CK Detroit 9-27-15
CK Detroit 9-27-15
The Broadcast 20800 Grand River Avenue Detroit, Michigan 48219 Christ the King Parish OUR PARISH MISSION We are Christ the King Parish, a richly diverse Christian Community in Northwest Detroit. We are on a journey of Discipleship with Jesus, seeking conversion, reconciliation and renewal. We reach out in welcome to all the people within our neighborhood, proclaiming the good News of Christ the King, building community, celebrating together, serving one another’s needs and the needs of all our neighbors. Incredible Blessings I know many of us have been fortunate to have had some time away, perhaps, to a special place, to visit distant family and friends, or simply to bask in the sun for a few lazy summer days. As we enter into this wonderful season of autumn, I hope and pray all of us can savor the cooler nights, the changing colors of the leaves and the distinctive tastes and smells of this season’s harvest of all the fruits that this past summer’s crops have yielded. In every season, we praise and thank God. Stewardship News Back in early summer, the leadership of our parish met in special sessions to consider and decide the course we would take to address several significant facility issues facing the parish and our school. Those included repairs to roofs, various and necessary drainage and structural repairs, and the complete remediation and restoration of the oldest structure on our campus, Marshke Hall. All of these amounted to sums of money and resources that could tax us beyond our means. However, with the resources on hand due to the good stewardship always displayed by our parish, much creativity, several generous donations, and a will to maintain our mission and the valuable services offered to the community here at Christ the King, our leadership set forth a plan to resolve the problems. Here is a quick update on some of the projects: �� The roofs on the gym and Marshke Hall are replaced �� New security doors at the main entrance to the school and school office are installed �� Mold remediation and restoration work in the school is complete �� The installation of a new and state-of-the-art fire alarm system for the school is near completion �� Rainwater drainage diversion from the gutters around the church, rectory and school is in process �� Remediation and restoration of Marshke Hall is scheduled to proceed (Please see Fr. Clore’s letter inserted with this Broadcast.) Thank you to all who have contributed time, talent and treasure to accomplishing this work! If and when you may be able to make an additional contribution to specifically fund these building improvements, please use the attached envelope and drop it in the collection basket. Faith Formation/Religious Education News Religious Education Classes for children in the 1st through 7th grades are set to begin on Sunday, October 4th. Registration is available at the table set up in the hall during coffee hour. If you have not yet registered your children, please consider doing this today. Or, you can contact me at the parish office during the week. Classes will be held every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at 9:30 am. We are very blessed to have a team of Catechists who are dedicated to support parents in fostering the growth of their children’s faith. Kathy McEvoy and Justin Schaefer will instruct the 1st-4th grades, Theresa Gordon will instruct the 5th-7th grades and provide formation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation; Kathy and Mary Jo McEvoy will prepare our 2nd grade children for First Holy Communion; and Rick Joseph will meet and work with our September 27, 2015 8th grade and other teen candidates as they journey through the year toward the Sacrament of Confirmation. Sister Fiorentina will meet with parents before and during the classes to guide and empower them to assist our Catechists with the lessons and projects to be completed by the family at home. Vatican II stated the goals of religious