX? www.thebushtele.com.au EDITORIAL Managing Editor Kathie Comb ADVERTISING Advertising Manager Christine Nichols Deputy Editor Moira Daniels OFFICE Office Manager/ Accounts Denise Dagen Contributor Bill Aitken ART & PRODUCTION Moira Daniels Assistant Accounts Lorraine Le Blang DISTRIBUTION Ashlie Robinson Michael Crocker EDITORIAL ENQUIRIES & CONTRIBUTIONS editor@thebushtele.com.au 02 9456 2880 ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES Christine Nichols christine@thebushtele.com.au 0415 381 882 Place classifieds online: thebushtele.com.au ACCOUNTS ENQUIRIES Denise Dagen info@thebushtele.com.au 02 9456 2880 The Bushland Shire Telegraph Pty Ltd Shop 12, Marketplace Shopping Centre, 19 Turner Road, Berowra Heights NSW 2082 PO Box 80, Berowra Heights NSW 2082 PRINTED BY Spotpress Pty Ltd, 24-26 Lilian Fowler Place, Marrickville NSW 2204. DISCLAIMER: All responsibility for information, advertisements and opinions appearing in The Bush Telegraph Weekly is entirely that of the contributor or advertiser and not of the Publisher, Employees or Contractors of The Bush Telegraph Weekly. COPYRIGHT: Stories, artwork and photographs appearing in The Bush Telegraph Weekly are subject to copyright and may not be reprinted in any media without written permission of The Bushland Shire Telegraph Pty Ltd. 21,000 letterbox delivered every Thursday. Published online every Tuesday. Delivered to Waitara, Normanhurst, Hornsby, Hornsby Heights, Asquith, Mt Colah, Mt Kuring-gai, Berowra, Berowra Heights, Cowan, Brooklyn, Mooney Mooney, Cheero Point, Dangar Island, Riverboat Postman, Berowra Waters and beyond. Bulk delivery to Wahroonga, Thornleigh, Westleigh, Galston. It’s not often good news from the tax office, but certainly when your superannuation fund goes into pension mode, there is some good news to note. If you are aged 55 or over, and your superannuation balance is in pension mode, there is no tax payable by the Fund on the income generated by the fund’s investments. So even if you are still working and making super contributions, drawing a pension will save you tax. Let’s take a look at this example: A member who has, say $200,000, in their account with income at 5%. Simply by having the In Pension Not in Pension fund in pension mode, the member has saved Mode Mode $1,500 in tax. Taking up this tax saving Account $200,000 $200,000 opportunity does not Balance mean compromising your superannuation Fund Income 10,000 10,000 balance. You can reof 5% contribute the pension drawings as a personal Fund Tax at Nil 1,500 after-tax contribution if 15% your annual limit on after tax contributions has not Net Income $10,000 $8,500 been reached. in Member As you move towards Account age 65 and transition to retirement, there are further tax benefits to be gained. Make sure that you are educated in advance and can plan to make the best decisions for your superannuation. WORKSHOP ON PENSIONS & SUPER Abby Practice is running a workshop on Pensions and Super on Tuesday 22 March from 12-2pm at Suite 702, 90 George St, Hornsby. Call 9476 0399 to reserve your seat. BOYS WALKING FOR WOMEN’S EQUALITY Ben Adams from Asquith Boys’ High School, is aiming to walk 100km in one week as part of CARE Australia’s Walk in Her Shoes Challenge to raise awareness of the fact women and girls in developing countries can walk up to six hours per day to collect water, food and firewood for their families. This often means women miss out on earning an income and girls don’t go to school. Walk in Her Shoes challenges Australians to walk either 25km, 50km or 100km over the course of a week, while raising money for CARE Australia. 8-14 March 2016. walkinhershoes.org.au North Shore Airport Service Curry Masters factory outlet is now open to the public every Friday from 10am to 2pm 9/18 Leighton Place, Hornsby Ph: 9987 2822 / 0419 438 922 4 Sydney Airport & Cruise Ships Central Railway Airport Hotels Asquith Golf Club Twilight Golf 20 $ Play as much as you can after 4pm Lord St Mt Colah BOOK ONLINE www.nsas.com.au THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY 9477 1403 www.asquithgolfclub.com.au Where everyone is always welcome. DOGGIE RESCUE PET OF THE WEEK Meet Daisy! Daisy arrived as a rescue from Taree animal pound midNovember last year. The 6 year old English Staffie cross Kelpie is such a sweet gentle girl who has already formed a strong bond with Keryn and Rowena our amazing volunteers who travelled from Sydney to save her. Monika Biernacki said, “Although only 6 years old, Daisy has had multiple litters and has come from a puppy farm. Thankfully her life of breeding is over.” Daisy has now been desexed. If you would like to donate towards Daisy’s cause (Stop Puppy Mills) please visit https:// give.everydayhero.com/au/daisys-breeding-life-is-over. She comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Her adoption cost is $400. For further details call DoggieRescue on 9486 313 or email monika@ doggierescue.com. The Bush Tele Weekly is a very proud supporter of Doggie Rescue. Graham McIntosh Rear of 8 Berowra Waters Rd Berowra, NSW 2081 9456 2346 e: bprsmashrepairs@gmail.com Berowra Prestige & Restoration SMASH REPAIRS All Insurance Work, Rust Repairs, Restorations, Cars, Boats, Motorcycles, Trailers, Jet Skis Lic No. MVRL 48357 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Suites 20-21 The Madison 25-29 Hunter St HORNSBY MGA maree garrett & associates Ph: 9485 3400 Fax: 9485 3499 HORNSBY COUNCIL CUTS TO PRESCHOOLS I n yet another of Hornsby Council’s cost cutting measures, subsidies to 10 preschools in the Shire will be discontinued and they will be charged ‘market based rental’. A report prepared for the March 9th Council Meeting recommended deleting the current policy for kindergarten leases and transferring them all a commercial leasing policy. Currently Council subsidises community-based Kindergartens by providing a discount on their rent. Mayor Steve Russell has announced this cut to preschools, resulting in a saving to council of $500,000 per year. The president of the Jack and Jill Kindergarten Hornsby, John Tomlinson, said, “It doesn’t make sense. Nearly all the community based preschools within 10km of Hornsby are operating on some form of subsidised land. “Is Council trying to force not-forprofit community based preschools in the Hornsby Shire to become commercial businesses?” Mr Tomlinson continued, “Our preschools are different from child care centres and cater to those parents who would not receive federal government rebates. Many are single income, low income or new migrant families.” “With so many discussions currently taking place about possible amalgamation with Ku-ring-gai, how can Hornsby Council be making a decision on such significant policy change?” asked Mr Tomlinson. Director of the Jack and Jill Kindergarten Hornsby, Pearl Sachinwalla (pictured below) said, “I feel really sad for the children, parents and staff who have been involved in community preschools in the Hornsby area for over 50 years. “We have been prepared to discuss an increase in rent with Council and staff but there has been no meaningful dialogue with us at all,” Pearl said. “It would be a shame for Council not to continue to support all the great