St. Mary`s Catholic Church St. Mary`s Catholic Church Iglesia


St. Mary`s Catholic Church St. Mary`s Catholic Church Iglesia
17th Sunday of O.T. / 17 Domingo de T.O.
26 July/Julio, 2015
St. Mary’s Catholic Church
Católica Santa
2211 East
East Lakeview
Lakeview Drive
Johnson City,
City, TN
TN 37601
423 282
282 6367
Father Peter Iorio, Pastor
Fr. Jesús Guerrero, Associate Pastor
Deacon George Fredericks
Deacon Mike Jacobs
Deacon Rich Carner
Parish Staff
Sue Hinderlider
Dolores Fredericks
Judy Holt
Stephanie Mann
Maureen Raible
Laura Duncan
Susan Phillips
Randi McKee
Pastoral Associate
Director of Music and Liturgy
Children’s Faith Formation
Parish Youth Ministry
Parish Nurse
Parish Secretary
School Principal
Maintenance Supervisor
Our Mission
Nuestra Misión
“St Mary’s Catholic Church
in Johnson City, Tennessee
gathers as a diverse and
Eucharistic community
baptized in Jesus Christ
to proclaim the Gospel.
We celebrate the sacraments
and serve our community
through works of compassion
love and mercy.”
“La Iglesia Católica Santa Maria,
en Johnson City, Tennessee, se
congrega como una comunidad
Eucarística diversa y acogedora,
bautizada en Jesucristo
para proclamar el Evangelio.
Celebramos los sacramentos y
servimos a nuestra comunidad
mediante obras de compasión,
amor y misericordia”.
Church Office Hours
Horas de Oficina de la Iglesia
Lunes a Jueves:
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
School Office Hours
Horas de Oficina de la Escuela
Monday-Friday/Lunes a Viernes: 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM
6:00-7:00 PM
9:00-10:00 AM
Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas
8:30 AM, 5:00 PM Vigil/Vigilia
8:00 & 10:00 AM English
12:00 PM español
Monday-Friday/Lunes a Viernes: 7:00 & 8:30 AM
A Rosary is said every day after the 8:30 Mass
Rosario diario después de la Misa de 8:30
Nursery available during 5, 10 and 12 Mass
Guardería disponible durante las Misas de 5, 10 y 12
Bulletin Deadline
Plazo para el Boletín
Friday at 1:00 pm for the bulletin to be published 8 days later.
Send your announcements to
Viernes a las 1:00 de la tarde para el boletín que se publica 8
días después.
Mande sus anuncios a
The Week Ahead / La Semana Anticipada
Mass Intentions / Intenciones Para Misas
26 July/Julio - 1 August/Agosto
Sunday/Domingo 7/26
5:00 pm
July Holy Hour
Hora Santa de Julio
Monday/Lunes 7/27
6:00 pm Art Class (Basement)
6:00 pm CRSP (Art Room)
6:30 pm 8:00 Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)
7:15 pm Cursillo Men’s Group (Day Chapel)
Tuesday/Martes 7/28
9:00 am Tuesday Morning Coffee (Church Kitchen)
4:00 pm Cursillo Women’s Group ((Day Chapel)
6:00 pm Parish Council (Conference Room)
6:30 pm Latin Mass Choir Rehearsal (Church)
Wednesday/Miércoles 7/29
9:00 am Youth Ministry (Basement)
9:30 am St Mary’s Ladies Group (Kitchen)
10:00 am Women in the Gospels Bible Study (Conference
4:00 pm Healing Ministry (Conference Room)
5:00 pm Assessment Committee (Church Kitchen)
6:30 pm Journey (Church Kitchen)
6:30 pm 10:00 Choir Rehearsal (Church)
6:30 pm Standards of Excellence (Conference Room)
Thursday/Jueves 7/30
10:00 am Divine Mercy Prayer Cenacle (Church Kitchen)
6:00 pm Knight’s of Columbus (St Anne’s Hall)
6:30 pm RCIA (School)
7:00 pm 5:00 Choir Rehearsal (Church)
Friday/Viernes 7/31
9:00 am
3:00 pm
Saturday/Sábado 08/01
St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry (Church Kitchen)
Despensa de Alimentos SVDP (Cocina de la Iglesia)
Sunday/Domingo 08/02
Mass in Extraordinary Form (Latin)
Annual Calendar / Calendario Anual
Remember to schedule any ministry or group event
for the 2015-2016 fiscal year. If the school or church
space is not reserved through the office, it cannot be
guaranteed for your desired dates. For questions or
assistance please call the office at 282 6367.