education as nourishing “a faith that is living, conscious and active.” Michelle Lewis, our Faith Formation Commission Chairperson, and I are looking forward to this year as we work together with our parents to educate our children in the ways of our faith so that they may meet Christ in our church, in their schools and in all they encounter. Please pray for all involved in this effort as we continue to minister to our children and families that, empowered by the Holy Spirit, we will foster “a faith that is living, conscious and active.” The Christ the King Youth Group gathered earlier this month for our annual “End of Summer” cookout, and Youth Ministry is off to a great start with many new faces and great energy. We are grateful to all the adults who helped make this a fun (and delicious) evening. We welcome any 8th-12th grade student to join the Teen Disciples of Christ the King. We have some great activities scheduled for the upcoming year and, in fact, we will meet this evening from 6-8 pm in the basement of the rectory – all are invited! It is going to be a busy and exciting year for our parish and school and we can depend on graces given us to accomplish many great things. For all these incredible blessings, we praise and thank God! Peace. Deacon Joe Page 2 Christ the King Parish Grand River at Burt Road Rectory 16805 Pierson…………………………313-532-1211 School 16800 Trinity…………………………..313-532-1213 Parish website St. Christine Christian Services 15317 Dacosta at Fenkell………………313-535-7272 Siena Literacy…………………….…...313-532-8404 Mrs. Donna Nesbitt……… The Education Experience at St. Vincent & Sarah Fisher Ms. Diane Renaud……………………..313-535-9200 Pastoral Staff Rev. Victor Clore, Pastor…...… Deacon Joe Urbiel……… 248-910-0490 Mrs. Maureen Northrup...…Christian Service Outreach Ms Nicole Evans………………….…..Office Manager or Mrs. Andi Kovach ………………………Bookkeeping Mrs. Rosanne Jodway………………………...Principal Parish Council Elected Members: Judy Bruttell…………..……………..…Council Chair Nicole Evans, Suzie Groenenboom, Pam Swift, Johnny Swift, Martha Cooney, Mark Barkey, Sr. Maureen Mulcrone Commissions Debbie MacDonald………………..Christian Service Carole Ann Beaman…………………...……Worship Ron Hildebrandt……………………...…Stewardship Michelle Lewis……………………...Faith Formation Michele Rochester……………….....Finance Council Lois Phillips……………………….….Evangelization Bob Bruttell & Ron Eady…………………..Inclusion St. Vincent dePaul………...…………313-535-7272 Liturgy Schedule Sunday…………………………….………10:45am Wednesday and Friday……………………..8:30am Religious Education First & Third Sunday ……………….9:30-10:30am Becoming Catholic Adults, Children, Youth: If you are interested in becoming a member of the Catholic faith or learning more about the Catholic Church, the Adult Catechumenate will prepare you for this decision. Please call the Parish Office if you would like more information. Infants: Baptism is the public celebration of the beginning of life in the Church. At the celebration of Baptism, parents publicly affirm their decision to raised their child in the faith of the church. To make arrangements for your infant to be baptized, please contact the Parish Office. Pre-Baptismal classes for parents and godparents are necessary, held as arranged with families. Holy Eucharist and Confirmation Preparation Call the Parish Office…………………..313-532-1211 Other Sacraments Reconciliation………………….……By Appointment Anointing of the sick…………………..313-532-1211 Marriage Call the parish office; 6 months preparation Please let an usher know if you would like to receive Communion at your pew. CHRIST THE KING Mass Intentions Sunday September 27 , 2015 10:45am David G. Afton By Deacon Joe & Clarice Urbiel Pamela J. Williams & Juanita M. Williams By Kathleen Newell Monday ~ No Mass Tuesday 9am at SS/OLGH Wednesday CHRIST THE KING 8:30am Jean Hawn By Christ the King Staff Thursday 9am at SS/OLGH Friday CHRIST THE KING 8:30am Norma McMillan By Christ the King Staff Saturday ~ No Mass Sunday October 4, 2015 10:45am Harold Serviss By Carolina