RICS representa profissionalismo no setor imobiliário


RICS representa profissionalismo no setor imobiliário
RICS representa profissionalismo
no setor imobiliário
RICS - visão
Ser reconhecida nos principais mercados
em todo o mundo como a principal
organização, que define ,aplica as
normas profissionais e oferece acesso
ao status profissional mais procurado –
' a marca de profissionalismo de
propriedade em todo o mundo '
Principais requisitos de uma profissão
requisitos de
normatizações e
condições de entrada
política e aplicação
O que é
uma profissão?
regras éticas e
padrões profissionais
Interesse público – não
para obter vantagens
dos membros
O papel da RICS
RICS - missão:
Elevar e definir padrões sobre terrenos, propriedades e no âmbito da
construção, assim como, valorizar a utilidade da profissão para o bem
Inteligência de Mercado:
Rede de mais de 160.000 profissionais em 146 países no mundo todo
17 especialidades incluindo: comercial; avaliação; residencial;
gerenciamento de facilities. levantamento de quantidade; construção;
planejamento; setor público
RICS- normas & orientação:
Estabelece normas profissionais claras (garantias) e as mais recentes
orientações para membros RICS no mundo todo
RICS – produtos de economia e pesquisa:
RICS – pesquisa global de mercado
RICS - pesquisa de prospecção / PPP psequisa para apoiar a
Comunidade de investidores, desenvolvedores, planejadores e
Por que a indústria de propriedade é importante
para a sociedade?
Habitação e moradia para a indústria e comércio
Armazenamento de riqueza para os investidores e ocupantes
Cerca de 70% da riqueza global
A construção utiliza cerca de 60% de todos os materiais utilizados
60% da energia é utilizada no aquecimento e manutenção de
Edifícios são responsáveis por cerca de 40% das emissões de
Forças que dão forma ao nosso mundo
Volumes inter-regionais mais do que o dobro ano a ano atingindo
U$65bilhões in H1 2011
RICS Futures “Just Imagine”
Built Environment:
Exploring the Driving Forces of Change
• Society and Culture
• Technology and Innovation
• Economics and Finance
• Environment and Ethics
• Politics and Governance
“Information is a monster that feeds off itself, while starving us of meaning, knowledge and wisdom.” (T.S. Eliot)
Society and Culture
• Cross disciplinarity, networks and systems
• Global youth and young talent
• Migration, diversity and mobility
• The ‘experience environment’
• New players, new sectors and new places and
“He who does not trust enough, will not be trusted”
(Lao Tzu)
Economics and Finance
• Property as a physical and functional asset
• Attractiveness of second- and third-tier cities
• Growth of global corporations
• Movement from quantity to quality
• New period of unprecedented global development
“In a country well governed poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed wealth is something to be ashamed of”
(Confucius, 5th Century BC)
Environment and Ethics
• Social worth and social responsibility
• Urbanisation challenge to planners and developers
• Risk management and competition
• Green buildings and environmental performance
• Trust, responsibility and judgement
“A little rebellion now and then is a good thing” (Thomas Jefferson)
Politics and Governance
• Transparency and accountability
• Internationalisation and partnership
• Property as a ‘people’ business
• New metrics for a new era
• Leadership and futuring
“It is not the answer that enlightens but the question” (Eugène Ionesco)
Technology and Innovation
• Convergence, change and connectivity
• Automation and augmentation
• Prefabrication, customisation and lean construction
• Greater use of GIS
• Transition to cloud computing
• Social networks, research and consultancy
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world” (Arthur Shopenhauer)
All of these drivers will impact FM
Trends to watch
• increasing polarity in the provision of consultancy services towards
the large multi-disciplinary firm and the small niche specialist
• less space per capita for occupiers
• rising costs of travel and transportation
• greater environmental regulation
• greater interconnectivity between home, car and office
• office market becoming disaggregated
• retail more polarised between leisure and convenience
• confluence of information and communications systems
integrating smart materials, smart tools driving innovation - and
creating smarter buildings
RICS: Estabelecedora de normas internacionais
Mais de 160.000 membros trabalhando em146 países no mundo
todo, já reconheceram a importância de assegurar o status da RICS
Membros da RICS cobrem o ciclo de vida de toda a propriedade
Principais funções da organização
• Compartilhar conhecimento e promover melhores práticas
• Fornecer um network global
• Regulamentar a profissão
• Assessorar na questões de política pública
• Pesquisar questões chave e realizar análises econômicas
A principal questão dos negócios, sociedade, governos &
P: Onde podemos encontrar um conselho seguro no
mercado global?
Clientes – Bancos – Investidores – Governos – Reguladores – O Público
A necessidade de normas internacionais
para terreno, imóvel e contrução
O setor imobiliário está constantemente mudando e
respondendo aos novo desafios
Normas profissionais precisam ser consideradas e
responderem em conformidade com o contexto global
A RICS e suas normas são reconhecidas
internacionalmente como padrão ouro para profissionais
que trabalham nas áreas de terrenos, imóveis e construção
A RICS elabora normas internacionais e orientações para
os membros que trabalham pelo mundo
RICS – Grupos profissionais
• A principal função dos grupos profissionais RICS é desenvolver normas técnicas,
oferecer orientação profissional e informações aos seus associados
Built Environment
- Building Control
- Project Management;
- Geomatics
- Rural
- Arts & Antiques
- Building Surveying;
- Quantity Surveying & Construction
- Environment; Minerals & Waste
- Planning & Development
- Dispute Resolution;
- Machinery
- Commercial;
- Facilities Management
- Residential;
- Management Consultancy
- Valuation
• Member compliance is monitored through arms-length regulation
RICS - Padrões globais incluem….