Recuerde programar su evento de ministerio o de
grupo para el año fiscal 2015-2016. Si los espacios
de la escuela o la iglesia no están reservados en la
oficina, no podemos garantizar sus fechas preferidas.
Por preguntas o asistencia por favor llame a la
oficina al 423 282 6367.
8:00 am
Marge Morgan
By Carrie Rohrssen
People of the Parish
Ana Maria Wease
By Susan Phillips
10:00 am
12:00 pm
7:00 am
8:30 am
7:00 am
8:30 am
No Mass
Barbara Stano
By Joanne Bossert
7:00 am
8:30 am
No Mass
Ken McCarten
By Dcn. Mike and Emma Jacobs
7:00 am
8:30 am
No Mass
Marge Morgan
By Dcn. Mike and Emma Jacobs
7:00 am
8:30 am
Ralph Bond
By Elizabeth Bond
8:30 am
5:00 pm
8:00 am
10:00 am
12: 00 pm
No Mass
Andrew Barnett
Gerardo Rivera
By Macariola Family
Lulla Twilley
By Bernie and Mary Hanley
Ralph Bond
By Elizabeth Bond
Ladies with August Birthdays
People of the Parish
Traveling? / ¿Viaja?
Need to know a Mass time for the area you are traveling to?
¿Necesita saber el horario de Misas del área a donde va a viajar?
Please visit - Visite
or call / llame al
1 858 207 6277
Upcoming Events / Próximos Eventos
5:00 PM
Mon.-Thur., 8:00 am-4:00 pm.............Faith Formation
Lunes-Jueves de 8 a 4-Inscripción en Formación de Fe
Wed. Sept. 2.................................Autumn Bible Study
Miércoles 2 de septiembre...Estudio Bíblico de Otoño
Wed. Sept. 9....................First Day of Faith Formation
Miércoles 9 de septiembre............Primera clase de FF
St. Mary’s News / Noticias Parroquiales
Thank you for your Generous Contributions!
¡Gracias por sus Generosas Contribuciones!
The collection for the weekend of July 18 and 19 was as follows:
La colecta del fin de semana del 18 y 19 de julio de 2015 fue la siguiente:
Regular Offertory/Ofertorio
Designated Funds/Fondos Designados
Christ Renews His Parish
We are looking for parishioners who have participated in
Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP), in English, possibly
at a former parish. We are excited to begin preparation to
offer this spiritual enriching experience that will bring us
closer together as a parish. If you have already been
through CRHP, please consider being a part of a team so
that we can share this beautiful experience to our fellow
parishioners. Please contact Deacon Mike Jacobs at
538 5559 and we will plan a date to meet soon!
Volunteer your Time and Talent
St. Mary’s would love your time and talent in the office.
We are in need of several volunteers to help greet people
with a friendly attitude as well as responsible,
hardworking individuals to help with certain tasks and
projects within the office. Please contact either the
church office at 282-6367. Thank you!
Ofrezca su Tiempo y Talento
Al personal parroquial le encantaría que compartiera su
tiempo y talento en nuestra oficina. Necesitamos varios
voluntarios para ayudar a saludar a la gente con una
actitud amistosa, así como personas responsables y
trabajadoras para ayudar con ciertas tareas y proyectos
dentro de la oficina. Necesita ser bilingüe. Por favor,
póngase en contacto con la oficina de la iglesia llamando
al 282 6367. ¡Gracias!
Family Counseling / Terapia Familiar
St. Mary’s Church has a counselor who can help
you and your family:
La Iglesia Santa María tiene una psicóloga que
puede ayudarle a usted y a su familia:
Jean Lucas Daniels, PhD
423-975-6552 -
$ 1,504.86
$ 2,562.00
Altar Flowers/Flores en el Altar
If you would like to have flowers on the altar please
place an envelope with a donation of $60.00,
marked “flowers for the altar” in the collection
basket with your preferred dates and contact
information. A staff member will then contact you.