work that has been undertaken over the years for children via community based preschools.” NATIONAL RIDE2SCHOOL DAY 2016 M ore than 300,000 students across Australia were walking, riding, skating or scooting to school in celebration of Bicycle Network’s National Ride2School Day last Friday. Locally, Principal of Berowra Christian School Steven Dodd, together with Berowra’s Cllr Nathan Tilbury and his daughter Eloisa, joined students as they rode safely to school from outside the Homebiz store at the Crossroads to BCCS. HORNSBY 9477 7117 BUY 3 GET 1 FREE FREE ADMISSION Buy 3 selected Proxes C100+ passenger or SUV tyres, get the 4th tyre free during March. TYRES WHEELS MECHANICAL BATTERIES Hornsby Tyre and Service PTY LTD Lic No MVRL 51619 51 HUNTER ST, HORNSBY PH: 9477 7117 LIVE SEMINAR SERIES PRESENTED BY INTERNATIONAL SPEAKER GARY WEBSTER COMMENCING APRIL 9, 2016 VENUE EVENT CINEMAS HORNSBY Level 4 Westfield Hornsby 236 Pacific Hwy FREE For session details visit the website amhornsby.info RESERVATIONS book online or call 9099 0797 Thursday 10 March 2016 5 What the LOCALS are saying ... Dear Bush Tele, RIP Just wanted to congratulate the driver on Turner Road on February 29th between 9pm and 9:30pm who managed to kill not one but two of the area's resident Tawny Frogmouths. Locals have long enjoyed the company of this breeding pair of Frogmouths who have been a welcome sight on our walks and in our gardens. It was a sad sight this morning to see both had become road kill statistics. Also to the driver racing down the street on the same night, in the same time frame. You’re obviously ignorant on what the suburban speed limits are: 50kph. I hope whoever is responsible for this sad event either due to inattention, speed or whatever, that you take on board the beauty of the area you reside in and start being a little more responsible to it. MAC, Turner Rd. Berowra Heights Dear Bush Tele, Recent crimes at the foreshore car park in Brooklyn (TBTW 25/3/16) should provide an opportunity for council to take a closer look at its master plan for the village. Many river settlement residents must be extremely frustrated at the thefts and damage to their vehicles that occur all too regularly. Likewise, many residents in Brooklyn are appalled that this prime river frontage is turned over to long term car storage that denies both residents and visitors facilities to use the nearby playground, cafes and baths. Council in conjunction with State government bodies could readily provide solutions to all parties by: fixing the railway stairs (or providing an elevator) to encourage use of public transport for residents and visitors and by providing secure lock up car storage (if not in the unused railway tunnel then on a site less degrading to the visual amenity of the village). Peter Davis, Brooklyn Dear Bush Tele, Thought I’d catch up again just to clarify a few things & to again say ‘Thanks’ to all who have supported Paul Jones Real Estate over the past 60 years, & more recently Alison & my team. For those who read the article in The Bush Tele Weekly (4th February), you would be aware of the merger with Soames Real Estate. Recent Facebook comments from local groups are unfortunately causing some not so factual speculation. (How unusual – Ed.) Thank you to those who responded to some of the posts, enlightening them of: 6 • Alison Gower, my darling wife of 30 years, who will still be looking after her landlords & tenants, as she has done for the last 11 years. Alison will be mobile around the Berowra area, not in the white Paul Jones sign written car but in one emblazoned with the Soames logo. • The office at ‘Paul Jones Roundabout’ will no longer be displaying the Paul Jones name. • The property will be returned to the status of a residential home & may be placed on the market for sale at a later date. Feel free to call me on 0408 133 343 if you are interested. So to recap what I mentioned in the last article: Because I know how some of the Berowra community think, I’ll nip this in the bud now ... • No, we did not go broke! • No, we weren’t ‘run out of town’. • No, Alison and I have not separated, nor am I dying! • It was just the right time for ME. The merger with Soames Real Estate, a local family owned business like ours, was a logical decision in ensuring our rental clients will continue to be looked after by a local business with a local business person in Alison. Alison can be contacted on 02 9987 0011 & the lovely ladies will direct your enquiry to her. If you want to talk to me about anything past, present or future, I can still be contacted on 0408 133 343 or pop by the old office if you see my car out front; I’ll still be here until the end of the month. Thanks again Berowra & Beyond for a great 27 years in real estate. Jason Gower Former Principal/Sales Manager, Paul Jones Real Estate Dear Bush Tele, Last Thursday I put my back out at work. Overnight the situation degraded and by Friday morning my back had seized up completely, and I was bedridden in excruciating pain and unable to move, leaving no alternative than a call to the Paramedics. I really wanted to write and acknowledge the exceptional jobs that these folk do, and in particular to say a very big thank you to the wonderful Paramedics (Phil & Tracey) and Extended Care Paramedic (Sonja) who helped me out of a very bad situation in the early hours of Friday 26th February. These three Paramedics were absolute superstars and their professionalism, patience and knowledge quickly turned a bad situation around and is a true testament to their exceptional training and skills. Before they arrived, I was unable to move and in extreme discomfort. Phil & Tracey quickly assessed the THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY YOUR COMMUNITY DIARY DATES Proudly sponsored by BEROWRA RSL ph: 9456 1844 www.clubberowra.com reception@clubberowra.com Thursday, 10 March Hornsby-Berowra Men’s Shed 7 Alicia Rd Mt Kuring-gai 9am-12. Enq Paul Woodage 9456 2793. Berowra Garden Club meets at the Berowra Community Health Centre 123 Berowra Waters Rd at 7.30pm. Guest Speakers, hints and info, outings, displays. Enq Shirley 9456 7140. Aglow International Australia Hornsby. Uniting Church Worship and Activities Centre, Southern Auditorium, 24 William St, Hornsby at 7pm. Cost $10, includes Supper. Westleigh View Club meet for morning tea at Bunker Cafe, 10 for 10.30am with entry from 1A Dartford Rd, Thornleigh. All welcome. Enq Maureeen 9481 0061. Berowra Toastmasters meets at 7:30pm in balcony Room at Berowra Community Centre, Gully Rd, Berowra. http://berowra.toastmastersclubs.org/ Enq Kate 9488 9900. Friday, 11 March Friday Fellowship St Pauls Anglican Church Pearces Corner, Wahroonga. Church Service at 10.30am followed by guest speaker, prior to Luncheon. Saturday, 12 March NSW Begonia Society’s Annual Exhibition & Sale of Begonias. Saturday 10am to 4pm & Sunday 13th March 2016 10am to 3pm. Bloomin’ Greenery Nursery 226 Annangrove Rd, Annangrove. Light Refreshments available. Gold coin. Ross 9679 1386. Sunday, 13 March Benedictine Monastery, 51st Annual Country Fair, 121 Arcadia Rd Arcadia. Emphasis on country produce, homemade jams, sweets, cakes, plants and best BBQ in Sydney. Chocolate wheel, face painting, drinks, fairy floss, jumping castle, tours of the Monastery. Mass in the Chapel at 10am, Country Fair begins 10.30am rain, hail or shine. Enq Prior, Fr David Orr 02 9653 1159. Monday, 14 March NSW Justices Association Hornsby meets 7pm Asquith Rugby League Club. Enq. John 0408 289 203. Dance Group Social & Australian Dances taught, 7.30-9.30pm Pennant Hills Community Centre, Esplanade Pennant Hills. Wilma, 0413 673 339. Sydney Adventist Hospital Prostate Cancer Support Group meeting in “Jacarandah Lodge”. 