• RICS Valuation Standards
• RICS Quantity Surveying & Construction Standards
• RICS Real Estate & Agency Brokerage Standards
• RICS Facilities Management Standards
November 2011
Launch RICS Brasil
April 2011
October 2011
identifying eminent
market leaders
Commence local
RICS member
group activity
Brasil country
manager to be
Starting 2012
Develop RICS events, training
and new member
Our role in Facilities Management
• Standards
• Raising professionalism of the FM sector
• Providing products that practitioners need
• Thought leadership
Standards in Facilities Management
Other topics planned:
•Building maintenance
•Managing Risk
Working with universities
• RICS has already accredited 28 courses worldwide in
Europe, Asia and the Pacific in the field of Facilities
• Now working to identify universities across Latin America
to partner with to ensure supply of trained professionals
Professionalising FM Campaign
• A case study from the United Kingdom
Professionalising FM Campaign
SEP 2010
OCT 2010
JAN 2011
MAY 2011
JUL 2011
Professionalising FM
Press Launch
Total Workplace
Professionalising FM
• FM Academy
• FM opinion poll survey
• Live panel debate
FM Survey Results
Facilities Show
FM Roundtable
A new drive to help
FM professionals
demonstrate their
role in improving
strategic business
Results of FM opinion
poll survey completed by
141 Facilities
professionals published
and issued to press
Speaker slot showcasing
Professionalising FM
Panel of 6 to debate
FM sector leadership
for a feature in FMX in
September 2011
RICS qualifications and standards guarantee the
world’s highest level of professionalism and strategic
FM expertise
Professionalising FM Campaign
Positive coverage
What people are saying
• FMX magazine
• RICS column in PFM
• FM World
• i-FM
• bifm.org.uk
The link between FM and property is an
extremely important one which RICS is
uniquely placed to provide
David Emanuel, Managing Director i-FM
I think RICS is the correct route for FMs
to go if they want to get a professional
chartered status. BIFM is for the ‘less
qualified’ masses
Martin Pickard, FM Guru
FM has little or no representation and no
recognition but now the tide is turning
Jason Choy, FMA Young Manager’s
RICS FM Industry Audit 2011
Summary of Findings - Perceptions of the FM sector
• Dramatic change in pace in the industry in last 10-15 years
• In a climate of budget cuts strategic FMs can add value to business by driving efficiency
• Sustainability seen as a opportunity for FMs linking to their expertise in managing workplace
• Blurred lines exist between operational and strategic FM - No clear career path
• FM roles are not clearly understood and their value is poorly communicated to business
• FM is not considered an appropriate label for professionals working in workplace/infrastructure
“A lack of professionalism is the
big issue. People don’t
understand the value of FM.
I think we struggle with the
definition of what FM is and how
to communicate its value”
“Sustainability is a big challenge,
the implications of carbon
emissions over the lifetime of a
building and the impact of
changes to the desk space
environment on your carbon
Helping FM professionals
• Training
• Ska Rating
• Research
What is Ska Rating?
Ska is a standard method for environmental impact assessment and certification of fit-out,
refurbishment and retrofit projects in non-domestic buildings
Ska is not a whole building assessment method, it scores individual projects within buildings
irrespective of the base build
In a nutshell, “the flexible assessment method for green fit-out projects”
By industry – for industry
Research commissioned by Skansen
managed by RICS. Lead consultants
Steering group formed 2008
CoreNet Global Leadership award 2009;
AIS award 2009
Launched November 2009
Three stage assessment process
Latest Research
Why RICS ?
-leading provider of professional
guidance, research and training
-providing understanding of how to
perform work in a professional manner
-internationally recognized standards
-helps to provide a skilled workforce
- provides benchmarks for
professionalism, ethics and a framework
for best practice.
Alguns dentre nosso sêniors membros em São Paulo
Prof. Dr. João da Rocha Lima Jr. FRICS, Professor Titular de
Imobiliária, Principal NRE Research Group, Escola
Politécnica da USP
Celina M. Albuquerque Antunes FRICS, CEO América do Sul,
Cushman & Wakefield
Rodrigo Abbud FRICS, Sócio Diretor da VBI Imobiliária
Membros trabalham nos setores público e privado
Empregadores desde
pequenas empresas e do
governo local para as
maiores organizações do
Membros qualificados recebem uma das três designações:
FRICS – Fellow of RICS (Participante da RICS)
A designação da RICS de prestígio, para uma carreira de
conquistas significativas
MRICS – Membro da RICS
Uma especialização distinta e padrões de experiência
AssocRICS – Associado da RICS
Demonstração de capacidade técnica pela equipe de apoio