Si desea donar flores para decorar el altar, por favor
ponga en la canasta de las ofrendas un sobre con
una donación de $60.00, marcada "flores para el
altar" con la fecha deseada y la información para
contactarlo. Un miembro del personal de la
parroquia le llamará para más detalles.
Prayers for Our Military
Oraciones Para Nuestros Militares
If you have a family member in the military please call the Office.
Louie Avila, Okinawa , Japan
Travis Rockhill, Iwakuni, Japan
Christopher Walton
Jeremy Martin, Afghanistan
Benjamin Wiley, Quantico, VA
Anthony Doyle, San Diego, CA
George Berg, Germany
George Thomas Ayoob IV, Fort Benning, GA
Caleb Mancuso, Fort Bragg, NC
Tyler Arenas, Virginia Beach, VA
Erin Stinett, Norfolk, VA
Andrew Bossert, Charleston, SC
Janine Campbell, Portland Oregon
Joseph Bamber, Edwards AFB, CA
Lia Ayoob, Charleston, SC
Justin Colmer, Charleston, SC
Jason Bazel, South Korea
Please pray for our Seminarians
Oremos por nuestros Seminaristas
St. Mary’s News / Noticias Parroquiales
Monday: Ex 32:15-24, 30-34; Ps 106:
19-23; Mt 13:31-35
Tuesday: Ex 33:7-11; 34:5b-9, 28; Ps 103:
6-13; Mt 13:36-43
Wednesday: Ex 34:29-35; Ps 99:5-7, 9;
Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42
Thursday: Ex 40:16-21, 34-38; Ps 84:3-6a,
8a, 11; Mt 13:47-53
Friday: Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37;
Ps 81:3-6, 10-11ab; Mt 13:54-58
Saturday: Lv 25:1, 8-17; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 7-8;
Mt 14:1-12
Sunday: Ex 16:2-4, 12-15; Ps 78:3-4,
23-25, 54; Eph 4:17, 20-24;
Jn 6:24-35
Lunes: Ex 32:15-24, 30-34; Sal 106
(105):19-23; Mt 13:31-35
Martes: Ex 33:7-11; 34:5b-9, 28; Sal 103
(102):6-13; Mt 13:36-43
Miércoles: Ex 34:29-35; Sal 99 (98):5-7, 9;
Jn 11:19-27 o Lc 10:38-42
Jueves: Ex 40:16-21, 34-38; Sal 84 (83):
3-6a, 8a, 11; Mt 13:47-53
Viernes: Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37;
Sal 81 (80):3-6, 10-11ab; Mt 13:
Sábado: Lv 25:1, 8-17; Sal 67 (66):2-3, 5,
7-8; Mt 14:1-12
Domingo: Ex 16:2-4, 12-15; Sal 78 (77):
3-4, 23-25, 54; Ef 4:17, 20-24;
Jn 6:24-35
Training / Capacitación VIRTUS
Protecting God’s Children
Protegiendo a los Hijos de Dios
Register online at
Regístrese en línea en
Up coming training dates / Próximas clases:
September 16, 2015 at St. Dominic Church
9:30 am in English (en inglés)
Food from Heaven will help readers navigate
through the Bible to understand and appreciate the
foundation of Eucharistic worship. Among the texts
studied are Old Testament realities that anticipate
the Eucharist—the manna in the desert and the
sealing of the Mosaic covenant with a blood
sacrifice—along with gospel accounts of Jesus’
bread of life discourse, the Last Supper, Jesus’
crucifixion and death, and the breaking of the bread
with the two wayfarers in Emmaus. Each session
includes the full Scripture text, a short commentary,
and questions for reflection and discussion. “In the
Spotlight” sections are especially helpful to
Catholics, featuring historical and cultural details,
explanations of Greek words, and quotes from
church fathers, the catechism, and contemporary
Catholic writers.
$10 (cost of book)
Payable @ time of registration
Begins Wednesday, September 2 (six sessions)
10:00 - 11:30 am
St. Mary’s News / Noticias Parroquiales
Gardeners Requested!