3pm. Visit Infusion Department in the new Integrated Cancer Centre. Enq. Graham 8677 7896. Hornsby Art Society Demonstration in oils by landscape artist, John Rice. 7.30pm Beatrice Taylor Hall, 25 Edgeworth David Ave, Hornsby, 9476 8869. $5 members / $7.50 visitors, light supper served. Tuesday, 15 March Hornsby Hts Camera Club meets 7:30pm Mt Colah Community Centre. www.hornsbyheightscameraclub.com Hornsby Toastmasters Club 7.30pm Beatrice Taylor Hall, 25 Edgeworth David Ave, Hornsby. Visits are free. Enq. Ali 0408 961 971, info http:// hornsby.toastmastersclubs.org Wednesday, 16 March The Hornsby District Ulysses Club. Social Dinner 6.30pm at Berowra RSL. Noel 0402 026 653. Hornsby Shire Family History Group meets at Hornsby Library 2-4pm. Topic: Favourite Family History Books. Enq. www.hornsbysfhg.wordpress.com Helping Hands Craft Group, 10am to 2pm, Hornsby Hts Community Centre, 104A Galston Rd, $5 incl morning tea, bring own lunch, Carolyne 9456 5316. Asquith View Club Luncheon, 11.00 for 11.30am. “Games” Asquith Golf Club, Lord St., Mt Colah. Enq. Helen 9457 6118. Berowra Over 55 Seniors Club meet at Berowra Community Centre, Gully Rd, Berowra 9am. Enqs: Cheryl Hughes 9456 2139. Meet the Author: Mark Dapin will discuss his novel R&R, a powerful new novel set in the town of Vung Tau, South Vietnam, 1967. $5. Ticketed event. Book Online at Hornsby.nsw. gov.au/library. Enq 9847 6614. Hornsby District and Lantern Club meeting, Pennant Hills Leisure Centre in Warne St Pennant Hills, 10am. Enq. Helen on 0407 492 033. Learn To Meditate at Home. Free. Experience Peace of Mind & Mental Silence, Hornsby, Willow Community Centre, Wallarobba Arts Building 7:30pm to 9pm. Enq. 0458 498 550. Thursday, 17 March Hornsby-Berowra Men’s Shed 7 Alicia Rd Mt Kuring-gai 9am-12. Enq Paul Woodage 9456 2793. Wednesday 16th March tickets on sale 5.30pm - drawn 7pm loads of chocolate eggs to give away Free entertainment every Sunday from 3:30pm on the sky deck FREE jumping castle for the kids March 13th – Steve Passfield 20th – Darren R. Keys 27th – Bernie Segedin situation and with some well-placed pain relief, anti-inflammatories and physical assistance they got me out of bed before turning me over to the ECP (Sonja), whose mobilisation techniques got me back up and mobile. In writing this a few days later, I still have very limited movement and quite a bit of discomfort, however, thanks to the ECP things are improving quite well to the point that I was able to make it to my local GP / Physiotherapist by mid-morning on Friday; my condition is now being managed and is improving. I understand that the ECP service is a relatively new initiative being trialled, however in my opinion it is a great initiative – one that deserves to continue and will no doubt save a lot of unnecessary hospital visits, and help balance the budget for the NSW hospital Service. Tim, Alan Road, Berowra Heights Dear Bush Tele; Blue plastic rings from milk bottles can kill Bower Birds. There is a simple solution – cut these blue rings before you throw the bottle out. I recently saw a tragic sight, a beautiful young Bower Bird with a blue plastic ring stuck around its beak and head. It took me a while to work out what I was seeing, and I consulted with the online Oz bird community. Apparently this is quite common. Milk companies have been asked to change these rings to another colour, but have not done so. The bird is attracted, as you all know, to anything blue, picks up the ring, which flips over its head and gets stuck, he has no way to get it off and will die very slowly from not being able to feed properly. If you think there is a chance your rubbish might be got into (perhaps by a dog?), then the best idea is to just cut these rings before you put them out for recycling, that way this tragedy can be averted. A little something we can to do help these beautiful native birds in our district, which are after all part of why we love it here! Name withheld Dear Bush Tele, Political Bias Incorrect I read with interest a letter to the TBTW of Thurs 03 March 2016 where a Rob Scott of Hornsby accused TBTW of having “a political bias” because it published an article (TBTW Thurs 18 Feb) re my stance ‘No More GST’. As the Bush Tele has now published your own view on the GST, which also included a personal attack on me, ‘I was amazed’ that you could make such an untruthful claim against the editor of such a reputable local publication which has been serving the community for 30 years. Owing to its unpopularity, increasing the GST has been temporarily taken off the Liberal Party agenda until after the 2016 Federal election. Note that Labor Party leader Paul Keating tried to introduce a GST. When this failed, Liberal Party leader John Howard then ‘carried the GST torch’ and introduced the GST, with the Labor Party pretending to oppose the GST. When the Labor Party leaders Kevin Rudd/Julia Gillard were in power they did not repeal GST, and continued to use this tax method to suck more tax from the lower income earners. As for the GST being my only single issue, there are many issues to be tackled, including tax reform. The voter, however, should firstly be asking where their taxes are being misspent before the issue of introducing any form of increasing taxes on us. As a True ‘Fairdinkum’ Independent, I am willing to discuss any issue with anyone including yourself Robert. I invite you to give me a call re your problem like most other residents do when they have an issue. My mobile number is 0418 112 675. Cllr Mick Gallagher. A Ward, Hornsby Shire Council BEROWRA VIEW WELCOMES LADIES ESCAPE TO FIJI DO YOU LIKE TO TRAVEL? DO YOU LIKE TO BE PAMPERED? As a follow up to their feature in the February issue of TBTW, Julie & Michelle from Travel Managers will be giving a special Travel Presentation at the March meeting of Berowra VIEW Club. These experienced Travel Consultants are planning to take a group on a “Ladies Escape to Fiji” in late May 2016. Any ladies who would like to be part of this group are welcome to come and join us to find out more about this fantastic holiday, and also be in the draw for a lovely hamper (pictured) of goodies, generously supplied by Julie & Michelle. David from Fiji Tourism will also give a short talk. In the wake of Cyclone Winston the island nation will need tourists to help their people & economy recover. Join Berowra VIEW on Wednesday 23rd March 2016 at Asquith Golf Club, Lord St. Mt Colah at 1.15 – 2.30pm. Bookings are essential for this free special Travel Presentation, so please phone Franci on 9456-3728 by Friday 18th March 2016. VIEW Clubs are a valued part of The Smith Family, a national children’s charity providing