Serviss David G. Afton By Kathleen Newell Coffee Hour is sponsored today by Lily Sturkol ANYONE can sponsor Coffee Hour! Please take a look at our Coffee Hour sign up sheet in Koelzer Hall near the coffee pots. See if there is a Sunday YOU can sponsor. We are always happy to assist first time sponsors. You need not prepare a big meal. Coffee and pastries or bagels is fine. We encourage everyone to take a turn so that the Sunday coffee Hour prep does not always land on the same people. Thanks for stepping up! FOOD FOR THE JOURNEY 9/27 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Nm 11:25-29, Jas 5:1-6, Mk 9:38-43, 45,47-48 Mon 9/28 Zec 8:1-8, Lk 9:46-50 Tue 9/29 Ps 138:1-5, Jn 1:47-51 Wed 9/30 Neh 2:1-8, Lk 9:57-62 Thu 10/1 Ps 19:8-11, Lk 10:1-12 Fri 10/2 Bar 1:15-22, Mt 18:1-5,10 Sat 10/3 Ps 69:33-37, Lk 10:17-24 10/4 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Gn 2:18-24, Ps 128:1-6, Mk 10:2-16 This Week: Sun 9/27 10:45am Mass & Coffee Hr. Blessing of Commissions Fortunate Families Meeting following Mass 6pm Youth Group Mon 9/28 REVIVE! Tue 9/29 9am Mass at SS/OLGH 6pm Altar Servers Training 7pm Lectors Training Wed 9/30 8:30 am Mass at CK 6pm Eucharistic & Table Minister Training 7pm Minister of Service Thu 10/1 9am Mass at SS/OLGH 7pm Stewardship Fri 10/2 8:30am Mass at CK Sat 10/3 9am Liturgy Planning Parents! If you have not yet signed your children up for Religious Education, please see Michelle Lewis in Koelzer Hall after Mass TODAY. Classes start on October 4, 9:30am and will be every 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month. Liturgical Ministries For NEXT Sunday October 4, 2015 Lector: Cathy Sharp & Chet McCleod Servers: Khairi Simon, Lauryn Miller & Joshua Webb Liturgy of the Word for Children Rick Joseph Serving at the Table of the Lord Genny Singleton Ministers of Service Trevor Lile and Carmaletta Compton The Wisdom of Pope Francis I see the church as a field hospital after battle. It is useless to ask a seriously injured person if he has high cholesterol and about the level of his blood sugars! You have to heal his wounds. Then we can talk about everything else. Heal the wounds, heal the wounds. And you have to start from the ground up. Interview with Antonio Spadaro, S.J., editor in chief of La Civilta Cattolica, August-September 2013 Page 3 CHRIST THE KING Sun 4 9am St.Vincent dePaul 9:30AM Religious Ed Confirmation Class 10:45am Mass Mass of Anointing 11 10:45am Mass 5 Mon REVIVE 12 REVIVE 26 REVIVE 18 9:30AM Religious Ed 19 REVIVE 10:45am Mass 6pm Youth Group 25 10:45am Mass Egg Roll Sunday Flu Shot Day 14 8:30am Mass CK 7 NO MASS 8:30am Living Rosary Wed 7pm Choir Fri 2 8:30am Mass 9 NO MASS 3 Sat 9am Liturgy Planning 10:30am Memorial Mass For Richard Chodkiewicz 10 17 24 31 12 Noon Egg Roll Prep Koelzer Hall Men’s Retreat 29 9am Mass SS/OLGH 30 8:30am Mass CK 7pm Parish Council Choir 22 9am Mass SS/OLGH 23 8:30am Mass CK 7pm Choir 15 9am Mass SS/OLGH 16 8:30am Mass CK with students 6pm Evangelization 7pm Worship Choir 8 NO MASS 7pm Stewardship Choir 1 9am Mass SS/OLGH Thu October 2015 Tue 6 9am Mass SS/OLGH 13 NO MASS 20 9am Mass SS/OLGH 21 8:30am Mass CK 27 9am Mass SS/OLGH 28 8:30am Mass CK Christ the King Serves At St. Christine Soup Kitchen ANNUAL CHARITY BALL OCTOBER 17, 2015 PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT Christ the King School OR CALL – (734)632-0334 TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM: MAUREEN KELLY/CHRIST THE KING SCHOOL ONLY $50.00 PER PERSON OR $400.00 PER TABLE (OF EIGHT) MUSIC PROVIDED BY “THE COACHMEN” 9:00PM – DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY 8:30PM – HIBERNIANS OF THE YEAR AWARDS 7:30PM – DINNER 6:30PM – COCKTAIL HOUR (OPEN BAR) 5:30PM – MASS AT ST. AIDAN’S ACTIVITY CENTER LIVONIA - BETWEEN 6 & 7 MILE ROADS 52 nd STEPHEN J. WALSH DIVISION ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS Egg Rolls Sunday October 25 Flu Shots Page 4 CHRIST THE KING CHRIST THE KING Home Visitors of Mary Annual Fundraising Gala