St. Vincent de Paul
Food Pantry
The River (a women’s ministry downtown) has
requested for help with their gardens. If there is
anyone that would wish to help her and this
ministry, please contact Stacy Larson/The River at
926 8111.
The Food Pantry challenge
for this month is for every
family to bring to the pantry:
a bag of dried beans and a can of tomatoes
Urgent need for the following items: dried beans,
canned tomatoes, canned or boxed potatoes, cookies
Despensa de Alimentos San Vicente de Paúl
El reto de la Despensa de Alimentos para este mes
es que cada familia traiga a la despensa:
una bolsa de frijoles secos y una lata de tomates
Se necesita urgentemente lo siguiente: frijoles
secos, latas de tomates, latas de papas o caja de pure
de papas, galletas
Totals for June/Total para Junio 2015
Number of requests for regular boxes
Cantidad de cajas de alimentos que se solicitaron
Number of regular boxes distributed
Cantidad de cajas de alimentos distribuido
Number of individuals served
Cantidad de personas que se beneficiaron
Thank you for your support!
¡Gracias por su apoyo!
Please go to the Family Promise website for other
opportunities to help.
St. Vincent de Paul Monthly Report
Informe Mensual de San Vicente de Paúl
June / Junio 2015
Total Money Distributed/Dinero Total Distribuido
Bus Ticket/Boletos de Autobús
Groceries/Compras de Comida
Utilities/Servicios (Luz, agua, teléfono)
Voicemail/Correo de voz
Money used to help Parishioners/
Cantidad Utilizada para Ayudar a los Feligreses
St. Mary’s Family Promise Ministry is preparing to
help homeless families once again, the week of
Aug.2nd thru Aug. 8th. If you can help with food or
meal donations, please contact
Shirley Cecconi 928 9793 or
Kathy Workman 753 2750.
Evening and Overnight hosts are always needed;
contact Cindy Davis 854 0152 for more info.
$ 40.00
$ 47.54
$ 64.90
$ 780.96
There will be a meeting on August 5th at 6:30pm
for parents of children attending youth group.
Please bring a dessert and your child for this
important update on youth activities and the
calendar of events for the year. Updates on
NCYC, Confirmation, and the parent retreat will
be given.
Contact Stephanie Mann at 282 6367 for more
El 5 de agosto a las 6:30 de la tarde habrá una
reunión para padres de los jóvenes registrados en
el grupo juvenil. Por favor traiga un postre y a su
hijo(a) para recibir información importante sobre
las actividades de los jóvenes y el calendario de
actividades para el año. Se actualizará la
información sobre NCYC, la Confirmación y el
Retiro para Padres.
Para mayor información contacte a Stephanie
Mann en la oficina al 282 6367.
St. Mary’s Faith Formation News / Noticias de Formación en la Fe
First Holy Communion 2016
Registration for First Holy Communion preparation
will take place in late summer. In order to register,
parents must provide a copy of their child’s
baptismal certificate at the time of registration.
This includes children who were baptized here at St.
Mary’s. Children must be a student at St. Mary’s
School OR have attended Children’s Faith
Formation classes for at least one year in order to
begin the preparation process.
The registration fee is $40 per child, payable at the
time of registration.
If you have any questions, please contact Sue
Hinderlider in the Church Office at 282 6367 or
Primera Comunión 2016
La inscripción para la preparación de la Primera
Comunión se llevará a cabo a finales del verano.
Para inscribirse, los padres deben proporcionar una
copia del certificado de bautismo de su hijo(a) en el
momento del registro. Esto incluye a los niños que
fueron bautizados aquí en Santa María.
Con el fin de iniciar el proceso de preparación los
niños deben ser estudiantes en la Escuela Santa
María O haber asistido a clases de Formación en la
Fe para Niños de la parroquia al menos por un año.
La cuota de inscripción es de $40 por niño, la cual
debe pagarse en el momento de la inscripción.
Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, por favor póngase en
contacto con Sue Hinderlider en la oficina de
la iglesia al 282 6367 o en
If you or someone you know is interested in becoming
Catholic, or learning more about the Catholic faith,
please join us for RCIA registration and introduction on
Thursday July 30 at 7 PM in the school library. Contact
Kendra at 929 3481for more information.