educational support to young Australian children in need. JOIN OUR CENTURY 21 TEAM! CENTURY 21 is a truly international brand that combines a wealth of worldwide expertise with local market knowledge. If you are motivated, eager to succeed and love working with people, CENTURY 21 offers a satisfying career within a dedicated international brand that you will find exceedingly fulfilling. The search has begun for enthusiastic, energetic and ambitious real estate agents that have a passion for real estate to join our team at Century 21, Asquith (opp Coles). If you feel that you could contribute to a forward thinking sales team spirit and are of high integrity, please contact Alex for a confidential discussion. Email a brief resume to valerie. naidoo@centry21.com.au 8 Wattle Street Asquith Tel 9482 3341 Fax 9482 3342 Tel: 0432 231 230 Smarter, Bolder, Faster!! Discover the joy of Retirement Living! Visit the... Northern Sydney & Central Coast Retirement Village Expo Incorporating Resort Living for the Over 55’s Proudly supported by Sunday 20th & Monday 21st March 2016 Hornsby RSL Club - 4 High Street, Hornsby 10am – 3pm both days FREE ADMISSION On display will be the latest resort style developments as well as established villages from many different organisations. All offering a wide range of services & facilities, sizes, prices and locations, all under one roof. www.retirementexpo.com.au Thursday 10 March 2016 7 BEROWRA HEIGHTS 10 Wideview Road Rebuilt six years ago showcasing a high quality renovation, this private contemporary haven is of the highest standard. It features an open plan living/dining area, a separate family room, covered entertaining deck, child-friendly level lawn, stylish CaesarStone Smeg kitchen, good sized bedrooms and a wide 30 metre frontage. Peacefully located, it’s a stroll to Berowra village shops and Wideview Public School, while handy to the station. 4 2 2 For Sale Private Treaty View by appointment Francesca Parrino 0415 651 740 Jessica West 0439 077 378 Call 8914 8812 / 8914 8814 mcgrath.com.au BEROWRA HEIGHTS 66 Lonsdale Avenue A comprehensive renovation has transformed this family home into a contemporary entertainer. Its elevation grants it with a leafy outlook, whilst its prime position on a 792sqm block, delivers a private rolling lawn and the option to build a second dwelling (STCA). Dressed with timber floors and a CaesarStone kitchen, it enjoys a fluid indoor/outdoor connection to a choice of alfresco areas. It’s placed a stroll to Wideview Public School and buses to rail. mcgrath.com.au 8 THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY 3 1 For Sale Private Treaty View by appointment Francesca Parrino 0415 651 740 Jessica West 0439 077 378 Call 8914 8812 / 8914 8814 3 BEROWRA HEIGHTS 34 Blue Ridge Crescent Designed to capitalise on a north aspect and spectacular valley views, this bespoke family residence is poised on an elevated 1,540sqm block, with its own never-to-be-built-out private bushland ensuring enduring peace and privacy. Executed with quality construction, the home features multiple living areas and generous accommodation amid ultra low maintenance grounds, suiting grand scale entertaining. It’s cul-de-sac address is near village shops and schools. 6 3 2 For Sale Private Treaty View by appointment Francesca Parrino 0415 651 740 Jessica West 0439 077 378 Call 8914 8812 / 8914 8814 mcgrath.com.au BEROWRA 62 The Gully A prominent street elevation, generously scaled, contemporary interiors and superb alfresco areas combine to deliver a premium family residence with an uplifting, bush valley outlook. It boasts hardwood floors, ducted air conditioning and a combustion fireplace plus underhouse storage. Set amid beautifully landscaped grounds in a dress circle estate, it’s a stroll to rail and buses, moments to schools and supermarkets and within easy access of the motorway. 4 2 2 For Sale Private Treaty View by appointment Francesca Parrino 0415 651 740 Jessica West 0439 077 378 Call 8914 8812 / 8914 8814 mcgrath.com.au Thursday 10 March 2016 9 HEALTHY LIVING PRICELESS PEARLS By Ralph Estherby What did I miss? I always love coming home after an extended trip as there are lots of people to catch up with and usually loads of things which have happened whilst I have been away. I need to be filled in on any major changes, on little important interactions that have occurred, on anything that is broken or in need of attention, or of significant milestones which have been achieved. After I have caught up with the family, there are a number of calls I have to make, emails to send and a pile of mail to open. Slowly but surely over the next week I will manage to catch up with everything I missed and before long it, will be as though I wasn’t away at all. But there is another aspect to this question… “What did I miss?’ – What people, activities and items were I most happy to see or experience now that I am finally at home? Dorothy said it in the Wizard of OZ: “There is no place like home!” So what is it that I enjoy and celebrate the most when I finally step through my door? Is it the connection and intimacy of each different relationship that I have missed? Is it the familiarity or comfort of my own space and possessions that are so familiar? Is it peanut butter toast and a cup of tea enjoyed in my own kitchen? Is it just the sense of being ‘at home’? Home is different for all of us – normal is only really normal for you and each one of us will miss different things, enjoy different things and celebrate different things when we return after a long trip. But this thought provides me an opportunity to ask a question today “Are you ‘at home’ and if not, what do you miss?” Jesus told a story about a man and his son – a young man who aches for the chance to move out of home and experience freedom and life alone. After a time, his fortunes change, his money runs out and he ends up face down eating pig’s slop – it is at this moment he asks the question and heads straight for home. You may not have travelled far from where you call home and you may today be in very familiar surroundings but if you take a moment and look at the spiritual dimension of your life… “Where are you really and what do you miss?” Do you have a comment or a question? ralph.estherby@ gmail.com ‘Breakthrough Church’ meets at 9.30am Sundays at the Performing Arts Centre (Old Bowling Club), Edgeworth David Ave Hornsby – 9477 7222. 