Honoring Mrs. Carla Cole-Green Mr. John Clements Ms. Marjorie Gabriel-Burrows October 4, 2015 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm Sacred Heart Seminary Tickets are $75.00 and are available in the office Dinner, Dancing, Silent Auction Surprises! Page 5 Ancient Order of Hibernians Stephen J. Walsh Division 52nd ANNUAL CHARITY BALL OCTOBER 17, 2015 Liturgy Planning Saturday, October 3 9-11am This time our Liturgy Planning session will be held a little earlier than usual so that we can attend the Memorial Mass for Richard Chodkiewicz. Please join us over coffee to discuss the Liturgies for the next 7 Sundays. We will meet in our usual teams of 2 and pray over the Scripture for one Sunday. Then we will FALL IS IN THE AIR!! gather as one group to listen to one Fall is a beautiful season full of color another’s ideas. We hope you will consider joining us. We are sure and crisp fresh air. A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is you will want to come again! like autumn because it’s a weekend full of fresh air, new beginnings and a time to rejoice in the beauty of your marriage and family. It’s a great is here! time to rekindle communication and These books are a great bargain! enjoy a weekend away. Only six dollars for all the readings for the coming Liturgical UPCOMING 2015 DATES: Year. These are the same books October 23-25 Holiday Inn Express, Troy we use for Liturgy Planning, and Dec 4-6 Holiday Inn Express, Troy thinking ahead, they also make GREAT Christmas Gifts. Apply online at, email [ ] or Only $6.00 phone Pat & Kelly Duda at ALSO 888-322-9963. Lector Workbooks are in. The THE CROSS AND RESURRECTION cost is $11.50. These books are valuable tool for all lectors. See IN THE DAILY EVENTS OF LIFE andi or Nicole to purchase your copy. Monday, October 5 (9 AM - 3 PM) Come to Capuchin Retreat and be 3 Bedroom Brick Ranch for Rent! inspired to deepen your spiritual life River Rouge Park Subdivision through a better understanding of off W. Chicago, one block west of this foundation: Cross and ResurrecEvergreen tion. Each moment of life becomes a $700 a Month plus Utilities Cross when we have to embrace what �� 3 Bedrooms/1 Bathroom is before us. But it also becomes an �� New roof, carpet, kitchen flooring & interior paint immediate Resurrection! Presented by Fred Cavaiani, Psychologist and �� Upgraded electrical, full house alarm w/ monitoring Marriage Counselor. This program �� Galley kitchen with breakincludes a continental breakfast and fast bar. lunch. Be sure to leave enough time �� Large finished rec room in to enjoy our beautiful grounds. Sugbasement gested offering is $45 per person. To �� Huge backyard, quiet block, register, call 248.651.4826 or online: Schools and shopping nearby. Call for appointment 313-300-7414 We are excited to report that our friends at the Ancient Order of Hibernians has selected our school as one of the beneficiaries of this year’s Charity Ball. You can help out by purchasing a ticket to the Ball for $50.00 by notifying the school office. You can reserve a table of 8 if you like. Another way to help is to purchase an ad. All ads appear in the booklet handed out on the evening of the event. Prices range from $0. to $150. depending on size. If this is not for you, consider being a patron. For only $5.00 your one line of text will be included in the booklet. See Nicole, andi or stop in then School office for more information. He’s Baaaack! Our U of M Football Monkey He has 2 tickets to the U of M vs Northwestern Football game on October 10, at 3:30pm. The face value of the 2 tickets is $150.00. As of today, the high bid is $100.00 As much as we love our little monkey, we would love to see him find a new home with the U of M fan who makes the highest bid for the monkey and his tickets. If you would like to place a bid, please see andi or Nicole or call/ email the parish office. If you have never been to the “Big House” this could be your chance of a lifetime! We look forward to hearing from you!