Si usted o alguien que conoce está interesado en
convertirse a la religión católica o aprender más sobre la
fe católica, los esperamos el jueves 30 de julio a las 7
PM en la biblioteca de la escuela para inscribirlos y
ofrecerles una introducción sobre el programa de RICA.
Para más información póngase en contacto con Kendra
al 929 3481.
Catholic Education Trust Fund (CETF)
The CETF has approved $1340 so that St. Mary’s
Catholic Church could purchase materials for our
Faith Formation Program. Since 2004, the CETF
has approved $945,000 in funding for parish-based
religious education needs in the Diocese of
Fondo Fiduciario para la Educación
Católica (CETF)
El CETF ha aprobado $1,340 para que la Iglesia
Católica Santa María pueda comprar materiales para
el programa parroquial de formación en la fe.
Desde 2004, el CETF ha aprobado $945,000 para
prover fondos para cubrir las necesidades de
educación religiosa en las parroquias de la Diócesis
de Knoxville.
Catechist Needed
Please contact the church office if you would be
interested in volunteering as a Children’s Faith
Formation catechist. Ask for Judy Holt or Sue
Hinderlider at 282 6367.
Mark Your Calendar!
The first intergenerational faith formation event will
be on Wednesday, October 14, 2015.
L.O.F.T.—Living Our Faith together will be an
evening of good food, Catechesis, and fellowship.
This event needs a LOGO so any creative individual
can submit art for consideration. Send to
¡Marque su Calendario!
El miércoles 14 de octubre tendrá lugar el primer
evento intergeneracional de formación en la fe.
Vivamos Juntos Nuestra Fe (L.O.F.T. por sus siglas
en inglés) será una noche con buena comida,
Catecismo y camaradería. Este evento necesita un
LOGO así que todas las personas creativas pueden
presentar su diseño para consideración. Por favor
envíelo a
Diocesan News / Noticias Diocesanas
B.E.E.T. - Beginning Experience
of East Tennessee
What is this new international ministry that has
established itself in the Diocese of Knoxville?
If your marriage ended through the death of a
spouse, separation or divorce, and you are looking
for a way to move through the hurt and find hope
again…then this weekend is for you. Let trained
facilitators who have walked in your shoes guide
you from heartache to hope… No one needs to go
through this alone! Join us for our next retreat
weekend: Aug 28-30, 2015 at the Carson Springs
retreat in Newport, TN. For more information,
please contact Maria Curd 423 943 2301 or or Marian Christiana at
423 892 2310 or
Downloadable registration forms are available at Go to Marriage parent page, under
Loss & Healing on the right. Please visit:
for more information about the weekend.
Marriage Encounter
Will this Summer Season add beauty and growth to
your marriage? A weekend alone in the warmth of
your relationship will awaken that nurturing love
which produces the growth and fruit God intends.
Your smiles will evangelize! Join us August 14 16 at the Hilton Garden Inn Knoxville West/Cedar
Bluff. You’ll LOVE what it does for each of you
and everyone you encounter! Applications for this
and other weekends are available at If you still have questions, call
us at 678 242 WWME. Weekends in Spanish will be
in the Atlanta Area.
Encuentro Matrimonial
¿Esta temporada de verano agregará a la belleza y el
crecimiento de su matrimonio? Un fin de semana
solos despertará ese amor que produce el
crecimiento y el fruto que Dios quiere. ¡Su sonrisa
evangelizará! Acompáñenos del 14 al 16 de agosto
en el Hilton Garden Inn, Knoxville West/Cedar
Bluff. ¡Le encantará lo que este encuentro puede
hace por cada uno de ustedes y por los demás! Las
solicitudes para éste y otros fines de semana están
disponibles en Para los
encuentros en español en el área de Atlanta, llame
770 425 1328.
Aspect Foundation
Refer a host Family and earn a donation for your civic or
religious organization. Volunteer host families can be
married or single adults, with or without children, who
can provide meals and a loving home for one or two
exchange students.
Students arrive in August, so please call TODAY for
more info! Call our National Office1 800 USYOUTH.
See our NEW Student Profiles online at
Aspect Foundation is a nonprofit organization
celebrating over 25 years of excellence in the field of
international student exchange. Contact your local
coordinator Shannon Beckett at 240 222 2896.