10 MEMORY WALK FOR ALZHEIMERS Michael Balis of Homebiz & Instyle stores at Berowra writes: Recently my wife Mary’s mum, Dena Pavlakis, sadly passed away after a long battle with Dementia. This is a horrible illness to endure as a patient and for family to witness. To help raise awareness to this illness, my family and I will be participating in the Alzheimers Australia (NSW) Memory Walk and Jog in Penrith on Sunday 13th March. All funds raised from this event will provide vital support services such as counselling, support groups and professional training across NSW. These services reduce feelings of isolation and empower people living with Dementia and those caring for them . Over the next two weeks, both of our stores in Berowra, Homebiz (at the crossroads) and Instyle at Home (inside Coles Shopping Centre) will be accepting donations which will be forwarded to Alzheimers Australia (NSW). Please show your support, no matter how small, towards this illness. NAEEM & FATEMEH GIVE SMALL GIFTS OF GREAT THANKS TO HORNSBY HOSPITAL MIDWIVES Naeem Hashemi and Fatemeh Hashemi attended Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital for four days last year for the birth of their first baby, Darya. The couple were amazed with the high level of care and experience of the midwives, including some who have served at the hospital for more than 20 years. Naeem and Fatemeh wanted to give something back to the hospital to say thanks. Their small gifts, as a gesture of thanks, will make the Parents Room more homely for families during their stay at Hornsby Hospital. They carefully selected and purchased some items for the hospital’s Parents Room, which supports families who visit the hospital. The carefully chosen gifts included some lovely plants, a toaster, and a sandwich press. Naeem, Fatemeh, and baby Darya recently visited Hornsby Hospital to deliver their donation to the hospital and to provide the positive feedback on the outstanding care they received. Photo: L-R: Naeem Hashemi, Fatemeh Hashemi and baby Darya Hashemi, Sonya Holley Midwife Unit Manager Maternity Inpatients, Geraldine Gilroy Maternity Inpatients. If you are interested in donating to Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Health Service, please contact Liesl McGrath, Manager of Fundraising on 9477 9459. LIVING WITH DEMENTIA New dementia figures for 2016 show more people than ever will be living with the condition this year. In the Gosford, Hornsby and Ku-ring-gai state electorates there is estimated to be 4,450 people living with dementia, which is expected to increase to an estimated 4,850 people by 2020 and 9,450 by 2050. Dementia can be a very isolating, confusing, confronting and difficult disease to live with. But you are not alone and, with the right support, you can live well with dementia. Bush Tele readers who have a diagnosis of dementia are invited to contact Alzheimer’s Australia NSW on the National Dementia Helpline on 1800 100 500. Professional and compassionate staff can point you in the right direction for further support and other services – all for free. There is a new website, Living Well with Dementia, which contains a whole range of information and tips on how to live well with dementia. You can find that at www.livingwellwithdementia.org.au. THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY 59 Edgeworth David Ave, Waitara. Mel’s Hair & Beauty Specialising in all areas of HAIR AND BEAUTY EARS, NOSE & NAVEL PIERCING 9456 2188 Shop 10, Berowra Village, Turner Road STUDENTS JOIN MATT KEAN TO CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA! H IN MEMORY elp make Hornsby litter free on Clean Up Australia Day. Matt Kean MP said, “Clean Up Australia Day on Sunday, March 6, is a great opportunity for communities to come together, clean up their local environment and commit to a litter-free lifestyle.” Helping Mr Kean for this year’s Clean Up Australia Day was up to 60 pupils from Berowra Christian School who pulled on gardening gloves and took him to a neighbouring reserve in need of a clean-up. “It’s fantastic to see the students from Berowra Christian School learning about the importance of maintaining a healthy and clean environment from such an early age,” Mr Kean said. Clean Up Australia Day concept had been a huge success since the day was launched 27 years ago. Since that day Australians have devoted more than 24 million hours towards the environment through Clean Up Australia Day and collected over 200,000 tonnes of rubbish. Litter remains a big problem for our environment with 20,700 tonnes of plastic are disposed of in landfill sites throughout Australia every year. Australians are the second highest producers of waste, per person, in the world with each of us sending over 690 kilograms of waste to landfill each. To help achieve this goal the NSW Government has committed $20 million to anti-littering programs over a four year period as part of the NSW Government’s Waste Less, Recycle More initiative. An EPA app is available to enable on the spot reporting of litter from vehicles. Download at: http://www.epa.nsw.gov.au/pollution/ReporttoEPA.htm FOUR TEAMS INTO THE SEMI-FINALS! A great weekend by Berowra senior teams saw B grade, C Reserves, C4’s and D grade all make their way into the semi-finals. This is a great result for the club following on from last year when there were five teams in the grand final! B Grade went down to minor premiers West Pennant Hills last week to finish the season in third place. This team has some experienced big match players with premiership experience and will give the next few weeks a real shake! C Reserves needed to chase a big total of 234 to finish in fourth spot and did so 7 wickets down following great innings from Vahistad Patel (58), Andy Williams (56) and skipper Mark Adams (38). C4 were also successful chasing a big total of 240, with two wickets to spare, as Anush Paul (64), Matt Jones (40) and Greg Spencer (38) were all in the runs to see the side finish in second place. D Grade’s stellar season finished in second by a single point but with a far superior percentage than any other team. Chasing 190 to win Matt Kelly (48) lead the way with good support from Mason Francis (28) to set themselves up for a tilt at the title. The weekend highlight, however, was in A Grade and despite finishing in a respectable sixth place, beat reigning four-time premiers WPH outright to finish the season on a high. An amazing effort in the first innings by Nick McNay (48 runs, 3/19) was backed up in the second innings by skipper Scott Griffin (48) and Grant Reid (42). But nothing could match Francios Perrin’s effort who backed up his first innings 3/12 with a second innings bowling effort of 8/36 to finish the match with amazing figures of 11/48 and the season with 35 wickets at 7.8!!! Keep an eye out on the BCC Facebook page and website to see where the four semi-finals are played this weekend – we always enjoy local support! Shirley Fay Price 8 Nov 1929 – 21 Feb 2016 Aged 86 years Late of Mt Colah Dearly loved wife of Colin (dec). Loving mother of Lawrence, Karen, Colleen and Sue and step-mother of Janette (dec), Robert & Margaret (dec). Loving Nan, Great-nan and Great-Great-nan. She will be greatly missed by family and friends and will be forever in our hearts. The Bush Telegraph is working on a special feature for NSW Seniors Week in our 31st March edition. Seniors Week runs from 1st ~ 10th April and the theme is Grow Young! Do you offer products, services or facilities for the over 60 year olds? Would you like to book an ad in for our SENIORS WEEK Feature page? Contact Christine for more info. 0415 381 882, christine@thebushtele.com.au Thursday 10 March 2016 11 EASY FIND LOCAL SERVICES GUIDE Chartered Accountant 8 Wattle Street, Asquith (opposite Coles) benmiller@outlook.com.au (02) 9476 5555 Accounting Audit Tax Business Advice ANTENNAS DIGITAL ANTENNA SPECIALIST TIGER ANTENNAS FREE QUOTES AUSTRALIAN made ‘Your local specialist’ tigerantennas.com.au CUSTOM DESIGN BUILDING HIA AWARD WINNER FRIENDLY, PERSONALISED SERVICE *ALTERATIONS *EXTENSIONS *RENOVATIONS *KITCHENS *WALLS REMOVED *DECKS *GYPROCKING *CARPENTRY *ROOFING *PLUMBING *ELECTRICALS *PLANS J. Rosser All TV antenna and satellite work, 3G/4G reception, interference investigations, free quotes, fully insured. 