You Can Help Your Marriage
25% of surveyed couples say they are ‘Happily
Married’. For everyone else, there is Retrouvaille.
Are you frustrated or angry with each other?
Do you argue …
or have you just stopped talking to each other?
Does talking about it only make it worse?
Retrouvaille helps couples rebuild their marriages.
For confidential information about or to register for
the next program beginning with a weekend on
August 28-30.
Call 800 470 2230 or 615 523 0631or email: or visit our web site at
St. Mary, Johnson City
Thank you for your support!
Parish Goal:
Total Committed:
Collections to Date:
Collections Needed to Reach Goal:
$ 96,400.00
$ 64,951.26
$ 31,448.74
Santa María, Johnson City
¡Gracias por su apoyo!
Meta Parroquial:
Compromiso Total:
Colectas a la Fecha:
Cantidad Necesaria
para Alcanzar la Meta:
$ 96,400.00
$ 64,951.26
$ 31,448.74
St. Mary’s Ministries & Procedures Page / Página de Ministerios y Procedimientos
Ministry Contact Personnel
If you are the head of a ministry and wish to put your contact
information in the bulletin, please contact the church office.
423 282 6367 or
Parish Pastoral Council: Stefanie Murphy at
Youth Ministry: Stephanie Mann at
Knights of Columbus: Mark Durland
The Disciple: Julianne Wiley at
Music Ministry: Dolores Fredericks at 283 0103
Adult Faith Formation: Sue Hinderlider at 282 6367
Children’s Faith Formation: Judy Holt at 282 6367
St. Mary’s Sentinel: Susan Phillips at
Forms and Procedures
Space Request: If you need to reserve space within our church for an event,
please contact the church office. You must fill out a reservation form
before the event otherwise the event will not become permanent in the
Appointment with Priest/Deacon: Please call the church office to set up an
appointment. The church secretary will contact the priest or one of the
Adoration Chapel: Please contact the church office to claim hours for the
adoration chapel. If you cannot make your scheduled hour, please contact
the person before or after your hour and use the clipboard in the Adoration
Requesting a Mass Intention: The Mass book is kept in the office. You
may call or walk in to request a Mass intention.
Registration as a Parishioner: Registration packets can be found in the
Gathering Area or by stopping by the Church Office. Please bring
completed papers to the church office or place in the collection basket.
Moving: Please contact the Church office if you have changed your
address or phone number.
Formularios y Procedimientos
Solicitud de espacio: Si necesita reservar espacio para un evento en nuestra
iglesia, por favor contacte a la oficina parroquial. Deberá llenar un
formulario de reserva antes del evento, de lo contrario el evento no se
pondrá en el calendario.
Cita con Sacerdote/Diácono: Por favor, llame a la oficina parroquial para
hacer una cita. La secretaria se comunicará con el sacerdote o uno de los
Capilla de Adoración: Favor de contactar a la oficina parroquial para tomar
una hora para la capilla de adoración. Si usted no puede hacer su hora
programada, por favor comuníquese con la oficina parroquial.
Solicitud de intenciones para misas: Llame o vaya a la oficina parroquial
durante horas de oficina para solicitar misas.
Inscripción en la Parroquia: Los paquetes de información están en el Área
de Convivencia o en la oficina. Llene los formularios y déjelos en un sobre
en la canasta de la colecta o en la oficina.
¿Se muda?: Por favor avise en la oficina su nueva dirección y teléfono.
• Baptism: Baptismal forms are available in the church office. Please come
by the church office to pick up an application and obtain further
Bautismo: Los formularios se encuentran en la oficina de la iglesia. Por
favor venga a la oficina para obtener un formulario y recibir más
• First Communion: Please contact Sue Hinderlider in at 282 6367 or to register your child in this program. You
will need to provide a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate upon
Primera Comunión: Favor de contactar a Sue Hinderlider en 282 6367 o para registrar a su niño(a) en el programa.
Deberá entregar una copia del certificado de Bautismo cuando se registren
para la clase.
• Confirmation: Please contact Stephanie Mann at 612 2272 or to register your child in this program.
Confirmación: Por favor contacte a Stephanie Mann al 612 2272 o a para registrar a su niño en este programa.