0435 713 790 darren@darrenthesparky.com.au www.darrenthesparky.com.au ABN: 45 286 102 520 | Lic #: 254024C APPLIANCE REPAIRS WASHING MACHINE & DRYER REPAIRS No job too small Friendly Service - Obligation free quotes Fully Licenced and Insured - All work guaranteed Residential home repairs and additions, carports, decks/pergolas eave and facia work and more. 0404 047 456 remerus@hotmail.com Lic: 215276c DECKS GATES CARPORTS Cladding Vinyl, Aluminium and Brick Cladding experts 12 PROMPT RELIABLE SERVICE $99.00 boc.net.au 9456 4444 entire plumbing 1007-1013 Pacific Hwy Berowra 0413 596 822 9456 0063 mark@entireplumbing.com.au Please call Mark to discuss your plumbing needs. Fully insured and qualified. Over 20 years experience. Lawn Mowing and Edges Garden Bed Maintenance Hedging/Trimming/Pruning Fertilising and Weed Control ABN: 50 854 165 872 Chad Pethybridge Call Chad for a FREE On-site Estimate on *Plumbing, Drainage & Gasfitting *Domestic & Commercial Maintenance 24/7 EMERGENCY Service Ontime Reliable Plumbers Plumbers You Can Trust All Work Guaranteed 10% Pensioner Discount CALL NOW Lic No: 186648c *Renovations *Water Tanks YOU APPROVE THE PRICE $0 Blocked Drains CALL OUT* Hot Water *Booked In Jobs Only SAME DAY SERVICE* Burst Pipes *When you call before 10am PURE PLUMBING PROFESSIONALS PT Y LTD LIC #233302C 0400 691 691 e:thrivinglawns@gmail.com ELECTRICIANS KITCHEN RENOVATIONS DREAM DOORS AMAZING A M A Z I N G KITCHEN K I T C H E N FACELIFTS FACELIFTS 10 New Granite Benchtops Replace Doors & Drawers Australian Made - Made to Measure 0435 713 790 Call 0414 430 321 darren@darrenthesparky.com.au www.darrenthesparky.com.au WWWDREAMDOORSCOMAU ABN: 45 286 102 520 | Lic #: 254024C Solar Panels Power Points, Lighting, Phone, Data, TV Cabling Ceiling Fans, Smoke Detectors, House Rewire, Switchboards STUART: 0420 666 781 Est. since 1972 Blocked Drains Water Heaters Plumbing Repairs Taps & Toilets Emergency Repairs Gas 0418 241 414 set of 4 or 5 CLADDING Millington ELECTRICAL Derick: 0417 442 805 CERAMIC POTS 9456 0666 0412 035 656 All Electrical work, Phone & data, TV & Satellite, fully insured. Holland Blinds Vertical Drapes Roman Blinds Insect Screens L11719 BIRCHILL PLUMBING PERGOLAS DOORS REPAIRS MOST BRANDS Security Grills Cedar Venetians Venetian Blinds Security Doors Fabric/Aluminium Awnings 0412 268 104 / 9477 3663 info@andrewvannyplumbing.com.au Lic. 165090C Lic.No. 111586C Specialising in: ELECTRICAL & ANTENNAS BLINDS/SCREENS Fast, Reliable & Friendly Service Including – blocked sewers, storm water, leaking taps, hot water systems & all general plumbing. CHRIS BUNYAN SERVICE * SPARES * REPAIRS WASHERS - DRYERS VACUUM - D/WASHERS HORNSBY SPECIALIST Ph: 0400110081 CARPENTRY Graeme Shepherdson 9476 5094 ~ 9476 6848 PLUMBING CARPENTER & HANDYMAN ALL MAJOR BRANDS HOOVER ANDREW VANNY Domestic - Commercial - Industrial TV Antenna, phone and data, ovens & hotplates, rewires, lighting, data cabling and communications, main and switchboard upgrades, PROFESSIONAL RELIABLE AND COST EFFECTIVE SERVICE. 24 hour 7 day emergency service. Berowra Nursery & landscaping Supplies Authorised KLEENMAID Agent NORTHSIDE WASHER SERVICE 9457 9162 0418 679 596 Local Plumber Established in the area for 30 years SIMON CADDY ELECTRICAL Pty Ltd LANDSCAPING Chris Evans PLUMBING cont CARPENTERS 9943 1080 0416 099 186 ELECTRICAL & ANTENNAS LicNo.17899C 9457 8742 Mob 0418 204 197 ELECTRICIANS Lic 281485C Ben Miller BUILDERS Lic. 139559C ACCOUNTANTS Lic. 191933c THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY PAINTING KMK PAINTERS & DECORATERS FREE Colour consultancy Fully Insured Dulux Accredited 10% Pensioners Discount Call Kris: 0408 668 816 9476 1034 Lic No 212111c LICENSED PLUMBING Plumber Drainer Gasfitter Reliable service to the area since 1992 Gasfitting experts LPG, Natural gas. Blocked drain specialist Hot Water Backflow Camera inspections $0 Call out. -24 hrs - 7 days Lic #264283c Call Simon: 0412 41 45 41 Info.licensedplumbing@gmail.com Scott & Sons Plumbers Plumbing, Drainage & Gasfitting Blocked Drains Hot Water Heaters CCTV - Water Jetter Domestic, Commerical Industrial 24 hrs - 7 days 9482 9199 Lic. No: 141840c email: service@scottandsons.com.au GET LISTED ... in EASY FIND TRADIES’ GUIDE 02 9456 2880 List your business NOW Services AND and TRADES... Trades... cont’d SERVICES cont’d Find out HOW! EASY FIND 9456 2880 POOLS PARAMOUNT Pool Centre PUMPS NEW WORLD PUMPS Sales Service Repairs ALL BRANDS Regular Pool Cleaning Service Liquid Chlorine Delivery Service Free Home Deliveries* Maintenance And Installations Filters, Pumps, Heaters, Salt Chlorinators Liquid Chlorinators (Ask For Pink Addative) Pump And Motor Repairs All Repairs To Liquid And Salt Chlorinators Pool Cleaners: Legend, Truck, Baracuda-MX8, Jet Vac, Polaris and Marlin Sydney’s Best Prices... We Come To You Or Drive A Little Save A Lot Inhouse Internet Prices* 397 Blaxland Rd Ryde Denistone East Call Mel 9807 3600 established in 1974 Discounted Pool & Spa Chemicals, Pumps, Filters, Chlorinators, Maintenance and Repairs, Pool Cleaning, Pool Heating & Pool Renovation. Unit 1/67 Jersey St. Hornsby 9476 1088 hornsby@poolandspawarehouse.com.au www.poolandspawarehouse.com.au POOL FIREFIGHTING SUBMERSIBLE 5/1 MARINA CL, MT KURING-GAI 9457 6699 ROOFING BEROWRA ROOFING Lic: 12312c Roof Repairs Re-Ridging Replace Valley Irons Repairs to Metal Roofing Ph:0417 412 225 Thinking of ADVERTISING? 9456 2880 Children can be injured or killed by falling TVs H uge televisions are becoming more and more common in households, but there are a number of makes and models out there with less than rocksolid stands. Many children are still being injured and even killed by televisions toppling on top of them. Some reports state that, worldwide, a child is injured or killed by a falling TV every 30 minutes! Children under the age of seven seem to be at highest risk. All it takes is an inquisitive child to push on the front of the screen. With many modern LCD televisions, the TV will tip back then wobble forward to right itself – and can easily topple over on top of the child. “The best way to greatly reduce the risk is to have your TV secured to the wall or even wall-mounted,” said Tony from Tiger Antennas. “All televisions have four holes in the back for securing to a wallmount and, done the right way, those securing holes can be used to strap the TV to a wall. “The alternative is to have your TV wall-mounted. A wall-mounted TV not only looks great (and frees up space underneath) but it secures the TV from adventurous children.” Tiger Antennas, a small Hornsby-based company, specialises in fixing up TV reception issues, the free VAST satellite service and wall-mounting TVs. Their contact details are office: 9943 1080, mobile: 0416 099 186, website: www.tigerantennas.com.au LOCAL TIMBER SUPPLIER B T IM N L ER I A BERLIAN TIMBERS S BE R & HARDWARE FRE Loc E a De live l ry* OPEN 6 DAYS M-Fri 6:30am-4:30pm Sat 8:00am-2:00pm Free Local Delivery for orders over $500 Maple Kilndried Hardwood Treated Pine Plywood/M.D.F. Radiata Pine Builders Hardware 52 BEAUMONT RD, MT KURING-GAI Ph: 9457 0066 sales@berliantimbers.com.au Call WHEELER SKIP BINS THOMSON LANDSCAPE & GARDEN SUPPLIES P/L also trading as Also trading as BEROWRA SAND & SOIL for your next CLEAN UP! Wheeler Skip Bins is a family owned and operated business which has a local family history of over 50 year’s experience within the waste disposal industry. We provide 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 metre bins from Brooklyn Parramatta, Mosman and Northern Beaches. Fully insured our bins are ideal for home cleanups through to major builders’ waste. Look out for our blue and white trucks! Call Gary Campton on 0477 447 137 for our competitive prices and to book your bin. Mobile credit card and eftpos facilities available. BEROWRA SAND & SOIL OPEN www.thomsonlandscapesupplies.com.au 9457 8011 Mon-Fri: 7-5, Sat: 7-3, Sun: 8-11. ONLY SITUATED in the Industrial Area 44 Beaumont Rd, Mt Kuring-gaI an Australian owned, family business, in the local area since 1978 Thursday 10 March 2016 13 Classifieds FOR SALE ASQUITH QUALITY BEDS -ALL SIZES Don’t pay retail. Call and save. All beds sealed in plastic with Factory Guarantee.Ph. 9940 3961 ST LEOS BOYS JUNIOR SHIRTS size 10 short slv, size 12 long slv, $10 ea, mob - 0403 849 249 GARAGE SALES SAT 12 MAR, 9 - 3pm. 20 Amaroo Ave, Mt Colah. Huge Sale. Houshold items, building materials, toys etc BUILDING DESIGN & PLANS ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN P Adams, B.Arch, B.Des, MBA Tel 9456 5989. designempathy.com.au MODERN HOUSE DESIGN New modern house designs or extensions ph:0433781421 www. sumudesign.com SPOONER DESIGN & BUILDING MANAGEMENT New homes, renovations, heritage work. 9456 3848 spoonerdesign@kets. com.au WANTED TO BUY RECORDS, GUITARS old tools, china 9875 1767 WANTED KNOWN SEWING MACHINES Repairs to all brands of sewing machines & overlockers. Work done in your home for your convenience. 0412 584 145 COMPUTER SERVICES ALL COMPUTER ISSUES Internet, Hardware,Software, Networking. In home service. John 9456 1964 or 0414 400 401 MOVIE-FILM-VIDEOTAPE TO DVD/ DIGITAL CONVERSION Ph 9456 2851 or 0412 472 901 www.filmscan.com.au WORK WANTED ALL CARPENTRY Construction and repairs. Lic 148016c Simon Ph: 0402 652 668 ALL LANDSCAPING Steelscapes Landscaping - Landscape Consultation, garden renovations, sandstone work, paving, retaining walls, decking, maintenance, hedging Tim Steel 0410 895 065 steelscapes@live.com.au www.steelscapeslandscaping.com BRT SERVICES - HANDYMAN Ex Handyman Trainer. Work Guaranteed. One stop shop for all work needs. No job too small. Lic:249022c. Michael 0451 164 106 CARPENTRY & HOME REPAIRS Free Quotes. Ph Mark 0408 200 816. Lic #123316c. CLOCKS & INSTRUMENTS Prof. repairs, home visits, instrument maker. Ph 9476 5778 / 0409 131 808 14 GARDEN & LAWN MAINTENANCE Mowing, edging, weeding, hedging, pruning, rubbish removal. Fully insured, reasonable rates, Hammou 0421 166 762 GARDENING Beautify your garden by certified horticulturist for $38/hr. Call Norman Ph 0412 196 268 LAWPRA MOWING & MAINT. SERV Local, reg’d, insured. Ph 0403 775 567 PIANO TUNER - Technician professionally trained. All work guaranteed. Ray Clothier 9456 4632 or 0412 354 632 ROOF REPAIRS - 40 years experience, local, Lic:R62672, 0428 563 282 UPHOLSTERY Over 30 yrs exp. Ph Bryan 9476 6835 / 0414 913 883 CEMENT RENDERING/ GYPROCK SERVICES CEMENT RENDERING SERVICES Professional advice, quality work, any size house or project, all finishes & repair work. Since 1980 – call PLASTERFORCE 0418 286 567 or 9456 7800. PLASTERER/GYPROCK No Job Too Small. Ph Ray 0412 285 601 CLEANING BEROWRA & HORNSBY CLEANING Berowra to Hornsby. Ph Jan 9456 3834 BY GEORGE WINDOW CLEANING Reasonable rates, free quotes. Call George 0410 332 354 SQUEEGEE PETE WINDOW CLEANING Call Peter for a quote. Professional results at affordable prices 0416 179 213 or 9987 2659 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AT HOME WE EARN $2000 per week.Info pack www.wk-smart.com Ph Jenni 0414 777 072 DRIVING INSTRUCTION AFFORDABLE DRIVING LESSONS Text or Call Jordan at 0421 807 424 to book now. Automatic New Model Yaris. Book 10 lessons Save$$. ALL DAY DRIVING SCHOOL For local professional tuition in man & auto. Lic 012893. Phone Richard 0425 317 684. GOOD2GO DRIVING SCHOOL Auto, Lic 012237, Ph Darlene 0407 456 671 FENCING FENCING Pool, security, boundary, carports, renovations, excavations, driveways, shop fit-outs Ph Albert 0409 657 316 Lic: 133125c PAINTER SAM SUNG PAINTING & DECORATING New & repaint, int/ ext, free quotes, all work guaranteed Lic 223324c call now 0403 102 933 POSITIONS VACANT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR LOCAL STAFF? Advertise your job vacancies in the Bush Tele classifieds. We have the local audience, let us connect you with them. – only $4.50 per line CARPENTRY/BUILDING APPRENTICE REQUIRED Northshore Company. 0411 590 826 THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY MASSAGE THERAPIST wanted for busy physio practice, must be diploma trained & available Saturdays & afternoons. Email resume to berowraphysiotherapy@hotmail.com or call 9456 3322 RELIGIOUS NOTICES ANSWERED PRAYER I thank St Expeditus for answering immediate request to get contract for a new client. Prayers were answered. EDUCATION ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE of Achievement. MATHEMATICS 7-12, Ph 9456 3459. MATHEMATICS Home tuition from a qualified teacher & experienced tutor. Ph 0457 155 499 or chrishav2001@ yahoo.com.au MUSIC TUITION ALTO SAXOPHONE TUTORING HSC student teacher,Beginners & Intermediate only. Half price lessons, all ages. Berowra. Please Ph Natasha Mathams 0421 420 127 ANDREA MUSIC LESSONS FROM $15 We teach all ages from as little as 1 year old.Call me 9940 4083 or visit www.somethingmusical.com First lesson is FREE HALF PRICE GUITAR, BASS & SINGING LESSONS Recording studio avail. Exp. Pro. near Mt Kuringgai Station. 0431 385 216 www. retroman.com.au PIANO & MUSCIANSHIP TUITION Conservatorium accredited teacher. Exp. & friendly, all ages welcome. Lil Gourley ADMT 0409 302 277 PIANO & THEORY HORNSBY Exp & qualified teacher. All ages, all syllabuses Ph 9477 1379 PIANO TUITION Qualified exp. caring teacher. Beginners to Adv. Sue Norrington Ph 9456 3752 TAEKWONDO KID’S SUMMER PROGRAM Mick & Janelle Marr 9456 3934 PETS A SHANNY THE NANNY Call Shannon Ph 9457 9162 ANIMAL WALKING & MINDING Tailored care. Jess 0433 957 248. animalminding.net ARATAH DOG TRAINING Puppy & adult dog classes. Obedience & agility for beginners. Behaviour management.9456 4157 or 0421 028 219 BEAUTIFUL CREATURES Pet Minding Services. Colleen 0423 135 070. DESIGNER DOGS GROOMING Serving Hornsby area since 1995.Unit 5/113 Hunter St Hornsby (prev located Edgeworth David Ave)Ph 9482 5119 ELLE’S DOG MINDING at my home. Spoilt dogs welcome. Ph 9456 4010 KAT ‘N’ KAPOODLE DOG GROOMING SALON Friendly & prof. service. All breeds, local. Kathryn 0423 737 732 FOR HIRE A DJ with LIGHTS - 0416-188-108 CLASSIFIED ADS 4.50/line! $ www.thebushtele.com.au PUBLIC NOTICES 1800 000 640 telephone number is a complaints line enabling the public to report environmental concerns to a representative of Steggles Foods, Mt. Kuring gai regarding their premises at: 4-6 Mundowi Rd, Mt. Kuring-gai, NSW 2080 OP SHOP BARGAINS GALORE HEALTH, FITNESS & BEAUTY BEROWRA PHYSIOTHERAPY Pacific Hwy. Massage, back pain, sports injuries. Ph Jackie Walford 9456 3322 / 0414 925 477 HEALTH NATURALLY Dietary & lifestyle advice & support for many conditions. 