• RCIA: Please contact Kendra Dowlatshahi through the church office
282 6367 to begin preparation for RCIA.
RICA: Favor de contactar a Kendra Dowlatshahi a través la oficina
parroquial 282 6367 para comenzar la preparación para este programa.
• Marriage: If you are preparing for your Marriage and wish to have it
within our parish, please contact Dcn. George Fredericks at 283 0103.
Matrimonio: Si desea contraer matrimonio en nuestra parroquia, por favor
contacte a Padre Jesús Guerrero al 282 6367.
• Annointing of the Sick: Contact the Church Office to schedule the
celebration of this Sacrament.
Unción de los Enfermos: Llame a la oficina parroquial para hacer los
arreglos para recibir este sacramento.
• Funeral: Please contact church office to schedule priest and a time for the
funeral on the church calendar. Then contact Dolores Fredericks and Dcn.
George Fredericks at 283 0103 to prepare the liturgy.
Funeral: Favor de llamar a la oficina para hacer cita con el sacerdote,
anotar el funeral en el calendario y preparar la liturgia.
• Holy Orders: Please contact the Diocese of Knoxville office at
865 584 3307 or visit the website at
Orden Sacerdotal: Para más información por favor llame a la Diócesis de
Knoxville al 865 584 3307 o visite su página de Internet en
Victims Assistance
The Diocese of Knoxville Victim’s Assistance Coordinator, Marla Lenihan,
can be reached at 865 482 1388 to answer any questions regarding the
reporting procedure. Anyone with knowledge of or reasonable cause to
suspect an incident of abuse is asked to report it to the appropriate civil
authorities and the Diocese of Knoxville at 865 584 3307.
La Coordinadora de Asistencia para Víctimas de la Diócesis de Knoxville es
Marla Lenihan. Si tiene preguntas sobre el proceso de cómo reportar un caso
de abuso, puede contactarla llamando al 865 482 1388 Cualquier persona con
conocimiento o causa razonable para sospechar de un incidente de abuso,
deberá informarlo a las autoridades civiles y a la Diócesis de Knoxville
llamando al 865 584 3307.
4 am
6 pm
5 pm
6 pm
10 pm
11 pm
8 pm
The Adoration Chapel is located next to the
school kitchen’s back entrance.
La Capilla está la lado de la puerta de atrás
de la cocina de la escuela.
St. Mary’s School News /
Noticias de la Escuela de Santa Maria
Facts About the School
Tradition of Academic Excellence for over 75 years
Más de 75 años de Tradición en Excelencia Académica
Saint Mary’s Home and School Organization is
hiring a Part-time Director of Resources.
Duties will include:
Management of the Scripts Program
Planning and execution of the Saint Mary’s
School Annual School Auction
Planning and execution of the Saint Mary’s
School Annual Walk-a-thon
This position will work directly with and report to
the Saint Mary’s Home and School Organization.
For more information and to obtain an application
please contact the school office at 282 3397.
Though steeped in a Christian atmosphere we
welcome students of all faith traditions
Saint Mary’s School is accepting applications for
a Second Grade Teacher. For more information
and to obtain an application please contact the
school office at 282 3397.
Accredited by State of Tennessee & Member of
Southern Association of Colleges & Schools
Council on Accreditation and School
Consistently score on upper tiers of IOWA
Standardized Tests
Regular winners of DAR Essay
Contest and ETSU Science Fair
Outstanding Fine Arts &
Technology programs
Health, fitness, sports programs
Health and fitness trail on campus
Certified, experienced, and
VIRTUS -Trained Teachers/Staff
Saint Mary’s Church and School is seeking
applicants for an Experienced Maintenance
Supervisor. Applicants must have experience in
maintaining and repairing electrical systems,
plumbing, HVAC and ventilation. Applicants
must be able to evaluate systems and facilities to
deem what appropriate repair or service is
required. Applicants must be able to lift 50lbs.
Applicants must be able to communicate freely
with vendors and contractors as needed. Please
send or drop resume with qualifications and
references to the church office.
To register please call or come by the
School Office.
282 3397
Para inscribir a sus hijos venga o
llame a la oficina de la escuela.