0418 890 045 www.health-naturally.com.au HERBALIFE Products Ph 0425 252 364 / www.healthebiz.com.au NATUROPATH. CLINICAL NUTRITION. Grace Hamilton Natural Health. Kid’s health, reproductive health/fertility, autoimmunity, healthy aging & general health. Berowra & Hornsby. 1300 554 373. www. gracehamiltonnaturalhealth.com QIGONG TAI CHI FIRST CLASS FREE Anne 9985 9046. aemotty@ gmail.com $$ NEED A BROCHURE DELIVERY? CALL TODAY Phone 9456 2880 cars boats caravans trailers motorbikes Only Run it til’ U Sell it $38 for 12 weeks advertising CELEBRATING A CENTURY OF FAITH AND DIVERSIT Y Story & photos supplied by Bill Aitken FORD FOCUS 08 SERVICE HISTORY, Maintained ext/int condition, Zippy/economical to run, 117,800km, 5 gear, Mechanically sound; new bat, break pads, wheel bearings. CC, B/T, A/W, P/S, RCL, Airbags, EBD & ABS Breaks & so much more! Call: 0404407111. $8500ono 2009 HOLDEN BERLINA SEDAN In very good condition, deceased estate. 90000km. Registered until October. $11,000. BK51CZ. Ph:0438 349 041 1999 VOLKSWAGEN PASSAT 2,8 V66 VW Passat,Tipton on if auto (top of range), very good condition for it’s age. 145k km, full options AC (climate control),Power steering,power windows,sunroof. Leather interior, air bags,$3,500 ono Ph: 0402 440 900 TRIUMPH SPEED MASTER 2008 Fuel injected, runs good, good tyres, 29,600 Kms $8000 ono. Must sell. Ralph 0422 336 018 ONE OWNER Low kms, under warranty, 5 door hatch, manual, 1.3 Yaris YR, silver fog lights, HD lights & bonnet protector. Plus weathershields, roof bars - rhino rack, Protec under sealed, Haynes manual, Mccarroll Plus L.A. Me maintained. BW42ZH $12,000 neg. 9456 3619 or 0435 832 111. BMW 2 DOOR COUPE 323i M Spec, 6 speed auto, low kms 68000, silver/ red interior, beautiful condition 10mths Rego. $26,000. Ph 0427 720 225 car•boat•caravan•motorbike? Sell it with us only $38 for 12 weeks 9456 2880 t is 100 years since the Waitara Roman Catholic Parish – Our Lady of the Rosary was founded on 13 March, 1916. The new Parish was excised from the Parish of Pymble and stretched from Cockle Creek in the south to the Hawkesbury River and included the areas of Normanhurst, Waitara, Hornsby through to Berowra and Brooklyn. Over its 100 years the church has offered a diverse range of Ministries and activities to an equally diverse congregation. Along with being a Focus for Faithful Parishioners from a wide range of countries and ethnic backgrounds including: Europe, Scandinavia, the Americas, Africa, Pacific Islands, India, Philippines and Korea, the Parish has always offered early childhood and Primary Catholic Education to its community. In 1897, the Sisters of Mercy established an Orphanage or Foundling Home and in the following year a wooden school/church was opened. With population growth it was quickly evident that a new Church was needed and in 1908 His Eminence Cardinal Moran laid a Foundation Stone for a new brick Church on Peats Ferry Road (now the Pacific Highway) at Waitara. The Church has always been the social pulse of its Community and at various times in its history has fielded teams in local Cricket and Tennis Competitions. In the 1930’s members of the Parish formed a Concert Party Group which performed at events both locally and across Sydney. The Parish also held regular Dances and Debutante Balls and in the 1940’s and ‘50’s even had its own Scout troop. YOU ARE INVITED … Memories of its rich history will be recalled in a special Mass, photographic exhibition and morning tea to be held from 9.30am on Sunday, 13 March at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral Church, Yardley Avenue, Waitara. Present parishioners and Members of the Clergy, including a number of former Parish Priests, look forward to welcoming special guests from the local community. Past Parishioners and anyone with a connection with the Parish are especially welcome to celebrate this important milestone in the Parish’s history. For further information call the Cathedral Parish Office on 9483 2300 or email: hornsbyparish@dbb.org.au. Photo (above): The former Church and Foundling Home; (right): Enjoying playtime at OLOR Primary School in the 1950s. LOCAL LAWN & GARDEN CARE SERVICE ... Whip Blow Mow and Away I go HOLDEN ASTRA CDTi 2008 Diesel, 78,000kms, Red, Oct 2016 Rego, BHF95A, $8,500 ono 0407 202 973 or 0417 419 669 Trying to sell your I KIA GRAND CARNIVAL 08 AUTO EX 3.8Ltr i, V6, 5sp, 125,000 Klm. Sept 2016 rego/Service book/8 Seater/ A/C /8 Airbags/Power win (tinted) ABS/Power steering. $12,900 ono.Carlos 0414772625 or Helen 0410 669 625 JOSH BROUGHTON of Asquith knows that his customers want a lawn and garden service that’s fast, efficient and on time every time. Fully insured, Josh’s lawn and garden service includes gutter cleaning, tree lopping and hedge trimming. He even has a ride-on mower for those bigger jobs. “I like to keep the locals happy with my reliable service and reasonable prices,” said Josh (pictured above). Whip Blow Mow and Away I Go services domestic and commercial clients. For a free quote, phone Josh 0431 904 765. Thursday 10 March 2016 15 Experts In All Foot and Leg BLAST from the PAST PAIN Adults And Children NEW PRACTICE Leg pain, Knee pain, Shin splints, Sports injuries, Back pain, Tinea, Ingrown toenails, Corns, Calluses, Diabetics, Warts, Heel pain, Plantar fasciitis, Heel spurs, Growing Pains. Gait analysis, all kinds of orthotics, footwear advice. WE TREAT HEEL PAIN Call 9482 2227 for an appointment 519 Pacific Hwy (opp McDonalds) Mt Colah NSW 2079 www.completefeetpodiatry.com.au Matt Kean MP Member for Hornsby Keen to Help you by • • • • • Representing you in the NSW Parliament Assisting you to access State services Communicating your issues to the relevant Ministers Organising Justice of the Peace applications Recognising State achievements Contact Matt (02) 9476 3411 hornsby@parliament.nsw.gov.au PO Box 1687, Hornsby Westfield NSW 1635 matt_keanmp facebook.com/mattkeanmp The words Reduce, Reuse, Recycle are familiar to us all and there are many ways each of us responds to them today. This newspaper cutting (above) from The Advocate of April 10th, 1940 invites its readers to save paper, medicine bottles, rags and surplus goods. They will be collected and used or converted into cash for the needs of the Hornsby & District Hospital, which was very much supported by the community. Extensive collection drives were carried out during these years for the war effort involving everyone from householders to young boy scouts. Note the phone number! Thanks to Berowra Living History for this Blast from the Past. Visit: www.berowralivinghistory.com for more on this and other topics. Asquith Rugby League Club – 11-37 Alexandria Parade, Waitara. www.magpieswaitara.com.au (Book early through Reception) Phone 9487 1066
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